The WCCS15 preliminary conference program is now available
The WCCS15 preliminary conference program is now available
HONORARY CHAIRS Professor Omar HALLI, President of the Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco. Professor Yahia AIT ICHOU, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences Agadir. Professor Driss Mammass, Director of the High School of Technology Agadir GENERAL CHAIRS Professor Mohamed ESSAAIDI Chair - IEEE Morocco Section Director of the National College of IT (ENSIAS), Morocco ( Dr. Mohamed NEMICHE Professor at Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco President of the Moroccan Society of Complex Systems ( Professor Mohamed KNIDIRI President of the "Association grand Atlas" President of the "Université privée de Marrakech (UPM)" Minister of the National Education: from 1993 to 1995 ADVISORY BOARD Professor Pierre BRICAGE, Secretary General of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences. Professor Gerhard CHROUST, Secretary General of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) Professor Wei-Chiang HONG, Oriental Institute of Technology, Taiwan Professor Rafael PLA LOPEZ, Vice-president of the Spanish Society of General Systems. Spain. Professor Antonio CASELLES MONCHO, Vice-president of the Spanish Society of General Systems. Spain. Professor Matjaz MULEJ, Vice-president of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences. Professor Robert VALLEE, President of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC). 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) rogram overview SESSIONS TOPICS Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Modeling and Control of Complex Systems Session 4 Evolution and Ecology Modeling Social Systems Multi-Agent Systems and Applications Special Session on Agent-Based and Multi-Agent modeling of conflict and combat Special session on : Characterising and Analysing Emergent Properties in Complex Systems & Systems of Systems Cloud Computing and Complexity Network computing Special session on: Machine Learning Techniques and Information security (MLTIS) Special session on : Applications of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Session 5 Image, Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing Session 6 Software Engineering Research and Practice Information and Communication Technologies Embedded and Real-time Systems and Applications Computational Intelligence and Applications Mining Complex Data Session 7 Session 8 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Monday, november 23, 2015 7:30 - 8:50 Reception/Registration 8:55 - 9:15 Welcome session/Opening 9:20 - 10:10 10:10 - 10:40 10:45 - 11:35 Keynote: Prof. Maria Fasli (room1) Coffee Break & Posters Keynote: Prof. Helder Coelho (room1) 11:40 - 13:00 Session 1 (room 1) 13:00 - 14:30 14:40 - 15:30 15:35 - 16:15 18:30 - 19:10 Session 3 (room 3) Session 4 (room 4) Lunch Keynote: Prof. Vincenzo De Florio (room1) Session 1 (room 1) 16:15 - 16:45 16:50 - 18:30 Session 2 (room 2) Session 2 (room 2) Session 3 (room 3) Session 4 (room 4) Coffee Break & Posters Session 1 (room 1) Session 2 (room 2) Session 3 (room 3) Session 4 (room 4) 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Tuesday, november 24, 2015 8:15 - 9:00 Session 5 (room 1) 9:10 - 10 :00 Reception/registration Keynote: Prof. Didier Dubois (room 1) 10:10 - 10:40 Coffee Break & Posters 10:45 - 11:35 Keynote: Prof. Eleni Karatza (room 1) 11:40 - 13:00 Session 5 (room 1) Session 6 (room 2) 13:00 - 14:30 14:35 - 16:05 Session 8 (room 4) Session 7 (room 3) Session 8 (room 4) Lunch Session 5 (room 1) 16:05 - 16:35 16:40 - 18:30 Session 