KOI 2016


KOI 2016
16th International Conference
on Operational Research KOI
Osijek, Croatia, September 27-29, 2016
Third Call
16th International Conference on Operational Research
KOI 2016
September 27-29, 2016
Osijek, Croatia
Croatian Operational Research Society
in collaboration with
Faculty of Economics in Osijek
& Department of Mathematics
University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek
Osijek, Croatia
Objectives and Topics of the Conference
International Conference on Operational Research (KOI) brings together researchers and practitioners from
various aspects of operational research (OR) with the aim of establishing contacts and presenting scientific
ideas and experience.
The scope of the conference includes development of operational research methods, such as linear and nonlinear programming, integer programing, combinatorial and discrete optimization, multi-objective programming,
stohastic models and optimization, scheduling, game theory, statistics, econometrics, machine learning
methods (neural networks, support vector machines, clustering), fuzzy systems, control theory, simulation, as
well as the application of quantitative methods in macroeconomics, economic theory, marketing, banking,
finance, insurance, environment, energy, health, information and decision support systems, big data, business
analytics, and in other areas of application.
The topics of the KOI 2016 are divided into following main sections:
 OR Theory and Applications
 Mathematical Programming
 Multicriteria Decision Making
 Quantitative Methods in Banking and Finance
 Statistics and Econometrics
 Machine Learning, Data Mining and Analytics
 Special Section on Interior-Point Methods
There will be plenary lectures of invited keynote speakers and contributed presentations. The planned duration
of each plenary lecture is 45 minutes, while contributed presentations will last 20 minutes. The authors will be
asked to leave 5 minutes for discussion within a given time.
Invited Keynote Speakers
We are glad to announce honorable keynote speakers at the conference.
Jakob Krarup
Professor Emeritus
Department of Computer Science DIKU
University of Copenhagen
DK-3460 Birkerød, Denmark
Title of the talk: Steven Vajda - the pioneer of OR who introduced
linear programming to Europe and Asia
Andrew R. Barron
Department of Statistics, Yale University
New Haven, CT, USA
Title of the talk: High-Dimensional Neural Networks: Statistical
and Computational Properties
Francisco Martínez Álvarez
Associate Professor
School of Engineering, Pablo de Olavide University
41013 Sevilla, Spain
Title of the talk: Earthquake prediction based on data mining
Marko Bohanec
Scientific Councillor
Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Štefan Institute
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Title of the talk: Qualitative Multi-Criteria Modelling Method DEX:
Approach, Recent Advances and Applications
Tibor Illés
Associate Professor
Department of Differential Equations, Mathematical Institute,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
Title of the talk: Linear complementarity problems: matrix classes,
algorithms and applications
Program Committee
Rudolf Scitovski, University of Osijek, Croatia, chair
Zdravka Aljinovic, University of Split, Croatia
Josip Arneric, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Zoran Babic, University of Split, Croatia
Vlasta Bahovec, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Majda Bastic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Valter Boljuncic, University of Pula, Croatia
Đula Borozan, University of Osijek, Croatia
Jose Rui Figueira, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Tihomir Hunjak, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dragan Jukić, University of Osijek, Croatia
Damir Kalpić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Ulrlike Leopold Wildburger, University of Graz, Austria
Goran Lesaja, Georgia Southern University, USA
Zrinka Lukac, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Robert Manger, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Marija Marinovic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Josip Mesaric, University of Osijek, Croatia
Luka Neralic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Snjezana Pivac, University of Split, Croatia
Paolo Serafini, University of Udine, Italy
Darko Skorin-Kapov, Adelphi University, USA
Jadranka Skorin-Kapov, Stony Brook University, USA
Alemka Segota, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Kristina Soric, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia
Greys Sosic, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Visnja Vojvodic-Rozenzweig, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia
Richard Wendell, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Lidija Zadnik-Stirn, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marijana Zekic-Susac, University of Osijek, Croatia
Sanjo Zlobec, McGill University, Canada
Organizing Committee
Marijana Zekic-Susac, University of Osijek, Croatia, chair
Martina Bris Alic, University of Osijek, Croatia
Adela Has, University of Osijek, Croatia
Marina Jeger, University of Osijek, Croatia
Kristian Sabo, University of Osijek, Croatia
Ivan Soldo, University of Osijek, Croatia
Dario Sebalj, University of Osijek, Croatia
Special Section on Interior-Point Methods and Related Areas
(in Honor of Professor Goran Lešaja on Occassion of His 60th Birthday)
Chairs: Florian Potra and Tibor Illés
One of the KOI 2016 sections will be dedicated to InteriorPoint Methods (IPM) and related areas and will be dedicated
to professor Goran Lešaja on occassion of his 60th birthday.
