July 2008 30 - On The Break News
July 2008 30 - On The Break News
2 July 2008 July 2008 Seattle Landmark Closes Doors 3 The Best Medicine by: Arthur Bacon Thanks to a very smart girlfriend and Mr. Fulbright I spent most of this past year in Naples, Italy. Don’t believe any of the propaganda you hear about Italy. Remember Gibbon’s famous book, “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”? In my nine months traveling from Campagna to Tuscany to the Veneto I saw nothing to suggest that Italy is not still in a reckless freefall (Google; New York Times “La Dolce Vita Sours”). Anyway, homesickness compelled me to check the web cam at Dr Cue’s in Seattle, WA at least once a week to see the action on “Table One”. I desperately missed The Doctor’s because, much to my horror and dismay, pocket pool is not a fashionable pastime in Italy, at least not in Naples. The most popular game there is some sort of bocce ball played on a billiard table where they actually throw the balls around the table. I can only assume that this is because they are too poor to be able to afford sticks. I don’t really know, but it rendered my Judd cue irrelevant. I practiced my stroke on the kitchen table and watched every You tube minute of nine ball, ten ball and one pocket I could download off that thing Al Gore invented. I had been addicted to the green felt, the clicking balls and dark ambience of pool. I looked forward to getting back to Seattle and getting some “holistic” therapy at The Doctor’s. Then, just as I was about to Once John Schmitt spent two weeks camped in his Motor Home in the parking lot. Another time Corey Deuel spent a week at The Doctor’s giving lessons and taking on some of the local “players”. I’ll never forget his late night one-pocket duel with Harry Platis. After watching Harry win with a heroic “Z” bank, I can tell you, if I ever have any legal problems, I’m gonna call Mr. Platis! Legendary pool. Guys like Mike Zimmerman, Chris Bartram, Rafael Martinez and the young Justin Bergman would show up now and then to liven things up. Meanwhile the inimitable Dan Louie and Todd Marsh were always around to keep things at a high standard on Table One. I’ll never forget Todd’s gutsy win over Chris Bartram and Jason Klatt in a high stakes One Pocket match. One Tuesday night my girlfriend and I watched enthralled as Todd Marsh and Mike Zimmerman gave a “clinic” on virtuoso safety play. It doesn’t get any better than that at Derby City. Tuesday nine ball tournaments were the highlight of most weeks at the Doctor’s bringing shooters from as far away as Vancouver and Portland for the two or three hundred dollar prize and $1,500 break pot. Some guys would buy twenty or thirty tickets just for a chance to try to sink the nine on the break. One night I had the winning ticket. Lets just say it is not one of my fonder memories since all eyes turned toward this weekly attempt at fame and fortune. Although I had been a good athlete all my life, I could never master the athleticism of an attention-getting, rocket-launching break shot. Once, when I was playing Chris Bartram’s road partner, Jason Klatt, he let me win the lag and I actually miscued on the break! A lot of the house players were watching as the cue ball slithered down the table into the side of the rack. Jason told me afterwards that he thought it might have been (Medicine continued on page 5) Bocce Ball Bocce Ball come home, I find out that Dr. Cue’s has closed! I can’t believe it; I just cannot accept the fact that a place where I spent so many hundreds of hours, made so many friends, where, truth be told, I spent a small fortune...is gone forever. The mountains I climbed are still there, the rivers I have run are still there, Nicaragua and Patagonia where I have worked and traveled are still there....but The Doctor’s is gone. For two years in Seattle I practically lived at The Doctor’s. They probably would have let me sleep there if I had asked. I would get there in the early morning as they were cleaning, have coffee with Matt or Jeff and then remove to the back room and feel as though I had died and gone to heaven... all alone in the corner, savoring the total silence for hours as I practiced alone with my thoughts and fantasies. So what if it rained thirty days in a row! I too am sad that Dr Cue’s is closed. I remember when Matt and Jeff opened. I took a photo of them with their good friend Mike Massey in Las Vegas at the 2001 BCA Expo. I gave it to them while on deliveries , Mike came in with Gene Birkland the APA Operator and Mike signed the photo right then. I don’t believe they could have ad a bigger smile on their face. Talk about good timing. I know they hung it on their wall and were very proud of it. That’s the kind of memories that Dr Cue’s provided, some really simple and everyday stuff and some very memorable one like Corey and John Schmidt being there and many others as well as the everyday players. ---Don “Cheese” Akerlow 4 July 2008 Billiard Directory Index Organizations 8 Ball In Great Falls, MT 36 Billiard’aires Club Kennewick, WA 15 Billiard Palacade San Francisco, CA 21 Billiards Plus Vancouver, WA 30 Black Star Tacoma, WA 8 Broken Rack Emeryville, CA 13 Cadillac Island Longview, WA 3 California Billiard Club Mtn View, CA 20 Cat’s Paw Bozeman, MT 17 Charley’s Pub Fircrest, WA 4 Classic Billiards Portland, OR 23 Colorado Cue Club Denver, CO 26 Cue Ball, The Salem, OR 10 Cue’s Billiards Portland, OR 4 Eagles Club #326 Bozeman, MT 30 Edge Casino Helena, MT 4 Falls Club Post Falls, ID 22 Family Billiards San Francisco, CA 5 Farmhouse Portland, OR 30 Frankie’s Olympia, WA 14 Full Splice Tacoma, WA 24 Good Time Ernies Burien, WA 8 Halftime Bar & Grill Vancouver, WA 30 Hard Times Billiards Sacramento, CA 27 Houdini’s Billiards Freeland, WA 13,22 Hub Bar Belgrade, MT 30 Jake’s Bar & Grill Salem, OR 31 Jillians Seattle, WA 21 Jointed Cue Sacramento, CA 15 K C Midway Oregon City, OR 8 Kornerpocket Billiardz Snohomish, WA 4 Latitude 84 Tacoma, WA 7 Lil’ Big Foot Spokane, WA 30 Log Cabin Bar Sumner, WA 8 Longhorn Saloon Lakewood, WA 14 Maggie O’Tooles Lakewood, WA 30 Main Street Billiards Mesa, AZ 35 Main Street Billiards Tucson, AZ 16 Malarkey’s Tacoma, WA 23 McCorry’s Woodenville, WA 30 Mike’s Place Renton, WA 30 Oasis Bar 304 N Main Pocatello, ID 208-232-9347 Sunday 8 or 9-Ball - 8PM (alternating) $5 entry - House Matches the Pot Hours: 10 am to 10 pm Full Deli Soup & Sandwiches 8-Ball Every Sunday 1PM: B & Below $5 entry + $3 green fee 5PM: Open $5 entry + $3 green fee 102 Avenue D - Snohomish, WA 360-862-9054 Molly Brown Bozeman, MT Mr Ed’s Saloon Butte, MT Mustard Seed Bellevue, WA NiteHawk Portland, OR Oasis Pocatello, ID P C’s Pub Everett, WA Ranger Lounge Sidney, MT Rec Room Billings, MT Robin’s Billiards Monroe, WA Rodder’s Oregon City, OR Sam’s Billiards Portland, OR Schooners Lakewood, WA Shanahan’s Vancouver, WA Shooters Riverside, CA Silver Q Billiards Glendale, AZ Skyland Pub Troutdale, OR Spot Bar & Grill Vancouver, WA Spot Off Main Bellevue, WA Stars Pub & Grill Federal Way, WA Tall Timbers Federal Way, WA Town & Country Daly City, CA Uncle Jack’s Lynnwood, WA 6,23 8 8 11 4 28 23 4 8 29 31 30 27 25 2 30 27 6 8 8 11 8 Billiard Supplies Arizona Billiard Academy Arizona Billiard Nation Classic Billiards Portland, OR Jack Madden Custom Cues Mueller Lincoln, NE OTBnTV.com Ozone Billiards Georgia Sure Shot Billiards Kennewick, WA Instructions/Services Billiard Directory Index Hood River Distillers Platis Law Firm Lynnwood, WA Pool On TV Rixx Images Tucson, AZ Samm Diep Aurora, CO San Francisco Billiard Academy CA Subscriptions Pool Tournaments Weekly Tournament Trail 13 32 10 20 8 31 2 30 4 21 15 8 16 7 7 34 31,32,33 34 Diablo Valley Pool League CA League Operators NWPA Kirkland, WA Rocky Mountain Gaming Bozeman, MT Western BCA OR/WA 21 30 6 13 9 Contact us at: The Break P.O. Box 100 Three Forks, MT 59752 Phone 1-406-285-3099 Fax 1-406-285-3098 Email otbnews@aol.com www.onthebreaknews.com Happy Hour til 10 Well Drinks $2.50 DEADLINE: 24th of each Month - CALL IF LATE About Us at The Break The Break is a monthly publication, dedicated to the advancement of the sport of pool and to promoting enthusiasm and encouragement among the players at all levels, regardless of their league affiliation, in addition to recognizing those businesses who support them all. overing: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Nevada & anywhere pool is played. The opinions expressed are those of the author or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Break or its staff. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including Publisher photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher. © 2008 The Break Wireless Internet - Oriental Menu TUES: LIVE BLUES & WED: TEXAS HOLDEM 6520 19th St W - Fircrest, WA 253-564-9454 DON "CHEESE" AKERLOW Places P eople Play People Surfing the Web? 20 Poker & Keno Machines Li ve Poker 6 Pool Tables w/Simonis Cloth Darts Shuffleboard FULL BAR Happy Hour 6-7 pm open 8am - 2am 3108 Euclid Ave - Helena, MT 406-449-4997 July 2008 The Best Medicine some sort of “hustle”. Of course, after I made my first shot he knew he was not being hustled. He was even good humored enough when, for the final rack, I racked the balls so loosely they hardly looked like a diamond. The astonished look on his face was worth the humiliation of the previous six racks; and then he smiled, and proceeded to atomize the balls all over the table leaving some doubt in my mind about the significance of a “tight” rack. The Doctor’s was the kind of place where you could play a great player like Chris or Jason for twenty bucks. A kid named Chuckie Holyoke used to be a regular at Dr. Cue’s and once in awhile we would play some sort of little hustle I would make up. Once I thought I could beat him in a game of caroms I had made up. I used to practice caroms endlessly from my days in Buenos Aires playing billiards. No luck. Another time I spent a few weeks practicing my “spot shot” and challenged him to a contest. I had some sort of special way of lining up the cue ball and object ball with a diamond on the end rail blah, blah, blah and was able to get seven or eight out of ten and feel proud of myself. Selfcongratulation blinded me to excellence. Chuckie just casually put the cue ball down near where he would as if to break and sunk ten in a row and walked back into the front room for some real action. Another time I challenged him to a race to five for ten bucks to which he agreed except that he had to play with his break cue and no chalk. Well, at least some day I hope I will be able to say that I beat a national champion... even if he was only twelve years old at the time! Some guys play for serious money and have to sweat out long, late-night hours of one pocket or nine ball. But there are other ways to make money in pool and the most embarrassing I ever saw was called Billiard University. Some guy from an obscure Dakota town began advertising in about October that he would be at The Doctor’s for “Billiard University” come January. A 5 continued from page 3 thousand dollars would get you three days of instruction with Professor Bozo, “winner of over three hundred tournaments” and sundry other dubious recommendations. Half a dozen guys signed up and come January, found themselves sitting around one of the tables in the back room scratching their heads over arcane diagrams, taking multiple choice tests and listening to Professor Bozo explain his cornfield theories of pool, the most interesting thing I happened to overhear being that “follow-through” is passé nowadays. He had a stick he must have picked up at K-mart and of course, never played a game, never even demonstrated an ability to run three balls. His whole deal was stroking. Months after he left I would see a couple of those guys stretching out their little string guides and sticky donuts and trying to stroke the ball without follow-through and have it come back straight. Yeah, and George Bush is going to learn to say “nuclear.” The thing I really loved about The Doctors was the fact that it was a serious players venue, a room where, at least several dozen very, very good players congregated daily and played for hour after hour with concentrated commitment. I would say that of the hundred guys who played there regularly only two or three might have been, to use an academic term, hawseholes; the rest were all regular guys, some of whom still had baggage from Viet Nam, credit card debt or bad marriages just like the rest of us. Anybody who doesn’t have “baggage” after the age of fifty hasn’t lived a very interesting life. But most of them were the kind of guys you could depend on in a donnybrook and if somebody didn’t show up for a week people would get concerned. And although most good players have their closely guarded secrets regarding kicks and banks and aiming, by and large I felt that I could ask just about anybody at The Doctor’s for a bit of advise now and then and it was given generously. I was going to move back to Seattle... but now...I don’t know. Without The Doctor’s where am I going to get my therapy? July 2008 6 Molly Brown’s Summer Classic Doubles 8-Ball Doub les T ournament Doubles Tournament July 12th, 2008 $300 added Guaranteed $20 entry per team ($10 per player) Double Elimination Limit 32 teams Doors Open at 10 AM - Play Starts at 11AM For information or to sign up call Mike 406-209-7332 703 W Babcock In the Bar-muda Triangle Bozeman, MT Open 11am - 2 am Daily July 2008 A Kick-in Challenge By: Bob Jewett San Francisco Billiard Academy www.sfbilliards.com Email Questions to: jewett@sfbilliards.com harada@sfbilliards.com mejia@sfbilliards.com Here is a challenge shot that will help you to learn how the cushions work. It also leads naturally to some diamond systems for kicking. The challenge is to see how many 3-cushion shots it takes you to kick a ball into a pocket starting with the object ball on the spot. The rules are simple. The object ball begins on the spot. The cue ball begins anywhere on the table on each shot. The cue ball has to hit at least three cushions before contacting the object ball. The object Bob Jewett ball stays where you hit it to after each shot until it goes in the correct pocket. Tables differ, so even the first shot will need to be tailored to your conditions. On the table I play on, the cue ball goes as shown in the diagram if I shoot at Diamond A with running (left) follow. You should be able to find the right spot on your own table within a few shots if you go at it systematically. You can keep either the target or the starting point constant and vary the other to get a different angle. For example, if the cue ball goes too “long” from the illustrated spot, you could aim towards a spot closer to the side pocket along the long rail. You could also vary the spin on the cue ball, but I recommend keeping that a constant: equal parts of running and follow. “Short” and “long” are standard ways to refer to how the cue ball comes off of cushions. If a table plays “short” then you know to adjust the shot to come in “longer.” Which way to adjust is obvious after a little practice. Once you have moved the object ball off the spot — such as to spot B — you need to be able to hit it again. Now a system can be useful. If you can estimate the spot you need to hit on the third cushion, the corner-5 system which I described in an earlier column is useful. (All my past columns are available on the OTBN website.) Another system I like for this challenge is the “opposite 3” which is explained fully in Robert Byrne’s book, “Wonderful World of Pool and Billiards.” Briefly, if you need to hit a ball at B, you put the cue ball in the mirror-image spot across the table at C and then simply shoot to X. This works quite well for a wide range of shots, but the spot X varies some from table to table. It will require some experimentation to find the spot on your table. Sometimes the spot is out in the middle of the table, such as at W. If you happen to knock the object ball to E, you’re in trouble. The normal 3-cushion path doesn’t work well there because the side pocket is in the way. Change over to the so-called “plus system.” Put the cue ball at F and shoot towards G, then hitting near A and C before going toeards the ball at E. The plus system is more sensitive to spin and speed than the corner-5, so you will need to experiment more to find what works best for your conditions. This challenge can be done as a competition for two or several players — whoever takes the fewest shots gets the pot and shoots first in the next set. Executive Billiards’ DELTA-13 Rack 7 New Marketing Representation Parker, Colorado, June 4, 2008: Executive Billiards, makers of the DELTA-13 rack, is pleased to announce their marketing alignment with Samm Diep of Aurora, Colorado (creator of SammsPocket.com and PoolTipJar.com). Diep will be promoting and representing the DELTA-13 rack at upcoming professional and amateur events across the country in 2008. So far in 2008, the DELTA-13 rack is already the official Samm Diep rack for the UPA Tour and Tony Robles Predator 9-Ball Tour. It was also the sponsoring rack for the 8th Annual Predator International 10Ball Championships in Las Vegas, NV. It will also be the official rack for the BCA GenerationPool.com 9-Ball Championships in Charlotte, NC during the BCA tradeshow. “I’m thrilled to have someone with her experience so close to home,” says Terry Taggart, founder of Executive Billiards. Samm Diep, “Cherry Bomb”, semi-professional player, instructor, writer, reporter, and author of “You Might Be A D Player If...” has a degree in marketing and comes from a strong business and marketing background. She plans to use her expertise and relationships in the industry to educate players on the quality of the DELTA-13 rack. “I couldn’t represent a product that I didn’t truly believe in. The wooden and plastic racks can’t touch the DELTA-13. It’s truly state of the art,” says Diep. She has been using the DELTA-13 rack during all her practice and teaching sessions. She’s not the only one excited about that rack so far. There’s already a buzz amongst the professionals that have been using it in the tournaments. “It’s the best rack I’ve ever seen. There are no spaces in between the balls. It’s awesome!” says Tony Robles, Professional Player and Predator 9-Ball Tour Director. “My custom laser engraved rack looks beautiful and works great! Straight pool enthusiasts will love the small size of this rack- many more break balls are usable with this thin but strong profile.” says Mike Fieldhammer (BilliardCoach.com), Professional Billiard Instructor. “Delta” is for the Greek symbol for its shape and “13” is for aluminum’s place on the periodic table of elements. Made from 6061 Aluminum, the DELTA-13 racks are quality checked on a CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) to ensure accuracy. Unlike the standard plastic or wooden rack, it’s guaranteed to never warp, bend, or break. There is absolutely no give in the sides of the rack and that’s why it outperforms the others. Ask for the DELTA-13 rack at Seyberts.com or PoolDawg.com. The unique, patentpending ergonomic design of the rack allows for easy removal from the balls. It’s available in red, blue, black, or gold and each side can be personalized with custom engraving to include text and graphic logos. The retail price is $119 plus $12 shipping/ handling. Please visit ExecutiveBilliards.com for more details. Executive Billiards is a subsidiary of RJD Machining, a 21 year old precision machining company which manufactures components for aerospace, medical device, and computer storage industries. 