New NVBIA Logo 4/c - HomeAid Northern Virginia
New NVBIA Logo 4/c - HomeAid Northern Virginia
In This Issue HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 1 • Ya'll Come! 8th Annual HomeAid Gala & Auction Tickets on Sale • Builder Captains: Heart, Soul and Expertise Wanted • Virginia Parade of Homes: See the Latest Trends in Home Building While Benefiting HomeAid • Trade Partner Spotlight: John Darvish Construction Co. • Make Every Employee a HomeAid Hero Fall 2009 “We Care” – HomeAid and M/I Homes Prove It for Good Shepherd Housing Foundation HomeAid recently began a renovation project in the Dale City area for the Good Shepherd Housing Foundation (GSHF). HomeAid tapped Builder Captain M/I Homes to lead the project. “Our company was founded on the slogan, ‘We care’,” said David Janson, Vice President of Construction for M/I Homes. “In good times and bad everyone should help out and HomeAid has demonstrated to be a thought-out and wellrun organization that, like M/I Homes, cares for others.” Good Shepherd Housing Foundation is dedicated to providing permanent supportive housing and transitional housing for single persons with chronic mental illness and for families who are homeless or in imminent danger of homelessness. “It would be very difficult to get this level of Continued on page 3 David Janson, Vice President of Construction (left) and Eric Ferreira, Production Manager, employees for Builder Captain M/I Homes, prepare the home for renovation by removing old doors and cabinets. “In good times and bad everyone should help out...” Sport&Health Members Donate 3,000+ Outfits to Women Giving Back Sport&Health members donated more than 320 bags of clothing to the Women Giving Back (WGB) store through collection points at their 23 locations in the Northern Virginia and DC metro area. WGB was founded by HomeAid Northern Virginia to supplement their work in easing the transition from homelessness by providing women with professional work-oriented clothing and accessories without charge. From left, Fiona Hughes, VP of WGB, with Mark Fisher, President and COO of Sport&Health, Terri Stagi, President of WGB and Leslie Hathaway, WGB Board Member, are pictured with some of the Sport&Health donations. “In these distressing times, the Women Giving Back store and what it offers to women in crisis in the community is more important than ever,” said Terri Stagi, President of the WGB Board, Co-Chair of the Communications Committee of HomeAid Northern Virginia Board of Directors and a Vice President with Jack Morris Advertising, Inc. “The need for our services has increased — the number of women visiting the store has nearly doubled this year. Because of the generosity of Sport&Health and their members we are able to continue to meet these rising needs.” Continued on page 3 “In these distressing times, the Women Giving Back store and what it offers to women in crisis in the community is more important than ever.” HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 2 HomeAid Northern Virginia Board of Directors Executive Committee President Rick Cole The Long Companies Vice President / President-Elect John DeZinno Bank of America Secretary John Monacci Winchester Homes Treasurer / Immediate Past President David Cogley Re/Max Select Committees Shelter Selection Committee Chair Michael Scheurer Virginia Housing Development Authority Ya’ll Come! Celebrate HomeAid and Honor Those Who Make Our Community a Better Place to Live 8th Annual HomeAid Gala & Auction! Saturday, November 14 • Hyatt Regency Reston Silent Auction and Reception Begins at 6 p.m. Dinner and Live Auction Begins at 7:30 p.m. Fill out and return the enclosed ticket order form or visit to purchase tickets. Presented by: Shelter Care Committee Chair Doug Smith Miller & Smith Communications Committee Co-Chairs Terri Stagi Jack Morris Advertising, Inc. Charles M. Browning Greater Washington Publishing, Inc. Fundraising Committee Chair John DeZinno Bank of America Nominating Committee Chair David Cogley Re/Max Select HomeAid Heroes Committee Co-Chairs Patti Brownstein Planet Cotton/LGP Promotions Andrew Moore Arlington Designer Homes Government Relations Committee Chair Michael Scheurer Virginia Housing Development Authority Directors Steven B. Alloy Stanley Martin Homes William L. Berry The Berry Companies John Darvish John Darvish Construction Carson Lee Fifer, Jr. McGuireWoods LLP Joanna C. Frizzell McGuireWoods LLP The Honorable Katherine K. Hanley Commonwealth of Virginia Cecilia Hodges M & T Bank Dennis Kelleher M/I Homes Charles Merlin K. Hovnanian Homes Jewell Mikula Shelter House, Inc. Russ Rosenberger Madison Homes, Inc. Barry H. Schwartz Schwartz Enterprises, Inc. The Honorable Steve C. Shannon Virginia House of Delegates 2 Tickets are on sale now! Get ready to don your “jeans and jewels” and mosey on over to this year’s Annual HomeAid Gala and Auction. The Gala & Auction is the largest and most important annual fundraiser for HomeAid. The proceeds from ticket sales are used to support HomeAid Northern Virginia’s building, renovating and remodeling work that serves countless homeless individuals