summer 2013


summer 2013
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community
As I sit in my office chair and admire the weather on this first day of summer, I am briefly contemplating the word ‘chair’ and the role
that it suggests in relation to my work with the MMKC. This reflection leads me directly to our team. While I do have a level of
leadership and responsibility for the work of this Knowledge Community, I am immediately and pleasantly bringing to mind all of the
stellar individuals who are on our leadership team.
This year we have grown to 19 members, with the recent additions of the following roles: Chair Emeritus (Osvaldo Del Valle), Drive-In
Conference Coordinator (Rick Lofgren), and Mentorship Coordinator (Logan Denney). You can see the entire list of our team at the
MMKC page on NASPA’s website, and I encourage you to do so; these individuals have a great passion for the mission and goals of
the MMKC.
As I prepare for the fall, I’m also musing about my approach with a men’s group on my campus and I can honestly state that this
initiative would not be possible without the knowledge and inspiration that I’ve gained from my colleagues in the MMKC. I have
tremendous gratitude for professionals I’ve never met and for increasingly strong friendships as well.
My encouragement to you in this season that I hope provides similar time for reflection and planning, is to consider what the MMKC
can assist you with, and how you might pay that forward on your campus.
Be well and at peace,
Patrick Tanner
Patrick Tanner,
Director of Student and
Enrollment Services
Pennsylvania State
Rick Lofgren,
Drive-In Conference
Osvaldo Del Valle,
Chair Emeritus
Tom L. Fritz,
Awards Chair
Pongpunya Jack Korpob,
Newsletter Editor
San Francisco State University
Texas A&M University
Northeastern University
Logan Denney,
Barry A. Olson,
Terrell Lamont Strayhorn,
Ohio State University-Main
Laurel Dreher,
Special Projects
Aaron W. Voyles,
Special Projects Coordinator
Director of Student Conduct
Mentorship Coordinator
Resident Director
Residence Hall Director
Bowling Green State University
Oregon State University
Helen Matusow-Ayres,
Mid-Manager’s Institute
Vice President for
Student Affairs
Pratt Institute-Main
James A. Lorello,
Social Media Coordinator
Appalachian State University
Christina F. Kaviani,
Special Projects Coordinator
Shane Daniel Long, Region I
California Polytechnic State
University– San Luis Obispo
Southern Main
Community College
Brian Anderson,
Region IV-E Representative
Interfaith Campus Minister
Loyola University Chicago
Student Life and Leadership
Director of Student
Community Director
Director of Business
North Carolina State University
at Raleigh
Graduate Student
Coordinator of Residence
Area Manager for Jester Center
Jude Butch,
Region II Representative
Hawken Brackett,
Region III Representative
Roger Williams University
Sarah Lawrence College
Leadership Programming
Assistant Director of Career
Olaf Standley IV,
Region IV-W Representative
John R. Paul,
Region V Representative
Anthony Keen,
Region VI Representative
Northeastern State University
Cornish College of the Arts
Coordinator of Academic
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
University at Buffalo
Director of Housing and
Residential Life
Clemson University
Residential Hall Coordinator &
Residential Judicial Officer
San Diego State University
Page 2
A recent internet meme shows Iranian men donning traditional
Iranian female clothing in an effort to protest a judge’s decision.
The judge’s decision was to punish an Iranian man by making him
wear women’s clothing. The men, in the internet pictures of protest,
are reacting against the idea that looking like a woman is
punishment. They feel that this implies that women are always
being punished for not being men. Responses to the meme indicate
that many Americans agree that this form of punishment should
not take place, and that it furthers patriarchy while hindering
gender equality. One of the most important tenets of modern
feminism is gender equality, and this is a tenet adopted by new
masculinities. However, there is an underlying societal gender
normativity that contradicts our aversion to this Iranian sentencing.
If the average member of a campus community, most of us
included, happened across a random male walking across campus
in a dress, we would make an automatic judgment. This judgment
would vary from person to person, but the basis of the judgment
would be that this random male is doing something wrong; he is
breaking a rule. This idea that he is doing something wrong is
based on our ingrained social beliefs, and these beliefs share a
commonality with those of the judge who sentenced a criminal to
dress in women’s clothing as punishment. Both of these socially
constructed beliefs imply that women and femininity are so inferior
to men and masculinity that it is shameful for a man to be
associated with femininity. In order to move toward the gender
equality for which both feminism and new masculinities strive, we
must more closely examine our social beliefs and the assumptions
that they create.
The most popular answer to any “Why did you get involved?”
question is almost always, “Because someone told me I should.”
Does this ring true in your life? For me, it does, and, yes, for the
NASPA Multicultural Institute, it also does. But there was more to it
than that. For years, I had been studying men (and for more years
than that, I had been experiencing life as one!), and I wanted to
figure out where we fit into the complex web of diversity. It
seemed for so long that men were not gendered beings and
instead, were confused, oafish creatures that futilely accepted that
they had to act a certain way to “be a man.” I wanted to know how
working with other identities could help me redefine the labels that
come with manhood.
I must admit, however, that I was apprehensive to work with the
NASPA Multicultural Institute at first. What did I, a straight, white,
male, have to offer to a conversation on multiculturalism? Even
after joining, I was anxious about speaking up. Again, what could I
add? Would my voice drown out others? But I came to realize that
by fearing this, I was limiting my ability to learn, to make mistakes,
to be corrected, and to be a part of the conversation. And that’s
where we need men – in the conversation.
Did I mess up? Probably. I most certainly stumbled. I most
certainly committed micro aggressions of which I was unaware. I
most certainly was able to unconsciously select which issues I
wanted to be passionate about in each of the learning outcomes,
inherently knowing that I had not been directly impacted by most
of them there (or being ignorant of their true impact). But I also
got to present what I thought was important about how men can
affect the conversation and positively change manhood and our
As educated men who understand or are working to understand the
role across identities. I had the chance to hear what others were
complexities of our own masculinity, we must incorporate this
saying about the identities they represented as well.
introspection of gender equality into our work with students,
coworkers, and employees. Thinking critically about social
All of this brings me to an obvious, but deceivingly difficult, point:
normative beliefs and their implications is imperative to our work.
be a part of the conversation. It is easy in Student Affairs to
Do we think differently about advising a female student who is
passively participate, to wear a button, to retweet an article, or to
entering engineering or a male student who is entering nursing? Do
have your name on the roster of a Knowledge Community. But
we afford different opportunities to student leaders based on their
when you jump in and are uncomfortable, that’s when learning
physical sex (which differs from gender) or sexual orientation? Do
happens. Even though we all know that discomfort stretches us, it
we choose employees for certain projects based upon whether they
turns out to be much more difficult to act. Don’t stop at reading
are male or female? Many of us answer no. Still, it is critical to our
this article. Do more. Push the Knowledge Community further.
work that we constantly examine our choices as they relate to
There is a wonderful opportunity to embrace the male identity, to
gender norms and equality.
help us redefine manhood and to interact with the other identity
Knowledge Communities in NASPA, and to be a part of a greater
Just as we must think critically about our reactions to a random
dialogue on multiculturalism, such as submitting a program
male in feminine attire as it is associated with our reaction to the
proposal to the NASPA Multicultural Institute. The Multicultural
ruling by the Iranian judge, we must also think critically about our
Institute takes place this year from December 5 to December 7,
other ingrained assumptions concerning gender norms. Feminism
2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The call for programs is currently open
informs our work by asking us to reconsider our assumptions and
and does not close until August 5. Please consider submitting on
strive for gender equality in the way that we think about campus
behalf of the Men and Masculinities Knowledge Community, and if
cultures. Men in student affairs need to learn from the feminist
movement, and from feminist literature, but we can also learn from you need assistance with your submission, do not hesitate to
contact me. You can review the learning outcomes and submit a
masculinities scholars who incorporate feminism into their work.
proposal here:
Scholars like R.W. Connell, Harry Brod, Susan Sheridan and Sarah
Riley, to name a few, are great introductions into scholarship about
incorporating feminist thought into masculinity. Reading about the Aaron W. Voyles is an Area Manager at the University of Texas at
Austin. He can be reached at
issues and discussing our assumptions are the first steps toward
developing campus cultures that not only embrace gender equality,
but also spread it to the rest of society through our graduates.
Olaf Standley is the Coordinator of Academic Consultation Services
at Northeastern State University. He can be reached at
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 3
osteoporosis, testosterone level, and men’s skin care (2013). This
abbreviated list can help spark communication between your
primary care provider regarding taking full control of your
personal health and wellness.
