Static and dynamic X-ray resonant magnetic scattering studies on
Static and dynamic X-ray resonant magnetic scattering studies on
Static and dynamic X-ray resonant magnetic scattering studies on magnetic domains Static and dynamic X-ray resonant magnetic scattering studies on magnetic domains ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT TER VERKRIJGING VAN DE GRAAD VAN DOCTOR U NIVERSITEIT VAN A MSTERDAM OP GEZAG VAN DE R ECTOR M AGNIFICUS P ROF. MR . P.F. VAN DER H EIJDEN AAN DE TEN OVERSTAAN VAN EEN DOOR HET COLLEGE VOOR PROMOTIES INGESTELDE COMMISSIE , IN HET OPENBAAR TE VERDEDIGEN IN DE A ULA DER U NIVERSITEIT 5 JULI 2005, TE 10.00 UUR OP DINSDAG DOOR Jorge Miguel Soriano geboren te Zaragoza, Spanje Promotiecommissie Promotor Prof. dr. M.S. Golden Co-promotor Dr. J.B. Goedkoop Overige leden Dr. E. Brück Prof. dr. K.H.J. Buschow Prof. dr. T. Gregorkiewicz Prof. dr. W. Kuch Prof. dr. Th. Rasing Prof. dr. G. Wegdam Cover: word scattering from the history of a Ph.D. student’s life. ISBN 90-5776-142-4 The work described in this thesis was carried out partly at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) and at the Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut of the University of Amsterdam, Valckenierstraat 65, 1018 XE Amsterdam. The work is part of the Research Program 39 of the Stichting voor the Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM) and was made possible by financial support from the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO). No sé si estoy en lo cierto, lo cierto es que estoy aquı́, otros por menos se han muerto, maneras de vivir. R. Mercado a mi familia a Marı́a C ONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1. Thin film magnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2. X-ray resonant magnetic scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3. This thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 11 14 2. Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Optical constants in the soft X-ray range . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Resonant cross sections of the RE M4,5 edges . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1. Calculation of atomic absorption spectra . . . . . . . . 2.3.2. Gd3+ experimental spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4. Calculated RE M4,5 magneto-optical constants . . . . . . . . . 2.5. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1. Calculated spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.2. Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 17 19 22 22 24 26 31 31 35 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1. Magnetism of amorphous GdFe thin films . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1. Samples: a-GdFe thin films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2. Small-angle X-ray scattering setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1. Scattering curves at remanence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2. Field-dependent scattering curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3. Stripe diffraction patterns in the small-angle limit . . . . . 39 39 42 43 43 45 48 48 49 51 CONTENTS 5 3.3.4. Field dependence of total scattered intensity 3.3.5. Interpretation of scattering curves . . . . . . 3.3.6. The effect of disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.7. Domain period and magnetization . . . . . . 3.4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Magnetic pulse generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3. Magnetic reversal in Gd0.19 Fe0.81 films . . . . . . . 4.3.1. Time-resolved MOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2. Time-resolved XRMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4. Magnetic reversal in GdFe5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1. Time-resolved XRMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5. Conclusions and outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. An XRMS study of ion-beam-patterned a-GdTbFe thin films 5.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1. Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2. Focused-ion-beam irradiation . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 56 58 59 62 . . . . . . . . . 65 65 67 69 70 73 79 81 81 83 . . . . . . . 87 87 89 89 90 92 97 98 6. An X-ray magneto-optical study of magnetic reversal in perpendicular exchange-coupled [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayers 101 6.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 6.2. The [Pt/Co]n /FeMn perpendicular exchange bias system . . . . . 103 6.3. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 6.3.1. XMCD spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 6.3.2. Element-specific hysteresis loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 6.3.3. Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 6.4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7. Conclusion and Outlook 113 7.1. Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 6 CONTENTS A. Sensitivity of the Gd3+ optical constants to the calculation parameters117 A.1. Atomic multiplet calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 References 120 Summary 137 Samenvatting 139 Resumen 141 Acknowledgements 144 To my friends 145 1 I NTRODUCTION 1.1. Thin film magnetism Many devices of the current information technology era are based on magnetic thin films. For example, hard disks, read/write heads and magnetic sensors are ubiquitous in the day to day life of any citizen of a high technology and information centred society. These magnetic devices play host to, or interact with, the main protagonist in this thesis: the magnetic domain. These are tiny areas of the thin film that are uniformly magnetized in a given direction [1, 2]. In simple words, the magnetization inside a domain is given by the size of the atomic spins and their degree of mutual alignment. In the so-called domain wall - the region between two oppositely aligned domains - the spins gradually change direction, so that the magnetization (for instance) turns from pointing up to pointing down. Thus when a device sensitive to the direction of the magnetization flies above the thin film (as is the case in a computer’s hard disk), it feels these changes in magnetization and its signal is interpreted as ones and zeros, thus rendering the bits containing the information. In order to keep pace with our ever-increasing demands for more information (for example in the form of multimedia), the recording industry faces the challenge of realizing a tireless growth in information storage density. The current bit width is approximately 25 nanometers, about a thousand times smaller than the diameter of a human hair and a few hundred times the diameter of an atom. Further reductions will bring us closer to the atomic limit. Thus, an important question remains: what is the minimum stable domain size? 8 C HAPTER 1 a b c d e Figure 1.1: Schematic diagram on the formation of stripe domains in magnetic thin films with perpendicular anisotropy. Cross sections of a film with dominant dipolar energy (a) and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (b). The formation of out-of-plane stripe domains (orange and blue), domain walls with magnetization perpendicular to the plane of the figure (grey) and closure domains (green and violet) is illustrated respectively in (c), (d) and (e). To resolve this question, new tools need to be added to the toolkit of domain characterization methods. Such a new tool is used in this thesis to study a number of domain structures in thin films. In order to provide the background for our investigations, we have first to describe the origin and the properties of magnetic domains in thin films [3, 4]. The domains are the result of several competing energies: on one hand, the exchange energy between the spins tends to align them with respect to each other. Secondly, a preference for the spins to be oriented in a certain direction, usually called easy axis, may be displayed. In crystalline materials, this anisotropy direction is linked to the crystallographic axes. The consequence of these two terms for ferromagnetic systems is that the minimum energy state is reached when all spins are parallel and pointing along the easy axis, and the whole system can be seen as a huge single spin or dipole. The energy potential created by such dipole is described commonly in terms of flux lines and magnetic charges, giving rise to another contribution to the total energy, the demagnetization or dipolar energy. Unlike the exchange and anisotropy energy terms, the dipolar energy is non-local, so that each spin is Introduction 9 affected by any other spin in the system. When the system is uniformly magnetized, the dipolar energy will be maximal. To reduce it the system can break up in domains, at the cost of having to form a domain wall. Within the domain wall, the spins of adjacent atoms are no longer parallel and they will not point along the easy axis, locally increasing the exchange and anisotropy energies. The detailed domain structure depends on the balance between dipolar energy gain and the cost of making domain walls, and on the history of the magnetic fields that were applied to the sample. In thin films the dipolar energy causes the magnetization to have a strong preference to lie in the film of the plane, as depicted in the first example in Fig. 1.1. However, a second effect of the surfaces is the crystallographic symmetry is broken there, so that the surface atoms can have a completely different anisotropy direction. Many elements will take on a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy which can affect the anisotropy of the film as a whole or even, as in the amorphous thin films studied here, it can be ’grown into’ the film during deposition, causing the whole film to have a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (Fig. 1.1-b). A very interesting situation occurs when the shape and surface anisotropy energies are roughly equal. In this case the system breaks up in a regular series of up and down stripe domains, decreasing in this way the number and extent of the flux lines [2, 5] (see Fig. 1.1-c). In this situation, the dipolar energy is minimized, but at the cost of the formation of domain walls, where the magnetization direction rotates from up to down or viceversa. Crudely speaking, the period of such stripe lattices results from the interplay between these two factors. However, the detailed shape of the domain wall is important, as depicted in a more realistic way in panel d. The detailed shape of the magnetization in stripe systems cannot be calculated analytically as it depends on the interplay between all the energy terms involved, which depend on material parameters such as the saturation magnetization, the perpendicular anisotropy and the exchange constant, but also on the physical dimensions of the film. For instance, the dipolar energy can be further reduced by the formation of closure domains at the film surfaces (panel e). Again there is a price to pay, this time in the form of a higher anisotropy energy in these domains. A vast range of domain configurations is possible, as shown in Ref. [2]. 10 C HAPTER 1 With regard to the foregoing discussion of magnetic recording media, another technologically important aspect concerns the speed of the writing process, in which the magnetization direction is reversed. This affects the dynamics of the domain magnetization, and thus poses the following question: how fast can a magnetic domain be switched? In today’s hard disks, it takes some nanoseconds to write a bit. The reversal time scale in magnetic research ranges from years down to nanoseconds, and lately even femtoseconds. Above a few picosecond switching times, reversal is thermally assisted, involving nucleation of a domain in the new direction and its subsequent growth by domain wall motion. When the excitation time scale lies well within the picosecond range or faster, the magnetic system does not have enough time to adapt by displacing the domain walls and magnetic reversal involves coherent rotation of many spins that behave as a single spin under the driving field. Ultimately, when the excitation is very fast - on the femtosecond time scale - the non-linear character of spin precession is able to bring the system out of thermodynamic equilibrium as regards the electronic, crystal lattice and spin degrees of freedom (a review on spin dynamics and magnetic reversal can be found in Ref. [6]). Also, the intrinsic non-linear character of spin precession can cause this macrospin to break up, generating spin waves that rapidly decay into phonons, a situation that we encounter in this thesis. A different class of magnetic thin film systems relevant for applications are the exchange-biased systems [7]. They basically contain a ferromagnetic and an antiferromagnetic layer, the main effect of the latter being to shift the hysteresis curve of the former in the magnetic field axis. This exchange-bias effect is central to the fledgling field of magnetoelectronics, and as such is the subject of many ongoing investigations [8, 9]. From the discussion thus far it is clear that magnetic domains, their dimensions and behavior in thin film systems are important topics, attracting a large degree of interest from academia and industry alike. It then follows that experimental techniques able to give local information on magnetic domains and their dynamical behavior are important players in the characterization and Introduction 11 the development of tomorrow’s magnetic storage media. In this context, techniques based on microscopy are obvious front-runners, such as Lorentz, Kerr or magnetic force microscopy. Each of these has its own strengths and weaknesses. From technique to technique the latter could be argued to include limited spatial resolution, difficulty in applying high magnetic fields or the necessity for long acquisition times. Given this backdrop, we argue that it would be valuable to explore the possibility of using X rays to answer some of the open questions currently limiting our understanding of the magnetization dynamics in thin film systems. X rays possess the positive attributes of providing a maximum resolution of several angstroms in almost any condition of temperature and field. Unfortunately, the current status as regards the development and availability of high-resolution X-ray lenses means that rather than using direct X ray microscopy, we have chosen to explore the merits (and thus also identify the drawbacks) of X ray scattering as a probe of thin film magnetization and its dynamics on nanometer and nanosecond timescales. 1.2. X-ray resonant magnetic scattering The X-ray methods described in this thesis are still under development, having only been introduced somewhat more than a decade ago. They are based on the strong magnetic resonances between core electrons and the spinpolarized valence states of magnetic solids. This means that when an X-ray wavefront travels through a solid, it excites the orbital motion of the electrons in the constituent atoms. These electrons then start oscillating in the plane of the light polarization [10]. This excitation is consequently relaxed by the emission of a spherically symmetric wave centered at the nucleus of the atom in question. If the photon energy E of the incoming X-ray photon matches the energy difference between two atomic levels }ω0 = E f − Ei , the electrons occupying the lower level absorb the photon and are promoted to the higher level which, naturally, needs be initially at most partially unoccupied in order to allow the transition to take place. So, how does magnetism come into this? The absorbtion and re-emission of the X ray is only sensitive to the magnetic state of the atom if the spin-orbit interaction plays an important role. When an atom is magnetized, it has more valance electrons with spin in one direction than in other, resulting in a net total magnetic moment. This occupancy difference also means that the number of empty states available for the electron to be excited into de- 12 C HAPTER 1 M4 ω q = 0, 1 M5 ω’ q’ = 0, 1 Initial state: Intermediate: Final state: 3d 10 4f N 3d 9 4f N+1 3d 10 4f N |JM |J’M’ |JM Figure 1.2: Schematic resonant X-ray absorption process in the atomic multiplet description applicable to the RE M4,5 edges. The incident X-ray photon with energy h̄ω and polarization state q (0: linear, ±1 circular) causes a resonance to occur between the Hund’s rule ground state level | J M i of the initial 4 f N configuration multiplet with the multiplet levels | J 0 M0 i of the excited configuration 3d9 4 f N +1 . The scattered photon can have a different polarization state q0 . pends on its spin. Typically the spin-orbit interaction is large for core levels such as the 2p and 3d levels of the transition-metal and rare-earth elements, respectively. As these elements are the main players in the magnetic game, this opens up the prospect of resonantly tuning the incoming X-ray beam to a core-level threshold, exploiting the spin-orbit interaction to give a strongly magnetizationsensitive absorption of the X-ray beam. This basic process results in the strong magnetic sensitivity of the refractive index when dealing with the interaction of soft X rays with magnetic matter, as it is in this photon energy regime that the characteristic absorption edges of the 2p and 3d levels of the transition metals and rare earths are located. Naturally, the fact that the corresponding X-ray wavelengths are of the order of the typical size of magnetic domains for interesting thin film magnetic systems is a nice bonus. In fact, the two strongest aspects of these soft X ray-based methods are Introduction 13 (i) that the spectroscopy can give access to an independent measure of the spin and orbital magnetic moments of systems ranging in thickness from much less than a monolayer [11] to the bulk and (ii) that they also possess elemental and chemical sensitivity, since the resonances for different elements appear at different energies. An additional benefit - shared by all photon-in, photon-out techniques - is that the application of high fields and the use of low temperatures are straightforward. Up to now it sounds as though soft X rays should have already conquered the world of thin film magnetism. That this has not yet occurred is due to two main factors. Firstly: they are not (yet) available as a table-top source, and secondly that the current quality of X-ray optics (Fresnel zone plate or hollow lenses) is limited, causing the current spatial resolution to be from one to three orders of magnitude larger than the diffraction limit. We have taken this latter drawback as part of our motivation to explore the possibilities of lensless techniques such as X-ray resonant magnetic scattering as a useful alternative since the spatial resolution in the scattering case simply scales with the maximum scattering angles intercepted. The price one pays is that - in measuring the scattered intensity - one loses the phase information carried by the X rays coming from the sample. This phase problem - well known from diffraction can be partially overcome by using coherent beams in combination with phase reconstruction algorithms [12], although it seems unlikely that the resolution will be better than that of a zone plate microscope in the soft X-ray range. In this thesis, we limit ourselves to incoherent diffraction, and we show what spatial magnetic information is indeed extractable from this technique. As regards the history of the technique, X-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) has been exploited in the soft X-ray range only since the late nineties. This energy range is host to the largest magnetic resonances of the magnetically important transition-metal and rare-earth series. The wavelength at these resonances is between 1 and 2 nm, larger than the atomic lattice spacing so that atomic resolution cannot be obtained, but highly suitable for magnetic domain studies. For example, it was utilized to study the internal magnetic structure of stripe domain lattices in thin film surfaces [13]. Beyond element specificity, the advantages of XRMS are that it gives information of the collective behaviour of the domains, showing in a very natural way the size distribution and correlations between domains. 14 1.3. C HAPTER 1 This thesis The main goal of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of XRMS in the study of the domain structure and dynamics of thin magnetic films. A variety of pilot experiments have been carried out, and in order to simplify as much as possible the scientific case, we have extensively used amorphous rare earthtransition metal (RE-TM) alloys. Such films, which are used in magneto-optical storage devices, are devoid of grain structure. This homogeneity, in combination with the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, makes them an attractive test bed for domain studies. As has already been pointed out, the refractive index changes dramatically around the atomic resonant energies, and thus prior knowledge of these spectra is needed to conduct XRMS experiments. Chapter 2 is devoted to the calculation of the magneto-optical constants of the RE M4,5 absorption edges. In Chapter 3, we investigate the evolution of the disordered domain pattern of amorphous GdFe thin films in out-of-plane fields. The period, correlation length, size of the reversed domain and total scattered intensity are followed as function of the external field along the hysteresis loop. A general rule relating the scattered intensity from films with perpendicular easy-axis to the out-of-plane component of the magnetization is derived. Finally, a domain model is used to calculate the period of the stripe lattice from the shape of the hysteresis loop. As a further step, the dynamical response of the same GdFe films is investigated in Chapter 4. By using very powerful magnetic field pulses and combining the information from time-dependent magneto-optical Kerr effect (tMOKE) measurements and time-dependent XRMS, we find that the magnetic pulse is so strong as to decouple the magnetization of the constituent Gd/Fe subnetworks. This phenomenon is explained as the dynamical analogue of the spin-flop transition observed in other intermetallic compounds. In an attempt to control the sites of domain nucleation, perpendicular anisotropic GdTbFe thin films were locally modified by focused-ion-beam irradiation. As shown in Chapter 5, rather than influencing the nucleation process, these damage arrays affect the morphology of the domain pattern during re- Introduction 15 versal. With the help of magnetic force microscopy (MFM), we were able to qualitatively explain the scattering patterns obtained with XRMS. The domains in the irradiated areas present three effects as compared to the pristine sample: positional, orientational and size lock-in, depending on the different ion doses and dot spacings. On a slightly different note, a study of the coupling between the ferromagnetic (F) and antiferromagnetic (AF) layers of two room-temperature, perpendicular exchange-bias systems is reported in Chapter 6. Our X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) results prove the existence of a small number of uncompensated AF spins at the interface, that rotate along with the F layer. The relative number of pinned and unpinned AF spins indicate that models developed for low-temperature, in-plane coupled systems are applicable. Furthermore, the domain correlation length and total scattered intensity were followed along the hysteresis loop with XRMS. Although nucleation and domain-wall propagation are the two leading reversal mechanisms for both samples, clear differences appear between the two branches of the system showing exchange bias, caused by the different activation energies. In the final chapter, we will look back on what we have learned from this work and evaluate the usefulness of the XRMS technique. 16 C HAPTER 1 2 M AGNETO - OPTICAL CONSTANTS AT THE RARE - EARTH M 4,5 ABSORPTION EDGES For the interpretation of X-ray resonant magnetic scattering and absorption, good knowledge of the magneto-optical constants is extremely useful. In the case of the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges, the absorptive part has been predicted accurately on the basis of atomic multiplet theory. Here we use such calculations with slightly more optimized parameters to obtain the dispersive part via Kramers-Kronig transformation. The complete dataset should represent realistic values for the complete magneto-optical constants, including the Faraday and Voigt constants which are given explicitly. We shortly discuss another possible application in X-ray sources based on the Cherenkov effect. 2.1. Introduction The increasing use of resonant X-ray techniques in magnetic research would greatly benefit from good prior knowledge of the magneto-optical constants involved. In general, these can not be calculated ab initio since the dipole transition matrix element involved contains the unoccupied valence states. A notable exception form the important M4,5 edges of the rare-earth elements, where the 3d electrons resonates with the partly filled 4 f shell. The atomic nature of the 4 f shell allows one to describe the 3d-4 f resonance in a purely atomic 18 C HAPTER 2 model. This was realized first by Thole et al. [14], who predicted the existence of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) in the absorption spectra M4,5 of Dysprosium. After the successful experimental confirmation of this model in measurements on Terbium garnets by van der Laan et al. [15], calculations for all rare earths were published by Goedkoop et al. [16]. The influence of crystal field effects on the 4 f shell was described in detail by Vogel [17]. These papers showed that effects of the embedding of the rare-earth atom in a solid (screening, hybridization, etc.), can be effectively included by applying small reductions to the two-particle Slater integrals involved in the atomic theory. In a previous paper [18], we made a detailed analysis of the Gd M4,5 absorption cross sections (unpolarized, circularly and linearly polarized). Using Kramers-Kronig transformations to obtain the real part of the spectra we showed that these the complete complex optical constants thus obtained accurately describe the energy dependence of the magnetic scattering cross section. This leads us to expect that the calculated atomic spectra can be used to obtain the optical constants and scattering cross sections for all the rare earth M4,5 edges, and forms the motivation for this chapter. The structure of this chapter is as follows: Sect. 2.2 gives a brief theoretical description of the resonant absorptive and dispersive corrections to the refractive index. Sect. 2.3 discusses the experimental methods to obtain the optical constants and the atomic multiplet calculation for the RE M4,5 absorption cross sections and their comparison for the case of Gd. In Sect. 2.4, the calculated optical constants and resonant scattering cross sections and Faraday and Voigt rotation are presented for all rare-earth elements. Sect. 2.5 discusses the results and the possible applications, and Sect. 2.6 presents the conclusions. The sensitivity of the calculated spectra to variations in the calculational parameters is investigated in Appendix A. Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 2.2. 19 Optical constants in the soft X-ray range The interaction of X rays of energy }ω with matter is described by the complex refractive index n or equivalently the complex dielectric constant e: √ n(ω ) = e = 1 − δ(ω ) + iβ(ω ). (2.1) Here δ(ω ) is the refractive index decrement and β(ω ) is the absorption index which account respectively for dispersive and absorptive processes. These two corrections to the refractive index are bound via the Kramers-Kronig transforms [19]: Z ∞ ω 0 β(ω 0 ) 2 dω 0 P (2.2) 0 2 − ω2 π ω 0 Z ∞ 2ω δ(ω 0 ) β(ω ) = P dω 0 , (2.3) 02 2 π 0 ω −ω so that knowledge of one of the two magnitudes is sufficient to obtain the refractive index n. The P before the integrals stands for principal value [10, 20]. δ(ω ) = − The complex refractive index is related to the X-ray scattering factor f (q, ω ) that describes the X-ray/matter interaction as [21]: 2πρ a re f (q, ω ), (2.4) k2 where ρ a is the atomic number density, re is the Thomson scattering length and k is the wavenumber. The atomic elastic-scattering factor reads n(ω ) = 1 − f (q, ω ) = f 0 (q) + f 0 (ω ) + i f 00 (ω ), (2.5) where q = k f − ki is the wavevector transfer. The first term f 0 (q) is the Thomson charge scattering, given by the Fourier transform of the electron density with relativistic corrections ( f 0 (0) = Z ∗ = Z − ( Z /82.5)2.37 ), and is independent of the photon energy. The dispersion corrections f 0 (ω ) and f 00 (ω ) account for the fact that the atomic electrons are bound, and depend very strongly on the photon energy. When the photon energy matches the energy difference between two atomic levels ω0 = ( E f − Ei )/}, the probability of electronic transition between the two levels greatly increases, and so does the total absorption cross section σa (ω ). The relation between the imaginary part of the atomic elasticscattering factor f 00 (ω ) and the atomic absorption cross section is: β(ω ) = − ρa 2πρ a re 00 f ( ω ) = σa (ω ), 2k k2 (2.6) 20 C HAPTER 2 where f 00 (ω ) and σa (ω ) are respectively measured in electrons per atom and Å2 . Analogously, we can write for the dispersive part δ(ω ) = 2πρ a re [ f 0 (q) + f 0 (ω )]. k2 (2.7) When the medium through which the incoming radiation travels is magnetized, the time-reversal symmetry of the entire system is broken. In this case the most important solution of the wave equation are eigenmodes with well defined polarizations. If the light propagation k and magnetization m are parallel, the eigenmodes are left and right circularly polarized waves propagating in a medium with refractive indexes n+(−) . If k is perpendicular to m, the eigenmodes are linearly polarized parallel and perpendicular to m with a corresponding refractive index nk(⊥) . Just to complete our terminology, we recall that the differences in absorption ( β + − β − ) and dispersion (δ+ − δ− ) are respectively called circular dichroism and birefringence, scale with the magnetization m, and are directly related to the imaginary and real parts of the complex Faraday angle. Correspondingly, ( β k − β ⊥ ) and (δk − δ⊥ ) are called linear dichroism and birefringence, which are the imaginary and real parts of the complex Voigt angle. These linear effects are proportional to |m|2 . Although both the electric and magnetic multipole transitions contribute to the corrections of the refractive index, for the M4,5 absorption edges only the dipole E1 transitions need to be taken into account. Following the notation of res = f 0 + i f 00 to the Hannon and Trammell [22], the resonant contribution f E1 elastic-scattering amplitude can be written as res f E1 (ω ) = (ê0∗ · ê) F (0) (ω ) − i (ê0∗ × ê)mF (1) (ω ) + (ê0∗ · m)(ê · m) F (2) (ω ), (2.8) where ê, ê0 are the polarization vectors of the incoming and outgoing beams, and m is the direction of the local magnetic moment of the ion. The energy dependent factors F (0,1,2) (ω ) are linear combinations of the atomic oscillator 1 ( ω ) for electric dipole transitions: strengths FM 3 1 [ F + F−1 1 ] 4k 1 3 1 [ F − F−1 1 ] F (1) (ω ) = 4k 1 3 F (2) (ω ) = [2F01 − F11 − F−1 1 ], 4k F (0) (ω ) = (2.9) Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges with µ 1 FM (ω ) =∑ α,η pα pα (η )Γ x (αMη )/Γ(η ) x (α, η ) − i 21 ¶ . (2.10) Here pα is the probability to find the ion in the initial state |αi and pα (η ) is the probability that the excited state |η i is vacant for a transition from |αi. Γ x gives the partial line width for dipole radiative decay from |η i to |αi and Γ(η ) is the total line width, determined by all (radiative and non-radiative) decay processes. In the resonance denominator x (α, η ) = ( Eη − Eα − }ω )/[Γ(η )/2] is the deviation from the resonance in units of Γ(η )/2. For photon energy }ω = Eη − Eα this term diverges, resulting in a strong enhancement of the scattering amplitude. We thus obtain the expressions for the circular and linear dichroism [19, 23] to the imaginary part of the resonant scattering amplitudes F (0,1,2) (ω ): σ0 (ω ) = 1/3[σ+ + σ− + σk ] = −2λre Im[ F (0) (ω )] σc (ω ) = σ+ − σ− = 4λre Im[ F (1) (ω )] (2.11) σl (ω ) = σk − σ⊥ = −2λre Im[ F (2) (ω )], where σ+ (σ− ) are respectively the absorption cross sections measured with left(right-) circularly polarized light. The X-ray resonant complex Faraday [24] and Voigt [25, 26] specific rotations are defined as: n+ − n− e F = θ F + iα F = k (2.12) 2 nk − n⊥ eV = θV − iαV = k (2.13) 2i The relation between the specific rotation angles and the atomic resonant scattering amplitudes F (1,2) is given by: θ F (ω ) = −λre ρ a Re[ F (1) (ω )] α F (ω ) = −λre ρ a Im[ F (1) (ω )] = − θV (ω ) = −λre ρ a Im[ F (2) (ω )] = αV (ω ) = −λre ρ a Re[ F (2) (ω )]. ρa σc (ω ) 4 ρa σ (ω ) 2 l (2.14) 22 C HAPTER 2 2.3. Resonant cross sections of the RE M4,5 edges 2.3.1. Calculation of atomic absorption spectra In the atomic picture, the 3d → 4 f absorption process involves the electronic excitation 3d10 4 f N → 3d9 4 f N +1 , where all the other shells are either filled or empty (see Fig. 1.2). Both the initial and final configurations are split in multiplets of states with energies EαJ and wavefunctions denoted by |αJ M i (α labels all quantum numbers other than J and M needed to completely specify the state). The final-state configuration 3d9 4 f N +1 contains two open shells and, consequently, its multiplet is more complicated, comprising in the middle of the Lanthanide series several thousands of levels |α0 J 0 M0 i (primes indicate final-state quantum numbers). The strongest final-state multiplet interaction is the spin-orbit coupling of the 3d hole, which splits the multiplet in two parts which, to a first-order approximation, may be labelled 3d 5/ and 3d 3/ , or M5 2 2 and M4 respectively. In the X-ray absorption spectrum, only those states of the excited multiplet that can be reached from the Hund’s rule ground-state |αJ M i under the optical selection rules ∆J=0, ±1, are present. According to Fermi’s Golden Rule and after using the Wigner-Eckart theorem, the absorption cross section in the dipole approximation can be written as: à σαJ M→α0 J 0 M0 (ω ) = 4π 2 α0 }ω SαJα0 J 0 ∑ q J 1 J0 − M q M0 !2 , (2.15) where SαJα0 J 0 = |hαJ ||P||α0 J 0 i|2 is the square of the reduced matrix element of the dipole operator P, known as linestrength. The element between brackets is the Wigner 3-j symbol, that dictates the distribution of the linestrength of the αJ → α0 J 0 line over its different M → M0 components. Transitions to the unoccupied np-states are also allowed, but, due to the small spatial overlap, have much smaller cross section compared to the 4 f resonance [27]. The difference in excitation energy between the 4 f resonance and the continuum edge results from the very efficient screening of the hole by the 4 f N +1 final state. The 4 f electronic orbital is very efficiently screened by the electrons of more external orbitals. Owing to this, the effect of the interaction of its electrons with the electronic cloud of the surrounding atoms, i.e. the crystal electric Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 23 field (CEF) effects, become secondary as compared to the spin-orbit interaction. As a result, the M4,5 absorption edges can be described with an atomic model and calculated with atomic multiplet programs. The theory of atomic spectra is quite involved in the multiplet calculation, and a full explanation of the procedure can be found in Refs. [28, 29, 30]. Various computer programs [31, 32, 33] have been developed, and we have used Cowan’s atomic Hartree-Fock program with relativistic corrections [28, 31], which has been applied extensively in the past [27, 34, 35]. The complete atomic multiplet calculations in intermediate coupling, including all the states of the initial and final configurations, have already been performed for all rare-earth M4,5 edges [27]. They calculated the relative energy of the different terms of the initial and final states, obtaining the radial part of the direct and indirect Coulomb repulsion and the Coulomb exchange parameters, i.e., Ffk f , Fdk f and Gdk f , also called Slater parameters. Together with the spin-orbit parameters ζ d and ζ f , they determine the energies of the different terms within the initial and final atomic configurations 4 f N and 3d9 4 f N +1 . The electrostatic and exchange parameters have typically to be scaled to 80% of their atomic value to account for the solid-state surrounding of the ion that leads to hybridization and charge transfer with the adjacent ions. These downscaling factor will be later referred to as κ1,2,3 , corresponding respectively to Ffk f , Fdk f and Gdk f . The lifetime of all final states is taken to be the same, and all dipole transitions are convoluted with a Lorentzian line shape of width 2Γ 5/ 2 full width at half maximum (FWHM) for the M5 peaks and by a Fano line shape [36] of 2Γ 3/ FWHM and asymmetry parameter q 3/ for the M4 peaks. 2 2 This difference in line shapes reflects the stronger Coulomb interaction of the 3d 3/ with the nucleus, and therefore the more damped oscillator. The result2 ing spectrum is finally convoluted with a Gaussian line shape with standard deviation σg to account for the instrumental resolution. In summary, seven free parameters are needed in the calculation: three reduction factor of the Slater parameters, two Lorentzian line widths, a Fano asymmetry parameter and the Gaussian standard deviation. Large surface crystal electric field (CEF) effects have been found in M4,5 spectra of RE overlayers [34]. For bulk systems, it was also shown that CEF effects could induce linear dichroism when the atomic symmetry was lower 24 C HAPTER 2 than cubic. For the case of our amorphous thin films, we do not consider the CEF effects in the calculated absorption spectra, although the atomic multiplet program allows one to include this extra term of the Hamiltonian. 2.3.2. Gd3+ experimental spectra As was mentioned in the introduction, we seek to obtain the complete set of magneto-optical constants by measuring the resonant absorption cross sections which directly yield the imaginary part of the scattering amplitudes. Subsequently, the real parts are calculated by means of the Kramers-Kronig transforms. This approach requires detailed knowledge of the absorption cross section over a sufficiently large photon energy range. Since for the rare-earth M4,5 the atomic resonances are only a few eV wide and the next absorption lines are at least 50 eV away, such an approach has been found to work satisfactorily, as shown in previous determinations of the RE M4,5 magneto-optical constants [18, 21, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41]. The required polarized rare-earth M4,5 absorption spectra can be measured in two different ways. The most common one is total electron yield, where one measures the amount of photoelectrons excited by the incoming X-ray beam as function of the photon energy [42, 43, 44, 45]. This method does not give absolute cross sections, and is also susceptible to saturation effects caused by the photon absorption length being longer than the electron escape length. Similar problems affect total fluarescence yield measurements [46, 47]. These problems are absent in the classical transmission method which is however not common because it requires sample thicknesses of less than 100 nm on ultrathin supports. Earlier, we measured the Gd M4,5 magnetooptical constants in transmission geometry [18]. Fig. 2.1, reproduced from that work, shows the measured absolute cross sections of a non-magnetic sample Gd film giving the non-magnetic resonant contribution and the circular and linear dichroism of thin GdFe films saturated in field at T = 20 K. Also shown are the best obtained fits of the calculated spectra for T = 0 K, assuming the Gd3+ angular momentum J = S = 7/2 to be completely saturated. The optimal parameters obtained from this fit were found to be κ1 = 0.83, κ2 = 0.95 and κ3 = 0.85 as scaling factors for the Slater parameters Ffk f , Fdk f and Gdk f . The width of the lifetime and experimental broadening were Γ 5/ = 0.3 eV, Γ 3/ 2 2 Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 25 Figure 2.1: Comparison of the experimental (symbols) and calculated (full lines) Gd M4,5 X-ray absorption cross sections. From top to bottom, isotropic, circular and linear dichroic spectra. = 0.4 eV, q 3/ = 12 and σg = 0.3 eV. 2 Since these parameters are based on data obtained from an amorphous material, they are only strictly valid for systems with structural spherical symmetry. However, similar values of κn have been obtained in a monocrystalline Tb thin film with hexagonal close-packed structure [15, 48]: κ1 = 0.84, κ2 = 1.0 and κ3 = 0.80. A more detailed study, given in Appendix A, shows that variations of the width of the lifetime and experimental broadening around the optimal values do not lead to significant changes in σ0,c,l and F (0,1,2) . Overall, it demonstrates the validity of the calculated RE M4,5 magneto-optical constants. Unfortunately, although the experimental and theoretical spectral line shapes match up very well, the calculated isotropic cross section had to be mul- 26 C HAPTER 2 tiplied by a factor 1.5 to obtain a quantitative fit with the experimental data. Errors in the nominal thickness and density of the different samples used in the experiment could also explain this discrepancy. Still, the quantitative agreement is good enough to expect that the calculated cross sections will provide good predictions for the optical constants for all RE M4,5 spectra. 2.4. Calculated RE M4,5 magneto-optical constants The calculated magneto-optical constants for all trivalent RE ions are shown in the top panels of Fig. 2.2, beginning with the isotropic spectra of the non-magnetic La3+ and Eu3+ ions. In each case, the top panel shows the imaginary part of the resonant scattering factors F (0,1,2) (ω ) as obtained from the atomic calculation and the corresponding real part obtained by Kramers-Kronig transformation of the imaginary parts extended to a 100 eV range around the spectral center of mass, which was tested to be wide enough to assure the correctness of the Kramers-Kronig transforms. Our imaginary-part spectra show more structure than earlier calculations [16, 35]. The new real parts show the dispersion of single absorption lines in the case of La and Yb, and correspondingly more complicated line shapes for ions with more extended multiplets. Although the charge contributions F 0 completely dominate the spectra around the resonance energies, at 10 eV away from them, the contributions of other absorption channels, such as the 3d to unoccupied 4sp and the surrounding absorption edges, become important. The general trends in these contributions away from resonances are predicted well by Ref. [49]. Since these backgrounds are non-dichroic, they are not important for the dichroic spectra listed here. The dispersive parts of the latter do not have the long tails seen in the F 0 spectra. The bottom panels of Fig. 2.2 show the scattering cross sections calculated as the squared moduli of the F (0,1,2) . The non-resonant isotropic scattering contribution Z ∗ is indicated by a horizontal dash-dotted line, and has been added to the isotropic part | F (0) |2 . It is seen that the circular dichroic | F (1) |2 parts and linear dichroic | F (2) |2 parts peak at different energy, which allows one to change the polarization contrast just by changing the photon energy, which greatly helps in separating different scattering channels in domain studies (see for example Sect. 3.3.3). Alternatively, these curves allow one to trade absorp- Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 27 Figure 2.2: Resonant scattering amplitudes at the RE M4,5 edges, starting with the two non-magnetic ions. Top panel: Imaginary (top) and real (bottom) parts of the complex charge F (0) (black), circular magnetic F (1) (red), and linear magnetic F (2) (blue) atomic scattering factors as function of energy in units of re . Bottom panel: absolute value of the scattering cross sections | f 0 (q) + F (0) (ω )|2 (black), | F (1) (ω )|2 (red) and | F (2) (ω )|2 (blue) in logarithmic scale. The horizontal dash-dotted line gives the non-resonant scattering cross section (continued on next pages, this page: only the two non-magnetic RE ions). tion contrast to dispersive contrast. Figs. 2.4-2.5 show the specific resonant Faraday and Voigt rotations as calculated using Eqs. 2.14. The relative photon energy centers on the centroid of the multiplet spectra [27]. In the remainder of the section we will discuss the parameter choice used in the calculation of the imaginary parts. Most of the parameter values were based on our fit of the Gd3+ spectra. The reduction factors for the Slater parameters were κ1 = 0.83, κ2 = 0.95 and κ3 = 0.85; the Fano asymmetry parameter q 3/ 2 = 12 and the Gaussian line width σg = 0.3 eV. 28 C HAPTER 2 Figure 2.2: (Continued) Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges Figure 2.2: (Continued) 29 30 C HAPTER 2 Figure 2.2: (Continued) Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 31 Overall, these values are smaller than the ones used in an earlier calculation of the absorption spectra [16, 35], which are proportional to the imaginary parts shown here. This is brought about by the improvement of the experimental resolution over the last two decades, that allows a much better fitting to the more detailed experimental data. It also required the refinement of the values for the lifetime broadenings which are summarized in Fig. 2.3. For the light rare earths, Γ 5/ was chosen to increase monotonically from 0.2 to 0.3 eV, whereas 2 Γ 3/ was kept constant and equal to 0.4 eV. In the case of the heavy RE elements, 2 Γ 5/ = 0.3 eV and Γ 3/ linearly increased from 0.4 to 0.5 eV. This choice of values, 2 2 although admittedly not physically intuitive, is based on the detailed fit to the Gd spectra, the overall decrease of the core-hole lifetime along the Lanthanide series [27], and a fit to published electron yield data at the beginning and the end of the series. 2.5. Discussion 2.5.1. Calculated spectra The calculated cross sections | f 0 + F (0) |2 , | F (1) |2 and | F (2) |2 are very sensitive to the photon energy, displaying intensity changes of several orders of magnitude in a few eV. At the edges, the cross sections are dominated by absorptive terms, while the long wings around the edges are produced by the real parts of the F (0,1,2) . It is important to note that these wings are produced by the Kramers-Kronig transforms and are not influenced by the lifetime and experimental broadenings. Furthermore, we find that the dichroic effects, needed to perform magnetic studies, are important (and comparable to the charge scattering) only around the resonance energy. It is interesting to observe how, for light rare earths, the intensity in the inter-edge energy range is only one or two Figure 2.3: Lifetime values of the M5 (black) and M4 (red) absorption edges used in the calculation, indicated respectively in the left and right axis. 32 C HAPTER 2 Figure 2.4: Specific resonant Faraday rotation θ F (red) and ellipticity α F (orange). Major tick marks in the vertical axis correspond to 1 degree/nm. Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 33 Figure 2.5: Specific resonant Voigt rotation θV (blue) and ellipticity αV (cyan). Major tick marks in the vertical axis correspond to 1 degree/nm. 34 C HAPTER 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the maximum values. This makes magnetic studies feasible in a much wider energy range, in regions where absorption is low, allowing studies of thicker samples. The non-magnetic RE elements (J = 0 ground state), La3+ and Eu3+ , show no dichroic effects due to the spherical symmetry of their 4 f orbital, and only F (0) is shown. This is mathematically reflected in the optical selection rules: only the ∆J = 1 transitions contribute to the spectrum, and the 3-j symbols with J = 0 and q = ± 1 are equal. Regarding the predominance of circular over linear dichroism, no rule exists, with the only exception of Gd3+ , where | F (1) (ω )|2 & | F (2) (ω )|2 for energies just below the M5 edge [18]. It should be stressed at this stage the factor two difference in the relations between the circular and linear dichroism σc,l and the imaginary parts of F (1,2) (Eq. 2.11): a relatively small linear dichroism may result in a linear dichroic scattering contrast comparable to the circular counterpart, as can be clearly observed for Yb3+ , where σc = 2σl and | F (1) | = | F (2) |. As the 4 f electronic occupancy increases along the Lanthanide series, several trends can be detected in the energy dependence of the scattering amplitudes: firstly, there is a clear gradual intensity shift from the M4 to the M5 absorption edge, to the point that the M4 edge totally disappears for Yb3+ . This shift is due to the increasing spin-orbit parameter ζ f that, in absence of CEF effects, determines the branching ratio [50, 51] (ratio of the intensity at the M5 edge to the total). In simpler words, the 4 f occupied levels in the ground state tend to have more 4 f 5/ character than the empty states [27]. This decreasing 2 intensity of the M4 absorption edge is obviously reflected in the real part and the squared moduli of the scattering amplitudes. Secondly, | f 0 + F (0) |2 shows, in semilogarithmic scale, a negative peak-positive peak dispersive shape in all cases, whereas | F (1) |2 and | F (2) |2 display a more complex pattern, which is very strongly depending on the internal structure of the multiplets, but not on the line broadenings (see Appendix A). Unfortunately, quantitative comparison with literature is nontrivial, since most of the studies used total electron yield or photoemission, so that one would need tabulated cross sections well below and above the edges to use as a reference for quantitative analysis. Furthermore, these studies are frequently af- Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 35 fected by saturation effects. Overall, the peak features and relative height of the RE calculated spectra are reproduced in the corresponding literature cited in Sect. 2.3.2. From Eqs. 2.12-2.14, it is clear that the main features of e F,V come from the which have already been discussed. However, larger values found for the linear dichroic effect as compared to the circular one stress again that it should not be discarded. F (1,2) 2.5.2. Applications The M4,5 magneto-optical constants are directly involved in a wide range of studies. We name dichroism experiments, either in transmission [46, 47] or total electron yield [42, 43, 44, 45]; photoemission experiments [48, 52, 53, 54]; X-ray reflectivity [55, 56, 57]; transmission X-ray microscopy [58, 59]; coherent scattering experiments [60] and scattering experiments at phase transitions [61, 62]. As for small-angle scattering experiments in transmission geometry, the knowledge of the resonant scattering factors is vital for planning experiments, simulations and data analysis [13, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68], especially if they involve non-negligible linear dichroic contrast. For the case of ordered stripedomain lattices, the possibility to switch between F (1) and F (2) contrasts allows one to discern contributions from out-of-plane and in-plane magnetic domains, already used for the Gd case [18]. This is also clearly possible at the trivalent Nd, Pm, Sm, Tb and Dy M5 edges, and to a lesser extent for Ce, Pr, Ho, Er and Tm. In the case of transmission microscopy experiments, all the previous considerations can be applied to them, both for linear and circular dichroism, which has been used to observe ferromagnetic [58]. On the other hand, the shown spectra are the first ingredient for simulations of reflectivity experiments [56], both in specular reflection mode and in diffuse scattering measurements. Recently, in coherent small angle scattering experiments, phase retrieval algorithms have been successfully applied [12] to recover the real-space image from the scattered speckle patterns. Here multiple scattering and polarization mixing are serious problems, requiring good knowledge of the optical 36 C HAPTER 2 constants. With the advent of the 4th -generation synchrotron sources during the next decade, such experiments will be widely exploited, so that accurate knowledge of the scattering cross sections will be required. Finally, a recent pioneering work used the Cherenkov effect to produce to generate soft X rays by passing a moderate-energy electron bunch through a foil [69, 70]. Such a source has potential for a laboratory-based X-ray microscope. The requirement for the Cherenkov effect is that the electrons move faster than the group velocity of the light. Two conditions have to be fulfilled: the electron should move with relativistic speeds (typically in the 5-25 MeV range), and the real part of the refractive index must exceed unity. This happens at photon energies just below the absorption edge. From the real parts of F (0,1,2) (Fig. 2.2), we observe that almost for all elements there exist energy ranges where this condition is fulfilled. The resonant enhancements presented here are probably the largest that can be found, (with the possible exception of the corresponding resonances in the actinides), and an order of magnitude higher than those of the Si and Ni targets used in the original study. Moreover, in the case of target films that are magnetically saturated along the electron propagation direction, the emitted X-rays will be circularly polarized. The data presented here therefore are highly relevant for the further development of soft X-ray Cherenkov radiation source. 2.6. Conclusions In a previous study, high-quality transmission Gd3+ M4,5 absorption cross sections σ0,c,l (ω ) were compared with calculated atomic spectra. The parameters resulting from the best fitted curves (reduction of Slater integrals and line broadenings), have been used here to obtain the charge, circular and linear dichroic absorption cross sections for all trivalent-RE M4,5 absorption edges. The application of the Kramers-Kronig transforms to these spectra provided the real part of the atomic resonant scattering factors, i.e. the dispersive part of the refractive index n(ω ). Finally, the total scattered intensity spectra and the specific Faraday and Voigt rotation angles were given. The sensitivity of the calculated spectra to the parameter choice is found to be only moderate. We should also mention that our calculated spectra assume spherical symmetry without any crystal field effects. Such crystal field effects are small for the 4 f Magneto-optical constants at the rare-earth M4,5 absorption edges 37 shell, but can change the absorption line shape [17] on the same scale as do the parameter dependences discussed in the appendix. Such effects can be included in the calculation once the symmetry of the ion is known. We expect that these magneto-optical constants will be useful in absorption, scattering and microscopy experiments, and to a lesser degree, photoelectron emission microscopy. Furthermore, they may contribute to the development of a Cherenkov effect X-ray source. The calculated optical constants can be downloaded from∼ miguel/ 38 C HAPTER 2 3 A N XRMS STUDY OF DISORDERED MAGNETIC STRIPE DOMAINS IN a-G D F E THIN FILMS X-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) has been used to investigate the structure of magnetic stripe domain patterns in thin amorphous GdFe films. Under the influence of a perpendicular magnetic field, the scattered intensity displays a smooth transition from a structure factor of correlated stripes to the form factor of isolated domains. We derive an expression that relates the total scattered intensity of XRMS to the absolute value of the magnetization. Furthermore, we show how the strong circular dichroism in the scattered intensity can be used to probe the domain wall structure. Finally, we find that domain theory is applicable to pre-aligned stripes, but loses relevance with increasing orientational disorder of the stripe system. 3.1. Introduction Magnetization reversal in thin films is a subject that is rich in physics [2] and highly relevant for the data recording industry. For switching timescales down to nanoseconds, magnetic reversal involves the field-driven, thermallyassisted nucleation of incipient domains which then grow via domain wall propagation [71]. The dynamics of this process depends strongly on the film thickness and the properties of the magnetic material in question. Furthermore, the 40 C HAPTER 3 film homogeneity determines the density of nucleation centers and the strength of domain wall pinning. The interplay between these factors leads to a profusion of possible domain structures [2]. Among these, one of the most studied are stripe domains found in thin films displaying perpendicular anisotropy [5, 13, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78]. In these cases, the local exchange and anisotropy interactions favor a single domain state with the magnetization saturated perpendicular to the film plane. The resulting long-range demagnetizing field leads to a break up of this single domain, at the cost of the creation of domain walls. Given the right combination of thickness and magnetic properties, highly correlated alternating bands of up and down magnetization form. Such stripe systems can have quite complex structures, the alternating up-down strips being separated by Bloch walls, possibly capped with closure domains that further minimize the dipolar energy [79]. Additionally, the two-dimensional domain pattern depends on the magnetic history of the system. After demagnetization in a perpendicular field, the stripe pattern is disordered, looking much like a human fingerprint, whereas after in-plane saturation highly aligned stripes appear, oriented in the saturating field direction. Since the seminal work of Kooy and Enz [5] the theoretical description of magnetic stripe domains in applied fields has steadily improved, both for in-plane [72], and out-of-plane [73, 75, 76, 77, 80] magnetization loops. Such theoretical approaches, dubbed domain theory models, use a Fourier expansion of the magnetic structure to calculate the dipolar energy. Furthermore, they assume perfect translational order. However, these models rely on an estimation of the domain wall energy and do not describe wall structures precisely. Alternatively, the true domain structure can be calculated accurately using micromagnetic finite element methods [74, 81, 82], which however require the stripe period as an input parameter. The smallest domain period is roughly twice the domain wall width, which scales with the square root of the film thickness. In order to test domain models in thin films, experimental methods are required that give access to the three-dimensional magnetic structure with nanometer resolution. In this context, magnetic stripe morphology has been studied extensively using Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect microscopy (MOKE) [5, 83], which is the most suitable technique for the study of the evolution of stripe patterns An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 41 a b Figure 3.1: Schematic view of aligned stripe domains (a) and reversed domain (b). The up (blue) and down domains (orange), Bloch walls (yellow) and closure domains (green and violet) are depicted. in external fields. More recently, Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) has enabled much higher resolution studies in zero or moderate fields [84, 85, 86, 87]. Another new technique, transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) [88, 89, 90], exploits the strong magneto-optical contrast at certain X-ray absorption transitions. Since the resolution of the zone plate lenses is still limited, resulting in a lateral resolution of 25 nm, X-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) [13, 22, 38, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97] is an interesting and simpler alternative that could potentially give higher resolution. In scattering experiments one loses the phase information of the wave field coming from the sample, thus obtaining - by definition - ensemble averaged information. In this chapter we show that despite this phase problem, XRMS is a powerful tool for the study of domain structures, especially when these are periodic. Data from two 42 nm thick GdFe films are compared here, whereby the films themselves differ mainly in their saturation magnetization. We show that the resulting change in dipolar interactions leads to a quite different domain 42 C HAPTER 3 width and magnetization loop. Furthermore, for the sample with the smallest stripe period, we compare the differences in behavior starting from either the aligned or the disordered initial stripe structure. We find that the behavior of the aligned case is described quite well by a domain theory model [76], in contrast to a recent similar study [63]. This is ascribed to the absence of strong pinning centers in the flat and structureless amorphous layers that are considered here. Furthermore, in the case of aligned stripes, we show that the scattered intensity displays strong circular dichroism, which can be used to estimate the size of the Bloch wall magnetization surrounding isolated stripes. In addition, we derive a general relation between the total scattered intensity and the absolute value of the magnetization. The layout of the chapter is as follows: after introducing the magnetism in rare-earth transition-metal thin films, Section 3.2 introduces the magnetic system under investigation and describes the experimental details. In Section 3.3, we relate the experimental results and their discussion, split into sub-sections dealing with scattering results (A) for the zero-magnetization state and fielddependent scattering curves (B), the theoretical description of stripe diffraction patters in the small-angle limit (C) and the field dependence of the total scattering intensity (D), interpretation of the scattering curves (E), the effect of disorder (F) and domain period and magnetization (G). Finally, we close with conclusions in Section 3.4. 3.1.1. Magnetism of amorphous GdFe thin films Amorphous GdFe films have been described [98, 99, 100] both as ferrimagnets (e.g. Gd) and as sperimagnets (magnetic structure of a two-subnetwork amorphous magnet where the moments of one or both subnetworks are dispersed over a range of angles around the magnetization direction). For the case of RE-Fe amorphous alloys, ferromagnetic (F) and antiferromagnetic (AF) interactions were deduced from susceptibility, magnetization and specific heat data within the Fe subnetwork due to different interatomic Fe-Fe distances [4, 101]. These competing interactions provoke the creation of two sets of Fe spins within the Fe subnetwork, the F and AF Fe subnetworks. The number of nearest neighbours in bcc and fcc Fe is respectively 8 and 12, and they are ferro- and antiferromagnetic. Since the number of adjacent atoms in- An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 43 creases with the disorder in the atomic positions, so will do the AF subnetwork. A non-collinear structure in the Fe-subnetwork spins was observed for a-GdFe thin films [102], with typical apex half angles of 40◦ . This spin structure can be understood as a visualization of the F/AF Fe subnetworks, as a result of the short-range exchange interactions of different signs. A plethora of different values for the exchange interactions is found in the literature [4, 98, 102, 103]. Despite this, all of them coincide in giving | JFeFe | one order of magnitude larger than | JGdFe |, and an almost negligible Gd-Gd exchange coupling [102]. a-GdFe was firstly assumed to be a pure ferrimagnet due to the S = 0 character of the Gd3+ ion [104, 105]. However, it was later pointed out that, close to the ferrimagnetic compensation composition xc (the composition where the Fe and Gd subnetwork magnetization cancel each other), GdFe may be sperimagnetic [98], with the Gd spins no longer collinear but distributed in a cone-like shape. Amorphous GdFe films are structurally highly disordered on a length scale of several interatomic separations, while being extremely flat and defectfree on a length scale larger than a few nanometers [4]. In our samples, these properties are reflected in a particularly high degree of perfection of the aligned stripe systems. 3.2. Experimental 3.2.1. Samples: a-GdFe thin films Gd1− x Fex magnetic thin films with x = 0.83 (sample A) and 0.81 (sample B) were grown by electron beam evaporation on a rotating sample holder at 1×10−9 mbar. The two selected compositions lie on the Fe-rich side of the ferrimagnetic compensation composition xc ' 0.76 [106]. A thickness of 42 nm was chosen to give approximately 1/e absorption at the Gd M5 resonance using the calculated cross sections due to Thole et al. [27]. As supports we used 100 nm thick commercially available Si3 N4 windows, which have a transmission of ∼95% at the Gd M5 resonance energy. The magnetic films were capped with a 2 nm Al protection layer in order to prevent oxidation. X-ray diffraction scans showed no trace of structural order in the GdFe films. Rutherford back scattering was used to determine the film thicknesses, as well as to check composition 44 C HAPTER 3 Table 3.1: Magnetic properties of the Gd1− x Fex films. Sample A B x (%Fe) 0.83 0.81 Ms (kA/m) 221 150 k Bnuc (mT ) 160.3 228.6 ⊥ Bnuc (mT ) 89 7.4 Ku 5 (10 J /m3 ) 0.18 0.17 and homogeneity. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements showed that the surfaces were free of pinholes, flat and structureless on the 1 nm scale. Figure 3.2: Perpendicular-field magnetization loops of Gd1− x Fex with x = 0.81 (sample A, top) and x = 0.83 (sample B, bottom). Insets: schematic cross section of magnetic flux patterns at remanence and close to saturation showing principal stripe magnetization (blue and orange) with their stray field (ellipses), Bloch walls (¯) and closure magnetization (green and violet). An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 45 Table 3.2: Magnetic properties used and obtained from the model explained in Sect. 3.3.7. Q 0.58 1.21 µ∗ 2.73 1.82 χr0 2.5 12.3 lc (nm) 13.9 33.2 γw − (10 4 J /m2 ) 8.5 9.3 δ (nm) 37.2 42.9 A λc (10−12 J /m) 2.6 3.2 0.33 0.79 The magnetization loops of both samples as measured with vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) are shown in Fig. 3.2. Their form is typical for stripe domain samples: a low-field hysteresis-free region separating two triangular hysteretic regions. The insets represent typical low and high field cross sections of the magnetic flux pattern. The values of the saturation magnetization Ms and the anisotropy constant Ku estimated from the in-plane nucleation k field Bnuc are listed in Table 3.1. The main distinction between the samples are the much smaller perpendicular nucleation field B⊥ nuc and the 33% smaller saturation magnetization of sample B due to it being closer to the compensation composition xc . The remanent domain states were imaged with Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM). The MFM images were affected to some extent by tip-domain interactions, visible as horizontal discontinuities. Stable images appeared typically only after a few sweeps over the field of view even when using low moment tips, indicating low domain wall pinning, and illustrating a limitation of MFM for domain characterization. The measured periods are listed in Table 3.3. 3.2.2. Small-angle X-ray scattering setup The X-ray experiments reported here were carried out at the soft X-ray beamline ID08 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility [107]. The Apple II undulator source offers complete control over the polarization. The experiments were performed with modest energy resolution ∆E/ E ≤ 10−3 and a beam size of 100 µm. Fig. 3.3 shows the layout of the experimental setup. The incident intensity I0 was monitored by reading the drain current from the refocusing mirror. Either a horizontal 1 mm wire (Fig. 3.4-d, e) or a knife edge (panel f) were used as beamstops. The scattered intensity was recorded 50 cm behind the sample. 46 C HAPTER 3 Table 3.3: Stripe periods as obtained from MFM and XRMS, and correlation length to period ratio from XRMS. Sample A dis A ord B dis τ( MFM) (nm) 232 160 835 τ(XRMS) (nm) 253 162 934 ξ /τ 2 8 1.2 As a detector we used a P20 phosphor-coated (5 µm thick, 1 µm grain size) vacuum window with a 12 bit CCD camera. For the present experiments, a TV lens combined with a 5 mm macro-ring was used, giving a field of view of ∼15 mm and a 10 µm resolution. The co-ordinate system employed here is such that ( x̂, ŷ) define the sample plane and ẑ is parallel to the light propagation direction k. In the longitudinal geometry, the field B = µ0 H is applied parallel to k, while in transverse geometry B is parallel to x̂. The sample was mounted in a room-temperature rotatable holder, allowing us to preset the initial alignment of the stripe lattice to an ordered or disordered lattice by saturating the sample in-plane or out-ofplane respectively. Beamstop CCD Phosphor screen or diode Sample Pinholes Slits Figure 3.3: Layout of the scattering experiments. The incoming synchrotron beam is defined with the help of slits and pinholes. The sample could be magnetized transversely to the beam with a yoked horizontal magnet (not shown). The beamstop eliminates the straight-through beam allowing the scattered intensity to be measured either with a photodiode or with a fluorescent layer on a vacuum window, imaged by a visible-light CCD camera. An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 47 Figure 3.4: Left: MFM images of the remanent magnetic domain patterns of sample A (a) and B (c) after out-of-plane saturation. (b) Id. of the aligned pattern obtained after in-plane magnetization for sample B. Right: corresponding measured 2D diffraction patterns. 48 C HAPTER 3 3.3. Results and discussion 3.3.1. Scattering curves at remanence In order to make a connection between the real space domain patterns as measured with MFM and the reciprocal space scattering data, we compare three important domain patterns in Fig. 3.4. After out-of-plane magnetic saturation, both samples have a remanent domain pattern (panels a, c) that consists of completely disordered meandering bands with appreciable domain branching and truncation. On the other hand, after saturation in an in-plane field, sample A shows a remarkably perfect aligned stripe system (panel b). On the right of these MFM images we show the corresponding XRMS scattering patterns. The disordered stripe patterns produce diffuse rings of scattered intensity [13, 108, 109] (panels d, f), while the aligned stripe system produces very sharp and intense diffraction peaks (panel e), which at the Gd M5 resonance contain even 5% of the transmitted primary beam. The used beam stops gave scattering vector ranges of (0.004-0.05) and (0.01-0.20) nm−1 for sample A and B respectively. The diffuse background was eliminated before further data processing by subtraction of exposures taken at magnetic saturation. Angular integration of these images gives the dependence of the scattered intensity on the scattering wavevector transfer qr , reproduced in Fig. 3.5. The disordered pattern of sample A (panel a) shows clear first and third diffraction orders, whereas sample B in this case only displays a very broad maximum. The ordered lattice of sample A, shown in Fig. 3.5-b, produces a series of very pronounced diffraction peaks, shown here up to the fifth order and marked with small arrows. The peak width increases linearly with the diffraction order due to residual disorder in the stripe lattice [110]. From the peak position of these curves, the average domain period τ can be obtained, while the width gives the correlation length ξ, i.e. the distance over which the periodicity exists. As shown in Table 3.3, the period values from XRMS are up to 10% larger than the MFM values, the difference being mainly due to calibration errors. Also, in sample A the period of the aligned lattice is 30% smaller than in the disordered lattice, due to the absence of branchings and other lattice faults. An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 49 Figure 3.5: XRMS intensity curves obtained by azimuthal integration of the 2D patterns. (a) and (c): the disordered remanent magnetic domains of samples A and B. (b) Id. for the aligned case for sample A taken with left- (black) and right-circular (red) polarization. 3.3.2. Field-dependent scattering curves Field-dependent XRMS is a convenient and direct way to monitor the evolution of the domain pattern over these magnetization loops. In general, the scattered intensity consists of a series of concentric rings, the higher orders showing up more strongly in systems in which the stripe period is better defined. This is exemplified in Fig. 3.6-a-b, which shows the evolution of the angularly integrated scattered intensity between the nucleation and saturation 50 C HAPTER 3 Figure 3.6: Field-dependent evolution of the scattered intensity for the disordered domains of samples B (a) and A (b) and for the aligned stripes in sample A (c), taken with left- (black) and right-(red) circularly polarized beams. Data are displayed on a logaI− rithmic scale. The asymmetry II++ − + I− for the ordered case of sample A is shown using a linear scale in (d). The value of the applied field in mT is shown next to the traces. points for both samples. For the sake of clarity not all curves are given. In both cases we observe a clear evolution of the peak positions and intensities. Sample A shows more higher order peaks, reflecting the larger correlation length in the stripe lattice. In both cases the peaks disappear at high fields and ultimately the curves develop into a broad structure with intensity minima that move to higher qr . Later on we will identify this structure with the form factor of the remaining reversed domains as shown in Fig. 3.1-b. Fig. 3.6-c shows the field dependence for sample A when starting from the aligned stripe lattice. In this case the initial diffraction spots of Fig. 3.4-e remain well defined up to saturation, with a constant angular width of 5◦ . This implies that the reversed stripes are pushed apart, but remain grosso modo parallel. Also, in this case the scattered intensity observed for left and right circularly beams I+ and I− show a pronounced circular dichroism. The circular dichroic An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 51 I− asymmetry ratio, defined as II++ − + I− , is shown in Fig. 3.6-d. Initially the asymmetry curve is strong only at the even diffraction orders, but towards high fields a broad structure develops with a zero crossing that is located at the qr position of the minima in the corresponding diffraction curves in Fig. 3.6-c. In Fig. 3.7 we compile the field dependent data for both samples: the reduced magnetization mz = Mz / Ms , the domain period τ obtained from the wave vector of the first order peak, the correlation length of the stripe lattice obtained from the peak width, normalized to the period ξ /τ and the total scattered intensity. The width of the reversed domain wd given in panel (c) will be discussed later. 3.3.3. Stripe diffraction patterns in the small-angle limit In Sect. 2.2 we showed how the polarization dependence of resonant magnetic scattering at the RE M4,5 edges could be expanded as function of the charge, circular and linear dichroic scattering cross sections (Eq. 2.8). We can rewrite this equation in the form of a simple Jones matrix, first introduced by Hill and McMorrow [111]. In the small angle scattering limit, which is applicable since the domain sizes are at least 150 times the wavelength, this gives the simple expression "à ! à ! # 2 m m m 0 −imz x y x Escat = F (1) + F (2) E0 . (3.1) 2 m x my my imz 0 Here we choose as an orthogonal basis two polarization directions x̂, ŷ lying in the plane of the sample and the light propagation direction along the normal direction, k//ẑ. If a domain structure m(r) is present in the sample, the resonant terms F (i) will cause part of the incoming plane waves E0 to be scattered out of the incident beam, where the far field scattered amplitude is the Fourier transform of the wave field Eout (r) just after the sample. For samples thinner than one absorption length, the latter is given to good approximation by taking the integral of Eq. 3.1 over the sample thickness (i.e. we neglect the distortion of the wavefront as it is travelling through the sample). Introducing the contrast functions gz (y) = Rt Rt 0 mz ( y, z ) dz and gij ( y ) = 0 mi ( y, z ) m j ( y, z ) dz (i, j = x, y), where t is the film thickness, we obtain # ! à ! "à g g 0 −igz xx xy F (2) E0 . (3.2) F (1) + Eout (r) = gxy gyy igz 0 52 C HAPTER 3 Figure 3.7: From top to bottom, a) the VSM hysteresis loops (full line) together with the magnetization value obtained from the scattering data (symbols), b) the period τ, c) the reversed domain size, wd , estimated from the minima of the form factor, d) the 1st order peak FWHM to period ratio and e) the total integrated intensity (symbols), together with the 1 − hmz i2 curves, calculated from the VSM data. Left panels: sample A, right panels: sample B. • represents data obtained from the disordered state, N from the aligned one. Black/red: increasing/decreasing field. An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 53 Notice we have left out the non-magnetic term of Eq. 3.1 as it only contributes to the average attenuation. Since at any position in the sample, the Bloch wall magnetization m x is symmetric with respect to the film midplane in ẑ, while the closure domain magnetization my is antisymmetric, the contrast function gxy vanishes. The Fourier transform of Eq. 3.2 is "à ! à ! # 0 −iGz (q) G ( q ) 0 xx E(q) = E0 F (1) + F (2) , iGz (q) 0 0 Gyy (q) where Gz (q), Gxx (q) and Gyy (q) are the Fourier transforms of the corresponding contrast functions. The far field scattered intensity I (q) = |E(q)|2 is then given by the absolute square of this amplitude. We will now narrow the discussion to the case of the aligned stripes in sample A, which we will approximate by a perfectly periodic set of stripe domains magnetized along the ẑ direction, with translational symmetry in the ŷ direction. The Bloch walls in this case are magnetized along the x̂ direction, and can be capped with closure domains with magnetization in the ŷ direction, as indicated in the insets of Fig. 3.2. Since the structure is invariant along the x̂ direction, the Fourier transform in this direction yields a trivial delta function. If the incident X rays are linearly polarized along the x̂ direction, the total intensity is given by ½ ¾ (1) 2 (2) 2 Ix = I0 | F Gz | + | F Gxx | , (3.3) with a similar expression for ŷ polarization. For circularly polarized incident light with helicity ±1, the total intensity is: ½ ´ 1 ³ (2) 2 (2) 2 (1) 2 I± = I0 | F Gz | + | F Gxx | + | F Gyy | 2 h i¾ (1) ∗ (2) ± Re ( F Gz ) F ( Gxx + Gyy ) . (3.4) The last helicity dependent term is an interference between the polarizationrotating F (1) term and the polarization-conserving F (2) term. It can give circular dichroism if it is non-zero, which happens if Gz (qy ) has the same spatial frequencies as Gxx (qy ) or Gyy (qy ). The resulting asymmetry is: h i (1) G )∗ F (2) ( G + G ) Re ( F z xx yy I+ − I− ¢. = (1) 2 1 ¡ (2) (3.5) I+ + I− | F Gz | + 2 | F Gxx |2 + | F (2) Gyy |2 54 C HAPTER 3 Figure 3.8: Generic real space scattering contrast functions for a single up domain (A) and an in-plane (Bloch or closure) magnetization component (B) as shown in Fig. 3.1 and their Fourier transforms (C) and (D). Corresponding form factor for circular and linear polarized light for | F (2) / F (1) |2 = 0.164 (h̄ω=1184 eV) [18] are shown in (E) and − I− the asymmetry ratio II++ + I− in (F). The domain wall to domain width ratio is 2:9. It should be noted that at the transition metal L2,3 edges F (2) is small with respect to F (1) , making the linear dichroic effects hard to observe, while at the Gd M4,5 resonance they can have similar amplitudes [16, 14] and the asymmetries reach 25% in our circularly polarized data, as shown in Chapter 2. We will first determine what information can be obtained from this dichroism. Denoting the total period as τ = wu + wd , where wu and wd are the upand down-domain widths, the average reduced magnetization mz is equal to An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 55 Gz (0): Mz 1 mz = = Ms τ Z τ 0 gz (y)dy = Gz (0). (3.6) For a periodic system, Gz (qy ) will have maxima at qy = 2πn/τ with n any integer. At remanence however hmz i = 0, so that wu = wd = τ/2 and the only non-zero terms of Gz (qy ) are at qy = 2πn/τ with n odd, explaining the strong odd numbered diffraction peaks in Fig. 3.5. Since at remanence the period of m2x and m2y is half that of mz , Gxx (qy ) and Gyy (qy ) are non-zero only at qy = 2πn/τ with n even, which show up as the second-order peak in Fig. 3.5-a-b. Therefore, no interference between the in-plane and out-of-plane components exists at remanence. This is not true in out-of-plane fields, when Gz (qy ) contains terms with any integer n, which will interfere with Gxx and Gyy giving rise to the dichroic asymmetry observed in sample A in the ordered case. The absence of dichroism in the disordered cases is not completely understood, although the most likely explanation is the large disorder. Clearly, the one-dimensional periodic model used so far is inappropriate for the broad structure observed at high fields, which can be interpreted as the sum of form factors of all the uncorrelated reversed domains. To illustrate this, we show the contrast functions of an isolated reversed domain of width w and their Fourier transforms in panels (A-B) and (C-D) of Fig. 3.8. Again, the interference between the scattering from the out-of-plane domain and the in-plane magnetization components (Bloch wall and closure) surrounding it leads to a helicity-dependent scattered intensity (panel E) and asymmetry ratio (panel F), which closely resemble the observed line shapes. The position of the minima of the form factor and the zero-crossings of the asymmetry curves are positioned at multiples of ( 2π/w) and therefore are a simple means to determine the average size of the reversed domains. 