85% of the components they manufacture are made from aluminum, which has given them a great deal of experience and expertise in cutting this material. Executive Billiards is also a member of the Billiards Congress of America. Latitude 84 Pool Tournaments Mon & Wed 9-Ball at 8PM Sun 8-Ball at 8PM Entries $5 + $3 green fee Poker Tournament Tuesdays at 6:30PM Weekly Specials Big Screen TV Pull Tabs 4 Pool Tables 6 Dart Boards Karaoke/D J: Thurs - Sun 8401 S Hosmer Way-Tacoma, WA 253-531-5154 8 July 2008 Great Food Pool Darts Games Pull Tabs Cocktails 253-946-9734 31216 PACIFIC HY. S. FEDERAL WAY, WA Karaoke Thurs thru Sat with Seth Bates and Friends Come Join The Fun!!! Good Time Ernies 15747 Ambaum Blvd SW Burien, WA 206-248-1670 07-09-2008 12:00 am San Diego Classic Semi #1 07-12-2008 11:00 pm San Diego Classic Semi #2 07-13-2008 12:00 am San Diego Classic These schedules have been provided by ESPN. These are tentative dates and are subject to change Come on in for our NEW MENU and our NEW POOL TABLES Hours: 10:30 - 2 am Kitchen 10:30-1 am 5608 119th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 425-603-9001 THURSDAY NIGHT 8-BALL 7:30PM $5 ENTRY - HOUSE MATCHES POT TO $100 LIMIT 16 PLAYERS B PLAYERS ONLY 158-100th St So. Tacoma, WA 253-535-6688 Happy Hour: Mon-Fri 4-7 PM Pool Leagues Sun - Thurs Karaoke Wednesdays D J Dancing Fri & Sat Food Specials All Mr Ed’s Tournaments have food served and no table fees Watch for Upcoming Tournaments 1700 Harrison Ave - Butte, MT 406-782-3700 Hours M-F: 11am-close Sat & Sun: 10am-close All times are Pacific Coast Time - Add one hour for Mtn Time 07-18-2008 5:00 pm 2006 Enjoypool.com Wmn’s 9-Ball 07-19-2008 9:00 am Generationpool.com Men’s 9-Ball 07-19-2008 10:00 am Generationpool.com Men’s 9-Ball 07-19-2008 11:00 am Generationpool.com Men’s 9-Ball 07-19-2008 12:00 pm Generationpool.com Wmn’s 9-Ball 07-19-2008 1:00 pm Generationpool.com Wmn’s 9-Ball 07-19-2008 2:00 pm Generationpool.com Wmn’s 9-Ball Classic 07-01-2008 7:00 am Sudden Death 7-Ball 07-02-2008 7:00 am Sudden Death 7-Ball 07-03-2008 7:00 am 1999 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-04-2008 7:00 am 1999 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-05-2008 8:00 am 1999 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-08-2008 7:00 am 2000 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-09-2008 7:00 am 2000 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-10-2008 7:00 am 2000 Wmn’s Tourn of Champions 07-11-2008 7:00 am 2001 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-12-2008 8:00 am 2001 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-13-2008 8:00 am 2001 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-15-2008 7:00 am 2002 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-16-2008 7:00 am 2002 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-17-2008 7:00 am 2002 Int’l Challenge of Champions 07-18-2008 7:00 am 2001 Sudden Death 7-Ball 07-19-2008 8:00 am 2001 Sudden Death 7-Ball 07-20-2008 8:00 am 2001 Sudden Death 7-Ball 07-22-2008 7:00 am 2001 Trick Shot Magic 07-23-2008 7:00 am 2001 Trick Shot Magic 07-23-2008 1:00 pm 2003 Trick Shot Magic 07-23-2008 2:00 pm 2004 Women’s Trick Shot Magic Lee vs Jones 07-24-2008 7:00 am 2001 Trick Shot Magic 07-25-2008 7:00 am 2002 Wmn’s Tourn of Champions 07-26-2008 8:00 am 2002 Wmn’s Tourn of Champions 07-29-2008 7:00 am 2002 Trick Shot Magic 07-30-2008 7:00 am 2002 Trick Shot Magic 07-31-2008 7:00 am 2002 Trick Shot Magic OTBnTV.com www.unclejacksbilliards.com 17 Pool Tables Weekly Specials TABLE RATES: Open-5pm $2/player per hour 5pm-close $5/player per hour 5800 198th St SW - Lynnwood, WA 425-640-5474 Log Cabin Pub & Eatery 2719 E Valley Hwy E-Sumner, WA 253-863-2905 POOL TOURNAMENTS Tues & Sat Live Music Fri & Sat Gr eat F ood Great Food Tall Timbers Bar & Grill 3 POOL TABLES APA & TAP LEAGUES Pool Tournys Every Mon. at 6:30PM COCKTAILS NOW AVAILABLE PULL TABS - BAR TOP VIDEO GAMES Good FFood ood riends ood,, Good FFriends upply of FFun un and an Endless SSupply 35509 21st Ave SWFederal Way, WA 253-952-2302 K C’s Midway Bar & Grill 1003 7th St-Oregon City, OR (503) 656-9501 Newly Remodeled Smoke-Free Pool Room 8 Valley + 6 Diamond Pool Tables Robin’s Billiards & “Specialty” Hot Dogs The Billiard News & Tournament Report 125 E Main St - Monroe, WA 98272 Watch Video from your Favorite Tournaments, VNEA Nationals, and more ... All for FREE Log on and speak your mind on the Billiard Nation 6-9’ Brunswick Pool Tables www.onthebreaknews.com/PoolPages/ 360-794-7878 Hours: Mon-Thurs,11A-10PM Fri & Sat,11AM-Midnight-Sundays,2Pm-8Pm Pocket Billiards-“Specialty” Hot Dogs Espresso-Fountain Drinks-Pro Shop Tournaments - All Ages Welcome Ask about Private Parties Visit our website-www.robinsbilliards.com July 2008 Portland Area BCAPL Starting Soon Cascade Pool League is sanctioned by the Billiards Congress of America Pool League and has already kicked off its 11th year with it’s 2008-09 qualifying season . They are looking for teams now for a new Tuesday night, 5 person, 9ball division, to be held at Classic Billiards on 122nd and Powell in Portland. CALL before July 22nd to sign up. If you have a team to sign up, or want to play or have been wanting to play BCA pool, contact Andrew Monstis or Sassy Campbell at 503-252-4215 or 503-422-0623. Playing in any CPL division can qualify you to play in the biggest events in the Northwest, the Chinook Winds Regionals in October (9ball) & March (8ball), plus the BCAPL Nationals and the VNEA Nationals, both events 9 held in Las Vegas, Nevada. For questions about qualifiications and these tournamesnts contact the Cascade Pool League Office. CPL has play on different nights in both 8ball and 9ball. Divisions are both traveling and in-house, in different formats and we welcome new players. Our annual player meeting to get ready for the big fall/winter session will be held on Saturday, August 23, site to be announced. With current venues in Portland, Troutdale, Oregon City, Milwaukie and Gresham, locations are now being developed outside the Portland metro area and in Vancouver. If you are interested in adding your location or volunteering, or have questions and would like to know more, contact the Cascade Pool League Office at 503-252-4215 or 503-422-0623. Sam’ ournament Sam’ss 14.1 T Tournament PORTLAND, OR Sam’s Billiards monthly 14.1 Tournament on June 1, 2008 had the smallest turnout (8 players) of any first Sunday tournament since January, 2006. It was kind of nice, really. Paul Marquez was back for his first tournament in several years and won his first three matches again Buzz Poleson, Sam Rabito, and Norton Johnson to reach the finals. There were two new players, John Malliarakis and Michael Justice, who ended up in 2nd and third place, respectively, both beating Paul in the finals. The match between John and Paul was the closest of the tournament, John winning 50 to 49. Buzz came back from his one loss to Paul to win a squeaker over Sam (50 to 47) to reach the finals, and then Buzz beat Michael and John to take first place. Despite the lack of high runs, there were some very good games and everyone seemed to be in good spirits. The next first Sunday Straight Pool Tournament at Sam’s Billiards is July 6, starting at 11 AM. Tables are open for practice for participants from 10 AM. The entry fee is $15. M8 Pool Leagues M8 Pool Leagues, the Largest Independent Pool League in the World, is a handicapped "Race to Points" league with over 600 teams and over 5000 members in Minnesota alone. The annual M8 Midwest Championships pays out over $100,000.00 on site with a top team prize of $11,500.00 and the top Singles Prize of $3,500.00. Player ratings range from 30 - 125 and they earn a point for every ball of their group pocketed each game and 7 points coming to a location near you for the 8-ball. Players can earn bonus points based on how far they can keep their opponent under their rating. Teams can earn team bonus points based on the combined total of their player's handicaps or penalties if they go over the team maximum limit but they can never be disqualified because of their team total handicap. Our league is expanding, to learn more - visit us at www.M8Pool.com or call us at 651-636-2022. See ad page 17. 10 2008 ACS Nationals (incl. Carla Rossetti, Toni Barnes, Elesha Dick Picks Them Right at the ACS Nationals! Patterson and Ann Bellamy) 10-9 in the title With hundreds of amateur players of all skill levels competing in a myriad match for the crown! of divisions during the American CueSports Alliance (ACS) Nationals at the The Susquehanna Valley 8-Ball League of Riviera Hotel & Casino, June 7-14, hundreds Dover, PA traditionally has sent Men’s Open of personal sub-plots played out throughout teams to the Nationals, but their women’s the week. division turned out four teams of first-timers One of them was masterminded by Dick - all sponsored by “Athletic Lettering”, and Pickle, a 68-year old successful Las Vegas they showed their skill and determination contractor, who loves pool and backs it up in the lower-skilled Women’s Standard 8with the support of his fellow players at the Ball Teams division by placing three of them Las Vegas Cue Club. The in the top four places! Cue Club, owned by Dick’s Athletic Lettering #1 (Kristie friend Henry Nogiec, sent a Smith, Carla Bury, Deidre number of teams to the ACS Ludwick and Suellen Nationals this year, courtesy Romesburg) claimed the of host league operator championship, while Athletic Greg Kuhl, and Dick’s Men’s Senior 8-Ball Singles Lettering #2 (Carey Jenkins, Bill Mason strategy of fielding quality Denna Neal, Beth Longmire teams in every skill division and Donna Steepe) took almost ran the table. While runner-up and Athletic Dick patiently sweated Lettering #3 (Julie Myers, every match as each team’s Jennifer Hawthorne, Heidi official scorer, the Runkle and Megan Strott) separately-manned “Dick’s placed 4th. Women’s 9-Ball Singles Pick” teams won the Kit Dennis Ike Runnels of Hopkins Park, national titles in Men’s IL, took down 1st place Master 9-Ball Teams (Ron Allen, Richard honors in the Speed Pool Challenge, 2nd White & Tim Glass), Men’s Standard 8-Ball place in the Men’s 9-Ball Singles and 4th Teams [for lesser-skilled players] (Errol place in the Men’s Masters 8-Ball Singles. Sharron, Ken Miller, Cortez Woodson, Ohio made a statement with Toledo’s Rocky Phipps and Bruce Barrette) and took Danny Smith taking down Men’s 9-Ball 18 & Under Jr 8-Ball Singles 3rd-place honors in Men’s Open 8-Ball Singles and claiming the runner-up honors Ryan Behnke Teams (Tom Alvey Jr., Henry Nogiec, Tim to his fellow Ohioan, Tony Mougey Glass, Ron Allen, Richard White and Dick (Columbus), in the Men’s Masters 8-Ball Pickle). Singles. The River City Billiards League Other scenarios included two former out of Omaha, NE won multi-honors as well master players - Barbara Yeager (Suffolk, with Champions in the Open Scotch VA) and Kit Dennis (Ridgefield, WA) Doubles division (Rebecca Anderson/Joe reclaiming the top-tier status again via titles Shanks) and the Men’s Open 8-Ball Team in the Women’s Open 8-Ball Singles and division (“Gotta Have It” w/ Joe Shanks, the Women’s 9-Ball Singles respectively. Dustin Gunia, Ron Utterback, Lee Norton Both also anchored their teams’ stellar play and Zack Willis). Jessica Frideres (Ft. in the Women’s Open 8-Ball Teams Dodge, IA) won both Women’s Speed Pool division, as Dennis’s Nitehawk (incl. Becky and Master Scotch Doubles (with her Super Senior 8-Ball Singles Mowdy, Judy Griffith and Faye Fang) partner Dustin Gunia), while Palatine, Illinois’ Madison Adkins outlasted Yeager’s Newtowne Naturals Tina Larsen continued her string of national honors by collecting Champion and runnerup honors in Women’s Masters 8-Ball Singles and Master Scotch Doubles (with partner Dan Taylor) respectively. Southern Amusement Pool League (Norfolk, VA) captured two titles with Bill Mason (Virginia Beach, VA) in Men’s Senior 8-Ball Singles and “Footers” (Toni Barnes, Tiffiny Ebner and Elesha Patterson) in Women’s 9-Ball Teams. Canada won in the Men’s Standard 8-Ball Singles division (Rainer Kambach Calgary, AB), the Pro/Masters “6 Reds” Snooker competition (Lester Mianskum North Bay, ON) and Brad Rautio’s (New Westminster, BC) successful defense of title in the NWPA “Las Vegas Open” Wheelchair event; while Team Canada (Odie Willet, Pat MaCarthy, Eriks Malderis and Lester Mianskum) reclaimed the 3rd Annual Can-Am Snooker Challenge trophy from Team USA. Solo titlists included Connie Lackey (Portage, IN) in Women’s Senior 8-Ball July 2008 photos and article from John Lewis, ACS Executive Director Men’s 9-Ball Singles Danny Smith Women’s Open 8-Ball Singles Barbara Yeager Women’s Sr 8-Ball Singles Connie Lackey Women’s Masters 8-Ball Singles Tina Larsen NWPA Las Vegas Open Brad Rautio July 2008 2008 ACS Nationals JUST ANOTHER TOURNAMENT? NO WAY 11 Singles, Richard Blauer (Port Byron, IL) in Men’s on Friday. On Friday we prepared for the winner’s Open 8-Ball Singles, Niki Phillipi (Aloha, OR) in bracket match against Side Pocket from W o m e n ’ s Colorado. This match finished in much the same Standard 8-Ball Singles, Madison A d k i n s By Judy Griffith (Winchester, KY) in It is hard to find the words to Super Senior 8-Ball describe the feelings that go Singles, Ryan through you when competing for Behnke (Farley, IA) a National title. Your emotions run in 18 & Under the gamut from very high to very Junior 8-Ball low, and everything in between. Singles, David We started out in the Women’s Trujillo (Pueblo, Speed Pool Team Event telling each other we CO) in 14 & Under Ike Runnels, Jessica Frideres were just going to try and do our Junior 8-Ball best, and let the chips fall where they Singles, Louisiana’s “Just Put Together” (Michael Women’s Open 8-Ball Team Champions - “Nitehawk” (WA) lay. We won both of our matches on Singleton, Luke Coffey and Robert Hawes) in (L to R) Faye Fang, Judy Griffith, Becky Mowdy and Kit Dennis Wednesday, and decided that we may have a shot at placing in the way as the second match on Thursday. It was money. Then we played two matches on déjà vue all over again. The match went hill-hill Thursday and won both of them. Our with Kit playing the deciding game again. Could second match on Thursday was against she pull it off again? The remaining team Fort Crook Billiards from Nebraska. The members, Becky, Judy, and Faye, resumed their match went hill-hill, with Kit Dennis familiar position, holding hands, Judy chanting playing the deciding game. Becky Mowdy, Come On Kit, Faye repeating over and over, Just Faye Fang, and Judy Griffith, sat holding and squeezing each others hands during that whole match, trying to Men’s Master 9-Ball Team Champions - “Dick’s Pick” - NV (L to R): Ron Allen, Richard White, Dick Pickle and Tim Glass help Kit by trying to will the balls into the pockets. When Men’s Open 9-Ball Teams, Dan Taylor (Hickory Kit cinched the difficult 8-ball all the Hills, IL) in the ACS National Artistic Pool way down the rail for the win, the Championship and Bill Powell (Portage, IN) in three of us jumped up screaming. Open “6 Reds” Snooker. Becky accidentally hit Faye in the The ACS Nationals enjoyed a 7% increase in head, and Judy accidentally banged team entries in 2008 and is looking forward to Becky’s hosting ever-increasing numbers at its Women’s Open 9-Ball Teams - “Footers” - VA 2009 ACS Nationals, May 31 - June 6, hand on (L to R) Elesha Patterson, Toni Barnes, Tiffiny