ALL-STAR CHEER Team Handbook 2015


ALL-STAR CHEER Team Handbook 2015
Team Handbook
2015-2016 Season
iNFiNiTi Athletics, Inc.
1300 Melissa Drive, Suite 100, Bentonville, AR 72712
Welcome to the iNFiNiTi Athletics All-Star Cheer Program! Our mission is to create a positive
environment that will enrich the lives of our athletes by teaching the value of hard work,
commitment, & teamwork while providing the fundamental building blocks to be successful and
confident in all aspects of life.
This handbook will cover the tryout process and general guidelines for the
season and included forms required for the 2015-16 Cheer Season.
All handbook rules apply to participation at the gym and at all other
venues. This includes competitions, clinics, and any other activity
attended by the iNFiNiTi All Star Cheerleaders.
We look forward to a fun, positive, and rewarding season. Thank you in
advance for your dedication in allowing this to be a successful program for
everyone involved.
Placement Evaluations
Pre-Placement – April 27th – May 7th 2015
Final Placement Day - May 9th, 2015
There are 3-4 pre-placement sessions for each athlete
to attend prior to final placement evaluations on May 9th.
Following the May 9th evaluations, iNFiNiTi staff will
meet to assemble the tentative team rosters for the
upcoming season. Our focus is to assemble teams
that will have the best possible chance of a successful
competitive season. Each team will be comprised of a
variety of athletes with a variety of talents.
Within 48 hours of tryouts, the tentative team
assignments will be posted to our web site (all team
placements are tentative and any changes will be
finalized by late July). Each team will have an introductory team practice the week of May 11th where they
will meet their teammates and coaches and have their first practice. The summer practice schedule will be
finalized by May 16th with full Summer practices starting the week of May 18th. All registration paperwork
with your first month’s payment is due no later than your first practice. The Fall practice schedule and
Season Competition Schedule will be finalized by June 1st.
Unfortunately, we cannot determine how many or what levels of teams we will have until after tryouts are
complete. Typically all athletes who attend tryouts will be selected for a team, however, if we have a
number of athlete’s with a variety of levels that do not fit into one of the competitive teams then these
athlete’s may be placed in classes in preparation for one of our Fall iNFiNiTi Prep Teams.
2 | P a g e Placement Evaluations (continued)
$75 tryout fee for new athletes on Day 1 of Pre-Placements ($20 for returning athletes)
Picture of athlete trying out with completed Cheerleader Information Form
Completed Family Commitment & Financial Commitment Forms
Wear black shorts and black top, tennis shoes, no jewelry, & have your hair in a high pony tail
Parents: There will be a meeting held with all NEW parents while the cheerleaders are being
evaluated on May 9 . Returning parent meetings are May 6 & May 7
• Parents are not allowed in the gym during tryouts – tryouts are closed.
Ages 11 & Under: 9:00 a.m.
Ages 12 & Up: 11:00 a.m.
Costs & Time Commitments
Competitive cheerleading, while not as costly as some youth
activities, can still be an expensive sport. Please carefully
consider the financial commitment involved. At iNFiNiTi, we are
as up-front with our costs as possible to avoid unexpected
expenses throughout the season. We have “all-inclusive”
pricing plans that cover practically ALL of the expenses
needed to be a part of the competitive cheer team.
Tuition Rates:
The finalized 2015-16 tuition rates will be provided at placement check-in. Expect to pay between $225$275 per month plus down payment – REMEMBER, this includes everything required for the season.
* iNFiNiTi has 4 payment plans available – monthly plan, installment plan, fees up front, & pay in full.
* Our pricing includes nearly everything needed for an entire season.
* Team members receive discounts on additional classes, merchandise, and events!
Tuition Prices Includes:
All team practices & weekly tumble class.
