Spring 2013 - Glen Mills Schools


Spring 2013 - Glen Mills Schools
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Spring 2013
The Battling Bulletin
(610) 459-8100 • (PA Only) 1-800-441-2064
Glen Mills schools
P.o. Box 5001
concordville, Pennsylvania 19331
Service to Youth Since 1826
New Executive Director Dr. Randy Ireson looks to future
By Quadere Baker
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
r. Randy Ireson, who
began his career at the school in
1979, became the Executive
Director of the Glen Mills
Schools on January 1st.
From Glen Mills student to Super Bowl champion
Former Battling Bull Bernard Pierce helps Baltimore Ravens win Super Bowl.
By Dametrius Laws
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Before Bernard Pierce won a Super Bowl ring with the Baltimore
Ravens, he was a Battling Bull.
Photo on right courtesy of the Baltimore Ravens.
Former Glen Mills standout
Bernard Pierce is a Super Bowl
champion. The rookie running
back had 12 carries for 33
yards in Baltimore’s exciting
34-31 victory over San Francisco in the Super Bowl in
New Orleans.
Pierce joins John Jones, another former Battling Bull,
with a Super Bowl ring. Jones
was a tight end with the
Ravens when they beat the Giants in the Super Bowl in 2001.
Pierce, who played his col-
legiate football at Temple University, had an impressive
rookie season with 532 rushing
yards on 108 carries and a
touchdown going into the
Super Bowl. He also had seven
receptions for 47 yards.
Rick Bedanjek, who was
Pierce’s position coach when
he played for Glen Mills, is
happy for the former Battling
“I’m proud of Bernard and
am excited he had the chance
to win a Super Bowl,” Bedanjek said. “He’s worked very
“I believe it is an honor to
have the opportunity to lead
such a storied program that has
been around for 186 years that
is still carrying out the original
mission- and that is to help
young people,” Dr. Ireson said.
In his short time as Executive Director, Dr. Ireson is enjoying working with the
students and the staff members.
“It’s an honor to lead such
an outstanding faculty and to
work with the tremendous
young men in our student
body,” the Owen J. Roberts
High School graduate said.
Dr. Ireson, who said he sees
“potential” when he sees a Glen
Mills student, did his undergraduate work at West Chester
University and later earned his
Doctorate of Education from
Widener University. He came
to Glen Mills as a
counselor/teacher and has held
many other positions at the
school- including senior counselor, team leader, and Director
of Education. Whatever position Dr. Ireson held, however,
he always made helping young
men his number one priority.
“There are many of us who
have been here at the Glen
Mills Schools for a long time
and we all came here with one
goal in mind- to help young
men,” Dr. Ireson said.
Dr. Ireson, who is very dedicated and motivated to continue getting the job done at
such an historic school, enjoys
interacting with the student
body. He says the best part of
his day is when he talks to students on the campus and especially enjoys sitting down and
sharing a meal with them.
“This is an opportunity to
take an outstanding school and
find ways to make it better,” the
former Glen Mills assistant
football coach explained. “We
want to find new ways to provide better services and better
programs for our young men so
that they will be better prepared
than ever in the history of the
Dr. Ireson talked about some
of the things that make Glen
Mills a great school.
“We have an outstanding facility, fantastic staff members,
and young men that have great
potential,” Dr. Ireson said.
Dr. Ireson shared what he
feels sets Glen Mills apart from
other programs serving similar
young men.
“I think the most important
thing is that the young men
here are able to walk around
with dignity and respect in an
open campus that challenges
them to be the best they can
be,” the Director said.
Dr. Ireson’s vision for Glen
Mills, founded in 1826 as the
Philadelphia House of Refuge,
is impressive.
“We want to take all the
good things we do now and
make them even better to make
Glen Mills the finest school in
the country- bar none,” Dr. Ireson said.
Dr. Ireson concluded, “My
vision is to give every young
man the opportunity to walk
out of here with the confidence
that they can be successful and
lead a happy life.”
Amy C. Morton, Pennsylvania’s Executive Deputy Secretary in
the Department of Education, impressed with Glen Mills
By Quan’Tarion Jackson
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Amy C. Morton, Pennsylvania’s Executive Deputy Secretary in the Department of
Education, recently had the opportunity to visit the Glen Mills
Schools. She toured the Glen
Mills campus with Executive
Director Randy Ireson.
“I’ve always been interested
in Glen Mills and it always
strikes me as a college campus-
except the students are better
behaved,” Morton said.
Morton enjoyed her visit and
had the chance to meet with
some students while she enjoyed her lunch with the campus executives.
“I like stopping and talking
with the students,” Morton, who
had a chance to see some of the
Career and Technical Education
Areas on campus, said.
See Morton on Page 3.
Glen Mills student Kareem Hampton talks with Amy C. Morton,
Pennsylvania’s Executive Deputy Secretary in the Department of
Education, and our Executive Director Dr. Randy Ireson.
The Battling Bulletin
Coming In The Next Issue
Glen Mills Schools • P.O. Box 5001 • Concordville, Pa. 19331
Dr. Randy Ireson
Jamie Pugliese
John Niefer
Vern Watson
Student Writers
Semaj Bailey
Desktop Publishing
Jamie Pugliese
John Niefer
Vern Watson
Student Layout Artists
Quadere Baker
Nahaefah Carter
Matthew Campbell
Shareef Cato
Jaquire Custis-Quattlebaum Benjamin Conley
Vern Watson
Laquil Evans
Khalial Ewing
Tyrone Germany
Photo Instructor
Jalil Hart
Duane Plank
Ahmed Harbi
Quan’tarion Jackson
Jason Harding
Dametrius Laws
Alim Harmon
Patrick Hickson
Isiah Porter
Justin Andrews
Jalerei Johnson
Malik Simspon
Daquan Boyd
Cordae Jones
Adonis Brown
Jayvon Jordan
Alexander Cheatham
Maliq Manly
Ernest Richardson
Michael Cuen
Ste’Derrius Hodges
Keinrath Valentin
Glen Evans
Antoine Waller
Tyrin Hawkins
Dahmere White
Jerrell Hoston
Tavon White
Rakeem Ingram
Rahsaan Jackson
Rashay Jackson
Kyle Johnson
Martin Montantes
Marquie Ramsey
James Reed
Justin Ratcliffe
Bradley Scheurle
Miguel Uribe
Amir Williams
Find out who earned various Student of
the Month honors.
See what students are learning in their
Career and Technical Education areas.
Try to win a Student Union Gold Card
by answering the Director’s Question.
Read student poetry.
See which Glen Mills student/athletes
won special awards for their winter
sports teams.
See how the spring athletic teams are
What is Love?
By Jalil Hart
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Love is something inside of you
Your Style
What is love?
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
What is love?
Love is happiness inside of you
What is love?
Love is friends and family
What is love?
The Battling Bulletin is published regularly by the
Glen Mills Schools. The Battling Bulletin is composed
by the students at the Glen Mills Schools using
QuarkXpress 7.1 on Power Macintosh G5’s. Artwork
is scanned with a Umax Powerlook 21200xl.
Layouts are generated on a Cannon CLC400
Copier, Adobe Illustrator CS3 and PhotoShop CS3. All
photographs are taken and processed by the students
of the Photo Lab.
The newspaper is printed on a Cannon CLC400
Copier. The Bulletin welcomes comments and letters
from all of its subscribers. Address all letters to: The
Editor, The Battling Bulletin, Glen Mills Schools, PO
Box 5001, Concordville, Pa. 19331.
By Semaj Bailey
Rainbows have red
Skittles are blue
Candy is sweet
And so are you
Love is people you trust
I like your smile
What is love?
