Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation 2001


Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation 2001
The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc. • P. O. Box 142 • Bloomfield, CT 06002 • 860.243.5200 •
Welcome to the
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
Foster Families
It All Begins Here
impaired, the Fidelco
t starts when life itself
shepherd is transformed
begins, with a wondrous
from one who is dependent,
litter of two, three, five to one who is depended
perhaps more - purebred
German shepherds,
From helpless, uncertain
uncertain and unknowing.
and unknowing,
From the very
first moment
A Fidelco graduate to one who helps,
one who is
these marvelous
not only enjoys certain, one
canines enter the
who . . . knows.
world, one thing
is certain: They
For more than
are destined to
40 years, the
but is often
lead lives of
Fidelco Guide
inspired to live
Dog Foundation
and work, love
loyalty and
has bred, trained
service. For these and laugh, strive
and placed this
puppies are
special breed of
and achieve, as
unlike any others
never before.
- They are future
shepherd guide
Fidelco guide
dog with men
and women who are visually
In what seems like a
impaired. Our mission is to
fleeting moment, but in truth
serve; our passion is to
is a work-laden journey of
inspire. Once partnered with
learning and love through
a Fidelco guide dog, a
foster families, intense
Fidelco graduate not only
training and ultimate
enjoys increased
placement with the visually
independence, but is often
Fidelco shepherds are
A Magical Journey
Fidelco Guide Gog Foundation
specially suited in physical
structure and temperament
for guide work. The breeding
stock traditionally has been
inspired to live and work,
love and laugh, strive and
achieve, as never before.
How does this happen?
Perhaps it’s the dedication
of our skilled training staff, or
the selfless commitment of
our volunteer foster families.
Maybe it is simply the
undeniable intelligence and
instinct of the Fidelco
shepherd, bred specifically
to meet the demands of a
higher calling.
More likely, it is all that
and more. But we know this:
From whelping pen to
dedicated service, it is one
magical journey - after
another, and another, and
another . . .
imported from Germany
from select working lines.
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
An Inspirational Idea
This moment some 40
harlie Kaman was
years ago changed Charlie
astounded. On a
Kaman's life and inspired
lunch stop while
creation of the Fidelco Guide
returning from New York with
Dog Foundation.
his young son to pick up
Long-time lovers of
“Alma Kirschental,” a
The Fidelco
Charlie and his
acquired from a
shepherd wife, Robbie,
a breed within a established the
Charlie looked on
breed - was well “Fidelco Breeders
as his son
regarded for its Cooperative” in
bounded from
good health,
Connecticut in
the car and
1960. Charlie and
Robbie worked
tirelessly to breed
between parked
durability and
and moving
stable character. German
shepherd guide
dogs with the
ultimate in temperament,
watched in amazement as
ability and dedication, and
Alma, her natural herding
donate them to existing
instinct clearly intact,
guide dog schools.
followed closely and firmly
In 1962 the “Fidelco
positioned herself in front of
Charlie's son to avoid further Breeders Foundation, Inc.,”
was formed as a non-profit
encounter between boy and
corporation. Combining new
The earliest Fidelco
Our Beginnings
shepherds were primarily
donated to existing guide
dog schools - and even to
police for search and rescue
scientific principles with
traditional breeding
practices, the Fidelco guide
dog - a breed within a breed
- was being successfully
created. This dedicated
servant had good health,
intelligence, strength,
durability and stable
character - and a natural
instinct to serve and protect.
In 1981, full-time training
and placement were added
to the formula and the
Fidelco Guide Dog
Foundation, Inc., was
Fidelco was well on its
way to raising heroes,
changing lives and sharing
the vision.
work. Full-time training
and placement with the
visually impaired began
in 1981.