Remember, health and wellness does not have to be a daunting
experience. Remain aware of your body and health, challenge
yourself, support your friends and colleagues – but most of all,
have fun.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Leading
causes of death. Retrieved May 30, 2013, from http://
With the healthcare system focusing more on health and wellness
prevention and education, men’s health is increasingly becoming
more of a growing concern. With almost 600,000 fatalities a year
(CDC, 2013), heart disease is the number one cause of death not
only in the United States, but globally. Although the genetic
makeup of men and women are different, for example, women
have higher levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or “good”
cholesterol due to estrogen (Kline, 2012), it is important that we
encourage each other to take care of ourselves and stay healthy
during our most vulnerable years.
There are many steps in which we can lead by example as we
personally take responsibility for our health and wellness. First and
foremost, make a plan and stick to it. Perhaps you are more
comfortable making small goals on a daily or weekly basis such as
balancing out a 2,000 calorie diet, taking a walk outside during
your lunch break, or parking at the far end of a shopping plaza
and walking the extra distance. Perhaps you work better with long
-term goals such as reaching a specific weight goal or forfeiting
the elevator for the stairs. Whatever your goals may be, conquer
them with pride and do not be ashamed to start with small
reachable goals and work your way up.
Kline, L. (2012, March 13). Cholesterol differences between men
and women. Retrieved May 2013, 30, from http://
Network, M. H. (2013). Men's Health Week. Retrieved May 30,
2013, from
Anthony Frank Lacina is an Operations Coordinator at
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
University in Boston. He can be reached at
Next, take control of yourself and each other. As higher education
professionals, many of us are accustomed to the “challenge and
support” development theory. Work together for a common goal
and act out the purpose of Men’s Health Week which is “to
heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and
encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men
and boys.” (Men’s Health Month, 2013). Implement friendly
challenges between you and friends which may include a team
weight loss challenge, a point system for reaching the amount of
fruits and vegetables consumed per day, or incentives for
substituting water for soda, energy drinks, and sugar-filled coffee.
Finally, do the dreaded activities that have been left on the
backburner: make the dentist appointment, schedule a physical,
and become cognizant of any changes in your body or behavior.
Some recommendations for screenings, according to Men’s
Health Network, include prostate, cholesterol, blood pressure,
glucose, testicular cancer, mental health, breast cancer,
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 4
In the United
Arab Emirates
(UAE), university
study for Emirati
nationals is free.
According to the
founding father,
the late Sheikh
Zayed Bin Sultan
Al Nahyan “the
best investment
of our wealth is in
creating cultured
and educated
citizens” (“Our
Father Zayed”).
The three federal
institutions in the
UAE: United Arab
Emirates University, the Higher Colleges of Technology, and
Zayed University all have an open admissions policy based on his
vision. This policy, in combination with free tuition, helps
alleviate barriers to higher education access that is often
experienced by students in the United States. However, while
considerable resources have been allocated to provide access to
quality education, Emirati males only make up 30% of the student
body at federal universities in the UAE (Ridge & Farrah, 2012).
Although higher education access barriers have been accounted
for, Emirati males remain underrepresented in UAE higher
Local literature on Emirati males is not robust, but relevant trends
have been uncovered that help illuminate a contextual
understanding of Emirati males in education. One such
understanding is they display a Rentier state mentality, which
means the effort needed to earn a degree is not viewed as
advantageous to secure work, as they can still gain employment
minus a university degree (Abdulla & Ridge, 2011). Claims that
education is a prerequisite for employment in the UAE loses its
legitimacy, as unemployment rates are lower for males versus
females despite the fact more Emirati females have earned
university degrees than their male counterparts (Ridge, 2009;
“Ministry of Higher Ed,” 2006); an alarming fact that has
reinforced Emirati males Rentier state position.
The education that Emirati boys and girls receive in the K-12
system has also led to an achievement gap according to gender
with far reaching consequences for males once they reach
university. For example, Emirati boys are more likely to have
experienced poor prior educational attainment with a deficit in
their command of the English language (Abdulla & Ridge, 2011).
Though the UAE is situated in the Middle East where Arabic is the
native language, English is the mode of instruction found at all
the federal institutions. A disadvantage in English language
ability impacts where Emirati males begin their careers at
university. Consequently, a by-product of poor English translates
into prolonged remedial English language training before
matriculated university study i.e. a delay in enrollment for creditbearing courses that count toward degree completion.
At Zayed University’s Abu Dhabi (ZUAD) campus, the remedial
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
English language in-take for male students at the start of the
academic year 2012/2013 was 205, 72% of its male student intake. One catalyst for this phenomenon is the stratification of
Emiratis males and females, both educationally and socially.
Educational expectations for both sexes are at opposite ends of
the spectrum. Where Emirati females are expected to do well
academically, Emirati males have low expectations placed on
them, and are seen as at-risk for attrition due to absenteeism and
poor academic performance (Abdulla & Ridge, 2011; Ridge,
2009). From a social perspective, males are further disadvantaged
by familial expectations. To illustrate, Emirati families with young
children in the home, who do not employ personal family drivers,
task the males in the family with the responsibility of driving their
siblings to school in the mornings and picking them up in the
afternoons (Ribott, 2013). Despite the fact these males are
university students, and accountable to their obligations as
students, they are split between family and school.
In order to balance the two, support from university personnel is
paramount. However, Emirati males begin at a deficit and are
further hampered by self-developed bad habits such as
absenteeism and tardiness. At each of the federal institutions in
the UAE, students must adhere to strict attendance guidelines. If
students deviate from any of the universities attendance policies,
they are at-risk of course failure. A recent report from ZUAD
found 40% of the entire male student body was at-risk for course
failure due to attendance during the fall 2012 semester (“Student
Life & Leadership,” 2012). Ridge & Farah (2012) found once a
student fails a course, they are less likely to continue their
studies, which also is likely to result in a year of repeated
schooling for these males’ future sons. Thus, a cycle ensues that
endangers generations of Emirati males.
To confront this crisis, regular, personalized one-on-one
engagement, under the proviso of balanced student support and
student accountability, has been the strategy employed by
ZUAD’s Student Success unit. Engagement records at ZUAD
show Emirati males are heavily engaged for academic-related
and attendance-related issues (Ribott, 2013; “Student Life &
Leadership,” 2012). Student Success personnel, therefore,
prioritized as its goal to reduce the number of males at-risk of
course failure due to attendance. Results have been mixed, as
substantial gains have been achieved with non-matriculated male
students in remedial English language training. However,
matriculated students actually increased in total number of
students at-risk for course failure as a student group.
Over a three-semester period, males enrolled in remedial English
language training, ZUAD’s largest student in-take entry point,
have responded to Student Success engagement by posting
lower at-risk figures each semester for fall 2012, spring 2012, and
fall 2011, respectively (Ribott, 2013). This data revelation is
telling, and suggests engagement efforts for Emirati males are
effective, but have fallen short of the goal of attendance at-risk
reduction for all Emirati males at ZUAD. One takeaway lesson is
the disenfranchised culture that surrounds Emirati males in
education can be impacted, as the student group of nonmatriculated students in remedial English language training
displayed the capacity to respond positively to personalized oneon-one engagement.
(Continued on Page 8)
Page 5
Before attending this
year’s Conference on
College Men at Miami
University in Oxford,
Ohio, I attended the two
previous CCMs at
Indiana University
Purdue UniversityIndianapolis and the
University of
Pennsylvania. This crossdisciplinary conference
focusing on the topic of
college men was created
by a collaboration
between NASPA and
ACPA members
interested in creating a
space to dialogue about
challenges facing college
men. With each new conference iteration every two years, an
unofficial conference theme emerges. This year’s thematic subtext
highlighted the psychological toll entailed with one’s conformity
to traditional male gender roles. Though many of the conference
presentations focused on disparate college male populations and
their respective experiences, a common topic surfaced regarding
the theoretical and pragmatic implications of addressing young
men’s emotional livelihood, as well as the internal emotional
world of those practioners who develop and implement programs
designed specifically around gender and masculinities.
As individuals who work in
higher education and who
are devoted to the success of
and address the ways in
college men, we too, have
been affected by hegemonic
which our own male
masculinity (for better or
worse). Throughout formal
socialization impacts
conference sessions and
settings at meals,
personal and professional informal
conversations amongst
conference attendees
relationships. “
entailed discussions of how
to create and sustain a healthier model of masculinity for the
young men with whom we work. It is my contention that in order
to realize this new vision on our campuses, we have to appreciate
and address the ways in which our own male socialization impacts
personal and professional relationships. While attending CCM, I
witnessed and was apart of such discussions, which I hope to
depict here with my conference reflections.