3.3.4. Field dependence of total scattered intensity As shown in the bottom panels of Fig. 3.7, the normalized total scattered intensity is approximated very well by the function 1 − |mz |2 , depicted by a full line for the two field directions (red and black). Although this behaviour was already present in recent work from other groups [92, 109], this agreement has never been microscopically justified. It can be explained by applying Parseval’s 56 C HAPTER 3 theorem to the contrast function gz (y): 1 τ Z τ 0 2 | gz (y)| dy = Z ∞ −∞ Z 2 2 | Gz (qy )| dqy = | Gz (0)| + qy 6=0 | Gz (qy )|2 dqy . The term on the left side of the equation is the average of the squared reduced magnetization hm2z i, which equals unity if the in-plane magnetization of the domain walls can be neglected. According to Eq. 3.6, | Gz (0)|2 = hmz i2 while the integral over qy 6= 0 is the integrated scattered intensity. Normalizing to the maximum scattering at remanence, we find: Iscat ' 1 − hmz i2 . Iscat (B = 0) (3.7) The result implies that the scattered intensity can be used to measure the absolute value of the magnetization for any sample containing mainly out-of-plane domains. In the bottom panels of Fig. 3.7 the intensity predicted by this expression is compared to the measured intensity at the diode. A quite good match is obtained and we have found the same agreement in many other samples. Especially, it is worth noting that the field dependence of the scattered intensity is the same for the disordered and aligned cases of sample A, while the period for the two cases is completely different. 3.3.5. Interpretation of scattering curves Kooy and Enz [5] found that the magnetization loop of stripe systems has a reversible part at low fields, which is characterized by reversible adjustments of the relative width of the up and down domain without changes in the overall pattern. This process continues until the reversed domains cannot be compressed more, which happens when they reach a minimum width of about two domain wall widths. From that point on, stripes are eliminated, causing an increase of the domain period and a loss of long range correlation in stripe position. The stripes then break up into segments [77], which gradually shorten to magnetic bubbles, located at favorable (i.e. low anisotropy) pinning sites, and are eventually annihilated by progressively higher fields. On returning from saturation, bubbles nucleate at much lower fields Bnuc and rapidly finger out to fill the film surface. This difference in annihilation and creation leads to the appearance of a distinctive hysteresis in the magnetization loop, characterized An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 57 by the triangular shape near magnetic saturation. The main difference between the two samples considered here (Fig. 3.7-a) is the range of the reversible region and the nucleation field, both larger in sample A. This description, developed for MOKE data, can also be applied to the present data. Starting with the aligned initial state of sample A (Fig. 3.7, left) the diffraction curves show well-defined higher order peaks with an initial correlation length of eight stripes. In the reversible region, the system mainly adapts to the field by increasing the up domain width wu with respect to wd while keeping the lattice period more or less constant. This causes the appearance of even orders in the Fourier transform of mz , which mix with the scattering of the in-plane components, producing appreciable circular dichroism as discussed above. The angular width (not shown) of the diffraction spots stays constant with field over the whole field range, indicating that the stripes remain parallel and that we do not reach the bubble state, which should scatter isotropically. However, above ∼20 mT, the transverse correlation drops linearly with field (see Fig. 3.7-d) to one stripe width, indicating the complete loss of correlation in the position of the isolated stripes. The scattering and asymmetry curves become gradually dominated by the form-factor shape of the reversed domains with the intensity minima moving to higher q. The reversed domain width w, as estimated from the zerocrossing of the dichroic asymmetry (Eq. 3.5), displays a gradual decrease from the half-period to 50 nm, with a trend to much smaller sizes. For an ideal stripe system, the magnetization can be calculated from the reversed domain size and the period. The result is compared with the reduced magnetization in Fig. 3.7-a, the agreement being quite satisfactory for lower fields, proving the correctness of the average reversed domain size obtained this way. Clearly, in the bubble regime this approach is no longer valid. By fitting the measured asymmetry curves with a model as in Fig. 3.8F, and neglecting possible closure, we obtain a domain wall width of about 30 nm. With data extending over a more extended range and by using linearly polarized light it should also be possible to get very precise information on the reversed domain and the spin structure of the adjacent Bloch wall and closure magnetization [112]. 58 3.3.6. C HAPTER 3 The effect of disorder Although the aligned stripes can be qualitatively described with the one dimensional lattice model, the finite peak widths indicate the presence of disorder in the stripe lattice. Hellwig et al. [63] applied a model [110] to describe moderate disorder in the domain period of the aligned structure. An important conclusion from this work is that disorder causes a peak shift towards lower qvalues, implying that the position of the first order peak tends to overestimate the real domain period. However, actual fitting of the diffraction curves with this model turns out to be possible only in the most ordered case of sample A near remanence. From this fit we obtain a Gaussian distribution in the domain period with a standard deviation equal to 5% of the domain period and a domain wall width of 19 nm, which is considerably smaller than the 30 nm width of the walls surrounding the uncorrelated reversed domains at high fields. Fitting with this one-dimensional model becomes impossible for the disordered case of sample A (dots, Fig. 3.7-a). The peak width at remanence corresponds to a correlation length of only two stripes. In applied fields, the diffraction rings broaden much faster than in the aligned case, and quickly merge in the form factor structure of uncorrelated stripes. The period, correlation length and scattered intensity all show quasi-parabolic field dependence with only little hysteresis. The period directly after nucleation is twice as big as at remanence and always much larger than that of the aligned case due to imperfections in the lattice such as branching and end points, which prevent the system from reaching the equilibrium domain period. Also, due to disorder, the circular dichroism becomes washed out over the whole scattering pattern and becomes too small to be observable. Over a limited range the form factor shape is clear enough to extract a reversed domain size, but the magnetization calculated from this is too large, probably mainly coming from an underestimation of the period [63]. Sample B is clearly much more disordered, showing only a single broad diffraction peak over much of the magnetization loop. The average domain distance decreases rapidly down to a minimum at 9 mT and then increases to values that fall beyond our minimum vector-transfer range. The correlation length presents a maximum at 8 mT, but it barely deviates from unity. This behavior might indicate that the magnetization arranges in a collection of domains An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 59 that look somewhat in between a pure bubble and a stripe domain, as seen by others [113]. Another indication of this is the wide field range at which a clear reversed domain size can be observed. Nevertheless, the ratio of reversed domain size to period again produces a quite acceptable estimation of the magnetization (Fig. 3.7-a). Also, in contrast with sample A, the period shows large hysteresis, implying that the domain pattern is far from equilibrium over the whole loop. 3.3.7. Domain period and magnetization The Kooy and Enz model [5] predicts the field dependence of stripes in perpendicular fields by treating the demagnetization energy in terms of a Fourier expansion and then minimizing the total free energy to obtain the sample magnetization and domain period at equilibrium. The parameters involved are the saturation magnetization Ms , the uniaxial anisotropy constant Ku , the exchange stiffness constant A and the film thickness t. They enter the expressions in the form of two dimensionless parameters: the reduced anisotropy material constant Ku 2Ku Q= = , (3.8) Kd µ0 Ms2 that gives the ratio between the anisotropy energy and the demagnetization energy, and the reduced characteristic length λc = γw lc = , 2Kd t t (3.9) √ that is a measure for the domain wall energy γw = 4 AKu . Here lc is the characteristic length. The model assumes that Q À 1, that the film thickness is at least several times larger than the period at remanence and that the domain wall width is negligible compared to the period. The energy lowering due to the tilting of the magnetization close to the film surface is approximated by introducing an effective rotational permeability µ∗ = 1 + Q1 [2]. Gehanno et al. [76] extended this model with a better approximation for the demagnetizing energy density in order to make it applicable to films with thickness smaller than the domain period and Q 6 1. They obtained analytical expressions for the dependence of the reversible normalized magnetization mz = Mz / Ms and the domain period τ on the reduced field h = H /µ0 Ms : ³π ´ 2 0 mz (h) = arcsin χ h , π 2 r (3.10) 60 C HAPTER 3 Figure 3.9: Comparison of the reduced reversible magnetization (top) and calculated domain period (bottom) versus reduced field with the experimental data from sample A (left) and B (right), with dots for the disordered and triangles for the ordered stripes. Calculated and experimental results are shown in red/blue and black respectively. ³π ´ π 0 tχr sec mz ( h) , 2 2 The reduced magnetic susceptibility is: ¯ √ 2 µ∗ ∂mz ¯¯ 0 χr = = exp (πλc + f (r )) ∂h ¯h=0 π τ (h) = where f (r ) is a slowly varying function of r = 12 (1 + (3.11) (3.12) √1 ∗ ). µ The reduced susceptibility at remanence χr0 can be obtained from the slope of the out-of-plane magnetization loop (see Table 3.2). By using the obtained value and µ∗ as input parameters in Eq. 3.12, we determined the char√ acteristic length lc , the domain wall energy density γw = 4 AKu = 2Kd lc , the p w domain wall width δ = π A/Ku , the exchange constant A = δγ 4π and the reduced characteristic length λc = lc /t (see Table 3.2). We find that in sample A An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 61 both Q and λc are two times smaller than in sample B, reflecting the difference in saturation magnetization. The reversible magnetization and period calculated from Eqs. 3.10-3.11 are compared to the magnetization measured with VSM and X-ray derived periods in Fig. 3.9. In the case of sample A, the period, shown in panel (b), at remanence is now only four times the thickness, and the correlation length is up to eight periods in this case. Furthermore, it shows very little hysteresis. Indeed, when magnetizing from the aligned situation, the magnetization and domain period are predicted accurately by the model up to quite high fields. On the one hand, this is proof of the retention of a high degree of alignment up to the field where stripes become unstable with respect to dots. On the other hand, this success proves the suitability of the model to describe systems with period a few times larger than the film thickness even for very thin films. This is in marked contrast to what was found in XRMS experiments on aligned stripes in Co/Pt multilayered films, where the magnetization adapted to the field by annihilating stripes, leaving surrounding stripes at the same position [63]. We ascribe the differences between the two studies to the fact that the Co/Pt films have a more polycrystalline structure, whereas the amorphous GdFe films studied here were flat and structurally homogeneous on the nanometer scale. Clearly, in films with such a low level of defects, domain theory is valid. As was mentioned before, the disorder of the stripe lattice in sample A causes an increase of the remanent period with a factor 1.5 as compared to the aligned case (Fig. 3.9-b). In our view this is purely caused by the branchings and truncations of the disordered stripe system taking up more space, rather than by domain wall pinning. Strictly speaking, the Gehanno description is applicable only to perfectly aligned one dimensional lattices while the disordered structure is clearly two dimensional. Still, applying a brute force scaling of the calculated period for the aligned case by a factor 1.5 produces a remarkably good agreement with the data. For sample B, the model gives a magnetization intermediate between the two branches of the hysteresis loop, but clearly is inadequate in describing the field dependence of the average domain distance. The low saturation magneti- 62 C HAPTER 3 zation implies much lower dipolar interactions between the up and down domains. This leads to a very large domain period compared to the film thickness (τ0 /t ' 22) and a very poor correlation (see p. 309 in Ref. [2]). Furthermore, the large hysteresis in domain period shows that the dipolar interactions are weak compared to the residual domain pinning. We conclude that in this sample the domain structure is not in the equilibrium state assumed in the continuum model. 3.4. Conclusions In this chapter we explored the possibilities of soft X-ray resonant magnetic scattering in the study of nanometer-scale magnetic domain structures, using magnetically striped GdFe thin films as a testing ground for this promising technique. We have worked out a description of the resonant X-ray scattering process for circularly polarized light in the forward geometry for the case where the linear dichroic term of the scattering cross section is important, as is the case at the rare earth M4,5 edges. Using this description, we then went on to explain the origin of the different scattering features in terms of the out-of-plane and the in-plane magnetization components. Furthermore, via application of Parseval’s theorem, a general relation between the scattered intensity and the expectation value of the modulus of the magnetization could be derived, under the condition that the volume of domain walls and closure domains is small. Our analysis shows that the amount of information that can ultimately be extracted from the scattering data is limited by the degree of disorder. In the most ordered case –the aligned stripes after in-plane saturation– the scattered intensity shows marked circular dichroic asymmetry. At low fields this asymmetry is located at the position of the even diffraction orders, and is the result of interference of the scattering from the out-of-plane and in-plane magnetization components which involve the F (1) and F (2) terms of the resonant scattering length. At high fields, the scattering becomes dominated by the form factor of the reversed domains. The magnitude of the dichroic asymmetry provides a direct way to determine the domain wall width. Moreover, the zero-crossings of the asymmetry are a direct measure of the reversed domain width which, in combination with the domain period obtained from the peak positions, yields a second independent measure of the absolute value of the magnetization. This value turns out to be in quite good agreement with the magnetization obtained An XRMS study of disordered magnetic stripe domains in a-GdFe thin films 63 from VSM measurements. Regarding the field-induced evolution of the domains in the GdFe system, we found that upon magnetizing from the aligned initial state, the domains remain parallel to each other up to the field at which they collapse into bubbles. In this respect, the magnetization and domain period evolve as predicted by the domain theory of Gehanno et al. [76]. Even in the disordered case, we have been able to follow the average domain period, the correlation length and the reversed domain size from nucleation to saturation. The different behavior of the two samples considered can be ascribed to their difference in saturation magnetization. 64 C HAPTER 3 4 S TUDY OF MAGNETIZATION DYNAMICS OF G D F E THIN FILMS The magnetization dynamics under the influence of strong magnetic field pulses of two ferrimagnetic thin films is studied using time-resolved X-ray resonant magnetic scattering and Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect techniques. In both cases the samples are magnetically excited by a 7 kOe pulse provided by a microcoil. The two amorphous GdFe films differ in composition and consequently in magnetization. For a composition close to the ferrimagnetic compensation composition, the Gd subnetwork magnetization vanishes during the pulse, while the Fe magnetization initially does not reach the saturation value. Also, this sample shows a very slow relaxation stretching over hundreds of nanoseconds. This surprising behaviour points to a loss of magnetization by non-linear generation of spin waves which affect the Gd subnetwork more than the Fe subnetwork. In the second sample the Fe subnetwork magnetization dominates the properties more completely and here the response follows the magnetic pulse closely. Still, traces of spin wave effects are visible in this sample also. 4.1. Introduction The study of magnetic reversal is a subject that has been attracting vast amounts of interest. It underlies much of our computerized civilization, in which magnetic data storage has become the default primary way of storing information. In the current devices, the switching speed is breaking through the 66 C HAPTER 4 one nanosecond barrier. This is the boundary time scale between “slow” thermally assisted switching and “fast” precessional switching. In the latter, the macrospin of a magnetic structure switches coherently by a precessional motion driven by specially tailored field pulses [114, 115, 116, 117]. The important questions here are what the ultimate attainable speed will be, and how one can avoid the non-linear generation of spin waves that tend to break up the macrospin [118, 119]. In the ultrafast dynamics limit, the formation of the magnetization is hampered by bringing the electron, lattice and spin systems out of the thermal equilibrium [120, 121, 122]. In this work, we stay in the slow thermally assisted domain. Here magnetization switching by an external field occurs by nucleation of domains at sites in the material where the magnetic anisotropy is lower or the magnetization higher than in the rest of the system. Once nucleated, domains grow by motion of domain walls. This motion can be accompanied by magnetostrictive effects which tend to limit the domain walls to speeds in the range of the speed of sound in the material, although speeds up to 10 km/s have been reported. Most practically, structural inhomogeneities can pin the domain walls, and further thermal excitations are required to depin them. Therefore, reversal in homogeneous films tends to be dominated by nucleation of many domains that then coalesce to a completely reversed state, while in very homogeneous systems a few nucleated domains can rapidly expand by domain wall motion to reverse the whole system. Both types of behaviour can be described by the model originally developed by Fatuzzo [123, 124]. However, realistic micromagnetic simulations [4] are necessary to discern the role of pinning centers in the reversal process. As magnetic storage media advance in capacity and speeds, new tools of investigating the underlying physics on ever smaller spatial scale and ever shorter time scales are required. For fundamental observation of domains, Kerr microscopy, using the change of polarization of visible light upon reflection by magnetic surfaces, is a convenient and simple method. However, the resolution is two orders of magnitude larger than the domain wall width. Lorentz microscopy, a form of transmission electron microscopy, is able to probe the domain structure using the deflection of the electron beam by the stray field of the magnetic domains with a few tens of nanometer resolution. The invention of the much simpler magnetic force microscope with the same spatial resolution has Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 67 been a major breakthrough. Spin-polarized STM gives even atomic resolution, but it is proportionally more difficult and, like MFM, gives only information on the surface magnetization. In the time domain, the fastest switching time scales can be investigated using pump-probe experiments with ultrashort laser pulses. In these experiments, most of the energy of the laser pulse is used to excite the system magnetically thermally, while a small fraction is used to probe the magnetization after a small time delay using the magneto-optical Kerr effect. This precessional switching domain is out of reach for current synchrotron-based experiments, since the time width of the electron bunches is in the 0.1 ns range. This time structure has been used already for dynamical magnetization studies in spectroscopy [125] and photoelectron emission microscopy [114, 126]. However, future X-ray free electron lasers will be able to access this time window, and in some respects, the investigation presented here can be seen as a step in the direction of the exploitation of these new incredible sources. In this pilot study, we show that X-ray resonant magnetic scattering is potentially a useful technique for nucleation studies on time scales between 0.1 and 100 ns and length scales between 50 and 1000 nm. We use low-defect amorphous GdFe films in which we find evidence for an unexpected decoupling of the two ferrimagnetically coupled Gd and Fe subnetworks. We show that this decoupling depends very sensitively on the magnetic properties of the GdFe film. The scope of this chapter is as follows: Section 4.2 gives a detailed description of the magnetic pulse generation and characterization. In Section 4.3, we present the experimental techniques and the main results for the sample closer to compensation composition, which will be discussed and a tentative model will be presented. Section 4.4 shows the results for the second sample and analyzes its different behaviour. In Section 4.5 we compare the results of the two samples and draw conclusions. 