News 21 - Farnworth Little Theatre


News 21 - Farnworth Little Theatre
Dates for your diary
14th March, 2.00pm at the theatre: Open Day – Launch of the Season
2004-2005 and reading of Dial M For Murder. More information from Geoff
Millard on tel: 07973 621652.
19th-21st March at Ilkley Playhouse: The Little Theatre Guild National
Conference and AGM: More information from Chris Flanigan on tel:
01204 849177.
March-3 April (excl Sunday), 7.30pm at the Theatre: Whose Life is
it Anyway? By Brian Clark. Box Office open from 15th March, 5.30pm-6.30pm
(excl Sundays).
13th May from 9.30am at Farnworth and Great Lever Golf Club: Optimum
Conservatory Kits Golf Day. More information from Stephen Knowles on tel:
01254 824676.
22nd-29th May, (excl Sunday), 7.30pm at the Theatre: Billy Liar by Keith
Waterhouse and Willis Hall, Box Office open from 10th May, 5.30pm-6.30pm
(excl Sundays).
September (dates to be announced), 7.30pm at the theatre: Dial M For
Murder by Frederick Knott. Box Office open two weeks prior to opening,
5.30pm-6.30pm (excl Sundays).
24th – 26th September at Bolton Little Theatre: The Little Theatre Guild of
Great Britain Northern Region Conference. More information from
Chris Flanigan on tel: 01204 849177.
November (dates to be announced), 7.30pm at the theatre: The Importance
of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. Box Office open two weeks prior to
opening, 5.30pm-6.30pm (excl Sundays).
January (dates to be announced), 7.30pm at the theatre: Hans, the Witch
and the Gobbin by Alan Cullen,a Youth Group production. Box Office open two
weeks prior to opening, 5.30pm-6.30pm (excl Sundays).
March (dates to be announced), 7.30pm at the theatre: Rumours (the British
version) by Neil Simon. Box Office open two weeks prior to opening,
5.30pm-6.30pm (excl Sundays).
May (dates to be announced), 7.30pm at the theatre: Shadowlands by William Nicholson. Box Office open two weeks prior to opening, 5.30pm-6.30pm
(excl Sundays).
Farnworth Little Theatre
Cross Street, Farnworth, Bolton BL4 1AJ
Tel: 01204 792599 Box Office: 01204 303808 Web:
Issue 21: February 2004
Read all about it
Are you on our mailing list? If you’re not sure and would like to receive news
of Farnworth Little Theatre on a regular basis, please send your name, full
address, phone number and email address to:
Chris Macpherson
27 Abercorn Road
Bolton BL1 6LF
If you would prefer to receive news by email please indicate this in your note.
Please let us know if you no longer wish to receive news from
Farnworth Little Theatre
If you would like to have your say in Noises Off?
then please send your letters and articles to the editor:
Chris Macpherson,
27 Abercorn Road,
Bolton BL1 6LF,
Tel: 01204 403627; email:
Copy deadline for the next issue is 10th April 2004.
Information and articles included in Noises Off ! do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the management committee of Farnworth Little Theatre.
Changing rôles
Two changes of rôles on
the management
committee of the theatre
have taken place over the
Christmas period.
After several years as
secretary, Julie
Cain has
regretfully had to resign
from the post. She has
been replaced by Lisa
Garrish, who we are sure
will throw her energies
behind all membership
issues. Lisa can be contacted on 01204 652051,
email: lisa@actingbabe., or write to her
at the theatre.
Chris Macpherson has
now taken over the
rôle of Publicity Officer and editor of
Noises Off!
Modesty forbids her from
sounding any praises in this
forum, however she promises to do her best to improve the profile and the
visibility of FLT in the community! Any constructive
comments and suggestions
for publicity material and
newsletter content will be
gratefully received. She can
be reached on tel: 01204
403627, email: chris@
The Swinging 60s
Calling all of you who have FLT memorabilia from the 60s photos, programmes, newspaper reviews ….
We’d like to update the Rene Barlow display cabinet in the
Green Room, so any contributions will be gratefully received. They’ll be well looked after and will be returned after
copying for display use. Please ring Chris Macpherson on
01204 403627 if you can help.
LTG Northern Region
Conference to be held in Bolton,
24-26 September 2005.
This year’s Northern Region Conference of The Little
Theatre Guild of Great Britain is being hosted by Bolton
Little Theatre over the weekend of 24th-26th September.