7 (room 3) Session 6 (room 2) Coffee Break & Posters Session 5 (room 1) Session 6 (room 2) Session 7 (room 3) 18:30 - 18:45 Closing Session 20:00 - 23:30 Gala Diner Session 8 (room 4) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015 10:00 - 18:00 Cultural tour (Marrakech) 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Presentation guidelines 1. All presentations should be in English; 2. The time provided for oral presentations is 20 min (15 min for the presentation and 5 min for discussion); 3. The speakers should give their slides to the session chair before the beginning of each session; 4. For poster presentations, the posters should be displayed one hour before the beginning of the poster session and any explanation required should be provided to session chairs and visitors. 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Wccs15 keynote speakers Prof. Didier Dubois RIT, CNRS and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Prof. Eleni Karatza Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Maria Fasli Director, Institute for Analytics and Data Science (IADS), University of Essex, United Kingdom Prof. Helder Coelho BioISI and Mind-Brain College, University of Lisbon, Portugal Prof. Vincenzo De Florio University of Antwerp and the iMinds research institute, Belgium MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Detailed Program RECEPTION/REGISTRATION 7:30 - 8:50 WELCOME SESSION Prof. Omar HALLIi, President of Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco Prof. Yahia AIT ICHOU, Dean of Faculty of Sciences, Agadir, Morocco Prof. Mohamed ESSAAIDI, WCCS Co-Chair Prof. Mohamed KNIDIRI, WCCS Co-Chair Dr. Mohamed NEMICHE, WCCS Co-Chair Prof. Hassan DOUZI, Head of IRF-SIC Laboratory KEYNOTE Modeling complex systems through agent-based and multi-agent systems Prof. Maria Fasli Director, Institute for Analytics and Data Science (IADS),University of Essex, United Kingdom Session Chair: Vincenzo de Florio KEYNOTE Challenges of Simulating Social Complexity Prof. Helder Coelho BioISI and Mind-Brain College, University of Lisbon, Portugal Session Chair: Carlos Lemos KEYNOTE A Behavioral Framework for the Discussion of Resilience Prof. Vincenzo De Florio University of Antwerp and the iMinds research institute, Belgium Session Chair: Mohamed Bakhouya 8:55 - 9:15 (room1) 9:20 - 10:10 (room1) 10:45 - 11:35 (room1) 14:40 - 15:30 (room1) Session 1 (room 1) Session Chairs: Abd-El-Kader Sahraoui Ali Hessami Helder Coelho 11:40 - 13:00 15:35 - 16:15 16:50 - 19:10 A multi-agent approach to couple physiological and ecological levels: What factors influence time to sex change? Dorra Louati, Slimane Ben Miled, Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud The integration of an individual-based model into toxicokinetics to enhance ecological realism in evaluating population-level impacts of exposure to PCB Maryam Karim Pour, Sourodeep Bhattacharjee, Robin Gras, Ken Drouillard How Resilient Are Our Societies? Analyses, Models, and Preliminary Results Vincenzo De Florio and Arianit Pajaziti The Culturally Embedded Algedonics of Society Louis Klein Obesity determinants: a systematic review Mariem Jelassi, Slimane Ben Miled, Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud and Jacques Demongeot NormSim: An Agent-Based Model of Norm Change Mark D. Rouleau Introducing innovation in social networks: a cost-benefit analysis of entry point selection Maria Fasli, Ramon Hermoso, Elton Sbruzzi, Vania Sena MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Intelligent Traffic Simulation by a Multi-Agent System Terje Kristensen and Kevin Smith Analysis of the Decision