Weekly News - The Angmering School
Weekly News - The Angmering School
The Angmering School Weekly News This is our weekly newsletter for parents, students and friends of the school. We want to give you news about what is happening in school, exciting things, future events and things we would like to see happen. Issue Date: Week 29 29 April 2016 WATER FOR ALL Over the last year a group of year 11 and 13 students have worked together to raise awareness of a range of health issues. The latest initiative has focused on reducing sugar consumption by engaging students in the importance of drinking water. As a result of the students’ work, from May 3rd, students in years 7 to 11 should only bring water into school. The water should be in a clear drinks bottle that can be refilled in school. Drinks brought into school other than water will be confiscated and disposed of, however, if this is the only bottle brought into school the contents can be exchanged for water at break or lunchtime. Water and milk only will be sold in the canteen by Sodexo. This student led initiative has been welcomed by local and regional health experts and will be officially launched during the week of the 2nd May. I am pleased to include below a quote from Public Health England. Terry Blair-Stevens, Consultant in Health Improvement for Public Health England South East said: ‘Public Health England welcomes the introduction of the ‘Water for All’ policy at The Angmering School. The recent Change4Life SugarSmart campaign revealed children are consuming over three times the recommended daily amount of sugar, with sugary drinks being one of the highest contributors of sugars to the diet. Consumption of sugar and sugar sweetened drinks is particularly high in school age children, increasing their risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.’ ‘Replacing sugary drinks with milk or water is a very positive step for the health and wellbeing of the students at The Angmering School. It also supports West Sussex County Council as ‘Sugar Reduction Champions’, who have made excellent progress working with a number of schools and the West Sussex School Meals Service to reduce children’s sugar intake, as part of their wider work on sugar reduction and promoting healthier catering.’ We are all looking forward to a healthy and hydrated school community and hope you join me in supporting our students’ initiative. Mr D Brixey Headteacher The David Hunt Trust Generous Donation to Students at The Lavinia Norfolk Centre, The Angmering School Students with disabilities attending The Angmering School have secured funding for their annual trip to the Stoke Mandeville Games next year, thanks to the generous donations from The David Hunt Trust. David Hunt and Catherine MacKenzie presented a cheque for £5700 to students at the school. The funding will ensure students with physical difficulties are able to participate at the world famous annual Stoke Mandeville National Sports Event, competing at national level with other parasportsmen. Additionally, the Trust has funded the purchase of equipment to support visually impaired students. Freya McKenna, Year 7, said “A huge thank you to The David Hunt Trust for sponsoring us so we can go to the Stoke Mandeville Games next year. The money will also enable the school to buy much-needed equipment to support the learning of students who are visually impaired like me.” YR 7 - Marcus Alexander Creative Writing Competition INSPIRATIONAL FITNESS TALK Students in year 8 science classes had the opportunity to Well done to our prize winners! ask England Women 7s rugby player, Amy Wilson-Hardy, 1st prize - Olivia Curtis 7RW 2nd prize - Chloe Alderon 7MN questions about her fitness and 3rd prize - Talia Ponterosso 7GN nutrition. Students were inspired by Amy who played international rugby whist studying for her Engineering degree. Thank you to Amy for her time in school. 'OUT OF UNIFORM' If a student is out of uniform and has a note from their parents or carers then they can have a yellow permission card IF there is a genuine reason. Tutors will monitor whether this is a regular occurrence and will contact parents if there is an issue. If students do not have a note they will be sent to the internal exclusion room until parents are contacted. If there is a genuine reason then, again, a yellow permission card will be issued. If not, the student will stay in the internal room unless the parents can bring in the uniform. Tutors will be reminding students of this rule and we ask parents to support the school by ensuring students are in full school uniform. LODGE HILL VISIT Our annual residential trip to Lodge Hill was, as always, amazing. Students were able to try activities completely new to them and for some it was their first experience away from home! Many of the group overcame real fears and achieved great things. It was a pleasure