January - Employees Recreation Association


January - Employees Recreation Association
Employees Recreation Association Newsletter
January 2015 Check out our newly re-designed website at www.ga-era.org – check back often for
regular updates on new deals, clubs, and events, and view current & past newsletters
2015 GA ERA
Board of Directors
Torrey Pines Site, Building G10-700:
Open Tuesday through Friday
— Katherine Partain
Closed Mondays
Vice President
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Office: 858-455-3305
Fax: 858-455-3302
E-mail: ERA.Office@ga.com
— Jaime Leyva
— Lucy McGovern
— Vacant
Adult Social Director
— Mike Moreno
Children's Social Director
— Roxanne Dierking
— Theresa Juarez
ASI Poway ERA Office, Stowe Complex
Bldg. A15 Room 2202:
Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, & all Payday Fridays
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Office: 858-312-4133
Sabre Springs Site, Bldg. A05A Room 152
Open all Payday Fridays, 11 am - 4 pm
Office Phone: 858-312-3693
Newsletter Editor
— Michelle Metschel
General Director
— Gabby Morfin
General Director
— Tonya Aubuchon
Hi Desert General Director
— Mike Cerda
► Andrea Saenz
Newsletter Contest:
Look for your name hidden
somewhere in the newsletter
and win a prize! Contact
Michelle Metschel to claim
your prize at:
Each office representative for the Satellite Offices keeps her/his own
“office hours” for ERA products. Also, please see the pages on ordering
tickets for various attractions and goods for sale.
The GA ERA Satellite Reps. are:
Trish Cahhal-Simpson (Bldg. A3 ASI, Rancho
Krishna Clay (Gray Butte Admin Bldg.)
Susie Castaneda (El Mirage)
Susan Duffy (Sabre Springs, Bldg. A05A)
Donna Hernandez (Rancho Bernardo Bldg. 90)
Cheryl Markowitz (Adelanto)
Christina Swaringen ( Poway Bldg. 17)
When visiting our satellite reps in Rancho Bernardo to purchase merchandise or tickets,
please contact them first to make sure they are available to assist you.
Trish Cahhal-Simpson, Bldg. 3 MS at 858-762-5810 or
Donna Hernandez Bldg. 90 EMS at 858-676-7188.
Thank you
Newsletter Delivery Modes
Currently the GA ERA monthly newsletter is delivered electronically as an e-mail attachment in PDF format, and posted on the ERA website at www.ga-era.org
Do you know of an ERA Member not receiving their Newsletter?
Please let us know! If you have a GA e-mail address and are not receiving the newsletter
electronically please let us know your address. If you do not have a GA e-mail address
we can send the newsletter to your personal e-mail address if you provide it to us. If you
change your personal e-mail address you must let us know the new e-mail address if you
wish to keep receiving the newsletter. You can also get to your GA e-mail from off-site if
you have a user ID and password. Please see your IT folks if you do not have a user ID
and password set up. If you do not know if you have a GA e-mail address please look up
your name in the company on-line directory.
Bounced Check Policy
The ERA has always accepted personal checks as payment for purchases of merchandise and
attraction tickets, as well as many ERA sponsored events. If your check is returned due to insufficient funds, then you will be charged a $6.00 bank returned check fee. You will be notified by a
member of the ERA staff and your check will be re-deposited the following Friday. If it doesn’t
clear again, you will be charged an additional $6.00 fee. Unfortunately, if you write a check that
bounces, you will no longer be allowed to write checks again to the ERA. You may use cash or
credit cards only for all future ERA purchases. If we do not receive payment for your bounced
check (including the bounced fee payment(s), then you will not be able to purchase any items
from the ERA store or participate in ERA-sponsored events. Also, you will not get a refund for
your membership in the ERA.
The ERA appreciates your business, but we must also be financially responsible to limit
losses to the ERA.
Your ERA Staff
ERA Board Meeting Schedule
All meetings are tentatively planned to be held at lunchtime in G07-120 (except where noted as
we don’t always get the room), at the Torrey Pines site. Meetings are open to all ERA members.
Club Presidents are especially encouraged to attend. Please contact Katherine Partain to get the
exact location if you are interested in joining us.
