Livestock Auction - Cass County Fair
Livestock Auction - Cass County Fair
Youth Livestock Auctions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion, market animals must be sold at the auction; Champion and Reserve Champion market animals do not have to sell. Animals to be sold through the auction must be shown in their respective market class in the youth division. Animals that are not well finished will not be sold through the auction sale. The show judge will make final decision. It shall be the responsibility of all exhibitors wishing to sell their animals to get their animals to the sale ring as scheduled. Exhibitors must inform barn superintendent if their market animal(s) are not to be sold in the auction. All animals sold at the auction will be settled for, by check to the exhibitor by the Cass County Fair Association after the closing of the fair. Only animals awarded an “A” or “B” ribbon will be allowed to sell at the auction. Note – auction checks will be mailed to the address listed on the fair registration form. Saturday Auction: 1. 2. 3. Thursday Auction: Thursday Auction: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Exhibitors are limited to three (3) sale orders. They would be allowed to sell 2 of only one livestock group (all poultry being considered 1 livestock group). Examples: a. 2 goats and 1 either poultry or rabbit b. 2 poultry and 1 either goat or rabbit c. 2 rabbits and 1 either goat or poultry d. 1 goat and 1 rabbit and 1 poultry Any exhibitor selling 2 of the same specie will sell them together. A six (6) percent commission will be deducted from the total sale price of rabbits, poultry and goats, to be used for insurance and promotion. Exhibitors will be limited to a total of four (4) sale orders in the Thursday Livestock Auction. Exhibitors may sell one (1) of each specie, with the exception of beef, which can sell two (2) animals. (There is no limit of sale order if the animals are champions.) Exhibitors who choose to exhibit more than one (1) animal of a particular species, with the exception of market beef, need to arrange for return home of the additional animal after the conclusion of the fair or shipment to market. Exhibitors must inform the auction office which animal they will be selling in the auction by noon on Wednesday of the fair, with the exception of the beef species, which is allowed to sell two (2) beef animals in the sale. If an exhibitor has not informed the auction office by the deadline, the highest placing animal will automatically be included in the auction bill. If both animals have placed the same, the animal with the heaviest weight will then be sold at the auction. Auction office could arrange for personal sales, if interest exists. Exhibitors must make these arrangements with the auction office prior to, or immediately after, the conclusion of their species show. All livestock sold at the Thursday auction must be sold by the pound. A three (3) percent commission will be deducted from the total sale price. 