2016 Price List - Ray Murray Inc.
2016 Price List - Ray Murray Inc.
Pricebook April 2016 Being Green, Being Responsible. DuraVent looks for feasible ways of doing business in an ecologically sound way. In manufacturing we use water based paints. Our reverse osmosis system recycles 90% of the water used in the paint line. We buy recycled metals for all our products when available, and recycle waste metals. Factory skylights reduce heavy load needs for electric lighting during daylight hours. In the office, paperless invoicing is now standard. Paperless communications to customers are sent via electronic newsletters or email, and we recycle office paper waste. Kaizen (Japanese for “improvement”) refers to the practice of focusing on continuous improvement in manufacturing activities. By improving standardized activities and processes, Kaizen aims to eliminate waste. Since 1998, DuraVent has reduced manufacturing waste in its plant by 30% through Kaizen practices. 1 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com M&G DuraVent, Inc. 877 Cotting Ct. Vacaville, CA 95688 Hours of operation California: Monday – Friday, 7am – 4pm PST 800-835-4429 Fax: 707-446-4740 customerservice@duravent.com 3 DuraPlus® 24 DuraPlus HTC® 30 DuraChimney® II 36 Combustion Air Systems 39 DVL®41 DuraBlack®44 PelletVent Pro® 48 DuraLiner® 56 Ventinox® 60 DuraFlex® Stainless Steel 81 DirectVent Pro® 110 Type B Gas Vent 117 M&G DuraVent, Inc. 10 Jupiter Ln. Albany, NY 12205 DuraFlex® Aluminum 137 FasNSeal® 142 FasNSeal® Adapters 183 Hours of operation New York: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5pm EST 800-835-4429 Fax: 518-463-5271 customerservice@duravent.com PolyPro® 190 Internet Sales Policy 206 Terms & Condition of Sale 207 Table of Contents For more information, please visit www.duravent.com DuraTech® Warranty208 DuraVent provides the best product and service possible. Michael C. Winn, President & CEO 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 2 DuraTech | 5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492351901 6” Chimney Pipe - SS 5DT-06SS 810000001 1 2.3 0.2 240 58.20 $64.67 662492850206 9" Chimney Pipe (black) 5DT-09B 810000002 1 2.3 0.3 150 81.71 $90.79 662492879306 9" Chimney Pipe - SS 5DT-09SS 810000003 1 2.3 0.3 150 64.33 $71.48 662492327500 12" Chimney Pipe (black) 5DT-12B 810000004 1 4.4 0.4 150 93.90 $104.34 662492662007 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 5DT-12SS 810000005 1 4.3 0.4 150 99.84 $110.94 662492257609 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 5DT-18SS 810000006 1 6.6 0.6 100 142.64 $158.49 662492645505 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 5DT-24SS 810000008 1 8.8 0.8 60 185.43 $206.03 662492153208 24" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 5DT-24SSCF 810000009 1 8.8 2.1 --- 131.14 $145.71 662492694008 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 5DT-36SS 810000010 1 11.6 1.2 30 156.25 $173.61 662492536100 36" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 5DT-36SSCF 810000011 1 12.9 1.1 60 167.18 $185.76 662492735107 48" Chimney Pipe - SS 5DT-48SS 810000012 1 15.7 1.6 30 205.26 $228.07 662492573006 48" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 5DT-48SSCF 810000013 1 19.2 2.5 30 219.64 $244.04 662492140536 60" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 5DT-60SSCF 810000014 1 15.7 3.1 30 255.16 $283.51 662492166239 15° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 5DT-E15KSS 810000015 1 8.5 1.2 --- 373.28 $414.75 662492251379 30° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 5DT-E30KSS 810000016 1 6.7 1.2 48 460.79 $511.98 662492484807 5" Diameter Elbow Strap 5DT-ES 810000017 1 1.4 0.6 50 63.57 $70.64 662492108796 5" - 7" Adjustable Elbow Support 5DT-AES 810007985 1 --- 0.4 --- 44.51 $49.45 662492471807 5" Diameter 11" Square Ceiling Supp Box 5DT-CS11 810000018 1 8.4 1.2 60 255.33 $283.70 662492367704 Square Ceiling Support Box - 24" 5DT-CS24 810000019 1 12.6 2.2 36 274.50 $305.00 662492482001 Square Ceiling Support Box - 36" 5DT-CS36 810000020 1 17.0 3.1 18 176.16 $195.74 662492482100 Round Ceiling Support Box 5DT-RCS 810000021 1 4.1 0.5 120 167.40 $186.00 662492571903 Trim Collar for Round Support Box 5" - 6" (square) 5DT-TC 810000022 1 1.9 0.6 100 45.94 $51.04 662492510001 Trim Collar for Round Support Box 5" - 6" (round) 5DT-TCR 810000023 1 1.9 0.6 100 48.23 $53.59 662492342800 Flat Ceiling Support Box 5DT-FCS 810000024 1 6.0 1.2 60 394.20 $438.00 662492316900 Roof Support 5DT-RS 810000025 1 6.2 0.2 240 68.92 $76.58 662492237731 5" & 7” Adjustable Roof Support 5DT-ARS 810007991 1 6.2 0.2 --- 74.18 $82.42 662492668207 Trim Collar for Roof Support 0/12 - 3/12 5DT-RSTC3 810000026 1 2.3 0.6 100 71.32 $79.25 5” DuraTech 3 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 5” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492765104 Trim Collar for Roof Support 4/12 - 6/12 5DT-RSTC6 810000027 1 2.3 0.6 100 59.73 $66.37 662492792001 Trim Collar for Roof Support 7/12 - 9/12 5DT-RSTC9 810000028 1 2.3 0.6 100 59.73 $66.37 662492324103 Trim Collar for Roof Support 10/12 - 12/12 5DT-RSTC12 810000029 1 2.2 0.6 100 59.73 $66.37 662492509203 Wall Thimble 5DT-WT 810000030 1 5.4 1.0 54 114.11 $126.79 662492857748 Tee w/ Cap - SS 5DT-T-SS 810000032 1 5.8 0.7 60 242.04 $268.93 662492300145 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - GA 5DT-TSB 810000033 1 14.0 0.4 50 115.20 $128.00 662492346709 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - SS 5DT-TSBSS 810000034 1 5.3 0.7 50 219.64 $244.04 662492437414 5" & 7" Adjustable Re-Support 5DT-RES 810007999 1 --- 0.7 --- 65.27 $72.52 662492561324 5" & 7" Adjustable Wall Support 5DT-AWS 810007987 1 1.8 0.4 --- 47.47 $52.75 662492875780 5” & 7" DT Extended Adjustable Wall Strap 5DT-AWSX 810009651 1 1.8 0.4 --- 89.15 $99.06 662492723494 5" & 7" Adjustable Wall Support - SS 5DT-AWS-SS 810008010 1 --- 0.4 --- 68.24 $75.82 662492270752 5" & 7" Extended Wall Support 5DT-XWS 810007997 1 --- 1.3 --- 109.77 $121.97 662942902226 5" & 7" Extended Wall Support - SS 5DT-XWS-SS 810009962 1 9.5 --- --- 178.01 $197.79 662492838396 Standard Tee w/ Cap GA 5DT-ST 810000035 1 --- --- --- 204.96 $227.74 662492107058 Standard Tee w/ Cap SS 5DT-STSS 810000036 1 --- --- --- 242.04 $268.93 662492618103 Finishing Collar w/adapter 5DT-FC 810000037 1 1.1 0.2 240 68.47 $76.08 662492139004 Anchor Plate 5DT-AP 810000038 1 2.0 0.2 180 85.59 $95.10 662492848302 Firestop Radiation Shield 5DT-FRS 810000039 1 6.2 1.5 36 76.81 $85.34 662492518007 Attic Insulation Shield 5DT-IS 810000040 1 4.8 2.4 18 75.06 $83.40 662492109168 Roof Radiation Shield 5DT-RRS 810000041 1 --- 3.9 --- 84.73 $94.15 662492453100 Chase Top Flashing 5DT-CTF 810000042 1 2.2 0.6 100 50.55 $56.17 662492820506 Storm Collar 5" - 6" 5DT-SC 810000043 10 6.0 0.6 1,000 14.53 $16.15 662492624005 Extended Roof Bracket 5DT-XRB 810000044 1 11.6 0.2 78 104.16 $115.74 662492877913 5" & 7" Extended Roof Bracket 5DT-XRS 810007989 1 --- 0.4 --- 106.81 $118.67 662492647004 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 5DT-F6 810000045 4 24.2 5.7 48 78.88 $87.64 662492526101 Adjustable Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 5DT-F12 810000046 1 10.5 4.9 15 90.38 $100.42 662492458006 Adjustable Roof Flashing 13/12 - 18/12 5DT-F18 810000047 1 10.1 6.2 --- 133.28 $148.09 662492331200 Adjustable Roof Flashing 19/12 - 24/12 5DT-F24 810000048 1 10.1 8.1 --- 181.53 $201.70 662492192009 Flat Roof Flashing 5DT-FF 810000049 4 64.4 7.1 32 92.67 $102.97 (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 4 DuraTech | 5” - 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492774106 Chimney Cap 5DT-VC 810000050 1 3.1 0.7 60 82.72 $91.91 66249222798 5" Diameter Tee Cap 5DT-TCO 810009365 --- --- --- --- 52.04 $57.82 662492204801 Locking Band 5DT-LB 810000051 24 2.4 0.7 1,728 9.16 $10.18 662492453285 Adjustable Wall Strap - GA 5DT-WS 810000052 1 1.8 0.3 50 34.46 $38.29 662492507001 Adjustable Wall Strap - SS 5DT-WSSS 810000053 1 1.2 0.7 50 74.17 $82.41 662492147283 Spark Arrestor 5DT-SA 810000054 1 3.3 0.3 10 17.65 $19.61 662492220900 6” Chimney Pipe (black) (not in catalog) 5DT-6B 810000055 1 2.3 0.2 210 70.39 $78.21 662492367605 9" Chimney Pipe - GA (not in catalog) 5DT-9 810000056 1 2.3 0.3 150 58.20 $64.67 662492787106 12" Chimney Pipe - GA (not in catalog) 5DT-12 810000057 1 4.4 0.4 150 62.03 $68.92 662492618202 18" Chimney Pipe - GA (not in catalog) 5DT-18 810000058 1 6.6 0.6 100 88.07 $97.86 662492392003 24" Chimney Pipe - GA (not in catalog) 5DT-24 810000059 1 8.8 0.8 100 111.06 $123.40 662492327302 36" Chimney Pipe - GA (not in catalog) 5DT-36 810000060 1 13.4 1.2 30 145.52 $161.68 662492421604 36" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) (not in catalog) 5DT-36CF 810000061 1 13.4 1.1 60 155.70 $173.00 662492328606 48" Chimney Pipe - GA (not in catalog) 5DT-48 810000062 1 17.3 1.6 30 180.00 $200.00 662492847404 48" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) (not in catalog) 5DT-48CF 810000063 1 17.3 2.5 30 192.59 $213.99 662492705155 60" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) (not in catalog) 5DT-60 810000064 1 17.3 3.1 30 219.54 $243.94 662492204313 30° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) (not in catalog) 5DT-E30K 810000065 1 6.7 1.2 48 339.46 $377.17 662492870808 Tee w/ Cap - GA (not in catalog) 5DT-T 810000031 1 5.8 0.7 60 183.07 $203.41 662492628805 Firestop (not in catalog) 5DT-FS 810000066 1 1.9 0.3 108 48.28 $53.64 662492360705 6” Chimney Pipe - GA 6DT-06 810000067 1 2.8 0.3 150 51.31 $57.01 662492433805 6” Chimney Pipe (black) 6DT-06B 810000068 1 2.8 0.3 150 86.54 $96.16 662492233504 6” Chimney Pipe - SS 6DT-06SS 810000069 1 2.7 0.3 150 66.63 $74.03 662492255209 9" Chimney Pipe - GA 6DT-09 810000070 1 4.0 0.4 75 63.57 $70.64 662492409008 9" Chimney Pipe (black) 6DT-09B 810000071 1 4.0 0.4 75 96.50 $107.22 662492426906 9" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DT-09SS 810000072 1 4.0 0.4 75 71.23 $79.14 662492487303 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 6DT-12 810000073 1 5.6 0.5 125 75.06 $83.40 662492547007 12" Chimney Pipe (black) 6DT-12B 810000074 1 5.6 0.5 125 102.63 $114.03 662492676301 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DT-12SS 810000075 1 5.0 0.5 125 75.82 $84.25 6” DuraTech 5 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 6” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492298305 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 6DT-18 810000076 1 8.6 0.8 100 94.97 $105.52 662492568002 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DT-18SS 810000077 1 8.2 0.8 100 103.40 $114.89 662492809907 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 6DT-24 810000078 1 10.5 1.0 75 120.27 $133.63 662492591406 24" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 6DT-24CF 810000079 1 10.5 1.6 32 128.65 $142.95 662492438602 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DT-24SS 810000080 1 9.9 1.0 75 137.86 $153.18 662492404003 24" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 6DT-24SSCF 810000081 1 11.1 1.6 32 147.51 $163.90 662492745403 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 6DT-36 810000082 1 14.6 1.5 50 157.78 $175.31 662492238400 36" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 6DT-36CF 810000083 1 16.6 2.4 32 168.81 $187.57 662492463109 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DT-36SS 810000084 1 14.0 1.5 50 183.81 $204.24 662492170502 36" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 6DT-36SSCF 810000085 1 15.0 2.4 32 196.68 $218.53 662492253908 48" Chimney Pipe - GA 6DT-48 810000086 1 20.1 2.0 25 195.31 $217.01 662492194201 48" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 6DT-48CF 810000087 1 20.1 3.1 16 208.99 $232.21 662492444108 48" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DT-48SS 810000088 1 18.7 2.0 25 236.73 $263.03 662492674802 48" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 6DT-48SSCF 810000089 1 20.9 3.1 16 253.25 $281.39 662492688526 60" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 6DT-60CF 810000090 1 26.0 3.8 16 244.66 $271.84 662492372876 60" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 6DT-60SSCF 810000091 1 26.0 3.8 16 300.59 $333.99 662492224762 Adjustable Pipe 14"-21" 6DT-21TASS 810000092 1 10.0 1.5 30 227.74 $253.04 662492425367 15° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DT-E15K 810000093 1 9.0 1.2 48 296.84 $329.82 662492619643 15° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DT-E15KSS 810000094 1 9.0 1.2 48 363.72 $404.13 662492615942 30° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DT-E30K 810000095 1 9.0 1.2 48 352.41 $391.57 662492371657 30° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DT-E30KSS 810000096 1 9.0 1.2 48 484.93 $538.81 662492336908 Elbow Strap 6DT-ES 810000097 1 1.6 0.4 130 67.39 $74.87 662492877180 6" & 8" Adjustable Elbow Support 6DT-AES 810007986 1 1.6 0.4 --- 44.51 $49.45 662492329900 Square Ceiling Support Box - 11" 6DT-CS11 810000098 1 8.5 1.4 36 152.42 $169.36 662492416303 Square Ceiling Support Box - 24" 6DT-CS24 810000099 1 12.6 2.5 24 169.29 $188.10 662492388402 Square Ceiling Support Box - 36" 6DT-CS36 810000100 1 18.2 3.6 24 186.89 $207.66 662492457283 Square Ceiling Support Box - 24" (Reduced Clearance) 6DT-CS24R 810000101 1 12.6 2.5 32 159.32 $177.03 (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 6 DuraTech | 6” UPC-A Listing 7 Description Order # Stock # 662492494608 Round Ceiling Support Box 6DT-RCS 810000102 1 4.0 0.9 63 79.88 $88.75 662492571903 Trim Collar for Round Support Box - 5" - 6" (square) 5DT-TC 810000022 1 1.9 0.6 100 45.94 $51.04 662492510001 Trim Collar for Round Support Box - 5" - 6" (round) 5DT-TCR 810000023 1 1.9 0.6 100 48.23 $53.59 662492722305 Flat Ceiling Support Box 6DT-FCS 810000103 1 9.3 1.2 60 103.40 $114.89 662492585603 Roof Support 6DT-RS 810000104 1 4.8 0.2 240 76.56 $85.07 662492331484 6" & 8" Adjustable Roof Support 6DT-ARS 810007992 1 5.4 0.2 --- 74.17 $82.41 662492189108 Trim Collar for Roof Support 0/12 - 3/12 6DT-RSTC3 810000105 1 2.2 0.6 100 60.48 $67.20 662492735404 Trim Collar for Roof Support 4/12 - 6/12 6DT-RSTC6 810000106 1 2.2 0.6 100 60.48 $67.20 662492633106 Trim Collar for Roof Support 7/12 - 9/12 6DT-RSTC9 810000107 1 2.2 0.6 100 60.48 $67.20 662492546000 Trim Collar for Roof Support 10/12 - 12/12 6DT-RSTC12 810000108 1 2.2 0.6 100 60.48 $67.20 662492613900 Wall Thimble 6DT-WT 810000109 1 5.6 1.0 54 77.34 $85.94 662492707401 Wall Thimble Exterior Trim - SS 6DT-WTSS 810000110 1 1.4 0.6 100 44.93 $49.92 662492222119 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - GA 6DT-TSB 810000111 1 10.1 0.7 50 98.03 $108.93 662492811504 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - SS 6DT-TSBSS 810000112 1 10.0 0.7 50 238.21 $264.68 662492645673 6" & 8" Adjustable Re-Support 6DT-RES 810008000 1 --- 0.7 --- 65.27 $72.52 662492125915 6" & 8" Adjustable Wall Strap 6DT-AWS 810007988 1 2.2 0.4 --- 47.47 $52.75 662492890158 6 & 8" DT Extended Adjustable Wall Strap 6DT-AWSX 810009652 1 2.2 0.4 --- 89.15 $99.06 662492483596 6" & 8' Adjustable Wall Support - SS 6DT-AWS-SS 810008012 1 --- 0.4 --- 68.24 $75.82 662492367131 6" & 8" Extended Wall Support 6DT-XWS 810007998 1 --- 1.3 --- 109.77 $121.97 662492902233 6" & 8" Extended Wall Support - SS 6DT-XWS-SS 810009963 1 9.6 --- --- 178.01 $197.79 662492461952 Standard Tee w/ Cap GA 6DT-ST 810000113 1 1.3 1.0 48 196.86 $218.73 662492268490 Standard Tee w/ Cap SS 6DT-STSS 810000114 1 1.1 1.0 48 259.66 $288.51 662492382516 6" Diameter Tee Cap 6DT-TCO 810004409 --- --- --- --- 56.01 $62.23 662492518502 Finishing Collar w/ Adapter 6DT-FC 810000115 1 1.3 0.2 240 46.90 $52.12 662492325506 Anchor Plate 6DT-AP 810000116 1 2.2 0.2 180 62.80 $69.78 662492406502 Transition Anchor Plate 14" x 17" 6DT-AP14x17 810000117 1 8.7 1.5 36 326.47 $362.74 662492875100 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 17" 6DT-AP17x17 810000118 1 9.8 0.5 --- 329.44 $366.04 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 6” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492302705 Transition Anchor Plate 13" x 21" 6DT-AP13x21 810000119 1 9.8 0.5 --- 327.94 $364.38 662492107003 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 21" 6DT-AP17x21 810000120 1 9.8 1.5 --- 334.65 $371.84 662492555002 Firestop Radiation Shield 6DT-FRS 810000121 1 6.9 1.5 36 60.48 $67.20 662492716601 Attic Insulation Shield 6DT-IS 810000122 1 6.6 2.4 18 78.88 $87.64 662492148563 Square Ceiling Support Box 24" w/ Attic Insulation Shield 6DT-CS24IS 810009648 --- --- --- 24 189.82 $210.91 662492295755 Square Ceiling Support Box 36" w/ Attic Insulation Shield 6DT-CS36IS 810009649 --- --- --- 24 207.34 $230.38 622492335024 Reduced Square Ceiling Support Box 24" with Attic Insulation Shieldw/ 6DT-CS24RIS 810009650 --- --- --- 32 181.06 $201.18 662492294925 Roof Radiation Shield 6DT-RRS 810000123 1 3.0 1.1 45 84.73 $94.15 662492602805 Chase Top Flashing 6DT-CTF 810000124 1 2.2 0.6 100 52.07 $57.86 662492820506 Storm Collar 5" - 6" 5DT-SC 810000043 10 6.0 0.6 1,000 14.53 $16.15 662492712207 Extended Roof Bracket 6DT-XRB 810000125 1 10.8 0.2 78 108.00 $120.00 662492885147 6" & 8" Extended Roof Bracket 6DT-XRS 810007990 1 --- 0.4 --- 106.81 $118.67 662492292808 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 6DT-F6 810000126 4 10.4 5.7 60 80.40 $89.33 662492505359 DSA Roof Flashing 6DT-F6DSA 810000127 4 2.6 5.4 48 111.90 $124.33 662492431207 Adjustable Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 6DT-F12 810000128 1 2.6 10.0 8 104.16 $115.74 662492532874 DSA Roof Flashing 6DT-F12DSA 810000129 1 2.5 4.9 --- 178.54 $198.38 662492600306 Adjustable Roof Flashing 13/12 - 18/12 6DT-F18 810000130 1 10.8 6.2 8 154.73 $171.92 662492101001 Adjustable Roof Flashing 19/12 - 24/12 6DT-F24 810000131 1 10.1 8.1 6 210.63 $234.04 662492284100 Flat Roof Flashing 6DT-FF 810000132 8 10.5 7.1 32 108.00 $120.00 662492129500 Large Base Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 6DT-F6L 810000133 1 2.6 3.3 10 107.22 $119.13 662492438107 Large Base Adjustable Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 6DT-F12L 810000134 1 2.5 8.1 8 142.46 $158.29 662492877302 Chimney Cap 6DT-VC 810000135 1 3.3 0.7 60 88.07 $97.86 662492216408 Locking Band 6DT-LB 810000136 24 2.9 0.7 1,728 9.95 $11.05 662492477458 Adjustable Wall Strap - GA 6DT-WS 810000137 1 3.0 0.7 50 40.59 $45.10 662492264706 Adjustable Wall Strap - SS 6DT-WSSS 810000138 1 1.2 0.7 50 71.23 $79.14 662492886649 Snow Splitter 6"-10" 6DT-SP 810007981 1 1.3 1.7 --- 117.74 $130.82 662492147283 Spark Arrestor 5DT-SA 810000054 1 3.3 --- 210 17.65 $19.61 (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 8 DuraTech | 6”- 7” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492345207 Firestop (not in catalog) 6DT-FS 810000140 1 2.3 0.4 136 54.32 $60.35 662492131992 Support Box Rails 6DT-SBRU 810007036 1 --- 0.4 --- 31.28 $34.76 662492007747 Chase Air Intake w/ Rodent Guard 6DT-CAI 810005052 1 2.6 0.7 100 120.20 $138.00 662492689707 6" Chimney Pipe - GA 7DT-06 810000141 1 3.4 0.4 144 99.84 $110.94 662492873601 6” Chimney Pipe (black) 7DT-06B 810000142 1 3.4 0.3 144 96.80 $107.56 662492633908 6" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DT-06SS 810000143 1 3.2 0.4 144 142.64 $158.49 662492872307 9" Chimney Pipe - GA 7DT-09 810000144 1 2.3 0.5 120 137.15 $152.39 662492506400 9" Chimney Pipe (black) 7DT-09B 810000145 1 2.3 0.5 60 98.81 $109.78 662492584804 9" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DT-09SS 810000146 1 2.3 0.5 120 101.11 $112.35 662492720103 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 7DT-12 810000147 1 6.0 0.7 100 87.30 $97.00 662492191606 12" Chimney Pipe (black) 7DT-12B 810000148 1 6.0 0.6 100 103.97 $115.52 662492721803 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DT-12SS 810000149 1 5.8 0.7 100 111.06 $123.40 662492101506 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 7DT-18 810000150 1 8.8 1.0 80 150.87 $167.63 662492343401 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DT-18SS 810000151 1 8.0 1.0 80 125.61 $139.57 662492732502 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 7DT-24 810000152 1 11.7 1.3 60 139.41 $154.90 662492383902 24" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 7DT-24CF 810000153 1 11.7 2.0 60 149.16 $165.73 662492594605 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DT-24SS 810000154 1 10.1 1.3 60 151.65 $168.50 662492297206 24" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 7DT-24SSCF 810000155 1 12.0 2.0 24 162.27 $180.30 662492656402 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 7DT-36 810000156 1 16.7 1.9 40 195.31 $217.01 662492101407 36" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 7DT-36CF 810000157 1 20.2 2.9 40 208.99 $232.21 662492878101 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DT-36SS 810000158 1 15.7 1.9 40 236.68 $262.98 662492795309 36" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 7DT-36SSCF 810000159 1 18.2 2.9 32 253.25 $281.39 662492550205 48" Chimney Pipe - GA 7DT-48 810000160 1 21.5 2.5 20 224.42 $249.35 662492154304 48" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 7DT-48CF 810000161 1 20.6 3.7 20 240.15 $266.83 662492418901 48" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DT-48SS 810000162 1 20.5 2.5 20 268.85 $298.72 662492508701 48" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 7DT-48SSCF 810000163 1 23.4 3.7 16 287.66 $319.63 662492230015 60" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 7DT-60CF 810000164 1 26.0 3.8 12 255.16 $283.51 662492851975 60" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 7DT-60SSCF 810000165 1 26.0 3.8 12 317.31 $352.57 7” DuraTech 9 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 7” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492865286 15° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DT-E15K 810000166 1 8.2 1.2 --- 362.46 $402.74 662492176733 15° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DT-E15KSS 810000167 1 19.7 --- --- 431.74 $479.72 662492231579 30° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DT-E30K 810000168 1 4.5 1.7 48 397.42 $441.58 662492594216 30° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DT-E30KSS 810000169 1 2.3 1.2 48 544.77 $605.30 662492777107 Elbow Strap 7DT-ES 810000170 1 3.9 0.7 130 71.99 $79.98 662492108796 5" - 7" Adjustable Elbow Support 5DT-AES 810007985 1 --- 0.4 --- 44.51 $49.45 662492336700 Square Ceiling Support Box - 11" 7DT-CS11 810000171 1 9.2 1.6 60 228.22 $253.58 662492430309 Square Ceiling Support Box - 24" 7DT-CS24 810000172 1 18.8 3.0 27 256.75 $285.28 662492734001 Square Ceiling Support Box - 36" 7DT-CS36 810000173 1 21.0 4.2 18 342.00 $380.00 662492661604 Round Ceiling Support Box 7DT-RCS 810000174 1 4.8 0.9 63 228.22 $253.58 662492848500 Trim Collar for Round Support Box - 7" - 8" (square) 7DT-TC 810000175 1 2.1 0.6 100 46.72 $51.91 662492476604 Trim Collar for Round Support Box - 7" - 8" (round) 7DT-TCR 810000176 1 2.1 0.6 100 49.76 $55.29 662492179703 Flat Ceiling Support Box 7DT-FCS 810000177 1 9.0 1.1 30 199.88 $222.09 662492869208 Roof Support 7DT-RS 810000178 1 5.3 0.5 80 84.24 $93.60 662492237731 5" & 7" Adjustable Roof Support 5DT-ARS 810007991 1 6.2 0.2 --- 74.18 $82.42 662492517901 Trim Collar for Roof Support 0/12 - 3/12 7DT-RSTC3 810000179 1 2.6 0.6 100 61.27 $68.07 662492881804 Trim Collar for Roof Support 4/12 - 6/12 7DT-RSTC6 810000180 1 2.6 0.6 100 61.27 $68.07 662492879900 Trim Collar for Roof Support 7/12 - 9/12 7DT-RSTC9 810000181 1 2.6 0.6 100 61.27 $68.07 662492589908 Trim Collar for Roof Support 10/12 - 12/12 7DT-RSTC12 810000182 1 2.5 0.6 100 61.27 $68.07 662492634004 Wall Thimble 7DT-WT 810000183 1 6.7 1.7 30 156.90 $174.34 662492151273 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - GA 7DT-TSB 810000184 1 14.7 0.5 50 122.56 $136.18 662492317808 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - SS 7DT-TSBSS 810000185 1 14.7 0.7 50 254.34 $282.60 662492437414 5" & 7" Adjustable Re-Support 5DT-RES 810007999 1 --- 0.7 --- 65.27 $72.52 662492561324 5" & 7" Adjustable Wall Support 5DT-AWS 810007987 1 1.8 0.4 --- 47.47 $52.75 662492723494 5" & 7" Adjustable Wall Support - SS 5DT-AWS-SS 810008010 1 --- 0.4 --- 68.24 $75.82 662492270752 5" & 7" Extended Wall Support 5DT-XWS 810007997 1 --- 1.3 --- 109.77 $121.97 662492902226 5" & 7" Extended Wall Support - SS 5DT-XWS-SS 810009962 --- --- --- --- 178.01 $197.79 (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 10 DuraTech | 7” - 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492758892 Standard Tee w/ Cap GA 7DT-ST 810000186 1 8.0 1.2 48 256.75 $285.28 662492595046 Standard Tee w/ Cap SS 7DT-STSS 810000187 1 8.0 1.0 48 340.85 $378.72 662492190098 7" Diameter Tee Cap 7DT-TCO 810009366 --- --- --- --- 60.35 $67.06 662492297407 Finishing Collar w/ Adapter 7DT-FC 810000188 1 1.5 0.3 240 65.61 $72.90 662492481509 Anchor Plate 7DT-AP 810000189 1 2.5 0.3 108 78.88 $87.64 662492323908 Firestop Radiation Shield 7DT-FRS 810000190 1 7.2 1.9 30 94.14 $104.60 662492810804 Attic Insulation Shield 7DT-IS 810000191 1 7.0 3.5 12 99.84 $110.94 662492773178 Roof Radiation Shield 7DT-RRS 810000192 1 5.0 3.9 --- 84.73 $94.15 662492722800 Chase Top Flashing 7DT-CTF 810000193 1 2.3 0.6 100 62.76 $69.73 662492294109 Storm Collar 7" - 8" 7DT-SC 810000194 10 7.0 0.3 500 16.07 $17.85 662492875506 Extended Roof Bracket 7DT-XRB 810000195 1 10.1 0.2 78 111.06 $123.40 662492877913 5" & 7" Extended Roof Bracket 5DT-XRS 810007989 1 --- 0.4 --- 106.81 $118.67 662492618509 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 7DT-F6 810000196 4 12.0 6.3 12 91.91 $102.13 662492883006 Adjustable Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 7DT-F12 810000197 1 7.0 9.7 --- 120.27 $133.63 662492428702 Adjustable Roof Flashing 13/12 - 18/12 7DT-F18 810000198 1 12.3 8.4 --- 177.69 $197.44 662492474808 Adjustable Roof Flashing 19/12 - 24/12 7DT-F24 810000199 1 15.1 10.9 8 238.97 $265.53 662492177105 Flat Roof Flashing 7DT-FF 810000200 4 10.1 7.1 32 124.84 $138.71 662492578209 Large Base Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 7DT-F6L 810000201 1 6.5 6.3 --- 124.84 $138.71 662492127209 Large Base Adjustable Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 7DT-F12L 810000202 1 10.7 6.5 --- 163.90 $182.11 662492442005 Chimney Cap 7DT-VC 810000203 1 5.1 1.4 36 120.27 $133.63 662492713006 Locking Band 7DT-LB 810000204 24 5.3 1.1 864 10.72 $11.91 662492498729 Adjustable Wall Strap - GA 7DT-WS 810000205 1 1.9 0.7 50 44.42 $49.35 662492494103 Adjustable Wall Strap - SS 7DT-WSSS 810000206 1 1.8 0.7 50 73.66 $81.85 662492147283 Spark Arrestor 5DT-SA 810000054 1 3.3 0.1 210 17.65 $19.61 662492122204 Firestop (not in catalog) 7DT-FS 810000207 1 2.3 0.4 120 60.35 $67.06 662492380901 Base Tee (not in catalog) 7DT-BT 810000208 1 5.5 1.2 40 78.88 $87.64 662492292204 6" Chimney Pipe - GA 8DT-06 810000209 1 3.8 0.5 80 58.96 $65.51 662492298800 6” Chimney Pipe (black) 8DT-06B 810000210 1 3.8 0.5 80 97.18 $107.97 8” DuraTech 11 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 8” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492525302 6" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DT-06SS 810000211 1 3.5 0.5 80 108.00 $120.00 662492602904 9" Chimney Pipe - GA 8DT-09 810000212 1 2.3 0.6 112 74.28 $82.53 662492399606 9" Chimney Pipe (black) 8DT-09B 810000213 1 2.3 0.6 112 100.31 $111.46 662492467602 9" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DT-09SS 810000214 1 2.3 0.6 --- 117.10 $130.11 662492815106 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 8DT-12 810000215 1 6.3 0.8 48 89.61 $99.56 662492583807 12" Chimney Pipe (black) 8DT-12B 810000216 1 7.3 0.8 48 121.01 $134.46 662492246306 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DT-12SS 810000217 1 6.8 0.8 48 135.56 $150.62 662492827109 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 8DT-18 810000218 1 11.1 1.2 48 112.58 $125.09 662492836507 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DT-18SS 810000219 1 9.4 1.2 48 147.81 $164.23 662492602706 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 8DT-24 810000220 1 12.6 1.6 32 145.52 $161.68 662492598504 24" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 8DT-24CF 810000221 1 13.1 2.3 36 155.70 $173.00 662492795606 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DT-24SS 810000222 1 11.7 1.6 32 175.39 $194.88 662492663202 24" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 8DT-24SSCF 810000223 1 13.2 2.3 36 187.66 $208.52 662492161500 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 8DT-36 810000224 1 18.6 2.3 16 209.10 $232.33 662492672105 36" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 8DT-36CF 810000225 1 20.5 3.4 9 223.75 $248.62 662492458907 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DT-36SS 810000226 1 17.6 2.3 16 277.27 $308.08 662492281802 36" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 8DT-36SSCF 810000227 1 19.6 3.4 9 296.68 $329.65 662492336007 48" Chimney Pipe - GA 8DT-48 810000228 1 25.2 3.1 16 240.50 $267.22 662492429907 48" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 8DT-48CF 810000229 1 27.1 4.5 12 257.33 $285.93 662492668108 48" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DT-48SS 810000230 1 25.0 3.1 16 315.57 $350.63 662492839003 48" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 8DT-48SSCF 810000231 1 27.1 4.5 12 337.66 $375.18 662492276341 60" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 8DT-60CF 810000232 1 25.2 5.5 12 273.36 $303.74 662492524398 60" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 8DT-60SSCF 810000233 1 27.1 5.5 12 353.34 $392.60 662492706169 Adjustable Pipe 14" - 21" 8DT-21TASS 810000234 1 13.7 --- 32 256.20 $284.67 662492502877 15° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DT-E15K 810000235 1 10.4 1.7 26 373.40 $414.89 662492793190 15° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DT-E15KSS 810000236 1 10.4 1.7 26 473.74 $526.37 662492161258 30° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DT-E30K 810000237 1 9.5 1.7 26 425.96 $473.29 662492353219 30° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DT-E30KSS 810000238 1 9.5 1.7 26 584.50 $649.45 (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 12 DuraTech | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492662304 Elbow Strap 8DT-ES 810000239 1 2.4 1.1 60 75.06 $83.40 662492877180 6" & 8" Adjustable Elbow Support 6DT-AES 810007986 1 1.6 0.4 --- 44.51 $49.45 662492112809 Square Ceiling Support Box - 11" 8DT-CS11 810000240 1 9.8 1.8 45 166.96 $185.52 662492301302 Square Ceiling Support Box - 24" 8DT-CS24 810000241 1 14.9 3.5 27 186.12 $206.80 662492430200 Square Ceiling Support Box - 36" 8DT-CS36 810000242 1 21.0 4.9 18 206.81 $229.79 662492199008 Round Ceiling Support Box 8DT-RCS 810000243 1 4.3 0.9 63 128.37 $142.64 662492848500 Trim Collar for Round Support Box - 7" - 8" (square) 7DT-TC 810000175 1 2.1 0.6 100 46.72 $51.91 662492476604 Trim Collar for Round Support Box - 7" - 8" (round) 7DT-TCR 810000176 1 2.1 0.6 100 49.76 $55.29 662492807385 Flat Ceiling Support Box 8DT-FCS 810000244 1 6.3 1.9 20 107.22 $119.13 662492560105 Roof Support 8DT-RS 810000245 1 5.5 0.5 80 91.91 $102.13 662492331484 6" & 8" Adjustable Roof Support 6DT-ARS 810007992 1 5.4 0.2 --- 74.18 $82.42 662492532904 Trim Collar for Roof Support 0/12 - 3/12 8DT-RSTC3 810000246 1 2.3 0.6 100 62.03 $68.92 662492338100 Trim Collar for Roof Support 4/12 - 6/12 8DT-RSTC6 810000247 1 2.3 0.6 100 62.03 $68.92 662492273203 Trim Collar for Roof Support 7/12 - 9/12 8DT-RSTC9 810000248 1 2.2 0.6 100 62.03 $68.92 662492763704 Trim Collar for Roof Support 10/12 - 12/12 8DT-RSTC12 810000249 1 2.2 0.6 100 62.03 $68.92 662492620908 Wall Thimble 8DT-WT 810000250 1 6.9 1.5 48 98.78 $109.76 662492724309 Wall Thimble Exterior Trim - SS 8DT-WTSS 810000251 1 2.3 0.6 100 48.67 $54.08 662492309391 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - GA 8DT-TSB 810000252 1 12.9 0.7 50 142.46 $158.29 662492127605 Adjustable Tee Support Bracket - SS 8DT-TSBSS 810000253 1 12.6 0.7 50 280.34 $311.49 662492645673 6" & 8" Adjustable Re-Support 6DT-RES 810008000 1 --- 0.7 --- 65.27 $72.52 662492125915 6" & 8" Adjustable Wall Strap 6DT-AWS 810007988 1 2.2 0.4 --- 47.47 $52.75 662492483596 6" & *' Adjustable Wall Support - SS 6DT-AWS-SS 810008012 1 --- 0.4 --- 68.24 $75.82 662492367131 6" & 8" Extended Wall Support 6DT-XWS 810007998 1 --- 1.3 --- 109.77 $121.97 662492902233 6" & 8" Extended Wall Support - SS 6DT-XWS-SS 810009963 --- --- --- --- 178.01 $197.79 662492754740 Standard Tee w/ Cap GA 8DT-ST 810000254 1 11.0 --- 39 275.76 $306.40 662492812334 Standard Tee w/ Cap SS 8DT-STSS 810000255 1 11.0 --- 39 385.28 $428.09 662492416426 8" Diameter Tee Cap 8DT-TCO 810004410 --- --- --- --- 62.30 $69.22 662492302316 Finishing Collar w/ Adapter 8DT-FC 810000256 1 1.6 0.2 180 54.26 $60.29 13 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 8” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492317204 Anchor Plate 8DT-AP 810000257 1 2.5 0.3 108 88.07 $97.86 662492299302 Transition Anchor Plate 14" x 17" 8DT-AP14x17 810000258 1 11.8 1.5 --- 340.86 $378.73 662492598207 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 17" 8DT-AP17x17 810000259 1 11.8 1.5 36 343.91 $382.12 662492276907 Transition Anchor Plate 13" x 21" 8DT-AP13x21 810000260 1 11.8 0.5 --- 342.39 $380.43 662492163009 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 21" 8DT-AP17x21 810000261 1 11.8 0.5 --- 345.46 $383.84 662492215104 Firestop Radiation Shield 8DT-FRS 810000262 1 7.7 2.0 24 75.82 $84.25 662492186602 Attic Insulation Shield 8DT-IS 810000263 1 7.8 3.5 24 105.69 $117.43 662492763353 Roof Radiation Shield 8DT-RRS 810000264 1 5.0 3.9 20 84.73 $94.15 662492414408 Chase Top Flashing 8DT-CTF 810000265 1 2.3 0.6 100 55.90 $62.11 662492294109 Storm Collar 7" - 8" 7DT-SC 810000194 10 7.0 0.3 500 16.07 $17.85 662492786307 Extended Roof Bracket 8DT-XRB 810000266 1 14.0 0.2 78 114.12 $126.80 662492885147 6" & 8" Extended Roof Bracket 6DT-XRS 810007990 1 --- 0.4 --- 106.81 $118.67 662492861905 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 8DT-F6 810000267 4 26.6 6.3 48 100.31 $111.46 662492886557 DSA Roof Flashing 8DT-F6DSA 810000268 4 6.7 --- 32 137.04 $152.26 662492382202 Adjustable Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 8DT-F12 810000269 1 6.5 6.5 8 130.21 $144.68 662492236638 DSA Roof Flashing 8DT-F12DSA 810000270 1 6.5 --- --- 199.92 $222.13 662492259603 Adjustable Roof Flashing 13/12 - 18/12 8DT-F18 810000271 1 12.5 8.4 --- 202.20 $224.66 662492404904 Adjustable Roof Flashing 19/12 - 24/12 8DT-F24 810000272 1 15.5 10.9 --- 353.89 $393.21 662492557600 Flat Roof Flashing 8DT-FF 810000273 4 11.5 7.1 32 130.97 $145.52 662492853900 Large Base Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 8DT-F6L 810000274 1 6.7 6.3 --- 141.70 $157.45 662492157206 Large Base Adjustable Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 8DT-F12L 810000275 1 10.4 8.1 --- 185.36 $205.95 662492487709 Chimney Cap 8DT-VC 810000276 1 4.9 1.4 36 157.78 $175.31 662492414606 Locking Band 8DT-LB 810000277 24 3.8 0.7 1,080 11.48 $12.75 662492515570 Adjustable Wall Strap - GA 8DT-WS 810000278 1 2.2 0.7 50 52.83 $58.70 662492279700 Adjustable Wall Strap - SS 8DT-WSSS 810000279 1 2.2 0.7 50 75.82 $84.25 662492147283 Spark Arrestor 5DT-SA 810000054 1 3.3 0.1 210 17.65 $19.61 662492598108 Firestop (not in catalog) 8DT-FS 810000280 --- --- --- 120 66.38 $73.76 662492834008 Base Tee (not in catalog) 8DT-BT 810000281 1 6.7 2.1 --- 91.13 $101.25 (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 14 DuraTech | 10” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492472606 6" Chimney Pipe - GA 10DT-06 810000282 1 6.3 1.4 60 144.36 $160.40 662492457702 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 10DT-12 810000283 1 10.0 1.4 60 159.42 $177.13 662492629208 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 10DT-12SS 810000284 1 11.6 1.4 60 169.46 $188.29 662492383001 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 10DT-18 810000285 1 15.5 2.7 27 194.57 $216.19 662492657300 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 10DT-18SS 810000286 1 17.0 3.4 24 313.80 $348.67 662492320402 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 10DT-24 810000287 1 18.9 2.2 36 251.06 $278.95 662492700822 24" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 10DT-24CF 810000288 1 19.9 3.9 12 263.61 $292.90 662492797501 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 10DT-24SS 810000289 1 19.9 2.2 18 276.16 $306.85 662492871102 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 10DT-36 810000290 1 29.6 3.4 24 338.93 $376.58 662492755990 36" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 10DT-36CF 810000291 1 29.6 5.6 12 351.48 $390.53 662492472408 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 10DT-36SS 810000292 1 27.2 3.4 24 389.14 $432.38 662492283905 15° Elbow - GA 10DT-E15 810000293 1 12.5 2.4 18 301.27 $334.74 662492337370 15° Elbow - SS 10DT-E15SS 810000294 1 12.5 2.4 --- 427.92 $475.47 662492515303 30° Elbow - GA 10DT-E30 810000295 1 12.5 2.4 18 313.82 $348.69 662492263808 30° Elbow - SS 10DT-E30SS 810000296 1 12.5 2.4 24 641.88 $713.20 662492416105 Elbow Strap 10DT-ES 810000297 1 2.8 0.4 --- 110.29 $122.55 662492461006 Round Ceiling Support Box 10DT-RCS 810000298 1 14.9 8.7 8 474.50 $527.22 662492660409 Trim Collar for Round Support Box 10DT-TCSB 810000299 1 2.8 0.6 100 47.70 $53.00 662492472309 Wall Thimble 10DT-WT 810000300 1 13.0 2.7 20 452.70 $503.00 662492834244 Tee w/ Cap - GA 10DT-T 810000301 1 26.6 3.6 --- 979.12 $1,087.91 662492414804 Tee w/ Cap - SS 10DT-TSS 810000302 1 26.6 3.6 24 1171.18 $1,301.31 662492538067 Tee Support Bracket 10DT-TSB 810000303 1 17.0 1.5 --- 200.85 $223.16 662492110539 Finishing Collar 10DT-FC 810000304 1 6.0 0.3 --- 156.90 $174.34 662492770306 Anchor Plate 10DT-AP 810000305 1 4.2 0.4 84 97.91 $108.79 662492323274 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 10DT-APD 810000306 1 17.0 1.2 --- 420.52 $467.24 662492651506 Firestop Radiation Shield 10DT-FRS 810000307 1 13.0 2.7 20 313.80 $348.67 662492124406 Attic Insulation Shield 10DT-IS 810000308 1 17.0 8.1 --- 356.60 $396.22 662492656907 Chase Top Flashing 10DT-CTF 810000309 1 7.0 4.6 18 156.90 $174.34 10” DuraTech 15 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 10” - 12” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492867501 Extended Roof Bracket 10DT-XRB 810000310 1 15.0 0.2 78 171.97 $191.08 662492204009 Storm Collar 10DT-SC 810000311 1 3.7 1.4 42 33.89 $37.66 662492463406 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 10DT-F6 810000312 1 6.0 --- --- 143.10 $159.00 662492176405 Flat Roof Flashing 10DT-FF 810000313 1 4.0 --- --- 119.25 $132.50 662492484203 Chimney Cap 10DT-VC 810000314 1 10.5 3.2 24 282.44 $313.82 662492427200 Economy Chimney Cap 10DT-VCE 810000315 1 8.1 3.2 24 228.22 $253.58 662492357736 Wall Strap 10DT-WS 810000316 1 3.1 1.9 20 81.06 $90.07 662492390238 Spark Arrestor 10” -14” 10DT-SA14 810000317 1 1.0 --- --- 33.59 $37.32 662492223024 Spark Arrestor 10” -16” Economy Cap 10DT-SA16 810000318 1 10.4 --- --- 34.16 $37.96 662492389294 Spark Arrestor 16” -24” 10DT-SA24 810000319 1 1.0 --- --- 35.58 $39.54 662492170601 6" Chimney Pipe - GA 12DT-06 810000320 1 6.8 0.9 30 161.93 $179.92 662492601204 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 12DT-12 810000321 1 12.2 1.9 30 176.99 $196.66 662492559703 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 12DT-12SS 810000322 1 12.2 1.9 30 205.74 $228.60 662492586105 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 12DT-18 810000323 1 19.4 2.9 12 225.95 $251.06 662492449202 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 12DT-18SS 810000324 1 19.4 2.9 --- 257.33 $285.93 662492400906 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 12DT-24 810000325 1 22.6 2.8 18 301.27 $334.74 662492869314 24" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 12DT-24CF 810000326 1 23.1 3.9 --- 313.82 $348.69 662492100707 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 12DT-24SS 810000327 1 23.1 2.8 18 326.37 $362.64 662492720509 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 12DT-36 810000328 1 34.0 4.2 12 401.69 $446.32 662492855249 36" Chimney Pipe - GA (CF) 12DT-36CF 810000329 1 35.0 5.6 --- 414.24 $460.27 662492155806 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 12DT-36SS 810000330 1 33.2 4.2 12 464.45 $516.06 662492307809 15° Elbow - GA 12DT-E15 810000331 1 15.7 2.9 12 313.82 $348.69 662492303771 15° Elbow - SS 12DT-E15SS 810000332 1 15.7 2.9 --- 399.39 $443.77 662492270806 30° Elbow - GA 12DT-E30 810000333 1 14.0 2.9 12 326.37 $362.64 662492664704 30° Elbow - SS 12DT-E30SS 810000334 1 15.7 2.9 12 784.52 $871.69 662492667507 Elbow Strap 12DT-ES 810000335 1 4.0 0.4 --- 120.32 $133.69 662492691403 Round Ceiling Support Box 12DT-RCS 810000336 1 15.9 8.7 8 784.51 $871.68 662492675106 Trim Collar for Round Support Box 12DT-TCSB 810000337 1 3.1 0.6 100 51.47 $57.19 12” DuraTech (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 16 DuraTech | 12” - 14” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube 662492874202 Wall Thimble 12DT-WT 810000338 1 13.7 4.7 662492779927 Tee w/ Cap - GA 12DT-T 810000339 1 41.0 662492186701 Tee w/ Cap - SS 12DT-TSS 810000340 1 662492632529 Tee Support Bracket 12DT-TSB 810000341 662492827307 Anchor Plate 12DT-AP 662492747841 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 662492864104 Plt Qty M.A.P. 12 List (ea) 318.84 $354.27 14.9 --- 1073.27 $1,192.52 41.0 9.0 18 1223.90 $1,359.89 1 11.1 1.9 --- 466.20 $518.00 810000342 1 4.9 0.4 134 106.70 $118.55 12DT-APD 810000343 1 17.0 1.0 --- 458.18 $509.09 Firestop Radiation Shield 12DT-FRS 810000344 1 15.7 2.7 20 288.00 $320.00 662492691205 Attic Insulation Shield 12DT-IS 810000345 1 11.8 10.6 8 288.00 $320.00 662492591703 Chase Top Flashing 12DT-CTF 810000346 1 11.6 1.5 54 185.43 $206.03 662492854303 Extended Roof Bracket 12DT-XRB 810000347 1 15.2 0.2 78 171.97 $191.08 662492265406 Storm Collar 12DT-SC 810000348 1 6.0 1.4 42 36.40 $40.45 662492495605 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 12DT-F6 810000349 1 7.5 --- --- 150.63 $167.37 662492362501 Flat Roof Flashing 12DT-FF 810000350 1 4.5 --- --- 121.76 $135.29 662492796801 Chimney Cap 12DT-VC 810000351 1 11.0 3.2 24 294.99 $327.77 662492665701 Economy Chimney Cap 12DT-VCE 810000352 1 8.2 3.2 24 200.53 $222.81 662492902257 Finishing Collar 12DT-FC 810009951 1 --- --- --- 91.50 $101.67 662492426524 Wall Strap 12DT-WS 810000353 1 4.6 1.9 --- 98.75 $109.72 662492459607 6" Chimney Pipe - GA 14DT-06 810000354 1 13.5 2.0 24 233.48 $259.43 662492882900 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 14DT-12 810000355 1 14.9 2.0 24 238.50 $265.00 662492133804 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 14DT-12SS 810000356 1 14.9 2.0 24 276.16 $306.85 662492505700 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 14DT-18 810000357 1 19.7 3.5 24 294.99 $327.77 662492813805 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 14DT-18SS 810000358 1 21.7 3.5 --- 338.93 $376.58 662492335802 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 14DT-24 810000359 1 26.8 3.9 12 376.58 $418.43 662492120200 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 14DT-24SS 810000360 1 27.8 3.9 12 470.73 $523.03 662492830802 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 14DT-36 810000361 1 37.0 5.4 12 426.80 $474.22 662492217306 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 14DT-36SS 810000362 1 40.3 5.4 12 564.88 $627.64 662492790403 15° Elbow - GA 14DT-E15 810000363 1 17.5 3.5 24 338.93 $376.58 662942650370 15° Elbow - SS 14DT-E15SS 810000364 1 17.5 3.5 --- 670.41 $744.90 14” DuraTech 17 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 14” - 16” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492250105 30° Elbow - GA 14DT-E30 810000365 1 17.5 3.5 24 345.20 $383.56 662492385708 30° Elbow - SS 14DT-E30SS 810000366 1 17.5 3.5 24 784.52 $871.69 662492134009 Elbow Strap 14DT-ES 810000367 1 3.0 0.4 --- 130.34 $144.83 662492852101 Round Ceiling Support Box 14DT-RCS 810000368 1 18.0 9.0 6 558.60 $620.67 662492541103 Trim Collar for Round Support Box 14DT-TCSB 810000369 1 2.3 0.6 100 53.98 $59.97 662492272404 Wall Thimble 14DT-WT 810000370 1 27.0 9.0 6 338.93 $376.58 662492613566 Tee w/ Cap - GA 14DT-T 810000371 1 50.0 14.9 --- 1192.52 $1,325.02 662492137000 Tee w/ Cap - SS 14DT-TSS 810000372 1 50.0 14.9 --- 1323.07 $1,470.08 662492494738 Tee Support Bracket 14DT-TSB 810000373 1 22.0 2.7 20 220.93 $245.48 662492116500 Anchor Plate 14DT-AP 810000374 1 5.5 0.6 100 170.72 $189.69 662492296110 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 14DT-APD 810000375 1 17.0 1.5 --- 470.73 $523.03 662492527504 Firestop Radiation Shield 14DT-FRS 810000376 1 17.3 4.7 12 385.13 $427.92 662492842508 Attic Insulation Shield 14DT-IS 810000377 1 13.0 8.7 8 484.97 $538.86 662492307700 Chase Top Flashing 14DT-CTF 810000378 1 8.0 8.1 27 153.90 $171.00 662492193105 Extended Roof Bracket 14DT-XRB 810000379 1 15.1 0.2 78 171.97 $191.08 662492405307 Storm Collar 14DT-SC 810000380 1 5.2 1.4 42 38.91 $43.24 662492309605 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 14DT-F6 810000381 1 8.0 --- --- 228.46 $253.85 662492743805 Flat Roof Flashing 14DT-FF 810000382 1 5.0 --- --- 208.38 $231.53 662492148600 Chimney Cap 14DT-VC 810000383 1 13.8 4.4 12 338.93 $376.58 662492235706 Economy Chimney Cap 14DT-VCE 810000384 1 14.0 4.4 12 225.95 $251.06 662492902264 Finishing Collar 14DT-FC 810009952 1 --- --- --- 105.13 $116.81 662492779286 Wall Strap 14DT-WS 810000385 1 5.5 2.7 --- 142.64 $158.49 662492315804 6" Chimney Pipe - GA 16DT-06 810000386 1 15.5 2.3 30 283.69 $315.22 662492869307 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 16DT-12 810000387 1 15.9 2.3 30 294.99 $327.77 662492218709 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 16DT-12SS 810000388 1 17.0 2.3 30 338.93 $376.58 662492237403 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 16DT-18 810000389 1 23.0 3.5 24 326.37 $362.64 662492104903 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 16DT-18SS 810000390 1 23.0 3.5 24 570.56 $633.95 662492110409 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 16DT-24 810000391 1 29.6 4.6 18 401.69 $446.32 16” DuraTech (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 18 DuraTech | 16” - 18” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492343005 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 16DT-24SS 810000392 1 30.3 4.6 18 570.56 $633.95 662492615706 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 16DT-36 810000393 1 42.7 7.2 12 451.90 $502.11 662492476406 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 16DT-36SS 810000394 1 45.9 7.2 12 677.85 $753.17 662492503409 15° Elbow - GA 16DT-E15 810000395 1 19.4 5.0 16 376.58 $418.43 662492716144 15° Elbow - SS 16DT-E15SS 810000396 1 19.4 5.0 16 712.80 $792.00 662492271001 30° Elbow - GA 16DT-E30 810000397 1 18.8 5.0 16 389.14 $432.38 662492411209 30° Elbow - SS 16DT-E30SS 810000398 1 19.4 5.0 16 855.84 $950.93 662492190401 Elbow Strap 16DT-ES 810000399 1 3.1 0.4 --- 140.37 $155.97 662492680803 Round Ceiling Support Box 16DT-RCS 810000400 1 33.5 --- 12 592.49 $658.33 662492793305 Trim Collar for Round Support Box 16DT-TCSB 810000401 1 6.6 0.6 100 56.49 $62.76 662492749104 Wall Thimble 16DT-WT 810000402 1 19.0 9.0 12 353.99 $393.32 662492404515 Tee w/ Cap - GA 16DT-T 810000403 1 50.4 14.9 --- 1267.84 $1,408.71 662492100806 Tee w/ Cap - SS 16DT-TSS 810000404 1 50.4 14.9 --- 1418.47 $1,576.08 662492551950 Tee Support Bracket 16DT-TSB 810000405 1 13.0 4.4 --- 234.74 $260.82 662492380109 Anchor Plate 16DT-AP 810000406 1 7.4 0.6 100 183.27 $203.63 662492752548 Anchor Plate w/Damper 16DT-APD 810000407 1 17.0 2.7 --- 502.11 $557.90 662492598801 Firestop Radiation Shield 16DT-FRS 810000408 1 20.0 4.7 12 399.39 $443.77 662492474303 Attic Insulation Shield 16DT-IS 810000409 1 15.6 9.0 18 296.24 $329.16 662492657904 Chase Top Flashing 16DT-CTF 810000410 1 10.9 10.6 --- 122.32 $135.91 662492233405 Extended Roof Bracket 16DT-XRB 810000411 1 15.3 0.2 78 171.97 $191.08 662492264300 Storm Collar 16DT-SC 810000412 1 4.3 1.4 42 41.42 $46.03 662492632000 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 16DT-F12 810000413 1 10.0 --- --- 237.25 $263.61 662492724903 Flat Roof Flashing 16DT-FF 810000414 1 6.0 --- --- 213.40 $237.11 662492443101 Chimney Cap 16DT-VC 810000415 1 13.7 4.4 12 414.24 $460.27 662492274101 Economy Chimney Cap 16DT-VCE 810000416 1 10.5 9.0 12 251.06 $278.95 662492902271 Finishing Collar 16DT-FC 810009953 1 --- --- --- 120.71 $134.12 662492710739 Wall Strap 16DT-WS 810000417 1 6.2 4.7 --- 95.25 $105.83 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 18DT-12 810000418 1 15.9 3.6 --- 332.65 $369.61 18” DuraTech 662492442333 19 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 18” - 20” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492383063 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 18DT-12SS 810000419 1 15.9 3.6 --- 383.83 $426.47 662492497968 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 18DT-18 810000420 1 23.0 5.0 --- 383.83 $426.47 662492570999 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 18DT-18SS 810000421 1 23.0 5.0 --- 441.40 $490.45 662492297247 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 18DT-24 810000422 1 29.6 7.3 --- 435.00 $483.34 662492512241 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 18DT-24SS 810000423 1 29.6 7.3 --- 498.97 $554.42 662492416754 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 18DT-36 810000424 1 42.7 10.6 --- 486.18 $540.20 662492668986 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 18DT-36SS 810000425 1 42.7 10.6 --- 556.55 $618.39 662492538852 15° Elbow - GA 18DT-E15 810000426 1 19.4 10.6 --- 460.59 $511.77 662492696361 15° Elbow - SS 18DT-E15SS 810000427 1 19.4 10.6 --- 556.55 $618.39 662492194188 30° Elbow - GA 18DT-E30 810000428 1 18.8 10.6 --- 486.18 $540.20 662492105344 30° Elbow - SS 18DT-E30SS 810000429 1 18.8 10.6 --- 690.89 $767.65 662492726396 Elbow Strap 18DT-ES 810000430 1 3.1 0.6 --- 92.12 $102.35 662492618295 Anchor Plate 18DT-AP 810000431 1 7.4 3.2 --- 199.59 $221.77 662492890820 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 18DT-APD 810000432 1 17.0 3.2 --- 543.75 $604.17 662492826157 Firestop Radiation Shield 18DT-FRS 810000433 1 22.0 10.7 --- 260.55 $289.50 662492786826 Attic Insulation Shield 18DT-IS 810000434 1 15.6 23.3 --- 331.37 $368.19 662492777398 Roof Radiation Shield 18" - 24" 18DT-RRS 810000435 1 7.4 0.7 --- 85.59 $95.10 662492713273 Chase Top Flashing 18DT-CTF 810000436 1 18.0 5.1 --- 130.34 $144.83 662492355688 Storm Collar 18DT-SC 810000437 1 4.3 1.9 --- 44.78 $49.76 662492111451 Chimney Cap 18DT-VC 810000438 1 10.5 23.3 --- 318.58 $353.97 662492279151 Tee w/ Cap GA 18DT-T 810000439 1 9.5 14.9 --- 1,565.69 $1,739.65 662492902288 Finishing Collar 18DT-FC 810009954 1 --- --- --- 175.22 $194.69 662492173466 Tee w/ Cap SS 18DT-TSS 810000440 1 9.9 --- --- 1,611.23 $1,790.26 662492758595 Wall Strap 18DT-WS 810000441 1 6.2 4.7 --- 117.71 $130.79 662492288672 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 20DT-12 810000442 1 15.9 3.6 --- 383.83 $426.47 662492244487 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 20DT-12SS 810000443 1 15.9 3.6 --- 441.40 $490.45 662492100066 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 20DT-18 810000444 1 23.0 7.7 --- 435.00 $483.34 662492695418 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 20DT-18SS 810000445 1 23.0 7.7 --- 498.97 $554.42 20” DuraTech (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 20 DuraTech | 20” - 22” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492403389 24" Chimney Pipe GA 20DT-24 810000446 1 50.0 10.9 --- 486.18 $540.20 662492131657 24" Chimney Pipe SS 20DT-24SS 810000447 1 50.0 7.7 --- 562.95 $625.50 662492748886 36" Chimney Pipe GA 20DT-36 810000448 1 65.0 10.6 --- 511.77 $568.63 662492137246 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 20DT-36SS 810000449 1 42.7 10.6 --- 588.53 $653.93 662492803943 15° Elbow - GA 20DT-E15 810000450 1 19.4 9.0 --- 486.18 $540.20 662492347843 15° Elbow - SS 20DT-E15SS 810000451 1 19.4 9.0 --- 582.14 $646.82 662492487921 30° Elbow - GA 20DT-E30 810000452 1 18.8 9.0 --- 498.97 $554.42 662492269077 30° Elbow - SS 20DT-E30SS 810000453 1 18.8 9.0 --- 703.68 $781.87 662492772652 Elbow Strap 20DT-ES 810000454 1 3.1 0.6 --- 94.68 $105.20 662492373262 Anchor Plate 20DT-AP 810000455 1 7.4 3.2 --- 225.18 $250.20 662492388495 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 20DT-APD 810000456 1 17.0 4.4 --- 607.73 $675.25 662492343784 Firestop Radiation Shield 20DT-FRS 810000457 1 3.0 18.2 --- 217.50 $241.67 662492169223 Attic Insulation Shield 20DT-IS 810000458 1 15.6 23.3 --- 331.37 $368.19 662492777398 Roof Radiation Shield 18" - 24" 18DT-RRS 810000435 1 7.4 0.7 --- 85.59 $95.10 662492169629 Chase Top Flashing 20DT-CTF 810000459 1 14.0 5.1 --- 96.03 $106.70 662492480939 Flat Flashing Tall Cone 20DT-FF 810000460 1 6.0 --- --- 153.72 $170.80 662492835340 Storm Collar 20DT-SC 810000461 1 4.3 1.9 --- 47.34 $52.60 662492791523 Chimney Cap 20DT-VC 810000462 1 10.5 23.3 --- 331.37 $368.19 662492536933 Tee w/ Cap GA 20DT-T 810000463 1 64.0 --- --- 1,793.42 $1,992.69 662492309360 Tee w/ Cap SS 20DT-TSS 810000464 1 64.0 --- --- 1,838.97 $2,043.30 662492902255 Finishing Collar 20DT-FC 810009955 1 --- --- --- 201.50 $223.89 662492140659 Wall Strap 20DT-WS 810000465 1 6.2 4.7 --- 120.27 $133.63 662492580851 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 22DT-12 810000466 1 15.9 4.8 --- 617.19 $685.77 662492186343 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 22DT-12SS 810000467 1 15.9 4.8 --- 466.99 $518.88 662492526569 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 22DT-18 810000468 1 23.0 7.7 --- 460.59 $511.77 662492270363 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 22DT-18SS 810000469 1 23.0 7.7 --- 530.96 $589.96 662492142035 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 22DT-24 810000470 1 29.6 9.0 --- 713.70 $793.00 662492739129 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 22DT-24SS 810000471 1 29.6 9.0 --- 575.74 $639.71 22” DuraTech 21 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 22” - 24” | DuraTech UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492660324 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 22DT-36 810000472 1 42.7 10.6 --- 537.36 $597.06 662492672198 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 22DT-36SS 810000473 1 42.7 10.6 --- 620.52 $689.47 662492398326 15° Elbow - GA 22DT-E15 810000474 1 19.4 9.0 --- 498.97 $554.42 662492580332 