You’re sunshine in the dark
Love is you and me
It fills my heart with joy
When girl meets boy
I admire your beauty
I can see it for miles
You make me happy
And I love your style
I Need a Girl
By Jalil Hart
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
I need a girl I can bring home
And introduce to my family
I need a girl I can laugh with
A girl who is just like me
I need a girl I can talk to
And keep me on the right track
I need a girl I can love
And know she loves me back
I need a girl I can hang with
One who likes to have fun
I need a girl I can trust
I need a special kind of one
I need a girl who keeps it real
One who doesn’t struggle with the
I need a girl who is responsible
I hope that girl is you
State Trooper speaks to
Glen Mills students about
Internet safety
I Recall
By Ste’Derrius Hodges
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
By Jalil Hart
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
I recall when we first met
I recall when I first laid eyes on you
I recall when I saw your beautiful blue eyes
I recall saying to my friends
There’s my future wife
I recall saying that I love you
I recall saying we will always be friends
I recall saying we will stay together
I recall saying we will never break up
Amy C. Morton, Pennsylvania’s Executive Deputy Secretary in
the Department of Education, toured the school with our
Executive Director Randy Ireson.
Continued from Front Page
Morton talked about the reason for her visit.
“I think it’s important that
people from the state bureaucracy come out to see in real
life how funds are being
used...,” Morton explained.
“You start to see the direct impact it has on people learning
trades and feeling engaged in
school, maybe for the first time
ever, because they are doing
things that are interesting.”
Morton came away impressed with the students she
met on campus.
“They all seem to have positive attitudes and a positive attitude can be contagious,”
Morton said. “There's a sense
of pride that you feel when
you’re on campus. People seem
genuinely happy to say hello
and smile at you.”
I recall you saying you will always be mine
Don McNeal embraces being the
longest tenured staff member at
I recall saying you make my heart desire
By Quan’Tarion Jackson
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
I recall being there for you
I recall our promise to each other
Don McNeal, a Sun Valley
High School and Albright College graduate, has been a central
figure at the school for nearly
four decades. He began his career at Glen Mills in a different
era on Saint Patrick’s Day, 1975
as a counselor. To say the school
was quite different back then
would be an understatement.
Over his 38 years, McNeal has
been one of the driving forces,
sometimes behind the scenes, as
the school has evolved.
The campus was very different
in 1975 with only three cottages
and about three dozen students
campus wide.
McNeal, who also earned a
graduate degree from West Chester
University, is currently the Director of Support Services and shared
that some of his most enjoyable
moments at the school have been
while he helped coach the football,
track, and cross country teams. He
still enjoys being involved with the
McNeal’s reasons for wanting
to work at Glen Mills straight out
of college are simple.
“I needed a job and I enjoyed
working with young people,” McNeal said.
See McNeal on Page 5
Pennsylvania State Trooper
Rosemary McGuire spoke to
the student body of the Glen
Mills Schools about Internet
safety and cyber bullying on
Wednesday, January 23rd.
Trooper McGuire gave the students a lot of helpful advice on
how to be aware and safe on
social networks such as Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, etc.
Trooper McGuire also talked
about the potential dangers and
consequences about social
media, protecting yourself electronically, and online consequences.
“I want to be proactive,”
Trooper McGuire said. “I want
to help young people make
good decisions about what they
do electronically.”
McGuire also talked about
the apparent hoax that involved
Notre Dame star linebacker
Manti Te’o and she addressed
safety about texting, video and
phone messaging, online gaming, and email.
“If you are not questioning
what is online, you are doing
yourself a disservice. Just because it’s online does not mean
it’s true,” Trooper McGuire
Trooper McGuire made a
point to tell the students that
there is a record of everything
done electronically, even if you
think you erase it.
“If you do anything electronically, it is never erased.
Search histories are not
dumped,” Trooper McGuire
She also talked about the
dangers and consequences of
Internet bullying. McGuire addressed how cyber bullying can
make people do things that they
would not normally do such as
hurt themselves or others.
Director of Support Services Don McNeal has been
with the school for 38 years.
Bulls for Life
Former students invited to join new alumni club
Bulls for Life, a special and
unique alumni club consisting of a
tremendous group of former Glen
Mills students, was recently formed.
As Bulls for Life committee
member Al Minker says on the
schools’ website, “The Glen Mills
Schools wants to hear about your
successes, accomplishments and
milestones since you’ve left GMS.
We want to reach out to you, help
you, brag about you, and tell you
about exciting new happenings at
your alma mater.”
Kevin Owens, Tom Vanhorn,
and Jeff Hill are also on the Bulls
for Life committee.
Dr. Randy Ireson, the Executive
Director of the Glen Mills Schools,
said that he wants the club to become something big as he met with
proud alums Ken Banks, Stephan
Curtis, Steven Brown, Brian
Smothers, and Killraine Dean at a
luncheon on January 15th. These
men were among the first to become “Bulls for Life.”
A few weeks later, Jermaine
Thompson and Bill Mellen also
came aboard. Thompson, who was
a key member on the state championship basketball team in 1990, is
now the Dean of Students at the
Mastery Charter School in Philadel-
phia. Mellen, meanwhile, now
owns his own landscaping company in Hockessin, DelawareGreen Side Up.
“We want to build this club to really have meaning, to help other
young men,” Dr. Ireson told the
group. “I think we are on the verge
of doing some absolutely awesome
things here at Glen Mills and I’m so
happy you guys are involved.”
Positive benefits from being in
the club include having a larger
sense of community and a shared
pride in your alma mater. Also, students will have the ability to network in a positive way as they
move through their lives and careers. They will also be encouraged
to help current students.
Dr. Ireson also encouraged each
of the young men to read a poem
written by Linda Ellis called “The
Dash,” which refers to the dash between the year a person was born
and the year when they died.
Former students are excited
about the opportunity to be involved
with the new club.
“It’s a pleasure to come back to
Glen Mills and be a part of this program,” Brown, who is now a master
trainer with Victory Fitness & Athletics in the Philadelphia area, said.
Smothers, who worked with
Glen Mills Board of Managers
member Joe Hand, Jr. at Joe Hand
Promotions, is looking forward to
returning to school to study psychology. He understands that it’s not
necessarily easy to be away from
family and friends, but being a Glen
Mills student has its rewards.
“You miss home, but after it’s all
said and done, I found myself missing Glen Mills,” Smothers said.
“You miss the people who have become father figures to you.”
Collins, meanwhile, attended
Shippensburg University after graduating from Glen Mills in 2009 and
was happy to rekindle his relationship with the school through the
Bulls for Life Club.
“I wanted to keep my relationship with some staff members,”
Collins said.
Curtis, who is now a full-time
employee at the Golf Course at
Glen Mills, said that his life would
have been stuck in neutral had it not
been for his opportunity to come to
the school.
“I probably would be right where
I was before I came to Glen Mills,”
Curtis said. “I want to be a part of
this club to help the students and the
Dr. Ireson noted that it means a
lot when Glen Mills staff members
hear from a former student.
“I can’t tell you how much it
means to us when we hear from you
and that you’re doing well,” Dr. Ireson told the group. “A lot of us have
been here at the school for a long
time, and we all came here with one
goal- to make a difference and help
young men. Now you guys are the
role models.”
Not only are these young
men role models for current Glen
Mills students, they are now Bulls
for Life.
Former students who would
like to become “Bulls for Life” can
contact the school at
(610) 459-8100 or log onto
- Editor’s note: Students Semaj
Bailey, Khalil Ewing, and Jalil
Hart contributed to this article.
Aspiring artist Joezell Smith from
Jefferson Hall created this beautiful acrylic
With the serene water in the foreground as
From left to right in the front row, Bulls for Life members Stephan Curtis, Brian
Smothers, Steven Brown, Zach Collins, and Killraine Dean. Back row, club member and Hayes Hall senior counselor Ken Banks, committee member Al Minker,
committee member Jeff Hill, committee member Kevin Owens, Human Resource
manager Jay Halverson, committee member Tom Vanhorn, Director of Education
Jim Chobany, and Director of Admissions Rico Josephs.
Jermaine Thompson and Bill Mellen
are Bulls for Life. Thompson is the
Dean of Students at the Mastery Charter School in Philadelphia while
Mellen owns Green Side Up Landscaping in Wilmington, Delaware.
inspiration, Smith named his piece “Precious
Glen Mills students
earn GEDs
Thirty-six Glen Mills students recently earned a GED
after passing the exam. Congratulations and continue to
strive for your academic
Allen Basham
Eddie Barduae
Na’il Beyah
Jamere Bolds
Charles Cortez-Sabala
Beloved Petit Frere
Victor Haines
Deandre Herbert
Joshua Hernandez
Kaleel Hengeveld
Patrick Hickson
Cortland Holman
Dylan Howell
Darien Hudson
As part of a lesson on product photography, students were able to make their own sundaes and then
take a studio-grade photograph of their creation after
setting up the proper lighting and background. After
the assignment is complete, what else is there to do except to enjoy their sundaes?