4.2. Magnetic pulse generation The magnetic excitation was realized with microcoils and special power supplies developed at the Laboratoire Louis Néel in Grenoble, France. This sys- 68 C HAPTER 4 Figure 4.1: Left: layout of the coil. Overall size 5×5 mm, details not to scale. Grey: copper conductor, the darker shade indicates the contact areas. Right: SEM image of the coil bore (courtesy of I. Snigireva, ESRF). tem provides the strongest magnetic excitations shown so far, and allows us to study reversal in relatively hard magnetic systems. Fig. 4.1 (left) shows an artistic view of the coil, which was lithographically patterned in a 30 µm thick Cu layer deposited on a SiO2 -coated Si wafer of 5×5 mm2 [127]. Under the 50 µm bore, the Si wafer has been etched away. The darker areas at the top are the contacts to the power supply. Strong current pulses are provided by discharging a capacitor bank using fast highpower MOSFETs. The current is confined in the bore region by the radial lines. The rest of the coil provides mechanical strength and heat dissipation. A full description of the pulse coil setup can be found in Ref. [128]. The right side of the figure shows a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the bore, and the white circles indicate the 50 µm coil diameter and the 25 µm X-ray beam size, which could be centered to within ±2 µm. The visible scratches and the slight deformation of the bore were the result of breaking away with an ultrathin tungsten pin the SiO2 membrane on which the Cu layer was deposited. Fig. 4.2 shows the calculated lateral (a) and axial (b) profiles of the magnetic pulse produced by the micro-coil under the conditions used in our experiments. The temporal profile (c) is shown for two different pulse lengths, Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films -20 -10 r (mm) 0 10 2100 69 20 a 1750 c beam size 700 600 1400 500 B (mT) 1050 400 700 b 1050 300 200 700 100 350 0 0 0 10 20 30 h (mm) 40 50 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time (ns) Figure 4.2: Magnetic field provided by the microcoil system when it is operated at the single bunch frequency of the ESRF (357 kHz). (a) Radial distribution of the magnetic field strength at the coil surface. (b) Id. along the coil axis. The grey areas indicate the edges of the coil. (c) Temporal evolution of the maximum current of 18 and 40 ns wide pulses. and was obtained by measuring the voltage difference in the coil contacts. The shortest pulse has a width at the base of 18 ns and a FWHM of 14.5 ns. The longer pulse is 40 ns long at the base and differs by having a more extended flat top. Typical rise and fall times are 3-4 ns. 4.3. Magnetic reversal in Gd0.19 Fe0.81 films The magnetic properties and the quasistatic domain evolution of Gd0.19 Fe0.81 (previously sample B) have been discussed in Chapter 3. This sample is close to the ferromagnetic compensation point and has a relatively low magnetization. In this section we will discuss its nucleation behaviour as revealed by time-resolved magneto optical Kerr effect measurements and complementary time-resolved XRMS at the Gd M5 edge. 70 C HAPTER 4 9 8 2 7 3 1 4 5 6 Oscilloscope Pulse power supply Computer Figure 4.3: Layout of the t-MOKE setup: (1) laser, (2) polarization filter at ±45◦ , (3) mirror, (4) microscope objective, (5) sample, (6) permanent magnet, (7) polarization analyser, (8) lens, (9) diode detector. 4.3.1. Time-resolved MOKE MOKE is a traditional technique to measure the magnetization of thin films [2]. Here we describe the time-resolved version of this technique developed at the Laboratoire Louis Néel, and the results obtained with it. This t-MOKE setup uses a fast digital storage oscilloscope to sample the Kerr signal within a selected time window and averages it over many cycles. Fig. 4.3 shows the schematics of the t-MOKE setup. A 5 mW continuous HeNe (λ = 633 nm, E = 1.95 eV) laser (1) beam passes a dichroic polarizer (2), is redirected by a mirror (3) and focussed by a microscope objective (4) onto the sample+coil set (5). The bias field B0 (positive when parallel to the pulse) is provided by a position-controlled permanent magnet (6). The reflected beam travels across the analyser (7). Finally, a lens (8) focuses the beam on a 1 MHz bandwidth Si photodiode detector (9). Both the diode intensity and the voltage over the coil are sampled during a selected time window around the pulse by the digital storage oscilloscope with a sampling rate of 1 Gigasamples/s. The Kerr signal is obtained by subtracting data sets taken with the analyser at + and -45◦ as controlled by the computer. This procedure maximizes the sensitivity of the system [128]. The time traces averaged over several thousands of pulse Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 71 Figure 4.4: Normalized Kerr rotation of Gd0.19 Fe0.81 for increasing bias fields (in mT). The dashed line indicates the end of the 25 ns pulse. cycles are transferred via GPIB interface from the oscilloscope to the computer. The sample substrate was clamped tightly on the coil, so that the film was pressed against the bore. In order to check for possible heating of the film by the coil, the whole system was heated up to ∼60◦ C, but no differences in the magnetic response could be observed. The bias field generated by the movable permanent magnet was calibrated against a Hall sensor placed at the position of the sample. Fig. 4.4 shows the Kerr response to a 700 mT, 25 ns pulse for bias fields ranging from -210 to -50 mT, represented on a logarithmic-time axis. The signal is shown on a logarithmic axis and is normalized to the interval [-1, 1] to represent the reduced magnetization. For the strongest bias field (-210 mT), the pulse is just able to nucleate some domains, after a delay of more than 10 ns and therefore in the second half of the 25 ns pulse. The decay to equilibrium in this bias field range takes only 5 to 10 ns. Upon reduction of the bias field, this response increases and starts earlier until at -124 mT it shows a flat top, followed by a long tail. for -104 mT, the response starts at 8 ns after the start of the pulse and the relaxation to negative saturation takes more than 100 ns. These curves are similar to what Labrune et al. [124] have observed in low anisotropy GdFe films, albeit at much slower timescales. 72 C HAPTER 4 Figure 4.5: Contour plot of the reduced magnetization m, where white is corresponds to mz =-1 and black is mz =1. Again a vertical white line indicates the end of the pulse. In order to plot the delay on a logarithmic time scale, 20 ns have been added to the delay time. The thick white line indicates the middle of the mz =1 ridge (see text). However, the curves taken at even lower bias show that the magnetization in this plateau reaches only 90% of the saturation value. In fact, for these lower bias fields, the signal continues to increase long after the pulse has finished, reaching saturation only at 80 ns delay time. Finally, in the absence of bias, the remanent state contains domains and the response starts promptly at the beginning of the pulse. Complete saturation is reached now already after 10 ns, and decay to the original state sets in only after 250 ns. The response in this region is very irreproducible, apparently because of the presence of very slow magnetic background fluctuations. Fig. 4.5 shows the contour plot of all t-MOKE curves for bias fields ranging from -50 to -210 mT, where the time base has been shifted by 20 ns in order to allow the use of a logarithmic scale. The 0.9 magnetization plateau and the saturation ridge at later times are clearly seen. The thick white line indicates the middle of the ridge. Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films B 73 18 ns magnetic pulse 100 ps X-ray pulse Magnetic response 0 t B0 Dt 2.8 ms Figure 4.6: Schematic layout of the stroboscopic XRMS experiment. As in the MOKE experiment the sample, saturated in the negative direction by the bias field B0 , is excited by a magnetic pulse. ∆t is the delay time between the start of the pulse and the 100 ps X-ray pulse. 4.3.2. Time-resolved XRMS The puzzling result of the previous section is that when starting out from a saturated state, the MOKE intensity initially only reaches 90% of the saturation value, and reaches the latter only with long delay. In order to resolve this issue, we performed time-resolved dichroism and X-ray scattering data taken at the Gd M5 edge. Fig. 4.6 shows the timing schematics. The power supply was triggered by a delay generator that was synchronized to the synchrotron bunch marker signal. The pulse duration was 18 ns. We used the single bunch mode of operation, in which the X-ray pulse length is about 80 to 100 ps, and the time between pulses 2.8 µs, allowing the sample to relax back to equilibrium. The Gd magnetic response was probed by the X-ray pulse at a delay time ∆t. Unfortunately lack of time prevented us from measuring also the Fe L3 response. Most of the data were collected by integrating the scattered intensity with an X-ray diode. Data-acquisition times were typically several seconds per delay time, corresponding to ∼ 106 cycles. In addition, q-resolved data were obtained with the 2D detector described in Sect. 3.2.2. Compared to those experiments, here the count rate is strongly reduced: firstly, the single-bunch intensity is typically 20 times lower than under normal conditions; secondly, the use of a 25-µm beam costs a factor ∼ 150. Finally, during nucleation, there is not much to scatter from, and we had to use image acquisition times of 15 minutes. 74 C HAPTER 4 Figure 4.7: (a) Raw data of the scattered intensity with +1 and -1 helicity. (b) Relative magnetization mz (pink) and normalized scattering S (cyan). Full line: shape of the 18 ns pulse. Data treatment ± Fig. 4.7-a shows an example of the time trace of the intensity Idio , collected at the diode after blocking the transmitted beam with the beam stop. It unavoidably contains a spurious background intensity Sb generated by pinholes and optics before the sample, which can be large compared to the true scattering signal S, especially when observing domain nucleation. As discussed before, both signals are attenuated by the dichroic sample transmission factor. Thus, we can write ± Idio I0± ± = T ± ( S + Sb ) = e − µ t ( S + Sb ) , where I0± is the incident intensity, T ± is the helicity dependent transmission, µ± is the dichroic absorption coefficient and t the film thickness. Since the absorption dichroism µc = µ+ − µ− is linearly dependent on the zcomponent of the Gd magnetization, we find for the helicity scattered intensity and the reduced magnetization mzGd + − S + Sb ∝ 1/2( Idio + Idio ), + − I − Idio mzGd ∝ dio + − . Idio + Idio (4.1) (4.2) Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 75 Figure 4.8: Contour plots of (a) mzGd (t, B) and (b) S (t, B) from sample Gd0.19 Fe0.81 in the high bias-short delay time region. The colour bars indicate the corresponding intensity scales. The vertical full lines indicate the duration of the magnetic pulse. After subtracting the background Sb and normalizing the result from zero to unity, we obtain the relative scattered intensity S (t) = S(t)/S(t = 0, B = 0), which is a measure of the number of scattering magnetic domains [63, 110, 129]. Fig. 4.7-b shows an example of these signals in comparison with the time trace of the magnetic pulse. Results Data like those in Fig. 4.7 were collected for many different bias field values. The results were condensed in mzGd (t) and S(t) vs t contour plots as in Figs. 4.8-4.9. These figures correspond to two different data sets: the first one shows the early stages of the pulse (from -1 to 24 ns) and the high bias field range from -225 to 10 mT, while the second dataset gives the low bias range between -51 to 10 mT over a much longer time window of 600 ns. The high bias contour plot of the Gd subnetwork magnetization Figs. 4.8a shows an overall agreement with the MOKE data, although the detailed comparison is slightly hampered by the different pulse widths. Note that the contrast is reversed as the Gd magnetization is opposite to that of the Fe. As in the MOKE data, the change in the magnetization sets in about 5 ns after the start of 76 C HAPTER 4 the pulse at low bias and 8 ns at high bias. Most of this delay can probably be ascribed to the rise time of the pulse. At bias fields beyond -150 mT, the induced Gd magnetization lasts only a few nanoseconds. The MOKE signal seems to peak later than the Gd signal. In this region there is some scattering, apparently from the induced domains, with more intensity at the end of the pulse. At lower bias fields, between -150 and -50 mT the magnetic response increases in amplitude and basically follows the pulse. The scattering however splits up in two ridges centered on the regions where the time rate of change of the magnetization is highest. In this region the MOKE signal basically shows similar behaviour. For bias fields between -50 and -20 mT, the sample is still saturated between pulses, but the field pulse first produces a huge scattering ridge, after which the magnetic signal completely vanishes, as does the scattering signal. This extremely surprising state (seen in more detail in Fig. 4.9), moreover lasts up to 90 ns, well beyond the end of the pulse. Note however that this anomalous behaviour coincides with the reduced magnetization plateau of the MOKE data. Finally, for the lowest biases the sample is no longer saturated before the pulse. As in the MOKE data, the magnetization now reacts promptly to the pulse, and the recovery to equilibrium lasts up to 600 ns. The scattered intensity reacts synchronously with the magnetization and is decreased for all bias fields. In order to get an impression of the correlation lengths involved, we measured the q-resolved scattering at the fields indicated by the dashed horizontal lines in Fig. 4.8. The high-field data, taken at B0 = -48 mT, are shown in Fig. 4.10a. The extremely weak signal indicates long correlation length as indicated on the top scale, and perhaps an average distance between nucleation centers of about 200 nm during the first scattering ridge at the moment where the magnetization is changing fastest. At the second ridge at the end of the pulse, the correlation lengths are even longer. The time evolution of the q-resolved intensity distribution for the strongly scattering remanent case is shown in Fig. 4.10-b. Surprisingly, during the pulse, the diffraction curve does not seem to change noticeably, except for the 50% reduction of the intensity already visible along the upper dashed line in the contour plot (Fig. 4.8). This is in marked contrast with the increase of the period Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 77 Figure 4.9: Contour plots of (a) mzGd (t, B) and (b) S (t, B) from sample Gd0.19 Fe0.81 in the low bias-long delay time region. The colour bars indicate the corresponding intensity scales. The vertical full lines indicate the duration of the magnetic pulse. 20 ns have been added to the delay time to use logarithmic time scale. observed in the quasi-static case and we have to conclude that apparently the correlated domain system is quite rigid under the fast pulse. The average domain size τ = 864±8 nm with a correlation length ξ = q/∆q = 0.92 is very similar to the values of the remanent system (934 nm and 1.2 respectively) obtained in the previous chapter. It is however still quite possible that the pulse increases the width of the up domains at the expense of that of the down domains. In principle such a breathing of the domains without a change in the periodicity would reduce the first order intensity. In principle the second and higher even order intensities should increase, however, already in the quasi-static situation these are not visible in these disordered samples. In the previous chapter we have used Parseval’s theorem to show that the scattered intensity is proportional to 1 − hmz i2 . In all quasi-static datasets that we encountered so far, this relation was observed. Inspection of the magnetization and scattering contour plots suffices to see that in these dynamic measurements this is not the case. Instead, we see that the strongest scattering occurs on the edges of the magnetization contour, where the rate of change of the magnetization is highest. 78 C HAPTER 4 Figure 4.10: Semi-log plot of diffraction patterns from Gd0.19 Fe0.81 taken during the pulse for (a) saturated sample and (b) relaxed domain state (dashed white lines in Fig. 4.9). On the right of each curve the delay time is given in ns. Violation of Parseval’s theorem means that either the Gd magnetization has turned in-plane or the length of the magnetization vector has decreased. We can not discriminate directly between the two cases. However, the absence of scattering in the plateau region means that the Gd subnetwork is in a homogeneous magnetization state. The ultimate reduction of the length of the magnetization occurs when the sample is driven above the Curie temperature. That this is not the case is obvious from the MOKE data which show a clear magnetic signal. We surmise that the Gd magnetization is reduced by the generation of spin waves, as will be discussed in more detail below. Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 4.3.3. 79 Discussion In order to interpret these time-resolved MOKE and XMRS results we have to consider the origin of the MOKE signal and the magnetic structure of amorphous GdFe alloys. Crystalline Fe has a negative Kerr rotation between 0.5 and 5 eV and reaches 0.28’ at 1.1 eV, while pure Gd has a positive Kerr rotation in the entire spectral range with a strong peak at 4.2 eV due to p-d interband transitions. According to Hansen [98], in the infrared and red spectral range, the MOKE signal of GdFe alloys is dominated by Fe 3d and Gd 5d intraband transitions, while at higher energies p-d and d- f interband transitions dominate. Since the Gd and Fe subnetworks are antiparallel, the total Kerr angle is negative above the compensation point. For our samples and at the HeNe laser frequency, the Fe Kerr contribution is 20 times larger (θKFe ≈-30’ [130]) than the Gd (θKGd ≈ 1.4’ [131]), so that the MOKE signal is primarily sensitive to the behaviour of the Fe subnetwork [98, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134]. The magnetic order in RT systems involves an Fe-Fe exchange interaction that is dominating the Gd-Fe indirect exchange, while the Gd-Gd interaction does not play any role [134]. In the amorphous system, the details of the magnetic structure are not clear. There may be dispersion in the Fe directions, and Mansuripur [4] claims the importance of both parallel and antiparallel couplings in the Fe subnetwork. While in L6=0 rare-earth elements, the R moments are strongly dispersed around the surface normal, in GdFe the Gd spin-only moment should be well aligned. In the rest of the chapter we will ignore possible moment dispersion as it does not seem to play an important role. In our samples the Fe moment is larger than the Gd moment, so that before the beginning of the pulse, the Fe magnetization is along the bias field direction. The pulsed field completely overwhelms the bias field and, as a result, the Fe magnetization reverses. Clearly, at the start of the pulse, the Gd magnetization is initially parallel to the pulse-field direction. As the Fe subnetwork reverses, the Fe-Gd exchange prevails over the pulse field and tries to rotate the Gd moment against the pulse field. Indeed, in the Gd signal we do see a few ns of scatter indicating nucleation of domains. For high bias fields, these domains are annihilated at the end of the pulse. However, for bias fields between -50 and -20 mT the Gd magnetization disappears, only to resurface much after the end 80 C HAPTER 4 of the pulse. At the same time the Fe signal from t-MOKE does reach only 90% of the saturation value. Ferrimagnetic RT films are known to be susceptible to field-driven spin reorientation transitions when they are close to the compensation point. In that case, a ferrimagnet is quite similar to an antiferromagnet which, in high applied fields, can make a spin-flop transition. In this spin-flopped state, the antiferromagnetic anisotropy direction is normal to the field but the moments of the two subnetworks rotate away from this direction into the field direction [135, 136, 137, 138]. Indeed, in an XMCD study of the amorphous ErFe compound, a sister compound of the GdFe system, it was found that at the compensation temperature, the Er and Fe moments are parallel in applied fields. A simple interpretation of this behaviour could invoke the dynamic analogy of such a reorientation transition. However, if this were the only explanation, the Gd moment should not vanish but become positive. We therefore have to look to a further mechanism that can reduce the magnetization in the way observed here. Such a mechanism can be the generation of spin waves. Coherent spin reorientation is well described by the Landau-LifshitzGilbert equation [139]: ∂m = −γ m × Be f f + αγ m × (m × Be f f ). ∂t (4.3) In this equation, γ is the gyromagnetic frequency and α a phenomenological damping parameter. The first term describes the precessional motion of a spin that has been deflected from its equilibrium position in the field Be f f . The Gilbert damping term causes the precessing spin to spiral back to the equilibrium magnetization axis. In this equation, the magnetization is assumed to be conserved. However, in hard driven systems the non-linear precessional motion of the spin generates spin waves. When enough spin waves are generated, different parts of the system start to lose phase coherence, causing the net spin moment of the system to decrease. This phenomenon was first observed as a saturation effect in ferromagnetic resonance experiments [140], and was theoretically described by Callen [118]. In recent laser-driven pump-probe experiments by Silva et al. [141], these effects were also found to be observable in the time domain in the form of a reduction of the length of the magnetization vector. These results were subsequently explained by Safonov [142] in an approach Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 81 Figure 4.11: Contour plots of (a) mzGd (t, B) and (b) S (t, B) from sample GdFe5 . The vertical full lines indicate the duration of the magnetic pulse. The white dashed lines indicate the bias fields at which the q-resolved data were collected. based on the Callen model, in which the precessing spins generate magnons which eventually break up the coherent precessional motion. It should be stressed that in the work of Silva and most other studies, the response of soft permalloy films is studied using somewhat faster but relatively weak field pulses. In the present case, the field pulse is large compared to the anisotropy and bias fields. Under these conditions, the generation of spin waves is a likely origin of the vanishing Gd moment and the reduced Fe moment. Apparently, the Gd network is affected more than the Fe network. A possible explanation is that the Gd is aligned primarily by the Fe-Gd indirect exchange. The pulse field is opposite to this interaction. The Fe network on the other hand is subject to the strong Fe-Fe direct exchange. 4.4. Magnetic reversal in GdFe5 4.4.1. Time-resolved XRMS Time-resolved XRMS data from GdFe 5 (sample A in the previous chapter) are condensed in the form of contour plots in Fig. 4.11, showing the Gd 82 C HAPTER 4 Figure 4.12: Diffraction patterns from GdFe5 as explained in Fig. 4.10. magnetization mzGd and the scattered intensity. We see that the pulse induces an increase in mzGd that disappears when the pulse is finished. The amount of deflection of the contour lines decreases as the modulus of the bias field decreases. The MOKE results showed very similar time scales. In saturating bias fields, the scattered intensity increases during the pulse due to the nucleation of domains. For weaker fields, the start of the domain scattering is similar as in Gd0.19 Fe0.81 . However, the return to the equilibrium position is very prompt. Also, there is no direct sign of a vanishing Gd moment. However, also in this case Parseval’s theorem is not fulfilled, pointing to a decrease of the Gd moment. Again we measured q-resolved data in the saturated and domain states, at bias fields B0 = -113 and 32 mT, indicated by dashed white lines in Fig. 4.11. In the saturated state (Fig. 4.12-a), the top of the field pulse is just able to produce Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 83 some nucleated domains, which scatter to a very weak ring. As in the previously discussed sample, there is a weak scattered signal at very low q which, after 6.3 ns, develops a broad maximum corresponding to a correlation length of 225 nm. Due to the low signal intensity, it is very difficult to extract information from these curves, and the presence is mainly justified as an experiment that is worth improving. The diffraction curves from the system in the domain state (Fig. 4.12-b) display a clear first diffraction order peak. The average period τ=198 nm agrees again reasonably well with the static period τ=232 nm. As in the other sample, the peak position does not appreciably change during the pulse while the intensity is reduced, in contrast to the change in period observed in the quasistatic case. This stiffness of the domain lattice suggests the presence of domain-wall resonance modes [143], the archetypical response to perpendicular excitations. We argue that the reduction of the scattered intensity is due to a partial reduction of mzGd magnetization during the pulse. In the down-domains that have their Fe magnetization in the direction of the pulse, the Gd moments are oriented against the pulse field by the Gd-Fe exchange. When the Fe magnetization is saturated in the pulse field direction, it drags the Gd spins along, leading to a considerable spin canting of the Gd moments. This would reduce the scattering contrast without affecting the average period. From the t-XRMS results we conclude that the response of GdFe5 to the pulse is mainly driven by nucleation and domain wall motion. However, the scattering S disagrees with 1 − hmz i2 around remanence. This suggests that the spin-flop transition proposed for the other sample is also present. However, this effect is weaker here, since mzGd is reduced but not cancelled, and the system relaxes immediately after the pulse finishes. 