Bro Ram Babu ANCC_August_2012
Bro Ram Babu ANCC_August_2012
Invites you Christ for to attend our Communities Healing Crusade 2012 rd th 23 to 26 August Bro. Ram Babu Bring your sick & receive a miracle healing Come and be blessed ! Bramalea Baptist Church 9050 Dixie Rd., Brampton ON L6S 1J3 Follow our ads on Sur Sagar TV And Radio } 23rd Aug - 6:30 to 9:30pm 24th Aug - 6:30 to 9:30pm 25th Aug - 6:30 to 9:30pm 26th Aug - 6:30 to 9:30pm For more details call: 416-418-8040 905-460-1418 416-716-7332 647-200-4373 Or Visit For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. - Hab 2:14 s`irE~ Christ for nUM bul`v` our Communities E`au Eqy cMigE`eI p`au 2012 23 to 26 Egsq B`eI r`m b`bU E`pxIE~ pRyS`nIE~, ibm`rIE~, inr`Sn`v~ Eqy ES~qI qoN sd` leI Cutk`r` p`aux dy leI E`a Eqy Edbu@d iSP` p`au| E`au Eqy E`SIS~ p`au brYmlI bYpitst crc 9050 ifksI rof, brYNmtn L6S 1J3 Sur Sagar TV Eqy Radio qy s`fy vigE`pn qo lvo vdyry j`xk`rI } 23 Egsq - 6:30 24 Egsq - 6:30 25 Egsq - 6:30 26 Egsq - 6:30 qoN qoN qoN qoN 9:30pm 9:30pm 9:30pm 9:30pm vdyry j`xk`rI leI k`l kro: 905-459-1403 905-796-5321 905-460-1418 416-716-7332 647-200-4373 DrqI q~ whov`h dy prq`p dy igE`n n`l Br j`vygI, ijvyN smuMdr p`xI n`l BrpUr hY || - hb@kUk 2:14