January February March 2016
January February March 2016
The Moonachie messenger MOONACHIE, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY JANUARY/ FEBRUARY/ MARCH 2016 MAYOR AND COUNCIL 2016 From left to right: Council members Bob Bauer; Tony Cirrillo, Kathy Kinsella, Mayor Dennis Vaccaro, Lucille Millar, Bruce Surak and Manny Martinez. Mayor and Council for 2016 - after swearing in returning Council members Bruce Surak and Lucille Millar on January 3rd at the Civic Center. The swearing in was attended by residents and family members, as well as Assemblywoman Marlene Caride and Assemblyman Gary Schaer and Bergen County Clerk John Hogan. THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 2 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 MOONACHIE’S TREE LIGHTING On Saturday, December 5, 2015 the Borough of Moonachie led by Mayor Vaccaro, held the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at 7 PM on the grass in front of Borough Hall. The lights on the tree look better than ever before! In the Borough Hall parking lot inside a tent entertainment was provided by RLC School 5th grade class under the direction of Mr. Santoro. Distribution of gifts and refreshments were also provided to the residents. Thank you to the South Bergen Rotary, Moonachie Fire and Police Departments for their contribution to this event. A special thanks to the Celebration Committee Councilmembers Kathy Kinsella and Tony Cirillo, the Mayor and Council and the Ladies Auxiliary. Santa also made a special appearance with gifts for the children! It was a great time and a outstanding turnout! THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 3 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 4 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MOONACHIE At the corner of Carol Place & Moonachie Road Come and pray with us! Sundays at 11:30 am Everyone is welcome! Office : 201.939.7920 Ministers—all members of the church Dates to Remember: JANUARY 2016 MARCH 2016 3 Sunday Worship Service – 11:30am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday After Christmas Day 9 Hot Lunch Program 11:30-12:30 (Southern Country Breakfast) 10 Sunday Worship Service-11:30am Grief Mutual Support Group 12:30 All Welcome “Baptism of the Lord” 17 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 24 Worship Service 11:30am 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 31 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am 4th Sunday after Epiphany 5 Hot Lunch Program 11:30-12:30 6 Worship Service 11:30am – Holy Communion 4th Sunday in Lent 12 Flea Market 10:00am-3:00pm @ Lyndhurst Church 511 Ridge Road 13 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am Grief Mutual Support Group 12:30 All Welcome @ Moonachie Church 5th Sunday in Lent 20 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am Palm Sunday 24 Maundy Thursday 6:00pm @ Lyndhurst Church 511 Ridge Road Soup and Bread Worship Service to follow!! 25 Good Friday Service @ Maywood Church 7:30pm 401 Maywood Avenue 27 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am Easter Sunday Holy Communion FEBRUARY 2016 6 Hot Lunch Program 11:30-12:30 (Chicken Marsala) 7 Sunday Worship Service 11:30 Holy Communion “Transfiguration of the Lord” 9 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5:00-7:00pm @ Moonachie 10 Ash Wednesday Service @ Maywood Church 7:30pm - 401 Maywood Avenue 14 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am 1st Sunday in Lent 21 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am 2nd Sunday in Lent 28 Sunday Worship Service 11:30am 3rd Sunday in Lent APRIL 2016 2 Hot Lunch Program 11:30-12:30 THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 5 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 MOONACHIE FIRE OFFICERS ELECTION On Friday, December 4, 2015, the Moonachie Fire Department held their officers election. The following individuals were appointed to the offices listed below: Fire Chief Justin Derevyanik 1st Assistant Chief William G. Hunt, Jr. 2nd Assistant Chief Frederick J. Dressel IV Please join us in congratulating these fine individuals for their continuing dedication and support in our community. Moonachie Board of Health 2016 Dog Licenses It is required by New Jersey law that all residents that own a dog 7 months or older be required to obtain a license in the town where the dog is kept. Existing dog licenses must be renewed every year in January. The rabies shot for your dog must be good through 10 months of the licensing year. The fees for dog licenses are as follows: $10 – Neutered $13 – Non-Neutered If your dog’s rabies vaccination has expired, proof of the new rabies shot must be presented. Acceptable payments are exact cash or checks made payable to ‘Borough of Moonachie’. If you received a 2015 Dog License and plan on moving, or no longer have a dog that had been issued a license, please contact the Board of Health as soon as possible for us to keep up with our records. Any questions concerning dog