Rule in Epstein's Agent-Based Model of Civil Violence Carlos Lemos, Rui Jorge Lopes, Helder Coelho Representations for military decision-making Sven Anders Christensson Quantitative Measures of Crowd Patterns in Agent-Based Models of Street Protests Carlos Lemos, Rui Jorge Lopes, Helder Coelho Alignment of practices for an efficient management of Systems Engineering processes during the development of systems of systems Rui XUE, Claude Baron, Philippe Esteban, Li Zheng and Abdeslam Jakjoud Emergent Properties and requirements evolution in Engineering Systems and a Roadmap J. Luo, AEK Sahraoui and A. G. Hessami The Influence of Culture on Safety of Products, Systems and Processes A Systems Perspective A G Hessami and Dr. Ru Niu Generating and mapping a synthetic population of Marrakesh Ahmed LAATABI, Mohamed AIT BABRAM and My Lhassan HBID Session 2 (room 2) Session Chairs: Abdelouahed tajer Zakaria Boulghssoul Ahmed Nait-sidi-Moh 11:40 - 13:00 15:35 - 16:15 16:50 - 18:30 Evaluating enterprise architecture complexity using fuzzy AHP approach Jihane Lakhrouit and Karim Baïna Detection of broken bars in induction motor using the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) Marouane Rayyam, Malika Zazi and Youssef Hajji Trajectory planning for a four-wheel robot using decompositioncoordination principle Hala El Ouarrak, Amine Bouaine, Mostafa Rachik and Mohammed Mestari Rigorous Analysis Of A High Tc Circular Superconducting Microstrip Patch In A Substrate-Superstrate Geometry Fadila BENMEDDOUR, Ouarda ASSAS and DUMOND Christophe Non linear Control of The UPQC for Grid Current and Voltage Improvement A. Ait Chihab, H. Ouadi and F. Giri Control of a Quadcopter using Reference Model and Genetic Algorithm Methods Siti Imane, Mjahed Mostafa, Ayad Hassan and El Kari Abdeljalil Design of a Data Acquisition System to be Used in Fault Diagnosis Abdelkabir BACHA, Ahmed Haroun SABRY and Jamal BENHRA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Design of Nonlinear PID-Smith Predictor Controllers with Large Time Delays A. Maddi, A. Guessoum and D. Berkani Extending SysPEM’s orchestration engine with decision support : Relaxing resources constraints Maria Zrikem, Abdeslam Jakjoud, Amal Rochd and Claude Baron Fuzzy Sliding Mode observer based sensorless Indirect FOC for IM Drives Zineb Kandoussi, Zakaria Boulghasoul, Abdelhadi Elbacha and Abdelouahed Tajer Session 3 (room 3) Session Chair: Abdelkrim Haqiq Ahmed Asimi My Driss El Ouadghiri 11:40 - 13:00 15:35 - 16:15 16:50 - 18:30 Analysis of Cache Implementations in a Vertically Distributed Cloud Data Store Jens Kohler and Thomas Specht Toward a Cloud Migration Framework Khadija Sabiri, Fouzia Benabbou, Hicham Moutachaouik and Mustapha Hain Security Modeling and Analysis of an Intrusion Tolerant Cloud Data Center Iman EL MIR, Dong Seong Kim and Abdelkrim HAQIQ A secure Algorithm for Executing Queries over Encrypted Data Rasha Refaie, A.A.Abd El-Aziz, Nermin Hamza, Mahmood A. Mahmood and Hesham Hefny State-of-The-Art of Cloud Computing Cyber-Security H. Bennasar, M. Essaaidi, A. Bendahmane and J. Ben-othman Quantile graphs for the characterization of chaotic dynamics in time series Andriana S. L. O. Campanharo and Fernando M. Ramos Number of Spanning Trees in Corona product Graph Fouad Yakoubi and Mohamed EL Marraki Wireless sensor node's authentication scheme based on Multivariate Quadratic Quasi-groups Yassine Essadraoui and Mohamed Dafir Ech-cherif El Kettani Evaluation and Comparative Study of Wireless Sensors Networks Hierarchical Protocols Hassan Echoukairi, Khalid Bourgba and Mohammed Ouzzif Energy efficient of ARQ and FEC in Wireless Body Area