15° Elbow - SS 22DT-E15SS 810000475 1 19.4 9.0 --- 607.73 $675.25 662492197943 30° Elbow - GA 22DT-E30 810000476 1 18.8 9.0 --- 524.56 $582.85 662492424698 30° Elbow - SS 22DT-E30SS 810000477 1 18.8 9.0 --- 735.67 $817.41 662492275092 Elbow Strap 22DT-ES 810000478 1 3.1 0.6 --- 97.24 $108.04 662492166444 Anchor Plate 22DT-AP 810000479 1 7.4 3.2 --- 237.97 $264.41 662492207796 Anchor Plate w/Damper 22DT-APD 810000480 1 17.0 4.4 --- 639.71 $710.79 662492320198 Firestop Radiation Shield 22DT-FRS 810000481 1 34.0 23.3 --- 230.30 $255.88 662492710159 Attic Insulation Shield 22DT-IS 810000482 1 15.6 23.3 --- 331.37 $368.19 662492777398 Roof Radiation Shield 18" - 24" 18DT-RRS 810000435 1 7.4 0.7 --- 85.59 $95.10 662492632031 Chase Top Flashing 22DT-CTF 810000483 1 --- 5.1 --- 95.96 $106.62 662492131770 Storm Collar 22DT-SC 810000484 1 4.3 1.9 --- 49.90 $55.44 662492243299 Chimney Cap 22DT-VC 810000485 1 10.5 23.3 --- 331.37 $368.19 662492907849 Tee w/ Cap GA 22DT-T 810000486 1 --- --- --- 1,838.97 $2,043.30 662492334515 Tee w/ Cap SS 22DT-TSS 810000487 1 --- --- --- 1,884.52 $2,093.91 662492902301 Finishing Collar 22DT-FC 810009956 1 --- --- --- 231.68 $257.42 662492250372 Wall Strap 22DT-WS 810000488 1 6.2 7.8 --- 122.82 $136.47 662492130612 12" Chimney Pipe - GA 24DT-12 810000489 1 15.9 4.8 --- 507.47 $563.85 662492602188 12" Chimney Pipe - SS 24DT-12SS 810000490 1 15.9 4.8 --- 511.77 $568.63 662492421673 18" Chimney Pipe - GA 24DT-18 810000491 1 23.0 14.9 --- 505.37 $561.52 662492223369 18" Chimney Pipe - SS 24DT-18SS 810000492 1 23.0 14.9 --- 582.14 $646.82 662492514078 24" Chimney Pipe - GA 24DT-24 810000493 1 29.6 9.0 --- 556.55 $618.39 662492381755 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 24DT-24SS 810000494 1 29.6 9.0 --- 639.71 $710.79 662492474587 36" Chimney Pipe - GA 24DT-36 810000495 1 42.7 14.9 --- 607.73 $675.25 662492330968 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 24DT-36SS 810000496 1 42.7 14.9 --- 703.68 $781.87 662492265727 15° Elbow - GA 24DT-E15 810000497 1 19.4 23.3 --- 671.70 $746.33 24” DuraTech (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 22 DuraTech | 24” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492849682 15° Elbow - SS 24DT-E15SS 810000498 1 19.4 23.3 --- 543.75 $604.17 662492365427 30° Elbow - GA 24DT-E30 810000499 1 18.8 23.3 --- 556.55 $618.39 662492488997 30° Elbow - SS 24DT-E30SS 810000500 1 18.8 23.3 --- 780.45 $867.16 662492334478 Elbow Strap 24DT-ES 810000501 1 3.1 0.6 --- 99.79 $110.88 662492887462 Anchor Plate 24DT-AP 810000502 1 7.4 3.2 --- 263.56 $292.85 662492212653 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 24DT-APD 810000503 1 17.0 4.4 --- 671.70 $746.33 662492734964 Firestop Radiation Shield 24DT-FRS 810000504 1 --- 23.3 --- 243.09 $270.10 662492390269 Attic Insulation Shield 24DT-IS 810000505 1 15.6 23.3 --- 344.16 $382.41 662492777398 Roof Radiation Shield (18" - 24") 18DT-RRS 810000435 1 7.4 0.7 --- 85.59 $95.10 662492512791 Chase Top Flashing 24DT-CTF 810000506 1 --- 5.1 --- 95.96 $106.62 662492605455 Storm Collar 24DT-SC 810000507 1 4.3 1.9 --- 99.84 $110.94 662492115114 Chimney Cap 24DT-VC 810000508 1 10.5 23.3 --- 344.16 $382.41 662492482674 Tee w/ Cap GA 24DT-T 810000509 1 --- --- --- 1,907.29 $2,119.21 662492728925 Tee w/ Cap SS 24DT-TSS 810000510 1 --- --- --- 1,952.84 $2,169.82 662492902318 Finishing Collar 24DT-FC 810009957 1 --- --- --- 266.72 $296.36 662492817551 Wall Strap 24DT-WS 810000511 1 6.2 4.9 --- 125.38 $139.31 23 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Kits, 6” | DuraPlus UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492144305 6" DuraPlus Basic Kit (Includes: DVL/ DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, Snap-Lock Adapter, 11" Square Ceiling Support Box w/ built-in starter section and trim, Adjustable Flashing 0/12 - 6/12, Chimney Cap, Storm Collar, Attic Insulation Shield) 6DP-KBSC 810000512 1 28.0 7.6 10 358.83 $448.54 662492138403 6" DuraPlus Manufactured Home Kit (Includes: DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, 24" Square Ceiling Support Box w/built-in 6DP-KMFG starter section and trim, Adjustable Flashing 0/12 - 6/12, Chimney Cap, Storm Collar, [2] 24" DuraPlus Chimney Pipe) 810000513 1 43.0 10.7 4 547.68 $684.60 662492763209 6" DuraPlus Through-the-Wall Kit (Includes: DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, Snap-Lock Adapter, 9" DuraPlus Chimney Pipe, Wall 6DP-KTTW Thimble, Tee w/ Cap, [2] Adjustable Wall Strap, Tee Support Bracket, Chimney Cap) 810000514 1 40.0 7.3 12 624.48 $780.60 662492007853 6" Chimney Pipe 6DP-06 810000515 1 3.5 0.5 80 57.22 $71.52 662492007914 9" Chimney Pipe 6DP-09 810000516 1 5.1 0.6 112 67.31 $84.14 662492007860 12" Chimney Pipe 6DP-12 810000517 1 6.7 0.9 36 76.82 $96.02 662492656938 12" Chimney Pipe- SS 6DP-12SS 810000518 1 6.7 0.9 36 84.67 $105.83 662492007921 24" Chimney Pipe 6DP-24 810000519 1 11.8 2.0 24 113.37 $141.72 662492007938 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DP-24SS 810000520 1 11.2 2.0 24 132.54 $165.68 662492007891 36" Chimney Pipe 6DP-36 810000521 1 17.9 3.0 24 160.43 $200.54 662492701500 36" Chimney Pipe (CF) 6DP-36CF 810000522 1 17.9 3.4 24 171.66 $214.58 662492007907 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 6DP-36SS 810000523 1 15.0 3.0 24 171.75 $214.69 662492282304 36" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 6DP-36SSCF 810000524 1 17.3 3.4 24 183.78 $229.72 662492645703 15° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DP-E15 810000525 1 10.0 1.6 33 269.27 $336.59 662492281703 15° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DP-E15KSS 810000526 1 11.0 1.6 33 371.95 $464.94 662492846001 30° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DP-E30 810000527 1 12.0 1.6 33 358.14 $447.68 662492242001 30° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6DP-E30KSS 810000528 1 12.0 1.6 33 496.27 $620.33 662492008157 Elbow Strap 6DP-ES 810000529 1 4.7 1.1 120 33.68 $42.10 DuraPlus Kits 6” DuraPlus (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 24 DuraPlus | 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492008027 Round Ceiling Support Box 6DP-RCS 810000530 1 8.1 2.0 30 111.40 $139.26 662492008041 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 11" tall 6DP-CS11 810000531 1 9.1 1.5 36 86.52 $108.15 662492008058 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 24" tall 6DP-CS24 810000532 1 13.7 3.2 27 96.94 $121.17 662492008065 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 36" tall 6DP-CS36 810000533 1 18.8 5.4 12 202.87 $253.58 662492008034 Flat Ceiling Support Box (unfinished) 6DP-FCS 810000534 1 6.0 1.1 60 75.76 $94.69 662492007990 Wall Thimble 6DP-WT 810000535 1 7.7 2.0 30 69.85 $87.31 662492008003 Wall Thimble - SS 6DP-WTSS 810000536 1 6.8 2.0 30 90.93 $113.66 662492008195 Tee w/ Cap 6DP-T 810000537 1 10.5 1.6 33 217.57 $271.96 662492008201 Tee w/ Cap - SS 6DP-TSS 810000538 1 9.6 1.6 33 243.01 $303.76 662492008232 Tee Support Bracket 6DP-TSB 810000539 1 8.1 1.7 45 91.24 $114.05 662492008249 Tee Support Bracket - SS 6DP-TSBSS 810000540 1 8.5 1.7 45 179.00 $223.75 662492007846 6" Diameter Base Plate 6DP-BP 810000541 1 3.3 0.7 80 46.14 $57.68 662492007945 Transition Anchor Plate 14" x 17" 6DP-AP14X17 810000542 1 8.7 2.0 30 199.24 $249.04 662492007952 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 17" 6DP-AP17X17 810000543 1 8.8 2.0 30 202.55 $253.19 662492007969 Transition Anchor Plate 13" x 21" 6DP-AP13X21 810000544 1 9.6 2.0 30 201.41 $251.77 662492007976 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 21" 6DP-AP17X21 810000545 1 12.2 2.0 30 206.82 $258.53 662492445808 Starter Section 6DP-SS 810000546 1 3.2 0.6 112 161.34 $201.68 662492196298 Adjustable Wall Strap 6DP-AWS 810000547 2 2.0 0.6 60 45.10 $56.38 662492008218 Wall Strap 6DP-WS 810000548 1 3.9 1.1 120 28.18 $35.23 662492008225 Wall Strap - SS 6DP-WSSS 810000549 2 3.6 1.1 120 35.12 $43.89 662492008010 Firestop Radiation Shield 6DP-FRS 810000550 1 7.1 3.9 16 67.73 $84.67 662492009277 Attic Insulation Shield 6DP-IS 810000551 1 8.2 2.7 20 75.51 $94.39 662492009291 Close Clearance Shield - 36" 6DP-CCS36 810000552 1 set 12.6 0.6 144 126.79 $158.49 662492009307 Close Clearance Shield - 48" 6DP-CCS48 810000553 1 set 19.0 0.7 --- 82.86 $103.57 662492009314 Close Clearance Shield - 60" 6DP-CCS60 810000554 1 set 20.4 --- --- 669.60 $837.00 662492227602 Flat Roof Flashing (tall cone) ventilated 6DP-FF 810000555 1 6.4 3.7 50 64.63 $80.79 662492712603 Adjustable Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 ventilated 6DP-F6 810000556 1 4.0 --- 200 59.72 $74.65 662492875803 Adjustable Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 ventilated 6DP-F12 810000557 1 7.3 --- 50 100.81 $126.01 25 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 6” - 7” | DuraPlus UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492782606 Adjustable Flashing 13/12 - 18/12 ventilated 6DP-F18 810000558 1 14.0 --- --- 380.37 $475.47 662492128701 Adjustable Flashing 19/12 - 24/12 ventilated 6DP-F24 810000559 1 14.0 --- --- 230.11 $287.64 662492526989 DSA Adjustable Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 6DP-F6DSA 810000560 1 4.0 --- --- 94.99 $118.74 662492527818 DSA Adjustable Flashing 7/12-12/12 6DP-F12DSA 810000561 1 7.3 --- --- 150.88 $188.60 662492009284 Storm Collar 6DP-SC 810000562 10 10.1 0.4 1,160 12.81 $16.01 662492159514 Extended Roof Bracket 6DP-XRB 810000563 1 2.6 0.2 78 106.67 $133.33 662492008270 Chimney Cap 6DP-VC 810000564 1 4.1 1.2 30 77.48 $96.86 662492007747 Chase Air Intake w/Rodent Guard 6DT-CAI 810005052 1 2.6 0.7 100 110.40 $138.00 662492008324 6" Chimney Pipe 7DP-06 810000565 1 4.6 0.9 60 71.09 $88.86 662492008386 9" Chimney Pipe 7DP-09 810000566 1 5.6 0.9 60 81.89 $102.37 662492008331 12" Chimney Pipe 7DP-12 810000567 1 7.4 1.4 60 97.58 $121.97 662492008393 24" Chimney Pipe 7DP-24 810000568 1 12.9 2.0 24 144.56 $180.70 662492008409 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DP-24SS 810000569 1 11.7 2.0 24 176.76 $220.95 662492008362 36" Chimney Pipe 7DP-36 810000570 1 18.9 2.9 24 191.29 $239.11 662492008379 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 7DP-36SS 810000571 1 18.3 2.9 24 242.56 $303.20 662492585405 15° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DP-E15 810000572 1 11.0 2.2 20 326.72 $408.40 662492872703 15° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DP-E15KSS 810000573 1 11.0 2.2 20 451.41 $564.26 662492261903 30° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DP-E30 810000574 1 11.0 2.2 20 415.58 $519.48 662492522806 30° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7DP-E30KSS 810000575 1 11.0 2.2 20 569.62 $712.02 662492008621 Elbow Strap 7DP-ES 810000576 1 4.7 1.1 120 34.05 $42.57 662492008492 Round Ceiling Support Box 7DP-RCS 810000577 1 8.4 2.0 30 190.19 $237.73 662492008515 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 11" tall 7DP-CS11 810000578 1 9.1 1.5 36 177.51 $221.88 662492008522 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 24" tall 7DP-CS24 810000579 1 14.2 3.2 27 215.55 $269.43 662492008539 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 36" tall 7DP-CS36 810000580 1 19.0 5.4 12 251.05 $313.81 662492008508 Flat Ceiling Support Box (unfinished) 7DP-FCS 810000581 1 5.9 1.1 60 164.83 $206.03 7” DuraPlus (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 26 DuraPlus | 7” - 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492008461 Wall Thimble 7DP-WT 810000582 1 7.9 2.0 30 182.88 $228.60 662492008478 Wall Thimble - SS 7DP-WTSS 810000583 1 6.8 2.0 30 100.74 $125.93 662492008669 Tee w/ Cap 7DP-T 810000584 1 13.4 2.2 20 266.51 $333.13 662492008676 Tee w/ Cap - SS 7DP-TSS 810000585 1 12.4 2.2 20 292.88 $366.10 662492008706 Tee Support Bracket 7DP-TSB 810000586 1 10.6 2.4 24 103.08 $128.85 662492008713 Tee Support Bracket - SS 7DP-TSBSS 810000587 1 9.8 2.4 24 179.00 $223.75 662492547106 Base Plate 7DP-BP 810000588 1 3.8 1.1 60 88.75 $110.94 662492513866 Adjustable Wall Strap 7DP-AWS 810000589 1 2.0 0.6 60 49.08 $61.36 662492008683 Wall Strap 7DP-WS 810000590 2 4.1 1.1 120 38.04 $47.55 662492008690 Wall Strap - SS 7DP-WSSS 810000591 2 3.5 1.1 120 37.83 $47.29 662492008485 Firestop Radiation Shield 7DP-FRS 810000592 1 7.1 3.9 16 84.67 $105.83 662492009277 Attic Insulation Shield 6DP-IS 810000551 1 8.2 2.7 20 75.51 $94.39 662492009291 Close Clearance Shield - 36" 6DP-CCS36 810000552 1 set 12.6 0.6 144 126.79 $158.49 662492009307 Close Clearance Shield - 48" 6DP-CCS48 810000553 1 set 19.0 0.7 --- 82.86 $103.57 662492009314 Close Clearance Shield - 60" 6DP-CCS60 810000554 1 set 20.4 --- --- 104.57 $130.72 662492811306 Flat Roof Flashing (tall cone) ventilated 7DP-FF 810000593 1 6.5 --- --- 121.91 $152.39 662492533505 Adjustable Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 ventilated 7DP-F6 810000594 1 4.0 --- 200 67.15 $83.94 662492688700 Adjustable Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 ventilated 7DP-F12 810000595 1 8.2 --- --- 304.30 $380.37 662492625606 Adjustable Flashing 13/12 - 18/12 ventilated 7DP-F18 810000596 1 14.0 --- --- 171.14 $213.92 662492581100 Adjustable Flashing 19/12 - 24/12 ventilated 7DP-F24 810000597 1 6.6 --- --- 253.45 $316.81 662492009284 Storm Collar 6DP-SC 810000562 10 10.1 0.2 1,160 12.81 $16.01 662492789537 Extended Roof Bracket 7DP-XRB 810000598 1 3.1 0.2 78 109.68 $137.10 662492008744 Chimney Cap 7DP-VC 810000599 1 5.2 1.2 30 103.57 $129.46 662492008805 6" Chimney Pipe 8DP-06 810000600 1 4.4 0.9 60 90.21 $112.76 662492008867 9" Chimney Pipe 8DP-09 810000601 1 6.3 0.9 60 102.48 $128.10 662492008812 12" Chimney Pipe 8DP-12 810000602 1 8.2 1.4 60 121.93 $152.42 662492008874 24" Chimney Pipe 8DP-24 810000603 1 15.0 2.8 18 165.88 $207.35 662492874370 24" Chimney Pipe (CF) 8DP-24CF 810000604 1 14.3 3.9 --- 177.49 $221.86 8” DuraPlus 27 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 8” | DuraPlus UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492008881 24" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DP-24SS 810000605 1 13.9 2.8 18 220.95 $276.19 662492874561 24" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 8DP-24SSCF 810000606 1 13.9 3.9 --- 236.41 $295.51 662492008843 36" Chimney Pipe 8DP-36 810000607 1 21.9 4.2 18 233.98 $292.47 662492350317 36" Chimney Pipe (CF) 8DP-36CF 810000608 1 21.9 5.6 12 250.36 $312.95 662492008850 36" Chimney Pipe - SS 8DP-36SS 810000609 1 20.1 4.2 18 255.64 $319.55 662942146125 36" Chimney Pipe - SS (CF) 8DP-36SSCF 810000610 1 20.1 5.6 12 273.53 $341.92 662492858103 15° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DP-E15 810000611 1 6.6 2.2 20 338.95 $423.68 662492882702 15° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DP-E15KSS 810000612 1 6.6 2.2 20 495.41 $619.26 662492847503 30° Elbow Kit - GA (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DP-E30 810000613 1 6.4 2.2 20 435.14 $543.93 662492543702 30° Elbow Kit - SS (Includes: 2 Elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8DP-E30KSS 810000614 1 6.5 2.2 20 611.17 $763.97 662492009109 Elbow Strap 8DP-ES 810000615 1 8.6 1.1 120 37.59 $46.99 662492008973 Round Ceiling Support Box 8DP-RCS 810000616 1 9.0 1.9 30 147.08 $183.85 662492008997 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 11" tall 8DP-CS11 810000617 1 9.3 1.5 36 117.18 $146.48 662492009000 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 24" tall 8DP-CS24 810000618 1 14.5 3.2 27 127.51 $159.39 662492009017 Square Ceiling Support Box & Trim Collar 36" tall 8DP-CS36 810000619 1 19.4 5.4 12 198.37 $247.96 662492008980 Flat Ceiling Support Box (unfinished) 8DP-FCS 810000620 1 6.1 1.1 60 81.99 $102.49 662492008942 Wall Thimble 8DP-WT 810000621 1 7.5 2.0 30 89.92 $112.40 662492008959 Wall Thimble - SS 8DP-WTSS 810000622 1 6.8 2.0 30 104.32 $130.40 662492009147 Tee w/ Cap 8DP-T 810000623 1 13.5 2.1 20 311.98 $389.97 662492009154 Tee w/ Cap - SS 8DP-TSS 810000624 1 14.0 2.1 20 345.10 $431.37 662492009185 Tee Support Bracket 8DP-TSB 810000625 1 9.6 2.4 24 113.36 $141.70 662492009192 Tee Support Bracket - SS 8DP-TSBSS 810000626 1 11.1 2.4 24 179.00 $223.75 662492008799 Base Plate 8DP-BP 810000627 1 9.1 0.7 80 67.89 $84.87 662492008898 Transition Anchor Plate 14" x 17" (DuraPlus) 8DP-AP14X17 810000628 1 6.5 1.5 --- 256.00 $320.00 662492008904 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 17" (DuraPlus) 8DP-AP17X17 810000629 1 9.8 2.0 30 208.62 $260.78 662492008911 Transition Anchor Plate 13" x 21" (DuraPlus) 8DP-AP13X21 810000630 1 7.5 2.0 30 207.45 $259.32 (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 28 DuraPlus | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492008928 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 21" (DuraPlus) 8DP-AP17X21 810000631 1 10.0 2.1 20 213.02 $266.28 662492249000 Starter Section 8DP-SS 810000632 1 4.1 0.7 --- 164.37 $205.46 662492305799 Adjustable Wall Strap 8DP-AWS 810000633 1 4.3 1.1 60 56.70 $70.88 662492009161 Wall Strap 8DP-WS 810000634 2 8.5 1.1 120 35.43 $44.28 662492009178 Wall Strap - SS 8DP-WSSS 810000635 2 4.0 1.1 120 60.86 $76.08 662492008966 Firestop Radiation Shield 8DP-FRS 810000636 1 6.8 3.9 16 75.76 $94.69 662492009277 Attic Insulation Shield 6DP-IS 810000551 1 8.2 2.7 20 75.51 $94.39 662492009291 Close Clearance Shield - 36" 6DP-CCS36 810000552 1 set 12.6 0.6 144 126.79 $158.49 662492009307 Close Clearance Shield - 48" 6DP-CCS48 810000553 1 set 19.0 0.7 --- 82.86 $103.57 662492009314 Close Clearance Shield - 60" 6DP-CCS60 810000554 1 set 20.4 --- --- 104.57 $130.72 662492561904 Flat Roof Flashing (tall cone) ventilated 8DP-FF 810000637 1 6.6 --- 50 97.01 $121.26 662492176702 Adjustable Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 ventilated 8DP-F6 810000638 1 4.5 --- 200 82.52 $103.15 662492471005 Adjustable Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 ventilated 8DP-F12 810000639 1 10.0 --- --- 137.74 $172.17 662492377000 Adjustable Flashing 13/12 - 18/12 ventilated 8DP-F18 810000640 1 14.0 --- --- 185.95 $232.44 662492719800 Adjustable Flashing 19/12 - 24/12 ventilated 8DP-F24 810000641 1 12.4 --- --- 268.58 $335.72 662492710616 DSA Adjustable Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 8DP-F6DSA 810000642 1 4.5 --- --- 113.99 $142.49 662492366318 DSA Adjustable Flashing 7/12-12/12 8DP-F12DSA 810000643 1 10.0 --- --- 168.76 $210.94 662492009284 Storm Collar 6DP-SC 810000562 10 10.1 0.2 1,160 12.81 $16.01 662492277041 Extended Roof Bracket 8DP-XRB 810000644 1 3.7 0.2 78 112.72 $140.90 662492009222 Chimney Cap 8DP-VC 810000645 1 5.3 1.9 30 116.43 $145.54 662492147283 Spark Arrestor 5DT-SA 810000054 1 --- --- 210 15.69 $19.61 29 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. Kits, 6” | DuraPlus HTC UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) DuraPlus HTC Kits 662492455050 DuraPlus HTC Basic Kit (Includes: DVL/ DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, 24" Square HTC-KBSC Ceiling Support insulation shield Box w/trim and cover, Chimney Cap, ) 810000646 1 30.0 8.2 --- 481.71 $535.24 662492431702 DuraPlus HTC Through-the-Wall Kit (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, Wall HTC-KTTW Thimble, Tee w/ Cap, [2] Adjustable Wall Strap, Tee Support Bracket, Chimney Cap) 810000647 1 40.0 7.3 8 955.68 $1,061.87 662492745601 6" Chimney Pipe 6HTC-06 810000648 1 3.5 0.5 72 76.29 $84.77 662492755501 12" Chimney Pipe 6HTC-12 810000649 1 6.7 0.9 36 124.72 $138.58 662492107607 18" Chimney Pipe 6HTC-18 810000650 1 12.2 1.2 36 146.32 $162.58 662492184202 24" Chimney Pipe 6HTC-24 810000651 1 17.1 2.0 24 188.57 $209.52 662492766507 36" Chimney Pipe 6HTC-36 810000652 1 22.0 3.0 24 192.64 $214.04 662492698907 36" Chimney Pipe (CF) 6HTC-36CF 810000653 1 17.9 3.4 24 195.22 $216.91 662492161609 48" Chimney Pipe 6HTC-48 810000654 1 32.4 4.0 12 283.89 $315.43 662492222409 48" Chimney Pipe (CF) 6HTC-48CF 810000655 1 --- 4.5 9 286.71 $318.57 662492492604 15° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6HTC-E15KIT 810000656 1 16.0 1.6 33 321.40 $357.11 662492319406 30° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6HTC-E30 810000657 1 16.0 1.6 33 322.41 $358.24 662492468005 45° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 6HTC-E45 810000658 1 5.1 2.1 20 371.41 $412.67 662492293003 Elbow Strap 6HTC-ES 810000659 1 7.3 1.4 120 40.63 $45.14 662492488706 Round Ceiling Support (Includes Square Trim 6HTC-RCS & DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter) 810000660 1 8.1 2.0 30 133.82 $148.69 662492184608 24" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 6HTC-CS24 810000662 1 13.7 3.2 27 269.03 $298.92 662492357309 36" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack chimney adapter, insulation collar) 6HTC-CS36 810000663 1 18.8 5.4 12 275.29 $305.87 662492212134 24" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 6HTC-CS24R 810000664 1 --- --- 18 265.90 $295.45 662492125120 36" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack chimney adapter, insulation collar) 6HTC-CS36R 810000665 1 --- --- --- 283.63 $315.14 6” DuraPlus HTC (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 30 DuraPlus HTC | 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492433833 24" RoundCeiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 6HTC-RCS24 810000666 1.0 --- --- --- 242.49 $269.43 662492140703 Trim Collar for Roof Support 6HTC-TCRS 810000668 1 --- 0.6 100 75.20 $83.55 662492668009 Finishing Collar 6HTC-FC 810000669 1 3.6 0.4 63 65.61 $72.90 662492669600 Wall Thimble 6HTC-WT 810000670 1 7.7 2.0 30 205.74 $228.60 662492519202 Wall Thimble Extension Shield 6" - 8" 6HTC-WTX 810000671 1 --- 2.0 30 47.30 $52.56 662492282601 Tee w/ Cap 6HTC-T 810000672 1 9.7 3.1 18 397.80 $442.00 662492414774 DP Tee Cap 6HTC-TC 810000673 1 --- --- --- 168.52 $187.25 662492348802 Tee Support Bracket 6HTC-TSB 810000674 1 10.8 0.6 60 136.15 $151.28 662492596326 Adjustable Tee Support 6HTC-ATS 810000675 --- --- --- --- 128.00 $142.22 662492836309 Base Plate 6HTC-BP 810000676 1 3.3 0.1 80 77.02 $85.58 662492642344 Soffit/Overhang Trim Plate 6HTC-STP 810000677 --- --- --- --- 142.64 $158.49 662492493007 Transition Anchor Plate 14" x 17" 6HTC-AP14X17 810000678 1 8.7 1.5 36 144.60 $160.67 662492633205 Tramsition Anchor Plate 17" x 17" 6HTC-AP17X17 810000679 1 8.8 1.5 36 178.30 $198.11 662492387405 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 21" 6HTC-AP17X21 810000680 1 12.2 1.5 36 151.64 $168.48 662492106907 Adjustable Wall Strap 6HTC-AWS 810000681 1 2.0 0.6 60 51.83 $57.59 662492220108 Roof Radiation Shield 6HTC-RRS 810000683 1 8.1 3.9 16 81.11 $90.12 662492489871 Reduced Clearance Firestop Radiation Shield 6HTC-FRSR 810000703 1 --- --- --- 99.84 $110.94 662492414903 Flat Roof Flashing (tall cone) 6HTC-FFDSA 810000685 1 5.0 3.7 --- 137.16 $152.40 662492282908 Adjustable Flashing 0/12-6/12 6HTC-F6 810000686 1 4.0 --- 200 77.06 $85.62 662492798706 Adjustable Flashing 7/12-12/12 6HTC-F12 810000687 1 7.3 --- --- 116.93 $129.93 662492697009 Adjustable Flashing 13/12-18/12 6HTC-F18 810000688 1 13.8 --- --- 172.89 $192.10 662492559802 Adjustable Flashing 19/12-24/12 6HTC-F24 810000689 1 13.8 --- --- 249.20 $276.89 662492206850 DSA Roof Flashing 0/12-6/12 6HTC-F6DSA 810000690 1 4.0 --- --- 121.94 $135.49 662492430613 DSA Roof Flashing 7/12-12/12 6HTC-F12DSA 810000691 1 7.3 --- --- 200.76 $223.07 662492295007 Storm Collar 6" - 8" 6HTC-SCU 810000692 10 10.1 0.4 --- 29.80 $33.11 662492234136 Universal Storm Collar 6" - 8" Wide 6HTC-OSCU 810000693 1 --- --- --- 52.66 $58.51 662492722503 Extended Roof Bracket 6HTC-XRB 810000694 1 2.6 0.2 78 138.81 $154.23 662492152195 Snow Splitter 6DT-SP 810000139 1 1.3 1.7 --- 102.48 $113.87 31 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 6” - 7” | DuraPlus HTC UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492464182 6-7-8 Universal Re-Support Support 6HTC-RESU 810000695 1 --- 0.5 --- 67.52 $75.02 662492722183 6-7-8 Universal Extended Wall Support 6HTC-XWSU 810000696 1 --- 1.3 --- 104.12 $115.69 662492769546 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Roof Support 6HTC-ARSU 810000697 1 --- 0.5 --- 77.02 $85.58 662492215821 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Wall Strap 6HTC-AWSU 810000698 1 2.5 0.3 60 48.96 $54.40 662492856185 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Elbow Strap 6HTC-ESU 810000699 1 --- 0.5 --- 39.47 $43.85 662492808245 6-7-8 Universal Extended Roof Bracket 6HTC-XRSU 810000700 1 11.0 0.4 --- 130.34 $144.83 662492538340 6-7-8 Universal Support Box Rails 6HTC-SBRU 810000701 1 --- 0.2 --- 31.28 $34.76 662492258804 Chimney Cap 6HTC-VC 810000702 1 4.1 0.7 60 110.50 $122.78 662492608500 6 "- 8" Attic Insulation Shield 6HTC-IS 810000780 1 8.2 5.0 16 102.11 $113.45 662492635704 6" Chimney Pipe 7HTC-06 810000704 1 4.6 0.9 60 94.74 $105.26 662492758908 12" Chimney Pipe 7HTC-12 810000705 1 7.4 1.4 60 148.35 $164.83 662492634301 18" Chimney Pipe 7HTC-18 810000706 1 7.4 2.1 20 168.27 $186.96 662492732403 24" Chimney Pipe 7HTC-24 810000707 1 11.7 2.0 24 216.87 $240.97 662492422403 36" Chimney Pipe 7HTC-36 810000708 1 24.3 3.0 24 221.53 $246.15 662492430507 48" Chimney Pipe 7HTC-48 810000709 1 36.0 4.0 12 324.44 $360.49 662492809709 15° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7HTC-E15 810000710 1 16.0 2.2 20 438.89 $487.66 662492394403 30° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7HTC-E30 810000711 1 16.0 2.2 20 385.04 $427.82 662492792704 45° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 7HTC-E45 810000712 1 6.2 2.1 20 442.19 $491.32 662492128107 Elbow Strap 7HTC-ES 810000713 1 2.4 1.4 120 41.10 $45.66 662492608708 Round Ceiling Support (Includes Square Trim 7HTC-RCS & DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter) 810000714 1 8.4 2.0 30 627.62 $697.35 662492730508 11" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter) 7HTC-CS11 810000715 1 9.1 1.5 36 277.82 $308.68 662492684702 24" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 7HTC-CS24 810000716 1 14.2 3.2 27 342.33 $380.37 662492807507 36" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack chimney adapter, insulation collar) 7HTC-CS36 810000717 1 19.0 5.4 12 427.92 $475.47 662492616376 24" RoundCeiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 7HTC-RCS24 810000718 --- --- --- --- 499.23 $554.70 7” DuraPlus HTC (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 32 DuraPlus HTC | 7” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492343500 Roof Support 7HTC-RS 810000719 1 --- 0.5 72 64.32 $71.47 662492619209 Trim Collar for Roof Support 7HTC-TCRS 810000720 1 4.8 0.6 100 142.64 $158.49 662492479742 Soffit/Overhang Trim Plate 7HTC-STP 810000721 --- --- --- --- 62.04 $68.94 662492428504 Finishing Collar 7HTC-FC 810000722 1 3.6 0.7 63 165.47 $183.85 662492753200 Wall Thimble 7HTC-WT 810000723 1 7.9 2.0 30 342.33 $380.37 662492519202 Wall Thimble Extension Shield 6" - 8" 6HTC-WTX 810000671 1 --- 2.0 30 47.30 $52.56 662492735909 Tee w/ Cap 7HTC-T 810000724 1 12.4 3.1 18 641.88 $713.20 662492199497 DP Tee Cap 7HTC-TC 810000725 1 --- 0.5 --- 191.30 $212.55 662492672709 Tee Support Bracket 7HTC-TSB 810000726 1 10.6 1.1 24 153.84 $170.94 662492415627 Adjustable Tee Support 7HTC-ATS 810000727 --- --- --- --- 145.98 $162.21 662492602003 Base Plate 7HTC-BP 810000728 1 3.8 1.1 60 99.84 $110.94 662492406809 Adjustable Wall Strap 7HTC-AWS 810000729 1 2.0 0.6 60 56.39 $62.66 662492399200 7" Radiation Shield 7HTC-FRS 810000730 1 7.1 3.9 16 136.94 $152.15 662492291306 Roof Radiation Shield 7HTC-RRS 810000731 1 --- 3.9 16 91.29 $101.43 662492504307 Flat Roof Flashing (tall cone) 7HTC-FF 810000732 1 6.5 --- --- 106.28 $118.09 662492451007 Adjustable Flashing 0/12-6/12 7HTC-F6 810000733 1 4.0 --- --- 109.50 $121.67 662492235805 Adjustable Flashing 7/12-12/12 7HTC-F12 810000734 1 8.2 --- --- 139.08 $154.53 662492370308 Adjustable Flashing 13/12-18/12 7HTC-F18 810000735 1 13.5 --- --- 198.48 $220.53 662492622605 Adjustable Flashing 19/12-24/12 7HTC-F24 810000736 1 11.5 --- --- 260.18 $289.09 662492295007 Storm Collar 6" - 8" 6HTC-SCU 810000692 10 10.1 0.4 --- 29.80 $33.11 662492173503 Extended Roof Bracket 7HTC-XRB 810000737 1 3.1 0.2 78 147.98 $164.42 662492464182 6-7-8 Universal Re-Support Support 6HTC-RESU 810000695 1 --- 0.5 --- 67.52 $75.02 662492722183 6-7-8 Universal Extended Wall Support 6HTC-XWSU 810000696 1 --- 1.3 --- 104.12 $115.69 662492769546 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Roof Support 6HTC-ARSU 810000697 1 --- 0.5 --- 60.32 $67.03 662492215821 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Wall Strap 6HTC-AWSU 810000698 1 2.5 0.3 60 48.96 $54.40 662492856185 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Elbow Strap 6HTC-ESU 810000699 1 --- 0.5 --- 39.47 $43.85 662492808245 6-7-8 Universal Extended Roof Support 6HTC-XRSU 810000700 1 11.0 0.4 --- 130.34 $144.83 662492538340 6-7-8 Universal Support Box Rails 6HTC-SBRU 810000701 1 --- 0.2 --- 31.28 $34.76 662492232101 Chimney Cap 7HTC-VC 810000738 1 5.2 1.7 24 147.75 $164.17 662492608500 6 "- 8" Attic Insulation Shield 7HTC-IS 810000780 1 8.2 5.0 16 102.11 113.45 33 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 8” | DuraPlus HTC UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492383704 6" Chimney Pipe 8HTC-06 810000739 1 4.4 0.9 60 120.23 $133.59 662492340004 12" Chimney Pipe 8HTC-12 810000740 1 8.2 1.4 60 150.04 $166.71 662492397107 18" Chimney Pipe 8HTC-18 810000741 1 7.4 2.2 20 179.05 $198.94 662492899908 24" Chimney Pipe 8HTC-24 810000742 1 13.9 2.8 18 237.25 $263.61 662492569009 36" Chimney Pipe 8HTC-36 810000743 1 20.1 4.2 18 225.08 $250.09 662492370902 48" Chimney Pipe 8HTC-48 810000744 1 37.0 5.6 9 364.99 $405.54 662492233306 15° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8HTC-E15 810000745 1 16.0 2.2 20 393.24 $436.93 662492482209 30° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8HTC-E30 810000746 1 16.0 2.2 20 385.28 $428.08 662492762400 45° Elbow Kit (Includes 2 elbows & 1 Elbow Strap) 8HTC-E45 810000747 1 15.0 3.1 18 460.19 $511.33 662492148105 Elbow Strap 8HTC-ES 810000748 1 8.6 1.1 120 45.32 $50.36 662492740507 Round Ceiling Support (Includes Square Trim 8HTC-RCS & DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter) 810000749 1 9.0 1.9 30 185.49 $206.10 662492849408 11" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 8HTC-CS11 810000750 1 9.3 1.5 36 355.58 $395.09 662492375808 24" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 8HTC-CS24 810000751 1 14.5 3.2 27 351.41 $390.45 662492322604 36" Square Ceiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack chimney adapter, insulation collar) 8HTC-CS36 810000752 1 19.4 5.4 12 374.35 $415.94 662492429488 24" RoundCeiling Support Box w/trim (Includes DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, insulation collar) 8HTC-RCS24 810000753 --- --- --- --- 570.56 $633.95 662492579909 Roof Support 8HTC-RS 810000754 1 4.8 0.7 80 79.24 $88.04 662492193709 Trim Collar for Roof Support 8HTC-TCRS 810000755 1 --- 0.6 100 90.24 $100.26 662492579442 Soffit/Overhang Trim Plate 8HTC-STP 810000756 --- --- --- --- 101.49 $112.77 662492817001 Finishing Collar 8HTC-FC 810000757 1 4.0 0.4 63 71.32 $79.25 662492106501 Wall Thimble 8HTC-WT 810000758 1 7.5 2.0 30 129.78 $144.20 662492519202 Wall Thimble Extension Shield 6" - 8" 6HTC-WTX 810000671 1 --- 2.0 30 47.30 $52.56 662492467909 Tee w/ Cap 8HTC-T 810000759 1 32.0 3.1 18 570.56 $633.95 662492656563 DP Tee Cap 8HTC-TC 810000760 1 --- 0.4 --- 214.07 $237.86 8” DuraPlus HTC (CF) Designation indicates additional protective carton foam for shipping. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 34 DuraPlus HTC | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492596104 Tee Support Bracket 8HTC-TSB 810000761 1 9.6 1.1 24 169.10 $187.89 662492415566 Adjustable Tee Support 8HTC-ATS 810000762 --- --- --- --- 138.53 $153.92 662492729502 Base Plate 8HTC-BP 810000763 1 9.1 0.7 80 86.22 $95.80 662492602607 Transition Anchor Plate 14" x 17" 8HTC-AP14X17 810000764 1 6.5 1.5 36 216.91 $241.01 662492606803 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 17" 8HTC-AP17X17 810000765 1 9.8 1.5 36 223.22 $248.03 662492259207 Transition Anchor Plate 17" x 21" 8HTC-AP17X21 810000766 1 10.0 1.5 36 227.46 $252.73 662492390702 Adjustable Wall Strap 8HTC-AWS 810000767 1 4.3 1.1 60 65.15 $72.39 662492424902 8" Radiation Shield 8HTC-FRS 810000768 1 6.8 3.9 16 148.35 $164.83 662492188903 Roof Radiation Shield 8HTC-RRS 810000769 1 --- 3.9 16 97.98 $108.87 662492864302 Flat Roof Flashing (tall cone) 8HTC-FFDSA 810000771 1 6.6 0.4 --- 117.95 $131.06 662492639306 Adjustable Flashing 0/12-6/12 8HTC-F6 810000772 1 5.0 --- 200 121.67 $135.18 662492706305 Adjustable Flashing 7/12-12/12 8HTC-F12 810000773 1 9.0 --- --- 159.76 $177.51 662492640807 Adjustable Flashing 13/12-18/12 8HTC-F18 810000774 1 13.5 --- --- 215.76 $239.74 662492102602 Adjustable Flashing 19/12-24/12 8HTC-F24 810000775 1 11.8 --- --- 267.36 $297.07 662492537824 DSA Roof Flashing 0/12-6/12 8HTC-F6DSA 810000776 1 4.5 --- --- 164.79 $183.10 662492174623 DSA Roof Flashing 7/12-12/12 8HTC-F12DSA 810000777 1 10.0 --- --- 249.40 $277.11 662492295007 Storm Collar 6" - 8" 6HTC-SCU 810000692 10 10.1 0.4 --- 29.80 $33.11 662492861608 Extended Roof Bracket 8HTC-XRB 810000778 1 3.7 0.2 78 171.35 $190.38 662492464182 6-7-8 Universal Re-Support Support 6HTC-RESU 810000695 1 --- 0.5 --- 67.52 $75.02 662492722183 6-7-8 Universal Extended Wall Support 6HTC-XWSU 810000696 1 --- 1.3 --- 104.12 $115.69 662492769546 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Roof Support 6HTC-ARSU 810000697 1 --- 0.5 --- 60.32 $67.03 662492215821 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Wall Strap 6HTC-AWSU 810000698 1 2.5 0.3 60 48.96 $54.40 662492856185 6-7-8 Universal Adjustable Elbow Strap 6HTC-ESU 810000699 1 --- 0.5 --- 39.47 $43.85 662492808245 6-7-8 Universal Extended Roof Support 6HTC-XRSU 810000700 1 11.0 0.4 --- 130.34 $144.83 662492538340 6-7-8 Universal Support Box Rails 6HTC-SBRU 810000701 1 --- 0.2 --- 31.28 $34.76 662492155004 Chimney Cap 8HTC-VC 810000779 1 5.3 1.7 24 162.22 $180.25 662492608500 6 "- 8" Attic Insulation Shield 8HTC-IS 810000780 1 8.2 5.0 16 102.11 $113.45 35 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 10” - 12” | DuraChimney II UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 10” DuraChimney II 662492119419 12" Chimney Pipe 10DCA-12 810000781 1 6.1 1.5 --- 108.41 $120.45 662492441787 18" Chimney Pipe 10DCA-18 810000782 1 8.0 2.0 --- 83.43 $92.70 662492610732 36" Chimney Pipe 10DCA-36 810000783 1 12.0 2.0 18 126.45 $140.50 662492186923 48" Chimney Pipe 10DCA-48 810000784 1 18.0 2.0 9 144.70 $160.77 662492707197 15° Elbow 10DCA-E15 810000785 2 7.2 7.2 --- 242.49 $269.43 662492342411 30° Elbow 10DCA-E30 810000786 2 6.8 7.2 24 135.57 $150.63 662492440957 Elbow Strap 10DCA-ES 810000787 1 3.2 1.1 --- 79.21 $88.01 662492363966 Supplementary Support 10DCA-SS 810000788 1 5.2 0.9 --- 124.74 $138.60 662492513590 Stabilizer 10DCA-ST 810000789 1 2.6 1.1 --- 52.20 $58.00 662492774526 Anchor Plate 10DCA-AP 810000790 1 14.0 2.7 --- 242.49 $269.43 662492361245 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 10DCA-APD 810000791 1 8.0 2.7 --- 542.03 $602.25 662492509920 Firestop 10DCA-FS 810000792 1 3.5 0.6 --- 39.76 $44.18 662492266366 Attic Insulation Shield 10DCA-IS 810000793 1 12.0 5.0 --- 305.03 $338.93 662492894330 Roof Radiation Shield 10" - 12" 10DCA-RRS 810000794 1 3.3 0.5 --- 37.80 $42.00 662492654736 Chase Top Flashing 10DCA-CTF 810000795 1 1.2 4.6 --- 156.90 $174.34 662492163054 Chase Top Collar 10DCA-CTC 810000796 1 1.2 8.7 --- 96.22 $106.91 662492493267 Chimney Cap 10DCA-VC 810000797 1 16.0 2.7 8 218.35 $242.61 662492252116 Storm Collar 10DCA-SC 810000798 1 2.0 0.7 --- 26.72 $29.69 662492366646 10” - 12” Spark Arrestor 10DCA-SA 810000799 --- 7.9 --- --- 23.28 $29.96 662492846636 Wall Strap 10DCA-WS 810000800 1 4.1 1.2 --- 82.78 $91.97 662492238715 European Copper King Adapter 10DCA-ECK 810000801 1 4.2 --- --- 260.10 $289.00 662492884294 European Copper Bishop Adapter 10DCA-ECB 810000802 1 4.2 --- --- 119.56 $132.85 12” DuraChimney II 662492185247 12" Chimney Pipe 12DCA-12 810000803 1 10.0 2.0 24 75.61 $84.01 662492711255 18" Chimney Pipe 12DCA-18 810000804 1 10.0 2.9 12 89.95 $99.94 662492799147 36" Chimney Pipe 12DCA-36 810000805 1 21.0 5.8 12 138.18 $153.53 662492891926 48" Chimney Pipe 12DCA-48 810000806 1 24.0 7.4 9 161.64 $179.60 662492125731 15° Elbow 12DCA-E15 810000807 2 8.1 1.9 --- 151.21 $168.01 662492861653 30° Elbow 12DCA-E30 810000808 2 9.0 7.2 24 151.21 $168.01 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 36 DuraChimney II | 12” - 14” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492127568 Elbow Strap 12DCA-ES 810000809 1 5.0 4.7 --- 81.21 $90.24 662492731338 Supplementary Support 12DCA-SS 810000810 1 5.0 0.7 50 142.64 $158.49 662492508558 12" Diameter Anchor Plate 12DCA-AP 810000811 1 12.0 2.7 20 222.52 $247.24 662492411728 12" Diameter Anchor Plate w/ Damper 12DCA-APD 810000812 1 27.0 2.7 20 376.73 $418.59 662492740958 12" Diameter Stablizer 12DCA-ST 810000813 1 5.0 7.7 36 48.49 $53.88 662492222263 Firestop 12DCA-FS 810000814 1 4.0 4.7 --- 41.71 $46.35 662492264447 Attic Insulation Shield 12DCA-IS 810000815 1 5.0 7.7 --- 310.25 $344.72 662492405123 Roof Radiation Shield 12DCA-RRS 810000816 1 10.0 --- --- 71.32 $79.25 662492663615 Chase Top Flashing 12DCA-CTF 810000817 1 4.0 1.5 --- 185.43 $206.03 662492775196 Chase Top Collar 12DCA-CTC 810000818 1 18.0 --- --- 99.07 $110.07 662492697795 Chimney Cap 12DCA-VC 810000819 1 18.0 8.7 8 221.61 $246.23 662492520765 Storm Collar 12DCA-SC 810000820 1 2.0 0.4 --- 26.72 $29.69 662492883280 Wall Strap 12DCA-WS 810000821 1 5.0 2.3 --- 84.73 $94.15 662492164556 European Copper King Adapter 12DCA-ECK 810000822 1 4.2 --- --- 141.20 $156.89 662492433294 European Copper Bishop Adapter 12DCA-ECB 810000823 1 4.2 --- --- 125.26 $139.17 14” DuraChimney II 662492740583 12" Chimney Pipe 14DCA-12 810000824 1 9.0 2.3 30 83.43 $92.70 662492590164 18" Chimney Pipe 14DCA-18 810000825 1 12.0 3.9 12 97.77 $108.63 662492312841 36" Chimney Pipe 14DCA-36 810000826 1 24.0 7.2 12 161.64 $179.60 662492866535 48" Chimney Pipe 14DCA-48 810000827 1 24.0 9.1 6 173.37 $192.64 662492137277 15° Elbow 14DCA-E15 810000828 2 19.0 1.9 --- 165.56 $183.95 662492451946 30° Elbow 14DCA-E30 810000829 2 19.0 7.2 24 165.55 $183.95 662492335420 Elbow Strap 14DCA-ES 810000830 1 5.0 4.7 12 83.22 $92.47 662492143957 Supplementary Support 14DCA-SS 810000831 1 6.0 1.1 50 86.04 $95.59 662492787274 Stabilizer 14DCA-ST 810000832 1 3.0 1.1 --- 39.94 $44.38 662492678756 Anchor Plate 14DCA-AP 810000833 1 15.0 2.7 --- 175.46 $194.96 662492762349 Anchor Plate w/Damper 14DCA-APD 810000834 1 19.0 2.7 --- 410.62 $456.25 662492162842 Firestop 14DCA-FS 810000835 1 1.0 0.3 --- 45.62 $50.69 662492669051 Attic Insulation Shield 14DCA-IS 810000836 1 12.0 7.7 6 323.28 $359.20 37 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 14” - 16” | DuraChimney II UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492714614 Roof Radiation Shield 14" - 16" 14DCA-RRS 810000837 1 4.0 0.6 --- 45.12 $50.13 662492744734 Chase Top Flashing 14DCA-CTF 810000838 1 15.0 1.5 --- 131.66 $146.29 662492415160 Chase Top Collar 14DCA-CTC 810000839 1 15.0 --- --- 129.81 $144.23 662492257487 Chimney Cap 14DCA-VC 810000840 1 23.0 14.9 --- 259.41 $288.23 662492300817 Storm Collar 14DCA-SC 810000841 1 3.0 1.4 42 28.68 $31.86 662492471265 Wall Strap 14DCA-WS 810000842 1 7.0 2.2 --- 87.34 $97.04 662492297940 European Copper King Adapter 14DCA-ECK 810000843 1 4.2 --- --- 324.90 $361.00 662492671733 European Copper Bishop Adapter 14DCA-ECB 810000844 1 4.2 ------ --- 427.92 $475.47 16” DuraChimney II 662492629345 12" Chimney Pipe 16DCA-12 810000845 1 10.0 3.2 12 93.86 $104.29 662492545423 18" Chimney Pipe 16DCA-18 810000846 1 13.0 6.1 --- 116.02 $128.91 662492409275 36" Chimney Pipe 16DCA-36 810000847 1 28.0 3.2 --- 181.20 $201.33 662492854631 48" Chimney Pipe 16DCA-48 810000848 1 31.0 3.2 124 188.36 $209.29 662492634714 15° Elbow 16DCA-E15 810000849 2 9.0 1.9 --- 256.75 $285.28 662492629598 30° Elbow 16DCA-E30 810000850 2 23.0 7.2 --- 181.20 $201.33 662492107669 Elbow Strap 16DCA-ES 810000851 1 5.0 4.7 --- 85.22 $94.69 662492758779 Supplementary Support 16DCA-SS 810000852 1 6.0 1.4 --- 148.35 $164.83 662492475416 Stabilizer 16DCA-ST 810000853 1 5.0 7.7 --- 79.88 $88.75 662492822616 Anchor Plate 16DCA-AP 810000854 1 17.0 3.2 --- 256.75 $285.28 662492442944 Anchor Plate w/ Damper 16DCA-APD 810000855 1 26.0 3.2 --- 436.69 $485.22 662492170045 Firestop 16DCA-FS 810000856 1 5.0 4.7 --- 47.58 $52.87 662492863510 Attic Insulation Shield 16DCA-IS 810000857 1 12.0 9.0 --- 325.89 $362.10 662492186220 16" Roof Radiation Shield 16DCA-RRS 810000858 1 4.0 0.6 213.96 $237.73 662492405895 Chase Top Flashing 16DCA-CTF 810000859 1 15.0 1.5 --- 313.80 $348.67 662492122464 Chase Top Collar 16DCA-CTC 810000860 1 15.0 --- --- 207.90 $231.00 662492579633 Chimney Cap 16DCA-VC 810000861 1 24.0 14.9 4 297.21 $330.24 662492852286 Storm Collar 16DCA-SC 810000862 1 3.0 1.4 42 28.68 $31.86 662492739914 Wall Strap 16DCA-WS 810000863 1 7.0 3.5 --- 130.05 $144.50 662492755693 European Copper Bishop Adapter 16DCA-ECB 810000864 --- 4.2 --- --- 150.31 $167.01 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 38 Combustion Air System | DuraTech, DuraPlus HTC UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 6” Combustion Air System for DuraTech and DuraPlus HTC 662492324370 Combustion Air Wall Thimble 6CAS-WTDT 810000865 1 13.3 1.0 --- 684.67 $760.74 662492292488 Combustion Air Wall Thimble DuraPlus HTC 6CAS-WTHTC 810000866 1 --- 1.0 --- 328.50 $365.00 662492106440 24" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 6CAS-CS24DT 810000867 1 1.7 2.5 --- 456.45 $507.17 662492680346 24" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 6CAS-CS24HTC DuraPlus HTC 810000868 1 2.1 3.5 --- 383.21 $425.79 662492411445 36" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 6CAS-CS36DT 810000869 1 2.1 3.6 --- 383.21 $425.79 662492640029 36" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 6CAS-CS36HTC DuraPlus HTC 810000870 1 --- --- --- 355.84 $395.38 662492631690 12" Triple Wall Stove Pipe 6CAS-12 810000871 1 4.3 0.5 --- 82.12 $91.24 662492876817 14" - 24" Adjustable Triple Wall Stove Pipe 6CAS-24A 810000872 1 9.6 1.0 --- 180.66 $200.73 662794799765 29" - 46" Adjustable Triple Wall Stove Pipe 6CAS-46A 810000873 1 17.3 2.7 30 246.35 $273.72 662492203125 40" - 68" Adj ustable Triple Wall Stove Pipe 6CAS-68A 810000874 1 25 3.8 15 322.99 $358.88 662492766439 45° Triple Wall Stove Pipe Elbow 6CAS-E45 810000875 1 3 0.1 --- 93.07 $103.41 662492674291 90° Triple Wall Stove Pipe Elbow 6CAS-E90 810000876 1 4 0.7 --- 356.60 $396.22 662492603529 Triple Wall Stove Pipe Tee 6CAS-T 810000877 1 6.3 0.5 --- 169.71 $188.56 662492480175 3" branch Triple Wall Stv. Top Kit (Includes: Adapter., 3" Alum. Flex, 2" to 3" Increase, 3" Single-Wall Adj. Elbow, & Hose Clamps) 6CAS-ADK 810000878 1 --- 1.5 --- 427.92 $475.47 8” Combustion Air System for DuraTech and DuraPlus HTC 662492191316 Combustion Air Wall Thimble 8CAS-WTDT 810000879 1 --- --- --- 317.52 $352.80 662492317020 Combustion Air Wall Thimble DuraPlus HTC 8CAS-WTHTC 810000880 1 --- 5.0 --- 322.99 $358.88 662492578629 24" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 8CAS-CS24DT 810000881 1 --- 3.5 --- 720.00 $800.00 662492659045 24" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 8CAS-CS24HTC DuraPlus HTC 810000882 1 --- 3.2 --- 405.11 $450.12 662492310984 36" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 8CAS-CS36DT 810000883 1 --- 4.9 --- 437.95 $486.62 662492747452 36" Combustion Air Ceiling Support w/ Collar 8CAS-CS36HTC DuraPlus HTC 810000884 1 --- 5.4 --- 641.88 $713.20 662492270110 12" Triple Wall Stove Pipe 8CAS-12 810000885 1 4.3 0.53 --- 156.90 $174.34 662492639573 14" - 24" Adjustable Triple Wall Stove Pipe 8CAS-24A 810000886 1 12.8 0.2 --- 213.50 $237.23 662492640487 29" - 46" Adjustable Triple Wall Stove Pipe 8CAS-46A 810000887 1 22.3 5.5 --- 290.14 $322.38 662492364789 40" - 68" Adjustable Triple Wall Stove Pipe 8CAS-68A 810000888 1 32.0 7.7 --- 556.29 $618.10 662492741894 45° Triple Wall Stove Pipe Elbow 8CAS-E45 810000889 1 5.2 0.9 --- 570.56 $633.95 39 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com DuraTech, DuraPlus HTC, PelletVent Pro | Combustion Air System UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492244081 90° Triple Wall Stove Pipe Elbow 8CAS-E90 810000890 1 6.0 1.4 --- 186.13 $206.81 662492608227 Triple Wall Stove Pipe Tee 8CAS-T 810000891 1 12.6 1.4 --- 197.08 $218.98 662492547038 3" Branch Triple Wall Stv. Top Kit -(Includes: Adapter., 3" Alum. Flex, 2" to 3" increase, 3" Single-Wall Adj. Elbow, & Hose Clamps) 8CAS-ADK 810000892 1 --- 1.5 --- 713.19 $792.44 662492613788 CAS Universal Flex Adapter CAS-FA 810000893 --- --- 0.1 --- 54.74 $60.83 Combustion Air Systems for PelletVent Pro 662492837665 3" PVP Wall Thimble Kit (Includes: Wall Thimble, Channel Adapter, Flex and 2" to 3" Increase, Hose Clamps) 3CAS-WTPK 810000894 1 --- 3.09 --- 260.60 $289.55 662492471845 4" PVP Wall Thimble Kit (Includes: Wall Thimble, Channel Adapter, Flex and 2" to 3" increase, Hose Clamps) 4CAS-WTPK 810000895 1 --- 3.09 --- 247.40 $274.89 662492836873 36" - 70" Adjustable Channel CAS-C70A 810006860 1 --- 1.81 --- 109.72 $121.91 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 40 DVL | Kits, 6” - 7” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Close Clearance Connector Kit (Includes: DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter, [2] 24" Double-Wall Black Pipe, 12" Double-Wall Adjustable Black Pipe) 6DVL-KVP 810000897 1 15.4 2.1 30 219.07 $273.84 Adapter Section No Damper 5DVL-AD 810000898 1 1.5 0.3 --- 134.40 $168.00 662492232217 DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter w/ Trim 6DVL-ADT 810000899 1 2.0 0.4 175 48.42 $60.52 662492666333 DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter 6DVL-ADC 810000900 1 2.0 0.4 756 26.42 $33.02 662492009321 6" Double-Wall Black Pipe 6DVL-06 810000901 1 1.9 0.3 210 43.17 $53.96 662492009338 12" Double-Wall Black Pipe 6DVL-12 810000902 1 3.2 0.4 120 46.15 $57.68 662492009345 18" Double-Wall Black Pipe 6DVL-18 810000903 1 4.7 0.6 120 54.86 $68.57 662492009352 24" Double-Wall Black Pipe 6DVL-24 810000904 1 6.1 0.8 60 75.99 $94.99 662492009390 48" Double-Wall Black Pipe 6DVL-48 810000905 1 11.7 1.6 30 116.84 $146.05 662492009451 6" Double-Wall Adjustable Black Pipe 6DVL-6ADJ 810000906 1 1.9 0.3 210 46.92 $58.65 662492009468 12" Double-Wall Adjustable Black Pipe 6DVL-12ADJ 810000907 1 3.2 0.4 120 57.30 $71.63 662492009376 Telescoping Length 29" - 46" 6DVL-46TA 810000908 1 12.5 1.7 45 138.45 $173.06 662492009383 Telescoping Length 40" - 68" 6DVL-68TA 810000909 1 17.7 2.5 15 183.69 $229.61 662492009369 45° Double-Wall Black Elbow 6DVL-E45 810000910 1 2.5 0.7 72 60.17 $75.21 662492009475 90° Double-Wall Black Elbow 6DVL-E90 810000911 1 3.3 0.7 80 90.14 $112.68 662492009413 Increaser 5" - 6" 5DVL-X6 810000912 1 2.3 0.3 210 71.39 $89.24 662492009406 Double-Wall Black Tee w/ C lean-Out Cap 6DVL-T 810000913 1 4.9 1.1 45 77.90 $97.38 662492009437 Adapter/Damper Section 6DVL-ADWD 810000914 1 2.4 0.3 180 55.84 $69.80 662492009444 Adapter Section No Damper 6DVL-AD 810000915 1 2.0 0.3 180 40.83 $51.04 662492113608 Oval-to-Round Adapter 6DVL-ORAD 810000916 1 4.9 1.1 45 97.02 $121.28 662492010266 Masonary Thimble w/ Slip Connector 6DLR-MTSC 810000917 1 3.8 1.2 30 87.39 $109.24 662492818312 DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter w/ Trim 7DVL-ADT 810000918 1 2.7 0.6 450 121.72 $152.15 662492137086 DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter 7DVL-ADC 810000919 6 2.7 0.6 450 63.40 $79.25 662492009499 6" Double-Wall Black Pipe 7DVL-06 810000920 1 2.1 0.5 80 96.36 $120.45 DVL Kits 662492009482 5” DVL 662492493502 6” DVL 7” DVL 41 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 7” - 8” | DVL UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492009505 12" Double-Wall Black Pipe 7DVL-12 810000921 1 3.9 0.6 --- 61.35 $76.68 662492009515 7" Diameter 18" Length Double-Wall 7DVL-18 810000922 1 5.2 1.0 60 95.36 $119.20 662492009628 6" Double-Wall Adjustable Black Pipe 7DVL-6ADJ 810000925 1 2.3 0.5 80 71.30 $89.12 662492009529 7" Diameter 24" Length Double-Wall 7DVL-24 810000923 1 6.7 1.0 60 96.73 $120.92 662492009567 7" Diameter 48" Length Double-Wall 7DVL-48 810000924 1 13.0 2.0 25 136.68 $170.85 662492009635 12" Double-Wall Adjustable Black Pipe 7DVL-12ADJ 810000926 1 3.6 0.7 100 66.43 $83.04 662492009543 Telescoping Length 29" - 46" 7DVL-46TA 810000927 1 14.6 2.7 30 147.81 $184.77 662492009550 Telescoping Length 40" - 68" 7DVL-68TA 810000928 1 20.6 3.8 20 196.24 $245.30 662492009536 45° Double-Wall Black Elbow 7DVL-E45 810000929 1 4.0 0.9 60 74.25 $92.82 662492009642 90° Double-Wall Black Elbow 7DVL-E90 810000930 1 4.9 0.9 60 109.98 $137.48 662492009581 Increaser 6" - 7" 6DVL-X7 810000931 1 2.7 0.3 200 68.30 $85.38 662492239995 Reducer 7" - 6" 7DVL-X6 810006992 1 3.2 0.3 --- 114.39 $142.99 662492009574 Double-Wall Black Tee w/ Clean-Out Cap 7DVL-T 810000932 1 5.5 1.1 75 190.19 $237.73 662492009604 Adapter/Damper Section 7DVL-ADWD 810000933 1 3.4 0.5 80 67.04 $83.81 662492009611 Adapter Section No Damper 7DVL-AD 810000934 1 1.9 0.5 80 51.42 $64.28 662492319253 DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter w/ Trim 8DVL-ADT 810000935 1 2.7 0.6 672 55.23 $69.04 662492622384 DVL/DuraBlack Chimney Adapter 8DVL-ADC 810000936 6 2.7 0.6 672 32.21 $40.26 662492009666 6" Double-Wall Black Pipe 8DVL-06 810000937 1 2.5 0.5 80 61.15 $76.44 662492009673 12" Double-Wall Black Pipe 8DVL-12 810000938 1 4.3 0.7 100 69.67 $87.09 662492009680 18" Double-Wall Black Pipe 8DVL-18 810000939 1 6.2 1.0 80 90.17 $112.71 662492009697 24" Double-Wall Black Pipe 8DVL-24 810000940 1 1.7 1.3 60 97.29 $121.61 662492009734 48" Double-Wall Black Pipe 8DVL-48 810000941 1 14.3 2.5 20 157.50 $196.88 662492009819 6" Double-Wall Adjustable Black Pipe 8DVL-6ADJ 810000942 1 2.6 0.5 80 66.93 $83.66 662492009826 12" Double-Wall Adjustable Black Pipe 8DVL-12ADJ 810000943 1 4.4 0.7 100 80.76 $100.95 662492009710 Telescoping Length 29" - 46" 8DVL-46TA 810000944 1 16.2 2.7 30 181.89 $227.36 662492009727 Telescoping Length 40" - 68" 8DVL-68TA 810000945 1 22.2 3.8 20 219.13 $273.91 662492009703 45° Double-Wall Black Elbow 8DVL-E45 810000946 1 4.7 0.9 60 85.52 $106.90 662492009833 90° Double-Wall Black Elbow 8DVL-E90 810000947 1 5.6 1.0 42 122.14 $152.67 8” DVL 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 42 DVL | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492009765 Increaser 7" - 8" 7DVL-X8 810000948 1 3.2 0.6 112 104.80 $131.00 662492009758 Increaser 6" - 8" 6DVL-X8 810000949 1 3.4 0.6 112 74.71 $93.38 662492890769 Reducer 8" - 7" 8DVL-X7 810006993 1 3.2 0.6 --- 98.04 $122.55 662492009741 Double-Wall Black Tee w/ Clean-Out Cap 8DVL-T 810000950 1 6.5 1.0 42 131.54 $164.42 662492009796 Adapter/Damper Section 8DVL-ADWD 810000951 1 3.6 0.5 80 86.38 $107.97 662492009802 Adapter Section No Damper 8DVL-AD 810000952 1 2.0 0.5 80 63.11 $78.88 662492009772 Oval-to-Round Adapter 8DVL-ORAD 810000953 1 4.8 1.1 45 97.02 $121.28 662492010884 Masonary Thimble w/ Slip Connector 8DLR-MTSC 810000954 1 3.6 1.2 36 108.73 $135.91 43 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Kits, 5” - 6” | DuraBlack and DuraBlack SS UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 6" DuraBlack Stovepipe Kit (Includes: Slip Connector, [2] 24" DuraBlack Single-Wall Pipe, Trim Collar) 6DBK-KSP 810000955 1 10.1 1.8 15 88.14 $110.17 Snap-Lock Adapter w/ Trim 5DBK-ADSL 810000956 1 0.7 0.1 210 60.80 $76.00 662492646199 Slip Connector w/ Trim 6DBK-SC 810000957 1 2.3 0.4 126 30.36 $37.94 662492827925 Telescoping Length 44" - 68" w/ Trim 6DBK-TL 810000959 1 7.4 2.5 42 79.35 $99.19 662492751817 Snap-Lock Adapter w/ Trim 6DBK-ADSL 810000961 1 0.8 0.1 210 46.16 $57.70 662492006467 8" Diameter Slip Increaser 6" - 8" 6DBK-XS8 810000962 1 3.2 0.7 72 39.70 $49.62 662492006139 12" Single-Wall Black Pipe 6DBK-12 810000963 1 2.1 0.4 126 20.31 $25.39 662492006146 24" Single-Wall Black Pipe 6DBK-24 810000965 1 3.9 0.6 84 22.73 $28.42 662492006160 48" Single-Wall Black Pipe 6DBK-48 810000967 1 7.4 1.2 42 38.32 $47.90 662492006184 Increaser 5" - 6" 5DBK-X6 810000969 1 1.4 0.3 210 25.96 $32.45 662492006177 Tee w/ Clean-Out Cap 6DBK-T 810000970 1 2.9 0.5 140 59.89 $74.86 662492006153 45° Black Elbow 6DBK-E45 810000972 1 1.7 0.3 180 20.47 $25.59 662492006245 90° Black Elbow 6DBK-E90 810000974 1 2.0 0.5 100 25.72 $32.15 662492006122 Damper Section 6DBK-DS 810000976 1 2.0 0.3 180 33.42 $41.78 662492006221 Oval-to-Round Adapter 6DBK-ADOR 810000977 1 2.1 0.4 126 21.64 $27.05 662492006214 Double-Skirted Stovetop Adapter 6DBK-ADDB 810000978 1 1.1 0.1 210 26.62 $33.28 662492006238 Stovetop Adapter 6DBK-AD 810000979 1 0.8 0.1 210 18.14 $22.68 662492006665 Stovetop Adapter (Metric) 6DBK-ADM 810000981 1 1.0 0.1 --- 55.79 $69.73 662492006191 Trim Collar 6DBK-TC 810000982 1 0.4 0.0 --- 11.94 $14.93 662492615393 Slip Connector SS w/ Trim 6DBK-SCSS 810000958 1 1.6 0.4 126 48.18 $60.23 662492196236 Telescoping Length 44" - 68" (SS) w/ Trim 6DBK-TLSS 810000960 1 8.9 1.6 42 116.40 $145.50 662492124390 12" Single-Wall Black Pipe SS 6DBK-12SS 810000964 1 1.4 0.4 126 27.33 $34.16 662492770436 24" Single-Wall Black Pipe SS 6DBK-24SS 810000966 1 2.8 0.6 84 30.36 $37.96 662492611036 48" Single-Wall Black Pipe SS 6DBK-48SS 810000968 1 5.5 1.2 42 49.60 $61.99 662492451632 Tee w/ Clean-Out Cap (SS) 6DBK-TSS 810000971 1 2.9 0.5 --- 86.03 $107.54 DuraBlack Kits 662492006252 5” DuraBlack 662492704080 6” DuraBlack 6” DuraBlack SS 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 44 DuraBlack and DuraBlack SS | 6” - 7” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492750865 45° Black Elbow SS 6DBK-E45SS 810000973 1 0.9 --- 180 27.33 $34.16 662492410622 90° Black Elbow SS 6DBK-E90SS 810000975 1 1.2 --- 100 32.39 $40.49 662492760543 Stovetop Adapter (SS) 6DBK-ADSS 810000980 1 0.8 0.1 --- 26.32 $32.90 6” DuraBlack 22 Gauge 662492357798 22 Gauge Slip Connector 6DBK-SCW 810008023 1 3.0 0.6 75 41.00 $51.25 662492406281 22 Gauge Telescoping Length 44" - 48" 6DBK-TLW 810008024 1 14.0 1.9 42 133.69 $167.11 662492431559 22 Gauge 12" Pipe Length 6DBK-12W 810008016 1 2.0 0.4 126 28.52 $35.65 660492588512 22 Gauge 24" Pipe Length 6DBK-24W 810008017 1 3.9 0.6 84 34.76 $43.45 662492343876 22 Gauge 48" Pipe Length 6DBK-48W 810008018 1 7.2 1.2 42 47.24 $59.04 662492827017 22 Gauge Tee 6DBK-TW 810008025 1 2.9 0.5 140 121.72 $152.15 662492409671 22 Gauge 45° Elbow 6DBK-E45W 810008021 1 1.7 0.3 180 53.25 $66.56 662492479476 22 Gauge 90° Elbow 6DBK-E90W 810008022 1 1.8 0.5 100 43.67 $54.59 662492517161 22 Gauge DB Damper Section 6DBK-DSW 810008020 1 2.4 0.3 180 42.33 $52.92 662492296455 22 Gauge Stove Adapter 6DBK-ADW 810008019 1 0.8 0.1 210 40.58 $50.72 662492006344 Slip Connector w/ Trim 7DBK-SC 810000983 1 2.7 0.6 75 43.11 $53.88 662492342817 Snap-Lock Adapter w/ Trim 7DBK-ADSL 810000984 1 1.2 0.3 180 68.80 $86.00 662492006276 12" Single-Wall Black Pipe 7DBK-12 810000985 1 2.6 0.4 120 23.14 $28.93 662492006283 24" Single-Wall Black Pipe 7DBK-24 810000986 1 4.6 1.0 60 29.56 $36.95 662492006320 7" Diameter Increaser 6"- 7" 6DBK-X7 810000987 1 1.6 0.3 210 28.57 $35.72 662492006306 48" Single-Wall Black Pipe 7DBK-48 810000988 1 8.7 1.6 30 42.78 $53.47 662492006290 45˚ Elbow 7DBK-E45 810000989 1 2.2 0.6 112 40.58 $50.72 662492006382 90° Black Elbow 7DBK-E90 810000990 1 3.0 0.7 80 48.18 $60.23 662492006313 Tee 7DBK-T 810000991 1 4.2 1.0 65 139.47 $174.34 662492006269 Damper Section 7DBK-DS 810000992 1 3.0 0.5 80 46.16 $57.69 662492006368 Oval-to-Round Adapter 7DBK-ADOR 810000993 1 2.3 0.4 120 45.64 $57.05 662492006351 Double-Skirted Stovetop Adapter 7DBK-ADDB 810000994 1 1.2 0.3 180 55.79 $69.73 662492006375 Stovetop Adapter 7DBK-AD 810000995 1 1.1 0.3 180 38.04 $47.55 662492006337 Trim Collar 7DBK-TC 810000996 1 0.7 0.2 --- 30.43 $38.03 7” DuraBlack 45 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 8” - 10” | DuraBlack and DuraBlack SS UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492665299 Slip Connector w/ Trim 8DBK-SC 810000997 1 3.0 0.6 75 36.61 $45.77 662492123966 Snap-Lock Adapter w/ Trim 8DBK-ADSL 810000999 1 1.3 0.3 180 56.59 $70.73 662492006467 Slip Increaser 6" - 8" 6DBK-XS8 810000962 1 3.2 0.7 75 39.70 $49.62 662492006412 12" Single-Wall Black Pipe 8DBK-12 810001000 1 3.1 0.6 75 20.95 $26.19 662492006429 24" Single-Wall Black Pipe 8DBK-24 810001002 1 5.0 1.0 60 26.53 $33.17 662492006443 48" Single-Wall Black Pipe 8DBK-48 810001004 1 9.3 2.0 25 43.25 $54.06 662492006474 Increaser 7" - 8" 7DBK-X8 810001006 1 1.8 0.3 200 43.11 $53.88 662492006450 Tee w/ Clean-Out Cap 8DBK-T 810001007 1 4.9 1.4 36 83.44 $104.30 662492006436 45° Black Elbow 8DBK-E45 810001009 1 2.4 0.7 72 24.47 $30.59 662492006542 90° Black Elbow 8DBK-E90 810001011 1 3.3 0.7 80 33.61 $42.02 662492006405 Damper Section 8DBK-DS 810001013 1 3.2 0.5 80 42.78 $53.47 662492006511 Oval-to-Round Adapter 8DBK-ADOR 810001014 1 2.8 0.6 75 25.76 $32.20 662492006504 Double-Skirted Stovetop Adapter 8DBK-ADDB 810001015 1 1.6 0.3 180 27.27 $34.09 662492006528 Stovetop Adapter 8DBK-AD 810001016 1 1.2 0.3 180 25.15 $31.44 662492006481 Trim Collar 8DBK-TC 810001018 1 0.7 0.2 --- 19.02 $23.77 662492261514 Slip Connector SS w/ Trim 8DBK-SCSS 810000998 1 1.6 0.3 180 46.30 $57.87 662492822951 12" Single-Wall Black Pipe SS 8DBK-12SS 810001001 1 --- --- 75 30.36 $37.96 662492646891 24" Single-Wall Black Pipe SS 8DBK-24SS 810001003 1 3.6 --- 60 35.43 $44.28 662492222751 48" Single-Wall Black Pipe SS 8DBK-48SS 810001005 1 7.3 --- 25 55.67 $69.59 662492545669 Tee w/ Clean-Out Cap (SS) 8DBK-TSS 810001008 1 4.9 --- 36 121.46 $151.82 662492428658 45° Black Elbow SS 8DBK-E45SS 810001010 1 1.4 --- 72 32.39 $40.49 662492288153 90° Black Elbow SS 8DBK-E90SS 810001012 1 2.0 --- 80 42.51 $53.14 662492607466 Stovetop Adapter (SS) 8DBK-ADSS 810001017 1 1.2 --- --- 36.44 $45.55 662492006634 Slip Connector 10DBK-SC 810001019 1 4.4 1.1 36 46.49 $58.11 662492006566 12" Single-Wall Black Pipe 10DBK-12 810001020 1 3.6 1.1 36 50.72 $63.40 662492006573 24" Single-Wall Black Pipe 10DBK-24 810001021 1 7.0 2.0 24 60.80 $76.00 8” DuraBlack 8” DuraBlack SS 10” DuraBlack * All 10” black pipe is sold open stock; no master packs. