registration form - Parque Tecnológico de Álava
registration form - Parque Tecnológico de Álava
“ECONOMÍA Y SOSTENIBILIDAD: EL MODELO DE LOS PARQUES CIENTÍFICOS Y TECNOLÓGICOS” “EKONOMIA ETA IRAUNKORTASUNA: ZIENTZIA ETA TEKNOLOGI PARKEEN EREDUA” “ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABILITY: THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARK MODEL” Conferencia Internacional de APTE 17, 18, 19 de octubre de 2012 APTEren Nazioarteko Biltzarra 2012ko urriak 17, 18, 19 APTE International Conference 17, 18, 19 October 2012 REGISTRATION FORM To register you must fill in this form and send it by post /fax to the Technical Secretariat whose details are at the bottom. First Name and Surname: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organisation:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company VAT Number:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________County:____________________________________ Postcode:_______________________ Telephone:__________________________________________Mobile:____________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________________ Fax:________________________________________ Accompanying Person for the Social Program (First Name and Surname):______________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION TYPE - Please indicate below if you are going to attend only the APTE International Conference or if you are also interested in attending the IASP Workshop. Select the registration type and fee. Registration Deadline: 15/10/12 Registrations made before 01/10/12 will have a discount of up to 20%. Before After 01/10/12 01/10/12 APTE International Conference (October 17th, 18th & 19th) APTE Members €200 €240 Non APTE members €250 €300 IASP Workshop (October 16th & 17th) IASP Members €170 €200 Non IASP members €210 €250 APTE International Conference + IASP Workshop (October 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th) APTE Members and/or IASP members €285 €340 Non APTE members and non IASP members €355 €430 Daily Fee (to attend on a specific day only) APTE Members and/or IASP members €85 €100 Non APTE members and non IASP members €100 €120 Selected Days: IASP Workshop 16th APTE International Conference 17th 17th 18th 19th PAYMENT METHOD VISA MASTERCARD Card Number:_______________________________________________ CCV: ______________ Expiry Date:_____________________________________ (last 3 numbers on the back) Name of Cardholder:______________________________________________________________Signature: _____________________________________ Bank Transfer: SWIFT Code (BIC) CECAESMM097, IBAN ES3520970185310008813842 (the Account name is “Congreso APTE-IASP”)* *Important. Please put your name and organisation in the bank transfer details and attach the bank transfer receipt to the registration form and send them by post/ fax to the Technical Secretariat whose details are at the bottom. INVOICE DETAILS Organisation:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company VAT Number:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________ County: _______________________________________ Postcode:________________________ HOTELS - Find more information on recommended hotels in the website section “Practical Information”. - There are special rates for reservations made by 17 September. LEGAL NOTICE TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Kmeetings Eventos Profesionales Hermanos Lumiere, 11, Of. 9, 01510 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava) Opening Hours 8.30 -18.00 T. 945 29 70 16 F. 945 29 83 00 PLACES ARE LIMITED. Registrations will be on a strictly first-come, first-served basis. The event is organised by Alava Technology Park (PTA) and the Basque Technology Park Network, in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE), the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) and the Technical Secretariat of Kmeetings Eventos Profesionales. In accordance with the Spanish Data Protection Law (LOPD) we inform you that your data will be included in the “Registro” datafile owned by PTA, whose registered address is at 11 Hermanos Lumiere street, 01510, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava), for the purposes of administrative management, activity management, commercial management and other events organised by PTA. This information may be supplied to collaborating companies, public administrations and company groups related to this field if necessary. You hereby expressly authorise PTA to send you information and marketing communications by post and e-mail, concerning other activities organised by PTA or by other organisations that could be of interest to you. We remind you that in compliance with the current legislation, you may exercise your rights of access, correction or, where the case may be, cancellation by sending an e-mail to or in writing to Alava Technology Park, Hermanos Lumiere 11, 01510, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava). INFORMATION ABOUT REGISTRATION FEES X APTE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE / IASP WORKSHOP 16‐19th OCTOBER 2012 Timetable 9:00‐10:00 10:00‐11:00 11:00‐12:00 12:00‐13:00 13:00‐14:00 14:00‐15:00 15:00‐16:00 16:00‐17:00 17:00‐18:00 18:00‐19:00 19:00‐20:00 20:00‐21:00 21:00‐22:00 22:00‐23:00 APTE IASP APTE+IASP Registration Type Thursday 18th APTE Conferences I IASP Visits IASP Social Programme APTE Meeting APTE+IASP Social Programme APTE Social Programme APTE International Conference Activities IASP Workshop Activities APTE International Conference & IASP Workshop Joint Activity Dates 16th & 17th October Before 1st October 2012 From 1st October 2012 What's Included? Costs 17th: APTE Meeting + APTE Visits I + Social Programme 18th: APTE Conferences I + APTE Social Programme 19th: APTE Conferences II + APTE Visits II APTE Members 200 € 240 € Non‐APTE Members 250 € 300 € 16th: IASP Social Programme 17th: IASP Conferences + IASP Visits +Social Programme IASP Members 170 € 200 € 16th: IASP Social Programme APTE INTERNATIONAL 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th October 17th: IASP Conferences + a choice of (IASP Visits or APTE CONFERENCE + (attendance in all the activities in Meeting + APTE Visits) + Social Programme both events) 18th: APTE Conferences I + APTE Social Programme 19th:APTE IASP WORKSHOP Conferences II + APTE II Visits DAILY COST Friday 19th APTE Conferences II + APTE Visits IASP Conferences APTE INTERNATIONAL 17th, 18th & 19th October CONFERENCE IASP WORKSHOP Wednesday 17th Tuesday 16th 16th ‐19th October Includes the Visits and Conferences and the Social Programme (attendance of certain days in any on the selected day(s) of the 2 events) Non‐IASP Members 210 € 250 € APTE and/ or IASP Members 285 € 340 € Non‐APTE and non‐IASP Members 355 € 430 € 85 € 100 € 100 € 120 € APTE and/ or IASP Members Non‐APTE and non‐IASP Members