“...we have to appreciate
Starting with Carlos Gomez’s opening keynote address /
performance, he cited his own developmental path of defining
and refining his sense of self as a gendered being. By also
acknowledging the intersections of his racial / ethnic and class
social group identity memberships, he created a lens with which
he described the broadening of his emotional landscape.
Specifically, he spoke about complimenting anger, as the only
“acceptable” expression of negative affect, with identification of
sadness and fear. Later in the conference, the other featured
speaker, Dr. Robert Heasley, gave a unique talk masculine gender
performance and sexuality. He spoke on the need for further
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
fluidity of masculine self-expression beyond “the binary” and rigid
notions of gender presentation. In addition, he suggested that
hetero-normative and heterosexist ideology regarding men’s
relationships has hampered their abilities to create open and
expressive male connections.
The real strength of the conference was the concurrent sessions
that incorporated varied views on college men seen today on our
campuses. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to bring in the
aforementioned theme of suboptimal psychological functioning
with an analysis of current unconscious and conscious racial and
sexist oppression. During my talk I hoped to illustrate the
manifestation of race and gender as requisites for White male
entitlement, privilege, and the related psychological costs of
privilege within racism and sexism.
After presenting my
“...getting a change to
conceptualization of this
phenomenon, I facilitated an active
build relationships
discussion on its impact related to
student affairs practioners working
with other male
with White college men. I left the
discussion humbled by hearing
conference attendees
from so many audience members
and their tireless work with this
during informal down
unique demographic. I was equally
time greatly
excited about the numerous direct
interventions yet to be created and
supplemented my
implemented on behalf of White
college men.
I attended engaging presentations
on intersectionality of identity existing for college men (including
veteran, Latino, gay, Black, and other identities). I also attended an
innovative program about outreach, another on the creative
utilization of Motivational Interviewing (MI), and finally one a
comprehensive plan for developing a retreat for college men.
As if the formal
keynotes and sessions
did not provide
enough “food for
thought” on the lived
experience of today’s
college man, getting
the chance to build
relationships with
other male conference
attendees during
informal down time
greatly supplemented
my experience. Getting
photo credit: @NASPAtweets
to sit with a racially
diverse group of men and hear about how they experienced their
individual male development was a conference highlight.
Together, we reflected on our sexual development and identity
(both gay and straight). We spoke about our expanded emotional
expression, especially to important male figures. In particular, we
shared our understanding and meaning surrounding our first
articulation of, “I love you,” to our fathers. We collectively opened
up to each other (essentially as strangers) in the spirit of the
conference’s re-visioning of healthy masculinities and it’s positive
effects on the college men with whom we work.
Bejamin Neale, Psy.D. is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University
of Illinois Chicago and can be reached at
Page 6
The search for positive male identity is a confined, undocumented,
and unparalleled journey for many young adult males. Kimmel
(2008) refers to this stage of life as “suspended animation
between boyhood and manhood… that lies between the
dependency and lack of autonomy of boyhood and the sacrifice
and responsibility of manhood” (p. 6). This journey to understand
self, the male self or manhood, comes through years of
questioning, scouring, awareness as well as moments of “rights of
passage.” This article explores and describes three major concepts
of the male journey: male rights of passage, male mentorship, and
“something kinda fantastic.”
Male rights of passage: In many cultures, the ascendance from
boy to man comes at a coming of age ceremony or event, for
example, the Maasai tribe of Kenya (the Trial by Spear), the
Aborigines of Australia (the Walkabout), Jewish followers (the Bar
Mitzvah), the Amish (the Rumspringa), the American Guy (the
College/First job experience). One key question I have begun to
ask is, “What ties these moments together and makes a ‘coming
of age moment’ and do these boys actually become men over
night?” Surely, we can all agree that boys do not go to bed one
day and wake up as men the next, but I do believe that the rights
of passage process is a valid tradition. As stated above, identity
development does not happen in a period of days, but in lengths
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
of time and moments. Individuals with whom the male comes in
contact may help mold his “male-self” from boy to man. Through
a “rights of passage” experience, a boy is forced to encounter,
discover, and reflect upon the truths of manhood. What these
truths entail may depend on the culture and environment of the
male, though hidden within these defining moments is one key
element that is most crucial above all: the male mentors with
whom the boy observes, interacts, and learns.
Male mentorship: In Wes Anderson’s film, The Fantastic Mr. Fox
(2009), Anderson depicts Alfred A. Knopf’s novel in stunning stop
motion. In the film, Mr. Fox is depicted as a stunning, highachieving, clever and whimsical male character that is confident in
his natural skills. Fox’s son, Ash, is a sullen, mildly depressive
young male who wishes to prove himself to his father. Ash is the
epitome of a stressed adolescent who is striving to find his
identity as a young man. Throughout the movie, Ash never seems
to measure up to his Father’s example. In fact, he flounders in his
father’s extraordinary adventures, not to mention, Ash feels
second rate to his perfect male cousin, Kristofferson. Toward the
end of the movie, Kristofferson and Mr. Fox are put into a serious
(Continued on Page 9)
Page 7
Continued from Page 5
Student Success at ZUAD also has an inventory of programs like
Spotlight Student Success that aim to positively affect the culture Abdulla, F., & Ridge, N. (2011, March). Where are all the men?
Gender, participation and higher education in the United
of Emirati males in education. Spotlight Student Success
Arab Emirates. Working Paper Series No. 11-03, Dubai
recognizes stories of success that escape the traditional platform
School of Government. Retrieved on May 29, 2011 from
for how success is measured e.g. GPA, dean’s list, president’s list,
etc., and acknowledges the positive impact students can have on
their peers (Bean and Kuh, 1984). These narratives are celebrated
with the entire ZUAD student body and display prevalent themes Al-Seghayer, K. (2012, November). Erosion of Saudi facultystudent relationships? Saudi Gazette. Retrieved on May
such as male students who balance full-time employment with full
29, 2013 from
-time studies, male students who are committed to service to the
community, male students who have achieved complete academic
turnaround from near dismissal from university, and male
students with perfect attendance; in short, a lens from which to
Bean, J. P. & Kuh, G. D. (1984). The reciprocity between studentview Emirati male student success.
faculty informal contact and academic performance of
university undergraduate students. Research in Higher
Feedback from this initiative has been positive from both faculty
Education, 21 (4), 460-477.
and students alike, however, there is concern over a growing
preference from ZUAD faculty not wanting to teach Emirati males,
Hatherley-Greene, P. (2012, December). Cultural border crossing
which is harmful to the faculty-student relationship dynamic.
in the UAE. Policy Paper No. 6, Al Qasimi Foundation for
Unlike in the West, federal universities in the UAE are gender
Policy Research. Retrieved on May 29, 2013 from
The UAE is a collectivist society where connection and relationship
Lederman, D. (2012, February). When black men succeed. Inside
to the group is important. Students in a study conducted in
Higher Ed. Retrieved on May 29, 2013 from
Fujairah, another Emirate in the UAE, described their ideal as people who were warm and caring (Hatherley-Greene,
2012). According to Student Success data, ZUAD Emirati male
students share similar sentiments, but highlighted difficulty in
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (2006). Male
relationship building with their faculty (“Student Life &
and female persistence in secondary and tertiary
Leadership,” 2012). In Saudi Arabia, a neighboring Middle Eastern
education in the UAE: Current trends and policy options.
country, Saudi male students also felt distance in their
Office of Higher Education Policy and Planning. United
relationships with faculty. While both faculty and students had
Arab Emirates.
plausible explanations for the distance, students have
acknowledged rapport between faculty and students as vital to
Our Father Zayed (n.d.). Words of wisdom. Retrieved on May 29,
their time at university (Al-Seghayer, 2013). According to one
2013 at
student, “I am more motivated to do well once I … chat with a
professor because my motivation shifts to a more personal
level” (Al-Seghayer, 2013, par. 2). Not only is a faculty-student
interaction associated with academic development, it is also
Ribott, D. (2013, Feb.). Negative attendance behavior patterns at
connected to a student’s personal development. (Terenzini &
Zayed University, Abu Dhabi: Approaching potential male
Pascarella, 1980). For ZUAD’s Student Success unit, the
attrition through collaboration and change initiatives.
opportunity to initiate a platform from which faculty-student
Paper presented at NASPA – ACPA 7th Gulf Conference
relationships can grow and prosper, and positively impact Emirati
on Professional Issues, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
male student success, led to the newly developed Students Speak.
Students Speak is a program (slated to begin in fall 2013) where
successful Emirati male students lead monthly talks for faculty
aimed at building dialogue and creating solutions to complex
experiences that serve as barriers to student success at ZUAD.
