Glaval Bus - Busline Magazine
Glaval Bus - Busline Magazine
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Get the free app at See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1106 6SHFLÀFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH)UHLJKWOLQHU&XVWRP&KDVVLV&RUSRUDWLRQLVUHJLVWHUHGWR,62DQG,62&RS\ULJKW'DLPOHU7UXFNV1RUWK$PHULFD//& $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG)UHLJKWOLQHU&XVWRP&KDVVLV&RUSRUDWLRQLVDVXEVLGLDU\RI'DLPOHU7UXFNV1RUWK$PHULFD//&D'DLPOHUFRPSDQ\ CONTENTS M G A Z I N E IN THIS ISSUE EDITORIAL & CORPORATE OFFICES Buffalo Bus Touring Company Helping Visitors Tour Yellowstone........8 Rankin Publishing Co., Inc. Don Rankin and Linda Rankin, Publishers 204 E. Main Street • P.O. Box 130 Arcola, IL 61910-0130, USA Email: Website: (800) 598-8083 (U.S.) • (217) 268-4959 Fax: (217) 268-4815 2012 Busline Suppliers Directory Index..................6 2012 Busline Suppliers Directory.......20 Busline’s Vehicle Showcase: Editorial: Harrell Kerkhoff, Editor Rick Mullen, Associate Editor Design: David Opdyke Small & Mid-Size Buses Advertising Kevin Kennedy @ 623-434-8959 Email: • ABC Companies 47 • Turtle Top 48 • ARBOC Specialty Vehicles 50 • Temsa 51 • Glaval Bus 52 Or, Don Rankin @ 800-598-8083 Fax: 217-268-4815 Email: BusCon Expo Booth Numbers courtesy of BusCon website, accurate as of 6/26. Busline Magazine is published 6 times a year by Rankin Publishing, Inc., 204 E. Main, P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910-0130. Publisher assumes no liability whatsoever for content of any advertisement or editorial material contained herein. Copyright 2012 Rankin Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of Rankin Publishing, Inc. Subscription Rates in United States: 6 issues $25. Single Copy rate: $10 including postage/handling; Buyer’s Guide $15 including postage/handling. International rates: 6 issue annual Air Mail Subscription $60 U.S. dollars net 5 Star Specialty Programs ABC Companies Advantage Funding Aesys Inc. Alexander Dennis Inc. Altro Transflor Amaya-Astron Seating American Cooling Technology, Inc. ARBOC Specialty Vehicles Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison Bauer Compressors Bitzer Budget Truck & Autobody BusCon Expo Chestnut Ridge Foam Classic Trolley Clean Energy Columbia Equipment Diamond Manufacturing eFleet Services Inc. EMP Freightliner Glaval Bus Handi-Hut, Inc. Page 4 A July/AuGust 2012 Published by Rankin Publishing, Inc. BUSLINE July/August 2012 19 29 24 54 17 46 26 22 21 10 16 18 44 55 41 23 7 40 54 56 34 3 25 43 INDUSTRY NEWS.............................Page 45 RAPID RESPONSE.......................See Below ON THE COVER: Buffalo Bus Touring Company’s Jeanine and Randy Roberson are shown next to the company’s Turtle Top Odyssey XL and Turtle Top Van Terra. See page 8. Imeco, Inc. MAHA Lifts Main Fare Box MCI (Motor Coach Industries) Midwest Bus Corporation Mile-X Nissan Commercial Vehicles Penntex Industries Prevost Car ProAir, LLC Protective Insurance Company Relational Bus Systems Safety Step SEFAC Service Insurance Stertil-Koni SuperFleet Sutrak TEMSA TIB Transit Sales International Turtle Top Vanner Power Willingham Inc. www.protective 15 31 42 11 30 43 9 12 5, 60 45 27 37 42 44 45 36 28 38 13 39 14 2 33, 35 32 Even for the safest operators, accidents are part of the motorcoach business. But recovering from a collision shouldn’t require extensive downtime. Simply count on Prevost Service for bumper-to-bumper repairs for your Prevost, Volvo and Nova coaches. All work is performed by skilled technicians and welders who are committed to the high standards used in factory production. Following ISO-certified protocols, our experts access the latest technical and engineering data for your specific coach. Immediate access to OEM parts means accident work proceeds without delay, and replacement coaches help you meet your passenger obligations. Prevost collision repair. The only way to get your coach back to assembly-line perfection. And the fastest way to get back on the road. Prevost Service Locator Mobile App. Available for iPhone and Android. Please contact your Prevost Regional Service Manager for more information. USA 1-877-773-8678 CANADA 418-883-3391 T h e u l t i m a t e c l a s s. M 5Star Specialty Program..........................................20 ABC Companies ......................................................20 ACC Climate Control ...............................................20 Advantage Funding..................................................20 AESYS, Inc..............................................................22 Alcoa Wheel Products International ........................22 Alexander Dennis Inc. .............................................22 Altro Transflor ..........................................................22 Amaya-Astron Seating.............................................22 American Cooling Technology, Inc. (ACT)...............22 American Seating ....................................................24 AngelTrax.................................................................24 ARBOC Specialty Vehicles......................................24 Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison ..................................24 Bauer Compressors Inc...........................................24 Bauer’s Intelligent Transportation / Coach Sales ....26 Bergen Auto Upholstery Co., Inc. ............................26 Bitzer, US, Inc..........................................................26 Budget Truck and Auto, Inc. ....................................26 C.E. Niehoff & Co. ...................................................26 Cable Car Classics, Inc. ..........................................27 Cable Car Concepts ................................................27 Champion Bus .........................................................27 Charabanc Financial Services.................................27 Chestnut Ridge Foam, Inc.......................................27 Classic Trolley..........................................................27 Clean Energy...........................................................28 Clean Seal, Inc. .......................................................28 Columbia Equipment Co., Inc..................................28 Complete Coach Works...........................................28 Creative Bus Sales, Inc. ..........................................28 Cummins Inc............................................................29 Curved Glass Distributors........................................29 Daimler Buses North America .................................29 Daytech Limited.......................................................29 Detroit Diesel ...........................................................29 Diamond Manufacturing Inc.....................................29 Distinctive Systems Inc............................................29 Double K, Inc. (Hometown Trolley)..........................30 eFleet Services Inc. .................................................30 ElDorado National....................................................30 EMP .........................................................................31 Enghouse Transportation.........................................31 Enseicom, Inc. .........................................................31 Espar Heater Systems.............................................31 Euramtec Corp.........................................................31 Federal Coach Bus..................................................31 Fleet Financing Resources, LLC .............................32 Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation................32 Gillig Corporation.....................................................32 A G A Z I N Glaval Bus, Div. of Forest River, Inc........................32 GRI Pumps (Gorman-Rupp Industries) ...................32 Handi-Hut, Inc..........................................................33 IC Bus, A Navistar Company ...................................33 Imeco Cables Inc.....................................................33 Kelderman Air Suspensions ....................................33 Lancer Insurance Company ....................................34 Lantal Textiles, Inc. ..................................................34 MAHA USA ..............................................................34 Main Fare Box, Division of Euclid Products Co., Inc...34 Mentor Engineering .................................................35 Midwest Bus Corporation ........................................35 Mile-X Equipment, Inc. ............................................35 Mobile Climate Control Corp. ..................................35 Mohawk Lifts............................................................35 Motor Coach Industries ...........................................36 Motorcoach Manager, Inc. .......................................36 National Interstate Insurance Co.............................37 Nissan Commercial Vehicles ...................................37 North American Bus Industries, Inc. ........................37 P.A. Post Agency, LLC.............................................37 Paradigm Technology Consulting, LLC ...................37 PennTex Industries, Inc. ..........................................37 Petro/Rochelle Travel Plaza ....................................38 Prevost.....................................................................38 Prevost Parts and Service.......................................38 ProAir, LLC ..............................................................39 Protective Insurance................................................39 Proterra ...................................................................39 July/AuGust 2012 Published by Rankin Publishing, Inc. E Radio Engineering Industries, Inc. (REI) .................40 Relational Bus Systems, Inc. - RBS ........................40 Ridewell Suspensions..............................................40 Rotary Lift ................................................................40 Safety Step LLC ......................................................40 Sardo Bus & Coach Upholstery...............................41 Sefac, Inc.................................................................41 Service Insurance Agency, LLC...............................41 Shriver Insurance Agency........................................41 Spheros North America, Inc.....................................41 Starcraft Bus,...........................................................41 Stertil-Koni ...............................................................41 SuperFleet / Speedway LLC....................................42 Sutrak Corporation...................................................42 Temsa USA/CH Trading Co. ...................................42 Trans/Air Manufacturing Corp..................................42 Transit Sales International .......................................42 Transportation Insurance Brokers, Inc. (T.I.B.)........43 TriMark Corp............................................................43 Trolley Illusions, LLC ...............................................43 Turtle Top Inc. ..........................................................43 Vanner, Inc...............................................................44 VenTek International ................................................44 VIS-Polish ................................................................44 Voith Turbo Inc.........................................................44 Volvo Buses.............................................................44 Vossloh Kiepe, Inc. ..................................................44 WEH Technologies Inc. ...........................................45 Willingham Inc. ........................................................45 CALENDAR OF EVENTS AUGUST 2012 August 7-9 International Motor Coach Group (IMG) Strategic Alliance Meeting Minneapolis, MN Info: 888-447-3466 August 27-28 Midwest Bus & Motorcoach Association Annual Meeting and Driving Competition Grand Rapids, MI Info: 608-354-7110 August 14-16 State Public Transportation Partnership Conference Chicago, IL Info: 202-496-4800 SEPTEMBER 2012 September 11-12 BusCon 2011 Chicago, IL Info: 800-576-8788 August 15-19 National Association Of Motorcoach Operators (NAMO) Annual Conference Norfolk, VA Info: 571-312-7117 September 30 October 3 APTA Annual Meeting Seattle, WA Info: 202-496-4800 NOVEMBER 2012 November 10-14 Canadian Urban Transit Assoc. (CUTA) Fall Conference & Trans-Expo Quebec City, QC Info: 416-365-9800 JANUARY 2013 January 5-9 American Bus Association Marketplace Charlotte, NC Info: 800-283-2877 January 19-23 United Motorcoach Association / National Tour Association Co-located Conventions Orlando, FL Info: 800-424-8262 Read or Download Complete Issues Of Busline Magazine Online At: Page 6 BUSLINE July/August 2012 g fuelin w o N than more uses b 6,000 wide n natio By Harrell Kerkhoff Busline Magazine Editor F ew places on Earth are as unique as Yellowstone National Park. This is largely due to the park’s history and wide variety of wildlife, landscapes and geothermal features. Being unique has also benefited a major provider of tours inside Yellowstone — Buffalo Bus Touring Company, of West Yellowstone, MT. The company is well-known in the area for providing both public and private tours inside the park. This includes wintertime touring with “snowcoaches” — buses equipped with tracks rather than wheels to better enjoy Yellowstone’s winter wonderland. “All of our services are in Yellowstone National Park. We are a licensed concessionaire with the National Park Service and authorized to operate in both the summer and winter,” Buffalo Bus Touring Company President Randy Roberson said. “Many people don’t understand that in Yellowstone, there are two very distinct seasons. In the summer, we provide road-base tours with wheels on our buses; and in the winter, we have over-the-snow vehicle tours where we put tracks on these same buses.” Included in the company’s fleet of seven vehicles are four Turtle Top buses used for both summer and winter tours. Roberson explained that winter touring in Yellowstone National Park is a relatively new phenomenon. This is partly because few areas located in the lower 48 United States receive harsher winter weather. This can include large amounts of snowfall and extremely cold temperatures. In fact, when Roberson was interviewed by Busline Magazine in early June, the Yellowstone area was still receiving light snow at certain locations. Page 8 BUSLINE Winter tours in Yellowstone National Park, pictured above, are among the popular services provided by Buffalo Bus Touring Company. Randy and Jeanine Roberson, shown in the middle of the photo at right, started the company. They are pictured surrounded by family members also involved with the business — left to right, daughter Heather, and her husband, Scott; and son Jeremy, and his wife, Sabrina. “Winter has a hard time letting go here, even in May and June,” Roberson said. “This is the other side of living in paradise, you have to enjoy the long winters. “Yellowstone National Park’s winter touring history only goes back to the 1950s. First there were snow planes, then Bombardier snowcoaches, followed by 15-passenger vans with tracks. In 2001, I bought a Turtle Top Van Terra and turned it into a snowcoach. We started advertising as having the park’s only luxury snowcoach. Since then, we have added other Van Terras to our fleet as well as Turtle Top Odysseys. They are used for both summer and winter travel. There are more Turtle Tops in our fleet than any other brand.” For his efforts in improving snow touring in Yellowstone National Park, Roberson has received the prestigious George B. Hartzog, Jr. Award, named after one of the National Park Service’s most distinguished directors. It’s given to an individual or individuals who demonstrate outstanding support for the mission of the National Park System and/or the National Park Service. Roberson said his company has also been featured in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times thanks to its unique transportation offerings. July/August 2012 A Great Place To Visit, Live And Work T here are five public entrances to Yellowstone National Park. From the south, people can enter Yellowstone from nearby Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming; from the east, travelers come from Wyoming’s Shoshone National Forest; the northeast entrance is near the small Montana towns of Cooke City and Silver Gate; while the north entrance, near Gardiner, MT, features the famous Roosevelt Arch, with the inscribed words about Yellowstone on it that read: “For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People.” And then there is the west entrance to the park, in the town of West Yellowstone, which is also the home of Buffalo Bus Touring Company. “West Yellowstone is the most popular entrance — both in the summer and winter. My wife (Buffalo Bus Vice President Jeanine Roberson) and I grew up here. She was my high school sweetheart. We started working early on in the area’s hospitality industry,” Randy Roberson said. “Eventually, we formed a company that provided various hospitality services to Yellowstone visitors, including a motel operation. “It was a natural fit, then, for us to start offering bus tours inside the park in 1992. We have always to seasonal layoffs. There can also be approximateloved introducing Yellowstone to visitors and ly 10,000 summertime tourists in town on any teaching them about the park. Since we started, it’s given night. become more popular for people to visit Yellowstone by way of an interpretive guide. We have found that customers want to learn more about Yellowstone, including its history, wildlife and geology.” Buffalo Bus Touring Company drivers are referred to as guides and serve important duo functions. Roberson said that over the years, his guides have observed trends concerning what customers want to know and see when they visit Yellowstone. “Demand for our guides has Pictured is a Buffalo Bus vehicle on a summer loop. The company become higher because of their can cater directly to specific requests of customers. knowledge and skills,” he said. “We have some employees who have been sea“We have four full-time guides who work all year around. We also employ seasonal guides for the sonal guides for 10 years. They have a wonderful winter as we operate more vehicles during this summer job, and then they come to work for us,” Roberson said. time of year than in the summer. All guides who drive for Buffalo Bus Touring “Part-time work is great for our seasonal guides as many of them have area summer jobs and who Company hold a CDL license and undergo a trainare laid off during the winter. Some work as inter- ing regiment specifically designed for the types of preter rangers during the summer in Yellowstone.” tours they are expected to provide. Before new Roberson noted that West Yellowstone’s resi- guides are given the keys to start a new career, they dential population in the summer is around 1,200 must also ride along with experienced guides for a people. This drops to around 800 in the winter due time. This allows the new guides to get a better feel for the job and the different tours that are offered. “We also have our new guides take a bus into the park without any passengers. This allows them to get even more familiar with different surroundings,” Roberson said. Besides the Buffalo Bus Touring Company, the Robersons operate other area hospitality-related businesses such as Rendezvous Snowmobile Rentals & Tours and the Brandin’ Iron Inn. “Both my wife and I love Yellowstone and the surrounding area. It would be safe to say that most people who live in this location year-round feel the same way. You have to love this area, and outdoor life in general, if you are willing to live with the winters. It can become an ice box around here,” Roberson said. This mutual feeling of admiration about the Yellowstone area also helps Roberson hire and keep quality employees. Buffalo Bus currently has an employee base of 15 people. This includes Randy and Jeanine Roberson’s daughter, Heather, and her husband, Scott; Randy and Jeanine’s son, Jeremy, and his wife, Sabrina; Randy’s brother, Clark Roberson; and Randy and Jeanine’s nephew, Shane Brown, and his wife, Samantha. “We have a waiting list of people who would like to go to work here. It helps that our company uses great equipment, is very organized and is the busiest operator in West Yellowstone,” Roberson said. The Buffalo Bus Touring Company facility at DIESEL ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS The most profitable stop your bus can make! 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Page 10 BUSLINE Lodi, NJ Lodi, NJ (Bus Service Center) Piscataway, NJ 201-489-5800 201-291-8415 732-752-7100 Latham (Albany), NY Ronkonkoma, NY Middletown, CT In Vermount call Visit us online at: 518-452-0000 631-981-5800 860-632-0218 802-865-4672 Factory Authorized Sales, Service, Genuine Parts & Training July/August 2012 Yellowstone unique is the area’s incredible West Yellowstone includes a 4,200-squarediversity — both in wildlife and geotherfoot bus barn and repair center as well as a mal features. 