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
The Future Is Now
blind or visually impaired.
pacious, expanded
Every day, more and more of
facilities and kennels.
these people are learning to
Finely honed breeding
appreciate the many lifemethods and training
changing possibilities a
techniques. A region-wide
guide dog can offer.
network of experienced
And as
foster families
demand for guide
and volunteers.
dogs increases,
The finest guide
Our expanded
Fidelco is
dog trainers.
facilities and
meeting the
This is the
Fidelco Guide
enabled us to
Our expanded
Dog Foundation
increase our
facilities and
today. Steeped in
tradition, proud of annual placements capacity have
enabled us to
its past, yet
toward a goal
steadily grow
focused on the
of 100 guides
our annual
future. And as
per year.
dedicated as
toward a goal of
ever to its
100 guides per
mission of
year. Our pioneering method
promoting increased
of in-community training,
independence to men and
whereby the visually
women who are visually
impaired learn to work with
impaired by providing them
their Fidelco guide dogs in
with the highest quality
their homes and places of
guide dogs.
work, is more sophisticated
More than 10 million
than ever.
people in North America are
Fidelco is the only
Fidelco Today
guide dog school in
New England. While
the majority of Fidelco
graduates reside in the
Yet while we grow, our
focus remains on meeting
the unique personal needs
of each individual we serve.
As New England’s only
guide dog school, Fidelco
has grown from a homebased breeding cooperative
to an expanding, serviceoriented organization of
dedicated professionals
upon which hundreds of
visually impaired people
depend. And upon which
hundreds more will depend
in the future.
This knowledge and
responsibility are what keep
the magic happening at
Fidelco. Time and time
Northeast, Fidelco guide
dogs and graduates live
and work throughout
the United States.
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
Selfless Dedication
on the unenviable task of
ome are novices,
loving, raising and taking
perhaps with young,
into their hearts the most
wide-eyed children,
adorable German shepherd
simply eager to impart upon
puppies, only to lose them to
the family a fundamental
lesson in “giving back.” Little their higher calling after 14,
perhaps 16,
do they know of
the emotional
The love and
The most
roller coaster to
dedication of
remarkable thing
come. Others are
these unique
about these
veterans, raising
Fidelco saints is
their third, fifth families in
even 10th fostering Fidelco that, more often
than not, they
puppy, everGerman shepherds come back again
knowing that
results in
and again for
bittersweet day
when the puppy
exceptionally well- further emotional
leaves home is
adjusted dogs for chaos - along
with the
just around the
guide training.
corner - once
reward of
again. They know
knowing their efforts will lead
to bring the box of tissues.
to a new life of increased
They are Fidelco foster
independence for a person
families and they are the
who is visually impaired.
backbone upon which the
Fidelco learned long ago
Fidelco Guide Dog
Foundation fulfills its mission. that socialization and an
introduction to basic training
Selfless, dedicated and with
are best accomplished in a
emotions of steel, they take
Fidelco puppies spend the
Foster Families
first 14 to 16 months of
their young lives with a
Fidelco foster family to
become socialized in the
caring home. The love and
dedication of these unique
families in fostering Fidelco
German shepherds results
in exceptionally welladjusted dogs for guide
Hundreds of families have
participated in the program.
They expose the guides-intraining to a wide variety of
experiences and
environments and attend
weekly training sessions at
Fidelco to prepare these
dogs for future service.
The cost? A willingness
to love and nurture and a
bucketful of tears for good
The payoff? Priceless.
home and community
prior to formal training.
They attend weekly classes
to assist with obedience
training and development.
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
No Place Like Home
Fidelco’s one-on-one, inmagine yourself without
community training program
sight, navigating the
partners a Fidelco graduate,
streets and subways of,
his or her new Fidelco guide
let's say, New York City. At
dog and a Fidelco trainer in
rush hour. In the winter.
the graduate's home and
work environment
Helping the
for two to three
visually impaired
weeks. This
manage such
Nothing is left to approach permits
chance and no
an individual to
with confidence
is the job of the
dog is ready for remain at home,
Fidelco guide
placement until with the support
of family and
dog, a job that is
the trainer is
friends, to learn
done with
willing to put his how to work with
a guide dog in
or her own life
the environments
Through our
on the line.
where the
individual lives
method of
and works.
This approach completely
training, which has
integrates the person’s
distinguished Fidelco for
normal activities and
more than 20 years, our
surroundings into the
guide dogs are as
instruction and maximizes
composed and in command
convenience for the guide
on the streets of New York
dog recipient. Countless
as in the neighborhoods of
numbers of graduates have
New England.
Following six months
of training at Fidelco,
a Selection Committee
carefully matches each
guide dog with a person
chosen Fidelco specifically
because of this training.