and families in Northern Virginia. Enjoy a wonderful evening out and support a much-needed cause – individual tickets are $150 each, or a table of 10 is $1,500, and can be purchased online at or by returning the ticket order form found in the newsletter. There’s something for everyone at this year’s Western-themed event – great Southwestern food, one-of-a-kind auction and raffle items, and the chance to recognize and honor several people and organizations receiving the Second Annual Presidents’ Circle Awards. Join hundreds of your friends and colleagues to recognize and celebrate the important contributions of our distinguished and well-deserving award recipients. We are proud to recognize: • 2009 Presidents’ Award — Terri Stagi, Jack Morris Advertising, Inc. • 2009 Trade Partner of the Year Award — 84 Lumber Company • 2009 Non-Profit Care Provider Project of the Year Award — To be announced at the Gala As in the past, the event also will feature a silent and live auction, as well as the Paddle Challenge and a raffle drawing for major prizes. This year’s silent auction features fun and unique items in four categories– restaurants, sports, electronics and amenities. The live auction features several exclusive items including: a week-long stay slope-side at a Colorado ski resort; a week-long getaway to Deer Valley, Utah; a local television studio tour and much more! It’s not too late to get involved! HomeAid is accepting donations for the auction: including restaurant gift certificates, electronics and the use of local vacation homes. Simply download the donation form at and send it in with the donated items. If you would like to be a sponsor for the event, please contact HomeAid Northern Virginia’s Executive Director, Christy Eaton, at 571-283-6320 or by e-mail at Thanks to our Giddy-Up and Go Sponsors! Beacon Roofing Supply Company BRADCO CertainTeed Dominion Virginia Power Copyright 2009 HomeAid Northern Virginia. All Rights Reserved. LGP Promotional Group Virginia Housing Development McGuireWoods Authority PNC Bank Trammell Crow ProBuild East HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 3 Good Shepard Housing Foundation Continued from page 1 Thanks to Builder Captain M/I Homes for the Good Shepherd Housing Foundation Shelter Care Project and to All the Trade Partners B&K Distributors Bond Flooring Builders FirstSource Century Stairs Cosmetic Solutions East Coast Insulators Eastech Painting Easy Clean Horizon Contracting J H Kim Siding Masterbrand Cabinetry Metro Stone Works Metro Tile Newport Concrete Northstar Electric NV Plumbing Rinker Drywall Summit Roofing TMS refurbishing without the help from HomeAid and M/I Homes,” said Pam Kovach, Executive Director of GSHF. “We offer housing to homeless or low income families for three to five years. What makes this so valuable to us is that because we offer longer-term housing, we don’t have a lot of funding sources.” The scope of the work on the townhouse was quite extensive. “Once we got started we found damage behind the walls, under the floor and behind the siding,” said Janson. “We believe as a company if you are going to do something, do it right so we ended up gutting the home down to its structure. We even replaced all the plumbing lines.” The estimated cost of the renovations when finished will total approximately $70,000. M/I Homes, the trade partners and HomeAid covered the complete cost of the project. “Our trade partners have been extremely supportive and generous,” said Janson. “Especially when you consider the economic climate.” HomeAid Northern Virginia Executive Director Christy Eaton agreed. “I want to thank M/I Homes and all the trade partners for their commitment to this project. This is our first project with Good Shepherd Housing Foundation and I’m very pleased we are able to provide this level of service to them.” “There is a family going back into the home as soon as it’s finished,” said Kovach. “A single parent with four children.” No doubt they will be thrilled with the completely renovated home – safe and beautiful for years to come. Women Giving Back Continued from page 1 To continue to meet the needs of the community, Women Giving Back needs your help in a variety of ways: Donations: WGB continues to accept donations of new and nearly new professional attire at the WGB store (1110 Herndon Parkway, Herndon). In addition, WGB encourages organizations and volunteers to: • promote and house clothing drop-off points (similar to those at Sport&Health clubs) • host events where clothing and accessories can be donated • contact other organizations about donations and WGB participation Women Giving Back volunteers accept clothing and other donations. The WGB store must be fully replenished and re-stocked before it opens every month. More than 2,000 women from over 100 shelters in Northern Virginia have shopped at the WGB store since the program’s inception in June 2007. WGB has distributed more than 50,000 items of clothing to women in need. (If you are a service provider and would like to bring shoppers to the store, please contact Women Giving Back at If you would like to donate clothing or volunteer, contact Women Giving Back at In Store Volunteers: “WGB exists through the dedication of volunteers,” said Teri Stagi, President of WGB. Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks related to the WGB store. They are needed to sort, organize and display donated clothing and to help shoppers find the right outfits. Sorting and store set-up takes place the second Friday of each month from 3:30 p.m. until finished. Volunteers are also needed to work in the store the second Saturday of each month. The store is open from 9 a.m. to noon. You can volunteer to work for just a few hours sorting clothes, setting up the store or helping women find the right clothing to fit their needs. 3 HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 4 Heart, Soul and Expertise Wanted Volunteer to Serve as Builder Captain for an Upcoming HomeAid Project At the heart of every HomeAid project is a Builder Captain whose role is to provide project leadership as well as to organize and rally in-kind donation assistance from trade partners. The projects are diverse and can range from interior updates to a total home remodel. Builder Captains are called on to leverage their assets, knowledge and contacts to help in the completion of the project. They also have something else in common. “The Builder Captains that I know are not just living in the community,” said Andrew Moore, President of Arlington Designer Homes and HomeAid Board Member. “They are also involved and take pride in the areas where they live and work.” Moore’s experience as a Builder Captain for several HomeAid projects has been almost textbook perfect. The HomeAid Board of Directors pre-screens the projects so that the scope of work and project expectations are documented and communicated before the project begins. “It’s much easier to deal with problems as a Builder Captain because I knew that HomeAid was there to backstop what I was doing. If I couldn’t get a donation, HomeAid would step in with the funding to get the project back on line and moving forward.” Historically, HomeAid Builder Captains and their trade partners have assumed the full cost of construction. In these challenging economic times for homebuilders, HomeAid has secured outside funding to help cover the costs of all shelter projects. “The irony is that so many people need more help from HomeAid at a time when it may be tougher to give,” said Moore. “We can give people a hand to get them over the hump. I’ve found that the people we help often later give back to their own community.” HomeAid projects provide a safe environment for a needy family while they receive counseling, education, and the necessary skills to have a successful and fulfilling life. The benefits don’t end there. “Writing a check to a worthy cause is important,” said Moore. “But there is nothing like getting your hands dirty to give you a sense of accomplishment. “ John Monacci, Sr. Vice President for Winchester Homes agrees. In 2004 Winchester Homes celebrated the company’s 25th anniversary. “We decided to do 25 Acts of Kindness for 25 Years of Service to the Community,” Monacci said. Employees nominated the charities that Winchester Homes would support. HomeAid was one of the charities they decided to work with. “The success of the HomeAid program was so phenomenal that we’ve been doing it every year since.” Winchester Homes has served as Builder Captain on both small and large projects. “The value for us has been the investment in our community and what it does for our reputation as a good corporate citizen,” said Monacci. “The community has made us what we are, so how can we give back?” “HomeAid is directly linked to what we do every day. Honestly, we get more out of it than we ever give back to the charity.” Brian Phebus, Director of Production for Winchester Homes and HomeAid Northern Virginia Executive Director Christy Eaton tour a renovated NOVACO property. 4 Looking for a Few Good Builder Captains • ACTS Transitional Living in Triangle has a transitional housing unit that needs deck repairs. • Doorways for Women & Children needs work done on two properties in Arlington: - Safehouse where work includes roof repairs, reconfiguration of main entrance way, pet kennel repairs and fence maintenance; - Freddie Mac Home needs an expanded area for garbage cans, drywall repair and painting. • Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairfax needs renovation work including new siding, new windows, painting and other repairs. • Northern Virginia Family Services has multiple homes located in and around Woodbridge. Most homes need new appliances, new floor coverings, drywall and trim repairs, painting, new light fixtures and HVAC service. If you are interested in serving as a Builder Captain for one of the projects listed, please contact: Christy Eaton, HomeAid Executive Director Phone: 571-283-6320 E-mail: NVHomes served as Builder Captain for the Freddie Mac Foundation Family Home built for Doorways for Women and Children. HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 5 See the Latest Trends in Home Building While Benefiting HomeAid 12th