The conference will feature a band on the Friday evening,
and over the course of the weekend there will be workshops
on acting, health and safety, technical issues and the
staging of fights. Delegates will also be treated to Barry
Hall’s production of Somerset Maugham’s Home and Beauty.
If you’d like to attend any part of the weekend - or if you
would like to be involved behind the scenes - please contact
our own LTG rep, Chris Flanigan, through the theatre, or
write to her at Bliss Cottage, 16 Boot Lane, Doffcocker,
Bolton BL1 5SS, tel: 01204 849177.
Maximum exposure for our plays equals full
houses on performance nights, which
equals maximum revenue for the theatre!
If you can help with poster distribution in
your area, or can spare some time to leaflet
in the Farnworth area, please contact Chris
Macpherson on 01204 403617.
Dear Members, Friends and Patrons
Firstly may I take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy and healthy New
Year. Where did 2003 go to? It doesn’t seem five minutes since I was making my
last recovery from over-indulgence and here I am again, writing the wrong date
and forgetting my true age. (Never for long the latter - too many people to
remind me!) Speaking of age, congratulations to Lesley Norris, who recently
reached a major milestone birthday-wise. You’re catching up Lesley!
Since taking the chair halfway through last year it has certainly made me realise
how much effort is put into running a theatre. We are fortunate at FLT to have
so many talented and hard-working individuals who give so readily of their time
and ask for nothing in return. An audience only sees the tip of the proverbial
iceberg when they attend a production. Working behind the scenes for practically
fifty-two weeks of the year there are small armies of dedicated personnel
involved in sub-committees for such things as publicity, fund-raising, set construction, front of house, play selection, finance, secretarial, bar management,
lighting, sound, and box office. There are individuals working on their own
initiative to raise much needed cash through book sales, sponsorships or simply
cleaning up as and when the need arises. I extend a massive thank you to all
that support the theatre in this way. Without you there would be no theatre.
This doesn’t mean, however, that we are averse to more volunteers offering their
services: many hands - light work etc. FLT prides itself on being open and
welcoming, so if you have something to offer or would like to learn a particular
theatre skill then don’t be shy, raise your head above the parapet and let it be
known. My phone number appears at the foot of this letter if you feel you would
like to contact me personally.
On a personal level, I’m looking forward to the remainder of the season, which
comprises two classic plays: Whose Life is it Anyway is our March production ,
followed in April by the one and only Billy Liar. Combined with our previous plays
of this season I think the play selection committee should expect a plaudit for
assembling such a superb and varied season of plays.
Fund-raising is obviously a high priority, since we have committed ourselves to
spending a small fortune on new seating. Please try to support these events,
which are detailed elsewhere in this newsletter, and I look forward to seeing you.
Enjoy the rest of the season.
John Price,
Chairman, FLT
Tel: 01942 840703
A great season’s offering for 2004-2005
Full steam ahead for The Railway Children
talents, this is one railway where time
stands still.”
he Youth Group did us proud in
January with their enthusiastic and
heart-warming rendering of E. Nesbit’s
classic novel. With other roles played by
some of our senior members, this was
another fine production by the director,
Alan Knott.
“Quite marvellous.” said Nigel McFarlane
of the Bolton Evening News. “Chris Millard
brilliantly anchors the action as Perks, the
station master, and Amy Collins, Roxanna
Kennedy and Tom May invest great
maturity and accomplishment in the three
lead roles.
“Julie Cain as their mother is a fine portrait
in parental stoicism, and Harvey Walton
excels, as usual, as the Russian dissident,
Ian Rayner’s adjudication is also very
complimentary. There’s not enough space
here to mention everyone, but his words,
“…. The warm glow that the play created
came across well, and out of the four plays
that I have seen this week I got much the
most pleasure from it” and “How fortunate
your theatre are to have such a team of
young actors and actresses” say it all.
Our thanks go to Dave Dempsey for his
support of the Youth Group – without his
Tuesday nights marshalling the troops at
the theatre, we would not be in such a
lucky position to offer these talented
youngsters the chance to star.
Sadly, Dave has to relinquish his role as
Youth Group Leader in the Summer, so
we’re on the hunt for someone to fill his
shoes. Can you help?
You’ll be able to see the Youth Group in
action again on Friday and Saturday, 4th
and 5th June, when we stage a double bill
of the Youth Group and senior member’s
entries for the GMDF One-Act Play Festival.
