Pressure dependance of optical excitations in tetragonal Sr2VO4
Pressure dependance of optical excitations in tetragonal Sr2VO4
Optical Infrared High-Pressure and Low Temperature Setup Michaël Trana, Julien Levalloisa, Ana Akrapa, Riccardo Tediosia, Mehdi Brandta, Philippe Lerchb and Dirk van der Marela a Département de Physique de la Matière Condensée, Université de Genève, 24 Quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland, b Infrared Beamline, Swiss Light Source, Paul Sherrer Institut, CH 5232 Villigen-PSI, Switzerland Temperature-dependent optical infrared spectroscopy allows to probe low energy vibrational, electronic and magnetic excitations present in a large variety of systems. Applying pressure, provided hydrostatic conditions are obtained, modifies the inter-atomic distances (if not the crystal structure of the material). Therefore, pressure can be thought as a «dial knob» of the electronic band structure of materials. Thus, interactions between charge carriers can be probed, without the often-unknown effects present when chemical doping is used instead. The setup mounted on the 66 v/s FTIR spectrometer at the F3A port of the X01DC infrared beamline of SLS @ PSI Example: spectra of kerosene under high pressure and at low temperature. A shift of the fitted peak positions (R.T. only) towards higher frequencies is observed. 1.4 120 1.2 Peak # 4 Peak # 3 100 80 0.8 1.6 1.4 0.6 3 kbar 52 kbar 100 kbar fit 3 kbar fit 52 kbar fit 100 kbar 0.4 0.2 Peak # 1 1.2 1 60 40 100 kbar @ R.T. 105 kbar @ 185 K 103 kbar @ 100 K 98 kbar @ 22 K 0.8 0.6 20 0.4 0 Peak # 2 -0.2 Shift (cm-1) Transmission (A.U.) 1 Peak # 1 Peak # 2 Peak # 3 Peak # 4 Fit peak # 1 Fit peak # 2 Fit peak # 3 Fit peak # 4 1000 1000 2000 3000 2000 4000 Wavenumber (cm-1) 3000 4000 5000 5000 6000 6000 0 20 40 60 Pressure (kbar) 80 100 Setup and optical path Main components The setup is essentially an infrared microscope working entirely in vacuum. It’s based on three essentials parts: • A BETSA Diamond anvil pressure cell • A Janis ST-100 helium-flow cryostat • A Bruker 66V Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer coupled to the IR synchrotron source. Samples The pressure in the diamond anvil cell is tuned in situ by the use a helium-inflated membrane connected to a capillary network. The optical path can be changed by a motorized mirror/beamsplitter allowing optical access to the sample through quarzt windows. The pressure is determined by the shift in wavelenght δλ of the R1 peak in the ruby’s fluorescence spectrum. • Liquids • (Very) small crystal samples or powders + a transmitting medium are loaded into a hole drilled in a CuBe gasket along with ruby chip(s) as a pressure gauge. ! Experimental constrains Measurement in transmission mode Targeted pressure range defines sample’s size Limited observable range in the far infrared (d>5 λ) Reduced optical throughput is compensated by the use of a synchrotron light source When used, possible low to mid infrared absorption the pressure-transmitting medium Sample cannot be thicker than the gasket (~50µm) Strong absorption in the 2000 - 2500 cm-1 range due to the two diamonds type IIa of the DAC d ~ 250 µm a b c • • • d ! a) Schematic cut view of the entire MDAC then b & c) only of the pair of diamond sealing the gasket’s hole. d) DAC under a regular table optical microscope: picture of the gasket’s hole loaded with ruby chips, sample and kerosene as a pressure medium. e) DAC inside the setup and optical access thru the right reflective objective: gasket loaded with ruby chips and kerosene. The red «spot» on the left is synchrotron light. e Spectral range: from far infrared (depending on sample’s size) to visible & UV (with differents detectors) Temperature: from room temperature to 22 K Pressure: from a few kbar to 200 kbar Outlook: performing reflectivity measurements Reflectivity? Optic plate for T/R Schematic 3/4 cut view of the IFS 66 v/s sample chamber with a switching optical path for transmission and reflectivity measurements Schematic 3/4 cut view of the whole setup. Coldfinger MDAC 15x Reflective Objective Mirror/BS/Clear Laser Fluoresence of ruby under pressure 3500 R1 2500 2500 am 2000 su re i nc rea 1000 se 500 6930 500 6800 Pre s 2000 1500 1000 senc e I R Be R2 1500 Fluo re 3500 3000 3000 A.U. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ,ESô0ÙLESôDEôRECHERCHEôNAT GÏNÒRENTôUNEôRECHERCHEôDE ETôCRÏEôDEôLAôVALEURôAJOUTÏE HISTOIREôESTôCELLEôDUNôGRAN HELVÏTIQUE Within the spectrometer’s sample chamber a plane mirror deflects the infrared beam through KBr sealing windows to an upper chamber, were another plane mirror steers light into a 15X magnification reflective Cassegrain objective. The sample mounted into the DAC which is itself attached to the cold finger of the Janis cryostat, can be adjusted into position by an XYZ stage. Transmitted light is collected by a another Cassegrain objective and send to the detector along a symmetrical optical arrangement. Sample temperature is measured at the end of the coldfinger as well as within the pressure cell. Temperature regulation is achieved by adjusting the helium flow together with the electrical power dissipated in a cartridge heater attached to the cold finger. 6900 6935 7000 1904 P (δλ, R1 , B) = B 6940 λ [Å] 6945 6950 7100 δλ 1+ R1 6955 6960 6965 7200 B −1 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT