Toll Dnata Survey 2013


Toll Dnata Survey 2013
Toll Dnata Survey 2013
31. Do you think disputes should be resolved
quickly and fairly through consultation between
management, union and employees?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
Other issues you want to address: (please fill in your
comments below)
32. Do you want provisions in your new agreement
to make sure that Toll dnata consults you and your
union about any out-sourcing biddings in advance?
❐ Yes
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. It’s an important opportunity for you to make it clear what you think
of current pay and conditions, including time-off, rostering, job security, training and other issues.
By standing together as TWU members we can secure the strongest agreement with real improvements in wages,
conditions, and job security.
Information collected from this survey will be kept strictly confidential.
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
33. Do you think it is important for all Toll dnata
staff to get paid time-off if they want to discuss
workplace issues with union representatives?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
34. Do you think your union representative should
get paid leave to participate in union meetings with
management, or represent your rights at court in
cases such as unfair dismissal?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
35. Do you think you should be able to meet your
union representatives to discuss your workplace
issues somewhere close to your working area?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
36. Are you a member of the TWU?
❐ Yes
I want to Join
❐ No
The current Toll dnata Agreement expires next month and our union needs your support to get a better deal from Toll
dnata and improve your wages and conditions.
To get things started, we need to know some basic information.
37. How do you want to receive up to date
information on the agreement negotiations?
(Multiple choice)
❐ Meetings with TWU Representatives
❐ TWU Bulletin by Email ❐ Reading TWU Website
❐ Facebook ❐ Twitter ❐ SMS
❐ Other (please specify) ___________________
38. I am willing to help the TWU by:
❐ Collecting surveys from co-workers
❐ Distributing information
❐ Supporting co-workers to get fair outcomes
❐ Participating on the negotiating team
Home Phone:
1. Where do you work?
6. How long have you been working for Toll dnata?
 Domestic  International
 Less than 1 year  1 - 2 years
 4 - 6 years
 6-10 years
Adelaide Airport
Canberra Airport
Hobart Airport
Sydney Airport
Brisbane Airport
Darwin Airport
Melbourne Airport
Other (please specify)_____________
2. What airlines do you do work for at Toll dnata?
The TWU is committed to making Toll dnata a better place to work.
If you want more information or to be involved please select below:
Please send me more information about joining the TWU
e fax
to TW ted surve
5416, n (02) 926
your T
WU D rn to
or Org elegate
Authorised by Tony Sheldon, National Secretary • Transport Workers Union, 388-390 Sussex St Sydney 2000 • Phone (02) 8114 6500 • Email:
The Transport Workers’ Union of Australia is bound by the Privacy Act. This information is collected to enable the Union to contact you about
matters relating to your union membership and to ensure that the Union has the necessary information to represent your employment and related
interests. The Union’s Privacy Statement is available by contacting the TWU Call Centre on (02) 8114 6500 or visit
3. Area you work in: (select one or more)
 Ramp
 Aircraft dispatch
4. Are you:
 Baggage Room
 Other (please specify)__________
 Male
5. Your Age Group:
 Female
 18 - 25
 46 - 55
 26 - 35  36 – 45
 55+
 2 - 4 years
 10 years +
7. Which level of operation you are currently
assigned on?
 Level: _____________
 Year of service at this level: _____________
 Number of members in your team: ______________
8. Are you:
 Full Time  Part Time  Casual
 Other
9. Do you work:
 Mainly AM shifts  Mainly PM shifts
 Mix of AM and PM
10. How many hours do you work per week on
average? _________ (Please fill in a number)
11. Do you regularly work overtime?  Yes  No
If yes, how many hours per week? ___________
For more information visit:
Turn over to
continue the survey
Staff Training and Safety
About Your Work
We want to make sure that we put together a log of claims which represents the most important
issues for you. Can you rate the following issues by level of importance by using a scale of 1 to 5
(1 being the most important, 5 being the least important)
13. Balancing Life
AND Work
12. Fairness at work
14. Better AND
Safer Workplace
A better job classification
structure - that defines roles
and recognises skills at work
More flexibility in rostering
and breaks
More information on OHS
Better career opportunities
for advancement
A fairer system for allocating
and accessing annual leave
Introduction of mandatory paid
training for all staff
Better consultation provisions
with staff about changes at
Wider range of staff benefits
(such as staff travel)
Professional accreditation to
be provided to employees to
recognise their skills
Provide job transfer policies
for staff with need for
Part time overtime paid for all
unrostered hours
Equal pay system for the
same work performed
Recognition of the pressure
of work and the need to
change the ‘zero’ tolerance
Other (please specify)
Improved communication
between management and
22. Staffing level and OHS
a) Do you think that the current staffing level in your
team is sufficient, including the support to ensure
the highest standard of workplace safety?
c) To make sure that safety is not compromised, do
you think there should be specific provision in the
agreement that clarifies the level of experience needed
for advancement?
❐ Yes
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
b) Does your team ever operate short-staffed?
❐ Often
❐ Sometimes ❐ Never
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
24. In general, do you think airlines should contribute
to industry training funds to make sure aviation
workers receive accredited training?
23. Workplace advancement
❐ Yes
a) The current minimum work experience required
for advancement in your area of work is _________
months. (i.e. someone has worked for 9 months at
Toll dnata before they are promoted as team leader)
25. Do you think the employer should cover the costs
of applying and renewing ASICs?
b) Do you think your team leader (or supervisor) has
sufficient workplace experience and expertise to
assure the highest level of safety standards?
26. Do you think it is important for the company to
introduce enforceable whistle-blowing policies to make
sure safety breaches and loopholes are timely reported?
❐ Yes
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ No
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
❐ Don’t know
❐ Don’t know
A better anti-discrimination
system to ensure everyone is
treated fairly and equally
Other (please specify)
Other (please specify)
Wages and Conditions
15. Do you think that your package of pay and
conditions reflects the skills and experience you
bring to your work at Toll dnata?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
16. Do you think the current classification structure
needs to be improved?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
17. What would you consider as a fair annual wage
increase in the upcoming agreement?
2% per year
3% per year
4% per year
5% per year
Other (please specify in percentage) _____
18. Do you think we should claim for an increase in
the company’s contribution to your superannuation?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
If ‘Yes’, what’s the annual super increase you would like
to have? ___________
Secure Employment
19. Do you get paid for all the hours you work?
If ‘No’, how many unpaid hours do you do
per week? __________
27. Do you agree that most workers want to
have a sense of job security, without having to
worry about not having a job tomorrow or not
enough work to cover rocketing living expenses?
29. Do you agree that workers should be paid the
same for performing the same level of work?
20. Would you like to have the opportunity to work:
❐ Yes
❐ More over-time
28. Do you agree that part-time and casual
staff should be given the opportunities to be
transferred to full-time if qualified?
30. Do you think there should be a cap on the
ratio of out-sourced work, to make sure skilled
and experienced employees are retained?
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
Less over-time
21. How long do you think the new agreement should
last for to ensure wage and condition improvements
are in line with industry movements?
❐ 2 years ❐ 3 years ❐ 4 years ❐ Other ______
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
❐ Yes
❐ Yes
❐ No
❐ No
❐ Don’t know
❐ Don’t know
❐ Don’t know
Turn over to finish the survey