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 46 DuraBlack and DuraBlack SS | 10” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492006603 Increaser 8" - 10" 8DBK-X10 810001022 1 2.5 0.6 112 63.40 $79.25 662492006627 Increaser 9" - 10" 9DBK-X10 810001023 1 2.6 0.6 112 97.60 $122.00 662492006597 Tee w/ Clean-Out Cap 10DBK-T 810001024 1 7.0 2.4 20 158.40 $198.00 662492006580 45° Black Elbow 10DBK-E45 810001025 1 3.1 1.4 60 60.80 $76.00 662492006658 90° Black Elbow 10DBK-E90 810001026 1 4.5 1.9 30 81.14 $101.43 662492006641 Double-Skirted Stovetop Adapter 10DBK-ADDB 810001027 1 2.0 0.5 80 39.19 $48.99 662492006610 Trim Collar 10DBK-TC 810001028 1 1.0 0.4 150 31.70 $39.62 47 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Kits | PelletVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) PelletVent Pro Kits 662492351147 3" PelletVent Pro Horizontal Kit (Includes: Round Horizontal Cap, Wall Thimble [for 1" clearance], Appliance Adapter [black]) 3PVP-KHA 810001029 1 5.0 0.9 60 176.01 $195.56 662492326886 3" PelletVent Pro Horizontal Kit - Canada* (Includes: Round Horizontal Cap, Wall Thimble [for 3" clearance], Appliance Adapter [black]) 3PVP-KHAC 810001030 1 15.5 1.0 72 176.01 $195.56 662492805282 3" PelletVent Pro Vertical Kit - Flat Ceiling (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer [for 1" clearance], Adjustable Flashing, Appliance Adapter [black]) 3PVP-KVA 810001031 1 15.5 1.7 26 233.84 $259.83 662492860731 3" PelletVent Pro Vertical Kit - Flat Ceiling Canada* (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer [for 3" 3PVP-KVAC clearance], Adjustable Flashing, Appliance Adapter [black]) 810001032 1 15.5 1.7 26 233.84 $259.83 662492868577 3" PelletVent Pro Vertical Kit - Cathedral (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Cathedral Ceiling Support Box, Adjustable Flashing, Appliance Adapter [black]) 3PVP-KVB 810001033 1 15.5 3.1 12 183.55 $203.94 662492355930 3" - 4" PelletVent Pro Fresh Air Intake Kit (Includes: Faceplate w/ Screen, Moisture Barrier, Aluminum Flex, [2] Clamp) 3PVP-AIK 810001034 1 2.8 0.3 30 49.66 $55.17 662492461617 PelletVent Relining for Factory Built Chimneys (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Support Bracket, Ventilation Disk, 3PVP304-20KFB Centering Bracket, PelletVent Pro12" length, Flex Connector, Flex Length (20'or 35') Adj Band, Flex Adapter) 810009339 1 --- 9.2 --- 491.59 $546.21 662492638996 PelletVent Relining for Factory Built Chimneys (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Support Bracket, Ventilation Disk, 3PVP316-20KFB Centering Bracket, PelletVent Pro12" length, Flex Connector, Flex Length (20'or 35') Adj Band, Flex Adapter) 810009340 1 --- 9.2 6 535.39 $594.88 662492285558 4" PelletVent Pro Vertical Kit - Cathedral (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Cathedral Ceiling Support Box, Adjustable Flashing, Appliance Adapter/Increaser 3" 4" [black]) 4PVP-KVB 810001037 1 18.9 3.5 24 329.40 $366.00 662492160640 4" PelletVent Pro Horizontal Kit (Includes: Round Horizontal Cap, Wall Thimble [for 1" clearance], Appliance Adapter/Increaser 3" - 4" [black]) 4PVP-KHA 810001035 1 18.9 1.0 72 219.60 $244.00 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 48 PelletVent Pro | Kits, 3” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492907153 4" PelletVent Pro Fresh Air Intake Kit (Includes: Faceplate w/ Screen, Moisture Barrier, Aluminum Flex, [2] Clamp) 4PVP-AIK 810013123 --- --- --- --- 70.20 $78.00 662492578285 4" PelletVent Pro Vertical Kit - Flat Ceiling (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer [for 1" clearance], Adjustable Flashing, Appliance Adapter/ Increaser 3" - 4" [black]) 4PVP-KVA 810001036 1 18.9 1.7 26 251.44 $279.38 662492461280 PelletVent Relining for Factory Built Chimneys (Includes: Vertical Cap, Storm Collar, Support Bracket, Ventilation Disk, 4PVP304-35KFB Centering Bracket, PelletVent Pro12" Length, Flex Connector, Flex Length (20' or 35') Adj Band, Flex Adapter) 810009341 1 --- 12.8 6 579.20 $643.55 662492183960 PelletVent Relining for Factory Built Chimneys (Includes: Vertical cap, Storm Collar, Support Bracket, Ventilation Disk, 4PVP316-35KFB Centering Bracket, PelletVent Pro12" Length, Flex Connector, Flex Length (20' or 35') Adj Band, Flex Adapter) 810009342 1 --- 12.8 6 1,711.67 $1,901.86 3” PelletVent Pro 662492103630 6" Straight Length Pipe 3PVP-06 810001038 6 4.1 0.4 720 23.25 $25.83 662492196847 6" Straight Length Pipe (black) 3PVP-06B 810001039 6 4.1 0.4 720 32.67 $36.30 662492820780 12" Straight Length Pipe 3PVP-12 810001040 6 7.9 0.7 480 33.30 $37.00 662492141786 12" Straight Length Pipe (black) 3PVP-12B 810001041 6 7.9 0.7 480 43.74 $48.60 662492668047 12" Straight Length Pipe (SS) 3PVP-12SS 810001042 6 7.9 0.7 480 41.35 $45.95 662492193457 24" Straight Length Pipe 3PVP-24 810001043 6 15.4 1.2 240 44.00 $48.88 662492833261 24" Straight Length Pipe (black) 3PVP-24B 810001044 6 15.4 1.2 240 54.68 $60.75 662492554722 24" Straight Length Pipe (SS) 3PVP-24SS 810001045 6 15.4 1.2 240 101.51 $112.79 662492448526 36" Straight Length Pipe 3PVP-36 810001046 6 21.1 1.8 240 60.34 $67.04 662492542279 36" Straight Length Pipe (black) 3PVP-36B 810001047 6 22.4 1.8 240 68.26 $75.84 662492735428 60" Straight Length Pipe 3PVP-60 810001048 6 37.5 2.9 120 86.24 $95.82 662492177525 60" Straight Length Pipe (black) 3PVP-60B 810001049 6 37.5 2.9 120 102.21 $113.57 662492425787 12" Pipe Extension 3PVP-12A 810001050 6 8.5 0.7 480 45.25 $50.28 662492558485 12" Pipe Extension (black) 3PVP-12AB 810001051 6 8.5 1.4 480 54.05 $60.06 662492508213 18" Pipe Extension 3PVP-18A 810001052 6 8.5 0.9 240 69.51 $77.23 49 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 3” | PelletVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492360484 18" Pipe Extension (black) 3PVP-18AB 810001053 6 8.5 0.9 240 83.09 $92.32 662492854785 48" Pipe Extension 3PVP-48A 810001054 6 8.5 2.4 120 91.09 $101.22 662492365489 48" Pipe Extension (Black) 3PVP-48AB 810001055 6 8.5 2.4 120 119.56 $132.85 662492850787 60" Flex Pipe 3PVP-60F 810001056 6 17.0 3.0 120 148.22 $164.69 662492633250 Appliance Adapter 3PVP-AD 810001057 6 3.0 0.2 1680 18.09 $20.10 662492659434 Appliance Adapter Black 3PVP-ADB 810001058 6 3.0 0.2 1680 27.15 $30.16 662492301036 Quick Release PelletVent Adapter 3PVP-ADS 810006994 6 0.4 0.2 --- 39.94 $44.38 662492777879 Appliance Adapter Harman Black 3PVP-ADHB 810001059 6 5.0 0.2 --- 27.37 $30.41 662492756515 Appliance Adapter/Increaser 3" - 4" 3PVP-X4AD 810001060 6 5.4 0.4 720 66.12 $73.47 662492693865 Appliance Adapter/Increaser Harmon 3" - 4" (black) 3PVP-X4ADHB 810005891 6 5.0 0.4 468 86.50 $96.11 662492458327 Appliance Adapter/Increaser 3" - 4" (black) 3PVP-X4ADB 810001061 6 5.4 0.4 720 86.11 $95.68 662492241769 2" - 3" Galvanized Fresh Air Increaser 3PVP-INC 810001103 1 0.3 0.1 --- 41.40 $46.00 662492512678 Female Flex Adapter 3PVP-ADFF 810001062 6 3.0 0.2 1,680 22.82 $25.36 662492467022 Male Flex Adapter 3PVP-ADFM 810001063 6 3.0 0.2 1,680 31.38 $34.87 662492170014 PVP Adapter old to new pipe 3PVP-PVAD 810005883 --- --- --- --- 34.23 $38.03 662492241271 45° Elbow 3PVP-E45 810001064 6 5.0 0.7 432 58.83 $65.37 662492690413 45° Elbow (black) 3PVP-E45B 810001065 6 5.0 0.7 432 65.61 $72.90 662492177822 90° Elbow 3PVP-E90 810001066 6 7.1 0.7 432 73.54 $81.71 662492566145 90° Elbow (black) 3PVP-E90B 810001067 6 7.1 0.7 432 82.85 $92.05 662492238257 3" Prairie Termination Cap Stainless w/ 3" Exhaust Vent and 3" Air Intake 3PVP-VCT33 810006996 1 7.7 2.4 16 275.73 $306.36 662492342992 3" Prairie Termination Cap Black w/ 3" Exhaust Vent and 3" Air Intake 3PVP-VCTB33 810005890 1 7.7 2.4 16 311.82 $346.47 3PVP-T 810001068 6 10.8 0.8 216 98.56 $109.52 662492526590 Single Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492503065 Single Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 3PVP-TB 810001069 6 10.8 1.3 216 107.11 $119.01 662492165195 Adapter Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap 3PVP-TAD 810001070 6 10.8 0.8 162 98.56 $109.52 662492401651 Adapter Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 3PVP-TADB 810001071 6 10.8 0.8 216 107.10 $119.00 662492635261 4" diameter w / 3" Adapter Branch 3PVP-TADX4 810001072 6 10.0 2.0 144 105.04 $116.71 662492406311 4" diameter w / 3" Adapter Branch (Black) 3PVP-TADX4B 810001073 6 10.0 2.0 144 113.87 $126.52 662492513194 Double Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap 3PVP-DBT 810001074 6 10.8 0.8 216 192.43 $213.81 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 50 PelletVent Pro | 3” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492249277 Double Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 3PVP-DBTB 810001075 6 10.8 0.8 216 192.43 $213.81 662492907931 3" PVP Appliance Adapter Ravelli 3PVP-ADR 810013232 6 --- --- --- 27.02 $30.02 662492909508 3" Diameter Adapter Tee Ravelli 3PVP-TADR 810013275 6 10.8 1.1 180 117.00 $130.00 662492799727 Clean-Out Tee Cap 3PVP-CO 810001076 6 2.9 0.2 1,680 37.08 $41.20 662492827284 Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 3PVP-COB 810001077 6 2.9 0.2 1,680 42.79 $47.55 662492444894 Vertical Cap 3PVP-VC 810001078 6 7.0 1.4 240 54.68 $60.75 662492902844 Horizontal Cap w/ Tapered End 3PVP-HC2 810009646 6 5.4 1.4 252 41.40 $46.00 662492752579 Square Horizontal Cap 3PVP-HSC 810001080 6 1.5 1.2 252 48.39 $53.77 662492628799 Wall Thimble (for 1" clearance) 3PVP-WT 810001081 6 16.6 2.4 120 62.85 $69.83 662492305270 Wall Thimble - Canada (for 3" clearance)* 3PVP-WT3 810001082 6 16.6 3.9 84 64.74 $71.94 662492731642 3" Wall Thimble Air Intake Kit (Includes: Wall Thimble [for 1" clearance]; 2" AL Flex; [2} 3PVP-WTI Hose Clamps) 810001083 6 16.6 3.9 84 146.96 $163.29 662492654217 Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer (for 1" clearance) 810001084 6 10.3 0.5 480 48.15 $53.50 662492379790 Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer - Canada (for 3PVP-FS3 3" clearance)* 810001085 6 10.3 1.2 216 48.15 $53.50 662492473856 Wall Strap 3PVP-WS 810001086 6 5.6 0.5 480 22.50 $25.00 662492302132 Adjustable Wall Strap 3PVP-WSA 810001087 6 5.6 0.5 480 24.50 $27.22 662492140567 Wall Strap Extension 3PVP-WSA-EXT 810001088 1 0.9 0.1 210 12.06 $13.40 662492697276 Cathedral Ceiling Support Box 3PVP-CS 810001089 1 6.1 1.1 60 99.84 $110.94 662492486528 House Shield 3PVP-HS 810001090 6 5.7 0.7 840 25.13 $27.92 662492654248 Storm Collar 3PVP-SC 810001091 6 1.7 0.2 972 5.40 $5.99 662492800676 Flex Trim Collar 3PVP-FTC 810001092 1 --- --- 180 62.76 $69.73 662492569344 Attic Insulation Shield 3PVP-IS 810001093 1 4.5 0.7 100 50.66 $56.29 662492808030 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12-6/12 3PVP-F6 810001094 6 11.8 1.6 120 18.84 $20.93 662492217863 Tall Cone Roof Flashing 3PVP-FF 810001095 6 14.0 --- 360 25.13 $27.92 662492443736 DSA Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 3PVP-F6DS 810001096 6 1.5 --- --- 50.28 $55.87 662492581766 DSA Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 3PVP-F12DS 810001097 6 --- --- 120 54.66 $60.73 662492897058 Ceiling Support/Wall Thimble Cover 3PVP-WTC 810001098 1 2.7 0.3 108 51.66 $57.40 662492572122 Reduction Collar 3PVP-RC 810001099 6 2.6 0.2 1,080 19.96 $22.18 662492112243 Increaser 3" - 4" 3PVP-X4 810001100 6 6.5 0.6 468 57.06 $63.40 51 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 3PVP-FS Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” - 4” | PelletVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492152195 Snow Splitter 9493 810000139 1 1.3 1.7 --- 102.48 $113.87 662492378212 3" Replacement Gasket 3PVP-GA 810007034 12 --- --- --- 4.50 $5.00 662492878583 Chimney Adapter - 6" 3PVP-X6 810001101 6 11.4 1.8 180 80.21 $89.12 662492127193 Chimney Adapter - 7" 3PVP-X7 810008056 6 11.4 2.5 180 102.27 $113.63 662492117255 Chimney Adapter - 8" 3PVP-X8 810001102 6 13.8 2.6 72 99.06 $110.07 662492909997 3" Diameter C Clamp 3PVP-CC 810013282 12 3.3 0.4 --- 19.09 $21.21 4” PelletVent Pro 662492566992 6" Straight Length Pipe 4PVP-06 810001104 6 5.6 0.6 468 24.88 $27.64 662492447185 6" Straight Length Pipe (black) 4PVP-06B 810001105 6 5.6 0.6 468 40.60 $45.12 662492384626 12" Straight Length Pipe 4PVP-12 810001106 6 10.7 1.1 264 35.57 $39.52 662492839379 12" Straight Length Pipe (black) 4PVP-12B 810001107 6 10.7 1.1 264 56.19 $62.43 662492441626 12" Straight Length Pipe (SS) 4PVP-12SS 810001108 6 10.7 1.1 264 50.15 $55.72 662492738474 24" Straight Length Pipe 4PVP-24 810001109 6 20.0 2.0 156 55.56 $61.73 662492234921 24" Straight Length Pipe (black) 4PVP-24B 810001110 6 20.0 2.0 156 75.80 $84.22 662492405253 24" Straight Length Pipe (SS) 4PVP-24SS 810001111 6 20.0 2.0 156 117.98 $131.09 662492764633 36" Straight Length Pipe 4PVP-36 810001112 6 29.0 2.9 156 72.15 $80.17 662492835432 36" Straight Length Pipe (black) 4PVP-36B 810001113 6 29.0 2.9 156 88.88 $98.76 662492674758 60" Straight Length Pipe 4PVP-60 810001114 6 46.5 4.7 78 97.80 $108.67 662492725696 60" Straight Length Pipe (black) 4PVP-60B 810001115 6 40.5 4.7 78 117.79 $130.88 662492293898 12" Pipe Extension 4PVP-12A 810001116 6 10.8 1.1 264 50.03 $55.59 662492694251 12" Pipe Extension (black) 4PVP-12AB 810001117 6 10.8 1.1 312 71.02 $78.91 662492315316 18" Pipe Extension 4PVP-18A 810001118 6 10.8 1.7 144 76.93 $85.48 662492209264 18" Pipe Extension (black) 4PVP-18AB 810001119 6 10.8 1.7 156 109.25 $121.38 662492637463 48" Pipe Extension 4PVP-48A 810001120 6 --- 5.6 78 108.17 $120.19 662492895955 48" Pipe Extension (black) 4PVP-48AB 810001121 6 --- 5.6 78 136.64 $151.82 662492792063 60" Flex Pipe 4PVP-60F 810001122 6 24.0 4.8 78 212.09 $235.66 662492492130 Appliance Adapter 4PVP-AD 810001123 6 3.5 0.4 720 19.60 $21.78 662492834619 PVP Adapter to new pipe 4PVP-PVAD 810006001 --- --- --- --- 24.87 $27.63 662492436479 Appliance Adapter (black) 4PVP-ADB 810001124 6 3.5 0.4 720 51.35 $57.05 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 52 PelletVent Pro | 4” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492183441 Female Flex Adapter 4PVP-ADFF 810001125 6 3.0 0.6 468 18.84 $20.93 662492473276 Male Flex Adapter 4PVP-ADFM 810001126 6 3.0 0.6 468 34.23 $38.03 662492265444 Quick Release PelletVent Adapter 4PVP-ADS 810006995 6 0.6 0.4 --- 45.65 $50.72 662492240694 45° Elbow 4PVP-E45 810001127 6 7.4 1.1 270 66.63 $74.03 662492605691 45° Elbow (black) 4PVP-E45B 810001128 6 7.4 1.1 270 82.85 $92.05 662492595565 90° Elbow 4PVP-E90 810001129 6 10.1 1.4 252 92.53 $102.81 662492813881 90° Elbow (black) 4PVP-E90B 810001130 6 10.1 1.4 252 107.86 $119.84 662492417553 4" Prairie Termination Cap Stainless w/ 4" Exhaust Vent and 3" Air Intake 4PVP-VCT34 810006997 1 7.7 2.4 16 275.73 $306.36 662492878316 4" Prairie Termination Cap Black w/ 4" Exhaust Vent and 3" Air Intake 4PVP-VCTB34 810006998 1 7.7 2.4 16 311.82 $346.47 662492541913 Single Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap 4PVP-T 810001131 6 14.9 1.3 162 103.09 $114.54 662492836743 Single Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 4PVP-TB 810001132 6 14.9 1.3 162 114.15 $126.83 662492501689 Increaser Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap 4PVP-T3 810001133 6 10.4 1.3 162 100.31 $111.46 662492199220 Increaser Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 4PVP-T3B 810001134 6 10.4 1.3 162 112.52 $125.02 662492156131 Adapter Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap 4PVP-TAD 810001135 6 14.9 1.3 168 103.10 $114.55 662492226629 Adapter Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 4PVP-TADB 810001136 6 14.9 1.3 162 134.08 $148.98 662492717295 Double Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap 4PVP-DBT 810001137 6 14.9 1.3 162 206.10 $229.00 662492358559 Clean-Out Tee Cap 4PVP-CO 810001138 6 15.0 0.4 1,680 37.08 $41.20 662492472453 Double Tee w/ Clean-Out Tee Cap 4PVP-DBTB 810001139 6 14.9 1.3 162 365.15 $405.72 662492178133 Clean-Out Tee Cap (black) 4PVP-COB 810001140 6 15.0 0.4 168 45.65 $50.72 662492236635 Vertical Cap 4PVP-VC 810001141 6 7.3 1.4 240 58.32 $64.80 662492289495 Round Horizontal Cap 4PVP-HRC 810001142 6 5.4 1.7 144 54.68 $60.75 662492902851 Horziontal Cap w/ Tapered End 4PVP-HC2 810009647 6 5.4 1.7 216 46.80 $52.00 662492226872 Square Horizontal Cap 4PVP-HSC 810001144 6 1.4 1.2 252 52.95 $58.83 662492435120 Wall Thimble (for 1" clearance) 4PVP-WT 810001145 6 16.5 2.4 120 67.51 $75.01 662492599952 Wall Thimble (for 3" clearance) - Canada* 4PVP-WT3 810001146 6 16.5 3.9 84 69.64 $77.38 662492429723 4" Wall Thimble Air Intake Kit (Includes: Wall Thimble [for 1" clearance]; 2" AL Flex; [2} 4PVP-WTI Hose Clamps) 810001147 6 16.6 3.9 84 157.90 $175.44 662492167052 4"Wall Thimble with 3" Air intake 810001148 6 2.8 3.9 84 159.42 $177.13 53 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 4PVP-WTI3 Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 4”, Bioflex | PelletVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492572528 Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer (for 1" clearance) 4PVP-FS 810001149 6 11.5 0.5 156 56.19 $62.43 662492681626 Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer (for 3" clearance) - Canada* 4PVP-FS3 810001150 6 11.5 1.2 216 56.19 $62.43 662492813218 Wall Strap 4PVP-WS 810001151 6 5.1 0.5 480 24.38 $27.09 662492652930 Adjustable Wall Strap 4PVP-WSA 810001152 6 5.1 0.5 480 26.52 $29.46 662492636336 Cathedral Ceiling Support Box 4PVP-CS 810001153 1 6.3 1.4 60 99.84 $110.94 662492187715 House Shield 4PVP-HS 810001154 6 6.0 0.7 720 37.08 $41.20 662492383278 Storm Collar 4PVP-SC 810001155 6 1.7 0.2 972 6.28 $6.97 662492627570 Flex Trim Collar 4PVP-FTC 810001156 1 --- --- 180 59.90 $66.56 662492697528 Attic Insulation Shield 4PVP-IS 810001157 1 4.5 0.7 100 50.66 $56.29 662492587652 Adjustable Roof Flashing 4PVP-F6 810001158 6 12.0 1.2 312 20.99 $23.32 662492547649 Tall Cone Roof Flashing 4PVP-FF 810001159 6 17.3 --- 240 27.77 $30.86 662492848890 DSA Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 4PVP-F6DS 810001160 6 1.0 --- --- 56.95 $63.27 662492446171 DSA Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 4PVP-F12DS 810001161 6 --- --- 120 60.35 $67.06 662492598764 Reduction Collar 4PVP-RC 810001162 6 2.5 0.3 1,080 19.96 $22.18 662492262245 4" Replacement Gasket 4PVP-GA 810007035 12 --- --- --- 5.71 $6.34 662492429754 Chimney Adapter - 6" 4PVP-X6 810001163 6 11.8 1.8 180 84.22 $93.58 662492184080 Chimney Adapter - 7" 4PVP-X7 810008057 6 11.4 2.5 180 102.27 $113.63 662492745281 Chimney Adapter - 8" 4PVP-X8 810001164 6 8.8 2.6 72 101.96 $113.28 662492910016 4: Diameter C Clamp 4PVP-CC 810013283 12 3.8 0.4 --- 18.53 $20.59 3” PelletVent Pro BioFlex 662492659250 3" X 15’ Bio Flex Pipe 3PVP-15BF 810001165 1 --- --- 12 177.63 $197.37 662492781937 3" X 20’ Bio Flex Pipe 3PVP-20BF 810001166 1 --- --- 6 236.85 $263.16 662492579930 3" X 25’ Bio Flex Pipe 3PVP-25BF 810001167 1 --- --- 6 289.23 $321.36 662492809341 3" X 30’ Bio Flex Pipe 3PVP-30BF 810001168 1 --- --- 6 499.23 $554.70 662492755662 3" X 35’ Bio Flex Pipe 3PVP-35BF 810001169 1 --- --- --- 409.93 $455.47 662492457498 3" X 100’ Bio Flex Pipe 3PVP-100BF 810001170 1 --- --- --- 1,283.75 $1,426.39 4” PelletVent Pro BioFlex 662492591536 4" X 15’ Bio Flex Pipe 4PVP-15BF 810001171 1 --- --- 6 234.57 $260.63 662492639535 4" X 20’ Bio Flex Pipe 4PVP-20BF 810001172 1 --- --- 6 296.06 $328.95 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 54 PelletVent Pro | Bioflex UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662429413975 4" X 25’ Bio Flex Pipe 4PVP-25BF 810001173 1 --- --- 6 363.24 $403.60 662492309148 4" X 30’ Bio Flex Pipe 4PVP-30BF 810001174 1 --- --- 4 441.81 $490.90 662492758922 4" X 35’ Bio Flex Pipe 4PVP-35BF 810001175 1 --- --- 4 512.41 $569.34 662492116272 4" X 100’ Bio Flex Pipe 4PVP-100BF 810001176 1 --- --- 2 1,308.35 $1,453.72 PelletVent Pro BioFlex Custom Length --- 3PVP-XX Bio Flex Pipe 3PVP-XXBF 810001177 1 --- --- --- 13.66/ft $15.18 /ft --- 4PVP-XX Bio Flex Pipe 4PVP-XXBF 810001178 1 --- --- --- 15.94/ft $17.71 /ft 55 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 5 “ - 6” | DuraLiner UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492899090 30° Stainless Steel Elbow (SW) 5DLR-E30 810001179 1 1.0 0.3 --- 108.12 $120.13 662492356029 45° Stainless Steel Elbow (SW) 5DLR-E45 810001180 1 1.0 0.3 --- 76.50 $85.00 662492387733 Round Tee w/ Round Branch w/ Cap 5DLR-T 810001181 1 3.0 0.4 --- 261.00 $290.00 662492902240 5" Diameter Round Tee with 6" Branch 5DLR-TX6 810009937 --- --- --- --- 209.58 $232.87 662492765760 Reducer (6" - 5") 5DLR-R6 810001182 1 --- 0.1 --- 30.18 $33.53 662492809679 36" Round-to-Round Flex Pipe 5DLR-36F 810001183 1 --- 1.1 --- 140.57 $156.19 662492302583 60" Round-to-Round Flex Pipe 5DLR-60F 810001184 1 --- 1.7 --- 138.81 $154.23 662492733165 12" Round Rigid Pipe 5DLR-12 810001185 1 3 0.4 126 96.30 $107.00 662492863022 24" Round Rigid Pipe 5DLR-24 810001186 1 5 0.6 84 96.56 $107.29 662492618844 36" Round Rigid Pipe 5DLR-36 810001187 1 8.0 1.2 60 120.70 $134.11 662492831434 48" Round Rigid Pipe 5DLR-48 810001188 1 10.0 1.2 42 156.91 $174.34 662492369661 Twist-Lock Cap Kit (round 13" x 13") 5DLR-KVA 810001189 20 4.0 1.5 --- 190.71 $211.90 662492713334 Twist-Lock Cap Kit (round 13" x 18") 5DLR-KVB 810001190 1 5.0 1.9 --- 195.53 $217.26 662492452271 Masonry Thimble w/ Slip Connector 5DLR-MT 810001191 1 4.0 1.2 --- 274.50 $305.00 662492011201 5" - 8" Diameter Insulation Clamp 4910 810005955 24 4.0 --- --- 10.81 $12.01 662492495520 5” - 6" DuraLiner I nsulation Kit (5' section ProMesh and 1/2" x 5' sec of Profoil (tape and pipe length not incuded) 6DL-IK 810001192 1 10.0 0.6 --- 81.06 $90.07 662492010440 30° Stove Connector (round-round) 6DLR-CNR 810001193 4 8.6 1.5 288 117.14 $130.16 662492010464 30° Stove Connector (round-oval) 6DLR-CNRO 810001194 4 6.8 1.1 144 105.00 $116.66 662492010457 30° Stove Connector (oval) 6DLR-CNO 810001195 4 9.1 1.5 192 112.96 $125.51 662492010426 Flat Stove Connector (round) 6DLR-FCNR 810001196 4 5.2 0.7 432 53.29 $59.21 662492010433 Flat Stove Connector (oval) 6DLR-FCNO 810001197 4 6.7 1.0 240 151.20 $168.00 662492230657 15˚ Stainless Steel Elbow Adapter 6DLR-E15ADSS 810001198 1 --- --- --- 38.72 $43.02 662492010204 30° Stainless Steel Elbow (SW) 6DLR-E30SS 810001199 1 1.6 0.4 120 56.04 $62.27 662492010280 45° Stainless Steel Elbow (SW) 6DLR-E45SS 810001200 1 1.5 0.3 180 56.04 $62.27 662492010372 Round Tee w/Round Branch w/ Cap 6DLR-T 810001201 1 5.0 0.6 120 209.58 $232.87 662492010389 Oval Tee w/Round Branch w/ Cap (SW) 6DLR-OTRB 810001202 1 2.0 0.6 75 152.69 $169.65 662492010402 DuraLiner Spacer (oval) (SW) 6DLR-S 810001203 4 3.0 0.5 --- 45.06 $50.06 5” DuraLiner 6” DuraLiner 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 56 DuraLiner | 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492010365 Adjustable Sleeve 6DLR-AS 810001204 1 1.8 0.4 126 59.01 $65.57 662492010266 Masonry Thimble w/ Slip Connector 6DLR-MTSC 810000917 1 3.8 1.2 30 98.31 $109.23 662492010273 Wall Pass Through 6DLR-WPT 810001205 1 15.0 3.0 14 313.47 $348.30 662492337530 36" Round-to-Round Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 6DLR-36HF 810001206 1 12.9 1.2 --- 392.64 $436.26 662492125243 60" Round-to-Round Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 6DLR-60HF 810001207 1 6.0 1.2 --- 555.72 $617.46 662492010228 36" Round-to-Round Flex Pipe 6DLR-36F 810001208 1 12.9 1.1 60 137.50 $152.78 662492010341 60" Round-to-Round Flex Pipe 6DLR-60F 810001209 1 6.0 1.2 30 192.50 $213.89 662492864821 36" Oval-to-Oval Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 6DLR-36OHF 810001210 1 12.5 1.1 --- 407.47 $452.75 662492889916 60" Oval-to-Oval Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 6DLR-60OHF 810001211 1 19.0 1.2 --- 582.11 $646.79 662492010235 36" Oval-to-Oval Flex Pipe 6DLR-36OF 810001212 1 12.5 1.1 60 185.43 $206.03 662492286104 60" Oval-to-Oval Flex Pipe 6DLR-60OF 810001213 1 6.4 1.2 30 192.50 $213.89 662492119440 36" Oval-to-Round Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 6DLR-36ORHF 810001214 1 5.0 1.2 --- 382.33 $424.81 662492144770 60" Oval-to-Round Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 6DLR-60ORHF 810001215 1 16.3 1.1 --- 579.98 $644.42 662492010259 36" Oval-to-Round Flex Pipe 6DLR-36ORF 810001216 1 5.0 1.2 60 137.50 $152.78 662492010358 60" Oval-to-Round Flex Pipe 6DLR-60ORF 810001217 1 16.3 1.1 30 192.50 $213.89 662492010150 14" Round-to-Oval Flex Pipe 6DLR-14ROF 810001218 1 2.6 0.8 120 135.12 $150.14 662492010112 12" Round Rigid Pipe 6DLR-12 810001219 1 3.5 0.4 120 77.78 $86.42 662492010167 24" Round Rigid Pipe 6DLR-24 810001220 1 6.0 0.8 60 108.86 $120.96 662492010211 36" Round Length Pipe 6DLR-36 810001221 1 8.9 1.2 60 146.47 $162.74 662492010297 48" Round Length Pipe 6DLR-48 810001222 1 12.0 1.6 30 181.41 $201.57 662492010143 12" Oval Rigid Pipe 6DLR-12O 810001223 1 3.3 0.4 120 100.66 $111.84 662492010198 24" Oval Rigid Pipe 6DLR-24O 810001224 1 6.5 0.8 60 131.06 $145.62 662492010242 36" Oval Rigid Pipe 6DLR-36O 810001225 1 9.3 1.2 60 173.36 $192.62 662492010327 48" Oval Rigid Pipe 6DLR-48O 810001226 1 12.3 1.6 30 210.88 $234.31 662492010495 Extend-a-Cap Kit (round 13" x 13") 6DLR-KXC13 810001227 1 6.1 1.5 48 173.12 $192.36 662492010501 Extend-a-Cap Kit (round 13" x 18") 6DLR-KXC18 810001228 1 6.6 1.9 20 191.84 $213.16 662492010525 Extend-a-Cap Kit (oval 13" x 20") 6DLR-KXC20 810001229 1 7.1 1.2 42 211.17 $234.63 662492010518 Extend-a-Cap Kit (oval 10" x 22") 6DLR-KXC22 810001230 1 6.0 1.6 60 190.65 $211.83 662492010419 Slip Connector and Hanger 6DLR-SCH 810001231 1 set 2.2 0.4 126 61.16 $67.96 57 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 6” - 8” | DuraLiner UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492152195 Snow Splitter 6DT-SP 810000139 1 1.3 1.7 --- 102.48 $113.87 662492147283 Spark Arrestor 5DT-SA 810000054 1 --- 0.1 --- 17.65 $19.61 662492775981 7-8" DuraLiner I nsulation Kit (5' section ProMesh and 1/2" x 5' sec of Profoil (tape and pipe length not incuded) 8DL-IK 810001232 1 12.0 1.2 --- 99.16 $110.18 662492011065 30° Stove Connector (round-round) 8DLR-CNR 810001233 4 9.4 1.5 144 126.57 $140.63 662492011089 30° Stove Connector (round-oval) 8DLR-CNRO 810001234 4 6.0 1.5 144 151.20 $168.00 662492011072 30° Stove Connector (oval) 8DLR-CNO 810001235 4 9.4 1.5 192 229.74 $255.27 662492011041 Flat Stove Connector (round) 8DLR-FCNR 810001236 4 6.8 0.9 240 56.40 $62.67 662492011058 Flat Stove Connector (oval) 8DLR-FCNO 810001237 4 6.0 0.6 --- 137.70 $153.00 662492010822 30° Stainless Steel Elbow (SW) 8DLR-E30SS 810001238 1 2.2 0.6 112 94.60 $105.11 662492010907 45° Stainless Steel Elbow (SW) 8DLR-E45SS 810001239 1 2.2 0.6 112 175.69 $195.21 662492010990 Round Tee w/Round Branch w/ Cap 8DLR-T 810001240 1 5.7 1.3 60 421.65 $468.50 662492011003 Oval Tee w/Round Branch w/ Cap (SW) 8DLR-OTRB 810001241 1 3.3 1.0 --- 302.72 $336.36 662492011027 DuraLiner Spacer (oval) (SW) 8DLR-S 810001242 4 3.6 0.5 --- 51.16 $56.85 662492010983 Adjustable Sleeve 8DLR-AS 810001243 1 2.4 0.6 --- 64.73 $71.92 662492010884 Masonry Thimble w/ Slip Connector 8DLR-MTSC 810000954 1 3.6 1.2 36 122.32 $135.91 662492010891 Wall Pass Through 8DLR-WPT 810001244 1 15.6 3.1 18 329.14 $365.71 662492839256 36" Round-to-Round Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 8DLR-36HF 810001245 1 --- 1.8 --- 490.80 $545.34 662492442722 60" Round-to-Round Heavy-Duty Flex Pipe 8DLR-60HF 810001246 1 --- 3.0 --- 694.64 $771.82 662492010846 36" Round-to-Round Flex Pipe 8DLR-36F 810001247 1 13.0 1.8 40 178.76 $198.62 662492010969 60" Round-to-Round Flex Pipe 8DLR-60F 810001248 1 21.7 3.0 20 266.77 $296.41 662492010853 36" Oval-to-Oval Flex Pipe 8DLR-36OF 810001249 1 14.4 1.8 40 473.00 $525.55 662492223208 60" Oval-to-Oval Flex Pipe 8DLR-60OF 810001250 1 15.0 1.2 20 445.98 $495.53 662492010877 36" Oval-to-Round Flex Pipe 8DLR-36ORF 810001251 1 15.4 1.6 40 337.86 $375.40 662492010976 60" Oval-to-Round Flex Pipe 8DLR-60ORF 810001252 1 21.9 3.0 20 445.98 $495.53 662492010778 14" Round-to-Oval Flex Pipe 8DLR-14ROF 810001253 1 6.1 0.7 --- 297.31 $330.35 662492010730 12" Round Rigid Pipe 8DLR-12 810001254 1 4.2 0.7 100 129.74 $144.15 662492010785 24" Round Rigid Pipe 8DLR-24 810001255 1 8.0 1.3 60 129.00 $143.34 662492010839 36" Round Rigid Pipe 8DLR-36 810001256 1 11.7 1.8 40 216.23 $240.25 8” DuraLiner 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 58 DuraLiner | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492010914 48" Round Rigid Pipe 8DLR-48 810001257 1 15.6 2.5 20 221.21 $245.79 662492010761 12" Oval Rigid Pipe 8DLR-12O 810001258 1 4.4 0.7 100 202.72 $225.24 662492010815 24" Oval Rigid Pipe 8DLR-24O 810001259 1 7.9 1.3 60 364.89 $405.43 662492010860 36" Oval Rigid Pipe 8DLR-36O 810001260 1 12.0 1.8 40 445.98 $495.53 662492010945 48" Oval Rigid Pipe 8DLR-48O 810001261 1 15.7 2.5 20 257.57 $286.19 662492011119 Extend-a-Cap Kit (round 13" x 13") 8DLR-KXC13 810001262 1 6.2 1.5 48 297.31 $330.35 662492011133 Extend-a-Cap Kit (round 13" x 18") 8DLR-KXC18 810001263 1 6.8 1.5 48 214.54 $238.38 662492011140 Extend-a-Cap Kit (oval 13" x 20") 8DLR-KXC20 810001264 1 7.5 1.2 42 301.50 $335.00 662492011126 Extend-a-Cap Kit (oval 10" x 22") 8DLR-KXC22 810001265 1 6.6 1.8 --- 217.01 $241.12 662492011034 Slip Connector and Hanger 8DLR-SCH 810001266 1 set 3.3 0.6 --- 85.22 $94.69 662492147283 Spark Arrestor 5DT-SA 810000054 1 --- 0.1 --- 17.65 $19.61 59 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Kits | Ventinox VFT UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) VFT Kits w/out Tee 662492508282 3" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 3VFT-25K 810001569 1 16.41 16.12 --- 551.96 $613.29 662492201381 3" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 3VFT-35K 810001570 1 18.90 16.12 --- 728.10 $809.00 662492492444 4" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 4VFT-25K 810001571 1 19.30 16.12 --- 559.98 $622.20 662492723890 4" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 4VFT-35K 810001572 1 21.55 16.12 --- 739.61 $821.79 662492856468 5" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 5VFT-25K 810001573 1 20.34 16.12 --- 632.35 $702.61 662492311561 5" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 5VFT-35K 810001574 1 26.54 16.12 --- 839.21 $932.45 662492747367 5.5" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain 55VFT-25K Cap w/ Storm Collar) 810001575 1 24.49 16.12 --- 683.14 $759.05 662492552193 5.5" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain 55VFT-35K Cap w/ Storm Collar) 810001576 1 31.29 16.12 --- 907.60 $1,008.45 662492792094 6" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 6VFT-25K 810001577 1 25.56 16.12 --- 730.18 $811.31 662492763049 6" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 6VFT-35K 810001578 1 31.95 16.12 --- 965.46 $1,072.74 662492458686 7" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 7VFT-25K 810001579 1 28.60 16.12 --- 840.76 $934.17 662492756188 7" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 7VFT-35K 810001580 1 35.60 16.12 --- 1,093.99 $1,215.54 662492826867 8" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 8VFT-25K 810001581 1 30.20 16.12 --- 946.84 $1,052.04 662492240847 8" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar) 8VFT-35K 810001582 1 40.10 16.12 --- 1,162.93 $1,292.15 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 60 Ventinox VFT | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492505717 3" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 3VFT-25KT 810001583 1 18.41 16.12 --- 644.45 $716.06 662492533338 3" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 3VFT-35KT 810001584 1 20.90 16.12 --- 823.40 $914.89 662492414163 4" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 4VFT-25KT 810001585 1 21.30 16.12 --- 659.53 $732.81 662492441565 4" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 4VFT-35KT 810001586 1 23.55 16.12 --- 842.00 $935.56 662492839959 5" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 5VFT-25KT 810001587 1 22.34 16.12 --- 751.21 $834.68 662492345559 5" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 5VFT-35KT 810001588 1 28.54 16.12 --- 960.94 $1,067.71 662492295359 5.5" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain 55VFT-25KT Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 810001589 1 26.49 16.12 --- 793.01 $881.13 662492599198 5.5" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain 55VFT-35KT Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 810001590 1 33.29 16.12 --- 1,028.63 $1,142.92 662492651650 6" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 6VFT-25KT 810001591 1 27.56 16.12 --- 833.22 $925.81 662492152348 6" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 6VFT-35KT 810001592 1 33.95 16.12 --- 1,071.34 $1,190.38 662492845042 7" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 7VFT-25KT 810001593 1 30.60 16.12 --- $1,038.85 Ventinox VFT Kits w/Tee 61 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 934.96 Kits, 3” | Ventinox VFT UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492544877 7" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 7VFT-35KT 810001594 1 37.60 16.12 --- 1,218.02 $1,353.35 662492528174 8" x 25' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 8VFT-25KT 810001595 1 32.20 16.12 --- 985.79 $1,095.33 662492608890 8" x 35' Ventinox VFT All-Fuel Kit (Includes: Ventinox VFT Liner; VFT Top Plate; VFT Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar; Tee w/ Removable Snout and Cap) 8VFT-35KT 810001596 1 42.10 16.12 --- 1,302.69 $1,447.44 Ventinox VFT Direct Connect Kits 841211019838 Ventinox VFT Connector Sealing Kit 6VFT-VCK 810001609 1 6.00 0.27 --- 114.59 $127.32 841211019821 Ventinox VFT Damper Sealing Kit 6VFT-VSK 810001610 8 35.00 --- --- 37.61 $41.79 662492481578 Ventinox VFT 6" Round Top Vent Kit 6-RTA-CK 810001597 1 13.80 4.07 --- 264.28 $293.64 662492843529 Ventinox VFT 6" Round Top Vent Kit 6-RTA-SK 810001598 1 10.80 4.07 --- 206.07 $228.96 662492281864 Ventinox VFT 6" Round Rear Vent Kit 6-RVK-CK 810001599 1 15.00 4.07 --- 326.73 $363.04 662492169681 Ventinox VFT 6" Round Rear Vent Kit 6-RVK-SK 810001600 1 15.00 4.07 --- 260.55 $289.50 662492560259 Ventinox VFT 8" Round Top Vent Kit 8-RTA-CK 810001601 1 5.60 4.07 --- 300.83 $334.25 662492654156 Ventinox VFT 8" Round Top Vent Kit 8-RTA-SK 810001602 1 12.80 4.07 --- 242.64 $269.60 662492188385 Ventinox VFT 8" Round Rear Vent Kit 8-RVK-CK 810001603 1 17.00 4.07 --- 377.12 $419.02 662492888148 Ventinox VFT 8" Round Rear Vent Kit 8-RVK-SK 810001604 1 17.00 4.07 --- 313.83 $348.70 662492858844 Ventinox VFT 8" Round Top Vent Kit 8-TVKRO-CK 810001605 1 12.80 3.80 --- 376.63 $418.48 662492747698 Ventinox VFT 8" Rectangle Top Vent Kit 8-TVKRE-CK 810001606 1 12.90 4.07 --- 394.92 $438.80 662492525241 Ventinox VFT 10" Rectangle Top Vent Kit 10-TVKRE-CK 810001607 1 13.20 3.80 --- 435.16 $483.51 662492492932 Ventinox VFT 10" Rectangle Top Vent Kit 10-TVKRE-SK 810001608 1 13.20 4.07 --- 376.96 $418.85 662492312650 3" Ventinox VFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 3VFT-XX 810001611 1 --- --- --- 17.79/ft $19.76/ft 662492751329 3" x 5' Ventinox VFT Extensions 3VFT-X5 810001612 1 4.90 3.80 --- 92.30 $102.55 662492435793 3" x 10' Ventinox VFT Extensions 3VFT-X10 810001613 1 3.80 --- --- 180.35 $200.39 662462546949 3" x 25' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 3VFT-25BL 810001614 1 9.50 16.12 --- 447.36 $497.06 662492405529 3" x 35' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 3VFT-35BL 810001615 1 12.00 16.12 --- 626.29 $695.88 662492572245 3" Ventinox VFT Coupler 3VFT-C 810001616 12 4.60 0.80 --- 38.25 $42.50 3” Ventinox VFT 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 62 Ventinox VFT | 3” - 4” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492341865 3" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 3VFT-S 810001617 10 4.40 0.38 --- 30.06 $33.40 662492459485 3" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 3VFT-E45 810001618 10 5.20 1.92 --- 47.07 $52.30 662492853863 3" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 3VFT-E90 810001619 8 6.87 1.92 --- 55.29 $61.44 662492509371 3" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 3VFT-TRS 810001620 12 12.80 1.92 --- 66.05 $73.39 662492106297 3" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 3VFT-TCV 810001621 10 2.80 0.38 --- 22.33 $24.81 662492594582 3" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 3VFT-TLS 810001622 6 6.60 3.81 --- 45.89 $50.99 662492664193 3" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 3VFT-RCSC 810001623 12 11.00 2.89 --- 60.32 $67.02 662492490976 3" Ventinox Bird Screen 3VFT-BS 810001624 6 0.20 --- --- 19.38 $21.53 662492887899 3" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 3VFT-TP 810001625 10 12.40 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492549025 3" Ventinox Installation Cone 3VFT-IC 810001626 1 0.30 --- --- 77.81 $86.45 662492845622 4" Ventinox VFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 4VFT-XX 810001627 1 --- --- --- 18.14/ft $20.15/ft 662492289129 4" x 5' Ventinox VFT Extensions 4VFT-X5 810001628 1 3.40 3.80 --- 94.07 $104.52 662492456064 4" x 10' Ventinox VFT Extensions 4VFT-X10 810001629 1 6.80 --- --- 180.35 $200.39 662492483343 4" x 25' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 4VFT-25BL 810001630 1 17.00 16.12 --- 456.18 $506.87 662492544327 4" x 35' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 4VFT-35BL 810001631 1 22.50 16.12 --- 638.65 $709.61 662492862599 4" Ventinox VFT Coupler 4VFT-C 810001632 12 10.40 1.27 --- 81.09 $90.10 662492131220 4" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 4VFT-S 810001633 10 4.80 0.64 --- 34.34 $38.16 662492390320 4" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 4VFT-E45 810001634 10 11.80 1.92 --- 49.64 $55.15 662492773970 4" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 4VFT-E90 810001635 8 10.60 2.89 --- 58.77 $65.30 662492548387 4" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 4VFT-TRS 810001636 10 16.00 2.89 --- 68.12 $75.68 662492586983 4" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 4VFT-TCV 810001637 10 3.40 0.38 --- 42.30 $47.00 662492630013 4" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 4VFT-TLS 810001638 6 7.80 3.81 --- 48.60 $54.00 662492381595 4" Tee w/ 3" Pellet Tee 4VFT-PVT 810001639 --- --- --- --- 175.69 $195.21 662492630358 4" to 3" Short Body Pellet Tee 4VFT-PVTS 810001640 --- --- --- --- 102.48 $113.87 662492116739 4" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 4VFT-RCSC 810001641 10 13.00 2.89 --- 62.74 $69.71 662492820452 4" Ventinox Bird Screen 4VFT-BS 810001642 1 0.50 --- --- 19.38 $21.53 662492191477 4" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 4VFT-TP 810001643 10 12.70 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492275764 4" Ventinox Installation Cone 4VFT-IC 810001644 1 0.40 --- --- 77.81 $86.45 4” Ventinox VFT 63 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 5” - 5.5” | Ventinox VFT UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492771655 5" Ventinox VFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 5VFT-XX 810001646 1 --- --- 662492264348 5" x 5' Ventinox VFT Extensions 5VFT-X5 810001647 1 3.70 3.80 --- 107.70 $119.66 662249826287 5" x 10' Ventinox VFT Extensions 5VFT-X10 810001648 1 7.40 --- --- 211.14 $234.60 662492799949 5" x 25' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 5VFT-25BL 810001649 1 18.30 16.12 --- 524.32 $582.58 662492218020 5" x 35' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 5VFT-35BL 810001650 1 25.30 16.12 --- 734.05 $815.61 662492616925 5" Ventinox VFT Coupler 5VFT-C 810001651 12 12.80 1.27 --- 94.60 $105.11 662492740644 5" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 5VFT-S 810001652 10 5.40 0.80 --- 34.84 $38.72 662492677711 5" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 5VFT-E45 810001653 10 9.63 1.92 --- 54.47 $60.53 662492774151 5" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 5VFT-E90 810001654 8 11.20 2.89 --- 63.61 $70.67 662492579022 5" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 5VFT-TRS 810001655 6 12.40 2.89 --- 89.25 $99.17 662492118924 5" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 5VFT-TCV 810001656 10 4.60 0.38 --- 45.95 $51.05 662492592991 5" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 5VFT-TLS 810001657 6 9.60 3.81 --- 54.80 $60.89 662492405581 5" Ventinox VFT Swivel Tee Adapter 5VFT-ADST 810001658 6 2.60 1.27 --- 63.90 $71.00 662492800461 5" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 5VFT-RCSC 810001659 8 14.40 2.89 --- 64.44 $71.60 662492239148 5" Ventinox Storm Collar 5VFT-SC 810001660 --- --- --- --- 47.37 $52.64 662492201480 5" Ventinox Bird Screen 5VFT-BS 810001661 6 0.90 --- --- 24.24 $26.94 662492606247 5" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 5VFT-TP 810001662 10 13.10 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492839737 5" Ventinox Installation Cone 5VFT-IC 810001663 1 0.60 --- --- 111.84 $124.27 --- 23.66/ft $26.29/ft 5” Ventinox VFT --- 20.89/ft $23.22/ft 5.5” Ventinox VFT 662492729625 5.5" Ventinox VFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 55VFT-XX 810001664 1 --- --- 662492629468 5.5" x 5' Ventinox VFT Extensions 55VFT-X5 810001665 1 3.80 3.80 --- 111.67 $124.08 662492416112 5.5" x 10' Ventinox VFT Extensions 55VFT-X10 810001666 1 7.60 --- --- 220.29 $244.77 662492255926 5.5" x 25' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 55VFT-25BL 810001667 1 19.00 16.12 --- 547.55 $608.39 662492742327 5.5" x 35' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 55VFT-35BL 810001668 1 26.00 16.12 --- 794.78 $883.09 662492764848 5.5" Ventinox VFT Coupler 55VFT-C 810006019 12 14.40 1.92 --- 75.68 $84.08 662492265789 5.5" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 55VFT-S 810006025 10 6.00 1.27 --- 35.91 $39.90 662492859056 5.5" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 55VFT-E45 810006020 10 10.00 2.89 --- 83.79 $93.10 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 64 Ventinox VFT | 5.5” - 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492676431 5.5" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 55VFT-E90 810001672 6 9.80 3.81 --- 64.16 $71.29 662492368787 5.5" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 55VFT-TRS 810006027 4 10.00 2.89 --- 93.82 $104.24 662492385814 5.5" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 55VFT-TCV 810006026 10 4.60 0.64 --- 39.19 $43.54 662492215036 5.5" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 55VFT-RCSC 810001675 6 12.00 3.81 --- 66.26 $73.62 662492895191 5.5" Ventinox Bird Screen 55VFT-BS 810001676 6 1.10 --- --- 24.24 $26.94 662492316221 5.5" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 55VFT-TP 810001677 10 13.40 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492113066 5.5" Ventinox Installation Cone 55VFT-IC 810001678 1 0.70 --- --- 111.84 $124.27 662492209110 6" Ventinox VFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 6VFT-XX 810001679 1 --- --- --- 23.75/ft $26.39/ft 662492533734 6" x 5' Ventinox VFT Extensions 6VFT-X5 810001680 1 1.40 3.80 --- 121.89 $135.43 662492691458 6" x 10' Ventinox VFT Extensions 6VFT-X10 810001681 1 8.80 --- --- 239.52 $266.14 662492658581 6" x 25' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 6VFT-25BL 810001682 1 22.00 16.12 --- 595.29 $661.43 662492620618 6" x 35' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 6VFT-35BL 810001683 1 28.00 16.12 --- 833.42 $926.02 662492784716 6" Ventinox VFT Coupler 6VFT-C 810001684 12 15.60 1.92 --- 64.86 $72.07 662492612651 6" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 6VFT-S 810001685 10 6.20 0.80 --- 36.29 $40.32 662492353332 6" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 6VFT-E45 810001686 10 12.20 2.89 --- 56.24 $62.49 662492470954 6" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 6VFT-E90 810001687 6 10.20 2.89 --- 64.68 $71.86 662492643990 6" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 6VFT-TRS 810001688 4 10.40 2.89 --- 96.16 $106.85 662492550731 6" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 6VFT-TCV 810001689 10 5.60 0.64 --- 36.49 $40.54 662492774557 6" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 6VFT-TLS 810001690 4 5.20 3.81 --- 94.60 $105.11 662492703076 6" Ventinox VFT Swivel Tee Adapter 6VFT-ADST 810001691 6 3.80 1.19 --- 46.25 $51.39 662492219454 6" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 6VFT-RCSC 810001692 6 12.20 2.89 --- 67.60 $75.12 662492791912 6" Ventinox Storm Collar 6VFT-SC 810001693 10 --- --- --- 57.90 $64.34 662492468913 6" Ventinox Bird Screen 6VFT-BS 810001694 6 1.20 --- --- 24.24 $26.94 662492499153 6" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 6VFT-TP 810001695 10 13.70 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492784532 6" Bottom Plate w/ Collar 6VFT-BP 810001696 1 2.00 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 662492375068 6" Offset Slide Adapter 6VFT-ADSL 810001697 4 16.00 3.81 --- 135.94 $151.04 662492543924 6" Ventinox Round Insert Boot 6VFT-RB 810001698 1 10.20 0.68 --- 134.52 $149.47 6” Ventinox VFT 65 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” - 7” | Ventinox VFT UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492373026 6" x 6" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 6VFT-6ADRO 810001699 1 1.20 2.89 --- 100.06 $111.17 662492562932 6" x 7" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 6VFT-X7ADRO 810001700 1 1.40 2.89 --- 93.42 $103.80 662492118382 6" x 8" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 6VFT-X8ADRO 810001701 1 1.50 2.89 --- 95.81 $106.45 662492384718 6" Ventinox Installation Cone 6VFT-IC 810001702 1 0.80 --- --- 111.84 $124.27 662492785874 6" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-48OFC 810001703 1 2.80 3.80 --- 134.22 $149.13 662492878552 6" x 57" Ventinox-Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-57OFC 810001704 1 3.33 3.80 --- 156.84 $174.27 662492265291 6" x 48" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-48ROFC 810001705 1 2.80 3.80 --- 156.83 $174.26 662492152195 Snow Splitter 6DT-SP 810000139 --- --- --- --- 102.48 $113.87 662492801833 6" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-57ROFC 810001706 1 3.33 3.80 --- 134.22 $149.13 662492375167 7" Ventinox VFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 7VFT-XX 810001710 1 --- --- --- 27.42/ft $30.47/ft 662492523810 7" x 5' Ventinox VFT Extensions 7VFT-X5 810001711 1 4.50 3.80 --- 140.10 $155.67 662492201572 7" x 10' Ventinox VFT Extensions 7VFT-X10 810001712 1 9.00 --- --- 275.97 $306.63 662492737620 7" x 25' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 7VFT-25BL 810001713 1 22.50 16.12 --- 692.03 $768.92 662492782392 7" x 35' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 7VFT-35BL 810001714 1 31.50 16.12 --- 961.44 $1,068.27 662492567333 7" Ventinox VFT Coupler 7VFT-C 810001715 10 15.20 1.92 --- 102.71 $114.12 662492898154 7" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 7VFT-S 810001716 10 7.20 1.27 --- 38.10 $42.33 662492573860 7" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 7VFT-E45 810001717 10 15.40 3.81 --- 59.20 $65.78 662492109465 7" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 7VFT-E90 810001718 4 9.20 2.89 --- 70.29 $78.10 662492635483 7" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 7VFT-TRS 810001719 4 13.40 2.89 --- 106.89 $118.76 662492114322 7" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 7VFT-TCV 810001720 10 7.40 0.80 --- 48.65 $54.06 662492787038 7" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 7VFT-TLS 810001721 4 11.80 3.81 --- 64.22 $71.36 662492674260 7" Ventinox VFT Swivel Tee Adapter 7VFT-ADST 810001722 6 7.20 1.90 --- 48.12 $53.47 662492323090 7" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 7VFT-RCSC 810001723 4 9.60 3.81 --- 94.60 $105.11 662492509593 7" Ventinox Storm Collar 7VFT-SC 810001724 10 --- --- --- 63.17 $70.19 662492551349 7" Ventinox Bird Screen 7VFT-BS 810001725 6 1.60 --- --- 29.08 $32.31 662492591710 7" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 7VFT-TP 810001726 10 14.00 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492756669 7" Bottom Plate w/ Collar 7VFT-BP 810001727 1 2.20 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 7” Ventinox VFT 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 66 Ventinox VFT | 7” - 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492289778 7" x 8" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 7VFT-X8ADRO 810001728 1 1.60 2.89 --- 105.08 $116.75 662492401583 7" Ventinox Installation Cone 7VFT-IC 810001729 1 1.00 --- --- 114.28 $126.98 662492769157 7" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 7VFT-48OFC 810001730 1 3.60 3.80 --- 152.01 $168.90 662492524974 7" x 57" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 7VFT-57OFC 810001731 1 4.28 3.80 --- 178.61 $198.46 662492594285 7" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 7VFT-57ROFC 810001732 1 4.28 3.80 --- 178.61 $198.46 662492656662 8" VentinoxVFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 8VFT-XX 810001734 1 --- --- --- 29.42/ft $32.69/ft 662492340523 8" x 5' Ventinox VFT Extensions 8VFT-X5 810001735 1 5.50 3.80 --- 149.99 $166.66 662492809952 8" x 10' Ventinox VFT Extensions 8VFT-X10 810001736 1 11.00 --- --- 295.74 $328.60 662492271186 8" x 25' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 8VFT-25BL 810001737 1 26.80 16.12 --- 741.47 $823.85 662492609811 8" x 35' Ventinox VFT Boxed Liner 8VFT-35BL 810001738 1 35.50 16.12 --- 1,030.14 $1,144.60 662492766736 8" Ventinox VFT Coupler 8VFT-C 810001739 10 17.20 2.89 --- 70.47 $78.30 662492466568 8" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 8VFT-S 810001740 10 7.80 1.27 --- 39.61 $44.02 662492327739 8" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 8VFT-E45 810001741 4 15.40 2.89 --- 64.75 $71.94 662492341285 8" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 8VFT-E90 810001742 2 5.40 1.92 --- 145.35 $161.50 662492298015 8" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 8VFT-TRS 810001743 2 8.40 2.89 --- 117.49 $130.54 662492315712 8" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 8VFT-TCV 810001744 10 7.60 1.27 --- 37.44 $41.60 662492175129 8" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 8VFT-TLS 810001745 4 12.00 3.81 --- 68.83 $76.48 662492364291 8" Ventinox VFT Swivel Tee Adapter 8VFT-ADST 810001746 6 7.60 2.54 --- 49.79 $55.33 662492780718 8" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 8VFT-RCSC 810001747 2 6.60 2.89 --- 74.89 $83.21 662492625132 8" Ventinox Storm Collar 8VFT-SC 810001748 --- --- --- --- 68.43 $76.03 662492285343 8" Ventinox Bird Screen 8VFT-BS 810001749 6 2.00 --- --- 29.08 $32.31 662492578070 8" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 8VFT-TP 810001750 10 14.40 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492113226 8" Ventinox Bottom Plate w/ Collar 8VFT-BP 810001751 1 2.40 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 662492362341 8" Ventinox Offset Slide Adapter 8VFT-ADSL 810001752 2 9.40 2.89 --- 141.91 $157.68 662492329238 8" Ventinox Round Insert Boot 8VFT-RB 810001753 