2013 Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo
2013 Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo
July 8 -10 2013 Sterling heights Michigan Collegiate Exp For High School Bowlers High School Bowlers – It’s Your Time to Shine! The 3rd Annual Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo is scheduled July 8-10, 2013 at Sterling Lanes in Sterling Heights, Michigan just days prior to Junior Gold. In addition to the unique college recruiting opportunities, the Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo offers 2-full days of instruction with some of the best coaches in the sport including 2012 USBC Masters Champion Mike Fagan along with many PBA tour champions and current and former Team USA members. Prominent Sport Psychologist, Dr. Dean Hintz is also back to enlighten and challenge our students on aspects of the metal game. While students and coaches are working the lanes, parents can attend helpful seminars geared at Effective Parenting for Top Performance and Tips on Submitting Student’s Collegiate Bowling Resume presented by Gary Sparks, Assistant Professor and Head Coach Vincennes University. These seminars received an overwhelming response from parents last year. You won’t want to miss! As if that wasn’t enough, brand experts from some of the biggest brands in bowling will have trade exhibits and offer an opportunity for students, parents and guests to try all the hottest new equipment. Tons of fun! The Collegiate Expo concludes on Wednesday with an Audition Scholarship Tournament. All registered colleges will receive a bio on each student including student photo, contact information, academic and sport proficiency information. This is your chance to get noticed! Five hundred dollars in college scholarships will be awarded. Over the past 22 years, Turbo has sponsored many events but none more inspiring and rewarding than the Collegiate Expo. It’s an ideal platform for high school bowlers, parents and college coaches to meet and explore future opportunities. Featured Coaches: Diandra Asbaty - Nebraska University Jeff Carter - Tour Champion Joe Ciccone - Tour Professional Jason Couch - Tour Champion Carolyn Dorin-Ballard - West Texas Mike Fagan - St. John’s University Clara Guerrero - Wichita State Dr. Dean Hinitz - Sport Psychologist Mika Koivuniemi - Tour Champion Bob Learn Jr. - USBC Silver Lou Marquez - USBC Gold Bill O’Neill - Saginaw Valley State Mike Wolfe - Tour Professional Koivuniemi Fagan Don’t delay! Registration is limited to ONLY 168 students. With Junior Gold only a few days following our event, we expect spots to fill up fast. For more information, contact us directly at 800.530.9878. We hope to see you this summer! Dorin-Ballard Respectfully, O’Neill Lori Mraz President Visit our Fan Page on Facebook. Search Turbo 2-N-1 Grips. Enrollment limited to only 168 bowlers; High School Seniors (2012-2013), Juniors and Seniors (2013-14) or graduated students under 20 years of age. A minimum entering average for boys 190+ and girls 175+ is suggested for greatest recruiting consideration. T u rb o Te ch Collegia t e E x p o E v e n t – S c h e d u l e DAY ONE – Monday, July 8 Student Registration Day 6:00 - 9:00 pm Welcome Reception / Registration - Mandatory for ALL Students Ball Manufacturers On Lane Demonstrations - Parents & Guests welcome to particpate DAY TWO – Tuesday, July 9 The Physical & Mental Game 9:00 - 11:00 am On Lanes - Spare Shooting Assessment Test 9:00 - 11:00 am For Parents - Tips for Submitting Student’s Collegiate Bowling Resume, presented by Gary Sparks, Asst. Professor - Bowling Center Mgmt. Vincennes University 11:15 - 12:00 pm Groups A & B On Lanes with Dr. Dean 12:00 pm Registration College Coaches Open 12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch provided On-Site 12:30 - 1:30 pm Groups A & B in Classroom - Physical Game Presentation 1:45 - 3:15 pm Group A On Lanes with Coaching Staff - Physical Game 1:45 - 3:15 pm Group B in Classroom with Dr. Dean Hinitz - The Mental Game 3:30 - 5:00 pm Group B On Lanes with Coaching Staff - Physical Game 3:30 - 5:00 pm Group A in Classroom with Dr. Dean Hinitz - The Mental Game 6:00 - 8:00 pm Collegiate Coaches Dinner Reception. Collegiate Coaches only. DAY THREE – Wednesday, July 10 Collegiate Exp July 8-10 2013 Sponsors Exhibits and on-lane product demonstrations offered by: MJMA Lane Play, Ball Motion and Equipment 9:00 - 10:30 am Group A & B Presentation about Lane Play, Ball Motion & Equipment 9:00 - 10:30 am For Parents - Effective Parenting for Top Performance, presented by Dr. Dean Hinitz 10:30 - 1:00 pm Group A & B On Lanes w/3 Junior Gold Patterns (50 min ea. Pattern) 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lunch provided On-Site 2:00 - 2:45 pm Group A & B in Classroom with Dr. Dean Hinitz The Audition 3:00 - 3:30 pm Bowlers Practice Session 3:30 - 6:00 pm Audtion Scholarship Tournament. All College coaches will be on-site reviewing competition and bowler performance. 