August 23 - Woodland Oaks Church of Christ


August 23 - Woodland Oaks Church of Christ
Schedule of Services
9:00 AM
Bible Classes (offered for all ages)
10:15 AM
Gary Erwin
Mark Freeman
Nathan Ingram
Flo Mata
Butch Merriman
John Rowe
Elton Stubblefield
Raymond Walker
Morning Worship Assembly
6:00 PM
Evening Assembly
9:30 AM
Ladies’ Bible Class (off for summer)
6:45 PM
Young Professionals’ Bible Study
Mark Jetton, Gary LeMaire
Building & Grounds
Ken Purvis & Doug Tucker
Matt Fitzgerald & Quinn Tolbert
Family Life Center
Chris Davis
Community Bible Class
Tim Riggs
Jeff Fleming & Brandon Smith
Foreign Missions
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Paul Gidden & Bobby Hulett
Greeting & Welcome Center
Ben Brockman & Michael Matheidas
9:00 AM Bible Class
10:15 AM Worship
Local Evangelism
Troy Conrad & Chuck Bryant
6:00 PM Worship
Special Ministries
Dan Gray
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
August 23, 2015
Morning Service
Brian Lee
Bradley Welborn & Kyle Gordley
Kermit Brooks
Visitor Contacts
7:00 PM Bible Class
Evening Service
Karen Hopper
Lisa Geerman
Karen Hopper
Lisa Geerman
Sound Booth
Sound Personnel
Sound Personnel
Song Leader
Sonny Taylor
Sonny Taylor
First Prayer
Bob Burright
Sterling Lockwood
Matt Walker
Matt Walker
Communion Prayer
Terry Seaman
Steve & Will Long
Second Prayer &
Scripture Reading
Bill Morrison
Aaron Balderson
Closing Remarks
Nathan Ingram
James Young
Scott Blake, Joey Dawson, Bill Malone & Brant Mathis
Matt Hemphill & Terence O’Connor
Servant Minister
Tom Herrick
Ken Stegall
Chris Tomberlin
Stephanie Freeze
Jean Erwin
Matt Hemphill
Cleo Tarver
Supported Mission Works
Ron Clayton
Tyrone Mynhier
Brandy Medford/Janice Tadlock
Lead Coordinator
Clint Edgar
South Sudan
Benin School of Preaching
West Africa
Mission Printing
Clint Edgar
Where to find us:
7300 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77382
Phone/Voicemail: (936)273-0010
Check out our website for more information at
Arlington, Texas
Pat Scheaffer
Adventures in Missions
Steve Austin
Texas International Bible Institute
Ralph Williams
Instructor-Bear Valley Institute Extension School Program
Eastern European Missions
Biblical Institute of Central America
Supported Children’s Homes
Arms of Hope
Cherokee Home for Children
Children’s Homes of Lubbock
Olive Branch Ministries—Peru
Sunny Glen Children’s Home
Hannah’s Hope—Cambodia
First, “. . . the children of Israel did evil in the
sight of the Lord . . . they forsook the Lord and
followed and worshiped various gods of the
people around them.”
Next, “In his anger . . . the Lord handed them
over to raiders who plundered them.”
Then, “The children of Israel cried unto the
Do you ever marvel that we can’t appreciate the
value of something until we lose it? Israel had
something “really special” in their relationship
with God. Why did they persistently jeopardize it
by imitating those around them?
Bible Class Coordinators
Cradle Roll
The period of the Judges in the Old Testament
lasted something over 300 years. It is
characterized by a repetitive cycle.
A few years passed and the cycle started over
again . . . and again . . . and again.
Office Staff
Gina Talbott
Appreciating What We Have
Finally, “The Lord raised up a deliverer for the
children of Israel who delivered them.”
Pre-School & Elementary
Nathan Ingram
Volume XXIII—Issue 34
Anthony Dozier
August 23, 2015
Richard Hyde
Bible Class
10:00 AM
Audio/Visual & Media
Children’s Programs
7:00 PM
Joel Blake
I would suggest to you that Woodland Oaks
enjoys an incredible amount of blessings from
God. Let’s value those blessings and not lose
them by imitating those around us.
—No particular agenda—just a principle for your
-Ken Stegall
Please pray for everyone starting back to school!
elcome to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. We are
honored you chose to worship with us this morning. Please complete
the attendance card in the pew in front of you and place it in the contribution plate. Thank you for visiting us today! We look forward to meeting you!
We invite you to join any of our Adult Bible Classes:
“The Boldness of Faith: A study of Amos” by Scott Logan
Location: Chapel Center Auditorium
“A Study of I Timothy” by Mickey Alford and Morgan Whatley
(20s & 30s i.e. TNT)
Location: Worship Center Room 101
“Fishers of Men” by Mark Freeman and Raymond Walker
(Singles & Young Professionals)
Location: Education Center Room B107
“Studies in Luke and Acts” by Pedro Salazar, Alberto De Pena, Rick Medford and Flo
(Spanish Speaking Class)
Location: Education Center Library (2nd Floor)
“How We Got the Bible”
by Marty Miller
Location: Worship Center Room 102
The WOCC family is growing and the need for meals during
illnesses or other life-changing events is increasing. If you
are willing to help by providing meals during times of need,
please sign up at the Welcome Center today. Cherene
McDonald and Marcia Mata will be there to answer questions.