licensing or rabies vaccinations please contact the Board of Health at 201-641-1813 ext. 6 or email jcooney@moonachie.us LIBRARY CARDS 2016 Library cards are issued once a year, and are good for one year from the date of issue. There is a limit of one card per household. Each household can pick which library they wish to belong to. The cost of the library card is based upon which library you chose to join. Each resident is responsible for 50% of the cost the Borough pays for the other 50%. The costs for each library are listed below: Little Ferry Library Total cost $100.00 Resident pays $50.00 Wood-Ridge Library Total cost $120.00 Resident pays $60.00 Johnson Library Total cost $125.00 Resident pays $62.50 The library card is good only for the library that you choose. Please bring proof of residency and a check payable to the Borough of Moonachie. THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER HOW TO SAFELY DISPOSE OF PRESCRIPTION AND OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS Over the counter and prescription medications should not be disposed down the drain because wastewater treatment facilities are not designed to remove pharmaceutical compounds and they may end up in your local waterways, and may eventually be found in your drinking water. Properly disposing of unwanted and expired prescriptions and over-thecounter medications in the trash promotes a healthy aquatic environment and prevents accidental poisoning. All residents should dispose of excess, expired, or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medication by following these four simple steps: 1. Mark out personal information listed on the RX label. 2. Keep meds in the original prescription container and mix meds with water and coffee grinds, cat litter or dirt. 3. Place meds in another container, preferably an opaque container. 4. Hide in your household trash. PAGE 6 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING As the season changes and the weather becomes colder, extreme caution is urged when using sources of carbon monoxide such as unvented kerosene and gas space heaters, gas water heaters, wood stoves, leaking chimneys and furnaces, fireplaces and gas stoves. Other common sources are automobile exhaust from attached or unvented garages and “patched” vent pipes using tape, gum or other substances. Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that can deprive the body of oxygen, the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES) encourages everyone to install carbon monoxide detectors in his or her home. Exposure can produce headaches, sleepiness, fatigue, confusion and irritability at low levels. At higher levels, it can result in nausea, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, impaired vision and coordination, and death. Life Saving Tips • Open flues when fireplaces are in use • Chimneys should be inspected and cleaned annually • DO NOT idle the car inside the garage • Use the correct fuel in kerosene heaters • NEVER use charcoal indoors or in areas with inadequate ventilation • Have a trained professional inspect, clean and tune-up central heating systems like the furnace every year. • Gas appliances must have adequate ventilation so that carbon monoxide will not accumulate THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 7 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 TUESDAY CURBSIDE RECYCLING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE TUESDAY RECYCLING SCHEDULE FOR JAN, FEB, MARCH & APRIL 2016 Jan 5th Jan 12th Jan 19th Jan 26th Feb 2nd Feb 9th Feb 16th Feb 23rd Mar 1st Mar 8th Mar 15th Mar 22nd Mar 29th April 5th April 12th April 19th April 26th Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS WILL NO LONGER BE PICKED UP BY THE BOROUGH’S GARBAGE CONTRACTOR. ALL RESIDENTS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS GOING FORWARD Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) Mixed Paper and Corrugated Boxes Commingled Materials (Cans, Bottles, Jars) PLEASE BE ADVISED BOROUGH ORDINANCE REQUIRES THAT ALL GARBAGE AND RECYCLING CONTAINERS MUST BE PUT AT CURB AND NOT IN THE STREET SCRAP METAL, APPLIANCES, AND COMPUTERS – PUT OUT AT CURB ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT FOR THURSDAY PICK-UP. REFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONERS MUST HAVE A PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOROUGH ($10.00 FEE) CURBSIDE PICK-UP. PLEASE SAVE THIS SCHEDULE OR REFER TO THE MONTHLY CALENDAR IN THE Moonachie Messenger. C H A N G E I N G A R B AG E C O L L E C T I O N Twice a week garbage collection ends in September. There will be no Thursday collection from September through Memorial Day 2016. Garbage Gossip Here are some tips for garbage collection in Moonachie: 1. Garbage must be in cans or bags. 2. Garbage will be collected on Mondays from September until Memorial Day. If a holiday falls on a Monday, garbage will be collected on Tuesday. 3. If you put out metal, or electronics, yard waste or recycling with our garbage, it will not be collected. 