Azyr Composition - Louisville Wargaming
Azyr Composition - Louisville Wargaming
File Build 2.11 Published Date: 5/21/2016 To receive file update notifications follow @Auticus on Twitter During the design process of this system, I initially started out trying to write a mathematical formula that would allow us to point the models exactly as we have been doing for the past twenty plus years. I started noticing that this was the general direction that everyone was taking, and that each formula being put out online was very similar to each other, though had minor differences. I then decided to move from the 1000 based precision system that I have pretty much used exclusively, and take a note from games like Warmachine or SAGA and go simpler. The system contained in these pages is one that I wish to use for narrative campaigns as opposed to tournaments. I do believe that these would work fine for tournaments as well, but a general system is about being able to loosely gauge an overall force and determine that they are in the same ballpark as each other, whereas a precision-based system is going to attempt to point cost each model as finely as it can. The problem I have with a precision system is that there is more to the model than its statline, and while formulas work great for statlines, once you throw in situational modifiers from scenarios or abilities the math gets thrown out. Sometimes it just happens to work, but if you’ve played any point-based system for any length of time you will find that some models work above what they are pointed at in certain situations, and may be totally bad in others (and this is where arguments over scenarios come in, where people want a universal set of scenarios that don’t highlight the good or bad parts that the math misses, which in my opinion can lead to gross stagnation) While looking at this system, be aware that it is designed to give you a loose feeling of two forces being relatively balanced between one another overall. A unit of 10 something may be 1 point, and another unit of 10 something may be 1 point – this does not mean they are precision pointed at 1 point – this means that generally overall they are a tier 1 unit and overall the army should match up against another army at the same point level. This packet may not be to the taste of a player that needs precision points, but this packet is not trying to accomplish precision pointing in the first place, but rather a loose outline of balance between two forces. The rules modifications were put in to clean up the rules and to work with the comp. Summoning I felt needed serious restrictions because you are in essence generating free points. Shooting into combat was the other because if a missile armed model can both shoot into combat and fight in melee, it becomes worth more than a melee-only model. Any playtesting findings that you may have or questions feel free to contact me at and we will discuss. Its been fun creating and I look forward to the campaigns that will stem from this packet. Azyr Composition Rules Page 2 Skirmish Patrol Small Battle Large Battle Apocalypse 5 10 15 20 25 2 5 8 12 20 10 20 30 40 50 15 30 45 60 75 Max Units: The maximum number of scrolls total that can be taken Max Hero/Warmachine/Monster Points: The maximum point value of all heroes combined. Monstrous heroes count against the hero limit. The maximum number of points spent on Warmachines allowed. The maximum number of points spent on monsters allowed. (All three categories are separate, so in a 20 point game you could spend 5 points on heroes, 5 on monsters, and 5 on warmachines) Max Points: The maximum number of points that may be deployed overall on your force. Entries are listed as either the flat point cost or in the format of X points per Y models. Banners, Champions, Musicians: All Command Elements are included in the scroll free of cost unless otherwise indicated. If an entry can be combined with another (ex: cauldron of blood and Hellebron) – you pay for both separate. If an entry lists both in its points cost (ex: flame phoenix and anointed) you only pay once. All minimum unit sizes based on the army scroll must be observed. If a unit has a number in parenthesis after it (ie 2 for 5 (2)) the number in parentheses is how many models you can add by spending 1 point (useful if you have a point left over!) Total Pool Size: You may bring to your game the total pool size amount in points. You may only deploy the Max Points however. Unused models may be summoned if you possess a summoner that can bring them on the table. This gives you some flexibility in how you deploy. Formats Azyr format uses the above slot restrictions. Azyr-Heroic format uses only the points, but no slot restrictions. IE – you may field as many heroes or warmachines or monsters as you wish. Azyr Composition Rules Page 3 Scenarios that use victory points count up the points values of the units slain or removed. Summoned units count toward this total. For units that were composed of multiple selections (ie a unit of 20 models that were bought 1 for 10 would have been 2 for 20), points are scored for each selection removed. In the above example, if 10 or more models were removed from the unit of 20 models, the other player would score 1 point as he removed 1 point worth of models from the unit. For scenarios that use victory points, wiping out your opponent does not guarantee victory. If they still score more points than you do, they win (ie summoning gives up points – your opponent faced insurmountable odds and overcame by sacrificing the lives of their men to hold your forces up) Summoning Pool – Summoners use a special Summoning Pool. This pool constitutes the part of the army that does not deploy (reference Total Pool Size above). Once these models are exhausted, the summoner may not summon anymore. o Opponents who declare that they will not be summoning anything during the game