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VOL 2/NO 4 1 W WW WW W .. RR EE A A SS O ON N SS .. O O RR G G 2010 F e at u r e d I n T h i s I s s u e h um an or igins 4 Were They Real? The Scientific Case for Adam and Eve by Fazale Rana biophys ics 7 Photosynthesis Reveals Quantum g e n e tic s 14 X’s and Z’s Point to Creation by Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross pl a n e ta ry s c i e nc e 16 Lunar Eclipse: Tool for Studying Exoplanets Design by Jeff Zweerink by Jeff Zweerink g e ophys ica l des ign 9 The Rain Must Fall–But How u n i v e r s e de s ig n 17 New Tool Provides a Window to Creation Much and Where? by Hugh Ross by Hugh Ross worl dv iews 11 Three Big-Picture Philosophical Perspectives on the Origin of the Cosmos c u ltu r a l a p olo g e tic s 19 Rejecting Christianity Because of Christians by Kenneth Richard Samples by Kenneth Richard Samples o educ ator’s help desk • B I B LE B O OK END p FROM THE EDITOR “That’s just e-waste.” So said the technician who removed obsolete recording equipment in RTB’s studio recently. The words recalled how the “e” prefix has evolved (oops, there’s another—often dreaded––e-word). We’ve come a long way from that once newfangled “e-mail.” Along came eBay and others, but e-commerce and e-communication are now commonplace and indispensible. You’ve got e-books, e-learning, and e-gaming.Maybe some of you completed a midterm election e-ballot. If you’re looking for love, eHarmony boasts of 236 marriages a day. Even smokers can get e-cigarettes. There’s no end to it. But e-nough about that. Let’s get to the excellent content of this quarter’s e-Zine. • Fuz Rana shows how genetic diversity studies help make the scientific case for a biblical Adam and Eve. • Krista Bontrager complements that piece with a theological justification for a historical Adam in her Bible Bookend section. • Jeff Zweerink and Hugh Ross explain fascinating aspects of fine-tuning in articles on photosynthesis and global rainfall. • Kenneth Samples takes a “three-views” look at the origin of the cosmos and shows which worldview best fits the facts. • Rana and Ross provide another example of convergence—read, evidence for creation—in human and chicken sex chromosomes. Rounding it up, you can read about a lunar eclipse as a proxy to study extrasolar planet atmospheres; know how to respond when someone (in this case, Anne Rice) says, “I quit Christianity,” and get some good advice on how to get your kids on track to becoming scientists. Dig in. Or click in and enjoy! And don’t forget to share the e-Zine with your friends by simply forwarding this email. They will be able to download or view it at their leisure. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions (ezine@reasons.org). Bridging the gap between science and faith, Joe Aguirre Editor Dynamic content key CONTRIBUTORS Internal Link Krista Kay Bontrager, MA Theologian, writer, educator, and dean of online learning at Reasons To Believe (RTB) Website Link Fazale Rana, PhD Biochemist, author, RTB executive, and former senior scientist with Procter & Gamble Product Link Hugh Ross, PhD Astronomer, author, pastor, international lecturer, and president and founder of RTB Audio Link Video Link Kenneth Richard Samples, MA Philosopher, theologian, author, educator, and RTB senior scholar File Download Jeff Zweerink, PhD Astrophysicist, journal author, RTB scholar, and member of the research faculty at UCLA NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 2 | VOL 2/NO 4 2010 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Connect a n d S ha r e We believe New Reasons to Believe is made for sharing. 1. To share your digital copy of New Reasons to Believe with friends and associates simply forward the email that you received from RTB with the New Reasons to Believe cover in the body. They will be able to download or view New Reasons to Believe immediately. 2. You can also download New Reasons to Believe as a PDF and save it to your computer and attach the file to an email if you like. 3. To post a link to your Facebook or Twitter account simply copy the link below into the appropriate social network field. http://www.reasons.org/files/ezine/ezine-2010-04.pdf W e wou ld lov e to hea r how you us ed New Rea sons to Believe so drop us a n e m a il at ez ine@ r ea sons.org. If you have received New Reasons to Believe in any of the above ways, you can start getting your own subscription to New Reasons to Believe by contacting us via email at ezine@reasons.org. In Appreciat ion F or Your Gi ft T h i s M on t h There were times early in our ministry when I thought it would be great to have a large endowment or a few wealthy benefactors to take the major financial challenges off my shoulders. But God knew better. In His wisdom He raised up a host of faithful friends to participate in the ministry through their prayers and financial support—and at the same time to be a blessing and encouragement beyond my wildest dreams. I am thankful that our paths have crossed and that I have the opportunity to invite you to take an active part in this ministry through your gift today. Asking for your support has become a reason for me to praise God for bringing friends like you into contact with RTB. So as you are able, would you send a special gift of thanksgiving to RTB this month? In appreciation for your gift, I would love to send you RTB’s Marvelous Are His Works 2011 calendar with photographs I took that were inspired by my next book on Job. Click here to receive yours today with your gift this month. With much gratitude, Hugh To donate by mail or phone use the printable form by clicking here. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 3 | VOL 2/NO 4 Were They Real? The Scientific Case for Adam and Eve By Fazale “Fuz” R. Rana, PhD D id Adam and Eve really exist? Did all humanity originate from a single pair? These questions are not peripheral topics for an academic debate; they are central to the Christian faith. Toward this end, recent advances in molecular genetics are quite provocative. As Hugh Ross and I discuss in Who Was Adam?, numerous studies indicate that humanity originated: (1) recently (around 100,000 years ago, plus or minus 20,000 years or so); (2) at a single location (East Africa)—close to where some Bible scholars think the Garden of Eden was located; and (3) from a small population of individuals. Moreover, analysis of mitochondrial DNA (which provides insight into the origin of the maternal lineage) indicates that humanity traces back to a single ancestral sequence that could be interpreted as a single woman. Likewise, characterization of Y-chromosomal DNA (which provides insight into the origin of the paternal lineage) indicates that all men trace their origin back to a single ancestral sequence that could be interpreted as a single man. These astounding results harmonize with a traditional reading of the biblical account of human origins, and suggest that Adam and Eve likely existed as real persons who gave rise to all of humanity. But Did Adam and Eve Exist? Population Size Others have challenged this interpretation, arguing that the genetic data shows that humanity arose from thousands of individuals, not two.1 The chief basis for this claim comes from estimates of the ancestral population size of humans based on genetic diversity. It is possible to estimate the effective population size of any ancestral group from genetic diversity of present-day populations if the mutation rate is known. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 4 | VOL 2/NO 4 human origins Fazale “Fuz” R. Rana Skeptics of the traditional reading of the biblical account of human origins uncritically accept these results. They argue that the data indicate humanity experienced a genetic bottleneck, with the population collapsing to a relatively small number of individuals. Consequently humanity arose from the thousands of survivors, not a primeval pair. Critics also point to other methods to model the size of the ancestral population that do not depend on mutations, but on other types of processes to generate genetic diversity.3 Studies employing these techniques also seem to indicate that humanity arose from population sizes on the order of a few thousand individuals. What Was the Population Size, Really? In the face of this challenge, it is important to recognize that population sizes generated by these methods are merely estimates, not hard and fast values. The reason: the mathematical models are highly idealized, generating differing estimates based on a number of factors. As a case in point consider two studies discussed in Who Was Adam? One, reported in 2003 by a Russian and U.S. research team, examined DNA sequence elements called short tandem repeats at 377 locations in the human genome for 1,056 individuals that represented 52 population groups. On the basis of this analysis, they concluded that humanity originated from a single point of origin (apparently Africa), from a small population (~2,000 or less) between 71,000 and 142,000 years ago.4 Although this conclusion was consistent with that of an earlier study of short tandem repeats, the population size estimate from the earlier study was around 500 individuals.5 The reason for the difference (of about 1,500) was due to a varying sample size and number of locations in the human genome that were studied. Did humanity originate from a single pair? Even though population estimates reveal that humanity originated from several hundred to several thousand individuals based on mathematical models, it could well be the case that these models overestimate the original numbers for the first humans. And it is important to note that an origin of humanity from a small population is consistent with the existence of a historical Adam and Eve who gave rise to all of humanity. After their creation the biblical text teaches that they procreated––having many sons and daughters (Genesis 5:4). Given the limitations of the methods, could it be that the population estimates are reporting on the population structure of humans some time after their creation, when the population would have been small, on the order of a few thousand? Additionally, skeptics who claim that humanity came from thousands of individuals and not two assume NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 5 | We All Like Sheep? In 2007 a research team reported on the genetic diversity of wild mouflon sheep on one of the islands that are part of the Kerguelen sub-Antarctic archipelago.6 This group of sheep provided researchers with an unprecedented opportunity to study the effects of population dynamics on genetic diversity in small populations. In 1957 a male and female yearling were placed onto Haute Island (an island in the Kerguelen Archipelago). These two sheep were taken from a captive population in France. By the beginning of the 1970s, the number had grown to 100 individuals and peaked at 700 sheep in 1977. Since that time the population has fluctuated in a cyclical manner between 250 and 700 members. Given that the population began with only two individuals (the founder effect), has experienced cyclical changes in the population size, and was isolated on an island, the researchers expected very low genetic diversity (measured as heterozygosity). Using mathematical models, the heterozygosity of a population can be computed at any point in time from the heterozygosity of the ancestral population (which was known for the original mouflon pair) and the original population size. What the researchers discovered, however, when they measured this quantity directly for the sheep on Haute Island was that it exceeded the predictions made by the models by up to a factor of 4. In other words, the models underestimated the genetic diversity of the actual population. VOL 2/NO 4 Credit: Volker.G / Wikimedia Commons As discussed in Who Was Adam?, a number of these types of studies do indeed indicate that humans stem from a small population, on the order of a few hundred to a few thousand.2 human origins Fazale “Fuz” R. Rana that Adam and Eve were genetically identical. Yet, there is no hint of that idea in Scripture. When Eve is created, God takes material from Adam’s side and rebuilds (bānâ in the original Hebrew) it. Part of this process could have involved the introduction of genetic differences into Eve’s genome that made Adam and Eve genetically heterogeneous. As with the mouflon sheep, if natural selection drove an increase in genetic diversity in humans, then the estimates of the original population sizes of humanity would be artificially high. Lastly, the primary reason to think that humanity arose from a single pair does not rest on population estimates, but the fact that the Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequences sampled from humans alive today trace back to single ancestral sequences. Again, these can be understood as reflecting an origin from a single man and single woman. The researchers explained this discrepancy by speculating that natural selection drives the increase in genetic diversity, since an increase in genetic variability increases the survivability of the population. Consequently, if these same models were used to estimate the effective sizes of the ancestral population from the measured genetic diversity at any point in time, they would have overestimated the original population size as much larger than two individuals. One Lucky Mother, One Lucky Father? Even though the genetic data traces humanity’s origin back to a single woman and man, evolutionary biologists are quick to assert that mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam were not the first humans. Rather, according to them, many “Eves” and “Adams” existed.7 Accordingly, mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam were the lucky ones whose genetic material just happened to survive. The genetic lines of the other first humans were lost over time. While this explanation is not out of the realm of possibility, it is highly contrived. It would work if only a few of the first humans reproduced, or were allowed to reproduce. If the data is simply taken at face value, the biblical model is the more parsimonious explanation. Even though evolutionary biologists offer ways to explain away the implications of the human population genetic data, these explanations—entrenched in naturalism—are not necessarily superior to an interpretation that fully squares with the biblical account. The scientific case for the biblical Adam and Eve stands firm. ENDNOTES 1. For example see the blog entry by Dennis Venema and Darrel Falk, “Does Genetics Point to a Single Primal Couple?” The Biologos Forum, accessed September 17, 2010. 2. Fazale Rana with Hugh Ross, Who Was Adam? (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2005), 55–75. 3. Venema and Falk, “Single Primal Couple?” 4. Lev A. Zhivotovsky, Noah A. Rosenberg, and Marcus W. Feldman, “Features of Evolution and Expansion of Modern Humans, Inferred from Genomewide Micro Satellite Markers,” American Journal of Human Genetics 72 (2003)” 1171–86. 5. Lev A. Zhivotovsky et al., “Human Population Expansion and Microsatellite Variation,” Molecular Biology and Evolution 17 (2000): 757–67. 6. Renaud Kaeuffer et al., “Unexpected Heterozygosity in an Island Mouflon Population Founded by a Single Pair of Individuals,” Proceeding of the Royal Society B 274 (2007): 527–33. 7. For example see Darrel Falk and Francis Collins, “Who Was Mitochondrial Eve? Who Was Y-chromosome Adam? How Do They Relate to Genesis?” The Biologos Forum, accessed September 17, 2010. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 6 | Today’s New Reason to Believe in your inbox. Receive regular scholarly commentary on the lastest scientific discoveries and their connection to the Christian worldview. Click for your free subscription! VOL 2/NO 4 biophysics By Jeff Zweerink, PhD Photos y n t hes is Re v e a l s Qua ntu m Des ig n I magine riding a “bicycle” with pedals attached to sled runner in place of wheels. It just wouldn’t work! Wheels allow even the most rudimentary bicycle to move across the ground in spite of all the other inefficiencies, like friction. In a system that provides the bulk of the energy used by life, biological organisms exhibit a design far more elegant than the wheel. To achieve a global diversity of life-forms, poor wheel design can be tolerated; but a non-fine-tuned photosynthetic process cannot. All scientists agree on one essential characteristic of life; namely, that it must harvest energy from its environment to perform biological functions. The Sun provides the ultimate energy source for virtually all multicellular and most single-celled organisms. Photosynthetic organisms “absorb” the light energy from the Sun and convert it into chemical energy stored in carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are utilized by the photosynthetic organisms or by other life that eats the photosynthetic organisms. Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Le Centaure magazine (Paris), Sept. 1868. According to classical physics, objects follow welldefined trajectories that are precisely specified at all times. On the other hand, quantum physics allows a particle to be in a combination of positions at any given time (know as a superposition of states) and to follow simultaneously multiple paths to the same destination. Two different teams of scientists have documented how these bizarre quantum physics effects play a critical role in moving the light energy through the cell. One team studied marine algae and found evidence that the electronic energy is coherently shared by regions of the proteins (those involved in photosynthesis) separated by a few billionths of a meter.1 While a small distance in everyday experience, the sharing clearly indicates the presence of quantum processes. This quantum sharing means that the light energy absorbed in one location can be chemically harvested in another location with better than 95 percent efficiency. Overall, photosynthesis is an “inefficient” process. Typical plants convert one to four percent of the incident sunlight into stored carbohydrates (the best crop, sugar cane, reaches seven to eight percent efficiency). However, one key step of photosynthesis operates so efficiently, it makes the process work despite limitations. As a photon (the smallest unit of light) from the Sun interacts with the light-harvesting proteins in a photosynthetic organism’s cells, an electron absorbs the photon’s energy which then frees the electron to move around the cell. This electron must move to a reaction center and deposit the energy for use in making the carbohydrate before the environment within the cell drains the energy. If the electron moved through the cell according to the rules of classical physics, a significant fraction of its energy might be lost before conversion. However, the latest research reveals that electron motions exhibit remarkable quantum properties that transport the energy from the light-harvesting proteins to the reaction centers with extraordinary efficiency. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | The other team ran detailed computer simulations of the molecular components involved in harvesting the sunlight. The simulations revealed coherent quantum correlations similar to those found in the marine algae.2 Scientists studying these quantum effects typically have to look at simple systems (only a few particles) cooled to low temperatures (a few degrees above absolute zero). Yet the two discoveries confirm the opera- 7 | VOL 2/NO 4 biophysics Jeff Zweerink tion of these quantum effects in large, chemically complex proteins at much higher temperatures. To dig deeper on so m e of t h e topic s m e n t ion e d i n t his i ssue: These findings show design in two different ways. First, if the light-harvesting machinery in the cells did not operate with such high efficiency, the entire photosynthetic process would likely grind to a halt. Such a stoppage would severely curtail Earth’s ability to support a teeming, diverse biosphere. While certain organisms derive energy from thermal processes in Earth’s interior, this heat reservoir contains much less usable energy than the continual bath of energy received from the Sun. Beyond the Cosmos 3rd Edition The Extra-Dimensionality of God Hugh Ross agrees that God is greater than we can imagine, but he points out that advances in science have given us tools to help us expand our view of the Creator and His awesome capacities. Second, our study of how biological organisms utilize quantum processes to convert light into energy could lead to better human-made machines for the same purpose. For example, scientists and engineers could utilize this knowledge to build faster and more powerful computers. Who Was Adam? Without the highly efficient transport of converted light energy, the prime energy supply of life on Earth disappears. By understanding how this transport works, scientists gain inspiration to build better devices than before. The quest to understand photosynthesis has buttressed two legs of the cumulative case for God’s design of Earth and the life it contains. A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man Was Adam an accident of nature or a creature designed with significance and purpose? Did humans descend from an ape-like ancestor, or were the first man and woman deliberately created, made in God’s image? Can human evolution be declared a fact? Or does creation make more scientific sense? RTB’s biblically consistent model can be tested to answer the questions, with astounding results. ENDNOTES 1. Elisabetta Collini et al., “Coherently Wired Light-harvesting in Photosynthetic Marine Algae at Ambient Temperature,” Nature 463 (February 4, 2010): 644–47. 2. Darius Abramavicius and Shaul Mukamel, “Quantum Oscillatory Exciton Migration in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers,” Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (August 14, 2010): 064510. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | Science News Flash Reasons To Believe’s flagship podcast featuring a unique Christian perspective on headline-grabbing discoveries. 8 | VOL 2/NO 4 geophysical design By Hugh Ross, PhD Th e R ain Mu s t Fall—B u t How Much a n d Where? I n Vancouver where I grew up, one suburb receives 20 inches of rain a year while another just 20 miles away receives 150 inches. The real estate agent’s mantra, “location, location, location,” holds huge significance in that region. New research shows it also applies more broadly to the arrangement of Earth’s continental landmasses. An international team of geophysicists has published findings that suggest Earth’s current continental configuration represents something more than a random “lucky-for-life” outcome. Their studies confirm that the sizes, shapes, and locations of the landmasses relative to Earth’s oceans and seas play a critical role in determining how much precipitation falls on the continents and where it falls. As it turns out, Earth’s seven continents, positioned as they are and with the specific features they manifest, provide optimal rainfall distribution to support abundant land life—human life and civilization, in particular. Earlier in Earth’s history, one supercontinent and a single enormous ocean defined Earth’s surface. As much as a billion years ago, multiple forces both internal and external to Earth’s thin, rocky shell caused it to crack, and the pieces began to move. At first the pieces moved slowly apart, and then they came back together again to form a major land area called Pangaea. On this one huge landmass, rainfall would have drenched some coastal regions, with a vast dry wasteland comprising most of its total area. PERMIAN – 225 Million Years Ago TRIASSIC – 200 Million Years Ago JURASSIC – 150 Million Years Ago CRETACEOUS – 65 Million Years Ago PRESENT DAY Credit: United States Geological Survey Figure 1: Continental Landmass Redistribution over the Past 225 Million Years Earth’s fine-tuned plate tectonics has transformed Earth’s land mass from a single precipitation-starved supercontinent into seven wellseparated smaller continents where rainfall on the continents not only has increased but also is much more evenly distributed. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 9 | Approximately 225 million years ago, the seven or eight major pieces, or plates, of Pangaea (in addition to multiple smaller plates) began to split and drift slowly apart once again. About 150 million years ago South America was still connected with Africa and Europe (see figure 1, middle). Just 100 million years ago South America finally split off from Africa. As recently as the last ice age, about 40–60 thousand years ago, much or most of the Red Sea region was dry land. Today Earth’s surface has become the well-distributed (and yet still slightly moving) set of seven continents, four oceans, and some large seas supporting several billion people as well as other animals on which they depend. Researchers now recognize that this exact arrangement of continents, oceans, and seas maximizes the amount of land area receiving sufficient precipitation to sustain widespread human civilization. Not only are the continents appropriately dispersed, but they are also oriented to provide powerful northsouth barriers to the prevailing winds and ocean currents. This orientation evens out both temperature and precipitation levels across the continents. The continents’ specific placement, with more than twenty times as much land area between 35 and 65 degrees north latitude as between 35 to 65 degrees south latitude (see figure 2), also