10:00 a.m. Sale Order: Dairy Feeder Beef Lambs Gallon of Milk Draft Horse Swine Saturday Auction: 9:00 a.m. Sale Order: Goats Rabbits Eggs Poultry 40 Special Thanks to Our 2015 Large Livestock Auction Buyers 1ST FARMS ACCOE, RICHARD & LYNN AGRI EQUIPMENT SERVICE AGRIGOLD AKA ENTERPRISES ALPHA CLEAN CARPET CLEANING ANDERSONS, THE ASMUS ACRES CLUB CALVES AUSRA EQUIPMENT - ROBERT V. AUSRA EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO. AUSRA FARMS, TERRY AUTO VALUE SUPER SPRINTS B & G FARMS BAKER & SON CONSTRUCTION BECKWITH BRIAN BENDER, BUTCH BENTON METAL BERGMAN VET MEDICAL CENTER BERRYBROOK FARMS BOERSEN FARMS AG BONOMO’S COLLISION BOYNTON FARMS BRADLEY, JENA BRADLEY, MIKE & LESLIE BROSSMAN & FAMILY, GEORGE BURNIPS EQUIPMENT CO BUTCHBAKER, ALLEN & PAT C WIMBERLY AUTO GROUP FORD C WIMBERLY AUTO GROUP GMC CARL & LORI RUFF CASEY TOOL & DIE CASS CONSTRUCTION CASS COUNTY BEEF SUPPORTERS CASS COUNTY DAIRY FEEDER SUPPORTERS CASS COUNTY FARM BUREAU & FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CASS U-STOR CENTRAL PRODUCE SALES INC CHEMICAL BANK CIRCLE T ACRES - BRIAN & SAMANTHA TOWNSEND CLOUD, ANN COLES FARM COMMUNITY MILLS CORNERSTONE CPA GROUP CRIPE FAMILIES, MEL & PATTY, ANDY & BETH CROMER, KELLY ANN CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES DAVE’S CONCRETE PRODUCTS DAVE’S QUALITY HAY DAVIS, ZACH DECATUR EXCAVATING DECATUR FEED DIG-IT EXCAVATING DOMINIAK, DENNIS & DONNA DON WEBBER MOTORS DOWAGIAC HEATING DUSSEL’S FARM MARKET EDD'S SUPPLIES INC. EDWARD LOWE FOUNDATION ELLIOT’S AMUSEMENTS EZ FARMZ FAIR, HUGH & MARIE FARMERS LIVESTOCK FEDORE LARGE ANIMAL VET SVC FIFTH THIRD BANK FLORA, DAVE FOUR SEASONS PERCHERONS FRIENDS OF THE CASS CO DRAFT HORSE PROGRAM FUNNELL, MIKE G.W. JONES EXCHANGE BANK GARD, TONI GARY’S CUSTOM MEATS GOODING, CHUCK GRABEMEYER FARM GRABEMEYER, BILL & DIANE GRAMES TIRE & BATTERY GRANDVILLE COMMODITIES GREEN HAY FARMS GREENMARK EQUIP OF THREE RIVERS GREENMARK EQUIP OF UNION GREENSTONE FARM CREDIT SERVICE GRINER FARMS TRUCKING GRINER, DARYL & SHELLEY; BROWN, BEN & MORGAN GUSE FAMILY, THE JIM & BARB H & H FEED AND GRAIN HAAS SYSTEMS, INC HARDINGS MARKET HARLOW FAMILY HARMAN MACHINE HARRIS, SCOTT & SONS HART, JIM & PEGGY HARTFORD GLASS BUYERS CLUB HARTSELL FAMILY SHOW STOCK HARTSELL, KEITH HASS QUALITY S HOW PIGS HEASLEY SEEDS HENRY’S CUSTOM DOZER SERVICE HERTSEL, TRACY HIBSHMAN SCREW MACHINE HIGH FARMS, WAYNE HIGH QUALITY FARMS - DAVE & STACEY HILDEN, SHERRY HILLVIEW FARMS, LLC HORRALL, PETER & ANGEL INNOVATIVE FAB, INC IVENS CONSTRUCTION 41 J & J BUYER GROUP JAKE'S COUNTRY MEATS JAYWALKER RESTAURANT JBS UNITED – BRANT GRAHAM JEFF’S LAWN CARE JIM GUSE FARMS JJB TRANSPORT LLC JOHANSEN FARMS LLC JOHNNY’S CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION K & M MACHINE FABRICATING K R FULLER CONSTRUCTION KALMABACH FEEDS, INC KEELER, DANETTE WORTH KEENE BODY SHOP KELSEY LAKE FARMS KEMNER-IOTT AGENCY OF CASS CO KIRKDORFER FARMS KLEIN SEED SALES (PIONEER) KOUNTRY BUILDERS LLC KOVIAK IRRIGATION KRAFTS GARDEN LAKESTONE LAW LAMOREAUX CONSTRUCTION LAYMAN FARMS, JOEL & HEIDI LOWERY’S MEAT & GROCERY M.T.L. MAGYAR LAW OFFICE MAHAR INSURANCE MAJEWSKI, DAVE & MONICA MAPLEWOOD FARMS MARTENSEN, CHUCK MCKENZIE HIGHLANDS MCKENZIE, KEITH MCNAMEE CPA, INC MESKO, JIM & BARB MICHIANA AGRA MICHIGAN VALLEY IRRIGATION MILLER, HERB & JOYCE MILLER, TERRY MINLAND MACHINE MORA LEA FARMS MORGAN, BOB, JODY, JASON & ERIN NORTH CENTRAL CO-90 NUTECH SEED OAKWOOD FARMS PEARSON SEED PETERSON FARM PETERSON, GAIL & MARY LOU PETERSON’S SUPERIOR AG & GREAT LAKES HYBRIDS PLATINUM CLUB LAMBS POEHLMAN'S MARL PYE, DON, ERICA & FAMILY POKAGON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT PURSLEY FARMS QUALITY MASONRY R & C FARMS R & H MACHINE PRODUCTS R & R BUILDERS RADTKE, TOM & LOIS RANKEL EXCAVATING RED BARN RETREAT RED STAR AUCTIONS REED, ED & KELLY RICHARDS J EXCAVATING ROLLING MEADOWS FARM LLC ROSE N ANN FARM RUTHERFORD RENTALS S & R FARMS SCAPINO STEEL ERECTORS SCHANTZ FARMS SCHERER, JOHN & JOYCE SERVICE OIL COMPANY SHELDON CREEK FARMS SHETERON, PAUL SHIPSHEWANA AUCTION SMILE CENTER SMITH FAMILY – MIKE & BEV SMP MARKETING LLC SOBECKI, BRIAN SOUTHVIEW FARM SOUTHWESTERN MICHIGAN COLLEGE SPARKLE CAR CARE CENTER SPARKS CEDARLEE FARM SPINE ORTHOPEDIC MEDICINE STARR, FRANK & BARBIE STICKLE, JOHN & SUZANNE STOUT, BRIAN & ALICIA STRUCKEL, AL & JUDY SUNNYBROOKE GROWERS; MARK, JAMI, KATELYN, MATTHEW KOEBEL SWEITZER, PAUL & KATHY TIDEY FARMS TOLBERT, JEFF TONE FAMILY, JOE & RACHEL TONE'S TRUCKING, INC. TT CONSULTING UNITED PRODUCERS/PARKS LIVESTOCK WALDSCHMIDT, JESSICA & MARISSA WALDSCHMIDT, KEVIN & ELIZABETH WALDSCHMIDT, STEVE & PATTY WALLACE, TROY WALTHER FARMS WE GOT MILK WIGHTMAN & ASSOCIATES INC WILBUR-ELLIS CO. WILLIAMS A1 TREE WIMBERLEY, DENNIS & TINA WITHERS FARM WITHERS, ARDEN & CAROLYN WOODEN SWINE FARM SHOW PIGS YODER FARMS YOUNG, JASON & ERIN This could be YOUR ad seen by thousands for a YEAR!!! Contact Brenda at the Cass County Fair Office 269-445-8265 42 Special Thanks to Our 2015 Small Animal Auction Buyers 1 100 P WE GOAT THIS ARCHER, BOBBY AXA ADVISORS B & G FARMS B & Q MACHINE, INC. BAUER FARM BECRAFT, JOEL & RITA BENDER, BUTCH BENTON METAL BIG KID HAULING BILL’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BINGAMAN, JON & LORI BINNS, JESSE BISCHOFF, FRANK & JENNY BOGUE, JIM & LINDA BOULANGER, BRAD & ERICA BOWMAN, BRETT BRADLEY, MIKE & LESLIE BRESEMAN FARMS BROSSMAN & FAMILY, GEORGE BROWN, RON & MARY BRUSSEE, BRADY BUSH BUNNY BARN CASS COUNTY TITLE OFFICE CASS U-STOR CIRCLE T ACRES CLIPPER CREATIONS COMMUNITY MILLS CP INDUSTRIES DAVE’S CONCRETE PRODUCTS DAVIS, ZACH DECATUR FEED DEUBNER, DANIEL & HANNAH DIAMOND LAKE DAYCARE DIG-IT EXCAVATING DIVISION TIRE DOHM’S PAT-CH GREENHOUSE DOWAGIAC AUTO BODY DUSSEL'S FARM MARKET E&R BARBQUE FITZ, PROSECUTOR, VICTOR FLIM FLAM FARMS FOUR SEASONS PERCHERONS FREND, MORGAN FRIENDS OF MADISON SUSELAND FRYMAN’S ROOFING GOODELL, PHIL GREEN, JIM & LINDA GREEN, TIM & LORI GREEN, TOM & ROSE GRINER FARMS TRUCKING GUSE, THE JIM & BARB FAMILY HARDING, DUSTIN HARDING, PAT HARDINGS MARKET HARLOW, ALAYNA HARLOW FAMILY HARMAN MACHINE HARTFORD GLASS BUYERS CLUB HARTSELL, BLAKE HARTSELL FAMILY SHOW STOCK HARTSELL FARMS HARTSELL, KEITH HARTSELL, TOM SR HASS QUALITY SHOW PIGS HAYDEN, CAMERON & RICK HIGH FARMS, WAYNE HONOR CREDIT UNION IVENS CONSTRUCTION J.C. FENCING J.L. LANDSCAPING JEREMIAH HARTSELL BUYERS GROUP JOHANSEN FARMS LLC KARLOWICZ, ATTORNEY PETE KELLEY, COLIN KELLEY, PAT & AMY KEMNER-IOTT AGENCY OF CASS CO KUEMIN FAMILY, BRIAN KUEMIN FAMILY, DENNIS LAKE X-RAY, INC LEACH FARMS LEE, RJ & SAMANTHA MCDONALD, JUSTIN & MELISSA MCKENZIE CROSS BUYERS GROUP MENCK, MARY ANN MESKO, JIM & BARB MIHILLS, GARY MILLER, JOYCE MILLER, MATT MORA LEA FARMS MORGAN, BOB, JODY, JASON & ERIN MOVIES MOVIES NH SHORTHORN NICK FRYMAN’S