The Secure Check-in System is activated for children in the
classes for birth to age 4. The ID Cards are available at the
entrance to the children’s wing. Please note: For the security of
our children, the two exit doors are not to be used as entrances
and must remain locked at all times.
Heart of God Bible Challenge Make-Up Day!
Children ages 2 years through 6th grade can find one of
the “doctors” in white lab coats and recite any memory
work missed this summer. The “doctors” are available
between class and worship today. Check the assignment
off on the heart chart and choose a prize from the nurse’s station!
Everyone is invited!
Heart of God Bible Challenge Celebration
TODAY, August 23, 5:00 p.m.
In the Chapel Center
Come celebrate the hard work our children did this summer!
All junior and senior high school girls and their mothers are invited
to attend the upcoming Mother/Daughter Class to be held on
Wednesday evenings during the Fall Quarter. The study will be
based on the book Live Original by Sadie Robertson.
Men’s Softball games will be Tuesday, August 25 at 6:30 and 8:30
p.m. at Carl Barton Junior Park in Conroe.
September 3
Robert Lee (Bob) Wilkinson, the grandfather of Randy
Wilkinson, died August 9. The funeral service was
August 13 in Splendora, Texas.
September 5
September 6
September 7
September 8
September 13
September 20
Joyce Woodard, the mother of Linda Merriman, died August 20.
The funeral will be at 2:00 p.m. today, August 23 at WOCC with
burial at Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen, Texas on
Monday, August 24 at 1:00 p.m.
Thank you to everyone for their prayers, emails and cards when my
Mother died. It was such a blessing to come home and know I had
others who really cared about me and my family. Please continue to
remember my Dad in your prayers. May God our Father bless you all.
Chris Miley
Thank you to the members of WOCC for the care and love shown to us
through calls, cards, prayers, visits and food during Robert’s surgery and
recuperation. We love you all.
Robert & Kaye Shock
Thank you for the prayers, cards, well wishes and food provided in
response to Paul’s two gallbladder related surgeries this summer. It’s a
comfort and joy having so many from our church family involved with
numerous needs of others in our congregation these last few months.
The Gidden Family
Congratulations to Cory Burns, Tristan Salazar and
Evan Edgar who all recently committed their lives
to Christ through baptism! We celebrate with you,
Matt & Laura Norwood
Mason & Taylor
Doug & Carren Craft
Robert Dozier
Men’s Luncheon
Tuesday, September 1 at 11:30 a.m.
Golden Agers Lunch Bunch
Thursday, August 27 at 12:00 p.m.
Lupe Tortilla
Community Bible Class Potluck
Game Day 12:00 p.m.
Men’s Breakfast 8:00 a.m.
Bible Builders Resumes
Church Office Closed for Labor Day
Ladies’ Bible Class Resumes
Website Training; Sunny Glen Donations Due
Blood Drive, Website Training, Visitor Luncheon
5:00 p.m.
6:30/8:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
Heart of God Bible Challenge Celebration
Men’s Softball Games
Young Professionals’ Bible Study
Bible Classes—”Prodigal Son” by Kevin Montgomery
Community Bible Class
Golden Agers Lunch Bunch
Little Lambs Play Group at Timarron Park
Candice & Matt Fitzgerald
Mayra & Trent Tadlock
Allison & Ben Brockman
Kerri & Gabe Rangel
Hayden Talbott/surgery on both feet/August 19.
Judy Perry/recovering from bad fall in June/Lon is caring for her.
Barbara Dickinson/surgery to remove pelvic mass/August 24.
Joshua Oakley/brother of Jessica Coleman/in need of heart transplant/
Mercy Children’s Hospital in Kansas City.
 Lisa Middlebrook/daughter-in-law of Sid and Geri Middlebrook/surgery to
remove part of facial tumor on August 17/awaiting biopsy results/first
trimester of pregnancy.
 Jim Butler, Tom Campbell, Ron Cole, Larry Echols, Morgan Evans,
Debbie Kroeschel, Kelly Malone, Butch Merriman, Marilyn Pate,
Robert Thompson and Harold Wade are battling cancer.
 Please remember Linda Alexander, Margie Biggs, Liz Cole man, Fran
Cote, Caleb Cox, Mary Helen Foster, Pharis Fowler, Harry Hallows,
Debi Hix, Shirley Jones, John Kody, Margret Korner, Roland Laird,
Marjorie Lockwood, Georgia Meadows, Carletta Moore, Beatrice
Myers, Bill Pieper, Kim Prahl, Michael Priest, Gina Talbott, Bill
Walton, Elizabeth Joan Webb, Karen Weber and Ellouise Zapalac.
Juice & Cooking Spray
By September 13
Liquid Laundry Detergent (50 load)
By October 4
Please leave donations in the Education Center or the foyer.
If you could use meals during times of need, please contact the church office at 936-273-0010 or