Photography student Rakeem Ingram took this photograph of his classmates. He used a NIKON D-200
camera and a 24-120 lens to get the picture.
Kamile Hunter
Kyle Johnson
Terrence Jordan
Tevin King
Richard Lagunas
Dametrius Laws
Joshua Luke
Phenix Malave
Tarique Marshall
Keith Mull
Charles Nicholson
Antwan Patterson
Lazaro Rojo
Kenneth Ross
Andre Ruffin
Ian Schiffler
Nathaniel Sele
Anthony Sharp
Allen Smith
Melando Stephenson
Zachary Yorgey
Former student Bobby Williams
continues nurse tech career
while looking to future
By Matthew Campbell
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Former Glen Mills student
Bobby Williams is continuing
to work as a nurse tech at Riddle Hospital in Delaware
County, Pennsylvania while
working his way through
“I’m responsible for doing
lab work, checking vital signs,
and other patient care,”
Williams said.
Williams, who was in Fillmore Hall and Lincoln Hall
during his stay at Glen Mills in
1998-2000, also has an eye for
the future. Williams hopes to be
a lead nurse in a trauma unit
and is enrolled in the nursing
program at Delaware County
Community College.
Williams said that former
Lincoln Hall team leader and
current Human Resources Manager Jay Halverson was someone who helped him a lot while
he was here at the school.
Williams also recognizes the
life lessons he learned while
being a Glen Mills student.
“Glen Mills taught me respect and honesty- and to be accountable for my own actions,”
Williams said.
The former Graphic Arts
and Printing Technology student and cross-country runner
also had some helpful advice
for current students.
“Be yourself and believe in
your dreams because dreams
don’t die, people just stop
dreaming,” Williams shared.
Continued from Page 3
McNeal has held various positions at Glen Mills, including
counselor, senior counselor, team
leader, Director of Diagnostic
and Evaluations, and the purchasing agent.
McNeal understands what
makes Glen Mills function well
as it serves its students.
“The philosophy, the committed faculty, our programming,
and our students make Glen
Mills a great school,” McNeal
shared. “This makes Glen Mills
unique and in my opinion,
makes Glen Mills the best school
in the country of our kind.”
McNeal has witnessed and
has played a big part in the evolution of the school as it gains
more recognition world wide as
a leader in the field.
“I know the system works,”
McNeal said. “I enjoy the challenge of the school and enjoy
seeing the school grow and develop. It’s satisfying to be a part
of the evolution of the school.”
McNeal enjoys being around
the student body but is sometimes limited in his ability to do
so with his position. However,
he sees many good things in a
Glen Mills student.
“I see a young man who has a
lot of potential and a young man
who should be thankful that he
has the opportunities that he has
at Glen Mills,” McNeal said.
“I’m always hopeful that a student takes advantage of the opportunities.
The avid runner is also an active member in the ConcorvilleChadds Ford Rotary Club, who
sponsors an annual college
scholarship for a Glen Mills student. Through the Rotary Club,
he also has the opportunity to
host tours of the Glen Mills campus and recently hosted a group
of public officials, health care
workers, and teachers from
South Korea as they toured the
By hosting tours like that,
McNeal is able to spread the
word about the school he has
loved for nearly four decades.
School hosts College
Financial Aid Day
The Glen Mills Schools
hosted a College Financial Aid
Day on Saturday, January 12th
in the Library Lecture Hall for
students who are interested in
further educational opportunities in college, technical
schools, or career institutes. In
addition, parents and guardians
who are concerned about meeting the cost of further education also attended the event.
The program included a
complete overview of the financial aid process, including
information on both the available federal and state financial
services. These programs consist of merit based, gift based,
and self-help types of financial
Mrs. Frances McKeown of
the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
(PHEAA) conducted the seminar. She emphasized the Free
Application for Student Assistance (FAFSA) and PHEAA
state grants as well as available
private loans and work-study
Allan Minker from the Education Department at the Glen
Mills Schools also conducted a
workshop on completing the
actual FAFSA form. Mike
Smitheman, also from our Education Department, concluded
the day with an overview of
private scholarship options, including the Glen Mills Schools
Scholarship program.
“Proud to be a Bull”
Actor Greg Kenney presents one man show about Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.
By Dametrius Laws
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
On February 27th at the Glen
Mills Schools, actor Gregory
Gibson Kenney performed his
one-man show about civil
rights leader Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
In his “I had a Dream: A
Conversation with a Friend,”
Kenney talks about a dream he
had about meeting Dr. King at
the Lincoln Memorial. Kenney’s visit coincided with
Black History Month and happens to be fifty years after Dr.
King’s famous and inspirational
During the presentation,
Kenney put himself in character
when he passionately recreated
the famous 1963 speech that
helped spearhead the civil
rights movement.
Kenney told about how that
speech almost never happened
because Dr. King was nearly
stabbed to death in New York
in 1958. Dr. King had an encounter with a young woman at
a book signing when she
stabbed him in the chest with a
seven inch letter opener. Dr.
King nearly died from the attack and in fact, had he sneezed
or coughed, x-rays showed that
the tip of the blade would have
entered his aorta, which would
have caused Dr. King to bleed
to death.
The Pittsburgh-based actor
travels all over and gives educational productions to many
audiences but feels it’s especially important to come to
schools such as Glen Mills. His
deceased brother spent time in
prison before he turned his life
around and also helped young
Kenney said his message is
“Be the best you can be,”
the actor urged. “Too many of
us have lost the dream. We’ve
come a long way but we’re not
there yet.”
Student Malik Simpson got
a lot out of Kenney’s presentation.
“That made me think even
more about my future and how
I need to overcome some of the
challenges I face,” Simpson
Gibson, who has performed
at Glen Mills before, is a winner of the 1998 YWCA Justice
Award and is a member of the
National Baseball Hall of Fame
Education Advisory Board
since 2000. He also wrote performances about Roberto
Clemente, Rosa Parks, Jackie
Robinson, and others.
with the proper preparation, a
successful future and a good
place in the workforce can be
“Career Day is such a great
opportunity for our young
men,” Career Day coordinator
Dale Wilson said.
Wilson also recognizes the
contributions of our special
guests, who willingly give up
their time, and their expertise,
to our students.
“Without the guests, the day
doesn’t happen,” Wilson explained. “They have been very
generous in their time and in
sharing their knowledge with
our young men, and we certainly appreciate that.”
One of the great things
about the event is the fact that
former students who have
found success in the working
world are invited to return to
their alma mater.
The Director’s Question
Hodges, Manly, and Torres earn Student Union Gold Cards
Stederrius Hodges, Mailque Manly, and Jevonne Torres recently earned a Gold Card good for two
weeks of free food from the Student Union snack bars for correctly answering the Director’s Question.
Their correct answers were the first three that were drawn.
The Last Question: Which of these is not a particle of matter? A. Electron, B. Muon, C. Neutron,
D. Photon.
The Answer: Electron
The New Question: Which is the northern most point in North America: A. Alaska, B. Greenland, C.
Northwest Territory, Canada, or D. Yukon Territory, Canada?
Blackshear presents
Culinary Arts project
By Stederrius Hodges
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Actor Gregory Kenney encouraged Glen Mills students
to do the best they can.
Career Day scheduled for April 25th
The opportunity-filled Career Day event at the Glen
Mills Schools will be held on
Thursday, April 25th. This
year’s event will be the 27th
annual version of the program
and will again feature employers, successful business people
in a variety of fields, and
higher education representatives.
The entire day is planned to
let Glen Mills students see that
“That’s what it’s all about,”
Wilson said. “Our current students see them as role models.”
If you or someone you
know would be interested in
spending some time with our
students on Career Day, please
contact Wilson at (610) 4598100 x242 or dwilson@glenmillsschools.org.
Culinary Arts student Basil
Blackshear proudly presented his
delicious senior project on December 13th. The tasty project
featured baked crab imperial,
mini reuben sandwiches, a fresh
fruit medley, miniature cheesecakes, and more.