The criteria for successful has been set to a high standard with a
minimum 3.0 grade-point average, coupled with evidence of
involvement on campus or in the local community, and a
respectable attendance record. The criteria were adapted based
on Shaun Harper’s research on African-American males success in
university. In his work, he outlined the need to locate students
from within the underrepresented group, who met the criteria of
“achievers” to serve as guides, so other students could follow in
their footsteps (Lederman, 2012). Instead of leading other
students, identified “achievers” work with faculty to communicate
what works in student success from their perspectives to
positively impact faculty’s classrooms. By bringing both groups
together, faculty and students, new insights will be discussed and
developed that move beyond Emirati male deficits in education,
and contribute to Emirati male student success.
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Ridge, N. (2009, August). The hidden gender gap in education in
the UAE. Dubai School of Government, Policy Brief No.
12. Retrieved on May 29, 2011 from
Ridge, N., & Farah, S. (2012, April). The 30%: Who are the males in
higher education in the UAE. Policy Paper No. 3, Al
Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research. Retrieved on May
29, 2011 from
Student Life & Leadership (2012). Men’s program end of year
report for 2011-2012. Zayed University, Abu Dhabi
Campus, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Terenzini, R, & Pascarella, E. (1980). Student-faculty relationships
and freshman year educational outcomes: A further
investigation. Journal of College Student Personnel 21
(6), 521-528.
David Ribott is a Student Success Specialist at the Learning
Commons at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi Campus. He can be
reached at or
Page 8
Continued from Page 7
Collaborate will be designed based on the "friendtor" experience
between professionals which would be focused on motivating,
sharpening and encouraging positive male professionalism,
promotion of male mentorship of educators and students, and
offer a more "band of brothers" approach to men's research and
professional development. Through the professional connections
I believe this film visually outlines the journey of a young man and initiative (PCI) male educators will be given the opportunity to
the concepts of “rights of passage” and male mentorship. For
learn/teach positive male mentorship. Through the preparation of
many boys—or “guys” as Kimmel (2008) would say—Ash’s
male educators on the need of positive male mentorship, we can
character is the boy persona. Boys live a life of either trying to
equip educators to mentor male students who are in need of
resemble or avoid their core male (male role model). Whether it is positive contributors to their development. If you are interested in
a father, uncle, coach or teacher, these are the mentors that boys
being apart of either M&M’s or Collaborate please follow the links
want to emulate. However, they seldom seem to reach this goal.
below to the program that interests you. You may also email
This can be called the lack of male maturity satisfaction because
Logan Denney, the MMKC professional connections initiative
many boys and guys have a generalized idea of male identity
coordinator with questions at Pairings
based on observation of the males in their lives. Males desire to
will be made by August, 2013 and sent out by September 1, 2013
find acceptance, be included, and even desire to be like those they for the academic year.
look up to and view as male role models. However, the key to
unlocking positive male identity lies in Ash’s decision to grow in
maturity during his “right of passage” moment. In the story, Ash
strove to be like his father; in the world today, boys strive to be
men. At times, it seemed that Ash had failed. He felt
Pairings focused on new professionals
underappreciated, overlooked, and disconnected, as do most
and seasoned professionals.
boys. Through his season of male introspection, Ash had the
opportunity to discover himself, and discover himself in his own
different way. A pivotal part of the story comes when Ash’s
d/1OXhYEPzm1i6pf15HedIf9oR6xXe_hmother says to him, “We are all different…but there’s something
kinda fantastic about that isn’t there?”
Ash is afforded the opportunity to save the day,
which becomes his “rights of passage” moment. After successfully
saving his cousin, Ash achieves the satisfaction of impressing his
father, and his maturation is affirmed.
Male journeys are all different, but there is something kinda
fantastic about that isn’t there? Male identity development is not a
perfectly plotted line that establishes the true male, rather it is a
on professionals wishing to
season of uncovering, discovering, failing, even despairing,
sharpen one another’s practice.
finding, unwinding, and finally becoming the man whom he is
called to be. During this season of introspection, male student
development educators are to help guide this discovery. In order
to encourage positive male identity, male role models need to
speak with strength and pure intentions. They need to
demonstrate true care, express their feelings, and model an honor
that is beyond the casualness of today’s causal male. The fantastic
journey of male identity development unfolds when professionals
Kimmel, M. (2008). Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys
(mentors) choose to step forward in the journey with young men
Become Men. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
who desire to find themselves and show them they are fantastic..
Anderson, W. (2009). The Fantastic Mr. Fox (Motion Picture Film).
Male mentors are in short supply today. For many, male
Los Angeles, CA: Regency Enterprises.
mentorship is an unknown concept. As identity educators, we
must begin to understand the value of these moments in the lives
Logan R. Denney is a Resident Director at Oregon State
of young guys. Do we choose to actively intervene into young
University. He can be reached at
men’s lives, or do we passively “let boys, be boys?” In order to
shape male identity, we must first alter our perspective as
educators. Many male professionals can pinpoint a mentor who
helped establish the concept of the male identity. Without the
guidance of mentors, adolescent boys would be left to struggle
through the process of identity development alone. Our challenge
is to address the absence of male guidance, and replace it with
intentional male mentors and role models. Men & Masculinities
reader, you can be that positive mentor for these young men—the
question is, will you?
In order to respond to the need for positive male mentorship and
interaction, the Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community will
be piloting a Professional Connections Initiative (PCI) which will
encompass two parts: a mentor/mentee component called M&Ms
and a professional “friendtor” component called Collaborate.
M&M's will be a mentor/mentee focused experience focused on
role modeling, professional development and learning what it
means to be a positive male professional in higher education.
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 9
Photo credit Maria Montano Photography, Faces Project
I am a survivor of sexual assault. Each time I say those words to
other men the reactions vary on a continuum from disbelief to
shock to sad-understanding. Before you continue reading this
article go to any of the leading journals in student affairs and
search “men + sexual assault.” What did you find? Likely, most of
the articles you found addressed sexual assault prevention efforts
on campuses—focused on groups of men. Those programs have
received much consideration and need as much attention as we
can give them. What you probably did not find were articles on
men as victims and survivors of sexual assault. Perhaps that is not
a surprise for you, but it should be a cause for concern. Taking
into account underreporting, the number of men who will be
victims of sexual assault comes to one-in-six (1in6, 2013). That
comes to approximately 23 million men in the United States. In
discussing sexual assault, we often speak of debunking myths,
assumptions, and lies, but I would like to deal mostly in truths in
this space.
For a very long time after the assault I could not talk about what
had happened to me. The assault had a direct though hidden
effect on the ways in which I engaged my environment and the
people around me. Throughout college, I struggled to work with
men in authority positions, save a few folks. At the time, I
attributed that struggle to the lingering internalized homophobia
around my identity as a gay man, but in retrospect I can identify
the emotions that surrounded those uncomfortable interactions
with men in authority. Chief among these emotions was an
irrational fear of being alone with professors, clergy, or
administrators who identified as men. When I came out to my
college choir director he stood up and hugged me—I remember a
distinct increase in adrenaline and a series of fight-or-flight
thoughts. It was because of these emotions that only those men I
could come to see as colleagues, peers, and friends were
permitted beyond my carefully constructed and reinforced guard.
Perhaps that is why my work with other men—as with people of
other genders—is relational. When I was finally able to speak
First Truth
openly and honestly about what happened to me, what became
A Catholic priest sexually assaulted me when I was a junior in high important was the deep trust I could build with other men. What
school during a retreat for boys who wanted to become priests.
kind of relationships do our men need? How can we provide a
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 10
foundation of trust to them? Perhaps it is cliché, but we need to
meet men where they are. For me, the support I needed was
cumulative over nine years of school and life. Other survivors may
need support at one or more points along the journey to healing.
My suggestion then is to support the man in front of you, but also
challenge him. Only in being challenged to realize that men can
really be victims—not just in theory—was I able to begin healing.
Second Truth
A more general truth is that men can be victims and men can be
survivors of sexual assault. Male survivors often hear that men
cannot be victims for a number of reasons, ranging from
involuntary erections during assaults to the “standards” of
masculinity perpetrated by society. No bodily reaction or
antiquated norm can create consent where there was none. The
fact, though, that this truth needs to be told is important. Most, if
not all, people agree that a woman can be sexually assaulted, but
when it comes to men, our culture makes the assumption that
men cannot be violated even without their express consent, which
begs the question: if consent is given and can be given in all
circumstances, is it even violation? Even more perverse and
problematic is the extension of this assumption to both boys and
men equally. The clinical term for sexual assault occurring before
age 18 is “childhood sexual abuse” (CSA). In my experience—and
I would wager in the experiences of other people—CSA is thought
of as somehow less than the sexual assault of adults because a
person could “move on” from it. I propose a further truth: sexual
assault is sexual assault regardless of the age of the victim;
violence is violence regardless of the age of the victim.