4. If you have bulky waste, put it out on Sunday night. Wood must be cut and bundled, and nails have to be bent down or removed. 5. No container (bag or barrel) can weigh more than 35 pounds. 6. If you have paint (latex only) you need to add sand or kitty litter to absorb the liquid before you put it to the curb. 7. If you have metal or electronics, put it out on Wednesday night. The DPW will pick it up on Thursday. 8. Yard waste gets collected on Wednesdays. No plastic bags are allowed. Limbs must be cut into 4 foot lengths and tied. 9. If the roads are impassable due to weather conditions, garbage will not be collected on the regularly scheduled day. It will be picked up on the next accessible day. THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 8 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 BERGEN COUNTY UTILITIES AUTHORITY 2016 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL PROGRAM PROPERTY TAXES DUE FEBRUARY 1st As a reminder, please remember that your 1st quarter property taxes are due on February 1st. If you are a senior citizen resident of New Jersey, you may be entitled to a $250.00 property tax reduction. To be eligible you must be a citizen and resident of New Jersey, be age 65 or older as of December 31st of the year prior to the tax year for which the deduction is claimed. Annual income limit cannot exceed $10,000 (combined income for husband and wife) after a permitted exclusion of Social Security Benefits, or Federal Retirement Pension, or State, County, or Municipal Government and their subdivisions and agencies retirement pension. NO PARKING ON SNOW COVERED STREETS This is the time of year that our police department is out writing tickets for cars left in the street overnight when it snows. Don’ t be the one who forgets to put the car in the driveway when a snowstorm is in the forecast. We must be able to get the snowplows close to the curb to avoid the problems of snow piled in the street where a car was parked. Moonachie’ s DPW takes pride in the job they do when the need arises and they cannot do a good job if there are cars parked on the roadway. To avoid a ticket: 1. Listen to the weather before going to bed. 2. If snow is forecasted, find off-street parking. 3. If off-street parking is not an option, call the police for advice. Alternate parking locations on Borough property may be utilized with police permission until the street is cleared of snow. 4. Cars reported as disabled will be towed during a snow emergency. The parking restriction remains in effect until after the snowfall has ceased and until the roads have been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic. Community College, 400 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ Sunday, April 17, 2016 Sunday, June 26, 2016 Sunday, October 16, 2016 Bergen County Utilities Authority Foot of Empire Blvd, Moonachie, NJ Saturday, March 12, 2016 Saturday, November 12, 2016 Bergen County Campgaw Mountain Reservation 200 Campgaw Road, Mahwah, NJ Saturday, May 14, 2016 Saturday, July 23, 2016 Saturday, September 10,2016 PLEASE NOTE THESE EVENTS DO NOT ACCEPT DOCUMENT SHREDDING, ELECTRONICS, OR AUTOMOBILE TIRES All event hours are 9:00am-2:00pm rain or shine. These events are free of charge to all Bergen County Residents. THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 9 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 BOROUGH WHAT’S OF MOONACHIE’S HAPPENING INRAGAMUFFIN MOONACHIE... PARADE On Saturday, October 24, 2015 the children of Moonachie attended a Ragamuffin Parade. There was a great turnout of children in their costumes with their parents. Gifts and refreshments were provided by the Mayor and Council and the Ladies Auxiliary handed the treats out. Moonachie Municipal Alliance also handed out goody bags with a drug-free message. Special thanks to the Celebrations Committee Kathy Kinsella and Tony Cirillo. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed the parade of ghosts and goblins. Just look at the pictures! THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 10 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 11 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 12 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 13 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 ROBERT L. CRAIG SCHOOL Pre-K and Kindergarten Open Registration At the Robert L. Craig School 20 West Park Street Moonachie, NJ 07074 Preschool and Kindergarten registrations are currently being held for children new to the Robert L. Craig School. Please call Mrs. Lacey between 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at 201-641-5833 ext. 109 to schedule a time to complete the registration process for Preschool. Children who will be 4 years old on or before October 1, 2016 are eligible for Preschool. Children who will be 5 years old on or before October 1, 2016 are eligible for Kindergarten. Please call Mrs. Tozzini to schedule a time to complete the registration process for Kindergarten at 201-641-5833 ext. 100. Parents are required to bring: 1. 