Full Cheer Uniform
1 Pair of Cheer Shoes
3 Practice Tops
1 Practice Hair Bow
1 Competition Hair Bow
Base Competition Make-Up
Choreography Camp (including meals)
Choreography & Music Fee
Competition Fees (excludes Summit)
Personalized Car Decal
USASF Registration Fees
Discounts on Open Gyms & Stunting
Year-End Banquet for Cheerleader
3 | P a g e Not Included in Tuition Pricing:
Travel Expenses
Optional Clinics
Summit Fees (if qualified add $450 plus
lodging, travel, and food expenses)
Cheerleading is a sport that requires total commitment. This year round commitment to the team must
be taken very seriously. It is important that all team members attend all practices and competitions.
This requires time management skills and involvement in other activities will need to be arranged
around cheerleading practice schedules and competition dates. One member missing practice results
in a poor practice for the rest of the team. It is also very important to arrive on time to all practices so
that the team is able to warm up and get stretched so we can begin practice as a team.
The average time an All-star will spend in the gym will be approximately 6-8 hours. This amount of time
is very limiting given the amount of categories that an all-star will practice on and compete. We do
support school and religious required events first; however, missing a practice because of other
reasons is not acceptable (this includes homework, family trips, and other recreational activities).
We ask for a seasonal commitment from each athlete (and family). Our season runs from May until the
following April; If for some unfortunate reason, you do not complete your obligation, you will not
be refunded any tuition, money spent on fees, fundraising monies, etc. If you quit the team after
Labor Day - there will be a $350 withdrawal fee.
If you are in town you need to be at practice unless approved otherwise prior to missing practice.
Attendance is critical to team success and any time a cheerleader is absent for any reason it directly
impacts the rest of the team being able to practice effectively. Excused absences are considered Doctor
excused illness or injury, pre-planned family vacation, or family emergency – while we do understand
these types of absences will happen, any cheerleader with an excessive amount of absences or reliability
concerns will be discussed and their spot on the team can be in jeopardy. Any situations that regard
attendance or absence will need to be presented to the coaches far in advance.
Please report any upcoming excused absences to your coach at least 2 weeks prior to the
absences. Missing practice for any reason within 2 weeks prior to a competition will jeopardize your
spot in the routine for that competition. Missing practice the week of competition will result in being
benched for that competition. Being late to practice or leaving early is also very damaging to the
teams practices. The first two tardies or leaving practice early will be a warning, after the third, it will
be considered an unexcused absence. If you are injured or sick (fever, contagious illness, vomiting
excluded), you are still expected to attend practice so you may see any and all changes that affect
the team. In addition, you must provide a doctor note with detailed information regarding any illness
or injury that will prohibit an athlete from participating or attending. If an athlete has a school function that results in a grade or has a required school event, this will be
excused. Social school and non-school functions/activities are unexcused. 4 | P a g e COMMUNICATION & MISC INFORMATION
Please check-in with your designated “Team Parent” to make sure you are not missing any information
being sent out. Both iNFiNiTi and the Team Parent will be communicating with you regularly with details
on upcoming events, planning for competition, and any general coaches or gym information.
It is extremely important that our records be kept current. Please update on-line any changes to your
address, email address, telephone number(s), and/or medical information for the cheerleader.
All routines/choreography including cheers, dances, stunts, transitions, and tumbling should be highly
protected and shall not be shown or discussed with others. INFiNiTi choreography should not be taught
or copied to anyone without the consent of iNFiNiTi. NO VIDEOS of routines, choreography, or tryout
material should be uploaded to any social network sites such as YOUTUBE or Facebook, etc… Only
Jim Mootz can approve the use of the iNFiNiTi name and logo and anything created without our
approval will not be acceptable and cannot be used.
Yes! School cheer is a great avenue for learning how to truly cheer for a team and lead school spirit.