2,000-square-foot lobby and waiting area. “We can encounter all kinds of wildlife Inside the lobby are large mounted photos during our tours inside Yellowstone,” detailing the transportation history of Roberson said. Yellowstone National Park, starting with This includes bison, elk, wolves, eagles, the operation of stagecoaches. Trumpeter Swans and, of course, plenty of “Our lobby is a fun place to look around bears. In fact, Yellowstone is one of the few while waiting for a tour to start. We have areas south of Canada that still has a large plaques describing what is taking place in grizzly bear population. each photo,” Roberson said. He considers Windows feature sliders and roofs have power vents making it “Overall, the park has the largest diversihimself a lucky man to be able to live in easy for customers to take photographs. ty of wildlife in the lower 48 states,” such a scenic and historic place while Roberson added. “And there are more geotdoing something he truly loves. located in a remote part of the country. For “I am in a location where people always seem to example, we don’t have a doctor in West hermal features in Yellowstone than anywhere else have smiles on their faces and are excited to be Yellowstone, and you have to drive 100 miles in the world. This includes geysers, mud pots, hot pools and fumaroles (an opening in the Earth’s here. Our guides often receive applause from their to buy many necessities.” crust which emits steam and gases).” passengers after spending a day inside Yellowstone National Park stretches approxiYellowstone. It’s like being an entertainer who is Touring In Style mately 63 miles north to south and approximately having a great night. How can you beat that?” Roberson said. ellowstone National Park was established 54 miles east to west at its farthest points, encomThese benefits help make up for the various by the U.S. Congress and signed into law passing over 2.2 million acres. The park is larger challenges found while living and working in the by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, than Rhode Island and Delaware combined, West Yellowstone area. As a transportation 1872. It became the world’s first true national park, according to the National Park Service. A large provider, Roberson said it’s harder to keep up and is located mostly in northwest Wyoming but portion of Yellowstone’s road system is configured with new technology while being located in such also extends into much smaller portions of south in a large ‘figure 8’ pattern, which includes the a remote area. central Montana and northeast Idaho. “upper loop” and the “lower loop.” Buffalo Bus provides tours into Yellowstone “We find it helps to read trade publications, Yellowstone’s rugged beauty has been a major that are divided into four segments. They include: which provide useful information about sup- draw for tourists ever since the park’s inception. pliers and technology,” Roberson said. Besides its early history as a national park and the upper loop summer tour, the lower loop sum“Despite the large tourism in the area, we are breathtaking scenery, what truly makes mer tour, winter tours and private tours — all Y G e t Th e HIGH EFFICIENCY ALTERNATORS AND MOBILE ELECTRONIC DEVICES PX-833 A d v a n t a g e ! The PennTex PX-833 is efficiently air-cooled with an output rating of 330 amps. The efficient PX-833 causes less drag on the engine to produce the same output as the 50DN, which saves fuel. Proudly Made in the USA REPLACES 50DN BELT-DRIVEN UNITS OIL TO AIR CONVERSION KITS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE PennTex Industries, Inc. 202 Plaza Dr. Manchester, PA 17345 Page 12 BUSLINE July/August 2012 28V / 330A, with more than 230 amps at idle Air-cooled for maximum performance Efficient design reduces fuel consumption High temperature bearings and grease Utilizes all existing 50DN hardware: regulator, wiring & pulley Eliminates the possibility of failing a roadside inspection due to a leaking alternator A complete Equipment and Parts Catalog is available. It can be downloaded from our expanded web site: Sales and Technical Toll Free: 877-590-7366 Sales Fax: 817-590-0505 email: Are your tour groups getting smaller? A TEMSA may be the solution for you. SAVE on: QUALITY: DURABILITY: Equipment cost Cummins Allison driveline Fuel Independent front suspension Insurance Tolls Cost to operate Exclusive Distributor See us at BusCon Expo Booth #720 Superb European quality and craftsmanship Tony Mongiovi Eastern Region 856-325-0094 The only integral designed 30 and 35 foot vehicles in the U.S. COMFORT: Has all the amenities of a 45 foot coach - ride, handling, quiet travel. Tim Vaught Larry Williams Southern Region 817-994-8692 Randy Kolesar Western Region 310-503-8892 Randy Angell Midwest Region 507-331-7911 “You would think that I would be on vacation during the offseason, but it doesn’t work that way,” Roberson said, with a laugh. “It’s during these times that we are busy getting ready for the approaching season. In the fall, after our summer season ends, for example, we start putting tracks on vehicles, turning them Customers of Buffalo Bus are able to enjoy a large lobby area full into snowcoaches. Park of pictorial features while waiting for an interpretive bus tour to begin. officials refer to the involving the company’s fleet of vehicles. wintertime as the, ‘Over-Snow Vehicle Travel The upper loop tour involves stops at Mammoth Season.’” Hot Springs, Fort Yellowstone, Tower Fall, the He added that it’s difficult, if not impossible, to Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and the Norris do a full loop tour in Yellowstone during the winGeyser Basin. Meanwhile, the lower loop tour ter. Therefore, Buffalo Bus’ tour guides concenincludes the world famous Old Faithful geyser, trate on traveling to such stops as Old Faithful and Yellowstone Lake and Lower Falls of the the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Yellowstone. “The road system is accessible inside The summer season at Yellowstone National Yellowstone thanks to snow grooming machines in Park runs from about May 1 to October 1. The the winter, and we stay on those groomed surwinter season is from December 15 through faces,” Roberson said. “Many people are attracted March 15. The time between the summer and to our winter tours, even those from warm regions winter seasons, in the fall and spring, is consid- such as Florida. They come for a unique ered the off-season. Yellowstone experience. Page 14 BUSLINE July/August 2012 “Winter touring is for those people looking for a little more adventure. We see a lot of cross-country skiers and photographers wanting to take our winter tours. In fact, we service as many customers in the winter as we do in the summer. It’s a close split. “Photography is a very big attraction for people traveling inside Yellowstone during the winter. The season offers a different world due to the steam, ice and snow — all which provide an incredible background. If you visit Yellowstone in the summer and then come back in the winter ... it doesn’t look like the same place.” Another unique aspect of winter touring inside Yellowstone is that much of the groomed surfaces designed for travel are located next to waterways. This is also where a lot of wildlife like to spend their winters. “Our customers often have a front row seat to a large cross-section of wildlife at this time, such as that found along riverbanks. The wildlife can get right next to the bus,” Roberson said. Private tours are also a key part of the travel equation for Buffalo Bus. The company can cater directly to the requests of specific customers. “We have done wedding party tours to Yellowstone, while some folks just want to focus on wildlife, geysers and/or waterfalls. It depends on their specific interests,” Roberson said. “Again, photography is a big draw, and all of our guides are very knowledgeable about photography, such as the best time of day to be at different locations for ÛIÝÔ The Highest Quality Harness Assembly We build harnesses using highest quality standards in the industry and specialized connectors for different conditions and applications including : Í KIIKÝÓLK Í 1 Í 1HKI Í 1HLIKHKILÓLK MONTREAL (CANADA) Í )HL(LK Í +HÝÚK(LK Í ILKIÛHLÜ Í ÛIHÜ PLATTSBURGH (U.S.A.) Toll Free: 1 888 TE-IMECO 518 324-5220 L IRIIĀI the best shots. This is a big part of our business in the summer as well.” Roberson explained that next to safety, customer satisfaction means everything to Buffalo Bus Touring Company. “I’m so lucky to be surrounded by all these employees who love Yellowstone. Our guides love taking people into the park and showing them around. We get emails from people telling us how much they enjoyed one of our guides showing them the park,” Roberson said. Guides at Buffalo Bus are also very good at gauging the specific interest of passengers. This interest level can dictate the itinerary of a tour. “If, for example, a guide finds that several people are interested in waterfalls, that guide has the flexibility to emphasize waterfalls for the day. Our guides are driving by a lot of the park’s natural features, making it easy to pick and choose how much time to spend at different places,” Roberson said. “This is all part of providing customer satisfaction — having experienced guides in place who are able to accommodate people’s needs and wishes. “There is a lot of good narration given by our guides and plenty of questions being answered during a typical tour. There are also several stops taken along the way which we call, ‘Front Country Walks.’ This is where the guide and passengers get out of the vehicle and see different aspects of Yellowstone on foot, such as its geothermal features. The guide will also talk about the flora and fauna our passengers are seeing along the way. It’s an interpretive nature walk. We usually do a couple of these on any given tour.” Passengers are able to spend some time on their own as well, such as at Old Faithful. They can take a couple of hours to explore the nearby visitor center, walk on Geyser Hill and have lunch. “We usually enter Yellowstone for our tours around 9 a.m. and leave the park around 5 p.m. Customers often express their desire to return to Yellowstone after one of our trips finish because they had such a good time,” Roberson said. Putting The Yellow Back In Yellowstone I t’s not by happenstance that the different vehicles put into service by the Buffalo Bus Touring Company feature a yellow over black color scheme. It’s all part of a long transportation history involving bus tours inside Yellowstone National Park. “Many companies providing tours inside the park used yellow buses during the early days. This was the case until sometime in the 1960s,” Roberson said. “Our company has a connection to that earlier era. My father-in-law (the late Burneal ‘Neal’ Swanson) used to drive those yellow buses in the park during the late 1940s through early 1950s. When my wife and I started our tour company, there were no other (touring) businesses in the area using yellow as the main color for vehi- cles. Since I knew there was a lot of history with that color regarding tours in Yellowstone National Park, I decided that yellow over black was the best color scheme to use. “(Neal) helped me learn quite a bit about the park and how to provide a good tour. He also told me stories about what it was like touring the park during the old days. In his early career, Neal actually got to work with older guides who started their careers on stagecoaches. Until 1917, if you toured Yellowstone National Park, you did so on a stagecoach. This is a fun thing to tell people, how our company has a small connection to the stagecoach days at Yellowstone.” A far cry from stagecoaches of the distant past, today’s vehicles used by Buffalo Bus Touring Company — including those from Turtle Top — are modern marvels, designed to carry customers in luxury and full of special amenities. “Our passengers want to be comfortable, they want good viewing windows, they want a good public address system in place, they want ample overhead storage, and they want a vehicle that has a quality air conditioning and heating system on board. All of these features are necessities that help people enjoy and learn more about Yellowstone,” Roberson said. “We have specifically tailored the vehicles we use for the sightseeing needs of customers.” One particular amenity used by Buffalo Bus that is very popular involves windows that feature WE…trust CAN FILL YOUR NEEDS! in the system solutions from BAUER. COMPRESSORS DRYERS STORAGE CONTROLS [ HIGH PRESSURE NATURAL GAS ] BAUER…the brand most trusted by our Nation’s Firefighters, First Responders and Armed Forces for high pressure breathing air is also a trusted name in NGV refueling. We offer the most complete line of continuous-duty rated natural gas compressors that are perfectly suited for fleets of all sizes. When you think compressors...THINK BAUER. BK 26 BOOSTER More information under Learn More BAUER COMPRESSORS INC., 1328 Azalea Garden Road, Norfolk, VA 23502, Phone 757-855-6006, Fax 757-857-1041, Page 16 BUSLINE July/August 2012 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #528 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 17 “slider” openings. “A passenger can push that slider open to better take photos,” Roberson said. “A great ventilation system is also essential. It was a challenge in the past to keep our windows from fogging in the winter. We now have power vents in the roof to prevent this problem. It’s important for us to have clear and large windows on our vehicles, considering the type of tour service we provide.” Of course, before the winter touring season begins for Buffalo Bus, a dramatic change occurs as company employees help transform vehicles into snowcoaches, including the installation of the all-important track system. Roberson said special requirements must be in place for a vehicle to withstand the rigors of traveling in snow. “First of all, when we order our vehicles from the manufacturer, we make sure they have the right suspension system in place. They also need to have four-wheel drive and feature a very specific gear ratio. This allows snowcoaches to operate as efficiently as possible,” Roberson said. “It takes a lot of horsepower to push tracks, but if you gear the unit properly, it’s possible to get some pretty good mileage per passenger.” Roberson added that his company has enjoyed a solid relationship with Turtle Top, headquartered in New Paris, IN. “Our Turtle Tops are used all year around, including during the winter season as snowcoaches. What I like about Turtle Top is when company officials say they are going to do something, they Page 18 BUSLINE do it promptly,” Roberson said. “The National Park Service has implemented a new winter use plan, looking at emissions, animal interactions, vehicle types, etc. Last winter they did sound testing on touring equipment. I believe our Turtle Top Odyssey was the quietest over-the-snow vehicle they tested in Yellowstone National Park. This is good when traveling near wildlife. We also want our passengers to have a good experience and be able to talk with each other while on our tours.” Officials at Buffalo Bus advertise the company’s different services via the Internet. The business has also benefited over the years from high rankings found on TripAdvisor®, according to Roberson. No. 1 and No. 2 rankings in the West Yellowstone area, he added, typically switch back and forth between Buffalo Bus Touring Company and Roberson’s Rendezvous Snowmobile Rentals & Tours. “We also advertise locally, directed at the area motels and campgrounds. These are places where visitors want to get the most out of their time while in Yellowstone National Park,” Roberson said. “It all starts with that first phone call. Our employees at the front desk provide great information and can answer a lot of questions. They have plenty of experience. Then, when customers show up at our facility for a tour, a guide will pick them up with a nice, clean and well-maintained vehicle. All of these things accumulate for a positive experience. We make sure that everything goes well — from a customer’s first phone call to the end of the trip. July/August 2012 “Surrounding our company with like-minded people who love the park and what they do has greatly paid off. We work on doing everything first class. This includes the vehicles that we use.” New developments at Buffalo Bus Touring Company include the expansion of certain summer custom tour opportunities, and the addition of another Turtle Top Van Terra vehicle for use with smaller custom tours. Company officials are also working to package more summer tours in association with the Roberson’s lodging entities. This is similar to current wintertime packages already offered by Buffalo Bus. Looking ahead, Roberson said he remains optimistic about the future of his various hospitality-related companies, including Buffalo Bus, as well as the growing popularity of Yellowstone National Park. “We continue to provide a very popular way to see a major national park. As baby boomers become older and start retiring, many of them don’t want to just sit on a bus and be driven around. They want to go to a place, ask questions, learn and be entertained,” Roberson said. “We (at Buffalo Bus) provide that kind of service. It’s what we do quite well.” Contact: Buffalo Bus Touring Company, 415 Yellowstone Ave., West Yellowstone, MT 59758. Phone: 406-646-9564. Website: 5Star Specialty Program See Ad On Page 19 Div. of Crump Insurance Services, Inc. 158 N. Harbor City Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32935 USA 877-247-9772 FAX: 321-757-6147 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: The 5Star Public Auto Program is an auto liability driven program with over 20 years experience writing public livery risks, nationwide. Expertise in charter buses, sightseeing buses, entertainer coaches, contract school buses, transit buses, airport shuttles and more. Available products are auto liability, EPLI, excess liability, general liability, hired and non-owned liability, physical damage, umbrella and UM/UIM, PIP. Program highlights: Any combination of local, intermediate or long haul is acceptable. High quality carriers. In-house underwriting for quicker turnaround. No minimum or maximum size. Program Parameters: Optional deductibles for physical damage and up to $5 million CSL – primary auto. Availability: Nationwide except MA. 11 ABC Companies See Ad On Page 29 1506 30th Street, N.W. Faribault, MN 55021 USA 800-222-2875, 507-334-1871 FAX: 507-334-0246 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Clancy Cornell, Chairman of the Board; Dane Cornell, President & CEO; Tim Wayland, Page 20 BUSLINE Chief Commercial Officer; Tom DeMatteo, Senior Vice President and General Counsel/Secretary; Brenda Borwege, Senior Vice President – Strategic Accounts/Marketing; Dan Axelson, Chief Financial Officer; Roman Cornell, Senior Vice President – Eastern Region; Clint Guth – Senior Vice President – Western Region; Ashley Cornell, Vice President CustomerCare Products: ABC Companies is a leading provider to the transportation industry with diverse product and service offerings that cover a full spectrum of operational needs including new and pre-owned full-size highway coach equipment, mid-size shuttle transport vehicles and advanced design heavy-duty transit equipment. ABC supports customers with a comprehensive after-sale service network for service and repairs, collision services, and extensive OEM and quality aftermarket parts needs. This is for transit, motorcoach and heavy-duty equipment from 11 strategically placed locations throughout the United States and Canada. Additionally, private and municipal financing and leasing options are available through the company’s financial services group. Three generations of the Cornell family are involved in the family business. This ongoing involvement in the company has been a major factor in the success of ABC Companies. Clancy Cornell continues as chairman of the board, while his son, Dane, is president and CEO. Clancy Cornell’s grandchildren, Roman and Ryhan Cornell, are positioned in equipment sales in ABC’s largest location in Winter Garden, FL, while Ashley Cornell is the VP of ABC’s CustomerCare division. From 1975 to today, ABC Companies has expanded from a two-bay service garage in Faribault, MN, to one of the largest providers of service and collision repair to the motorcoach industry. Its strategic vehicle-care network spans North America and offers solutions to preserve equipment value and keep fleets running at peak performance. Customers can access a full range of routine preventative service, expert mechanical and collision repair services, as well as complete coach refurbishment services and parts availability. Dedicated customer service professionals, OEM spec experts, fleet maintenance specialists, factory-trained technicians and ASE-certified mechanics deliver reliable, efficient, and professional vehicle care services from key metro- July/August 2012 areas throughout North America. ABC Parts customers can connect with virtually any part number for coach and transit equipment on-line or on the phone. With locations nationwide, including key distribution locations in Southern California, Indiana, and Florida, along with a major Canadianbased parts distribution hub, ABC Companies’ trained parts professionals can locate or source the parts customers require. ABC Financial Services offers a complete range of private and municipal financing options for new and pre-owned coach and transit equipment including conventional financing, tax exempt municipal, TRAC and operating leases and leases with option to purchase. In 2011 ABC Companies launched its own coach refurbishment program. By partnering with leading industry vendors, ABC designed a proven multi-step program that provides customers with a menu of service options to refurbish their own fleets. ABC also began offering an on-demand series of webcasts providing a 15-minute segment on a variety of coach equipment and service related topics. In November 2011, ABC expanded its operations to Jersey City, NJ, with the acquisition of the Hudson Body Company. 12 ACC Climate Control 22428 Elkhart East Blvd. Elkhart, IN 46514 USA 574-264-2190 FAX: 574-266-6744 E-Mail: Website: Products: ACC designs and manufactures climate control systems for the bus, truck, emergency and specialty vehicle industries. Products include split-system bus air conditioning systems for small and mid-size buses, heat/defrost/air conditioning for the driver compartment and auxiliary heaters and air conditioners. A full accessory line is also available. 