Annual Virginia Parade of Homes • October 24 & 25, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring your friends and family – 100% of the donations benefit HomeAid! The most unique homes in the area will welcome visitors to the 12th Annual Virginia Parade of Homes on October 24 and 25. Dozens of new, custom, remodeled and green homes will be featured in this year’s Parade of Homes. Builders will be on hand to point out interesting features and answer questions. The Parade is a free public event and the tour hours are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Please visit to register for your free entry voucher and to create your Parade tour by viewing the drop down menu. Build your tour by either location, price range or type of home desired. Directions for each of the homes can be found on the Tour Map page. Google map locator is conveniently available on each individual entry page to assist you. You can also register to play the scavenger hunt game, Hot Pursuit, with a chance to win a trip for two to New York to see the Regis & Kelly show. “We are expecting more than 60 homes on the Parade this year. We also are very proud that once again, all donations collected this year will benefit HomeAid Northern Virginia,” said Kathy Renaud, Director of Membership for the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association, the sponsoring organization of the event. “We were able to raise over $10,000 last year and I believe we will be able to exceed that total this year.” One hundred percent of the ticket sales will go to support the work of HomeAid in building shelters for today’s homeless children and families. HomeAid donation boxes will be available at the tour homes on the days of the event ($20/family group) and online donations will be accepted at Please help publicize this worthwhile event by downloading an event flyer at (under Breaking News, click on ‘for more information about the Parade of Homes’) – post it in your office and distribute it to anyone in the market for a new home or with an interest in seeing the latest in new home construction. Everyone is invited to attend. Visit the 2009 Virginia Parade of Homes to see custom homes similar to Creighton Enterprises’ 13,000 sq. ft. country manor home, featured at last year’s event. Calling All Builders! The Parade of Homes welcomes all builders who would like to participate. If you would like to showcase a home on the Parade please contact Kathy Renaud, Director of Membership for the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association, at 571-283-6323 or by e-mail at HomeAid Welcomes New Board Member – Joanna Frizzell Joanna Frizzell, an Associate with the law firm of McGuireWoods LLP, recently joined the HomeAid Northern Virginia Board of Directors. The 23-member Board is committed to helping local service organizations build and maintain dignified housing where homeless families and individuals can rebuild their lives. “I am honored to be a part of the HomeAid Board because I believe HomeAid‘s mission to assist in providing services to the temporarily homeless goes a long way towards ending homelessness in our community and the organization gives builders an opportunity to give back to the community,” said Frizzell. “I am looking forward to being a part of this very important mission.” Joanna Frizzell Frizzell focuses her legal practice on land use and real estate in Northern Virginia. She counsels clients on all aspects of the land use planning and development process including zoning approvals, Special Use Permits, due diligence preparation for purchasing sites and advocacy with the local jurisdictions. She also currently serves as the deputy city attorney for the City of Fairfax. Prior to joining McGuireWoods, Frizzell practiced local government law as an assistant city attorney for the City of Alexandria, where she represented the Department of Transportation and Environmental Services, and the Department of Planning and Zoning on various enforcement and land use matters. “HomeAid is very pleased to welcome Joanna to our Board,” said Christy Eaton, Executive Director of HomeAid Northern Virginia. “She brings a wealth of knowledge about real estate law and a firm belief in the mission of HomeAid.” 5 HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 6 Trade Partner Spotlight Trade Partner John Darvish Construction Shares HomeAid Philosophy “I have been involved in community work through the years but I find that HomeAid has a different philosophy that I believe in,” said John Darvish, President of John Darvish Construction. “They are directly changing lives on a daily basis. The person needs just one more week, one more month or one more year to move on with their lives and HomeAid is there for them.” John Darvish Construction Co. partners with HomeAid in many ways. Darvish serves on the HomeAid Board of Directors. Currently he is working on the Annual HomeAid Gala and Auction as a member of the organizing committee. “John gives back to the community in so many ways,” said Christy Eaton, HomeAid Northern Virginia’s Executive Director. “He is a tireless