“There are also splendid cameos from Mike
Jones, Eric Smith and Lesley Norris. As the
Perks children, Josh Hubber, Robert May
and Jake Aspinall stand out with lively
characterisations, and there is lovely
support from Hettie Watson, Penny
Dempsey, Jessica Holt and Josh Cook.
“With Mona Smith, Dave Smalley, David
Stirzaker and Amy Graham adding their
The Management Committee are really proud - if not seriously chuffed - to
announce the theatre’s programme for the 2004-2005 season.
In September Cat Jackson makes her directorial début at Farnworth Little Theatre
with the ever-popular thriller, Dial M For Murder. Written by Frederick Knott,
the play was a major hit on the big screen in 1954 when Alfred Hitchcock
directed Ray Milland and Grace Kelly in the lead rôles.
Long-standing member, Doreen Bromby, directs our
October play, The Importance of Being Earnest.
Oscar Wilde’s 1895 play requires little introduction.
Needless to say, it’s a great opportunity for our
wardrobe and set design departments to show off
their talents - as well as providing some meaty rôles
for our acting members.
Geoff Millard directs our Youth Group production in
January 2005, with the fantasy, Hans, the Witch
and the Gobbin. Written by former Bolton Little
Theatre member, Alan Cullen, it will feature original
music by one of our own members, Stephen Knowles.
A princess, a gormless goblin and local interest - what
more could you want on a cold January evening?
Neil Simon’s Rumours (the British version) is
directed in March by David Stirzaker. Chaos reigns in
this classic farce from one of America’s best-loved
writers - always a good omen for box office receipts!
To launch the new
season, there will be
an open afternoon
at the theatre on
Sunday 14th March.
At 2pm
the directors will
present t heir plays.
From 3pm
Cat Jackson hold
a reading of ‘
Dial M For Murder,
our first play of the
2004-2005 season.
Last, but certainly not least, our May play is
Shadowlands by William Nicholson. Directed by
Helen Hamilton, this moving play is about the life of
the Oxford don and author, C.S.Lewis, and his developing relationship with
American poet, Joy Davidman. It’s a fine play to end a season that will hopefully
satisfy the differing tastes of all our members and patrons.
If you would like to quote for printing the new season’s programme, please
contact Chris Macpherson on 01204 403627 for details.
Get Well Soon!
the stage, but also lending a hand front of
house and supporting the theatre in all
sorts of ways.
Kath is an active member of the theatre,
not just as a performer on
Kath is now recovering at home
and we hope to see her down
at the theatre
very soon.
ur very best wishes for a speedy recovery go to Kath Booth, who’s been
experiencing a few health
problems lately.
ave you ever given a
thought into what goes
on behind the scenes at Farnworth Little
Without a sturdy and loyal band of
helpers assisting in its running - unpaid
volunteers all - the theatre might not
exist at all!
So to give you a flavour of how we keep
the theatre going, each issue will focus on
a specific area of management.
This issue:
As important a job as any in the theatre,
the Box Office Manager is responsible for
the total income of the theatre outside
fund-raising and other money generating
Margaret Knott is the current incumbent,
occasionally assisted by husband, Alan.
Margaret may dispute the ‘assist’ description, be we’re sure he does his best! (Only
joking, Alan).
Unsung heroes
27th March - 3rd April 2004
The Box Office is available by telephone
two weeks before each show’s opening
night; tickets reserved can be collected at
the theatre on the night, or can be posted
out on receipt of a payment and a
stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Margaret also looks after our season ticket
holders, contacting them all before the
start of the season to establish their
seating requirements and allocating them
Without a dedicated
band of helpers the show won’t go
that, Margaret attends the
theatre each night from 7pm to issue
tickets and balance the books, reporting
back to our Treasurer with an
attendance breakdown so he knows how
much we have to spend!
Margaret always completes by the Monday
after each show so that, in her own words,
“she can get her life back”.
Well done, Margaret, and keep up the
good work!
ur next production - Whose Life is it
Anyway? by Brian Clark is directed by
Eric Bromby and produced by Glenn Robinson. This sensitive play is a serious yet
witty drama about one man’s choice between life and death.
If you’re not otherwise involved with the
production, do volunteer for front-ofhouse duties. We also need more hands
on deck on cleaning night (Thursday,
25th March) - or why not come down to
the theatre any Thursday night and see
what’s needed?
Most important of all — book
tickets for yourself and
friends / relatives!
The Box Office (01204 303808) is open
from 15th March, 5.30pm-6.30pm
(not Sundays).
Calling all stewards and bar staff for ‘Whose Life Is It Anyway?’ - ring
Philip Partington NOW on 07968 084439 to tell him when you can do your bit!
“I’m very much looking forward to directing my first play at
FLT, and I’m delighted with the cast I’ve assembled.”
writes Derek Darlington, director of ‘Billy Liar’.
22nd—29th May 2004
“Mona Smith plays Florence, one of the best character
parts available for an older actress. Chris Millard carries the title rôle, with his dad,
Geoff Millard cast as his stage father, Geoffrey, with whom Billy’s invariably at
odds (a piece of cake for the
director there, then!).
“Helen Hamilton plays Alice, Billy’s mother, attempting to keep order in a sea of
family chaos. Pam Higson says she is really suffering for her art this time as she
plays the compulsive orange-eating Barbara; she tells me she’s not that fond of
oranges! Newcomer to the FLT stage, Jimmy Fogarty is playing Billy’s mate,
Arthur, while the “common as muck” character of Rita is being played by the
decidedly uncommon Lisa Garrish. The cast is completed by Cat Jackson as
Billy’s soul-mate, the elusive Liz.
I’m sure that this cast with (or maybe even despite!) the director
are more than capable of bringing to life this famous comedy. So
please tell your friends, neighbours, colleagues, or better still,
bring them to this and all the rest of FLT’s productions.
A Happy New
Year to everyone
from Christine
and myself.
s you may know we are replacing the
seating in the auditorium this summer –
making FLT one of the most comfortable
Little Theatres around. The decision has also
been taken to redecorate and re-carpet the auditorium.
To achieve this, though, we need even more
help from our members. I know it sounds as
though we are always asking BUT in theory we,
the members, benefit more than anyone else.
Get teed off
n 13th May 2004 we are staging our first - but hopefully
not our last - golf day!
The Optimum Conservatory Kits Golf Day, which is being
held at Farnworth and Great Lever Golf Club, includes a bacon
butty breakfast, some social morning golf, a soup-and-sandwiches lunch, a round
of 18-holes, a three course evening dinner and lots of prizes for the taking. We’re
sure you’ll agree that at £200.00 for a team of four it’s tremendous value for
money. The event promises to be great day out for all you keen golfers, so get
your applications in early to ensure your team’s place!
Ring Stephen Knowles on 01254 824676 for details and an application form.
Lots of you sent items for the “Auction”, and
although it was poorly attended we managed to
raise the magnificent sum of £450. Thanks to
everyone who donated, helped or came along on
the day.
Do the Farnworth Flutter
“The Sound Of Musicals” evening was a great
success on the social side as well as raising
£400. Our thanks to Sara and team, Chris and
Phil and everyone who helped with the staging.
For £20 you will be entered into the
draw each week for 20 weeks and get
the chance to win £10 or £5, with STAR
PRIZES at weeks 10 and 20 to tickle the
tastebuds! And it doesn’t end there –
your £5 prize comes in the form of five
lucky dip Lotto tickets, so you have the
chance to win millions – all we ask is
Geoff Millard
Nearly £4,500.00 has been raised to date
in our refurbishment appeal - almost
£2000.00 since Christmas alone! Thank
you to everyone who has contributed and keep up the good work!
Get Smartie
asy-peasy - just fill a Smarties tube with 20p
coins and return it to us. We’ll even give you
a full tube to enjoy before you start!
A Smarties tube with your name on it can be
picked up at the theatre on production nights.
Or drop in on a Thursday Club night, meet a
few people, have a drink, chat, help with set
construction - or whatever takes your fancy.
o, not a strange new dance, but an
upgrade of our 50 Club!
that you split those Lotto winnings 50/50
with the Theatre.
If you supported us before – THANKS –
and we hope you will again. If you didn’t
first time around, go on, give it a go!
Hurry, hurry, hurry the Farnworth Flutter launches on
5th March 2004, so return your
application form (enclosed) pronto!
Sponsor a seat
id you know you can sponsor a seat
and have your name go down in
In exchange for only £50
we will fix a plaque
engraved with the name of
your choice to ‘your’ seat.
We’ll be announcing loads more events over the coming months, so keep an
eye on the press, our own newsletter and, of course, notices at the theatre.
Or ring Geoff on 07973 621652 for more information.