July 10th - gogreystonegators.com


July 10th - gogreystonegators.com
Greystone Swim & Racquet club
Gator Gossip
July 10, 2016
www.gogreystonegators.com | @GreystoneUpdate
Important Dates
July 12 - University Club (Away)
July 13—Swim-a-thon
July 15—t-shirt practice
July 19 - Lake Park (Home)
July 21 - Awards Night , 6:30PM
July 24 - TSA Championship
Graduating seniors will be
recognized at the Lake Park
home meet.
Swim Practice Schedule
11-11;45am & 3:45-4:30pm
7-10 year olds
10-11am & 4:30-5:30pm
9-10am & 5:30-6:30pm
What’s Inside
MeredithTownes Highlights
Gutsy Gators
Gators-on-the-Go: Secret Life of
Pets (movie)
Ribbons and Doughnuts
Post Meet Visit to Chow
Congratulations to Hanna Aspden
Pick up Ribbons and Team Photos
TSA Senior Scholarship
Swim-a-thon Details
Awards Night Coming Up
TSA Meet Sign-Up and Waiver
Gators Win Over the Mudpuppies—Now
Onto University Club to
Take On the Psychos
Message from Coach Brendan
Congrats on a great win against Meredith Townes this past
week. It has been busy for our swimmers with Tucker lake this past
week and the Swim-A-Thon this coming week. We are working
towards raising over $5,000 to go towards our newly created
Graduating Senior Scholarships. Please turn in any money raised
no later that Tuesday, July 19th.
Please remember to sign-out if you are missing this Tuesday’s
meet. Also please make sure that you have signed-in for the TSA
Championship, which is July 24th. Both of those sign-ups close
at 6pm this Sunday
Important Meet Reminders
If you can’t make it to the meet, please add your name to the
absentee list using Sign-Up-Genius.
URGENT! We still need clerk of course, place judges, age
group parents and timers for our meet on Tuesday. To sign up,
please click here.
Please arrive at University Club by at 5:00pm. The address is
4200 Hillsborough Street , Raleigh.
Remember to show your good manners and sportsmanship
and judgment during the meet.. Summer swimming is all
about the fun.
If swimmers have to leave early from an event, you must
notify both the child's age group parent and a coach.
We would like to encourage everyone to come out and
support the team at CHOW after the meet.
Greystone vs.
Meredith Townes
Final score: Greystone 290 Meredith Townes 223
6 & Under Girls: Isabella Leoncini, Macie Waters, Eliza Roe
15-18 Boys: Jacob Wylie, Thomas Wright, Lucas Wylie
6 & Under Girls: Virginia Christopherson, Macie Waters, Natalie Shearon
7-8 Boys: Holden Ball, Drew Sito, Will Lewis
13-14 Boys: Trevor O’Neill, Duncan Burns, Jack Ellison
13-14 Boys: Trevor O’Neill, Benjamin Nguyen, Calvin Austin
15-18 Boys: Jacob Wylie, Lucas Wylie, Michael Hughes
13-14 Boys: Trevor O’Neill, Duncan Burns, Jack Ellison
Double Winners!
Virginia Christopherson (6 & under girls) back and breast
Triple Winners!
Trevor O’Neill (13-14 boys) back, breast, and fly
Samantha Muma (13-14 girls) free, back, and fly
Jacob Wylie (15-18 boys) free, breast, and fly
Gutsy Gators!
Each week, our coaches recognize two swimmers who exhibit great sportsmanship
and effort. These swimmers keep the beloved Gutsy Gator trophies for the week,
then return them for the next winners.
Liza Ball
Liza Ball earned the Gutsy
Gator for working hard everyday in practice over the last
few weeks and also for
swimming in her first meet
this week.
Lily Wilkerson
Lily Wilkerson earned the
Gutsy Gator for all of her
hard work, team spirit and
for her encouragement of
Gators-on-the-Go Heads to See
Secret Life of Pets This Tuesday
Meredith Townes
Results and Photos
The Gators will head over to see Secret Life of Pets this
Tuesday at 12:45pm at Six Forks Cinema: 9500 Forum
Individual results and photos
from the Meredith Townes
meet are available on the website. We try to have
the results posted by the Friday after each Tuesday
meet. The results can be accessed from the “Race
Season” link on each page. Photos from the meet are
now available via the “Photos” link.
Drive, Raleigh.
Awards Ceremony on
Thursday, July 21st
Our end-of-year awards ceremony will be
held on Thursday, July 21st at 6:30 PM at
The Fountain of Raleigh, 9621 Six Forks
Rd, Raleigh. The awards ceremony is not a banquet but
there will be a dessert social at the pool following the
event. Please come well-fed!
Please dress appropriately. Girls usually wear sundresses
and boys usually wear khakis and polos or buttondown
Congratulations Hannah Aspden
Hannah started swimming at Greystone at the age of 5.
Now, our little gator is grown up and was recently
named to Team USA
She will be headed for Rio
in September and will likely
be swimming the following
individual events, in
addition to team relays:
50 Free, 100 Free, 400
Free, 100 Back, and
200 IM.
Best of luck in Rio,
Hannah. The Gators will
be cheering for you!
Go Gator!
TSA Swim Meet
This year, we will be participating in the TSA
swim meet on Sunday, July 24th.
Please sign-up your swimmer(s) by July 10th if
you are interested in having them participate.
Also, please complete the waiver that is on the
next page and return to Coach Brendan.
Please pick me up!
Swim ribbons need to find
their homes. Please check the
snack bar to see if your swimmers have ribbons that need
to be picked up. In addition,
if you ordered a team photo,
you can pick those up in the
snack bar as well.
Volunteers—It’s Your Turn!!!