Networks Nabila Samouni, Abdelillah Jilbab, Driss Aboutajdine Kerberos V5 : Vulnerabilities and perspectives Zakariae TBATOU, Ahmed ASIMI, Younes ASIMI and Yassine SADQI A Quad-Band Compact PIFA Operating in the GSM1800/GSM1900/UMTS/LTE2300/ LTE2500/2.4-GHz WLAN Bands for Mobile Terminals Raefat Jalila El Bakouchi and Abdelilah Ghammaz MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Session 4 (room 4) Session Chairs: Kareem Kamal A.Ghany Kareem Kamal A.Ghany Rafik Lasri 11:40 - 13:00 15:35 - 16:15 16:50 - 18:30 Human Ear Recognition Using SIFT Features Asmaa Sabet Anwar, Kareem Kamal A.Ghany and Hesham El.Mahdy Handling Autism Imbalanced Data using Synthetic Minority OverSampling Technique (SMOTE) Asmaa Ahmed El-Sayed, Nagwa A.Meguid, Mahmood A.Mahmood and Hesham Ahmed Hefny Feature Selection Based on Antlion Optimization Algorithm Hossam M. Zawbaa, E. Emary and B. PARV Prediction of Liver Fibrosis stages by Machine Learning model: A Decision Tree Approach Heba Ayeldeen, Olfat Shaker, Ghada Ayeldeen and Khaled M. Anwar Using Iris Recognition to Secure Medical Images on the Cloud Heba M. Sabri, Nashaat Elkhameesy and Hesham A. Hefny Supervised Machine Learning for document analysis and prediction Kareem Kamal A.Ghany and Heba Ayeldeen Survey on Securing a Querying process by Blocking SQL injection Yasser Gomaa, A. A. Abd El-Aziz, Mahmood A. Mahmood and Hesham Hefny An FPGA-Based MPSoC for Real-Time ECG Analysis El Hassan El Mimouni, Mohammed Karim and Mohamed-Yassine Amarouch MLP Network for Lung Cancer Presence Prediction Based on Microarray Data Fadoua Rafii, M’hamed Aït Kbir and Badr Dine Rossi Hassani Poster Session I Cloud Computing and Complexity Network computing Complex systems 10 :10 - 10:40 Session Chair: Abdelouahed TAJER Using a central private Cloud to improve a complex system in multicloud environement Elhozmari Majda and Ettalbi Ahmed Distributed Intrusion Detection and Activities Classification in Cloud Computing based on machine learning algorithms and mobile agent paradigm Nadya EL MOUSSAID, Ahmed TOUMANARI and Youssef EL MOURABIT Service Differentiation based Medium Access Control protocol for Realtime Application Imane DBIBIH, Imad IALA, Ouadoudi ZYTOUNE and Driss ABOUTAJDINE Stability of L - periodic equilibrium solutions of Navier-Stokes equations on infinite strip Sidati KHABID Patrimonial resources and touristic valorization of Dades valley in southeastern of Morocco: a complex relationship Abdeltif Kich MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) The complexity of intercultural communication Abderrahman Kich Basic concept for the selection of an appropriate “Software Failure Prediction Model” Jamal Krini and Josef Börcsök Posters Session II Mining Complex Data Modeling and Control of Complex Systems 16:15 - 16:45 Session Chairs: Abdelouahed TAJER Adaptive fuzzy clustering algorithms for sensor data in WSN Labyad Asmaa, Kharraz Aroussi Hatim and Mouloudi Abdelaaziz The Four Worlds Framework applied to Decisional Information Systems development methods Ahmad OUTFAROUIN and ABDALI Abdelmounaim Adapting Parameters for Flight Control of a Quadcopter using Reference Model and Fuzzy Logic El Hamidi Khadija, El Kari Abdeljalil, Mjahed Mostafa and Ayad Hassan Fuzzy Modeling of the Nonlinear B–H Curve of the Ferromagnetic Material for a Transformer Used in the Power Supply For Magnetron Mohamed BASSOUI, Mohammed FERFRA and Mohammed CHRAYGANE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Tuesday, November 24, 2015 RECEPTION/REGISTRATION KEYNOTE 50 years of fuzzy sets: The legacy Prof. Didier Dubois RIT, CNRS and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Session