GA ERA Upcoming 2015 Meetings: January 20, 2015
March 17, 2015
May 19, 2015
2015 ERA Elec on Results ‐ Winners
Officers – 1 year term – ending on Dec. 31, 2015 President – Katherine Partain Vice President – Jaime Leyva Secretary – Lucy McGovern Treasurer – Vacant Directorships are 2 year terms – ending on Dec. 31, 2016 Children’s Social Director – Roxanne Dierking General Director – Tonya Aubuchon High Desert General Director – Michael Cerda 2015 GA ERA Board Officers – 1 year term – ending on Dec. 31, 2015 President Katherine Partain Vice President Jaime Leyva Secretary Lucy McGovern Treasurer Vacant Directorships are 2 year terms – ending on Dec. 31, 2015 Adult Social Director Mike Moreno Vending Director Theresa Juarez Newsle er Editor Michelle Metschel General Director Gabby Morfin Directorships are 2 year terms – ending on Dec. 31, 2016 Children’s Social Director Roxanne Dierking General Director Tonya Aubuchon High Desert General Director Michael Cerda Appointed Posi ons: Webmaster Andrea Saenz 3
These are the Clubs that are currently sponsored by the GA ERA:
Basketball Club
Jon Sheeder
Katherine Partain
Sid Schipper
Larry Boysen
Cycling & Triathlon
George Spalding
Fit-Fun in Training
Karen Fawcett
Rubber Stamp
Donna Oellien
Vlad Nicolayeff
Larry Hanson
Crystal Kuss
Toastmasters ASI Poway
Jacqueline Silva
Toastmasters RB
Diana Hagerty
Norman Ravelo
Welcome All Divers,
My name is Larry Hanson and I am the President of the GA ERA SCUBA Club. We are official now and looking
for all those who have an interest in the undersea world. We are a very young club and just beginning to get
things running. Currently the only chapter of our club is in the High Desert (El Mirage/Gray Bu e area) but
we would like to expand to all loca ons of GA.
If you are interested in diving (either a novice or advanced) you are more than welcome to join. Our goals
for the future are to conduct training classes, sponsor both shore and boat charter dives and perhaps (if we
can get enough people ac ve in the club) put on a dive to even more exo c loca ons. (How does Fuji, Hawaii,
Belize or the Bahamas sound?)
So, if you are up for adventure and wish to be directly involved in how the club will grow – please contact me
at Larry.Hanson@ga‐asi.com 5
The GA ERA Camera Club sponsors lunch hour compe
ons throughout the year for members. A variety of subject and open categories are featured. Images are posted and can be viewed on the camera club website at gacameraclub.com. Check this out to see some of our recent work and review our current calendar. All ERA members are welcome to join ($10 per year dues), visitors welcome to observe. We also feature an annual banquet early in the year where top images from the previous year are featured and judged by an outside professional with awards given. A photo workshop at one of the GA campuses and a local photo field trip are also part of our yearly mee ngs. This is a great opportunity to hone your photographic skills and pick up some new ideas. Contact Larry Boysen larry.boysen@ga.com (858) 455-2633 for addi onal informa on. 6
Torrey Pines Chapter of the GA ERA Bible Club
Meets every Monday from 12:00 noon to 1:00
p.m. in G15-224
Study format is Book-Chapter-Verse. Current
book of study is II Corinthians
Everyone is welcome. You do not have to be a
member of the Bible Club to attend. Club contact:
And let us consider one another to provoke
unto love and to good works: 25Not forsaking the
assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and
so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25 (KJV)
Bible Studies – Adelanto Chapter
Meets every Wednesday: 10:00‐10:30am
(all welcome)
Conference Room 3
Studying II Corinthians Contact:
Phil Cardozo x2671 or Cheryl Markowitz x2778
Meets every Thursday: 11:00‐11:30am
(all welcome)
Conference Room 3
Studying Romans Contact:
Phil Cardozo x2671 or Cheryl Markowitz x2778
Bible Studies – Poway – ASI
Tuesday, 12–1 pm, bldg. A18, conf. rm. 1005
Contacts: John.Hammond@ga-asi.com • 858-524-8961
John.Colclough@ga-asi.com • 858-312-4624
Tuesday (women only), 12–12:30 pm, bldg. A15, purchasing conf. rm.