07 Advantage Funding See Ad On Page 24 1111 Marcus Ave., Suite M27 Lake Success, NY 11042 USA 516-280-1375 FAX: 516-508-9453 U.S Patent No. 7,802,801 “5 Year Altoona FTA Approved!” ARBOC Specialty Vehicles' line of Low Floor Buses continue to receive unparalleled customer acceptance with the "Spirit of Freedom", the Simple Low floor, in both Transit and Private Fleets. Specialty Vehicles For more information Please Contact us at Phone - (574) 825-4880 Fax - (574) 825-1750 Parts & Service - (574) 825-1721 51165 Greenfield Pkwy, Middlebury, IN 46540 - See us at BusCon Expo Booth #427 Web Site: Alexander Dennis Inc. See Ad On Page 17 31566 Railroad Canyon Road #342 Canyon Lake, CA 92587 USA 951-244-9429 FAX: 951-755-0318 Web Site: Products: With over 15 years specializing in ground transportation finance, Advantage Funding offers competitive rates, quick turnaround time, and world class customer service. The company offers financing and leasing programs tailored to fit customers’ needs on new and used buses and can finance purchases from dealers as well as from other operators. The company’s goal is to help put a deal together, not to find reasons to reject an application. 11 Products: Manufacturer of pure LED destination signs. 11 Products: Agencies across North America continue to realize the advantages of operating Alexander Dennis Double Deck Buses in mainstream transit applications. In operation now for over 10 years, the Enviro 500 is an alternative to articulated buses. The high capacity Enviro 500 offers lower maintenance costs, lower operating costs, improved performance on snow and ice, and proven passenger ridership gains. Further refinements to the award winning design now include a “lo Height” 13’ 6” option in both onedoor interurban and two-door transit configuration. Features include reclined seating, multi media onboard screens and an innovative system to show seat availability on the upper deck. The Enviro 500 offers a comfortable seat for longer commutes but still retains low fuel consumption and emission levels per passenger seat per mile. 11 Alcoa Wheel Products International 800-242-9898 Web Site: Products: Durable and easy-maintenance DuraBright® wheels for buses. 12 Altro Transflor See Ad On Page 46 12648 Clark St. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 USA 800-382-0333 FAX: 562-944-8720 AESYS, Inc. See Ad On Page 54 225 County Rd. Tenafly, NJ 07670 USA 201-735-0288 FAX: 877-570-9445 Web Site: See us at BusCon Expo Booth #106 Page 22 BUSLINE July/August 2012 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Altro Floors is a leading manufacturer of a hard-wearing, slip resistant, sheet vinyl floor covering widely used by the transit industry. With over 90 years of experience, the company provides world class safety flooring products with guaranteed quality, unique designs and innovative technologies. The company uses materials from sustainable suppliers that offer high quality, and stands behind its products with some of the best warranties in the industry. 11 Amaya-Astron Seating See Ad On Page 26 Fulton 6, Fracc. Ind. San Nicolas Tlalnepantla, State of Mexico 54030 MEXICO +52(55)53-11-5000 FAX: +52(55)53-17-4111 Website: Products: Passenger seats for buses and coaches, with or without three-point seat belts. 10 American Cooling Technology, Inc. (ACT) See Ad On Page 22 715 Willow Springs Lane York, PA 17402 USA 717-767-2775 FAX: 717-767-3658 Web Site: safety best practices. American Seating employs a U.S.-based workforce and is headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI. 12 Products: Manufacturer of advanced bus air conditioning equipment. Offers complete air conditioning systems for a wide range of vehicle sizes and types. Also offers a wide selection of replacement parts for most brands of bus A/C. 11 American Seating 401 American Seating Center Grand Rapids, MI 49504 USA 616-732-6600 FAX: 616-732-6870 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: Dave McLaughlin, VP of Sales; Matt Hemmelgarn, National Sales Manager; Tom Bush, President and COO Products: Since 1886, American Seating Company has help set a benchmark for product design, durability, and comfort. It is committed to being a leading innovator of world-class transportation seating solutions, including city service, rail, motorcoach and demand-response markets. American Seating is White Book-compliant and a contributing author of White Book standards, the industry guide book for AngelTrax 9540 US Highwy 84 West, Bldg. 2 Newton, AL 36352 USA 800-673-1788 FAX: 334-692-4606 Web Site: Products: AngelTrax is a designer, manufacturer, provider and sustainer of mobile surveillance for the school bus, paratransit, mass transit and rail industries. State-of-the-art products, include DVR systems and virtual synchronized mapping technology. Coupled with cameras for interior and exterior views, AngelTrax develops products for every mobile surveillance need. 11 ARBOC Specialty Vehicles See Ad On Page 21 51165 Greenfield Pkwy. Middlebury, IN 46540 USA 574-825-4880 FAX: 574-825-1750 Web Site: Products: Line of low floor buses which include the Spirit of Mobility, the Spirit of Freedom and the Spirit of Liberty models. Products designed for transit and private fleets. 12 Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison See Ad On Page 10 19C Chapin Road, P.O. Box 2030 Pine Brook, NJ 07058 USA 973-575-0309 FAX: 973-287-1086 Website: Products: Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison, LLC (Atlantic DDA) is engaged in the sale and servicing of diesel and alternative fuel engines, transmissions and related components, parts and accessories, for equipment serving various On-Highway and Off-Highway markets. 08 Bauer Compressors Inc. See Ad On Page 16 1328 Azalea Garden Rd. Norfolk, VA 23502 USA 757-855-6006 FAX: 757-857-1041 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Complete line of continuous-duty rated natural gas compressors that are suited for fleets of all sizes. 12 In the competitive world of commercial equipment financing, it can be difficult to find a qualified finance partner who is also experienced in the intricacies of the bus industry. For over 15 years, Advantage Funding has been helping businesses connect with the equipment they need by providing exceptional financing solutions. tFlexible Finance and Lease Terms tAvailable for New and Used Equipment tMini Bus, MFSAB and All Other Commercial Buses tUp to 7 Year Trac Lease & Balloon Financing on New Equipment tCash Out Refinancing tSkip Payment Option tDeferred Payment Programs The Complete Source for Bus Financing. WE HAVE MONEY TO LEND! CONTACT US TODAY. 866-392-1300 1111 Marcus Ave., Suite M-27, Lake Success, NY 11402 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #810 Page 24 BUSLINE July/August 2012 Low Expectations The Titan II LF raises expectations by lowering them Whether it’s a wheelchair passenger, business traveler or an elderly rider, the Titan II LF completely eliminates the need for steps and the traditional wheelchair lift. Now offered with a Braun or Ricon bi-fold power ramp, the Titan II LF utilizes the rugged Chevy G4500 chassis platform along with a purpose-built heavy duty Spartan Chassis® floor structure. With the touch of a switch, the complete unit will kneel to exceed ADA’s current minimum with up to a 6:1 ramp ratio, while providing a level floor surface for all wheelchair positions. The Titan II LF offers true random access for up to 5 wheelchair positions or can seat up to 21 ambulatory passengers. With Glaval’s solid reputation for building a quality product, the Titan II LF is sure to help make life easier! To see how Glaval’s Titan II LF will raise your expectations, see us at BusCon 2012 Booth #316 or call 1-800-445-2825 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #316 A Berkshire Hathaway Company · Elkhart, IN · 800-445-2825 · Bauer’s Intelligent Transportation / Coach Sales Pier 27, The Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94111 USA 415-595-8164 Website: Company Officers: Matt Lish, Director of Transport Sales - North America Products: Bitzer is a transit-style air conditioning compressor manufacturer for buses and coaches. Bitzer has operations around the world, including two new factories and four facilities in North America. Bitzer A/C compressors are the high-end, technologically-advanced compressor of choice for many bus builders and operators. It offers the lightest weight (by over 60 pounds), smallest size (by 40 percent), yet largest capacity compressors for all styles of buses, according to the company. Products: Motorcoaches, limousines and other luxury vehicles. 10 Bergen Auto Upholstery Co., Inc. 375 North Street, Suite U Teterboro, NJ 07608 USA 201-457-9100 FAX: 201-457-9103 Products: Seat replacement and complete interior refurbishing, including seat covers, ceilings, side-walls, lav area, under racks, dash and entrance area. Bergen is a distributor with a large inventory in stock. Bergen offers a complete cleaning service, seat cover shampooing, seat frame cleaning, cleaning of sidewalls and A/C ducts, and shampooing of any carpeted surface. The Bergen road crew is available to install on location. 08 Bitzer, US, Inc. See Ad On Page 18 4031 Chamblee Road Oakwood, GA 30566 USA 770-503-9226 FAX: 770-503-9440 E-Mail: Website: Page 26 BUSLINE Standard features include blocked suction style unloaders and advanced clutches using any belt profile. Additionally, Bitzer offers a large range of hermetic horizontal scroll compressors for electric applications such as hybrid buses and rail A/C applications. Bitzer’s two new factories are located in Atlanta, GA; and Syracuse, NY 12 Budget Truck and Auto, Inc. See Ad On Page 44 2027 W. Avalon Rd. Janesville, WI 53546 USA Phone: 603-756-0361 FAX: 603-756-0136 Website: Products: Budget Truck and Auto is a family owned and operated business for more than 37 years. Its 45,000-square-foot facility consists of three paint booths that measure over 65-feet long, and one of the July/August 2012 largest frame machines in the country. Product offerings include: free estimates, collision repair, custom painting, custom graphics, bus wraps, frame straightening, day coach conversions, Ricon lift dealer installer, certified welding, and free loaner cars. 10 C.E. Niehoff & Co. 2021 Lee Street Evanston, IL 60202 USA 847-866-6030 FAX: 847-492-1242 E-Mail: Website: Products: C.E. Niehoff & Co. is an employee-owned American company; a leader in the design and manufacture of heavy-duty brushless alternators. Its brushless alternators are designed with the most demanding applications in mind, to minimize downtime and maximize operating efficiencies. Models are customized for niche markets with a wide range of output capabilities and a variety of market specific features. CEN alternators are designed to withstand chaff, dust and corrosive agents of agriculture, construction, marine and mining environments. The brushless design eliminates internal arcing, making it good for operation in volatile environments. The high efficiency of CEN’s design requires less engine horsepower and fuel to produce the output required in the emergency vehicle, railroad, bus and military markets. 08 Cable Car Classics, Inc. 3239 Rio Lindo Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 USA 800-348-1873, 707-433-6810 FAX: 707-433-5828 Website: Champion Bus 331 Graham Rd., Imlay City, MI 48444 800-776-4943 Website: Products: Champion Bus is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Thor Industries. The company produces various styles of buses. 10 Charabanc Financial Services 102 Colony Park Dr., Ste. 700 Cumming, GA 30040-2790 USA 866-888-9942 FAX: 770-888-9975 Web Site: Products: New and used coach leasing; bus and coach sales; and consulting. 12 Products: Cable Car Classics provides customers with advantages of vintage-style trolleys, plus reliability of heavy-duty low floor transit buses. Its trolleys are known for increasing ridership and community goodwill. The company offers customers a choice to operate elegant trolleys that are also “real” buses, without sacrificing durability, or being limited to mediumduty equipment. 09 Cable Car Concepts 821 Shunpike Road Cape May, NJ 08204 USA 609-884-5230 FAX: 609-884-5980 Products: Originators of the themed trackless trolley. Facilities are located in Cape May, NJ, and Starke, FL. Cable Car Concepts’ trackless trolleys are road worthy replicas of its San Francisco-area on-track counterparts, operating on rubber tires with standard or alternative fuel engines. 06 Chestnut Ridge Foam, Inc. See Ad On Page 41 P.O. Box 781, Latrobe, PA 15650 USA 800-234-2734 FAX: 724-537-9003 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Larry Garrity, President; Carl Ogburn, Vice President; George Romanish, Vice President OPS; Mike Shannon, Sales Manager GUARD XL eliminates the profuse burning and known fire hazards associated with FMVSS 302 cushioning if exposed to open flame ignition sources. Provides the fire performance needed in today’s environment. Helps avoid the potential for individual and/or transit authority liability. Available to all seating manufacturers for O.E.M. vehicles and direct to maintenance facilities as replacement cushions. SAFGUARD XL represents major advancements in seat cushioning durability and comfort. A DVD is now available showing comparative fire performance tests of bus seats. This DVD can help as an educational tool to depict how fire may impact bus vehicle interiors when seats are exposed to a minor flaming ignition source. Contact Chestnut Ridge Foam for a free copy of this fire testing. Update a new bus or van vehicle specification to include SAFGUARD XL fire resistant seat cushioning. CR SAFGUARD XL products can easily be added to new vehicle seating specifications. Contact Chestnut Ridge Foram for vehicle specification verbiage. 12 Classic Trolley See Ad On Page 23 836 Mason Way, Medford, OR 97501 800-460-3934 FAX: 541-734-9036 Products: SAFGUARD XL fire-resistant seat cushioning complies with FTA fire safety criteria. SAF- DRIVEN BY TRUST When your passengers take their seats, they trust that they will safely reach their destination. With over 50 years of experience in the transportation industry, you FDQWUXVW3URWHFWLYH,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQ\WRSURYLGHÀUVWFODVVFODLPVKDQGOLQJ outstanding customer service and customized loss prevention support. CONTACT STACY RENZ: (800) 644-5501 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1118 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 27 Website: Products: Hand-crafted trolleys mounted on pre-manufactured chassis. 10 Clean Energy See Ad On Page 7 3020 Old Ranch Parkway, Suite 400 Seal Beach, CA 90740 USA 562-493-2804 FAX: 562-493-4532 Website: A supplier of extruded rubber seals and gaskets. The extruded rubber products are available for a variety of applications. Clean Seal uses 3M™ (ST) sealing tape adhesives on its rubber seals designed for the automotive industry. Also available are a variety of molded rubber products including plugs, bushings, rubber grommets, bumpons and bumpers. Clean Seal also has available high quality automotive hose products. 09 Columbia Equipment Co., Inc. See Ad On Page 40 180-10 93rd Avenue Jamaica, NY 11433 USA 718-658-5900 FAX: 718-526-4110 Website: Products: Clean Energy is a provider of natural gas for transportation in North America with a broad customer base in the refuse, transit, shuttle, taxi, police, intrastate and interstate trucking, airport and municipal fleet markets. 06 Clean Seal, Inc. 20900 West Ireland Road, P.O. Box 2919 South Bend, IN 46680-2919 USA 800-366-3682, 574-299-1888 FAX: 574-299-8044 Website: Products: Clean Seal®, Inc. offers extruded EPDM, Neoprene, Silicone and Nitrile Seals to the transportation, recreational vehicle, marine and appliance markets. The company also offers vulcanizing services for endless seal applications and body side moldings. Products: Specializing in passenger shelters, Columbia prefabricated bus and train station shelters are in use from coast to coast and all around the world. The company designs, manufactures, installs and maintains shelters, offering standard and custom models with a choice of glazing, finish, and roof design as well as accessories including benches, display panels, advertising panels, lighting, heating, graphics, etc. It offers a wide range of special See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1312 Page 28 BUSLINE July/August 2012 designs in many architectural styles to suit every environment and to match customers’ buildings or street furniture. 08 Complete Coach Works 1863 Service Court, Riverside, CA 92507 USA 951-684-8595 FAX: 951-684-2088 E-Mail: Website: Products: Solutions for a customers’ transportation needs for over 25 years. Whether the need is for collision repair to a highway coach, a complete interior rehab to rail cars, or converting a fleet to CNG, Complete Coach Works has experience to make each job a success. For transit and highway buses, Complete Coach Works’ team of experts can bring each coach up to spec with today’s new standards. This includes drive train upgrades that meet emission standards to ADA compliant accessibility, GPS systems for Automated Vehicle Location systems and full multiplexing PLC-based systems. When it comes to Green Technology, CCW has the expertise that spans multiple transportation modes. This is true from buses to utility and dump trucks, from waste disposal to off road equipment which have been coverted to CNG, LNG, LPG, and hybrid propulsion systems. 10 Creative Bus Sales, Inc. 13501 Benson Ave. Chino, CA 91710 USA 888-633-8380 and 800-326-2877 E-Mail: Website: Products: Since its founding in 1965, Creative Bus Sales has always been a family owned and operated business. Creative Bus Sales has expertise in vehicle sales, service, parts and warranty. The company offers products from 11 top commercial and school bus manufacturers, with multiple locations throughout the United States. 12 Cummins Inc. 500 Jackson St. Mail Code 60401 Columbus, IN 47201 USA 812-377-9426 Website: Products: Cummins Inc., is a corporation of complementary business units that design, manufacture, distribute and service engines and related technologies, including fuel systems, controls, air handling, filtration, emission solutions and electrical power generation systems. 12 Curved Glass Distributors 72 Chapel Street Derby, CT 06418 USA 800-243-6546 FAX: 203-735-3623 Website:, Products: Supplier of replacement bus glass windshields and side windows for coaches. 10 Daimler Buses North America 6012-B High Point Road Greensboro, NC 27407 USA 800-882-8054 FAX: 336-878-5403 Website: Products: Worldwide bus and motorcoach manufacturer; a leading commercial bus company. Creating value for its customers, Daimler Buses sets the standard in technology, safety, environmental friendliness, comfort and value in coach and bus travel. Combining the brands of Orion, Setra and Sprinter shuttle bus, Daimler Buses provides customers with a full-range of products from one source. This corporate structure, with the backing of Daimler, provides customers with a strong commercial vehicle brand along with knowledge, resources, service and financial strength. Vehicles feature premium materials, state-of-the-art user-friendly technology and superior components like MercedesBenz engines, which translate into durable, reliable and cost efficient products. All brands provide vehicles that can be customized to meet most application needs and are available in a variety of sizes, floor plans, optional features, paratransit equipment and alternative fuels. 10 Daytech Limited 70 Disco Road Toronto, ON M9W 1L9 CANADA 416-675-1195 FAX: 416-675-7183 Website: Products: Daytech is a leading North July/August 2012 American manufacturer of transit shelters, canopies, kiosks and transit signage. 08 Detroit Diesel 13400 West Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48239 USA 313-592-5000 FAX: 313-592-7066 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Emissions control products, diesel engines and power train components. 11 Diamond Manufacturing Inc. See Ad On Page 54 2330 Burlington Ave. N. Kansas City, MO 64116 USA 800-343-1009 FAX: 816-421-4735 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Todd Cull, General Manager Products: Diamond Manufacturing offers a complete line of fare collection equipment to the transit industry. It supplies traditional, manual fare boxes, donation boxes and a fare box with a remote fare dump option. Diamond’s traditional fare boxes come in round or rectangular, the round models (H, E-5, D) are designed for coins, tokens and tickets. The rectangular models (RV, SV, XV, NV) are designed to accept dollar bills, coins, tokens, tickets, passes or other types of fare media. Donation boxes come in three sizes to fit most applications. These units can be mounted in a variety of ways, such as on a modesty panel or stanchion in either a vertical or horizontal position. The F-1 remote dump fare box can be mounted away from the driver with a push button fare dump feature. 12 Distinctive Systems Inc. 928 Broadway, Suite 1000 New York, NY 10010 USA Phone: 646-448-9981 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: Don Greenglass, Bob Hopwood Products: Distinctive Systems is an independent software vendor specializing in the development of products for motorcoach and tour companies. Established for over 30 years, the company has supplied more than 2,000 systems to operators throughout the world. Its range of software is comprehensive and includes systems for managing motorcoach based charters, contract/ line run work, extended tours, sightseeing trips, express services and vehicle maintenance. All systems are Windows BUSLINE Page 29 THE M1235 FROM ABC COMPANIES — VERSATILITY FOR THE ROAD AHEAD. Perfect for a myriad of applications, the versatile M1235 offered exclusively by ABC Companies can be easily customized to fit your charter, commuter and shuttle transit requirements. “ Perfect for groups that can’t justify a large coach, we are sold out of our M1235 coaches every weekend. From small tour groups to athletic teams, it’s a great fit for a lot of our customers, and they love it. ” Shannon Kaser Its unique style and size make Royal Excursions it a perfect solution for smaller charter tour groups, sports teams and activity coaches, parking lot shuttles and much more. With one of the lowest costs per passenger, this mid-size coach provides a cost-effective solution with popular floor plans ranging from 26-36 passengers. WEST 800-322-2877 MIDWEST 800-222-2875 The M1235... where versatility meets the road! SOUTHWEST 800-222-2877 NORTHEAST 800-222-2873 SOUTHEAST 800-222-2871 CANADA 800-345-1287 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #716 based and have been developed using Microsoft Visual Studio and the Microsoft SQL Server database engine. Products are Coach Manager (CM), Vehicle Maintenance System (VMS) and Tour Booking System (TBS). Distinctive Systems has years of experience in both the IT and motorcoach/tour industries, allowing the company to create a range of products using the latest computing techniques and tools. A dedicated support desk is manned by a team of specialists who provide immediate assistance on all company products. 