to see them develop their confidence and push themselves to do things they never thought they could. We are extremely proud of their achievements - Well Done! Angmering Year 8 unlucky in National Final 8 It was a frustratingly slow journey to Brentwood last week for the year 8 boys as they set off to face St Martins School in the National Quarter Finals. The game was delayed slightly due to the traffic and maybe Angmering were still feeling the drive as after Fynn Gilham scored the opening basket of the game, they failed to score for the next 5 minutes. The rules are designed to give everyone playing opportunities and the next 5 players came on court with a point to prove without leading Scorer, Cameron Hildreth. Lewis Francis came out on fire and hit back to back jump shots and a lay-up to close the gap. Although St Martins were still scoring steadily Angmering were well and truly in the game and only trailed 12-15 after the 1st quarter. However St Martins had a different idea, they were able to score with ease close to the basket with their height advantage. By half time Angmering were down 19-38 as it felt like the hoop had a lid on it. The boys were battling away with some excellent defence from Merlo Nelsenat and Alfie Kavallares. Despite the margin Angmering wouldn’t give up and made St Martins work for everything, on the offensive end Angmering were most successful from their out of bounds plays but still trailed 31-59 with 10 minutes to play. The boys were a credit to the school as they never gave up and although a semi final place was taken away when the final buzzer sounded the boys were able to hold their heads high. Team: Fynn Gilham, A’kos Hausknecht, Ashlee Cottam, Oliver Dabinett Jays, Lewis Francis, Merlo Nelsenat, Charlie Robinson, Alfie Kavallares, Anthony Stacey, Zack Rigby and Haydn Merrett. Increasing biodiversity with seed bombs! Students from the Angmering School have been working with the Royal Horticultural Society and Tangmere Airfield Nursery on a live biodiversity project. See what they got up to by watching this brilliant, short film about their work! https://schoolgardening.rhs.org.uk/News/News-results/SouthEast/2016/April/Boosting-biodiversity A big thank you to the Y9 students who took part: William Towler Olivia Woodward Joe Gurr Ned Dadson Oliver O’Toole Did you know that Ofsted have a website, “Parent View” which gives parents the chance to tell them what you think about your child’s school. It will ask you for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when. We would really appreciate you taking the time to look at this website and complete the survey. Gold Stars of the week is a reward system where teachers nominate students for working consistently at Gold standard which is above and beyond expectations. Students then have the opportunity to meet with the Headship team to discuss their achievements and work. Gold Stars Of The Week The students are rewarded with 25 credits and a well done certificate to take home to share their success with parents/guardians. We feel this is an excellent reward system for the students to share their success with the Headship team. Please note we will be changing the day timings on Tuesday 3rd May for exams. It will be a 2:1:2 day which means lunch and period 4 will swap. Please see the times below. This is just for one day but please note we will revert to these timings for the exam period 17 May until 28 June. 08 45 START 9.00 Period 1 10.00 Period 2 10.55 Break 11.20 DEAR 11.40 Period 3 12.40 Lunch 13.20 Period 4 14.15 Period 5 3.15 – end of the day Congratulations to the Gold Stars of the Week student for Week 29: Owen McIntosh 7BC for an excellent drum performance in his music lesson. Well done Owen. Important Reminder to Students and Staff There will be no homework club for any year group after school on Tuesday 3rd May due to exams in the computer rooms and library area. Also the corridor will be closed 1.00pm to 4.30pm on Tuesday 3rd May and on Friday 6th May. No one is to walk through L Block and no one can come and use the computers or copier in the library . Nearest copiers are E block and B block. Please adhere to this and ensure the students taking the exams are not disturbed. Y10 Students Help with Worthing Hockey Club’s Win What a brilliant way to end the hockey season, with the boys’ team from Worthing Hockey Club winning the Sussex U16 Cup for the first time. Having beaten other Sussex teams during the 2015/2016 season such as Chichester and Horsham, the final took place on 23rd April at Lewes. After a very close game, Worthing managed to secure a 2-1 win over their rivals from Mid-Sussex. Angmering School Year 10 boys, Max Holloway, Ben Rudman and Tom Carver were selected to play in all the qualifying games, as well as in the final. The team's manager was very proud of the way the boys played and for putting their hearts