2013 Area 2 Summer Newsletter
2013 Area 2 Summer Newsletter
FAR WEST SUBURBAN NEWS A Publication of Special Olympics Illinois-Far West Suburban Area 2 PO Box 897 St. Charles IL 60174 630-377-7250 e-mail: shutchins@soill.org * akaylor@soill.org SUMMER 2013 COMPETITION SPRING GAMES 2013 has been an unlucky year for weather and Spring Games was no exception! Due to heavy rains and ooding of the North Central College’s football eld 3 days prior to our event- we had to cancel the track and eld portion of the Spring Games. With many people pitching in – and thanks to Kathy Craig of Hinsdale South HS—we were able to get last minute use of HSHS and move the event to April 28th. Unfortunately we did lose some athletes and volunteers, but it was truly amazing the number of people who were able to reschedule and attend. Our thanks to Hinsdale South HS, our volunteers, coaches, parents and athletes for being exible and helping to make this event HAPPEN! Thankfully, we were able to hold the 2013 Powerlifting competition on April 21st at North Central College’s Merner Fieldhouse. 40 athletes competed in squat, deadlift and bench press We had great competition and our lifters never cease to amaze themselves, their families, coaches and spectators! Our thanks to Larry Mayer and his great Powerlifting crew- Dave Beckett, Ron Krupp, Colin Cousineau, and the North Central College wrestlers and soccer players. FVSRA lifter Matt Riddle lifted an AMAZING 1000 total pounds at this competition- Bench Press 240# Deadlift 400# Squat #360 Many thanks to ALL of the volunteer who came out to help that day and especially to some of our long time In-Charge volunteers (10+ years) and supporters- and to the many Knights of Columbus Councils who supported the event through sponsorship and volunteer manpower. Presenting, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors of the 2013 Area 2 Spring Games : WEST BEND MUTUAL INSURANCE FOX RIVER TRAIL RUNNERS North Central College Sternberg Vintage Lighting Knights of Columbus Councils UPS Hinsdale South High School COCA-COLA Daily Herald Allegra Print & Imaging Lisle Windrunners AthletiCo SOCCER Area 2 sent 2 5-a-side soccer teams to compete at the Area 1 (Northwestern Illinois) Spring Games on May 5th in Rockford. It was a great venue with some good competition. The WDSRA Wildcats advanced to Summer Games where they came home with a 3rd place medal in Division 4. AREA BOWLING 312 bowlers (up from 293 in ’12) were registered for the June 2nd event at the Brunswick Zone of Naperville . This was the 32nd year for this event in the same building! Our thanks to the many volunteers and to the Knights of Columbus Robert P. Connelly Council #5918 for sponsoring the tournament and to Bob Miller and David Thames who spent the entire day walking up and down the lanes as our “Troubleshooters” Check out these high scores for the day: High Game Male189 Matt Riddle- FVSRA High Game Female- 179 Karen Bieschke- FCBT Gold medal winners move on to the sectional tournament scheduled for November 2nd in Rockford. SUMMER GAMES Area 2 sent 170 athletes from 17 teams to the 2013 Special Olympics Illinois Summer Games at Illinois State University and Illinois Wesleyan University, June 14-16th. Over 4000 Special Olympics athletes from across the state competed in aquatics, track & eld, powerlifting, bocce, soccer and gymnastics events. It is a great weekend for athletes to showcase their abilities, meet new friends and reconnect with old ones. AREA TENNIS 95 tennis players from Area 2, 5, 13 and 18 are scheduled to take part in the 2013 Area 2 Tennis tournament on Saturday, July 20th. The Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMSA) in Aurora will host the tournament and IMSA tennis coach and teacher, Dave Lundgren will serve as event director. Competition will start at 9:00 a.m. . Athletes will compete in doubles/singles match play, Uni ed doubles match play, short court match play and individual skills. DISTRICT SOFTBALL The 2013 District Softball tournament will be held Sunday, August 4th in Joliet. 