Chair: Ignacio Rojas KEYNOTE Cloud Computing - Current Trends and Future Directions Prof. Eleni Karatza Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Session Chair: Mohamed El Ansari 7:30 - 8:50 9:10 - 10:00 (room 1) 10:45 - 11:35 (room 1) 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Session 5 (room 1) Session Chairs: Rachid Latif Hassan Douzi Mohamed El Ansari Rachid Latif 8:15 - 9:00 11:40 - 13:00 14:35 - 16:05 16:40 - 18:30 CSLBP and OCLBP local descriptors for speaker identification from video sequences Fatma zohra CHELALI and Amar DJERADI Time/Scale Chart for EEG Signal classification A.Alliche, K.Mokrani, A.Mekhmoukh and R.Kasmi Estimation of the Number of Signals Based on a Sequence of Hypothesis Test and Random Matrix Theory Narimane Farsi, Benoit Escrig and Abdelkrim Hamza Structure from Motion for 3D Object Reconstruction Based on Local and Global Bundle Adjustment Soulaiman El hazzat, Abderrahim Saaidi and Khalid Satori A Speaker Recognition System Using Power Spectrum Density and similarity measurements Abd-Errahim Maazouzi, Nabil Aqili, Mourad Raji and Ahmed Hammouch A three stages system for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Ayoub Ellahyani and Mohamed El Ansari Application of Cross-correlation technique for Multi leakage detection Karim Elandalibe, Atman Jbari and Abdennasser Bourouhou Computer-aided diagnostics of facial and oral cancer Youssef BOURASS, ZOUAKI Hamid and BAHRI Abdelkhalak Artificial immune recognition system for mammographic mass classification Ismahène DEHACHE and Labiba SOUICI-MESLATI 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) M. Elmouhtadi, D. Aboutajdine and S. El fkihi Split procedure combined with entropy for Background model Siham Aqel, My Abdelouahed Sabri and Abdellah Aarab Improvement of MR Brain Images Segmentation Based On Interval Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Ouarda ASSAS and fadila BENMEDOUR New tumor detection method using Nl-means filter and histogram study Sara SANDABAD, Yassine SAYD TAHRI, Achraf BENBA and Ahmed HAMMOUCH Serial combination of two classifiers for automatic recognition of the damages and symptoms on plant leaves Ismail El Massi, Youssef Es Saady, Mostafa El Yassa, Driss Mammass and Abdeslam Benazoun Review of ECG Signal de-noising techniques Youssef AIBOUD, Jamal EL MHAMDI, Abdelilah JILBAB and Hamza SBA Face Tracking: State of the Art Asmae RABHI, Abdelalim SADIQ and Abdelaziz MOULOUDI Highlight Moving Object Detection Based on Spatiotemporal Saliency in Dynamic Background Yanxi Zhao , Zhenhong Shang and Hui Liu A new representation for 3D objects: Binary Matrix Khalid AZNAG, Nouhoun KANE, Ahmed EL OIRRAK and Essaid EL BACHARI Efficient Method Of QRS Complex Extraction Using A Multilevel Algorithm And An Adaptive Thresholding Technique W. Jenkal, R. Latif, A. Toumanari and O. El B'charri Visual Moving Object Tracking via Sparse Representation Based Trackers: A Comparative Study Driss Moujahid , Omar Elharrouss and Hamid Tairi TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Fingerprint indexing based barycenter triangulation TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Session 6 (room 2) Session Chairs: Ali Idri Mohamed Bakhouya Hicham Jakjoud 11:40 - 13:00 14:35 - 16:05 16:40 - 18:00 Clone Detection Using Time Series and Dynamic Time Warping Techniques Mostefai Abdelkader and Malki mimoun An approach to select effectively the best framework IT according to the axes of the governance IT, to handle and to set up an objective IT Aziza CHAKIR, Meriyem CHERGUI, Hicham MEDROMI and Adil SAYOUTI Selecting SPL Modeling Languages: a Practical