2. 3. 4. Their child. His/her birth certificate. Record of immunization for D.P.T. measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B vaccine, varicella as well as all boosters. Name, address, and phone number of an emergency contact. If these records are not available at the time of registration, parents should register their child and submit complete records to the school as soon as possible. No Preschool or Kindergarten child can enter in September 2016 unless all school record requirements are complete. Parents must also bring proofs of residency. You are required to bring originals of the following: 1. 2. 3. A local tax bill or, if you rent, a signed copy of the lease with all people living in home on lease Your PSE&G bill A credit card, or telephone bill, or any other bill showing your name and address We look forward to your child joining the Robert L. Craig School community. THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 14 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 HONOR ROLL The following are the names of our students at the Robert L. Craig School and the Wood-Ridge Junior•Senior High School, by grades, who worked so diligently to achieve the benchmarks required to be on the honor roll during the first marking period. Robert L. Craig School 2015-2016 Marking Period 1 Honor Roll Grade 6 Wood-Ridge Junior-Senior High School 2015-2016 Quarter 1- Honor Roll Moonachie Students Grade 12 Grade 12 High Honors Honors High Honors Honors Madison Macalintal Daniela Arias Matthew Druciak Joanne Kwon Christina Monti Rushiga Sarveiya Andrea Olaverrieta Deanna Paladino Nicole Peralta Carley Rose Nisha Sarveiya Jennifer Silva Nicholas Bullaro Maria Correa Katrina Estevez Christina Giammona Jose Agudelo Lydia Charles Frances Gonzalez Nicholas Mazzone Nicolas Sarmiento Grade 11 Grade 11 High Honors Honors Briana Diaz Natalija Dimitrova Arber Hasangjekaj Michael Perez Tiffany Perez Valentina Vega Vega Grade 10 Grade 10 High Honors Honors Llariley Coplin Alana Marques Amy Camacho Carly Cook Sayuri Nakashima Bhaavi Patel Yeeun Sim Grade 9 Grade 9 High Honors Honors Jasmine Barraza Kiara Gomez Rosana Martinez Kiyarra Satchell Grade 7 High Honors Honors Jessenia Arias Brandon Coral Sean O’Hare Daniel Sarmiento-Arias Bryan Spadevecchia Grade 8 High Honors Honors Michael Gallo Katie Macalintal Julianna Pansini Yosuke Tobe Scott Mangino Axel Martinez Toral Patel Erick Zapata THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 15 ROBOTICS In its first competition ever, the Moonachie Robotics Team came in second place overall at the South Bergen Jointure Commission’s Vex IQ Highrise Robot Competition. The competition took place at Carlstadt Public School on December 2, 2015. The competition was comprised of three rounds in which robots had to move and stack colored cubes in 1 minute. The first two rounds involved team members controlling the robots, while the third round had robots running on automated programs created by each team. Moonachie achieved the highest score after the first two rounds (133 points), but ultimately lost by 2 points to South Hackensack. However, the team was given the “Individual Team Award” for having the highest score in the human controlled rounds. The team will compete again in March at the next SBJC competition. JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 THE MOONACHIE MESSENGER PAGE 16 JAN/ FEB/ MARCH 2016 MOONACHIE SPORTS 2016 Travel Boys and Girls Basketball for grades 5-8 begins on Thursday January 7th and runs through early March. Playoffs will then start at the end of the season. If you would like a schedule of the teams you may contact Mr. Facendola at 201-206-8774. In-House Basketball for all boys and girls in K through 4th grade will be starting in January. Schedules will be distributed through the school in early January. For further info you can contact Mr. Facendola at 201-206-8774. MOONACHIE MUNICIPAL ALLIANCE 2016 Upcoming dates for Burger King Cash O La are Thursday, January 14th, February 11th and March 10, 2016. Please visit Burger King and give us your receipts from 5 through 7 PM. As always, we are looking for volunteers to help whenever possible. These hours can be used for community service, your resume, and are considered when applying to be a Moonachie Recreation Counselor. of MOONACHIE If you have any questions, you can call Alliance Coordinator Mr. Facendola at (201) 206-8774. Moonachie Summer Recreation 2016 Notice Moonachie Summer Recreation 2016 begins in, June and runs through Friday, July 29th. At this time there are no available positions, but we would accept your application to consider, just in case a position should open up. In order to apply for a position, pick up an application at Borough Hall. If you have any questions, you can call Director Phil Facendola at (201) 206-8774. JANUARY 2016 Important Days In Moonachie Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 