Interior-Point Methods cover algorithms for linear and
nonlinear, primarily convex, optimization problems and
related topics such as complementarity problems and
variational inequalities. In many ways, IPMs have
revolutionized the field of optimization, leading to solving
many difficult and large scale optimization problems
efficiently. In case of Linear
Programming IPMs have shown to be
in many instances an efficient
alternative to traditional simplex-type
methods.The main idea of IPMs
consists of finding iterates in the certain neighborhood of the so-called, central path of
the feasible region. The new iterate is found by taking a step along a search
direction at each iteration which is calculated by solving Newton-type system. The
section will be focused on showcasing advances in modern IPMs both in theory and
practice. It will be chaired by Florian Potra (University of Maryland, USA) and Tibor Illés
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary). We invite all
researchers in the area of IPM and related topics to contribute and join the celebration
of professor Lešaja's birthday by submitting their abstracts for this section.
Confirmed participation of authors at this special section: Prof. Kees Roos, Prof. Florian Potra, Dr Erling
Round Table „OR in Education“
Chair: Kristina Soric
Round table „OR in Education“ will be organized during the conference. We
invite all conference participants, especially scholars and other interested OR
researchers and practitioners to actively participate the discussion in round
table. The table will start with two presentations:
 Analysis of OR education in Europe (Report from the research
group „OR/MS in Education“ - Hans Willem Ittman (South Africa)
 Analysis of OR education in Croatia – Kristina Šorić (Croatia)
and after the presentations, there will be a discussion on the topics of how to
motivate students to enroll OR programs, how to develop standars of OR
courses at universities, etc.
The round table will be chaired by Kristina Soric (Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia).
Prizes and Awards
The following prizes and awards will be delivered at the Closing ceremony of the KOI 2016 conference:
 CRORS Distinguished Service Award (CRORS DSA)
 CRORS Best Young Researcher Paper Award (CRORS BYRP)
All information about awards and nominating procedure for the awards can be found at the web page of the
conference. We accept nominations!
Instructions to Authors and Publications
Authors who wish to present a paper at the Conference should submit the extended abstract of not more than
one page. Please follow instructions to authors and submit your abstract via the conference web site
The accepted abstracts will be published in the KOI Book of Abstracts (serial publication with ISSN) and
distributed to participants at the conference.
Full papers should be submitted after the conference through the Online submission system for a doubleblinded review process. Upon acceptance, the full papers will be published in the Croatian Operational
Research Journal (CRORR), indexed in Current Index to Statistics, EBSCO host, EconLit, DOAJ, Genamics
Journal Seek, Hrcak, INSPEC, Mathematical Reviews/Current Mathematical Publications (MathSciNet),
Proquest, Web od Science (through Emerging Sources Citation Index), and Zentralblatt fuer
Mathematik/Mathematics Abstract (CompactMath). Best papers selected by the reviewers will be sent for
publishing in the special issue of the Central European Journal of Operations Research (CEJOR) published
by Springer Verlag.
Important Dates
July 15, 2016 - Submission of abstracts
July 30, 2016 - Notification of acceptance
September 5, 2016 – Registration
September 10, 2016 – Registration fee payment
September 27-29, 2016 – Conference days
September 30, 2016 - Submission of full papers
Registration Fees
150,00 eur
200,00 eur
Accompanying person (is not
the author or co-author)
80,00 eur
The registration fee includes: KOI Book of Abstracts (will be distributed at the conference), coffee breaks, light
lunches, and social program, including excursion with dinner.