22 teams from Areas 2 and 7 will compete to earn a spot at the Outdoor Sports Festival September 14-15 in Decatur. NORTHEASTERN NEWS PAGE 2 AREA GOLF The Traditional 5 Hole and Traditional 9 Hole tournament will take place on MONDAY- Aug. 5th at Bartlett Hills Golf Course in Bartlett. We will use tee times starting at 7:45 a.m. *Experienced golfers are needed to help keep o cial scorecards and drive golf carts for the MONDAY August 5th event. Call Amy (630-377-7250) or email akaylor@soill.org *Uni ed teams ( Special Olympics player and non-disabled partner) will play at Randall Oaks Golf Club -4101 Binnie Road West Dundee on Monday, July 22, 2013. *Individual Skills competition will be held Wednesday, July 24th at Village Greens in Woodridge. NATIONAL GAMES Area 2 received 2 slots for the upcoming Team Illinois delegation for the National Games that will be held June 13-21, 2014 in Princeton, New Jersey. We will be sending a Female Athletics –level 4 ( 400m-1500m run/ HJ/RLJ/Shot put) and a Female Level 2 Artistic Gymnast. Interested coaches have also submitted nomination forms and the interview and selection process will begin after the 4th of July. Illinois also has a co-ed volleyball team and a Uni ed Soccer Team. These slots will be selected from across the state. Interested players will be evaluated at the Uni ed Soccer Tournament and at the Fall Games in October. Look for announcement of TEAM ILLINOIS delegates in late Fall. FALL COACHES MEETINGS Believe it or not it is time to start thinking about the 2014 Special Olympics season…Each Fall any team interested in participating must send a coach or representative to the Fall Coaches’ Meeting. This year’s meeting for AREA 2 - will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19 6-8:30 pm St. Charles East HS 1020 Dunham Rd. St. Charles. Coaches will be sent an RSVP form but NEW TEAMS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! If you are a coach interested in starting a team or if you are a parent interested in getting your child involved call Amy (630-377-7250) or email akaylor@soill.org FAMILY FACTOID FINDING INFO ON THE NEW WEBSITE Special Olympics Illinois has a new look for their old website address: www.soill.org Just a few quick ways to find info you might be looking for: Area 2 events- at HOME PAGE click on Events . Go to Filters and Select Area 2 from the drop down. Events will be shown in red below. Results : at HOME PAGE hover over EVENTS and select RESULTS from the dropdown. Locate the sport you are looking for and click on it. Find the results listed for the Area or District event you are looking for. Specific event information (schedule/location etc.): at HOME PAGE click on EVENTS. Go to Filters and select the sport you are interested in from the dropdown. Find the specific event and click on it. This will open an information page with dates/time/ location and attached documents for you to open and print. Newsletter: You will continue to receive the Area 2 newsletter by email but it will also be available as an attachment and can be found by going to the HOME PAGE, click on CONTACTS, click on Area 2- Far West Suburban Area and the attachment will be on that Area 2 page. FINANCIAL INFO… Thanks to everyone who has supported our athletes through cash or product donations as well as the purchase of souvenir items. You help to make it possible for us to continue to provide a wide variety of competitions for our athletes. **GREAT WESTERN HALF MARATHON** The Fox River Trail Runners hosted “The Great Western Half Marathon” on Sunday, May 5th at 8:00 a.m. at Leroy Oakes Forest Preserve in St. Charles. Runners took to the Great Western Trail to run the 13.1 mile course and to raise money for Special Olympics Illinois-Far West Suburban Area 2. Thanks to this event, the Fox River Trail Runners were able to present a check for $10,000 to our program. Many thanks to all the volunteers who contributed NORTHEASTERN NEWS PAGE 3 100’s of volunteer hours at our inaugural Foam Fest (combined fundraiser of Areas 2 & 16). This unique event raised almost $30,000 and was held on Saturday and Sunday, June 1st & 2nd in Ottawa. There were over 7,000 participants and it was a huge undertaking and our volunteers were the best!! We even had participation by one of our athletes, Dusty Dickens…..way to go Dusty!! We are hoping that this will become an annual event-more info in future newsletters. **MIDWEST GOLF CELEBRITY PRO-AM** The weather was excellent and golfers—celebrity and amateurs—had a fabulous time while they helped to raise over $40,000 for our area athletes. This year’s 26th Anniversary tournament was held on June 17th at the exclusive The Royal Fox Country Club in St. Charles . This event is one of Area 2’s largest