into all the games. DIRECT LINES WHEN RINGING THE SCHOOL The direct dial numbers are below for each year group. Year Group Year Team Assistant Direct Dial Numbers Extension Numbers Year 7 Mrs Sarah Bowler Tel 778323 323 Tel 778392 392 Year 8 Mrs Kirsty Bishenden & Mrs Rebecca Ward Year 9 Mrs Julie McCluskey Tel 778318 318 Year 10 Mrs Michelle Driscoll Tel 778354 354 Year 11 Mrs Denise Brown Tel 778329 329 Year 12 and 13 Mrs Babs Harrington 01903 778391 391 Primary school scientists have fun at the Angmering School 30 Year 4, 5 and 6 children from local primary schools spent the day in the Science Department. They started off designing fireworks. This involved carrying out flame tests using Bunsen burners and looking at reactions of magnesium and iron filings. They used the microscopes to examine cheek cells and onion cells and had fun in the afternoon investigating static electricity. They particularly enjoyed charging up Barbie using the Van de Graaf generator. Everyone had a fantastic day and enjoyed experiencing the practical aspects of science Billie-Mae Berry 7CB Silver Certificate Alexander Natalia Hattie Luke Reece Orla Matthew Jack Trixie Furniss Gavrilova Gibb Gibbons Griffiths Ingle_ Kill _ McCabe Tester 7TW 7RW 7CB 7AM 7WD 7AM 7WD 7JN 7JN Aiden Ellie Rebecca Daniel Chloe Bradley Rosin Gordon Kirk Burke Devlin Vincent Tilly Laura Jacob Jack 7MB 7MN 7JN 7BC 7WD 7JN Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Gold Certificate Platinum Certificate Platinum Certificate Platinum Certificate Platinum Certificate Platinum Certificate Platinum Certificate Elder 7MB Diamond Certificate Terry 7CB Diamond Certificate Hattersley 7RW Diamond Certificate Travis Alfred Jack Max Chloe Georgina Ciaran Nathan Shauna Turner Russell _ Matthews Siney Murphy Caughlin Attwater 10GO 10PN 10RY 10SC 10SL 10ST 10WT Bronze Certificate Bronze Certificate Bronze Certificate Bronze Certificate Bronze Certificate Bronze Certificate Bronze Certificate Maya Olivia Anna Cailan Jack Darcey Zoe Archie Finlay Charlotte Byron Dean Thomas Liam Sienna Challis Comins Finch Holmes Jennings Luscombe Martin North Panton Peck Reilly Rosin Snook Wadey _ West 10RY 10PN 10CN 10GO 10GO 10RA 10PN 10WT 10RY 10RA 10SL 10PN 10PN 10PN 10ST Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Yvonne Lola Flynn Watkins 7CB Double Diamond Certificate Storer 9BT Silver Certificate 10RY Gold Certificate 10ST Gold Certificate HAVE YOU HANDED YOURS IN YET? Tuesday 3rd May is the last day to collect the Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers. Please do hand in to us any you have by the end of May so we can send our order off to them. They do take a while to count! Thank you to all the staff and parents who have already supported us by handing these in. INTER TUTOR SPORT After the first series of events for inter tutor sport the current year group rankings are: Year 7: Year 8: Year 9: 1st - GN 42 pts 2nd - TW 36 pts 3rd - MB 34 pts 4th - JN 31 pts 5th - RW 28 pts 6th - AM 27 pts 7th - CB 26 pts 8th - WD 25 pts 9th - BC 24 pts 10th - MN 20 pts 1st - WG 38 pts 2nd - RT 36 pts 3rd - UP 34 pts 4th - PA 30 pts 5th - MG 29 pts 6th - ML 27 pts 7th - HA 26 pts 8th - JP 19 pts 9th - CL 18 pts 10th - SK 14 pts 1st - RL 45 pts 2nd - RI 31 pts 3rd - FK 30 pts 4th - MV 29 pts 5th - BT 28 pts 6th - GB 27 pts 7th - MM 26 pts 8th - ER 25 pts 9th - AT 19 pts 10th - HU 12 pts These points were gained in January when the tutor groups took part in events such as netball, basketball, hockey, football and para sport. These events took place over a two hour period where the students opted for the sport they wanted to do. They received 1 point for entering a sport and then further points for effort, results and teamwork. Future events to earn points: This half term the student challenges will link with inter tutor points. As a tutor group you are tasked with increasing your activity levels throughout the week. You need to use an app that you download or you can calculate this on your own. The distance travelled is walking, running or cycling only. Record your distances daily with your tutor who will have access to the shared tracking document. Distance equates to points. 