serves to moderate continental temperatures. Because Earth’s (current) orbit VOL 2/NO 4 geophysical design Hugh Ross brings the planet closest to the Sun during the northern hemisphere’s winter, summer–winter temperature differences for the vast majority of humans remain relatively mild. (Seasonal differences are minimal for latitudes closer to the equator, regardless of when Earth passes closest to the Sun.) The Indian subcontinent receives precipitation from as many as six ocean regions, and this rich supply is one reason it can support such a large number of humans and other animals. Yet it wasn’t always this way. Ninety million years ago the Indian subcontinent was located in the southwest region of the Indian Ocean. Not until ten million years ago did the Indian subcontinent make contact with the south central Asian plate (see figure 3). To their surprise, the research team discovered that the largest oceans, including the North Pacific, the Southern Indian, and the South Atlantic, deliver far less precipitation to the continents than do the smaller oceans and seas. About 90 percent of ocean precipitation falls back into the ocean, rather than onto the land. The subtropical North Atlantic and the Mediterranean and Red Seas supply most of what’s needed on the populated continents. It’s worth noting that despite how widely dispersed the continents are, the lowered sea levels resulting from the last ice age exposed land bridges that joined Britain, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Japan, and the Philippines to the Eurasian continental mainland, Australia to New Guinea, and Siberia to Alaska. These bridges facilitated the global spread of humanity from their starting point near the junction of Africa and Eurasia. Credit: Reto Stöckli/GSFC/NASA Figure 2: The World’s Continents Credit: United States Geological Survey Figure 3: Movement of the Indian Subcontinent over the Past 70 Million Years The Indian Plate is the fastest moving of all Earth’s tectonic plates. After breaking off from Antarctica and Madagascar, it proceeded at a rate of eight inches per year toward Asia. Since colliding with Asia about ten million years ago, it is continuing to move in a northeast direction at a rate of two inches per year. This ongoing movement will push up the Himalayas to even greater heights. Given the number of these positioning “coincidences” and the fact that all of them provide specific benefits to humanity for the launch and sustenance of global civilization, to infer the Creator’s hand on the forces that shaped Earth’s crust seems entirely reasonable—more reasonable than to attribute the outcome to chance. Notice how little land area is located between 35-65°S compared to that located between 35-65°N. unscripted answers for your toughest questions — listen now endnotes 1. Luis Gimeno et al., “On the Origin of Continental Precipitation,” Geophysical Research Letters 37 (July 2010): CiteID L13804. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 10 | VOL 2/NO 4 worldviews By Kenneth Richard Samples Th r e e Big - Pict u re Ph i lo s oph ic a l Pe r spect iv es on t h e Or igi n of th e Co s mo s O ver 300 years ago German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) asked what may still be the ultimate metaphysical question: “Why is there something rather than nothing?”1 Leibniz’ profound interrogative leads to other important metaphysical inquiries such as “How is the existence of the cosmos best explained?” and “Which philosophical worldview system seems to best comport with modern scientific cosmology?” Three basic philosophical positions concerning the origin of the cosmos compete to explain the reality of the universe. These three viewpoints are: (1) creation ex materia; (2) creation ex deo; and (3) creation ex nihilo.2 Second, secular materialists, or naturalists, have held the creation ex materia position dating from ancient times to the present. Viewing the universe in materialistic and physicalistic terms was affirmed by, among others, the ancient Atomists, the contemporary Marxists, and other advocates of naturalism (the view that the physical cosmos is the exclusive reality). Philosophically, is one position to be favored over the others? And how does each match with modern scientific cosmology? Creation ex materia Today’s advocates of creation ex materia believe that the material cosmos consists of a closed physical system that somehow self-sustains and self-generates. These thoroughgoing naturalists believe that matter is either eternal in some form or that it emerged from nothing without a cause (with the latter idea being hard to square with the idea of the cosmos as a brute reality). Even advocates of the multiverse theory would likely fit under the category of creation ex materia. This view asserts that matter (and its constituent parts) is eternal in some form. Thus the universe has always existed in some manner. Accordingly, to the extent that the universe was actually created (or better yet “formed”) it came “out of preexisting materials.” Those who affirm God’s existence and those who deny a divine reality have both adopted the creation ex materia position. First, the ancient Greek and dualistic philosopher Plato (427–347 BC) proposed that a divine craftsman (the Demiurge) shaped an orderly cosmos into existence out of disorderly matter. This divine builder formed matter but did not originate it because matter is eternal. Thus, the divine craftsman simply gave shape to the eternal stuff of the universe. Interestingly enough, Plato, who some view as a proto-theist, saw value in the argument for God’s existence from design in the cosmos (the teleological argument). NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | Contemporary secular advocates of this position affirm the following philosophical tenets. 1. Matter is eternal in some form. 2. No supernatural creator exists. 3. Human beings are purely physical entities and, thus, mortal. 4. Humans evolved by purely naturalistic means from lower animals; thus, humans are different only in degree (instead of kind) from the animals. 11 | VOL 2/NO 4 worldviews Kenneth Richard Samples Creation ex deo called all things (material and spiritual) into existence out of nonexistence. This metaphysical perspective reflects the worldview position of pantheistic monism (all reality is one and that single reality is God). Pantheistic monism takes two forms in attempting to explain the cosmos in relationship to the ultimate reality of God. The implication is that all of creation had a singular beginning and is completely dependent upon God for coming into being and for its continued existence. Since God is an eternal and necessary being, he brought all things into existence through his wisdom and power alone. However, the God of historic Christianity cannot create either ex materia or ex deo. Here’s why: The first form of pantheistic monism is called absolute pantheism. It affirms that only mind or spirit exists; therefore, matter is an illusion (maya). Hindu philosopher Shankara (c. AD 788–821) proclaimed that ultimate reality is God and the physical cosmos is then an illusion. Consequently, one may think of the illusory cosmos coming forth from God as analogous to a dream coming forth from a mind. First, the God of historic Christian theism cannot create ex materia because if matter were eternal then it would compete with God’s sovereign ontological status. In other words, God would have an eternal competitor. The second stripe of this Eastern mystical philosophy is called nonabsolute pantheism. It can be thought of as having a more flexible, or elastic, approach to ultimate reality. While holding that all is one in God, this perspective accepts a form of multiplicity within the ultimate unity. Accordingly, this position views the cosmos as genuinely springing from the essence of God. Second, God cannot create ex deo for God is a simple being (without division or parts); he cannot take a part of himself and make the universe. The historic Christian perspective of creation ex nihilo views God as a necessary reality (a being that cannot not exist) whereas the creation is a contingent reality that could conceivably not exist. Pantheistic monism either asserts that the cosmos is an illusory entity or that it somehow emanates from the being of God. Either way, all is God and God is all. Advocates of this mystical viewpoint hold to the following philosophical tenets. Creation ex nihilo affirms the following philosophical tenets. 1. God (as an eternal and necessary tri-personal being) created all things out of nothing. 