Guide ACHTAICH Asmaa, ROUDIES Ounsa, SOUISSI Nissrine and SALINESI Camille An Exploratory Investigation of Factors Influencing Data Quality in Data Warehouse Nouha ZELLAL and Abdellah ZAOUIA Extending Supervision Metamodel to Complex System Context Farid LAHBOUBE, Ounsa Roudiès and Nissrine Souissi Towards a Unified Tool for Collaborative Software Engineering Projects Amal Rochd , Maria Zrikem, Abdeslam Jakjoud and Claude Baron A Preliminary Study on the Evaluation of Software Product Quality of Pregnancy Monitoring mPHRs Mariam Bachiri, Ali Idri, Jose Luis Fernandez-Aleman and Ambrosio Toval Toward a Generic Access Control Model Samira Haguouche and Zahi Jarir 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Ilyass EL KASSMI and Zahi JARIR Mobile Personal Health Records for Cardiovascular Patients Sofia Ouhbi, Ali Idri, Jose Luis Fernandez-Aleman and Ambrosio Toval A Process Definition for Domain Specific Software Development Mohammed Lethrech, Adil Kenzi, Issam Elmagrouni and Mahmoud Nassar DSL and code generator for accelerating iOs apps development Mohamed LACHGAR and Abdelmounaïm ABDALI A Methodology for Transforming CIM to PIM through UML: From Business View to Information System View Yassine Rhazali, Youssef Hadi and Abdelaziz Mouloudi Nk-schemas: A novel algorithm for creating the views’ schemas to materialize in hybrid mediator Samir ANTER, Ahmed ZELLOU and Ali IDRI Session 7 (room 3) Session Chair: Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh Eleni Karatza Vincezo De Florio 11:40 - 13:00 14:35 - 16:05 16:40 - 18:00 Formalism of Self-Stabilization with Linear Temporal Logic and its Verification Rim Marah and Abdelaaziz EL Hibaoui Real-Time Spatio-temporal Stereo Matching for Road Obstacles Detection Ilyas El Jaafari, Mohamed El Ansari and Lahcen Lkoutti TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Towards Security and Privacy in Dynamic Web Service Composition TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) How far android is secure? Latifa ER-RAJY and My Ahmed EL KIRAM Analysis and Calculation of Simultaneous Switching Noise in PDN for High Speed ICs in Embedded Systems Ait Belaid Khaoula, Belahrach Hassan and Ayad Hassan Wide Bandwidth, High CMRR Current Controlled Instrumentation Amplifier Zineb M’harzi, Mustapha Alami and Farid Temcamani Comparative of developed VoLTE AC algorithme with existing one with using G.711, G.723 and G.729 Younes LABYAD Mohamed MOUGHIT Abderrahim Marzouk and Abdelkrim HAQIQ Automatic program assessment using static and dynamic analysis Sara Mernissi Arifi, Ismail Nait Abdellah Ouali, Azeddine Zahi and Rachid Benabbou A Literature Survey on Mapping between Fuzzy XML Databases and Relational or Object Oriented Databases Mayar M. Gamal, A. A. Abd El-Aziz, Hesham A. Hefny and Mahmood A. Mahmood Spectrum Sensing Applied to IR-UWB System Based on M-OAM Lamyae MAATOUGUI, Khadija HAMIDOUN, Atika RIVENQ-MENHAJ and Yassin EL HILLALI, Hassan OUAHMANE and Abdelowahed HAJJAJI Network Intrusion Detection System based on Direct LDA Alaoui-Adib Saad, Chougdali Khalid and Jedra Mohamed Towards an ontological framework for managing human resources during organizational change Brahim SADKI, Jamaa BENGOURRAM and Mustapha MABROUKI A Guard-Stage-Milestone-based Approach for Modeling Physical Workflow in the context of Internet of Things David R. Gnimpieba Z., Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh, David Durand and Jérôme Fortin Session 8 (room 4) Session Chairs: Ignacio Rojas Carlos Lemos Didier Dubois 11:40 - 13:00 14:35 - 16:05 16:40 - 18:00 Multi-objective chemical reaction optimization based decomposition for multi-objective