Contact: Araceli.Orona@ga-asi.com • 858-312-2241
Wednesday, 12–1 pm, bldg. A23, conf. rm. 2108
Contact: Michael.Toleno@ga-asi.com • 858-312-3959
Thursday, 11:30 am – noon, bldg. A18, conf. rm. 1338
Contact: James.Polk@ga-asi.com • 858-312-4109
The GA‐ASI Human Resources Department had a li le door decora ng compe on called “Winter Wonderland”. This event created a fun and fes ve atmosphere in the HR suites. Please enjoy their write‐up of the event and accompanying pictures. We have the winners for our 2014 Winter Door Decora ng comple on. The judges were in a long
delibera on and faced some tough challenges in determining the winner. They based their vo ng on
the following criteria: Visual Impact, Cra smanship, Completeness, Originality, and Winter Wonder‐
land Applica on. The first place winners receive the coveted trophy to display in their office over the
course of the year (un l out next decora ng compe on).
The entries were amazingly crea ve and so much energy went into the compe on. We were really
so impressed with ALL of our entries that we are presen ng each par cipant with a $5 Starbucks gi
card and a gold medal. Thanks so much for enthusias cally teaming up in crea ng a most fes ve HR
atmosphere for us all to enjoy.
1st Place Winners: Amy Strong Jenn Cordova “Baby It’s Cold Outside”
2nd Place Winner: Darryl Taylor “Frosty Gets a Closer Look”
3rd Place Winners: Sarah Hamann Tareena Oakley Denise Gallion “Reindeer Stable”
Pictures of the Honorable Men ons: Honorable Men on: Stephane Richards “Snowman”
Honorable Men on: Sue Krause Hannah Wright “Fireplace Stockings”
Honorable Men on: Kaylee May Christe Miller “Holiday Tree”
Honorable Men on: Angie Perez Lillian Schnee “Nightmare Before Christmas”
Honorable Men on: JJ Hood Janet Yaws “Santa’s Workshop”
There was a lot of par cipa on in the December 2014 Cookie Exchange. Everyone had a great me and lots and lots of great cookies and snacks were exchanged, eaten, and shared! Building 24 in Poway sent us some wonderful pictures of their entries and par cipants. Congratula ons to the winners of the raffle:
Rania Ba kha—Applebee’s Erica Salazar—Ralph’s Karen Poirier—Costco Wes Laytham—Starbucks 12
We had a great me at Boomers on December 13th! Over 500 adults and children came and had pizza and fun. Please enjoy some of the pictures taken at the event. 13
It was a beau ful evening for a li le cruise around the beau ful San Diego Harbor. We had over 150 people a end the Holiday of Lights Harbor Dinner Cruise with Hornblower of San Diego. There were several other boats boarding at the same me and a big “Thank You” goes out to all of the a endees from General Atomics and their guests who were very pa ent as they waited in line, were organized, and made the process of checking in to board the ship a breeze! The food was excellent, the company even be er, and the sights and sounds of the Holiday of Lights Parade was enjoyed. This event was very popular and we would like to thank everyone involved who helped make it so successful! 15
15 Life Hacks for 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make your phone ba ery last longer by pu ng it on airplane mode whenever it’s dying. Save money without even realizing you’re doing it by pu ng away every five dollar bill you get. Keep your car cleaner by pu ng unused cupcake wrappers in your cup holders. Stop using a gross, dirty keyboard. Slide tape in‐between the keys to clean it quickly and easily. Make extra room in your dresser by stacking clothes ver cally instead of on top of each other. Store bed linen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hun ng through piles to match sheets with pillow cases. 7. Use soap to find a puncture in a re. 8. Put newspaper in the bo om of your trash can to absorb food juices. 9. Put spaghe in a Pringles can to keep it fresh. 10. Place a wooden spoon over a pot of water to keep the water from over‐boiling. 11. Use an egg carton to grow seedlings indoors. 12. Use a post‐it note to catch dust when drilling. 13. See if ba eries are good by bouncing them on a table from 6” high. If they bounce once, they’re good. Any more than that? No good. 14. Use frozen grapes to chill white wine without dilu ng it. 15. Remove permanent marker: From a white board with a dry erase marker or a pencil eraser. On clothes: hand sani zer. On walls: toothpaste or hairspray On wood: rubbing alcohol. 16
GA ERA Newsletter Classified Ad Rules
Please submit ads to Michelle Metschel at: Michelle.Metschel@ga.com
1. The GA ERA does not charge a fee to advertise in the newsletter.
2. Commercial ads must offer GA ERA members a minimum of a 10% discount on prices and it
must be ongoing as a requirement to advertise in the newsletter.
