3. Workshop “Strömungsschall in Luftfahrt, Fahrzeug- und Anlagentechnik” future applications for scientific aircraft noise simulation tools Presentation contents: 1. background 2. motivation 3. applications … discussion … Lothar Bertsch, Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, DLR Göttingen • Chart 2 L. Bertsch background - aircraft noise: dominating contribution to community noise annoyance - measures for noise reduction (ICAO): (1) reduction at the source (2) flight operational concepts - most effective only if accounted for simultaneously system level assessment - assessment of new / future technology advanced simulation capabilities • Chart 3 L. Bertsch background available methodologies (system level): fast prediction methods (1) best current practice - simplified source modeling (aircraft = 1 overall source) - empirical: based on measured noise impact high result accuracy - comprehensive data base (2) scientific - physics-based noise emission modeling (semi-empirical) - componential and parametrical - modeling of individual noise contributions / mechanisms - limited data base application to ICAO measure (1) current practice modifications noise source flight procedures very limited very limited (e.g. INM, Soundplan, IMMI, CadnA …) (modification of existing vehicle database) (simplified procedures, approach is questionable) (2) scientific yes yes (e.g. PANAM, ANOPP …) (parametric approach, limited to modeled technology) (3D flight procedures) • Chart 4 L. Bertsch background scientific tool outputs: emission spectra (broadband & tonal) … per time step / operational condition … per individual noise source … per emission angle “status quo”: focus on standard immission metrics - time-level history, max. or integrated levels (SPL, EPNL …) - certification points, contour plots … • Chart 5 L. Bertsch motivation go beyond status quo exploit output data exemplary future applications: identify and assess most effective technologies - source measures: radical concepts - flight procedures: go beyond “ 3.2° ” assist decision making & increase awareness 1) noise-to-design 2) real-time analysis (here: awareness through professional training / education) assist communication among involved players 3) auralization • Chart 6 L. Bertsch applications 1) noise-to-design - status quo: design-to-noise simulation process* - TU BS: PrADO - DLR: PANAM - problem: identification of optimal geometry & flight procedure iterative process (!) - new concept: noise-to-design** 1. select “noise goals (impact)” identify required modifications 2. modify underlying geometry and / or flight operation 3. assess result *) L. Bertsch: Noise prediction within conceptual aircraft design, DLR-FB-2013-20 **) PhD dissertation topic, J. Blinstrub, 2014-2016 • Chart 7 L. Bertsch applications 1) noise-to-design: status-quo derive emission limit per source „noise goal“: reduction by 5 EPNdB at each observer transfer to vehicle / flight path modification is difficult simple source models = trivial correlations (“the bigger, the louder“) © PhD dissertation topic – J. Blinstrub, 2014-2016 • Chart 8 L. Bertsch applications 1) noise-to-design: status-quo derive emission limit per source „noise goal“: allowable increase by 0.1 EPNdB due to additional (unknown) source! © PhD dissertation topic – J. Blinstrub, 2014-2016 • Folie 9 L. Bertsch applications ATC workstation © DFS 2) real-time analysis assist decision making in real-time - airtraffic routing (ATC): display current “noise” status & support low-noise routing / traffic distribution - pilot: weather dependent flight procedure*, e.g. cockpit noise display increase noise awareness - pilot and ATC: ground-based simulator training moving “noise contour” - PC version gaming application Ground-based simulator © DLR *) small impact on noise propagation BUT huge impact on flight operation, i.e. thrust setting, runway operating direction … • Folie 10 L. Bertsch applications 2) real-time analysis - contour on moving map: low computational costs - fix movable “observer array” to aircraft x-y-position - move and rotate array along with a/c flight position and direction - adapt “observer” height (and population density) to current x-y-position t1 t2 for each time step: sub-grid with different alt. profile (and population density) • Folie 11 L. Bertsch applications 2) real-time analysis computational effort is a real-time application feasible? • selected time step: ∆𝑡 = 1.0 𝑠 • relevant sub-grid area: 2000 x 4000 m flight points N ≈ 50 • typical grid: 150 x 150 m observers M ≈ 400 • requirement: ∆𝑡𝑠𝑠𝑠 < 1.0 𝑠 • status quo 2015*: single core cpu cost • quad-core: ∆𝑡𝑠𝑠𝑠 ≈ 1 𝑠 • code speed optimization yet to be implemented real-time application can be realized ! *) Fujitsu Celsius W510, 4 Cores, 3.3 GHz, 2010 • Folie 12 L. Bertsch applications 3) auralization available: auralization: spectral data per source / flight point / emission angle translate simulation result into audible sound files (ongoing activities at NASA, NLR, EMPA, and RWTH Aachen) auralization goal: assist communication among involved players - compare old vs. new technology (e.g. new vehicles @ NASA ...) - identify preferable / acceptable ground noise signature (e.g. NASA) - assess new flight procedures (e.g. spacial routing @ NLR …) new concept: identify low-noise concepts by perception - combination of auralization and noise-to-design define „noise goal“ (impact @ observer) Fig. left © DLR sound machine • Folie 13 L. Bertsch applications 3) auralization status quo: (automated) post-process for conceptual aircraft design: PrADO Aircraft design Novel configuration PANAM Acoustic evaluation Source noise PASTA Auralization & Propagation Audible impression © M. Arntzen et al.: “Auralization of novel aircraft configurations”, CEAS Conference Sept. 2015 • Chart 14 L. Bertsch applications 3) auralization - approach simulation (observer location: -2400 m prior touch-down) © M. Arntzen et al.: “Auralization of novel aircraft configurations”, CEAS Conference Sept. 2015 • Folie 15 L. Bertsch discussion Thank you! Your questions?