One Lie
A common lie states that because some men are survivors of
sexual assault, colleges and universities should cease sexual
assault prevention efforts among men. I often hear this as a retort
from male students who try to
use my identity as a survivor to
prove why sexual assault
prevention workshops are unfairly
biased against men. Yes, men
can be survivors of sexual assault,
but that does not change the fact
that men can also be the
perpetrators of sexual assault. As
true as I am a survivor as a man,
so true was the person who
assaulted me a man. We must
continue educating men on the
reality of sexual assault and ways
in which men can change the
culture of rape that exists in the
United States. However, the
challenge for us is how best to do
so, but not at the expense of men
of whom may be survivors. A
measure of the success of sexual
violence prevention programs is
when men can reframe the
discussion as a fundamental issue
for men rather than as a
“women’s issue” exclusively. I
recently listened to a group of
men discuss their work around
rape culture. To a person they
each discussed sexual violence in
the terms of not wanting it to
happen to the women in their
lives. Though deeply moved by
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
the strength of their conviction, I had to ask myself one question:
what about their brothers, fathers, and fellow men? We have an
opportunity to address men in all the various ways they present:
bystanders, perpetrators, victims, and survivors.
This short essay is a call for support. The men your programs
touch may not be simple onlookers to your message, but rather
the survivors of sexual violence. Support them, support us. Much
of the growth, development, and healing I have experienced is a
result of being in an environment where I not only felt support to
be who I am, but where I was affirmed in speaking my truth and
my experience. Though there are certainly still times when it is
difficult to discuss what happened, I have been able to reach a
place where not only can I claim my identity as a survivor, but I
can also use that identity to support and affirm others. My path
to this moment began when I was told that I was not alone and
when I was shown that healing was possible. I am committed to
demonstrating this truth to others, particularly to my students,
regardless of their gender.
Will you join me?
1in6 Campaign. (2013). Other guys like me. Retrieved from
Benjamin Z. Huelskamp is a Community Director at University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He can be reached at
Page 11
“Men are recognizing that they have been forced to conform to a
very narrow and rather two-dimensional picture of maleness and
manhood that they have never had the freedom to question.”
-Andrew Cohen
Increasingly, manhood and masculinity are included in
conversations about gender and gender identity. Colleagues in
women’s and feminist studies have long argued for the need to
include men in conversations about our gendered world and the
images, perceptions, and misperceptions we perpetuate, both
consciously and unconsciously (Olson, 1994, p. 1). Further, most
colleges and universities claim to graduate global leaders, adults
with character, or reflective people of integrity. However, many
college-aged men report not being actively engaged in
conversation about who they are and who they might grow to
become. There exist significant disconnects between their
knowledge of self, their ability to be critical of messages
regarding men and masculinity, and their understanding of how
they are affected by these phenomena. This issue is especially
pronounced for college-aged Black men, who, arguably, are
impacted by institutional and systemic racism, historic oppression,
and pervasive negative imaging in the media.
Staff in the Wake Forest University (FU) Office of Multicultural
Affairs (OMA) recognized that Black male students would benefit
from considering these intersections. We realized that men were
not thinking critically about who they were as individuals, let
alone in the context of others. Using Harper’s (2009) RaceConscious Student Engagement Practices and the Equitable
Distribution of Enriching Educational Experiences as a theoretical
foundation, Jonathan Cox, former Assistant Director, invited men
to join their peers in answering the following questions: What
does it mean to be a man? What does it mean to be a Black man?
What does it mean to be a Black man at WFU? The OMA has
offered the M4 Initiative each semester since fall 2010.
The M4 Initiative: Making Manhood Mean More (M4) is a nineweek discussion group open to Black male undergraduate,
graduate, and professional students at WFU. It is primarily
facilitated by the Assistant Director of OMA with support from
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
other professional, Black men in the campus community.
The curriculum includes a combination of book and article
excerpts, films and other pop culture media to encourage
meaningful exploration of issues of masculinity and manhood,
centered around the question of "what does it mean to be a Black
man?" Learning outcomes are for each student to: (1) understand
social influences on the construction of manhood and masculinity
among African-American men; and (2) understand contemporary
issues facing African-American men. Each participant is provided
an experience binder which includes a syllabus, assigned readings,
pages for note-taking and space to keep a journal to reflect on
the experience. Participants are expected to commit to the full,
nine-week experience.
M4 does not discriminate on the basis of religion, ability, sexual
orientation or gender expression.
M4 is designed to encourage increased awareness of issues
related to Black men, personal reflection on one’s perception of
masculinity and manhood, and critical thinking about one’s social
positioning. During week one, facilitators provide an overview of
what is to be expected of the experience, introduce key issues to
be explored, and pose the question: “What Does it Mean to Be a
Black Man?” Participants develop both their own and a group
description of the “Ideal Man.”
During week two, facilitators host a conversation about career
aspirations and planning. Week three focuses on romantic
relationships and male privilege. Participants spend time outlining
the ways that they are afforded privilege in relation to women, the
ways that heterosexual men enjoy privileges not afforded to
homosexual or bisexual men, and the impacts that these have on
romantic relationship development.
Week four marks a shift, where participants move from focusing
on individual social positioning to institutional issues affecting
Black men on a macro level. Conversation ranges from overrepresentation in prisons and underrepresentation in colleges,
homophobia and both physical and mental violence against gay
men, and statistics on other phenomena related to Black men.
(Continued on Page 18)
Page 12
Movies provide educators with the opportunities to demonstrate
behavior and highlight issues that are both current and seemingly
ancient. Issues of racism, sexism, homophobia, and the like are
often brought to life on the big screen, where injustice is acted
out, wrongs are made right, and the viewer ultimately has the
chance to ‘stand in another’s shoes”, if just for an hour or two. The
film 12 Angry Men (Lumet, Donovan, and Rose, 1957; Friedkin &
Donnelly, 1997) uses a courtroom and a case involving a young
Hispanic male accused of murdering his father as a setting for an
intense drama. In the original 1957 film, Henry Fonda serves as the
man to initially stand alone in a sea of doubt. His doubt leads to
intense discussions, and as he explains his perspective over and
over, more jurors begin to change their minds. How often do we
engage men in such dialogue of perspective? How well are we, as
student affairs practitioners, equipped to deal with the dialogue?
Of course, thankfully we are not deciding fate of a young man, but
the value of this intense dialogue is immense. This article focuses
on the importance of embracing the discomfort in engaging men
in dialogues about race, sex, gender, homophobia, and
used the movie in management courses to facilitate dialogue
through the use of movie vignettes. He discusses the importance
of dialogue, and more importantly, how dialogue is taught. “The
true challenge of dialogue is developing this common framework
from which to explore existing or new ways of looking at
issues” (McCambridge, 2003, p. 389). When discussing masculinity,
instead of hearing engaging dialogue, we often hear crickets –
nothing. Our students on campus are corralled in many places
where these discussions can take place, from the residence hall to
a student organization to a fraternity. Our challenge is to provide
a framework for discussion and dialogue that pushes men out of
their comfort zone of silence, and into a zone of genuine
conversation. Once we get them in a room together, we need to
lead them through the process.
Thirty minutes into the film, Henry Fonda’s character offers the
jury a compromise to follow their vote if they are all in agreement
by secret ballot. The vote comes back, and another man votes
against the group. Joseph Sweeney’s character makes a powerful
statement: “This gentleman has been standing alone against us.
Now he doesn’t say that the boy is not guilty, he just isn’t sure.
12 Angry Men forces individuals from differing backgrounds into a It’s not easy to stand against the ridicule of others. Now, I want to
room to discuss the merits of a case – a case they have to decide, hear more.”
as it is their civic duty. McCambridge (2003) frames how he has
(Continued on Page 19)
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 13
This past year has been a very busy year and through it all, my
prayer and reflection has suffered for it. And yet, in a moment
that occurred this past Easter, all of that changed rather quickly.
Because this past Easter, my wife told me that we were going to
be parents. We were eating leftovers after everyone had left, sand
she gave me a card with a giant whale saying to a little whale “I’m
so excited…” When I opened the inside of the card, it read, “to be
a Dad.” Confused I looked up to my wife and she said, “Surprise,
I’m pregnant!”
Ever since our wedding day, my wife and I have hoped for
children, but we know through friends that pregnancies are
delicate and miraculous experiences. We never wanted to get our
hopes up, or at least not too high. Now, after several positive
visits to our doctor, I have begun to prepare myself for
fatherhood. For those who know me, that means a lot of prayer
and reflection through my journaling process. It also means I’m
doing a lot of research on fatherhood. However, I had gotten out
of the habit of writing and wasn’t sure how to start again.
looking for. Being a relational person, and campus minister, I was
looking for a book on how to bond and create a relationship with
this newest member of my family. So my spiritual director
suggested I get back into journaling. This journal became my
refuge, and I soon realized that my entries became a series of
letters to my unborn child.