may field half of their remaining pool that they did not deploy in addition to their normal forces IF their opponent will be summoning during the game. Note that by declaring this bonus, that player may not summon anything regardless of if they have a summoner capable of doing so. (DEVIATION) Summoning – any unit summoned onto the table comes in at the minimum value listed on their scroll unless otherwise indicated by the spell (DEVIATION) Summoning – units summoned may not activate powers in the hero phase that they were summoned on (DEVIATION) Look out Sir! – The army commander that is within 3” of a like-sized friendly unit that are not engaged in melee may claim a Look Out Sir roll for every ranged attack that strikes them. If the commander is within 3” of a like-sized friendly unit and is attacked by missile weapons, then for every successful hit the owning player may roll a D6, and for every 4+ that is rolled, the unit takes the hits instead. This only applies to the army commander. Like-sized is defined as an infantry character would be like-size to infantry units, cavalry characters would be like-size to cavalry units, monstrous infantry units would be like-size to monstrous-infantry units, monstrous cavalry heroes would be like-size to monstrous-cavalry units, etc. Cover Saves – these are largely covered in the terrain scrolls. Use them! o (CLARIFICATION) A model that is not in cover does not get a cover save just because part of his unit is in cover. The majority of the unit should be in cover for the unit to gain cover. (DEVIATION) Measure from base to base. Ranges for weapons come from the base, not the model. Players should never stack their bases on top of their own or other players’ bases. (DEVIATION) A roll of a “1” is always considered a failure (DEVIATION) War Machine Crew: When shooting at War Machines, the player that controls the warmachine chooses where to allocate the wounds (to machine or crew) Scenario Clarifications: This comp packet is not intended to always be used in perfectly balanced scenarios. Some of the campaign scenarios will state an imbalance exists. For example, one side may have half the number of models as the other. In those cases, one side has half the number of points as the other. Other examples include one monster vs several models. In instances like these, follow the scenario and if you can apply points to it, do so – otherwise do not. Azyr Composition Rules Page 4 The following rules are optional and may be used if both players agree or if your event coordinator wishes to use it. Miscasts – when spellcasters roll a double 1 to cast, they have had magical feedback harm them. The more powerful the spell, the more feedback they take. When a spellcaster rolls a double one, consult the below and apply the damage to the caster. o Spell attempted to cast was power level 4 or less, caster takes 1 Mortal Wound o Spell attempted to cast was power level 5 – 8, caster takes D3 Mortal Wounds o Spell attempted to cast was power level 9+, caster takes D6 Mortal Wounds o Summoning spells that are miscast are successful, but the opposing player controls the models and they are considered hostile to the summoning player. Alternate Activation Alternate Activation is an optional rule. Roll for initiative as normal The player that wins initiative may activate one hero, unit, monster, or warmachine. o Activation means that that entity does all of its actions from the Hero, Movement, Shooting, and Combat phase o If a HERO is activated, then the player may also activate one unit (defined as a unit, monster, or warmachine) that is within 3” of the model and who also has the same keywords defining them. For example, two models that are both marked as Chaos, Khorne, Bloodbound would be eligible. However, if one model is marked Chaos, Nurgle, Pestilence, and the other is marked Chaos, Nurgle, those two models do not share the same keywords as one is missing Pestilence. Heroes group activating in this way must always take their activation before the unit that they are group activating Summoned entities may not go before their summoner re-rolls to keep them on the table After the player has activated his models, the other player does the same. This goes on until there are no more models left to activate. All effects that state “lasts until the models next X phase” are changed to read “lasts until the end of the current turn” Units that have the ability to pile in and attack again may be activated again to do so on a separate activation Take Battleshock tests as normal at the very end of the turn Azyr Composition Rules Page 5 P.7 – 25 (Army Point Values) P.27 – 28 (Army Formations) P.29 – 31 (Change History) Note: all units and formations italicized were removed from the original warscroll but are being kept to reflect their old rules and for backwards compatibility. Azyr Composition Rules Page 6 Type Unit Army Standard Bearer Beastlord Doombull Ghorros Warhoof Gorthor the Beastlord Great Bray Shaman Khazrak One Eye Malagor the Dark Omen Morghur Master of Skulls Cygor Ghorgon Chaos Gargant Jabberslythe Bestigors Bullgors Centigors Chaos Spawn Chaos Warhounds Gors Harpies Razorgors Tuskgor Chariots Ungor Raiders Ungors Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 1 2 3 3 5 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5(2) 3 5(2) 1 5 10 5(2) 1 1 10 10 * * * * ** * * * * Y Y Y Y Y Page 7 Type Unit Army Standard Bearer Bull Centaur Taur’ruk Daemonsmith Drazhoath Ashen Infernal-Castellan Siege Gargant Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher Dreadquake Mortar Iron Daemon War Engine Magma Cannon Skullcracker Infernal Guard with Fire Glaives Infernal Ironsworn Bull Centaur Renders K’daai Fireborn Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 2 5 3 9 2 5 2 3 4 3 5 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5(2) 10 3 3(1) * ** * *** * Y Y Page 8 Type Unit Pts # 7 3 9 1 1 1 *** * *** 10 1 **** 12 1 **** 3 5 3 1 1 1 * ** * Great Unclean One Bloodmaster Herald of Khorne Herald of Nurgle Herald of Tzeentch Herald of Slaanesh Herald on Burning Chariot Herald of Tzeentch on Disc Herald on Exalted Chariot Herald on Seeker Chariot Skullmaster Herald on Juggernaut Kairos Fateweaver Karanak 7 1 *** 2 1 * 2 2 1 1 2 Keeper of Secrets Lord of Change Masque of Slaanesh Skarbrand Skulltaker The Changeling Be’lakor Blood Throne Bloodthirster (Insensate Rage) Bloodthirster (Unfettered Fury) Bloodthirster (Wrath) Blue Scribes Daemon Prince Epidemius Azyr Composition Rules Stars Type Unit Pts # Soul Grinder Beast of Nurgle Bloodcrushers of Khorne Bloodletters of Khorne Burning Chariot of Tzeentch Daemonettes Exalted Flamer Exalted Seeker Chariot Fiend of Slaanesh 9 2 1 1 1 1 Core 2 5(2) 4 1 2 3 3 5(2) 1 1 2 1 4 3 Y * * Flamers of Tzeentch Flesh Hounds Furies 4 2 5(1) 5(2) Y 1 * Hellflayer 2 1 4 1 ** Nurglings 2 3(1) Y 3 1 * Pink Horrors 3 10(2) Y 4 1 ** Plague Bearers 3 10(2) Y 3 1 * Plague Drones 5 3 3 1 * Screamers 4 3 7 3 1 1 *** * 1 2 1 5 7 5 3 1 1 1 *** ** * Seeker Chariot Seekers of Slaanesh Skull Cannon 3 1 8 3 2 1 1 1 *** * * Y Y Page 9 Type Unit Pts # Pts # Army Standard Bearer 2 1 * Kharibdyss 5 1 Assassin 2 4 1 1 * ** War Hydra 7 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 ** * * * 3 1 3 2 5(1) 5 1 1 12 1 **** 4 5(1) 1 1 * 3 10(2) Y Hellebron Lokhir Fellheart Malekith 3 2 15 1 1 1 * * ***** 4 3 4 5(1) 10(2) 5(1) Y Y Malus Darkblade Morathi Shadowblade 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 * ** * * Blackguard Bleakswords Bloodrack Shrine Drakespawn Chariots Drakespawn Knights Black Ark Corsairs Dark Riders Darkshards Doomfire Warlocks Dreadspears Executioners Dreadlord on Black Dragon Black Ark Fleetmaster 1 3 2 2 10 5(1) 5(2) 1 Y Sorceress on Cold One 2 1 * Shades 2 5(2) Sorceress on Black Dragon 7 1 *** Sisters of Slaughter Witch Aelves 2 5(2) 2 5(2) Beastmaster on Manticore Cauldron of Bood Death Hag Dreadlord Dreadlord on Cold One Sorceress Azyr Composition Rules Stars Type Unit Reaper Bolt Thrower Harpies Scourgerunner Chariots Core Y Page 10 Type Unit Pts # Army Standard Bearer Belegar Ironhammer Dragon Slayer Dwarf Lord on Foot/On Shield 2 1 * 3 1 3 3 Cog Master Grimm Burlocksson High King Thorgrim Grudgebreaker Josef Bugman Kraggi (free with Thorek) Runelord Thorek Ironbrow Ungrim Ironfist Unforged Warden King Stars Type Unit Pts # Bolt Thrower 2 1 * Cannon 2 1 1 1 * * Flame Cannon Grudge Thrower 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 * * Gyrocopter Gyrobomber 2 2 1 1 6 1 ** Organ Gun 2 1 2 0 1 1 * * Warriors Hammerers 1 3 5 5(1) 1 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 * ** * * * Ironbreakers Longbeards 2 2 2 2 2 2 5(2) 5(2) 5(2) 5(2) 5(2) 5(2) Miners Quarrelers Slayers Thunderers Azyr Composition Rules Core Y Y Y Y Page 11 Type Unit Ghoul King on Terrorgheist Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon Ghoul King Varghulf Courtier Crypt Ghast Courtier Crypt Haunter Courtier Crypt Infernal Courtier Crypt Ghouls Crypt Horrors Crypt Flayers Terrogheist Zombie Dragon Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 12 13 3 4 2 3 4 2 1 2 10 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5(2) 1 1 1 1 **** **** * ** * ** ** Y Page 12 Ty pe Unit Amber Battle Wizard on Griffon Pts 8 # 1 Pts 2 # 1 Balthaser Gelt 3 1 * 7 1 *** Celestial Hurricanum Mortar Celestial Wizard on Hurricanum 7 1 2 1 Battle Wizard (on or off horse) 2 1 * Steam Tank 8 1 Gunmaster Freeguild General of the Empire Freeguild General of the Empire on Griffon 1 2 1 1 * * 2 2 1 1 10 1 **** Hellblaster Helstorm Rocket Battery Luminark 5 1 Grandmaster Karl Franz 2 11 1 1 * **** 3 3 10(2) 10(2) Kurt Helborg Ludwig Schwarhelm Luthor Huss 3 2 1 1 * * Freeguild Archers Freegiuld Crossbowmen Demigryph Knights Flagellants 1 3 1 10(2) 2 1 * 2 5(2) Marius Leitdorf 3 1 * Freegiuld Greatswords Freeguild Handgunners 3 10(2) Markus Wulfhart Engineer on Mechanical Steed Valten (off or on horse) Volkmar Volkmar on Altar 2 1 1 1 * * Knights Freeguild Outriders 3 3 5(1) 5(1) 3 1 * Freeguild Pistoliers 3 5(1) 3 5 5 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 * ** ** * ** Freeguild Guard 3 3 10 5(1) 1 1 * War Altar Warrior Priest White Wizard on Luminark Witch Hunter Azyr Composition Rules Sta rs *** Ty p e Unit Cannon Reiksguard Knights Core Y Y Y Y Page 13 Type Unit Auric Runefather on Magmadroth Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth Auric Runeson on Magmadroth Auric Runefather Auric Runesmiter Auric Runeson Grimwrath Berzerker Auric Runemaster Battlesmith Vulkite Berzerkers Auric Hearthguard Hearthguard Berzerkers Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 9 7 8 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5(2) 5(1) 5(1) *** *** *** ** ** * ** * * Y Page 14 Ty pe Unit Pts 3 4 2 # 1 1 1 Archmage on Dragon 9 1 *** Caradryan 3 8 8 3 4 2 2 2 2 11 11 6 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * *** *** * ** * * * * **** **** ** * ** 4 9 1 1 ** *** Alarielle Alith Anar Anointed Drakeseer Eltharion Handmaiden Dragon Noble Korhill Loremaster ArchMage Prince Althran Prince Imrik Dragon Lord Prince on Griffon Sea Helm Sea Helm on Cutter Teclis Tyrion Sta rs * ** * Ty p e Unit Flame Phoenix Frost Phoenix Repeater Bolt Thrower Archers Dragon Blades Great Eagles Lion Chariot Phoenix Guard Reavers Sea Guard Shadow Warriors Silver Helms Sisters of Avelorn Sky Cutter Chariot Spearmen Swordmasters Chariot White Lions Pts 4/5* 6/7* 2 # 1 1 1 Core 3 10(2) Y 4 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 5(1) 1 1 5(1) 5(1) 5(2) 5(1) 5(2) 5(2) 1 10(2) 5(1) 1 5(1) Y Y Phoenix Costs are for unridden and ridden Sisters of Avelorn are now known as the Sisters of the Watch in the Wood Elf faction Azyr Composition Rules Page 15 Ty pe Unit Chakax the Eternity Warden Gor-Rok Kroq Gar Lord Kroak Oxyotl Saurus Astrolith Bearer Saurus Eternity Warden