DECEMBER 2015 Saturday 2 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 6 13 20 27 3 10 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 4 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 5 6 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 12:30 BINGO TRASH CO MINGL ED R ECY CLIN G 11 12 13 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS TRASH 17 7 8 9 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 14 15 Burger king cash-o-la 5:00 - 7:00pm SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 21 22 16 PA P E R R ECY CLIN G MARTIN 18 LUTHER KING 19 20 DAY BORO OFFICES CLOSED SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS TRASH C O M I N G L E D MEETING RE CY CLING 25 26 11AM-1PM HEALTH CONSULTATION CIVIC CENTER 23 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 1:00 SENIOR’S 24 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 27 28 29 30 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 31 MOONACHIE TRASH PA P E R REC YCL IN G STRONGER EVERYDAY!! FEBRUARY 2016 Important Days In Moonachie Sunday Monday 1 7 Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 12:30 BINGO TRASH CO MINGL ED R ECY CLIN G 8 9 10 Thursday 4 Saturday 5 6 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 11 Burger king cash-o-la 5:00 - 7:00pm SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS Friday 13 12 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS BORO OFFICES CLOSED 14 21 TRASH PA P E R R ECY CLIN G 15 16 17 BORO OFFICES CLOSED SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 11AM-1PM HEALTH CONSULTATION CIVIC CENTER TRASH CO MINGLE D R ECY CLIN G 22 23 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS TRASH 28 18 19 20 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 1:00 SENIOR’S MEETING 24 25 26 27 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS PA P E R RE CY CLING 29 JANUARY 2016 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. MOONACHIE TRASH 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 STRONGER EVERYDAY!! 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 MARCH 2016 Important Days In Moonachie Sunday Monday FEBRUARY 2016 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 7 14 21 28 6 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 12:30 BINGO 7 8 TRASH PA P E R R ECY CLIN G 14 15 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 20 3 4 Saturday 5 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 9 TRASH CO MINGLE D R ECY CLIN G 21 22 10 Burger king cash-o-la 5:00 - 7:00pm 16 17 11AM-1PM HEALTH CONSULTATION CIVIC CENTER TRASH PA P E R RE CY CLING 28 29 11 12 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 18 19 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS BOROUGH EASTER EGG HUNT 11AM 25 26 1:00 SENIOR’S MEETING 23 24 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 27 Friday CO MINGL ED R ECY CLIN G SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS 13 Thursday BORO OFFICES CLOSED 30 31 SENIOR’S ART & PAINT CLASS MOONACHIE TRASH C OMING LED REC YCL IN G STRONGER EVERYDAY!! BOROUGH OF MOONACHIE PRESORTED STANDARD NEWSLETTER U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1710 HACKENSACK, N.J. Published by the Moonachie Borough Mayor & Council JAN/FEB/MARCH 2016 Mayor Dennis Vaccaro Visit Our Website www.moonachie.us COUNCIL Bruce Surak Robert Bauer Antonio Cirillo Kathy Kinsella Manuel Martinez Lucille Millar E-mail us at moongov@moonachie.us MONTHLY TOWN MEETINGS Scholarship Fund Board of Health Board of Education Executive Council Planning Board Municipal Alliance Municipal Court Board of Education Regular Council 2nd Wed. 2nd Mon. 2nd Tues. 2nd Thurs. 3rd Thurs. 3rd Tues. 3rd Wed. 4th Tues. 4th Thurs. 7:00 7:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 5:30 7:00 8:00 Moonachie First Aid and Rescue Squad POSTAL CUSTOMER LOCAL MOONACHIE, NEW JERSEY 07074 Moonachie Municipal Alliance 2016 MEMBERS WANTED The Moonachie First Aid & Rescue Squad is currently accepting applications for membership. The only requirement is that you must be at least fifteen years of age. No previous medical knowledge or practice is necessary; we will train you! Our Squad has not missed a call in ten years and we would like to continue this great achievement with your help. We have just begun a Junior Program (14-17 years) to give young teens an opportunity to volunteer in the community, in the medical field, and to expand our squad. If you are interested and/ or would like to know more, contact us. Don’t hesitate, email us now! Captain Franklin Smith fsmfac1@yahoo.com “ Th u r s days ” Ja n . 1 4 , F e b . 1 1 & M a r ch 1 0 , 2 0 1 6 On Thursdays, January 14, February 11 & March 10, 2015 from 5 PM to 7 PM Burger King of Moonachie will be donating 20% of all their proceeds to the Moonachie Municipal Alliance Program. Just give us your receipt when you go to Come show Burger King on Thursday! your support for Moonachie Municipal Alliance, and raise money for the programs that you participate in!