1 11.00 0.68 --- 148.50 $164.99 662492336373 8" Ventinox Oval Adjustable Insert Boot 8VFT-OB 810001754 1 12.40 0.64 --- 146.13 $162.36 662492640791 8" x 8" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 8VFT-8ADRO 810001755 1 1.80 2.89 --- 105.04 $116.71 8” Ventinox VFT 67 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 8” - 10” | Ventinox VFT UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492689981 8" x 9" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 8VFT-X9ADRO 810001756 1 2.20 2.89 --- 108.97 $121.08 662492241615 8" x 10" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 8VFT-X10ADRO 810001757 1 2.60 3.81 --- 109.13 $121.26 662492329597 8" Ventinox Installation Cone 8VFT-IC 810001758 1 1.20 --- --- 116.70 $129.67 662492562291 8" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 8VFT-48OFC 810001759 1 4.40 3.80 --- 265.50 $295.00 662492517772 8" x 57" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 8VFT-57OFC 810001760 1 5.23 3.80 --- 193.73 $215.26 662492640548 8" x 48" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 8VFT-48ROFC 810001761 1 4.40 3.80 --- 165.29 $183.66 662492818169 8"" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 8VFT-57ROFC 810001762 1 5.23 3.80 --- 193.74 $215.26 662492485361 9" Ventinox VFT Custom Length Per Foot (max 150') 9VFT-XX 810001763 1 --- --- --- 42.81/ft $47.57/ft 662492402139 9" Ventinox VFT Coupler 9VFT-C 810001764 10 19.40 2.89 --- 45.68 $50.76 662492310373 9" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 9VFT-S 810001765 10 9.40 1.92 --- 44.45 $49.39 662492550243 9" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 9VFT-E45 810001766 2 5.00 1.92 --- 69.35 $77.05 662492239384 9" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 9VFT-E90 810001767 2 6.80 2.89 --- 83.35 $92.61 662492862810 9" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 9VFT-TRS 810001768 2 10.20 3.81 --- 179.83 $199.81 662492112977 9" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 9VFT-TCV 810001769 10 9.80 1.92 --- 43.77 $48.63 662492545782 9" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 9VFT-TLS 810001770 3 7.80 3.81 --- 78.77 $87.53 662492177860 9" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 9VFT-RCSC 810001771 2 8.20 3.81 --- 86.33 $95.93 662492855058 9" Ventinox Bird Screen 9VFT-BS 810001772 6 2.40 --- --- 44.82 $49.80 662492247013 9" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 9VFT-TP 810001773 10 14.80 0.77 --- 81.49 $90.54 662492174074 9" Bottom Plate w/ Collar 9VFT-BP 810001774 1 2.60 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 662492315064 9" x 10" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 9VFT-X10ADRO 810001775 1 2.80 3.81 --- 110.84 $123.15 662492369814 9" Ventinox Installation Cone 9VFT-IC 810001776 1 1.40 --- --- 119.14 $132.38 662492702437 9" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 9VFT-48OFC 810001777 1 4.40 3.80 --- 188.05 $208.95 --- 44.75/ft $49.72/ft 9” Ventinox VFT 10” Ventinox VFT 662492811269 10" Ventinox VFT Custom Length Per Foot (max 25') 10VFT-XX 810001778 1 --- --- 662492852033 10" Ventinox VFT Coupler 10VFT-C 810001779 8 17.20 3.81 --- 81.09 $90.10 662492556013 10" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 10VFT-S 810001780 10 11.00 2.89 --- 50.58 $56.20 662492142790 10" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 10VFT-E45 810001781 2 5.60 1.92 --- 73.64 $81.82 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 68 Ventinox VFT | 10” - 11” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492610855 10" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 10VFT-E90 810001782 2 7.60 2.89 --- 93.62 $104.02 662492345313 10" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 10VFT-TRS 810001783 1 6.20 3.81 --- 204.84 $227.60 662492253854 10" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 10VFT-TCV 810001784 10 10.60 1.92 --- 45.66 $50.73 662492454725 10" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 10VFT-TLS 810001785 1 2.80 3.81 --- 83.07 $92.30 662492790946 10" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 10VFT-RCSC 810001786 2 9.20 5.18 --- 94.10 $104.56 662492422281 10" Ventinox Bird Screen 10VFT-BS 810001787 6 2.70 --- --- 48.34 $53.71 662492859117 10" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 10VFT-TP 810001788 10 15.40 0.77 --- 86.50 $96.11 662492575543 10” Ventinox Oval Adjustable Insert Boot 10VFT-OB 810001789 1 12.40 0.64 --- 146.13 $162.36 662492674819 10" x 10" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Adapter 10VFT-10ADRO 810001790 1 3.00 3.81 --- 110.93 $123.26 662492703168 10" Ventinox Installation Cone 10VFT-IC 810001791 1 1.60 --- --- 131.31 $145.90 662492662243 10" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 10VFT-48OFC 810001792 1 5.60 3.80 --- 204.53 $227.26 662492568279 10" x 57" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 10VFT-57OFC 810001793 1 6.65 3.80 --- 240.44 $267.15 662492781919 10" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 10VFT-57ROFC 810001794 1 6.65 3.80 --- 240.43 $267.15 --- 48.23/ft $53.59/ft 11” Ventinox VFT 662492283455 11" Ventinox VFT Custom Length Per Foot (max 25') 11VFT-XX 810001795 1 --- --- 662492889886 11" Ventinox VFT Coupler 11VFT-C 810001796 6 14.60 2.89 --- 102.71 $114.12 662492669938 11" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 11VFT-S 810001797 10 11.20 2.89 --- 72.98 $81.09 662492527993 11" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 11VFT-E45 810001798 2 6.00 2.89 --- 79.78 $88.64 662492414132 11" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 11VFT-E90 810001799 2 8.80 2.89 --- 104.77 $116.41 662492195345 11" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 11VFT-TRS 810001800 1 7.20 3.81 --- 220.28 $244.75 662492593158 11" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 11VFT-TCV 810001801 10 12.40 1.92 --- 47.05 $52.28 662492635087 11" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 11VFT-TLS 810001802 1 3.40 3.81 --- 88.36 $98.18 662492478370 11" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 11VFT-RCSC 810001803 1 10.80 3.81 --- 103.83 $115.36 662492894033 11" Ventinox Bird Screen 11VFT-BS 810001804 6 3.10 --- --- 55.24 $61.37 662492225349 11" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 11VFT-TP 810001805 10 15.80 0.77 --- 62.46 $69.40 841211019722 11" Ventinox Oval Insert Boot 11VFT-OB 810001806 1 11.80 0.68 --- 142.82 $158.69 662492594469 11" Ventinox Installation Cone 11VFT-IC 810001807 1 1.80 --- --- 131.31 $145.90 69 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 12” | Ventinox VFT UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 12” Ventinox VFT 662492671276 12" Ventinox VFT Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 25’) 12VFT-XX 810001808 1 --- --- 662492711958 12" Ventinox VFT Coupler 12VFT-C 810001809 4 11.00 1.92 --- 78.38 $87.09 662492894453 12" Ventinox VFT Sleeve 12VFT-S 810001810 10 11.40 2.89 --- 57.30 $63.66 662492866863 12" Ventinox VFT 45° Adjustable Elbow 12VFT-E45 810001811 2 6.40 2.89 --- 82.36 $91.51 662492642740 12" Ventinox VFT 90° Adjustable Elbow 12VFT-E90 810001812 1 9.10 1.92 --- 112.14 $124.60 662492150634 12" Ventinox VFT Tee w/ Removable Snout 12VFT-TRS 810001813 1 7.40 3.81 --- 241.15 $267.94 662492374733 12" Ventinox VFT Tee Cover 12VFT-TCV 810001814 10 13.20 1.92 --- 50.77 $56.42 662492775134 12" Ventinox VFT Long Tee Snout 12VFT-TLS 810001815 1 4.00 3.81 --- 92.23 $102.48 662492894972 12" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 12VFT-RCSC 810001816 1 11.00 3.81 --- 106.75 $118.61 662492628768 12" Ventinox Bird Screen 12VFT-BS 810001817 6 3.50 --- --- 55.24 $61.37 662492363836 12" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 12VFT-TP 810001818 10 12.20 0.77 --- 62.46 $69.40 662492189795 12" Ventinox Installation Cone 12VFT-IC 810001819 1 2.00 --- --- 131.31 $145.90 --- 53.09/ft $58.98/ft 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 70 Ventinox VG | 3” - 5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492791738 3" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 3VG-XX 810001826 1 --- --- 622492302163 3" Ventinox VG Coupler 3VG-C 810001827 12 9.20 0.80 --- 39.63 $44.03 662492126714 3" Ventinox VG Sleeve 3VG-S 810001828 10 3.40 0.38 --- 38.57 $42.85 662492239049 3" Ventinox VG 45° Adjustable Elbow 3VG-E45 810001829 10 6.30 1.92 --- 49.64 $55.15 662492690628 3" Ventinox VG 90° Adjustable Elbow 3VG-E90 810001830 10 7.20 2.89 --- 68.51 $76.13 662492516331 3" Ventinox VG Universal Take-Off 3VG-UTO 810001833 10 14.80 1.27 --- 72.98 $81.09 662492664193 3" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 3VFT-RCSC 810001623 12 11.00 2.89 --- 60.32 $67.02 662492490976 3" Ventinox Bird Screen 3VFT-BS 810001624 6 0.20 --- --- 19.38 $21.53 662492887899 3" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 3VFT-TP 810001625 10 12.40 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492549025 3" Ventinox Installation Cone 3VFT-IC 810001626 1 0.30 --- --- 77.81 $86.45 662492109953 4" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 4VG-XX 810001834 1 --- --- --- 26.00/ft $28.88/ft 662492897546 4" Ventinox VG Coupler 4VG-C 810001835 12 10.20 0.80 --- 41.96 $46.62 662492105221 4" Ventinox VG Sleeve 4VG-S 810001836 10 4.20 0.64 --- 40.24 $44.71 662492313336 4" Ventinox VG 45° Adjustable Elbow 4VG-E45 810001837 10 7.30 1.92 --- 53.05 $58.95 662492411411 4" Ventinox VG 90° Adjustable Elbow 4VG-E90 810001838 8 7.80 2.89 --- 73.85 $82.06 662492198216 4" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 4VG-TRS 810001839 10 14.60 2.89 --- 101.26 $112.51 662492798843 4" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 4VG-TCV 810001840 10 3.20 0.38 --- 33.92 $37.69 662492453377 4" Ventinox VG Universal Take-Off 4VG-UTO 810001841 10 9.20 1.90 --- 66.00 $69.08 662492116739 4" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 4VFT-RCSC 810001641 10 13.00 2.89 --- 62.74 $69.71 662492820452 4" Ventinox Bird Screen 4VFT-BS 810001642 6 0.50 --- --- 19.38 $21.53 662492191477 4" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 4VFT-TP 810001643 10 12.70 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492275764 4" Ventinox Installation Cone 4VFT-IC 810001644 1 0.40 --- --- 77.81 $86.45 662492123294 5" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 5VG-XX 810001842 1 --- --- --- 29.72/ft $33.02/ft 662492592724 5" Ventinox VG Coupler 5VG-C 810001843 12 13.50 1.27 3” Ventinox VG --- 23.48/ft $26.09/ft 4” Ventinox VG 5” Ventinox VG 71 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com --- 43.78 $48.65 5” - 6” | Ventinox VG UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492369962 5" Ventinox VG Sleeve 5VG-S 810001844 10 5.00 0.80 --- 42.79 $47.55 662492780749 5" Ventinox VG 45° Adjustable Elbow 5VG-E45 810001845 10 8.10 1.92 --- 54.70 $60.78 662492218266 5" Ventinox VG 90° Adjustable Elbow 5VG-E90 810001846 8 8.60 2.89 --- 84.73 $94.14 662492147610 5" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 5VG-TRS 810001847 6 11.80 2.89 --- 106.17 $117.97 662492139226 5" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 5VG-TCV 810001848 10 4.40 0.38 --- 35.69 $39.65 662492739020 5" Ventinox VG Universal Take-Off 5VG-UTO 810001849 10 10.60 2.89 --- 51.33 $57.04 662492554111 5" - 6" Ventinox VG Increaser 5VG-X6 810001850 6 3.20 0.64 --- 73.50 $81.67 662492800461 5" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 5VFT-RCSC 810001659 8 14.40 2.89 --- 64.44 $71.60 662492201480 5" Ventinox Bird Screen 5VFT-BS 810001661 6 0.90 --- --- 24.24 $26.94 662492606247 5" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 5VFT-TP 810001662 10 13.10 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492839737 5" Ventinox Installation Cone 5VFT-IC 810001663 1 0.60 --- --- 111.84 $124.27 662492593851 6" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 6VG-XX 810001851 1 --- --- --- 36.20/ft $40.22/ft 662492746561 6" Ventinox VG Coupler 6VG-C 810001852 12 15.80 1.92 --- 47.06 $52.29 662492326916 6" Ventinox VG Sleeve 6VG-S 810001853 10 5.80 0.80 --- 45.24 $50.27 662492655566 6" Ventinox VG 45° Elbow 6VG-E45 810001854 10 8.60 2.89 --- 57.81 $64.23 622492549636 6" Ventinox VG 90° Elbow 6VG-E90 810001855 6 11.70 2.89 --- 103.60 $115.11 662492149232 6" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 6VG-TRS 810001856 4 10.20 2.89 --- 112.58 $125.09 662492809259 6" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 6VG-TCV 810001857 10 5.00 0.64 --- 36.48 $40.54 662492525494 6" Ventinox VG Universal Take-Off 6VG-UTO 810001858 6 8.00 2.89 --- 54.53 $60.59 662492554111 6" - 5" Ventinox VG Reducer 5VG-X6 810001850 6 3.20 0.64 --- 73.50 $81.67 662492624128 6" - 7" Ventinox VG Increaser 6VG-X7 810001859 2 4.20 0.64 --- 75.85 $84.28 662492219454 6" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 6VFT-RCSC 810001692 6 12.20 2.89 --- 67.60 $75.12 662492468913 6" Ventinox Bird Screen 6VFT-BS 810001694 6 1.20 --- --- 24.24 $26.94 662492499153 6" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 6VFT-TP 810001695 10 13.70 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492784532 6" Bottom Plate w/ Collar 6VFT-BP 810001696 1 2.00 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 662492375068 6" Offset Slide Adapter 6VFT-ADSL 810001697 4 16.00 3.81 --- 135.94 $151.04 662492543924 6" Ventinox Round Insert Boot 6VFT-RB 810001698 1 10.20 0.68 --- 134.52 $149.47 662492384718 6" Ventinox Installation Cone 6VFT-IC 810001702 1 0.80 --- --- 111.84 $124.27 6” Ventinox VG 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 72 Ventinox VG | 6” - 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492785874 6" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-48OFC 810001703 1 2.80 3.80 --- 134.22 $149.13 662492878552 6" x 57" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-57OFC 810001704 1 3.33 3.80 --- 156.84 $174.27 662492265291 6" x 48" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-48ROFC 810001705 1 2.80 3.80 --- 156.84 $174.27 662492801833 6" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 6VFT-57ROFC 810001706 1 3.33 3.80 --- 134.22 $149.13 662492552537 7" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 7VG-XX 810001860 1 --- --- --- 40.57/ft $45.08/ft 662492742235 7" Ventinox VG Coupler 7VG-C 810001861 10 15.00 1.92 --- 54.68 $60.76 662492482247 7" Ventinox VG Sleeve 7VG-S 810001862 10 7.00 1.27 --- 47.64 $52.94 662492134733 7" Ventinox VG 45° Elbow 7VG-E45 810001863 10 8.90 3.81 --- 62.87 $69.85 662492474686 7" Ventinox VG 90° Elbow 7VG-E90 810001864 4 8.20 2.89 --- 111.55 $123.94 662492380161 7" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 7VG-TRS 810001865 4 13.40 2.89 --- 127.28 $141.42 662492851579 7" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 7VG-TCV 810001866 10 6.80 0.80 --- 38.60 $42.89 662492624128 7" - 6" Ventinox VG Reducer 6VG-X7 810001859 2 4.20 0.64 --- 75.85 $84.28 662492487341 7" - 8" Ventinox VG Increaser 7VG-X8 810001867 1 4.40 0.64 --- 77.82 $86.46 662492323090 7" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 7VFT-RCSC 810001723 4 9.60 3.81 --- 71.73 $79.70 662492551349 7" Ventinox Bird Screen 7VFT-BS 810001725 6 1.60 --- --- 29.08 $32.31 662492591710 7" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 7VFT-TP 810001726 10 14.00 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492756669 7" Bottom Plate w/ Collar 7VFT-BP 810001727 1 2.20 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 662492401583 7" Ventinox Installation Cone 7VFT-IC 810001729 1 1.00 --- --- 114.28 $126.98 662492769157 7" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connectors 7VFT-48OFC 810001730 1 3.60 3.80 --- 152.01 $168.90 662492524974 7" x 57" Ventinox Oval Flex Connectors 7VFT-57OFC 810001731 1 4.28 3.80 --- 178.61 $198.46 662492594285 7" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connectors 7VFT-57ROFC 810001732 1 4.28 3.80 --- 178.61 $198.46 662492499498 8" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 150') 8VG-XX 810001868 1 --- --- --- 44.55/ft $49.49/ft 662492491348 8" Ventinox VG Coupler 8VG-C 810001869 10 16.60 2.89 --- 56.68 $62.98 662492579961 8" Ventinox VG Sleeve 8VG-S 810001870 10 7.80 1.27 --- 49.04 $54.49 662492786697 8" Ventinox VG 45° Elbow 8VG-E45 810001871 4 3.68 2.89 --- 68.83 $76.48 7” Ventinox VG 8” Ventinox VG 73 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 8” - 9” | Ventinox VG UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492125151 8" Ventinox VG 90° Elbow 8VG-E90 810001872 2 3.90 1.92 --- 130.31 $144.79 662492621165 8" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 8VG-TRS 810001873 2 7.80 2.89 --- 137.77 $153.08 662492116128 8" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 8VG-TCV 810001874 10 76.00 1.27 --- 41.15 $45.72 662492487341 8" - 7" Ventinox VG Reducer 7VG-X8 810001867 4 4.40 0.64 --- 77.82 $86.46 841211122088 8" - 9" Ventinox VG Increaser 8VG-X9 810001875 6 4.70 1.35 --- 77.82 $86.46 662492780718 8" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 8VFT-RCSC 810001747 2 6.60 2.89 --- 74.89 $83.21 662492285343 8" Ventinox Bird Screen 8VFT-BS 810001749 6 2.00 --- --- 29.08 $32.31 662492578070 8" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 8VFT-TP 810001750 10 14.40 0.37 --- 44.06 $48.95 662492113226 8" Ventinox Bottom Plate w/ Collar 8VFT-BP 810001751 1 2.40 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 662492362341 8" Ventinox Offset Slide Adapter 8VFT-ADSL 810001752 2 9.40 2.89 --- 141.91 $157.68 662492329238 8" Ventinox Round Insert Boot 8VFT-RB 810001753 1 11.00 0.68 --- 148.50 $164.99 662492262122 8" Oval Insert Boot 8VG-OB 810001876 --- --- --- --- 142.82 $158.69 662492329597 8" Ventinox Installation Cone 8VFT-IC 810001758 1 1.20 --- --- 116.70 $129.67 662492562291 8" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 8VFT-48OFC 810001759 1 4.40 3.80 --- 165.29 $183.66 662492517772 8" x 57" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 8VFT-57OFC 810001760 1 5.23 3.80 --- 193.74 $215.26 662492640548 8" x 48" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connectors 8VFT-48ROFC 810001761 1 4.40 3.80 --- 165.29 $183.66 662492818169 8" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connectors 8VFT-57ROFC 810001762 1 5.23 3.80 --- 193.74 $215.26 662492768389 9" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max150') 9VG-XX 810001877 1 --- --- --- 52.06/ft $57.85/ft 662492880357 9" Ventinox VG Coupler 9VG-C 810001878 10 17.80 2.89 --- 63.08 $70.09 662492182253 9" Ventinox VG Sleeve 9VG-S 810001879 10 8.20 1.92 --- 53.65 $59.62 662492346167 9" Ventinox VG 45° Elbow 9VG-E45 810001880 2 1.98 1.92 --- 73.80 $82.00 662492139523 9" Ventinox VG 90° Elbow 9VG-E90 810001881 2 4.30 2.89 --- 141.06 $156.73 662492243169 9" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 9VG-TRS 810001882 2 9.60 3.81 --- 208.91 $232.13 662492421024 9" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 9VG-TCV 810001883 10 9.20 1.92 --- 64.11 $71.23 841211122088 9" x 8" Ventinox VG Reducer 8VG-X9 810001875 6 4.70 1.35 --- 77.82 $86.46 662492177860 9" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 9VFT-RCSC 810001771 2 8.20 3.81 --- 86.33 $95.93 662492855058 9" Ventinox Bird Screen 9VFT-BS 810001772 6 2.30 --- --- 44.82 $49.80 9” Ventinox VG 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 74 Ventinox VG | 9” - 11” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492247013 9" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 9VFT-TP 810001773 10 14.80 0.77 --- 81.49 $90.54 662492174074 9" Ventinox Bottom Plate w/ Collar 9VFT-BP 810001774 1 2.60 0.37 --- 69.06 $76.73 662492369814 9" Ventinox Installation Cone 9VFT-IC 810001776 1 1.40 --- --- 119.14 $132.38 662492702437 9" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 9VFT-48OFC 810001777 1 4.40 3.80 --- 188.05 $208.95 662492440865 10" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 25') 10VG-XX 810001884 1 --- --- --- 56.83/ft $63.15/ft 662492175057 10" Ventinox VG Coupler 10VG-C 810001885 8 16.80 3.81 --- 65.00 $72.22 662492770672 10" Ventinox VG Sleeve 10VG-S 810001886 10 8.60 2.89 --- 55.29 $61.44 662492743171 10" Ventinox VG 45° Elbow 10VG-E45 810001887 2 2.40 1.92 --- 78.50 $87.22 662492242582 10" Ventinox VG 90° Elbow 10VG-E90 810001888 2 4.60 2.89 --- 158.63 $176.26 662492674147 10" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 10VG-TRS 810001889 1 5.80 2.89 --- 224.79 $249.76 662492128787 10" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 10VG-TCV 810001890 10 10.40 1.92 --- 69.80 $77.56 662492790946 10" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 10VFT-RCSC 810001786 2 9.20 5.18 --- 94.10 $104.56 662492422281 10" Ventinox Bird Screen 10VFT-BS 810001787 6 2.70 --- --- 48.34 $53.71 662492859117 10" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 10VFT-TP 810001788 10 15.40 0.77 --- 86.50 $96.11 662492703168 10" Ventinox Installation Cone 10VFT-IC 810001791 1 1.60 --- --- 131.31 $145.90 662492662243 10" x 48" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 10VFT-48OFC 810001792 1 5.60 3.80 --- 204.53 $227.26 662492568279 10" x 57" Ventinox Oval Flex Connector 10VFT-57OFC 810001793 1 6.65 3.80 --- 240.43 $267.15 841211020247 10" x 57" Ventinox Round-to-Oval Flex Connector 10VFT-57ROFC 810001794 1 6.65 3.80 --- 240.43 $267.15 662492228852 11" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 25') 11VG-XX 810001891 1 --- --- --- 65.16/ft $72.39/ft 662492626818 11" Ventinox VG Coupler 11VG-C 810001892 6 14.20 2.89 --- 68.09 $75.66 662492198339 11" Ventinox VG Sleeve 11VG-S 810001893 10 8.90 2.89 --- 57.70 $64.11 662492445624 11" Ventinox VG 45° Adjustable Elbow 11VG-E45 810001894 2 3.20 2.89 --- 89.31 $99.23 662492625163 11" Ventinox VG 90° Adjustable Elbow 11VG-E90 810001895 2 5.40 2.89 --- 171.08 $190.08 662492684610 11" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 11VG-TRS 810001896 1 7.20 3.81 --- 243.43 $270.47 662492386514 11" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 11VG-TCV 810001897 10 11.50 1.92 --- 72.12 $80.14 662492478370 11" Ventinox Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 11VFT-RCSC 810001803 1 10.80 3.81 --- 103.83 $115.36 10” Ventinox VG 11” Ventinox VG 75 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 11” - 12” | Ventinox VG UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492894033 11" Ventinox Bird Screen 11VFT-BS 810001804 6 3.10 --- --- 55.24 $61.37 662492225349 11" Ventinox Top Cover Plate 11VFT-TP 810001805 10 15.80 0.77 --- 62.46 $69.40 662492445624 11" Ventinox Oval Insert Boot 11VG-OB 810001898 1 11.80 0.68 --- 142.82 $158.69 662492839836 12" Ventinox VG Custom Lengths Per Foot (max 25') 12VG-XX 810001900 1 --- --- --- 68.05/ft $75.61/ft 662492291726 12" Ventinox VG Coupler 12VG-C 810001901 4 10.20 1.92 --- 69.93 $77.70 662492426852 12" Ventinox VG Sleeve 12VG-S 810001902 10 9.30 2.89 --- 58.90 $65.45 662492241882 12" Ventinox VG 45° Adjustable Elbow 12VG-E45 810001903 2 3.60 2.89 --- 93.27 $103.63 662492144350 12" Ventinox VG 90° Adjustable Elbow 12VG-E90 810001904 1 2.90 1.92 --- 186.46 $207.18 662492854082 12" Ventinox VG Tee w/ Removable Snout 12VG-TRS 810001905 1 7.20 3.81 --- 259.90 $288.78 662492547779 12" Ventinox VG Tee Cover 12VG-TCV 810001906 10 12.60 1.92 --- 78.65 $87.39 662492894972 12" Ventinox VG Rain Cap w/ Storm Collar 12VFT-RCSC 810001816 1 11.00 3.81 --- 106.75 $118.61 662492628768 12" Ventinox VG Bird Screen 12VFT-BS 810001817 6 3.50 --- --- 55.24 $61.37 662492363836 12" Ventinox VG Top Cover Plate 12VFT-TP 810001818 10 12.20 0.77 --- 62.46 $69.40 662492189795 12" Ventinox Installation Cone 12VFT-IC 810001819 1 2.00 --- --- 131.31 $145.90 12” Ventinox VG 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 76 Ventinox Rigid | 5” - 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 5” Stainless Steel Liner 778272137013 Length 5" X 6" 5VRT-06 810012711 5 --- 0.50 --- 18.72 $20.80 778272137020 Length 5" X 12" 5VRT-12 810012712 5 --- 1.00 --- 23.40 $26.00 778272137037 Length 5" X 24" 5VRT-24 810012713 5 --- 2.00 --- 30.42 $33.80 778272137044 Length 5" X 36" 5VRT-36 810012714 5 --- 3.00 --- 44.46 $49.40 778272137068 Length 5" X 48" 5VRT-48 810012715 5 --- 4.00 --- 56.16 $62.40 778272137075 Adjustable Length 7” to 11” 5VRT-12A 810012716 4 --- 1.00 --- 30.42 $33.80 778272137082 Split Base Tee 5VRT-T 810012717 4 --- 1.40 --- 65.52 $72.80 778272137099 Twist-Lock Tee Cap 5VRT-TC 810012718 4 --- 0.75 --- 32.76 $36.40 778272137112 Elbow 30° 5VRT-E30 810012719 4 --- 1.40 --- 39.78 $44.20 778272137129 Elbow 45° 5VRT-E45 810012720 4 --- 1.40 --- 39.78 $44.20 778272137136 Elbow 90° 5VRT-E90 810012721 4 --- 1.40 --- 51.48 $57.20 778272137143 Flashing 5VRT-FF 810012722 5 --- 3.20 --- 65.52 $72.80 778272137167 Flashing Stainless 5VRT-FF-SS 810012723 5 --- 3.20 --- 81.90 $91.00 778272137174 Support Assembly 5VRT-SAO 810012724 5 --- 3.20 --- 109.98 $122.20 778272137181 Interior Support 5VRT-SAI 810012725 5 --- 1.70 --- 56.16 $62.40 778272137198 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Male) 5VRT-ADFM 810012726 4 --- 0.40 --- 42.12 $46.80 778272137211 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Female) 5VRT-ADFF 810012727 4 --- 0.75 --- 42.12 $46.80 778272137228 Stainless Flexible Length 5" X 60" 5VRT-FLEX 810012728 4 --- 0.40 --- 135.72 $150.80 778272137235 Masonry Adapter 5VRT-MTSC 810012729 1 --- 0.70 --- 121.68 $135.20 778272137242 Increaser Length 5” - 6” 5VRT-X6 810012730 4 --- 0.40 --- 63.18 $70.20 778272137266 Rain Cap 5VRT-RC 810012731 1 --- 1.40 --- 70.20 $78.00 6” Stainless Steel Liner 778272137273 Length 6" X 6" 6VRT-06 810012732 4 --- 0.50 --- 23.40 $26.00 778272137280 Length 6" X 12" 6VRT-12 810012733 4 --- 1.00 --- 25.74 $28.60 778272137297 Length 6" X 24" 6VRT-24 810012734 4 --- 2.00 --- 35.10 $39.00 778272137310 Length 6" X 36" 6VRT-36 810012735 4 --- 3.00 --- 51.48 $57.20 778272137327 Length 6" X 48" 6VFT-48 810012736 4 --- 4.00 --- 65.52 $72.80 778272137334 Adjustable Length 7” to 11” 6VRT-12A 810012737 4 --- 0.50 --- 86.40 $96.00 77 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” - 7” | Ventinox Rigid UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 778272137341 Split Base Tee 6VRT-T 810012738 4 --- 2.10 --- 74.88 $83.20 778272137365 Twist-Lock Tee Cap 6VRT-TC 810012739 4 --- 0.50 --- 64.80 $72.00 778272137372 Elbow 30° 6VRT-E30 810012740 4 --- 1.40 --- 44.46 $49.40 778272137389 Elbow 45° 6VRT-E45 810012741 4 --- 1.40 --- 44.46 $49.40 778272137396 Elbow 90° 6VRT-E90 810012742 4 --- 1.40 --- 64.80 $72.00 778272137419 Flashing 6VRT-FF 810012743 5 --- 3.20 --- 74.88 $83.20 778272137433 6" Diameter Collor 6VRT-SC 810012745 10 --- 0.50 --- 23.40 $26.00 778272137426 Flashing Stainless 6VRT-FF-SS 810012744 5 --- 3.20 --- 93.60 $104.00 778272137440 Support Assembly 6VRT-SAO 810012746 5 --- 3.30 --- 128.70 $143.00 778272137464 Interior Support 6VRT-SAI 810012747 5 --- 1.70 --- 65.52 $72.80 778272137471 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Male) 6VRT-ADFM 810012748 4 --- 0.50 --- 46.80 $52.00 778272137488 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Female) 6VRT-ADFF 810012749 5 --- 0.60 --- 46.80 $52.00 778272137495 Stainless Flexible Length 6” X 60" 6VRT-FLEX 810012750 4 --- 0.70 --- 140.40 $156.00 778272137518 Masonry Adapter 6VRT-MTSC 810012751 1 --- 0.70 --- 128.70 $143.00 778272137549 Reducer Length 6" - 5" 6VRT-X5 810012754 4 --- 0.40 --- 74.88 $83.20 778272137532 ncreaser Length 6" - 7" 6VRT-X7 810012753 4 --- 0.50 --- 74.88 $83.20 778272137563 Rain Cap 6VRT-RC 810012755 1 --- 1.40 --- 70.20 $78.00 778272137525 Adjustable Insulation Wall Thimble 6" - 12" 6VRT-WTI 810012752 1 --- 3.20 --- 234.00 $260.00 7” Stainless Steel Liner 778272137570 Length 7" X 6" 7VRT-06 810012756 4 --- 0.80 --- 25.74 $28.60 778272137587 Length 7" X 12" 7VRT-12 810012757 4 --- 1.50 --- 30.42 $33.80 778272137594 Length 7" X 24" 7VRT-24 810012758 4 --- 3.00 --- 39.78 $44.20 778272137617 Length 7" X 36" 7VRT-36 810012759 4 --- 4.40 --- 60.84 $67.60 778272137624 Length 7" X 48" 7VRT-48 810012760 4 --- 5.80 --- 74.88 $83.20 778272137631 Adjustable Length 7” to 11” 7VRT-12A 810012761 4 --- 1.40 --- 42.12 $46.80 778272137648 Split Base Tee 7VRT-T 810012762 4 --- 2.50 --- 81.90 $91.00 778272137662 Twist-Lock Tee Cap 7VRT-TC 810012763 4 --- 0.60 --- 42.12 $46.80 778272137679 Elbow 30° 7VRT-E30 810012764 4 --- 1.40 --- 49.14 $54.60 778272137686 Elbow 45° 7VRT-E45 810012765 4 --- 1.40 --- 49.14 $54.60 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 78 Ventinox Rigid | 7” - 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 778272137693 Elbow 90° 7VRT-E90 810012766 4 --- 2.50 --- 67.86 $75.40 778272137716 Flashing 7VRT-FF 810012767 5 --- 3.20 --- 81.90 $91.00 778272137730 7" Diameter Collor 7VRT-SC 810012769 10 --- 0.50 --- 25.74 $28.60 778272137723 Flashing Stainless 7VRT-FF-SS 810012768 5 --- 3.20 --- 102.96 $114.40 778272137747 Support Assembly 7VRT-SAO 810012770 5 --- 3.20 --- 142.74 $158.60 778272137761 Interior Support 7VRT-SAI 810012771 5 --- 1.70 --- 72.54 $80.60 778272137778 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Male) 7VRT-ADFM 810012772 4 --- 0.60 --- 51.48 $57.20 778272137785 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Female) 7VRT-ADFF 810012773 4 --- 0.60 --- 51.48 $57.20 778272137792 Stainless Steel Flex 7” X 60" 7VRT-FLEX 810012774 4 --- 0.60 --- 154.44 $171.60 778272137815 Masonry Adapter 7VRT-MTSC 810012775 1 --- 0.50 --- 142.74 $158.60 778272137839 Increaser Length 7" - 8" 7VRT-X8 810012777 4 --- 1.40 --- 84.24 $93.60 778272137846 Reducer Length 7" - 6" 7VRT-X6 810012778 4 --- 0.50 --- 84.24 $93.60 778272137860 Rain Cap 7VRT-RC 810012779 1 --- 1.40 --- 77.22 $85.80 778272137822 Adjustable Insulation Wall Thimble 6" - 12" 7VRT-WTI 810012776 1 --- 3.20 --- 257.40 $286.00 8” Stainless Steel Liner 778272137877 Length 8" X 6" 8VRT-06 810012780 4 --- 1.00 --- 28.08 $31.20 778272137884 Length 8" X 12" 8VRT-12 810012781 4 --- 2.00 --- 35.10 $39.00 778272137891 Length 8" X 24" 8VRT-24 810012782 4 --- 4.00 --- 46.80 $52.00 778272137907 Length 8" X 36" 8VRT-36 810012783 4 --- 6.00 --- 67.86 $75.40 778272137914 Length 8" X 48" 8VRT-48 810012784 4 --- 8.00 --- 84.24 $93.60 778272137921 Adjustable Length 7” to 11” 8VRT-12A 810012785 4 --- 1.40 --- 107.10 $119.00 778272137938 Split Base Tee 8VRT-T 810012786 2 --- 2.10 --- 93.60 $104.00 778272137945 Twist-Lock Tee Cap 8VRT-TC 810012787 4 --- 0.80 --- 71.10 $79.00 778272137952 Elbow 30° 8VRT-E30 810012788 4 --- 2.10 --- 58.50 $65.00 778272137969 Elbow 45° 8VRT-E45 810012789 4 --- 2.10 --- 58.50 $65.00 778272137976 Elbow 90° 8VRT-E90 810012790 4 --- 3.20 --- 79.56 $88.40 778272137983 Flashing 8VRT-FF 810012791 5 --- 4.60 --- 88.92 $98.80 778272138003 8" Diameter Collor 8VRT-SC 810012793 10 --- 0.50 --- 28.08 $31.20 778272137990 Flashing 8VRT-FF-SS 810012792 5 --- 3.20 --- 112.32 $124.80 778272138010 Support Assembly 8VRT-SAO 810012794 5 --- 3.20 --- 156.78 $174.20 79 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 8” | Ventinox Rigid UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 778272138027 Interior Support 8VRT-SAI 810012795 5 --- 1.70 --- 79.56 $88.40 778272138034 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Male) 8VRT-ADFM 810012796 4 --- 1.20 --- 58.50 $65.00 778272138041 Adaptor Flex Pipe (Female) 8VRT-ADFF 810012797 4 --- 0.80 --- 58.50 $65.00 778272138065 Stainless Flexible Length 8” X 60" 8VRT-FLEX 810012798 1 --- 0.60 --- 163.80 $182.00 778272138072 Masonry Adapter 8VRT-MTSC 810012799 1 --- 1.40 --- 156.78 $174.20 778272138096 Reducer Length 8" - 7" 8VRT-X7 810012801 4 --- 0.80 --- 91.26 $101.40 778272138119 Rain Cap 8VRT-RC 810012802 1 --- 1.40 --- 86.58 $96.20 778272138089 Adjustable Insulated Wall Thimble 6" TO 12" 8VRT-WTI 810012800 1 --- 3.10 --- 280.80 $312.00 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 80 DuraFlex SW | 3” - 5.5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” DuraFlex SW Lengths 662492113523 3” X 15' Length 3DFSW-15 810002374 1 9.1 --- --- 250.51 $278.34 662492318485 3” X 20' Length 3DFSW-20 810002375 1 13.0 --- --- 313.14 $347.93 662492731390 3” X 25' Length 3DFSW-25 810002376 1 16.0 --- --- 379.18 $421.31 662492845448 3” X 30' Length 3DFSW-30 810002377 1 19.0 --- --- 449.78 $499.75 662492769768 3” X 35' Length 3DFSW-35 810002378 1 21.0 --- --- 518.10 $575.67 662492904657 3” X 50' Length 3DFSW-50 810002379 --- --- --- --- 586.42 $651.58 662492389836 3” X 200' Length 3DFSW-200 810002380 1 111.0 --- --- 2,687.29 $2,985.88 4” DuraFlex SW Lengths 662492797259 4” X 15' Length 4DFSW-15 810002381 1 13.0 --- --- 307.44 $341.60 662492660416 4” X 20' Length 4DFSW-20 810002382 1 17.0 --- --- 387.15 $430.17 662492166475 4” X 25' Length 4DFSW-25 810002383 1 20.0 --- --- 470.28 $522.53 662492793961 4” X 30' Length 4DFSW-30 810002384 1 24.0 --- --- 552.26 $613.62 662492535165 4” X 35' Length 4DFSW-35 810002385 1 27.0 --- --- 659.30 $732.55 --- 4” X 50' Length 4DFSW-50 810002386 --- --- --- --- 727.62 $808.46 662492119297 4” X 200' Length 4DFSW-200 810002387 1 145.0 --- --- 3,416.05 $3,795.61 5” DuraFlex SW Lengths 662492288184 5” X 15' Length 5DFSW-15 810002388 1 --- --- --- 375.77 $417.52 662492430156 5” X 20' Length 5DFSW-20 810002389 1 --- --- --- 478.25 $531.38 662492523933 5” X 25' Length 5DFSW-25 810002390 1 --- --- --- 586.42 $651.58 662492310274 5” X 30' Length 5DFSW-30 810002391 1 --- --- --- 711.68 $790.75 662492895030 5” X 35' Length 5DFSW-35 810002392 1 --- --- --- 819.85 $910.95 --- 5” X 50' Length 5DFSW-50 810002393 --- --- --- --- 888.17 $986.86 662492659922 5” X 125' Length 5DFSW-125 810002394 1 --- --- --- 2,772.69 $3,080.77 5.5” DuraFlex SW Lengths 662492548011 5.5” X 15' Length 55DFSW-15 810002395 1 17.0 --- --- 392.85 $436.49 662492453773 5.5” X 20' Length 55DFSW-20 810002396 1 21.0 --- --- 501.02 $556.69 662492750711 5.5” X 25' Length 55DFSW-25 810002397 1 26.5 --- --- 614.89 $683.21 662492675731 5.5” X 30' Length 55DFSW-30 810002398 1 31.5 --- --- 740.14 $822.38 662792733719 5.5” X 35' Length 55DFSW-35 810002399 1 36.5 --- --- 854.01 $948.90 81 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 5.5” - 8”, Custom | DuraFlex SW UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) --- 5.5” X 50' Length 55DFSW-50 810002400 --- --- --- --- 922.33 $1,024.81 662492187937 5.5” X 100' Length 55DFSW-100 810002401 1 101.0 --- --- 2,351.38 $2,612.64 6” DuraFlex SW Lengths 662492899618 6” X 15' Length 6DFSW-15 810002402 1 18.5 --- --- 444.09 $493.43 662492283721 6” X 20' Length 6DFSW-20 810002403 1 23.4 --- --- 569.34 $632.60 662492222171 6” X 25' Length 6DFSW-25 810002404 1 29.0 --- --- 683.21 $759.12 662492463086 6” X 30' Length 6DFSW-30 810002405 1 34.5 --- --- 808.46 $898.29 662492582923 6” X 35' Length 6DFSW-35 810002406 1 40.0 --- --- 933.72 $1,037.47 662492463055 6” X 50' Length 6DFSW-50 810002407 --- --- --- --- 1,002.04 $1,113.38 662492688977 6” X 100' Length 6DFSW-100 810002408 1 110.0 --- --- 2,539.26 $2,821.40 7” DuraFlex SW Lengths 662492310793 7” X 15' Length 7DFSW-15 810002409 1 21.0 --- --- 535.18 $594.64 662492256579 7” X 20' Length 7DFSW-20 810002410 1 27.0 --- --- 671.82 $746.47 662492567364 7” X 25' Length 7DFSW-25 810002411 1 34.0 --- --- 814.16 $904.62 662492450635 7” X 30' Length 7DFSW-30 810002412 1 40.0 --- --- 939.41 $1,043.79 662492665114 7” X 35' Length 7DFSW-35 810002413 1 46.0 --- --- 1,076.05 $1,195.62 662492493786 7” X 50' Length 7DFSW-50 810002414 --- --- --- --- 1,144.38 $1,271.53 8” DuraFlex SW Lengths 662492473559 8” X 15' Length 8DFSW-15 810002415 1 24.0 --- --- 592.11 $657.91 662492612460 8” X 20' Length 8DFSW-20 810002416 1 31.0 --- --- 751.53 $835.03 662492814628 8” X 25' Length 8DFSW-25 810002417 1 38.0 --- --- 905.25 $1,005.84 662492164679 8” X 30' Length 8DFSW-30 810002418 1 45.0 --- --- 1,053.28 $1,170.31 662492879870 8” X 35' Length 8DFSW-35 810002419 1 52.5 --- --- 1,212.70 $1,347.44 662492256688 8” X 50' Length 8DFSW-50 810002420 1 75.0 --- --- 1,708.02 $1,897.80 DuraFlex SW Custom Lengths 662492860434 3DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 200' Increments of 10') 3DFSW-XX 810005857 1 --- --- --- call for pricing call for pricing 662492786635 4DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 200' Increments of 10') 4DFSW-XX 810005969 1 --- --- --- call for pricing call for pricing 662492500071 5DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 125' Increments of 10') 5DFSW-XX --- 1 --- --- --- call for pricing call for pricing 662492719831 55DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 100' Increments of 10') 55DFSW-XX 810006039 1 --- --- --- call for pricing call for pricing 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 82 DuraFlex SW | Custom, Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492231692 6DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 100' Increments of 10') 6DFSW-XX 810006167 1 --- --- --- 11.09/ft $12.32/ft 662492369364 7DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 50' Increments of 10') 7DFSW-XX 810006657 1 --- --- --- call for pricing call for pricing 662492578193 8DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 50' Increments of 10') 8DFSW-XX --- 1 --- --- --- call for pricing call for pricing 662492763537 10DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 25' Increments of 10') 10DFSW-XX --- 1 --- --- --- 87.39/ft $97.10/ft 662492514597 12DFSW Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 25' Increments of 10') 12DFSW-XX 810005041 1 --- --- --- 97.36/ft $108.17/ft Ovalized Flex Custom Length Per Foot Ovalizing --- --- --- --- --- 6.26/ft $6.96/ft --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) DuraFlex SW Basic Kits 662492265116 3” DFSW-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFSW-15K 810002293 1 12.1 --- --- 315.41 $350.46 662492524886 3” DFSW-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFSW-20K 810002294 1 16.0 --- --- 388.29 $431.43 662492643358 3” DFSW--25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFSW-25K 810002295 1 19.0 --- --- 454.33 $504.82 662492782545 3” DFSW-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFSW-30K 810002296 1 22.0 --- --- 514.68 $571.87 662492498699 3” DFSW-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFSW-35K 810002297 1 25.0 --- --- 575.03 $638.93 662492778241 4” DFSW-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFSW-15K 810002298 1 14.0 --- --- 404.23 $449.15 662492530689 4” DFSW-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFSW-20K 810002299 1 18.0 --- --- 470.28 $522.53 662492496077 4” DFSW-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFSW-25K 810002300 1 21.0 --- --- 544.29 $604.77 662492407059 4” DFSW-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFSW-30K 810002301 1 25.0 --- --- 624.00 $693.33 662492248997 4” DFSW-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFSW-35K 810002302 1 29.0 --- --- 721.92 $802.14 662492369784 5” DFSW-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFSW-15K 810002303 1 --- --- --- 453.20 $503.55 662492823866 5” DFSW-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFSW-20K 810002304 1 --- --- --- 567.06 $630.07 662492694862 5” DFSW-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFSW-25K 810002305 1 --- --- --- 677.52 $752.80 662492334386 5” DFSW-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFSW-30K 810002306 1 --- --- --- 797.08 $885.64 662492186770 5” DFSW-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFSW-35K 810002307 1 --- --- --- 895.00 $994.45 83 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Kits | DuraFlex SW UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492232330 5.5” DFSW-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFSW-15K 810002308 1 26.5 --- --- 512.41 $569.34 662492433874 5.5” DFSW-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFSW-20K 810002309 1 26.5 --- --- 593.25 $659.17 662492184325 5.5” DFSW-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFSW-25K 810002310 1 31.0 --- --- 705.98 $784.43 662492290286 5.5” DFSW-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFSW-30K 810002311 1 36.0 --- --- 827.82 $919.80 662492395332 5.5” DFSW-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFSW-35K 810002312 1 41.0 --- --- 930.30 $1,033.67 662492674949 6” DFSW-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFSW-15K 810002313 1 22.5 --- --- 570.48 $633.87 662492196533 6” DFSW-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFSW-20K 810002314 1 27.6 --- --- 662.71 $736.35 662492386231 6” DFSW-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFSW-25K 810002315 1 33.0 --- --- 773.16 $859.07 662492340790 6” DFSW-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFSW-30K 810002316 1 39.0 --- --- 890.45 $989.39 662492531990 6” DFSW-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFSW-35K 810002317 1 44.0 --- --- 1,012.29 $1,124.76 662492563540 7” DFSW-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFSW-15K 810002318 1 26.0 --- --- 676.38 $751.53 662492504031 7” DFSW-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFSW-20K 810002319 1 32.0 --- --- 775.44 $861.60 662492428689 7” DFSW-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFSW-25K 810002320 1 38.0 --- --- 921.19 $1,023.55 662492784983 7” DFSW-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFSW-30K 810002321 1 45.0 --- --- 1,036.20 $1,151.33 662492837511 7” DFSW-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFSW-35K 810002322 1 51.0 --- --- 1,162.59 $1,291.77 662492769423 8” DFSW-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFSW-15K 810002323 1 27.0 --- --- 769.75 $855.28 662492241646 8” DFSW-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFSW-20K 810002324 1 34.0 --- --- 859.70 $955.23 662492476239 8” DFSW-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFSW-25K 810002325 1 41.0 --- --- 1,007.73 $1,119.70 662492886526 8” DFSW-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFSW-30K 810002326 1 48.0 --- --- 1,151.21 $1,279.12 662492140352 8” DFSW-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFSW-35K 810002327 1 55.0 --- --- 1,295.82 $1,439.80 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 84 DuraFlex SW | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) DuraFlex SW Tee Kits 662492652145 3” DFSW-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFSW-15KT 810002328 1 16.0 --- --- 362.10 $402.33 662492426180 3” DFSW-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFSW-20KT 810002329 1 19.0 --- --- 434.98 $483.31 662492458419 3” DFSW-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFSW-25KT 810002330 1 22.0 --- --- 501.02 $556.69 662492868881 3” DFSW-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFSW-30KT 810002331 1 25.0 --- --- 561.37 $623.74 662492110171 3” DFSW-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFSW-35KT 810002332 1 28.0 --- --- 621.72 $690.80 662492316290 4” DFSW-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFSW-15KT 810002333 1 16.0 --- --- 450.92 $501.02 662492332863 4” DFSW-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFSW-20KT 810002334 1 20.0 --- --- 516.96 $574.40 662492107270 4” DFSW-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFSW-25KT 810002335 1 23.0 --- --- 590.98 $656.64 662492438916 4” DFSW-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFSW-30KT 810002336 1 --- --- --- 670.68 $745.20 662492626870 4” DFSW-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFSW-35KT 810002337 1 30.0 --- --- 768.61 $854.01 662492321263 5” DFSW-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFSW-15KT 810002338 1 --- --- --- 516.96 $574.40 662492245453 5” DFSW-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFSW-20KT 810002339 1 --- --- --- 630.83 $700.92 662492443156 5” DFSW-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFSW-25KT 810002340 1 --- --- --- 741.28 $823.65 662492405284 5” DFSW-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFSW-30KT 810002341 1 --- --- --- 860.84 $956.49 662492899120 5” DFSW-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFSW-35KT 810002342 1 --- --- --- 958.77 $1,065.30 662492140710 5.5” DFSW-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFSW-15KT 810002343 1 26.5 --- --- 585.28 $650.31 662492149171 5.5” DFSW-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFSW-20KT 810002344 1 26.5 --- --- 666.13 $740.14 662492453070 5.5” DFSW-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFSW-25KT 810002345 1 36.0 --- --- 778.86 $865.40 662492155394 5.5” DFSW-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFSW-30KT 810002346 1 41.0 --- --- 900.70 $1,000.77 85 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Kits | DuraFlex SW UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492454145 5.5” DFSW-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFSW-35KT 810002347 1 46.0 --- --- 1,003.18 662492674840 6” DFSW-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFSW-15KT 810002348 1 27.5 --- --- 647.91 $719.90 662492879290 6” DFSW-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFSW-20KT 810002349 1 33.0 --- --- 740.14 $822.38 662492559529 6” DFSW-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFSW-25KT 810002350 1 38.0 --- --- 850.60 $945.11 662492766460 6” DFSW-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFSW-30KT 810002351 1 44.0 --- --- 967.88 $1,075.42 662492411537 6” DFSW-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFSW-35KT 810002352 1 49.0 --- --- 1,089.72 $1,210.80 662492474778 7” DFSW-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFSW-15KT 810002353 1 33.0 --- --- 731.03 $812.26 662492524367 7” DFSW-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFSW-20KT 810002354 1 39.0 --- --- 852.87 $947.64 662492443460 7” DFSW-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFSW-25KT 810002355 1 45.5 --- --- 998.62 $1,109.58 662492419892 7” DFSW-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFSW-30KT 810002356 1 52.0 --- --- 1,113.63 $1,237.37 662492154083 7” DFSW-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFSW-35KT 810002357 1 58.0 --- --- 1,240.02 $1,377.81 662492398173 8” DFSW-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFSW-15KT 810002358 1 32.0 --- --- 847.18 $941.31 662492202487 8” DFSW-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFSW-20KT 810002359 1 39.0 --- --- 937.14 $1,041.26 662492531167 8” DFSW-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFSW-25KT 810002360 1 46.0 --- --- 1,085.16 $1,205.74 662492743393 8” DFSW-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFSW-30KT 810002361 1 53.0 --- --- 1,228.64 $1,365.15 662492521120 8” DFSW-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFSW-35KT 810002362 1 60.0 --- --- 1,373.25 $1,525.83 $1,114.64 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 86 DuraFlex Pro | 3” - 5.5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” DuraFlex Pro Lengths 662492660874 3” X 15' Length 3DFPRO-15 810002246 1 7.0 --- --- 222.04 $246.71 662492256879 3” X 20' Length 3DFPRO-20 810002247 1 10.0 --- --- 261.90 $291.00 662492266144 3” X 25' Length 3DFPRO-25 810002248 1 12.0 --- --- 313.14 $347.93 662492744826 3” X 30' Length 3DFPRO-30 810002249 1 14.0 --- --- 392.85 $436.49 662492107014 3” X 35' Length 3DFPRO-35 810002250 1 16.0 --- --- 438.39 $487.10 662492540695 3” X 50' Length 3DFPRO-50 810002251 --- --- --- --- 506.71 $563.01 662492567487 3” X 200' Length 3DFPRO-200 810002252 1 85.0 --- --- 1,964.23 $2,182.47 4” DuraFlex Pro Lengths 662492287149 4” X 15' Length 4DFPRO-15 810002253 1 10.0 --- --- 250.51 $278.34 662492477823 4” X 20' Length 4DFPRO-20 810002254 1 12.6 --- --- 290.36 $322.63 662492161654 4” X 25' Length 4DFPRO-25 810002255 1 16.0 --- --- 370.07 $411.19 662492420782 4” X 30' Length 4DFPRO-30 810002256 1 18.0 --- --- 438.39 $487.10 662492492659 4” X 35' Length 4DFPRO-35 810002257 1 21.0 --- --- 506.71 $563.01 662492599532 4” X 50' Length 4DFPRO-50 810002258 --- --- --- --- 575.03 $638.93 662492306765 4” X 200' Length 4DFPRO-200 810002259 1 110.0 --- --- 2,488.02 $2,764.47 5” DuraFlex Pro Lengths 662492807576 5” X 15' Length 5DFPRO-15 810002260 1 12.5 --- --- 301.75 $335.28 662492640760 5” X 20' Length 5DFPRO-20 810002261 1 17.5 --- --- 371.21 $412.46 662492807842 5” X 25' Length 5DFPRO-25 810002262 1 19.0 --- --- 449.78 $499.75 662492767078 5” X 30' Length 5DFPRO-30 810002263 1 --- --- --- 548.84 $609.83 662492412336 5” X 35' Length 5DFPRO-35 810002264 1 --- --- --- 637.66 $708.51 662492761069 5” X 50' Length 5DFPRO-50 810002265 1 --- --- --- 946.00 $1,051.11 662492835524 5” X 125' Length 5DFPRO-125 810002266 1 88.0 --- --- 1,935.76 $2,150.84 5.5” DuraFlex Pro Lengths 662492268193 5.5” X 15' Length 55DFPRO-15 810002267 1 13.0 --- --- 324.52 $360.58 662492831342 5.5” X 20' Length 55DFPRO-20 810002268 1 17.0 --- --- 404.23 $449.15 662492799277 5.5” X 25' Length 55DFPRO-25 810002269 1 21.0 --- --- 489.63 $544.04 662492313817 5.5” X 30' Length 55DFPRO-30 810002270 1 24.0 --- --- 597.81 $664.23 662492826317 5.5” X 35' Length 55DFPRO-35 810002271 1 28.0 --- --- 694.60 $771.77 87 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 5.5” - 8”, Custom | DuraFlex Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492764176 5.5” X 50' Length 55DFPRO-50 810002272 --- --- --- --- 762.92 $847.69 662492685891 5.5” X 100' Length 55DFPRO-100 810002273 1 77.0 --- --- 1,878.83 $2,087.58 6” DuraFlex Pro Lengths 662492830468 6” X 15' Length 6DFPRO-15 810002274 1 14.0 --- --- 352.99 $392.21 662492330722 6” X 20' Length 6DFPRO-20 810002275 1 18.0 --- --- 438.39 $487.10 662492804339 6” X 25' Length 63DFPRO-25 810002276 1 22.0 --- --- 540.87 $600.97 662492718421 6” X 30' Length 6DFPRO-30 810002277 1 26.0 --- --- 649.05 $721.17 662492134122 6” X 35' Length 6DFPRO-35 810002278 1 30.0 --- --- 751.53 $835.03 662492759073 6” X 50' Length 6FDFPRO-50 810002279 --- --- --- --- 819.85 $910.95 662492483435 6” X 100' Length 6DFPRO-100 810002280 1 84.0 --- --- 2,132.75 $2,369.72 7” DuraFlex Pro Lengths 662492203897 7” X 15' Length 7DFPRO-15 810002281 1 16.0 --- --- 392.85 $436.49 662492120767 7” X 20' Length 7DFPRO-20 810002282 1 21.0 --- --- 501.02 $556.69 662492448199 7” X 25' Length 7DFPRO-25 810002283 1 26.0 --- --- 621.72 $690.80 662492291177 7” X 30' Length 7DFPRO-30 810002284 1 30.0 --- --- 742.42 $824.91 662492650738 7” X 35' Length 7DFPRO-35 810002285 1 34.0 --- --- 859.70 $955.23 662492362150 7” X 50' Length 7DFPRO-50 810002286 --- --- --- --- 928.03 $1,031.14 8” DuraFlex Pro Lengths 662492793381 8” X 15' Length 8DFPRO-15 810002287 1 18.0 --- --- 415.62 $461.80 662492330234 8” X 20' Length 8DFPRO-20 810002288 1 24.0 --- --- 540.87 $600.97 662492630532 8” X 25' Length 8DFPRO-25 810002289 1 29.0 --- --- 649.05 $721.17 662492489260 8” X 30' Length 8DFPRO-30 810002290 1 35.0 --- --- 785.69 $872.99 662492197912 8” X 35' Length 8DFPRO-35 810002291 1 40.0 --- --- 910.95 $1,012.16 662492667316 8” X 50' Length 8DFPRO-50 810002292 1 --- --- --- 1,472.32 $1,635.91 DuraFlex Pro Custom Lengths 662492520796 3” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 200', Increments Of 10') 3DFPRO-XX 810005855 1 4.0 --- --- 17.09/ft $18.99/ft 662492499276 4” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 200', Increments Of 10') 4DFPRO-XX 810005967 1 5.3 --- --- 19.45/ft $21.61/ft 662492464793 5” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 125', Increments Of 10') 5DFPRO-XX 810006063 1 --- --- --- 22.46/ft $24.95/ft 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 88 DuraFlex Pro | Custom, Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492711569 5.5” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 100', Increments Of 10') 55DFPRO-XX --- 1 7.3 --- --- 23.20/ft $25.77/ft 662492581612 6” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100', Increments Of 10') 6DFPRO-XX 810006165 1 8.0 --- --- 24.48/ft $27.20/ft 662492237953 7” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 50' Increments Of 10') 7DFPRO-XX 610006656 1 9 --- --- 26.75/ft $29.72/ft 662492768693 8” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 50' Increments Of 10') 8DFPR0-XX 810006686 1 1 --- --- 27.82/ft $30.91/ft 662492730119 10” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min. 10' 10DFPRO-XX - Max. 25', Increments Of 10") 810004941 1 --- --- --- 39.57/ft $43.97/ft 662492441299 12” DFPRO Custom Length Per Foot (Min. 10' 12DFPRO-XX - Max. 25', Increments Of 10") 810007047 1 --- --- --- 59.46/ft $66.07/ft Ovalized Flex Custom Length Per Foot Ovalizing 0 --- --- --- --- 6.26/ft $6.96/ft --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) DuraFlex Pro Basic Kits 662492477571 3” DFPRO-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFPRO-15K 810002151 1 10.0 --- --- 286.95 $318.83 662429825549 3” DFPRO-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFPRO-20K 810002152 1 13.0 --- --- 337.05 $374.50 662492430248 3” DFPRO-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFPRO-25K 810002153 1 13.2 --- --- 388.29 $431.43 662492173527 3” DFPRO-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFPRO-30K 810002154 1 17.0 --- --- 457.75 $508.61 662492504222 3” DFPRO-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DFPRO-35K 810002155 1 19.0 --- --- 495.33 $550.36 662492722978 4” DFPRO-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFPRO-15K 810002156 1 12.0 --- --- 347.30 $385.89 662492201756 4” DFPRO-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFPRO-20K 810002157 1 14.0 --- --- 373.49 $414.99 662492116791 4” DFPRO-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFPRO-25K 810002158 1 17.0 --- --- 444.09 $493.43 662492637890 4” DFPRO-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFPRO-30K 810002159 1 22.0 --- --- 510.13 $566.81 662492807293 4” DFPRO-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DFPRO-35K 810002160 1 22.0 --- --- 569.34 $632.60 662492152652 5” DFPRO-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFPRO-15K 810002161 1 18.0 --- --- 379.18 $421.31 662492829851 5” DFPRO-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFPRO-20K 810002162 1 19.0 --- --- 460.03 $511.14 662492112397 5” DFPRO-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFPRO-25K 810002163 1 21.0 --- --- 540.87 $600.97 89 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Kits | DuraFlex Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492773758 5” DFPRO-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFPRO-30K 810002164 1 --- --- --- 634.25 $704.72 662492157992 5” DFPRO-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DFPRO-35K 810002165 1 --- --- --- 712.81 $792.02 662492457344 5.5” DFPRO-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFPRO-15K 810002166 1 17.5 --- --- 444.09 $493.43 662492815359 5.5” DFPRO-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFPRO-20K 810002167 1 21.0 --- --- 496.47 $551.63 662492627822 5.5” DFPRO-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFPRO-25K 810002168 1 25.0 --- --- 