fundraisers and participants were generous with their auction bids. It was an exceptional fundraiser once again for our program. We were very fortunate to have Lisa Dent of US99 as our hostess for the evening-and she was AWESOME!! Matt Hart was the auctioneer for this event and he had a record setting performance. Many thanks to all the volunteers who worked hard to make it successful and to the Advisory Committee who made it happen : ADVISORY COMMITTEE Raymond Agrella Joe Cane Jim Kuykendall Bill McSkimming Tim Layden Bill Ledvora Bob Miller Mike Mulrooney Mike Rosier ...and special thanks to our wonderful, generous sponsors: PRESENTING SPONSOR Lane Tool & Mfg. Co. Porte Brown SILVER SPONSORS Euclid Beverage Jennings Chevrolet/Volkswagen MEDIA SPONSORS Daily Herald The Fox-Y103.9 HOLE SPONSORS Cars.Com Northland Equipment Co. Shearer & Agrella WE’VE GOT SOME GREAT FUNDRAISERS COMING UP SO TAKE A LOOK AT THE ATTACHED FLYERS FOR: **BUFFALO WILD WINGS TIP A COP** Aurora Police Department & Kane County Sheri July 10th, Wednesday, 1460 N. Orchard Rd. Aurora **LETRSO CAR SHOW** West Chicago Police Department July 13th, Saturday, West Chicago **MAPLE PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEEL OF MEAT EXTRAVAGANZA** July 27th, Saturday, Maple Park Pub & Grill **SPECIAL PEOPLE GOLF OUTING FUNDRAISER** August 2nd, Friday, Arrowhead Golf Club-Wheaton **WINDY CITY DUCK DERBY** August 8th, Thursday, Chicago **LETRSO FRIENDS & FAMILY NIGHT** WHITE SOX VS RANGERS August 23rd, Friday, at U.S. Cellular Field **PUMPKIN PEDAL BIKE RIDE** October 6th, Sunday, in St. Charles And don’t forget our Special Gifts Holiday Party at Bartlett Hills Golf Course in Bartlett on Saturday, December 7th. We need donations of both empty baskets as well as gift baskets and other items for the Silent Auctions for both events. If you have anything to donate or would like an invitation, please contact our o ce. **SPECIAL DONATIONS** DIAMOND SPONSORS Magnetrol International Incorporated Bob Miller River Front Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram West Valley Graphics-St. Charles GOLD SPONSORS Coca Cola FootJoy/Titleist High PSI, Ltd. David Johnson Sikich Group St. Francis of Assisi K of C #11092 K of C #654-Elgin Business Professionals of America-Illinois K of C #14929-Aurora Robert P. Connelly K of C #5918-Lisle TAP House Grill-St. Charles Naperville Kiwanis CUSD #303-Fox Ridge Elementary School **LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN EVENTS** Don’t forget to support your local Law Enforcement departments in their fundraising e orts for Special NORTHEASTERN NEWS PAGE 4 Olympics. Visit the website at www.soill.org to see all the fun things going on with the Torch Run—from plane pulls to bass tournaments to Harley-Davidson ra e, you can nd it at this site!! STATEWIDE SPONSORS ANNOUNCEMENTS VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Randy McCue has been involved as a Special Olympics volunteer since his days as a student/athlete at Aurora East High School. He has continued his commitment to our athletes and has even gotten his family involved. He has been an invaluable resource to us as the Venue Director For Softball Throw at our Spring Games-his expertise and ability to handle events was never more evident than this year when he had to consolidate because of space issues. Thanks Randy for all you have done and hope you will continue for many more years. **UPCOMING EVENTS** 7/20 Area Tennis Illinois Math & Science Academy Aurora 7/22 Uni ed Golf Randall Oaks GC W. Dundee 7/24 Golf Skills Village Greens Woodridge 8/2 Special People Golf Outing Fundraiser Arrowhead Golf Club Wheaton 8/4 District Softball Inwood Park Joliet 8/5 Golf-9/5 hole Bartlett Hills GC Bartlett 9/19 Fall Coaches’ Meeting St. Charles East High School St. Charles 9/22 Area Volleyball LaGrange Park District LaGrange 9/28 Area Bocce Veterans Park Northlake 10/6 Pumpkin Pedal Bike Ride LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve St. Charles 12/7 Special Gifts Holiday Party Bartlett Hills Golf Club Bartlett AREA SPONSORS MAPLE PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT Presents the 6th Annual Celebrating the life of a true Special Olympic Athlete “Mickey” All proceeds benefit the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Illinois Saturday, July 27th - 5pm to 8pm. Raffles will include: Meat items on every spin – Ham, Turkey, Pork Loin, Steaks, Ribs, Brats….Sports Jerseys – Cubs, Sox, Bulls, Packers, Black Hawks, Bears. Gift Certificates of all types, sports tickets, gift items and more! (Donations needed) Contact: Colleen MacRunnels 630/365-2943 or Chief Acosta at the Maple Park Police Department. All donations are tax deductible. THE 22nd ANNUAL Dear Guest: The St. Daniel the Prophet Knights of Columbus Council #10575 of Wheaton is sponsoring our "Annual Golf & Steak Dinner" outing, Friday, August 2nd, 2013, at the Grande Arrowhead Golf Club. In the last 21 years this high-profile event has raised thousands of dollars to assist the "Special Camps" and "Special Olympics". In the past you may have contributed to this charity and we appreciate that participation. We are honored to recognize your generosity boldly on the "Master Scroll" of sponsors in newspapers, sponsor signs, dinner placemats, church bulletins, Knights of Columbus state papers and at Dinner, plus many others. We are excited to return to Arrowhead Golf Club. A treasure among our area golf courses. This event has gained an exciting reputation and this year will be no exception. The Knights of Columbus invite you to join family, friends, associates and everyone who simply enjoys golf, lunch, dinner, drinks, trophies and prizes. We appreciate your gift to benefit "Special Camps", "Special Olympics", and the needs of kids that are Developmentally Disabled. Remember if golf is not your bag, please join us for dinner, drinks and all the great prizes. "Fun for all and all for fun"! All are welcome to our 2013, "Special People Benefit". Thanks for considering this request. See you at the "Party". Sincerely, Robert J. Hadraba, Jr. Kevin Hennager Co-Chairmans Friday, August 2nd, 2013 at Arrowhead Golf Club The Knights of Columbus cordially invite you to Join Family, Friends, Associates and everyone who simply enjoys Golf. Dinner, Drinks, Trophies and Prizes included! Call for additional details. Help our special people with your donation. Sponsor a hole, longest Drive, Closest to Pin, Beat the Pro and many more categories. Be a Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Corporate, and Personal Sponsor! Thanks for your support! Hole in One Chance to Win $20,000 & A New Cadillac from “Cadillac of Naperville” 7:30 8:00 8:15 “RAFFLE” 18 Holes of Golf Plus Cart & Balls 1 st Place Prizes & Trophies 2nd Place Prizes & Trophies 3 rd Place Prizes & Trophies Putting Tournament Chance $10,000 & Prizes & Trophies Longest Putt (2 holes) Prizes & Trophies Beat the Pro Hole Prize Each Time Longest Drive (2 Holes) Prizes & Trophies Each Hole Closest to the Pin (2 holes) Prizes & Trophies Each Hole Hole in One $20,000 & New Cadillac Gold Ticket Prices: 1 Ticket / $5 5 Tickets / $20 15 Tickets / $50 ( best value! ) ( estimated value range $150-$350 ) “DONATIONS” Donations for Raffle & Auction Weekend Getaways Electronics Restaurant Packages Any & All Gifts Any Services Others Payment Information Check enclosed payable to: Individual Player Information (Please list names of GOLFERS and/or ATTENDEES FOR DINNER below) Steak or Salmon St. Daniel Knights of Columbus TOTAL : MasterCard Visa Code # Charge by Credit Card Credit Card Number Cardholder Name (Please Print) Exp. Date Signature Address Putting Tournament Chance to Win $10,000 Phone Number Return registration form and payment to: St. Daniel Knights of Columbus P.O. Box 4341 Wheaton, IL 60189-4341 Or to register and pay online visit our web site: www.kofc10575.org Help make this day a huge success! You or your company can sign up to be a hole sponsor, beat the pro, donate prizes, goods and/or services. Contact Bob Hadraba or Kevin Hennager for any information. Bob Hadraba: Cell: E-mail: Kevin Hennager: E-mail: “WINNERS” Silver Chances Available: Gift basket choices (Chinese Raffle) Silver Ticket Prices: 1 Ticket / $1 6 Tickets / $5 30 Tickets / $20 ( best value! ) ( estimated value range $45-$200 ) 630-848-1441 630-774-3931 photopakinc@aol.com 630-505-1004 kevinhennager@aol.com Call Early For Your Tee Times and Dinner Only Tickets Visit our Web site www.kofc10575.org Write Checks and Mail to: St. Daniel Knights Of Columbus P.O. Box 4341, Wheaton, IL 60189-4341 Visit our Web site www.kofc10575.org St. Daniel's Knights of Columbus Council 10575 Want's to say THANK YOU For making our 21st Golf Benefit and Dinner a tremendous Success! A great time was had by all. We're Looking forward to seeing you again for our 22nd! Platinum Sponsor (1 Available) $5,000 "Platinum Member" Exclusive Company sign at registration table Sponsor sign on all golf carts Sponsor sign on golf course & at dinner 4 Foursome for golf and dinner. 