1. All reality is one and that single reality is God. 2. There is an ontological distinction between the Creator (necessary being) and the creation (contingent being). 2. There is no absolute distinction between creator and creation; thus, creator and creation are one. 3. The cosmos is either an illusion from God or is an emanation of God’s being. 3. The created order had a beginning and is completely dependent upon God for its continuing existence. 4. The true human “self” (atman) is God (Brahman). 4. Humans were created in the image of God and therefore have inherent dignity and moral worth. Creation ex nihilo Historical theologian Richard Muller defines the Latin term ex nihilo as a reference “to the divine creation of the world not of preexistent, and therefore eternal, materials, but out of nothing.”3 This biblical doctrine teaches that originally nothing existed but God (an infinite, eternal, and tri-personal Spirit). By means of his incalculable wisdom and infinite power, God alone brought the universe (all matter, energy, time, and space) into existence from nothing, not from any preexistent physical reality such as matter and its connected realities. Creation ex nihilo and modern scientific cosmology In the second half of the twentieth century, a new cosmological theory called the “big bang” theory gained acceptance. This new theory has undergone extensive testing and emerged among other cosmological views as the prevailing scientific model for the origin of the universe. According to the big bang theory, the universe (including all matter, energy, time, and space) came into being about 14 billion years ago. This amazing inception involved an actual singular beginning to all things. Furthermore, the big bang also postulates an expanding universe. The scientific conclusion, then, is that the universe is not eternal, nor is it static. To elucidate further, nothing should not be understood as being an actual something. In other words, nothing is not itself an entity; it is literally no thing. Creation out of nothing means that God spoke or NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 12 | VOL 2/NO 4 worldviews Kenneth Richard Samples Thus, the standard big bang cosmological model has now replaced the steady-state (eternal universe) theory. And while the big bang is constantly being polished as a scientific theory, most leading astrophysicists argue that it is definitely here to stay. Any expected changes to the model will likely be mere refinements, not revolutionary changes. Biblical Support for Creation ex Nihilo A universe with a singular beginning to all things from nothing also carries with it staggering religious implications. If the cosmos had an actual beginning, then inquiring about its cause seems appropriate, if not fundamentally necessary. Even secular scientists now talk casually about a “creation event” or “a moment of creation.” But big bang cosmology’s resemblance to the biblical doctrine of creation ex nihilo possesses a problem for the atheistic naturalist. Leibniz’ probative question seems to echo through an endless canyon: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Genesis 1:1 Romans 4:17 Psalm 33:6 Colossians 1:16 Proverbs 3:19 Hebrews 11:3 Jeremiah 32:17 Revelation 4:11 Three Competing Views on the Origin of the Cosmos Materialism’s ex materia (out of preexisting materials) Panteism’s ex deo (out of God) Theism’s ex nihilo (out of nothing) Of the three big-picture philosophical perspectives on the origin of the cosmos, only the Bible’s doctrine of creation ex nihilo corresponds well with modern scientific cosmology. That correspondence gives us confidence in the veracity of the Christian worldview. ENDNOTES 1. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, The Principles of Nature and of Grace, Based on Reason, in Philosophic Classics: Bacon to Kant, ed. Walter Kaufmann (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1961), sec. 7, 256. 2. For a discussion of these three views, see Norman L. Geisler, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1999), s.v. “creation, views of,” 172–77. 3. Richard A. Muller, Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1985), s.v. “ex nihilo.” R is g e day o T r te NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 13 | VOL 2/NO 4 genetics By Fazale (Fuz) R. Rana, PhD and Hugh Ross, PhD X’s a n d Z ’s P oi n t to Cr e at ion M any people claim that the case for biological evolution is unassailable; that overwhelming evidence exists for common ancestry. Yet, if life’s history is explicable exclusively through evolutionary processes, then scientific observations should match evolutionary expectations. Yet this appears to be the case. As evolutionary biologist Simon Conway Morris points out in his book Life’s Solution, convergence is a widespread feature in the biological realm. And The Cell’s Design documents and describes over one hundred examples of convergence at the biochemical level. One example of failed expectations is the phenomenon known as convergence. And scientists from MIT and the Washington University School of Medicine have uncovered another troubling example of convergence: the X and Z chromosomes of humans and chickens, respectively.1 This recent work concerned the origin of the sex chromosome. In mammals, females have two copies of the X chromosome (XX) and males have one copy of the X and one copy of the Y chromosome (XY). The opposite is the case for birds, with males having two copies of the Z chromosome (ZZ) and females possessing one copy of the Z and one copy of the W chromosome (ZW). Convergence describes instances in which unrelated organisms possess nearly identical anatomical and physiological characteristics. Evolutionary biologists assert that convergence results when natural selection channels the random variations believed to be responsible for evolutionary change along similar pathways to produce similar features in unrelated organisms. According to the traditional evolutionary model, sex chromosomes evolved from one of the other chromosomes (autosomes) with the Y and W chromosomes, respectively, undergoing deterioration and the loss of genes. The X and Z chromosomes were thought to remain relatively unchanged. Yet, this explanation doesn’t make sense from within the evolutionary paradigm. If evolution is indeed responsible for the diversity of life, one would expect convergence to be extremely rare. The mechanism that drives the evolutionary process consists of a large number of unpredictable, chance events that occur one after another. Given this mechanism and the complexity and finetuning of biological systems, it seems improbable that disparate evolutionary pathways would ever lead to the same biological feature in organisms manifesting different biological structures and/or living in different habitats. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | Detailed characterization of the human and chicken X and Z chromosomes, however, reveals a different scenario. When viewed from an evolutionary standpoint, it looks like both the X and Z chromosomes underwent several identical changes independently: (1) gene acquisition, increasing the number of genes on the chromosome; (2) acquisition of noncoding DNA (LINE DNA), decreasing the gene density; and (3) increased expression of genes in the testes. 