Saurus Oldblood Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur Saurus Scar Veteran on Cold One Saurus Sunblood Scar Veteran on Carnosaur Skink Chief Skink Priest Skink Starseer Slaan Starmaster Tetto’Eko Thenhauin Prophet of Sotek Azyr Composition Rules Pts 3 # 1 Sta rs * 3 8 7 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 * *** *** * * 3 1 * 2 8 1 1 * *** 2 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 3 2 Ty p e Unit Bastiladon Pts 7 # 1 Core Dread Saurian Engine of the Gods Stegadon Troglodon Chameleon Skins 14 6 6 5 3 1 1 1 1 5(2) Jungle Swarm 1 2 Kroxigor Razordons 4 2 3 1 * Ripperdactyl Riders 4 3 1 1 * ** Salamanders Saurus Knights 2 4 1 5(1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 * * * ** * * Saurus Warriors Skinks Saurus Guard Terradon Riders 2 1 3 4 5(2) 5 5(1) 3 Y Y Page 16 Ty pe Unit Azhag the Slaughterer Black Orc Boss Goblin Boss on Spider Goblin Shaman Pts 8 # 1 Sta rs *** 3 2 1 1 * * 2 1 Goblin Warboss Gorbad Ironclaw Grimgor Ironhide Grom the Paunch Night Goblin Warboss Night Goblin Shaman Night Goblin Warboss on Squig Orc Bully Orc Shaman Orc Warboss 1 4 3 3 2 Orc Warboss on Wyvern Savage Orc Shaman Savage Orc Boss Skarsnik Warlord Wurzag the Prophet Ty p e Unit Arachnarok Pts 6 # 1 Core Gargant Mangler Squig 5 7 1 1 * Doom Diver 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 * ** * * * Rock Lobber Spear Chukka Arrer Boyz Black Orcs Cave Squigs* 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 10(2) 5(1) 10 2 1 * 2 5(2) 2 1 * 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 * * * 2 1 2 5(2) 10 5(2) Y 6 1 ** Forest Goblin Spider Riders Goblin Wolf Chariot Goblin Wolf Riders Goblins** Night Goblin Squig Hoppers Night Goblins 1 5 Y 2 1 * 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 * * * Night Goblin Fanatics Orc Boar Boyz Orc Boar Chariot Orc Boyz 3 2 1 5(1) 1 5 River Trolls Rugluds Armored Orcs Savage Orc Boar Boyz Savage Orcs Snotling Pump Wagon Snotlings Stone Trolls Trolls 4 3 3 10(2) 2 5(1) 1 1 5 1 1 4 4 2 3 3 Y Y Y For every unit of cave squigs in the army you can take 2 squig herders ** for every unit of 10 goblins you may take one nasty sneak Azyr Composition Rules Page 17 Ty pe Unit Army Standard Bragg the Gutsman Bruiser Butcher Firebelly Golgfag Maneater Greasus Goldtooth Hunter Hunter on Stonehorn Skrag the Slaughterer Tyrant Azyr Composition Rules Pts 3 3 # 1 1 Sta rs * * 3 3 1 1 * * 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 10 Ty p e Unit Gargant Stonehorn Pts 5 9 # 1 1 Core 10 3 1 1 * * ** Thundertusk Gnoblar Scraplauncher Ironblaster Gnoblars Gorger 4 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 * **** Ironguts Leadbelchers 4 4 3 3 3 1 * Maneaters 4 3 4 1 ** Mournfang Cavalry Ogres Sabretusks Trappers Yhetees 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 10 3(1) Y Y Page 18 Type Unit Gordrakk the Fist of Gork Megaboss on Maw-Krusha Megaboss Warchanter Weirdnob Shaman Brutes Gore Gruntas Ardboyz Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 20 17 4 2 2 4 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 5(1) X X ** * * Y Page 19 Ty pe Unit Arch-Warlock Pts 3 # 1 Army Standard 2 1 * Assassin 3 1 * Deathmaster Snikch 3 1 * Grey Seer Lord Skreech 2 8 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 * *** * * * Plague Furnace 7 1 *** Plague Priest 2 3 6 1 1 1 * * * Skaven Warlord Thanquol & Boneripper 3 15 1 1 * ***** Throt the Unclean Tretch Craventail 2 1 * 2 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 * *** * * Lord Skrolk Packmaster Packmaster Skweel Gnawtoot Queek Headtaker Screaming Bell Verminlord (any) Warlock Engineer Warlord Spinetail Azyr Composition Rules Sta rs * Ty p e Unit Hellpit Abomination Doom Wheel Pts 8 # 1 3 1 Plagueclaw Catapult Warp Lightning Cannon Clanrats Doom Flayer Team Giant Rats Gutter Runners Night Runners 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 10 1 10 5(2) 10(2) Plague Censer Bearers Plague Monks Skryre Acolytes Poison Wind Mortar Team Rat Ogores Rat Swarms 2 5(1) 3 2 2 10(2) 5(2) 1 4 1 3 2 Ratling Gun Team 2 1 Slaves 1 2 3 1 10 1 5(2) 1 1 1 4 5(1) Stormfiends Stormvermin Warp Grinder Team Warpfire Thrower Team Warplock Jezzails Core Y Y Y Page 20 Type Unit Knight Questor Mistweaver Saih Tenebrael Shard Doomseeker Excelsior Warpriest Darkoath Chieftain Ogroid Thaumaturge Skaven Deathrunner Blue Horrors* Brimstone Horrors* Tzaangors Kairic Acolytes Grot Scuttlings Pink Horrors ** Points #Models Stars Core? 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 0 0 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 5 5 5 10 * * * * * * ** * *Blue Horrors and Brimstone Horrors are not bought. Instead, whenever a Pink Horror is killed, two blue horrors emerge, and when a blue horror is killed, a brimstone horror emerges. **If using the rules where pink horrors split into blue horrors, use the points value given here. Otherwise use the points value of pink horrors in the chaos demon section. Azyr Composition Rules Page 21 Type Unit Kayzk Sayl the Faithless Tamurkhan Gigantic Chaos Spawn War Mammoth Bile Trolls Nightmaw Plague Ogores Plague Toads Pox Riders Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 3 2 12 4 10 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3(1) 1 * * **** Page 22 Type Unit Casket of Souls Khalida Liche Priest Necrotect Prince Apophas Settra Tomb Herald Tomb King Tomb King in Chariot Royal Warsphinx Bone Gargant Necrosphinx Warsphinx Screaming Skull Catapult Carrion Chariots Necropolis Knights Sepuchral Stalkers Skeleton Archers Skeleton Horse Archers Skeleton Horsemen Skeleton Warriors Tomb Guard Tomb Scorpion Tomb Swarm Ushabti Points #Models Stars Core? 3 3 2 2 2 6 2 3 4 8 4 10 7 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3(1) 3(1) 1 1 10(2) 5(1) 5(2) 10 5(2) 1 2 1 * * * * * ** * * ** *** Y Y Y All Tomb Kings banners that heal the unit cost an additional +1 point to the unit Azyr Composition Rules