4 Pictures of foursome 6 Guest for dinner Company Name or Logo on "Master Banner Scroll" Company Name or Logo on Web site Company Name or Logo on Placemat Recognition in St. Daniel's bulletin Gold Sponsor (3 Available) $2,000 "Gold Member" Sponsor sign on golf course & at dinner 2 Foursome for golf and dinner. 4 Pictures of foursome 4 Guest for dinner Company Name or Logo on "Master Banner Scroll" Company Name or Logo on Web site Company Name or Logo on Placemat Recognition in St. Daniel's bulletin Silver Sponsor (5 Available) $1,000 "Silver Member" 1 Foursome for golf and dinner 4 Pictures of foursome 2 Guest for dinner Company Name or Logo on "Master Banner Scroll" Company Name or Logo on Web site Company Name or Logo on Placemat Recognition in St. Daniel's bulletin Corporate Sponsor (10 Available) $500 "Corporate Member" 4 Guest for dinner Company Name or Logo on "Master Banner Scroll" Company Name or Logo on Web site Company Name or Logo on Placemat Recognition in St. Daniel's bulletin Business Sponsor (20 Available) Raffle Sponsor $100 "Raffle Member" Company Name or Logo on "Master Banner Scroll" Company Name or Logo on Web site Company Name or Logo on Placemat Recognition in St. Daniel's bulletin I’m not able to attend please accept my donation "Sponsor" Company Name or Logo on "Master Banner Scroll" Company Name or Logo on Web site Recognition in St. Daniel's bulletin We make certain that the generosity of all sponsors is boldly acknowledged on the “Master Banner Scroll”, sponsor signs, dinner place mats, Church bulletin and dinner raffle. Sponsorship Opportunities (Please Check the appropriate box) Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Corporate Sponsor Business Sponsor Golf Hole Sponsorship Raffle Sponsor Goods & Services donated Gifts I'm unable to attend please accept my donation * Golf and Dinner Reservations Foursome of Golf and Dinner Single Golf and Dinner Single Dinner TOTAL : Event Includes 18 Holes of Golf Plus Cart & Balls Lunch, Dinner & Open bar Trophies, Prizes & Games Longest Putt (2) Beat the Pro (2) Longest Drive (2) Closest to Hole (2) Putting Tournament Hole in One Prize $250 "Business Member" 2 Guest for dinner Company Name or Logo on "Master Banner Scroll" Company Name or Logo on Web site Company Name or Logo on Placemat Recognition in St. Daniel's bulletin Visit our Web site www.kofc10575.org Entry Fee $150 - Per Person Golf, Lunch, Dinner & Open Bar $50 - Dinner & Open Bar - Only $5,000 $2,000 $1,000 $500 $250 $150 $100 $ $ $600 $150 $50 ST. DANIEL THE PROPHET COUNCIL #10575 Special People Golf Benefit 2013 Sponsors REED & KATHY CALLAHAN AND FAMILY BUTTERFIELD PANCAKE HOUSE BOB & ADELE HADRABA AND FAMILY WEST SUBURBAN TRAVELERS LIMO- JEFF HILTUMEN PHOTO PRINT INC.- BOB HADRABA DU PAGE AUTO WERKS, LTD. CADILLAC OF NAPERVILLE- FRED SQUILLO HUCK BOUMA, P.C. FLEXTEK, USA- BOB HADRABA & HARRY CHUNG STATE FARM INSURANCE OUTBACK STEAK HOUSE RELIABLE LABEL COMPANY- KEVIN CALLAHAN PACIFIC MANAGEMENT PARTNERS FATHER TOM WHITE SPECIAL CAMPS FOR SPECIAL CITIZENS- COLLEEN SPECIAL OLYMPICS- SANDY HUTCHINS WILLIAMS KAMPP FUNERAL HOME ROCK HAUPTMAN & ASSOCIATES ST. DANIEL THE PROPHET PARISH DU PAGE SIGN & BANNER COMPANY RE/MAX SUBURBAN INC. A.L.S. & ASSOCIATES G&D PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC. JSG ELECTRIC PATRICK MURPHY PLUMBING INC. PEACOCK IMPORTS- SUMANTH CHANDRA SHARKO’S CATERING- RON & CAROL KIDS KABARET- CANDY & DONNA FAIR LADY PRODUCTIONS- CANDY & DONNA C.A.B. & CO.- CYNDY, ADELE & CINDY MICHAEL VANDEMAN CANTIGNY GOLF & TENNIS ARROWHEAD GOLF COURSE WHEATON PARK DISTRICT JDS TRADING SCHWAG MERIDIAN GROUP LEASING CORPORATION MIDWEST ENERGY MANAGEMENT, INC. MIDWEST QUALITY FOODS HENRY CATHERINE MERRICK EDWARD AND CAROL DRAHOZAL ELEVATOR SYSTEMS, INC. ARMBRUST PLUMBING AND AIR CONDITIONING KOVITZ, SHIFRIN, NESBIT LAW WHEATON DAIRY QUEEN D&L JANITORIAL & CONSTRUCTION DICKLER, KAHN, SLOWIKOWSKI & ZAVELL LAW HOMETOWN BUILDER ROSATI’S PIZZA OF WHEATON SHULTE & SCHULTE TRADING CO. FIRESTONE- WHEATON- KEN KUCCRA R.S. HINTON CONTRACTING, INC. NBJ TRANSPORTATION, INC. PHEASANT RUN GOLF & RESORT SCOOBY’S “THE HOT DOG MAN” FATHER TOM