580.73 $645.25 662492349038 5.5” DFPRO-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFPRO-30K 810002169 1 29.0 --- --- 685.49 $761.65 662492311950 5.5” DFPRO-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DFPRO-35K 810002170 1 32.0 --- --- 770.89 $856.54 662492757154 6” DFPRO-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFPRO-15K 810002171 1 18.5 --- --- 479.39 $532.65 662492534731 6” DFPRO-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFPRO-20K 810002172 1 22.5 --- --- 531.76 $590.85 662492785324 6” DFPRO-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFPRO-25K 810002173 1 27.0 --- --- 630.83 $700.92 662492583784 6” DFPRO-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFPRO-30K 810002174 1 31.0 --- --- 731.03 $812.26 662492602331 6” DFPRO-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DFPRO-35K 810002175 1 35.0 --- --- 830.10 $922.33 662492414958 7” DFPRO-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFPRO-15K 810002176 1 20.5 --- --- 534.04 $593.38 662492754160 7” DFPRO-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFPRO-20K 810002177 1 10.9 --- --- 604.64 $671.82 662492789964 7” DFPRO-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFPRO-25K 810002178 1 30.0 --- --- 728.76 $809.73 662492816758 7” DFPRO-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFPRO-30K 810002179 1 35.0 --- --- 839.21 $932.45 662492472842 7” DFPRO-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DFPRO-35K 810002180 1 39.0 --- --- 946.24 $1,051.38 662492367438 8” DFPRO-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFPRO-15K 810002181 1 21.0 --- --- 593.25 $659.17 662492177761 8” DFPRO-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFPRO-20K 810002182 1 26.3 --- --- 649.05 $721.17 662492426272 8” DFPRO-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFPRO-25K 810002183 1 31.6 --- --- 751.53 $835.03 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 90 DuraFlex Pro | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492642771 8” DFPRO-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFPRO-30K 810002184 1 37.0 --- --- 883.62 $981.80 662492714584 8” DFPRO-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DFPRO-35K 810002185 1 43.0 --- --- 994.07 $1,104.52 DuraFlex Pro Tee Kits 662492514290 3” DFPRO-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFPRO-15KT 810002186 1 14.0 --- --- 333.63 $370.70 662492897690 3” DFPRO-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFPRO-20KT 810002187 1 17.0 --- --- 383.74 $426.37 662492459263 3” DFPRO-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFPRO-25KT 810002188 1 --- --- --- 434.98 $483.31 662492624890 3” DFPRO-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFPRO-30KT 810002189 1 21.0 --- --- 504.44 $560.48 662492644546 3” DFPRO-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DFPRO-35KT 810002190 1 23.0 --- --- 542.01 $602.24 662492651964 4” DFPRO-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFPRO-15KT 810002191 1 13.0 --- --- 390.57 $433.96 662492280065 4” DFPRO-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFPRO-20KT 810002192 1 16.0 --- --- 420.17 $466.86 662492824962 4” DFPRO-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFPRO-25KT 810002193 1 19.0 --- --- 491.91 $546.57 662492191194 4” DFPRO-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFPRO-30KT 810002194 1 21.0 --- --- 556.82 $618.68 662492672167 4” DFPRO-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DFPRO-35KT 810002195 1 24.0 --- --- 617.17 $685.74 662492790397 5” DFPRO-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFPRO-15KT 810002196 1 18.0 --- --- 441.81 $490.90 662492381236 5” DFPRO-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFPRO-20KT 810002197 1 23.0 --- --- 523.79 $581.99 662492830949 5” DFPRO-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFPRO-25KT 810002198 1 --- --- --- 604.64 $671.82 662492465462 5” DFPRO-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFPRO-30KT 810002199 1 --- --- --- 698.01 $775.57 662492717233 5” DFPRO-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DFPRO-35KT 810002200 1 --- --- --- 776.58 $862.87 662492323885 5.5” DFPRO-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFPRO-15KT 810002201 1 18.5 --- --- 482.80 $536.45 662492462195 5.5” DFPRO-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFPRO-20KT 810002202 1 26.5 --- --- 570.48 $633.87 662492589366 5.5” DFPRO-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFPRO-25KT 810002203 1 30.0 --- --- 654.74 $727.49 91 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Kits | DuraFlex Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492450789 5.5” DFPRO-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFPRO-30KT 810002204 1 34.0 --- --- 758.36 $842.62 662492165775 5.5” DFPRO-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DFPRO-35KT 810002205 1 37.5 --- --- 844.90 $938.78 662492136997 6” DFPRO-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFPRO-15KT 810002206 1 23.5 --- --- 515.82 $573.14 662499455364 6” DFPRO-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFPRO-20KT 810002207 1 27.5 --- --- 609.19 $676.88 662492265055 6” DFPRO-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFPRO-25KT 810002208 1 32.0 --- --- 708.26 $786.96 662492795217 6” DFPRO-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFPRO-30KT 810002209 1 36.0 --- --- 808.46 $898.29 662492850381 6” DFPRO-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DFPRO-35KT 810002210 1 40.0 --- --- 908.67 $1,009.63 662492239964 7” DFPRO-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFPRO-15KT 810002211 1 28.0 --- --- 561.37 $623.74 662492649978 7” DFPRO-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFPRO-20KT 810002212 1 33.0 --- --- 680.93 $756.59 662492350980 7” DFPRO-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFPRO-25KT 810002213 1 37.5 --- --- 803.91 $893.23 662492438022 7” DFPRO-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFPRO-30KT 810002214 1 42.0 --- --- 914.36 $1,015.96 662492360453 7” DFPRO-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DFPRO-35KT 810002215 1 46.0 --- --- 1,021.40 $1,134.89 662492158234 8” DFPRO-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFPRO-15KT 810002216 1 26.0 --- --- 619.44 $688.27 662492306093 8” DFPRO-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFPRO-20KT 810002217 1 32.0 --- --- 734.45 $816.06 662492160763 8” DFPRO-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFPRO-25KT 810002218 1 37.0 --- --- 859.70 $955.23 662492348949 8” DFPRO-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFPRO-30KT 810002219 1 42.0 --- --- 969.02 $1,076.69 662492289587 8” DFPRO-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DFPRO-35KT 810002220 1 48.0 --- --- 1,079.47 $1,199.41 DuraFlex Pro Factory-Built Chimney Relining 662492108550 6” DFPRO-25KFB Kit (Includes Term Assembly, 25' Flex, Appliance Connector) 6DFPRO-25KFB 810007149 1 32.0 4.6 --- 970.56 $1,078.40 662492442579 6” DFPRO-35KFB Kit (Includes Term Assembly, 35' Flex, Appliance Connector) 6DFPRO-35KFB 810007150 1 40.0 4.6 --- 1,183.12 $1,314.58 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 92 DuraFlex Pro | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) DuraFlex Pro Plate/Cap Kit 662492832325 3” DFPRO-20VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 3DFPRO-20VCK 810002221 1 --- --- --- 357.82 397.58 662492599921 3” DFPRO-25VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 3DFPRO-25VCK 81006967 1 --- --- --- 388.29 431.44 662492677254 3” DFPRO-35VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 3DFPRO-35VCK 810006968 1 --- --- --- 495.33 550.36 662492840771 4” DFPRO-20VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 4DFPRO-20VCK 810002222 1 --- --- --- 408.60 454.00 662492658031 4” DFPRO-25VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 4DFPRO-25VCK 810002223 1 --- --- --- 466.37 518.19 662492620342 4” DFPRO-30VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 4DFPRO-30VCK 810002224 1 --- --- --- 524.24 582.49 662492557174 4” DFPRO-35VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 4DFPRO-35VCK 810002225 1 --- --- --- 581.96 646.62 662492366158 5.5” DFPRO-20VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 55DFPRO-20VCK 810002226 1 --- --- --- 534.72 594.14 662492783863 5.5” DFPRO-25VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 55DFPRO-25VCK 810002227 1 --- --- --- 610.43 678.25 662492238042 5.5” DFPRO-30VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 55DFPRO-30VCK 810002228 1 --- --- --- 686.23 762.48 662492284971 5.5” DFPRO-35VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 55DFPRO-35VCK 810002229 1 --- --- --- 761.88 846.54 662492421765 6” DFPRO-25VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 6DFPRO-25VCK 810002230 1 --- --- --- 636.23 706.93 662492650158 6” DFPRO-30VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 6DFPRO-30VCK 810002231 1 --- --- --- 717.88 797.64 662492673874 6” DFPRO-35VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length) 6DFPRO-35VCK 810002232 1 --- --- --- 808.55 898.39 662492720417 6” DFPRO-25OVALVCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length. First 4Ft Ovalized) 6DFPRO25OVALVCK 810002233 1 --- --- --- 838.11 931.23 662492833452 6” DFPRO-35OVALVCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap DFSS Connector and DFPRO Length. First 4 Ft Ovalized) 6DFPRO35OVALVCK 810002234 1 --- --- --- 1,026.33 1,140.36 93 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 3” - 5.5” | DuraFlex 316 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” DuraFlex 316 Lengths 662492667156 3” X 15' Length 3DF316-15 810002109 1 9.0 4.4 12 204.96 $227.74 662492435069 3” X 20' Length 3DF316-20 810002110 1 9.0 8.6 6 244.82 $272.02 662492127292 3” X 25' Length 3DF316-25 810002111 1 18.0 8.6 6 273.26 $303.62 662492611821 3” X 30' Length 3DF316-30 810002112 1 21.0 19.3 6 373.49 $414.99 662492109373 3” X 35' Length 3DF316-35 810002113 1 21.0 11.8 8 421.31 $468.12 662492741955 3” X 100' Length 3DF316-100 810002114 1 42.0 21.4 --- 1,093.13 $1,214.59 4” DuraFlex 316 Lengths 662492743546 4” X 15' Length 4DF316-15 810002115 1 16.0 8.6 6 232.29 $258.10 662492689554 4” X 20' Length 4DF316-20 810002116 1 13.0 8.6 6 282.39 $313.77 662492417331 4” X 25' Length 4DF316-25 810002117 1 15.2 8.6 6 350.71 $389.68 662492483374 4” X 30' Length 4DF316-30 810002118 1 21.0 11.8 --- 420.17 $466.86 662492390542 4” X 35' Length 4DF316-35 810002119 1 12.5 11.8 4 489.63 $544.04 662492539163 4” X 100' Length 4DF316-100 810002120 1 49.0 21.4 --- 1,287.85 $1,430.94 5” DuraFlex 316 Lengths 662492457436 5” X 15' Length 5DF316-15 810002121 1 20.0 8.6 6 324.34 $360.38 662492392492 5” X 20' Length 5DF316-20 810002122 1 20.0 11.8 6 354.13 $393.48 662492270516 5” X 25” Length 5DF316-25 810002123 1 19.0 11.8 4 432.70 $480.78 662492178072 5” X 30' Length 5DF316-30 810002124 1 33.0 19.3 --- 531.76 $590.85 662492836071 5” X 35' Length 5DF316-35 810002125 1 33.0 19.3 4 620.58 $689.54 662492273227 5” X 100' Length 5DF316-100 810002126 1 62.0 21.4 --- 1,630.59 $1,811.77 5.5” DuraFlex 316 Lengths 662492467596 5.5” X 15' Length 55DF316-15 810002127 1 15.0 11.8 6 307.44 $341.60 662492679395 5.5” X 20' Length 55DF316-20 810002128 1 19.0 11.8 4 386.01 $428.90 662492381878 5.5” X 25' Length 55DF316-25 810002129 1 20.8 11.8 4 472.55 $525.06 662492451854 5.5” X 30' Length 55DF316-30 810002130 1 26.0 19.3 --- 578.45 $642.72 662492873823 5.5” X 35' Length 55DF316-35 810002131 1 29.0 19.3 4 675.24 $750.26 662492324134 5.5” X 100' Length 55DF316-100 810002132 1 67.0 21.4 --- 1,785.45 $1,983.84 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 94 DuraFlex 316 | 6” - 8”, Custom UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 6” DuraFlex 316 Lengths 662492251683 6” X 15' Length 6DF316-15 810002133 1 15.0 8.6 6 335.91 $373.23 662492271919 6” X 20" Length 6DF316-20 810002134 1 19.0 11.8 4 421.31 $468.12 662492895672 6” X 25' Length 6DF316-25 810002135 1 11.5 15.0 4 526.07 $584.52 662492600016 6” X 30' Length 6DF316-30 810002136 1 28.0 15.0 4 631.97 $702.19 662492413913 6” X 35' Length 6DF316-35 810002137 1 37.0 19.3 4 735.59 $817.32 662492466650 6” X 100' Length 6DF316-100 810002138 1 73.0 21.4 --- 1,961.95 $2,179.94 7” DuraFlex 316 Lengths 662492202128 7” X 15' Length 7DF316-15 810002139 1 24.0 52.4 --- 375.77 $417.52 662492435670 7” X 20' Length 7DF316-20 810002140 1 24.0 19.5 --- 483.94 $537.71 662492724743 7” X 25' Length 7DF316-25 810002141 1 35.0 52.4 2 604.64 $671.82 662492142486 7” X 30' Length 7DF316-30 810002142 1 44.0 --- --- 725.34 $805.93 662492319642 7” X 35' Length 7DF316-35 810002143 1 44.0 --- --- 842.62 $936.25 662492562055 7” X 50' Length 7DF316-50 810002144 1 44.0 --- --- 1,110.21 $1,233.57 8” DuraFlex 316 Lengths 662492843987 8” X 15' Length 8DF316-15 810002145 1 26.0 --- 2 398.54 $442.82 662492348123 8” X 20' Length 8DF316-20 810002146 1 26.0 52.4 1 523.79 $581.99 662492138366 8” X 25' Length 8DF316-25 810002147 1 42.0 26.3 2 631.97 $702.19 662492140963 8” X 30' Length 8DF316-30 810002148 1 22.4 52.4 --- 766.33 $851.48 662492206799 8” X 35' Length 8DF316-35 810002149 1 26.0 52.4 2 893.87 $993.18 662492896777 8” X 50' Length 8DF316-50 810002150 1 37.0 52.4 --- 1,176.26 $1,306.95 DuraFlex 316 Custom Lengths 662492159095 3” DF316 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 3DF316-XX 810005853 1 9.0 --- --- 14.24/ft $15.82/ft 662492845224 4” DF316 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 4DF316-XX 810005961 1 16.0 52.4 --- 17.08/ft $18.98/ft 662492818435 5” DF316 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 5DF316-XX 810006059 1 20.0 52.4 --- 19.35/ft $21.50/ft 662492321874 5.5” DF316 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 55DF316-XX --- 1 15.0 52.4 --- 21.36/ft $23.73/ft 662492664537 6” DF316Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 6DF316-XX 810006157 1 15.0 52.4 --- 22.77/ft $25.30/ft 95 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Custom, Kits | DuraFlex 316 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492288511 7” DF316 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 7DF316-XX --- 1 24.0 52.4 --- 29.04/ft $32.26/ft 662492532690 8” DF316 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 8DF316X-XX --- 1 26.0 52.4 --- 30.74/ft $34.16/ft --- Ovalizing 0 --- --- --- --- 6.26/ft $6.96/ft --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) DuraFlex 316 Basic Kits 662492318126 3” DF316-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF316-15K 810002026 1 18.0 8.6 12 269.87 $299.85 662493193020 3” DF316-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF316-20K 810002027 1 19.0 8.6 6 319.97 $355.52 662492146187 3” DF316-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF316-25K 810002028 1 21.0 8.6 --- 371.21 $412.46 662492213872 3” DF316-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF316-30K 810002029 1 24.0 19.3 6 438.39 $487.10 662492286043 3” DF316-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF316-35K 810002030 1 24.0 11.8 --- 478.25 $531.38 662492411629 4” DF316-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF316-15K 810002031 1 19.0 8.6 6 329.08 $365.64 662492409213 4” DF316-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF316-20K 810002032 1 21.0 8.6 6 365.52 $406.13 662492402962 4” DF316-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF316-25K 810002033 1 23.0 8.6 6 424.73 $471.92 662492215456 4” DF316-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF316-30K 810002034 1 25.0 11.8 --- 491.91 $546.57 662492247358 4” DF316-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF316-35K 810002035 1 27.0 11.8 4 552.26 $613.62 662492406250 5” DF316-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF316-15K 810002036 1 21.0 8.6 6 362.10 $402.33 662492262542 5” DF316-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF316-20K 810002037 1 24.0 8.6 --- 442.95 $492.16 662492783092 5” DF316-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF316-25K 810002038 1 27.0 11.8 --- 523.79 $581.99 662492256046 5” DF316-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF316-30K 810002039 1 30.0 19.3 --- 617.17 $685.74 662192616772 5” DF316-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF316-35K 810002040 1 33.0 19.3 --- 695.73 $773.04 662492805077 5.5” DF316-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF316-15K 810002041 1 22.0 11.8 --- 427.01 $474.45 662492250150 5.5” DF316-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF316-20K 810002042 1 25.0 11.8 --- 478.25 $531.38 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 96 DuraFlex 316 | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492327036 5.5” DF316-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF316-25K 810002043 1 28.0 11.8 --- 563.65 $626.28 662493763166 5.5” DF316-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF316-30K 810002044 1 31.5 19.3 --- 666.13 $740.14 662492492710 5.5” DF316-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF316-35K 810002045 1 24.0 19.3 4 751.53 $835.03 662492464731 6” DF316-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF316-15K 810002046 1 23.0 8.6 6 462.30 $513.67 662492249369 6” DF316-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF316-20K 810002047 1 26.5 11.8 4 514.68 $571.87 662492455814 6” DF316-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF316-25K 810002048 1 29.0 15.0 4 616.03 $684.47 662492591475 6” DF316-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF316-30K 810002049 1 31.5 15.0 4 713.95 $793.28 662492340851 6” DF316-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF316-35K 810002050 1 37.0 19.3 4 814.16 $904.62 662492841327 7” DF316-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF316-15K 810002051 1 30.0 19.5 --- 516.96 $574.40 662492572917 7” DF316-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF316-20K 810002052 1 33.0 19.5 --- 587.56 $652.84 662492147986 7” DF316-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF316-25K 810002053 1 24.5 52.4 2 711.68 $790.75 662492101742 7” DF316-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF316-30K 810002054 1 28.0 --- --- 822.13 $913.48 662492246986 7” DF316-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF316-35K 810002055 1 31.5 --- --- 929.16 $1,032.40 662492454756 8” DF316-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF316-15K 810002056 1 18.0 52.4 --- 576.17 $640.19 662492852491 8” DF316-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF316-20K 810002057 1 22.0 52.4 --- 631.97 $702.19 662492504956 8” DF316-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF316-25K 810002058 1 40.0 25.3 --- 734.45 $816.06 662492286135 8” DF316-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF316-30K 810002059 1 30.0 52.4 --- 864.26 $960.29 662492805923 8” DF316-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF316-35K 810002060 1 33.0 52.4 2 976.99 $1,085.54 DuraFlex 316 Tee Kits 662492207925 3” DF316-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF316-15KT 810002061 1 17.0 8.6 6 316.55 $351.73 662492154267 3” DF316-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF316-20KT 810002062 1 19.0 8.6 6 366.66 $407.40 97 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Kits | DuraFlex 316 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492680032 3” DF316-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF316-25KT 810002063 1 20.0 8.6 6 417.90 $464.33 662792780770 3” DF316-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF316-30KT 810002064 1 23.0 19.3 6 485.08 $538.98 662492232941 3” DF316-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF316-35KT 810002065 1 24.0 11.8 --- 524.93 $583.26 662492140598 4” DF316-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF316-15KT 810002066 1 19.0 8.6 6 372.35 $413.72 662492182598 4” DF316-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF316-20KT 810002067 1 21.0 8.6 6 412.20 $458.00 662492481189 4” DF316-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF316-25KT 810002068 1 22.0 8.6 --- 472.55 $525.06 662492545720 4” DF316-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF316-30KT 810002069 1 25.0 11.8 --- 538.60 $598.44 662492472422 4” DF316-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF316-35KT 810002070 1 26.0 11.8 4 600.09 $666.76 662492845141 5” DF316-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF316-15KT 810002071 1 22.0 8.6 6 424.73 $471.92 662492313947 5” DF316-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF316-20KT 810002072 1 24.0 8.6 --- 506.71 $563.01 662492859278 5” DF316-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF316-25KT 810002073 1 27.0 11.8 --- 587.56 $652.84 662492850725 5” DF316-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF316-30KT 810002074 1 31.0 19.3 --- 680.93 $756.59 662492209967 5” DF316-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF316-35KT 810002075 1 33.0 19.3 --- 759.50 $843.89 662492494851 5.5” DF316-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF316-15KT 810002076 1 20.5 11.8 --- 465.72 $517.47 662492695142 5.5” DF316-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF316-20KT 810002077 1 23.0 11.8 --- 552.26 $613.62 662492386170 5.5” DF316-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF316-25KT 810002078 1 26.0 11.8 --- 637.66 $708.51 662492852657 5.5” DF316-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF316-30KT 810002079 1 30.0 19.3 --- 739.00 $821.12 662492272190 5.5” DF316-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF316-35KT 810002080 1 32.5 19.3 4 825.54 $917.27 662492362648 6” DF316-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF316-15KT 810002081 1 25.0 11.8 --- 498.74 $554.16 662492700549 6” DF316-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF316-20KT 810002082 1 28.0 11.8 --- 592.11 $657.91 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 98 DuraFlex 316 | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492536698 6” DF316-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF316-25KT 810002083 1 30.0 15.0 4 693.46 $770.51 662492597149 6” DF316-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF316-30KT 810002084 1 32.5 15.0 4 791.38 $879.32 662492292518 6” DF316-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF316-35KT 810002085 1 38.0 19.3 4 892.73 $991.92 662492492192 7” DF316-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF316-15KT 810002086 1 31.5 19.5 --- 544.29 $604.77 662492615157 7” DF316-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF316-20KT 810002087 1 35.0 19.5 --- 663.85 $737.61 662492582565 7” DF316-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF316-25KT 810002088 1 26.0 52.4 --- 786.83 $874.25 662492825631 7” DF316-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF316-30KT 810002089 1 30.0 --- --- 897.28 $996.98 662492303627 7” DF316-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF316-35KT 810002090 1 33.0 --- --- 1,004.32 $1,115.91 662492374429 8” DF316-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF316-15KT 810002091 1 21.0 52.4 --- 602.36 $669.29 662492374610 8” DF316-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF316-20KT 810002092 1 25.0 52.4 --- 717.37 $797.08 662492679739 8” DF316-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF316-25KT 810002093 1 43.0 26.3 --- 842.62 $936.25 662492724255 8” DF316-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF316-30KT 810002094 1 32.5 52.4 --- 949.66 $1,055.18 662492376072 8” DF316-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF316-35KT 810002095 1 36.0 52.4 2 1,062.39 $1,180.43 DuraFlex 316 Factory-Built Chimney Relining 662492205235 6” DF316-25KFB Kit (Includes Term Assembly, 25' Flex, Appliance Connector) 6DF316-25KFB 810007153 1 30.0 15.0 4 883.02 $981.13 662492243596 6” DF316-35KFB Kit (Includes Term Assembly, 35'Flex, Appliance Connector) 6DF316-35KFB 810007154 1 38.0 20.0 4 1,078.31 $1,198.13 DuraFlex 316 Top Plate/Cap Kits 662492728987 4" DF316-25VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap Plus DFSS Connector and DF316 Length 4DF316-25VCK 810002096 1 --- --- --- 397.81 $442.01 662492847794 4" DF316-35VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap Plus DFSS Connector and DF316 Length 4DF316-35VCK 810002097 1 --- --- --- 486.03 $540.03 662492227848 5.5" DF316-25VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap Plus DFSS Connector and DF316 Length 55DF316-25VCK 810002098 1 --- --- --- 545.77 $606.42 99 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Kits | DuraFlex 316 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492577950 5.5" DF316-35VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap Plus DFSS Connector and DF316 Length 55DF316-35VCK 810002099 1 --- --- --- 671.37 $745.97 662492569955 6" DF316-25VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap Plus DFSS Connector and DF316 Length 6DF316-25VCK 810002100 1 --- --- --- 810.37 $900.41 662492684184 6" DF316-35VCK (Includes: Top Plate With Welded Storm Collar, Cap Plus DFSS Connector and DF316 Length 6DF316-35VCK 810002101 1 --- --- --- 1,067.41 $1,186.01 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 100 DuraFlex 304 | 3” - 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” DuraFlex 304 Lengths 662492201459 3” X 15' Length 3DF304-15 810001984 1 7.0 3.9 12 176.52 $196.13 662492164150 3” X 20' Length 3DF304-20 810001985 1 12.0 8.6 6 222.04 $246.71 662492122136 3” X 25' Length 3DF304-25 810001986 1 10.0 8.6 6 273.28 $303.65 662492348857 3” X 30' Length 3DF304-30 810001987 1 17.0 8.6 6 330.22 $366.91 662492628645 3” X 35' Length 3DF304-35 810001988 1 17.0 11.8 6 387.16 $430.18 662492677070 3” X 100' Length 3DF304-100 810001989 1 48.0 21.4 --- 950.80 $1,056.44 4” DuraFlex 304 Lengths 662492861684 4” X 15' Length 4DF304-15 810001990 1 16.0 8.6 6 193.58 $215.08 662492258422 4” X 20' Length 4DF304-20 810001991 1 21.0 8.5 6 256.20 $284.67 662492736869 4” X 25' Length 4DF304-25 810001992 1 21.0 8.6 6 317.69 $352.99 662492435229 4” X 30' Length 4DF304-30 810001993 1 21.0 11.8 --- 387.15 $430.17 662492220580 4” X 35' Length 4DF304-35 810001994 1 21.0 11.8 4 444.09 $493.43 662492832417 4” X 100' Length 4DF304-100 810001995 1 6.0 21.4 --- 1,169.43 $1,299.36 5” DuraFlex 304 Lengths 662492329962 5” X 15' Length 5DF304-15 810001996 1 11.0 8.6 6 235.71 $261.90 662492337684 5” X 20' Length 5DF304-20 810001997 1 16.8 11.8 --- 305.17 $339.07 662492422588 5” X 25” Length 5DF304-25 810001998 1 16.8 11.8 4 375.77 $417.52 662492851739 5” X 30' Length 5DF304-30 810001999 1 28.0 11.8 --- 449.78 $499.75 662492476321 5” X 35' Length 5DF304-35 810002000 1 28.0 15.0 4 528.35 $587.05 662492161197 5” X 100' Length 5DF304-100 810002001 1 71.0 21.4 --- 1,336.81 $1,485.35 5.5” DuraFlex 304 Lengths 662492215944 5.5” X 15' Length 55DF304-15 810002002 1 14.0 8.6 6 252.79 $280.87 662492443767 5.5” X 20' Length 55DF304-20 810002003 1 21.0 11.8 --- 326.80 $363.11 662492300459 5.5” X 25' Length 55DF304-25 810002004 1 20.0 11.8 6 398.54 $442.82 662492475041 5.5” X 30' Length 55DF304-30 810002005 1 29.0 19.3 --- 489.63 $544.04 662492486610 5.5” X 35' Length 55DF304-35 810002006 1 25.6 19.3 4 571.62 $635.13 662492192320 5.5” X 100' Length 55DF304-100 810002007 1 77.0 21.4 --- 1,501.92 $1,668.80 6DF304-15 810002008 1 18.0 8.6 6” DuraFlex 304 Lengths 662492215395 6” X 15' Length 101 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6 267.59 $297.32 6” - 8”, Custom | DuraFlex 304 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492499733 6” X 20" Length 6DF304-20 810002009 1 17.6 11.8 4 349.58 $388.42 662492603925 6” X 25' Length 6DF304-25 810002010 1 17.6 15.0 4 437.25 $485.84 662492370339 6” X 30' Length 6DF304-30 810002011 1 33.0 19.3 4 529.49 $588.32 662492757765 6” X 35' Length 6DF304-35 810002012 1 33.0 19.3 4 612.61 $680.68 662492890097 6” X 100' Length 6DF304-100 810002013 1 83.0 21.4 --- 1,613.51 $1,792.79 7” DuraFlex 304 Lengths 662492847039 7” X 15' Length 7DF304-15 810002014 1 22.8 19.3 --- 305.17 $339.07 662492609057 7” X 20' Length 7DF304-20 810002015 1 28.0 19.5 2 409.93 $455.47 662492424995 7” X 25' Length 7DF304-25 810002016 1 28.0 52.4 2 512.41 $569.34 662492283882 7” X 30' Length 7DF304-30 810002017 1 40.0 --- --- 612.61 $680.68 662492362259 7” X 35' Length 7DF304-35 810002018 1 40.0 --- --- 713.95 $793.28 662492473504 7” X 50' Length 7DF304-50 810002019 1 54.0 --- --- 922.33 $1,024.81 8” DuraFlex 304 Lengths 662492473764 8” X 15' Length 8DF304-15 810002020 1 23.0 --- --- 355.27 $394.74 662492695937 8” X 20' Length 8DF304-20 810002021 1 30.0 52.4 2 473.69 $526.32 662492802359 8” X 25' Length 8DF304-25 810002022 1 30.0 52.0 2 614.89 $683.21 662492144169 8” X 30' Length 8DF304-30 810002023 1 35.0 52.0 --- 723.06 $803.40 662492299418 8” X 35' Length 8DF304-35 810002024 1 35.0 52.0 2 831.24 $923.60 662492615249 8” X 50' Length 8DF304-50 810002025 1 50.0 52.0 1 1,040.76 $1,156.39 DuraFlex 304 Custom Lengths 662492411087 3” DF304 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 3DF304-XX --- 1 7.0 52.4 --- 12.52/ft $13.91/ft 662492705766 4” DF304 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 4DF304-XX 810005959 1 16.0 52.4 --- 15.36/ft $17.07/ft 662492103364 5” DF304 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 5DF304-XX 810006057 1 11.0 52.4 --- 17.66/ft $19.62/ft 662492887073 5.5” DF304 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'-Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 55DF304-XX 810006035 1 14.0 52.4 --- 19.64/ft $21.83/ft 662492398654 6” DF304 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 6DF304-XX 810006154 1 18.0 52.4 --- 21.07/ft $23.41/ft 662492135921 7” DF304 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 7DF304-XX --- 1 22.8 52.4 --- 24.20/ft $26.89/ft 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 102 DuraFlex 304 | Custom, Kits UPC-A Listing 662492188729 --- Description Order # Stock # 8” DF304 Custom Length Per Foot (Min 10'Max 100'. Increments Of 10') 8DF304-XX 810006683 --- Ovalizing 0 Pcs/Ctn 1 Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. --- 27.33/ft List (ea) 23.0 52.4 $30.37/ft --- --- --- 6.26/ft $6.96/ft DuraFlex 304 Basic Kits 662492397466 3” DF304-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF304-15K 810001907 1 19.0 11.8 12 244.82 $272.02 662492323557 3” DF304-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF304-20K 810001908 1 20.0 8.6 6 290.36 $322.63 662492537183 3” DF304-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF304-25K 810001909 1 22.0 8.6 6 335.91 $373.23 662492642283 3” DF304-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF304-30K 810001910 1 25.0 8.6 6 393.98 $437.76 662492265963 3” DF304-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 3DF304-35K 810001911 1 26.0 11.8 --- 427.01 $474.45 662492291665 4” DF304-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF304-15K 810001912 1 20.0 8.6 6 283.53 $315.04 662492197578 4” DF304-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF304-20K 810001913 1 23.0 8.6 6 340.47 $378.30 662492688397 4” DF304-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF304-25K 810001914 1 25.0 8.6 6 396.26 $440.29 662492223918 4” DF304-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF304-30K 810001915 1 28.0 11.8 --- 455.47 $506.08 662492588840 4” DF304-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 4DF304-35K 810001916 1 30.0 11.8 4 512.41 $569.34 662492149140 5” DF304-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF304-15K 810001917 1 23.0 11.8 6 329.08 $365.64 662492123782 5” DF304-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF304-20K 810001918 1 26.0 11.8 --- 397.40 $441.56 662492199893 5” DF304-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF304-25K 810001919 1 29.0 11.8 4 464.58 $516.20 662492850428 5” DF304-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF304-30K 810001920 1 33.0 19.3 --- 545.43 $606.03 662492482766 5” DF304-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 5DF304-35K 810001921 1 34.0 15.0 --- 609.19 $676.88 662492745984 5.5” DF304-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF304-15K 810001922 1 24.0 11.8 --- 352.99 $392.21 662492463932 5.5” DF304-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF304-20K 810001923 1 27.0 11.8 --- 421.31 $468.12 662492870655 5.5” DF304-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF304-25K 810001924 1 30.0 11.8 --- 495.33 $550.36 103 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Kits | DuraFlex 304 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492891582 5.5” DF304-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF304-30K 810001925 1 34.5 19.3 --- 580.73 $645.25 662492215586 5.5” DF304-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 55DF304-35K 810001926 1 38.0 19.3 4 654.74 $727.49 662492360873 6” DF304-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF304-15K 810001927 1 25.0 8.6 --- 381.46 $423.84 662492105283 6” DF304-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF304-20K 810001928 1 28.0 11.8 4 444.09 $493.43 662492334966 6” DF304-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF304-25K 810001929 1 30.5 15.0 --- 529.49 $588.32 662492413944 6” DF304-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF304-30K 810001930 1 37.0 19.3 4 614.89 $683.21 662492801345 6” DF304-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 6DF304-35K 810001931 1 40.0 19.3 4 694.60 $771.77 662492103098 7” DF304-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF304-15K 810001932 1 31.0 19.5 --- 473.00 $525.55 662492663585 7” DF304-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF304-20K 810001933 1 35.5 19.5 --- 518.10 $575.67 662492579268 7” DF304-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF304-25K 810001934 1 27.5 52.4 2 631.97 $702.19 662492432471 7” DF304-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF304-30K 810001935 1 31.5 --- --- 711.68 $790.75 662492469217 7” DF304-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 7DF304-35K 810001936 1 35.5 --- --- 802.77 $891.97 662492163856 8” DF304-15K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF304-15K 810001937 1 21.0 23.3 --- 483.94 $537.71 662492255896 8” DF304-20K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF304-20K 810001938 1 26.0 52.4 --- 580.73 $645.25 662492444375 8” DF304-25K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF304-25K 810001939 1 40.5 52.0 2 723.06 $803.40 662492888780 8” DF304-30K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF304-30K 810001940 1 45.0 52.0 --- 825.54 $917.27 662492283943 8” DF304-35K (Includes DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Connector) 8DF304-35K 810001941 1 50.0 52.0 2 928.03 $1,031.14 DuraFlex 304 Tee Kits 662492559246 3” DF304-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF304-15KT 810001942 1 18.0 8.6 12 298.33 $331.48 662492868942 3” DF304-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF304-20KT 810001943 1 20.0 8.6 6 391.91 $435.46 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 104 DuraFlex 304 | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492444832 3” DF304-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF304-25KT 810001944 1 22.0 8.6 --- 380.32 $422.58 662492187012 3” DF304-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF304-30KT 810001945 1 25.0 19.3 6 440.67 $489.63 662492710036 3” DF304-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 3DF304-35KT 810001946 1 26.0 11.8 --- 471.41 $523.79 662492220894 4” DF304-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF304-15KT 810001947 1 20.0 8.6 6 324.52 $360.58 662492407417 4” DF304-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF304-2OKT 810001948 1 23.0 8.6 --- 387.15 $430.17 662492787069 4” DF304-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF304-25KT 810001949 1 25.0 8.6 6 444.09 $493.43 662492869376 4” DF304-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF304-30KT 810001950 1 28.0 11.8 --- 512.41 $569.34 662492522417 4” DF304-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 4DF304-35KT 810001951 1 30.0 11.8 4 557.95 $619.95 662492575758 5” DF304-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF304-15KT 810001952 1 24.0 11.8 6 395.12 $439.03 662492577981 5” DF304-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF304-20KT 810001953 1 27.0 11.8 --- 461.17 $512.41 662492876633 5” DF304-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF304-25KT 810001954 1 30.0 11.8 --- 528.35 $587.05 662492824023 5” DF304-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF304-30KT 810001955 1 33.0 19.3 --- 609.19 $676.88 662492598795 5” DF304-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 5DF304-35KT 810001956 1 34.0 15.0 --- 670.68 $745.20 662492706190 5.5” DF304-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF304-15KT 810001957 1 22.0 11.8 --- 414.48 $460.53 662492243718 5.5” DF304-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF304-20KT 810001958 1 25.0 11.8 --- 495.33 $550.36 662492811931 5.5” DF304-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF304-25KT 810001959 1 28.0 11.8 --- 567.06 $630.07 662492771341 5.5” DF304-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF304-30KT 810001960 1 32.5 19.3 --- 653.60 $726.23 662492703816 5.5” DF304-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 55DF304-35KT 810001961 1 36.0 19.3 4 726.48 $807.20 662492681534 6” DF304-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF304-15KT 810001962 1 26.0 11.8 6 440.67 $489.63 662492577165 6” DF304-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF304-20KT 810001963 1 30.0 11.8 4 522.65 $580.73 105 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Kits | DuraFlex 304 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492297858 6” DF304-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF304-25KT 810001964 1 32.0 15.0 4 606.92 $674.35 662492778616 6” DF304-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF304-30KT 810001965 1 38.0 19.3 4 692.32 $769.24 662492284360 6” DF304-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 6DF304-35KT 810001966 1 41.0 19.3 4 769.75 $855.28 662492207215 7” DF304-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF304-15KT 810001967 1 33.0 19.5 --- 485.08 $538.98 662492554180 7” DF304-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF304-20KT 810001968 1 37.5 19.5 --- 592.11 $657.91 662492729960 7” DF304-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF304-25KT 810001969 1 30.0 52.4 --- 696.87 $774.30 662492134467 7” DF304-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF304-30KT 810001970 1 33.5 --- --- 790.25 $878.05 662492258361 7” DF304-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 7DF304-35KT 810001971 1 38.0 --- --- 876.79 $974.21 662492752456 8” DF304-15KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF304-15KT 810001972 1 24.0 52.4 --- 516.96 $574.40 662492138434 8” DF304-20KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF304-20KT 810001973 1 29.0 52.4 --- 702.74 $780.82 662492623916 8” DF304-25KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF304-25KT 810001974 1 44.0 52.0 --- 809.60 $899.56 662492608999 8” DF304-30KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF304-30KT 810001975 1 48.5 52.0 --- 914.36 $1,015.96 662492358375 8” DF304-35KT (Includes: DFSS Top Plate, Cap, Tee w/ Cap) 8DF304-35KT 810001976 1 53.0 52.0 2 1,013.43 $1,126.03 DuraFlex 304 Factory-Built Chimney Relining 662492403297 6” DF304-15KFB Kit (Includes Term Assembly, 15' Flex, Appliance Connector) 6DF304-15KFB 810007979 1 --- 9.2 6 656.20 $729.11 662492254851 6” DF304-25KFB Kit (Includes Term Assembly, 25' Flex, Appliance Connector) 6DF304-25KFB 810007151 1 32.0 15.0 4 808.89 $898.77 662492140741 6” DF304-35KFB Kit (Includes Term Assembly, 35' Flex, Appliance Connector) 6DF304-35KFB 810007152 1 41.0 20.0 4 974.66 $1,082.95 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 106 DuraFlex | Accessories UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” DuraFlex SS Accessories (for SW, Pro, 316, & 314) 662492283332 3" DuraFlex Vertical Cap 3DFS-VC 810002421 6 1.3 1.8 240 71.74 $79.71 662492141083 3" Duraflex Top Plate 3DFS-TP 810002422 1 2.9 0.3 168 32.43 $36.04 662492184813 3" DuraFlex Tee 3DFS-T 810002423 1 2.4 0.5 --- 67.57 $75.08 662492501016 3" Duraflex Connector 3DFS-FC 810002424 1 2.0 0.1 --- 19.46 $21.62 662492729267 3" DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 3DFS-MS 810002425 6 3.4 0.6 --- 8.26 $9.17 662492581704 3" DuraFlex Puller 3DFS-FP 810002426 6 2.8 0.4 720 24.77 $27.52 662492377819 3" Vertical Cap Kit 3DFS-VCK 810002427 --- --- --- --- 130.50 $145.00 662492441077 3" DuraFlex Insert Adapter 3DFS-ADC 810008046 1 --- 0.1 --- 49.65 $55.16 662492572214 3” - 8” Spark Arrestor DFS-SA 810002428 1 --- 0.1 --- 14.23 $15.82 4” DuraFlex SS Accessories (for SW, Pro, 316, & 314) 662492465591 4" DuraFlex Vertical Cap 4DFS-VC 810002429 6 1.5 1.4 180 73.16 $81.29 662492500163 4" Duraflex Top Plate 4DFS-TP 810002430 1 2.9 0.3 168 24.77 $27.52 662492241974 4" DuraFlex Tee 4DFS-T 810002431 1 3.5 0.7 80 75.68 $84.08 662492504987 4" Duraflex Connector 4DFS-FC 810002432 1 1.0 0.1 210 20.27 $22.53 662492488300 4" DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 4DFS-MS 810002433 6 4.1 0.9 --- 9.39 $10.44 662492791806 4" DuraFlex Puller 4DFS-FP 810002434 6 3.8 0 --- 32.43 $36.04 662492299845 4" DuraFlex Insert Adapter 4DFS-ADC 810008047 1 --- 0.1 --- 49.65 $55.16 662492808450 4"Vertical Cap Kit 4DFS-VCK 810002435 --- --- --- 135.00 $150.00 5” DuraFlex SS Accessories (for SW, Pro, 316, & 314) 662492611210 5" DuraFlex Vertical Cap 5DFS-VC 810002436 6 1.9 0.3 108 84.55 $93.94 662492707135 5" Duraflex Top Plate 5DFS-TP 810002437 1 2.9 0.3 168 35.14 $39.04 662492251225 5" Duraflex Preformed Top Plate 13 x 13 5DFS-TPA 810002438 --- --- --- --- 130.50 $145.00 662492482858 5" Duraflex Preformed Top Plate 9 x 13 5DFS-TPB 810002439 --- --- --- --- 65.69 $72.99 662492741597 5" DuraFlex Tee 5DFS-T 810002440 1 3.7 1.1 --- 104.40 $116.00 662492324592 5" Duraflex Connector 5DFS-FC 810002441 1 1.0 0.1 --- 24.33 $27.03 662492537909 5" DuraFlex Spacer 5DFS-S 810002442 4 --- --- --- 58.64 $65.16 662492178607 5" DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 5DFS-MS 810002443 6 5.0 1.2 252 9.96 $11.07 662492434208 5" DuraFlex Puller 5DFS-FP 810002444 6 4.9 0.1 --- 25.62 $28.47 662492578964 5" DuraFlex Insert Adapter 5DFS-ADC 810008048 1 --- 0.3 --- 54.51 $60.57 107 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Accessories | DuraFlex UPC-A Listing 662492832561 Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 5" Vertical Cap Kit 5DFS-VCK 810002445 --- --- --- --- 121.63 $135.15 5.5” DuraFlex SS Accessories (for SW, Pro, 316, & 314) 662492824238 5.5" DuraFlex Vertical Cap 55DFS-VC 810002446 6 2.0 3.5 108 85.69 $95.21 662492154144 5.5" Duraflex Top Plate 55DFS-TP 810002447 1 2.9 0.3 168 32.43 $36.04 662492530627 5.5" Duraflex Preformed Top Plate 13 x 13 55DFS-TPA 810002448 --- --- --- --- 67.34 $74.82 662492157473 5.5" Duraflex preformed Top Plate 9 x 13 55DFS-TPB 810002449 --- --- --- --- 66.79 $74.21 662492184691 5.5" DuraFlex Tee 55DFS-T 810002450 1 1.2 1.1 45 94.51 $105.01 662492556283 5.5" Duraflex Connector 55DFS-FC 810002451 1 1.0 0.1 90 15.94 $17.71 662492748800 5.5" DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 55DFS-MS 810002452 6 4.2 1.7 --- 44.10 $49.00 662492358900 5.5" DuraFlex Puller 55DFS-FP 810002453 6 3.6 --- --- 40.55 $45.05 662492451427 5.5" DuraFlex Insert Adapter 55DFS-ADC 810008049 1 --- 0.2 --- 54.51 $60.57 662492201817 5.5 Vertical Cap Kit 55DFS-VCK 810002454 --- --- --- --- 124.33 $138.14 6” DuraFlex SS Accessories (for SW, Pro, 316, & 314) 662492416938 6" DuraFlex Vertical Cap 6DFS-VC 810002455 6 2.0 3.5 108 86.54 $96.16 662492225134 6" Duraflex Top Plate 6DFS-TP 810002456 1 3.0 0.3 168 24.77 $27.52 662492484296 6" Duraflex Preformed Top Plate 13 x 13 6DFS-TPA 810002457 --- --- --- --- 100.00 $111.11 662492872369 6" Duraflex Preformed Top Plate 9 x 13 6DFS-TPB 810002458 --- --- --- --- 67.88 $75.43 662492615216 6" DuraFlex Tee 6DFS-T 810002459 1 4.5 1.1 48 108.12 $120.13 662492762714 6" Duraflex Connector 6DFS-FC 810002460 1 1.0 0.3 180 16.23 $18.03 662492010396 6" DuraFlex Spacer 6DFS-S 810002461 4 --- --- --- 58.64 $65.16 662492441305 6" DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 6DFS-MS 810002462 6 5.6 1.7 156 11.67 $12.97 662492565308 6" DuraFlex Puller 6DFS-FP 810002463 6 6.2 1.2 252 25.62 $28.47 662492152195 Snow Splitter 9493 810000139 1 1.3 1.7 --- 102.48 $113.87 662492341988 6" Vertical Cap Kit 6DFS-VCK 810002464 --- --- --- --- 132.44 $147.16 662492607343 6" DuraFlex Insert Adapter 6DFS-ADC 810008050 1 --- 0.2 --- 59.38 $65.98 662492859940 DuraFlex SS Reducer 6DFS-X55 810002465 1 0.6 0.1 90 45.95 $51.05 7” DuraFlex SS Accessories (for SW, Pro, 316, & 314) 662492164464 7" DuraFlex Vertical Cap 7DFS-VC 810002466 4 3.0 4.4 12 92.52 $102.80 662492591161 7" Duraflex Top Plate 7DFS-TP 810002467 1 3.0 0.3 168 40.55 $45.05 662492525524 7" DuraFlex Tee 7DFS-T 810002468 1 6.0 1.7 --- 247.50 $275.00 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 108 DuraFlex | Accessories UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492399453 7" Duraflex Connector 7DFS-FC 810002469 1 2.5 0.3 --- 90.90 $101.00 662492389607 7" DuraFlex Spacer 7DFS-S 810002470 4 --- --- --- 58.64 $65.16 662492789704 7" DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 7DFS-MS 810002471 4 5.2 --- --- 12.24 $13.60 662492428108 7" DuraFlex Puller 7DFS-FP 810002472 4 5.9 0.7 400 25.62 $28.47 662492762554 7" DuraFlex Insert Adapter 7DFS-ADC 810008051 1 --- 0.3 --- 59.38 $65.98 662492366544 7" Vertical Cap Kit 7DFS-VCK 810002473 --- --- --- --- 125.26 $139.17 8” DuraFlex SS Accessories (for SW, Pro, 316, & 314) 662492337714 8" DuraFlex Vertical Cap 8DFS-VC 810002474 4 3.0 5.4 48 93.37 $103.74 662492416976 8" Duraflex Top Plate 8DFS-TP 810002475 1 3.0 0.3 168 40.55 $45.05 662492741986 8" DuraFlex Tee 8DFS-T 810002476 1 7.1 1.7 36 116.22 $129.14 662492612743 8" Duraflex Connector 8DFS-FC 810002477 1 0.9 0.3 --- 18.57 $20.63 662492011010 8" DuraFlex Spacer 8DFS-S 810002478 4 --- --- --- 58.64 $65.16 662492531808 8" DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 8DFS-MS 810002479 4 7.0 0.7 400 13.95 $15.50 662492536704 8" DuraFlex Puller 8DFS-FP 810002480 6 7.0 0.7 400 28.47 $31.63 662492352823 8" DuraFlex Insert Adapter 8DFS-ADC 810008052 1 --- 0.4 --- 59.38 $65.98 662492336823 8" Vertical Cap Kit 8DFS-VCK 810002481 --- --- --- --- 129.81 $144.23 Relining Insulation (for DuraLiner, Ventinox, DuraFlex SW, Pro, 316, & 304) *use your Ventinox multiplier for net pricing 662492272831 TherMix Bag RNS-TMG 810001820 1 --- --- --- 33.02 $36.69 662492190869 TherMix Box RNS-TMX 810001821 1 --- --- --- 42.13 $46.81 662492825129 1⁄2” thick ProFoil for 5” - 6” diameters (22” x 25’) 56RNS-PFB22X25 810001822 1 --- --- --- 227.74 $253.04 662492539866 1⁄2” thick ProFoil for 7” diameters (24”x25’) 7RNS-PFB24X25 810001823 1 --- --- --- 284.67 $316.30 662492412572 1⁄2” thick ProFoil for 8” diameters (29”x25’) 8RNS-PFB29X25 810001824 1 --- --- --- 455.47 $506.08 662492460030 1⁄2” thick ProFoil for 9”-12” diameters (48”x25’) 912RNS-PFB48X25 810001825 1 --- --- --- 569.34 $632.60 662492555910 AluFoil 3" x 150' RNS-ALF 810002486 1 --- --- --- 71.17 $79.08 662492904756 ProMesh Sm 12" x 25' RNS-PM1 810012553 --- --- --- 44.05 $48.94 662492296851 ProMesh Lg 18" x 25' RNS-PM2 810002488 --- --- --- 58.16 $64.63 662492141366 ProMesh XLG 24" x 25' RNS-PM3 810002489 --- --- --- 78.61 $87.34 662492908051 6" ProMesh Insulation Kit 6RNS-IK 810012842 --- 4 --- 379.08 $421.20 109 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 12 rl/ case 12 rl/ case 12 rl/ case 1 Kits, 4” x 6 5/8” | DirectVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492590980 Horizontal Termination Kit A (Includes: 90° Elbow [black], Ceiling Support/Wall Thimble Cover, 24" Pipe Length [black], 8-1/2" Pipe Extension [black]) 46DVA-KHA 810001267 1 16.1 2.0 18 283.14 $314.60 662492608715 Horizontal Termination Kit A (Includes: 90° Elbow [black], Wall Thimble, Ceiling Support/Wall Thimble Cover, 24" Pipe Length [black], 8-1/2" Pipe Extension) [black]) 46DVA-KHC 810001268 1 14.0 2.9 18 334.53 $371.70 662492588321 Chimney Liner Termination Kit (Includes: Termination Connector, Flashing) 46DVA-GK 810001269 1 5.6 1.9 20 156.21 $173.57 662492517314 Co Linear 'Masonry Chimney Conversion Kit 46DVA-CL33 (Includes: 2 flex runs 35ft, and high wind cap) 810001270 1 22.0 5.0 16 317.52 $352.80 662492589090 Co Linear Termination Kit AL (Includes: Termination Connector, Flashing, High Wind Cap, 1-30ft 3" Al Flex, 1-4ft 3" Al Flex,) 810001271 1 22.0 5.0 16 262.77 $291.97 662492847121 3” x 3” Co-Linear Reline Kit AL Flex (Includes: High Wind term Cap, 2 FLex Alum flex length 46DVA-CL33KFB and 4 hose clamps) 810007970 --- --- --- --- 326.67 $362.97 662492899977 3” x 4” Co-Linear Reline Kit AL Flex (Includes: High Wind term Cap, 2 FLex Alum flex length 46DVA-CL34KFB and 4 hose clamps) 810009663 --- --- --- --- 326.67 $362.97 662492453049 4” x 6” Termination Kit (Includes 3' and 4" flex) 46DVA-CL34 810001272 1 22.0 5.0 16 317.52 $352.80 662492211243 4” x 6” Co-Linear Adapter Kit with Flex 46DVA-CTFK 810001273 1 --- 5.0 --- 421.31 $468.12 662492506578 Masonry Chimney Conversion Kit (Includes: Cap Adapter, 18" x 18" Flashing, Round Ceiling Support/Wall Thimble Cover, and Retro Connector) 46DVA-KMC 810001274 1 6.6 2.7 20 232.95 $258.84 662492587041 Masonry Chimney Conversion Kit (Includes: Cap Adapter, 18" x 18" Flashing) 46DVA-KCT 810001275 1 2.5 1.9 20 90.04 $100.05 662492448342 Chimney Conversion Kit A (Includes: Cap Adapter, Retro Connector) 46DVA-KCA 810001276 1 2.5 0.7 100 193.33 $214.81 662492810071 4” x 6” Flex Kit w/Prairie Cap (Includes: 2 35' flex lengths) 46DVA-CL33P 810001277 --- --- 5.0 16 350.36 $389.29 662492644577 4” x 6” Flex Kit w/Priaire Cap (Includes 1 35' 46DVA-CL34P flex length and 1 4' flex length) 810001278 1 --- --- 8 350.36 $389.29 662492636275 Chimney Conversion Kit B (Includes: Cap Adapter, Retro Connector) 46DVA-KCB 810001279 1 2.6 1.0 72 193.33 $214.81 662492480052 Chimney Conversion Kit C (Includes: Cap Adapter, Retro Connector) 46DVA-KCC 810001280 1 3.1 1.4 36 193.33 $214.81 46DVA-06 810001281 6 6.8 1.2 252 25.40 $28.22 DirectVent Pro Kits 46DVA-CL33H 4” x 6 5/8” DirectVent Pro 662492838761 6" Pipe Length (galvanized) *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 110 DirectVent Pro | 4” x 6 5/8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492491430 6" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-06B 810001282 1 2.0 0.3 210 45.00 $50.00 662492744796 9" Pipe Length (galvanized) 46DVA-09 810001283 6 9.4 1.6 210 28.97 $32.19 662492510841 9" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-09B 810001284 1 2.0 0.3 120 44.53 $49.47 662492314456 12" Pipe Length (galvanized) 46DVA-12 810001285 6 12.2 2.1 168 33.46 $37.18 662492115572 12" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-12B 810001286 1 3.0 0.4 120 49.34 $54.82 662492132142 4” x 6” Diameter 16" Pipe Extension 46DVA-16A 810001287 6 2.7 3.0 168 29.49 $32.77 662492493816 4” x 6” Diameter 16" Pipe Extension Black 46DVA-16AB 810001288 1 3.0 0.5 90 43.49 $48.32 662492370643 18" Pipe Length (galvanized) 46DVA-18 810001289 6 17.0 3.0 84 39.75 $44.16 662492442265 18" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-18B 810001290 1 3.0 0.6 120 55.64 $61.83 662492683637 24" Pipe Length (galvanized) 46DVA-24 810001291 6 22.6 3.9 84 45.69 $50.76 662492809280 24" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-24B 810001292 1 5.0 0.8 60 63.95 $71.05 662492554142 36" Pipe Length (galvanized) 46DVA-36 810001293 6 32.8 6.0 84 55.79 $61.99 662492896747 36" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-36B 810001294 1 6.0 1.2 60 78.09 $86.77 662492751848 48" Pipe Length (galvanized) 46DVA-48 810001295 6 43.1 7.7 42 66.67 $74.08 662492187777 48" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-48B 810001296 1 8.1 1.6 30 93.35 $103.72 662492541722 60" Pipe Length (galvanized) 46DVA-60 810001297 6 55.8 9.6 42 88.85 $98.72 662492181270 60" Pipe Length (black) 46DVA-60B 810001298 1 8.1 1.7 30 124.39 $138.22 662492212684 8-1/2" Pipe Extension (galvanized) 46DVA-08A 810001299 6 8.0 1.6 168 24.86 $27.63 662492554692 8-1/2" Pipe Extension (black) 46DVA-08AB 810001300 1 2.0 0.3 90 38.19 $42.43 662492806197 11" - 17" Adjustable Pipe/w welded seam 46DVA-17TA 810001301 6 2.7 2.1 168 45.57 $50.63 662492319062 11" - 17" Adjustable Pipe (black) w/ welded seam 46DVA-17TAB 810001302 6 2.7 2.1 168 84.22 $93.58 662492605424 17" - 24" Adjustable Pipe w/ welded seam 46DVA-24TA 810001305 6 4.3 3.0 84 52.39 $58.21 662492421215 17" - 24" Adjustable Pipe (black) w/ welded seam 46DVA-24TAB 810001306 6 4.3 3.0 84 90.24 $100.26 662492698891 4” x 6” Diamete 30˚ Elbow 46DVA-E30 810001307 6 1.8 2.4 120 48.56 $53.96 662492624241 45° Elbow (galvanized) 46DVA-E45 810001308 6 9.0 2.4 120 45.12 $50.13 662492871447 45° Elbow (black) 46DVA-E45B 810001309 1 2.2 0.7 72 59.03 $65.59 662492106419 60° Non-Swivel Elbow (glavanized) 46DVA-E60 810001310 6 10.8 2.4 120 55.61 $61.79 662492575321 90° Elbow (galvanized) 46DVA-E90 810001311 6 12.5 3.1 108 52.78 $58.65 111 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) *For use in Canada only 4” x 6 5/8” | DirectVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492284094 90° Elbow (black) 46DVA-E90B 810001312 1 2.8 0.7 80 68.96 $76.62 662492337073 Elbow Strap 46DVA-ES 810001313 6 5.3 0.7 480 14.48 $16.09 662492178379 Round Ceiling Support/Wall Thimble Cover 46DVA-DC 810001314 1 2.0 0.3 108 58.20 $64.67 662492279663 Cathedral Ceiling Support Box 46DVA-CS 810001315 1 6.3 1.1 36 90.53 $100.58 662492822524 Wall Thimble* 46DVA-WT 810001316 6 19.6 2.4 90 45.69 $50.76 662492547281 Wall Thimble - Reduced 46DVA-WTS 810001317 6 19.6 2.4 90 41.64 $46.27 662492896044 Universal Wall Thimble 46DVA-WTU 810001318 6 20.0 2.4 90 36.10 $40.11 662492749258 Wall Firestop 46DVA-WFS 810001319 1 3.8 0.9 60 47.56 $52.84 662492180884 Vinyl Siding Standoff 46DVA-VSS 810001320 1 4.4 0.4 168 60.35 $67.06 662492476840 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit 46DVA-VSK 810001321 1 4.4 0.2 144 44.84 $49.82 662492295939 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit (SS) 46DVA-VSK-SS 810001322 1 4.4 0.2 144 78.30 $87.00 662492384251 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit - Reduced 46DVA-VSKS 810001323 1 4.4 0.2 144 39.42 $43.80 Vinyl Siding Kit (SS) Square 46DVA-VSK-S 810001324 1 --- --- --- 95.65 $106.28 662492155493 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit (SS) - Reduced 46DVA-VSKS-SS 810001325 1 4.4 0.2 144 48.56 $53.95 662492105313 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit-Copper 46DVA-VSK-C 810001326 1 --- --- --- 