A key component of the
training regimen - “intelligent
disobedience” - teaches a
Fidelco shepherd to disobey
a command that might
endanger the owner’s safety.
Nothing is left to chance and
no dog is ready for
placement until the trainer is
willing to put his or her own
life on the line during a
blindfold test under a full
spectrum of conditions.
By the time our trainer
leaves, the guide dog team
is ready to conquer the
world with confidence. And
begin a life of newly
discovered independence.
who is visually impaired.
Once a match is made, a
Fidelco trainer spends two
to three weeks with the
newly formed team in the
graduate's home and work
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
Those We Serve
hey come from all walks its fullest and their shared
courage to partner with a
of life, from varying
Fidelco guide dog to fulfill
places and
that desire.
backgrounds, with different
Fidelco has made more
stories, hopes and dreams.
than 700 successful guide
Some are young adults,
dog placements
perhaps students
over the years,
or professionals
and the number is
at the outset of a
Most Fidelco
growing. If our
career, seeking
graduates will
guide dogs are
to make their
mark in the world
have as many as the heart, our
graduates are the
and needing the
two, three,
soul of the Fidelco
mobility to do so.
perhaps four,
family. When
Others may be
Fidelco guides Fidelco makes a
older, perhaps
with children of
during the course commitment to a
their own or
of their lifetimes. graduate, it is a
lifetime trust. In
recently retired,
other words, most
hoping only for
Fidelco graduates
a sense of
will have as many as two,
independence they thought
three, perhaps four, Fidelco
they’d never have.
guides during the course of
Fidelco graduates share
their lifetimes.
many things in common,
But becoming a Fidelco
least of which, it seems, is
their visual impairment. More graduate is no easy task.
Being visually impaired is
striking is their near
only the first requirement.
universal desire to live life to
Nearly half of the dogs
Our Graduates
Fidelco places annually are
"successor" guide dogs dogs that succeed recently
retired Fidelco guide dogs.
Each Fidelco graduate
must demonstrate a
willingness to work with,
learn with, grow with and,
perhaps most of all, love
and properly care for his or
her guide. Understanding
is paramount, and patience
a virtue. The intense incommunity training regimen
can be emotionally and
physically draining, often
exasperating, yet always
In the end, all the hard
work is well worth it and
the payoff is immeasurable.
As Barry Honig, Fidelco
graduate, says, “Thank
God for everyone at
The growing number of
Fidelco graduates heightens
the importance of
identifying and placing
successor guides now and
in the future.
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
Join The Family
of individuals, foundations,
t’s a small price to pay for
corporations and
increased freedom and
organizations, the cost of
independence for the
That would be the
visually impaired is always
approximate $20,000
paramount in our minds.
investment Fidelco makes to
Just as our
breed, raise, train
and provide
support services
Fidelco is a non- depend upon
for each guide
profit organization their Fidelco
to help
dog team during
that relies solely guides
them lead
the course of
on the gifts and productive and
their partnership.
generosity of
rewarding lives,
Considering that
we depend on
each guide dog
you for the
works an average
support needed
of eight to 10
to continue
years, the cost is
and organizations. meeting the
surprisingly low.
Especially when
demand for
you consider that
Fidelco guide dogs.
Fidelco guide dogs are
Our supporters are many,
provided to our graduates at
no cost; we only ask a good- and we thank them for their
ongoing dedication. But we
faith donation of $150.
need more like them to
However, because
continue our mission. There
Fidelco is a non-profit
organization that relies solely are many ways to support
Fidelco, through cash and
on the gifts and generosity
Fidelco is a tax-exempt
Help Raise a Hero
public charity under
Section 501(c)(3) and
509(a)(1) of the Internal
Revenue Code. Fidelco
stock donations, bequests
and other means. And of
course, we are always in
need of dedicated
volunteers, particularly foster
Won’t you consider
joining the Fidelco family?
Contact us to learn more
about how you can help
And about how you can
become part of our magical
receives no funding from
federal, state or local
governments, or from the
United Way.
Please call Fidelco today at
(860) 243-5200, visit our
website at,
or write us at Fidelco Guide
Dog Foundation, P.O. Box
142, Bloomfield, CT 06002.
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
Statement of Mission
The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation is dedicated to promoting increased independence
to men and women who are blind by providing them with the highest quality guide dogs.