CONSTRUCTION NILES VISION NORTH STAR LANDSCAPE DESIGN NUTECH SEED PARK SHORE PRODUCTS PETERSON FARM PETERSON’S SUPERIOR AG & GREAT LAKES 43 HYBRIDS PORKY'S PRESTON, CHELSEY PRESTON, CHRISTINA QUALITY MASONRY R & H MACHINE PRODUCTS R & R BUILDERS RADTKE, TOM & LOIS REAL PRO SOLUTIONS ROLLING HILLS SHOOTING PRESERVE RON KING FARMS S & R FARMS SCHANTZ FARMS SCHULER TOOL DIE SEEM, ANNE SHALER, ROBERT SMITH FAMILY SOLLOWAY, JOHN & AMANDA SPINE AND ORTHOPEDIC MEDICINE STICKLE, JOHN & SUZANE STOCKWELL FAMILY STOECKINGER, JERRY SUSELAND BELGIANS SUSELAND, JEFF, SHARON & MADISON THOMAS, LARRY TIDEY FARMS TONE, JON SR TONE, RACHEL & JOE TONE'S TRUCKING, INC. TRUE'S SERVICE TT CONSULTING UNDERWOOD, SHERIFF JOE UNIQUE CUTTING US BUSINESS SYSTEMS WALDSCHMIDT FARMS WALDSCHMIDT, KEVIN & ELIZABETH WALDSCHMIDT, STEVE & PATTY WALTHER FARMS WHITE FARMS WHITMYER, MACKENZIE WILSONS FARRIER SERVICE WIMBERLEY, DENNIS & TINA WITHERS FARM WITHERS, ARDEN & CAROLYN WRIGHT & GIRLS, KAREN WRIGHT, ROB & MELODY WRIGHT, ROBERT & SANDY YOUNG, JASON & ERIN A very special thank you to the auctioneers that donated their time to make our auction sales a success! Hahn Auctioneers, Inc. Jerry Glassman Jeff Gouker Shane Harris Bill Meadows Chris Snyder John Suseland Also special thanks to ringman: Dan Stutsman 44 2015 Champion Buyers – Large Livestock Sale Photos courtesy of Countryside Photography Grand Champion Lamb Exhibited by: Jena Bradley Purchased by: Paul & Kathy Sweitzer, Cripe Families, Hibshman Screw Machine, & Edd’s Supplies, Inc. Grand Champion Market Hog Exhibited by: Courtney Hartline Purchased by: Community Mills, Butch Bender, & Rolling Meadows Farm LLC Grand Champion Beef Feeder Steer Exhibited by: Conner Sobecki Purchased by: Elliott’s Amusements, Peterson Farm, Butch Bender, & Community Mills Grand Champion Market Beef Exhibited by: Cole Menck Purchased by: Dave’s Concrete Products 45 Youth Draft Horse Project Representing all Draft Horse Exhibitors Purchased by: Friends of the Draft Horse Program Photo courtesy of Farmer’s Exchange Grand Champion Dairy Feeder Steer Exhibited by: Mackenzie Whitmyer Purchased by: High Quality Farms, C Wimberly Auto Group GMC, Butch Bender, Community Mills, Harlow Family, & Maplewood Farms Photo courtesy of Farmer’s Exchange Gallon of Milk Representing all Dairy Exhibitors Purchased by: Friends of the Dairy Exhibitors Grand Champion Dairy Market Steer Exhibited by: McKenna Cursio Purchased by: Cass County Beef Supporters 46 2015 Champion Buyers – Small Livestock Sale Dozen Eggs Champion Individual Roaster Rabbit Representing Poultry Kids Purchased by: U.S. Business Systems Exhibited by: Jacob Tone Purchased by: Community Mills Butch Bender Grand Champion Dairy-Type Market Goat Champion Individual Fryer Rabbit Exhibited by: McKenna Curcio Purchased by: 100 P We Goat This Exhibited by: Hailey Wellman Purchased by: Hartsell Farms 47 Grand Champion Meat-Type Market Goat Exhibited by: Emily Luthringer Purchased by: Lake X-Ray, Inc. Our sincerest “Thank You” for all the generous support given by our community to all the auctions at the Cass County Fair. Our youth are truly blessed to live and show in this county. Again, thank you so much for your continued support and interest in our youth and their projects. 48