4.5. Conclusions and outlook We have shown that time-resolved XRMS is a useful technique for studies on nanoscale magnetic phenomena. With the current synchrotron sources, it provides the magnetization and scattering from domains, as well as the domain sizes with a current spatial and time resolution of 30 nm and 100 ps. The combined use of XRMS and MOKE allowed us to study the breaking 84 C HAPTER 4 of the antiparallel coupling in amorphous GdFe ferrimagnetic films subjected to very strong magnetic pulses. In a sample that is close to the ferrimagnetic compensation composition, we observe a reduction of the Fe magnetization in the reversed state and the complete disappearance of the Gd magnetization. Also, relaxation to the equilibrium state of the total magnetization lasts much longer than the pulse. If domains are present prior to the pulse, the reduced Gd contrast seems to affect only the domains initially oriented against the pulse direction. In this case relaxation times are even longer. The loss of magnetization is interpreted as a dynamical spin-flop transition in combination with spin wave excitation. Spin-flop transitions have been predicted and observed in amorphous ferrimagnets, but always under quasistatic conditions of applied field and temperature. Apparently, in the dynamical situation described here, the Fe magnetization follows initially the pulse, but the weak Fe-Gd exchange coupling is not strong enough to keep the Gd antiparallel to the Fe subnetwork. This could be due to the generation of vast amounts of non-linear spin waves that lead to the decoupling and the reduction of the Fe magnetization and the complete disappearance of the Gd magnetization. Very likely, these spin waves transfer energy to the phonon bath, leading to a temperature rise of the sample in the early stage of the pulse. After the pulse has ended, the sample cools down again, and in equilibrium with it the spin waves damp down, resulting in a restoration of the coupling. Only then the reunited magnetic structure starts to decay back to the equilibrium situation via thermally assisted nucleation as described by Labrune [124]. In contrast, in a sample with composition further away from compensation, that is, with higher Fe content, the magnetization closely follows the temporal evolution of the pulse. Here also, the loss of scattered intensity is a sign of a decrease of the Gd sublattice magnetization. The largest difference in the magnetic properties of the samples are the saturation magnetization Ms and the quasistatic nucleation field B⊥ nuc , which both decrease on nearing the compensation composition. Thus, the ratio between the maximum pulse field and the quasistatic nucleation field is 10 for GdFe5 and 150 for Gd0.19 Fe0.81 . This means that for the pulse amplitude used here, the former sample is excited less strongly than the latter, and spin wave excitation is not as important. The difference in relaxation times back to equilibrium then is only due to a difference in magnetization, as is normal in thermally assisted nucleation processes. Study of magnetization dynamics of GdFe thin films 85 This pilot study opens a new experimental approach in the study of magnetization dynamics. Since scattering is an incoherent technique, it is not limited to systems with well-defined nucleation centers, as in the case of time-resolved imaging techniques, but can be used for the study of nucleation studies as presented here. Unfortunately, our q-resolved results suffered from a lack of signal, not enough to record higher harmonics which would have allowed an assessment of the relative width of up and down domains. We estimate that an intensity gain of three orders of magnitude would be readily achievable by using a better focused beam line and a back-thinned CCD camera optimized for soft X rays. Obviously, future work will require more extensive characterization of the pulse height dependence and should include the Fe response measured at the Fe L3 edge. More extensive XMCD studies might reveal changes in the orbital and spin moments which could shed more light on possible spin reorientation transitions. On the theory side, micromagnetic or analytical simulations with time-dependent exchange constants would help to understand better the present energy transfer mechanisms. Future X-ray Free Elector Lasers (XFELs) will provide coherent 100 fs pulses with intensities comparable to the integrated intensity in one second at a third generation synchrotron. These sources offer huge potential for magnetooptical studies well into the coherent spin rotation regime, and may enable the study of spin-lattice interactions. Time resolved resonant magnetic scattering will certainly feature prominently among the techniques used at these sources. 86 C HAPTER 4 5 A N XRMS STUDY OF ION - BEAM - PATTERNED a-G D T B F E THIN FILMS In an attempt to produce well-defined domain nucleation centers, square arrays of artificial defects were produced by focused-ion-beam irradiation of amorphous Gd11.3 Tb3.7 Fe85 thin films. Using X-ray resonant magnetic scattering we followed the domain structure over the magnetization loop. Rather than affecting the domain nucleation mechanism, the irradiated dots are found to hinder domain wall motion and thus strongly affect the alignment and size of the domain pattern. 5.1. Introduction In the previous two chapters we studied the static and dynamic evolution of magnetic domains in nearly defect-free thin films with perpendicular anisotropy using X-ray resonant magnetic scattering. As is clearly illustrated in these chapters, the Fourier transform involved in scattering dictates that the amount of information that can be obtained from a scattering experiment increases with the degree of order of the scattering object. In the present chapter, we impose order on the pinning landscape of similar films using a focused ion beam (FIB) to reduce the out-of-plane anisotropy in a square grid of nanodots with a diameter comparable to the domain wall thickness. The underlying assumption was that these dots would act as pref- 88 C HAPTER 5 erential nucleation sites, allowing us to film the growing domains using the time-resolved technique described in the previous chapter. By reducing the ion fluence, one would in this way be able to extrapolate to the intrinsic nucleation behavior. As will become clear in the chapter, even the lowest ion fluence used here causes the anisotropy to lie in the film plane. As a result, the nucleation field is not affected by the dots. However, the domain patterns are strongly affected. We find that at remanence the dots form strong domain pinning centers, while in applied fields they are the preferred sites for the down domains. Ion irradiation has been extensively used to modify the magnetic properties of crystalline [144, 145, 146, 147, 148] and multilayered [149, 150] magnetic materials. In these systems, ion irradiation decreases the crystalline order or leads to interface mixing. In films with an out-of-plane easy axis, this results in a reduction of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy [151, 152]. In amorphous metallic films, the energy of the incident ion causes a partial annealing of the film, leading to the formation of nanocrystallites [153]. As far as we can tell, no studies on the effect of ion irradiation on the magnetism of amorphous films have been performed so far. Since the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in rare earth-transition metal films is due to anisotropic pair correlations frozen in during the deposition process, the expectation is that the partial annealing reduces the anisotropy. In the course of this project, rare earth-transition metal films of different composition were irradiated with square lattice patterns, with a range of interdot spacings a and ion fluences φ. The film described here differs from the GdFe samples studied in the previous two chapters in that it contains a small fraction of Tb. Owing to its single-ion anisotropy, small fractions of Tb content are sufficient to cause a marked increase in Ku . This, together with the concomitant slow domain-wall propagation [124], results in a very disordered domain pattern for the demagnetized pristine sample. Here we use XRMS to monitor the evolution of the domain pattern over the magnetization curve, obtaining the averaged microscopic properties of the system such as domain orientation and domain size. We show that the FIB irradiation indeed locally reduces the perpendicular anisotropy in RT films on the nanometer scale without significantly changing the film topography. This An XRMS study of ion-beam-patterned a-GdTbFe thin films 89 Figure 5.1: Hysteresis loops of pristine Gd11.3 Tb3.7 Fe85 . Out-of-plane loop (black) measured with polar MOKE and in-plane loop (red) measured with longitudinal SQUID. causes the irregular native domains to have a preferential orientation in the direction of the dot array. In Sect. 5.2 we will describe the properties of the as-grown GdTbFe samples and the effect of FIB irradiation on their magnetic properties. The results from the XRMS data will be presented in Sect. 5.3 and discussed in Sect. 5.4. Finally, the main conclusions will be outlined in Sect. 5.5. 5.2. Experimental 5.2.1. Samples The amorphous 50 nm thin Gd11.3 Tb3.7 Fe85 films was deposited by molecular electron beam evaporation as described in Sect. 3.2.1. Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry and magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) were used to characterize the sample. Fig. 5.1 shows the perpendicular and in-plane hysteresis loops of the pristine sample. The uniaxial anisotropy constant Ku can be estimated from the in-plane nucleation field Bcr and the saturation magnetization Ms as 1/2 Ms (Bcr − µ0 Ms ). An interpolation of literature values [154] for Gb15 Fe85 and Tb15 Fe85 was used to estimate the exchange stiffness constant A. The resulting value yields in turn a domain wall width δ which is ∼50 times smaller than the average domain 90 C HAPTER 5 Table 5.1: Properties of a pristine Gd11.3 Tb3.7 Fe85 film. t (nm) 50 Ms (kA/m) 320 Bcr (mT ) 1256 Bc (mT ) 22.6 Ku (105 J /m3 ) 1.4 size at remanence τ0 ∼ 400 nm. The obtained magnetic parameters are listed in Table 5.1. 5.2.2. Focused-ion-beam irradiation Initial investigations used the wide-beam ion implanter at AMOLF to irradiate GdFe films with low-fluence doses of 125 keV Ar+ ions. Fig. 5.2 shows the polar MOKE hysteresis loops of the pristine and irradiated films with increasing fluence (for sake of clarity, only the downwards branch of the hysteresis loop is shown). In the inset, the increasing perpendicular saturation field and the decreasing slope at remanence prove that the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy gradually decreases with increasing fluence, in accordance with the literature [145, 151]. These results demonstrate that even these low doses strongly decrease the out-of-plane anisotropy without changing the surface morphology: even the smallest dose is sufficient to destroy the typical stripe signature of the hysteresis loop and to cause the magnetization to rotate in-plane. Figure 5.2: Polar MOKE hysteresis loops of a-GdFe5 film homogeneously irradiated with 125 keV Ar+ ions. Inset: saturation field (black) and slope at remanence (red). An XRMS study of ion-beam-patterned a-GdTbFe thin films 91 Table 5.1: Continued Kd 5 (10 J /m3 ) Q 0.62 2.25 A (10−12 J /m) 1.02 δ (nm) 8.5 γm − (10 4 J /m2 ) 15.1 As a next step, the focused-ion-beam facility at MESA+ (University of Twente) was employed to pattern the specimens. Using a 30 keV Ga+ ion beam that was focused to nominally 30 nm, nine square lattices of resolution-limited dots were written on both samples. Both the nominal interdot spacing a (200, 300 and 400 nm) and ion fluence φ (1, 5, 10·1014 ions/cm2 ) were varied (see layout in Fig. 5.3-a). Unfortunately, irradiation of large areas was not feasible with the employed FIB system, so that the exact dependence of the magnetization and anisotropy on the ion fluence is not known. Simulations of the ion-atom collisions were carried out with the software package Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter (SRIM) [155]. For the employed ion, energy and target, they showed a Ga+ depth range of 14 nm and indicated collisions as deep as ca. 70% of the layer thickness. In the following, x̂ will designate the writing direction and ŷ the normal direction. Due to the scattering of the collision process, the dot radius is increased by ∼15 nm. Fig. 5.3-b shows the topography of the patterned GdTbFe film as imaged with atomic force microscopy (AFM). The white dots in the AFM images are probably Al2 O3 grains, coming from the the oxidation of the Al capping layer, that dominate the sample roughness. Although the change in height due to the ion-beam irradiation is small, we can observe the dots as small irregular indentations due to the local sputtering of atoms. The indentations have a diameter of ∼60 nm and a depth of 2 nm for high fluence (50·1014 ions/cm2 ). This agrees well with the predicted sputtering yield of 5.3 atoms/ion and the dot broadening as obtained from SRIM simulations. The indentation depth at high fluence is comparable to the 3 nm roughness of the sample, as can be seen from the section in Fig. 5.3-b. We found that the dot shape is sometimes ellipsoidal with the major axis along the writing direction. This means that anisotropy patterning with FIB at these low fluences is almost non-destructive leaving the continuous film intact. 92 a C HAPTER 5 300 400 I IV VII 5 II V VIII 10 III VI IX 1 yy a 2 0 xx 200 mm c b -2 Height (nm) 200 f y x Figure 5.3: a) Layout of the FIB-modified sample with nine irradiated areas for nominal interdot spacing a = 200, 300, 400 nm and ion fluence φ = 1, 5, 10·1014 ions/cm2 . b) Top: AFM image of field IX; bottom: height profile of the region in between dotted lines (2 µm scan). c) MFM image measured under in-situ field (15 µm scan, field IX, B = 60 mT). 5.3. Results The experimental setup used for the X-ray scattering measurements is described in Sect. 3.2 and Ref. [18]. In these measurements we used a 100 µm diameter beam tuned to the Gd M5 absorption edge. The sample was positioned so that the writing direction was horizontal and a vertical knife edge was used as beam stop. For each field, the hysteresis loop was measured using the XMCD signal. Contrary to our expectations, the results were identical to that of the pristine sample for all irradiated areas. Fig. 5.4 groups the most representative examples of the X-ray scattering patterns in the vast dataset. Firstly, for the pristine sample (first five images in the top row), the scattering patterns are typical for very disordered magnetic domain lattices. At the onset of nucleation (image #1), a circularly-symmetric intensity disc appears, without any sign of higher orders. As the applied field increases, the disc evolves to a broad ring with increasing maximum-intensity wavevector transfer for higher fields. The largest radius corresponds to a domain size τ ∼ 400 nm. As the sample magnetization approaches saturation, the ring intensity fades out and ultimately its radius decreases. Secondly, the last image of the top row shows an example of the diffraction pattern of an irradiated area (field IX) under conditions where the pristine sample is saturated and does not diffract. The FIB-induced changes in the An XRMS study of ion-beam-patterned a-GdTbFe thin films 93 Figure 5.4: Field-dependent evolution of the X-ray resonant magnetic scattering patterns. The top row first gives five images of the pristine sample under increasing magnetic fields followed by the diffraction pattern of field IX in the saturated state. The rest of the figure shows four representative examples of the domain scattering patterns for each of the nine irradiated regions of the sample in the order as shown in Fig. 5.3. In each panel, B increases in the indicated order. In all cases, the transmitted beam (white spot, size not to scale) indicates the q=(0 0) point. Long tick marks are separated by 10 µm−1 . 94 C HAPTER 5 structure produce a square diffraction pattern. The diffraction peaks that can be labelled with Miller indices (i j), where i and j range enumerate the spots perpendicular and parallel to the beam stop. In this example, the (0 5) spot is still visible. Such patterns could be observed in all nine areas, and the integrated intensity was found to scale with the ion fluence. The patterns disappear when the photon energy is moved away from the Gd M5 resonance, which proves that they result from a structure in the perpendicular magnetization and not from charge structure due to the implanted Ga+ ions. Since the pristine parts are saturated perpendicularly to the film, it implies that the moments in the irradiated areas must have obtained an in-plane anisotropy component. The total integrated intensity of this pattern was found to reach a maximum at -30 mT, indicating that the spins in the dots rotate in the sum of the applied and demagnetizing fields. The dot spacing derived from these dot diffraction patterns were determined to be a = 225, 350, 420 nm with an error of 2 nm. These values are all substantially higher than the nominal values 200, 300 and 400 nm. The remainder of Fig. 5.4 shows four typical domain scattering patterns for each of the nine areas shown in Fig. 5.3. Each of the four images was taken at fields where the magnetization is approximately -30, 0, 30 and 60% of the saturation value, increasing with the pattern’s ordinal number. The position of the direct beam is indicated by a white spot on the left side of each pattern. Background subtraction was carried out in all the images, either with a constant value or by using an image measured at saturation. • a = 225 nm (left column, array I, II, III): At nucleation (images #1), two features different from the pristine case appear: firstly, the (0 1) diffraction peak of the irradiated lattice appears as a bright, slightly elongated spot. Secondly, the domain scattering has a wedge-like shape for low fluences and a rod-like shape as the fluence increases. When the magnetic field is increased (images #2), the domain scattering shifts to higher q values, evolving towards the circular shape of the pristine case. There is a clear intensity concentration on the q x axis, nearly at the point corresponding to Miller indices (0 1/2), which is more pronounced for the high fluences. For fields where the magnetization reaches 30% of the saturation value (images #3), both the ring and the (0 1/2) peak intensities decrease, although the latter remains the most intense feature. Close to saturation An XRMS study of ion-beam-patterned a-GdTbFe thin films 95 (images #4), the ring intensity fades out and only the (0 1) peak remains. • a = 340 nm (middle column, array IV, V, VI): Although the overall behaviour of the scattering patterns is the same as for the areas I, II and III, the rod-like shape at nucleation is more pronounced in this series and its intensity again increases with fluence. The (0 1) diffraction peak lies now appreciably closer to the domain scattering circle and is nearly incorporated in it. Again the intensity maxima in the domain scattering is highest on the q x axis. For higher magnetic fields, the evolution towards a ring-like pattern with an accumulation of intensity at (0 1) direction is repeated, more pronounced now than for a = 225 nm. • a = 420 nm (right column, array VII, VIII, IX): The initial rod-like intensity at nucleation and the (0 1) peak are more pronounced than ever. In this case also the (0 2) and (1 1) diffraction peaks are visible. For higher magnetic fields, the scattering ring expands (images #2) and engulfs (images #3) the (0 1) peak, clearly because the average domain size coincides with the interdot spacing. Although the (1 0) reflections are hidden by the beamstop, it seems that the diffraction patterns do not have a true rectangular structure, as indicated by the rod like structures such as in the pattern IX-1. This asymmetry can be ascribed to the FIB writing process. Images like the ones discussed here were taken with over the whole magnetization loop with a small field increment. In order to compare the different areas more precisely, the scattering patterns were angularly integrated, even though such an integration is strictly applicable only to the isotropic pristine area but not to the patterned areas, due to their rectangular symmetry. The resulting curves I (qr ) were collected in contour plots, shown in Fig. 5.5. The pristine area shows the quasi-parabolic dispersion of the scattering maxima as observed in samples with disordered domain patterns. The patterned areas have an additional ridge of intensity at fixed qr that is caused by the (0 1) reflection. For each I (qr ) curve, the domain scattering feature was fitted with a Lorentzian function to obtain the evolution of the intensity maximum q M (B) with the magnetic field, indicated in the contour plots by white dots. The contour plots clearly show that for the smallest dot spacing the domain scattering does not interact with the dot scattering in q space. Although 96 C HAPTER 5 I IV VII II V VIII III VI IX Figure 5.5: Contour plots of the scattered intensity as a function of field B and momentum transfer qr . The panels correspond to the pristine sample (top left) and the nine irradiated areas with interdot spacing and ion fluence as specified in the previous figure. The scattered intensities are normalized to the maximum domain scattering intensity. The positions of the maxima of the domain-scattered intensity q M (B) are indicated with white circles. An XRMS study of ion-beam-patterned a-GdTbFe thin films 97 the spacing is much smaller than the average domain size, the evolution of the latter with field is not affected, which seems to indicate that the domains can adapt to the dots. The fact that the (0 1) reflections are so clear indicates that adjacent dots are relatively often in domains with opposite magnetization, an interpretation that is corroborated by the MFM image taken in a perpendicular magnetic field (Fig. 5.3-c). The intermediate dot spacing is clearly closer to the average domain spacing, and the dot scattering is much stronger in this case, a sign that the localization of the domains on the dots is stronger. This is even more so the case for the 420 nm spacing, which matches the intrinsic domain size at high fields. For the highest doses, there is a clear change in the position of the maximum intensity curve. To bring this out more clearly, Fig. 5.6 compares the field dependence of the domain size obtained from the intensity maxima of the pristine area with that of the patterned areas for each of the three lattice spacings. For the 225 nm and 340 nm spacing (panel a and b), the data match up well with the pristine behaviour. For the largest spacing of 420 nm (c) we clearly see that for the lowest dose the field-dependence of the domain size is still identical to that of the pristine sample, while the two higher fluences show a clear lock-in of the domain size with the interdot spacing at the field where the two become comparable. 5.4. Discussion The fact that all irradiated areas show the same hysteresis curve as was measured with XMCD, nucleating at the same magnetic field, means that the dots do not act as low-field nucleation centers. This is clearly different from what is seen in another study where ion irradiation is used to mix Pt/Co multilayers [151]. However, the dots do have an effect on the position and orientation of the domain wall. The FIB irradiation has an effect on the position, orientation and the size of the domains. The positional lock-in can be inferred from the large intensity of the (0 1) Bragg peak which strongly varies with the applied field, while higher-index peaks have no or very little intensity. This effect can be interpreted 98 C HAPTER 5 Figure 5.6: Average magnetic correlation length for the pristine sample (full line) and for the nine irradiated areas (symbols). The interdot spacing is 225 (a), 340 (b), 420 (c) nm, indicated in (c) by a dotted line. with the help of the MFM image taken under applied field (Fig. 5.3-c): after nucleation, the reversed domains find it energetically more favorable to include the irradiated areas, independent of their size or orientation. This causes adjacent spots to have opposite magnetization which brings out the (0 1) and (1 0) diffraction spots. Because of the slight anisotropy in the FIB writing process, the (0 1) correlations seem to be more strongly present stronger than the (1 0) ones. The orientation of the domains is affected by the asymmetry in the FIB writing process, and should be removable in future. Finally, he size lock-in is observed when the interdot spacing matches the domain size and if the fluence is high enough. This only happens for the largest spacing and the two highest doses. 5.5. Conclusions This study illustrates the strength of focused ion beam patterning in tailoring the arrangement of magnetic domains by locally changing the magnetic anisotropy. The domain structure of FIB-patterned Gd11.3 Tb3.7 Fe85 thin films has been followed with XRMS and MFM. The MFM data show that in applied fields the dots are hosts to the down domains. The high sensitivity of X-ray resonant magnetic scattering allowed us to study the effect of these lattices on the magnetic domain structure over the complete field range. We find that fluences as small as 1 ion/nm2 of 30 keV Ga+ ions are enough to destroy the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of the material without changing the film topography. An XRMS study of ion-beam-patterned a-GdTbFe thin films 99 We conclude that the magnetic anisotropy patterning has a strong effect on the position of the domains, which favour to include at least one irradiated dot. The strength of the effect scales with the ion fluence. When the typical domain size approaches a multiple of the interdot spacing, the domain lattice accommodates to the dot array and is locked to that size over a large field interval. If the original aim of creating controlled domain nucleation centers is to be reached, even lower doses will have to be used. However, the present system forms a very interesting artificial defect system that could serve as a test bed for the study domain wall propagation in inhomogeneous samples. Indeed, this work will be followed up with transmission X-ray microscopy experiments. 