My wife and I are waiting to find out the sex of our baby and so at
first, I wasn’t sure how to write the letters/journal entries. I fell into
the mental trap of thinking that my thoughts should be defined
by the gender/sex of my child. But I quickly realized it didn’t
matter. Furthermore, I found that I don’t have a preference for
whether it is a girl or a boy. Either one would be a blessing and a
miracle to me.
So my letters became focused on the values and experiences I
want her or him to have. How I hope she or he was going to be
curious and adventurous. How I hope she or he would be strong
and determined, but willing to be flexible to the changing needs
of their life. Most importantly, I hope she or he would be able to
experience love and a small amount of pain to understand the
difference between good times and bad. I’m not making an
argument that our society should be genderless and that raising
boys and girls should be identical. What I am saying is that the
So as I struggled with this, my wife received several books from
friends, but few of them were books for me. Doing a quick Google values, and even more so the experiences we instill in our
search, I found multiple books, but most fell into two areas: books children, should not be dictated by their gender.
that read like car maintenance guides or books that appeared to
My journaling process has also made me rethink the ways that I
be for coaching a sports team. Even the chapter in “What to
have begun to approach my work in higher education. In a
Expect When You are Expecting” focused primarily upon sex, or
lack thereof, with my partner as opposed to fatherhood advice. All wonderful article by LZ Granderson, he challenged us to think
about how raising boys should not be seen as any easier than
of these books serve a purpose, but not exactly what I was
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 14
raising girls. And in the comments, one person stated that raising
a boy is easy; it is raising a man that is so daunting. As I prepare
for my child, I also think of how best to “raise” the college men
who walk through my door seeking advice and counsel. How can I
best draw out their goals, their emotions, and their experiences to
help create a life that they want to lead after they graduate.
Whether it is through small group dialogues, faith based sharing
groups, large scale programs with big name speakers, or in a oneon-one counseling session, the fact that we are doing this work
matters. Just a few weeks before finding out I was to be a dad, I
heard Jason Laker speak at our MMKC awards banquet at NASPA
2013. One of the lessons that I took away from his speech is that I
can’t take students to where I’m also not able to go. Thus, while
there will be many life lessons I’ll try to instill in my child, she or he
already taught me the importance of reflection. And the next time
I tell a student to take their questions into prayer and reflection, I
won’t feel like such a hypocrite!
Brian Anderson is the Interfaith Campus Minister at Loyola
University Chicago. He can be reached at
Yes, I said it. Penis.
that impacts all documentation from that point forward (birth
certificate, medical records, etc). Not only that, very little is
mentioned in our society about a spectrum of sex – whereby our
reproductive parts don’t match the traditional diagrams shown to
us in health education classes.
What happens if someone is born with a penis and ovaries? What
if our chromosomes aren’t matched XX or XY? What if our
hormones are triggered differently, thereby affecting our body
hair, breast size, or muscle mass? There are many articles related
to what we call ‘intersex,’ but I found that the student-centered
website from the Intersex Initiative to be solid yet simple for those
who seek an initial understanding.
Have you ever wondered why your genitalia doesn’t necessarily
look exactly like the pictures in the textbooks? Could it perhaps be
that we are as varied in our anatomy as we are in our many other
identities? Raising such questions may become controversial or
alarming to some (does that mean that I’m not a ‘man’?); my
effort is not to bewilder but to educate. We can all benefit from
becoming more inquisitive about the things that seem so simple
on the surface. We have made assumptions about what qualifies a
person to be a man, but could those assumptions be incorrect?
I encourage you to dig in and do your own research about sex.
While you may not become an expert overnight, my hope is that
you can further understand your own identity and of those in your
midst. In a future article, I’d love to discuss the connected concept
of gender, but did not want to confuse one for the other. Both are
rich topics and require a bit of patience to more fully understand.
Much like our transition from adolescence to adulthood, there
sometimes need to be ‘growing pains’ as we change and reform
our concept of self over time.
It’s what most people think differentiates men from women, boys
from girls. When doctors examine ultrasounds, they look for the
Brian Medina is an Area Coordinator at Frostburg State
existence of a penis. When parents share their joy to friends and
University. He can be reached at
family about their newborn, most ask, ‘is it a boy or a girl?’ – Penis.
However, this is not the end of the story, at least not for those
better versed in the topics of sex and gender. Hillary Lips has a
great textbook titled Sex & Gender: An Introduction that captures
far more than I can describe in this succinct article.
I had the opportunity to volunteer as a Teaching Assistant for a
class, Sex Differences: Psychological Perspectives, which used the
book I just referenced. In recent years, I have grown passionate in
my attempt to understand the rich concepts of sex and gender in
our society – something that falls outside of my core
responsibilities as a hall director within a state institution.
Some of you reading this article may recall your own journey
through adolescence and young adulthood. Maybe you had
parents who had the 'sex talk' early into puberty. Maybe you
remember the health education classes that really only skimmed
the surface on the topic of sex – I personally recall being
separated for the ‘boys have penises’ and ‘girls have vaginas’ talk
in middle school.
Returning to my initial statement – is having a penis really what
makes a man or a boy? Biology and chemistry majors know that
our bodies are much more complex than one anatomy part.
Hormone levels, chromosomes, and other genetic markers all play
enormous roles in our development.
I discovered that there is a preferred phrase used for our assumed
sex – ‘sex assigned at birth.’ By this, I mean that doctors initially
look at our anatomy (penis or no penis) and thereby assign a sex
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 15
The purpose of this article aims to convey
positive and negative encounters of two low
socio-economic African American male students
who served in residential life during their
undergraduate tenure. We look to inform
residential life professionals how these
reflections can have implications for practice in
student affairs.
The three main focus points of this article are:
financial implications, leadership, and cross
cultural experience. Residential life participation
may provide financial accommodations, build
community through leadership development,
and increase the overall experience for Black
Residential life impacts a large number of students living on
campus (Kuh, et. al, 2008). It is often the first and last interaction a
student receives on a daily basis in the beginning of one’s
collegiate career. It serves as the nexus between academics,
culture, and social capital divisions among gender, ethnic, and
academic differences males have in higher education.
This article is for staff members within residential life and thus
includes but is not limited to: student leaders, Resident Assistants,
Assistant Resident Directors, Resident Directors, Assistant
Directors and anyone who maintains face-to-face interaction with
Black Males living within a collegiate residence on behalf of a
higher education institution. This article will also serve as insight
to Black males living within residential buildings.
Residential Life Departments are charged and designed with
enhancing the academic experience of those living in on-campus
student housing. These are multifaceted departments, with
profound mission and vision statements, working to meet the
developmental needs of college students ranging in different
population sizes and demographics every single day.
The Participants
Both participants, Donte and Marcus, are involved with residential
life at a predominantly white institution. Marcus is a residential
assistant. Donte is a student leader. Both of these students
conveyed racialized experiences within residential life that should
be discussed. From their personal convictions, this article
communicates a myriad of topics concerning the Black male
experience. Many of their peers and supervisors did not inquire
about the social and professional complications and
achievements Donte and Marcus experienced. Harper (2011)
confirms many Black males lack a safe space to convey their
feelings on racial interactions to a supervisor within residential
life. It reestablishes the notion of Black males’ opinions not being
It is good to have African American leadership (Harper, 2011). It
opens a comfortable doorway for mentorship “engagement,
unfiltered feedback, and trustworthy perspectives” (Harper, 2011,
p.190). Donte and Marcus both reported an African American staff
member living within residential quarters on their respective
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
campuses reaching out to them about participating in residential
life. Marcus conveyed the impact of a resident director
encouraging and supportive in his endeavor of becoming a RA.
Marcus spoke of a faculty member living in an apartment within
the residence , inviting him to dinner to discuss student
leadership opportunities.
Donte and Marcus both grew up in South Los Angeles and had
limited resources available in their public school experience. They
both recall teachers, administrators, and peers setting high
expectations for them. Unfortunately, in their collegiate
experience, they both felt as if they were under intense scrutiny
for being Black males. Irizarry (2009) states the deficit model “…
stems from negative beliefs and assumptions regarding the
ability, aspirations, and work ethic of systematically marginalized
peoples” (p.2). As students from South Los Angeles, the two were
instantly labeled to be associated with drug dealers, athletes, and
failures. The negative “social imagery” (Howard. Et al, 2012)
portrayed of black males, made the two uncomfortable in their
interactions with students in residential life, both staff and
The social imagery Donte and Marcus possessed of Black males
challenged stereotype threat. Their examples were not
intimidating, violent, and feared hypersexulaized black Male
(Howard et. Al, 2009). At this point, Donte and Marcus focused on
opposing the “stereotype threat” (Steele & Aronson, 1995, p.798)
imposed on them by students and staff of the PWI.