Ebner when the ACS Championships t h e immediately follow the VNEA underside of the table. Hold Me! and Becky sending forth her usual International Championships ending on Kit was our Queen for positive enforcements to Kit. BULLSEYE, Kit did May 30) at the Riviera in Las Vegas! the Day. We now knew it again - what a SHOOTER!!! We jumped up The ACS Nationals continues to be the that we would be and down, rushed Kit, and gave her all our hugs. national championship of choice for playing for the winner We were going to be playing in the league and amateur players who desire of the winner’s bracket (ACS continued on page 12) to compete in more divisions of play while taking their pool vacation in Las Vegas! For more information on Master Scotch Doubles sanctioning any league with the ACS, Jessica Frideres, Dustin Gunia joining as a player member or gaining referee or instructor/coach certification, go to www.americancuesports.org. 12 ACS continued from page 11 2008 ACS Nationals Women’s Standard 8-Ball Teams - “Athletic Lettering #1” - PA (L to R) Kristie Smith, Carla Bury, Deidre Ludwick, Suellen Romesburg Men’s Open 8-Ball Singles Richard Blauer 14 & Under Jr 8-Ball Singles David Trujillo Men’s Masters 8-Ball Singles Tony Mougey July 2008 ACS National Artistic Pool Championship Dan Taylor, Tom “Dr Cue” Rossman Championship match. Now we just had to wait and see who was going to come through the B side to challenge us. We kept telling each other that it just didn’t matter, we were going to take it in one match. Right from the start you could see that the opposing team had ideas of their own. We played Newtowne Naturals from Virginia. We dug down deep, and gave it our all. Judy won her game to tie the match up at 7-7. Faye lost her game to make it 7-8, then Becky lost her game to bring it to 7-9, then Kit won her game to bring the match to 8-9. Then Becky’s face turned the familiar red, and you knew she was not going to let that game get away from her. Becky tied the game up 9-9. Now it was all in Kit’s corner and she played it like a pro. The three of us assumed the position again, only this time we were telling each other it’s in the bag. Judy was sitting with her head down chanting, let me her Kit’s balls dropping, let me hear the ball’s dropping, Faye was all teared up and Women’s Std 8-Ball Singles squirming in her chair, and Becky was saying “let’s not hurt each other this time”. We Niki Phillipi were squeezing each other’s hands so tight we cut off our circulation. When that 8-ball dropped we jumped up screaming in total disbelief that Kit had pulled it off again. We were the 2008 Women’s 8-Ball Team National Champions. I was very proud to be from Oregon/ Washington. Our players from this area did very well at the National Tournament. Pat Mowdy took second in the Seniors 8-Ball Singles, Nikki Phillipi won the Women’s 8Ball Standard Division, Kit Dennis won the Women’s 9-Ball Singles and took third in the Women’s Master 8-Ball Singles, Cedric Men’s Open 9-Ball Teams - “Just Put Together” - LA Sloan took 7th/8th in the 9-Ball Singles and (L to R) Michael Singleton, Luke Coffey, Robert Hawes 7th/8th in the Men’s Master 8-Ball Singles, Steve Peterson took 9th/12th in the Men’s 9-Ball Singles, Allen Smart placed 17th/24th in the Men’s 9-Ball Singles and 25th/32nd in the Men’s Open 8-Ball Singles, Jay Collins placed 9th/12th in the Men’s Open 8-Ball Singles, Susan Preston took 13th/16th in the Women’s Open 8-Ball Singles, Bob Prouty finished 7th/8th in the Men’s Standard 8-Ball Singles, Albert Williams placed 17th/24th in the Men’s Standard 8-Ball Singles, Brandon Stephens finished 3rd in the 18 & Under Junior 8-Ball Singles, Byron Weiker finished 2nd in the 14 & Under Junior 8-Ball Singles, and The Pool Dawgs from Beaverton, finished 13th/16th in the Men’s Standard 8-Ball Teams. Congradulations to everyone. GREAT JOB! (ACS Results continued on page 14) Men’s Std 8-Ball Singles Rainer Kambach Men’s Open 8-Ball Teams - “Gotta Have It” - NE (L to R) Joe Shanks, Dustin Bunia, Ron Utterback, Lee Norton, Zack Willis Open Scotch Doubles Rebecca Anderson, Joe Shanks Men’s Standard 8-Ball Teams - “Dicks Picks” - NV (L to R) Errol Sharron, Ken Miller, Cortez Woodson, Rocky Phipps, Bruce Barrette July 2008 13 NWPA at UNCLE JACK’S NWPA HOLDS ITS THIRD TOUR STOP wait as Andy only let her have 3 games. This put Andy back against Liz Chris Rogers and Ford; Tournament for all the marbles, but she also Directors couldn’t revenge her earlier loss and It was Father’s Day weekend, the Liz won easily 9-2. sun was shining outside and Thanks once again to all who helped barbeques and golf clubs were being and played. Any shot clock volunteer cleaned of rust. Meanwhile, the is a hero in my book. Congratulations NWPA was at Uncle Jack’s Billiards to Liz Cole for another win and to Andy in Lynnwood WA playing pool, Ruth for her first (but doubtfully her watching Tiger on the big screen in last) finals. We again thank Uncle the bar, and enjoying the food and Jack’s for holding our event and drinks. Seems like a decent trade off, adding $500. We will be in Kenmore, but is having a women’s tournament WA at the new Golden Fleece pool hall on Father’s Day good timing or not? in July. See you all there. The jury is still out. 1st Liz Cole $455 The 31 players who signed up didn’t 2nd Andy Ruth $300 (l to r) Andy Ruth, Liz Cole, Ford TD, Kawaii (Uncle Jack’s) seem to mind, and we had a busy 3rd Linda Carter $195 Saturday, playing non-stop for over 11 hours. This meant that there were 4th Mikki Small $155 only 8 players to make it to Sunday. In the first A side match, Linda Carter 5/6 Andrea Saenz-Maes, Cindy Sliva $90 played Andy Ruth, who won a great hill-hill match against Andrea Saenz7/8 Cindy Doty, Junko Camantigue $70 Maes to get there, and she didn’t stop there, beating Linda 7-2. The other match was Mikki Small against Liz Cole, who had to survive a determined effort from Elaine Eberly7-5. She also continued winning and took Mikki 7The Salem, Oregon 4. On the B side it was the Cindy’s with Sliva edging Doty 7-5, and Andrea taking Junko Camantigue 7-4. But Mikki got her next and won 7-5. This put Cindy Sliva (who won our last event) against Linda and they played like champions but Linda won 7-6 in a nail biter. The point match was one table over from this, and as great as Andy had played up to this point, Liz was just too much, winning 7-3. Andy then played Linda, who won her second hill-hill match in a row, this time over Mikki. We know Linda wanted revenge for her earlier loss to Andy, but it will have to Cue Ball Results June 14th Rocky Mountain Gaming 27 YEAR SPONSOR CHARTER MEMBER GOOD LUCK IN VEGAS BOZEMAN Eagles American Legion Crystal Bar Scoop Molly Brown Cats Paw Filling Station The Pourhouse The Haufbrau BELGRADE Lucky Cuss The Hub Bar Friendly MANHATTAN Sir Scott’s Oasis American Legion THREE FORKS Frontier Bar Town Club (l to r) Tony Tipton, Theresa Palmer, Russell Cearley photo and results courtesy of www.thecueball.com Serving all of Arizona Tired of playing at the same level? Trust a BCA instructor and a Proud Member of the SPF family CARL STEWART, BSIT, BCA, SPF AZBILLIARDACADEMY@GMAIL.COM www.arizonabilliardacademy.com Player Rating Place Cash Points Russell Cearley Tony Tipton Theresa Palmer Joe Messman Edward Arndt Mike Jarvis Ressie Alvaran Wayne Willet AA B B B B AA B A 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5-6th 5-6th 7-8th 7-8th 200 120 80 50 25 25 10 10 5525 Freeland Ave #4 (Behind new Windermere building, Across from Island Athletic Club) 360-331-1979 "The Place T ool On South Whidbe Too Play P Pool Whidbeyy " "Freeland Shootout" 100 75 60 50 40 40 30 30 The East Bay’ Bay’ss Finest Billiard Room 20 Beautiful Pool T ables Tables Full Bar - Full Kitchen 8 Ball Tournament - July 27th Pro Shop - Smoking Lounge Private Party Facilities BCA Rules - Call Pocket - Race to 5 Wnners Bracket Race to 3 Losers Bracket - Race to 7 Final Match Four 9’ Tables - Double Elimination Sunday - July 27, 2008 - Entry Fee $30 TOURNAMENT 2ND WEEKEND OF EVERY MONTH $150 Added with 32 Players First 32 Paid Will Play Players Meeting 9:00 AM Start 10:00 AM Contact Mike "Houdini" Dolan for more info 360-331-1979 or 360-359-0568 Monday College Night Tuesday USPPA Tournament Wednesday Ladies Night Located at the Public Market in Emeryville across from the Emberybay Cinema (510) 652-9808 6005 Shellmound Emeryville, CA 14 2008 ACS Results (winners recieved trophies) MEN’S 9-BALL SINGLES 1st Danny Smith OH $1,500 2nd Isaac Runnels IL $1,100 3rd Mike Dechaine ME $800 4th Josh Johnson IA $600 5-6 Crispian Ng TX $500 Richard Blauer IL 7-8 Larry Wilson BC $400 Cedric Sloan OR 9-12 Tony Zierman MN $300 Tony Mougey OH Steven Peterson WA Timothy Craig IA 13-16 Dustin Gunia NE $200 Randy Kukla NV Frank Tran NV Shane Gummerson ON WOMEN’S 9-BALL SINGLES 1st Katrina Dennis WA $1,000 2nd Stacey Lantz FL $700 3rd Sharon Morrison ON $400 4th Tina Larsen IL $300 5-6th Andrea Wilson BC $250 Sondra Friestad NV 7-8 Rhonda Wright LA $150 Patricia Anderson IA 9-12 Gina Knight (Chicago, IL $100 Caroline Coffey LA Marissa Herum MN Samantha Patton KY MEN’S MASTERS 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Anthony Mougey OH $2,000 2nd Danny Smith OH $1,500 3rd Antonio F. Tenorio SPAIN $1,000 4th Isaac Runnels IL $700 5-6 Carlos Santos BC $400 Alvin Lawrence NV 7-8 Josh Johnson IA $250 Cedric Sloan OR MEN’S MASTERS 8-BALL SINGLES SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Dustin Gunia NE $400 2nd Jeff Heath CA $190 3-4th Jerrod Frideres IA $100 Dan Schneider WI WOMEN’S MASTERS 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Tina Larsen IL $2,000 2nd Jessica Frideres IA $1,100 3rd Katrina Dennis WA $600 4th Angela Voorhees IL $400 MEN’S OPEN 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Richard Blauer IL $3,500 2nd Zack Willis NE $2,500 3rd David Perry VA $1,600 4th Randy Kukla NV $1,000 5-6 Jeff Jolliffe AB $800 Michael Singleton LA 7-8th Barry Peddle NF $550 Gary Burke BC 9-12 Harry Kernodle VA $400 Rocky Phipps NV Ian Machatis AB Jay Collins OR 13-16 Timothy Glass NV $300 Craig Payne BC Romeo Malonzo VA Scott Laird IL MEN’S OPEN 8-BALL SINGLES - SPORTSMAN 1st Gregg Cairns AB $400 2nd Vernon Steinke VA $200 3-4 Edgar Lopez FL $100 Warren Carter KY 5-8 Geofrey Schriver NC $50 Paul Ward ID Lance Allen NF Lee Norton NE WOMEN’S OPEN 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Barbara Yeager VA $2,000 2nd Trina Blackman AB $1,000 3rd Ann Bellamy VA $600 4th Mary Ellen Clements VA $400 5-6th Samantha Matuska ND $250 Shawn Modelo CA 7-8th Sharon Morrison ON $200 Julie Ann Mitchell IN 9-12 Rachel Johnson IL $150 Sandra Walsh CO Connie Eddins VA Susan Preston OR 13-16 Patricia Cook FL $100 Pamela Fletcher NV Donna Whitcomb IA Jennifer Freeman IL WOMEN’S OPEN 8-BALL SINGLES SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Gina Knight IL $335 2nd Colleen Jaltuch IL $200 3-4 Teresa Eibner AZ $100 Suzanne Dolan IL MEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Rainer Kambach AB $1,500 2nd Terry Anderson IA $1,100 3rd Steve Vezmarovic BC $730 4th Jorge Roman VA $530 5-6 Jim Roller NM $400 Rick Crotty NF 7-8 David Demers AB $300 Bob Prouty OR 9-12 James Brooks NH $200 Richard Wetzel NM Gordon Piche AB Michael Forbes NC 13-16 Justin Goplin CO $150 Brian Harrell VA Tony Casas NV Shawn Telban BC MEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL SINGLES SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Aaron Watchmaker AB $400 2nd Kim Reeves BC $200 3-4th Steve Adams NV $100 Timothy LaFord MA 5-8th Brad Lewis MA $50 Ken Wandvik NV Mikel Bray FL Richard Daigle AB WOMEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Niki Phillipi OR $1,400 2nd Kristie Smith PA $1,000 3rd Luz Selbe VA $615 4th Linda McCoy FL $350 5-6th Maria Davis VA $250 Cathy Swearingen TX 7-8th Renee Hendricks MN $175 Amy Sicheneder IL 9-12th Karen Lopez IL $125 Amy Rhead BC Pollyanna Affolter FL Meredith Johnson IL WOMEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL SINGLES SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Deidre Ludwick PA $400 2nd Tina Miles VA $200 3-4th Jamie Cook MN $100 Angela Garner KY 5-8th Susie Losh VA $50 Patty Marcotte AB Deanna Neal PA Jean Ann Bauer MN MEN’S SENIOR 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Bill Mason VA $1,100 2nd Pat Mowdy WA $800 3rd James Johnson II IL $600 4th Lawrence Behrens NV $390 5-6th Richard Arensdorf KY $275 Tom Fankhauser IL 7-8th James Dyce ON $150 Rod Sawdo ON 9-12th James Nelson NF $100 Max Martinez CO Jay Wegener MN Larry Hout IL MEN’S SENIOR 8-BALL SINGLES SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st John Black ON $400 2nd David Carr IL $200 3-4th Phillip Jones KY $100 Reuben McFarland ON 5-8th Jerry Watts KY $50 Derrell Smith LA Shelton Simpson VA Jerry Swarer OK WOMEN’S SENIOR 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Connie Lackey IN $1,000 2nd Clare Marsh NE $600 3rd Raelene Hoogendorn VA $400 4th Suellen Romesburg PA $250 5-6th Connie Summers IL $150 Wanda Thompson OK WOMEN’S SENIOR 8-BALL SINGLES SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Lee White AZ $285 2nd Yvonne Burgess AZ $150 3-4th Brenda Shelley TX $100 Jane Yates Hammock TX 5-8th Lee White AZ $50 Marilyn Damman MO Sandra Chamberlain OK Sheila McDonald NS SUPER SENIOR 8-BALL SINGLES 1st Madison Adkins KY $1,000 2nd Jack Ely FL $700 3rd Gary Norman IA $500 4th Don Harp CA $375 5-6th Gerald Nelson IL $250 Milton Stack IL SUPER SENIOR 8-BALL SINGLES SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Kenneth Haynie IL $370 2nd Richard Ware MO $200 18 & UNDER JUNIOR 8-BALL SINGLES (Paid in U.S. Savings Bond) 1st Ryan Behnke IA $500 2nd Dan Hathaway ON $300 3rd Brandon Stephens OR $200 14 & UNDER JUNIOR 8-BALL SINGLES (Paid in U.S. Savings Bond) 1st David Trujillo CO $500 2nd Byron Weiker OR $300 3rd Cody Rossetti VA) $200 Complete results online at: www.americancuesports.org LARGEST BILLIARD PARLOR IN LAKEWOOD, WA 4 TABLES AND BLACK LIGHT POOL SPORTS BAR & GRILL THURSDA Y: 9 Ball 7:00 pm THURSDAY Karaoke SUNDA Y: 8 Ball 6:00 pm SUNDAY Sun-Thurs 7 pm Valley rules - $5 entry - Matching Pot Valley rules - $5 entry - Matching Pot 1 am - 3 pm 11 FREE POOL Mon-Fri 1 DJ Fri-Sat Live Poker Daily at 10 am Hold-em and Omaha 3663 Pacific Ave SE #D - Olympia, WA (360) 412-1330 Open Daily from 5pm - 2am GOLDEN TEE 2006 “EXTRA” GOLF TOURNAMENT Every Saturday at 9:30pm WORLD’S ONLY 8-LINKED SET OF S.F. RUSH 2049 Video Racing Tournaments Every Friday Night at 9pm BILLIARD TOURNAMENTS 8-BALL, EVERY TUES AT 8PM, OPEN TABLES 9-BALL, EVERY SUN AT 8PM, OPEN TABLES 50% ADDED PAYING DOWN 75% OF FIELD TACOMA, WASHINGTON’S PREMIER SPORTS DARTS & PINBALL! KILLER MUSIC & AWSOME FOOD! FREE POOL All day on Sundays CASUAL & COMFORTABLE ATMOSPHERE FEATURING HARD LIQUOR! 10011 Bridgeport Way SW 253-581-2580 July 2008 MASTER SCOTCH DOUBLES 1st Jessica Frideres IA $1,000 Dustin Gunia NE 2nd Tina Larsen $700 Dan Taylor IL 3rd Andrea Wilson $460 Larry Wilson BC 4th Patricia Cook $300 Jeffrey Hughes FL OPEN SCOTCH DOUBLES 1st Rebecca Anderson $2000 Joe Shanks NE 2nd Kara Leonard $1200 Gregg Cairns AB 3rd Christy Goldsmith $900 Richard White NV 4th April Kasstan $700 Roderick Sawdo ON 5-6th Jennifer Freeman $500 Eddie Jackson IL Barbara Yeager, Harry Kernodle VA 7-8th Patty Anderson $400 Terry Anderson IA Ann Bellamy, Vern Steinke VA 9-12th Vickie McCoy $300 Allen Crockett IL Rhonda Wright, Rodney Browne III LA Donna Whitcomb, Larry Hout IL Trina Blackman, James Blackman AB 13-16th Rachel Klein-Johnson $200 Bob Johnson IL Teresa Jones, Jorge Roman VA Diana Wirt, Buddy Wirt VA Pamela Fletcher, Dennis Fletcher NV MEN’S OPEN 8-BALL TEAMS 1st Gotta Have It NE $4,000 2nd LTB Came To Play IL $2,500 3rd Dick’s Pick NV $1,500 4th Black Ball Down MN $1,000 5-6th Team Canada Eh! AB $700 Over “8” Ed BC 7-8th Las Vegas Cue Club NV $550 What’s Gonna Happen BC 9-12th Stick It In The Hole IL $400 Brass Bell No Hold Barr VA Wrecking Crew II LA Wrecking Crew I LA 13-16th Sharks MO $300 Pockets I IL Silver Cue 3 KY Comin In Late ON MEN’S OPEN 8-BALL TEAMS - SPORTSMAN 1st Bare Down IL $575 2nd Dooly’s NF $300 3-4th Jerry’s Kids IL $200 Waterway Raw & Grill PA 5-8th Silver Cue 2 KY $100 Eagles I TX Just A Shot ON Squires Fryers KY WOMEN’S OPEN 8-BALL TEAMS 1st Nitehawk OR $2,000 2nd Newtowne Naturals VA $1,200 3rd Side Pocket CO $800 4th That’s Our Cue!! IL $550 5-6th Fort Crook Billiards NE $300 Footers Femme Fatale VA WOMEN’S OPEN 8-BALL TEAMS SPORTSMAN 1st Last Minute ON $400 2nd Ball Envy NE $200 3-4th Northern Avengers AZ $100 Recovery Room IL MEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL TEAMS 1st Dick’s Picks NV $2,500 2nd Knuckleheads VA $1,500 3rd Slayers AB $1,000 4th Salt & Pepper Bud IL $650 5-6th No Excueses AB $500 Rack Masters NH 7-8th Mel’s Place #1 NC $400 Mel’s Place #2 NC 9-12 Crash & Burn NM $300 Ready Room Grumpy VA MF Shooters GA Lenny’s Legacy FL 13-16 Newtowne Rack Runners VA $200 Doug & The Slugs VA Pool Dawgs OR Natural Talent BC July 2008 2008 ACS Results MEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL TEAMS SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Scorgasm BC $500 2nd Sewer Boys ON $300 3-4th Skins CO $100 Fun Cue 2 FL WOMEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL TEAMS 1st Athletic Lettering #1 PA $1,500 2nd Athletic Lettering #2 PA $1,000 3rd Eagles W/@-uh-2d TX $725 4th Athletic Lettering #3 PA $500 5-6th Finish Line IL $300 Sweet Shots TX WOMEN’S STANDARD 8-BALL TEAMS SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Rackin Rascals FL $300 2nd Lady Cobras MN $200 3-4th