We work to support our kids doing both as much as possible. There are times when All-Star
Competitions and practices must be a priority, but this will be outside of your school competitive cheer
season. We want to be balanced and will work our schedules as much as possible not to conflict with
school cheer. Communication is key! We want to see our All-Stars as the cheerleaders for their
individual schools, and we want to train them to better their school cheer as well.
iNFiNiTi requests that parents limit watching practice to one practice per month. Our Annex building
(CLUB Bldg.) will be closed to all spectators for the 2015-16 season. For liability reasons, we cannot
have parents or siblings in the gymnasium areas at any time unless at the request of a coach. If
you need to speak with a coach, please leave a message at the front desk, or email them. The coach’s
responsibility during scheduled practice time is to the team. The coach can best address your questions
or concerns outside of the normal practice and competition times.
For the safety of the cheerleaders, parents should refrain from distracting them at any time. This
includes speaking with a cheerleader, giving direction, coaching or gesturing in any way during practice
or at competitions. You will be asked to leave if there is any interference with the cheerleaders. Your
cooperation is greatly appreciated to ensure the safety of all the cheerleaders.
Please be on time and prepared for practices. Hair must be in a high pony no more than 4” from the
hairline, practice bow in, wearing appropriate clothing, and cheer shoes on. No jewelry, no gum & no
phones are allowed in the gym.
Each team has 1-hour of required tumbling each week as part of practice time to the All-Star program.
As you may know, tumbling has a very important role in all-star cheerleading and we have created
special All-Star classes that will last the entire season in order for the cheerleaders to improve their
tumbling skills throughout the competition season. These classes are included in your monthly tuition
and are mandatory – not optional! In addition, iNFiNiTi offers a discount for All-Star Team Members if
they wish to take additional tumble classes. Fliers will have a required weekly flier class to work on and
improve skills needed to compete as an iNFiNiTi Athletics flier.
Members of iNFiNiTi All-Stars may not compete as a member of another All-Start competitive
cheerleading team. Competitions are not optional and all team members are required to participate in
every competition. Out of town competitions will require travel which parents will be responsible for their
own travel arrangements and cost. If a parent is unable to attend a competition, they must make
arrangements with other parents for transportation, and accommodations if overnight is required.
Fundraising helps to defer some of the costs incurred as a member of the cheerleading program. We
strongly encourage you to participate in various fundraising events throughout the year. We will have a
Lead Parent volunteer to coordinate the Fundraising activities for the year. With effort and organization
fundraising can go a long way to help cover the cost of your children. All fundraising can be applied
directly towards your tuition/fees.
iNFiNiTi will not be coordinating fundraising events or be responsible for fundraising directly but will
support the efforts of the parents involved and will help promote any fundraising material and will allow
the use of our facility to assist based on availability.
Sponsorship forms are available from iNFiNiTi and parents are encouraged to either sell sponsorships
to businesses or individuals or become a sponsor themselves if possible. We have a great program that
will help local businesses advertise while helping to assist the financial needs of children interested in
All-Star Cheerleading.
iNFiNiTi has a very limited amount of scholarships available upon approval for families in financial
need. The scholarship program is funded through donations, advertising packages, and iNFiNiTi
driven fundraisers. If you are in need of assistance please let either the iNFiNiTi Management or
your team coach know at any time. If you are interested in donating to the scholarship fund please
contact a member of iNFiNiTi Management.
6 | P a g e UNIFORM
Uniform fittings will take place in August and we anticipate uniform delivery to be in October. Cheer
shoes will be ordered in May for arrival in late June. Cheer shoes should only to be worn to practice
and competitions so they will hold up for the entire season. Uniforms must be worn at all times at all
cheer competitions as an iNFiNiTi Cheerleader. Additional shoes can be ordered through iNFiNiTi.
It is mandatory that all Cheerleaders attend Stunt Camp and Choreography Camp. Stunt
camp will be between June 18th & June 21st. Choreography camp is between July 26th & August 2nd.
There will be a few optional camps throughout the summer as well as a SWIFT Fit Summer
Conditioning program. We highly recommend SWIFT Fit Workout class for all cheerleaders.
iNFiNiTi All-Stars Rules and Regulations
Parents and cheerleaders should remember to be respectful and courteous to others at all times. A
positive attitude and good sportsmanship are integral parts of the cheerleading program. The
behaviors below as well as all others mentioned in this handbook encourage teamwork and must be
Members may be reviewed for any infractions of rules listed in this handbook or posted in the gym.
