4. Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 4.2.1. The use of
4. Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 4.2.1. The use of
10.2.2015 Prague 4. Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 4.2.1. The use of stem cells and biomaterials in cell therapy Stem Cells and Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine Pavla Jendelová Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Prague Biocev Team Institute of Experimental Medicine, ASCR Group Leaders: Eva Syková, Šárka Kubinová, Vladimír Holáň, Pavla Jendelová Researchers: Amemori, Vacková, Machová-Urdzíková, Erceg, Jiráková, Forostyak Collaborations Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, ASCR Institute of Physics, AVCR Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine New York Medical College Cambridge Brain Research Center Norwegian University of Science and Technology McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine University of Pittsburgh, USA Recent projects • The comparative study on use of different stem cells in spinal cord injury treatment • The development of isolation, cultivation and expansion protocols of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells • The use of mesenchymal stromal cells in the treatment of ocular injury • The development and use of nanoparticles for safe cell labelling • The use of stem cells in neurodegenerative diseases (ALS, AD) • The development and use of cell-polymer constructs based on decellularized tissue Cells used for CNS Tissue Engineering Advantages Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) • • • Bone marrow Adipose tissue Umbilical cord tissue Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) • • • • • • • • • • • Human fetal neural precursor cells (SPC-1) c-myc 4-hydroxytamoxifen conditionally immortalized cell line • • • Disadvantages • Autologous transplantation, no immune-suppressive therapy necessary Low immunogenicity No ethical objections Multipotent Easily obtainable, Clinical application already realized Unlimited proliferation Pluripotent Can be created from the tissue of the same patient that will receive the transplantation Lack of ethical implications Differentiation and good intergration into the host tissue Unlimited proliferation Neural differentiation Robust survival after transplantation • • Lack of specific identification markers Limited proliferation No transdifferentiation • • Low efficiency of the technology Risk of tumour formation • Immunosuppressive therapy necessary Bad interaction with the host cells Differentiation into glia cells • • Development of Hydrogels for SCI Repair Synthetic nondegradable poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) - PHEMA MOETACl positive charge – cell adhesion poly[N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide] - PHPMA RGD (Arg-Gly-Ser) cell adhesive peptide sequence Natural degradable ECM hydrogels Porcine spinal cord matrix (SCM) IKVAV (Ile-Lys-Val-Ala-Val) Cell adhesive peptide sequence, neuronal differentiation Porcine brain matrix (BM) Cholesterol Cell adhesion Porcine urinary bladder matrix (UBM) Fibronectin Cell adhesion Hyaluronic acid/RGD Serotonin Neural differentiation L-dopamine, serotonin, tryptamin, carbachol Release of neurotransmitters L-dopamine, serotonin, tryptamin, carbachol Release of neurotransmitters Hemisection Transection Balloon compression lesion Hydrogel implantation Hydrogel injection Stem cells in SCI Experimental design and methods Cell cultures of SPC-01, iPS-NPs or MSCs o o o o FACS analysis of cellular markers Surgery (Brain and Spinal cord lesions) Transplantation procedure Behavioral testing (BBB test, Rotarod, Flat beam test, Motorater, Plantar test o Immunohistochemical a histological evaluation o Gene expression by RT PCR o Cytokine levels by Luminex (NYMC) For detailed results see Poster Development of isolation and expansion protocols for UT MSCs Umbilical cord tissue mesenchymal stem cells (UT-MSC) - Comparison of cell isolation methods (explant culture x enzymatic isolation) - Cell isolation from fresh x frozen tissue - Culture conditions – influence of FBS x platelet lysate - Differentiation into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes - CD marker monitoring at passage 3 and 10 - Monitoring of population doublings (PD) during in vitro culture - The use of UT-MSC in in vitro experiments with decellularized matrix – monitoring of cell proliferation and migration; monitoring of the effect of laser irradiation on cell proliferation - In vivo injection of UT-MSC into spinal cord lesion in rats Biologic ECM Hydrogels for SCI Repair • Mimics the complex composition of ECM (collagens, fibronectin, laminin, proteoglycans) • Tissue specificity – homologous tissue • Biologic activity – residual growth factors • Injectability – in situ polymerization • Degradability Decellularization of: Porcine spinal cord matrix (SCM) Porcine brain matrix (BM) Porcine urinary bladder matrix (UBM) Human umbilical cord tissue SCM Medberry,et al., Biomaterials 34, 2013, 1033-1040. BM UBM Method of porcine spinal cord/brain decellularization: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Freezing (>16 h at 80oC) and thawing Cutting to pieces (<3 cm) Deionized water soak (18-24 h) 0.025% Trypsin (1 h) 3% Triton 100 (1 h) 1 M Sucrose (30 min.) Deionized water soak (30 min.) 4% Deoxycholic acid (1 h) 0.01% Peracetic acid Lyophilization and grinding. Method of porcine urinary bladder decellularization: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Freezing (>16 h at 80oC) and thawing Mechanical delamination Deionized water soak (18-24 h) 0.01% Peracetic acid Lyophilization and grinding Matrix solubilization: ECM solubilization (8mg/ml) in 0.01 N HCl, digestion in 1 mg/mL pepsin Polymerization at pH 7.4 and 37 o C Medberry, et al., Biomaterials 34, 2013, 1033-1040. In vitro proliferation of human WJ-MSC on ECM hydrogels Chemotactic effects of ECM hydrogels on human WJ-MSC 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 negative control SC-ECM Brain-ECM UB-ECM positive control SDF-1 ECM Hydrogels Injected into Spinal Cord Hemisection Neurofilaments – NF160 Axonal growth into the lesion SCM 2nd week UBM 500m m 500m m 4th week SCM Growth of neurofilaments into the lesion 25 control 20 area (%) 500m m 8th week SCM UBM SC 15 10 5 0 500m m 50mm 2weeks 4weeks 8weeks Conclusions ECM hydrogels prepared by tissue decellularization are biocompatible and promote in vitro cell growth and migration, and in vivo tissue regeneration Optimization of ECM hydrogel degradation rate is necessary for the constructive remodelling of CNS tissue. CZF nanoparticles are neither cytotoxic nor genotoxic and due to their relaxivity they represent a very promising contrast agent suitable for cell labelling. UT MSCs possess all the same characteristics as BM MSCs and can be easily expanded in platelet lysate. NPs or MSCs applied to rat SCI improves lomomotor abilities, spares W and G matter, produces GF, and reduces apoptosis. MSCs, unlike NPs reduce levels of inflammatory cytokines THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
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