6:00 - 9:00 pm Open House; Bowlers and Coaches meet to discuss college bowling program and scholarship opportunities. 7:00 pm Scholarships Award Presentation Metro Detroit Association Travel Information Hosting Venue: Sterling Lanes 33200 Schoenherr Rd., Sterling Heights, MI 48312 • Ph. 586.979.5200 Google and Priceline.com are excellent sources for local hotel information and discounted rates. For convenient locations search, Sterling Heights-Utica, Warren or Troy-Madison Heights. If staying through for the USBC Junior Gold, the host hotel is the Somerset Inn, 2601 West Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48084 • Phone 248.643.7800. Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo – Registration Form July 8-10, Sterling Lanes, Sterling Heights, Michigan. See Complete Event Schedule inside. The Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo is the ideal platform for recruiting students to collegiate bowling programs. Students and coaches have a unique opportunity to meet and exchange information directly along with showcasing talents and skills. Student registration includes: Welcome Reception Dinner, lunch Tuesday & Wednesday, 2 days of on-lane and classroom instruction and opportunity to bowl in Audition Tournament in front of recruiting college coaches with chance to earn $500 in scholarships. Coaches registration includes: Coaches Dinner Reception, table to display college program information and a complete portfolio of all attending students. Portfolio includes pertinent contact information for each student, student photo along with GPA, ACT, Declared Major and Spare Acuity details. Student profile and video portfolio will be given to all registered coaches. Video provided by Turbo Tech. Registration limited to168 students. Register Today! Early Bird Registration thru April 30th – Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ ONLY $359 SAVE $30 Student: High School Bowling Team: _______________________ *Average:________________ q R-Handed q L-Handed q 2-Handed High School Coach: ____________________________________ Phone: _______ - _______ - __________ Declared Major: ___________________________ GPA: _______ ACT Score: _______ Most colleges will not accept ACT scores lower or less than 17. Parent or Guardian: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Date of Birth: ______ / ______ / ______ Age: ______ q Male q Female Sport Shirt Size: Adult q S q M q L q XL q XXL Coaches: University Name: ____________________________________________________ q NCAA q NAIA Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _____________ Primary Phone: _______ - _______ - __________ Emergency Phone: _______ - _______ - __________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (A) Student Registration Fee: $359 Early Bird by April 30th or $389 Standard Registration thru May 31st (B) Additional tickets for Welcome Reception Dinner Monday Evening (parents/siblings/other): ______ x $15 = _________ (C) Embroidered Backname added to Sport Shirt: $10* Name to appear: _______________________ *Up to 12 letters. Additional letter add $1 ea. Total Due: (A) __________ + (B) __________ + (C) __________ = __________ Method of Payment: q Visa q MasterCard q Discover Print Name as it appears on card:__________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________ Card # __________ - __________ - __________ - __________ Exp _____ /______ Code: __________ A parent or legal guardian must complete registration form. If registering more than one student, please complete separate form. Please print all information. Registration Deadline is May 31, 2013. NO walk-in registration will be accepted. Register early and save today! FAX Completed Registration to: 586.598.1950 or Email to Lauren Gdula, LGdula@turbogrips.com. Questions? Call 800-530-9878. Disclaimer and Liability Release: 1) Student is enrolled as High School Junior or Senior for 2013-14 School Year. 2) Turbo has permission to forward student’s personal data including photos and video to registered coaches. 3) Turbo reserves the right to use student photos and video for promotional purposes. As parent or legal guardian for student, I claim student is fit for all physical endeavors and that student is covered under my primary insurance policy. I authorize 2-N-1 Grips Inc. dba Turbo Bowling Accessories, its personnel and contracted event staff to request emergency medical treatment or care deemed necessary for the well being of student during outlined event. I accept terms and conditions of Turbo Disclaimer and Liability Release statement above: Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________ *A minimum entering average for boys 190+ and girls 175+ is suggested for greatest recruiting consideration.
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