12 Double K, Inc. (Hometown Trolley) 701 N. Railroad Avenue Crandon, WI 54520 USA 715-478-5090 FAX: 715-478-5095 Web Site: Products: Double K, Inc./Hometown Trolley is a third generation family owned and operated DBE manufacturing business of trackless trolley buses. Hometown Trolleys have been delivered to satisfied customers for the past four decades. Hometown Trolley builds front engine and rear engine trolleys customized to exact specifications of customer transit needs. Hometown Trolleys are produced on gasoline, diesel and alternative fuel chassis ranging from 16-passenger eFleet Services Inc. See Ad On Page 56 11920 Forge Place Richmond, BC V7A 4V9 CANADA 866-417-8004 FAX: 604-241-1440 E-Mail: Web Site: ports business decisions, and improves the customer experience. It does this through an integrated mixed fleet management solution that includes GPS fleet tracking, GPS navigation, automated DOT logging, digital dispatch, engine diagnostics, paperless ticketing, online booking, WiFi, hands-free compliant messaging, and point-of-sale payment processing in a cloud-based hosted software that is effortlessly updated and maintained by eFleet through subscription. eFleet completes the communication loop with a turnkey platform of hardware, software and cellular airtime that comes with a 100 percent repair or replace warranty for as long as a customer is with eFleet. eFleet has successfully delivered solutions to fleets of motorcoaches, shuttles, limousines, trucking, and utility vehicles. It also custom configures an eFleet installation for the customer as part of an agreement, or build to suit. Trial units with limited cellular airtime and the eFleet telematics software are available for evaluation. 12 Company Officers: Ray Fast, President; Brent Gushulak, Vice President Products: eFleet is committed to delivering safe, secure, and easy to use and maintain dispatch and fleet tracking solutions. EFleet delivers just-in-time features and functionality that drives revenue, sup- ElDorado National 1655 Wall Street Salina, KS 67401 USA 800-850-1287 FAX: 785-823-9471 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Producer of commercial buses and vans, ElDorado National offers diferent lines of vehicles, from 17 to 40 feet in length, for all public and private sector applications. Seating capacities vary from 5 to 43 passengers and all vehicles can be adapted to capacity to 42-passenger capacity. Models are offered with every option and component available to the transit industry. 11 PRICED TO SELL — Attractive Lease Rates (1) 1992 MCI 96 A3 6V92 DDECII Automatic Trans. (4) 1998 New Flyer 60’ High Floor (10) 1996 & 1997 Gillig 30’ & 35’ Lift-U W/C Lift Cummins C8.3 Allison B-400 Thermo King Series 50 B500 Trans. Thermo King (11) 2001-3 Gillig 30, 35’ and 40’ High & Low Floor Series 40 Allison Carrier R. Dr. Ramp (40) 1995-2000 New Flyer 35’ and 40’ Low Floor 50 Series Allison Trans. Thermo King Fr. Dr. Ramp Plus more on our website: Call: 800-627-6627 Midwest Bus Corporation, 1940 W. Stewart Street, Owosso, MI 48867 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1018 Page 30 BUSLINE July/August 2012 meet ADA requirements. Alternate fueled and lowfloor vehicles are available. ElDorado National has Altoona tested buses in the following categories: 5year/150,000 miles, 7-year/200,000 miles, 10year/350,000 miles and 12-year/500,000 miles. 11 EMP See Ad On Page 34 3111 N. 28th St., Escanaba, MI 49829 USA 906-786-8404 FAX: 906-786-6635 Website: Products: EMP is a North American producer of pumps and complex components for use in the heavyduty diesel engine and hydraulics markets. EMP is a specialized full service provider of manufacturing and engineering solutions, focused on delivering valueadded product solutions to its customers in the area of thermal and oil management technologies. 12 Enghouse Transportation 2150 Islington Ave., Suite 205 Toronto, ON M9P 3V4 CANADA 416-915-9593 FAX: 416-915-9594 E-Mail: Website: Products: With over 25 years experience, Enghouse Transportation, formerly TranSched Systems, offers a comprehensive and robust suite of products that serve the transportation market. CoachWorks is a state-ofthe-art motorcoach management software package designed to enhance all aspects of a charter business. CoachWorks encompasses tools for the charter industry, including sales, dispatch, and accounts receivable. By combining multiple functions into one universal program, CoachWorks increases productivity and streamlines the input and maintenance of estimates, trip orders and financial records. Enghouse applications can be deployed individually, combined with other Enghouse solutions, or integrated with third party transportation technology vendors. Enghouse’s product flexibility and open architecture ensure that customers have the freedom to build the best solution to fit their needs. Enghouse is changing the way people travel... with intelligent technology for intelligent transportation. 12 Enseicom, Inc. 225 Norman, Montreal, QC, H8R 1A3 CANADA 800-663-0673 FAX: 514-486-6465 E-Mail: Website: Products: Enseicom has been in the sign and outdoor furniture fabrication industry for over 25 years. Its head office is located in Lachine, southwest of downtown Montreal. With over 25,000 square feet of manufacturing facilities and 100,000 square feet of on-site storage capability, the company is equipped to handle projects of any size including signage programs across North America. 10 Espar Heater Systems 6099A Vipond Drive Mississauga, ON L5T 2B2 CANADA 800-387-4800 FAX: 905-670-0728 Website: Products: Espar is committed to the environment and a higher quality of life. Espar’s air and coolant heaters will reduce idle time, which means extra savings while travelling in comfort. 10 Euramtec Corp. 29650 Grand River Ave. Farmington Hills, MI 48336 USA 248-473-8660 FAX: 248-473-8662 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Switches, lighting, locking handles, grab rails, LED service sets, air vents, seat accessories, relays, clocks and signs. 12 Federal Coach Bus — A Division of Forest River, Inc. 2408 Century Dr. Goshen, IN 46528 USA 800-348-7440 Web Site: Products: Small and mid-size buses. 12 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 31 Fleet Financing Resources, LLC 10370 Hemet Street, Suite 350 Riverside, CA 92503 USA 800-421-3660 FAX: 951-710-1016 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Dave Reynolds, President and CEO Products: Fleet Financing Resources, LLC. (FFR) is an industry leader in the bus financing marketplace. It offers finance and lease contracts as well as flexible payment configurations that are tailored to a customer’s unique business needs. FFR will finance all types of titled transportation equipment, new or used. FFR operates nationwide and for customers with A-credit, it offers low rates as well as limitless terms and structures. For the customer with B-credit, it offers top quality, competitive and flexible programs. For startups and nontraditional credit types, FFR offers options and alternatives. 12 Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation See Ad On Page 3 552 Hyatt Street Gaffney, SC 29341 USA 864-487-1700 FAX: 864-487-6400 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: Bob Harbin, President and CEO; Tony Sippel, Product Manager; Bryan Henke, Manager of product marketing Products: S2C Cutaway: Built on a proven shuttle bus chassis, the front-engine diesel-powered S2C Cutaway provides coach designers with options to craft the coach to fit their customers’ specific business needs, while also satisfying OEMs’ specific production needs for simplicity and ease of build. Coach manufacturers can add or remove certain cab amenities, including the rear wall, seating, passenger door and roof top door, allowing for a customized product. Manufacturers working with the FCCC S2C Cutaway benefit from the all-inclusive chassis design because they only need to address the vehicle’s body, seating and wheelchair capabilities. MB-65: The heavy-duty front-engine MB-65 is designed with a lowered engine for a flat-floor cockpit that offers convenience and flexibility to bus body builders. It offers a smooth ride and superior handling, as well as 55-degree wheel cut for maneuverability. XB series: FCCC’s comprehensive lineup of pusher and front-engine commercial bus market chassis offer several rail design configurations and meet a wide range of demands for carrying capacity, power and maneuverability. 12 Gillig Corporation 25800 Clawiter Road Hayward, CA 94545 USA 510-785-1500 FAX: 510-785-6819 Website: Products: The Gillig Corporation has a tradition of producing high quality dependable transit vehicles. Its longevity is perpetuated by the successful partnerships it has established with customers. This allows Gillig to provide partners with benefits that extend well beyond buses. 07 Glaval Bus, Div. of Forest River, Inc. See Ad On Page 25 914 CR #1 N Elkhart, IN 46514 USA 800-445-2825 FAX: 574-264-9036 Website: Products: Manufacturing transportation solutions for over 30 years, taking pride in keeping safety, quality and after-market service foremost when manufacturing models: Sport, Primetime, Universal, Entourage, Titan II, Concorde II, Apollo, Synergy and Legacy. Glaval has been a longtime participant in providing paratransit and senior friendly vehicles, and offers a wide variety of options, including ADA-compliant equipment and floor plans that seat up to 45 passengers. 10 GRI Pumps (Gorman-Rupp Industries) 180 Hines Avenue, Bellville, OH 44813 USA 419-886-3001 FAX: 419-886-2338 E-Mail: Web Site: Page 32 BUSLINE July/August 2012 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Mel Cohen, President; John Cozza, Vice President Products: Recirculation pumps with speed control. GRI Pumps has announced the latest version of its Integrity Series recirculation pumps, the INTG2. The INTG2 incorporates two features that provide OEM customers more flexibility and control of fluids in their system. The magnetically driven pump provides multiple supply voltage settings, ranging from 9 to 27 volts, as well as a speed control that gives OEMs the flexibility to change the pump’s speed in order to meet their system’s specific pressure and flow requirements. Equipped with a brushless DC motor, the magnetically driven INTG2 integrates the pump’s components into a compact, lightweight design, eliminating motor bearings and leaving the impeller assembly as the only moving part. Fewer parts promote longer life, quieter operation, and lower power consumption. GRI, located in Bellville, OH, specializes in the design and manufacturing of custom designed fluid pumps for OEMs worldwide. 12 Handi-Hut, Inc. See Ad On Page 43 3 Grunwald St. Clifton, NJ 07013 USA 973-614-1800 FAX: 973-614-8011 IC Bus™ buses are sold, serviced and supported through a renowned dealer network that offers an integrated customer program encompassing parts, training and service. 12 Imeco Cables Inc. See Ad On Page 15 5650 Kleran St. Laurent, QC H4S 2B5 CANADA 514-335-0981 FAX: 514-335-0961 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Handi Hut designs and manufactures bus stop waiting shelters with optional amenities of solar lighting, air conditioners, heating, advertising panels, schedule holders and trash containers. Pre-fabricated sections are easily assembled. Similar structures are produced as smoking shelters. Using similar production techniques, Handi-Hut also designs and manufactures covered walkways, staircases, outdoor vestibules, kiosks and guard booths. 12 IC Bus, A Navistar Company 2701 Navistar Drive Lisle, IL 60532 USA 331-332-5000 Web Site: Company Officers: John McKinney, IC Bus President Products: IC Bus, LLC, of Lisle, IL, is an affiliate of Navistar International Corporation (NYSE:NAV). An integrated manufacturer of school buses, IC Bus is a global leader in passenger protection, chassis design, engines and ergonomics. The company is also a producer of commercial buses. All Company Officers: Michel V. Hubert, President Products: Imeco Cables provides custom made electrical harnesses, power cables and control boxes, for all type of industries in Canada and USA. Its main business core is transportation: buses, trains, farming equipment, heavy-duty equipment, trucks and planes in regular and military fields. It also supports all other types of smaller harnesses for different products. 12 Kelderman Air Suspensions 2696 Hwy 92 Oskaloosa, IA 52577 USA 712-754-4383 FAX: 712-754-4384 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Jeff Kelderman, Vice President See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1117 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 33 Products: Kelderman has been building front and rear air suspensions for 40 years. Suspensions are available for Ford F and E series; Ram 2500/3500/4500/ 5500 series; GM 4500/5500 & 3500 HD and IH Terrastar. Kelderman has been in the ambulance market for several years. 12 Lancer Insurance Company 370 West Park Avenue, P.O. Box 9004 Long Beach, NY 11561 USA 516-431-4441 FAX: 516-889-1727 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: David P. Delaney, Jr., President; Timothy D. Delaney, Executive Senior Vice President; Randy O’Neill, Senior Vice President Products: Since 1985, Lancer Insurance Company has been a leading provider of commercial automobile, physical damage and general liability coverages velvet pile fabrics for the bus industry. Though Lantal has been in business in Europe for over 70 years, the company first introduced these velvet pile fabrics to North America in 1997. 04 to motorcoach companies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. All Lancer policyholders, regardless of fleet size, receive a wide array of traditional and electronic products and services to supplement their driver training, loss prevention and accident mitigation efforts. 12 Lantal Textiles, Inc. P.O. Box 965 Rural Hall, NC 27045 USA 905-823-9427 Website: Products: Lantal Textiles is a Swiss company specializing in the weaving of high-quality, well-designed MAHA USA See Ad On Page 31 2404 East Highway 134 Pinckard, AL 36371 USA 866-624-2872 FAX: 334-983-1094 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Wolfgang Raffler, Chief Operating Officer Products: All MAHA USA Mobile Column Lifts (MCL) are made in the USA. Combining leading technology with quality features and benefits, MAHA USA’s MCLs are one of the few lifts designed with a ball-screw lifting mechanism. No fluid leaks or synchronization problems develop and the MCL will operate under any temperature change, inside or outside. The perfect upgrade for modern day workshops is the MAHA USA Wireless Mobile Column Lift, operating on long-lasting, rechargeable batteries that allow operation nearly anywhere. Available capacity options include 16,000 pounds or 18,000 pounds per column. Specifically designed with user-friendly wireless communication, the columns have the ability to communicate on up to 10 different frequency channels, allowing operation of multiple sets in the same area. In addition to Mobile Column Lifts, MAHA USA is a complete workshop supplier, offering a full line of heavy-duty workshop equipment consisting of the KAR 250/350 Pantograph Lift, low-rise wheel lifting systems, jack stands, transmission and clutch jacks, shop cranes, lifting tables, wheel balancers, tire changers, emission testers and PBBT-certified brake testers. 12 Main Fare Box, Division of Euclid Products Co., Inc. See Ad On Page 42 3625 Lost Nation Rd. Willoughby, OH 44094 USA 440-942-7310, 800-542-6150 FAX: 440-942-4184 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Bruce T. Finke, President Products: Manufacturer of manual, non-registering fare collection equipment. Fare boxes in various sizes are available with removable vaults — a choice of either open top or self-locking. These units come in both standard and antique styles. Donation boxes are also available in a range of sizes. Main Fare Box continues to offer replacement parts and repair/refurbish services. 12 Page 34 BUSLINE July/August 2012 Mentor Engineering #10-2175 29th St. NE Calgary, AB T1Y 7H8 CANADA 403-777-3760 FAX: 403-777-3769 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Mike Koebel, VP Sales & Business Development; Brent Freer, Director of Sales Products: Mentor Streets® Transit is a fully integrated transit ITS solution that includes CAD/AVL, event management, schedule and route adherence, mobile computing, reporting, and more. Streets Transit helps agencies streamline their operations to increase ontime service, improve driver/dispatcher communication, simplify scheduling, and provide better customer service. Mentor MyRide™ is a passenger information system that makes real-time bus location and status information available to riders any time, from anywhere. From real-time maps and bus departure information to trip planning and SMS, MyRide enhances customer service. With MyRide, passengers can access real-time bus departures and get instant map updates. Additionally, riders can text message the agency from any bus stop to receive departure times of the next few buses leaving that stop. MyRide integrates with Google™ Maps for easy trip planning, and passengers can create rider accounts to receive automatic alerts for specific routes and stops. Mentor Engineering introduces Mentor Fleet™, a fleet management software suite that addresses challenges of a paratransit operation. Fleet manages costly yet avoidable driver behavior such as excessive speed and idling, tracks fleet maintenance, increases driver and passenger safety and provides managers a transparent view of fleet operations with powerful reporting tools. Fleet is web-based software which provides minimal deployment costs and can be integrated seamlessly with in-vehicle devices to further streamline operations by capturing engine diagnostic data as well as facilitating in-vehicle navigation. 12 Midwest Bus Corporation See Ad On Page 30 1940 W. Stewart St., P.O. Box 787 Owosso, MI 48867-0787 USA 800-627-6627 FAX: 989-725-2712 Website: 800-837-3818, 419-678-1442 FAX: 419-678-2489 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Mile-X Equipment, Inc. is a distributor of automotive/bus/truck tools and equipment including: lifts, floor jacks, tire changers, wheel balancers, filter crushers, air compressors and more. Since 1979, focusing on prompt customer service at reasonable prices. 12 Mobile Climate Control Corp. 17103 State Road 4 East Goshen, IN 46528 USA 574-534-1516 FAX: 574-533-4452 Web Site: Products: Complete climate comfort systems for three main customer segments: buses, off-road and military vehicles. 12 Products: Remanufacture of city transit buses, used bus sales and leasing, aftermarket parts, Byk-Rak bicycle racks and field service work throughout the United States. 09 Mile-X Equipment, Inc. See Ad On Page 43 801 North 2nd Street Coldwater, OH 45828 USA Mohawk Lifts P.O. Box 110 - 65 Vrooman Ave. Amsterdam, NY 12010 USA 800-833-2006 FAX: 518-842-1289 Web Site: Products: Mohawk, a leader in lift technology, offers environmentally safe, above-ground lifts ranging from See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1117 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 35 6,000 to 240,000 pound capacities. Since 1981, Mohawk has manufactured high quality, safe auto and truck lifts. Mohawk is a lift supplier for garages, independent shops, government, state, and utility; and meets fleet lifting requirements. Mohawk’s popularity is based on a combination of safety systems, design, construction and inclusive warranty. Products have passed rigid, third-party compliance testing to ANSI/ALI ALCTV-2010. Certification of ANSI compliance has become important to lift specifiers and users. Customers can demand certification by looking for the ALI Certified and ETL listed marks. Mohawk lifts are designed, welded, and manufactured in the U.S.A., building quality products with the finest materials to the highest standards. The company’s staff will assist customers with a fleet evaluation, CAD Shop Design Assistance and by answering technical questions. 11 Motor Coach Industries See Ad On Page 11 1700 East Golf Road Schaumburg, IL 60173 USA 847-285-2000 FAX: 502-318-8037 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Rick Heller, President & CEO; Sandra Morison, CFO; Tim Nalepka, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Jon Yarusso, Vice President, New Coach Sales and PreOwned Coach; Wolfgang Winzer, Vice President and General Manager–Aftermarket Business; Otto Kemerle, Vice President, Supply Chain; Jane MacKay, Vice President, Human Resources; Bryan Couch, Vice President and General Manager of Operations; Patricia Ziska, Vice President Private Sector Sales and Marketing; and Tom Wagner, Executive Sales Director, Public Sector Products: Motor Coach Industries (MCI) is a leading manufacturer of intercity coaches in the United States and Canada. Reliability driven, MCI is dedicated to building expertly engineered coaches with high-quality components; the latest safety and security features; and high-quality parts availability and service. MCI builds the industry’s best selling J4500 coach and the popular D-Series coaches known for low cost of operation and considered the workhorse in the industry. MCI also builds a three-axle coach that is Altoona tested, Buy America compliant and offered in cleandiesel, hybrid and CNG configurations, according to the company. All MCI coach models are equipped with electronic stability control, traction control, tirepressure monitoring with always-on sensors, fire-suppression equipment. Options include three point passenger seatbelts, reverse sensing, GPS, video surveillance systems, wheelchair lifts, WiFi connectivity and power outlets. MCI’s Pre-owned Plus program features fully inspected MCI coaches with warranties and maintenance options. To view inventory, visit www.mcicoach/preowned. MCI also offers a network of valuebased after-market parts support, training and roadside assistance (1-800-241-2947). 