traveling salesman problem Samira Bouzoubia, Abdesslem Layeb and Salim Chikhi Novel Application of Differential Evolution Algorithm for Estimating Fuel Cost Function of Thermal Generating Units Samir Sayah and Abdellatif Hamouda Satellite constellation design using the q-G global optimization method Aline C. Soterroni, Roberto L. Galski and Fernando M. Ramos A Novel Hybrid Penguins Search Optimization Algorithm to Solve Travelling Salesman Problem Ilyass Mzili, Morad Bouzidi and Mohammed Essaid Riffi User-centric approach of detecting temporary community Loubna Boujlaleb, Ali Idarrou, Idrissa Sarr and Driss Mammass TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Enhancing the Parallel State Space Generation for Real-Time Systems Imene Bensetira and Djamel-Eddine Saidouni Taking Advantage of GPU/CPU Architectures for Sparse Conjugate Gradient Solver Computation Najlae Kasmi, Mostapha Zbakh, Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi and Pierre Manneback From Adaptive to Evolving Fuzzy Control Policy: Critical Processing Steps and Configuration Rafik Lasri, Ignacio Rojas and Héctor Pomares Development of a platform for the exchange of biodatasets with integrated opportunities for artificial intelligence using MatLab Christian Wansing, Oresti Banos, Peter Gloesekoetter, Hector Pomares and Ignacio Rojas Discrete cuttlefish optimization algorithm to solve the travelling salesman problem Mohammed Essaid RIFFI and Morad Bouzidi The variants of Harmony Search Algorithm: Statistical comparison Mohammed Salem and Mohamed Fayçal Khelfi 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) Image, Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing Embedded and Real-time Systems and Applications 10:10 - 10:40 Session Chair: Abdeltif Kich Optimal Analysis of a DWT-SVD Based Color Image Watermarking Using Color Spaces Effects Youssra Lakrissi, Abderrahime Saaidi and Abdelouahed Essahlaoui Non-Invasive Technologies of Fetal Heart Rate Diagnosis Mariame Nassit and Hassan Berbia Evaluation of time-frequency and wavelet analysis of ECG signals Mounaim AQIL, Atman JBARI and Abdennasser BOUROUHOU Dual-Lockstep Microblaze-Based Embedded System for Error Detection And Recovery With Reconfiguration Technique Ahmed Hanafi, Mohammed Karim and Abdelilah El Hammami Using augmented reality for service discovery in pervasive environments Abdelhadi BOUAIN, Abdelaziz EL FAZZIKI and Mohammed SADGAL ADRECOM: technological leap aiming to transfer an Ethernet 1GBps using a wireless communication Yacine Bouanba, Jérôme Dubois, Valéry Bourny and Olivier Bernard TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Posters Session III 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Posters Session IV Information and Communication Technologies Computational Intelligence and Applications 16:05 - 16:35 Session Chairs: Abdeltif Kich Improvements of Photodiodes Structures for Communication Applications Aissat A, M. El Besseghi, M. El Bey and D. Decoster Annotation of Documents: A Survey of the State of the Art Hasna Abioui, Ali Idarrou, Ali Bouzit and Driss Mammass Ontology matching based on conceptual graph and metamodel framework Khalid El Fazazy Stabilization of a Non-linear System by using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Method Nada El Gmili, Mjahed Mostafa, El Kari Abdeljalil and Ayad Hassan Use of discrete chaotic dynamical systems for optimizing the Numerical Functions Tayeb Hamaizia 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS15) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015 10:00 - 18:00 Cultural tour (Marrakech)
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