14 | VOL 2/NO 4 genetics Fazale (Fuz) R. Rana and Hugh Ross In this context, it is noteworthy that one of the changes to the X and Z chromosomes is the increased content of LINE DNA. Molecular geneticists have shown that [this class of noncoding DNA plays a role in controlling gene expression in mammalian females through Barr Body formation. PR E- OR DER In other words, it appears as if the X and Z chromosomes in mammals and birds followed the same evolutionary pathway, yielding virtually the same outcome, a result that doesn’t make sense within the evolutionary paradigm. C re ati ng Li fe i n th e L a b by Rea son s to Bel i ev e Schol ar Fa za le R a na Convergence and the Case for Intelligent Design Though the idea of convergence fits awkwardly within the evolutionary framework, it makes perfect sense if a Creator is responsible for life. Instead of convergent features emerging through repeated evolutionary outcomes, they could be understood as reflecting the work of a Divine mind. The repeated origins of biological features equate to the repeated creations of an intelligent Agent who employs a common set of optimal solutions to address a common set of problems facing unrelated organisms. COMING FEBRUARY 2011! ENDNOTES 1. Daniel W. Bellott et al., “Convergent Evolution of Chicken Z and Human X Chromosomes by Expansion and Gene Acquisition,” Nature 466 (July 29, 2010): 612–16. In this highly anticipated book, biochemist Fuz Rana shows that as scientists proceed to create life in the lab, they simultaneously undermine the evolutionary explanation for the origin of life. They clearly demonstrate that undirected chemical processes cannot produce a living entity and, thus, forcefully seal the case for life’s creation by the direct activity of an intelligent Agent! An e-Zine Published by Reasons To Believe President Hugh Ross Editor Joe Aguirre Design Fluid Communications, Inc. To pre-order this timely book, visit our webstore at www.reasons.org Reserve your copy now! (800) 482-7836 • www.reasons.org NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 15 | VOL 2/NO 4 pl a n e ta ry s c i e nc e By Jeff Zweerink, PhD Lunar E c l i p s e : To ol f or Study ing Exopl a n e t s T he Moon has fascinated every one of my kids. Sometimes they would look out the window with their favorite stuffed animal. Often they made sure everybody knew the Moon’s location if they found it in the sky. My oldest son witnessed his first lunar eclipse at the age of four. This intriguing cosmic body has not only captivated my children’s imagination, but also provides a tool to help researchers find more detailed signatures that could tell us whether or not life exists on the Earth-sized planets astronomers are beginning to soon detect. from the Sun and light that passes through Earth’s atmosphere—a situation similar to when a planet transits across the disk of its host star. By training the spectrograph (a detector that senses the amount of light at a given wavelength) on this light, the telltale signs of oxygen, ozone, and other important gases can be seen.1 This research demonstrates the feasibility of applying more definitive tests for the existence of extraterrestrial life. In the next decade, astronomers should find many planets similar in size to Earth and located in the habitable zone (i.e., the region around a star where liquid water can exist). However, finding a planet that meets these minimum requirements does not mean that the planet hosts any sort of life. For billions of years, life-forms have played a key role in maintaining Earth’s habitability. Specifically, life dramatically altered the gases surrounding primordial Earth to ensure that the biosphere thrived until the present. Today, biological organisms transfer carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the ocean floor, they produce all the oxygen (including the ozone that shields Earth’s surface from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation) that comprises one fifth of the atmosphere, and they provide the seeds necessary for rain to fall. RTB’s cosmic creation model contends that Earth’s capacity to support life arises from a Creator’s care, not from strictly natural processes. Thus, we contend that the more scientists learn about the five-hundred-plusand-counting exoplanets, the more that evidence will point to supernatural creation. While not conclusive, finding signatures of oxygen (specifically ozone) and other biologically produced gases in the atmospheres of exoplanets would provide a strong test of whether or not they support life. A team of astronomers used a lunar eclipse to simulate the challenges of seeing these gases around an exoplanet. ENDNOTES 1. A. Vidal-Madjar et al., “The Earth as an Extrasolar Transiting Planet,” Astronomy and Astrophysics, preprint. During a lunar eclipse, Earth blocks much of the sunlight headed toward the Moon. However, the edge of the shadow that moves across the Moon’s surface (called the penumbra) contains a mix of direct light NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 16 | VOL 2/NO 4 universe design By Hugh Ross, PhD New To ol Prov ides a W i n d ow to Creat ion R esearch advances of recent months and years have allowed astronomers to develop a remarkably detailed model for the origin and history of the universe, called the LCDM inflationary hot big bang, or simply the standard cosmological model. The LCDM stands for a big bang universe with dark energy as the primary component and exotic dark matter as the second most dominant component—more specifically cold exotic dark matter, its particles moving at low velocities relative to the velocity of light. of research data, one from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe2 (which mapped the temperature of the cosmic background radiation) and the other from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (which mapped the distribution of nearby galaxies), astronomers were able to observe both signatures.3 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey yielded a three-dimensional map of all the galaxies within 330 million light-years of Earth. It revealed what the model had predicted, a weblike structure of galaxies and galaxy clusters (see figure 1). To provide any greater precision would require mapping that cosmic web out to a distance of ten billion light-years, a task demanding a Despite the predictive and explanatory success of the LCDM model, which I often refer to as the biblically predicted big bang creation model1 , a handful of opponents still dispute the scientific evidence supporting it. Though their numbers may be small, these nontheists and recent-creationists wield considerable influence over their respective constituencies. So the search continues for yet more rigorous supporting evidence. For testing purposes, the LCDM big bang model makes two important predictions. First, it predicts that sound waves propagated throughout the hot plasma of photons, protons, and electrons when the universe was less than 0.003 percent of its current age (<380,000 years old) would leave their unique signature on the temperature map of the cosmic microwave background radiation—the visible radiation left over from the cosmic origin event. Second, it predicts that the echo from these early cosmic sound waves would leave an imprint on the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters throughout the universe. With the help of two spectacular sets Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Richard Powell Figure 1: Distribution of Nearby Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters This three-dimensional map of the universe out to nearly 500 million light-years from Earth reveals a web like structure of filaments and voids. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 17 | VOL 2/NO 4 universe design Hugh Ross large team of astronomers several life times and some yet-to-be funded super-telescopes to complete. In the last few months, however, an international team of four astronomers has proven the viability of a much more accessible measuring technique, one based on the combined light of thousands of closely clustered galaxies.4 The team successfully tested the viability of their new technique on a knot located about seven billion lightyears away. With the availability and viability of this new technique, astronomers have gained the potential, using existing telescopes, to create three-dimensional maps of the cosmic web as far out as twelve or thirteen billion light-years. Such an extensive map will further unveil the nature of dark energy and provide a much more detailed view of cosmic creation. Based on the trend established over several decades now, this closer look will likely yield more indicators of cosmic design for the benefit of life, and of humanity, in particular. Thanks to this new technological advance, the promise of even more compelling evidence for the biblical account of cosmic creation is at hand. The team has dubbed their technique “intensity mapping,” and it applies to measuring distant “knots” in the cosmic web (see figure 2). A knot in the cosmic web is a point on the web where ten thousand or more galaxies are bunched up. By measuring the combined light of all the galaxies in the knot and determining the intensity of the 21-centimeter neutral hydrogen spectral line, astronomers can determine the knot’s mass. Meanwhile, the wavelength of the line helps determine both the position and the distance of the web. Endnotes 1. Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos, 3rd ed. (Glendora, CA: Reasons To Believe, 2001): 23–29. 2. E. Komatsu et al., “Five-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Cosmological Interpretations,” Astrophysical Journal Supplement 180 (February 2009): 330–76. 