12 Motorcoach Manager, Inc. 3517 Marconi Avenue, Suite 207 Sacramento, CA 95821 USA 916-972-1800 Fax: 916-972-1875 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Shirley Campbell, President; Scott Hale, Vice President Products: Motorcoach Manager is innovative, flexible software which provides a complete, costeffective system for managing charter orders, scheduling and dispatching, group, retail, and sightseeing tours, shuttles, scheduled line runs, school buses, and vehicle maintenance. The four modules, which may be purchased in any combination, are Charters, Tours, Maintenance, and Shuttles. The application is the result of years of collaboration between the Motorcoach Manager’s staff and hundreds of clients and prospects. Ideas for features are incorporated throughout to make managing charters and tours as Leading in heavy-duty lifting As number 1 in heavy-duty vehicle lifts in the world, Stertil-Koni is synonymous for superior solutions and expert service. Our customized systems are entirely made in the USA by specialists with unique expertise. Thanks to their quality, our superior solutions and in-house production, Stertil-Koni continues leading by example in heavy-duty lifting. MOBILE COLUMN LIFTS IN-GROUND ECOLIFT STERTIL SUPERIOR SOLUTIONS BY QUALITY PEOPLE STERTIL KONI, 200 LOG CANOE CIRCLE, STEVENSVILLE MD 21666, UNITED STATES, WWW.STERTIL-KONI.COM See us at BusCon Expo Booth #928 Page 36 BUSLINE July/August 2012 SKYLIFT easy as possible. The software can be tailored to each motorcoach operation. Add-on features such as online reservations, bar coding, optimized pricing, a built-in email system, utilization charts, availability charts, financial analysis tools, tight security, etc., are either included or available. Motorcoach Manager runs on standard computers with any current version of Microsoft Windows. Single-user or multi-user (networked) versions are available. Responsive, timely customer service is the company’s priority. 12 National Interstate Insurance Co. 3250 Interstate Drive Richfield, OH 44286 USA 800-929-1500 FAX: 330-659-8907 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: Michelle Silvestro, Asst. Vice President and National Commercial Marketing Manager. Products: Traditional and alternative risk transfer insurance programs for charter, tour, paratransit, student transportation and limousine. Coverages include automobile liability, general liability, and workers’ compensation (alternative risk transfer only). 12 Paradigm Technology Consulting, LLC 22 S. Main Street Allentown, NJ 08501 USA 609-890-4150 FAX: 609-890-4154 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Bridgette Hobart-Janeczko, President; Robert Janeczko, VP Operations; Michael Gummel, Manager - Transportation Products: The Paradigm Transportation Suite (PTS) is a work force management focused suite of applications for the transportation industry. It’s designed so that organizations can utilize what they need in order to replace or supplement existing applications including operations, fleet maintenance, financial, GPS/WiFi, customer relationshsip management, driver and labor management as well as human resources. PTS consists of the following: PTS – payroll labor management, HR driver management, mileage reporting, fuel management and executive dashboards; eFleet – MDT, GPS, WiFi, eTicketing, driver logs for paratransit, shuttle and limousine operations; CoachWorks – transportation management solution for charter, line run and school bus operations; Tour Manager – travel tour management solution; Microsoft Dynamics CRM – customer relationship management; and Microsoft Dynamics GP – financial accountying system. 12 PennTex Industries, Inc. See Ad On Page 12 202 Plaza Drive Manchester, PA 17345 USA 717-266-8762 FAX: 717-266-7803 Nissan Commercial Vehicles See Ad On Page 9 Website: Products: The all-new 2012 NV Passenger van gives new meaning to the term high-occupancy vehicle. According to the company, it features air bags for all four rows, plus 324 possible seating configurations and integrated seat belts for all 12 seats. 12 North American Bus Industries, Inc. 106 National Drive Anniston, AL 36207 USA 256-831-4296 FAX: 256-831-4299 Website: Products: North American Bus Industries, Inc. offers a complete line of standard and low-floor, heavy-duty 30’, 35’, 40’, 42’, 60’ and 65’ (articulated) transit buses at its facilities in Anniston, AL. The transit buses are available with clean diesel, CNG, LNG, or diesel hybrid-electric propulsion systems. 09 P.A. Post Agency, LLC 401 Hackensack Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA 201-342-2180 FAX: 201-342-7986 Website: Products: P.A. Post Agency, LLC of Hackensack, NJ, founded in 1915, is in its fourth generation as a public transportation insurance agency. P.A. Post focuses almost exclusively on the transportation marketplace. P.A. Post Agency, LLC has access to most public transportation insurance markets and has a wide range of “in-house” services such as safety and claims assistance, along with a wide range of employee benefits packages through its Benefits Division. P.A. Post Agency also offers a comprehensive array of non-transportation coverages for both the commercial and personal lines market segments. 05 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 37 E-Mail: Website: Products: PennTex Industries, Inc. manufactures a full line of heavy-duty alternators with outputs of up to 350 amps at 14 volts, and up to 330 amps at 28 volts. A leading alternator supplier to shuttle bus, coach and transit bus manufacturers, PennTex also supplies heavy-duty, high output alternators and mobile electronic devices for EMS, industrial and specialty applications that require heavy-duty alternators that outperform automotive style alternators. PennTex alternators are specified by many shuttle bus OEMs that require charging systems that consistently perform in tough, high-heat applications. PennTex Products, including high idlers and charging system monitors, are sold in the aftermarket through a network of warehouse distributors. 08 Petro/Rochelle Travel Plaza See Ad On Page 57 I-39 & Hwy. 38, Exit #99 900 Petro Drive Rochelle, IL 61068 USA 815-562-8475 FAX: 815-562-8478 Web Site: Page 38 BUSLINE Products: Full service travel plaza offering regular diesel, biodiesel, regular gas and now E85. Petro has services including dumpstation, water, propane, pullthrough parking and separate fueling island. Petro also has two restaurants, two stores, clinic and many amenities such as ATM, fax, copies, UPS, Fed Ex and mail dropboxes, game arcade, showers and laundry, and is a Verizon Wireless store. Open 24 hours, 365 days a year. 09 Prevost See Ad On Page 5, 60 35 Gagnon Boulevard Sainte-Claire, QC G0R 2V0 CANADA 418-883-3391 FAX: 418-883-4157 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Gaétan Bolduc, CEO; Andy Kankula, Sr. Vice President of Sales and Marketing; Dann Wiltgen, Vice President of Key Accounts; Clay Flynt, Vice President of Parts and Service Products: Prevost is a manufacturer of the ultimate class of motorcoaches, including the premi- July/August 2012 um H3-41 and H3-45 coaches, the X3-45 Intercity Touring coach, and the efficient Volvo 9700; and for the ultimate conversions, the H3-45 VIP, the X3-45 VIP and the XLII conversion coaches. With its new appearance, Prevost’s H-Series continues to provide the ultimate in style and technology for operators and their passengers. Its driving performance and industry leading luggage capacity (470 ft3) helps highlight the H series. With the longest wheelbase in the coach market, the Prevost X3-45 gives a smooth ride and a large under floor surface area (139 ft2). The Prevost X3-45 also provides the ultimate access to virtually any pick-up/drop-off site for line-haul operators, due to its low clearance. Designed and engineered for maximum uptime and productivity, the Volvo 9700 provides Volvo-unique safety features paired with the ultimate in passenger comfort. The H3-45 VIP, the X3-45 VIP, and XLII conversion coaches are engineered for high-end motorhome and corporate/specialty conversions, such as mobile command posts and medical clinics. The XLII Entertainer is devoted to artists and their crew on tour, offering a quiet ride and large cargo capacity. Prevost holds ISO 9001:2000 and 14001 certifications, and is part of the Volvo Group of companies. 12 Prevost Parts and Service See Ad On Page 5, 60 2955-A Watt Street Quebec, QC G1X 3W1 CANADA 418-654-0174 FAX: 418-658-1723 E-Mail: Website: Company Officer: Clay Flynt, Vice President Parts & Service Products: Prevost Parts, a division of Prevost, provides OEM replacement parts for both coach and transit buses, and is the exclusive distributor of Prevost, Volvo Bus and Nova Bus certified parts and components. The Prevost Parts and Service Network consists of 8 Prevost Parts and Service Centers and over 140 Prevost-trained and certified Service Providers. The service network is the industry’s exclusive provider of certified service for Prevost vehicles, Volvo engines and Volvo I-Shift transmissions. The service providers are strategically located throughout Canada and the United States and offer fast and reliable service for every make and model of coach, motorhome and bus. From minor to major repairs, Prevost quickly returns vehicles back into revenue-generating service. Prevost offers a complete range of maintenance services and mechanical repairs, including a removable wheelchair lift, retrofit for Prevost coaches. The parts division of Prevost has been serving its customers since the corporate foundation of its parent company in 1924. In 1999, Prevost Parts and Nova Bus joined forces in order to better serve the North American coach and transit markets. The parts distribution network provides a strategic presence in key areas throughout North America. 12 ProAir, LLC See Ad On Page 45 28731 County Road 6 Elkhart, IN 46514 USA 574-264-5494 FAX: 574-264-2194 E-mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Dennis Mitchell, President; Jeff Armstead, Sales Manager; Charles McMillian, Sales Representative Products: Manufacturer of air conditioning, heating and defrost systems for all types of buses and shuttle vehicles. Specializes in climate control systems for driver and passenger areas and also stocks a complete line of related parts. 12 Protective Insurance See Ad On Page 27 1099 N. Meridian Street, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 USA 800-644-5501, ext. 2570 Web Site: Products: Protective Insurance Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Baldwin and Lyons, Inc., has specialized in serving the transportation industry for over 80 years. Protective consistently maintains an A+ financial strength rating from A.M. Best. In addition to financial strength, Protective offers experienced claims handling and customer service. The company’s executive team has 185 years of combined service in the insurance industry. In 2008, the company leveraged its transportation knowledge to enter the public transportation industry. The company focuses on partnerships with its customers to ensure that the relationship between insurance company and policyholder is not just a one-year agreement. Licensed in all 50 states and Canada, Protective has the ability to quote large liability deductibles. Protective evaluates each risk to offer the best program options for each individual company. All policies are auditable to ensure accuracy on an exposure basis and allow for better cash flow. 11 Proterra 1 Whitlee Ct. Greenville, SC 29607 864-438-0000 FAX: 864-281-1894 Products: With hybrid and battery-electric buses, Proterra has patented clean transit technology serving the commercial sector with solutions for city transit buses. 10 Keeping You in Motion Transportation Insurance Brokers 800-248-2877 818-246-2800 LOS ANGELES • NEW YORK • BALTIMORE • MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL • ORLANDO CA LIC. #0705008 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1124 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 39 Radio Engineering Industries, Inc. (REI) 6534 “L” Street Omaha, NE 68117 USA 800-228-9275 FAX: 402-339-1704 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Radio Engineering Industries (REI) provides audio/video passenger infotainment systems, ITS solutions, mobile video surveillance systems and camera observation systems. REI prides itself on designing, manufacturing, servicing and maintaining customer friendly, comprehensive systems. 12 Relational Bus Systems, Inc. - RBS See Ad On Page 37 10 Lancaster Street - Box 215 Cherry Valley, NY 13320 USA 800-448-7001 FAX: 607-264-8070 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: Bob Schecter, President; Walter Buist, VP Products: RBS, Inc. designs, implements and supports Tour and Charter Management systems with more than 400 customers in North America. Products include: GoChart Charter Management System – features customer and contract management, schedule and dispatch, and accounts receivable. Modules allow system customization to fit a company’s needs and size. Powerful, user definable security requiring unique login and password is available; GoTour Management System – a browserbased system, manages tour reservations, itineraries, receivables and payables, produces customer documents and management reports for group and retail tours. The RBS cloud-based system is hosted at RBS’ secure data facility. RBS, Inc. is pleased to announce that GoTour is entering the beta testing phase for its third release “GoTour v3”, including a “type-to-find” and help that includes videos; Offsite Backup and Recovery – provides daily offsite data backup and includes limited online access to a customer’s data in the event of a disaster; and, Web Manager – modules include simple, reliable, real time credit card authorization for GoChart and GoTour; online quote generation and notification, integrated document storage and retrieval, and web access to drivers’ orders for GoChart. Free Demos available by appointment. 12 Ridewell Suspensions P.O. Box 4586 Springfield, MO 65808 USA 417-833-4565 FAX: 417-833-4560 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: John E. Raidel II, CEO; John E. Millsap, President; Rick Rickman, Vice President - Sales Shelter Shelter Shelter &#,$ ! (,!'$ %+ & ( "# % !+ &$ .)&+ + &&" &#,$ ! + .&)# / . ,!# % * % *' ! #!0!% !% ** % ) * +& ') )! + ,* % +) !% *+ +!&% * * #+ )* ) !% ,* )&$ & *+ +& & *+ % * #+ ) &) /&, +&& # * &%+ + % !% ) # $ " " $ - %, &&& % ( $ ! ' % !% !% $ $ #+ )* &) #+ )* . ## )&,% Products: Ridewell engineers and manufactures premium air-ride suspensions for buses, motorcoaches and recreational vehicles. Typically designed with four air springs per axle, the 100 percent air-ride design provides excellent handling and ride quality. Ridewell designs front axle air rides in conventional axle and independent front suspension designs. Rear air rides are designed for single axle and tandem axle applications in fixed and self-steer configurations. The company has served the transportation industry since 1967, and holds more than 74 active patents for exclusive features that provide low maintenance and superior ride quality. 12 Rotary Lift 2700 Lanier Drive Madison, IN 47250 USA 800-640-5438 FAX: 800-578-5438 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: Kirk Dawson, Doug Spiller Products: Rotary Lift offers a full line of heavy-duty vehicle lifts for servicing buses of all sizes, including inground, mobile column, parallelogram, and fourpost lifts. The new EFX60 and EFX90 inground scissor lifts use Rotary Lift’s patented universal style lifting saddle with flip-up adapters for easy set-up. The MOD30 modular environmentally friendly inground lift has been the top choice of transit agencies since its introduction 10 years ago thanks to its versatility, reliability and productivity-enhancing design, according to Rotary Lift. When it comes to mobile column lifts, Rotary offers a choice of three models: the original Mach 4, Wireless Mach 4 and RCH4. All three models feature easy-touse designs to improve bay productivity and reduce vehicle downtime. Rotary lift offers parallelogram lifts with lifting capacities up to 100,000 lbs. and platform lengths from 26 to 48 feet long. Any of these models can be ordered with Rotary Lift’s new certified wash bay package. Rotary Lift’s four-post lifts are a costeffective choice for quick-service operations. Their optional rolling jacks make brake, suspension system and wheel work possible. It has been a busy year of product development at Rotary Lift. The company introduced the EFX90 inground scissor lift, the Wireless Mach 4 mobile column lift, the RCH4 mobile column lift, the updated MOD30 environmentally friendly inground lift, and a new certified wash bay package for Rotary Lift’s parallelogram lift line. The EFX90, Wireless Mach 4, RCH4, MOD30 and parallelogram lift with wash bay kit are all third-party tested by ETL and ALI certified to meet ANSI safety and performance standards. New v.p. / heavy-duty is Kirk Dawson. 12 Safety Step LLC See Ad On Page 42 5304 Valleypark Drive, Roanoke, VA 24015 USA 540-362-9636 FAX: 540-362-8362 Page 40 BUSLINE July/August 2012 E-Mail: Website: Company Officers: Paul Huffman, Anna Guardipee Products: Safety Step manufactures the safest step stools available to the transportation industry, according to the company. All transportation Safety Steps are designed with a 100 percent commitment to safety and quality. Its full line of transportation step stools all have the same safety features: Anti-tip design making it impossible to tip over with normal use; rugged, all aluminum light-weight construction and lab tested; non-slip gripper strips and rubber leg tips to hold Safety Step and passengers securely in place on all surfaces and in any weather. Various platform sizes, heights and powder coat finishes are available to suit passengers’ specific needs. 12 fessional staff is trained to provide the highest quality customer service and offers solutions for the unique insurance needs of its passenger transportation customers. An independent company, Service Insurance writes insurance for motorcoaches, limousines, vanpools, city transit buses, airport shuttles and school buses. 07 Sardo Bus & Coach Upholstery 503 S. Main Ave. Minneola, FL 34715 USA 800-654-3824 FAX: 352-242-9290 Web Site: Products: Sardo Bus & Coach Upholstery’s craftsmanship and customer service have made it an industry leader in motorcoach and transit refurbishment. Sardo’s Professional Mobile Road Crew is a trendsetter providing experienced on-site installation service at the customer’s facility. This minimizes downtime, and gives personal attention to every detail. The company also manufactures custom fit seat covers for mail-out service with instructions and seat cover liners for easy installation. Seat covers, sidewalls, floor and more, Sardo helps with all interior objectives. Sardo offers a warranty and guarantees its workmanship for as long as customers own their coach. Visit the company’s website for more information and to view current fabric specials. Call for a personalized quote. 11 Spheros North America, Inc. 5536 Research Drive Canton, MI 48188 USA 734-218-7350 FAX: 734-486-1569 Website: Sefac, Inc. See Ad On Page 44 23 Fontana Lane, Suite 110 Baltimore, MD 21237 USA 443-730-1023 FAX: 443-730-1026 E-Mail: Website: Shriver Insurance Agency 340 W. Butterfield Road, Suite 2B Elmhurst, IL 60126 USA 630-833-0480 FAX: 630-833-0876 Website: Products: Family owned agency specializing in comprehensive insurance programs for the public auto industry since 1963. 03 Products: For over 40 years, Spheros’ products have set the standard for heating and air conditioning of modern buses. The company’s development and quality processes, the training of its employees and the goals of Spheros are focused on effective heating, air conditioning and control units in the bus. The motto at Spheros is “100 percent bus.” Products include — Heating: bus heating systems for diesel/CNG and water pumps; Ventilation: roof vents and roof hatches; and A/C: split A/C for school and shuttle buses, roof top units for all bus segments from 42,000 to 140,000 BTU/h. Spheros provides customized solutions for all climate control products and services to the bus market. 12 Starcraft Bus, A Division of Forest River, Inc. 2367 Century Dr., Goshen, IN 46528 574-642-3112 FAX: 574-642-3301 Website: Products: Bus models including the Starlite, Starquest, Allstar, Ultra Star and XLT. 10 Stertil-Koni See Ad On Page 36 200 Log Canoe Circle Stevensville, MD 21666 USA 410-643-9001 FAX: 410-643-8901 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Stertil-Koni, based in Stevensville, MD, is one of the fastest growing heavy-duty vehicle lift companies in the United States. With an extensive inventory of lifts, and working through an exclusive network of distributors, Stertil-Koni sells its complete line of heavy-duty vehicle lifts throughout the United States and Canada. Stertil-Koni has expanded manufacturing of its broad range of mobile column lifts in the United States with new manufacturing facilities in Streator, IL. Think 302 Protects Protects Think FMVSS FMVSS 302 Passengers and Equipment? Equipment? Passengers and Products: All SEFAC lifts feature a patented electromechanical, self-locking design, based on an Acme threaded screw and a bronze load nut for the ultimate in safety and is inherently self-locking. The lifts stop immediately when power is removed and cannot move again unless power is re-applied. 