Page 23 Ty pe Unit Arkhan Black Coach Cairn Wraith Pts 10 9 1 4 7 1 # 1 1 2 5(1) 5 1 Core Crypt Ghouls 2 5(2) Y * Crypt Horror 2 3(1) 1 * Dire Wolves 2 5(2) 3 10 1 1 * **** Fell Bats Grave Guard 2 2 3(1) 5(1) 15 2 10 1 1 1 ***** * **** Hex Wraiths Morghast Archai Morghast Harbringers 4 4 4 5(1) 1 1 3 1 * Mortis Engine 5 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 * * ** Skeleton Warriors Spirit Hosts Vargeist 3 2 2 10 3(1) 1 Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon 11 1 **** Vargulf 4 1 Vlad Von Carstein 3 1 * Zombies 1 5 Wight King Wight King with Black Axe 2 3 1 1 * * Count Mannfred Coven Throne Ghoul King on Terrorgeist Heinrich Kemmler Isabella Von Carstein Konrad Von Carstein Krell Mannfred Mortarch of the Night Nagash Necromancer Neferata Mortarch of Blood Strigoi Ghoul King Tomb Banshee Vampire Lord Vampire Lord on Abyssal Pts 8 3 2 4 7 12 # 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sta rs *** * * ** *** **** 3 1 * 2 1 3 Ty p e Unit Terrorgheist Zombie Dragon Bat Swarms Black Knights Blood Knights Corpse Cart Y Y Y * Any banners that regenerate the unit cost an additional +1 point to the unit Azyr Composition Rules Page 24 Ty pe Unit Pts 6 20 1 6 # 1 1 1 1 Pts 5 8 5 5 # 1 1 1 1 2 1 * Hellcannon 5 1 Lord of Slaanesh Lord on Mount Lord on Manticore Chaos Sorcerer Lord 2 3 9 1 1 1 * * *** Blightknights Chaos Knights Chaos Marauders 2 4 1 3(1) 5(1) 10 2 1 * Chaos Ogores 1 1 Sorcerer on Steed 3 3 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 * * * ** ** Chaos Trolls 4 2 4 4 4 3 1 5(1) 1 3 Gaunt Summoner Glottkin 3 11 3 13 1 1 1 1 * **** * ***** 2 3 3 4 5(1) 1 1 5(1) Gutrot Spume 4 1 ** 2 5(2) Harbringer of Decay Lord of Plagues Morbidex Twiceborn Orghotts Daemonspew Rotbringer Sorcerer 3 1 * 1 1 3 8 1 1 * *** Varanguard Warhounds 3 1 1 5 7 1 *** Warriors of Chaos 3 5(2) 2 1 * Warshrine 4 1 Sigvald 4 3 1 1 ** * 8 1 *** 3 3 1 1 * * 2 1 * 1 1 * Archaon (classic) Archaon (new) Army Standard Bloab Rotspawned Chaos Lord Curseling Exalted Hero Daemon Prince Dragon Ogor Shaggoth Festus Galrauch Slaanesh Lord on Mount Sorcerer on Manticore Throgg Tzeentch Lord on Disc Tzeentch Sorc Lord Wulfrik the Wanderer Azyr Composition Rules Sta rs ** X * ** Ty p e Unit Chaos Gargant Chimera Slaughterbrute Vortex Beast Chariots Chosen Cockatrice Dragon Ogores Forsaken Gorebeast Chariot Great Taurus Hellstrider of Slaanesh Marauder Horsemen Spawn Core Y Y Page 25 Type Unit Araloth Army Standard Branchwraith Durthu Nomad Prince Glade Lord on Eagle Glade Lord on Stag Glade Lord on Dragon Mounted Glade Lord Orion Shadowdancer Sisters of Twilight on Dragon Spellweaver Wayfinder Waystrider Waywatcher Treelord Treelord Ancient Dryads Eternal Guard Glade Guard Glade Riders Great Eagles Hunting Hounds Sisters of the Thorn Sisters of the Watch Treekin Wardancers Warhawk Riders Waywatchers Wild Riders Wildwood Rangers Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 2 2 2 11 3 3 3 8 3 6 2 10 2 2 3 2 9 8 3 1 3 3 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10(2) 5 10(2) 5(1) 1 5(2) 5(1) 5(2) 1 5(2) 3(1) 5(2) 5(1) 5(1) * * * **** * * * *** * ** * **** * * * * Y Y Y Y Page 26 Type Unit Points #Models Stars Core? Bretonnian Lord Damsel of the Lady King Louen Leoncour Paladin Paladin Standard Bearer The Fay Enchantress The Green Knight Field Trebuchet 3 2 8 2 3 4 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Battle Pilgrims Grail Knights Knights Errant Knights of the Realm Men At Arms Mounted Yeoman Peasant Bowmen Pegasus Knights Questing Knights 1 4 2 3 1 2 2 4 4 5* 5(1) 5(2) 5(2) 10 5(2) 5(2) 3 5(1) * * *** * * ** ** Y Y Y Y Battle Pilgrims min size is 6, so add the extra man to the initial size for free Azyr Composition Rules Page 27 Type Unit Celestant Prime Drakesworn Templar Knight Azyroth Knight Heraldor Knight Venator Knight Vexillor Lord Castellant Lord Celestant on Dracoth Lord Celestant on Stardrake Lord Celestant Lord Relictor Concussors Desolators Decimators Fulminators Gryph Hounds Judicators Liberators Prosecutors Protectors Retributors Tempestors Points #Models Stars Core? 7 13 3 2 3 3 3/4* 5 15 3 3 4 4 1 4 2 4 3 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5(2) 5(1) 5(2) 3(1) 1 1 1 *** ***** * * * * */** ** ***** * * Y Y Lord Castellant with a gryph hound cost 4 points Azyr Composition Rules Page 28 Type Unit Aspiring Deathbringer Bloodsecrator Bloodstoker Exalted Deathbringer Khorne Hero Khorne Lord on Juggernaut Lord of Khorne Skullgrinder Scyla Anfingrimm Skaarac the Bloodborn Skarr Bloodwrath Slaughterpriest Valkia the Bloody Blood Reavers Blood Warriors Skullcrushers Skullreapers Wrathmongers Khorgorath Points #Models Stars Core? 2 3 1 3 3 4 4 3 3 12 3 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5(2) 3 3(1)* 3(1)* 1 * * * * * ** ** * * **** * * * Y Y * modified from their original min size on scroll Azyr Composition Rules Page 29 Type Unit Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror Troll Hag Fimir Warriors Squig Gobba Skin Wolves Wolf Rats Basilisk Bonegrinder Giant Brood Horror Carmine Dragon Colossal Squig Curs’d Ettin Dread Maw Incarnate Elemental of Beasts Incarnate Elemental of Fire Magma Dragon Merwyrm Mourngul Preyton Rogue Idol of Gork / Mork Warpfire Dragon Azyr Composition Rules Points #Models Stars Core? 5 10 4 1 4 2 7 8 3 18 10 6 12 8 9 20 8 8 5 17 7 1 1 3 1 3 5(2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** **** Page 30 When using any of the formations found on the warscrolls, you pay for the units as normal, and then pay an additional cost for the formation as listed below. Additionally, if the formation breaks the composition rules noted in the beginning of this ruleset, the formation’s composition takes preced ent. Beastmen Ungor Raiders Ambush ................................2 Bloodscorch Bulltribe ..................................3 Furious Brayherd .........................................3 Bullgor Stampede .........................................2 Wyldstalker Breyherd ..................................4 Bretonnia Defenders of the Realm ................................1 Peasant Militia .............................................1 Chaos Dwarves Blackshard Warhost .....................................2 Hashut’s Wrath Artillery Train ....................1 Daemons Bloodhost of Khorne ....................................4 Changehost of Tzeentch...............................3 Daemon Cohort of Khorne...........................2 Daemon Cohort of Nurgle ...........................1 Daemon Cohort of Tzeentch ........................3 Daemon Cohort of Slaanesh ........................2 Infernal Tetrarchy ........................................3 Nurgles Deluge ............................................2 Tallyband of Nurgle .....................................4 Dark Elves Bloodwrack Sisterhood ................................2 Ebondrake Warhost......................................2 Exiled Warhost.............................................1 Exiled Blood Cult ........................................2 Realm Reavers .............................................3 Thrall Warhost .............................................2 Dwarves Dispossesed Clan Throng ............................2 Dispossessed Artillery Battery.....................1 Grudgebound War Throng ...........................3 Flesh-Eater Courts Royal Family................................................3 Azyr Composition Rules Attendants at Court ......................................3 Deadwatch....................................................3 Abattoir ........................................................3 Ghoul Patrol .................................................4 King’s Ghouls ..............................................3 Royal Mordants............................................2 Royal Menagerie ..........................................4 Flesh-Eater Court .........................................4 Free Peoples State Troop Detachment...............................1 Artillery Detachment....................................2 Brotherhood of Knights ...............................1 Freeguild Regiment......................................3 Pilgramage of Wrath ....................................3 Taurai Warclan.............................................3 War Council .................................................1 Fyreslayers Arngard’s Berzerker Fyrd ............................3 Guardians of the Great Chain.......................3 Lords of the Lodge .......................................3 Warrior Kinband ..........................................2 Forge Brethren .............................................2 Grand Fyrd ...................................................3 High Elves Glittering Host..............................................2 Dragon Host .................................................3 Dragonlord Host...........................................3 Spyreheart Warhost......................................3 Ironjawz Brutefist........................................................2 Gorefist.........................................................2 Ardfist ..........................................................3 Weirdfist.......................................................3 Ironfist ..........................................................2 Brawl ............................................................3 Page 31 Khorne Bloodbound Bloodstorm...................................................2 Bloodbound Warband ..................................3 Bloodbound Warhorde .................................2 Brass Stampede ............................................2 Dark Feast ....................................................3 Goreblade Warband .....................................2 Redblade Vanguard......................................3 Red Headsmen .............................................2 Skulltake.......................................................2 The Gorechosen .......................................2** Vengeful Skullhunt ......................................3 Seraphon Eternal Starhost ............................................2 Firelance Starhost.........................................1 Klaq-Tors Talons .........................................3 Skink Patrol..................................................2 Saurus Host ..................................................3 Shadowstrike Starhost..................................2 Starbeast Constellation.................................2 Sunclaw Starhost..........................................2 Thunderquake Starhost ................................3 Ogres Gutbuster Wartribe.......................................1 Beastclaw Avalanche ...................................2 Orcs & Goblins Great Gitmob................................................1 Great Moonclan............................................1 Greenskinz Big Mob ....................................1 Iron Jaws Big Mob .......................................1 Sons of Behemat ..........................................3 Spiderfang Venom Mob...............................2 Bonesplittas Big Mob ..................................1 Skaven Bringers of the Rotsmog ..............................1 Clan Skryre Whyrlblade Threshik ...............1 Clan Skryre Gascloud Chokelung................1 Clan Skryre Rattlegauge Warplock..............1 Clan Skryre Arkhspark Voltik .....................1 Clan Skryre Gautfyre Skorch .......................3 Congregation of Filth ...................................2 Foulrain Congregation .................................3 Plaguesmog Congregation ...........................3 Skulkers of Runestruck Pass ........................3 Azyr Composition Rules Virulent Procession ......................................3 Pestilent Clawpack.......................................2 Eshin Clawpack............................................1 