SULARZ CHARLES SHOWALTER, D.D.S. CHICAGO CHOP HOUSE DOUBLE TREE GUEST SUITES DRURY LANE THEATRE EDWARD & RUTH KNORRIN, JR. GREG & CECILIA HOREJS CONT. CHILDS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES PRO PAK INDUSTRIES THE PRUDENTIAL SPENGEL GOETTSCH PARTNERS COMMUNITY AUTOBODY WHEATON FAMILY DENTISTRY REX ELECTRICAL- FRANK ZATOR MICHAEL BACH PAINTING JB PACKAGING FARMERS INSURANCE- SHERRI WHEELER PAT & ANN KITCHEN LASER SKIN SOLUTIONS OF DUPAGE ROY NEWTON WHEATON WARRENVILLE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL STEVEN & MARGARET NILLES JOHN & MARYBRIDE MISAR DANIEL & JULIE SCHULTE GARY & KAREN SCHAEFER DUPAGE OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY S.C. PAPA CHARLIES INC. ST. ANDREW GOLF CLUB MISTWOOD GOLF CLUB KLEIN CREEK GOLF CLUB GLENDALE LAKES GOLF CLUB VILLAGE INN - WHEATON HILTON - NAPERVILLE - LISLE MARRIOTT HOTEL - CHICAGO DOWNTOWN THE WESTIN MICHIGAN - CHICAGO X-SPORT FITNESS MARRIOTT THEATRE ALLEN & COLLEEN MCDONALD LAW OFFICE - THOMAS, VLACH P.C. JULIES PARK CAFE & MOTEL - DEBRA HADRABA CHICAGO BANCORP - JASON TERRELL 5th/3rd BANK - NAPERVILLE R&D DATA PRODUCTS, INC. ALAN HORTICULTURAL ENTERPRISES, INC. CHICAGO WIRELESS, INC. TURNER CONSTRUCTION QUINCY’S RESTAURANT WELLS FARGO ADVISORS BECK, HOULIHAN & SCOTT DATA CENTERS SERVICES, INC. CITIZENS FOR MIKE GRESK SIRCS JANITORIAL SERVICES DON & JUDY ALTERGOTT TOP GOLF CONVERTAPAX, INC.- BRAD MATHIAS FRANCZEK SULLIVAN P.C. AQUAGUARD MANAGEMENT ACRES GROUP LANDSCAPING S&D ENTERPRISES, INC. LEVITON FIBER CONNECT FOX BOWL RENTAL MAX - ERIC MOTSINGER CONNIE TAMELING PHOTOGRAPHY WHEATON BANK & TRUST MY PERSONAL ASSISTANT CARTRIDGE WORLD MORGAN PERRIS SALON HULTGREEN FUNERAL HOME- TIM HULTGREEN JAMERSON & BAUWENS ACCUSORT SYSTEM TECH-SEAL PRODUCTS, INC. LARAIA & HUBBARD, P.C. MIDAS AUTO SERVICE EXPERTS IRRIGATION RX. INC. MICHAEL AND JANICE FODOR NORTH STAR CREDIT UNION JSG ELECTRIC CO. THE CHAMBERLAIN GROUP, INC. KNIGHT SECURITY, INC. KJ GRAPHICS HOLENGER INSURANCE SERVICES KIDS BENEFIT B Friday, August 2nd, 2013 26W 151 Butterfield Road Wheaton, Illinois 60189 Phone (630) 653-5800 Fax (630) 653-5864 www.arrowheadgolfclub.org A Facility of Wheaton Park District 8th Annual Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby August 8, 2013* ~ Chicago What is the Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby? It’s a signature annual fundraiser benefiting Special Olympics Illinois! Thousands of spectators watch over 45,000 yellow rubber ducks splash into the Chicago River from the Columbus Drive bridge in downtown Chicago and race down river towards the finish line. Race Day kicks off at 10am at 400 North Michigan Avenue (The Wrigley Building) with entertainment for the entire family – face painting, games, free food and appearances by several sports mascots. Splashdown for the Duck Derby is at 1pm. All proceeds benefit the over 21,000 athletes and nearly 13,000 Young Athletes across Illinois. How do I adopt a Duck? Adopt a duck for $5 or a Quack Pack (6 ducks for $25) for your chance to win. You can fill out the form below and mail to Special Olympics Illinois, 800 Roosevelt Road, Bldg B, Suite 220, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 or go online at www.duckrace.com/chicago to purchase your ducks. What if my duck wins? You could be the winner of one of our great prizes, a 2013 Chevy Malibu or a 7-day Apple Vacation to Cancun. How do I get involved? Sales teams are forming now. Put together a group of friends, colleagues or family members to join the fun. Teams compete for bragging rights and great prizes! To form a Duck Sales Team or to volunteer, contact Corinne Zollars at czollars@soill.org or 630.942.5614. *Tentative Date ADOPT A DUCK Order Form Adopters must be at least 18 years of age *Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Address_______________________________________*City_________________________________*State_____ Zip ________ *Email_________________________________________________*Phone ______________________________ Paid By: Cash Check Credit Card (circle) VISA M/C Discover * required AmEx Card #______________________________________Exp Date______ Signature _______________________________________ CREDIT SALES TEAM:__DARLING DUCKLINGS____________ I WISH TO ADOPT Make Checks Payable to Special Olympics Illinois QTY AMOUNT TOTAL Single Duck $5.00 = Quack Pack $25.00 = (adopt 5 and 6th racing duck is