“I really enjoyed learning in
Culinary Arts,” Blackshear said.
“I took a lot of pride in it.”
Blackshear has greatly expanded his culinary repertoire
from the time when he first enrolled.
“When I first started Culinary
Arts, I loved making meatballs,”
Blackshear said. “Now I can
make a lot of things.”
Blackshear is considering
going back to school after discharge and may pursue a career in
Culinary Arts. After all, his food
was very well-received.
“I would have to say that the
mini reuben is very tasty,” fellow
student Mark Edmonds, who had
a chance to sample Blackshear’s
work, said.
“Brave Old Battling Bulls”
It’s our Glen Mills Schools
The home of our Bulls
The pride of everyone that’s here
Come on you old grads
Mix with our young lads
And give our Battling Bulls a cheer
And now it’s time boys
To make a big noise
No matter what people say
Save the Date!
Our colors we uphold
The black and gold
April 25th
27th Annual Career
Day at the
Glen Mills Schools
School Spirit Song
So hail to the Battling Bulls
On Brave Battling Bulls
Basil Blackshear proudly displays his Culinary Arts project.
Photo by Grant Henderson.
On To the fray
Onward to victory
Let’s show them the Glen Mills way
SPRING 2013 7
As part of the new “Character and Leadership Development Program,” charity
CEO addresses Glen Mills students
about courage.
Tuskegee Airman
talks to Glen Mills’
students about
By Quan’Tarion Jackson
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
By Quan’Tarion Jackson
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Bringing Hope Home CEO
Paul Isenberg recently met with
approximately 75 Glen Mills
students to talk about courage
and the powers of helping others.
“Live outside yourself,”
Isenberg encouraged the audience.
Isenberg’s visit was part of
the Character and Leadership
Development Program at Glen
Mills, coordinated by Lincoln
Hall team leader Steve Walsh
and Hayes Hall team leader Jeff
Hill. The program will bring
speakers to campus on a regular basis to talk about certain
aspects of character.
Bringing Hope Home is a
non-profit charity that provides
financial assistance to local
families who are fighting cancer. Founded in 2008, the organization raised $700,000 last
year alone and helped 362 families in southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and southern
New Jersey.
Isenberg began the charity,
origanly called the Great Guys
Group, at the suggestion of his
former wife, who courageously
battled Stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer for 6 1/2 years
before passing away in 2003.
Isenberg talked about the
courage his former wife Nicole
displayed while she fought cancer. Isenberg described courage
as “doing something that has to
get done when you don’t want
to do it.”
Glen Mills students appreciated Isenberg message.
“His message was to help
others,” student Victor Woodward said. “It was great.”
Hill spoke about the goal for
the guest speaker program,
which will have a different
theme each time.
“The goal is always to provide a positive benefit to the
lives of Glen Mills students,”
Hill said. “The more positive
guest speakers we can provide,
the greater the benefit.”
As part of the continuing
Character and Leadership Development Program, students
had an up close experience with
Dr. Eugene Richardson, a member of the famed WWII era
African American group of
fighter pilots. Dr. Richardson’s
appearance also coincided with
Black History Month.
The veteran centered his
presentation on perseverance
and prior to his visit, the student body had a chance to
watch “Red Tails,” a movie that
chronicles the Tuskegee Airmen
and their heroic efforts in
As a boy, Dr. Richardson
grew extremely interested in
flying after his father took him
to see the Colored Air Circus.
He decided to join the Army as
a pilot at the age of 17 and finished his training in March of
1945. Shortly afterwards, the
war ended so Richardson was
never able to put his skills to
use in combat.
Responding to a question
from the student body, one of
Dr. Richardson’s most memorable moments as a pilot was
when he was able to safely
make an emergency landing
immediately after takeoff when
an overheated engine had lost
all of its oil.
During his address, Dr.
Richardson said that in order to
be successful, young men need
several things.
“As well as the A’s and the
B’s, you need your three D’s,”
Dr. Richardson said. He explained to the audience that
they are “Dreams, Desire, and
Dr. Richardson, a Temple
University graduate, earned his
Masters and Doctorate degrees
from Penn State. He served as a
principal in the Philadelphia
School District for many years
and now regularly visits
schools to share the great history of the Tuskegee Airmen.
Dr. Richardson was also impressed with the Glen Mills student body.
“I am very impressed with
the decorum of the students
here at Glen Mills,” Dr.
Richardson said.
Dr. Richardson received a
certificate of recognition for his
Glen Mills visit and the Bulls
Club presented him with a
school t-shirt and hat. He also
received a long standing ovation from the Glen Mills student body and faculty.
Bulls beat Haverford
By Semaj Bailey
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Athan Ballester (175) pinned
his opponent in 33 seconds
while Sean Croyle (182) won
by fall in just 53 seconds as the
Glen Mills wrestling team beat
the Haverford School 41-28 on
December 10th at the Harrison
Gymnasium in a non-league
“I got him with a cross
face,” Croyle said about his
quick pin.
Alexander Crespo (126) and
Israel Crane (195) won by
major decisions while Marcell
Davis (152) won by decisions.
Meanwhile, Thomas Dittus
(132), Antonio Inostraza (122),
and Semaj Bailey (106) all
won by forfeits for the Bulls.
Bulls win Tip Off Tournament,
Jackson earns MVP honors
By Rashon Lawery
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Jay’re Jackson scored 19
points to lead the way and earn
tournament MVP honors as the
Bulls beat Strawberry Mansion
46-36 in the championship
game of the Glen Mils Tip Off
Tournament on December
12th. With their third straight
win, the Bulls improved to 31.
“It feels good to be recognized, but it was a total team
effort,” Jackson said.
Meanwhile, Central beat
Lamberton 70-44 in the consolation game.
After struggling offensively
Athan Ballester earned a quick pin for the Bulls as they beat the visiting
Haverford School on December 10th. Photo by Nasir Carter
in the season opener, the Glen
Mills offense has come alive.
“We’ve improved on the
offensive end by getting more
defensive rebounds and getting
out on the break,” Jackson explained.
In the championship game,
Richard Grant pulled down 12
rebounds while Donovan
Ballester gets a takedown for two points. Photo by Nasir Carter
Barnes led Strawberry Mansion with 16 points.
In the first round game on
December 11th, Shiheem
Spencer led Glen Mills with
12 points while Grant hit the
other solid win, this one a 73-65
boards hard again and had 13 By Quadere Baker
rebounds in the Bulls’ 57-50
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
victory over host Cheltenham
win over Central.
on Saturday night, December
Jayre Jackson, who has been 15th. The non-league victory
on the rise recently with his ofgives the charging Bulls their
fensive production, scored 31
fourth straight win as they impoints and led the Bulls to anproved to 4-1.
Jackson shines as hoopers
down Cheltenham
Glen Mills gets road win at
Penn Wood, stays unbeaten Bulls swim
in league play
past Sun Valley
Paul Isenberg, the CEO of Bringing Hope Home, spoke to
Glen Mills students about courage.
Photo by Victor Woodward
The Glen Mills student body gave Tuskegee Airman Dr. Eugene
Richardson a warm welcome before he spoke as part of the
Character and Leadership Development Program.
By Rashon Lawery
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
By Jalil Hart
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
The Glen Mills basketball team got a big road win at Penn
Wood on January 15th as Jay’re Jackson led the way with 18
points in a Del Val League matchup. With the win, the Bulls
improved to 4-0 in the league.
Meanwhile, Jah-bree Alleyne added 13 points while Shiheem Spencer chipped in with 12 for the Battling Bulls.
The Glen Mills swim team
edged host Sun Valley on Monday, January 8th 81-80 in a nonleague meet. The medley relay
team, consisting of Justin Hernandez, Johnathan Galentine,
Cameron Harris, and Mario
Reyes, posted a 2:08.54 to lead
the Bulls to their only race win.
However, the depth of the Glen
Mills team proved critical in the
“Winning the first event,
which was the medley relay, was
the key to the victory,” Glen
Mills coach Terry McGovern
said. “That got us going in the
right direction as we did a nice
job placing second, third, and
fourth in events that earned us a
lot of team points.”