1. Social Media – comments regarding iNFiNiTi, team members, other gyms, etc... should be
made only in a positive fashion. NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS! If you see inappropriate
comments at any time please report them to our Cheer Director immediately and do not respond
to them.
2. No gossip about any other team or gyms (school or all-star)
3. No smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages or use of drugs. This will warrant immediate
dismissal from the squad.
4. Challenging the authority of the coach or person in charge, by student or parent, will be
automatic dismissal from team.
5. Abusive behavior, lying or any other negative form of behavior is ground for dismissal.
6. Each member will follow all rules and guidelines given by the coach or person in charge.
7. Any negative behavior towards an INFiNiTi member or to another gym will result in dismissal
from the team.
8. Be respectful of the facility and always take care when using equipment and pick up after
yourself in all areas of the facility. Set an example to others by being respectful at all times.
9. Inappropriate dress attire is not tolerated (including visible mid-riffs, low cut tops, shorts
worn too short, etc…)
10. No profanity or abusive language.
11. We want our All-stars to use the gym as often as possible, but no child should be dropped off at
the gym unsupervised.
7 | P a g e Leadership
1. Each member must be aware that no person has a right to be on the iNFiNiTi All-Stars
Cheer Team, it is a privilege.
2. Each member and parent must be aware of the responsibilities required & the
commitment he or she is making to the team.
3. Each member must be willing to cooperate with and be helpful to the coach or any
person in charge.
4. Each member must realize the manner in which they conduct themselves while
representing iNFiNiTi All-Stars directly reflects on the entire squad and coaches.
5. Each member will be willing to work hard, take directions, and strive for excellence.
1. Members will set and maintain the highest examples of behavior.
2. Members will maintain the proper appearance with no extremes in apparel, extreme
hairstyles or colors, or unsafe piercings. Coach’s decision is final.
4. Members will do everything in their power to achieve personal and squad goals.
5. Each member is responsible for finding out any missed information.
6. All cheerleaders will be on a 60-day team placement probationary period.
Three Strike Rule
iNFiNiTi has a 3-strike rule to help ensure respect and discipline is in place with all cheerleaders
at all times. The purpose of this rule is to uphold team member accountability for the team
commitment they have each made at the beginning of the season and is a disciplinary rule for
those times when a team member may not be meeting that commitment they made to the team,
to you as a parent, and to iNFiNiTi. Here is how it works:
Strike 1- Any time a team member is not meeting their commitment (i.e. displaying appropriate
behavior and attitude, treating iNFiNiTi and others with respect, coming to practice, etc...) they
will be given a strike and removed from practice (either for a portion of practice or the entire
practice depending on severity).
Strike 2- same reason as strike 1, however this will be entire practice and parents will be notified
Strike 3 - same reasons and this will result in a meeting between their coach, team member,
parent, and a Director to determine if they are eligible to remain on the team
Parental obligations
1. Make sure your son/daughter is on time and attends all practices and events.
2. Parents are to inform the coaches if the student is to be late or absent from practice.
3. Parents need to check with the front desk frequently for any new team information.
4. Please do not send messages of important information through someone else.
5. Parents are to fulfill any financial obligations on time
6. Parents are to encourage and support your child to be the best they can be.
7. Any negative behavior towards an iNFiNiTi member, the iNFiNiTi Gym, iNFiNiTi staff
member, or to another gym, via any medium, will result in dismissal from the team.
8 | P a g e iNFiNiTi All-Star Cheerleaders
Please make sure you are ready for this!
This sport requires a lot of dedication, support, cooperation, hard work, and team unity.
If you answer No to any of the following questions, please re-evaluate your decision to join our
All-Star Cheer Program and make sure you will be able to fulfill your commitment.
Ø Can you dedicate 100% effort at practices & competitions as required?