3. E-mail ad(s) as an attachment to Michelle Metschel at: Michelle.Metschel@ga.com with the
subject line: “Newsletter Ad—[Title of Ad]”. Otherwise it will get missed as the editor sorts
e-mails by subject.
4. Personal ads must have a GA ERA member affiliation and use a personal telephone number
and not a GA business telephone number.
5. Commercial ads must use a telephone number other than a GA business telephone number.
6. Advertising from real estate companies, lending agencies, or financial planning agencies is
not accepted.
7. The GA ERA reserves the right to refuse advertising for the newsletter, including, but not limited to, ads deemed illegal or inappropriate.
8. The GA ERA does not endorse the vendors that advertise in the newsletter.
9. Please specify runtime when placing ads. Non-Commercial ads will run 3 times and
then are removed. All other ads need to be renewed in January and June of each year.
If no time is specified for the number of months the ad is to be run, then we run the ad
as space permits. Also, sometimes ads need to get moved around on the various pages. We do this intentionally sometimes to vary the look of the newsletter but sometimes just due to space necessity. Ads are located and sized in the newsletter according to space availability. Ads with expirations dates will be removed when they expire.
10.It matters not how long the ad has been running in the past. If it is not renewed by the advertiser we do not renew it for you. We do not make it a policy to notify advertisers that the time
frame is up.
11.All ads need to be electronic, pdf preferred. Commercial ad size should be 3.5 x 2.0. If your
ad is square or odd shaped please let us know and we will try to assist with sizing.
12.We are all volunteers and must juggle ERA responsibilities along with our regular GA jobs. If
we make a mistake and miss something, we apologize. Please just let us know nicely and
we will fix it.
Newsletter Contest:
Look for your name hidden somewhere in the newsletter and win a gift certificate
worth $25 at the ERA store. You have 30 days to redeem your prize once you get your
certificate. Contact Michelle Metschel to claim your prize at:
All classified ads are due by the 20th of the month for publication in the next month’s issue.
Please send ads to Michelle.Metschel@ga.com Subject: Newsletter Ad
GA-ERA Members and family receive a minimum of 20% off catalog prices,
invites to special events, workshops, and more.
Exclusive Offer for GA-ERA Members
10% off of your Monthly Private
Personal Training PLUS—
1 FREE Trial Session!
GA ERA Members receive a 15% discount
GA-ERA Members — Receive a 20% discount!
GA ERA members receive
10% off.
GA ERA Members receive a 20% discount
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 9am to 7pm
Sat 8am to 4pm
Sundays Closed
607 W San Marcos Blvd Ste. 103, San Marcos CA, 92078
Phone: 760– 471-9292
Email: vidafamilydental@gmail.com
After Christmas Vacation
be n t
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GA eive
10% Discount for GA ERA Members
GA ERA Members receive 10%
Discount off their order!
GA Disc
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10% off for GA ERA Members!
GA-ERA members receive
10% discount
Adrian Castanon 23
$6,000 / obo
Take a look at this deal! A 2003 Nomad Skyline 24 trailer in great condi on. It has the following ameni es: ► Air Condi oning and Hea ng ► Refrigerator ► Stove ► Shower ► Push out room with queen bed ► New tow hitch/tow package ► New awning What be er way to spend me in the outdoors than camping in style? $6000 or best offer - Ask for Rodger 619-957-2856 24
Square Living Room coffee table and sofa accent table. Rus c natural wood with an que hinges and clasps. Like new. $300.00 for both or make an offer. For more info, please call 619 417-8440. 25
2009 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe S
1300cc Only 16k miles Purchased from and Dealer serviced at North County Yamaha Mustang seats (including passenger) Motolight Auxiliary lights (caliper mounted), professionally installed Chrome luggage rack (weight bearing) Chrome fender rack (for if you remove passenger seat) Windshield (has a scratch) Cruise Control Lowering kit on back only (brought it down an inch – can be removed) Chrome Vance & Hines slip-on pipes Kurakyn ergo grips Saddle bags Passenger footrests I’ll also include custom tool kit of metric tools, luggage and tank bag, original pipes, original seats Great condi on, just got full 16k service (lubrica ng forks, etc.). Always professionally detailed. Never had any mechanical or electrical issues.  Scratch on front fairing (shown) which I’ve just never buffed out/repainted. This is an excellent bike – only selling because we have bought horses and spend all our me with them.  Located in Ramona. $7,500 obo