Glen Mills rallies past Rustin
Bulls charge past Interboro
By David Thompson
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
In their Del Val League
opener, the Bulls improved to
6-3 overall thanks to a big run
on their way to a 66-48 victory
over visiting Interboro on January 8th.
Trailing 30-26 late in the
second quarter, coach Tony
Bacon’s club went on a decisive
15-0 run by scoring the final
two points of the half and the
first 13 of the third quarter.
Jay’re Jackson scored 21
points to lead the Battling Bulls
while Shiheem Spencer added
Meanwhile, point guard
Jah’bree Alleyne had a solid
all-around game with nine
points, seven rebounds, and 11
Galentine shines as swimmers
outpace Chichester
By Rashon Lawery
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Johnathan Galentine won
three events for Glen Mills in a
Del Val League meet as the
Bulls beat host Chichester 11154 on Wednesday, January
With the win, the Bulls improved to 2-1 in the league.
Galentine won the 200 individual medley, the 100 breast-
By Semaj Bailey
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Richard Grant calmly sank
two foul shots to ice the game
and had 13 points and 19 rebounds as the 10-4 Bulls came
from behind to beat visiting
Rustin with an exciting 55-51
victory on Saturday, January
“I just wanted to win the
game,” Grant said.
Jay’re Jackson also contributed to the victory with 16
points as the Bulls won for the
sixth time in the last seven
Bulls get wild overtime
victory against Upper Darby
By Quadere Baker
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
The Bulls got a wild and
dramatic 72-65 win in overtime
over Upper Darby after relinquishing a 19 point second half
In their comeback, the Royals kept on battling and hit five
three pointers to take a 58-57
lead with 5.5 seconds remaining.
However, the Bulls didn’t
quit as Jay’re Jackson drove the
length of the court to draw a
foul and went to the line for
two shots. With no time on the
clock and all eyes on him, Jackson came through in the clutch,
making the second attempt to
send the thriller into overtime.
From there, it was all Glen
Mills. Jah’bree Alleyne scored
five points to lead the way in
the extra period to close out the
hard-fought victory in front of
the raucous home crowd.
stroke, and was part of the
winning 400 freestyle relay
team consisting of Mario Pichler, Cameron Harris, and
Matthew Friedauer.
Friedauer also won the 500
freestyle while Justin Hernandez won the 100 backstroke.
“We swam well as a team
and the times are steadily improving,” assistant Glen Mills
coach John Niefer said.
Moore earns first place at
TFCAGP track meet
By Dametrius Laws
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Rickey Moore claimed first
place in the 60 meters in the Division II Track and Field
Coaches Association of Greater
Philadelphia meet while James
Timbers posted a second place
finish in the shot put on Saturday, December 15th.
Moore ran a 7.24 while Timbers tossed the shot 43-8.
Ricky Reedus gets a bucket in the Glen Mills victory
over Upper Darby.
SPRING 2013 21
Friedauer and Smith are co-winners of “Courage” Essay contest
to succeed
By Matthew Friedauer
Taylor Hall
Everybody has a different
meaning and image of
courage. The definition of
courage in the dictionary is:
“mental or moral strength to
venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” This definition can be
interpreted in many ways to fit
many situations.
When the word “courage”
is said, what is the first thing
that you think of? Perhaps you
think of a firefighter rescuing a
child or the lion from The Wizard of Oz? No matter what you
think of, the word resonates
with most people and has a
strong meaning in our society.
Courage is a strong word to
me. The way in which I portray courage is not through
courageous acts of valor but
rather through words. Words
can be a lot harsher than any
physical damage inflicted, and
therefore carry much weight
with me. Through my word, I
could change the whole world.
An example of someone who
changed the whole word with
courageous words is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He decided
to stand up for something
which in his era was thought to
be an insane stance- to fight
for equal rights.
He didn’t resort to acts of
terrorism or violence because
he thought that protest and the
spoken word would be more
effective in spreading his message. He had the courage because even though he was in
constant threat of losing his
life, he continued to strive for
what is right.
There have been many
courageous people throughout
history. Some people have become famous for their courage
and some people remain
anonymous -from the men and
women on Flight 93 who sacrificed their lives to defend our
country to the young man who
stands up to his abusive dad.
Courage is all around us all
the time. Every individual who
has to make the decision to
have courage and stand up for
what they think is right is
courageous. Courage can be
used in many situations. From
confronting one of my peers to
running into a burning building, courage can be an everyday occurrence.
While at the Glen Mills
Schools, I have developed a
new kind of courage. To successfully complete the program and turn into a young
man is the first step. Completing autotechnical school and
gaining employment is the
next step.
To some people, this seems
like a normal timeline but for
me, it takes courage to do the
right thing. Not falling into the
cycle of negative behavior and
being swayed by pressure
takes courage for me.
Will I end up in history
books for changing the world
with acts of courage? Probably
not, but I can have an affect on
the people around me. Helping
my family and friends do the
right things will take courage
and hard work. From having
the courage to confront to having the courage to complete
my task, I will succeed.
“Courage is being
scared to death,
but saddling up
By Daekwon Smith
Jackson Hall
Courage is a term used constantly but I do not think people really understand its true
meaning. Courage is the ability
to conquer fear or despair.
Courage is something you cannot just fake, it is something
that you have to work for from
the time you grace the Earth.
Courage is something you
have to work toward and it is
doing the right thing when
doing the right thing is not
easy. You can be the scrawny,
sniveling nerd that sits in the
back of the class and still be
the most courageous man
Courage is being a man that
is willing to be the odd man in
the room, the man that does
not mind standing up and
sticking his neck out on the
line for his beliefs. Being able
to walk away from a difficult
situation with your head held
high and your chest out regardless of the outcome, is
A prime example of
courage is Nelson Mandela.
He is a man who stood up for
what he believed was right and
understood what the consequences were. He was sentenced to several decades of
imprisonment for his beliefs
for what he believed was right.
Nelson Mandela is the best example of courage to date.
Courage is not always just
being strong or brave or anything of that sort. Courage can
simply be doing what is asked
or simply doing what is best
for yourself. A perfect example
of this kind of courage is being
a Bull or an executive of the
Glen Mills Schools. I use that
as an example because confronting the negativity of other
teenagers is not always easy. It
is even more difficult when
most of the students at Glen
Mills come from negative environments or the environments that breed the
“no-snitching” rule.
What makes being courageous in this school difficult is
the fact that a simple confrontation can be taken as the
Bulls or executive trying to get
a peer into some sort of trouble. Where courage comes into
play as a member of the Bulls
Club is when you continue to
deal with your peers and continue to do right by the program, regardlesss of what
others might think.
There are many instances in
the outside world that require
courage. Raising children takes
unfathomable courage. Being
an officer of the law takes
unimaginable courage.
Being able to put your life
on the line for complete
strangers or the good of the
public shows a level of
courage unseen.
Being a parent and raising
someone to be a positive person in society is especially
courageous. As parents, they
are responsible for making sacrifices in life to honor the responsibilities that they have
committed themselves to.
Educational Awards Ceremony
June 20th, 10:00 a.m.
Ameer-Bey earns Academic Achievement Award
For his dedication in the classroom, Khalil Ameer-Bey has earned an Academic Achievement Award.
This Fillmore Hall student is an executive member of the Battling Bulls Club, was on the
football team, and is on the powerlifting squad. He enjoys listening to music.
Nice job and keep up the good work.
Jackson recognized academically
As a result of his positive effort level in the classroom, Buchanan Hall’s Bashir Jackson
has received an Academic Achievement Award.
This positive Bulls Club member was on the indoor track team and is learning Career
and Technical Education skills in the Barber Shop. Jackson enjoys playing sports, riding
dirt bikes, and listening to music.
Keep up the nice work.
McCoy cited for Academic Achievement Award
Taylor Hall’s Donald McCoy has demonstrated a consistent effort and commitment in the
classroom and was recently recognized for earning an Academic Achievement Award.
As well as striving academically, McCoy is also learning skills in the Retail Management
program and enjoys cooking. He also recognizes listening to music as a hobby.
Keep up the good work.
Culpepper earns classroom recognition
Polk Hall student Grant Culpepper has been recognized for earning an Academic
Achievement Award.
Culpepper also enjoys learning Career and Technical Education skills in the Video Productions Shop and enjoys playing basketball.