1 mile travelled equals 1 inter tutor point. The last opportunity to earn points will be during National Schools Sports Week where we will be doing a series of different inter tutor events, where you can earn points. The tutor group winners will be announced after the final event has taken place. Good luck to all and remember even if there is a bit of a gap between your tutor group and the nearest one, you can easily make this up over the next couple of months. Year 10 will start from now on inter tutor sport, so the student challenge is really important for your year group. If you would like any information about this challenge or the points please speak to Mr Whiffin or Mr Locke in the PE Department. If any parent/guardian has any questions about inter tutor then please email office@theangmeringschool.co.uk Can you solve this week’s problem ? Triangle in a Corner Last week’s problem Middle Digit Mean How many three digit numbers have the property that the middle digit is the mean of the other two digits? Last week’s solution Middle Digit Mean If the three digit number is "abc", then we need b=a+c2. As a and c are chosen to be between 0 and 9, b will be certainly, as it is the mean. This means we only need to check which cases make b an integer. b is an integer exactly when a+c is even. If a is even, c needs to be even also. If a is odd, c needs to be odd also. If a and c are both even, a can be any of options. This means there are 2, 4, 6 and 8, so four options. c can be any of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8, so five 4×5=20 combinations. If a and c are both odd, they can be any of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. This gives 5 options for each, so there are 5×5=25 combinations. Thus there are 20+25=45 three digit numbers with this property. Artwork of the Week 29 ‘Relativity’ Take a look at this GIF which animates the graphic artwork called ‘Metamorphosis I’ made by M.C.Escher. Escher made incredible images such as ‘Ascending and Descending’ as well as a series of works where objects are transformed many times over. https://49.media.tumblr.com/fd0299185c796fc889f7bae13d25308d/tumblr_o0hvnknH771uah2cno1_500.gif Resilience noun 1 The ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity. "Nylon is excellent in wearability, abrasion resistance and resilience" 2 The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. "The often remarkable resilience of so many British institutions" Etymology: From Latin resiliō (“to spring back”) Foreign translations: French: Résistance German: Elastizität Spanish: Resistencia Swedish: spänstighet Year 11 Rounders Year 11 girls had their final school sports event last Thursday when they took part in a rounders tournament. Expectations were high and the sun was shining for our last trip together! Although we failed to relax into our usual batting routine, our fielding was slick in all games and we were able to hold the opposition to very low scores. The final saw us need one and a half rounders off two balls and the tension was palpable! Grace played tactically and got us a half. Tia stepped up with the last ball of the game but could she cope with the pressure?! Tia smashed the ball out of the park to secure the rounder we needed and the win! We were all ecstatic, especially on receiving our medals! An amazing way to end an era with a fantastic bunch of young ladies who have always been enthusiastic, competitive and committed when it comes to sport. It has been a pleasure to work with you all, Miss Potter and Miss Barns wish you all the best of luck in your next adventures. We will miss you! Y11: Phoebe Oborne, Alice Mantle, Tia Freeman, Isobel Rodda, Louise Brown, Phoebe Steel, Grace Tapley, Grace Adamou and Grace Thom. Year 10 Rounders Success The Year 10 Rounders Team made a great start to the league beating Davisons 10.5-3. Fantastic batting from the whole team and some impressive team spirit saw Angmering go into field feeling confident. Consistently good bowling from Shauna and an amazing catch from Lauren saw the team keep the opposition at bay, they failed to score any full rounders. Well done all! Y10: Shauna Attwater, Alex Foord, Isobel Holmes, Ellyse Jones, Ellen Nicholas, Charlotte Stacey, Aimee Stow, Catherine Topham and Lauren Wayman. We have two sets of two complimentary tickets for this event which we are raffling in aid of the LNC Charitable Trust. If you would like to take part in the draw we have tickets available in reception for 20p each or £1 for a strip of tickets. The draw will take place on Wednesday 18th May and the winners will be notified. Community Advert Former Student News DIARY DATES 2015/2016 May 7 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop Open 30-3 June Half term Week June 7 Y12 Going to University Information Evening (including UCAS) 7– 8.30pm 8 3.30pm - 4.30pm Nearly New Uniform Shop Open 9 Y6 Activity Evening 6-8pm 15 Y6 Activity Evening 6-8pm 16 Speaking and Listening Activity Day 3 21 Y7 Exhibition of work 5pm - 7pm 23 Music Mania 7pm – 8.30pm 24 Sports Day 28 Art, DT Exhibition Open Evening 68pm 29 Art, DT Exhibition Open Day 9-5pm 29 LNC Y6 Induction Day 29 & 30 Sixth Form Induction July 1 2 5 6 7 18 11-15 12 22 Y11 Prom 7-11pm 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop Open Staff Day 5 Year 6 Induction Day at Angmering and parents evening 6pm – 7.30pm Sports Presentation Evening 6pm – 8pm 6-7.30pm Evening of Celebration Y12 Work Experience Week Science fair Y7 & Y8 5.307.30pm Term Ends COMPETITION ANSWER Did you recognise Mr Brixey in this picture which was taken in1963?