Verminus Clawpack .....................................2 Moulder Clawpack .......................................1 Stormcast Eternals Annihilation Brotherhood ............................2 Brotherhood of the Great Bolts ....................4 Devastation Brotherhood .............................2 Drakesworn Temple .....................................4 Extremis Chamber........................................5 Thunderstrike Brotherhood ..........................3 Grymn’s Brotherhood ..................................3 Heroes of the Host........................................1 Knights Excelsior Vengeful Storm ..............2 Lightning Echelon........................................4 Skyborne Slayers..........................................6 Lords of the Storm .......................................2 Thunderhead Brotherhood ...........................2 Thunderwave Echelon..................................4 Hammerstrike Force.....................................3 Vanguard Wing ............................................2 Wardens of the Realmgate .........................3* Warrior Chamber .........................................5 Harbinger Chamber......................................4 Host Azyric ................................................8* Royal Victrians ............................................3 Merciless Host..............................................2 Hallowed Hunt .............................................3 Tamurkhan Maggot Formation........................................1 Leaping Pox .................................................3 Tomb Kings Royal Legion of Chariots .............................1 Tomb Legion ................................................2 Vampire Counts Deathrattle Horde ........................................1 Charnel Pit Carrion .....................................2 Legion of Death Formation..........................2 Neferata’s Blood Court ................................2 The Spirits of Fellblood ...............................2 Warriors of Chaos Archaon’s Grand Host .................................4 Page 32 Blighted Warband ........................................1 Blightguard...................................................3 Bloab’s Swarmbrothers................................3 Bloodmarked Warband ................................3 Chaos Warband ...........................................3 Fatesworn Warband .....................................3 Godsworn Champions of Ruin.....................3 Lascilion’s Wanton Horde ...........................3 Marauder Raiders ........................................1 Overlords of Chaos ......................................3 Plaguetouched Warband ..............................3 Pleasurebound Warband ..............................2 The Watcher King’s Horde ..........................5 Torglug’s Bodyguard ...................................3 Wood Elves Alarielle’s Heartwood Guard .......................3 Forest Spirit Wargrove.................................3 Guardians of the Deepwood.........................3 Wanderer Host .............................................1 Waystone Pathfinders ..................................4 Azyr Composition Rules *Wardens of the Realmgate and Host Azyric are both formations that allow the controlling player to summon units. For either, treat the hero that is required to make the summoning count as the summoner and use the Azyr limitations on summoning based on their points cost. ** The Gorechosen (and any other formation that allows you to break Azyr Standard comp guidelines) allows you to take more heroes than the comp would normally allow. Players may opt to break the comp guidelines by fielding formations that allow for this, so long as they pay the proper points. This applies to any formation in the game that breaks comp guidelines for slots (such as hero slots, warmachine slots, monster slots etc) Page 33 11/8/2015 – Version 1.7 Dark Elf Executioners raised up a point to 3 for 5 Khorne units moved out of Warriors of Chaos to the Khorne Bloodbound Seraphon replace Lizardmen Slaan renamed to Slaan Starmaster Oldblood on Cold one renamed to Scar Veteran on Cold One Saurus Sunblood added (3 pts) Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur added (8 pts) Saurus Eternity Warden added (3 pts) Temple Guard renamed to Saurus Guard Scar Veteran Battle Standard renamed to Saurus Astrolith Bearer Saurus Cavalry renamed to Saurus Knights Skink Priest renamed to Skink Starpriest Skink Starseer added (3 pts) Units and heroes not found in battle tome italicized to denote they are not in book Added new formations Azyr Composition Rules Page 34 11/15/2015 – Version 1.8 Added Dread Saurian to Seraphon List (14 pts) Changed event rule for summoning – casters may summon a unit within the rules of their spell or ability regardless of if it is on the table or not. After much discussion on several forums, this is the way that seems to make “more sense”, though it is more unrestricted, and thus more open to abuse. Summoners are restricted to summoning from their own faction. Added a caveat that unique characters cannot exist more than once on the table. Added clarification to summoned units. They may not charge, but they may move, run, and shoot as normal. Added clarification that chaos lords reinforcement ability is a form of summoning for Azyr rules purposes. Added Glade Riders to PC app as they were mistakenly left off In an effort to make the undead factions more balanced, and this affects Dwarf Rangers and Empire state troops as well, troops that provide extra attacks or bonuses to hit based on their size are now broken out by size and costed accordingly. It was not fair to play a 10 point game with undead and be paying for skeletons (for example) as if you were fielding 30 of them when you wanted to only field 10 of them for a very small battle. Because zombies can be combined, their