3. Daniel J. Eisenstein et al., “Detection of the Baryon Acoustic Peak in the Large-Scale Correlation Function of SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies,” Astrophysical Journal 633 (November 10, 2005): 560–74; Enrique Gaztañaga, Anna Cabré, and Lam Hui, “Clustering of Luminous Red Galaxies – IV. Baryon Acoustic Peak in the Line-of-Sight Direction and a Direct Measurement of H(z),” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 399 (November 2009): 1663–80. 4. Tzu-Ching Chang et al., “An Intensity Map of Hydrogen 21-cm Emission at Redshift z ≈ 0.8,” Nature 466 (July 22, 2010): 463–65. Credit: Springer et al., Virgo Consortium Figure 2: Model of the Cosmic Web Clusters of galaxies are expected to develop at the intersection points of the web. creation as Science by Hugh Ross Development of the scientific creationmodel concept represents one of Hugh Ross’s most significant contributions to Christian apologetics. This new book explains why a testable model is essential, and includes predictions about the direction of future research. SPECIAL PROMOTION! $10 for 2 Purchase RTB Live Volume 9 (Who’s Your Daddy?) and Volumne 10 (Skeptics Forum) together for $10. A NEW REASONS PRODUCT PICK Place both items into your cart and use coupon code “newlive” NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 18 | VOL 2/NO 4 c u lt u r a l a p o l o g e t i c s By Kenneth Richard Samples R ejecti ng C h r i s t i a n i t y Be c au s e of Chr is t ia n s I ndia’s political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) once bluntly commented on what he thought of Christ and his followers: Some of Rice’s comments give evidence that she’s rejecting a particular sociopolitical perspective and arguably a caricature at that. She categorically states: “I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat…. I refuse to be anti-science.”3 “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”1 Bestselling novelist Anne Rice recently repeated Gandhi’s sentiment. Twelve years ago, Rice left atheism and embraced Catholic Christianity, but she recently announced on her Facebook page, “Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out.” Elaborating further, she stated: “I remain committed to Christ as always but not being ‘Christian’ Credit: newsrealblog.com or to being part of Christianity...It’s simply impossible for me to ‘belong’ to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group.”2 Surely conservative Catholicism, as led by Pope Benedict XVI, is critical of the gay and feminist political agendas and especially of the plague of abortionon-demand. But that doesn’t mean that Catholicism is antigay and antifeminist. And the Catholic Church, especially in America, is hardly anti-Democrat or antiscience. 2. Sin Is a BIG Problem Although far too many people view sin as just a bad deed or habit, the Bible describes sin as a debilitating force that permeates the core of every human being (Psalm 51:5; 58:3; Proverbs 20:9). The truth is, humans are not sinners simply because they happen to sin. The problem is much deeper. Human beings sin because they are sinners by nature. Scripture diagnoses humanity’s condition as suffering from original sin, having inherited a sin nature from its progenitor, Adam (Romans 5:12, 18–19). This inherited sin nature resides at the very heart (inner being) of humankind (Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 5:19), and thus affects the entire person—including the mind, will, affections, and body (Ephesians 2:3; 4:17–19). In theological terms, human beings suffer a total depravity. This rejection of Christ or Christianity because of the attitudes, actions, and beliefs of Christians is an important apologetics challenge. The so-called “hypocrisy excuse” may be the most common reason cited for rejecting the truth-claims of the faith. I offer three points in response to this provocative objection. Although all Christians experience a moral transformation caused by the saving grace of God, the work of sanctification is never perfect in this life. The reality is that Christians still suffer the effects of a fallen nature (1 John 1:8). As C. S. Lewis candidly notes: “We are all fallen creatures and all very hard to live with.”4 Upon extended reflection, Rice will likely recognize that she too is part of that infamous group she describes as “quarrelsome, hostile, and disputatious.” 1. What Are You Actually Rejecting? In Rice’s case is she rejecting Roman Catholicism? Or is she rejecting traditional orthodox Christianity in favor of what she perceives to be a more politically tolerant and progressive expression of the faith? In other words, is her beef chiefly theological in nature or sociopolitical? NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 19 | VOL 2/NO 4 RTB c u lt u r a l a p o l o g e t i c s Kenneth Richard Samples 3. Human Beings Need a Savior, Not a Guru or a Therapist or a Counselor As a Hindu, Gandhi failed to realize that humankind’s condition is not one of being god yet suffering from divine amnesia. No, mankind’s problem is not merely lack of spiritual enlightenment. Rather, human beings are moral lawbreakers who have a corrupt nature (Romans 8:7). People are fallen sinners in need of a Savior (Titus 2:13). And at the heart of the historic Christian gospel is the proclamation that God saves sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:18–19). c hri stm a s g i f t sug g est ion s Fingerprint of God Commemorative Edition One of Hugh Ross’s most recognized titles, considered to be foundational to the growth of the ministry of RTB. There’s at least one bumper sticker that gets the gospel message right: “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.” Certainly Christians should constantly seek to live lives of gratitude to God by striving to love God and their neighbor (Titus 2:11–12). But hypocrisy, while always regrettable, is inevitably part of the slow process of being fully transformed by the grace of God. 10 Breakthroughs of 2010 This booklet packs a powerful punch as our scholars explain how research findings in the past twelve months provide new evidence for the Creator’s handiwork. The bad news is that sin is a bigger problem than even most Christians realize. The good news is that Christ is an even greater Savior than we all realize. ENDNOTES Reasons To Believe brings you cutting-edge scientific research that affirms the Christian faith. 1. Wikipedia, s.v. “Mahatma Ghandi,” last modified October 11, 2010. 2. Alison Flood, “Anne Rice ‘Quits Being a Christian,’” guardian.co.uk., July 30, 2010. 3. Ibid. 4. C. S. Lewis, Letters to an American Lady (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1967), 110. Bring Straight Thinking Right to Your Computer Breakthrough Bundle For the first time, get all five editions of 10 Breakthroughs (2006–2010) assembled in a convenient, attractive case. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 20 | VOL 2/NO 4 educator’s help desk By Krista Kay Bontrager How Ca n I H e l p My C h i l d Be co m e a R esea rch S cien t i s t ? S ome children are naturally curious about science and want to become scientists. What can parents do to sustain that curiosity and equip children to achieve their life goals? More importantly, what can parents do to prepare their children to become distinctly Christian research scientists? act as a mentor. This step might not be as hard as you think. If you attend a good-sized church, chances are it has a scientist who might be thrilled by such an invitation. Many scientists are hesitant to express themselves in church settings, so your request may be a personal encouragement to him or her as well. 6. Sign up for Reasons Academy. By the age of 15 or 16, it might be time to consider enrolling him or her in Reasons To Believe’s online school, Reasons Academy. This program combines information that students have learned in their science textbooks with the best biblical research. When students head off to the university, they––especially those who choose scientific professions––will face a direct assault on their faith and will need a rigorous framework to answer those attacks. 7. Sign up for a college-level science class. Many community colleges allow high school students to not only take science classes, but also to earn college credit. This approach will help your budding scientist figure out whether his or her interest has genuine career potential. 