Scoreboard Scorers VA $100 Matrix ON MEN’S MASTERS 9-BALL TEAMS 1st Dick’s Picks NV $2,000 2nd Las Vegas Cue Club NV $1,000 3rd Main Street Tavern NE $600 4th Over “8” Ed BC $400 WOMEN’S OPEN 9-BALL TEAMS 1st Footers VA $1,500 2nd Main Street Tavern NE $900 3rd Win or Go Home IL $500 4th 1 Bill & No Sense IL $225 WOMEN’S OPEN 9-BALL TEAMS SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Recovery Room IL $150 MEN’S OPEN 9-BALL TEAMS 1st Just Put Together LA $2,000 2nd Bad Action FL $1,200 3rd Main Event SC $850 4th Smokies Bob VA $600 5-6th Greenies VA $400 Thud IL 7-8th Shelbyville KY $250 Black Ball Down MN MEN’S OPEN 9-BALL TEAMS - SPORTSMAN DIVISION 1st Mad Dogz 2 AB $575 2nd Mad Dogz 1 AB $300 NWPA-SANCTIONED “LAS VEGAS OPEN” WHEELCHAIR CHAMPIONSHIP 1st Brad Rautio BC $650 2nd Aaron Aragon CA $500 3rd Bill Frisby MN $400 4th Danny Luton ENGLAND $300 5-6th Michael Langley ENGLAND $200 Charles Interrante PA 7-8th Terry Guess MO $150 Jerry Dale SD 9-12th Alex Hutchins AL $75 Bob Calderon NV William Downs IL Gene Saraceno CA 13-15th Jeff Winters TX $50 Craig Welsh ON John Van Gorder NV “LAS VEGAS OPEN” SPORTS DIVISION 1st Carl Levesque ON $150 2nd Jerry Dale SD $100 ACS NATIONAL ARTISTIC POOL CHAMPIONSHIP (Winners recieve Free Entry to Dr. Cue Cup) 1st Dan Taylor IL $500 2nd Harry Kernodle VA $350 3rd Danny Smith OH $200 4th Joe Lynch FL $100 5th Stacey Lantz FL $50 6th Jerrod Frideres IA $50 7-8th Jessica Frideres IA $25 Pat McMullan IL $25 SPEED POOL CHALLENGE MEN: 1st Isaac Runnels IL $300 2nd Jerrod Frideres IA $210 3rd Pat McMullan IL $150 4th Dustin Gunia NE $100 5-8th Tony Sifventez IL $60 Antonio Fanzanes SPAIN Josh Johnson IA Keith Hayden WOMEN: 1st Jessica Frideres IA $105 2nd Stacey Lantz FL $65 3rd Heather Lavin IL $45 4th Molly Wilder IL $35 3RD ANNUAL CAN-AM SNOOKER CHALLENGE Team Canada (Pat McCarthy, Eriks Malderis, Lester Mianskum and Odie Willet) defeated Team USA (Paul Kimura, Jack Kung , George Lai and Truman Wu) 11-9 PRO/MASTERS ‘6 REDS” SNOOKER 1st Lester Mianskum ON $325 2nd Jose Parica PHILIPPINES $175 3-4th Chris Sheerin NV $75 Patrick McCarthy ON OPEN “6 REDS” SNOOKER $30 added = $190 total prize fund 1st Bill Powell IN $100 2nd Lyle Nicholson AB $50 3-4th Warren Carter KY $20 Guy Nicklin AB SCOTCH DOUBLES BEST DRESSED: Sharon Morrison/John Traverse ON MEN’S BEST DRESSED TEAM: Terminators (Fort Mohave, AZ) WOMEN’S BEST DRESSED TEAM: Aged To Perfection (Calgary, AB) LEAGUE OPERATORS OF THE YEAR: Patricia DeFreece - Truman Lake ACS MO Billy Huff - Beaumont Pool League TX John Leyman - Amsterdam Billiards + Bar NY Lila Trudel - Chattanooga Billiard Club TN Mike Wilson - S. Amusement Pool League VA Richard Ware - Truman Lake ACS MO REFEREE OF THE YEAR: Bill Powell (Portage, IN) Billiard’aires Club 5510 W Clearwater Kennewick, WA 360.783.4071 7 - 9’ Diamond Pool Tables 12’ Snooker Table No Alcohol - No Smoking Snacks & Soft Drinks open Noon - Midnight Harry B Platis Platis Law Firm Fighting for your rights since 1970 OUR SPECIALTIES MEDICAL MALPRACTICE PERSONAL INJURY AUTO ACCIDENTS PRODUCT LIABILITY CONSTRUCTION / WORKSITE INJURIES Platis Law Firm 20016 Cedar Valley Rd Lynnwood, WA Phone - 425-776-3888 Toll Free - 1-800-245-3777 Fax - 425-775-9761 Email - hplatis@platislaw.com Kick Up Your Heels 15 And Celebrate A Good Break! By Roger Long, Advanced Certified Instructor This article was written a few years back, but it covers an ageless subject, so it was time to drag it out of mothballs and run it again. Is your 9-Ball break as bad as mine? Let me rephrase that. Is your 9-Ball break as bad as mine used to be? My break didn’t start out all that bad. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until I started trying to improve my break that it started getting worse. In the quest for a better 9-Ball break, I have tried Roger Long a lot of different techniques. But a couple of facts hold true on the break regardless of the methods used, and those facts are: You must generate as much speed as possible, and you must follow through as far as possible. For a long time, everything I tried just didn’t seem to help me get any more speed or more follow through. Sometimes, things even seemed to get worse. I gripped the cue farther back on the butt. Then I gripped the cue farther forward. I lengthened my bridge. Then I shortened it. I stood more upright. Then I got real low. I worked on my concentration and timing. Then I said to heck with the concentration, I’ll just try to throw the cue as hard as I can. (My timing wasn’t bad on that technique…my cue nailed some guy just as he got halfway across the room.) But I kept trying and trying and trying. And still, nothing, nothing, nothing. Then one day I was looking at a pool magazine and in it were some side-byside pictures of three of the top male professionals, all caught in the act of breaking racks of 9-Ball. I quickly noticed that their breaking forms were almost identical. All three of these men are known to be great 9-Ball breakers, so I decided that I had better pay real close attention to the little things these guys have in common. And that’s when I learned something vitally important! Now, what I’m about to reveal to you really should go into the “I didn’t want to have to show you this” category, because I might have to play some of you in future competitions and I really hate having my own advice used against me. Oh well, here goes. The first thing I noticed about the players in the pictures was how far they were following through on their break shots. They were high up over the table and their arms were fully extended. Being up high over the table during the break allows the player the needed clearance to swing from the shoulder, which in turn allows the maximum follow through. Then my eyes went to their feet where I noticed that they were all up on the toes of their forward foot. That explained how they were getting that maximum height and extension. Then I noticed that each player’s rear foot was kicked up behind him as high as he could get it! Now what the heck did that have to do with anything? Curious as to why three great 9-Ball breakers would all feel the need to kick up their heels, I took the technique to the practice table. Man, what a difference! Kicking up the rear foot is the first single technique that has ever made a significant difference in the effectiveness of my break. Since incorporating a kick into my 9-Ball break, my “Good Break” percentage (dropping at least one ball without scratching) has risen about 20%! So, to answer my own question concerning the kick, I would have to surmise that what it does is two things: First, it helps you get up on the toes of your forward foot for height extension; then, it helps you pivot forward from the waist for better follow- through extension. Next time you’re watching a professional play 9-Ball, keep an eye on his rear foot when he breaks. He’ll probably be kicking his own butt, and kicking his opponent’s as well. Jointed Cue Billiards “Still making the best burgers in town!” 19 Tables Weekly Tournaments Billiard Supplies - Cue Repair Hours: 9am - 1am Sunday - Thursday 9am - 2am Friday and Saturday 2375 Fruitridge Rd - Sacramento, CA 916-456-2284 Bernie Pettipiece W ins Wins 16 Story courtesy of AZ Billiards Info Newspaper The 2008 Desert Classic Tour was at Kolby’s Corner Pocket in Tempe, Arizona, for the 3rd leg of their 2008 tour. Up for grabs was the title of “2008 Arizona State Straight Pool Champion”. Bernie Pettipiece won the tournament when he defeated Scott Frost in the finals. Chuck Evans finished third and Tres Kane finished fourth. The tour directors are Dennis Orender and Jimmy Mendoza. “On the rail” site owner, Lenny Marshall, was on hand to provide internet live stream for the event as well. The Tournament kicked off on Saturday, June 21st, with 42 players prepared to make a run for the state title. Straight Pool enthusiasts such as Jimmy Mendoza, Babe Thompson, and Bernie Pettipiece, were only a few of the favorites on hand for the tournament. After play on Saturday, twelve players returned on Sunday and found themselves in the cash. Returning on Sunday with one loss were Tres Kane, Babe Thompson, Jimmy Mendoza and Dennis Orender. Returning on Sunday with no losses were Mike Williams, Chuck Evans, Bernie Pettipiece, David Wiseman, Scott Frost, Gus Briseno, Paul Grande and Bobby Emmons. As Sunday afternoon approached, only Chuck Evans and Scott Frost remained on the winner’s side, to play for the hot SUPER SCOTCH DOUBLES Rixx Images Bernie Pettipiece seat. Scott defeated Chuck and sent him to the one-loss side of the board. While Scott was making quick work of opponents on the A side of the bracket, Tres Kane was quietly making his run on the B side. After losing his second match of the tournament on Saturday, Tres rolled off an amazing seven straight victories, before falling victim to Bernie Pettipiece. Tres settled for 4th place, while Bernie moved on to defeat Chuck, who settled for third. The finals saw two Kolby’s regulars facing off for the state title, in a one race final to 125. Scott quickly jumped out to a 33-6 lead, only to watch as Bernie methodically fought his way back into the match. The two players exchanged runs until Bernie scratched on a cut shot, while leading 92-86. Upon reaching 100, Scott was faced with a cross-side bank shot on the one ball. Scott missed the bank and it appeared Main Street Billiards June 21, 2008. 1st $120* EdSperka/ Ed Hogan 2nd $60* Jay Parker/ Neil Higgins 3rd $40* Eric Bueller/ Chris Campbell * Winnings does not include the side pots Lenny Marshall AKA Fast Lenny presented the opportunity for pool enthusiasts all over the world to watch the live streaming of the 14.1 tournament held at Kolby’s in Tempe, Arizona. This was Lenny’s third streaming event and the quality of his stream is improving and is a work in progress. The technology to live stream is relatively SUPER SCOTCH DOUBLES JULY 19TH AT 1PM ENTRY $20 PER TEAM - OPENS AT NOON 25 - 9’ Gold Crowns 22 - 7’ Dynamos 8640 E Broadway Tucson, AZ 85710 (520) 546-3464 Valentino, who took home first and second, respectively, for the eight and under side pot. In addition to winning the state title, Bernie Pettipiece also took home the highest run bonus with a 71. The Desert Classic Tour would like to thank all of the sponsors for the 2008 season: On Q Cases, Visual Impressions, Teague Custom Cues, Law Offices of Aldon G. Terpstra, Tiger Products, Keith Nickerson Custom Cues, Nick Varner Custom Cues and Cases, Rixx Pixx, AzBilliards Info Newspaper, Graphic Design and Leather Wraps by Jeff Pranke, azpoolscene.com, Breakball Promotions, and TXT web design. A special thanks to Lenny Marshall, who provided the internet live stream for this event. The fourth stop of the Arizona Desert Classic Tour will be on July 26-27, at Metro Sports Bar, in Phoenix, Arizona. This will be a 9-ball event played on 7' bar tables. Please visit www.desertclassictour.com for further tour information. 1. $1220 Bernie Pettipiece 2. $695 Scott Frost 3. $350 Chuck Evans 4. $225 Tres Kane 5-6 $150 Jimmy Mendoza, Paul Grande 7-8 $100 Bobby Emmons, Babe Thompson 9-12 $75 Mike Williams, Dennis Orender, David Wiseman Gus Briseno Fast Lenny Streams 14.1 Tournament TUCSON, AZ MON - FRI: 2PM - 2AM SAT & SUN: NOON - 2AM as if his run had ended; however, a lucky kiss off of another ball caromed the one into the called pocket. This allowed Scott to remain at the table and continue his run. Just as it looked like Scott was going to run away with the title, a missed shot allowed Bernie another chance. As he did all weekend, Bernie maintained his composure and pulled ahead to 117-105, before nearly scratching on a tough breakout shot. A miss on the ten ball, and Scott found himself only needing 20 balls to seal a victory. As quickly as his luck arrived earlier on the three-rail bank shot, it disappeared when he found himself frozen on the same one ball, without a clear shot. After trading intentional fouls, Scott went for a tough backwards cut/carom that just missed falling in the pocket. Bernie calmly approached the table, counted out the nine balls he needed, and proceeded to clear the table for the state title. Congratulations to Bernie Pettipiece for his victory and becoming the 2008 Arizona State 14.1 Champion! The highest eight and under finishing players were Ken Cottrell and Brady July 2008 Electronic Darts Foosball Arcade Games Big Screen TV Pro Shop Full Service Bar Restaurant APA , ACS & BCA In-House Leagues 5 Weekly In-House Tournaments Karaoke - Thurs & Sun 9PM new and presenting pool players with the opportunity to watch a tournament live is growing in popularity. The live stream of a one pocket match between Efren Reyes and Scott Frost (local Arizona player) saw an audience of approximately 750 viewers. When asked why to does the live streaming, Lenny responded, “For the love of the game and to give something back. This game has given me so much enjoyment and I wanted the fans to be able to see live pool events.” More streams are planned with the upcoming 14.1 qualifier July 12-13 and the next Desert Classic Tour stop later in the month. Lenny’s sponsors for this event were OnTheBreakNews.com, Albrecht Custom Cues and Affordable Healthcare Jason Smith. You can view some video from the event and others Lenny has streamed at www.ustream.tv and type “ontherail” into the search box at the upper right side of the web page. We hope to see this trend continue and be able to see more live pool events on the internet. Rixx Images Photography Pool memorabilia...photos...posters Event Photography Tucson Az. 520 977 3414 E mail.....Rixx4009@aol.com July 2008 17 Winter Season Regional Tournament Old Schoolers Road Kill Dead Last ADVANCED CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Road Kill 14 Balls & a Rack Whiskey Rackers Fuggit $2500 $1750 $1250 $750 Size Matters Old Schoolers The Wrong Team Contenders Slight Breeze $2000 $1000 $650 $450 Dead Last Bush Hogs & Babe Wide Left Perm-A-Grins 8 Ball Killaz Sharkslayers ADVANCED CONSOLATION TEAMS MASTERS CONSOLATION TEAMS OPEN CONSOLATION TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Size Matters Pool My Finger Whatever Wrecking Balls $1500 $900 $600 $400 Sharkslayers Easy Strokes No Fear Captain Coke $2500 $1750 $1250 $750 $1000 $500 $325 $225 8 Ball Killaz The Rails Ham Salad Who Cares $1500 $900 $600 $400 18 July 2008 NEA Internationa 9-Ball Men’s Regular Singles Mack Combs May 22nd - 31st, 2008 Riviera Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, Nevada If you weren’t there... here’s a taste of what you missed. • 6,000 excited pool league players from 34 States, 6 Canadian Provinces and 6 Other Countries •Matches on nearly 300 Valley Pool Tables • Competition in 33 unique divisions • Players representing 177 VNEA Charter Holder Members • 3,000 players partying at our fabulous Team Opening Ceremonies 1st Place 8-Ball Women’s Team Masters: Logistically Challenged - C & N Sales 1st 8-Ball Men’s Master Singles Jeremy Seaman 1st Place 8-Ball Women’s Team Regular: Run Baby Run - Astro Amusement 1st 8-Ball Women’s Senior Singles Shelly Reitter 1st 9-Ball Women’s Master Singles 1st 8-Ball Women’s Master Singles Bonnie Plowman Watch the VNEA on www.OTBnTV.com which featured awesome fireworks and the sounds of “Big Trouble” • 28 Year History Wall display • 2 Valley Home Pool Tables were given away throughout the event • Extensive Press coverage of the Finals events including OTBnTV.com full coverage and video of the entire event. • Tournament Sponsors... - Valley - Viking • An Awards Banquet which was extraordinary to say the least. Garth Brooks, Shania Twain & Dolly Parton (look-and-sound-a-likes), “The Queen of White Trash” Etta May and much more! And this is surely just a taste of everything that took place! See the complete results on vnea.com. The Valley National Eight Ball Association (VNEA) was pleased to be hosting the OTBnTV crew during the International Championships in Las Vegas. OTBnTV was on hand to film many of the events, interviews, talk to the vendors and present the whole VNEA Nationals experience online for all pool enthusiasts to enjoy. 