158.28 $175.86 662492381816 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit-Small-Copper 46DVA-VSKS-C 810001327 1 --- --- --- 130.50 $145.00 662492904633 DV Vinyl Siding Standoff Box DVA-BVS 810012706 --- --- --- --- 44.93 $49.92 662492174869 Ceiling Firestop 46DVA-FS 810001328 6 5.8 0.7 480 11.01 $12.23 662492465868 Attic Insulation Shield 46DVA-IS 810001329 1 5.0 1.0 72 80.31 $89.24 662492474167 Wall Strap 46DVA-WS 810001330 6 4.1 0.4 960 19.87 $22.07 662492237984 Restrictor Disk 46DVA-RD 810001331 3 0.3 0.0 --- 4.67 $5.19 662492879160 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 46DVA-F6 810001332 6 14.6 2.4 144 32.09 $35.66 662492571231 Steep Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 46DVA-F12 810001333 6 18.0 4.1 72 60.88 $67.65 662492287781 Flat Roof Flashing 46DVA-FF 810001334 6 19.1 --- 120 48.61 $54.01 662492597941 DSA Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 46DVA-F6DS 810001335 6 14.6 --- 240 60.56 $67.28 662492180754 DSA Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 46DVA-F12DS 810001336 6 18.0 --- --- 89.22 $99.14 662492419441 Counter Flashing 46DVA-CF 810001337 1 4.4 0.2 168 57.94 $64.37 662492386545 Counter Flashing Flush 46DVA-CFS 810001338 1 4.4 0.2 --- 37.10 $41.23 662492763964 Counter Flashing HZ Kit 46DVA-CFK 810001339 1 --- --- --- 57.94 $64.37 --- *For use in Canada only Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 112 DirectVent Pro | 4” x 6 5/8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492309698 Counter Flashing- Small- Stainless 46DVA-CFKS-S 810001340 1 --- --- --- 93.94 $104.38 662492871324 Counter Flashing Kit -Small 46DVA-CFKS 810001341 1 --- --- 168 37.10 $41.23 662492638569 Counter Flashing Kit SS 46DVA-CFK-S 810001342 1 --- --- --- 71.17 $79.08 662492819814 Storm Collar 46DVA-SC 810001343 6 2.8 0.2 972 9.33 $10.37 662492177280 Round Horizontal Termination Cap Square Base (aluminum) 46DVA-HRCS 810001344 1 4.4 1.0 72 108.01 $120.02 662492172483 Sconce Termination Cap (aluminum) 46DVA-HSC 810001345 1 4.4 1.0 72 124.14 $137.93 662492178041 Sconce Termination Cap (SS) 46DVA-HSC-S 810001346 1 4.4 1.0 72 398.15 $442.39 662492784655 Sconce Termination Cap (Copper) 46DVA-HSC-C 810001347 1 4.4 1.0 72 473.85 $526.49 662492630327 High Wind Sconce Cap 46DVA-HSCH 810001348 1 --- 1.0 72 165.11 $183.45 662492274262 High Wind Sconce Cap (Stainless) 46DVA-HSCH-S 810001349 1 --- --- 72 529.49 $588.32 662492730393 High Wind Sconce Cap (Copper) 46DVA-HSCH-C 810001350 1 --- --- 72 630.83 $700.92 662492904695 4” x 6” DVA Horizontal Cap V2 46DVA-H2 810012624 1 1.4 --- --- 167.76 $186.40 662492202579 Square Horizontal Termination Cap (aluminum) 46DVA-HC 810001351 1 5.0 1.5 36 186.40 $207.11 662492202883 Square Horizontal Termination Cap (SS) 46DVA-HC-S 810001352 1 4.4 1.8 24 412.76 $458.62 662492835289 Square Horizontal Termination Cap (Copper) 46DVA-HC-C 810001353 1 4.4 1.8 24 503.02 $558.91 662492478981 Horizontal Term Kit Trap Top 46DVA-HTC 810001354 --- --- --- 45 105.33 $117.03 662492594896 Snorkel Termination Cap 14" 46DVA-SNK14 810001355 1 10.9 2.0 18 497.33 $552.59 662492904848 4” x 6” DVA 14in Snorkel 46DVA-H2-SNK14 810012915 1 10.9 2.0 18 497.33 $552.59 662492470497 Snorkel Termination Cap 36" 46DVA-SNK36 810001356 1 17.0 5.6 9 569.07 $632.30 662492904855 4” x 6” DVA 36” Snorkel 46DVA-H2-SNK36 810012916 1 17.0 5.6 9 569.07 $632.30 662492679913 Horizontal Windguard 46DVA-WG 810001357 1 2.8 2.4 15 123.13 $136.81 662492606612 Vertical Wind Guard 46DVA-VWG 810001358 1 --- 1.3 45 87.59 $97.32 662492206829 High-Wind Termination Cap 46DVA-VCH 810001359 1 2.0 1.1 36 75.14 $83.48 662492515266 Low-Profile Termination Cap (aluminum) 46DVA-VC 810001360 1 2.0 0.9 60 89.02 $98.91 662492152195 Snow Splitter 6DT-SP 810000139 1 1.3 1.7 --- 102.48 $113.87 662492483954 Low-Profile Termination Cap (SS) 46DVA-VC-S 810001361 1 2.2 0.9 60 216.23 $240.25 662492350713 Extended Vertical Termination Cap 46DVA-VCE 810001362 1 3.2 1.6 48 161.64 $179.60 662492519028 Monessen Adapter 46DVA-ADM 810005935 18 --- 3.2 --- 18.07 $20.08 113 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) *For use in Canada only 4” x 6 5/8” and 5” x 8” | DirectVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 4” x 6 5/8” DirectVent Pro Co-Axial to Co-Linear 662492352397 Standard Appliance Connector 46DVA-GCL 810001363 1 2.6 0.5 92 144.76 $160.84 662492563106 4” x 6” Co-Axial/Co-Linear 3” X 4” Adapter 46DVA-GCL34 810004565 1 --- --- 92 173.16 $192.40 662492112212 Travis Industries Appliance Connector 46DVA-TCL 810001364 1 2.5 0.5 92 144.76 $160.84 662492124888 Vermont Castings Appliance Connector 46DVA-VCL 810001365 1 3.0 0.5 92 144.76 $160.84 662492728833 Appliance Adapter 46DVA-ADP 810001366 1 3.0 0.5 120 47.79 $53.09 662492760482 Co-Linear Flex Connectors 46DVA-ADF 810001367 2 0.6 0.1 420 34.23 $38.03 662492302255 3” - 4” Co-Linear Adapter 46DVA-CT 810001368 1 --- 1.9 20 152.58 $169.54 5” x 8” DirectVent Pro 662492628584 6" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-06 810001369 4 6.0 1.0 264 29.87 $33.19 662492673294 6" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-06B 810001370 1 1.9 0.3 200 52.94 $58.82 662492753460 9" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-09 810001371 4 8.0 1.5 120 34.09 $37.87 662492872482 9" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-09B 810001372 1 2.5 0.6 112 81.09 $90.10 662492149638 12" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-12 810001373 4 10.7 2.0 96 39.36 $43.73 662492661482 12" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-12B 810001374 1 3.2 0.7 100 108.12 $120.13 662492313756 18" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-18 810001375 4 14.7 2.9 48 46.76 $51.95 662492444313 18" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-18B 810001376 1 4.5 1.0 --- 65.46 $72.73 662492890424 24" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-24 810001377 4 30.4 3.9 48 53.74 $59.71 662492689318 24" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-24B 810001378 1 5.5 1.0 60 75.23 $83.59 662492169773 36" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-36 810001379 4 28.4 5.8 48 65.62 $72.92 662492779958 36" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-36B 810001380 1 8.2 1.8 40 91.88 $102.09 662492593271 48" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-48 810001381 4 38.4 7.7 24 78.44 $87.16 662492665442 48" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-48B 810001382 1 9.6 2.0 25 105.60 $117.33 662492244265 60" Pipe Length (galvanized) 58DVA-60 810001383 4 38.4 9.5 24 104.53 $116.14 662492282175 60" Pipe Length (black) 58DVA-60B 810001384 1 9.6 3.0 20 146.34 $162.60 662492603031 8-1/2" Pipe Extension (galvanized) 58DVA-08A 810001385 4 10.8 1.5 120 29.28 $32.54 662492884966 8-1/2" Pipe Extension (black) 58DVA-08AB 810001386 1 4.0 0.4 75 44.97 $49.97 662492269381 16" Pipe Extension (galvanized) 58DVA-16A 810001387 4 10.8 2.9 48 36.86 $40.96 662492582251 16" Pipe Extension (black) 58DVA-16AB 810001388 1 4.0 0.7 75 54.36 $60.40 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 114 DirectVent Pro | 5” x 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492456095 11"- 14 5/8" Adj. Pipe Length (GA)w/ welded seam 58DVA-17TA 810001389 4 14.0 2.0 96 55.80 $62.00 662492565995 17" - 24" Adj. Pipe Length (galvenized) 58DVA-24TA 810001390 4 20.0 2.9 48 58.65 $65.17 662492197783 17" - 24" Adjustable Pipe 58DVA-17TAB 810006048 1 4 0.8 --- 270.29 $300.32 662492820230 5X8 Diameter 30˚ Elbow 58DVA-E30 810001391 4 2.5 2.4 80 93.52 $103.91 662492280034 5X8 Diameter 60˚ Elbow 58DVA-E60 810001392 4 2.5 3.1 48 106.14 $117.93 662492834121 45° Elbow (galvanized) 58DVA-E45 810001393 4 9.8 2.4 80 55.06 $61.18 662492449776 45° Elbow (black) 58DVA-E45B 810001394 4 2.9 0.7 72 81.22 $90.24 662492541579 90° Elbow (galvanized) 58DVA-E90 810001395 4 12.0 3.1 48 64.22 $71.36 662492556160 90° Elbow (black) 58DVA-E90B 810001396 4 3.6 0.7 80 94.73 $105.25 662492502785 Elbow Strap 58DVA-ES 810001397 4 4.0 0.4 520 18.35 $20.38 662492832622 Round Ceiling Support/Wall Thimble Cover 58DVA-DC 810001398 1 1.8 0.3 108 66.89 $74.32 662492359013 Cathedral Ceiling Support Box 58DVA-CS 810001399 1 6.6 1.4 60 113.16 $125.73 662492802595 Wall Thimble* 58DVA-WT 810001400 4 14.6 2.4 72 62.03 $68.92 662492793299 Wall Thimble - Reduced 58DVA-WTS 810001401 4 14.6 2.4 72 57.88 $64.31 662492667798 Universal Wall Thimble 58DVA-WTU 810001402 6 --- --- 90 42.93 $47.70 662492910122 5” x 8” Diameter Wall Thimble 12.5” x 14.5” 58DVA-WT3 810013339 1 4.3 0.1 --- 70.48 $78.31 662492397251 Wall Firestop 58DVA-WFS 810001403 4 11.1 1.7 180 58.46 $64.95 662492145357 Vinyl Siding Standoff 58DVA-VSS 810001404 1 5.0 0.6 126 93.59 $103.99 662492277225 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit 58DVA-VSK 810001405 1 5.0 0.6 144 49.73 $55.25 662492160527 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit -Copper 58DVA-VSK-C 810001406 1 --- --- --- 454.50 $505.00 662492437728 Vinyl Siding Standoff Kit (SS) 58DVA-VSK-SS 810001407 --- --- --- 144 61.28 $68.09 662492196816 Ceiling Firestop 58DVA-FS 810001408 4 5.6 0.7 200 13.76 $15.29 662492641460 Attic Insulation Shield 58DVA-IS 810001409 1 8.5 1.7 45 100.39 $111.54 662492686355 Wall Strap 58DVA-WS 810001410 4 3.4 0.5 320 22.63 $25.15 662492299531 Restrictor Disk 58DVA-RD 810001411 12 2.2 0.0 --- 10.37 $11.52 662492391099 Adjustable Roof Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 58DVA-F6 810001412 6 22.0 2.6 108 59.25 $65.84 662492690772 Steep Roof Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 58DVA-F12 810001413 6 24.6 4.7 72 105.07 $116.74 662492697313 Flat Roof Flashing 58DVA-FF 810001414 4 17.7 4.2 64 65.47 $72.74 662492316443 DSA Flashing 0/12 - 6/12 58DVA-F6DS 810001415 6 22.0 --- 240 79.66 $88.51 115 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) *For use in Canada only 5” x 8” | DirectVent Pro UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492387948 DSA Flashing 7/12 - 12/12 58DVA-F12DS 810001416 6 24.6 --- --- 148.14 $164.59 662492413159 Counter Flashing 58DVA-CFK 810001417 1 --- --- --- 83.98 $93.31 662492636480 Counter Flashing 58DVA-CF 810001418 1 4.4 0.6 --- 60.35 $67.06 662492367377 Storm Collar 58DVA-SC 810001419 6 3.3 0.2 756 15.27 $16.97 662492431221 Round Horizontal Termination Cap Square Base (aluminum) 58DVA-HRCS 810001420 1 4.4 1.0 72 144.91 $161.01 662492424964 Sconce Termination Cap (aluminum) 58DVA-HSC 810001421 1 4.4 1.0 72 165.53 $183.92 662492542125 Sconce Termination Cap (SS) 58DVA-HSC-S 810001422 1 4.4 1.0 72 464.58 $516.19 662492277379 Sconce Termination Cap (Copper) 58DVA-HSC-C 810001423 1 4.4 1.0 --- 566.31 $629.24 662492156582 High Wind Sconce Cap 58DVA-HSCH 810001424 1 --- 1.0 72 156.00 $246.71 662492535073 High WInd Sconce Cap Stainless 58DVA-HSCH-S 810001425 1 --- --- 620.58 $689.54 662492476543 High Wind Sconce Cap Copper 58DVA-HSCH-C 810001426 1 --- --- 72 751.53 $835.03 662492904688 5” X 8” DVA Horizontal Cap V2 58DVA-H2 810012625 1 2.0 --- --- 190.75 $211.94 662492450758 Square Horizontal Termination Cap (aluminum) 58DVA-HC 810001427 1 5.4 2.7 24 211.94 $235.49 662492759783 Square Horizontal Termination Cap (SS) 58DVA-HC-S 810001428 1 4.4 2.7 24 513.99 $571.10 662492784136 Square Horizontal Termination Cap (Copper) 58DVA-HC-C 810001429 1 4.4 2.7 24 641.09 $712.32 662492329382 Snorkel Termination Cap 14" 58DVA-SNK14 810001430 1 14.0 2.0 18 547.07 $607.86 662492904862 5x8 DVA 14in Snorkel 58DVA-H2-SNK14 810012917 1 14.0 2.0 18 547.07 $607.86 662492702772 Snorkel Termination Cap 36" 58DVA-SNK36 810001431 1 17.3 4.4 9 625.98 $695.53 662492904879 5” x 8” DVA 36in Snorkel 58DVA-H2-SNK36 810012918 1 17.3 4.4 9 625.98 $695.53 662492278383 High-Wind Termination Cap 58DVA-VCH 810001432 1 2.8 1.1 36 89.25 $99.16 662492755785 Low-Profile Termination Cap (aluminum) 58DVA-VC 810001433 1 2.2 0.9 60 101.77 $113.08 662492319673 Low-Profile Termination Cap (SS) 58DVA-VC-S 810001434 1 2.2 0.9 60 150.88 $167.64 662492722732 Extended Vertical Termination Cap 58DVA-VCE 810001435 1 --- --- --- 229.33 $254.81 662492137338 Reducer 58DVA-J 810001436 1 2.1 0.6 120 59.21 $65.79 662492592144 Reducer 68DVS-X58 810006145 1 3.0 0.6 --- 84.46 $93.85 *For use in Canada only Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 116 Type B Gas Vent | Kits, 3” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Round Type B Gas Vent Kits 662492000502 4" Roof Top Termination Kit (Includes: HighWind Cap, Storm Collar, Adjustable Roof 4GVK Flashing, 12" Length Round Adjustable Pipe, Draft Hood Connector) 810002491 1 6.2 2.4 32 139.78 $174.72 662492830857 3” Vertical Unit Heater Kit (Includes 12” and 24” Pipe Lengths, 90° Elbow, Draft Hood 3GVKNT Connector, Adjustable Flashing, Storm Collar, and DuraCap) 810006990 1 12.0 1.9 26 call for pricing call for pricing 662492614754 4” Vertical Unit Heater Kit (Includes 12” and 24” Pipe Lengths, 90° Elbow, 4” Diameter Draft Hood Connector, 3” Draft Hood Connector, 3” - 4” Increaser, Adjustable Flashing, Storm Collar, and DuraCap) 810006991 1 14.0 2.6 22 call for pricing call for pricing 662492142240 Horizontal Unit Heater Kit (Includes Appliance Adapter, 3” - 4” Appliance Adapter/Increaser, 12” and 24” Pipe Lengths, 4UHK-KVNT 90° Elbow, Horizontal Round Cap, and Wall Thimble) 810006013 1 17.0 2.6 20 call for pricing call for pricing 4GVKNT 3” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492000083 6" Length Round Rigid Pipe 3GV06 810002492 6 3.2 0.4 720 23.30 $29.12 662492000069 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe 3GV12 810002493 6 6.3 0.7 480 11.05 $13.81 662492244104 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 3GV12C 810002494 6 6.3 0.7 480 11.05 $13.81 662492000052 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 3GV18 810002495 6 8.9 0.9 240 14.29 $17.86 662492572801 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 3GV18C 810002496 6 8.9 0.9 240 14.29 $17.86 662492000045 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe 3GV24 810002497 6 11.8 1.2 240 17.75 $22.19 662492587201 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 3GV24C 810002498 6 11.8 1.2 240 17.75 $22.19 662492000038 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 3GV36 810002499 6 17.4 1.8 240 22.89 $28.61 662492243008 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 3GV36C 810002500 6 17.4 1.8 240 22.89 $28.61 662492000021 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe 3GV48 810002501 6 23.5 2.4 120 30.48 $38.10 662492803509 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 3GV48C 810002502 6 23.5 2.4 120 30.48 $38.10 662492000014 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe 3GV60 810002503 6 29.0 3.0 120 37.45 $46.81 662492651001 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 3GV60C 810002504 6 29.0 3.0 120 37.45 $46.81 662492000076 12" Length Round Adjustable Pipe 3GV12A 810002505 6 6.4 0.7 480 15.17 $18.97 662492000090 90° Adjustable Elbow 3GVL90 810002506 6 5.8 0.7 432 31.71 $39.64 662492000106 45°/60° Adjustable Elbow 3GVL45 810002507 6 4.9 0.7 432 18.24 $22.81 662492000113 Standard Tee 3GVT 810002508 6 6.7 1.1 264 40.24 $50.30 117 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com *For use in Canada only 3” - 4” Round | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492000120 Tee Cap 3GVTC 810002509 6 0.4 0.1 1,260 3.25 $4.06 662492000175 Draft Hood Connector 3GVC 810002510 6 2.2 0.4 720 12.58 $15.73 662492526903 Increaser 3" x 4" 3GVX4 810002511 6 3.0 0.4 720 25.28 $31.61 662492796702 Increaser 3" x 5" 3GVX5 810002512 6 4.3 0.6 468 27.75 $34.69 662492475300 Increaser 3" x 6" 3GVX6 810002513 6 5.5 0.5 720 29.81 $37.26 662492621103 Increaser 3" x 7" 3GVX7 810002514 4 6.8 1.2 120 173.06 $216.32 662492013076 R/R Double-Wall Adapter 3" - 4" 3GVRRA4 810002515 6 3.1 0.0 720 34.46 $43.08 662492004074 Female Adapter 3GVAF 810002517 6 3.8 0.4 720 19.16 $23.95 662492004036 Male Adapter 3GVAM 810002518 6 3.8 0.4 720 26.62 $33.28 662492729878 Universal B-Vent to Aluminum Flex Adapter 3DFA-ADBV 810007024 --- --- --- --- 662492412107 H/C Adapter 3GVADHC 810002519 6 3.3 0.4 720 18.69 $23.37 662492003343 Wall Strap 3GVWS 810002520 12 4.0 0.4 1,920 15.63 $19.54 662492003268 Square Firestop Support 3GVRS 810002521 6 9.5 0.7 432 19.82 $24.77 662492837009 Gas Vent Roof Support 3GVS 810002522 6 --- 0.7 450 14.18 $17.72 662492003862 Firestop Spacer 3GVFS 810002523 12 7.0 0.7 1,200 8.11 $10.13 662492000250 Round Bucket Support 3" - 4" 3GVRS4 810002524 6 10.0 0.6 468 29.95 $37.44 662492000229 Pipe Collar 3GVPC 810002525 12 5.5 0.1 4,944 4.70 $5.88 662492000212 Wall Thimble 3GVWT 810002526 6 7.3 0.9 450 21.09 $26.36 662492713907 Attic Insulation Shield 3" - 4" 3GVIS 810002527 1 4.5 0.7 100 71.10 $88.87 662492000168 Storm Collar 3GVSC 810002528 12 3.1 0.2 2,832 3.08 $3.85 662492000151 Adjustable Roof Flashing 3GVF 810002529 12 23.5 1.6 240 12.24 $15.30 662492003800 Steep Roof Flashing 3GVFSR 810002530 6 17.3 --- 144 34.03 $42.54 662492000236 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 3GVFF 810002531 6 13.9 1.2 144 24.70 $30.88 662492614808 3" FHA Flashing 3GVFHA 810002532 6 20.0 1.2 --- 14.94 $18.68 662492526606 3" DSA Roof Flashing 3GVFDSA 810002533 6 9.1 3.1 --- 38.86 $48.58 662492325001 DuraCap 3GVDC 810002534 6 3.6 1.4 240 17.33 $21.66 662492000144 High-Wind Cap 3GVVTH 810002535 6 4.9 1.8 180 19.38 $24.23 See DFA accessories for pricing 4” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492000342 6" Length Round Rigid Pipe 4GV06 810002536 6 4.3 0.6 468 13.89 $17.37 662492000328 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe 4GV12 810002537 6 8.0 1.1 264 13.46 $16.82 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 118 Type B Gas Vent | 4” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492201206 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 4GV12C 810002538 6 8.0 1.1 264 13.46 $16.82 662492000311 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 4GV18 810002539 6 11.6 1.7 156 16.40 $20.50 662492487006 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 4GV18C 810002540 6 10.9 1.7 156 16.40 $20.50 662492000304 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe 4GV24 810002541 6 15.1 2.0 156 21.12 $26.40 662492115404 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 4GV24C 810002542 6 15.1 2.0 156 21.12 $26.40 662492000298 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 4GV36 810002543 6 22.6 2.9 156 29.04 $36.31 662492573402 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 4GV36C 810002544 6 20.8 2.9 156 29.04 $36.31 662492000281 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe 4GV48 810002545 6 30.0 5.6 78 37.58 $46.98 662492303801 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 4GV48C 810002546 6 30.0 5.6 78 37.58 $46.98 662492000267 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe 4GV60 810002547 6 36.8 4.8 78 45.44 $56.80 662492687109 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 4GV60C 810002548 6 36.8 4.8 78 45.44 $56.80 662492000274 60" Flex Pipe 4GV60F 810002549 6 15.1 4.8 78 60.70 $75.88 662492000335 12" Length Round Adjustable Pipe 4GV12A 810002550 6 8.0 1.1 264 18.40 $23.00 662492000359 90° Adjustable Elbow 4GVL90 810002551 6 8.4 1.0 252 37.54 $46.92 662492000366 45°/60° Adjustable Elbow 4GVL45 810002552 6 7.1 1.1 270 22.15 $27.68 662492000373 Standard Tee 4GVT 810002553 6 8.9 1.4 216 46.33 $57.91 662492000397 Increaser Tee 4" x 3" 4GVTR3 810002554 6 8.0 1.4 252 86.40 $108.00 662492000380 Tee Cap 4GVTC 810002555 6 0.5 0.1 1,260 3.78 $4.73 662492012079 4" x 4" x 3" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 4GVY43 810002556 6 13.4 2.4 144 106.95 $133.69 662492012086 4" x 4" x 4" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 4GVY44 810002557 6 11.6 1.9 180 66.56 $83.20 662492012093 4" x 3" x 4" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 4GVY34 810002558 6 9.9 1.4 216 66.56 $83.20 662492000441 Draft Hood Connector 4GVC 810002559 6 3.0 0.6 468 13.61 $17.01 662492643204 Increaser 4" x 5" 4GVX5 810002560 6 6.7 0.5 720 25.05 $31.32 662492197707 Increaser 4" x 6" 4GVX6 810002561 6 5.0 0.5 720 26.48 $33.09 662492695005 Increaser 4" x 7" 4GVX7 810002562 4 4.6 0.5 368 41.36 $51.71 662492575208 Increaser 4" x 8" 4GVX8 810002563 4 5.6 1.5 192 47.78 $59.73 662492842706 R/R Double-Wall Adapter 4" - 5" 4GVRRA5 810002564 6 3.8 0.6 720 34.09 $42.62 662492004081 Female Adapter 4GVAF 810002565 6 4.9 0.6 468 19.61 $24.51 662492004043 Male Adapter 4GVAM 810002566 6 4.7 0.6 468 17.01 $21.26 119 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) *For use in Canada only 4” - 5” Round | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492282656 Universal B-Vent to Aluminum Flex Adapter 4DFA-ADBV 810007025 --- --- --- --- 662492211304 H/C Adapter 4GVADHC 810002567 6 4.5 0.6 840 19.64 $24.55 662492003350 Wall Strap 4GVWS 810002568 12 5.0 0.4 1,920 16.39 $20.48 662492003275 Square Firestop Support 4GVRS 810002569 6 9.5 0.7 432 22.03 $27.53 662492111307 Gas Vent Roof Support 4GVS 810002570 6 4.4 0.7 450 14.59 $18.24 662492368114 Firestop Spacer 4GVFS 810002571 12 10.2 0.7 1,200 8.11 $10.13 662492000250 Round Bucket Support 3" - 4" 3GVRS4 810002524 6 10.0 0.6 468 29.95 $37.44 662492000489 Pipe Collar 4GVPC 810002572 12 5.9 0.1 4,944 4.77 $5.96 662492000472 Wall Thimble 4GVWT 810002573 6 8.8 1.2 216 21.67 $27.08 662492713907 Attic Insulation Shield 3" - 4" 3GVIS 810002527 1 6.5 0.7 100 71.10 $88.87 662492000434 Storm Collar 4GVSC 810002574 12 3.4 0.2 3,060 3.74 $4.67 662492000427 Adjustable Roof Flashing 4GVF 810002575 12 23.9 1.6 240 13.82 $17.27 662492003817 Steep Roof Flashing 4GVFSR 810002576 6 12.0 --- 144 35.81 $44.76 662492000496 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 4GVFF 810002577 6 17.3 1.2 240 28.08 $35.10 662492496305 4" DSA Roof Flashing 4GVFDSA 810002578 6 6.0 3.1 312 43.45 $54.32 662492162408 DuraCap 4GVDC 810002579 6 3.0 1.4 240 18.33 $22.91 662492004005 Combo Cap 4GVVTF 810002580 1 3.0 2.1 40 61.09 $76.36 662492000410 High-Wind Cap 4GVVTH 810002581 6 6.2 2.6 72 20.75 $25.93 662492280300 R/R Double-Wall Adapter 4" ( not in catalog) 4GVRRA4 810002582 6 3.3 0.4 720 33.48 $41.85 662492289808 4" FHA Flashing ( not in catalog) 4GVFHA 810002583 6 22.2 1.2 360 18.72 $23.40 See DFA accessories for pricing 5” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492000595 6" Length Round Rigid Pipe 5GV06 810002584 6 5.4 0.9 360 16.01 $20.02 662492000571 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe 5GV12 810002585 6 9.6 1.5 216 16.36 $20.46 662492677902 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 5GV12C 810002586 6 9.6 1.5 216 16.36 $20.46 662492000564 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 5GV18 810002587 6 14.2 2.1 120 19.36 $24.20 662492781906 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 5GV18C 810002588 6 14.2 2.1 120 19.36 $24.20 662492000557 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe 5GV24 810002589 6 18.5 2.9 108 25.63 $32.04 662492337400 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 5GV24C 810002590 6 18.5 2.9 108 25.63 $32.04 662492000540 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 5GV36 810002591 6 27.2 4.2 108 34.52 $43.15 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 120 Type B Gas Vent | 5” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492286609 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 5GV36C 810002592 6 27.2 4.2 108 34.52 $43.15 662492000533 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe 5GV48 810002593 6 36.2 7.7 54 44.44 $55.54 662492576403 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 5GV48C 810002594 6 36.2 7.7 54 44.44 $55.54 662492000519 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe 5GV60 810002595 6 45.0 7.0 54 52.47 $65.59 662492746905 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 5GV60C 810002596 6 45.0 7.0 54 52.47 $65.59 662492000526 60" Flex Pipe 5GV60F 810002597 6 21.2 7.0 54 166.40 $208.00 662492000588 12" Length Round Adjustable Pipe 5GV12A 810002598 6 9.9 1.5 216 21.31 $26.63 662492000601 90° Adjustable Elbow 5GVL90 810002599 6 11.0 2.2 120 46.47 $58.09 662492000618 45°/60° Adjustable Elbow 5GVL45 810002600 6 9.5 1.7 156 25.45 $31.81 662492000625 Standard Tee 5GVT 810002601 6 11.5 2.1 120 51.62 $64.52 662492000649 Increaser Tee 5" x 4" 5GVTR4 810002602 6 10.0 2.1 120 54.67 $68.33 662492000656 Increaser Tee 5" x 3" 5GVTR3 810002603 6 9.5 2.1 120 58.09 $72.61 662492000632 Tee Cap 5GVTC 810002604 6 0.6 0.1 1,260 4.67 $5.83 662492003954 5" x 3" x 4" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 5GVY34 810002605 6 14.3 2.2 120 62.90 $78.62 662492012109 5" x 4" x 4" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 5GVY44 810002606 6 15.2 3.1 72 69.60 $87.00 662492270301 5" x 4" x 5" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 5GVY45 810002607 6 15.2 2.2 120 76.54 $95.68 662492000700 Draft Hood Connector 5GVC 810002608 6 3.7 0.9 360 13.84 $17.30 662492754405 Increaser 5" x 6" 5GVX6 810002609 6 5.5 0.5 720 25.92 $32.40 662492592403 Increaser 5" x 7" 5GVX7 810002610 4 4.9 0.6 300 79.87 $99.84 662492172407 Increaser 5" x 8" 5GVX8 810002611 4 13.8 0.0 192 59.90 $74.88 662492004098 Female Adapter 5GVAF 810002612 6 5.8 0.9 360 20.05 $25.07 662492004050 Male Adapter 5GVAM 810002613 6 5.8 0.9 360 18.15 $22.68 662492235690 Universal B-Vent to Aluminum Flex Adapter 5DFA-ADBV 810007026 --- --- --- --- 662492141304 H/C Adapter 5GVADHC 810002614 6 5.6 0.9 540 20.41 $25.51 662492003367 Wall Strap 5GVWS 810002615 12 6.0 0.7 1,200 16.60 $20.76 662492003282 Square Firestop Support 5GVRS 810002616 6 11.8 0.7 432 24.65 $30.81 662492114407 Gas Vent Roof Support 5GVS 810002617 6 5.0 0.6 720 14.98 $18.72 662492790724 Firestop Spacer 5GVFS 810002618 12 12.1 1.0 864 8.11 $10.13 662492000762 Round Bucket Support 5" - 6" 5GVRS6 810002619 6 10.8 1.0 432 20.06 $25.07 121 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) See DFA accessories for pricing *For use in Canada only 5” - 6” Round | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492000731 Pipe Collar 5GVPC 810002620 12 4.6 0.1 4,944 4.95 $6.19 662492000724 Wall Thimble 5GVWT 810002621 6 9.7 1.5 300 24.09 $30.12 662492674109 Attic Insulation Shield 5" - 6" 5GVIS 810002622 1 6.5 1.0 72 81.21 $101.51 662492000694 Storm Collar 5GVSC 810002623 12 4.0 0.3 1,260 7.53 $9.41 662492000687 Adjustable Roof Flashing 5GVF 810002624 12 29.3 2.1 240 21.94 $27.42 662492003824 Steep Roof Flashing 5GVFSR 810002625 6 27.6 --- 144 39.86 $49.82 662492000748 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 5GVFF 810002626 6 18.2 2.0 240 34.94 $43.67 662492684504 5" DSA Roof Flashing 5GVFDSA 810002627 6 10.0 3.6 240 55.73 $69.66 662492216705 Dura Cap 5GVDC 810002628 6 10.0 3 24.99 $31.24 662492000670 High-Wind Cap 5GVVTH 810002629 6 7.9 3.6 72 27.69 $34.61 662492841907 5" FHA Flashing (not in catalog) 5GVFHF 810002630 6 26.0 2.0 --- 20.67 $25.84 6” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492000854 6" Length Round Rigid Pipe 6GV06 810002631 6 7.0 1.2 252 18.65 $23.31 662492000830 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe 6GV12 810002632 6 11.6 2.1 168 19.14 $23.93 662492828700 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 6GV12C 810002633 6 11.6 2.1 168 19.14 $23.93 662492000823 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 6GV18 810002634 6 18.0 3.0 84 22.13 $27.66 662492738207 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 6GV18C 810002635 6 18.0 3.0 84 22.13 $27.66 662492000816 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe 6GV24 810002636 6 21.7 3.9 84 30.78 $38.48 662492432402 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 6GV24C 810002637 6 21.7 3.9 84 30.78 $38.48 662492000809 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 6GV36 810002638 6 32.2 6.0 84 39.99 $49.98 662492603208 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 6GV36C 810002639 6 32.2 6.0 84 39.99 $49.98 662492000793 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe 6GV48 810002640 6 42.8 7.7 42 51.60 $64.49 662492763308 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 6GV48C 810002641 6 42.8 7.7 42 51.60 $64.49 662492000779 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe 6GV60 810002642 6 53.0 9.6 42 60.47 $75.59 662492175309 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 6GV60C 810002643 6 53.0 9.6 42 60.47 $75.59 662492000786 60" Flex Pipe 6GV60F 810002644 6 24.8 9.6 42 76.33 $95.42 662492000847 12" Length Round Adjustable Pipe 6GV12A 810002645 6 11.5 2.1 168 23.51 $29.39 662492000861 90° Adjustable Elbow 6GVL90 810002646 6 13.4 3.1 108 53.67 $67.09 662492000878 45°/60° Adjustable Elbow 6GVL45 810002647 6 11.2 2.4 120 30.78 $38.48 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 122 Type B Gas Vent | 6” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492000885 Standard Tee 6GVT 810002648 6 14.8 3.2 72 56.76 $70.94 662492000915 Increaser Tee 6" x 4" 6GVTR4 810002649 6 14.4 2.7 120 64.60 $80.76 662492000908 Increaser Tee 6" x 3" 6GVTR3 810002650 6 14.1 2.7 120 67.94 $84.92 662492000892 Tee Cap 6GVTC 810002651 6 0.7 0.1 1,260 5.20 $6.50 662492003961 6" x 3" x 4" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 6GVY34 810002652 6 14.9 3.1 108 63.83 $79.79 662492012116 6" x 4" x 3" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 6GVY43 810002653 4 17.0 2.9 108 70.62 $88.27 662492012123 6" x 4" x 4" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 6GVY44 810002654 6 17.5 3.8 150 71.13 $88.91 662492012130 6" x 4" x 5" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 6GVY45 810002655 6 17.4 3.8 150 71.80 $89.75 662492003978 6" x 3" x 5" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 6GVY35 810002656 6 15.5 2.9 108 93.18 $116.48 662492612804 6" x 4" x 6" Double-Wall WYE - 45° br 6GVY46 810002657 6 15.5 2.9 144 76.08 $95.10 662492000960 Draft Hood Connector 6GVC 810002658 6 5.0 1.2 252 16.48 $20.61 662492205105 Increaser 6" x 7" 6GVX7 810002659 4 6.6 1.9 400 46.59 $58.24 662492497807 Increaser 6" x 8" 6GVX8 810002660 4 5.4 0.7 400 38.10 $47.62 662492004104 Female Adapter 6GVAF 810002661 6 7.0 1.2 252 20.50 $25.62 662492004067 Male Adapter 6GVAM 810002662 6 6.8 1.2 252 23.17 $28.97 662492174746 Universal B-Vent to Aluminum Flex Adapter 6DFA-ADBV 810007027 6 7.0 1.2 --- 662492570609 H/C Adapter 6GVADHC 810002663 6 6.5 1.2 252 21.28 $26.60 662492003374 Wall Strap 6GVWS 810002664 12 7.0 0.7 1,200 16.81 $21.02 662492003299 Square Firestop Support 6GVRS 810002665 6 11.2 0.7 432 25.19 $31.48 662492743904 Gas Vent Roof Support 6GVS 810002666 6 5.4 0.6 720 15.38 $19.23 662492003893 Firestop Spacer 6GVFS 810002667 12 11.5 1.0 864 8.11 $10.13 662492000762 Round Bucket Support 5" - 6" 5GVRS6 810002619 6 10.8 1.0 432 20.06 $25.07 662492001004 Pipe Collar 6GVPC 810002668 12 4.1 0.1 4,944 6.24 $7.80 662492000991 Wall Thimble 6GVWT 810002669 6 11.5 1.7 300 36.61 $45.76 662492674109 Attic Insulation Shield 5" - 6" 5GVIS 810002622 1 6.5 1.0 72 81.21 $101.51 662492000953 Storm Collar 6GVSC 810002670 12 4.9 0.3 1,260 7.88 $9.85 662492000946 Adjustable Roof Flashing 6GVF 810002671 12 33.2 2.6 192 30.28 $37.85 662492003831 Steep Roof Flashing 6GVFSR 810002672 6 16.0 --- 102 51.38 $64.22 662492001011 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 6GVFF 810002673 6 20.0 2.0 240 42.88 $53.60 123 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) See DFA accessories for pricing *For use in Canada only 6” - 7” Round | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492183601 6" DSA Roof Flashing 6GVFDSA 810002674 6 11.0 3.6 240 58.95 $73.69 662492457603 DuraCap 6GVDC 810002675 6 7.0 3.5 108 31.24 $39.05 662492000939 High-Wind Cap 6GVVTH 810002676 6 8.7 4.0 72 35.89 $44.86 662492004975 Increaser Tee 6" x 5" (not in catalog) 6GVTR5 810002677 6 16.0 3.2 72 62.75 $78.43 662492215203 6" FHA Flashing (not in catalog) 6GVFHA 810002678 6 28.0 2.4 --- 31.19 $38.98 7” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492001097 6" Length Round Rigid Pipe 7GV06 810002679 4 5.3 1.2 120 25.96 $32.45 662492001073 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe 7GV12 810002680 4 9.9 1.9 120 28.36 $35.44 662492001066 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 7GV18 810002681 4 13.6 2.9 48 35.20 $44.00 662492137901 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 7GV18C 810002682 4 13.6 2.9 48 35.20 $44.00 662492001059 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe 7GV24 810002683 4 16.7 3.6 72 44.12 $55.15 662492171103 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 7GV24C 810002684 4 17.6 3.6 72 44.12 $55.15 662492001042 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 7GV36 810002685 4 24.5 5.4 48 58.37 $72.97 662492158302 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 7GV36C 810002686 4 25.9 5.4 48 58.37 $72.97 662492001035 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe 7GV48 810002687 4 35.9 7.4 36 74.11 $92.64 662492698600 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 7GV48C 810002688 4 35.5 7.4 36 74.11 $92.64 662492001028 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe 7GV60 810002689 4 39.0 8.4 24 90.56 $113.19 662492731109 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 7GV60C 810002690 4 41.8 8.4 24 90.56 $113.19 662492001080 12" Length Round Adjustable Pipe 7GV12A 810002691 4 9.6 1.9 120 29.94 $37.43 662492001103 90° Adjustable Elbow 7GVL90 810002692 4 12.6 3.1 48 82.03 $102.54 662492001110 45° Adjustable Elbow 7GVL45 810002693 4 10.1 2.2 80 63.23 $79.04 662492001127 Standard Tee 7GVT 810002694 4 12.7 2.9 48 75.05 $93.82 662492001134 Tee Cap 7GVTC 810002695 4 0.8 0.3 720 10.30 $12.87 662492003985 7" x 3" x 5" Double-Wall WYE - 45° branch 7GVY35 810002696 6 17.4 4.1 108 189.70 $237.12 662492001172 Draft Hood Connector 7GVC 810002697 4 3.0 1.2 120 38.40 $48.00 662492772904 Increaser 7" x 8" 7GVX8 810002698 4 8.4 1.5 192 79.87 $99.84 662492458808 Female Adapter 7GVAF 810002699 4 6.8 1.2 216 49.92 $62.40 662492349304 Male Adapter 7GVAM 810002700 4 6.4 1.0 264 79.87 $99.84 662492302835 Universal B-Vent to Aluminum Flex Adapter 7DFA-ADBV 810007028 4 5.0 1.0 --- *For use in Canada only See DFA accessories for pricing 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 124 Type B Gas Vent | 7” - 8” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492003381 Wall Strap 7GVWS 810002701 4 3.3 0.5 320 18.90 $23.63 662492003305 Square Firestop Support 7GVRS 810002702 4 10.8 1.4 400 46.59 $58.24 662492264621 Firestop Spacer 7GVFS 810002703 8 12.3 1.2 288 28.80 $36.00 662492001219 Round Bucket Support 7" - 8" 7GVRS8 810002704 4 7.6 1.4 144 216.32 $270.40 662492001196 Wall Thimble 7GVWT 810002705 4 8.6 1.6 240 32.86 $41.07 662492161401 Attic Insulation Shield 7" - 8" 7GVIS 810002706 1 8.5 1.7 45 108.60 $135.75 662492001165 Storm Collar 7GVSC 810002707 8 4.6 0.3 1,008 9.26 $11.57 662492001158 Adjustable Roof Flashing 7GVF 810002708 4 12.5 2.6 240 37.63 $47.03 662492003848 Steep Roof Flashing 7GVFSR 810002709 4 13.2 --- 100 62.07 $77.59 662492001202 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 7GVFF 810002710 4 15.4 3.4 240 48.37 $60.46 662492721407 DuraCap 7GVDC 810002711 4 8.0 5.4 48 37.55 $46.94 662492001141 High-Wind Cap 7GVVTH 810002712 4 8.1 4.1 72 56.58 $70.72 662492005019 Increaser Tee 7" x 6" (not in catalog) 7GVTR6 810002713 4 15.4 2.9 48 592.00 $740.00 662492005002 Increaser Tee 7" x 5" (not in catalog) 7GVTR5 810002714 4 11.2 2.9 48 400.00 $500.00 662492004999 Increaser Tee 7" x 4" (not in catalog) 7GVTR4 810002715 4 12.3 2.9 48 149.76 $187.20 662492004982 Increaser Tee 7" x 3" (not in catalog) 7GVTR3 810002716 4 11.8 2.9 48 224.00 $280.00 8” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492001271 12" Length Round Rigid Pipe 8GV12 810002717 4 11.3 2.3 120 31.39 $39.24 662492001264 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 8GV18 810002718 4 14.9 3.5 48 35.80 $44.75 662492302408 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 8GV18C 810002719 4 15.4 3.5 48 35.80 $44.75 662492001257 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe 8GV24 810002720 4 20.0 4.6 72 50.81 $63.51 662492531204 24" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 8GV24C 810002721 4 20.3 4.6 72 50.81 $63.51 662492001240 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 8GV36 810002722 4 28.2 7.2 48 64.91 $81.14 662492539606 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 8GV36C 810002723 4 30.1 7.2 48 216.32 $270.40 662492001233 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe 8GV48 810002724 4 40.6 8.7 24 88.85 $111.06 662492371800 48" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 8GV48C 810002725 4 38.0 8.7 24 88.85 $111.06 662492001226 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe 8GV60 810002726 4 46.5 10.7 24 103.20 $129.00 662492579206 60" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 8GV60C 810002727 4 46.5 10.7 24 103.20 $129.00 662492001288 12" Length Round Adjustable Pipe 8GV12A 810002728 4 10.4 2.3 120 35.72 $44.65 125 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com *For use in Canada only 8” - 10” Round | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492001295 90° Adjustable Elbow 8GVL90 810002729 4 14.0 3.9 72 82.50 $103.12 662492001301 45° Adjustable Elbow 8GVL45 810002730 4 11.0 3.1 72 52.23 $65.29 662492001318 Standard Tee 8GVT 810002731 4 14.7 4.0 80 83.56 $104.45 662492001325 Tee Cap 8GVTC 810002732 4 0.9 0.3 720 11.22 $14.02 662492001363 Draft Hood Connector 8GVC 810002733 4 4.0 1.5 192 24.51 $30.64 662492545409 Female Adapter 8GVAF 810002734 4 7.4 1.2 216 79.87 $99.84 662492650905 Male Adapter 8GVAM 810002735 4 6.4 1.2 216 53.25 $66.56 662492320280 Universal B-Vent to Aluminum Flex Adapter 8DFA-ADBV 810007029 4 5.0 1.5 --- 662492003398 Wall Strap 8GVWS 810002736 4 3.7 0.7 320 20.29 $25.36 662492003312 Square Firestop Support 8GVRS 810002737 4 8.9 1.0 168 49.92 $62.40 662492785089 Firestop Spacer 8GVFS 810002738 8 11.4 1.2 576 15.63 $19.54 662492001219 Round Bucket Support 7" - 8" 7GVRS8 810002704 4 7.6 1.4 144 216.32 $270.40 662492001394 Wall Thimble 8GVWT 810002739 4 9.2 1.6 400 37.11 $46.39 662492161401 Attic Insulation Shield 7" - 8" 7GVIS 810002706 1 8.5 1.7 45 108.60 $135.75 662492001356 Storm Collar 8GVSC 810002740 8 4.7 0.3 1,008 9.64 $12.05 662492001349 Adjustable Roof Flashing 8GVF 810002741 4 12.8 2.6 400 39.86 $49.82 662492003855 Steep Roof Flashing 8GVFSR 810002742 4 17.4 --- 100 80.15 $100.19 662492001400 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 8GVFF 810002743 4 16.2 3.4 240 54.61 $68.27 662492472903 DuraCap 8GVDC 810002744 4 7.6 5.4 48 43.88 $54.85 662492001332 High-Wind Cap 8GVVTH 810002745 4 9.6 5.1 72 56.06 $70.07 662492005064 Increaser Tee 8" x 7" (not in catalog) 8GVTR7 810002746 1 3.9 4.0 80 192.00 $240.00 662492005057 Increaser Tee 8" x 6" ( not in catalog) 8GVTR6 810002747 4 17.0 4.0 80 224.00 $280.00 662492005040 Increaser Tee 8" x 5" ( not in catalog) 8GVTR5 810002748 4 15.6 4.0 72 182.40 $228.00 662492005033 Increaser Tee 8" x 4" ( not in catalog) 8GVTR4 810002749 4 13.4 4.0 80 192.00 $240.00 662492005026 Increaser Tee 8" x 3" ( not in catalog 8GVTR3 810002750 4 13.4 4.0 80 176.00 $220.00 See DFA accessories for pricing 10” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492276501 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 10GV18 810002751 1 5.4 1.8 32 90.78 $113.48 662492704660 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 10GV18C 810002752 1 5.4 1.8 32 90.78 $113.48 662492682203 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 10GV36 810002753 1 11.3 3.6 32 128.50 $160.62 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 126 Type B Gas Vent | 10” - 12” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492417393 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 10GV36C 810002754 1 11.3 3.6 --- 128.50 $160.62 662492650806 12" Length Adjustable Pipe 10GV12A 810002755 1 4.2 1.0 32 94.85 $118.56 662492164402 90° Adjustable Elbow 10GVL90 810002756 1 5.5 2.1 18 140.64 $175.80 662492279403 45° Adjustable Elbow 10GVL45 810002757 1 3.4 1.7 45 124.50 $155.62 662492719602 Standard Tee 10GVT 810002758 1 7.1 2.2 20 218.54 $273.17 662492377802 Tee Cap 10GVTC 810002759 1 0.6 0.6 100 20.21 $25.27 662492446706 Draft Hood Connector 10GVC 810002760 1 2.4 0.9 60 56.58 $70.72 662492008683 Wall Strap 7DP-WS 810000590 2 4.1 1.1 120 38.04 $47.55 662492605400 Square Firestop Support 10GVRS 810002761 1 4.1 0.6 100 116.48 $145.60 662492617267 Firestop Spacer 10GVFS 810002762 1 1.5 0.6 100 45.45 $56.82 662492704608 Storm Collar 10GVSC 810002763 1 1.5 0.4 116 13.71 $17.13 662492345603 Adjustable Roof Flashing 10GVF 810002764 1 3.0 3.0 100 51.79 $64.74 662492342503 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 10GVFF 810002765 1 6.5 7.3 100 72.78 $90.98 662492606001 10" Diameter X 12 Increaser 10GVX12 810002766 1 4.5 1.2 60 249.60 $312.00 662492800003 **x 10 Increaser 8GVX10 810002767 1 3.0 0.7 80 163.07 $203.84 662492159903 High-Wind Cap 10GVVT 810002768 1 6.6 3.9 12 145.93 $182.42 12” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492486405 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 12GV18 810002769 2 13.6 4.1 48 118.31 $147.89 662492648100 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 12GV36 810002770 2 26.4 7.8 24 179.43 $224.28 662492482902 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe (Canada)* 12GV36C 810002771 2 24.9 7.8 24 560.00 $700.00 662492838501 12" Length Adjustable Pipe 12GV12A 810002772 2 10.1 4.1 48 128.21 $160.27 662492509807 45° Adjustable Elbow 12GVL45 810002773 1 6.0 2.2 20 145.21 $181.51 662492889206 Standard Tee 12GVT 810002774 1 9.8 3.1 18 262.93 $328.66 662492532508 Tee Cap 12GVTC 810002775 1 1.4 0.2 100 27.01 $33.76 662492591000 Firestop Spacer 12GVFS 810002776 1 2.5 0.4 100 76.54 $95.68 662492347102 Draft Hood Connector 12GVC 810002777 1 3.2 1.2 60 73.22 $91.52 662492783108 Storm Collar 12GVSC 810002778 1 2.0 0.0 125 15.68 $19.59 662492661635 Square Firestop Support 12GVRS 810002779 1 5.8 0.4 --- 183.04 $228.80 662492292303 Adjustable Roof Flashing 12GVF 810002780 1 3.5 3.0 --- 67.80 $84.75 127 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com *For use in Canada only 12” - 18” Round | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492682609 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 12GVFF 810002781 1 8.0 7.3 100 88.28 $110.35 662492437803 High-Wind Cap 12GVVT 810002782 1 8.0 5.0 16 205.52 $256.90 14” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492594506 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 14GV18 810002783 1 8.0 2.9 24 204.04 $255.06 662492598405 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 14GV36 810002784 1 16.7 5.4 12 294.89 $368.62 662492245309 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 14GV18A 810002785 1 9.5 2.9 24 223.48 $279.35 662492468203 45° Elbow 14GVL45 810002786 1 7.9 3.9 18 215.88 $269.85 662492279205 Standard Tee 14GVT 810002787 1 11.6 4.6 18 430.24 $537.79 662492869901 Tee Cap 14GVTC 810002788 1 2.0 0.7 108 116.48 $145.60 662492484708 Draft Hood Connector 14GVC 810002789 1 4.5 1.9 30 240.00 $300.00 662492417102 Storm Collar 14GVSC 810002790 1 1.8 0.4 --- 27.03 $33.79 662492426005 Adjustable Roof Flashing 14GVF 810002791 1 5.8 --- --- 239.62 $299.52 662492889602 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 14GVFF 810002792 1 8.0 --- --- 227.27 $284.08 662492108109 High-Wind Cap 14GVVT 810002793 1 23.7 9.0 6 259.62 $324.52 16” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492710005 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 16GV18 810002794 1 10.7 3.5 24 267.05 $333.82 662492639207 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 16GV36 810002795 1 18.2 7.2 12 412.12 $515.15 662492646601 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 16GV18A 810002796 1 10.7 3.5 24 306.22 $382.77 662492255001 45° Elbow 16GVL45 810002797 1 9.8 5.0 16 277.50 $346.88 662492372500 Standard Tee 16GVT 810002798 1 17.2 11.0 8 881.92 $1,102.40 662492495209 Tee Cap 16GVTC 810002799 1 1.0 0.7 36 139.78 $174.72 662492390207 Draft Hood Connector 16GVC 810002800 1 5.3 2.3 --- 183.04 $228.80 662492738504 Storm Collar 16GVSC 810002801 1 2.5 1.0 42 54.06 $67.57 662492686102 Adjustable Roof Flashing 16GVF 810002802 1 8.0 --- --- 224.00 $280.00 662492661109 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 16GVFF 810002803 1 10.5 --- --- 288.00 $360.00 662492730201 High-Wind Cap 16GVVT 810002804 1 13.5 9.0 6 354.13 $442.66 18” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492565803 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 18GV18 810002805 1 11.0 5.0 16 317.52 $396.90 662492775103 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 18GV36 810002806 1 20.5 8.1 8 510.91 $638.64 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 128 Type B Gas Vent | 18” - 22” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492759004 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 18GV18A 810002807 1 12.2 5.0 8 348.43 $435.53 662492639603 45° Elbow 18GVL45 810002808 1 13.0 11.0 8 432.00 $540.00 662492886403 Standard Tee 18GVT 810002809 1 26.1 14.9 --- 844.63 $1,055.79 662492867907 Tee Cap 18GVTC 810002810 1 1.5 1.1 42 105.60 $132.00 662492516805 Draft Hood Connector 18GVC 810002811 1 5.8 5.0 16 262.91 $328.64 662492248300 Storm Collar 18GVSC 810002812 1 2.6 1.0 42 71.98 $89.98 662492259900 Adjustable Roof Flashing 18GVF 810002813 1 9.3 --- --- 349.44 $436.80 662492124505 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 18GVFF 810002814 1 9.8 --- --- 279.95 $349.94 662492499801 High-Wind Cap 18GVVT 810002815 1 20.0 23.3 3 695.69 $869.62 20” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492442104 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 20GV18 810002816 1 15.3 8.7 8 347.65 $434.56 662492805008 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 20GV36 810002817 1 23.5 10.6 8 588.82 $736.02 662492548004 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 20GV18A 810002818 1 14.8 8.7 8 411.73 $514.66 662492612507 45° Elbow 20GVL45 810002819 1 14.5 9.0 6 418.86 $523.57 662492744901 Standard Tee 20GVT 810002820 1 27.6 14.9 4 1,133.88 $1,417.34 662492858806 Tee Cap 20GVTC 810002821 1 1.0 1.7 26 159.74 $199.68 662492659809 Draft Hood Connector 20GVC 810002822 1 7.6 11.0 6 224.00 $280.00 662492423806 Storm Collar 20GVSC 810002823 1 2.9 1.0 42 96.48 $120.60 662492826300 Adjustable Roof Flashing 20GVF 810002824 1 12.0 --- --- 390.40 $488.00 662492757604 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 20GVFF 810002825 1 13.5 --- --- 401.06 $501.32 662492498002 High-Wind Cap 20GVVT 810002826 1 43.0 23.3 3 1,064.96 $1,331.20 22” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492253304 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 22GV18 810002827 1 16.5 9.0 8 527.21 $659.01 662492294901 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 22GV36 810002828 1 26.7 14.9 8 786.05 $982.56 662492856703 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 22GV18A 810002829 1 16.2 9.0 6 544.12 $680.15 662492157602 45° Elbow 22GVL45 810002830 1 15.8 14.9 --- 667.38 $834.23 662492570708 Standard Tee 22GVT 810002831 1 37.1 14.9 --- 1,425.53 $1,781.92 662492469309 Tee Cap 22GVTC 810002832 1 2.0 1.7 26 110.41 $138.01 662492594902 Draft Hood Connector 22GVC 810002833 1 11.0 9.0 6 259.90 $324.88 129 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com *For use in Canada only 22” - 28” Round | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492615201 Storm Collar 22GVSC 810002834 1 3.0 1.0 42 144.18 $180.23 662492634202 Adjustable Roof Flashing 22GVF 810002835 1 12.0 --- --- 384.38 $480.47 662492820605 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 22GVFF 810002836 1 18.0 --- --- 431.18 $538.97 662492208502 High-Wind Cap 22GVVT 810002837 1 50.0 11.0 --- 966.83 $1,208.54 24” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492667002 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 24GV18 810002838 1 17.2 14.9 4 560.97 $701.22 662492413906 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 24GV36 810002839 1 28.6 14.9 4 971.33 $1,214.16 662492402801 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 24GV18A 810002840 1 16.0 9.0 4 693.60 $867.01 662492855300 45° Elbow 24GVL45 810002841 1 23.0 14.9 --- 844.07 $1,055.09 662492606100 Standard Tee 24GVT 810002842 1 32.0 14.9 --- 1,577.35 $1,971.69 662492262702 Tee Cap 24GVTC 810002843 1 1.0 2.1 40 126.45 $158.07 662492215302 Draft Hood Connector 24GVC 810002844 1 13.0 14.9 --- 310.11 $387.64 662492612408 Storm Collar 24GVSC 810002845 1 3.0 1.0 1 175.35 $219.19 662492309506 Adjustable Roof Flashing 24GVF 810002846 1 14.0 --- --- 484.81 $606.01 662492505403 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 24GVFF 810002847 1 12.5 --- --- 511.48 $639.35 662492514801 High-Wind Cap 24GVVT 810002848 1 54.0 11.0 --- 1,350.90 $1,688.62 26” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492305607 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 26GV18 810002849 1 18.8 2.2 20 742.47 $928.08 662492494004 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 26GV36 810002850 1 32.0 9.0 4 1,083.32 $1,354.15 662492733103 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 26GV18A 810002851 1 18.0 9.0 20 810.53 $1,013.16 662492662601 45° Elbow 26GVL45 810002852 1 23.0 9.0 20 1,592.13 $1,990.16 662492555804 Standard Tee 26GVT 810002853 1 39.0 14.9 --- 2,234.57 $2,793.22 662492508107 Tee Cap 26GVTC 810002854 1 1.0 2.1 40 203.14 $253.92 662492350300 Storm Collar 26GVSC 810002855 1 2.0 1.0 42 213.08 $266.36 662492202104 Adjustable Roof Flashing 26GVF 810002856 1 34.0 --- --- 544.00 $680.00 662492528204 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 26GVFF 810002857 1 34.0 --- --- 529.82 $662.28 662492365106 High-Wind Cap 26GVVT 810002858 1 100.0 14.9 --- 2,141.66 $2,677.07 12 810.64 $1,013.29 2 1,214.66 $1,518.32 28” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492280409 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 28GV18 810002859 1 21.6 7.2 662492254202 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 28GV36 810002860 1 34.0 5.4 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 130 Type B Gas Vent | 28” - 30” Round UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube 662492116609 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 28GV18A 810002861 1 19.0 5.4 662492157107 45° Elbow 28GVL45 810002862 1 24.0 662492837900 Standard Tee 28GVT 810002863 1 662492497005 Tee Cap 28GVTC 810002864 662492354100 Storm Collar 28GVSC 662492267806 Adjustable Roof Flashing 622492846100 662492391105 Plt Qty M.A.P. 12 List (ea) 967.04 $1,208.80 23.3 3 1,715.72 $2,144.65 40.0 14.9 8 2,725.75 $3,407.19 1 1.0 2.9 --- 240.87 $301.09 810002865 1 3.6 1.1 63 263.74 $329.68 28GVF 810002866 1 38.0 --- --- 511.87 $639.84 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 28GVFF 810002867 1 15.0 --- --- 529.82 $662.28 High-Wind Cap 28GVVT 810002868 1 120.0 14.9 --- 2,220.12 $2,775.15 12 935.05 $1,168.81 30” Round Type B Gas Vent 662492256107 18" Length Round Rigid Pipe 30GV18 810002869 1 20.0 7.2 662492678107 36" Length Round Rigid Pipe 30GV36 810002870 1 39.0 5.4 2 1,349.17 $1,686.46 662492797105 18" Length Adjustable Pipe 30GV18A 810002871 1 23.9 5.4 12 1,031.73 $1,289.67 662492720400 45° Elbow 30GVL45 810002872 1 29.0 23.3 3 1,766.96 $2,208.71 662492117002 Standard Tee 30GVT 810002873 1 44.0 23.3 3 2,831.86 $3,539.83 662492534007 Tee Cap 30GVTC 810002874 1 1.0 3.5 30 256.08 $320.10 662492532201 Storm Collar 30GVSC 810002875 1 3.0 1.4 42 277.14 $346.43 662492361603 Adjustable Roof Flashing 30GVF 810002876 1 42.0 --- --- 551.01 $688.76 662492574706 Tall Cone Flat Flashing 30GVFF 810002877 1 15.0 --- --- 529.82 $662.28 662492353806 High-Wind Cap 30GVVT 810002878 1 140.0 14.9 --- 2,701.77 $3,377.21 131 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com *For use in Canada only Kits, 4” Oval | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 4GVO-K 810002879 1 1.7 0.2 144 19.49 $24.36 Oval Type B Gas Vent Kits 662492002766 B-W Installation Kit (Includes: Oval Base Plate; (2) Oval Ceiling Plate Spacer) 4” Oval Type B Gas Vent 662492003404 6" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 4GW06 810002880 6 5.3 0.6 468 49.92 $62.40 662492002636 12" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 4GW12 810002881 6 9.9 1.0 360 23.59 $29.49 662492002629 18" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 4GW18 810002882 6 14.2 1.5 180 25.14 $31.43 662492002612 24" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 4GW24 810002883 6 19.0 2.0 180 29.82 $37.28 662492002605 36" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 4GW36 810002884 6 28.1 2.9 180 37.88 $47.35 662492002599 48" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 4GW48 810002885 6 37.1 3.8 90 50.72 $63.40 662492002582 60" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 4GW60 810002886 6 45.0 4.8 90 60.44 $75.55 662492002643 12" Length Oval Adjustable Pipe 4GW12A 810002887 6 10.0 1.0 360 33.87 $42.33 662492002803 Oval Increaser 4" x 5" 4GWX5 810002888 6 10.0 1.4 252 50.72 $63.40 662492003794 Round-to-Oval Adapter 3" - 4" 4GWAR3 810002889 6 8.6 1.1 264 87.34 $109.18 662492002742 Round-to-Oval Adapter 4GWARO 810002890 6 8.4 1.1 264 46.59 $58.24 662492002759 Oval-to-Round Adapter 4GWAOR 810002891 6 8.6 1.1 264 30.79 $38.49 662492002650 45° Oval Elbow - standard 4GWL45 810002892 6 6.8 0.8 300 42.07 $52.59 662492002667 45° Oval Elbow - flat 4GWL45F 810002893 6 7.7 1.0 192 42.48 $53.10 662492002797 Oval Tee Support - Base Plate 4GWPS 810002894 6 4.7 0.5 480 10.69 $13.37 662492002728 Oval Firestop Spacer (requires 2) 4GWFS 810002895 12 8.9 0.2 1,728 6.56 $8.20 662492393901 Oval Firestop Spacer (2" x 6") (requires 2) 4GWFS2X6 810002896 12 9.1 0.2 1,728 11.11 $13.88 662492002780 Oval Base Plate 4GWBP 810002897 6 2.5 0.2 864 8.89 $11.11 662492002773 Oval Ceiling Plate Spacer (requires 2) 4GWCS 810002898 12 7.8 0.2 1,728 5.09 $6.37 662492002674 Standard Oval Tee 4GWT 810002899 6 10.9 1.7 144 62.77 $78.46 662492002698 Oval Tee Cap 4GWTC 810002901 6 0.5 0.1 1,260 8.55 $10.69 662492002735 Oval Storm Collar 4GWSC 810002902 6 1.7 0.2 864 8.26 $10.33 662492002704 Oval Cap 4GWVT 810002903 6 4.6 1.4 252 28.12 $35.15 662492002711 Oval Adjustable Roof Flashing 4GWF 810002905 6 8.7 0.6 --- 24.95 $31.19 *For use in Canada only 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 132 Type B Gas Vent | 5” - 6” Oval UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 5” Oval Type B Gas Vent 662492003411 6" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 5GW06 810002906 4 4.9 0.7 320 36.98 $46.23 662492002872 12" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 5GW12 810002907 4 9.9 1.2 220 49.58 $61.98 662492002865 18" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 5GW18 810002908 4 13.9 1.2 176 62.57 $78.21 662492002858 24" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 