Nice job and keep up the good work.
Hoston garners academic award
Jerrell Hoston has earned an Academic Achievement Award for positive effort and attitude in the
classroom. Hoston is a well-rounded student and enjoys learning skills in the Photography Lab and is
a member of the powerlifting team. He also enjoys playing football.
Good job and keep up the good work.
SPRING 2013 9
Swimmers win fifth straight Del Val championship
The Glen Mills Schools is
just the place to be for a dedicated student/athlete. Besides
inspiring a Super Bowl champion in Baltimore Raven
Bernard Pierce, the Bulls also
have a way in the water as the
Glen Mills swim team clinched
their fifth straight Del Val
league championship on February 13th with a convincing 11351 victory over Chichester.
With the win, the Bulls completed an undefeated league
Team MVP and captain
Matthew Galentine was a
standout swimmer all season.
The all-around swimmer competed in the medley relay, the
200, and other events.
“He was a good leader all
season and showed the younger
guys what it takes to be a
champion,” head coach Terry
McGovern said.
The championship was a
total team effort but Cameron
Harris and Mario Reyes also
stepped into the spotlight for
the Battling Bulls.
“Cameron excelled in the
butterfly, which is probably the
most difficult stroke,” McGovern said. “He worked very hard
to have a great season and
Mario did a real nice job in the
sprint events. He was fast.”
Assistant coaches John
Niefer, James Anthony, Russ
Bustamante, and Matt Boddinton did a nice job teaching a
largely inexperienced group
how to compete and win a title
in a short period of time.
“We’re real proud of this
group, McGovern said. “They
did not have a lot of experience
swimming, let alone competitive swimming, but came to
practice every day and got better.”
Johnathan Galentine demonstrates his backstroke technique as he helped lead the Bulls to another Del Val
League championship.
Galentine was happy to
help the Bulls win another
“It feels great to win the
league again,” Galentine said.
“I was on the team last year
when we won and it feels just
as good this time around because we worked hard to earn
Powerlifters win 29th straight Pennsylvania
Track team
finishes indoor Teenage State Championship meet
Glen Mills lifters won individual varsity state titles
season at state Six
By Sean Thomas
ning their weight class in the varsity division.
Teammates Tyrone Germany (132), Dametrius
Laws (198), and Angel Ayala (275) also had out-
By Quan’Tarion Jackson
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Six Bulls won their varsity weight class as the
Glen Mills powerlifting team won its 29th
straight Pennsylvania Teenage State Powerlifting
The Glen Mills track and
championship with their impressive performance
field team closed the indoor sea- at Emmaus High School on February 23rd.
son with a solid effort at the
Miguel Lule (123 lbs. class), Matthew Tran
Pennsylvania Track and Field
(132), Chandler Mattis (165), Willie Scott (181),
Coaches Association Indoor
Isaac Luna (242), and Desjre Beach (275) all
State Championship meet at
claimed individual state championships by winPenn State on February 23rd.
Shiheem Dow earned a ninth
place finish in the 60 yard dash
with a 7.06 while teammate
Davon Seldon ran a 22.62 to
place 15th in the open 200.
Meanwhile, Dominique Hopkins- Jones, Shyheed Brown,
Nathaniel Davis, and Shaheen
Dow placed 16th in the 4x200
with a 1:32.49.
standing performances and came in second
place. Meanwhile, Fasin McFadden (148), Preston Michael (165), and Deval Jones (198)
posted solid fourth place finishes.
At the junior varsity level, Bulls Salik White
(114), Jonas Strunk (132), Jaron Stafford (148),
Wilfredo Juarbe (165), and Zakari Stansberry
(181) all won their weight class.
Willie Scott,
shown here
earlier in the
season, won
his weight
class at the
Teenage State
Bulls win playoff opener
By Matthew Campbell
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
The second seeded Bulls
used a big second half run and
beat visiting Phoenixville, the
number seven seed, 60-41 on
Saturday, February 23rd in the
District I Class AAA tournament after being down by a
point at the half.
The Bulls began a 19-0 run
in the third quarter and
Khafese Jones put up 14 points
and 11 rebounds for Glen
Mills, who will play Pope John
Paul II at Plymouth
Whitemarsh High School in
the semi-finals.
Marcus Smith chipped in
with 14 rebounds for the hardcharging Bulls.
With their impressive performances on Saturday, February 23rd in the PIAA District I
Class AAA East Wrestling
Championships, Shawn Croyle
and Joshua Spano advanced to
the Regional Tournament.
Wrestling in the 170 lbs.
class, Croyle claimed a key
third place finish with a hardfought 4-3 decision over Josh
Stencler from Pennridge.
Meanwhile, Spano (285)
earned his third place finish by
pinning Bruce Graber from
“I really wrestled hard and
was determined,” Spano said.
“Our guys really wrestled
well,” assistant coach Bryan
Confer said. “They’ve put the
work in and are seeing the results.”
Glen Mills wrestler Antwan
Patterson just missed out on a
trip to the Regionals at 152 by
coming in 4th place.
At the Southeast Regional,
a third place finish would have
meant a trip to the state tournament. However, Croyle just
missed a trip to states with a
heartbreaking 2-1 overtime
loss. Croyle finished his remarkable season at 31-8.
Spano, meanwhile, completed his first ever season of
competitive wrestling with an
impressive 20-11 record after
going 1-2 at the Regionals.
“Head coach Joe Becker
and the assistants really gave
me a crash course in
wrestling,” Spano said. “I
learned a lot in a short period
of time.”
Jah-Bree Alleyne drive for two Khafese Jones gets a put
in the playoff win against
back in the Bulls’ victory.
the end of the first quarter.
Throughout the rest of the
exciting and hard fought battle,
the teams went back and forth,
but the Panthers came out on
top with a 16-7 fourth period
“It’s tough,” Alleyne said.
“We had our ups and downs all
season but we battled hard all
night and throughout the year
as well.”
Journalism students
cover the action
The aspiring writers and reporters in the Journalism Shop are
continuing to provide our readers with the news from the Glen
Mills Schools.
Often times, this takes us out into the field as we need to conduct various interviews to gather the information for a story. In
the past several months, students have had the opportunity to interview new Executive Director Randy Ireson, many successful
former students, and Amy C. Morton, Pennsylvania’s Executive
Deputy Secretary in the Department of Education.
Students have also enjoyed covering the winter sports action
on campus and are now looking forward to switching gears and
reporting on the tennis, outdoor track, volleyball, and baseball
Quan’Tarion Jackson is our Student of the Month. Through
hard work, he has been able to develop his skills and is a quality
writer. Keep up the good work.
Optical Lab students learn
about digital lenses,
prepare for careers
The Optical Lab students have been doing very well working
with and learning about our new digital lenses. Students then explain the benefits of these digital lenses and tell our patients how
they work and how much they could potentially improve their
vision. Look at these new lenses this way: older tv pictures were
not bad and if we didn’t know any better, we would think they
are great. However, compare that old image to today’s high definition standard, and there’s really no comparison
Many patients have ordered these digital lenses, which can
represent a significant increase in vision clarity, and some have
already received them. We have gotten positive feedback from
our customers. Check with your eye care professional to see if
they might be right for your prescription.
Since we are offering these lenses, our students must learn
how to read the prescription in the digital lenses, which is a little
different than in traditional lenses. Our students are literally
watching the optical world change right in front of them and we
need to be ready for the challenges
of this changing field.
The Optical Lab would like to
congratulate Maurice Poteat of Lincoln Hall for being chosen as our
Student of the Month.
Great job Maurice and keep up
the good work as you progress
through the curriculum.
Journalism student Quan’Tarion Jackson had a chance to
work on his interviewing skills with Amy C. Morton, Pennsylvania’s Executive Deputy Secretary in the Department of Education. Jackson earned Student of the Month honors in the
Journalism program.
Season ends as Bulls fall in
District I semi-final matchup
Pope John Paul II beat the
Glen Mills Bulls 48-42 on February 27th in the District I Class
AAA semi-finals at Plymouth
Whitemarsh High School. The
Bulls finished the season 14-10.