Reasons for involvement
Donte and Marcus cited financial assistance as reasons for
wanting to participate in residential life. Harper (2012) stated,
“Many students drop out of college because they cannot afford to
pay tuition and other educational expenses” (p.11). Marcus
exchanged his services for free housing and meals as a RA. Donte
received a $250 stipend at the end of each academic term for
being a student leader. These financial benefits and reductions
increased the chance of the two students graduating by
alleviating “financial stress” (Harper, 2012).
Page 16
Another opportunity that enticed the students came forward in
leadership development. Each student learned to be a better peer
leader. They experienced diversity training which opened
increased their social capital amongst students of different
demographics, including but not limited to: religion, gender,
sexual orientation, ethnicity, and socio-economic class.
process. Most processes involve application essays, resumes,
letters of recommendations, and most importantly GPA’s to even
be considered for interviews. Some residential life programs are
great at recruiting students of color but often times do not retain
many of these students, specifically Black males, throughout the
entire RA process.
Donte and Marcus also used their newly acquired social
advantages to organize events on behalf of others based upon
their residential community’s interest. The leadership experience
promoted interactions with various genres of human beings. It
allowed access to the interests of their peer residents.
“Engagement in structured activities and leadership opportunities
outside of the classroom is generally deemed beneficial for all
students” (Harper et. al, 2011, p.181) and Black males are not the
exception. In fact, Black males have the least amount of academic
success than any other gender and race combination (Harper,
2012). To counter, it is imperative Black males get involved.
“African American males who are actively involved in campus
organizations and hold leadership positions in student
organizations have better experiences…” (Harper et. al, 2011,
p.181) in college and will be able to serve as role models and
examples of excellence.
It is important to note that the work does not stop with just
outreaching to Black males, but supporting them throughout the
process. Residential life departments must become intentional
about supporting and retaining the Black males that have
successfully been hired for positions in the upcoming school year.
These students cannot succeed if the environment in which they
work is filled with stereotypes and unjustified perceptions of Black
males (Harper et. al, 2011).
Blimling, G. S. (1998). Navigating the changing climate of moral
and ethical issues in student affairs. In D. Cooper and J.
Lancaster (Eds.), Beyond law and policy: Reaffirming the
role of student affairs. New Directions for Student
Services, 65-76. San Francisco
Implications for Engagement
Harper, S. R. (2012). Black male student success in higher
At predominately white institutions, where students of color are
education: A report from the national Black male college
fewer in number and underrepresented groups exist, it is
achievement study. Philadelphia: University of
challenging to make students feel at home and engaged in the
Pennsylvania, Center for the Study of Race and Equity in
community. More specifically, Black males might find themselves
as “the only one” on the floor or in the building (Harper et. al,
2011). In communities where this is prevalent, hall staff must again Harper, S. R., Davis, R. J., Jones, D. E., McGowan, B. L., Ingram, T. N.,
be intentional when engaging with black males as to not single
& Platt, C. S. (2011). Race and racism in the experiences
them out and make the space more uncomfortable, but
of Black male resident assistants at predominantly white
recognizing their situation and offering support.
universities. Journal of College Student Development, 52
Residence Hall Staff can support black male students in several
(2), 180-200.
ways by continuing to: (1) Facilitate quality programming around
the students academic, personal, and social needs. There is no
Howard, T.C., Flennaugh, T.K., & Terry, C.L. (2012). Black Males,
need to re-write the will here, just being thoughtful about
Social Imagery, and the Disruption of Pathological
including the black male experience in a halls programming
Identities: Implications for Research and Teaching
model. This can come in the planning and logistics for programs.
Educational Foundations, 26 (1-2), 85-102
(2) Creating programming opportunities on gender and diversity
issues are important, allowing male students a space to talk about
issues of masculinity, race/ethnicity and sexuality. Harper (2011)
found that many RA’s used Hip-Hop Music as medium for talking
about issues of diversity and finding a common ground for all
residents to share in. Hip-Hop is great, but not the only means for
engaging black males. Residence hall staff should heavily also rely
on the skills and activities acquired from their fall diversity
trainings and workshops.
Kuh, G., Cruce, T., Shoup, R., Kinzie, J. (2008) Unmasking the effects
of student engagement. The Journal of Higher Education.
Vol 79 No. 5 pp.540-563
Irizarry, J. (2009) Characteristics of the Cultutral Deficit Model:
Alternatives o Deficit Perspective. The Gale Group
Steele, C.M., & Aronson, J. (1995). Stereotype Threat and the
intellectual test-performance of African-Americans.
Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 69 (5): 797811
(3) Mentorship is another way to offer support to black males in
the halls. Hall staff should be intentional about identifying the
black males residents and building relationships that do not
Wilson, M. E., & Hirschy, A. S. (2003). Walking the thin line: The
tokenize students. Inform them you want to serve as an additional
challenges of policy enforcement for resident assistants.
resource. Staff members wear many hats as students,
Journal of College and University Student
administrators, role models, teachers, counselors and policy
Housing, 31(2), 22-30.
enforcers (Blimling, 1998; Wilson & Hirschy, 2003). It takes time
and effort to build a mentoring relationship between students and Miles Goodloe is a Honors College Living Learning Community
staff, but it is possible.
Coordinator at Drexel University and can be reached at
(4) Help students navigate the RA recruitment process to become
successful Resident Assistants. At predominately white intuitions,
residential life departments understand the need and importance
of having racial diversity and representation across staffs and
residential communities, but without proper promotions and
marketing it is very difficult to get black males into apply to the
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Dennis Denman is a Residential Education Director at
Washington State University and can be reached at
Page 17
media, and to review the experience as a whole.
Feedback of M4 from participants
“Meeting up with Black men that were different but all intelligent
made me feel more comfortable about being at WFU. Sometimes
I feel like I don’t belong, but this made me feel like I did belong.”
“Simply interacting with other Black males was meaningful. More
often than not, we as males find ourselves not talking about the
issues that we confront on a daily basis. We may deem it being
‘sensitive’ or ‘womanly.’ But by participating in the M4, we were
able to shed light on the misconceptions that we have upon
ourselves. We were able to open up and share our thoughts with
other men without being confronted with condescension or
ridicule. We could be completely honest and we could discuss
topics important to our future success.”
Continued from Page 12
Conversation during week five spans the Black family and
fatherhood and reflecting on messages regarding responsibility
that participants received during childhood and adolescence.
Week six finds participants revisiting statistical information about
Black men in college shared initially during week four, and delving
further into dialogue about what it means to be Black and male at
Spirituality and religion are the focus of week seven. During the
eighth session, men join women participating in WE3: Women
Encouraging Empowerment through Exploration at an etiquette
dinner. Finally, in the ninth session, participants engage in
conversation about navigating society without compromising
their identity. They develop an action plan indicating how they will
incorporate the new knowledge gained into the rest of the
college experience and in their lives going forward. Facilitators
also challenge participants to become more involved at Wake
Forest and in the surrounding Winston-Salem community.
Facilitation Options
There are several ways to achieve the learning outcomes
associated with M4. At Wake Forest, we have employed both the
non-credit bearing short course and discussion group method of
engagement. The nature of the content across both types of
delivery has remained the same, while expectations for
participants’ outside reading and reflection have varied. In the
short course, participants were asked to read a combination of
scholarly and popular culture articles, and spend time recording
their responses. It became evident that this created a burden for
most students, and facilitators decided to replace out-of-session
readings with shorter articles and film clips which could be
digested and explored during meetings. Colleagues at academic
institutions where curricular innovation is encouraged may
consider offering M4 for-credit (most likely in collaboration with
faculty in a relevant and progressive department).
Facilitators administer an evaluation at the conclusion of each
session, asking participants to offer critical feedback of the topic
covered. The facilitators meet weekly to review evaluations of the
previous session, discuss the session and to plan for the
upcoming session. An online evaluation of the full experience is
emailed to students to complete within two weeks of the final
session. The evaluations are used to determine the relevance and
value of the topics, guest facilitators, assigned readings and
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
“When you consider what it means to be Black, how others
perceive you as a Black male and the way that you, in turn, treat
others, all of what we discussed has a major impact. From the role
of Spirituality to the relationships that we have with others and
even the way that we eat in a business setting, I believe that each
idea was important…”
Implications for Further Action
We have been thoroughly impressed with the positive impact that
participation in the M4 Initiative has had on the lives of Black
male students at Wake Forest. We plan to continue calibrating the
curriculum and revising content to meet the changing needs of
our student demographic. Facilitators are currently exploring
“next steps” for past participants, working to identify
opportunities for men to continue learning about and reflecting
on their experiences as Black men at WFU and in the world.