5GW24 810002909 4 17.4 1.6 132 65.23 $81.53 662492002841 36" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 5GW36 810002910 4 28.3 3.2 96 65.86 $82.33 662492002834 48" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 5GW48 810002911 4 37.3 3.2 48 90.68 $113.34 662492002827 60" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 5GW60 810002912 4 42.6 3.2 48 98.90 $123.62 662492002889 12" Length Oval Adjustable Pipe 5GW12A 810002913 4 10.8 1.6 132 66.36 $82.96 662492002919 Oval Increaser 5" x 6" 5GWX6 810002914 6 12.2 1.7 252 47.70 $59.63 662492003008 Round-to-Oval Adapter 5GWARO 810002915 6 11.7 2.0 132 55.09 $68.87 662492003015 Oval-to-Round Adapter 5GWAOR 810002916 6 11.5 2.0 132 55.09 $68.87 662492002896 45° Oval Elbow - standard 5GWL45 810002917 6 12.2 2.4 108 368.00 $460.00 662492002902 45° Oval Elbow - flat 5GWL45F 810002918 6 13.6 2.9 72 83.87 $104.83 662492003022 Oval Tee Support - Plain 5GWTS 810002919 6 5.7 0.4 756 16.86 $21.07 662492002988 Oval Firestop Spacer (requires 2) 5GWFS 810002920 12 8.0 0.2 1,728 6.44 $8.05 662492508602 Oval Firestop Spacer (6" x 2") (requires 2) 5GWF2X6 810002921 12 8.0 0.2 1,728 11.11 $13.88 662492002926 Standard Oval Tee 5GWT 810002922 6 15.4 3.2 162 126.25 $157.81 662492002933 Oval Increaser Tee 5" x 3" 5GWTR3 810002923 6 15.0 3.6 162 117.47 $146.84 662492002940 Oval Increaser Tee 5" x 4" 5GWTR4 810002924 6 15.0 3.6 162 118.61 $148.26 662492002957 Oval Tee Cap 5GWTC 810002925 6 1.0 0.2 864 49.92 $62.40 662492002995 Oval Storm Collar 5GWSC 810002926 6 3.0 0.4 756 39.94 $49.92 662492002971 Oval Adjustable Roof Flashing 5GWF 810002927 6 18.2 --- 192 62.46 $78.08 662492002964 Oval Cap 5GWVT 810002929 2 2.7 0.8 100 83.20 $104.00 6” Oval Type B Gas Vent 662492003428 6" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 6GW06 810002930 4 6.3 0.9 240 42.75 $53.44 662492003107 12" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 6GW12 810002931 4 11.2 1.7 180 149.76 $187.20 662492003091 18" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 6GW18 810002932 4 16.6 3.4 96 57.70 $72.12 662492003084 24" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 6GW24 810002933 4 21.3 2.9 72 159.74 $199.68 133 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” Oval | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492003077 36" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 6GW36 810002934 4 31.3 3.4 96 163.07 $203.84 662492003060 48" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 6GW48 810002935 4 41.2 7.7 36 91.30 $114.12 662492003053 60" Length Oval Rigid Pipe 6GW60 810002936 4 50.9 5.7 48 101.93 $127.42 662492003114 12" Length Oval Adjustable Pipe 6GW12A 810002937 4 11.7 1.7 180 113.15 $141.44 662492003145 Oval Increaser 4" x 6" 4GWX6 810002938 6 10.8 1.4 252 57.43 $71.79 662492003237 Round-to-Oval Adapter 6GWARO 810002939 6 15.4 2.9 108 129.79 $162.24 662492003244 Oval-to-Round Adapter 6GWAOR 810002940 6 16.3 2.9 108 64.20 $80.25 662492003121 45° Oval Elbow - standard 6GWL45 810002941 6 15.3 3.2 162 89.82 $112.28 662492003138 45° Oval Elbow - flat 6GWL45F 810002942 6 16.6 3.2 162 384.00 $480.00 662492003251 Oval Tee Support - Plain 6GWTS 810002943 6 5.6 0.4 756 18.47 $23.09 662492003213 Oval Firestop Spacer (requires 2) 6GWFS 810002944 12 9.5 0.2 1,728 9.55 $11.94 662492003152 Standard Oval Tee 6GWT 810002945 6 19.4 3.6 162 127.11 $158.89 662492003183 Oval Tee Cap 6GWTC 810002948 6 0.8 0.2 864 12.68 $15.85 662492003220 Oval Storm Collar 6GWSC 810002949 6 2.8 0.2 864 14.63 $18.28 662492003206 Oval Adjustable Roof Flashing 6GWF 810002950 6 18.2 --- --- 62.46 $78.08 662492003190 Oval Cap 6GWVT 810002952 2 2.9 0.8 100 73.22 $91.52 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 134 Type B Gas Vent | 3” - 4” DuraConnect I, 3” - 6” DuraConnect II UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” DuraConnect I 662492004234 12" Single-Wall Flex Connector 3DV12 810006082 6 4.0 0.7 480 19.68 $24.60 662492004227 24" Single-Wall Flex Connector 3DV24 810006081 6 7.2 1.2 240 22.78 $28.48 662492004210 36" Single-Wall Flex Connector 3DV36 810006080 6 8.1 1.8 240 25.95 $32.44 662492004203 48" Single-Wall Flex Connector 3DV48 810006079 6 10.0 2.4 120 28.87 $36.09 4” DuraConnect I 662492004364 12" Single-Wall Flex Connector 4DV12 810006093 6 5.9 1.1 264 20.68 $25.85 662492004357 24" Single-Wall Flex Connector 4DV24 810006092 6 7.8 2.0 156 24.61 $30.76 662492004340 36" Single-Wall Flex Connector 4DV36 810006091 6 11.6 2.9 156 28.64 $35.80 662492004333 48" Single-Wall Flex Connector 4DV48 810006090 6 14.2 5.6 78 32.07 $40.08 3” DuraConnect II 662492636107 12" Double-Wall Flex Connector 3DV12DW 810002953 6 6.2 0.7 720 51.52 $64.39 662492766606 24" Double-Wall Flex Connector 3DV24DW 810002954 6 8.7 1.2 240 62.42 $78.02 662492367308 36" Double-Wall Flex Connector 3DV36DW 810002955 6 11.2 1.8 240 71.59 $89.49 662492546307 48" Double-Wall Flex Connector 3DV48DW 810002956 6 14.0 2.4 120 81.57 $101.96 662492884409 60" Double-Wall Flex Connector 3DV60DW 810002957 6 17.3 3.0 120 92.31 $115.39 4” DuraConnect II 662492375600 12" Double-Wall Flex Connector 4DV12DW 810002958 6 8.0 1.1 264 56.53 $70.66 662492396308 24" Double-Wall Flex Connector 4DV24DW 810002959 6 11.0 2.0 156 69.92 $87.40 662492539002 36" Double-Wall Flex Connector 4DV36DW 810002960 6 15.0 2.9 156 81.67 $102.08 662492717806 48" Double-Wall Flex Connector 4DV48DW 810002961 6 19.0 5.6 78 94.38 $117.98 662492771501 60" Double-Wall Flex Connector 4DV60DW 810002962 6 21.6 4.8 78 107.00 $133.74 5” DuraConnect II 662492623503 12" Double-Wall Flex Connector 5DV12DW 810002963 6 9.4 1.5 216 226.30 $282.88 662492446102 24" Double-Wall Flex Connector 5DV24DW 810002964 6 14.2 2.9 162 75.64 $94.55 662492383605 36" Double-Wall Flex Connector 5DV36DW 810002965 6 18.5 4.2 108 98.66 $123.32 662492614402 48" Double-Wall Flex Connector 5DV48DW 810002966 6 22.5 7.7 54 104.78 $130.97 662492688007 60" Double-Wall Flex Connector 5DV60DW 810002967 6 26.7 7.0 54 120.60 $150.75 6DV12DW 810002968 6 11.1 2.1 252 59.93 $74.91 6” DuraConnect II 662492169001 12" Double-Wall Flex Connector 135 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” DuraConnect II | Type B Gas Vent UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492197608 24" Double-Wall Flex Connector 6DV24DW 810002969 6 16.1 3.9 126 77.68 $97.10 662492260203 36" Double-Wall Flex Connector 6DV36DW 810002970 6 21.6 6.0 84 94.03 $117.53 662492499702 48" Double-Wall Flex Connector 6DV48DW 810002971 6 26.6 7.7 42 110.27 $137.84 662492814802 60" Double-Wall Flex Connector 6DV60DW 810002972 6 32.3 9.6 42 128.45 $160.56 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 136 DuraFlex AL | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492610503 DuraFlex AL Kit - 3" x 25' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 3DFA-25K 810002973 1 9.4 3.0 40 155.52 $194.40 662492826201 DuraFlex AL Kit - 3" x 35' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 3DFA-35K 810002974 1 11.0 3.1 40 183.33 $229.16 662492312308 DuraFlex AL Kit - 4" x 25' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 4DFA-25K 810002975 1 11.7 3.0 40 165.63 $207.03 662492841204 DuraFlex AL Kit - 4" x 35' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 4DFA-35K 810002976 1 14.9 4.4 40 202.30 $252.88 662492736906 DuraFlex AL Kit - 5" x 25' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 5DFA-25K 810002977 1 15.7 5.4 12 195.98 $244.97 662492729106 DuraFlex AL Kit - 5" x 35' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 5DFA-35K 810002978 1 18.2 5.4 12 273.11 $341.39 662492710104 DuraFlex AL Kit - 5.5" x 25' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top 55DFA-25K Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 810002979 1 14.9 7.1 --- 205.46 $256.83 662492666005 DuraFlex AL Kit - 5.5" x 35' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top 55DFA-35K Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 810002980 1 18.7 7.1 --- 400.00 $500.00 662492377505 DuraFlex AL Kit - 6" x 25' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 6DFA-25K 810002981 1 21.5 7.1 6 214.94 $268.67 662492423905 DuraFlex AL Kit - 6" x 35' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 6DFA-35K 810002982 1 23.5 7.1 6 278.17 $347.71 662492569900 DuraFlex AL Kit - 7" x 25' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 7DFA-25K 810002983 1 18.5 12.9 6 254.67 $318.33 662492502402 DuraFlex AL Kit - 7" x 35' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 7DFA-35K 810002984 1 22.2 12.9 3 366.67 $458.34 662492348901 DuraFlex AL Kit - 8" x 25' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 8DFA-25K 810002985 1 23.9 17.8 6 328.75 $410.93 662492152508 DuraFlex AL Kit - 8" x 35' (Includes: DuraFlex AL Length, DuraFlex AL Cap, DuraFlex Top Plate, and DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve) 8DFA-35K 810002986 1 28.9 17.8 6 560.00 $700.00 DuraFlex AL Kit 137 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 2” - 4” | DuraFlex AL UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492263310 DuraFlex AL Length 2" x 5' 2DFA-5 810009362 --- --- --- --- 16.44 $20.55 662492834183 DuraFlex AL Length 2" x 25' 2DFA-25 810004434 --- --- --- --- 73.55 $91.94 662492425695 DuraFlex AL Length 2" x 35' 2DFA-35 810002988 1 8.0 2.3 40 103.83 $129.79 662492383988 DuraFlex AL Length 2" x 50' 2DFA-50 810009459 --- --- 2.3 --- 147.10 $183.87 662492383308 DuraFlex AL Length - 3" x 25' 3DFA-25 810002987 1 7.0 3.0 40 96.08 $120.11 662492664506 DuraFlex AL Length - 3" x 35' 3DFA-35 810002988 1 8.2 3.0 40 121.37 $151.71 662492160404 DuraFlex AL Length - 3" x 50' 3DFA-50 810002989 1 12.0 5.4 40 184.60 $230.75 662492323007 DuraFlex AL Cap 3DFA-VC 810002990 6 9.0 1.8 144 41.71 $52.13 662492353202 DuraFlex AL Tee 3DFA-T 810002991 6 --- --- --- 100.90 $126.13 662492761601 DuraFlex Al Coupling 3DFA-FC 810002992 6 0.4 0.1 --- 11.20 $14.00 662492710463 DuraFlex Al to PolyPro Coupling 3DFA-FCP 810004452 1 --- 0.2 --- 32.00 $40.00 662492228807 Female Flex Adapter 3DFA-FA 810002993 6 3.8 0.4 720 13.32 $16.64 662492347294 Hanger Bracket DFA-FCB 810004451 6 --- 0.3 --- 32.08 $40.11 662492729878 3" Universal B-Vent - Flex Adapter 3DFA-ADBV 810007024 --- --- --- --- 36.79 $45.99 662492205709 DuraFlex Top Plate 3DFA-TP 810002994 6 2.1 --- --- 20.23 $25.29 662492729267 DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 3DFS-MS 810002425 6 3.4 0.6 --- 662492581704 DuraFlex Puller 3DFS-FP 810002426 6 2.8 0.4 720 662492878804 DuraFlex AL Length - 4" x 25' 4DFA-25 810002997 1 9.3 3.0 40 121.37 $151.71 662492335703 DuraFlex AL Length - 4" x 35' 4DFA-35 810002998 1 11.1 4.4 40 170.69 $213.36 662492588406 DuraFlex AL Length - 4" x 50' 4DFA-50 810002999 1 15.3 8.3 18 244.03 $305.04 662492122600 DuraFlex AL Coupling 4DFA-FC 810003000 6 1.0 0.2 864 12.00 $15.00 662492423479 DuraFlex AL Coupling to PolyPro 4DFA-FCP 810004435 1 --- 0.4 --- 24.06 $30.08 662492105108 DuraFlex AL Tee 4DFA-T 810003001 1 1.8 0.7 --- 115.20 $144.00 662492747902 DuraFlex Top Plate 4DFA-TP 810003002 6 5.6 3.9 72 21.49 $26.86 662492758403 DuraFlex AL Cap 4DFA-VC 810003003 6 3.7 1.8 300 46.77 $58.47 662492443705 Female Flex Adapter 4DFA-FA 810003004 6 4.9 0.6 468 19.20 $24.00 662492347294 Hanger Bracket DFA-FCB 810004451 6 --- 0.3 --- 32.08 $40.11 2” DuraFlex AL 3” DuraFlex AL see DFS accessories for pricing see DFS accessories for pricing 4” DuraFlex AL 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 138 DuraFlex AL | 4” - 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. 662492282656 4" Universal Bvent - Flex Adapter 4DFA-ADBV 810007025 --- --- --- --- 662492488300 DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 4DFS-MS 810002433 6 4.1 0.9 --- 662492791806 DuraFlex Puller 4DFS-FP 810002434 6 3.8 0.6 --- 662492562604 DuraFlex AL Length - 5" x 25' 5DFA-25 810003007 1 8.7 5.4 16 151.72 $189.65 662492352205 DuraFlex AL Length - 5" x 35' 5DFA-35 810003008 1 13.5 5.4 16 214.94 $268.67 662492208700 DuraFlex AL Length - 5" x 50' 5DFA-50 810003009 1 18.6 8.3 --- 352.00 $440.00 662492653500 DuraFlex AL Coupling 5DFA-FC 810003010 6 1.4 0.4 --- 18.02 $22.53 662492761403 DuraFlex AL Tee 5DFA-T 810003011 1 --- --- --- 83.45 $104.31 662492181201 DuraFlex Top Plate 5DFA-TP 810003012 6 8.3 3.9 --- 22.75 $28.43 662492210406 DuraFlex AL Cap 5DFA-VC 810003013 6 9.6 4.0 --- 50.56 $63.20 662492466308 Female Flex Adapter 5DFA-FA 810003014 6 5.8 0.9 360 22.40 $28.00 662492235690 5" Universal Bvent - Flex Adapter 5DFA-ADBV 810007026 --- --- --- --- 48.00 $60.00 662492178607 DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 5DFS-MS 810002443 6 5.0 1.2 252 662492434208 DuraFlex Puller 5DFS-FP 810002444 6 4.9 0.9 --- 38.44 List (ea) $48.05 see DFS accessories for pricing see DFS accessories for pricing 5” DuraFlex AL see DFS accessories for pricing see DFS accessories for pricing 5.5” DuraFlex AL 662492135532 DuraFlex AL Length - 5.5" x 25' 55DFA-25 810003017 1 15.6 7.1 --- 163.74 $204.67 662492456804 DuraFlex AL Length - 5.5" x 35' 55DFA-35 810003018 1 15.6 7.1 --- 227.59 $284.48 662492334140 DuraFlex AL Length - 5.5" x 50' 55DFA-50 810003019 1 --- 7.1 --- 335.07 $418.84 662492496503 DuraFlex AL Coupling 55DFA-FC 810003020 6 0.7 0.6 --- 5.24 $6.56 662492355473 DuraFlex AL Tee 55DFA-T 810003021 1 --- 1.2 --- 92.48 $115.60 662492483800 DuraFlex Top Plate 55DFA-TP 810003022 6 10.2 3.9 --- 23.38 $29.23 662492203903 DuraFlex AL Cap 55DFA-VC 810003023 6 1.5 4.1 --- 61.95 $77.44 662492748800 DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 55DFS-MS 810002452 6 4.2 1.7 --- 662492358900 DuraFlex Puller 55DFS-FP 810002453 6 3.6 --- --- 662492803028 DuraFlex AL Length - 6" x 25' 6DFA-25 810003026 1 15.0 7.1 16 177.01 $221.26 662492845301 DuraFlex AL Length - 6" x 35' 6DFA-35 810003027 1 15.0 7.1 16 345.60 $432.00 662492884300 DuraFlex AL Length - 6" x 50' 6DFA-50 810003028 1 22.9 11.6 6 354.03 $442.54 662492596302 DuraFlex AL Coupling 6DFA-FC 810003029 6 1.5 0.6 --- 10.81 $13.51 see DFS accessories for pricing see DFS accessories for pricing 6” DuraFlex AL 139 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” - 8” | DuraFlex AL UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492153802 DuraFlex AL Tee 6DFA-T 810003030 1 2.6 0.7 --- 224.00 $280.00 662492242209 DuraFlex Top Plate 6DFA-TP 810003031 6 11.5 3.9 72 24.02 $30.02 662492770207 DuraFlex AL Cap 6DFA-VC 810003032 6 9.6 4.0 --- 61.95 $77.44 662492689509 Female Flex Adapter 6DFA-FA 810003033 6 7.0 1.2 252 38.44 $48.05 662492174746 6" Universal Bvent - Flex Adapter 6DFA-ADBV 810007027 --- --- --- --- 45.41 $56.76 662492441305 DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 6DFS-MS 810002462 6 5.6 1.7 156 662492565308 DuraFlex Puller 6DFS-FP 810002463 6 6.2 1.2 252 662492445716 DuraFlex AL Length - 7" x 25' 7DFA-25 810003036 1 20.6 12.9 3 209.89 $262.36 662492577509 DuraFlex AL Length - 7" x 35' 7DFA-35 810003037 1 20.6 12.9 3 368.00 $460.00 662492482704 DuraFlex AL Length - 7" x 50' 7DFA-50 810003038 1 14.4 13.6 --- 374.26 $467.83 662492794203 DuraFlex AL Coupling 7DFA-FC 810003039 4 1.3 0.6 --- 33.60 $42.00 662492208809 DuraFlex AL Tee 7DFA-T 810003040 1 --- 1.7 --- 108.73 $135.92 662492829202 DuraFlex Top Plate 7DFA-TP 810003041 6 7.3 3.9 --- 24.64 $30.80 662492464106 DuraFlex AL Cap 7DFA-VC 810003042 4 7.2 6.2 --- 83.20 $104.00 662492167809 Female Flex Adapter 7DFA-FA 810003043 4 4.7 1.5 --- 35.20 $44.00 662492302835 7" Universal Bvent - Flex Adapter 7DFA-ADBV 810007028 --- --- --- --- 50.00 $62.50 662492789704 DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 7DFS-MS 810002471 4 5.2 --- --- 662492428108 DuraFlex Puller 7DFS-FP 810002472 4 5.9 0.7 400 662492103579 DuraFlex AL Length - 8" x 25' 8DFA-25 810003046 1 24.5 17.8 6 400.00 $500.00 662492770900 DuraFlex AL Length - 8" x 35' 8DFA-35 810003047 1 24.5 17.8 6 422.40 $528.00 662492379400 DuraFlex AL Length - 8" x 50' 8DFA-50 810003048 1 14.4 20.0 --- 455.19 $568.99 662492834206 DuraFlex AL Coupling 8DFA-FC 810003049 4 1.4 0.6 --- 59.20 $74.00 662492116203 DuraFlex AL Tee 8DFA-T 810003050 1 --- --- --- 121.37 $151.71 662492381304 DuraFlex Top Plate 8DFA-TP 810003051 6 7.3 5.0 --- 36.04 $45.05 662492138700 DuraFlex AL Cap 8DFA-VC 810003052 4 7.2 5.4 --- 124.80 $156.00 662492756508 Female Flex Adapter 8DFA-FA 810003053 4 5.4 1.5 --- 28.83 $36.04 662492320280 8" Universal Bvent - Flex Adapter 8DFA-ADBV 810007029 --- --- --- --- 53.96 $67.46 see DFS accessories for pricing see DFS accessories for pricing 7” DuraFlex AL see DFS accessories for pricing see DFS accessories for pricing 8” DuraFlex AL 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 140 DuraFlex AL | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492531808 DuraFlex Mortar Sleeve 8DFS-MS 810002479 4 5.2 --- --- 662492536704 DuraFlex Puller 8DFS-FP 810002480 4 7.0 0.7 400 141 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) see DFS accessories for pricing see DFS accessories for pricing Kits | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211005640 3" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK3 810003056 1 7.2 2.4 --- 223.15 $278.94 841211005657 4" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK4 810003057 1 8.8 2.4 --- 233.94 $292.42 841211005664 5" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK5 810003058 1 11.4 9.9 --- 284.71 $355.89 841211005671 6" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK6 810003059 1 9.9 9.9 --- 333.19 $416.48 841211005688 7" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK7 810003060 1 11.6 9.9 --- 388.17 $485.22 841211005695 8" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK8 810003061 1 13.1 9.9 --- 403.16 $503.95 841211005701 9" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK9 810003062 1 14.4 9.9 --- 455.09 $568.86 841211005718 10" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK10 810003063 1 16.1 9.9 --- 512.43 $640.54 841211005725 12" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK12 810003064 1 17.8 9.9 --- 586.19 $732.73 841211005732 14" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK14 810003065 1 22.9 9.9 --- 693.39 $866.74 841211005749 16" Variable Pitch Flashing Kit FSVPK16 810003066 1 28.0 10.6 --- 769.62 $962.03 841211026041 4" Variable Pitch Roof Flashing Kit w/ AAUCD FSVPKA4 Appliance Adapter 810003067 1 8.8 2.4 --- 320.78 $400.97 841211005817 3" Ceiling Mounted Heater Vent Kit FSCMK3 810003068 1 5.6 0.8 --- 238.07 $297.58 841211028380 4" Ceiling Mounted Heater Vent Kit FSCMK04 810003069 1 5.6 2.4 --- 316.62 $395.77 841211005770 3" Standard Wall Mount Kit FSWMKB3 810003070 1 6.0 1.1 --- 239.14 $298.92 841211000447 4" Standard Wall Mount Kit FSWMK4 810003071 1 6.4 1.3 --- 264.67 $330.84 841211029080 5" Standard Wall Mount Kit FSWMK5 810003072 1 6.8 1.3 --- 377.27 $471.59 841211008696 3" 90° Bird Screen Wall Mount Kit FSWMKEB3 810003073 1 5.2 1.1 --- 239.09 $298.86 841211006197 4" 90° Bird Screen Wall Mount Kit FSWMKE4 810003074 1 5.8 1.1 --- 253.94 $317.42 841211024405 4" Severe Weather Wall Mount Kit FSSWWMK4 810003075 1 7.0 1.5 --- 386.91 $483.63 841211027451 4" Exhaust 3" Air In-take Right Hand Expandable Wall Mount Concentric Kit FSEDVWMT0403LH 810003076 1 8.0 2.9 --- 405.30 $506.62 841211025181 4" Exhaust 3" Air In-take Right Hand Wall Mount Concentric Kit FSDVWMT0403RH 810003077 1 8.0 2.9 --- 312.07 $390.08 841211024436 4" Exhaust 3" Air In-take Left Hand Wall Mount Concentric Kit FSDVWMT0403LH 810003078 1 8.0 2.9 --- 312.07 $390.08 841211008856 4" Exhaust & Air In-take Right Hand Wall Mount Concentric Kit FSDVWMT04RH 810003079 1 8.0 2.9 --- 312.07 $390.08 841211027383 4" Exhaust & Air In-take Left Hand Expandable Wall Mount Concentric Kit FSDVWMT04LH 810003080 1 8.0 2.9 --- 302.97 $378.72 841211027796 4" Expandable Universal Wall Mount Concentric Kit FSEDVWMT04U 810003081 1 8.0 2.9 --- 390.15 $487.68 FasNSeal Kits 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 142 FasNSeal | Kits UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211025228 4" Exhaust 3" Air In-take Remote Concentric Kit FSDVWT0403 810003082 1 7.6 3.8 --- 235.92 $294.90 841211009938 4" Exhaust & Air In-take Remote Concentric Kit FSDVWT04 810003083 1 6.6 3.8 --- 235.92 $294.90 662492274088 5" Expandable Universal Wall Mount Concentric Kit FSEDVWMT05U 810003084 --- --- --- --- 403.94 $504.93 841211025167 3" Exhaust & Air In-take Remote Concentric Wall Mount Kit FSDVWT03 810003085 1 7.8 3.8 --- 210.09 $262.61 662492789292 3"-5" Sealed Combustion Appliance Concentric Wall Kit FSSCWMK35 810003086 1 5.8 1.9 --- 251.06 $313.83 662492557235 3"-5" Sealed Combustion Appliance Concentric Roof Kit FSSCTRK35 810003087 1 2.8 1.2 --- 308.31 $385.39 841211027628 3" Combustion Air Kit FSAIK03 810003088 1 3.60 1.20 --- 82.24 $102.80 662492193051 4" Combustion Air Kit FSAIK04 810003089 1 --- --- --- 97.32 $121.65 841211029189 5" Combustion Air Kit FSAIK05 810003090 --- --- --- --- 109.49 $136.86 143 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 80/90 | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492904046 5x2 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC52 810010327 --- --- --- --- 156.00 $195.00 662492904053 5x3 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC53 810010328 --- --- --- --- 156.00 $195.00 662492904060 6x2 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC62 810010329 --- --- --- --- 156.00 $195.00 662492904077 6x3 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC63 810010330 --- --- --- --- 156.00 $195.00 662492904084 6x4 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC64 810010331 --- --- --- --- 156.00 $195.00 662492904091 7x2 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC72 810010332 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904107 7x3 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC73 810010333 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904114 7x4 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC74 810010334 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904121 8x2 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC82 810010335 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904138 8x3 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC83 810010336 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904145 8x4 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC84 810010337 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904152 7x5 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC75 810012622 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904169 8x5 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCC85 810012623 --- --- --- --- 190.40 $238.00 662492904190 3x2 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP32 810012604 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904206 4x2 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP42 810012605 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904213 4x3 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP43 810012606 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904220 5x2 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP52 810012607 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904237 5x3 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP53 810012608 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904244 5x4 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP54 810012609 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904251 6x2 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP62 810012610 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904268 6x3 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP63 810012611 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904183 6x4 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP64 810012612 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 662492904275 6x5 DIA FIRESTOP BV-FLEX FSFS-GVPP65 810012613 --- --- --- --- 26.40 $33.00 --- 2" PP - 2" FNS Flex Adapter FSASMM-PP-2 810009850 --- --- --- --- 34.00 $42.50 662492904527 3" PP - 3" FNS Flex Adapter FSASMM-PP-3 810010261 --- --- --- --- 46.68 $58.35 662492904534 4" PP - 4" FNS Flex Adapter FSASMM-PP-4 810010262 --- --- --- --- 55.80 $69.75 662492904541 5" PP - 5" FNS Flex Adapter FSASMM-PP-5 810010263 --- --- --- --- 76.40 $95.50 662492904558 6" PP - 6" FNS Flex Adapter FSASMM-PP-6 810010264 --- --- --- --- 89.00 $111.25 662492904565 8" PP - 8" FNS Flex Adapter FSASMM-PP-8 810010265 --- --- --- --- 101.40 $126.75 FasNSeal 80/90 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 144 FasNSeal | 2” - 3” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492907511 FasNSeal Flex 20' Length 2FSFLEX-20 810012522 1 --- --- --- 239.08 $298.85 662492907528 FasNSeal Flex 25' Length 2FSFLEX-25 810012523 1 --- --- --- 275.96 $344.95 662492907535 FasNSeal Flex 30' Length 2FSFLEX-30 810012524 1 --- --- --- 313.40 $391.75 662492907542 FasNSeal Flex 35' Length 2FSFLEX-35 810012525 1 --- --- --- 350.28 $437.85 662492907559 FasNSeal Flex 50' Length 2FSFLEX-50 810012558 1 --- --- --- 533.96 $667.45 662492907566 FasNSeal Flex 200' Length 2FSFLEX-200 810012559 1 --- --- --- 1,688.60 $2,110.75 662492907269 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 2FSFLEXX-XX 810012526 1 --- --- --- 12.08 /ft $15.10/ft 841211000010 6" Vent Length FSVL603 810003091 8 3.4 0.4 --- 20.88 $26.10 841211000027 12" Vent Length FSVL1203 810003092 8 5.6 0.8 --- 27.70 $34.62 841211000034 18" Vent Length FSVL1803 810003093 8 8.0 1.2 --- 40.83 $51.04 841211000041 24" Vent Length FSVL2403 810003094 8 10.2 1.6 --- 51.81 $64.76 841211000058 36" Vent Length FSVL3603 810003095 4 7.4 1.1 --- 64.58 $80.72 841211000133 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3 810003097 8 8.0 1.2 --- 53.05 $66.31 841211008085 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3603 810003098 4 4.0 1.1 --- 67.81 $84.76 841211029455 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL03-2 810003099 --- --- --- --- 48.66 $60.83 662492220764 FasNSeal Flex 20' Length 3FSFLEX-20 810003100 1 10.0 9.3 --- 382.76 $478.45 662492363072 FasNSeal Flex 25' Length 3FSFLEX-25 810003101 1 12.5 9.3 --- 345.00 $431.25 662492405468 FasNSeal Flex 30' Length 3FSFLEX-30 810003102 1 15.0 13.0 --- 391.80 $489.75 662492140680 FasNSeal Flex 35' Length 3FSFLEX-35 810003103 1 17.5 13.0 --- 437.88 $547.35 662492117552 FasNSeal Flex 200' Length 3FSFLEX-200 810003104 1 100.0 61.3 --- 2,112.36 $2,640.45 662792127810 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 3FSFLEX-XX 810003105 1 0.5/ft --- --- 15.16/ft $18.95/ft 841211000072 90° Elbow FSELB9003 810003106 10 6.6 1.2 --- 73.43 $91.78 662492716960 88° Elbow FSELB8803 810003107 10 6.6 1.2 --- 73.43 $91.78 841211000065 45° Elbow FSELB4503 810003108 10 5.0 0.6 --- 62.51 $78.14 841211004032 30° Elbow FSELB3003 810003109 10 4.4 0.6 --- 57.88 $72.35 841211007798 15° Elbow FSELB1503 810003110 10 4.5 0.6 --- 57.88 $72.35 841211000089 Standard Tee FST3 810003111 10 6.4 1.3 --- 54.72 $68.40 2” FasNSeal 3” FasNSeal 145 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 3” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211008986 4" - 3" Branch Tee FST4B3 810003112 10 10.0 2.9 --- 78.68 $98.35 841211027109 5" - 3" Branch Tee FST5B3 810003113 8 10.0 2.9 --- 94.55 $118.19 841211000102 Tee Cap FSTC3 810003114 10 3.0 0.4 --- 28.43 $35.54 841211009259 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD3 810003115 10 7.4 1.3 --- 78.05 $97.56 841211000119 Drain Fitting FSDF3 810003116 10 3.0 0.4 --- 40.05 $50.06 662492800126 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF03 810003117 10 4.5 0.4 --- 69.98 $87.47 662492196144 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF03 810003118 --- --- --- --- 46.05 $57.57 841211000126 Horizontal Drip Tee FSHDT3 810003119 10 4.8 0.8 --- 55.43 $69.29 841211000096 Bird Sreen Termination FSBS3 810003120 8 2.0 0.4 --- 25.70 $32.13 841211000188 Termination Tee FSTT3 810003121 8 3.8 0.8 --- 56.81 $71.01 841211000409 Termination Box FSTB3 810003122 8 5.0 1.3 --- 56.72 $70.90 841211003295 Wall Thimble w/ Termination Damper FSWTT3 810003123 1 4.2 1.5 --- 171.19 $213.99 841211000157 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT3 810003124 2 6.8 2.2 --- 88.00 $110.00 841211000485 Wall Pass Through FSWPT3 810003125 3 6.9 1.3 --- 67.08 $83.85 841211006043 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE3 810003126 1 1.8 0.8 --- 19.34 $24.17 841211000164 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS3 810003127 6 10.0 0.8 --- 30.31 $37.89 841211000225 Support Clamp FSCL3 810003128 6 3.0 0.4 --- 21.27 $26.59 841211000270 Wall Bracket FSWB3 810003129 6 14.0 0.4 --- 97.31 $121.63 841211025792 Adjustable Wall Bracket FSAWB03 810003130 6 4.8 0.4 --- 44.11 $55.13 841211000195 Rain Cap FSRC3 810003131 10 6.8 1.9 --- 82.51 $103.14 841211006524 Storm Collar FSC3 810003132 6 3.5 0.4 --- 25.43 $31.79 841211006203 Roof Jack FSVRJ3 810003133 8 14.4 1.9 --- 56.37 $70.46 841211006319 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF3 810003134 4 7.4 2.9 --- 60.49 $75.61 841211000249 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ3 810005286 8 14.0 --- --- 56.37 $70.46 841211000171 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF3 810005257 6 3.0 --- --- 115.83 $144.78 841211001017 5" Diameter Roof Flashing FSAF5 810005259 6 --- --- --- 147.14 $183.93 841211009440 Test Port FSTP03 810003135 4 4.2 0.8 --- 67.62 $84.53 841211005824 3" x 4" Tapered Increaser FS0304TI 810003136 8 4.2 1.3 --- 99.32 $124.15 662492381939 3" x 4" Eccentric Increaser FS0304E1 810003137 --- --- --- --- 70.17 $87.71 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 146 FasNSeal | 3” - 4” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211001437 3" x 4" Stepped Increaser FS34I 810003138 8 4.6 0.6 --- 51.74 $64.67 662492908525 3" Flex Coupler FSAFLEXC-3 810012560 --- --- --- --- 55.00 $68.75 841211002038 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW3 810003139 8 4.6 0.6 --- 86.90 $108.63 662492259467 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-3 810003140 8 3.8 0.4 --- 78.05 $97.56 662492311981 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-3 810003141 8 3.8 0.4 --- 78.05 $97.56 841211000492 6" Vent Length FSVL604 810003142 8 4.4 0.6 --- 26.94 $33.67 841211000508 12" Vent Length FSVL1204 810003143 8 7.4 1.3 --- 32.58 $40.72 841211000515 18" Vent Length FSVL1804 810003144 8 10.0 1.9 --- 45.90 $57.38 841211000522 24" Vent Length FSVL2404 810003145 8 12.8 2.5 --- 56.37 $70.46 841211000539 36" Vent Length FSVL3604 810003146 4 9.8 2.0 --- 72.99 $91.23 841211000614 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL4 810003148 8 10.0 1.9 --- 56.37 $70.46 841211008078 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3604 810003149 4 5.0 1.8 --- 76.42 $95.52 662492165713 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL04-2 810003150 8 --- --- --- 67.15 $83.94 992492747179 FasNSeal Flex 20' Length 4FSFLEX-20 810003151 1 12.0 9.3 --- 506.08 $632.60 662492231296 FasNSeal Flex 25' Length 4FSFLEX-25 810003152 1 15.0 13.0 --- 619.95 $774.94 662492326756 FasNSeal Flex 30' Length 4FSFLEX-30 810003153 1 18.0 13.0 --- 734.79 $918.49 662492605936 FasNSeal Flex 35' Length 4FSFLEX-35 810003154 1 21.0 13.0 --- 865.20 $1,081.50 662492667521 FasNSeal Flex 200' Length 4FSFLEX-200 810003155 1 120.0 61.3 --- 4,686.11 $5,857.64 662492778272 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 4FSFLEX-XX 810003156 1 0.6/ft --- --- 31.14/ft $38.93/ft 841211000553 90° Elbow FSELB9004 810003157 10 9.0 1.9 --- 77.13 $96.41 841211029127 88° Elbow FSELB8804 810003158 10 9.0 1.9 --- 77.13 $96.41 841211000546 45° Elbow FSELB4504 810003159 10 6.6 1.3 --- 65.71 $82.14 841211004049 30° Elbow FSELB3004 810003160 10 5.7 1.3 --- 60.85 $76.06 841211007804 15° Elbow FSELB1504 810003161 10 5.7 1.3 --- 60.85 $76.06 841211000560 Standard Tee FST4 810003162 10 10.0 2.9 --- 58.47 $73.09 662492136669 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT4 810003163 --- --- --- --- 97.64 $122.05 841211025716 Boot Tee FSBT04 810003164 10 16.0 2.9 --- 117.16 $146.45 841211008498 5" - 4" Branch Tee FST05B04 810003165 6 8.6 2.9 --- 93.40 $116.75 841211008979 6" - 4" Branch Tee FST06B04 810003166 4 9.2 2.9 --- 121.63 $152.04 4” FasNSeal 147 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 4” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211027116 8" - 4" Branch Tee FST08B04 810003167 4 8.5 3.8 --- 168.88 $211.10 841211000584 Tee Cap FSTC4 810003168 10 3.8 0.6 --- 30.33 $37.92 841211007941 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD4 810003169 8 7.4 1.3 --- 85.19 $106.48 841211000591 Drain Fitting FSDF4 810003170 10 4.2 0.6 --- 44.58 $55.72 662492621387 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF04 810003171 10 5.6 0.6 --- 74.65 $93.31 841211028878 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF04 810003172 --- --- --- --- 51.26 $64.08 841211000607 Horizontal Drain Tee FSHDT4 810003173 10 6.6 0.4 --- 63.23 $79.04 841211000577 Bird Screen FSBS4 810003174 8 3.0 0.6 --- 28.23 $35.29 841211000669 Termination Tee FSTT4 810003175 10 7.6 1.9 --- 62.71 $78.39 841211000416 Termination Box FSTB4 810003176 8 6.6 1.3 --- 58.12 $72.65 841211015274 Wall Thimble w/ Termination Damper FSWTT4 810003177 1 5.4 1.5 --- 182.45 $228.07 841211000638 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT4 810003178 2 8.8 2.2 --- 101.89 $127.36 841211000843 Wall Pass Through FSWPT4 810003179 2 5.4 1.3 --- 73.81 $92.26 841211006050 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE4 810003180 1 2.0 0.8 --- 20.80 $26.00 841211000645 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS4 810003181 6 9.8 0.8 --- 30.31 $37.89 841211000683 Support Clamp FSCL4 810003182 6 3.6 0.4 --- 21.27 $26.59 841211000744 Wall Bracket FSWB4 810003183 6 17.4 0.8 --- 103.39 $129.24 841211025334 Adjustable Wall Bracket FSAWB04 810003184 6 5.2 0.4 --- 44.95 $56.18 841211000676 Rain Cap FSRC4 810003185 6 7.0 2.9 --- 88.24 $110.30 841211029264 Severe Weather Rain Cap FSSWRC04 810003186 6 7.0 2.9 --- 88.24 $110.30 841211027673 4" Diameter to 3" Termination Cone FSCN0403 810003187 --- --- --- --- 92.86 $116.07 841211006531 Storm Collar FSC4 810003188 6 4.5 0.6 --- 26.81 $33.52 841211006210 Roof Jack FSVRJ4 810003189 4 8.8 1.9 --- 58.76 $73.45 841211006326 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF4 810003190 2 7.2 2.4 --- 64.28 $80.34 841211000706 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ4 810005287 4 9.0 --- --- 58.75 $73.44 841211000652 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF4 810005258 1 3.4 --- --- 121.29 $151.62 841211005831 4" x 5" Tapered Increaser FS0405TI 810003191 8 5.3 1.5 --- 111.00 $138.75 662492584516 4" x 3" Tapered Reducer FS0403TR 810003192 8 4.2 1.3 --- 99.32 $124.15 841211029097 4" x 5" Eccentric Increaser FS0405EI 810003193 8 6.0 1.5 --- 107.77 $134.71 841211001413 4" x 3" Stepped Reducer FS43R 810003194 8 3.8 0.6 --- 51.74 $64.67 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 148 FasNSeal | 4” - 5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211001420 4" x 5" Stepped Increasaer FS45I 810003195 --- --- --- --- 65.43 $81.79 662492908532 4" Flex Coupler FSAFLEXC-4 810012561 --- --- --- --- 65.64 $82.05 841211008641 Test Port FSTP04 810003196 4 5.0 1.1 --- 77.01 $96.26 841211002199 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW4 810003197 6 5.0 0.6 --- 104.27 $130.34 662492211038 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-4 810003198 4 5.0 0.6 --- 85.19 $106.48 662492857892 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-4 810003199 4 5.0 0.6 --- 85.19 $106.48 841211000850 6" Vent Length FSVL605 810003200 3 2.0 0.4 --- 35.36 $44.19 841211000867 12" Vent Length FSVL1205 810003201 3 3.6 0.8 --- 37.60 $47.00 841211000874 18" Vent Length FSVL1805 810003202 3 5.0 1.2 --- 56.35 $70.43 841211000881 24" Vent Length FSVL2405 810003203 3 6.2 1.6 --- 66.10 $82.63 841211000898 36" Vent Length FSVL3605 810003204 2 6.4 2.2 --- 86.35 $107.94 841211000973 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL5 810003205 5 7.6 1.9 --- 58.75 $73.44 841211029363 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3605 810003206 4 12.8 2.2 --- 90.66 $113.32 871211029011 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL05-2 810003207 --- --- --- --- 82.72 $103.41 662492348482 FasNSeal Flex 20' Length 5FSFLEX-20 810003208 1 16.0 13.0 --- 640.39 $800.48 662492143773 FasNSeal Flex 25' Length 5FSFLEX-25 810003209 1 20.0 13.0 --- 789.29 $986.61 66249282097 FasNSeal Flex 30' Length 5FSFLEX-30 810003210 1 24.0 18.5 --- 953.77 $1,192.21 662492477915 FasNSeal Flex 35' Length 5FSFLEX-35 810003211 1 28.0 18.5 --- 1,101.70 $1,377.12 662492534168 FasNSeal Flex 125' Length 5FSFLEX-125 810003212 1 100.0 61.3 --- 3,814.10 $4,767.62 662492154427 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 5FSFLEX-XX 810003213 1 0.8/ft --- --- 38.93/ft $48.66/ft 841211000911 90° Elbow FSELB9005 810003214 8 9.4 2.9 --- 91.23 $114.04 841211028991 88° Elbow FSELB8805 810003215 8 6.4 2.9 --- 91.23 $114.04 841211000904 45° Elbow FSELB4505 810003216 8 7.4 1.9 --- 75.61 $94.52 841211004056 30° Elbow FSELB3005 810003217 6 4.7 1.3 --- 70.00 $87.50 841211007811 15° Elbow FSELB1505 810003218 6 4.7 1.3 --- 70.00 $87.50 841211000928 Standard Tee FST5 810003219 6 8.6 2.9 --- 65.60 $82.00 662492612866 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT5 810003220 --- --- --- --- 109.54 $136.92 841211025877 Boot Tee FSBT05 810003221 2 4.4 1.9 --- 131.44 $164.30 841211008276 6" - 5" Branch Tee FST6B5 810003222 4 13.0 2.9 --- 149.17 $186.46 5” FasNSeal 149 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 5” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211008504 8" - 5" Branch Tee FST08B05 810003223 4 10.0 3.8 --- 165.19 $206.48 841211000942 Tee Cap FSTC5 810003224 5 2.6 0.4 --- 30.99 $38.73 841211007958 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD5 810003225 8 10.4 2.4 --- 94.26 $117.82 841211000959 Drain Fitting FSDF5 810003226 5 3.0 0.4 --- 52.71 $65.88 662492895221 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF05 810003227 5 4.0 0.4 --- 82.78 $103.48 662492028885 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF05 810003228 4 --- --- --- 60.61 $75.77 841211000935 23° Bird Screen FSBS5 810003229 6 5.4 1.3 --- 43.71 $54.63 841211001024 Termination Tee FSTT5 810003230 6 6.6 1.9 --- 67.34 $84.18 662492450871 Wall Thimble w/ Termination Damper FSWTT5 810005425 1 --- --- --- 270.49 $338.11 841211000997 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT5 810003231 2 10.0 3.0 --- 143.44 $179.30 841211001147 Wall Pass Through FSWPT5 810003232 4 14.0 1.9 --- 88.04 $110.05 841211006067 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE5 810003233 1 2.2 0.8 --- 23.99 $29.99 841211001000 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS5 810003234 6 12.2 0.8 --- 30.31 $37.89 841211001048 Support Clamp FSCL5 810003235 6 4.2 0.4 --- 22.17 $27.72 841211001079 Wall Bracket FSWB5 810003236 6 21.2 1.3 --- 121.63 $152.04 841211001031 Rain Cap FSRC5 810003237 4 11.6 3.8 --- 119.20 $149.00 662492425978 5" Termination Cone FSCN0503 810003238 --- --- --- --- 125.72 $157.16 841211006548 Storm Collar FSC5 810003239 6 5.7 0.6 --- 26.81 $33.52 841211006227 Roof Jack FSVRJ5 810003240 4 11.3 2.5 --- 68.98 $86.22 841211001062 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ5 810005288 4 11 --- --- 68.95 $86.19 841211001017 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF5 810005259 6 4 --- --- 147.14 $183.93 841211006333 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF5 810003241 2 9.8 9.9 --- 69.72 $87.15 841211005909 5" x 4" Tapered Reducer FS0504TR 810003242 8 5.3 1.5 --- 111.00 $138.75 841211001086 5" x 4" Stepped Reducer FS54R 810003243 8 4.2 0.6 --- 59.29 $74.11 5" Flex Coupler FSAFLEXC-5 810012562 --- --- --- --- 72.40 $90.50 841211027680 5" x 4" Termination Cone FSCN0504 810003244 1 0.7 0.0 --- 99.90 $124.88 841211026478 Test Port FSTP05 810003245 4 6.3 0.8 --- 85.70 $107.12 841211002359 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW5 810003246 2 2.3 0.4 --- 106.95 $133.69 662492637098 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-5 810003247 8 5.8 1.2 --- 94.26 $117.82 662492390351 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-5 810003248 8 5.8 1.2 --- 94.26 $117.82 --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 150 FasNSeal | 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211015335 6" Vent Length FSVL606 810003255 1 1.6 0.4 --- 40.97 $51.21 841211015342 12" Vent Length FSVL1206 810003256 1 3.0 0.8 --- 45.10 $56.38 841211015359 18" Vent Length FSVL1806 810003257 1 3.6 1.2 --- 67.26 $84.08 841211015366 24" Vent Length FSVL2406 810003258 1 5.6 1.6 --- 77.71 $97.13 841211015373 36" Vent Length FSVL3606 810003259 1 4.0 1.1 --- 104.33 $130.42 841211015441 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL6 810003260 1 3.6 1.2 --- 70.06 $87.58 841211027222 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3606 810003261 1 4.0 1.1 --- 109.54 $136.93 841211028625 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL06-2 810003262 1 --- --- --- 87.59 $109.49 662492555675 FasNSeal Flex 20' Length 6FSFLEX-20 810003263 1 20.0 15.70 --- 747.44 $934.30 662492882641 FasNSeal Flex 25' Length 6FSFLEX-25 810003264 1 25.0 15.70 --- 916.78 $1,145.98 662492867969 FasNSeal Flex 30' Length 6FSFLEX-30 810003265 1 30.0 22.40 --- 1,088.07 $1,360.09 662492277416 FasNSeal Flex 35' Length 6FSFLEX-35 810003266 1 35.0 22.40 --- 1,255.47 $1,569.34 662492153840 FasNSeal Flex 100' Length 6FSFLEX-100 810003267 1 100.0 61.30 --- 3,497.80 $4,372.25 662492561010 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 6FSFLEX-XX 810003268 1 1.0/ft --- --- 46.72/ft $58.39/ft 841211015397 90° Elbow FSELB9006 810003269 1 6.2 1.9 --- 121.21 $151.52 841211028618 88° Elbow FSELB8806 810003270 1 6.2 1.9 --- 121.21 $151.52 841211015380 45° Elbow FSELB4506 810003271 1 4.6 1.6 --- 95.68 $119.60 841211004063 30° Elbow FSELB3006 810003272 1 4.0 1.3 --- 88.59 $110.74 841211007828 15° Elbow FSELB1506 810003273 1 4.0 1.3 --- 88.59 $110.74 841211015403 Standard Tee FST6 810003274 1 8.0 2.9 --- 89.59 $111.99 662492749227 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT6 810003275 1 --- --- --- 156.60 $195.75 841211009358 Boot Tee FSBT06 810003276 1 5.0 2.9 --- 156.61 $195.76 662492812792 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE06 810005506 1 3.0 --- --- 222.18 $277.73 --- 6 to 8" Increasing Wye FSWYE0608 810012530 1 --- --- --- 336.40 $420.50 --- 6 to 10" Increasing Wye FSWYE0610 810012531 1 --- --- --- 363.56 $454.45 --- 6 to 12" Increasing Wye FSWYE0612 810012556 1 --- --- --- 470.76 $588.45 841211015427 Tee Cap FSTC6 810003277 1 4.0 0.8 --- 37.88 $47.36 841211007965 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD6 810003278 1 3.4 0.6 --- 106.96 $133.70 6” FasNSeal 151 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” - 7” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211028595 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF06 810003279 1 6.0 1.2 --- 95.83 $119.78 841211028908 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF06 810003280 1 --- --- --- 74.27 $92.84 841211015410 23° Bird Screen FSBS6 810003281 1 6.4 1.9 --- 57.21 $71.52 841211015496 Termination Tee FSTT6 810003282 1 5.0 1.9 --- 78.57 $98.21 662492336090 Wall Thimble w/Termination Damper FSWTT6 810003283 1 --- --- --- 199.68 $249.60 841211015465 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT6 810003284 1 12.0 3.8 --- 195.04 $243.80 841211015656 Wall Pass Through FSWPT6 810003285 1 16.0 2.9 --- 98.67 $123.34 841211006074 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE6 810003286 1 2.4 0.8 --- 28.25 $35.32 841211015472 Firestop/Flat Flashing FSFS6 810003287 1 12.0 0.8 --- 33.40 $41.75 841211015519 5x2 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap FSCL6 810003288 1 4.8 0.4 --- 24.23 $30.29 841211015557 Wall Bracket FSWB6 810003289 1 24.6 1.3 --- 126.36 $157.95 841211008747 6" Termination Cone FSCN0604 810003290 1 --- --- --- 133.90 $167.38 841211027307 6"x5" Termination Cone FSCN0605 810003291 1 --- --- --- 114.19 $142.73 841211015502 Rain Cap FSRC6 810003292 1 6.2 2.6 --- 130.08 $162.60 841211006555 Storm Collar FSC6 810003293 1 6.6 0.6 --- 27.86 $34.82 841211006234 Roof Jack FSVRJ6 810003294 1 7.0 1.9 --- 79.93 $99.92 841211015533 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ6 810005289 1 6.0 --- --- 79.92 $99.90 841211015489 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF6 810005260 1 4.0 --- --- 196.12 $245.14 841211006340 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF6 810003295 1 10.6 9.9 --- 95.33 $119.16 841211015489 6" Diameter Roof Flashing FSAF6 810005260 1 --- --- --- 196.12 $245.14 841211028960 6" to 8" Eccentric Increaser FS0608EI 810003296 1 --- --- --- 167.99 $209.98 6" Flex Coupler FSAFLEXC-6 810012563 --- --- --- --- 84.40 $105.50 841211009624 Test Port FSTP06 810003297 1 7.4 1.1 --- 99.61 $124.51 841211002519 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW6 810003298 1 2.6 0.4 --- 113.88 $142.35 841211001352 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-6 810003299 1 2.0 0.4 --- 106.96 $133.70 662492358191 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-6 810003300 2 2.0 0.4 --- 106.96 $133.70 662492900017 SW Fixed Blade Damper FSFBD06 810009495 1 --- --- --- 507.81 $634.76 841211015816 6" Vent Length FSVL607 810003301 1 2.2 0.4 --- 49.66 $62.08 841211015823 12" Vent Length FSVL1207 810003302 1 3.2 0.8 --- 55.04 $68.80 --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 7” FasNSeal 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 152 FasNSeal | 7” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211015830 18" Vent Length FSVL1807 810003303 1 4.8 1.2 --- 83.52 $104.39 841211015847 24" Vent Length FSVL2407 810003304 1 6.0 1.6 --- 95.34 $119.17 841211015854 36" Vent Length FSVL3607 810003305 1 4.4 1.1 --- 130.73 $163.41 841211015922 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL7 810003306 1 4.8 1.2 --- 83.34 $104.18 841211027239 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3607 810003307 1 4.4 1.1 --- 134.82 $168.52 --- 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL07-2 810003308 1 --- --- --- 100.24 $125.30 662492654491 FasNSeal Flex 20' Length 7FSFLEX-20 810003309 1 24.0 31.40 --- 882.72 $1,103.40 662492189764 FasNSeal Flex 25' Length 7FSFLEX-25 810003310 1 30.0 31.40 --- 1,079.31 $1,349.14 662492528518 FasNSeal Flex 30' Length 7FSFLEX-30 810003311 1 36.0 39.20 --- 1,263.26 $1,579.07 662492854549 FasNSeal Flex 35' Length 7FSFLEX-35 810003312 1 42.0 39.20 --- 1,459.85 $1,824.81 662192800980 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 7FSFLEX-XX 810003314 1 1.2/ft --- --- 54.50/ft $68.13/ft 841211015878 90° Elbow FSELB9007 810003315 1 8.2 2.9 --- 150.46 $188.07 841211028281 88° Elbow FSELB8807 810003316 1 8.2 2.9 --- 150.46 $188.07 841211015861 45° Elbow FSELB4507 810003317 1 5.6 2.5 --- 114.39 $142.99 841211004070 30° Elbow FSELB3007 810003318 1 3.0 1.3 --- 105.92 $132.40 841211007835 15° Elbow FSELB1507 810003319 1 3.0 1.3 --- 105.92 $132.40 841211015885 Standard Tee FST7 810003320 1 9.2 3.8 --- 109.82 $137.28 662492267882 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT7 810003321 1 --- --- --- 183.39 $229.24 841211009860 Boot Tee FSBT7 810003322 1 2.6 1.9 --- 220.07 $275.08 662492311349 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE07 810007017 1 3.0 --- --- 249.80 $312.25 841211015908 Tee Cap FSTC7 810003323 1 4.6 1.3 --- 42.23 $52.79 841211007972 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD7 810003324 1 4.3 1.3 --- 127.34 $159.18 841211028588 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF07 810003325 1 6.4 1.2 --- 107.87 $134.84 841211029653 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF07 810003326 1 --- --- --- 88.13 $110.17 841211015892 23° Bird Screen FSBS7 810003327 1 8.0 1.9 --- 65.29 $81.61 841211015946 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT7 810003328 1 13.4 3.5 --- 235.90 $294.87 841211016066 Wall Pass Through FSWPT7 810003329 1 9.4 1.2 --- 116.97 $146.22 841211006081 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE7 810003330 1 2.6 0.8 --- 34.74 $43.42 841211015953 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS7 810003331 1 15.8 1.3 --- 36.71 $45.88 153 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 7” - 8” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211015991 Support Clamp FSCL7 810003332 1 5.4 0.4 --- 26.64 $33.29 841211016035 Wall Bracket FSWB7 810003333 1 30.0 1.9 --- 145.82 $182.27 841211015984 Rain Cap FSRC7 810003334 1 8.2 3.8 --- 149.81 $187.26 841211009587 7"x6" Termination Cone FSCN0706 810003335 1 --- --- --- 121.74 $152.17 841211006562 Storm Collar FSC7 810003336 1 7.0 1.1 --- 32.43 $40.54 841211006241 Roof Jack FSVRJ7 810003337 1 8.0 2.9 --- 89.65 $112.06 841211016011 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ7 810007023 1 8.0 --- --- 77.99 $97.49 841211015960 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF7 810005261 1 4.0 --- --- 223.74 $279.67 841211006357 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF7 810003338 1 11.4 9.9 --- 116.30 $145.37 7" Flex Coupler FSAFLEXC-7 810012817 --- --- --- --- 91.00 $113.75 841211024511 Test Port FSTP07 810003339 1 8.2 1.9 --- 115.01 $143.76 841211002700 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW7 810003340 1 3.0 0.6 --- 116.67 $145.84 662492797372 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-7 810003341 1 8.8 1.9 --- 127.34 $159.17 662492446263 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-7 810003342 1 8.8 1.9 --- 127.34 $159.17 841211016097 6" Vent Length FSVL608 810003343 1 2.4 0.6 --- 53.71 $67.14 841211016103 12" Vent Length FSVL1208 810003344 1 4.4 1.3 --- 65.19 $81.49 841211016110 18" Vent Length FSVL1808 810003345 1 6.2 1.9 --- 98.33 $122.91 841211016127 24" Vent Length FSVL2408 810003346 1 8.2 2.5 --- 108.07 $135.09 841211016134 36" Vent Length FSVL3608 810003347 1 6.4 2.2 --- 155.44 $194.30 841211016202 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL8 810003348 1 6.2 1.9 --- 93.66 $117.08 841211027246 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3608 810003349 1 6.4 2.2 --- 160.29 $200.36 841211029318 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL08-2 810003350 1 --- --- --- 120.00 $150.00 662492838242 FasNSeal Flex 20' Length 8FSFLEX-20 810003351 1 28.0 31.40 --- 1,001.46 $1,251.82 662492628492 FasNSeal Flex 25' Length 8FSFLEX-25 810003352 1 35.0 31.40 --- 1,216.54 $1,520.68 662492218723 FasNSeal Flex 30' Length 8FSFLEX-30 810003353 1 42.0 39.20 --- 1,427.73 $1,784.66 662492876398 FasNSeal Flex 35' Length 8FSFLEX-35 810003354 1 49.0 39.20 --- 1,650.60 $2,063.25 662492301128 FasNSeal Flex 50' Length 8FSFLEX-50 810003355 1 140.0 --- --- 2,348.41 $2,935.51 662492487167 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 8FSFLEX-XX 810003356 1 1.4/ft --- --- 62.29/ft $77.86/ft --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 8” FasNSeal 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 154 FasNSeal | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211016158 90° Elbow FSELB9008 810003357 1 6.0 1.9 --- 165.25 $206.56 662492315774 88° Elbow FSELB8808 810003358 1 6.0 1.9 --- 165.25 $206.56 841211016141 45° Elbow FSELB4508 810003359 1 8.2 2.5 --- 129.58 $161.98 841211004087 30° Elbow FSELB3008 810003360 1 3.8 1.3 --- 119.98 $149.98 841211007842 15° Elbow FSELB1508 810003361 1 3.8 1.3 --- 119.98 $149.98 841211016165 Standard Tee FST8 810003362 1 13.0 3.8 --- 138.38 $172.98 662492149027 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT8 810003363 1 --- --- --- 231.11 $288.88 841211009648 Boot Tee FSBT08 810003364 1 5.8 3.8 --- 277.33 $346.66 662492772560 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE08 810005507 1 3.0 --- --- 284.17 $355.21 --- 8 to 10" Increasing Wye FSWYE0810 810012532 1 --- --- --- 451.96 $564.95 --- 8 to 12" Increasing Wye FSWYE0812 810012533 1 --- --- --- 487.88 $609.85 --- 8 to 14" Increasing Wye FSWYE0814 810012557 1 --- --- --- 546.92 $683.65 841211016189 Tee Cap FSTC8 810003365 1 6.0 1.3 --- 49.36 $61.70 841211007989 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD8 810003366 1 5.0 1.3 --- 149.39 $186.74 841211025433 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF08 810003367 1 7.2 1.3 --- 110.71 $138.38 841211028892 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF08 810003368 1 --- --- --- 91.39 $114.24 841211016172 23° Bird Screen FSBS8 810003369 1 10.0 2.9 --- 78.84 $98.55 662492229583 Wall Thimble w/ Termination Damper FSWTT8 810003370 1 --- --- --- 255.27 $319.09 841211016226 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT8 810003371 1 11.2 3.5 --- 263.37 $329.22 841211016363 Wall Pass Through FSWPT8 810003372 1 10.7 1.9 --- 123.66 $154.57 841211006098 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE8 810003373 1 3.2 0.8 --- 39.11 $48.89 841211016233 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS8 810003374 1 15.6 1.9 --- 40.76 $50.95 841211016264 Support Clamp FSCL8 810003375 1 5.8 0.6 --- 30.66 $38.32 841211016295 Wall Bracket FSWB8 810003376 1 33.2 2.9 --- 159.71 $199.63 841211016257 Rain Cap FSRC8 810003377 1 6.6 2.4 --- 165.88 $207.35 841211016370 8" Termination Cone FSCN0806 810003378 1 --- --- --- 171.07 $213.84 841211025365 8" x 5" Termination Cone FSCN0805 810003379 1 --- --- --- 178.40 $223.00 841211025358 8" x 7" Termination Cone FSCN0807 810003380 1 --- --- --- 144.05 $180.06 841211006579 Storm Collar FSC8 810003381 1 7.2 1.3 --- 32.43 $40.54 155 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 8” - 9” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211006258 Roof Jack FSVRJ8 810003382 1 11.4 2.5 --- 92.69 $115.86 841211016394 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ8 810005434 1 9.0 --- --- 85.54 $106.93 841211016240 8" Diameter Roof Flashing FSAF8 810005262 1 --- --- --- 242.39 $302.99 841211006364 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF8 810003383 1 11.8 7.0 --- 127.83 $159.79 662492909713 8" Flex Coupler FDAFLEXC-8 810012564 --- --- --- --- 96.76 $120.95 841211024498 Test Port FSTP08 810003384 1 9.4 1.9 --- 142.59 $178.24 841211002878 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW8 810003385 1 3.2 0.6 --- 122.19 $152.74 662492607954 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-8 810003386 1 2.4 0.6 --- 149.39 $186.74 662492451083 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-8 810003387 1 2.4 0.6 --- 149.39 $186.74 662492900024 SW Fixed Blade Damper FSFBD08 810009497 1 --- --- --- 598.62 $748.28 841211016417 6" Vent Length FSVL609 810003388 1 3.0 0.6 --- 56.21 $70.27 841211016424 12" Vent Length FSVL1209 810003389 1 4.6 1.3 --- 89.43 $111.79 841211016431 18" Vent Length FSVL1809 810003390 1 7.0 1.9 --- 118.68 $148.35 841211016448 24" Vent Length FSVL2409 810003391 