Lightening quick point
guard Jah-Bree Alleyne lead the
way for the Bulls with 13
points while shooting guard
Shiheem Spencer added 8 as
Tony Bacon’s club charged
back after falling behind 12-5 at
Wrestlers Croyle, Spano
advance to Regional
By Matthew Campbell
Battling Bulletin Student Writer
Maurice Poteat
Optical Lab
Student of the Month
Welding students prepare for future
Josh Spano, shown here controlling his opponent in an earlier
match, earned a trip to the Southeast Regional Tournament
despite having no previous wrestling experience before coming
to Glen Mills.
The Welding Shop students
have worked on various school
and personal projects. Additionally, students have learned
skills while working on other
projects for the Athletic Department and the living units.
Students have also learned
several welding and cutting
processes, including shielded
metal arc welding and gas
metal arc welding.
Students have rebuilt the
welding booths with new welding tables using M.I.G. welding
and plasma cutting that gives
them welder fitter experience.
Great job to all welding classes.
The plasma cutting system
has been utilized by all level
100 students to provide experience in this newest of procedures. Having skills in these
areas will help them to enter the
welding industry as an entrylevel welder or to continue in
their post secondary welding
Deval Jones is our student of
the Month. He demonstrates
safe working habits and is willing to learn.
Great job and keep up the
good work!
Deval Jones
Welding Shop
Student of the Month
Culinary Arts students learn
food service skills
The students in the Culinary
Arts program recently had the
opportunity to prepare a delicious presentation of sandwiches. The sandwiches
included tasty ruebens, chicken
wraps, chicken cheesesteaks,
and more.
Additionally, students prepared and offered side dishes
to accompany the sandwiches.
Culinary Arts students Dontae Coates and Willie Scott
liked being involved in the
“It’s fun to prepare and
learn about different foods,”
Coates said.
Scott, meanwhile, enjoyed
learning from instructor Steve
Healey about the presentation
part of food service as well.
“I like learning about presenting what we prepare,”
Scott said.
Willie Scott earned our Student of the Month honors.
Willie Scott
Culinary Arts
Student of the Month
Jonathan Echevarria and Beloved Petit Frere have learned that
accurate measurements are critical in carpentry.
Alexander Weniger carefully gets his measurement before
making a cut.
Special award winners on the junior varsity soccer team, from
left to right: Thomas Dittus (Most Coachable), Miguel Lule
(Best Offensive Player), Gerardo Guzman (MVP), David
Romero (MVP), and Santos Trevino (Best Defensive Player).
Special award winners on the varsity soccer team, from left to
right: Garth Byers (Best Defensive Player), Bladimer
Bolonos (MVP), and Jaemeel Davis (Most Coachable).
Special award winners on the varsity football team, from left
to right: Alexander Cheatham (Best Special Teams Player),
Sean Croyle (Most Coachable), Antonio Inostroza (Most Improved), Shaaheen Dow (MVP), Deion Cleveland (Best Defensive Player), and Dontae Coates (Best Offensive Player).
Not pictured: Michael Preston (Scout Team Award).
Special award winners on the golf team, from left to right:
Cassan Fields (Co-MVP), Quran McClendon (Co-MVP), and
Cameron Harris (Most Improved).
Junior varsity football team special award winners, from left
to right: Javonne Madox (Best Defensive Player), Robert
Mack (MVP), and Cory McBride (Best Offensive Player). Not
pictured: Michael Preston (Best Special Teams Player)
Special award winners on the cross country team, from left to
right: Jason Zebley (Most Consistent Runner), Pasquale Dudley (Most Improved Runner), Shuance Reed (Most Valuable
Runner), Edward Gibbs (Most Coachable), and Jimmy Gibbs
(Go To Runner).
Tony My, Dontae Coates, Arim Smith, Jaquest Kessler,
Dion Cleveland, Frank Thomas, Tyler Diehl, Jurell
Wardlaw-Liggins, and Willie Scott recently prepared a delicious sandwich presentation. Culinary Arts students also
learned that presentation is an important part of the food
service industry.
Residential Carpentry
students work on projects
The students in the Residential Carpentry program
have been busy learning many
aspects of carpentry, from laying out a framed wall for a
house to building a carcass to
make cabinets.
We designed and built a
small 12x18x8 structure in our
shop area. This building not
only teaches students how to
do new construction, but offers
a look at remodeling skills as
When we first designed our
Isaac Farrell
Residential Carpentry
Student of the Month
structure, it only called for two
windows. However, after construction, students decided to
incorporate a third window
into the building. This proved
to be very challenging but also
proved to be a good lesson in
We also had the opportunity
to design and build cabinets
that will be used for student
book bags in their unit. Meanwhile, newer students entering
our shop are working on their
safety worksheets, measuring
packets, and blueprint interpretation workbook.
We would like to congratulate our Shop Student of the
Month, Isaac Farrell of Johnson Hall. Farrell is a good
problem solver when it comes
to design changes and enjoys
working with his hands. He
also enjoys learning new
things and comes to class with
a good work ethic.
Radio Broadcasting
students play the hits
From left, students Rahsaan Jackson, Daquan Boyd, Rashay
Jackson, and Miquel Uribe were among the students who
worked on the new displays in Executive Director Dr. Randy
Ireson’s office.
The students in the Radio
Broadcasting Shop have been
continuing to produce and air
their own live radio broadcasts on WZZE 97.3 F.M.
Students also have been in
the field as they offer audio
support to the many athletic
events, assemblies, and presentations here at the school.
Students are also looking
forward to shifting gears as
far as athletics and are preparing to meet the audio needs of
outdoor events such baseball.
Meco Shaw from Taylor
Hall is our Student of the
Month. Good job and keep up
the nice work.
Meco Shaw
Radio Broadcasting
Student of the Month
Jerrell Hoston
Student of the Month
took winter sports team photographs. Students assisted in the
setup and design of studio
lighting necessary for each location.
Students have been assisting in photographic coverage
of winter athletic and educational events. Digital SLR
cameras and flashes are used
for all of these assignments.
Students are training in operation of equipment under a variety of lighting conditions.
Students are also learning how
to balance available light with
flash for a natural look.
Microsoft PowerPoint has
been introduced to advanced
students in the shop and others
are learning how to setup, design, and organize images into
a slide show.
Jerrell Hoston is our Student of the Month. Nice job
and keep up the good work.
Automotive Technology
students get hands-on
The students in the Automotive Technology Shop have
been working to acquire many skills that can give them a
jump start if they choose to pursue further training or can
lead to an entry level position in the automotive repair field.
Students have been learning
the proper way to do oil
changes, tire rotations and balancings, tuneups, and more.
These skills prove to be the
foundation of the skill set that
every mechanic must have.
Matthew Friedauer is our
Student of the Month. He
brings a good work ethic and a
genuine interest in learning to
class every day.
Building Trades
students acquire
building skills
Students in the Building Trades class have been learning
general construction skills while building a storage shed.
In the construction process, students have learned many
skills, including framing and roofing.
This project has proven to be an on-going hands-on
learning piece for our students.
Students in the Masonry program
also helped with building the
platform for the shed.
Thomas Brion is our Student
of the Month. He has been doing
a nice job in our program and expect him to continue as he works
on his curriculum work.
Good job.
Aspiring disc jockeys Storm Howard and Ameer Mills
produce and air their own shows on WZZE, 97.3 F.M.
SPRING 2013 17
Matthew Friedauer
Automotive Technology
Student of the Month
Photography students get
the picture
The Photography Lab students have been very busy
with many learning opportunities. Students recently completed display prints for Dr.
Randy Ireson’s new office.
Students were involved in the
printing, spray mounting, and
framing of the photographic
display that will greet guests
and show them some of the
rich history of the school.
The students also recently
Thomas Brion
Building Trades
Student of the Month
Auto Body students learn skills
The students in the Auto Body program here at the Glen Mills
Schools have been learning marketable skills as they work their
way through the curriculum.
Students have worked on many projects recently which have
included a variety of skills sets. Student have worked on dent
pulling, sanding, finishing, and more during class time. These
projects provide good learning opportunities for the students.
Students also learn to work safely in our program as employers do not want lost man hours from their employees. Safety is
job #1 in the Auto Body Shop and this is emphasized on a daily
Athan Ballester from Hayes Hall is our Student of the Month.