09 Service Insurance Agency, LLC See Ad On Page 45 6850 Catawba Lane Richmond, VA 23226 USA 800-444-0205 FAX: 804-288-7925 E-Mail: Website: Company Officer: Tim O’Bryan, President Products: Service Insurance Agency, Inc. has been providing insurance and related products to the passenger transportation industry since 1952. Its pro- F.R. Cushioning (meets FMVSS 302) CR SAFGUARD™ XL Fire-Resistant Cushioning Both seats above were subjected to BS 5852 Source 2 Ignition. SAFGUARD™ XL Fire-Resistant Cushioning… • Complies with advanced F.T.A. fire safety criteria. • Minimize risk and liability related to vehicle fire safety. • O.E.M. and maintenance seat retrofit applications. Call for specifications. Easily added to seating requirements within vehicle bid packages. July/August 2012 Telephone: 800-234-2734 Fax: 724-537-9003 e-mail: BUSLINE Page 41 Stertil-Koni manufactures all types of heavyduty lifts, including mobile column lifts, platform lifts, parallelogram lifts, in-ground axle engaging lifts, and 2-post lifts. Stertil is ISO 9001 certified, and most lifts are ALI/ETL certified. 11 SuperFleet / Speedway LLC See Ad On Page 28 500 Speedway Dr., Enon, OH 45323 937-863-6730 FAX: 877-605-7294 E-Mail: Website: Temsa USA/CH Trading Co. See Ad On Page 13 3185 Moreland Avenue Conley, GA 30288 USA 877-85-TEMSA E-Mail: Website: Products: Mid-size coaches. Temsa TS 35: Due to its robust driveline and European craftmanship, the Temsa TS 35 mid-size coach ensures both reliabiity and luxury. 10 Products: SuperFleet provides fleet card services and volume discounts on fuel purchases. Card acceptance at Speedway, Rich Oil, Gas America, Marathon, Pilot, Flying J and Valvoline Instant Oil Change locations. 12 Sutrak Corporation See Ad On Page 38 6899 East 49th Avenue, Commerce City, CO 80022 USA 303-287-2700 FAX: 303-286-1005 Website: Products: ISO 9001 Certified. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems for light rail vehicles, people movers and buses, including school buses. 10 Trans/Air Manufacturing Corp. 480 East Locust Street Dallastown, PA 17313 USA 800-673-2446 FAX: 717-244-7088 Website: Products: Trans/Air Manufacturing is an ISO 9001:2008 registered firm committed to worldclass quality, with a goal to provide customers with high-value climate control systems and associated services. The company focuses on the bus market, creating partnerships with customers and adapting products to satisfy their requirements. The company continues to introduce new products and is a supplier of climate control systems for the bus and coach industry. Products range in capacity from 26,500 BTU for small bus applications to 120,000 BTU for 40foot transit coaches, and are available in free blow and ducted split systems or rooftop packages. Units, parts, service, training, warranty and new or aftermarket installation are available through factory-owned operation or a network of distributors throughout North America. 10 Transit Sales International See Ad On Page 14 1863 Service Court Riverside, CA 92507 USA 951-682-2557 FAX: 951-684-2088 E-Mail: Website: Products: People choose Transit Sales International because the pre-owned transit supplier offers what operators really want from a bus – quality delivered on-time. For over two decades this philosophy has been at the forefront of SAFE, STURDY & DURABLE Safety Step will meet all your transportation needs… s Safety Steps full line of transportation steps are designed specifically for the transportation industry s Anti-tip design makes it impossible to tip over with normal use s Transportation models provide a 6”, 8”, 10” or 12” boost s The 10" and 12" steps have brackets for extra durability s Rugged all-aluminum welded construction s All models are lab tested to hold over 1,000 pounds, but weigh a mere 7 pounds s Non-slip angled rubber leg tips and gripper strips keep your passengers and your Safety Step securely in place s Durable powder coat finish available black, silver or safety yellow To view all our transportation steps or to order online, visit our website: or call (888) 448-4237 Page 42 BUSLINE July/August 2012 Manufacturers of mechanical, non-registering fare boxes (standard and antique styles) with removable, self-locking vaults as well as a variety of donation boxes. High security and minimal maintenance. 3625 Lost Nation Rd. Willoughby, OH 44094 Phone 800-542-6150 Fax 440-942-4184 Web Email Transit Sales International’s ability to hand select only the best buses for a customers’ transportation needs. 10 Transportation Insurance Brokers, Inc. (T.I.B.) See Ad On Page 39 425 W. Broadway, Suite 400, Glendale, CA 91204 818-246-2800 FAX: 818-246-4690 Website: Products: TIB Transportation Insurance Brokers is a brokerage firm dedicated to the transportation industry, offering auto and general liability, physical damage, workers’ compensation and bonds. Specialization and commitment to the transportation industry ensures that customers receive the right insurance program for their particular needs. By focusing only on the transportation marketplace, TIB can devote the energy and resources necessary to be at the leading edge of the transportation insurance field. With offices from Los Angeles to New York, TIB is able to meet insurance needs quickly, economically and professionally. 10 TriMark Corp. 500 Bailey Ave.,New Hampton, IA 50659 USA 641-394-3188 FAX: 641-394-2392 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Scott Perkins, Ric Marzolf Products: TriMark is an employee-owned company and is a recognized leader in the design and manufacture of quality hardware products for the bus/motorcoach, recreational vehicle, agricultural, truck, construction, and industrial enclosure markets. It offers a wide range of door and compartment handles, rotary and slam latches, locking systems, ignition locks, hinges, linkages and electronics including power lock actuators and keyless entry and related components. The TriMark corporate headquarters is located in New Hampton, IA. TriMark serves the China market through TriMark Xuzhou and the European market through its subsidiary, TriMark Europe Ltd, based at Bardon Hill, near Coalville, Leicester. TriMark Europe also manufactures and sells the West Alloy range of products including locks, hinges, window stays and associated fittings for industrial and leisure vehicles. 12 Trolley Illusions, LLC P.O. Box 405 Spring Arbor, MI 49283 USA 517-750-1177 877-443-2838 Fax: 517-750-1807 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Stan Mitts and Marjorie Mitts Products: Trolley Illusions is art graphics applied to transit and shuttle buses to make them look like trolleys. The graphics, when applied, look very realistic and attractive and can be applied to any length or style of bus. Trolley Illusions graphics add fun and increased ridership, as well as, saves money. Personally designed wood grain is printed on high quality vinyl, clear coated with a UV protection, and cut into “boards.” Other parts of the design, including pin striping and fancy scrolls, are also of high quality vinyl. All of the graphic pieces are put together as a kit to be applied to the exterior of a bus. Nothing on the bus is altered. Replacement pieces are available for damage repair. Custom lettering and artwork are available at an extra cost. Background paintwork is not included and needs to be applied prior to the application of graphics. The Trolley Illusions design is protected by copyright 1998 Stan Mitts. 12 Turtle Top Inc. See Ad On Page 2 67819 State Road 15 New Paris, IN 46553 USA 574-831-4340, 800-296-2105 FAX: 574-831-4349 Website: July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 43 Products: The Turtle Top family of Odyssey XLT and Odyssey XL buses feature sophisticated styling and offer luxurious travel amenities for the mid-size coach market segment. 07 Vanner, Inc. See Ad On Page 33, 35 4282 Reynolds Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026 USA 800-ACP-OWER (800-227-6937) FAX: 614-771-4904 Web Site: Products: Hybrid Beltless Alternators™ (HBA) are high efficiency DC to DC converters for Allison H40/50EP Hybrids. Eliminates alternators and associated components. Enough capacity to power variable speed electric radiator fans while running cool and efficient. Also, VANN-BUS Electrical Systems transmit accurate information about the 12/24v vehicle batteries with analysis and monitoring 24/7 with state of health, over and under voltage, battery imbalance and temperature, J1939 communication with MUX and telemetry systems. Enables state-ofcharge management lengthening battery life. Also can work in a closed-loop manner with the Hybrid Beltless Alternator™. Vanner also offers battery equalizers for MBBM battery monitoring. StartSentry Ultracapacitors also provide short burst of energy and eliminate jumpstarting, reduce operational cost and downtime, reduces damaging drain on 12/24v vehicle batteries, and will start a vehicle with dead batteries. Vanner inverters and AC Power systems can power 110v AC outlets at passengers’ seats in buses and coaches. Battery chargers provide high performance 3-stage battery charging for 24v DC battery banks for buses and coaches. 11 VenTek International 1260 A Holm Rd., Petaluma, CA 94954 USA 707-773-3373 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Transit fare collection systems. 12 VIS-Polish 6317 McCoy Rd., Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32822 USA 800-837-5145 FAX: 407-850-4988 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: VIS-Polish is a robotic wheel polishing system that restores aluminum bus rims to mirror finish. VIS-Polish quickly refurbishes road weary wheels and can reveal any hidden damages. 11 Voith Turbo Inc. 210 Harris Ave., Unit #1, Sacramento, CA 95838 USA 916-925-8241 FAX: 916-925-4287 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: Manufacturer of automatic transmissions and secondary breaking systems. 12 Painting Ricon Lifts Fabrication Vinyl Graphics Collision Repair Certified Welding Frame Straightening :$YDORQ5G-DQHVYLOOH:, 3+21()$;72//)5(( Page 44 BUSLINE July/August 2012 Volvo Buses Contact Prevost at: 35 Gagnon Blvd. Ste-Claire, QC G0R 2V0 CANADA 877-773-8678 USA 418-883-3391 CANADA Website: Products: Volvo Buses is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of buses and bus chassis. Products include city buses, intercity buses and tourist coaches. Volvo Buses has production activities in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. The head office is in Sweden where product planning and development are primarily concentrated. 10 Vossloh Kiepe, Inc. 359 Curie Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30005 USA 770-754-0918 FAX: 770-754-0961 E-Mail: Web Site: Company Officers: Klaus Roehmer, President; John Andreas, Vice President Products: For over a century, Vossloh Kiepe has been supplying innovative electrical systems and components used on road and rail vehicles. The company’s products include electric drive systems for trolley buses, hybrid buses, and all electric buses. In addition it provides components that include: auxiliary converters, switches, control units, current collectors, contractors, relays and monitors, buzzers, bells, and safety products. Vossloh Kiepe, Inc. was established in 2010 to meet the needs and requirements of the U.S. transit industry, including Buy America compliance. 12 WEH Technologies Inc. 24903 Laguna Edge Dr., Katy, TX 77494 USA 832-331-0021 FAX: 281-712-2664 E-Mail: Web Site: Products: WEH offers a range of NGV1 compatable products for safe and easy CNG vehicle refueling. 12 Willingham Inc. See Ad On Page 32 20008 244th Ave. S.E., Maple Valley, WA 98038 425-432-9867 FAX: 425-432-3668 Website: Products: Seatcovers, complete interiors, floor repair and floor coverings, video/audio systems and repairs, new and used seats and seat parts, parcel rack and door lift cylinders, upholstery shampoo machines. 10 MCI Names Aftermarket Sales Team Motor Coach Industries (MCI) says it is revitalizing its aftermarket sales structure. Part of the change includes a new role for Jim Stibgen, named director of aftermarket parts sales. Formerly director of technical solutions and a parts solutions manager in the West Coast and Midwest, he began his 20-year career with MCI in customer service. In his new position, Stibgen reports to Wolfang Winzer, vice president and general manager, aftermarket business. Stibgen has responsibility for parts solutions managers and for the implementation of customer-order strategies and new solutions for improving customer fleet operations. At the same time, Ray Smith, a technical solutions manager, becomes a parts solutions manager with responsibility for Northwest and West Coast regions. Smith started with MCI six years ago as a parts sales representative. Stephen Cofta is rejoining MCI as parts solutions manager in the Ray Smith Northeast and Eastern regions. He was associated with MCI Service Parts from 2006 through 2011 and returns with deeper industry experience. Mark Haake continues as a parts solutions manager for the South and South Eastern Regions, and Doug Depape remains parts solutions manager in Canada. Smith, Cofta, Haake and Depape report to Stibgen. Mark Haake Visit Jim Stibgen Stephen Cofta Doug Depape See us at BusCon Expo Booth #106 July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 45 ABC Delivers Coaches Louisiana Motor Coach “Our whole business is about relationships — with our customers, employees, suppliers, even our competitors,” said Louis Sanders of Marrero, LA-based Louisiana Motor Coach. “We started with two coaches in 2010, and this new Van Hool C2045L represents a tripling of our fleet since then, all built on solid, honest relationships.” Louisiana Motor Coach serves the New Orleans and southern Louisiana market with charters to 48 states, as well as tours, convention shuttles, airport and cruise ship transfers and casino trips. Louisiana Motor Coach has just taken delivery of their sixth coach in two years, a 2012 Van Hool C2045L. It is their second coach equipped with a wheelchair lift. West Valley Trailways Scott Habr, general manager of Campbell, CA — based West Valley Trailways is one of the coach industry’s few executives with a Culinary Arts degree. Habr said, “Motorcoaches and restaurants aren’t that different. The key is service and making sure customers have a really good time. ABC was opening a facility in Redwood City and quality support is key to any coach’s success. We decided to try two pre-owned Van Hool C2045s and see how they did. After a trouble free year, we ordered five new C2045s and a late model 46 passenger preowned ‘Premium Coach’ with lots of amenities and leg room.” West Valley Lines was started by Scott Habr’s grandfather, John Habr, in 1966. An aircraft mechanic himself, Habr saw a need for commuter transportation for airline employees. He quickly figured out that the buses that were busy all week would be in demand for charters and tours on weekends, and the business “took off.” His son, Stan Habr, continued to expand the company until his retirement in 2009. For more information, contact ABC Companies at 800-222-2875 or visit U.S. DOT Announces New Safety Rule U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood recently announced an important new safety rule that requires health care professionals who perform medical examinations for interstate truck and bus drivers to be trained, tested and certified on the specific physical qualifications that affect a driver’s ability to safely operate the vehicle. The final rule also creates a national online database of medical examiners who have completed the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) certification process. FMCSA is expected to post its uniform training and testing standards for medical examiners at By May 21, 2014, all certified medical examiners must be on the National Registry database, and drivers must obtain a medical examination from a certified examiner. Visit for more information. From Complete Coach Works: MaxxForce Demo Unveiled At APTA Conference In Long Beach, CA See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1012 Page 46 BUSLINE July/August 2012 Complete Coach Works has announced the arrival of its MaxxForce 9 Demo Bus. This fully remanufactured bus began its tour at the Annual American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Bus & Rodeo Conference in Long Beach, CA. The conference, which was held on May 6-9, featured an outdoor bus show hosting a bus display. The MaxxForce Demo is a product of Complete Coach Works’ remanufacturing process that can give a 13-year-old bus, such as the one pictured above, a new life. By eliminating urea and all of the hazmat issues that accompany it, and eliminating the need for a second emission device and the maintenance and replacement costs associated, the MaxxForce engine can provide a cost effective alternative to other engines. Eighteen properties have already signed up for a demonstration period with the bus. For more information about this or other products and services offered by Complete Coach Works, contact Macy Neshati at 951-684-9585. ABC Companies ABC Companies Model M1235 Mid-Size Coach The M1235 is part of ABC Companies ongoing commitment to meet market demand for smaller group travel, providing an efficient fleet solution that delivers as much value and sophistication as its larger coach counterparts. Perfect for a myriad of applications, the versatile M1235 can be designed to fit charter, commuter, and shuttle transit requirements. Exclusively manufactured for ABC Companies by General Coach of America, the M1235 midsize coach offers operators high-end, big coach features in a smaller group transport vehicle. Assembled on a durable Freightliner S2 chassis, and featuring an optimized rear suspension package, the M1235 offers a smooth ride — built for the long haul. ABC Companies; 1506 30th Street, NW; Faribault, MN 55021 USA; Phone: 507-334-1871; Fax: 507-334-0246 E-mail: Web site: Model ..........................................................................................................M1235 Seating Capacity.........................................................Up to 35 Passengers Length..............................................................................................................35’ Width ..............................................................................................................102” Height .............................................................................................................131” Engine...........................................................Cummins ISB 2010 6.7L 220HP Alternator (type)................................................................................270 Amp Transmission.................................................................................Allison B210 Chassis .........................................................Freightliner S2 Coach Chassis Air Conditioning....................KR4 120,000 BTU A/C w/52,000 BTU Heat – Roof Mounted Condenser - Standard Wheelchair Lift Option...................................Ricon In-Step Lift Package Steering.....................................................................................................Power Suspension.........................Freightliner “Airliner” Rear Air Suspension 3035RE Rear Engine Coach Exclusively manufactured for ABC Companies by General Coach America in the USA, the 3035RE continues to bridge the gap between small and large coach requirements, offering a host of amenities commonly found aboard its full-size counterparts. An exclusive rear-engine design delivers a traditional “motorcoach” look while inside appointments including contoured parcel racks, big screen monitors and on-board restroom give passengers a full-size coach experience in this 35-foot model. Built on the Freightliner XBR chassis, the 3035RE features durable steel and stainless steel construction and includes 280 cubic feet of available storage space with four pantograph hinged doors for easy loading. The attractive ergonomic driver’s cockpit and passenger friendly entrance offers state-of-the-art design with tilt and telescopic steering wheel and curved modesty panels to create easy, snag-free flow into the passenger area. A popular rear window option is offered — creating an open, roomy feel in the rear seating area. Model..................................................................3035RE Rear Engine Coach Seating Capacity...........................................38 Passenger with Lavatory 40 Passenger with no Lavatory - Optional Length .........................................................................................................34’11” Width ..............................................................................................................102” Height ............................................................................................................138” Engine................................................Cummins ISC 330 HP 2010 Emission Alternator (type) ..................................................................270 Amp 12 Volt Transmission.........................................................Allison B-400 Automatic Chassis ......................................................Freightliner XBR Coach Chassis Air Conditioning..........................AC350 Roof Mounted Climate Control systems with 110,000 BTU (ARI Rating) A/C Wheelchair Lift Option.......................................ADA Package is Optional Steering ........................................................................ZF 8018 Steering Box Suspension .......................................Neway ADL XB Rear Air Suspension ZF Independent Front Suspension with 60 Degree Wheel Cut July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 47 Turtle Top Turtle Top Odyssey XLT Odyssey XL The Odyssey XLT shuttle bus and motorcoach series of buses that provide up to 47 passenger capacity are available on the Freightliner FM2 chassis. Bus road stability, passenger comfort, dependability, quality and safety are important features for owners of an Odyssey XLT. More passenger capacity for church buses, college buses, city and county transportation authorities, assisted living buses, cross-country touring companies, excursion companies and many more transportation customers can be found selecting the Odyssey XLT. The Odyssey XL shuttle bus provides up to 30 passenger capacity and is available on the Ford F550 and Freightliner FM2 26K. Road stability, passenger comfort, dependability, quality and safety are main features standard in the Odyssey XL. This series fits the needs for church buses, college buses, transportation authorities, assisted living facilities, plus many more bus applications, and is available with wheelchair lifts. Turtle Top 67819 State Road 15 New Paris, IN 46553 800-296-2105 Fax: 574-831-4349 Email: ODYSSEY XLT FEATURES • Aerodynamic automotive styling • Clear view windows, contoured, curved, tinted • Up to 47 passenger capacity - CDL required • Wide interior with double row luxury seating • Flexible floor plans including wheel chair capability • Meets and exceeds FMVSS regulations • Qualifies for Buy America • Steel roll cage with full perimeter steel floor • Body and air conditioning warranty second to none Page 48 BUSLINE July/August 2012 Turtle Top 67819 State Road 15 New Paris, IN 46553 800-296-2105 Fax: 574-831-4349 Email: ODYSSEY XL FEATURES • Aerodynamic automotive styling • Clear view windows • Up to 31 passenger capacity on the Ford F550 - CDL required • Up to 41 passenger capacity on the Freightliner FM2 26K - CDL required • Wide interior with double row luxury seating • Flexible floor plans including wheel chair capability • Meets and exceeds FMVSS regulations • Qualifies for buy America and is Altoona tested • Steel roll cage with full perimeter steel floor • Body and air conditioning warranty second to none Turtle Top Turtle Top Odyssey Van Terra & Terra Transport The Van Terra and Terra Transport shuttle buses were developed to replace the standard 15-passenger van. All types of passengers, including senior living agencies, find it easy to enter and exit with ample headroom and aisle passage. The Van Terra and Terra Transport maneuver like a van but have the stability of a dual rear wheel bus. Extended rear wheel stance (with a full roll cage, styling and quality construction) makes this the most affordable and practical choice for safe dependable transportation, according to the company. Turtle Top 67819 State Road 15 New Paris, IN 46553 800-296-2105 Fax: 574-831-4349 Email: VAN TERRA & TERRA TRANSPORT FEATURES • 15 - 18 passenger alternative * • Low, wide enclosed entrance • Wide aisle with interior headroom • Wide wheelbase stance for road stability • Flexible floor plans, including wheelchair capability • Meets and exceeds FMVSS regulations • Altoona tested • Steel roll cage with school bus roll-over crush test • CDL license not require in most states ** • The most storage in its class * Some floorplans include wheelchair/luggage areas that reduce the number of seats. 