8. Choose a college with a strong science department in your child’s area of interest. If your child wants to be the next Einstein, but four years of tuition at CalTech or MIT doesn’t seem financially realistic for you, don’t fret. There are many other fine physics programs in the country that can provide an adequate undergraduate education. Ask your friendly neighborhood scientist for suggestions on good, more reasonably priced, alternatives. Here are some general principles that may help. 1. Help your child explore options. The public library and television documentaries present excellent ways to investigate different scientific disciplines. As you explore various topics together, your child will likely focus on an aspect of science he or she particularly enjoys. 2. Foster a learning environment in the home. When parents show that learning about God’s creation is exciting and fun, their children will likely catch the spirit too. Even if you don’t know much about science, your enthusiasm can spark your child’s sense of discovery and encourage him or her to learn more. 3. Consider registering for a Reasons Institute course. You’ll be setting a good example of lifelong learning, as well as equipping yourself to ask better questions and provide better answers. 4. Get out of the house. We like to include museums and national parks in our family summer vacation plans. Some places offer free or discounted days for families. Many city recreation departments sponsor summer science day camps where kids can participate in fun handson activities. Check with your local museum of natural history or planetarium for short classes for teens. Some even allow eager students to become docents or help prepare displays. 5. Find positive Christian role models. As your child enters the teen years, it is a good time to find a local research scientist who can NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | Christians are uniquely positioned to transform our culture for Christ as they engage it at the highest academic levels, especially in science. Reasons To Believe is praying that God will raise up an army of Christian young people who are committed to developing their minds to the glory of God. 21 | VOL 2/NO 4 bible bookend By Krista Kay Bontrager | A de e pe r b i b l ic al/the olo gic a l lo ok at t h e l e a d s c i e nc e a rt ic l e In Search of t he R e a l A da m A Was the Fall a historical event? question frequently posed to Reasons To Believe is, how does RTB’s model differ from that of theistic evolution? One fundamental difference lies in each model’s view of Adam. Most theistic evolutionists view the early chapters of Genesis as merely a literary device and, therefore, stress that readers should not look for historical information in the creation narrative.4 Yet if the first two chapters in Genesis do not depict actual history, then why compare a historical person (Jesus) to a nonhistorical person (Adam)?5 Paul specifically contrasts the pervasive effects of Adam’s fall with the pervasive effect of Jesus’ atonement. The heart of Paul’s broader argument in 1 Corinthians 15 rests on linking the truthfulness of Christianity to key historical events. Why then would Paul use a mythological figure or symbolic event to support his point? Paul and other biblical authors give no indication that they considered the early chapters of Genesis to be anything other than real history, including the existence of Adam.6 RTB affirms Adam was the first true human being, he lived approximately 100,000 years ago, and was responsible for bringing sin to humanity.1 Proponents of theistic evolution (TE, or BioLogos, as one prominent organization prefers) hold no universal position about Adam but share general consensus on two points: (1) Adam was not the first human being; and (2) Adam was not a historical person.2 A number of concerns arise when considering these statements on Adam. Was Adam the first human? From a TE perspective, humans lived for probably hundreds of thousands of years before Adam and are the products of common descent. However, in the biblical creation account (Gen. 2:7) “the man” is described as being made from the “dust of the ground” followed by God breathing into him the “breath of life.” Later, Eve is formed from Adam’s side. Neither of these descriptions seems consistent with the idea of humans evolving from preexisting hominids. In addition, Adam calls Eve the “mother of all the living” (Gen. 3:20) and the apostle Paul in Acts 17:26 describes “every nation of men” being made from “one man.” Admittedly, there is a delicate dance between general revelation (God’s world) and special revelation (God’s word) on matters concerning human origins. And allowing general revelation to guide our steps by correcting or augmenting our understanding of special revelation must be approached with caution. However, the integrity of either source of truth can be maintained by carefully considering as much data as possible. RTB’s creation model as it pertains to human origins and early migration does not (yet) answer every question, but it avoids the significant problems of the TE model. Rather than reject a historical Adam, we strive to allow such questions to lead to deeper and greater exploration. It is our belief that both revelations remain in agreement and advances in understanding will ultimately answer all outstanding questions. Was Adam a real person? Adam3 is specifically mentioned in several Old Testament passages. He fathers many children (Gen. 5:4) and is listed as the fountainhead of key genealogies (Gen. 5:1; 1 Chron. 1:1). Luke traces Jesus’ lineage back to Adam (Luke 3:38), and Paul makes an important theological connection between Adam and Jesus—just as Adam brought sin to humanity, so Jesus has brought salvation (Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:22, 45). Such statements make the best sense if Adam was a historical person. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 22 | VOL 2/NO 4 endnotes article or inseparable preposition and is most accurately translated as “the man.” Only 4:25; 5:1–5, and 1 Chronicles 1:1 actually refer to the personal name of “Adam.” For the purpose of this article, I will use the term “Adam” as a proper noun to refer to the first human being. See R.S. Hess, “Adam” in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch, (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2003), 18–21 1. Fazale Rana with Hugh Ross, Who Was Adam? (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2003). 2. A minority of TEs affirm a historical Adam with certain qualifications: (1) Adam refers to a specific human being chosen or specially created by God approximately 7,000–10,000 years ago in Mesopotamia; (2) Adam gave rise to the nations of the ancient Near East (Gen. 10), and eventually the Jewish Messiah; and (3) Adam was not the first human being, but the first human with whom God directly interacted. See Carol A. Hill, Worldview Approach to Creation, ch. 7 (unpublished manuscript). 4. Howard J. Van Till, The Fourth Day (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,1986), 90. 5. Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22, 45. 3. In Genesis 1:26–27, ’ādām refers to the entire human race. The term ’ādām in Genesis 2:7, 15–17; 3:6; 16; and 4:1 appears with either a definite 6. Peter uses a similar tactic. See Krista Kay Bontrager, “The History of the Universe in a Nutshell: Reflections on 2 Peter 3,” Perspectives of Science and Faith (2005) 318–24. A n inv itation to joi n a n i mp orta n t group in s u pport of RTB. RTB has been blessed by a faithful group of supporters who stand with us through their commitment to the ministry each month. Over the years this group of supporters has become the very foundation of our ability to minister effectively. Having the consistent and dependable support of our Monthly Partners allows RTB to plan ministry in a more effective manner and keeps us on track to financially meet the recurring expenses of our outreach efforts. In recognition of their faithfulness and as an expression of our gratitude to these critical partners in ministry, we have put together some exciting Monthly Partner benefits that will equip you and keep you up-to-date and connected on all that’s happening at RTB. In addition, all Monthly Partners receive a special message from our scholars each month on a timely and important subject. Click the button to find out more about becoming a Monthly Partner or call (800) 482-7836 to speak to someone in our ministry care department. w w w. r ea son s. org Bridging the gap between science and faith. Discover Reasons To Believe today. NEW REASONS TO BELIEVE | 23 | VOL 2/NO 4