free, adopt 10 & get 2 racing ducks free, etc.) Souvenir Shirt Indicate Size(s) $12.00 (include $3.00 = shipping per order) Adult __S __M __L __ XL __2XL __3XL Youth __S __M __L Winners need not be present to win on race day, August 8*, 2013 — Duck “splashdown” takes place at the Columbus Drive Bridge into the Chicago River at 1 pm. NOTE: All prizes subject to change without notice. Official rules can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to Special Olympics Illinois, 800 Roosevelt Road, Bldg B-220, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 or online at www.duckrace.com/chicago or by calling 630.942.5610. *Date & location pending confirmation. TOTAL SPECIAL OLYMPICS ILLINOIS FRIENDS & FAMILY NIGHT PRESENTED BY THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN WHITE SOX VS. TEXAS RANGERS Friday, August 23, 2013 - 7:10 P.M. U.S. Cellular Field SPECIALLY PRICED WHITE SOX TICKETS! On Friday, August 23rd – the White Sox in conjunction with the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run will be hosting a fundraiser to benefit Special Olympics Illinois. For this game the White Sox would like to offer a specially priced package to all Special Olympics Illinois athletes, friends and families. Come enjoy a night at the ballpark that also features post-game fireworks and the always popular Elvis Night! Each package will include a two-hour all you can eat and drink (beer, wine and soft drinks) buffet in the patio area, a lower reserved ticket to watch the White Sox take on the Texas Rangers, and a commemorative t-shirt. This package is available for only $80. A portion of every package sold will go back to Special Olympics Illinois! Orders will NOT be redeemed at the U.S. Cellular Field ticket windows or the White Sox administrative offices. ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY AUGUST 2 ND ! FRIDAY, AUGUST 23RD @ 7:10 P.M. WHITE SOX VS. TEXAS RANGERS TO ORDER TICKETS MAIL OR FAX THIS ORDER FORM WITH PAYMENT TO: # OF TICKETS TICKET PRICE T Patio Party/Lower Reserved/T-Shirt Package @ $80.00 CHICAGO WHITE SOX SALES DEPARTMENT ATTN: Torch Run Fundraiser 333 W. 35TH STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60616 T-shirt sizes Adult S Adult M Adult XL FAX: 312-674-5140 Adult 2XL Adult L Adult 3XL Total Enclosed All orders must be received by Friday, August 2nd. The Patio party will begin when the gates open (1 hour and 30 minutes prior to the start of the game) and will run (30) minutes into the scheduled start of the game. Please enter at gate 1 for easiest entry into the patio area. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES. QUESTIONS? PLEASE CONTACT SCOTT GBUR BY EMAIL AT SGBUR@CHISOX.COM OR CALL 312-674-1000. Name Address City, State, Zip Home Phone ork Phone E-mail Magellan Scout Seats Please charge my: Seating Category Diamond Box (Rows 1-10) Platinum Box (Rows 11-25) Gold Box MagP ellarnemium Club Box Scout Seats Club Box Lower Box d e Outfield Reserved Bleachers Lower Corners Lower Box W Outfield Reserved Bleachers Premium Upper Box (Rows 1-6) Upper Box Upper Reserved Lower Corners Upper Corners Visa Mastercard Amex Account # Discover Expir Signature OR: Enclosed is a check or money order payable to the Chicago White Sox. (If check or money order is greater than total cost of the tickets, the difference will be made up in Comiskey Cash.) Check # LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AT FACEBOOK.COM/WHITESOX AND FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AT @WHITESOX ation Date OTAL WHY BIKE? – Besides the fun you’ll have and the great people you’ll meet, you’ll be riding to help Special Olympics athletes. Your entry will support year-round training for Illinois athletes with intellectual disabilities. JUST ENJOY THE RIDE – All you have to do is bring your bike, your family, your friends and pedal!! We’ll take care of the rest! You’ll find: 1. Rest stops with snacks 2. Emergency mechanical support 3. A delicious post-ride meal at Leroy Oakes Forest Preserve from 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. A vegetarian option will be available. HEALTH & SAFETY – Our main concern!! Please observe the following: 1. Bike helmets required! 2. Stay to the right. 3. Pass cyclists and walkers on the left and say “passing on your left”. 4. Drink plenty of water. 5. Do not ride 2 or more abreast. 6. STOP at all road crossings. 