Ø Will you be able to travel to all cheer competitions?
Ø Are you a team player?
Ø Are you able to meet the financial obligations for cheer functions?
Ø Can you handle constructive criticism without being negative towards coaches?
Ø Can you always demonstrate good sportsmanship?
Ø Are you willing to help a fellow squad member when needed and show them respect?
If you have answered yes to the above questions, then we welcome you to our team. We
look forward to helping you be the best you can be and achieve success from your hard
~ iNFiNiTi
All teams will have an information meeting during their first week of practice. This meeting will go
over the coach’s expectations of your new team. Please make plans to attend this meeting.
9 | P a g e Family
Cheerleader & Parent Agreement
have read and fully understand the rules and regulations, which will govern
my son/daughter as he/she has chosen to represent iNFiNiTi Athletics. I
further understand that attendance at all practices, competitions,
performances, meeting the financial obligation, and choreography camp is
required to participate with iNFiNiTi Athletics competitive All-Star Cheer
Teams. If I have a concern or conflict that I would like to discuss, I will have
this discussion in private with the coach or iNFiNiTi management outside of
the normal practice time and never at a competition, and will not participate in
negative side conversations with other parents or with cheerleaders but will
address direct my concerns with iNFiNiTi Coaches or Management only.
I,________________________________________(participant) shall
fulfill all of the requirements to the best of my ability as set forth in the
Policies & Guidelines Handbook. I have read these policies and
understand that if I fail to maintain these rules, I will be removed from
the Team.
As the parent/guardian, I hereby give my consent for,
______________________________to be a cheerleader for iNFiNiTi
Athletics All-Star Cheer program.
Parent signature
Participant signature
Return this page (completed) at placement check-in.
10 | P a g e Financial
Return this page (completed) at placement check-in.
Financial Commitment
I have read the Tuition/Fee Information and fully understand my commitment to iNFiNiTi Athletics
outlined in this Tryout Packet. I understand that my commitment is for the 2015-2016 All-Star competitive
season. I understand that I am giving my credit card/debit card information and that information will be
used if I do not meet payment deadlines to iNFiNiTi Athletics. I understand that I will forfeit any monies
paid if I choose to leave a team or am asked to leave the program and that there are no refunds when
leaving the team. If I choose to leave the team, there may be additional fees due if I am on the Monthly
payment plan and if I quit after Labor Day there is a $350 withdrawal fee. I understand that I am entering
into this program of my own free will.
Parent Signature: _________________________________________ Date:____________________
Name as it appears on the card: ______________________________________________
Billing Address:____________________________________________________________
Card Type: __________ Credit Card Number: ______________________ Exp. Date: ___/___
Card Holder’s Signature:_____________________________________________________
Cheerleader’s Name:_________________ _______________________________________
Select one option below – if you plan to bring in payment at the beginning of each month then
check the 1st box – if you want your payment automatically charged each month, check box 2.
Do Not Charge Card unless I have not paid by the 11th of the month
Please charge my Card on the 3rd of Every Month as auto-pay
EVERYONE is required to submit credit card/debit card information to have on file.
It is your responsibility to inform the front desk of any changes to this card.
Monthly fees are billed to your iNFiNiTi account on the 1st of every month. Payment is expected
on or before the 10th. This credit card will be charged for any outstanding balance on the 11 of
the month.
** Due to the timing of tryouts, May charges will be run after team placements are announced. **
11 | P a g e Photo
Birthdate:____________________ Age on August 31st:___________Grade:_________
Cheerleader Email:________________________________________
Cheerleader Cell:__________________________________________
Parent Email:_____________________________________________
Parent Cell:_______________________________________________
Home Address:____________________________________________
Home Phone:_____________________________________________
Are you a school cheerleader? If so, what school?_____________________________
Did you cheer last year?
If yes - was it an iNFiNiTi full year, iNFiNiTi prep, or another gym? _________________
Return this page (completed) at placement check-in. 12 | P a g e