1st Place 8-Ball Women’s Intermediate Team: Match Up’s Ms. B Haven - BMW Billiards Video of "what was happening" is available on demand. You are able to view, download and play back later if you wish. This is all FREE. For those who could not attend, left early or wanted to check up on the progress of their friends or family were able to do so. There is a forum called Billiard Nation that you can write about your experience in Las Vegas. OTBnTV and crew arrived in Las Vegas Thursday, May 22nd for the VNEA Nationals. We were there to film interviews from players, VNEA staff and officials and the finals on Monday 1st 8-Ball Men’s Regular Singles Jason LeFleur 1st 9-Ball Men’s Intermediate Singles Ben Zimmer July 2008 19 onal Championships 1st Place 8-Ball Open Team Masters: Two Stooges Metro - Theisen Vending Larkin did the interviewing and walked around the Riviera tournament floor filming and giving our viewing audience a taste of what VNEA Nationals is all about so you can see what it's like if you have never been here. We had the pleasure of interviewing one of the many referees on the floor, Sheree Kennedy. She was one of the friendliest, nicest, just good time human beings. And to be truthful she is pretty typical of how people have treated us at the VNEA Nationals in Vegas when we were filming of the Singles events. Scheduling of the finals matches prevented us from filming all the events but we were able to film the 9-Ball Women’s Intermediate Singles Finals and the 9-Ball Men’s Regular Singles Finals. In the men's final, James Delahunty, flew 22 hours from Australia to get here and got in to the finals against Mac Combs. The video on demand was available online Tuesday the 27th of May and you can watch the finals and the interviews with the two. We've had a great time talking to everyone. Don Akerlow and Becka 1st 9-Ball Women’s Intermediate Singles Shelley Hudson 1st 9-Ball Open Super Senior Singles Rich Haines 1st Place 8-Ball Open Team Regular: Stick It In The Hole - Star Amusement interviews or just talking off the cuff. OTBnTV was proud to be able to give the VNEA league players there 15 minutes of fame so to speak and their just due. The Suds and Chips Mixer, Parade of Flags, Hall of Fame Inductions and Singles Awards Presentations were held Monday evening the 26th. We had the opportunity to film the event and put it online and it brought a tear of pride to my eyes when they sang the National anthem and I stood there among thousands of people with my 1st Place 8-Ball Open Intermediate Team: Fort Crook Zack - N.T.S. hand on my heart. I felt proud to be an American, a pool player but most of all to be surrounded by people from all over this country and all over the world! Team competition began on Tuesday the 27th and continued throughout the rest of the week. Scheduling these many team events is a logistics nightmare and when it came time to film some of the finals it was inevitable that they couldn’t all be filmed as many were being played at the same time. We were able to film the first set of the Women’s Regular Team event which went for two sets and was won by Run Baby Run. The other team final that was filmed was the Men’s Masters 8-Ball which was won by Two Stooges Metro from Minnesota. All in all we posted 39 videos and over 800 photos, all of which are available to be viewed and downloaded if you wish. After leaving June 1st driving 2 days to get home from Las Vegas, then spending all day on the 3rd day boxing up The Break and sending it out to all the pool players we had 2 days 1st 8-Ball Open Super Senior Singles Terry McCarver that we can almost say we had off. Now that I've done all of my whining, I would like to thank Gregg, Brian, the Staff, Volunteers and Referees, of the 1st 9-Ball Women’s Senior Singles Kathy Fuller 1st 9-Ball Men’s Senior Singles 1st 8-Ball Men’s Senior Singles Terry Young (VNEA continued page 20) Note: The red glow on some of the photos was due to the lighting during the video filming of the Suds and Chips Mixer. 20 July 2008 NEA International Championships that we were able to bring to the pool players that could not make it to the championships an experience that they may share with family and friends. The photo galleries from the VNEA International Championships have over 800 photos and have been viewed more than 40,000 times! We even had one viewer watching from home (Finland) who writes, “My significant other is in Vegas...anyone else have family or friend in Vegas? I have not seen him on the otbntv.com site for pics or video yet! I'm waiting for more videos to be posted or pics!!!!!” and later on when we still didn’t have any photos or video she wrote, “My husband is in Vegas! Team- 1st Place 8-Ball Sportsmen’s Team: Killer Fleas - Aactive Coin VNEA as well as the Riviera's staff for a great tournament. The accomodations were superb and we had a great time. Here is a link that you can watch the VNEA International Championships www.onthebreaknews.com/VNEA-VideoPage3.htm We here at OTBnTV would like to thank each and everyone of the VNEA staff that took the time to talk to us in Las Vegas as well as the vendors, players and visitors that rooted on their teams and favorite players. We were honored to have the privilege of filming the VNEA International championships and bringing it to pool enthusiast all across this great country of ours as well as from around the world. From myself, Mary and Becka we had a great time, we had a blast. We tried to bring to all viewers of the VNEA Video Magazine an experience that they were there talking to the players the winning 1st Place Intermediate Scotch Doubles Tina Setchick, Travis Gallup teams, the referees and especially the awards ceremonies and the Parade of Flags. The VNEA does a magnificent job at honoring the winners for the singles event at the Parade of Flags but is most impressive at the Award Ceremonies on the last day of the Championship. While filming the team awards we met some of the nicest pool players and coin machine operators that you could ever meet. I hope that we were able to bring just a small portion of what the VNEA International Championships were all about. They are second to none. We appreciate all the hard work you did for us at OTBnTV to promote us and make it easier for us to talk to the players as well as everyone else. Thank you again for letting us be a part of something so much larger and we hope 1st Place 8-Ball Sportswomen’s Team: 8 Breakin Ladies - Superior Vending Finland. So far no pictures but I did send a wish to OTBnTV.” We finally had her send a messge to her husband that we would interview him during the Awards Banquet on the final Saturday of the Championships. His interview is online. We were more than happy to help and only wished we had brought more crew with us and another camera to be in more places filming at the same time. We plan on doing that next year. We would just like to thank the VNEA again for the opportunity that you gave us and our sponsors: VNEA, Mueller Recreational Products, Platis Law Firm and Chameleon The Perfect Rack. We also want to thank Gregg and Brian Elliott 1st Place Master Scotch Doubles for their help in putting on a Angela Jackson, Rich Cunningham fantastic tournament and Gary Benson and Judy Mehle for coordinating the finals for us. Hope to see everyone next year! Log on to www.OTBnTV.com and watch all the action. Hours: 11:30AM-2AM cabilliardclub@yahoo.com www.californiabilliardclub.com 881 E. El Camino Real Mountain View, CA. 94040 (650) 965-3100 Under New Ownership 3rd Weekend of the Month Saturday: One Pocket $25 entry - Starts 1pm Sunday: 9-Ball Open $25 entry - Starts 1pm $400 ADDED $400 ADDED USPPA on Sunday & Wednesdays 9-Ball at 8PM 12 - 42” Plasma TVs Expanded Menu July 2008 Jillian’ Jillian’ss Seattle 731 West Lake Ave N Seattle, WA Handicap 8-Ball Last Wednesday of every month $200 added * * * * $20 entry Best 2 of 3 games Double Elimination A-B-C-D Handicap 5179 Mission (near Geneva) San Francisco (415) 585-6800 A home for tournament players 8-Ball 9-Ball 3-Cushion Francisco & Mirna Murcia Owners Where Customers are Treated Like Owners Mon: $5 Game Room Night from 5 PM to close all video games, for one flat fee Tues: Texas Holdem Poker at 6 PM 9-Ball at Wed: 7:30PM $7 entry 100% ADDED Fri/Sat: Club J with a DJ, Dancing, and NO COVER Sun: S.I.N. Night Work in the hospitality industry? Bring down a paycheck stub or ID badge to prove it, spend $20 or more on anything in the house and receive free pool from 8-close Diablo V alle y P ool LLea ea gue Pool eague 21 2008 ACS Nationals Tournament June 7-14, 2008 Shawn Modelo once again made her presence felt in the Open Women’s 8 Ball category, by placing amongst top (5th and 6th $250). Congratulations for her perseverance and continued desire to improve her game. The Scotch Doubles leagues were represented with 4 SHAWN MODELO teams. All teams got out with 5th to 6th (OPEN) $250 3 wins and 2 losses. Holly Robison-Gary Marcus team was the only one to cash in while coming from the winner side with 3 wins. (17th-24th -$100) 206-223-0300 HOLLY ROBINSON & GARY MARCUS CAL17th-24rd (SCOTCH) $100 KRISTIN EISEN/JEFF HUSTON BILL W./ CONY MENDOZA VJ MODELO/SHAWN MODELO 2008 VNEA Results 22 9-BALL WOMEN’S INTERMEDIATE SINGLES 1 HUDSON, SHELLEY OH 650 2 LINCOLN, KAREN KS 500 3 JACKSON, ANGELA WI 400 4 HARDMAN, IDA OH 300 5-6 SCHAEFER, GAIL OH 175 SCHEER, MARY OK 175 8-BALL WOMEN’S SENIOR SINGLES 1 REITER, SHELLY WY 2 FULLER, KATHY SD 3 SACKMASTER, NANCY WI 4 CATANACH, VIRGIE NM 5-6 JENSEN, SANDY KS SANDHU, DONNA ALBERTA 7-8 ARENS, DEBBIE MN REAGLE, SALLY KS 9-12 HUTCHINGS, SHERILEE CO KELLING, JUDY MN RULE, JOY ID SPENCER, DAWN IA 1,200 950 700 510 400 400 250 250 200 200 200 200 8-BALL SPORTSMEN’S TEAM 1 KILLER FLEAS MANITOBA 2 SMOK’N JOES ALBERTA 3 BOGIES TEAM AL 4 WORKING STIFFS ALBERTA 5-6 JONO’S WILLIAMS IL NT SHOTZ DEADSTROKES CO 7-8 THE DUKE OF WINDSOR CO TORONADOS QUEBEC 9-12 2-BITS UT BACK ROADS REDNECK WV CHI BAR CUE CRUSHERS AZ CLARETTE PLATINUM KS 13-16 DEAD WOODS NM MARAUDERS TX PHOENIX OUTKASTS SD STIX & STONES ALBERTA 1,000 800 600 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 8-BALL SPORTSWOMEN’S SINGLES 1 REED, KRISTEN OH 2 MCNAB, LISA SASK. 3-4 DAY, KELLEY ALBERTA GREEN, LANNY ONTARIO 5-8 BOCKANESKY, SHAUNA AB MCCOY, KRISTI SD MCNABB, SUE ALBERTA MELIN, LOIS ALBERTA 300 200 150 150 100 100 100 100 8-BALL SPORTSWOMEN’S TEAM 1 8 BREAKIN’ LADIES MN 2 BALL BUSTIN BABES SD 3 ONE TEAM NO LIMIT ALBERTA 4 SLIGHTLY STACKED ONTARIO 5-6 SMOK’N JOES LAST CHANCE AB THE REGAL EAGLES SD 7-8 LUCKY BREAK SASK. SHUT UP N SHOOT ALBERTA 500 350 250 150 100 100 75 75 8-BALL WOMEN’S INTERMEDIATE TEAM 1 MATCH-UPS MS B HAVEN CO 4,000 2 JUSTICE TX 2,000 3 RUN BABY RUN KS 1,500 4 POPPERS MN 1,000 5-6 OMALLEY’S-HINES OH 615 YA YA’S MN 615 7-8 CATS PAW #1 MT 415 SHUT UP AND DRINK ONTARIO 415 9-BALL MEN’S SENIOR SINGLES 1 YOUNG, TERRY KS 2 OLSON, KEITH SD 3 HAGER, JERRY WV 4 FLOYD, RAY SC 5-6 DUBE, ALBERT E QUEBEC HIBBITTS, BOB OH 7-8 ROQUE, MIKE IN TRAWICK, MIKE AL 9-12 BAIN, JERRY VA BASCOME, GARY BERMUDA ONKKA, STEVE SD YOUNG, BOB CO 13-16 DATTA, PAUL WI KIDMAN, TOM WY LAFAVRE, JIM IL NEHER, BRETT OK 8-BALL MEN’S SENIOR SINGLES 1 YOUNG, TERRY KS 2 ONKKA, STEVE SD 3 POULIN, DANIEL QUEBEC 4 LAMOUREUX, DOUG ALBERTA 5-6 DUBE, ALBERT QUEBEC SULLY, RON SD 7-8 DANZINGER, DAVID TX MCDOWELL, BEN NE 9-12 ANDERSON, BOB ID ANDRESEN, GARY NE HEYWOOD, LARRY ONTARIO LAFAVRE, JIM IL 13-16 MITCHELL, DAVE IN MORROW, JACK KS SKALA, VIRGIL NE TROUSDALE, BRUCE ONTARIO 9-BALL MEN’S REGULAR SINGLES 1 COMBS, MACK KY 2 DELAHUNTY, JAMES AUS. 3 TAM, DANNY TX 4 BRANSON, DONNIE IL 5-6 ALTES, STUART FL FRANK, BRIAN OH 7-8 REICKER, BEN ALBERTA ROMERO, GREG CO 9-12 DECHAINE, MIKE ME HLAVACHEK, JAY CO MCKAY, SEAN ALBERTA SCHAU JR., RICH FL 13-16 CREVIER, FRANCIS QUEBEC DOOLITTLE, DARRYL ONTARIO HOULE, WILLIARD MANITOBA MAIER, DARIN SASK. 450 8-BALL OPEN INTERMEDIATE TEAM 1 FORT CROOK ZACK NE 2 SLIGHT BREEZE, NO GUST MN 3 LEISURE TIME 6 IL 4 HEIDELBERG’S 33 NE 5-6 DSAB TEAM GAMBLERS GER WEEKEND WARRIORS SC 7-8 EBB AND FLOW MANITOBA LOSANGE AMUSEMENTS QB 9-12 BJ’S R&M METALS IA DSAB TEAM OUTSIDERS GER LOS PRIMOS NM ROSARIOS PRIME TIME AB 13-16 FLORIDA SEMINOLES FL LA BOITE A SURPRISE QUEBEC PREDATORS ALBERTA PUB 500 SIDELINED MN 1,100 800 700 500 350 350 250 250 175 175 175 175 100 100 100 100 2,000 1,500 1,000 700 500 500 400 400 275 275 275 275 225 225 225 225 3,500 3,000 2,000 1,300 1,000 1,000 925 925 700 700 700 700 450 450 450 5,500 3,500 2,500 1,500 900 900 750 750 550 550 550 550 400 400 400 400 Now Open! •Affordable Family Fun to match every player's •Snacks and Beverages experience level. Available •Lessons Available •Group Rates on Request Weekly Tournaments 8-Ball Tournaments Mondays at 6:30 PM 9-Ball Tournaments Wednesdays at 6:30 PM ($10 entry fee, $50 added with 16 Players) 9-BALL WOMEN’S SENIOR SINGLES 1 FULLER, KATHY SD 2 SPENCER, DAWN IA 3 BIEBER, BEV SD 4 MATLOCK-BREIT, PEGGY KS 550 390 190 70 9-BALL SPORTSWOMEN’S SINGLES 1 PETERSON, NANCY SD 2 MORAST, KATHLEEN KS 3-4 KAIN, MICKI MN NADEAU, ISABELLE QUEBEC 200 150 100 100 8-BALL OPEN SUPER SENIOR SINGLES 1 MCCARVER, TERRY ONTARIO 2,000 2 BLANCHARD, PAUL LA 1,500 3 SANTANA, SERGIO SPAIN 900 4 ANDLE, RICH CT 600 5-6 SCULLION, DAN ALBERTA 400 TAYLOR, TOM IN 400 7-8 BEAUDOIN, CHARLIE ME 300 PICKELSIMER, GLEN VA 300 9-12 FLINT, GROVER VA 200 HAINES, RICH WY 200 JENSEN, DANNY KS 200 MCALLISTER, CHASE ID 200 13-16 BABB, MICKEY VA 150 GROOMS, DWIGHT IN 150 NIELSEN, ERNIE MT 150 ROQUE, JOHN IN 150 9-BALL MEN’S INTERMEDIATE SINGLES 1 ZIMMER, BEN OH 1,200 2 GOEKMEN, DUVAN GERMANY 1,000 3 GAGNE, DANIEL QUEBEC 700 4 BAPTISTE, JOHNNY MANITOBA 500 5-6 CAYTON, JON WY 400 FONDELL, JOHN MN 400 7-8 CHAMBERS, VINCE ONTARIO 300 WRIGHT, WAYNE IL 300 9-12 BEAULIEU SR., RALPH MB 225 COY, JEREMY IL 225 HAFFNER, BRIAN MN 225 RUBIO, ROBERT NM 225 13-16 CARSON, DAVID ALBERTA 200 FRIDERES, JERROD IA 200 TRAVERS, JOHN ONTARIO 200 WAMPNER, KEVIN IN 200 8-BALL WOMEN’S INTERMEDIATE SINGLES 1 HARDMAN, IDA OH 1,300 2 BEDARD, APRIL LTD. ALBERTA 1,000 3 JACKSON, ANGELA WI 700 4 MAUL, KARIN ALBERTA 600 5-6 HUDSON, SHELLEY OH 500 SEFCHICK, TINNA KS 500 7-8 FARMER, KATHY CO 400 SCHAEFER, GAIL OH 400 9-12 COMBS, JENNIFER KS 300 DOUGLAS, SHAWNA ALBERTA 300 LINCOLN, KAREN KS 300 PAULSON, LEANNE SD 300 8-BALL SPORTSMEN’S SINGLES 1 SKENANDORE, RAY WI 2 GODFREY, MARK AUSTRALIA 3-4 BOISSONNEAULT, RENE QB COLVIN, JEFF IL 5-8 DIGGS, BEN NE LAYMAN, BOB ALBERTA REINHART, JASON OH SERVANT, FRANK ONTARIO 9-16 AUIGBELLE, SPENCER AB BOUDREAULT, YVES QUEBEC COOPER, JASON NH CZERWONY, DAVE SD DOYLE, JIM FL LARAMEE, DANIEL QUEBEC SVARDA, TODDOH TAYLOR, DAN IN 500 400 300 300 250 250 250 250 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 July 2008 8-BALL MEN’S REGULAR SINGLES 1 LEFLEUR, JASON LA 7,000 2 CREVIER, FRANCIS QUEBEC 4,500 3 DELAHUNTY, JAMES AUS 3,000 4 HELSLEY, TRACY IN 2,400 5-6 BENVENUTO, ANTONIO GER 1,950 GOODMAN, DAVID IN 1,950 7-8 MCLEAN JR., CORNELL MB 1,600 MCMULLAN, PAT IN 1,600 9-12 ABRAHAM, RICK MANITOBA 1,200 GALLUP, TRAVIS KS 1,200 PEGG, CHRIS ONTARIO 1,200 WOOD, ADAM ALBERTA 1,200 13-16 ANDERSON, TRAVIS CO 1,000 HUNTER JR., LARRY MANITOBA 1,000 RAGHOO, JAGDESH ONTARIO 1,000 WHYTE, BRAD ALBERTA 1,000 8-BALL WOMEN’S MASTER SINGLES 1 PLOWMAN, BONNIE CO 2,220 2 FONDELL, BETH MN 1,700 3 HAFFNER, KELLY MN 1,100 4 ASHTON, JOANNE ALBERTA 900 5-6 BELANGER, DENISE ONTARIO 700 HUDDLESTON, CAELA CO 700 7-8 LARSEN, TINA IN 500 VANDEVEN, MAUREEN ONTARIO 500 9-12 FRIDERES, JESSICA IA 400 LANE, SHELLY OH 400 NASSAS, FREIDA ONTARIO 400 SEAVY, LAURA CO 400 Total Winnings... 9,920 8-BALL MEN’S MASTER SINGLES 1 SEAMAN, JEREMY MI 2 MITCHELL, CHRISTOPHER WV 3 VILLENEUVE, PASCAL QUEBEC 4 MATTSON, ROB MN 5-6 CUNNINGHAM, RICHIE MN MATSUI, TOM ALBERTA 7-8 BRISBON, KENNETH MI GONZALES III, MANUEL CO 9-12 CHAN, RICH ONTARIO GUNIA, DUSTIN NE SHOGNOSH, HARVEY ON ZIERMAN, TONY MN 13-16 JOHNSON, JOSH IA PENNELL, ROY ONTARIO STUART, MIKE ALBERTA WILSON, TY MN 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,300 850 850 525 525 400 400 400 400 250 250 250 250 8-BALL OPEN REGULAR TEAM 1 STICK IT-IN HOLE IN 2 THE ASSASSINS TX 3 COZUMELS PA 4 HERE FOR BEER ALBERTA 5-6 ANYBODY MANITOBA PSYCHO DESTROYERS AK 7-8 DAVE’S GOODTIME’S IL OUT IN 60 SECONDS ONTARIO 9-12 G.T. CONNECTION ONTARIO H20 BAD BOYS ALBERTA ROAD WARRIORS ONTARIO S.A. TEDS AUSTRALIA 13-16 CAMDEN FISHES IA CHOPPED LIVER CO CINCINNATI DADDYS WV COORS LIGHT IL 10,000 7,500 6,500 5,700 3,800 3,800 2,800 2,800 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 9-BALL WOMEN’S MASTER SINGLES 1 PLOWMAN, BONNIE CO 1,000 2 HUDDLESTON, CAELA CO 800 3 BELANGER, DENISE ONTARIO 550 4 MAIERS, JUNE MN 450 5-6 MALONE, KIM IN 315 SCHULTZ, JULIE CO 315 7-8 FONDELL, BETHMN 265 FRIDERES, JESSICA IA 265 •Nine pocket tables in 3 sizes OPEN: 3-10pm Monday - Thursday ¦3pm - Midnight on Friday Noon to Midnight on Saturday ¦ Noon to 10pm on Sunday 360-331-1979 5525 Freeland Ave #4(Behind new Windermere building,Across from Island Athletic Club) Restaurant & Bar 605 E Seltice Way Post Falls, Idaho (208) 773-7752 GREAT FOOD 8 VALLEY TABLES LOTS OF FUN FREE POOL on Sundays Drinks on Tuesdays 8-10PM 2-4-2 2008 VNEA Results July 2008 SCOTCH DOUBLES MASTER 1 JACKSON, ANGELA WI CUNNINGHAM, RICH MN 2 MATSUI, TOM ALBERTA DOIRON, LYDIA ALBERTA 3-4 ASHTON, JOANNE ALBERTA MARTIN, DAVE ALBERTA LAWSON, TINA MI BRISBON, KENNETH MI 5-8 HUDDLESTON, CAELA CO MATTSON, ROB MN MALONE, KIM IN WAMPNER, KEVIN IN ROCHE, AMY FL ALTES, STUART FL FEN, CARI ALBERTA KOLACKOISKY, PETE ALBERTA SCOTCH DOUBLES INTERMEDIATE 1 SETCHICK, TINA KS GALLUP, TRAVIS KS 2 BEDARD, APRIL ALBERTA GALENZA, JASON ALBERTA 3-4 COMBS, JENNIFER KS RICE, JIM KS MORRISON, SHARON ONTARIO TRAVERSE, JOHN ONTARIO 5-8 SINCLAIR, ANNE ONTARIO KANDHAI, JEET ONTARIO MORAST, KATHLEEN KS BENTELE, BOB KS SMITH, MARILY NE DIGGS, BEN NE PEIRSON, DIANE CO HALLOCK, SHAWN CO 650 450 200 200 100 100 100 100 450 300 100 100 50 50 50 50 8-BALL MEN’S INTERMEDIATE SINGLES 1 CHAMBERS, VINCE ONTARIO 2,300 2 TRAVERS, JOHN ONTARIO 1,800 3 ROUSSIN, GERMAIN QUEBEC 1,350 4 TONJUM, TIM MN 1,000 5-6 BAPTISTE, JOHNNY MANITOBA 600 RUBIO, ROBERT NM 600 7-8 HALLOCK, SHAWN CO 400 MEISTER, THOMAS GERMANY 400 9-12 DENEGO, LENNY ALBERTA 250 FRIDERES, JERROD IA 250 PAQUIN, NORMAND QUEBEC 250 WEIPPERT, PETER GERMANY 250 13-16 FONDELL, JOHN MN 200 GALENZA, JASON ALBERTA 200 WARD, JIM MT 200 WEBER, CAL MN 200 9-BALL SPORTSMEN’S SINGLES 1 GUSE, BRANDON MN 2 HANES, JEROMY OH 3-4 LEONARD, DEREK NC NORTON, LEE NE 5-8 CORLISS, REX WY GONZALES, B.C. . WY SIEGEL, CHARLIE UT WIMMLER, WARREN CO 9-16 DUTTON JR., DAVE ME GALLUP, TRAVIS KS GRIGSBY, TIM IN HANSON, LUVERN SD LEHMAN, JOHN AUSTRALIA MCKENZIE, CHRIS ALBERTA REYNOLDSON, RON NE TUCKER, JOHN UT 500 350 250 250 200 200 200 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 9-BALL WOMEN’S REGULAR SINGLES 1 HERUM, MARISSA MN 1,100 2 RHODES, STEPHANIE SD 800 3 MCCORMICK, SABRINA IA 600 4 HELLMER, NICOLE CO 400 5-6 MCDONALD, KATHRYN AUS 300 ULMER, TANYA SASK. 300 7-8 SAKAMOTO, TONI ALBERTA 185 SCHNEIDER, MANDY TX 185 9-12 DOWDING, KARLA MN 150 MORRISON, SHARON ONTARIO 150 ROBERTS, SUE MN 150 SCOTT, NICOLLE ONTARIO 150 13-16 GARDNER, JENNIFER MI 125 JONES, KAYLA ONTARIO 125 KNIGHT, GINA IN 125 LAROCHE, MARIE FRANCE QB 125 8-BALL WOMEN’S REGULAR TEAM 1 RUN BABY RUN KS 2 TEAM SCHULER SD 3 KILLER B’S ONTARIO 4 KAOSSASK. 