supporter of HomeAid. We are thankful to John and his company for their support.” The roofing company, which was founded in 1988, has also donated time, materials and expertise. Most recently the company worked with Builder Captain Miller & Smith to donate an estimated $4,000 to replace the roof on a HomeAid project for Community Touch in Bealeton. “Unfortunately there are so many stories of homelessness in our community,” said Darvish. “A woman and child were sleeping in a school bus and we helped them find shelter. We are changing people’s lives and that’s important to me. Everybody is satisfied.” When asked why he’s involved with HomeAid, Darvish simply said, “We do this from our heart.” From left: Kenley Menefee, Melissa Dorsey, John Darvish, Rey Lobera, Jason Dorsey, members of the John Darvish Construction Co. team. Not pictured, Regina Johnson. “We do this from our heart.” Company Information: John Darvish Construction Co. has been installing and servicing roofs for over 20 years in the Northern Virginia, Maryland and the Eastern West Virginia region. In 2006, John Darvish Construction, Co. became the first roofing contractor in Virginia to become NHQ Certified. Visit for more information. Donate to HomeAid Northern Virginia If you haven’t already made your tax-deductible contribution to HomeAid for 2009, please use the enclosed envelope to send back your most generous donation today; or, make your donation safely and securely online at HomeAid uses donations from you and others to support our work of renovating and building homeless shelters and facilities for local care providers. In 2008, HomeAid completed over 12 projects, and the financial support from HomeAid donors saved care providers thousands of dollars in construction costs. Thank You to those companies and individuals who have already made a 2009 donation to HomeAid! 6 HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 7 Make Every Employee a HomeAid Hero HomeAid Heroes is a full service program providing company employees with the opportunity to give a day of service to a local shelter or organization that serves homeless families. HomeAid organizes the day for volunteers to perform light maintenance work, landscaping, painting and other needed up-keep at local shelters. The shelters are grateful for the additional service, and employees will experience the satisfaction that comes from helping others. COMPANIES If you’re an employer interested in helping out in the community, please complete the online application ( and submit it to HomeAid. SHELTERS If you’re a shelter in need of general maintenance and beautification of your property, please complete the online application and submit it to HomeAid. HomeAid Heroes help brighten homes and futures for families in transition. For more information please contact M&T Bank (formerly Provident Bank) employees prove they are heroes – HomeAid Heroes – by helping to landscape a playground, making it safe and beautiful for local children in transition. HomeAid Heroes help brighten homes and futures for families in transition. For more information please contact HomeAid Heroes work together to get the job done. 7 MARK YOUR CALENDAR! HomeAide-Fall09NL2:Layout 1 9/22/09 11:44 AM Page 8 Upcoming Events 12th Annual Virginia Parade of Homes Weekend of October 24 – 25, various locations throughout Northern Virginia Open to everyone – 100% of donations benefit HomeAid. Visit for more information. 8th Annual HomeAid Gala & Auction Presented by M & T Bank Saturday, November 14, Hyatt Regency Reston Join us at “Jeans and Jewels,” an exclusive event celebrating HomeAid supporters and partners and featuring both live and silent auctions. The Presidents’ Circle Awards will be presented to organizations and individuals who have supported HomeAid Northern Virginia. Buy your tickets now – individual and table tickets are available either by filling out the enclosed form or online at Individuals or companies wishing to sponsor the event should contact HomeAid Northern Virginia Executive Director Christy Eaton at 571283-6320 or via e-mail at Women Giving Back “The Store” Second Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. to Noon, 1110 Herndon Pkwy., Herndon Volunteer to help homeless women “shop” for business clothes and accessories. Contact for more information. Make Plans to Attend the 8th Annual HomeAid Gala and Auction Complete the ticket order form enclosed with the newsletter or purchase your tickets online at Know Our Numbers Don't forget that HomeAid Northern Virginia is part of the United Way of the National Capital Area and the Combined Federal Campaign. Sign up for payroll deductions at work by selecting HomeAid Northern Virginia as your charity of choice. HomeAid Northern Virginia's CFC code: 54784 HomeAid Northern Virginia's United Way code: 8580 3901 Centerview Drive, Suite E, Chantilly, Virginia 20151 HomeAid is the official charity of the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association PERMIT NO 320 DULLES, VA PAID NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE
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