Lilia 760‐420‐4910
New lower price $5495 it! e
2007 Yamaha 1300 VStar Tourer Model
A great gi for your sweetheart for Valen ne’s Day! This is a great bike at a great price. I love this bike but decided to buy something BIGGER. Yamahas are known for their reliability. Mileage is 24k which is very low for this model. I just paid about $1000 for scheduled maintenance and a new rear re. I have the records if you want to see them. Also, I have a TRANSFERABLE extended service contract that is good un l the spring. The passenger seat has a back rest. My wife rides on the back all of the me. There is no be er place in the USA to ride than San Diego! Loud pipes and skulls are also included! Tom 858‐395‐8564 
How about a Harley for your Swee e? 2004 Harley Davidson 1200 Custom Sport $6,500 Excellent condi on and has been well maintained Never in an accident or laid down Comes with windshield, passenger footrest, and a achable backrest for long drives Call or text 858‐735‐2011 27
New low price:
Take to the sky in this 1960 Champion 7GCB ‐ Located at Apple Valley Airport (APV). Approx. 4400 hours TTAF. 5.0 hours TT on the Lycoming factory remanufactured O-320 A2D engine. $43k in upgrades. New lower price: $34,900. John Kordenbrock 702‐499‐1781 Please call me any me to answer your ques ons. Atomic Skis & Equipment
Atomic Skis, 185 cm ($325)
Ski bag ($149)
Ski boots, 9 ½ ($99)
Ski boot bag ($39)
Ski hand carrier/lock ($29)
Bindings ($99)
Ski poles ($29)
These skis and equipment are practically brand new. Total purchase price value
is $769. Sell price is $400 less 10% for ERA members = $360. Just in time for ski
Call Ralph at 858-549-4110
Collectable 1960’s cars 1964 Chevy Nova 2-door hardtop (no post). Was converted to a sports-rod with upgraded suspension, wide Rally wheels, Pirelli sports res, Adco sway bar, power disk brakes, bucket seats (Mercedes), custom steering wheel, new gauges. A er rechroming and repain ng I started building a hotrod engine. The project is now stalled due to lack of me, the car needs a new repaint, and the new engine is not fully assembled, but on engine stand for inspec on. $4900 for the Nova with the Powerglide and original
disassembled engine parts.
$9500 for Nova with new hotrod engine, Corve e
transmission, floor shi er, hotrod engine accessories
(tuned headers, 3‐carb manifold, carbs, electronic
igni on, aluminum finned covers, etc.)
$4,900 ‐ unfinished
Fred Puhn. (619) 475‐1155 (home) fredpuhn@cox.net
1963 Ford Ranchero pickup, V-8, automa c, bucket seats, PS, blue. It’s a cute and powerful li le truck that can be used for shows, daily driving or hauling. I just spent $800 on a tune-up and fixing li le things. $6,900
A relaxing cabin with three bedrooms, one bathroom, fireplace, TVs, DVD players, WiFi, Ipod dock, and full kitchen with stove/
oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, blender, toaster, coffee maker, dishes, pots/pans, and more. Deck with charcoal barbecue. Forest views in a very quiet neighborhood next to hiking trails and just a short drive to the lake and ski slopes. No pets and no smoking. 10% off to GA-ERA members—men on the code “GA-ASI” at me of booking (not valid on holidays) Ques ons? Call Jim Filak at (619) 729‐3197
h p://www.bigbearcoolcabins.com/property/?propertyID‐SUGARBEAR SEASONAL RENTAL
Located 1/2 mile from Snow Summit and sleeps 8
people. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, fully furnished home
with Game room, Fireplace, Direct TV, DVD,
VCR, Stereo with CD Player, BBQ, Wet Bar,
Washer/Dryer, and Fenced Backyard.
This is a non-smoking home.
Rent weekly/weekends.
Contact Steve Arias at
Carpool/Vanpool riders wanted:
Temecula/Murrieta to Rancho Bernardo,
Hours 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (M-F)
Contact Larry C. Dagonese
858-492-6823 larry.dagonese@ga.com
Vanpool riders wanted:
6:20am—Start at Laguna Hill Mall/Sears at PARK AND RIDE lot end
7:30am—At Sony in RB/GA
5:00PM—Leave from GA/RB
6:30pm—Arrive at Laguna Hill Mall/Sears
Contact Nasir.Pirani@ga-asi.com

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