Facilitators intend to share M4 as a best practice with colleagues
who are looking for ways to engage Black men on their campuses.
Further, we hope to determine whether M4 is applicable (in some
form) across other demographic groups, and if we should pilot a
version for Latino men at WFU. Finally, we will begin mining the
assessment data collected to date, in hopes that there is good
learning for our faculty colleagues as they engage men in the
classroom and work to support their holistic development.
Harper, S. (2009). Race-Conscious Student Engagement Practices
and the Equitable Distribution of Enriching Educational
Experiences. Taken from the University of Pennsylvania
website. Retrieved from
sharper/ on June 20, 2013.
Olson, G. A. (1994). bell hooks and the Politics of Literacy: A
Conversation. Journal of Advanced Composition, 14 (1),
pp. 1-19.
Alta Mauro, M.S. is the Director of the Office of Multicultural
Affairs at Wake Forest University and can be reached at
L. Wesley Harris Jr., LPCA, NBCC is the Assistant Director of the
Office of Multicultural Affairs at Wake Forest University and can
be reached at
Jonathan Cox, M.Ed. is a Doctoral Student in Sociology at the
University of Maryland and can be reached at
Page 18
Continued from page 13
Within student affairs, we often times emphasize the ideas of
multiculturalism, individualism, and keeping an open mind. This
man demonstrates how sometimes, we simply need to provide a
space for doubt, disagreement, discomfort, and ultimately, the
willingness to listen. It’s not easy, but ‘wanting to hear more’ leads
to growth and, ultimately, change.
can help others understand what was said through paraphrasing
and restating, but also to continually ask for feedback. It is our
job, as practitioners, to lead the dialogue through unbiased
participation, and to avoid sharing our personal opinions too
Using a film like 12 Angry Men can provide the necessary conduit
for great discussion and debate. The final scene demonstrates
The end of the movie demonstrates how personal records, or
how two men, Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb, can be so different,
baggage, can change the way we view situations in life. As jurors
but also remarkably similar. Both men were on a quest for justice,
begin to change their minds about the guilt of the young man,
on opposite sides. In the end, they found themselves to be on the
based on irrefutable evidence and, the discussions that took place, same side. We must look for opportunities to find common
one juror, played by Lee J. Cobb, lashes out, only to find that he is ground, and know that, while dialogue can lead to discomfort, it
now the last man standing in the way of a verdict of not guilty.
also leads to liberation.
The man is so convinced of the boy’s guilt, but not because of
fact, but rather because of his soured relationship with his own
son. This personal revelation leads to an emotional breakdown,
and he realizes that his assumptions are not only wrong, but
Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York, NY: The
based on his own animosity. He ultimately changes his verdict, but
Continuum International Publishing Group.
is left a broken man. In an act of empathy, Henry Fonda helps the
man with his coat, demonstrating a sense of comfort. This
Friedkin, W. (Director), & Donnely, T. A. (Producer). (1997). 12
powerful scene seems to be a goal in student affairs: the
Angry Men [Film]. (Available from Orion
development of the whole person through thought provoking
Home Video, 1888 Century Park East, Los Angeles, CA
experiences and discussions.
Our male students must have an understanding of self, this can be
the bedrock to assisting others in growth, but also in defining who
they are as a gendered being. Social behaviors often act as
warning lights within development. When warning signs blink, the
student sees this as an issue that may be brewing, and shuts down
or acts out. Administrators, hopefully, see these same warning
signs, and have the opportunity to identify the problem and
address the issue. Our task in student affairs is to engage
students, as growth occurs within the margins of doubt. Watt
(2007) calls these the ‘difficult dialogues on race’, as they push our
students to the edges of what they think they believe. The
discussions, though, are not limited to race. Masculinity is the
perfect fit, as it involves the social construct of what it means to
be a man. Development surely happens when men of all races and
students who identify with other sexual orientations feel
challenged by people with differing viewpoints and values. It
could be enhanced even more when other students begin to
embrace dialogue.
Lumet, S. (Director), Fonda, H. and Rose, R. (Producers). (1957). 12
Angry Men [Film]. (Available from Orion Home Video,
1888 Century Park East, Los Angeles, CA 90067)
McCambridge, J. (2003). 12 Angry Men: A study in dialogue.
Journal of Management Education, 27:3, June, 2003.
Watt, S. K. (2007). Difficult dialogues, privilege, and social justice:
Uses of the Privileged Identity Exploration (PIE) model in
student affairs practice. The College Student Affairs
Journal, 26:2, Spring 2007. pp. 114-126.
Barry A. Olson, Ed.D. is the Scholar-Practitioner in Residence for
the Men and Masculinites Knowledge Community, and the
Director of Business Administration for Campus Life at NC State
University. He can be reached at
Woody N. Joseph is a Community Director for Campus Life at NC
How do we engage men in these dialogues? Friere (1970) believed State University. He can be reached at
that “people develop their power to perceive critically the way
they exist in the world with which and in which they find
themselves” (p. 83). The power of dialogue comes from the
discomfort of seeing the world through the eyes of another. Too
often, we cower from this approach, as we assume that discomfort
is bad or unhealthy. As men often feel unsafe, they become
defensive when faced with this discomfort. However, it can be
Hello and thanks for reading the Summer 2013 Edition of the
liberating. Creating a safe space is crucial to opening dialogue,
MMKC Newsletter. This is exciting for me because it is my first
and encouraging disagreement, discomfort, and honesty.
edition published as the KC’s newest Newsletter Editor. My second
Safe spaces can be created anywhere, by anyone. A safe space is
reason is because I had the great opportunity to receive many
created when participants are led, not preached at. It is created
articles (as you will notice the length of the newsletter for the
when participants can speak freely, and are appreciated for
summer) that really touch upon why I joined this KC and why I
speaking up, regardless of what they say, or their point of view.
wanted to take more of a leadership role within the KC.
This can be difficult to nurture, but we can be successful by first
If you enjoyed this issue of the MMKC Newsletter, please consider
establishing ground rules for participation. Such ground rules
submitting an article for our future editions. Please follow us on
include the necessity to be honest and genuine, to speak for
yourself and no one else, to acknowledge what was said in a
Facebook and Twitter and don’t forget to join the MMKC Listserv.
nurturing way, but also to be reminded that disagreement and
discomfort are not only okay, but necessary. When we establish
these rules, men are more likely to speak their minds and know
-Jack Korpob
that they truly can say what is on their minds. Strong facilitators
Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community Newsletter Summer 2013
Page 19
The purpose of the Men & Masculinities Knowledge Community
(MMKC) is to provide a venue for discussion, research, and the
distribution of information about men’s gender identity
development, in the context of college campuses.
The goals of the MMKC are:
Articles should be no less than 300 words and no more than
All articles should be relevant to the mission and purpose of
the Men and Masculinity Knowledge Community.
Articles should include the name of the author, job title, email
and school affiliation.
Anyone with an article that is time sensitive should inquire
with the Technology Chair for deadlines.
Please take the time to proof and edit your work.
All work should be saved in .doc (Word) format.
To make gender identity(ies) a salient lens for viewing and
working with male staff and students.
To develop and distribute resources that will enhance student 7.
affairs professionals’ ability to respond to the needs of male
To inform the profession about new research and practices
regarding the development of masculine identities as
manifested in people in general, and men in particular (e.g.
inclusive of masculinities performed by Trans/Queer, women.)
To offer technical and creative assistance to colleagues as
they develop programs and services for male students.
To assist Student Affairs professionals in navigating the
tensions between male privilege and men’s personal needs
(e.g. challenge and support,) including support through the
professionals’ personal frustrations in this regard.
To create guides to best practices in teaching male students
about diversity, gender identity, and other critical issues
affecting their personal growth.
hotos and artwork should be sent as high quality .jpg files.
All submissions must be sent to the Newsletter Editor, Jack
Korpob, at
Please stay tuned for future submission deadlines!
To promulgate and/or distribute men’s issues and
development scholarship for use in graduate preparation
This KC was founded upon a pro-feminist, anti-racist, gayaffirmative agenda with the hope of providing resources to
increase multi-cultural competence among male students by
providing the NASPA membership with tools to invite and engage
men into this process. The underlying assumption is that men in
general are interested in social justice, capable of enacting it, and
that they need language and a connection to the process.