He has demonstrated safe working habits as he continues to learn
about the field.
Good job and keep up the nice work.
Athan Ballester
Auto Body
Student of the Month
Masonry students learn
from real-world projects
Students in the Masonry Shop often have the opportunity to work on real-world projects. Building a foundation for a new storage shed for the Building Trades
program is a great example of this.
Students learned the basics of building this foundation and then put that knowledge to work in the construction of a 10x10 block foundation. Students learned
how to use a tamper, a level,
and a string line. Once the
foundation was completed,
our aspiring masons filled it in
with 3/4 inch modified stone.
During construction of the
shed, students also were able
to observe and learn some
basic framing skills.
Tyler Briel is our Student
of the Month. Nice job.
Tyler Briel
Student of the Month
Barber students learn
different techniques
Among other skills, the students in the Barbering program
here at Glen Mills continue to
learn fade and taper techniques.
Students continue to study
and test on various subjects
from Milady textbooks and
workbooks. Students have also
been learning visually with instructional DVDs on different
methods and techniques of
clipper cutting.
Students also learn to understand the importance of socializing in a professional
manner within a working environment. Additionally, students learned the importance
of a budget and studied financial situations and taxes that
apply to owning and operating
a barber shop.
Our aspiring barbers also
completed approximately 700
haircuts this month. Students
will continue to perform sanitization standards and maintenance procedures on all
implements, tools, and equipment.
We would like to congratulate Jalil Pilgrim from Jefferson Hall for being our Student
of the Month.
Jalil Pilgrim
Student of the Month
Landscaping students
prepare for spring
As winter comes to a close,
the students in the Landscaping program are learning how
to use the rotary lawn mower
because before we know it,
spring will have sprung. This
means fast growing grass will
need to be cut.
First and foremost, students
are learning about safety by
watching the safety films,
through lecture, and identifying potential dangers of landscaping equipment.
Rotary mowers are popular
because of their low cost, easy
maneuverability, and simple
maintenance. The spinning
mower blade cuts the grass
blade on impact. Students
learn that most rotary mowers
cannot produce a high-quality
cut when set to mow lower
than one inch. They are, however, versatile and work well
on taller grasses and weeds,
for mulching grass clippings,
and for general trimming.
Students also took advantage of the winter months to
repair, clean, and maintain our
Angel Ayala from Madison
Hall is our Student of the
Month. Great job and keep up
the nice work.
SPRING 2013 13
Video Productions students
record the action
The students in the Video Productions Shop have the opportunity to get a video record of the
many exciting events here on the
Glen Mills campus. This also
helps us chronicle the history of
the school. One of these events
was the recent exciting visit from
Dr. Eugene Richardson, a member of the famed Tuskegee Airmen.
Our students have also videotaped the live action of the Glen
Mills wrestling matches and basketball games. These tapes then
turn into great teaching tools for
our coaches.
Stehpan Brooks is our Student
of the Month. He has done a nice
Print students get training
The students in the
Graphic Communications
and Printing Technology
job and we are hopeful that he
Shop have been busy learnwill continue to do so.
ing skills with many handson projects.
Students have been working on several items, including powerlifting registration
and meet result cards that
record the individual lifts. We
are also developing a new
scorecard design for the Golf
Course at Glen Mills. Futhermore, we are designing and
printing covers for the student portfolios.
Students also have had the
chance to layout weekend
package covers for the units
Stephan Brooks
on campus. These desktop
Video Productions
Student of the Month publishing opportunities give
our students a chance to de-
velop their skills if they
choose to pursue further
Maliq Manly is our Student of the Month. Great job.
Student of the Month
Maliq Manley works on
the ABDick 9980 press.
Photo by James Reed
Art and Design students develop artistic talent
Angel Ayala
Student of the Month
The Art and Design Shop is
proud to announce that Azier
Pugh from Jackson Hall has
earned Artist of the Month
honors for his hard work in our
Pugh is working towards his
level 100 certificate and is very
helpful in the classroom. He is
also always eager to help others.
Computer and commercial
art projects are a weekly part
of the Art and Design curriculum. The students are also busy
working with Adobe Illustrator
and creating new designs and
layouts for greeting cards,
posters, unit projects, and
weekend boards. Having these
skills will enable our artists to
get a head start as they further
their education in the art world.
Students are also learning to
create new designs on the computers for Student of the
Month logos. Our aspiring
artists have also taken on another project and are working
on new ideas for the new
Bulls For Life Club. We are
looking forward to seeing what
our talented and creative students come up with.
Azier Pugh
Art and Design
Student of the Month
Art and Design students Wilfredo Juarbe, Joezell Smith, and Roger Rivera proudly
display some of their recent work.
Barber Antwan Patterson works on his skills as he gives
Marcus Tamoney a haircut.
Dauwud Coles concentrates while giving a
haircut to Bradley Scheurle.
April 25th
27th Annual Career Day at the
Glen Mills Schools
Charles Nicholson is the
Buchanan Hall Student of
the Month. This GED recipient is looking forward to becoming a member of the
Bulls Club and is learning
Career and Technical Education skills in our Building
Trades program.
Good job and keep up the
nice work!
Charles Nicholson
Buchanan Hall
Student of the Month
Saul Landis is the Fillmore Hall Student of the
Month. This Bulls Club
member has earned his GED
and is learning skills in the
Video Productions Shop.
Landis was also a manager on the varsity basketball team. He has made a
homepass and enjoys playing football and basketball.
Matthew Tran is the Jefferson Hall Student of the
Tran has earned a 400
level certificate at the Golf
Course. He is also a member
of the Bulls Club and has
earned a GED.
Tran is also on the powerlifting team.
Matthew Tran
Jefferson Hall
Student of the Month
Hayes Hall has named
Joshua Luke their Student
of the Month.
Luke is learning skills in
the Automotive Technology
Center and is a member of
the Bulls Club. Luke is also
on the wrestling team.
Nice job and keep up the
good work.
Kytonn Hatchett is the
Johnson Hall Student of the
Hatchett is a member of
th Bulls Club and serves the
unit as an executive. He also
enjoys learning skills in the
Culinary Arts program.
Good job and keep up the
nice work.
Myster Calloway
Polk Hall
Student of the Month
Israel Crane
Taylor Hall
Student of the Month
Madison Hall has recognized Clarence Byrd for
earning their Student of the
Month honors.
This Landscaping student
is working hard to earn a
GED and is looking forward
to becoming a member of the
Bulls Club.
Clarence Byrd
Madison Hall
Student of the Month
Allen Smith is the Tyler
Hall Student of the Month.
This Bulls Club member is
learning skills in the Video
Productions Shop and did
well on his GED exam.
He enjoys playing soccer
and was recognized for having an outstanding essay on
Israel Crane is the Taylor
Hall Student of the Month.
Crane, who is learning skills
in the Golf House Management program, is a Bulls
Club member and was a key
member on the wrestling
team. He was also on the
football team and enjoys
Daekwon Smith
Jackson Hall
Student of the Month
Robert Mack is the Lincoln Hall Student of the
Mack, who is learning
skills in the Residential Carpentry program, was on the
football and track teams. He
also gave a presentation to
the Board of Managers on
the Tuskegee Airmen.
Robert Mack
Lincoln Hall
Student of the Month
Kytonn Hatchett
Johnson Hall
Student of the Month
Myster Calloway is the
Polk Hall Student of the
Month. This Bulls Club
member is in the Culinary
Arts program and enjoys
He recently completed the
basketball season.
Nice job and keep up the
good work.
Joshua Luke
Hayes Hall
Student of the Month
Saul Landis
Fillmore Hall
Student of the Month
Daekwon Smith is the
Jackson Hall Student of the
Month. Smith is learning
Career and Technical Education skills in the Dental
Center and has earned his
Bulls status. Smith is also an
executive in the unit and has
had a successful homepass.
He was also a finalist in the
essay contest about
Allen Smith
Tyler Hall
Student of the Month
Shiheem Spencer is the
Van Buren Hall Student of
the Month. This Bulls Club
member is learning skills in
the Indoor Maintenence program and has earned his
GED. Spencer is also an executive and was a key member of the varsity basketball
Shiheem Spencer
Van Buren Hall
Student of the Month