18 seats is the maximum possible occupancy in this class. ** 15 and under do not require CDL in most states. 16 passenger and above do require CDL The Odyssey shuttle bus family of buses provides passenger capacities up to 23 on Chevrolet and Ford chassis. The Odyssey shuttle bus with Innovation, Styling and Quality is the bus of choice for church buses, day care buses, airport shuttle buses, assisted living buses, college buses including sport team transportation buses. Turtle Top 67819 State Road 15 New Paris, IN 46553 800-296-2105 Fax: 574-831-4349 Email: ODYSSEY FEATURES • Aerodynamic automotive styling • Clear view windows • Up to 23 passenger capacity - CDL required • Low wide enclosed entrance • Flexible floor plans including wheelchair capability • Meets and exceeds FMVSS regulations • Qualifies for buy America and is Altoona tested • Steel roll cage with full perimeter steel floor • Body and air conditioning warranty second to none July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 49 ARBOC Specialty Vehicles ARBOC Specialty Vehicles Spirit Of Freedom Spirit Of Mobility The ARBOC Spirit of Freedom is an affordable low-floor bus for fleet and private operators. Built on a conventional GM cutaway, the ARBOC Spirit of Freedom is a rear wheel drive bus with conventional suspension. When equipped with the optional 1:6 1,000pound 34” x 62” ramp, it fully complies with ADA criteria, according to the company. All passengers enter through the same 41-inch wide door opening. The ARBOC Spirit of Freedom features fully integrated body on chassis construction with E-Coat protection and a bolt-n-bonded structure. The ARBOC Spirit of Mobility is a low-floor bus built on a conventional GM cutaway chassis and is rear wheel drive without the use on an expensive dropbox. The optional wheelchair ramp allows for easy loading and unloading via a 1:6 1,000-pound capacity ramp, through the 39-inch clear door opening. ARBOC Specialty Vehicles offers a fully integrated body on chassis with full E-Coat corrosion protection and bonded-steel structure. The interior offers theater seating for better viewing for all riders. The Spirit of Mobility low-floor bus offers a full airride suspension with a standard kneeling feature, providing an entrance of 10-plus inches. ARBOC Specialty Vehicles 51165 Greenfield Pkwy., Middlebury, IN 46540 574-825-4880 • Fax: 574-825-1750 Website: Model....................................................................................Spirit of Freedom Seating Capacity..................................................................................12 to 23 Length....................................................................................................24’ & 27’ Width ...............................................................................................................96” Height .............................................................................................................112” Engine.............................6.0L Vortec V8, Optional 6.6L Duramax Diesel Transmission...................................................................6 Speed Automatic Chassis...................................................................................GM 3500 & 4500 Air Conditioning ...........................................Passenger A/C up to 80 BTU Wheelchair Lift Option ...................................Low Floor Ramp Entrance, Up to 6 Positions Steering..............................................................................................GM Power Suspension...................................................................................OEM Springs Page 50 BUSLINE July/August 2012 ARBOC Specialty Vehicles 51165 Greenfield Pkwy., Middlebury, IN 46540 574-825-4880 • Fax: 574-825-1750 Website: Model .....................................................................................Spirit of Mobility Seating Capacity..................................................................................12 to 23 Length.....................................................................................21’, 23’, 26’ & 28’ Width ...............................................................................................................96” Height .............................................................................................................110” Engine.............................6.0L Vortec V8, Optional 6.6L Duramax Diesel Transmission...................................................................6 Speed Automatic Chassis...................................................................................GM 3500 & 4500 Air Conditioning ...........................................Passenger A/C up to 80 BTU Wheelchair Lift Option ...................................Low Floor Ramp Entrance, Up to 6 Positions Steering..............................................................................................GM Power Suspension...................................................................................OEM Springs ARBOC Specialty Vehicles Temsa Spirit Of Liberty Temsa TS 35 The ARBOC Spirit of Liberty is a low-floor, medium-duty 29 - 33 foot pusher bus. The Liberty features an open floorplan with no steps throughout the passenger area. Standard wheelchair zones are a spacious 60 x 30 inches. Passengers enter on a 34-inch wide, 1:6 ramp by Braun or Ricon rated at 1,000 pounds. The Liberty incorporates lightweight technologies and proven ARBOC SV construction resulting in Best Class curb weights of 15,000 pounds or less. With GVW of 25,500 pounds, the Liberty has ample capacity to carry up to 37 passengers plus 15 standees. Power is supplied by a 6.7 Liter Cummins ISB diesel engine coupled to an Allison six-speed transmission. The world class Temsa TS 35 coach is manufactured in Turkey and was introduced to the U.S. market by CH Bus Sales in 2009. The TS 35 is a full integral mid-size coach that provides the same level of comfort and amenities as a full-size coach. This mid-size coach offers a luxurious and spacious interior for passengers and driver. Its integral construction ensures a smooth and stable ride, while its maneuverability will help access remote places. With an American driveline (Cummins/Allison), the TS 35 provides excellent power and optimum serviceability. These are combined with European quality and craftsmanship to create a high-quality driving experience. The TS 35 is constructed from stainless steel for extra durability and safety. Its stringently tested to ensure the highest standards. Temsa and CH Bus Sales plan to introduce a Temsa 30-foot model to the U.S. market in 2012. ARBOC Specialty Vehicles 51165 Greenfield Pkwy., Middlebury, IN 46540 574-825-4880 • Fax: 574-825-1750 Website: CH Bus Sales 1941 Cardinal Lane, Faribault, MN 55021 USA Phone: 507-331-7911; Fax: 507-331-1338 EMail: • Web: Model.......................................................................................Spirit of Liberty Seating Capacity..................................................................................31 to 37 Length ............................................................................................29’, 31’ & 33’ Width..............................................................................................................100” Height .............................................................................................................116” Engine ............................................................................Cummins ISB 240 HP Transmission.....................................................................Allison B220/GSPD Chassis ..............................................Purpose Built Medium Duty Chassis Air Conditioning.............................................Roof Mounted Thermo King Wheelchair Lift Option....................................Low-floor Ramp Entrance, Up to 6 positions Steering..........................................................................TRW Power Steering Suspension ...........................................................................Full Kneeling Air Model...............................................................................................Temsa TS 35 Seating Capacity.............................................................................................40 Length ...............................................................................................................35’ Width............................................................................................................100.4” Height ..........................................................................................................138.6” Engine .......................................................Cummins ISL 8.9 345 HP – EPA10 Transmission...............................................Allison B500 (retarder option) Chassis....................................................Frameless monocoque chassis in stainless steel Air Conditioning .......................................Roof type air conditioning unit 32kW/Carrier 05G Wheelchair Lift Option ...................................Ricon brand, Mirage model Steering...........................................................................................TRW THP-80 Suspension.........Front: Independent with adjustable shock absorber and torsion bar type stabilizer x 2 air bellows; Rear: Adjustable shock absorbers x 4 air bellows July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 51 Glaval Bus Glaval Bus Glaval Entourage Glaval Titan II LF Whether it’s a wheelchair passenger, business traveler or an elderly rider, the Titan II LF completely eliminates the need for steps to enter or exit the vehicle. There is also no longer a need for the traditional wheelchair lift. The Titan II LF is offered with either a Braun or Ricon bifold power ramp. This new low floor kneeling bus utilizes the rugged Chevy G4500 Gas chassis platform along with a heavy-duty “Purpose-Built” floor structure designed and produced by Spartan Chassis. One of the most impressive features of the Titan II LF is the 4corner, self-leveling air-spring suspension with kneeling capability. With the touch of one switch, the complete unit will kneel to achieve a 1:6 ramp slope on gas models (diesel models have 1:5.3 ramp slope angle), which exceeds ADA’s current minimum, at the same time providing a level floor surface for all wheelchair positions. The Titan II LF offers true random access for up to 5 wheelchair positions, or can seat up to 21 ambulatory passengers. With Glaval’s solid reputation for building a quality product, the Titan II LF is sure to help make life easier. The Entourage delivers superior quality and versatility built on the rugged Ford F-550 Super Duty chassis. The Entourage is both economical and flexible enough to suit any transportation solution. If ADA equipment is required, a wide range of floor plan configurations with a wheelchair lift are available. With its impressive sleek and aerodynamic styling, the Entourage is both brawn and beauty. Glaval Bus 914 CR #1 North Elkhart, IN 46514 800-445-2825 Glaval Bus 914 CR #1 North Elkhart, IN 46514 800-445-2825 Model......................................................................................Glaval Titan II LF Seating Capacity....................................................................................21 Max Length.......................................................................................24’, 26’ and 28’ Width ...............................................................................................................96” Height....................................................114” (includes rooftop air system) Engine ...........................................................6.0L Gas, 6.6L Diesel and CNG Transmission...................................................................6-Speed Automatic Chassis ..................................................................................Chevrolet G4500 Air Conditioning.................................................Carrier/Mcc, ACC and ACT Wheelchair Option.................................................Accommodates up to 5 Steering..............................................................................................Tilt Wheel Suspension .....................................................................4 Corner Air Spring Page 52 BUSLINE July/August 2012 Model.....................................................................................Glaval Entourage Seating Capacity ...................................................................................33 Max Length ........................................................................27’, 29’, 31’, 32’ and 33’ Width ...............................................................................................................96” Height.............................................................................................................124” Engine.......................6.7L Power Stroke Diesel, 6.8L V-10 Gas, and CNG Transmission....Diesel: HD TorqShift 6-Speed Select Shift Automatic ................................................................Gas: TorqShift 5-Speed Automatic Chassis .......................................................................Ford F-550 Super Duty Air Conditioning ...............................Carrier/Mcc, ACC, Tran Air and ACT Wheelchair Option.................................................Accommodates up to 6 Steering ............................................................................Tilt Steering Wheel Suspension ................................................................Front and Rear Spring Glaval Bus Glaval Bus Glaval Synergy Glaval Legacy Passengers can surround themselves in elegance and refinement with the Synergy, built by combining tomorrow’s technology with today’s best quality. From the rock-solid “steel-safe” construction to the finest fit and finish, the Synergy provides the best of both worlds. With the ergonomically designed driver’s area, it delivers both power and grace. The commanding view through the two-piece windshield, taller interior for optimum headroom and curved modesty panels for more hip-to-knee leg room, ensure passengers will be impressed with the first class comfort. The ample underbody pass-through luggage compartment provides maximum cargo room with easy access. Operators and owners will appreciate the user-friendly, large interior and exterior engine access panels and smooth floor cove molding for ease of maintenance. They can also embrace luxury with the exclusive lounge option that includes a separately controlled, top-of-the-line 20-inch flat screen TV/DVD electronic package and climate control. Combine all this with Glaval’s commitment to the highest quality standards, safety and aftermarket service, and these same operators and owners will experience the new evolution in transportation. The Legacy is built on the heavy-duty Freightliner S2C chassis and powered by the proven Cummins 6.7L ISB diesel engine and Allison transmission. Built with rear air-ride suspension, the Legacy is sure to impress with stylish beauty, outstanding ride quality and rugged durability. Whether looking for first-class transportation or even public shuttle service, the Legacy is just the answer. The Legacy can seat up to 45 passengers and is available with a wide variety of ADAcompliant paratransit options. Also available with rear luggage, overhead and under floor storage, the Legacy has the versatility to fit all transportation needs. Glaval Bus 914 CR #1 North Elkhart, IN 46514 800-445-2825 Glaval Bus 914 CR #1 North, Elkhart, IN 46514 800-445-2825 • Model.........................................................................................Glaval Synergy Seating Capacity....................................................................................41 Max Length..............................................................................................................38’ Width ..............................................................................................................102” Height ............................................................................................................144” Engine...............................Cummins ISB 6.7 280 HP and ISC-330 330 HP Transmission ......................................ISB - Allison 3000 PTS Auto Trans; .......................................................................ISC - Allison B-400 Auto Trans Chassis..................................................................................Freightliner XB-R Air Conditioning...............................................................Carrier/Mcc AC310 Wheelchair Option ............................................................................Available Steering..............................................TRW Tilt/Telescopic “Smart Wheel” Suspension................................................Front and Rear Air Suspension Model...........................................................................................Glaval Legacy Seating Capacity...................................................................................45 Max Length...............................................................................32’, 35’, 37’ and 40’ Width..............................................................................................96” and 102” Height ............................................................................................................129” Engine ............................................................................Cummins 6.7L Diesel Transmission ..............................Allison 2200 PTS w/Park Pawl 5-Speed Chassis....................................................................................Freightliner S2C Air Conditioning .............................Carrier/Mcc, ACC, Trans Air and ACT Wheelchair Option................................................Accommodates up to 14 Steering.....................................................................................Tilt/Telescopic Suspension .......................................................Front Spring, Rear Air Ride July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 53 Companies Purchase Prevosts Indian Trails And Michigan Flyer Indian Trails, of Owosso, MI, a familyowned intercity motorcoach carrier for over 100 years, recently acquired six new 2012 Prevost H3-45 luxury motorcoaches. Four of the new H3-45s are for Michigan Flyer, the luxury motorcoach service jointly owned by Indian Trails and Okemos Travel that provides round-trip transportation between East Lansing, Jackson, Ann Arbor, and Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Gordon Mackay, president of Indian Trails, explained that the new coaches represent a $2,124,000 infrastructure upgrade for Michigan Flyer, which transports over 90,000 passengers per year and has achieved a 99 percent rate of on-time arrivals and departures. The other two H3-45 coaches are part of the regular Indian Trails fleet, which provides charters, tours, shuttles, casino runs, and daily scheduled service. Astro Travel And Tours Astro Travel and Tours Inc., a family-owned and operated charter company based in Tallahassee, FL, has taken delivery of two new 2012 H3-45 Prevost motorcoaches. “These recent additions give Astro one of the newest fleets in the southeastern United