cost remains the same (the average damage they will put out at mid level). This prevents players from taking advantage of their discount at small unit sizes and then simply combining them to get their fairly considerate bonus. Banners remain the same as they were if they heal into the unit. Banners on average heal 8-15 wounds a game, which is about +2 points of skeletons extra. Tomb Kings & Vampire Counts Skeleton Warriors (up to 20) are 1 points for 5 models Skeleton Warriors 21-40 are 3 points for 10 models Skeleton Warriors 40+ are 2 points for 5 models Skeleton Archers (Tomb Kings) (1-20) drop to 3 points for 10 Skeleton Archers (Tomb Kings) (21+) drop to 2 points for 5 Empire Empire State Troops (1-30) will cost 1 for 5 still Empire State Troops (31+) will cost 3 for 10 Dwarves Quarellers (1-20) cost the same at 2 for 5 Quarellers (21+) cost 3 for 5 Azyr Composition Rules Page 35 Version 1.81 – 11/21/2015 Added optional rules Summoned units may not summon and added optional rule miscast Added clarification – having two of the same weapon does not give you double the attacks unless the rules on the warscroll specifically said so. Removed points increases for units that had double attacks: Blood Warriors, Chaos Warriors Shooting into combat – damage is halved, not number of attacks. This takes care of things like warmachines that only do one attack always only hitting the enemy in combat and sparing their friends. Trebuchets were raised to 3 pts to account for their ability to auto hit Version 1.82 – 12/1/2015 Skaven Jezzails increased from 2 for 5 to 4 for 5. Version 1.9 – 12/12/2015 Max Points for 50 pt games increased to 20 to account for the new Archaon Beastman Shaman – increased from 1 to 2 Mortar – increased from 1 to 2 Archaon the Everchosen – 20 pts Varanguard – 3 pts for 1 model Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch – 3 pts Archaon’s Grand Host, Overlords of Chaos, Bloodmarked Warband, Plaguetouched Warband, Fatesworn Warband, and Pleasurebound Warband For some undead units, the cost of the healing banners was a little unfair. Example: Grave Guard paying 1 pt for 5 models is a bit steep. Made it so infantry pay 1 pt for 10 models, cavalry 1 pt for 5 models, and all others like chariots 1 pt for 3 models in the unit. Version 1.10 1/24/2016 Added Summoning Points to event rules change Ripperdactyls mistakenly listed as 1 for 1, should be 4 for 3. Knight Vexillor for Stormcast Eternals raised from 2 pts to 3 pts to account for his teleporting Skaven Plague Catapult bumped from 2 points to 3 to account for the extra D6 damage it does to larger formations Fyreslayers added to the comp New format for upcoming Azyr Empires used for Fyreslayer layout (core is used to denote core units for Azyr Empires, Stars the level requirements) Azyr Composition Rules Page 36 Version 1.11 Changed Giant to Gargant New monster format and warmachine format, moving from slots to points to become just like heroes Added Skaarac the Bloodborn from Forge World Grand Alliance: Chaos Changes Several units and formations deprecated as they are no longer present in the book Several formations added Chaos Lords – drop to 2 points as they can no longer bring in new units Bel’akor is now listed under daemons Skaven – Ikit Claw becomes Arch-Warlock Poison Wind Globadiers become Scryre Acolytes Rat Ogres become Rat Ogors Crom the Conqueror becomes Exalted Hero of Chaos Nurgle Chaos Lord becomes Lord of Plagues Nurgle Chaos Sorcerer becomes Rotbringer Sorcerer Nurgle Lord on Mount becomes Harbringer of Decay Vilich the Curseling becomes Curseling Lord of Tzeentch Dragon Ogres become Dragon Ogors Shaggoth becomes Dragon Ogor Shaggoth Version 1.12 Removed the -1 Bravery for units shot at in combat by friendly units as it was excessive book keeping. Expanded on miscasts by noting summoning spells that are miscast generate hostile models. Version 2.0 New layout New Azyr Empires data Summoned units cannot move or do anything, the part on summoning made it seem like they could, but that was for summoned units that were summoned OUTSIDE of the spell (ala the old chaos lord summoning command ability) Warmachine crew and machine no longer randomized – the controlling player allocates wounds as they want. Death Grand Alliance – obsoleting removed units, adding new formation Azyr Composition Rules Page 37 Version 2.01 Corrected some mistakes from the 2.0 conversion. Modified slot restrictions: Monsterous Heroes now only occupy Hero points not both Hero and Monster. Clarified units in cover. Clarified Campaign Scenarios and Time of War Version 2.02 Grave Guard dropped to 2 for 5 just like Tomb Guard (they are the same unit) Tomb Kings Skeleton Archers just 3 for 10 Tomb Kings and VC Skeletons are now 3 for 10 Undead banners cost +1 point overall to the unit if they regenerate wounds Empire State Troops now 3 for 10 period Duaradin Quarrelers now just 2 for 5 period Version 2.03 Zombies dropped to 1 for 5 Version 2.04 Bastilladon upped to 7 points Pestilence Book added Version 2.05 Added clarification that models in base contact may move around so long as they stay within base contact during pile in phase to let other models move in Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Lord Celestant on Stardrake (15 pts) Drakesworn Templar (13 pts) Fulminators (4 pts for 1) Tempestors (4 pts for 1) Concussors (4 pts for 1) Desolators (4 pts for 1) new Stormcast Formations Version 2.06 New summoning rules Fixed terrorgheist points Version 2.07 Forge world Monstrous Arcana added Azyr Composition Rules Page 38 Version 2.08 Grand Alliance Order changes Version 2.09 Stormcast Celestant Prime raised to 7 points Chaos Warriors 3 for 5 points Blood Warriors raised to 3 for 5 points Liberators raised to 3 for 5 points Godbeasts Formations Version 2.091 Stormvermin raised to 3 for 5 points Chameleon Skinks raised to 3 for 5 points Azyr Composition Rules Page 39