Registration fee should be paid after registering through KOI Online Registration System by direct bank
transfer to:
Recipient: Hrvatsko drustvo za operacijska istrazivanja
Address: Trg J. F. Kennedy 6, Zagreb, Croatia
IBAN (account no.): HR9323600001101418273
Bank: Zagrebacka banka d.d. Zagreb
Venue and Accommodation
Conference will take place at Faculty of Economics in Osijek, University of Osijek, Croatia, Trg Lj. Gaja 7.
City of Osijek is located at the North-East of Croatia in Slavonia region near the border of Hungary. It can be
reached by plane, car, bus or train. Nearest airport is Osijek Airport Klisa (16 km from the center of Osijek),
while Zagreb Airport is 284 km away from the center of Osijek. Please find more information about how to
reach us at http://hdoi.hr/koi2016/location-and-venue/how-to-reach-us/.
More info about city of Osijek is available at the Osijek city Official web site: http://www.osijek.hr/en/.
Osijek, Croatia
Hotels that are in walking distance from the conference venue:
Hotel Osijek: Tel.: +385 31 230 333, Fax: +385 31 230 444, E-mail: info@hotelosijek.hr, web:
Hotel Waldinger: Tel.: +385 31 250 450, Fax: +385 31 250 453, info@waldinger.hr, web:
Vienna Apartments: Tel: +385 31 214 026, Fax: +385 31 207 041, E-mail: info@vienna-smjestaj.com, web:
For hotel accommodation please contact hotels directly, and ask for KOI conference discount. See more
information about accommodation and pricing at the KOI conference web site.
Social Events
We have prepared interesting social events for KOI participants, including opening ceremony with welcome
reception, coffee breaks, and the excursion to Ilok, a small picturesque city near the Danube river with a
medieval castle, Roman and Turkish remains, and excellent wineries. There will be a conference dinner with
traditional Slavonic food, wine degustation, and folk music.
Participant of KOI 2014, Osijek, Croatia
Meet Osijek city
Osijek city center (photo: Osijek031, with permission)
Winter port, Drava river, Osijek
Hotel Osijek
Picasso statue near the Drava river
The „Ante Starcevic“ square in Osijek
Osijek old town - Tvrdja
Excursion to Ilok
On the second day of the conference, we will take you for a trip to Ilok, a small picturesque medieval city on
the left bank of the Danube River. It is a cultural and historical landmarked complex preserved by the national
government. Ilok is famous of his medieval castle, fortress from 15th century, great wine (served at the English
court at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II), wine paths, beautiful view to Danube, churches and parks. Saint
John of Capistrano has chosen Ilok to become the place where his body will rest after he leaves this world
with the words: "This place has to be kept. When you bury my bones, do not leave Ilok!" Also, the famous
hiking path of peace called “Sultan’s Trail” which goes from Vienna to Istanbul, also passes through Ilok. The
attractive Old Cellars of Ilok situated in the medieval town centre were built by the Princes Odescalchi in the
16th and 17th centuries. We will take a tour to visit most of Ilok attractions, have a dinner at a restaurant near
the Danube River and enjoy the sound of the tamburitza (a string instrument) players.
The sanctuary, church and friary of St John of
Capistrano (14. century)
Odescalchi castle with old wine cellars in Ilok
Castle and Town Museum in Ilok with a great view to Danube
Conference Contact
Croatian Operational Research Society
Trg J.F. Kennedya 6, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: koi@hdoi.hr or hdoi@hdoi.hr
web page: http://www.hdoi.hr/koi2016
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/koi.conference.croatia/
KOI 2016 Organizing Committee:
Marijana Zekic-Susac, chair
University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek
Gajev trg 7, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Tel: +385 31 224-400
Fax: +385 31 211-604
e-mail: koi@hdoi.hr