100 C HAPTER 5 6 A N X- RAY MAGNETO - OPTICAL STUDY OF MAGNETIC REVERSAL IN PERPENDICULAR EXCHANGE - COUPLED [P T /C O ] n /F E M N MULTILAYERS We used X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and X-ray resonant magnetic scattering to investigate the room-temperature exchange bias found in perpendicular anisotropy [Pt/Co]n multilayers coupled to antiferromagnetic FeMn films. About half a monolayer of Fe spins at the interface is found to be uncompensated. A fraction of these uncompensated spins are pinned in the exchange bias direction. The amount of pinned spins increases for smaller numbers of [Pt/Co] bilayers and seems to be responsible for the exchange bias. This scenario, already observed at low temperatures for in-plane exchange bias systems, clearly applies also to the perpendicular counterparts at room temperature. Remarkable differences are found in the magnetic correlation length for two samples and between the forward and backward branches of the hysteresis loop. 6.1. Introduction The exchange-coupling effect observed in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers has led in the last decade to important technological applications such as spin valves and magnetic random access media. The effect was discovered 102 C HAPTER 6 already in 1956 by Meiklejohn and Bean [156, 157], who observed an offset along the field axis of the hysteresis loop of the ferromagnetic layer and an enhancement of the coercivity which appeared only when the bilayer system was cooled down through the Néel temperature under a saturating magnetic field. Although already at that time it was clear that this effect was somehow connected to the F/AF interface, little progress in its understanding was achieved for decades. Several models of the exchange-coupling phenomena have been proposed: Meiklejohn assumed [158] a direct exchange coupling between the F and AF spins at an ideal perfectly flat interface. The spins of the last AF monolayer at the interface, frozen into a certain direction by the neighbouring AF spins, would couple to the adjacent F spins, breaking the symmetry of the F magnetic reversal. This model results in an ad hoc unidirectional interface anisotropy that explained the hysteretic shift, but it implied much larger shifts than the obtained ones. Later it was realized that the realistic roughness at the F/AF interface would reduce the number of F/AF spin pairs with direct interaction [159], thus supporting the experimental data. However, perpendicular antiferromagnetic domain walls near the interface [160, 161] or spin-flopping in the AF layers [162] would lead to the same result. Another key concept is the existence of uncompensated AF spins at the interface, which will prefer to align with the F neighbours. Depending on whether these uncompensated AF spins flip with the F layer or not, they are said to be unpinned or pinned. Recently, element-specific X-ray spectromicroscopy allowed the direct observation of uncompensated antiferromagnetic spins at the interface [163, 164]. Other studies [165, 166, 167, 168] have been devoted to the 3D structure of these spins. Furthermore, by using X-ray circular magnetic dichroism (XMCD), Ohldag et al. [169] showed that the interfacial AF unpinned spins increase the coercive field whereas the pinned spins produce the exchange-bias field. Although almost all studies on exchange-coupled systems have focused on systems with in-plane magnetization, very recently perpendicular exchange coupling has also been found. Systems based on Pt/Co [109, 166, 167, 170, 171, An X-ray magneto-optical study of magnetic reversal in perpendicular exchange-coupled [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayers 103 172, 173] and Pt/FeCo [174] multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy can be exchange-coupled with several AF materials, such as Fe2 F [170], CoO [109, 166, 167, 173], FeMn [171, 174, 175] or NiO [172]. In the last two cases the exchange coupling persists well above room temperature. In general, the perpendicular exchange bias is weaker, possibly as a result of the in-plane preferential ordering of the AF compounds. In this chapter, we present a magnetization reversal study of room temperature perpendicular exchange coupled F/AF films by means of XMCD and polarization-dependent soft X-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS). The motivation for this study is to understand the mechanisms that govern the magnetization reversal as well as to study the role of the interfacial coupling strength on it. The layout of the chapter is as follows: Sect. 6.2 gives an overview of the samples and the current status of their understanding, Sect. 6.3 discusses the spectroscopic, magnetization and scattering results and Sect. 6.4 summarizes the conclusions. 6.2. The [Pt/Co]n /FeMn perpendicular exchange bias system The out-of-plane preferential axis of the Pt/Co multilayers originates from the Pt/Co interface anisotropies [176]. The perpendicular exchange-bias effect induced by a FeMn overlayer was first discovered at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) facility, Grenoble (France) [174, 177], which is also the source of our samples. An extensive review of the growth, structural and magnetic characterization of the system can be found in Ref. [175], which we will summarize here. The original samples were grown on Si substrates by magnetron sputtering without purposely applying a magnetic field. However, a significant stray field from the magnetron perpendicular to plane exists on the substrate during deposition. The AF layers are therefore grown on Pt/Co multilayers that were nearly magnetically saturated. The samples were cooled under a perpendicular magnetic field from above 150 ◦ C, which in turn gave the final exchange field 104 C HAPTER 6 Pt FeMn Co Pt tAF = 10 nm 0.4 nm 2.3 nm n Si3N4 Figure 6.1: Cross section of the samples. Starting with a Pt layer, Pt/Co multilayer were deposited 100 nm-thick Si3 N4 membranes. The thickness of the FeMn layers was t AF = 10 nm. A Pt capping layer was added to prevent sample degradation. The number of bilayers was 15 for sample A and 10 for sample B. B E . Atomic force microscope measurements reveal a very low roughness (RMS < 1.5 Å) and X-ray diffraction data showed a clear fcc (111) texture in both the [Pt/Co] multilayer and the FeMn layer. The two-dimensional parameter space, spanned by the thickness of the ferromagnetic layer (represented by the number of bilayers n) and the AF layer thickness t AF , reveals a very rich phenomenology [175]. In the absence of the AF layer, the Pt/Co multilayer always presents perpendicular anisotropy, due to the interface anisotropy of the Co atoms, with a coercive field BC that increases with the number of bilayers n [176]. Such free multilayers have a square hysteresis loop as shown in the inset of Fig. 6.2, which also defines the coercive and exchange bias fields. When such multilayers are capped with a 7 nm thick FeMn layer, the large easy-plane anisotropy at the F/AF interface causes an in-plane anisotropy for n = 2. For n = 3, the competition between the in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropies results in the formation of stripe domains at remanence, with a different exchange bias for the up- and down domains. For n ≥ 4, the samples exhibit out-of-plane anisotropy [178] and the hysteresis loops develop some tails related to the inter-domain magnetostatic correlation [77]. For n ≥ 4, both the coercive and exchange-bias field increase with the An X-ray magneto-optical study of magnetic reversal in perpendicular exchange-coupled [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayers 105 Table 6.1: Magnetic properties of the [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayers. Sample n A B 15 10 BC (mT ) 18.8 14.6 BE (mT ) 0 −4.0 thickness t AF of the FeMn layer, the faster so for larger n. However, while the coercive field soon saturates and decreases, the exchange bias field increases until it saturates. Finally, for the thickest AF layers, both fields are equal and almost independent of t AF . For our experiments, we used a range of [Pt(2.3 nm)/Co(0.4 nm)]n multilayers, where n is the number of bilayers, coated with a FeMn(10 nm) layer and a protective 2 nm thick Pt layer. In order to allow transmission experiments, these samples were grown on 100 nm-thick Si3 N4 membranes, which did not change the properties. From this series, the results for two samples with n = 15 (sample A) and 10 (sample B) bilayers are presented here. As can be seen from Table 6.1, only the latter sample shows exchange bias, but has a lower coercive field. 6.3. Results and discussion 6.3.1. XMCD spectroscopy Fig. 6.2 shows the Co L2,3 normalized absorption and circular dichroic spectra for both samples. The absorption spectra were measured in transmission in the flipping mode, in which the field is flipped at every energy point. In order to eliminate asymmetries caused by non-magnetic absorptive processes, these spectra were acquired for ±1 light helicities and the resulting spectra were averaged. The difference between the two absorption spectra, the XMCD signal, is plotted in the bottom panels of Fig. 6.2. For both samples, the asymmetry µ+ −µ− ratio between the dichroic and the absorption R = µ+ +µ− amounts to 26%, in good agreement with XMCD measurements on Co/Pd mutilayers [179]. In order to explore the magnetic state of the F/AF interface, we performed Fe L2,3 XMCD measurements. Fig. 6.3 shows the absorption and dichroic spectra for both samples. Despite the very poor signal-to-noise ratio, the exis- 106 C HAPTER 6 A (n =15) B (n =10) Difference Normalized XAS 12 10 12 BE 10 8 8 6 6 4 2 4 BC 2 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -5 770 775 780 785 790 795 800 805 810770 775 780 785 790 795 800 805 810 Photon Energy (eV) Photon Energy (eV) Figure 6.2: Top panels: Co L2,3 absorption spectra of sample A (left) and B (right) obtained with parallel (dots) and antiparallel (line) alignment of photon spin and magnetization vector. The spectra were scaled so that the intensity jump over the whole spectrum is one. Bottom panels: circular dichroic spectra as the difference of the absorption spectra. Inset: schematic of the relative absorption hysteresis loop, showing the coercive and exchange fields BC,E . tence of a very small circular-dichroic signal at the L3 edge indicates that some of the Fe spins are ferromagnetic and present a non-negligible projection in the out-to-plane direction. This is substantiated by the FeMn spin structure in the (111) planes [180], that presents one spin oriented fully perpendicular to that plane. At the F/AF interface, this uncompensated spin may flip along with the F layer, giving rise to a circular dichroic signal. The dichroic asymmetry ratio R, defined as the ratio of the maximum amplitudes of the L3 XMCD and helicity averaged absorption, is 1.7 ± 0.6% for sample A (n = 15), and 1.3 ± 0.5% for sample B (n = 10). Using the bulk FeMn lattice parameter of 3.63 Å [168, 181] and a typical maximum dichroic asymmetry ratio for fcc-Fe of R ∼ 25% [182, 183], we find that these values correspond to amounts of 1.8 ± 0.7 monolayers (ML) of FeMn for sample A An X-ray magneto-optical study of magnetic reversal in perpendicular exchange-coupled [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayers B (n =10) Normalized XAS A (n =15) Difference 107 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 700 705 710 715 720 725 730 735 740700 705 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 Photon Energy (eV) Photon Energy (eV) Figure 6.3: Fe L2,3 X-ray absorption and circular dichroic spectra of sample A (left) and B (right). As a guide to the eye, a B-spline function of the data of the bottom panels is shown with a full line. and 1.4 ± 0.6 ML for sample B. These values are somewhat larger than the ones obtained for in-plane systems by Ohldag et al. [169]. 6.3.2. Element-specific hysteresis loops In order to verify the ferromagnetic behaviour of both layers, we measured the element specific hysteresis loops by measuring the field dependence of the dichroic absorption signal at the photon energy giving maximum contrast. The data shown in Fig. 6.4 are the result of averaging typically 10 loops, taken at field sweep rates always lower than 10 mT/s. The data have been normalized to the helicity-averaged absorption µ0 = 1/2(µ+ + µ− ). In the n = 15 sample A (left panel), the Co hysteresis loop presents a significant coercive field of 18.8 mT and no exchange bias field, while the n = 10 sample B (right panel) shows a somewhat lower coercivity of 14.6 mT and a clear exchange bias of -4 mT. Both loops reproduce the results measured with MOKE. Since the coercive field of the free [Pt/Co] multilayer is 5 mT [175], it is clear that the exchange coupling at the F/AF interface leads to an enhancement 108 C HAPTER 6 Figure 6.4: Element-specific perpendicular hysteresis loops taken at photon energies corresponding to the maximum Co- and Fe-L3 XMCD. Full dots: Co data, left axis, open circles: Fe data, right axis. Black/blue and red/cyan indicate respectively increasing and decreasing fields. of the coercive field in both cases. With respect to the Fe-L3 hysteresis loops (open symbols in Fig. 6.4), it is clear that the uncompensated Fe spins follow the reversal of the F layer and that they are ferromagnetically coupled to the adjacent Co spins in both cases, which indicates that they are located at the F/AF interface. The relative absorption loop of sample A shows the normal behaviour of a ferromagnetic system: it is symmetric with respect to the unpolarized absorption µ0 , with a saturation amplitude of 1.6%. This symmetry indicates that all the uncompensated Fe spins are unpinned, i.e., all flip when the F layer is reversed. The Fe hysteresis loop of sample B displays a reduction of the vertical amplitude together with a vertical shift of the loop. Both effects can be understood in the frame of Ohldag’s model [169], in which the presence of pinned spins results in a gives a field independent XMCD amplitude and thus a vertical shift of the XMCD hysteresis loop. Despite the poor quality of the data, especially at the increasing field branch, we can estimate from this vertical shift that the number of unpinned uncompensated spins is about 1.3 ML, implying that the spins of 0.5 ML are pinned in a fixed direction. An X-ray magneto-optical study of magnetic reversal in perpendicular exchange-coupled [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayers 6.3.3. 109 Scattering We made use of the spatial resolution of XRMS to follow the magnetic domain structure during reversal. In all cases, circularly symmetric scattering patterns where obtained. These were radially integrated to obtain the q dependent scattered intensity I (qr ). These curves present a single broad peak, comparable the data for GdFe discussed in Sect. 3.3.2. Fig. 6.5 compares the Co-L3 absorption hysteresis loops for both samples, shown in panels (a), with the data extracted from these curves. Panel (b) shows the average magnetic correlation length τ, defined here as the distance over which the magnetization is in the up or down direction obtained from the position of maximum intensity of the I (qr ) curve. Panel (c) shows the width at half maximum ξ of the diffraction peak, normalized to τ, which is a measure of the extent to which this correlation length is defined. Finally, panel (d) gives the total scattered intensity. The data for sample A (left) are symmetric in field. Since the intensity data for the positive field branch had less scatter, they have been used for the negative branch also. The evolution of the magnetic correlation length in this sample shows a quasi-parabolic shape: close to nucleation and saturation it diverges to values above 1 micron, corresponding to the small q limit set by the beam stop. A minimum correlation length of about τ = 440 nm is found in the field range where the magnetization changes roughly linearly with the applied field. As measured by the relative width of the scattering curve ξ /τ this correlation length is also best defined in this range, although even at the maximum value the domains are completely uncorrelated in their relative positions. The magnetic correlation length of the n = 10 sample B shows a markedly different behaviour, as shown in Fig. 6.5-c. The two branches of the hysteresis loop for the opposite field directions display a strong asymmetry: while the branch in the exchange-bias field direction (black data points) again has a quasiparabolic shape, the branch in the opposite direction (red data points) shows larger correlation lengths at nucleation, which fall off continuously to the saturation field. This distinct behaviour is very likely due to the difference in the effective field acting on the ferromagnetic layer, which crudely speaking is the sum of applied and exchange-bias fields. 110 C HAPTER 6 Figure 6.5: Absorption and XRMS data measured at the Co-L3 edge. Left: sample A (15 ML Pt/Co), right: sample B (10 ML Pt/Co). Black/red: increasing/decreasing field. From top to bottom: a) hysteresis loops (full line); b) magnetic correlation length τ derived from the maximum of the scattered intensity curve I (qr ), c) ratio of the FWHM of I (qr ) to τ, d) total integrated scattered intensity (•), compared with the 1 − hmz i2 curve (line). However, that this interpretation is too simple is clear from the fact that the minimum domain size is attained at the same absolute field values in both branches. This seems to imply that the domain size is dictated mainly by the applied field only, where the exchange field has the only role of shifting the nucleation and saturation fields. An X-ray magneto-optical study of magnetic reversal in perpendicular exchange-coupled [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayers 111 The magnetic correlation length in both branches is even less defined than in sample A. Since in thin films with perpendicular anisotropy the domain size is determined by the balance between the gain in magnetostatic energy realized by the formation of domains versus the cost of creating domain walls, this difference is likely to be due to the stronger magnetization and therefore dipolar interactions in sample A. However, the pinned uncompensated spins in sample B may play a role by acting as an extra set of defects that hamper domain wall propagation. Magnetic reversal in systems with a high density of structural defects and grain boundaries is usually explained by an activation energy of the Barkhausen volume VB , which is the typical volume that is reversed in nucleation and domain-wall propagation [184, 185, 186]. From time-resolved MOKE experiments [175] on samples with n = 4 and t AF = 7 nm, it has been inferred that Barkhausen volumes VB are smaller when the applied field is opposite to the exchange bias. Although we can not identify the magnetic correlation length directly with the diameter of the Barkhausen volumes, the observed asymmetry in the former seems to support this picture. The total scattered intensity shown in Fig. 6.5-d closely follows the 1 − hmz curve in both samples. This is another confirmation of the applicability of Parseval’s theorem as discussed in Sect. 3.3.4, but also implies that the magnetization is almost completely oriented perpendicular to the sample plane. i2 6.4. Conclusions In this chapter we investigated the origin of the perpendicular exchange bias that is found in ferromagnetic Pt/Co multilayers capped with an antiferromagnetic FeMn layer. Specifically, two samples differing in the multilayer thickness were studied, where only the thinner system showed exchange bias. In both samples, transmission XMCD measurements revealed the presence of uncompensated Fe spins. Element-specific hysteresis loops showed that these uncompensated spins were directly coupled to the ferromagnetic multilayer, suggesting that they are located at the Co/FeMn interface. From these measurements the amount of uncompensated spins was estimated as 1.8 mono- 112 C HAPTER 6 layers of FeMn, which is about two times larger than found previously [169]. For the n = 15 sample that does not show exchange bias, the uncompensated spins rotate with the F layer, i.e., they are unpinned. In contrast, in the n = 10 sample, about 15% of the uncompensated spins are pinned by the ferromagnetic layer and do not reverse direction when the field is applied against the exchange bias direction, apparently because the exchange interaction with the ferromagnetic layer is weaker in this case. The existence of pinned uncompensated spins, which was already demonstrated in low-temperature in-plane exchange bias systems, is therefore confirmed in this room-temperature perpendicular exchange-bias systems. XRMS was used to measure the field dependence of the magnetic correlation length. Both samples show highly uncorrelated domain structures, typical for a system with strong domain wall pinning by interfacial defects and grain boundaries. Another consequence of this pinning is that the minimum correlation length is not found at the coercive field as expected from micromagnetic theory (see Sect. 3.3.7). The most notable result is the marked asymmetry in magnetic correlation length for the two different field directions found in the n = 10 system that shows exchange bias. The fact that in both branches the minimum value is attained at the same absolute value of the applied field suggests that the domain evolution is determined by the applied field and that the exchange bias field primarily shifts the nucleation and saturation fields. Clearly, the magnetic correlation lengths measured here are much too large to be interpreted directly as Barkhausen volumes. However, it is reasonable to suggest that the two are related, in which case our data would confirm the asymmetry in the Barkhausen volume that was recently arrived at indirectly from time-resolved MOKE measurements [187]. To make this point clearer, further transmission X-ray microscopy experiments are required, as they would give more insight in the detailed magnetic domain structure in these highly disordered samples. 7 C ONCLUSION AND O UTLOOK Magneto-optical techniques have been extremely important in magnetic research, especially in magnetic domain studies and ultrafast dynamical studies. This is mainly due to their versatility: they can easily be combined with high magnetic fields and a wide range of temperatures. The discovery of the strong magneto-optical effects in the X-ray range greatly extended the possibilities, at first through the discovery of magneto-optical sum rules and more recently through the exploitation of the short wavelengths which offer in principle much higher spatial resolution. This thesis explores the novel technique of X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering in transmission mode in studies of the static domain structures in thin films as well as their dynamical evolution. Before concluding this thesis with a summary of the results, we think it is worthwhile to briefly assess the experimental technique, in particular in comparison with the most important other optical techniques: transmission X-ray microscopy as regards spatial resolution, and the magneto-optical Kerr effect as regards magnetization measurements. One of the most important technical aspects of XRMS in transmission geometry is that it is, in principle, a very straightforward technique. In the pioneering phase in which the experiments described here were performed, this simplicity was often offset by the burden of the detailed alignment of the setup on the beamline at the start of each experiment. The beamline on which these experiments were performed is a fantastic spectroscopy beamline with high flux and perfect control over the polarization, but it was not designed with scattering 114 in mind. With a stable soft X-ray small angle scattering station on a purposebuild beamline, with well characterized collimators, beam stops, detectors, etc., it is possible to investigate large volumes of samples relatively easily [63, 68]. We will briefly venture to access the merits of such a system in comparison with a transmission X-ray microscopy beamline. The transmission geometry renders both techniques sensitive to the magnetization profiles integrated over the film thickness. Transmission limits the thickness of the films to about hundred nanometer and requires the use of ultrathin Si3 N4 membranes as substrate, which clearly limits the number of systems that can be studied, a shortcoming that is shared with Lorentz transmission electron microscopy and transmission X-ray microscopy. Although XRMS is also used in reflectivity geometry, the detailed interpretation of the results is correspondingly more complicated in that case. The strongest resonances (transition-metal L2,3 and rare-earth M4,5 edges) occur in the soft X-ray range at wavelengths between 1.5 and 0.8 nm. In theory, XRMS therefore has an excellent spatial resolution, given by the diffraction limit of the wavelength of the resonant X rays. Indeed, this resolution has been attained in XRMS studies of electronic superstructures in correlated systems such as multilayers [111] and layered manganites [188]. However, as in any scattering experiment, in order to exploit that resolution, the scattered intensity has to be measured up to large scattering angles. More importantly, in scattering experiments the extractable information strongly depends on the order of the sample. In magnetic domain studies, the best resolution is obtained in highly ordered parallel stripe domain lattices [13, 18, 67, 72, 92]. In this case it is possible to obtain information on the structure of domain walls with a resolution of 10 to 25 nm which can be compared with micromagnetic calculations. In the case of the disordered domain structures that are discussed in this thesis, the resolution is determined by the disorder, and the average structure can be resolved with some 50 nm resolution at best, which is more than two times worse than the resolution of a transmission X-ray microscope. TXM currently has a resolution of some 25 nm, still very far from the diffraction limit, and this was the main stimulus for our use of XRMS. However, the development of the Fresnel zone plate lenses used in them is still continuing. More importantly, these lenses produce a direct image and one does not Conclusion and Outlook 115 have to take recourse to modelling the measured intensities as is necessary in XRMS. Another much quoted advantage of X-ray magneto-optical techniques is their chemical sensitivity, which allows one to measure sublattice magnetizations with great accuracy [189, 125]. This should be qualified to some extent since, for instance, most alloyed and multilayer systems have fairly well defined magneto-optical spectral features in the infrared to ultraviolet range, which can also be used to separate the magnetic contributions of different sublattices in multicomponent systems to some extent. For static spatially-resolved X-ray techniques like resonant scattering or microscopy, the chemical sensitivity is not very important, as the different sublattices are linked by exchange interactions and the information obtained at different resonances is the same. We conclude that the unique strength of XRMS in comparison to MOKE and TXM is in dynamic nucleation studies in homogeneous systems, where the nucleation can appear randomly, which means that imaging techniques would not observe any structure under stroboscopic illumination. The reverse side of this maximum disorder situation is that the amount of information that can be extracted is low. In more ordered samples, such as patterned thin films or nanostructures, the dynamics is more reproducible, and transmission X-ray microscopy may be more useful. 