5-6 LUCKY DUCKS ONTARIO WC’S 4 1/2 RACKS NE 7-8 JUST TOP SHOTS WI SHOOTERS HOOTERS KS 9-12 COYOTE SEXY ONTARIO CRAZY HORSE WI KNUCKLE DIAMINDS SD WOMEN WITH WOOD MN 13-16 HAD A PLAN OH KELLY’S KICKEN CREW MI ROSARIOS AUNTIQUES AB THE QUEENS OH 5,000 3,500 2,500 1,500 1,100 1,100 750 750 550 550 550 550 400 400 400 400 Complete results online at: www.vnea.com Watch the OTBnTV video coverage online at: www.onthebreaknews.com/VNEA-VideoPage3.htm Pool School & Exhibition Johnny (The Scorpion) Archer Earl (The Pearl) Strickland July 24, 2008 at 8PM Trick Shot Exhibition Stroke Shot Exhibition Q & A Spectators can play a rack against Johnny or Earl Challenge match with a race to 8 against each other or local champion Autograph & Picture session The exhibition is FREE to all APA players FOUR HOUR POOL SCHOOL DURING THE DAY limited to 12 people (21 years of age or older) $200 per person CALL FOR DET AILS ETAILS 8-BALL WOMEN’S REGULAR SINGLES 1 HERUM, MARISSA MN 3,000 2 JONES, KAYLA ONTARIO 1,600 3 MACISAAC, SHONA ALBERTA 1,300 4 HOLM, CHERYL ALBERTA 1,100 5-6 SAKAMOTO, TONI ALBERTA 900 ULMER, TANYA SASK. 900 7-8 DOWDING, KARLA MN 760 WALKER, BARB MT 760 9-12 FOX, MANDY OH 525 HAAS, TIFFANY CO 525 JUSTUS, PEGGY ALBERTA 525 KNIGHT, GINA IN 525 13-16 HUTCHENSON, BARBARA IN 385 MCRAE, LYNDA ONTARIO 385 REMICK, DENYSE MN 385 TONJUM, MARY MN 385 SCOTCH DOUBLES REGULAR 1 JONES, KAYLA ONTARIO PEGG, CHRIS ONTARIO 2 MCNAB, LISA SASK. COTE, PERRY SASK. 3-4 MCDOUGAL, MYRTLE SASK. BITTERNOSE, TODD SASK. VREELAND, TARA ID SANTY, KINGS ID 5-8 HANLEY, TAMMY ME DESJARDIN, MARK ME FULLER, KATHY SD ONKKA, STEVE SD MACISAAC, SHONA ALBERTA WHYTE, BRAD ALBERTA DOWDING, KARLA MN LOWE, BILLY MN 9-16 MORIN, ANTHEA ALBERTA SMALLBOY, EAGLECHILD AB MOONIAS, HEATHER SASK. WOLFE, CHRIS ALBERTA BIRD, SHARON ALBERTA AUIGBELLE, SPENCER ALBERTA GARDON, CARRIE WI VOLK, JUSTIN T WI SCHULTZ, TAMMY MN ULRICH, TIM MN KAIN, MICKI MN IWEN, SCOTT IA LANG, DEANNA OH DEFFENBAUGH, GERALD SC MILLER, CARRIE MT SCHWARTZER, BRITTON MT 900 600 400 400 300 300 300 300 200 9-BALL OPEN SUPER SENIOR SINGLES 1 HAINES, RICH WY 1,000 2 OCONNOR, PAT J. MN 800 3 ANDAMASARIS, JIM IN 700 4 JENSEN, DANNY KS 500 5-6 ANDLE, RICH CT 300 SCULLION, DAN ALBERTA 300 7-8 FRISBEE, BILL MN 200 MCCARVER, TERRY ONTARIO 200 9-12 FERGUSON, WAYNE IL 175 GROOMS, DWIGHT IN 175 JATZLAU, JAMES TX 175 OAKS, BOB IN 175 “Unsinkable” 200 200 200 200 200 200 8,500 5,500 3,500 2,500 8-BALL WOMEN’S MASTER TEAM 1 LOGISTICALLY CHALLENGED MN 2 GOT FELT ALBERTA 3 THOSE HOOKERS FROM CANADA ON 4 WHATEVER IN 4,250 2,250 1,250 1,050 ClassiC Billiards -F I WI SS ACCE All Ages Area 8 Pool Tables Over 21 Area 12 Pool Tables 12’ Snooker Tables Sunday 9-Ball at 5PM Entry $5 + $2 green fee Race 4/3 Match up to $100 Smoking Beer Non-Smoking Wine Gold Crown Tables Group Parties Food - Espresso Portland, OR 503-761-2622 9-BALL MEN’S MASTER SINGLES 1 MATSUI, TOM ALBERTA 1,050 2 PLUTA, JAMIE MN 800 3 HELDENBRAND, MARTY KS 600 4 DIX, GREG SC 400 5-6 MACINTYRE, VINCE ONTARIO 250 VILLENEUVE, PASCAL QUEBEC 250 7-8 BERNIER, MARTIN QUEBEC 200 MATTSON, ROB MN 200 9-12 GONZALES III, MANUEL CO 125 HELLMER, MIKE CO 125 SHOGNOSH, HARVEY ONTARIO 125 WILSON, TY MN 125 13-16 BRISBON, KENNETH MI 100 DANDREA, ELIO ONTARIO 100 KOLACKOVSKY, PETE AB 100 STUART, MIKE ALBERTA 100 200 8-BALL OPEN MASTER TEAM 1 TWO STOOGES METRO MN 2 4 LUMPS AND A STAR ONTARIO 3 SPIKES #1 MN 4 KELLY’S NITE OWLS SD 3636 SE 122nd 23 703 W Babcock In the Bar-muda Triangle Bozeman, MT Open 11am - 2 am Daily Nightly Beer Specials POKER Home of the $2 JJager ager 9 Pool Tables & Other Video Games Ranger Lounge Watch for Upcoming Tournaments 110 S Central Sidney Sidney,, MT 406-482-4566 24 July 2008 AP A NA TIONAL TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP APA NATIONAL Article and photos courtesy of: Michelle Barkdoll, League Operator APA Pierce County, WA PIERCE COUNTY, WA 8 and 9 BALL TEAMS TO COMPETE IN APA NATIONAL TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Three 8 Ball and two 9-Ball teams qualified at the Local Team Championship (LTC), held at Malarkey’s Pool and Brew in Tacoma, to compete in the 2008 APA National Team Championship (NTC) in Las Vegas August 15-23. 8 BALL Green Mile “Just Like I Planned” is a first year winning team. They lost their first match against “O.S.I.O.W”. Winning in their next match’s against “The Undertakers”, “Money Shot”, “Black Star Rebels” and “All Racked Up” brought them to the finals match against “On The Snap” (2007 LTC winner), Just Like I planned pulled it off in 3. The Hawks are no strangers to the NTC. This will be the team’s third year participating. The team won 5 straight match’s defeating “Hit and Run”, “Walt’s Wreckers”, “Wayne’s Crashers”, “Hit and Run” again and in the finals match Steilacoom Deli. The third team, “Smooth Strokers”, won their first match against “Eastside 4 Life” (3-0) only to lose their 2nd against “No Mercy”. Winning against “The Replacements”, “Oyatay” and “Eight On The Break” brought them into the finals against “Dennys Aliens”. Smooth Strokers defeated this tough team 3-1. 9 BALL “One More Time” lost first round against “Yeee” sending them to the B side to battle their way forward. From there the team defeated “Reese’s Pieces”, “Late Arrivals” and “Low Ball’s”. The finals match was against “9 Ball Junkies”, with One More Time being the winner. The second team to win was “Green Mile”. This group took no prisoners with winning five rounds over “Pops Ballers”, “Make Daddy Happy”, “All Racked Up PPV” and “The Thizzzle”. There just wasn’t any stopping this team even in the finals match against the “L.C. Niners”. 8 BALL WINNERS: Just Like I Planned - Full Splice Billiards Members: Roland Tyner – Capt., Darryl Baker – Co/ Capt., Kenneth Yergin, Kevin Thompson, Christal Haesel, Pinky McCloud, Larry Prince and Valerie Edwards Hawks - Black Star Pub & Grill Members: Tom Tuttle – Capt., Joe Noll – Co/Capt., Debbie Noll, Sean Dines, One More Time Eric Gregg, Melissa Tuttle, Casey Bowers and Atinae Moi Smooth Strokers - Black Star Pub & Grill Members: Bob Gates – Capt., Tom Tuttle – Co/Capt., Kasia Wilcox, Kendra Pfeiffer, Greg Pierson, Troy Mower and Eric Gregg RUNNERS-UP: On The Snap - Schooner Pub & Galley Members: Robert Alston – Capt., Dionne Alston – Co/Capt., Rich King, Gerald Maki, Tammi King, Jason Cavalier, Jennifer Hiebert and Richard Maines Steilacoom Deli - Just Like I Planned Steilacoom Deli & Pub Members: Troy Langford – Capt., Kristina Glodowski – Co/Capt., Paul Williams, David Russell, Tammy Vetsch, Shaun Glodowski and John Williams Dennys Aliens - Dennys #7548 Members: Terresa Williams – Capt., Steve Clardy – Co/Capt., Doug Erickson, Sarah LeVene, James Eric Shriner 8 Ball Top Gun Wachter, John Williams and JR Lakey Atinae Moi 9 Ball Top Gun Secret Wong 9 Ball Top Gun Dionne Alston 8 Ball Top Gun July 2008 AP A NA TIONAL TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP APA NATIONAL Hawks 8 BALL TOP GUN AWARDS Dionne Alston: plays for Schooner, skill level 4 (went to 5 during LTC) and shot 80% this year. Dionne’s dad has won the male top gun award for the past 4 years … way to keep the award in the family! Eric Shriner: played out of Bleachers Sports Bar & Pub, skill level 6 and shot 88% this year. Due to military deployment, Eric will be unable to defend his title this year. Many thanks for serving our country. 9 BALL WINNERS: One More Time - Cedarwoods Sports Bar & Grill Members: Sara Taylor – Capt., Dan O’Dell – Co/Capt., Bill Baker, Kenneth Dall, David Henry, John Hedges Jr and Blaine Klinger Sr Green Mile - All Seasons Sports Bar Members: Mark Martin – Capt., Debbie Martin – Co/Capt., Nelson Baez, Ian Wylie, Daryl McLaughlin, Ed Rind, Martin Greinke and Bill Nishimura RUNNERS-UP: L.C. Niners - Log Cabin Pub & Eatery Members: Dan Ferguson – Capt., Mike McKay – Co/Capt., Cashanna Drissi Alami, Jason Stewart, James Cross Sr, Jamie Peninger, Sarah Johnson and Jennifer Stewart 9 Ball Junkies - Unicorn Sports Bar & Grill Members: Michael Bauman – Capt., Leif Fuhriman – Co/Capt., Lauren Simmons, Steven Richards, Judge Sullivan, Susan Howard, Paul Wheeler and Pete Lovrovich 9 BALL TOP GUN AWARDS Secret Wong: skill level 5 (8 Ball) 6 (9 Ball), shot 80%. Since starting APA in 2001 she has come close many times to winning this award. Great playing this year! 25 Atinae Moi: plays for Black Star (8 Ball) and Krickett’s (9 Ball). This will be the first year he won this award. As a skill level 7 in 8 Ball and 9 Ball, he shot 72% for the year. Nice going! SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD All teams complete a ballot for this award; votes are tabulated and amongst those nominated a winner is decided. Portraying Smooth Strokers good sportsmanship and making a competitive sport fun is one of the main objectives in the APA. Thomas Trent: plays for Malarkey’s 3 nights a week: 8 Ball, Double Jeopardy and Master formats, has been playing APA for over 13 years… isn’t lace given for a 13 year anniversary J. Congratulations teams advancing to the NTC and individual award winners! Thank you to the staff of Malarkey’s for making the 11th year of this tournament another success. MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT is a race to 7, U.S. Amateur rules with eight games of 9-Ball & five games of 8-Ball. Lag winner has choice of game format or break. The entire set of that format must be completed before playing the other format. At the finals match, the two teams involved decided to split the travel funds since Pierce County obtained two slots for the Triple Play Masters Championship which will be held August 18-20 in conjunction with the APA National Team Championship at the Riviera Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Last year the first place prize money at the TPMC was $7,500. Seniors Hot Shots - New Peking Restaurant & Lounge, Rodney Fuller - Capt., Dan Ferguson - Co/Capt., Lee Todd, Steve Franco Bohica Boys - Malarkey’s Pool and Brew Clark Smith - Capt., Scott Nelson - Co/Capt. and Robert Cleveland 26 Ironmaniac II Sambajon Snaps off July 2008 Colorado Cue Club 10-Ball NORTHGLENN, CO June 28, 2008 Event #1 of the Colorado Cue Club’s 2nd annual “Big Box Summer Series” drew 26 players including three from Texas and a Filipino. The format was “Pro Rules” 10-Ball: Race to 6, lag for the break, winner breaks, rack your June 7-8, 2008 Thank you to all the participants of the Ironmaniac II tournament at New Peking in Port Angeles, WA. This tournament was a two day round robin format, playing both 8 ball and 9 ball, open to 25 players either Master Women or Open A Men. The Ironman tournament is tentatively scheduled for September 13th and 14th and is open to Master Men and Grandmasters. Remember this is a 2-day 25 person round robin tournament. For information please contact Kevin Fong at 360-460-8995 or Christina Jacobsen at 360-461-7922. Here are the results 1st Robin Butterfield and Mike Siplivy (tied) 3rd Bob Wolff 4th Rick Amos Most 9-Ball wins - Robert Coulten Most 8-Ball wins - Larry Lessor Cue Club Owner Caela Huddleston, Champion Santos Sambajon, TD “LA Dave” Billings own, and 10-Ball on the break spots up if it goes in either of the bottom two pockets. The Cue Club added $750 to the pot. Santos Sambajon made a welcome appearance and drew the attention of players and spectators alike. Right out of the gate he drew one the all time fiercest players to come out of Colorado: Tony Piazza. The match was a see-saw battle that had Tony finding the hill first. Santos would make it interesting shortly after by making it a hill-hill match. It looked as if Tony was not going to get back to the table after Sambajon’s break, but Santos failed to pull off a 3-10 carom. Tony would then make a tough run out only to watch the cue ball travel two rails and carry all the way into the corner after making the case 10-Ball. Things would only get more interesting for the Filipino champion as Nick Smith of Colorado Springs also took him to the hill. However, Nick failed a routine 9 in the side opening the door for Final Four Santos to continue on in Tony Piazza, Chris McDaniel, “ATM” Andrew Pettinger, Santos Sambajon the winner’s bracket. In the finals of the winners side Santos ran into Chris McDaniel. This match turned out to be quite the crowd pleaser with wicked safeties followed by great kicks. Both players showed some grit and, yet again, Sambajon found himself in a hill-hill contest. With the first real chance to take down the match, McDaniel kept getting out of line but came with some nice reverse cuts and a cross-corner bank to end up with a reasonable shot at the 10 in the side. Unfortunately, Chris was unable to find the bottom of the hole as the 10 hit both points of the pocket leaving Santos straight in. That’s three bullets the man dodged! Meanwhile, Piazza made his way through the entire one loss side coming from behind against “ATM” Andrew Pettinger and bulldozing through McDaniel 6-2. However, it seemed like Santos’ day as he dispatched Tony 6-1 in the finals to snag the top place and $600 cash. A special thanks to the players that supported this event and a shout out to the boys from El Paso who made the trek. The Big Box Summer Series is supported by Miller Beer and a points list is now running. The top point getter will receive a $300 American Express gift Card courtesy of Miller. Up next is the $500 added One Pocket on July 26, the $750 added 8-Ball on August 16, and the $1000 added 9-Ball “Invitational” on September 6 which is double points! For details see www.coloradocueclub.net 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5/6 5/6 Santos Sambajon Tony Piazza Chris McDaniel Andrew Pettinger Dino Devoe Joe Guerra $600 $400 $250 $150 $75 $75 + 260 Points + 130 Points + 87 Points + 65 Points + 52 Points + 52 Points 27 July 2008 In Memory Of ...Bruce Deal R.I.P. GO-AWAY JESSIE A HOLE IN OUR HEARTS from: Gene Miller By Janet Thomas Meg Clark of the San Francisco Tavern Pool Association informed me on Tuesday morning that Jessie Jameson had died. He was one of the most well-known Bay Area players, and among the most legendary. I didn’t know him well, and I don’t know if he knew my name, but he recognized me as that guy who ran the tournaments at Palace Billiards. The first time Jessie spoke to me was in 1987. “Five bucks.” I was sitting near a table at Palace, and he was offering me a choice of several sweaters he was peddling. Jessie Jameson There was one memorable time in that Market Street pool hall, when the legendary Ronnie Allen came through town in 1988 looking for a one-pocket match and the call went out for “Go Away.” It was a brief, but entertaining, encounter. After Palace closed, Jessie did most of his playing in San Francisco taverns, and was a regular player in the San Francisco Tavern Pool Association’s eight ball leagues. Playing for Nob Hill tavern this season, he finished with sixteen wins against only two losses, compiling the highest winning percentage (.889) in the 542player, 60-team league. Saying goodbye is difficult; as family, friends, and Roseburg league members know all too well. Bruce Eugene Deal passed away suddenly at his home in Winston, Oregon on May 13, 2008. Bruce was born July 9, 1948 in Nathan, Arkansas and moved to the Roseburg area as a young boy. He has lived in the Winston/Roseburg area since that time. Bruce was a member of the Roseburg BCA League (and ACS League for a couple of years) and was one of the original members when the league first began in the late 1990s. During his time as a league member Bruce also served as a board Bruce Deal member, board president, and league operator. When the words “pool” or “billiards” are mentioned in Roseburg, Bruce’s name was not far behind. Bruce began playing pool at a young age, and a few years ago he was the first Roseburg league member to shoot his way to the Masters (what a day that was!). Bruce played in the Roseburg City League, before the Roseburg league was sanctioned and we joined the BCA association. Brice played pool at many establishments in the area over the years; including such places as Dirty Dicks (now the Scoreboard), the Sunset Tavern, the Pump House Tavern (back in the day), Yogee’s and most recently, Frankie’s Place in Sutherlin. Bruce was an icon in the Roseburg area when it came to pool. When traveling players came to town looking for a “game”, Bruce was the first person anyone called. He was a well-known player in the area and was a mentor to many of the younger players. He was an enthusiastic team player, a serious straight pool player, and, back in the day, played many a snooker game. He truly loved the game! Bruce looked forward to the tournaments at Lincoln City and Las Vegas each year with great enthusiasm. He enjoyed playing in the local pool tournaments, and the many out of town tournaments, also. I remember years past traveling to such places as Ma’s Dairy Farm or the Poor House in the Eugene/Springfield area, because he enjoyed the competition so much Bruce was very competitive and always enjoyed the challenge of a new player (who thought they might be better). and spent many hours playing straight pool. Those of us that knew Bruce share his love of pool, and we will miss him greatly. His team members - Eric Baird, Dave Butler, Mike