We still have several open positions for the last two
meets of the season. Thank you to all those who
have been loyal about signing up and covering
volunteer shifts. Several folks have worked at every
single meet.
For those who have not done their fair share, please
sign-up now for the University Club and Lake Park
meets. Those who do not sign-up and have not
fulfilled their commitment will be assigned to an
open position. The only exception is parents of 6 and
unders who are not attending meets yet.
Rained Out?
NEW THIS YEAR! Text messages will be
sent by our coaches if there is a weather
delay for meets or practice.
To receive text messages on your mobile device, go to
this website and follow the simple, 3-step directions.
Join the Gator Tradition
T-shirt Practice
Friday, July 15th
This is a fun, yearly Gator tradition that will take place
Friday at morning and afternoon practices for the 7-10 &
11 and up age groups. Coaches will bring in some of their
favorite t-shirts and swimmers may get to take one home!
Ribbons and Doughnuts Please Join Us at CHOW This Week
Each Wednesday at 10am, Gators meet
at the Swamp for a ribbon ceremony
and sugar feast. It’s a fun chance to
congratulate our swimmers. Main event
swimmers and relay swimmers get ribbons. All other
swimmers get ribbons during the meet. The coaches also
recognize two swimmers who have shown the most
“Gator Guts” during the previous week by awarding the
two Gutsy Gator trophies. We will also play games in the
pool after the ceremony so Gators should bring their
suits if they wish to participate. Go Gators!
Connect and Be Social
On Facebook, you can "Like"
Greystone Swim and Racquet Club to get pool updates.
On twitter, you can follow our
tweets at:
You can always keep up with the Gators on our web site:
Thanks to all the
Gators who
joined us at
Tucker Lake. It
was a fun outing!
Gators and their families head to CHOW after each Tuesday meet. CHOW is located at 8311 Creedmoor Road, in
the Kroger shopping center near the intersection of Creedmoor and Strickland Roads.
Share Your Favorite Pictures
The Deadline is Approaching...
We need your help collecting pictures from meets,
Wednesday awards, and other swim team events. The last
day to submit pictures is Sunday, July 17th - please send
them to us at:
We want all of our swimmers in the
end of year slide show!
Countdown to Important Events….
2 days until….
3 days until…
5 days until…
9 days until…
11 days until…
14 days until…
meet against University Club
fun, t-shirt practice
swim meet against Lake Park
Awards Night
TSA Championship Meet
TSA Corner
Attention High School Graduates
Pool Professionals will once again award $1,000
college scholarships to a male and female Tarheel
Swimming Association participant who demonstrates leadership,
team spirit and dedication to the TSA. Pool Professionals seeks
out young men and women who are role models for their peers
and achieving success in the pool and classroom. Pool Professionals’ scholarship committee members value leadership and
teamwork as highly as athletic skill when selecting the recipients.
Applicants are required to be a 2016 high school graduation
candidate or 2016 graduate, have been a TSA swimmer, coach or
manager in 2016 and for the previous two seasons. The
scholarship is available to swimmers at all TSA pools.
The exclusive online application and more information about
criteria for the scholarship are available on the TSA Scholarship
Application or you can go to www.poolprofessionals.com.
The deadline to apply is July 21, 2016.
It was a great win on
Wednesday night against a
team that had had 30 straight wins! The Meredith
Townes Mudpuppy Nation was very humble in
defeat and very complimentary of the Gators!
Particularly, the sportsmanship, volunteers, our
swimmers, the parents and the Gator Grill!
Way to go Gators!
This week we are swimming at University
Club! Your TSA Reps ask everyone again to show
the same patience and sportsmanship that we have
shown all season!
See you on Tuesday!! Go Gators!!!
This year Greystone will be holding its First Annual Senior Scholarship Swim-aThon fundraising event. The Swim-a-Thon is an event in which swimmers attempt to complete as many lengths of the pool in a 1-hour period as possible
(200 lengths maximum!!). Money is raised by having swimmers collect pledges
from neighbors, friends, and family members for each length of the pool they
complete within the allotted time or through pledges for a set dollar amount.
You can begin collecting pledges using the form in the plastic bag that was sent
home with your swimmer(s). The Swim-a-Thon will take place on July 13th from
10-11 (after Doughnuts and Ribbons which will start at 9 this day). We will also
have a make-up for it in the afternoon from 5:30-6:30pm.
Overall winner: The swimmer who
raises the most money gets free swim
team registration/dues for 2017.
Age Groups: The age group that raises the most money wins a popsicle
party during practice.
Team goal: If the team raises over
$5,000 we will do an extra fun day
We have two goals for this Swim-A-Thon, First is to raise at least $5,000
through the Senior Scholarship Swim-a-Thon. We will put the first $2500 of
what we raise into a Gators Senior Scholarship fund. Everything we raise over
$2500 will go into a Senior Scholarship account to grow for the future. The second goal is to build confidence in our
younger swimmers in seeing how many laps that they can swim in an hour. They will then be able to see how much they
improve from year to year as we do this in future years. We will have prizes that will be raffled off based on level of
money raised. The grand Prize raffle will be announced as we get closer to the date of the swim.
As a program, we would like to encourage everyone to participate in this year’s Senior Scholarship Swim-a-Thon. All
money raised will be due back to Coach Brendan on Tuesday July 19th by the end of the Swim meet against Lake Park. If
you have any questions about the Senior Scholarship Swim-a-Thon please contact Coach Brendan.
~Happy Fundraising~
What’s Your Gator Best?
Greystone Swim Team Summer 2016
Time Trials
June 4
Heritage of
Wake Forest
June 14
June 21
June 28
July 5
July 12
Lake Park
July 19