7.1. Outlook The main goal of this thesis project was to study domain nucleation dynamics in homogeneous systems using time-resolved XRMS. Overall this goal has been achieved. We have shown that even with the used tiny beams and single-bunch operation of the synchrotron, the magnetization and the total scattered intensity can be followed with a resolution of 100 ps. Preliminary data on the magnetic correlation lengths relate mainly to the interdomain distances. An important objective was to follow the form factor of the nucleating domains. This aim could not yet be achieved due to lack of flux and poor detector sensitivity. However, vast improvements in data quality are still possible by using a more optimized setup. An unexpected outcome of the experiment was that we obtained evi- 116 C HAPTER 7 dence for spin reorientation transitions of the subnetworks in the ferrimagnetic GdFe film, superimposed on the reversal dynamics. This is an interesting research area in itself and, to our knowledge, no prior results on spin reorientation transitions on these timescales are available. Ironically, insufficient time meant we could not provide the direct proof of this feature in this thesis and we had to use magneto-optical Kerr effect data to obtain the information on the Fe sublattice. Nonetheless, we think we do have proven that the potential for spin reorientation transitions studies using the very intense pulses of microcoils is huge. With the aim of increasing the amount of order in the nucleation landscape, we patterned the thin films with very low doses of Ga+ ions using a focused-ion-beam system. Although dynamic experiments could not yet be performed, the influence of these nucleation centers on the diffraction pattern in static fields is reported. Such anisotropy-engineered systems present many interesting phenomena in their own right, which are the subject of a follow-up study using field-dependent MFM and transmission X-ray microscopy, the latter ultimately also in a pump-probe mode. Finally, an experiment on perpendicular exchange-bias systems shows that even very thin samples can be studied and that, even in transmission geometry, the sensitivity is sufficient to measure uncompensated interfacial spins which play a decisive role in the exchange bias process. Here the transmission geometry has the advantage that the magnetic contributions to the magnetic moment of the uncompensated spins can in principle be measured in an absolute way. Time-resolved dynamical studies using visible light have a tradition of some 30 years, and clearly pulsed lasers outperform the third-generation synchrotrons in terms of flux per pulse and pulse duration. This means that timeresolved XRMS is not able to access the forefront of magnetization dynamics at present, which addresses coherent precessional switching. The development of X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL) over the coming decade will completely change this situation. It can be expected that there it will be possible to combine 100 fs time resolution with nanometer spatial resolution. For those days to come, it may become possible to access spin-magnon interactions during domain nucleation. A S ENSITIVITY OF THE G D 3+ OPTICAL CONSTANTS TO THE CALCULATION PARAMETERS A.1. Atomic multiplet calculation In Sect. 2.2, we introduced the atomic multiplet calculations that were used to compare the Gd3+ M4,5 calculated and measured absorption and dichroic spectra. From the comparison, best fitting values for the reduction of the Slater parameters κ1,2,3 , the Γ 5/ , Γ 3/ core-hole lifetimes, Fano asymmetry factor q 3/ 2 2 2 and the line broadening σg due to the finite experimental resolution were obtained, as listed in Table A.1. In order to test the strength of the solution, σ0,c,l ; F (0,1,2) and their squared moduli were calculated for slightly different values of the fitting parameters Table A.1: Fitting parameters for the Gd3+ calculated absorption spectra. First row: best fitting; second and third rows: test values. κ1 κ2 κ3 Γ 5/ Γ 5/ ( Ffk f ) ( Fdk f ) ( Gdk f ) (eV ) (eV ) 0.83 0.80 0.90 0.95 0.90 1 0.85 0.80 0.90 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 2 117 2 q 3/ 2 σg (eV ) 12 − − 0.3 0.2 0.4 118 C HAPTER A Figure A.1: Left: comparison of the experimental (open symbols) and calculated absorption cross sections (lines) with best-fitting parameters to calculated spectra with variations of the downscaling factors of the Slater parameters. Right: comparison of the calculated atomic scattering lengths. The labels correspond to the factors, e.g., 123456 stands for κ1 = 0.12, κ2 = 0.34, κ3 = 0.56. varied one at a time, and listed also in Table A.1. Fig. A.1 shows spectra for the best-fitting values of κn and for the varying ones. Minor changes are observed in the shape of the three spectra and the main effect appears as small energy shifts of the absorption lines. The largest shift, amounting about 0.5 eV, happens for κ1 = 0.90. This, together with the fact that all the lines shifts are in the same direction, make the scattering cross sections and total scattered intensities quite insensitive to the reductions. The result of varying the line broadenings by ±0.1 eV is shown in Fig. A.2. As expected, smaller lifetimes and better experimental resolution lead to narrower and higher features in the absorption spectra. These changes in the spectra lead to increases of up to 15% with respect to the best fitted curves, and APPENDIX A 119 Figure A.2: Left: comparison of the experimental (open symbols) and calculated absorption cross sections (lines) with best-fitting parameters to calculated spectra with variations of the lifetime broadenings. Right: comparison of the calculated atomic scattering lengths. A 123 label corresponds to Γ 5 = 0.1 eV, Γ 3 = 0.2 eV and σg = 0.3 /2 /2 eV. this is accordingly reflected in Im[ F (0,1,2) ]. The real parts obtained by the KK transforms Re[ F (0,1,2) ] are affected somewhat close to the edges but the wings are completely insensitive (unlike the derivative with respect to the energy). Finally, only a ∼15% change is observed at the maxima and minima of the total scattered intensities, naturally coming from the imaginary part of the scattering cross sections. 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Precise knowledge of these spectra is imperative for the planning and the analysis of resonant experiments, while at the same time it offers useful insights into the development of novel compact Cherenkov radiation-based X-ray sources. A complete description is presented of the information that can be extracted from scattering patterns of disordered domains found in amorphous GdFe thin films under quasi-static magnetic fields. The intentionally grown perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of these systems produces a collection of out-of-plane magnetic domains that are dressed by Bloch walls and closure domains. Magnetic reversal is achieved through nucleation and domain wall motion. The average domain period, correlation length and reversed domain size were measured from the remanent state all the way up to magnetic saturation. In the case of aligned stripes, the period can be predicted by analytical stripe domain models, which prove to be non-applicable for the case of disordered domains. Furthermore, a general relation between the ensemble-averaged outof-plane magnetization and the total scattered intensity is derived, which is fulfilled in all the cases studied here. A pioneering experiment combining the X-ray resonant scattering technique and magneto-optical Kerr effect with very strong magnetic pulses allowed us to follow the magnetization and scattering of the same GdFe films 138 S UMMARY with spatial and temporal resolutions of 50 nm and 100 ps respectively. Rather unexpectedly, for one composition the antiparallel coupling between the two subnetworks was found to break during and after the magnetic pulse, causing the Gd out-of-plane magnetization to vanish and relaxation of the system taking as long as 100 ns. For the other case, the system response followed the pulse temporal evolution, although a decrease in the Gd-subnetwork magnetization was again seen. This striking novel phenomenon is tentatively explained as the dynamical analogue of the static magnetically-driven spin-flop transition observed in other rare-earth/transition-metal alloys. The distinct response of the two samples is likely to originate from the different saturation magnetization. In order to control the domain nucleation process, focused-ion-beam irradiation was used to locally modify the magnetic properties of amorphous GdTbFe thin films. These have a high intrinsic perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and display a very uncorrelated domain pattern at remanence. Rather than modifying the nucleation field, this process affected the size, position and direction of the reversed domains upon magnetic saturation to levels depending on the ion fluence and interdot spacing. Finally, we have used X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and resonant magnetic scattering to study the reversal behaviour of two room-temperature perpendicular exchange-bias [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilayer systems. In both cases, uncompensated Fe spins at the ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic interface were found and their thickness estimated. However, when the systems exhibited exchange bias, a small fraction of these spins was pinned, causing a vertical shift in the Fe-related absorption hysteresis loop. This constitutes the first experimental proof of this behaviour, previously observed in low-temperature in-plane exchange-bias systems, being reproduced by its perpendicular counterpart. S AMENVATTING Dit proefschrift bevat een breedschalig overzicht van de mogelijkheden die magnetisch resonante zachte Röntgenverstrooiing bieden om de loodrecht op het basisvlak georiënteerde magnetische domeinen in dunne magnetische lagen te bestuderen. Deze techniek maakt gebruik van het sterke magneto-optische contrast tussen de verschillende atomaire resonanties in het zachte Röntgengebied. In het geval van de zeldzame-aarden, M4,5 (3d → 4 f ) overgangen, kunnen de isotrope, circulaire en lineaire dichroide absorptiespectra verkregen worden door middel van atomaire multiplet berekeningen. Toepassing van de Kramers-Kronig relaties op deze spectra geven ons de volledige magneto-optische constanten: de resonantie verstrooiingsfactoren, alsmede de soortelijke Faraday en Voigt rotatiehoeken. Nauwkeurige kennis van deze spectra is een vereiste voor het opstellen en analyseren van dergelijke resonantieexperimenten. Tevens wordt op die manier nuttig inzicht verkregen in de ontwikkeling van de nieuwe compacte Röntgenbronnen welke gebaseerd zijn op Cherenkovstraling. Een volledige beschrijving van de informatie die kan worden verkregen uit de verstrooiingspatronen van wanordelijke domeinen in amorfe GdFe lagen in quasi-statische magnetische velden wordt in dit proefschrift gegeven. The gegroeide rechthoekige assymetrie van deze systemen levert een verzameling loodrecht op het vlak liggende magnetische domeinen die omhuld worden door Blochwanden en fluxsluitingsdomeinen. Magnetische omkering wordt bereikt door middel van nucleatie en de beweging van de domeinwanden. De evolutie van de gemiddelde domeinperiode, correlatielengte en van de omgekeerde domeingrootte werd gevolgd vanaf de remanentietoestand tot aan de magnetische verzadiging. In het geval van de langs elkaar liggende stripes kan de periode worden voorspeld met behulp van analytische stripe-domein modellen die echter niet toepasbaar zijn op wanordelijke domeinen. Voorts werd een algemene relatie afgeleid tussen de ensemble-gemiddelde loodrechte magnetizatie en de totale verstrooiingsintensiteit. Deze relatie is geldig voor alle in dit proefschrift behandelde gevallen. Een baanbrekend experiment waarbij de Röntgen-resonante verstrooi- 140 S AMENVATTING ingstechnieken en het magneto-optisch Kerr effect werden samengevoegd in combinatie met zeer sterke magnetische pulsen, maakte het mogelijk om de magnetizatie en verstrooiing van dezelfde GdFe films te volgen met ruimtelijke en tijds-resoluties van respectievelijk 50 nm en 100 ps. Nogal onverwachts bleek voor een bepaalde samenstelling de antiparallele wisselwerking tussen de twee subnetwerken te breken tijdens en na de magnetische puls, waardoor de loodrechte magnetizatie van het Gd verdween en het systeem pas relaxeerde na 100 ns. Voor het andere geval volgde het systeem de tijdsevolutie van de puls, hoewel een afname van de magnetizatie van het Gd-subnetwerk wederom werd waargenomen. Dit opvallend nieuwe fenomeen kan vooralsnog worden geinterpreteerd als de dynamische analoog van de statische magnetisch-gedreven spin-flop overgangen die worden waargenomen in andere legeringen van zeldzame-aarde en overgangsmetalen. Het kenmerkende respons van beide monsters vindt waarschijnlijk zijn oorsprong in de verschillende verzadigingsmagnetizaties. Om het nucleatieproces van de domeinen onder controle te krijgen werd gebruik gemaakt van gefocusseerde ionen bundelstraling om zodoende de magnetische eigenschappen van de amorfe GdTbFe dunne lagen lokaal te modificeren. Deze lagen hebben een hogere intrinsieke loodrechte magnetische anisotropie en vertonen een zeer ongecorreleerd domeinpatroon bij remanentie. In plaats van een verandering van het nucleatieveld werd de grootte, positie en de richting van de omgekeerde domeinen bij magnetische verzadiging aangetast tot een nivo dat afhankelijk was van de ionenvloei en de onderlinge puntsafstand. Ten slotte hebben we Röntgen magnetische circulair dichroisme en magnetisch resonante verstrooiing toegepast om het omkeringsgedrag te bestuderen van twee loodrechte exchange-bias [Pt/Co]n /FeMn multilaag systemen op kamertemperatuur. In beide gevallen is de aanwezigheid van ongecompenseerde Fe spins op het ferromagnetische/anti-ferromagnetische grensvlak aangetoond en is hun dikte bepaald. Echter, wanneer de systemen exchangebias vertoonden werd een klein gedeelte van deze spins gepinned, wat leidde tot een vertikale verschuiving van de Fe-afhankelijke absorptiehystereselus. Dit is het eerste experimentele bewijs dat dit gedrag, reeds eerder geobserveerd in lage-temperatuur in-plane exchange-bias systemen, wordt gereproduceerd door zijn loodrechte tegenhanger. R ESUMEN En la era actual de la tecnologı́a de la información, muchos dispositivos están basados en láminas magnéticas delgadas. Como ejemplos más conocidos, podemos citar los discos duros de nuestro ordenador y sus cabezas de lectura/escritura, que resultan indispensables en el quehacer diario. Estos dispositivos alojan o interaccionan con el protagonista de esta tesis: el dominio magnético. Estos dominios son áreas pequeñı́simas de la lámina delgada que están uniformemente magnetizados en una dirección determinada. En pocas palabras, la imanación en cada uno de estos dominios viene determinada por el tamaño de los espines atómicos y su grado de alineamiento. En la barrera entre dos de estos dominios, los espines atómicos cambian de dirección gradualmente. Cuando la cabeza lectora vuela rasante sobre el disco duro, detecta estos cambios en la dirección de la imanación, que son interpretados como unos y ceros, los bits. Actualmente vivimos una carrera desenfrenada en la capacidad requerida de almacenaje de información. Esto se traduce en una disminución acelerada del tamaño de los bits, cuya anchura actualmente es de unos 25 nanómetros, unas mil veces menor que el diámetro de un cabello humano y unos cientos de veces el tamaño del átomo. De seguir al ritmo actual, la carrera desembocará en el átomo, pero se impone una pregunta: ¿cuál es el tamaño mı́nimo de un dominio magnético estable?. La sola mención de la estabilidad, que sólo tiene sentido en un determinado lapso de tiempo, nos conduce a la segunda cuestión: ¿cuál es la máxima velocidad a la que un dominio puede revertir su dirección?. En los discos duros más recientes, este proceso lleva solamente unos pocos nanosegundos. Está clara por tanto la importancia, tanto académica como tecnológica, de los dominios magnéticos, y la necesidad de técnicas capaces de dar información local de los mismos y su comportamiento dinámico. A este respecto, las técnicas de microscopı́a como las de Lorentz, Kerr o la microscopı́a de fuerza magnética parecen las más adecuadas, pero presentan inconvenientes como una resolución espacial limitada, dificultad para aplicar campos magnéticos altos o tiempos de medición muy prolongados. Como alternativa, proponemos el 142 R ESUMEN uso de rayos X en el estudio de la dinámica de la magnetización en dominios magnéticos. Los rayos X poseen la ventaja de una resolución espacial máxima de varios angstroms en casi cualquier condición de campo magnético y temperatura. Lamentablemente, la inexistencia de lentes para rayos X blandos de calidad suficiente en el momento de la realización de esta tesis implicó el uso de scattering en vez de microscopı́a de rayos X. En concreto, esta tesis explora las capacidades que la técnica de scattering resonante magnético de rayos X (XRMS en sus siglas en inglés), ofrece al estudio de dominios magnéticos. Esta técnica usa el alto contraste magneto-óptico de las resonancias atómicas en el rango de los rayos X blandos. En el caso de los elementos quı́micos de tierras raras, los espectros de absorción isótropa y de dicroı́smo circular y lineal de los umbrales M4,5 se pueden obtener a partir de cálculos de multipletes atómicos. La aplicación de las transformadas de Kramers-Kronig permite obtener las constantes magneto-ópticas: los factores de scattering magnético y los ángulos de rotación especı́fica de Faraday y Voigt. Un conocimiento preciso de estos espectros es esencial a la hora de analizar los datos obtenidos y de planificar futuros experimentos. Además, pueden ser útiles en el desarrollo de un tipo nuevo de fuentes compactas de rayos X blandos basadas en la radiación de Cherenkov. A continuación se presenta una descripción completa de la información que se puede extraer de los patrones de scattering de dominios desordenados presentes en láminas delgadas de GdFe sometidas a campos magnéticos estáticos. Los patrones de scattering a lo largo del ciclo de histéresis permiten extraer el periodo, el tamaño de los dominios invertidos y la longitud de correlación medios. Sin embargo, sólo cuando la red de dominios está inicialmente ordenada, la cantidad de información extraı́ble es máxima y modelos analı́ticos permiten calcular el periodo, que coincide con gran precisión con los valores experimentales. Posteriormente, la respuesta de estos sistemas a pulsos magnéticos muy intensos se ha estudiado mediante las técnicas de scattering resonante magnético y efecto magneto-óptico Kerr, obteniendo la evolución temporal de la imanación y la intensidad de scattering de láminas delgadas de GdFe con resolución espacial y temporal de 50 nm y 100 ps respectivamente. Sorprendentemente, el comportamiento esperado de nucleación de dominios y desplazamientos de muro no es universal, y el acoplo antiparalelo que existe bajo condiciones cua- R ESUMEN 143 siestáticas queda temporalmente cancelado durante y después del pulso, provocando la anulación de la tercera componente de la imanación de la subred de Gd. Ésta es la primera vez que se observa este comportamiento, que se explica como el análogo dinámico de las transiciones de reorientación de espı́n controladas por el campo magnético observadas en aleaciones de metales de transición con tierras raras. Con la intención de controlar el proceso de nucleación de dominios, usamos un haz de iones focalizado para escribir una red de puntos, modificando localmente las propiedades magnéticas de láminas delgadas amorfas de GdTbFe. En vez de afectar el campo de nucleación, la irradiación provocó cambios en el tamaño, posición y dirección de los dominios revertidos después de saturar magnéticamente la muestra. Estos cambios dependerán de la dosis de iones y de la distancia entre puntos. Además, se usó la técnica de dicroı́smo circular magnético de rayos X para estudiar el mecanismo de reversión de dos sistemas de multicapas [Pt/Co]n /FeMn con exchange bias perpendicular al plano de la muestra y a temperatura ambiente. En ambos casos se observó cuantitativamente la presencia de espines de Fe descompensados en la frontera entre las capas ferro- y antimagnética. Cuando estos sistemas exhiben exchange bias, un pequeña porción de dichos espines se encuentran fijos, causando un desplazamiento vertical del ciclo de histéresis del hierro. Ésta es la primera vez que este fenómeno, conocido de sistemas con exchange bias en el plano de la muestra y a baja temperatura, se observa en sistemas con imanación fuera del plano. Finalmente, las bondades e inconvenientes de XRMS se resumen en el capı́tulo de conclusiones. Allı́ se explica claramente que el orden de la red de dominios magnéticos para maximizar la cantidad de información extraı́ble bajo condiciones cuasi-estáticas. Sin embargo, la técnica de XRMS es especialmente útil para estudios en dinámica donde los procesos de nucleación y desplazamiento de muro no están limitados por defectos estructurales en la muestra. Con la aparición de las futuras fuentes de radiación de sincrotrón de cuarta generación o láseres de rayos X, se espera poder combinar resoluciones temporales de 100 femtosegundos con espaciales del orden de un nanómetro. Bajo estas condiciones, se podrá observar la aparición de interacciones espı́n-magnón durante la nucleación de dominios magnéticos. A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I want to thank Jeroen Goedkoop for taking me onboard his group and giving me the opportunity to complete my Ph.D. Despite the asbestos crisis, the long and dreadful beamtimes, the sometimes hazardous and always arduous work, we managed to deliver it ashore. I also thank Mark Golden for taking over Friso van der Veen as my official promotor. Mark, your detailed reading of the thesis manuscript was very useful; Friso, I had a great pleasure in sharing a beamtime and discussions with you. Carrying out any synchrotron experiment on your own is simply impossible, and I am greatly in debt to my group mates: Joost, Olivier, Mark and lately Stan. Huib, thanks for those beautiful samples you grow. For the calculations presented in Chapter 2, I used the version of Cowan’s code provided by Frank de Groot: thanks for your patience explaining me some of the secrets of the atomic multiplet calculations and their implementation. The dynamical studies shown in Chapter 4 were the result of our collaboration with the beamline ID08 at ESRF and the XMCD group at Louis Néel Laboratoire. I am indebted to Nick Brookes for adopting me as one of his Ph.D. students in Grenoble when the asbestos was pouring in Amsterdam, and for his dedication to our experiments as a local contact; to Kenneth Larsson† , the best technician I have ever met and a very sensible person. Stefania Pizzini, Jan Vogel, Yann Pennec, Marlio Bonfim and Julio Camarero, thanks a lot for your support with the dynamical measurements and your help when our group was too thin for a beamtime. To ion bombard Huib’s precious samples, we counted with the help of several people: Albert Polman, Max Tien, Teun van Dillen (AMOLF ), Vishwas Gadgil (MESA+ ), Jeroen Luigjes and Hugo Schlatter (WZI ), thanks to you all. The samples studied in Chapter 6 came from Bernard Dieny’s group at CEA in Grenoble. Many thanks to him and the people involved: Flavio Garcia and Jordi Sort. I want to acknowledge the scientific, technical and secretarial staff of the van der Waals - Zeeman Institute for their professional support every time I needed it, and ESRF for the hospitality during my stay there. T O MY FRIENDS Even in Physics, a Ph.D. gives you the chance to meet lots of people, especially if you had a long one like mine. But let’s start from the beginning, around five years, five directors and an asbestos crisis ago, when the Cheapies were various and manyfold: Joost, Mark, Olivier and Jeroen as Commander in Chief. There was no experiment too difficult for you, guys! Well, almost. Together with Michel and Jeroen, you instructed me in the Kriterion tradition where we shared many beers and dinners afterwards. Other old members of the WZI scientific community to be remembered: Pedro, Mohammed, Takashi, Femius, Lydia, Emmanuelle, Juan, Boris, Zhang Lian, Yingkai, Tom, Maçiek, Mark, Vinh, Ronald, Yu Tao. And present ones: Dennis, Leonid, Henk, Iuliana, Stan, Jeroen and Jesse, Gianni, Huy, Sharareh, Iman, Anton, Sarah, Tracy, Yves, Salima and Ashmae. Que la vida en Ámsterdam sin la mafia española plus la légion etrangère no serı́a lo mismo es obvio. Jaime, Manu, Marc, Juan, Jorge, Marinella, Rafa, Alex, Andrea, Rùben, Daniele, Silke, Nacho, Diego, Miriam, Marı́a, Salvo, Manu, Mischa, Jordi, Annemarieke, José, Javier, Viney, Timi, Dorothée, Marina y a aquellos que me dejé y que mañana recordaré: muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo en los dı́as grises y en el resto también!. During my stay in Grenoble I met very nice people. Manu, Sofı́a, Gloria, Silvia, Javier & Javier, David, Sarnjeet, Christian, Tobias, Mónica, Eva, Julio, Alberto, Céline, Federica, Peter, Jorge and Barry: thanks a lot for the good moments. Dedico esta tesis a mi madre y mis hermanos, por su apoyo incondicional antes y durante esta tesis y a Marı́a, mi compañera de viaje durante estos años. Muchı́simas gracias por tu ayuda en el parto, porque ¿quién dijo que los hombres no paren?.
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