Cronk, Mike Hocevar, Gary Maxwell, and Eli Folau - will be one great player short when they begin the new season in September. Gone but not forgotten, we will miss him! In Bruce’s honor, his team is holding a memorial pool tournament at Yogee’s in Roseburg this month. In Memory Of ...Chuck Markulis Chuck Markulis OPEN 24 - 7 Hard Times Billiards e D of Sacramento or EE y 5536 Garfield Ave m NT ne A o Sacramento, CA R m A U (916) 332-8793 G Pool Tournaments SPOT BAR & GRILL FREE POOL Mon-Fri: 7-9 AM 4-6 PM & 12-2 AM Monday 8-Ball at 8PM LADIES ONLY $3 entry $2/player added 7225 4th Plain Blvd Vancouver ashington ancouver,, W Washington 360-256-1110 Live Music Fri-Sat 9:30 PM Hard Times Billiards founder Chuck Markulis passed June 26, 2008 Chuck had started the Hard Times Billiards pool halls in Southern California in the 1980s and opened the Sacramento Pool hall in 1998. Chuck was very well respected by the very best of professional pool players. The Break staff would like to extend our deepest sympathy to his family. We always enjoyed working with Chuck. He will be missed. Monthly Jamboree W eekend Weekend 1st Weekend of each month One Pocket Saturday $500 ADDED GUARANTEED Sign up & Free Practice for Paid Entries 11AM - Starts at Noon sharp! Entry fee $20 - Race to 2 - Double Elimination 9-Ball Sunday $1,000 ADDED GUARANTEED Sign up & Free Practice for Paid Entries Noon - Starts at 1PM sharp! Entry fee $25 - Race to 6 Winners Side Race to 4 Losers Side Weekly Tournaments Wed: 9-Ball $5 entry-$50 added-7PM Signup-7:30PM Start Single Elimination-Race to 3 (25 or more players) race to 4 with 24 or less players $75 added each week Thurs: 9-Ball USPPA $15 entry-7PM Signup-7:30PM Start Single Elimination-Race to 5-Must be a member of the USPPA Sun: 9-Ball Open $15 entry-Noon Signup-1PM Start-Double Elimination Race to 6 Winners to 4 One Loss-$5 per player added up to $150 S.W. Oregon APA 28 July 2008 The Trophy Club and The Break Room’s two inhouse divisions gave High Points and Division Championship to “The Losers” in 9-Ball and “Rack-In-Ruin” received High Points while “The Rack Distracters” got the Division 8-Ball Championship. Rogue River got to shine with their 8-Ball High Points going to “Git-R-Done” and Division Championship went to “The Rogue River Rats”, both from Cattlemen’s Saloon. “The River Rats” “8 BALL BREAKERS” THE BREAK ROOM - JACKSON COUNTY “U-COME-2ND” LLOYD’S OF BANDON - COOS COUNTY It’s been an exciting year for the southwest region. The Spring Session produced eight more teams to enter the yearend Regionals and the team count increased sufficiently to warrant three instead of just two teams to be entered into the August APA National Team Championships in Las Vegas. “THE APPLEGATERS” APPLEGATE SALOON - JOSEPHINE COUNTY also took the High Points in 9-Ball while “The Hitmen”, out of The Homestead, took the Championship. Heading for the Riviera in August to compete in the APA National Team Championships and a top prize of $25,000 in 8-Ball and $15,000 in 9Ball: ROGUE RIVERRATS BARN BURNERS Division High Points in Grants Pass went to the “Outlaws” out of The Old Barn and “The AppleG-8ters” from the Applegate Saloon. Division Championships went to “The Barn Burners” from The Old Barn and to “The Outsiders” out of Cody’s Place. Our new Coos County division gave High Points to “Hauser’s” from Hauser’s Bar & Grill and Division Championship went to “U-Come-2nd” from Lloyd’s of Bandon. Medford’s Travel Division gave High Points and Division Championship to “Strange Brew” out of STRANGE BREW THE RACK DISTRACTERS PC’s PC’s Pub Pub 3021 Rucker Ave Everett, WA THE HITMEN (425) 258-9465 Now Ser ving Coc ktails Serving Cocktails “Where we take pride in what you swallow!” THE OUTSIDERS PULL TABS P O O L D AR TS - G AMES ARTS GAMES 8 BALL B & BELOW FRIDAY $5 entry Vegas Rules 8PM 200% Payout THE LOSERS 9 BALL - TUESDAY $5 entry - at 7 PM “WHERE EVER YDA Y IS A HOLIDA Y” EVERYDA YDAY HOLIDAY” HAPPY HOURS M-F 4-6 PM LEAGUE OFFICIALS: RUSS RITTER & DOUG COX A special recognition goes out to the men who selflessly gave their time and expertise to keep order and fairness for all the competing teams. Like always their calls were right on and they are a giant asset to the League. July 2008 29 Hard Times Billiards Sacramento, CA By Tom Suarez Tournament Director Hard Times in Sacramento is guaranteeing for July and August First of the Month tournaments $500 for the One Pocket Event and $1000 for the 9 Ball event. The 9 Ball event is limited to the first 64 players that pay their entry fees. No Green fees, No TD fees and minimum payout of 25% of the field. 100% of all entry fees and the full guaranteed money will be paid out. June’s first of the month One Pocket and 9 Ball events were just as good as May’s. There were 39 One Pocket players and a full field of 64 players in the 9 Ball event. Ernesto Dominguez and son Oscar cashed in both events. Ernesto finished First in the One Pocket and tied for 5th in the 9 Ball. Oscar took 4th in the 9 Ball and tied for 7th in the One Pocket. It is always a pleasure Ernesto Dominguez to see the Dominquez family play at Hard Times, they are so professional and set a very good example of politeness and good sportsmanship;. The 39 players in the One Pocket event had some exciting matches. HillHill seemed to be the theme of the event and ‘down to the last ball on the table’ settled too many matches. 39 Players at $20 entry plus $500 totaled $1280.00 prize fund. 1st $380 Ernesto Dominguez 2nd $250 Tony Melendez 3rd $200 Billy Palmer 4th $150 Frank Nordmann 5th $100 John Henderson, Bee Davison 7th $50 Jim Fabionar, Oscar Dominguez The Nine Ball event had a full field of 64 players totaling $1600 in entry fees. With the $1000 added by Hard Times, the total prize fund was $2600.00 Jeff Gregory took 1st place with a hard fought battle with George Michaels in the true double elimination finals. George came over from the left side to defeat Jeff in the first match to force the final match. Jeff won the lag and quickly got out in front 2 -0 with a couple of very nice break and runs. This proved to be the final margin Jeff needed to win the match and tournament. 64 players at $25 entry fee plus $1000 added totaled $2600.00 prize fund 1st $650 Jeff Gregory 2nd $450 George Michaels 3rd $300 Jim Fabionar 4th $200 Oscar Dominguez 5th $150 Ernesto Dominguez, John Henderson 7th $100 Deo Alpajora, Trevor Smith 9th $75 Skippy, JJ, Joe Pally, Billy Palmer 13th $50 Tommy Soria, Michael Langarcia, Josh Palmer, Warren Lew Sign up Now for BCA Summer League 721 N 7th Ave 4 Pool Tables - 24 Big Screen TV’s Bozeman, MT New Safari Big Buck Hunter 406-586-3542 2008 Golden Tee Unplugged Open 8 am - 2 am Daily Drink Specials Brandi’s Restuarant Shot Specials Serves Breakfast all day California Billiard Club’s Summer Shootout Mountain View, CA - June 20-22 All matches, race to eight, double elimination, USPPA handicap with 5-game maximum spot. This was my first experience as tournament director in Mountain View, and it was a lot of fun. These events are actually pool player reunions, and it was indeed that for me. I saw many old friends and handed prize money to some of them. It was a 77-player field, a two-day event that brought back the final 32 on Sunday for the money matches. My only disappointment were the two forfeits. I never like to forfeit a player, but it’s a rule that you simply must have in any tournament, and it’s almost always a friend of mine who gets the big zero. Other than that, we had a mellow tournament on one of the warmest weekend’s in the year. You can expect the same format for California Billiard Club’s big Reno Warm-Up in the Fall, which Tony Annigoni promises will get more publicity. Congratulations to Deo, a player any tournament director would love to hand a stack of cash to. Always a good sport and a great player. Undefeated, he was rarely challenged in any match and won eight straight games more than once on his way to the hot seat. 1st $1,400 Deo Alpajora (USPPA Avg, 145) 2nd $700 Forrest Roberts (73) 3rd $450 Colin Mazaika (122) 4th $350 Simon Dudley (91) 5-6 $290 Reid Stensrud (85) Dirk Grundmann (102) 7-8 $190 John Henderson (100) Ron Matsuura (75) 9-12 $130 Alex Almendral (66) Jeremy King (31) David Vincent (99) Angel Maxion (70) 13-16 $90 Trevor Smith (125) Mary Rakin (90) Jeff Gregory (106) Alex Bradley (73) 17-24 $70 Bee Davison (100) Jordan Beers (93) Martin Alaniz (42) Denzel Suntay (75) Ron Cook (74) Josh Duncan (82) Bob Beaulieu (64) Fred Stanfield (85) 25-32 $40 Noy Quinonez (66) Jaynard Orque (100) Rylan Hartnett (87) Ken Maeda (62) Antonio Maninha (30) Bryce Avila (145) Sylvester Coronado (72) Christian Mata (45) Deo Alpajora One Pocket & 9-Ball HELENA, MT Results of the 14.1 Tournament held June 21. Everybody had a great time. 1st $250 Dan Hamper 2nd $100 Rob Millons RODDER’S GRUB & PUB 19195 South Molalla Ave Oregon City, OR 503.650.2363 www.rodderspub.com 16 Valley Tables Great Food - Full Service Bar - Lottery Open 24 Hours Friday & Saturday Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner (Breakfast served after 11PM) League Operators 30 J UL Y 26 TH ULY P OOL I N THE PARK M IXED D OUBLES $20/ T E A M $200 ADDED S TAR TS 10 AM ARTS Ta v e r n POOL - BIG SCREEN TV FOOD - KEGS - DARTS 1055 Sunset Blvd NE Renton, WA 425-255-9213 Cows may come and cows may go But the BULL in this place goes on forever Farmhouse 3612 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 503-777-8126 Daily Spec Speciials Homemade Soup Pool Players Spec Specii al NY Steak Dinner $9. 75 Sure Shot Billiards & Darts 5510 W Clearwater - Kennewick, WA 509-737-9868 S ELECTED POOL TABLES ON SALE Open: Tues - Fri 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-4pm Hub BaR Under New Management FREE POOL All Day Sundays Happy Hour 5-6 M-F 23 East Main (406) Belgrade, MT 388-1811 5429 100th St SW (corner of 100th & Bridgeport) Lakewood, WA 253-584-1919 3 Pool Tables Pool Leagues Saturday Night 8-Ball $5 entry - BCA Rules Double Elimination - Starts 7PM House matches the pot Oregon Central Oregon ACS: Kelly Reynolds (Bend) cowboykel@coinet.com 541.420.4511 Lane County: Georgia Cassle gaceug@peoplepc.com Medford/Grants Pass: Dan Burdick anbvending@earthlink.com Midnite Phoenix: Portland Jean Bartholomew Jean32@email.msn.com Judy Griffith 360.892.7454 SHORDUNSKI@aol.com Becky Mowdy (contact Judy Griffith) Niki Phillipi ninipipi3@hotmail.com Roseburg ACS: Dave Gerkin 541.673.1304 Willamette Valley ACS: Annie Gay anneth@comcast.net Washington Midnite Phoenix Olympia & Tacoma: Craig Arnold 360.704.9448 lasercue@comcast.net Midnite Phoenix Vancouver: Judy Griffith 360.892.7454 Arizona Tucson: Old Pueblo CueSports Bob Jackson 520-546-3464 California Concord: Diablo Valley Pool Tina Mendoza 510.861.0812 Idaho Twin Falls: Magic Valley 8-ball Carl Wormsbaker 208.734.2560 wormospocket@netscape.net Montana Billings: Doug Asleson dougasleson@netscape.net Bozeman: Carol Filson 406.580.3227 Steve Ross 406.580.6450 Bridger: Carbon County BCA Tony Lehman 406-662-5355 Hamilton: Bitterroot 8-Ballers Mark Strandberg 406.821.3355 Helena: Big Sky Billiards Chuck Hoagland 406.431.8105 Arizona: TAP Pool League Maricopa County: Peggy Mallen 602-268-6067 webmaster@phoenixtap.com Montana Bozeman: Rocky Mountain Gaming Don Lutes 406.586.9526 Helena: Century Gaming Chris Warren 406.442.7088 Lewistown: Native Son Amusement Stuart Armstrong 406.350.2204 Oregon Portland: Cascade Pool League Andrew Monstis 503.252.4215 sharandrew@msn.com Oregon Salem: Randi Lee 503.362.0133 Southwest Oregon: R J & Wild Bill 541.582.0821 roguerats@msn.com Spokane: John Wenglewski 509.327.2591 Tacoma: Pierce County Michelle Barkdoll 253.219.2130 Smokinkue@comcast.net The Association for P.O.O.L. 3425 High Hill Drive Little River, SC 29566 Toll Free: 800-984-7665 www.tapleague.com American Poolplayers Association 1000 Lake Saint Louis Blvd. Suite 325 Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367 Phone: (636) 625-8611 www.poolplayers.com Maggie O’T O’Too oles Pub & Grub Oregon Albany: Mid-Valley BCA Bob Cook 541.760.8242 bcook@northstarsurveying.com Astoria: Lower Columbia BCA Nancy Nelson 503.325.2931 frrumpy2003@yahoo.com Bend: Central Oregon Pool League Kelly Reynolds 541.420.4511 cowboykel@coinet.com Eugene: Emerald Valley BCA Darcy Williams-Moss 541.517.9816 darcy@lcpl.net Grants Pass: Players Club Danny Burdick 541.659.0467 anbvending@earthlink.net Lincoln City: Lincoln City BCA Roger Jones 541.994.9305 rogercjones50@hotmail.com Portland: Cascade Pool League Andrew Monstis / Sassy Campbell 503.252.4215 sharandrew@comcast.net Roseburg: Roseburg BCA League Bruce Deal 541.285.8542 janet.thomas@douglasesd.k12.or.us Salem: Cherry City BCA Shawn/Tracii Self 503.851.0365 trucntrac21@comcast.net Toledo: South Lincoln County Melvin White 541.336.9563 remdwhite@yahoo.com Oregon, Washington Northwest Players League League Op: Cindy Doty 360.577.0098 cinbad@ispwest.com Kennewick Div Mgr: Donna Totten 509-946-8636 Longview Div Mgr: Cadillac Island Casino Cindy Doty 360-577-0098 Portland Div Mgr: Sam’s Billiards Kimberly Engh 503-484-5542 Oregon City KC’s Midway Div Mgr: Mike & Kari Stevens 503-632-4189 Tigard Div Mgr: Breaktime Billiards Matt Bryan 970-563-9279 Vancouver Div Mgr: Big Al’s - Becky 360-944-6118 Joe & Kay Ruben 360-892-0250 Yakima Div Mgr: Pam & Tim Desmarais 509-469-0354 Washington Lynnwood: Sno-King BCA Pool League Mark Avlon 425.478.1598 mark@skbca.com Ocean Park: Lower Columbia Peninsula Division Don/Jenny Sheldon 360.665.4105 dkj@centurytel.net Olympia: Thurston County BCA Terry Ludwig 360.790.7139 terrymludwig@comcast.net Port Angeles: Juan de Fuca League Bill Henderson 360.452.3923 hendo@tfon.com Puyallup: Western Washington BCA Pool League Doug Schulze 253.848.0277 Spokane: Inland BCA League Johnnie Landis 509.220.4255 inland_bca@msn.com M8 Pool Leagues 2707 Lincoln Drive Roseville, MN 55113 651-636-2022 www.M8Pool.com NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS American CueSports Alliance 101 S. Military Ave., Suite P - #131 Green Bay, WI 54303 Toll Free: 888-662-1705 www.americancuesports.org July 2008 Valley National 8-Ball League Association 201 S. Henry Street Bay City, Michigan 48706 Email: info@vnea.com www.vnea.com BCA Pool Leagues 2041 Pabco Road Henderson, NV 89011 Office: (702)719-7665 www.playbca.com League Operators List your leagues here email: otbnews@aol.com Mon: 9-Ball at 7PM Thurs: 8-Ball at 7PM $5 entry - “B” Players Only House adds 100% 6006 100th St SW Lakewood, WA www.maggieotooles.com 253-584-3278 Halftime Bar & Grill 7115 NE Hazel Dell - Vancouver,WA 360-694-3114 Mon: Sun: 8-Ball Open at 7PM - first 24 $5 entry - Added Money Blind Draw Scotch Doubles at 6PM - $5 entry Added money 16+ players SKYLAND PUB 503-661-6464 7 POOL TABLES FULL KITCHEN HARD LIQUOR 20 BEERS ON TAP Corner of Stark & Troutdale Rd (across from Troutdale Thriftway) BILLIARDS PLUS FAMILY ARCADE Southwest Washington’s largest selection of Quality NAME BRAND CUE STICKS AND DART SUPPLIES Owner: Sandy Snyder 2904BurtonRd,BldgA Vancouver,WA98662 (360) 892-8815 Lil’ Big Foot 3015 E Mission Spokane, WA 509-534-0401 LUNCH FULL POOL PULL DINNER BAR DARTS TABS IN HOUSE POOL LEAGUES 12801 NE 175th - Woodinville, WA (425) 488-0140 July 2008 WEEKLY POOL TOURNAMENTS 31 Colo CALL FIRST: Dates, Times & Tournaments are subject to change without notice. DA Y DAY Mondays Thursdays Friday Saturdays OREGON DA Y DAY Mondays CITY Northglenn Northglenn Northglenn Northglenn CITY Beaverton Boring Medford Portland Salem Troutdale Tuesdays Beaverton Medford Portland Salem Wednesdays Milwaukee Portland Portland Troutdale Thursdays Milwaukie Portland Portland Portland Vaneta Fridays Oregon City Salem Saturdays Oregon City Oregon City Portland Portland Portland Portland Salem Sundays Dallas, OR Oregon City Portland Portland Salem LOCA TION LOCATION Colorado Cue Club Colorado Cue Club Colorado Cue Club Colorado Cue Club PHONE (303) 450-7665 (303) 450-7665 (303) 450-7665 (303) 450-7665 EVENT / RULES 9-Ball Big Tables R5/Alt Br/DE 9-Ball Big Tables Race 5 9-Ball BarBox Race 2 8-Ball Bar Tables Race 4/3 ENTRY $12 $22 $5 $10 ADDED $50 $100 $10 Bar Tab $100 TIME 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM LOCA TION LOCATION Hot Shots Full Moon Bar & Grill Rack’em Cues Billiards Sharky’s Pool & Brew Skyland Hot Shots Rack’em Cues Billiards Sharky’s Pool & Brew Wichita Cues Billiards Cues Billiards Skyland Domenic’s Bar & Grill Ranchouse Ranchouse Ranchouse Yukon Jack’s K C Midway Jake’s Bar & Grill K C Midway K C Midway JoQ’s Ranchouse Ranchouse Ranchouse Jake’s Bar & Grill Blondie’s K C Midway NiteHawk Sam’s Billiards Sharky’s Pool & Brew PHONE (503) 644-8869 (503) 663-0581 (541) 779-6111 (503) 251-8399 (503) 391-4912 (503) 661-6464 (503) 644-8869 (541) 779-6111 (503) 251-8399 (503) 391-4912 (503) 654-4201 (503) 251-8399 (503) 251-8399 (503) 661-6464 (503) 654-6969 (503) 702-7878 (503) 702-7878 (503) 702-7878 (541) 935-1921 (503) 655-0089 (503) 362-3600 (503) 655-0089 (503) 655-0089 (503) 287-4210 (503) 702-7878 (503) 702-7878 (503) 702-7878 (503) 362-3600 (503) 623-8880 (503) 655-0089 (503) 285-7177 (503) 282-8266 (503) 391-4912 EVENT / RULES 9 Ball ‘B’ -Texas Express 8 Ball BCA rules USPPA 8-Ball BCA Rules 9-Ball 8-Ball B & Below 9 Ball ‘C’ -Texas Express USPPA 9-Ball C & below 8-Ball B & below Mod. BCA 8-Ball Open 9-Ball 8-Ball 8-Ball B & Below 8-Ball “No Masters” 8-Ball/9-Ball Handicapped 8-Ball/9-Ball Handicapped 8-Ball/9-Ball Handicapped 8-Ball Double Elim. 9-Ball Texas Express 8 Ball-Open 9 Ball Texas Express 8 Ball BCA rules 9-Ball with Break Pot 8-Ball/9-Ball Handicapped 