7. Children under 16 must ride with an adult. 8. Stop at stop signs and yield Right of Way. 9. Follow all Rules of the Road which apply to both cars and cyclists. Illinois Sunday, October 6th 10, 20 & 28 Mile Trail Rides 40 & 65 Mile Road Rides Cue sheets will be available for road riders and the route will be marked. Sponsored by: LEROY OAKS FOREST PRESERVE Pumpkin Pedal Bike Ride Special Olympics Illinois PO Box 897 St. Charles, IL 60174 Register On-line at: http://pumpkinpedal.eventbrite.com 2013 INFORMATION PUMPKIN PEDAL 2013 REGISTRATION FORM ______________________________________________________________________ (Cyclist’s Name) A TOUR FOR ALL – Join the fun of the Pumpkin Pedal!! This year’s 10, 20 & 28 mile trail rides will be entirely on the Great Western Trail. The 40 & 65 Mile Road Rides will be on roads but will utilize the same rest stops as the trail ride. They will all begin and end at Leroy Oakes Forest Preserve on Dean St. just west of Randall Rd. in St. Charles. This is a wonderful ride for families and serious riders. REGISTER TODAY! – Complete and return the entry form by September 27th and receive your Pumpkin Pedal T-shirt on the day of the ride. TEAM RIDERS – If you pre-register to ride with 5 or more team riders, you will all receive long-sleeved t-shirts. When registering you must designate that you are a team rider and include the team’s name. Without the team name on your registration, we won’t know you are a team rider and you won’t receive a long-sleeved t-shirt. EVENT DAY – The start and finish for all the distances is Leroy Oakes Forest Preserve in St. Charles. It is located on Dean St. just west of Randall Rd. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. and riders may start anytime between 7:45 a.m. and 10:00. The course will be cleared at 3 p.m. This event will take place rain or shine. If cancellation of the event is warranted due to dangerous weather conditions, announcements will be made event day at the event site. A post ride meal will be served from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A vegetarian option will be available. ______________________________________________________________________ (Address) ______________________________________________________________________ (City State Zip) ______________________________________________________________________ (emergency phone contact) ______________________________________________________________________ (Team Name – if Applicable) I plan to ride ____trail rides ____40 mile road ride ____65 mile road ride Pre-registration must be received by 9/27/13 – No refunds. Please pay by credit card, check or money order – no cash. Registration on day of event will be available for $30 but DOES NOT include a t-shirt. $30 Individual Rider (includes short sleeved t-shirt. Long sleeve t-shirt is available for an additional $7 per rider) Check one: YOUTH S_____ YOUTH M_____ YOUTH L_____ ADULT S_____ ADULT M_____ ADULT L_____ ADULT XL_____ $30 Team Rider (Must have at least 5 or more members and includes long sleeved t-shirts) Check one: YOUTH S_____ YOUTH M_____ YOUTH L_____ ADULT S_____ ADULT M_____ ADULT L_____ ADULT XL_____ $85 Family (includes 4 family members and includes 4 short sleeved t-shirts. Long sleeve t-shirt is available for an additional $7 per rider) Check four: YOUTH S_____ YOUTH M_____ YOUTH L_____ ADULT S_____ ADULT M_____ ADULT L_____ ADULT XL_____ $40 each Limited edition long sleeve hooded sweatshirt. Check quantity of each size required: YOUTH S_____ YOUTH M_____ ADULTS_____ ADULT M_____ ADULT L_____ ADULT XL_____ YOUTH L_____ I will not participate in the race but I would like to donate to this event. AMEX VISA Mastercard Discover Expiration Date_________________ Credit Card #:________________________ Amount to be charged:$______________ Name (print as it appears on credit card)_____________________________________ Signature:_____________________________________________________________ Questions? Address: ______________________________________________________________ Call 1-224-234-8635 e-mail shutchins@soill.org or dconley@soill.org Phone Number: ________________________________________________________ Use your smart phone to sign up or just get more information! Mail registration to: PUMPKIN PEDAL • Special Olympics Illinois 103 Schelter Rd. • Ste. 25 • Lincolnshire, IL 60069
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