States,” said vice president Matt Brown. “All our vehicles are 56 passenger models from 2010, 2011, or 2012, each equipped with Wi-Fi, in-motion satellite direcTV, and 110 outlets.” Astro’s dark green coaches can be seen on the local roads of its North Florida/South Georgia market as well as the interstates of the continental United States. Visit MAHA USA Offers Wireless Mobile Column Lifts Maha USA spokespeople say that over the past decade, MAHA USA has founded its reputation on manufacturing superior lifting systems combining leading technology with features and benefits. MAHA USA says its most prized lift, the Wireless MCL, is the only wireless lifting system on the market designed with a ball screw lifting mechanism. MAHA USA’s re-circulating ball screw design prevents fluid leaks and synchronization problems and each lift is guaranteed to operate under any temperature change, inside or outside. Each column includes four 12v, heavyduty, deep cycle batteries that conveniently recharge with a standard 110v connection. Light weight and easy to maneuver, each mobile column can be moved quickly and efficiently. To learn more about the many features of the Wireless MCL, visit or call 866-624-2872. THE NEW Model F1 Fare Box Stainless Steel Construction Easy Front Loading Vault Handle on the left or right side. Push button Dump option Cool White LED Lighting Standard Floor Mount Stand Option with 1” Height Adjustment Made in the U.S.A. Serving The Industry Since 1947 800-343-1009 816-421-8363 See us at BusCon Expo Booth #911 Page 54 BUSLINE July/August 2012 th 17n u n A REFUEL•R ECONNECT•RENEW al Brought to you by MOTOR COACH PROFESSIONALS! Come to the most extensive gathering of private- and public-sector decision-makers in the bus industry. NAVY PIER, CHICAGO CONFERENCE & EXPO SEPTEMBER 11-12, 2012 WELCOME RECEPTION SEPTEMBER 10, 2012 SESSION HIGHLIGHTS (subject to change) • Customer Service Training • Getting Off the Ground with Bus Operator Simulator Training • Designing Buses for an Increasingly Hi-Tech World • Federal Transit Administration: DBE Compliance Made E-Z Lead Media Sponsor Media Sponsors For More Information Visit or Call (800) 576-8788 BCS05-21.12 • What You Need to Know About Accessible Transportation Requirements ADVERTORIAL Improving The Motorcoach Passenger Experience Through Mobile Self-service By Mark Pivon, eFleet Services Inc. Motorcoach companies are continually developing new features for the industry which has evolved over the last decade to witness significant innovation in all manner of product, price, place and promotion. From enhanced seating, better bathrooms and wheelchair access, to in-vehicle entertainment systems, a la carte pricing and social media marketing — motorcoach operators are refining their offering to improve the experience of passengers and retain their share of the market. According to eMarketer, tablet users made up nearly 11 percent of the U.S. population in 2011. Penetration will grow to 28 percent by 2014, spurred by falling prices and increased functionality for existing models, plus a widening selection of devices at the low end of the market. Additionally, changes to the way consumers can access mobile technology is occurring, with pay-as-you-go plans making it easier than ever to subscribe to a service. It is estimated that over half the entire U.S. population will be mobile in one form or another by 2015. It falls to reason that WiFi might be the way to go in delivering more value. This is still an expensive proposition to do properly, and poor WiFi connectivity can frustrate customers more than it actually compels them to return to your service. While WiFi is evolving, and 4G connectivity is significantly improving the number of simultaneous connections that a motorcoach can offer, it is still a way off from being a mature solution. Vendors offering solutions for things like in-vehicle payment, passenger ticketing and bus tracking tools are often overlooked — but they deliver significant value for the money. These tools help motorcoach companies automate mundane processes and enable them to focus on higher value processes. Self-service tools empower customers to take charge of their travel plans, review schedules, pay for trips and print itineraries. While commonplace in hotels and airlines, it’s been a challenge for the motorcoach industry because of non-standard business rules and varied pricing models. Self-service tools offer travellers the ability to monitor things like vehicle location, and gather insights into vehicle arrival times all through a mobile device. But it’s valuable to operators as well: when a customer uses a self-service portal, the information captured is often better because it is accurate and complete, something highly valued by marketing departments. Trip planners and affiliates also benefit from the captured information because the data supports billing, credit and commission splits. One person’s self-service tool becomes another person’s audit report. In addition to improving individual experience, self-service tools help service providers become more efficient. Many bus companies still require their drivers to collect fares at the door; even if it takes a driver one minute to process a payment, it can still add up to an hour to the departure time. Self-service tools help reduce the queue: encouraging customers to book online is like having a self-service kiosk right in their living room or pocket. Customer service is about making yourself highly available and accessible. Internet and mobile technologies are great for that, but they still only serve a segment of a total market. A kiosk is another way to serve those customers who know what they want, but don’t necessarily have a way to access a company’s online payment system. A 2010 study by BCC Research forecasts that self-service ticketing kiosk installations are on the rise, with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.3 percent. Motorcoach operators are seeing kiosks as another revenue channel that can be installed in unconventional areas. Communication is vital to a customer’s piece of mind and wellbeing; mobile is rapidly taking the center stage to facilitate the demands of our connected society. Building a strategy around online self-service and leveraging mobile channels are great ways to motivate customers to do business with a company. Experimenting kiosks is another option. A well-conceived campaign will bring positive attention to a company and drive ROI for minimal upfront investment. True success comes from understanding where customer selfservice fits within the many touchpoints of a motorcoach business. About the author: Mark Pivon is a business analyst with eFleet Services Inc., and possesses nearly 10 years experience in telematics, mobile technology, CRM and self-serve channels. You can find him on most social media channels as "mpivon." ARBOC Specialty Vehicles See us at BusCon Expo Booth #1227 Page 56 BUSLINE July/August 2012 ARBOC Specialty Vehicles has appointed Chris Ward as bid administrator. Ward joined the company in 2004, as product designer and lead engineer for product development. He has an extensive engineering background as manufacturing coordinator and structural engineer at Coachmen RV and experience as product designer & product drafting manager at All American Homes. Ward will have direct responsibility for reviewing all bid requests particularly from a technical and compliance aspect. He can be reached via telephone at 574-825-1723 or by email at SFO Shuttle Bus Announces Purchase Of 9 New Temsa TS35 Coaches SFO Shuttle Bus, of San Francisco, CA, recently added nine new Temsa TS35 coaches to its fleet. Since 1952, SFO Shuttle has provided service to a wide range of Bay Area businesses, facilities and municipalities. Pictured left to right, are Matt Curwood, From its start as a single airvice president of operations, SFO port shuttle service, SFO Shuttle Bus, and Randy Kolesar, Shuttle has grown into an indewestern region account executive pendent family-owned busifor CH Bus Sales, Inc. ness featuring diverse capabilities and operations across the Bay Area. SFO Shuttle operates 150 vehicles that travel 3 million miles per year, and employs over 250 transportation professionals. Included in SFO’s customer base are many prominent companies including Facebook, Google, Onyx, Twitter and Genentech. The Temsa TS35 is a 40-passenger vehicle equipped with a restroom. Visit or for more information. O B I T U A R Home of the Best Full-Service Travel Plaza in Northern Illinois Featuring… Seating for 175, Homestyle Cooking, Daily Specials, Buffet, Soup & Salad Bar, Full Menu, Carry-Out (815) 562-5840 Y David Ruback David Ruback, president of Radio Engineering Industries, Inc. (REI) died of pancreatic cancer May 22, 2012. He was 56 years old. Ruback is survived by his wife, Marcy, and two sons, Joe and K.C. Ruback. David Ruback started at REI in 1987 and was promoted to president in 1998. REI officials say he was instrumental in the company’s growth and commitment to service. Ruback was keen on talking directly to the customer. He believed the personal touch is critical. Dave Ruback Ruback is also remembered for his dedication away from the office. He was a volunteer coach for the Nebraska Red Dawgs Junior NWBA Team – National Wheelchair Basketball Association. He led the Red Dawgs in winning the Junior Division National Championship in 2011 and 2012. In honor of Ruback, the NWBA Junior Division announced the formation of the David Ruback Legacy Award. The award honors parents of NWBA Junior Division athletes who go “above and beyond the norm” for the betterment of the junior division. Ruback was an outstanding leader and mentor to these young men. In addition, Ruback also volunteered his time as the Board Treasurer for Make-A-Wish Nebraska. During his six years of involvement, he was able to be a part of providing 571 Wish Kids with hope, strength and joy. Memorials in Ruback’s name have been established at: MakeA-Wish of Nebraska, 11926 Arbor St., Omaha, NE 68144 or Eastern Nebraska Wheelchair Athletic Association (ENWAA), P.O. Box 540875, Omaha, NE 68154. Call 800-228-9275 or visit for more information. Seating for 40, Specialty Sandwiches, Homemade Soup, Fresh Salads & Sides, Blue Bunny Ice Cream! (815) 561-9595 Designated Bus Parking and Pull-Thru Fueling Island Bus Drivers & Tour Guides Eat free! Mini-Mall — 2 Stores with over 5,000 sq. ft. of shopping! ATM, Major Credit Cards accepted. I-39 & Hwy 38, Exit 99 Rochelle, IL OPEN 24 HOURS Please call ahead! July/August 2012 BUSLINE Page 57 ADL Moves On From JV To Australian Acquisition Alexander Dennis Limited (ADL), which turn a successful brand into a great Australian recently signed a joint venture deal in North business. America, has acquired Sydney-based Custom “Our strategy will be to invest in people, Coaches, an Australian bus manufacturer. processes and products; to exploit the synerADL will take 100 percent control of the gies between our companies, particularly in business, which employs over 400 terms of product and technology people at manufacturing sites in transfer, and to further strengthen Sydney, New South Wales, and in the reputation we have elsewhere Adelaide, South Australia. It curin the world for best-in-class cusrently has annual sales of around tomer support. £55million (A$90m) and has a 24 “This is the beginning of an percent share of the Australian bus exciting new chapter for both market. Custom and ADL. It will build on ADL Chief Executive Colin the progress ADL has made in New Robertson said, “This is another Zealand in the last two years where significant step in our strategy to our manufacturing partnership with Colin Robertson diversify and grow the business. It Kiwi Bus has established us as a will see our group turnover increase to around market leader and a major supplier to cities £500 million per annum — a three-fold multi- such as Auckland and Wellington.” ple in just five years — and position us well to According to the company, Alexander become a major player in the southern hemi- Dennis is Britain’s biggest bus and coach mansphere. ufacturer with build partnerships in Hong “The Custom brand is an icon in the Kong, China, New Zealand and North America. Australian bus body market having been part of It has emerged in the past five years as one of the transport landscape for 50 years. It has his- the fastest growing bus and coach builders in tory, heritage and a reputation for quality prod- the western world. ucts and putting customers first. These are the On May 7, 2012, ADL announced details of fundamentals of our business philosophy at a strategic alliance with New Flyer Industries ADL and we will build on them as we bid to Inc., North America’s manufacturer of heavy- Stertil-Koni Produces 2,000th Heavy-Duty Vehicle Lift Stertil-Koni USA, Inc., announced that its manufacturing facility, Stertil ALM, located in Streator, IL, has just produced the 2,000th unit made in the United States. Coming off the production line to achieve this milestone for the company was the ST 1082 Mobile Column Lift — a heavy-duty vehicle lift capable of lifting up to 18,000 lbs. per column. The ST 1082 can be used up to a maximum of 28 column lifts in a set and is suited for a broad range of vehicle lifting, including articulated buses, fire and rescue vehicles, military vehicles as well as multiple axle trucks. The Streator facility, headed by Allan Pavlick, vice president, Stertil ALM, also manufactures Stertil-Koni’s patented scissor lift, known as the ECOLIFT, as well as its platform lift, called the SKYLIFT. Stertil-Koni is a supplier to the world’s leading companies in the truck and bus industries. Stertil-Koni's breadth of lift products meets all ranges of lifting needs and includes mobile, two-post, four-post, inground lifts, parallelogram lifts, half-scissors and the innovative axleengaging, in-ground, scissor-style heavy-duty hydraulic lift configuration. The company was recently awarded US Patent 8,191,865 for its ECOLIFT heavy-duty scissor lift. Page 58 BUSLINE July/August 2012 duty transit buses. According to company spokespeople, the move signalled the determination of both parties to bring a new dimension to the passenger transport industry in the United States and Canada. As part of a contractual Joint Venture (JV) the companies unveiled plans to target the medium-duty, low-floor bus sector in North America and to offer the segment a range of light-weight, fuel efficient products based on ADL’s midi bus range. Alexander Dennis representatives say Custom Coaches is one of the most established and successful bus body builders in Australia, having produced its first vehicle in 1955. It designs and manufactures light-weight, stainless steel bodies for low floor city, school and midi buses, all of which are designed for a 25year life-cycle. Custom’s focus on product innovation, coupled with meticulous research and development has kept it at the forefront of the Australian market for over 50 years, producing a raft of sophisticated specialist vehicles in recent years such as articulated, CNG powered and hybridelectric buses, along with a unique range of low floor buses incorporating under-floor luggage space. It has manufacturing facilities in Sydney and Adelaide and a series of aftermarket operations located strategically across the country. Personnel News From Proterra Proterra has announced the appointment of Ian Shackleton as its new vice president of sales and marketing. Shackleton joins Proterra with over 20 years of experience in the bus and trucking industry. Prior to joining Proterra, Shackleton spent 22 years at Navistar. He earned his degree in Motive Power Diesel Technology from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario and began his career in Canada, where he worked until transferring to the United States in 1998. His most recent role at Navistar was VP Global Bus Sales at IC Bus LLC. Proterra has also announced Judy Dennis as its new regional sales manager. Dennis joins Proterra with almost 10 years in the transit industry and 20 years of sales experience. Most recently she worked at ISE Corporation in San Diego, CA. She has a bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State College of Denver. John Sleconich recently joined the Proterra organization as vice president of engineering. Judy Dennis Sleconich has over 25 years of experience at two of the world’s foremost aerospace companies. Most recently, he served as director of systems engineering for Cessna Aircraft Company in Wichita, KS. Sleconich will take responsibility for new product development, compliance, technical publications, quality, and product safety. He will also oversee engineering product support for all vehicles in production and in service. A graduate of Southern Illinois University, Sleconich holds two Bachelor of Science degrees in both Business Economics and Electrical Engineering. Visit: for more information. BOWMANSDALE HANOVER 2112 Bumble Bee Hollow Rd. Off Rt. 15 s Mechanicsburg, PA 717-697-5383 991 Carlisle St., Rt. 94 s 717-632-7531 350 Eisenhower Dr. s 717-632-0005 1448 Baltimore St. s 717-630-0337 CAMP HILL HARRISBURG 4230 Trindle Road s 717-737-3896 CARLISLE 60 Noble Blvd. in Super Walmart 717-960-9400 608 E. High St. s 717-249-7721 1176 Harrisburg Pike s 717-243-7774 905 Walnut Bottom Rd. s 717-249-0694 CEDAR CLIFF Exit 19 off I-83 s Camp Hill, PA 717-737-6404 CHAMBERSBURG 1075 Lincoln Way East s 717-263-4601 NORTH CHAMBERSBURG 2891 Philadelphia Avenue (US 11 N.) 717-263-2970 CLEONA 493 W. Penn Avenue s 717-272-5677 COLUMBIA 1788 Columbia Ave., off Rt. 30 717-684-7048 DILLSBURG 898 North US Rt. 15 s 717-432-9500 King & Water Streets s 717-299-6699 Manor Shopping Center 1296 Millersville Pk. s 717-293-5706 NEWPORT Rt. 322 and Rt. 34, Newport Exit 717-567-9344 LEMOYNE PALMYRA Rts. 11 and 15 North across from Radisson Hotel s 717-761-7992 901 E. Main St. s 717-838-6815 2929 Paxton St. s 717-561-8050 LEBANON 4605 Jonestown Rd. s 717-652-7035 1202 W. Maple St. s 717-273-8691 7845 Linglestown Rd.s 717-545-8580 757 E. Cumberland St. s 717-273-9023 Rt. 83 and Union Deposit Rd. 1725 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 717-564-9320 717-306-6565 4403 N. Front St. s 717-238-1048 LITITZ Harrisburg East Mall/Rt. 83 and Paxton St. 990 Lititz Pike, Rt. 501 N. 717-561-0703 717-627-4666 Eisenhower Blvd. I-283, Exit 1 LITTLESTOWN 717-939-6972 430 North Queen St.s 717-359-8946 5590 Allentown Blvd., Rt. 22 LYKENS VALLEY Exit 26 off I-81 s 717-652-9123 4660 Rt. 209s 717-362-8416 Kline Plaza, 101 S. 25th St. MANHEIM 717-232-0008 711 Lancaster Rd., Rt. 72s 717-664-4944 Uptown Shopping Center MECHANICSBURG 720 Division St. s 717-236-6226 Wesley Dr. Exit, Rt. 15 Harrisburg Airport s 717-948-3900 717-761-7525 6535 Grayson Rd. in Wal-Mart KMart Plaza, 5600 Carlisle Pike 717-561-0445 717-766-9675 HERSHEY 6250 Carlisle Pike in Wal-Mart Rts. 39 and 322 s 611 E. Main St., 717-591-9864 Hummelstown s 717-566-6041 PINE GROVE I-81, Exit 31 s 717-345-6400 RED LION 897 West Broadway s 717-246-1802 655 Lombard St., Cape Horn Plaza 717-246-7801 SCOTLAND 3347 Black Gap Rd. s 717-263-7507 SHIPPENSBURG 333 East King St. s 717-532-7945 SHREWSBURY Exit 1 off I-83 s 717-235-4663 SILVER SPRING Rt. 114 and Shadow Oak Dr. Mechanicsburg, PA s 717-697-3460 SPRINGETTSBURY Hallam Exit off Rt. 30, Rt. 462 717-757-9655 WAYNESBORO 302 East Main St. s 717-762-9201 YOCUMTOWN Exit 14A off I-83 s 717-938-5705 EAST MANCHESTER JONESTOWN MERCERSBURG YORK 4245 North George St. s 717-266-3170 Rt 72 & I-81 s 610-562-8462 11924 Buchanan Trial West 717-328-0111 2125 York Crossing Dr & Rt 74 717-767-1381 Exit 4, I-83, 133 Leader Heights Road 717-747-9191 York Galleria Mall s 717-757-3026 60 Arsenal Rd. s 717-699-4600 Exit 6W off I-83 s 717-845-9360 3141 Carlisle Road, Dover 717-767-2594 144-158 S. George St. s 717-846-1021 Rts. 30 & 74 in Wal-Mart s 717-764-8923 380 Memory Lane s 717-757-2912 ELIZABETHTOWN LANCASTER 1284 S. Market St. s 717-367-6471 1880 Hempstead Rd. s 717-509-6988 Willow Valley Square s 717-464-5119 1829 Oregon Pike s 717-569-7898 1434 Manheim Pike s 717-394-3417 Rt. 30 and Centerville Rd. Lancaster, PA s 717-393-9523 68 East Town Mall, Rt. 30E Lancaster, PA s 717-394-8957 1755 Columbia Ave. Millersville Exit off Rt. 30, Rt. 462 717-397-5112 575 N. Franklin St., next to McCuskey High School s 717-394-7938 2034 Lincoln Hwy East in Wal-Mart 717-390-1099 ENOLA Enola Rd., Exit Rt. 11 15 S. off Rt. 81 s 717-732-4228 EPHRATA 140 N. Reading Rd. s 717-733-1660 GETTYSBURG 517 S. Steinwehr Ave., Bus. Rt. 15 717-334-5920 1090 York Rd. s 717-337-1030 GREENCASTLE Rt. 16 and I-81 s 717-597-2589 HALIFAX 3761 Peter’s Moutain Rd. s 717-896-2535 MIDDLETOWN 2270 W. Harrisburg Pike s 717-944-9535 MIFFLINTOWN Rt. 322 and Rt. 35, Mifflintown Exit 717-436-9779 MYERSTOWN 295 West Lincoln Avenue (Rt. 422) 717-866-2278 NEW CUMBERLAND 101 Limekiln Rd. s 717-774-1027 NEW HOLLAND 828 W. Main St. s 717-354-9300 NEW OXFORD 6040 York Rd., Rts. 30 and 94 717-624-4266 Tell us you saw this ad in Busline Magazine, and 1 driver and 1 tour guide will receive a FREE MEAL! Please call ahead to the phone number listed by the McDonald’s of your choice. WE STARTED OUR COACH COMPANY IN 1924 AND THE REST IS HISTORY. LITERALLY. As a company that began during the Great Depression, we’ve been an important part of motorcoach history. We’ve helped technology evolve over the years, and we’ve seen competitors come and go. Through it all, Prevost has maintained a reputation for integrity and product excellence. The stability we created in 1924 remains the foundation of our company and our coaches today. Our customer relationships set an example for the entire motorcoach community. And we support those relationships with the largest service network in the industry, including over 130 Prevost Service Providers across North America. In a demanding industry, you need all the assurance you can get. Prevost will be there for you. So you can be there for your passengers. Please contact your Prevost Regional Sales Manager for more information. USA 1-877-773-8678 CANADA 418-883-3391 T h e u l t i m a t e c l a s s.
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