8-Ball/9-Ball Handicapped 8-Ball/9-Ball Handicapped 8-Ball Blind Draw Sc Doubles 8-Ball/9-Ball (alt.) 9 Ball - Race 4/3 8 Ball Straight Pool (1st Sun.) 9-Ball ENTR Y ENTRY $6+$1 $5 $8 $7 incl. g.f. $5+$2 g.f. $3 $6+$1 $8 $7 incl. g.f. $5+$3 g.f. $5 $6 incl. g.f. $6 incl. g.f. $3 $5 $6 $6 $6 $3 $5 $5 $6 $5 $5 $6 $6 $6 $5 $3 $5 $3M/$2W $10+$2 g.f. $10 ADDED TIME 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 9:30PM 7:30PM 7:00PM 5:00PM 7:30PM 9:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 5:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 5:00PM 7:30PM 9:30PM 7:30PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 6:00PM 11:00AM 1:00PM $$$ Matching $75/1st w/16 Matching $$$ $$$ 50% $$$ $$$ $$$ 50% $75/1st w/16 $$$ $75/1st w/16 $75/1st w/16 $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ Matching $75/1st w/16 $100 50% Video on Demand online at www.OTBnTV.com Sam’ s Billiards presents Sam’s Johnny Archer and Earl Strickland Join Us W ednesday July 23rd Wednesday 32 WEEKLY POOL TOURNAMENTS July 2008 CALL FIRST: Dates, Times & Tournaments are subject to change without notice. DA Y DAY Mondays Tuesdays CITY Federal Way Freeland Lakewood Puyallup Tacoma Vancouver Vancouver Everett Federal Way Lakewood Marysville WASHINGTON Mountlake Terr Shoreline Spokane Spokane Sumner Wednesdays Bellevue Freeland Lakewood Longview Monroe Seattle Tacoma Tacoma Vancouver Vancouver Thursdays Bellevue Graham Lakewood Olympia Vancouver Fridays Everett Kenmore Longview Okanogan Renton Spokane Saturdays Fircrest Kennewick Lakewood Okanogan Renton Renton Spokane Sumner Vancouver Sundays Graham Kennewick Lakewood Lakewood Longview Lynnwood Okanogan Olympia Shoreline Snohomish Snohomish Tacoma Tacoma Vancouver Vancouver LOCA TION LOCATION Tall Timbers Houdini’s Maggie O’Toole’s Summit Pub Latitude 84 Halftime Spot Bar & Grill P C Pub P J Pockets Longhorn Saloon J R’s Steakhouse & Bar O’Houlie’s Pub Dr Cues 7th Rail McQ’s Log Cabin The Spot Off Main Houdini’s Full Splice Cadillac Island Robin’s Billiards Jillian’s Malarkey’s Pool & Brew Latitude 84 Club 199 Spot Bar & Grill Mustard Seed Qz’s Maggie O’Toole’s Frankies Spot Bar & Grill P C’s Pub Golden Fleece Billiards Cadillac Island The Club Mike’s Place 7th Rail Charley’s Pub Classic Island Schooners The Club Mike’s Place Mike’s Place 7th Rail Log Cabin Spot Bar & Grill Qz’s Billiard’Aires Club Full Splice Longhorn Saloon Cadillac Island Uncle Jack’s The Club Frankies Dr Cues Kornerpocket Billiardz Kornerpocket Billiardz Latitude 84 Malarkey’s Pool & Brew Halftime Spot Bar & Grill PHONE (253) 952-2302 (360) 331-1979 (253) 584-3278 (253) 536-1588 (253) 531-5154 (360) 694-3114 (360) 256-1110 (425) 258-9465 (253) 298-2259 (253) 581-2580 (360) 658-7747 (425) 776-1833 (206) 365-1187 (509) 325-7751 (509) 891-8357 (253) 863-2905 (425) 646-6434 (360) 331-1979 (253) 512-6898 (360) 957-0065 (360) 794-7878 (206) 223-0300 (253) 383-3301 (253) 531-5154 (360) 693-8125 (360) 256-1110 (425) 603-9001 (253) 262-8437 (253) 584-3278 (360) 455-0352 (360) 256-1110 (425) 258-9465 (425) 908-7332 (360) 957-0065 (509) 422-1907 (425) 255-9213 (509) 325-7751 (253) 564-9454 (509) 460-7203 (253) 584-1919 (509) 422-1907 (425) 255-9213 (425) 255-9213 (509) 325-7751 (253) 863-2905 (360) 256-1110 (253) 262-8437 (360) 783-4071 (253) 512-6898 (253) 581-2580 (360) 957-0065 (425) 640-5474 (509) 422-1907 (360) 455-0352 (206) 365-1187 (360) 862-9054 (360) 862-9054 (253) 531-5154 (253) 383-3301 (360) 694-3114 (360) 256-1110 To all poolplayers: DO YOU have Something to SAY EVENT / RULES 8-Ball Open Call Pocket 8-Ball 9-Ball “B” Only 8-Ball 9-Ball 8-Ball Open-Limit first 24 8 Ball - Ladies Only 9-Ball 9-Ball Starting June 3rd 8-Ball 8-Ball B & below/BCA Mod. 8-Ball 9-Ball Limit 32 “Torture” Tournament 9 Ball - Texas Express 9-Ball Vegas Rules 8-Ball Revised BCA Rules 9-Ball 8-Ball 8-Ball Open 9-Ball 9-Ball 9 Ball 9-Ball Survivor 8-Ball Call Pocket 8-Ball B only Limit 16 8-Ball 8-Ball “B” Only 9-Ball Valley Rules 8 Ball - BCA Modified 8 Ball - B & below 9-Ball Handicap 9-Ball $25 top B player 8-Ball 8 Ball 9-Ball 9-Ball 12 Week Qualifier 8-Ball Handicapped 8-Ball BCA rules 9-Ball 8 Ball 8 Ball 8-Ball 8-Ball Slop Pool 9-Ball 9-Ball 8-Ball/9-Ball Alternating 9-Ball Blind Draw Sc Dbls 9-Ball Open 9-Ball 8-Ball Valley Rules 8-Ball 8-Ball B & below 8-Ball Open 8-Ball 8-Ball Blind Draw Scotch Dbls 9-Ball Race to 3 ENTRY $5 $10 $5 $5 $5+$3 g.f. $5 $3 $5 Call $5 $5+$2 g.f. $7 $10 $1 $5+$2 g.f. $5 $7 $10 $5+$3 $5+$1 $5+$3 g.f. $7 $5+3 g.f. $5+$3 g.f. $3 $5 $5 $5+$3 g.f. $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $5+$2 g.f. $5 $5 $3 $5 + $5 g.f. $5+$2 g.f. $5 $5 $5 $5 $3 $5 $2 $5+$3 g.f. $10+$2 g.f. $5+$3 $5 $5+$1 $5+$2 g.f. $5 $5 $7 $5+$3 g.f. $20+$5 g.f. $5+$3 g.f. $5 $5 $5 ADDED 100% ($100 max) $50 w/16 100% 50% $$$ $2/player 100% $100 w/16 Pays 75% field 100%+Break Pot 100%+BreakPot Break Pot $20 $50 min. Matching 100% $50 w/16 100% w/15+ Matching Breakpot 100% 100% w/32 $3/player w/12 Matching up to $100 100% 100% Matching $3/player 100% $300 min $200 100% w/16 Matching Break Pot Matching 100% 100% w/16 100% w/16 Matching Matching Meat 100% 100% w/15+ Pays 75% field Matching Matching Matching 50% w/16 50% w/16 100% $$$ w/16+ Matching TIME 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM 7:00PM Midnight 8:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 5:00PM 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 6:30PM 7:30pm 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 2:00PM 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 11:00PM 8:00PM Call 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM 8:00PM 2:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 2:00PM 8:00PM 8:00PM 2:00PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 1:00PM 1:30pm 8:00PM 2:00PM 3:00PM 2:00PM 6:00PM 5:00PM 1:00PM 5:00PM 8:00PM 2:00PM 7:00PM 2:00PM www.onthebreaknews.com/PoolPages July 2008 WEEKLY POOL TOURNAMENTS CALL FIRST: Dates, Times & Tournaments are subject to change without notice. MT ID AriZona DA Y DAY Mondays CITY Chandler Glendale Mesa Phoenix Tucson Tuesdays Chandler Glendale Mesa Tucson Wednesdays Glendale Mesa Tucson Thursdays Chandler Glendale Mesa Phoenix Fridays Glendale Phoenix Saturdays Glendale Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Sundays Chandler Phoenix Mesa Phoenix Phoenix Tucson LOCA TION LOCATION Hollywood Billiards Silver Q Billiards (67th) Main Street Billiards Fritz’s Doghouse Main Street Billiards Hollywood Billiards Silver Q Billiards (35th) Main Street Billiards Main Street Billiards Silver Q Billiards (67th) Main Street Billiards Main Street Billiards Hollywood Billiards Silver Q Billiards (67th) Main Street Billiards The Nugget Charley’s Place 43rd Ave Tavern Charley’s Place Dizzy’s Greenway Village Neighbors The Nugget Hollywood Billiards Chantilly’s Main Street Billiards Marino’s Neighbors Main Street Billiards PHONE (480) 659-3280 (623) 776-2266 (480) 969-7898 (602) 870-7549 (520) 546-3464 (480) 659-3280 (623) 843-0900 (480) 969-7898 (520) 546-3464 (623) 776-2266 (480) 969-7898 (520) 546-3464 (480) 659-3280 (623) 776-2266 (480) 969-7898 (623) 873-1118 (602) 439-1668 (623) 847-0335 (602) 439-1668 (602) 944-9699 (602) 971-5523 (623) 878 4154 (623) 873-1118 (480) 659-3280 (602) 789-1417 (480) 969-7898 (623) 878-2722 (623) 878 4154 (520) 546-3464 EVENT / RULES 8-Ball Open HDCP-3 DE 9 & under HDCP-3 9-Ball 7 & under S/E HDCP 8-Ball 8 & under DE 8 and under minus 3 games 9-Ball 8 & Under HDCP-3 DE 9 & under HDCP-3 9-Ball Open S/E Race to HDCP Open ABC 7 & under HDCP-3 9-Ball 8 & under S/E HDCP 8 and under minus 3 games 9-Ball 7 & Under HDCP-3 DE 9 & under HDCP-3 9-Ball 9 & under S/E HDCP 8-Ball 7 & under Race to 1 8-Ball 7 & under 8-Ball Open DE 8-Ball 7 & under 8-Ball 7 & under 8-Ball 8 & under 8-Ball Open DE 8-Ball 8 & under Race to 1 8-Ball Open HDCP-3 DE 8-Ball 7 & under DE 9-Ball 9 & under S/E HDCP 8-Ball Open Race to 1 DE 8-Ball Open DE Race to full handicap ENTRY $12 $10 (incl. $2 g.f.) $6 $5 $5 $12 $10 (incl. $2 g.f.) $11 $5 $10 (incl. $2 g.f.) $6 $5 $12 $10 (incl. $2 g.f.) $6 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $12 $5 $11 $5 $5 $10 ADDED Sidepot Sidepot DA Y DAY CITY Tuesdays Moscow Wednesdays Moscow Twin Falls Saturdays Moscow Sundays Pocatello LOCA TION LOCATION Mingles Mingles The Pocket Mingles Oasis Bar PHONE (208) 882-2050 (208) 882-2050 (208) 733-9676 (208) 882-2050 (208) 232-9347 EVENT / RULES 9 Ball 8 Ball 8-Ball Handicapped 8 Ball 8/9 Ball Alternating ENTR Y ENTRY $5 $5 $6 $5 $5 ADDED $25 w/16+ Matching Matching TIME 8:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM DA Y DAY Mondays CITY Kalispell Three Forks Wednesdays Kalispell Missoula Friday Missoula Saturdays Kalispell Missoula Missoula Sundays Belgrade Butte LOCA TION LOCATION Cattlemen’s Casino Frontier Club Cattlemen’s Casino Buck’s Club Buck’s Club Cattlemen’s Casino Buck’s Club Buck’s Club Hub Bar Mr Ed’s PHONE (406) 257-9656 (406) 285-9876 (406) 257-9656 (406) 543-5028 (406) 543-5028 (406) 257-9656 (406) 543-5028 (406) 543-5028 (406) 388-1811 (406) 782-3700 EVENT / RULES 8-Ball Free Pool All Day 8-Ball 8-Ball 8-Ball 8-Ball 8-Ball 8-Ball Free Pool All Day 8 Ball ENTRY $5 ADDED Matching TIME 7:00PM $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 Matching $5/player $5/player Matching $5/player $5/player 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 1:00PM 4:00PM 8:00PM $5 $2.50/player 2:00PM DA Y DAY Mondays LOCA TION LOCATION Jointed Cue Family Billiards Broken Rack Garlic City Billiards CA Billiard Club Shooters Jointed Cue CA Billiard Club Hard Times Billiards Palacade Shooters Hard Times Family Billiards Town & Country Shooters Family Billiards Billiard Palacade Hard Times CA Billiard Club Hard Times PHONE (916) 456-3243 (415) 931-1115 (510) 652-9808 (408) 842-6950 (650) 965-3100 (951) 785-9588 (916) 456-3243 (650) 965-3100 (916) 332-8798 (415) 585-6800 (951) 785-9588 (916) 332-8798 (415) 931-1115 (650) 992-7900 (951) 785-9588 (415) 931-1115 (415) 346-9140 (562) 867-7733 (650) 965-3100 (916) 332-8798 EVENT / RULES 9-Ball B USPPA USPPA 9-Ball USPPA 8 Ball Handicapped 9-Ball Handicapped 9-Ball Open staggered entry 9-Ball USPPA 9 Ball ‘B’ & below-Limit 32 8-Ball 9-Ball 9 Ball USPPA USPPA 9-Ball 9-Ball USPPA NPL NPL 9-Ball Open 9-Ball USPPA Handicap 9 Ball Open ENTRY $5 $20 $15 $15 $10 $12 $5-$15 $20 $5 $10 $12 $10 $20 Call $12 $20 $20 $15 $20 $15 ADDED TIME 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:00PM 8:00PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 1:00PM 1:00PM 3:00PM 1:00PM 1:00PM 8:00PM Noon CITY Sacramento San Francisco Tuesdays CALIFORNIA 33 Emeryville Gilroy Mountain View Riverside Sacramento Wednesdays Mountain View Sacramento San Francisco Thursdays Riverside Sacramento San Francisco Saturdays Daly City, CA Riverside San Francisco San Francisco Sundays Bellflower Mountain View Sacramento 200% payout Sidepot Sidepot Sidepot Sidepot Sidepot Sidepot Sidepot Sidepot 150% payout 200% payout 200% payout 200% payout 200% payout 200% payout 150% payout Sidepot 200% payout 200% payout 200% payout Side pot $50 $75 $50 $50 w/16 $500 Break Pot $$$ $500 Break Pot $5/player to $150 TIME 7:30PM 7:30PM Call 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM Call 7:00PM 7:30PM Call 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM Call 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM 2:00PM 1:00PM 4:00PM Call 8:00PM 3:00PM 1:00PM July 2008 Call First - All Tournaments are subject to change without notice 34 DA TE DATE Jul 4 Jul 5-6 Jul 5 Jul 6 Jul 5 Jul 6 Jul 12 Jul 12 Jul 12-13 Jul 12-13 Jul 19 Jul 19 Jul 19-20 Jul 23 Jul 24 Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 26-27 Jul 26-27 Jul 27 Jul 30 Aug 2 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 3 Aug 3 Aug 9 Aug 16 Aug 16 Aug 16-17 Aug 16-17 Aug 16-17 Aug 23-24 Aug 23-24 Aug 23-24 Aug 27 Aug 30-Sep 1 Sep 6 Sep 7 Sep 6 Sep 7 Sep 13 Sep 20 Sep 20-21 Sep 24 Sep 27-28 Oct 3-5 Oct 3-5 Oct 22-26 CITY Hollywood, CA Hollywood, CA Lynnwood, WA Portland, OR Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Bozeman, MT Salem, OR Longview, WA Kenmore, WA Tucson, AZ Oregon City, OR Mtn View, CA Portland, OR Tacoma, WA Bozeman, MT Northglenn, CO Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA Freeland, WA San Francisco, CA Lynnwood, WA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Concord, CA Portland, OR Salem, OR Northglenn, CO Tucson, AZ Longview, WA Bellevue, WA Mtn View, CA Mesa, AZ San Francisco, CA Lynnwood, WA San Francisco, CA Riverside, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Lynnwood, WA Portland, OR Salem, OR Tucson, AZ Mtn View, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Great Falls, MT Great Falls, MT Lincoln City, OR LOCA TION LOCATION Hollywood Billiards (See ad June) Hollywood Billiards (See ad June) Uncle Jack’s (See ad p8) Sam’s Billiards (See ad p31) Hard Times (See ad 23) Hard Times (See ad 27) Molly Brown (See ad p23) The Cue Ball (See ad p10) Cadillac Island (See ad p3) NWPA (See ad p6) Main Street (See ad p16) K C Midway (See ad p8) CA Billiard Club (See ad p20) Sam’s Billiards (See ad p31) Malarkey’s (See ad p23) Eagles #326 (See ad p30) Colorado Cue Club (See ad p26) Desert Classic (See ad p16) Family Billiards (See ad p5) Houdini’s (See ad p13) Billiard Palacade (See ad p21) Uncle Jack’s (See ad p8) Hard Times (See ad 27) Hard Times (See ad 27) DVPL (See ad p21) Sam’s Billiards (See ad 31) The Cue Ball (See ad p10) Colorado Cue Club (See ad p26) Main Street (See ad p16) Cadillac Island (See ad p3) NWPA (See ad p6) CA Billiard Club (See ad p20) Desert Classic (See ad p35) Family Billiards (See ad p5) Uncle Jack’s (See ad p8) Billiard Palacade (See ad p21) Shooters (See ad p25) Hard Times (See ad 27) Hard Times (See ad 27) Uncle Jack’s (See ad p8) Sam’s Billiards (See ad p31) The Cue Ball (See ad p10) Main Street (See ad p16) CA Billiard Club (See ad p20) Billiard Palacade (See ad p21) Family Billiards (See ad p5) 8 Ball In (See ad p36) 8 Ball In (See ad p36) Western BCA (See ad p9) PHONE (310) 370-3994 (310) 370-3994 (425) 640-5474 (503) 282-8266 (916) 332-8793 (916) 332-8793 (406) 209-7332 (503) 362-9740 (360) 957-0065 (206) 920-1936 (520) 546-3464 (503) 656-9501 (650) 965-3100 (503) 282-8266 (253) 383-3301 (406) 587-9996 (303) 450-7665 (480) 888-5112 (415) 931-1115 (360) 331-1979 (415) 585-6800 (425) 640-5474 (916) 332-8793 (916) 332-8793 (510) 861-0829 (503) 282-8266 (503) 362-9740 (303) 450-7665 (520) 546-3464 (360) 957-0065 (206) 920-1936 (650) 965-3100 (480) 888-5112 (415) 931-1115 (425) 220-9051 (415) 585-6800 (951) 736-7340 (916) 332-8793 (916) 332-8793 (425) 640-5474 (503) 282-8266 (503) 362-9740 (520) 546-3464 (650) 965-3100 (415) 585-6800 (415) 931-1115 (406) 799-4949 (406) 799-4949 League Opr. EVENT / RULES One Pocket Warm-up One Pocket 9-Ball (big table) Straight Pool One Pocket 9-Ball 8-Ball Open Doubles-Limit 32T 9-Ball So. Willamette Valley players 9-Ball Handicap B & below 9-Ball at Golden Fleece Super Scotch Doubles Ladies Only-opens 10AM practice Sat: One Pocket / Sun: 9-Ball Exhibition Archer/Strickland Exhibition Archer/Strickland Pool in the Park-Mx Dbls One Pocket Race to 3/2 9-Ball Bar Box One Pocket/9-Ball 8-Ball BCA Rules 8-Ball Handicapped 9-Ball (big table) One Pocket 9-Ball Dave Piona Memorail @ Vinnie’s Straight Pool 9-Ball So. Willamette Valley players 8-Ball Race to 5 Alt Break Super Scotch Doubles 9-Ball Handicap B & below 9-Ball (WPBA Lincoln City Qualifier) Sat: One Pocket / Sun: 9-Ball 9-Ball 9’ Tables at Main St One Pocket/9-Ball 9-Ball Seattle Open 8-Ball Handicapped 9-Ball Labor Day Weekend One Pocket 9-Ball 9-Ball (big table) Straight Pool 9-Ball So. Willamette Valley players Super Scotch Doubles Sat: One Pocket / Sun: 9-Ball 8-Ball Handicapped One Pocket/9-Ball 8-Ball Wild West Shootout-Men 8-Ball Wild West Shootout-Women 9-Ball Regional Championship ENTR Y ENTRY $30 $75 $20+$5 g.f. $15 $20 $25 $20/team $10 $40+$10 g.f. Call $20/team $10 $25 / $25 Call Call Call $30+$10 g.f. Call $25 each $30 $20 $20+$5 g.f. $20 $25 $20 $15 $10 $30+$15 g.f. $20/team $40+$10 g.f. Call $25 / $25 Call $25 each $60 $20 $75 $20 $25 $20+$5 g.f. $12 $10 $20/team $25 / $25 $20 $25 each $25 $25 Varies ADDED $500 $2500 w/64 $250 w/32 $10 per 30 max. $10 per 50 max. $300 Guar. $200 $500 w/48 Side Pots $400 each Call $500 w/25+ $1750 $300 ea w/32 $150 w/32 $200 $250 w/32 $10 per 30 max. $10 per 50 max. $500 $200 $750 w/25+ Side Pots $500 w/48 $500 Guar $400 each $1000 $300 ea w/32 $1,000 $200 $5,000 Guar $10 per 30 max. $10 per 50 max. $250 w/32 $200 Side Pots $400 each $200 $300 ea w/32 $6,000 w/128 $1,750 w/64 $60,000 payout TIME Noon 10:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM Noon Noon 11:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM Call Noon 11:00AM 1:00PM Call Call Call Noon Call 1:00PM 9:00AM Call 10:00AM Noon Noon Noon 11:00AM 10:00AM Noon 1:00PM 11:00AM Call 1:00PM Call 1:00PM Call Call 11:00AM Noon Noon 10:00AM 11:00AM 10:00AM 1:00PM 1:00PM Call 1:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Call New T-Shirt Design - Get yours today NAME ____________________________________ SUBSCRIBE T OD AY ODA CITY _____________________STATE _________ For Home ZIP ______________________________________ Delivery E-mail ____________________________________ ONLY $29.95 A YEAR Send Check or Money Order to: $39.95 CANADA The Break - P O Box 100 - Three Forks, MT 59752 and get a T-shirt! Credit card orders call 406-285-3099 ADDRESS ________________________________ OR $25 A YEAR & NO T-Shirt $35 CANADA & NO T-Shirt June 2008 35
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