1 8.8 2.5 --- 150.82 $188.52 841211016455 36" Vent Length FSVL3609 810003392 1 7.2 2.2 --- 211.51 $264.39 841211016523 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL9 810003393 1 7.0 1.9 --- 118.58 $148.23 841211027253 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3609 810003394 1 7.2 0.0 --- 218.12 $272.65 841211029493 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL09-2 810003395 1 --- --- --- 138.20 $172.75 662492492963 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 9FSFLEX-XX 810003396 1 1.5/ft --- --- 70.07 /ft $87.59/ft 841211016479 90° Elbow FSELB9009 810003397 1 7.0 2.9 --- 181.07 $226.34 --- 88° Elbow FSELB8809 810003398 1 7.0 2.9 --- 181.07 $226.34 841211016462 45° Elbow FSELB4509 810003399 1 5.0 1.9 --- 137.65 $172.06 841211004094 30° Elbow FSELB3009 810003400 1 4.1 1.3 --- 127.46 $159.33 841211007859 15° Elbow FSELB1509 810003401 1 4.1 1.9 --- 127.46 $159.33 841211016486 Standard Tee FST9 810003402 1 8.5 3.8 --- 166.67 $208.34 662492777176 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT9 810003403 1 --- --- --- 278.32 $347.90 841211009884 Boot Tee FSBT09 810003404 1 6.5 1.9 --- 333.98 $417.48 662492462256 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE09 810005508 1 3.0 --- --- 431.14 $538.92 9” FasNSeal 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 156 FasNSeal | 9” - 10” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 9 to 14" Increasing Wye FSWYE0914 810012585 1 --- --- --- 558.84 $698.55 841211016509 Tee Cap FSTC9 810003405 1 2.6 0.6 --- 62.55 $78.19 841211007996 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD9 810003406 1 6.0 1.3 --- 159.85 $199.81 841211031229 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF09 810003407 1 8.1 2.0 --- 115.80 $144.75 662492782484 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF09 810003408 1 --- --- --- 97.24 $121.55 841211016493 23° Bird Screen FSBS9 810003409 1 14.0 5.8 --- 83.76 $104.70 841211016547 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT9 810003410 1 12.0 3.5 --- 287.60 $359.50 841211016677 Wall Pass Through FSWPT9 810003411 1 16.6 1.9 --- 126.67 $158.34 841211006104 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE9 810003412 1 3.6 1.1 --- 42.17 $52.72 841211016554 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS9 810003413 1 18.0 5.2 --- 44.98 $56.23 841211016592 Support Clamp FSCL9 810003414 1 6.4 0.4 --- 36.15 $45.19 841211016639 Wall Bracket FSWB9 810003415 1 37.0 2.9 --- 169.43 $211.78 841211016585 Rain Cap FSRC9 810003416 1 8.1 5.2 --- 185.88 $232.35 662492472231 9" Termination Cone FSCN0907 810003417 1 --- --- --- 183.46 $229.33 841211027697 9" x 8" Termination Cone FSCN0908 810003418 1 --- --- --- 160.11 $200.13 841211006586 Storm Collar FSC9 810003419 1 7.4 0.8 --- 42.16 $52.70 841211006265 Roof Jack FSVRJ9 810003420 1 12.8 2.3 --- 94.84 $118.55 841211016615 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ9 810005290 1 10.0 --- --- 89.95 $112.43 841211016561 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF9 810005263 1 5.0 --- --- 260.01 $325.01 841211006371 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF9 810003421 1 12.6 9.9 --- 135.51 $169.39 662492908815 9" Flex Coupler FSAFLEXC-9 810012565 --- --- --- --- 103.80 $129.75 841211026485 Test Port FSTP09 810003422 1 13.0 2.5 --- 148.47 $185.58 841211003028 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW9 810003423 1 7.2 1.3 --- 133.33 $166.66 662492318065 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-9 810003424 1 2.8 0.6 --- 159.85 $199.81 662492687116 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-9 810003425 1 2.8 0.6 --- 159.85 $199.81 662492904510 9" Diameter to 16" Eccentric Increaser FS0916EI 810012512 1 --- --- --- 426.73 $533.41 841211016707 6" Vent Length FSVL610 810003426 1 3.2 1.1 --- 61.76 $77.20 841211016714 12" Vent Length FSVL1210 810003427 1 3.0 1.1 --- 93.21 $116.52 841211016721 18" Vent Length FSVL1810 810003428 1 4.2 1.2 --- 121.10 $151.37 --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 10” FasNSeal 157 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 10” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211016738 24" Vent Length FSVL2410 810003429 1 5.4 1.5 --- 152.97 $191.21 841211016745 36" Vent Length FSVL3610 810003430 1 7.6 2.2 --- 244.06 $305.08 841211016813 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL10 810003431 1 4.2 1.2 --- 122.21 $152.77 841211027260 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3610 810003432 1 7.6 2.2 --- 251.68 $314.61 841211028540 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL10-2 810003433 1 --- --- --- 318.14 $397.67 662492754047 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 10FSFLEX-XX 810003434 1 1.7/ft --- --- 77.86/ft $97.32/ft 841211016769 90° Elbow FSELB9010 810003435 1 4.6 1.9 --- 184.35 $230.44 841211028328 88° Elbow FSELB8810 810003436 1 4.6 1.9 --- 184.35 $230.44 841211016752 45° Elbow FSELB4510 810003437 1 6.6 2.9 --- 138.22 $172.78 841211004100 30° Elbow FSELB3010 810003438 1 4.4 1.3 --- 144.66 $180.83 841211007866 15° Elbow FSELB1510 810003439 1 4.4 1.3 --- 144.66 $180.83 841211016776 Standard Tee FST10 810003440 1 10.0 3.8 --- 200.81 $251.01 662192762745 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT10 810003441 1 --- --- --- 335.34 $419.18 841211009006 Boot Tee FSBT10 810003442 1 7.2 3.5 --- 402.41 $503.01 662492693612 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE10 810005509 1 3.0 --- --- 468.57 $585.71 --- 10 to 12" Increasing Wye FSWYE1012 810010236 1 --- --- --- 513.88 $642.35 --- 10 to 14" Increasing Wye FSWYE1014 810012534 1 --- --- --- 568.76 $710.95 --- 10 to 16" Increasing Wye FSWYE1016 810010311 1 --- --- --- 685.48 $856.85 841211016790 Tee Cap FSTC10 810003443 1 7.8 1.9 --- 75.57 $94.46 841211008009 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD10 810003444 1 3.1 0.8 --- 171.26 $214.08 841211025426 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF10 810003445 1 9.0 1.9 --- 122.29 $152.86 841211028983 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF10 810003446 1 --- --- --- 104.71 $130.88 841211016783 23° Bird Screen FSBS10 810003447 1 6.0 2.9 --- 97.54 $121.93 841211016837 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT10 810003448 1 13.0 3.8 --- 311.56 $389.45 841211016981 Wall Pass Through FSWPT10 810003449 1 18.0 1.9 --- 136.24 $170.30 841211006111 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE10 810003450 1 4.2 1.9 --- 45.96 $57.45 841211016844 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS10 810003451 1 18.2 1.5 --- 49.15 $61.44 841211016882 Support Clamp FSCL10 810003452 1 7.0 0.6 --- 36.15 $45.19 841211016936 Wall Bracket FSWB10 810003453 1 6.8 0.8 --- 180.54 $225.67 662492908570 Rain Cap FSRC10 810012600 1 9.5 5.2 --- 375.80 $469.75 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 158 FasNSeal | 10” - 12” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211016998 10" Termination Cone FSCN1008 810003455 1 --- --- --- 199.68 $249.60 841211026997 10" x 5" Termination Cone FSCN1005 810003456 1 --- --- --- 266.87 $333.59 841211026522 10" x 6" Termination Cone FSCN1006 810003457 1 --- --- --- 252.73 $315.91 841211027000 10" x7" Termination Cone FSCN1007 810003458 1 --- --- --- 234.57 $293.21 841211024214 10" x 9" Termination Cone FSCN1009 810003459 1 --- --- --- 168.95 $211.19 841211006593 Storm Collar FSC10 810003460 1 7.6 1.9 --- 48.90 $61.12 841211006272 Roof Jack FSVRJ10 810003461 1 14.2 3.0 --- 99.63 $124.54 841211016905 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ10 810005291 1 6.2 --- --- 95.95 $119.94 841211016851 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF10 810005264 1 5.4 --- --- 278.51 $348.14 841211006388 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF10 810003462 1 13.0 7.0 --- 163.33 $204.16 662492909775 10" Flex Coupler FSAFLEXC-10 810012566 --- --- --- --- 109.32 $136.65 841211023996 Test Port FSTP10 810003463 1 3.6 0.8 --- 168.06 $210.07 841211003189 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW10 810003464 1 6.0 1.1 --- 137.50 $171.88 662492814192 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-10 810003465 1 3.4 1.1 --- 171.26 $214.08 662492168189 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-10 810003466 1 3.4 1.1 --- 171.26 $214.08 662492900031 SW Fixed Blade Damper FSFBD10 810009499 1 --- --- --- 681.41 $851.76 662492908280 10" Diameter To 10" PVC Eccentric Increaser FS1010PVCEI 810012863 --- --- --- --- 143.72 $179.65 841211017018 6" Vent Length FSVL612 810003467 1 3.6 1.1 --- 67.25 $84.06 841211017025 12" Vent Length FSVL1212 810003468 1 3.6 1.1 --- 110.82 $138.52 841211017032 18" Vent Length FSVL1812 810003469 1 5.4 2.3 --- 139.07 $173.84 841211017049 24" Vent Length FSVL2412 810003470 1 6.6 2.3 --- 176.07 $220.09 841211017056 36" Vent Length FSVL3612 810003471 1 10.4 3.6 --- 250.84 $313.55 841211017124 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL12 810003472 1 5.4 2.3 --- 132.22 $165.27 841211028571 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3612 810003473 1 10.4 3.0 --- 258.68 $323.35 841211029530 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL12-2 810003474 1 --- --- --- 161.85 $202.31 662492670330 FasNSeal Flex Custom Length 12FSFLEX-XX 810003475 1 2.0/ft --- --- 93.43 $116.79 841211017070 90° Elbow FSELB9012 810003476 1 5.6 2.8 --- 215.54 $269.42 841211028373 88° Elbow FSELB8812 810003477 1 5.6 2.8 --- 215.54 $269.43 12” FasNSeal 159 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 12” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211017063 45° Elbow FSELB4512 810003478 1 4.0 1.9 --- 174.81 $218.51 841211004117 30° Elbow FSELB3012 810003479 1 3.6 1.9 --- 161.85 $202.31 841211007873 15° Elbow FSELB1512 810003480 1 3.6 1.9 --- 161.85 $202.31 841211017087 Standard Tee FST12 810003481 1 5.8 2.9 --- 227.02 $283.77 662492455944 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT12 810003482 1 --- --- --- 379.11 $473.89 841211009310 Boot Tee FSBT12 810003483 1 9.6 5.2 --- 454.94 $568.67 662492424568 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE12 810005510 1 3.0 --- --- 545.84 $682.30 12 to 14" Increasing Wye FSWYE1214 810010055 1 --- --- --- 657.56 $821.95 841211017100 Tee Cap FSTC12 810003484 1 3.0 0.8 --- 90.62 $113.28 841211008016 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD12 810003485 1 4.8 1.9 --- 190.93 $238.67 841211025419 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF12 810003486 1 3.6 0.8 --- 129.17 $161.46 66249359389 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF12 810003487 1 --- --- --- 112.62 $140.77 841211017094 23° Bird Screen FSBS12 810003488 1 3.6 1.9 --- 124.50 $155.62 841211017148 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT12 810003489 1 14.0 6.8 --- 374.02 $467.52 841211017278 Wall Pass Through FSWPT12 810003490 1 9.6 1.9 --- 174.92 $218.64 841211006128 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE12 810003491 1 4.6 1.9 --- 52.92 $66.15 841211017155 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS12 810003492 1 20.2 1.5 --- 55.51 $69.39 841211017193 Support Clamp FSCL12 810003493 1 8.0 0.6 --- 55.46 $69.32 841211017230 Wall Bracket FSWB12 810003494 1 8.8 1.9 --- 222.20 $277.74 662492908945 Rain Cap FSRC12 810009873 1 17.0 9.9 --- 424.60 $530.75 662492750650 Termination Cone FSCN1210 810003496 1 --- --- --- 232.28 $290.35 841211008627 12"x5" termination Cone FSCN1205 810003497 1 --- --- --- 356.67 $445.84 662492399750 12"x6" Termination Cone FSCN1206 810003498 1 --- --- --- 341.01 $426.26 841211025273 12' x 7" Termination Cone FSCN1207 810003499 1 --- --- --- 326.80 $408.50 841211027703 12"x11" Termination Cone FSCN1211 810003500 1 --- --- --- 232.28 $290.36 841211006609 Storm Collar FSC12 810003501 1 6.8 0.8 --- 54.56 $68.20 841211006289 Roof Jack FSVRJ12 810003502 1 7.0 2.9 --- 119.83 $149.79 841211017216 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ12 810005292 1 6.5 --- --- 119.81 $149.76 841211017186 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF12 810005269 1 6.6 --- --- 334.30 $417.88 --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 160 FasNSeal | 12” - 14” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211006395 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF12 810003503 1 9.2 9.9 --- 173.93 $217.41 841211026492 Test Port FSTP12 810003504 1 6.0 1.1 --- 173.74 $217.18 662492908495 12" Diameter Aerco MLX EXT 2295-3060 FSA-12MLXEXT 810012860 --- --- --- --- 191.32 $239.15 841211003370 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW12 810003505 1 8.4 1.9 --- 158.33 $197.91 662492776995 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Male Adapter FSASMM-12 810003506 1 2.4 1.1 --- 190.93 $238.67 662492468142 FasNSeal Flexible Vent Female Adapter FSASMF-12 810003507 1 2.4 1.1 --- 190.93 $238.67 662492900048 SW Fixed Blade Damper FSFBD12 810009500 1 --- --- --- 779.25 $974.06 841211017308 6" Vent Length FSVL614 810003508 1 4.8 1.9 --- 84.03 $105.04 841211017315 12" Vent Length FSVL1214 810003509 1 9.6 3.8 --- 119.60 $149.50 841211017322 18" Vent Length FSVL1814 810003510 1 7.2 2.9 --- 164.93 $206.17 841211017339 24" Vent Length FSVL2414 810003511 1 9.6 3.8 --- 192.44 $240.55 841211017346 36" Vent Length FSVL3614 810003512 1 13.8 5.8 --- 283.32 $354.15 841211017414 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL14 810003513 1 7.2 2.9 --- 156.32 $195.40 841211027284 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3614 810003514 1 13.8 5.8 --- 292.15 $365.19 841211029325 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL14-2 810003515 1 --- --- --- 213.74 $267.18 841211017360 90° Elbow FSELB9014 810003516 1 8.4 2.9 --- 229.74 $287.17 662492461037 88° Elbow FSELB8814 810003517 1 8.4 2.9 --- 229.74 $287.18 841211017353 45° Elbow FSELB4514 810003518 1 6.0 2.9 --- 201.93 $252.42 841211004124 30° Elbow FSELB3014 810003519 1 4.4 1.9 --- 186.98 $233.72 841211007880 15° Elbow FSELB1514 810003520 1 4.4 1.9 --- 186.98 $233.72 841211017377 Standard Tee FST14 810003521 1 9.8 3.8 --- 322.58 $403.23 662492572641 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT14 810003522 1 --- --- --- 538.71 $673.39 841211009662 Boot Tee FSBT14 810003523 1 13.8 9.9 --- 646.45 $808.06 662492450871 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE14 810007018 1 3.0 --- --- 737.90 $922.38 14" to 20" Diameter Increasing Wye FSWYE1420 810013216 --- --- --- --- 974.46 $1,218.08 841211017391 Tee Cap FSTC14 810003524 1 3.6 1.3 --- 105.36 $131.70 841211008023 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD14 810003525 1 6.2 1.9 --- 232.07 $290.09 662492534281 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF14 810003526 1 4.0 1.3 --- 143.08 $178.85 14” FasNSeal --- 161 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 14” - 16” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492359389 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF14 810003527 1 --- --- --- 128.62 $160.78 841211017384 23° Bird Screen FSBS14 810003528 1 5.0 1.9 --- 174.66 $218.33 841211017438 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT14 810003529 1 18.2 5.2 --- 473.32 $591.65 841211017544 Wall Pass Through FSWPT14 810003530 1 12.8 2.9 --- 265.02 $331.28 841211006135 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE14 810003531 1 10.0 1.9 --- 59.95 $74.94 841211017452 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS14 810003532 1 22.6 1.6 --- 63.77 $79.71 841211017483 Support Clamp FSCL14 810003533 1 8.4 0.6 --- 62.82 $78.52 841211017513 Wall Bracket FSWB14 810003534 1 10.0 1.9 --- 243.02 $303.78 662492909072 Rain Cap FSRC14 810009874 --- --- --- --- 679.00 $848.75 841211017551 Termination Cone FSCN1412 810003535 1 --- --- --- 374.95 $468.68 841211027666 14" x 8" Termination Cone FSCN1408 810003536 1 --- --- --- 529.03 $661.28 841211027710 14" x 13" Termination Cone FSCN1413 810003537 1 --- --- --- 374.95 $468.68 841211006616 Storm Collar FSC14 810003538 1 7.4 0.8 --- 62.31 $77.89 841211006296 Roof Jack FSVRJ14 810003539 1 10.3 3.5 --- 131.76 $164.70 841211017506 Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ14 810005293 1 7.4 --- --- 131.77 $164.71 841211017476 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF14 810005270 1 7.4 --- --- 389.92 $487.40 841211006401 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF14 810003540 1 10.0 9.9 --- 193.27 $241.59 841211026508 Test Port FSTP14 810003541 1 7.0 1.9 --- 232.59 $290.74 841211003523 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW14 810003542 1 4.5 1.2 --- 179.16 $223.94 662492900055 SW Fixed Blade Damper FSFBD14 810009501 1 --- --- --- 892.90 $1,116.12 841211017575 6" Vent Length FSVL616 810003543 1 6.8 1.9 --- 100.66 $125.83 841211017582 12" Vent Length FSVL1216 810003544 1 6.0 1.9 --- 125.78 $157.22 841211017599 18" Vent Length FSVL1816 810003545 1 8.2 2.9 --- 181.39 $226.74 841211017605 24" Vent Length FSVL2416 810003546 1 10.8 3.8 --- 209.54 $261.93 841211017612 36" Vent Length FSVL3616 810003547 1 15.8 5.8 --- 316.90 $396.12 841211017681 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL16 810003548 1 8.2 2.9 --- 182.50 $228.13 841211027291 36" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL3616 810003549 1 15.8 5.8 --- 326.78 $408.48 841211029547 2° Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL16-2 810003550 1 --- --- --- 257.91 $322.38 16” FasNSeal 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 162 FasNSeal | 16” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211017636 90° Elbow FSELB9016 810003551 1 10.4 3.8 --- 406.35 $507.94 662492661024 88° Elbow FSELB8816 810003552 1 10.4 3.8 --- 406.35 $507.94 841211017629 45° Elbow FSELB4516 810003553 1 6.8 3.8 --- 289.23 $361.54 841211004131 30° Elbow FSELB3016 810003554 1 5.0 1.9 --- 267.80 $334.75 841211007897 15° Elbow FSELB1516 810003555 1 5.0 1.9 --- 267.80 $334.75 841211017643 Standard Tee FST16 810003556 1 13.4 9.9 --- 444.37 $555.46 662492357675 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT16 810003557 1 --- --- --- 742.09 $927.61 841211025242 Boot Tee FSBT16 810003558 1 16.0 9.9 --- 890.50 $1,113.13 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE16 810009330 1 --- --- --- 767.10 $958.88 841211017667 Tee Cap FSTC16 810003559 1 4.0 1.9 --- 118.76 $148.45 841211008030 Universal Condensate Drain FSUCD16 810003560 1 7.0 1.9 --- 256.45 $320.57 662492235966 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF16 810003561 1 4.5 1.9 --- 157.05 $196.31 Horizontal Drain Fitting FSHDF16 810003562 1 --- --- --- 144.68 $180.85 841211017650 23° Bird Screen FSBS16 810003563 1 6.0 3.8 --- 229.74 $287.17 841211017704 Wall Thimble w/ AVL FSWT16 810003564 1 22.4 9.9 --- 569.68 $712.09 841211017810 Wall Pass Through FSWPT16 810003565 1 16.0 5.2 --- 275.51 $344.39 841211006142 Wall Thimble Sleeve Extension FSWTE16 810003566 1 11.0 1.9 --- 67.01 $83.76 841211017742 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS16 810003567 1 25.2 1.8 --- 66.48 $83.10 841211017711 Support Clamp FSCL16 810003568 1 10.0 0.6 --- 72.93 $91.16 841211017780 Wall Bracket FSWB16 810003569 1 12.0 3.8 --- 256.91 $321.14 662492909102 Rain Cap FSRC16 810009875 --- --- --- --- 936.60 $1,170.75 841211017827 Termination Cone FSCN1614 810003570 1 --- --- --- 461.57 $576.96 841211027727 16" x 15" Termination Cone FSCN1615 810003571 1 --- --- --- 461.56 $576.96 841211006623 Storm Collar FSC16 810003572 1 7.6 5.2 --- 72.80 $91.00 841211006302 Roof Jack FSVRJ16 810003573 1 11.7 9.9 --- 143.71 $179.64 --- Tall Cone Roof Jack FSRJ16 810005294 1 --- --- --- 143.71 $179.64 841211017766 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF16 810005271 1 8.4 --- --- 445.61 557.01 841211006418 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF16 810003574 1 10.8 10.6 --- 212.38 $265.47 841211024429 Test Port FSTP16 810003575 1 7.8 1.9 --- 268.91 $336.14 --- --- 163 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 16” - 20” | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211003660 Single-to-Double Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW16 810003576 1 5.0 1.9 --- 195.81 $244.76 662492900062 SW Fixed Blade Damper FSFBD16 810009502 1 --- --- --- 1,078.94 $1,348.67 662492695784 6" Vent Length FSVL618 810003577 1 6.8 2.3 --- 182.29 $227.86 662492437780 12" Vent Length FSVL1218 810003578 1 6.8 2.3 --- 217.34 $271.68 662492737286 18" Vent Length FSVL1818 810003579 1 20.6 6.8 --- 241.88 $302.35 662492660386 24" Vent Length FSVL2418 810003580 1 12.2 4.5 --- 309.66 $387.07 662492105078 36" Vent Length FSVL3618 810003581 1 16.6 0.4 --- 396.13 $495.16 662492722763 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL18 810003582 1 21.0 --- --- 241.88 $302.35 662492423073 90° Elbow FSELB9018 810003583 1 13.3 --- --- 470.91 $588.64 662492532089 88° Elbow FSELB8818 810003584 1 13.3 --- --- 470.91 $588.64 662492740897 45° Elbow FSELB4518 810003585 1 12.1 --- --- 433.52 $541.90 66249262647 Standard Tee FST18 810003586 1 18.0 --- --- 750.19 $937.74 662492483220 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT18 810003587 1 --- --- --- 545.01 $681.26 662492528846 Tee Cap FSTC18 810003588 1 9.6 --- --- 266.42 $333.03 Single-Wall Wye FSWYE18 810009331 1 --- --- --- 807.46 $1,009.32 662492909119 Rain Cap FSRC16 810009876 --- --- --- 999.00 $1,248.75 662492610367 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF18 810003589 1 9.6 --- --- 279.28 $349.10 662492870280 Termination Cone FSCN1816 810003590 1 --- --- --- 558.12 $697.65 662492160862 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS18 810003591 1 28.5 1.8 --- 79.81 $99.76 662492804520 Support Clamp FSCL18 810003592 1 --- --- --- 93.58 $116.97 662492734841 Double-Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW18 810003593 1 --- --- --- 223.84 $279.80 662492368350 Storm Collar FSC18 810003594 1 --- --- --- 93.65 $117.07 662492447093 Roof Jack FSVRJ18 810003595 1 12.5 --- --- 149.88 $187.35 662492484692 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF18 810003596 1 11.6 --- --- 793.18 $991.48 662492900079 SW Fixed Blade Damper FSFBD18 810009503 1 --- --- --- 1,272.13 $1,590.16 662492279366 6" Vent Length FSVL620 810003597 1 10.7 --- --- 238.38 $297.97 662492729410 12" Vent Length FSVL1220 810003598 1 8.3 --- --- 266.42 $333.03 662492216958 18" Vent Length FSVL1820 810003599 1 10.7 --- --- 309.66 $387.07 18” FasNSeal --- 20” FasNSeal 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 164 FasNSeal | 20” - 22” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492642436 24" Vent Length FSVL2420 810003600 1 17.0 --- --- 334.20 $417.75 662492579329 36" Vent Length FSVL3620 810003601 1 21.8 --- --- 470.91 $588.64 662492831953 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL20 810003602 1 11.0 --- --- 309.66 $387.07 662492512739 90° Elbow FSELB9020 810003603 1 17.4 --- --- 893.92 $1,117.40 841211009853 88° Elbow FSELB8820 810003604 1 17.4 --- --- 893.92 $1,117.40 662492891193 45° Elbow FSELB4520 810003605 1 16.2 --- --- 666.06 $832.57 662492307199 Standard Tee FST20 810003606 1 22.8 --- --- 1,425.60 $1,781.99 662492139493 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT20 810003607 1 --- --- --- 507.05 $633.82 Single -Wall Wye FSWYE20 810009332 1 --- --- --- 1,013.45 $1,266.81 662492291412 Tee Cap FSTC20 810003608 1 16.1 --- --- 470.91 $588.64 662492909126 Rain Cap FSRC20 810009877 --- --- --- --- 1,055.00 $1,318.75 662492868362 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF20 810003609 1 16.1 --- --- 532.85 $666.06 662492249338 Termination Cone FSCN2018 810003610 1 --- --- --- 744.72 $930.90 841211028656 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS20 810003611 1 28.8 1.8 --- 92.46 $115.57 662492624951 Support Clamp FSCL20 810003612 1 --- --- --- 106.85 $133.56 662492478554 Double-Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW20 810003613 1 --- --- --- 287.04 $358.79 662492556528 Storm Collar FSC20 810003614 1 --- --- --- 113.15 $141.43 Roof Jack FSVRJ20 810003615 1 13.4 --- --- 155.72 $194.65 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF20 810003616 1 12.3 --- --- 916.34 $1,145.42 662492252994 6" Vent Length FSVL622 810003617 1 11.3 --- --- 251.23 $314.04 662492250068 12" Vent Length FSVL1222 810003618 1 8.7 --- --- 281.61 $352.02 662492174388 18" Vent Length FSVL1822 810003619 1 11.3 --- --- 371.59 $464.49 662492423448 24" Vent Length FSVL2422 810003620 1 17.8 --- --- 446.38 $557.97 662492638682 36" Vent Length FSVL3622 810003621 1 23.0 --- --- 607.63 $759.54 662492620953 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL22 810003622 1 20.5 --- --- 371.59 $464.49 662492881941 90° Elbow FSELB9022 810003623 1 19.2 --- --- 1,039.98 $1,299.98 --- 88° Elbow FSELB8822 810003624 1 19.2 --- --- 1,039.98 $1,299.98 662492290965 45° Elbow FSELB4522 810003625 1 17.8 --- --- 817.96 $1,022.46 662492509982 Standard Tee FST22 810003626 1 25.2 --- --- 1,568.16 $1,960.19 --- --662492635179 Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 22” FasNSeal 165 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 22” - 24” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT22 810003627 1 --- --- --- 1,065.69 $1,332.11 Single -Wall Wye FSWYE22 810007548 1 --- --- --- 2,067.73 $2,584.66 662492623367 Tee Cap FSTC22 810003628 1 17.9 --- --- 518.01 $647.51 662492909133 Rain Cap FSRC22 810009878 --- --- --- --- 1,113.00 $1,391.25 662492499528 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF22 810003629 1 17.9 --- --- 634.69 $793.36 662492232767 Termination Cone FSCN2220 810003630 1 --- --- --- 900.67 $1,125.84 662492248812 Support Clamp FSCL22 810003632 1 --- --- --- 136.46 $170.57 662492177310 Double-Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW22 810003633 1 --- --- --- 248.17 $310.22 662492475164 Storm Collar FSC22 810003634 1 --- --- --- 136.56 $170.70 662492240885 Roof Jack FSVRJ22 810005454 1 --- --- --- 173.75 $217.19 662492261446 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF22 810003635 1 13.3 --- --- 978.97 $1,223.71 662492639177 6" Vent Length FSVL624 810003636 1 13.2 --- --- 266.42 $333.03 662492212462 12" Vent Length FSVL1224 810003637 1 18.6 --- --- 296.80 $371.01 662492185889 18" Vent Length FSVL1824 810003638 1 13.2 --- --- 446.38 $557.97 662492745922 24" Vent Length FSVL2424 810003639 1 18.6 --- --- 557.38 $696.73 662492496312 36" Vent Length FSVL3624 810003640 1 24.2 --- --- 670.11 $837.64 662492198827 18" Adjustable Vent Length FSAVL24 810003641 1 21.6 --- --- 446.38 $557.97 662492746134 90° Elbow FSELB9024 810003642 1 23.6 --- --- 1,191.89 $1,489.86 662192264928 88° Elbow FSELB8824 810003643 1 23.6 --- --- 1,191.89 $1,489.86 662492140079 45° Elbow FSELB4524 810003644 1 25.6 --- --- 964.03 $1,205.04 662492614396 Standard Tee FST24 810003645 1 27.7 --- --- 1,724.97 $2,156.21 662192845844 Wide Mouth Boot Tee FSWBT24 810003646 1 --- --- --- 565.45 $706.81 Single -Wall Wye FSWYE24 810007129 1 --- --- --- 2,293.62 $2,867.02 662492120699 Tee Cap FSTC24 810003647 1 20.4 --- --- 569.81 $712.26 662492908587 Rain Cap FSRC24 810009879 --- --- --- --- 1,187.00 $1,483.75 662492341223 IPS Drain Fitting FSIPSDF24 810003648 1 20.4 --- --- 784.94 $981.18 662492649121 Termination Cone FSCN2422 810003649 1 --- --- --- 948.89 $1,186.11 662492817438 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS24 810003650 1 29.6 1.8 --- 131.39 $164.23 662492727126 --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 24” FasNSeal --- 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 166 FasNSeal | 24” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492130957 Support Clamp FSCL24 810003651 1 --- --- --- 157.04 $196.30 662492389386 Double -Wall Adapter FSA-SWDW24 810003652 1 --- --- --- 447.69 $559.61 662492649121 24" x 22" Termination Cone FSCN2422 810003649 1 --- --- --- 948.89 $1,186.12 662492314036 Storm Collar FSC24 810003653 1 --- --- --- 156.07 $195.08 662492635025 Roof Jack FSVRJ24 810003654 1 14.1 --- --- 167.32 $209.15 662492484043 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF24 810003655 1 13.3 --- --- 973.23 $1,216.54 167 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” - 4” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211001970 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-603 810003656 1 6.4 0.6 --- 64.18 $80.22 841211001987 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1203 810003657 1 11.0 1.3 --- 77.54 $96.92 841211001994 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1803 810003658 1 15.8 1.9 --- 104.27 $130.34 841211002007 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2403 810003659 1 19.4 2.5 --- 122.99 $153.74 841211002014 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3603 810003660 1 15.8 2.0 --- 179.14 $223.93 841211002090 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL3 810003661 1 17.6 1.9 --- 125.67 $157.09 841211002045 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9003 810003662 1 15.2 2.3 --- 131.01 $163.76 662492135624 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8803 810003663 1 15.0 2.3 --- 131.01 $163.76 841211002021 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4503 810003664 1 11.5 1.3 --- 105.63 $132.03 841211007347 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3003 810003665 1 9.5 1.3 --- 97.18 $121.47 841211007620 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1503 810003666 1 9.50 1.3 --- 97.18 $121.47 841211002052 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T3 810003667 1 16.2 2.9 --- 200.54 $250.67 841211002076 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC3 810003668 1 5.0 0.6 --- 33.43 $41.79 662492760024 3" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU3 810003669 1 --- --- --- 58.06 $72.57 841211002083 Double Wall Drain Fitting W2-DF3 810003670 1 4.8 1.3 --- 75.69 $94.62 662492185795 Double Wall IPS Drain Fitting W2-IPSDF03 810003671 1 6.4 1.3 --- 105.77 $132.21 841211003783 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT3 810003672 1 9.8 2.2 --- 193.85 $242.31 841211002106 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC3 810003673 1 10.5 1.9 --- 98.85 $123.56 662492857076 3" x 4" Tapered Increaser W2-0304TI 810003674 1 1.6 0.4 --- 158.48 $198.10 662492726211 3" x 6 " Tapered Increaser W2-0306TI 810003675 1 4.6 2.2 --- 384.32 $480.40 841211002069 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW3 810003676 1 4.6 0.6 --- 86.90 $108.63 662492910368 3" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP03 810013163 --- --- --- --- 103.87 $129.84 841211000096 Bird Sreen Termination FSBS3 810003120 1 2.0 0.4 --- 25.70 $32.13 662492910801 3" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS03 810013199 --- --- --- --- 120.00 $150.00 841211000188 Termination Tee FSTT3 810003121 1 3.8 0.8 --- 56.81 $71.01 841211000409 Termination Box FSTB3 810003122 1 5.0 1.3 --- 56.72 $70.90 841211002120 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-604 810003677 1 4.0 0.6 --- 70.86 $88.58 841211002137 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1204 810003678 1 7.2 0.8 --- 86.90 $108.63 3” FasNSeal W2 4” FasNSeal W2 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 168 FasNSeal W2 | 4” - 5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211002144 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1804 810003679 1 10.2 1.9 --- 112.31 $140.39 841211002151 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2404 810003680 1 13.6 2.5 --- 131.01 $163.76 841211002168 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3604 810003681 1 21.0 2.2 --- 203.20 $254.00 841211002250 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL4 810003682 1 10.6 1.2 --- 131.01 $163.76 841211002205 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9004 810003683 1 15.2 2.9 --- 152.41 $190.51 841211028922 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8804 810003684 1 15.2 2.9 --- 152.41 $190.51 841211002182 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4504 810003685 1 11.1 1.9 --- 117.65 $147.06 841211007354 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3004 810003686 1 9.5 1.9 --- 108.23 $135.29 841211007637 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1504 810003687 1 9.50 1.9 --- 108.23 $135.29 841211002212 4" Diameter Tee Double Wall W2-T4 810003688 1 12.6 2.9 --- 248.65 $310.82 662492326541 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT4 810003689 1 --- --- --- 195.27 $244.09 841211002236 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC4 810003690 1 4.0 0.4 --- 40.12 $50.15 662492858813 4" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU4 810003691 1 --- --- --- 62.27 $77.84 841211002243 Double Wall Drain Fitting W2-DF4 810003692 1 3.8 0.4 --- 84.44 $105.56 662492836682 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF04 810003693 1 4.6 0.4 --- 229.01 $286.26 841211003790 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT4 810003694 1 12.2 3.6 --- 220.58 $275.73 841211002274 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC4 810003695 1 10.4 2.9 --- 102.84 $128.55 841211017292 4"-to-5" Stepped Increaser W2-45I 810003696 1 1.4 0.4 --- 91.84 $114.80 841211002229 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW4 810003697 1 5.0 0.6 --- 104.27 $130.34 841211001000 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS5 810003234 1 12.2 0.8 --- 30.31 $37.89 841211001048 Support Clamp FSCL5 810003235 1 4.2 0.4 --- 22.17 $27.72 841211001079 Wall Bracket FSWB5 810003236 1 21.2 1.3 --- 121.63 $152.04 841211000577 Bird Screen FSBS4 810003174 1 3.0 0.6 --- 28.23 $35.29 662492910818 4" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS04 810013200 --- --- --- --- 124.80 $156.00 662492910375 4" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP04 810013164 --- --- --- --- 107.98 $134.98 841211000669 Termination Tee FSTT4 810003175 1 7.6 1.9 --- 62.71 $78.39 841211000416 Termination Box FSTB4 810003176 1 6.6 1.3 --- 58.12 $72.65 841211006326 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF4 810003190 1 7.2 2.4 --- 64.28 $80.34 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-605 810003698 1 7.2 0.6 --- 73.53 $91.91 5” FasNSeal W2 841211002281 169 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 5” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211002298 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1205 810003699 1 4.6 0.8 --- 92.24 $115.30 841211002311 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1805 810003700 1 12.8 2.5 --- 139.05 $173.81 841211002328 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2405 810003701 1 8.6 0.9 --- 180.48 $225.60 841211002335 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3605 810003702 1 7.2 1.1 --- 219.25 $274.06 841211002410 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL5 810003703 1 6.0 1.2 --- 180.48 $225.60 841211002366 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9005 810003704 1 10.2 1.9 --- 187.16 $233.95 841211029103 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8805 810003705 1 10.2 1.9 --- 187.16 $233.95 841211002342 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4505 810003706 1 8.0 1.6 --- 133.68 $167.10 841211007361 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3005 810003707 1 6.8 1.9 --- 122.99 $153.74 841211007644 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1505 810003708 1 6.80 2.0 --- 122.99 $153.74 841211002373 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T5 810003709 1 11.8 2.9 --- 251.33 $314.16 662492102299 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT5 810003710 1 --- --- --- 243.31 $304.14 841211002397 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC5 810003711 1 8.6 0.8 --- 42.78 $53.48 662492195253 5" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU5 810003712 1 --- --- --- 75.52 $94.40 841211002403 Double Wall Drain Fitting W2-DF5 810003713 1 7.8 0.8 --- 99.61 $124.51 662492461167 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF05 810003714 1 9.1 0.8 --- 129.68 $162.11 841211003806 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT5 810003715 1 14.6 3.0 --- 245.99 $307.48 841211002427 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC5 810003716 1 6.0 3.8 --- 142.80 $178.50 841211002380 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW5 810003717 1 2.3 0.6 --- 106.95 $133.69 841211015472 Firestop/Flat Flashing FSFS6 810003287 1 12.0 0.8 --- 33.40 $41.75 841211015519 Support Clamp FSCL6 810003288 1 4.8 0.4 --- 24.23 $30.29 841211015557 Wall Bracket FSWB6 810003289 1 24.6 1.3 --- 126.36 $157.95 841211000935 23° Bird Screen FSBS5 810003229 1 5.4 1.3 --- 43.71 $54.63 662492910825 5" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS05 810013201 --- --- --- --- 266.40 $333.00 662492910382 5" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP05 810013165 --- --- --- --- 117.45 $146.81 841211001024 Termination Tee FSTT5 810003230 1 6.6 1.9 --- 67.34 $84.18 662492458877 5" x 4" Termination Cone W2-CN0504 810003718 1 --- --- --- 182.92 $228.65 841211006548 Storm Collar FSC5 810003239 1 5.7 0.6 --- 26.81 $33.52 841211006333 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF5 810003241 1 9.8 9.9 --- 69.72 $87.15 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 170 FasNSeal W2 | 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211002441 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-606 810003719 1 8.2 1.9 --- 79.16 $98.96 841211002458 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1206 810003720 1 5.4 0.8 --- 99.98 $124.98 841211002465 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1806 810003721 1 15.2 2.9 --- 149.99 $187.48 841211002472 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2406 810003722 1 10.4 1.6 --- 191.64 $239.55 841211002489 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3606 810003723 1 7.4 2.0 --- 233.32 $291.65 841211002571 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL6 810003724 1 8.2 1.2 --- 191.64 $239.55 841211002526 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9006 810003725 1 12.8 2.9 --- 199.99 $249.99 841211028601 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8806 810003726 1 12.8 2.9 --- 199.99 $249.99 841211002502 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4506 810003727 1 8.8 1.9 --- 147.21 $184.01 841211007378 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3006 810003728 1 8.8 1.9 --- 135.42 $169.27 841211007651 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1506 810003729 1 8.80 2.5 --- 135.42 $169.27 841211002533 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T6 810003730 1 15.2 3.8 --- 274.97 $343.71 662492516584 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT6 810003731 1 --- --- --- 281.26 $351.58 662492473184 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE06 810004863 1 3.0 --- --- 350.39 $437.99 --- 6 to 8" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE0608 810012570 1 --- --- --- 522.12 $652.65 --- 6 to 10" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE0610 810012571 1 --- --- --- 550.92 $688.65 --- 6 to12" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE0612 810012572 1 --- --- --- 683.96 $854.95 841211002557 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC6 810003732 1 7.8 1.3 --- 47.23 $59.03 662492658550 6" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU6 810003733 1 --- --- --- 84.51 $105.64 841211029301 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF06 810003734 1 8.2 1.2 --- 153.31 $191.64 841211003813 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT6 810003735 1 16.2 3.8 --- 261.09 $326.36 841211002588 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC6 810003736 1 6.0 2.9 --- 155.82 $194.77 841211002540 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW6 810003737 1 2.6 0.6 --- 116.67 $145.84 841211015953 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS7 810003331 1 15.8 1.3 --- 36.71 $45.88 841211015991 Support Clamp FSCL7 810003332 1 5.4 0.4 --- 26.64 $33.29 841211016035 Wall Bracket FSWB7 810003333 1 30.0 1.9 --- 145.82 $182.27 841211015410 23° Bird Screen FSBS6 810003281 1 6.4 1.9 --- 57.21 $71.52 662492910832 6" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS06 810013202 --- --- --- --- 276.00 $345.00 6” FasNSeal W2 171 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” - 7” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211015496 Termination Tee FSTT6 810003282 1 5.0 1.9 --- 78.57 $98.21 662492830581 6"x 4" Termination Cone W2-CN0604 810003738 1 --- --- --- 238.06 $297.57 662492861288 6" x 5" Termoination Cone W2-CN0605 810003739 1 --- --- --- 200.05 $250.06 841211006555 Storm Collar FSC6 810003293 1 6.6 0.6 --- 27.86 $34.82 841211015489 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF6 810005260 1 --- --- --- 196.12 $245.15 841211006340 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF6 810003295 1 10.6 9.9 --- 95.33 $119.16 662492323984 6" Diameter PVC TO 6" FASNSEAL FSA-06PVC06FNS 810005332 --- --- --- --- 47.01 $58.76 662492910399 6" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP06 810013166 --- --- --- --- 133.78 $167.22 662492900086 W2 Fixed Blade Damper W2-FBD06 810009507 1 --- --- --- 593.63 $742.04 841211002625 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-607 810003740 1 12.6 1.9 --- 95.83 $119.78 841211002632 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1207 810003741 1 7.4 1.3 --- 137.50 $171.88 841211002649 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1807 810003742 1 10.8 1.9 --- 206.93 $258.66 841211002656 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2407 810003743 1 16.8 2.7 --- 243.03 $303.79 841211002663 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3607 810003744 1 11.2 2.2 --- 343.03 $428.79 841211002762 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL7 810003745 1 9.6 1.9 --- 241.65 $302.06 841211002717 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9007 810003746 1 12.8 1.9 --- 247.16 $308.95 841211029004 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8807 810003747 1 13.0 1.9 --- 247.16 $308.95 841211002694 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4507 810003748 1 16.6 2.5 --- 204.16 $255.20 841211007385 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3007 810003749 1 10.8 1.9 --- 187.82 $234.77 841211007668 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1507 810003750 1 10.80 1.3 --- 187.82 $234.77 841211002724 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T7 810003751 1 21.6 3.8 --- 349.97 $437.46 662492632390 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT7 810003752 1 --- --- --- 366.77 $458.47 662492899069 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE07 810007021 1 3.0 --- --- 412.78 $515.98 841211002748 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC7 810003753 1 9.8 1.3 --- 48.61 $60.76 662492795859 8" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU7 810003754 1 --- --- --- 93.78 $117.22 662492123140 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF07 810003755 1 9.8 1.3 --- 169.19 $211.49 841211003820 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT7 810003756 1 17.4 9.9 --- 294.41 $368.02 841211002779 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC7 810003757 1 8.0 2.9 --- 163.29 $204.11 662492004216 Double Wall Stepped Reducer W2-75R 810003758 1 5.2 2.4 --- 96.48 $120.60 7” FasNSeal W2 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 172 FasNSeal W2 | 7” - 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211002731 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW7 810003759 1 3.0 0.6 --- 119.43 $149.29 841211016233 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS8 810003374 1 15.6 1.9 --- 40.76 $50.95 841211016264 Support Clamp FSCL8 810003375 1 5.8 0.6 --- 30.66 $38.32 841211016295 Wall Bracket FSWB8 810003376 1 33.2 2.9 --- 159.71 $199.63 841211015892 23° Bird Screen FSBS7 810003327 1 8.0 1.9 --- 65.29 $81.61 662492910849 7" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS07 810013203 --- --- --- --- 296.80 $371.00 662492910405 7" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP07 810013167 --- --- --- --- 147.90 $184.87 841211006562 Storm Collar FSC7 810003336 1 7.0 1.1 --- 32.43 $40.54 841211015960 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF7 810005261 1 --- --- --- 223.73 $279.67 841211006357 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF7 810003338 1 11.4 9.9 --- 116.30 $145.37 841211002786 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-608 810003760 1 13.4 1.9 --- 98.61 $123.26 841211002793 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1208 810003761 1 8.8 1.3 --- 140.26 $175.33 841211002809 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1808 810003762 1 13.2 1.9 --- 211.09 $263.87 841211002816 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2408 810003763 1 17.0 2.5 --- 247.20 $309.00 841211002823 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3608 810003764 1 13.2 2.2 --- 345.80 $432.25 841211002939 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL8 810003765 1 10.6 1.9 --- 245.81 $307.27 841211002885 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9008 810003766 1 13.6 2.9 --- 251.35 $314.19 841211027826 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8808 810003767 1 13.6 2.9 --- 251.35 $314.19 841211002861 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4508 810003768 1 8.6 2.9 --- 212.48 $265.60 841211007392 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3008 810003769 1 7.2 1.9 --- 195.48 $244.35 841211007675 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1508 810003770 1 7.20 1.3 --- 195.48 $244.35 841211002892 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T8 810003771 1 15.2 3.8 --- 390.23 $487.79 662492253243 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT8 810003772 1 --- --- --- 410.70 $513.38 662492468173 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE08 810004864 1 3.0 --- --- 466.25 $582.82 --- 8 to 10" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE0810 810012573 1 --- --- --- 675.48 $844.35 --- 8 to 12" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE0812 810012574 1 --- --- --- 723.40 $904.25 --- 8 to 14" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE0814 810012575 1 --- --- --- 805.56 $1,006.95 662492880029 8" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU8 810003773 1 --- --- --- 108.36 $135.45 841211002915 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC8 810003774 1 4.8 0.6 --- 50.00 $62.49 8” FasNSeal W2 173 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 8” - 9” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211027642 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF08 810003775 1 5.2 0.6 --- 174.28 $217.85 841211003837 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT8 810003776 1 12.2 3.8 --- 345.80 $432.25 841211002946 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC8 810003777 1 6.8 2.9 --- 180.81 $226.01 841211027765 8"-to-6" Termination Cone W2-CN0806 810003778 1 11.8 1.9 --- 380.16 $475.20 841211024160 8"-to-9" Stepped Increaser W2-89I 810003779 1 5.8 0.8 --- 179.16 $223.94 662492860588 8"-to-7" Tapered Reducer W2-0807TR 810003780 1 6.0 0.8 --- 299.17 $373.96 662492243534 8" x 10" Eccentric Increaser W2-0810EI 810003781 1 --- --- --- 437.95 $547.44 841211026676 8"- 10" Tapered Increaser FS0810TI 810005393 1 --- --- --- 221.86 $277.33 841211002908 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW8 810003782 1 3.2 0.6 --- 123.61 $154.51 841211016554 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS9 810003413 1 18.0 5.2 --- 44.98 $56.23 841211016592 Support Clamp FSCL9 810003414 1 6.4 0.4 --- 36.15 $45.19 841211016639 Wall Bracket FSWB9 810003415 1 37.0 2.9 --- 169.43 $211.78 841211016172 23° Bird Screen FSBS8 810003369 1 10.0 2.9 --- 78.84 $98.55 662492910856 8" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS08 810013204 --- --- --- --- 319.20 $399.00 662492910412 8" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP08 810013168 --- --- --- --- 153.22 $191.52 841211006579 Storm Collar FSC8 810003381 1 7.2 1.3 --- 32.43 $40.54 841211016240 Tall Cone Flashing FSAF8 810005262 1 --- --- --- 242.39 $302.99 841211006364 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF8 810003383 1 11.8 7.0 --- 127.83 $159.79 662492900093 W2 Fixed Blade Damper W2-FBD08 810009509 1 --- --- --- 621.92 $777.40 841211002953 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-609 810003783 1 5.6 1.3 --- 105.55 $131.94 841211002960 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1209 810003784 1 9.6 2.9 --- 176.39 $220.48 841211002977 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1809 810003785 1 6.5 1.2 --- 262.47 $328.09 841211002984 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2409 810003786 1 9.8 1.5 --- 309.69 $387.11 841211002991 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3609 810003787 1 15.0 2.4 --- 426.35 $532.94 841211003080 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL9 810003788 1 5.9 1.2 --- 309.69 $387.11 841211003035 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9009 810003789 1 7.4 1.9 --- 365.24 $456.54 662492354926 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8809 810003790 1 7.4 1.9 --- 365.24 $456.54 841211003011 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4509 810003791 1 10.0 2.9 --- 304.15 $380.19 9” FasNSeal W2 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 174 FasNSeal W2 | 9” - 10” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211007408 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3009 810003792 1 8.8 2.9 --- 279.81 $349.77 841211007682 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1509 810003793 1 8.80 2.9 --- 279.81 $349.77 841211003042 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T9 810003794 1 15.2 3.8 --- 466.62 $583.28 662492768471 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT9 810003795 1 --- --- --- 418.49 $523.11 662492798089 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE09 810007022 1 3.0 --- --- 641.38 $801.73 841211003066 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC9 810003796 1 5.0 0.8 --- 73.61 $92.02 662492173282 9" Universal Appliance Adaper W2-AAU9 810003797 1 --- --- --- 131.28 $164.10 662492156285 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF09 810003798 1 5.2 0.8 --- 183.44 $229.29 841211003844 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT9 810003799 1 14.0 3.5 --- 408.30 $510.37 841211003097 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC9 810003800 1 9.4 5.2 --- 199.02 $248.78 841211003059 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW9 810003801 1 7.2 1.9 --- 137.50 $171.88 841211016844 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS10 810003451 1 18.2 1.5 --- 49.15 $61.44 841211016882 Support Clamp FSCL10 810003452 1 7.0 0.6 --- 36.15 $45.19 841211016936 Wall Bracket FSWB10 810003453 1 6.8 0.8 --- 180.54 $225.67 662492910429 9" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP09 810013169 --- --- --- --- 169.74 $212.17 841211016493 23° Bird Screen FSBS9 810003409 1 14.0 5.8 --- 83.76 $104.70 662492910863 9" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS09 810013205 --- --- --- --- 341.60 $427.00 662492548448 9" x 8" Termination Cone W2-CN0908 810003802 1 --- --- --- 355.79 $444.74 841211006586 Storm Collar FSC9 810003419 1 7.4 0.8 --- 42.16 $52.70 841211006371 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF9 810003421 1 12.6 9.9 --- 135.51 $169.39 10” FasNSeal W2 841211003110 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-610 810003803 1 5.8 1.1 --- 109.73 $137.16 841211003127 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1210 810003804 1 11.8 2.9 --- 179.16 $223.94 841211003134 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1810 810003805 1 9.0 2.9 --- 262.47 $328.09 841211003141 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2410 810003806 1 11.6 2.4 --- 316.64 $395.79 841211003158 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3610 810003807 1 16.4 5.8 --- 433.29 $541.61 841211003240 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL10 810003808 1 6.2 2.4 --- 315.26 $394.08 841211003196 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9010 810003809 1 8.2 1.9 --- 370.81 $463.51 841211028489 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8810 810003810 1 8.2 1.2 --- 370.81 $463.51 175 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 10” - 12” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211003172 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4510 810003811 1 5.9 1.9 --- 313.86 $392.32 841211007415 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3010 810003812 1 5.3 2.9 --- 288.75 $360.93 841211007699 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1510 810003813 1 5.30 1.9 --- 288.75 $360.93 841211003202 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T10 810003814 1 9.4 2.9 --- 488.84 $611.06 662492405864 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT10 810003815 1 --- --- --- 670.68 $838.35 662492129913 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE10 810004865 1 3.0 --- --- 700.65 $875.81 --- 10 to 12" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE1012 810012576 1 --- --- --- 748.28 $935.35 --- 10 to 14" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE1014 810012577 1 --- --- --- 811.32 $1,014.15 --- 10 to 16" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE1016 810012578 1 --- --- --- 980.76 $1,225.95 662492419687 10" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU10 810003816 1 --- --- --- 140.92 $176.15 841211003226 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC10 810003817 1 6.0 0.8 --- 77.77 $97.21 662492249666 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF10 810003818 1 6.3 0.8 --- 193.09 $241.36 841211003851 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT10 810003819 1 15.6 6.5 --- 415.24 $519.05 662492909096 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC10 810012601 1 10.7 9.9 --- 483.00 $603.75 841211003219 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW10 810003821 1 6.0 1.9 --- 143.04 $178.80 662492185735 10" x 7" Tapered Reducer W2-1007TR 810003822 1 --- --- --- 0.00 $0.00 841211001819 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS11 810003823 1 20.0 1.5 --- 55.51 $69.39 841211028472 10" Termination Cone W2-CN1008 810003824 1 --- --- --- 443.73 $554.66 841211001857 Support Clamp FSCL11 810003825 1 7.4 0.6 --- 45.80 $57.25 841211001932 Wall Bracket FSWB11 810003826 1 8.0 1.2 --- 208.31 $260.39 841211016783 23° Bird Screen FSBS10 810003447 1 6.0 2.9 --- 97.54 $121.93 662492910870 10" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS10 810013206 --- --- --- --- 368.80 $461.00 662492910436 10" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP10 810013170 --- --- --- --- 173.66 $217.07 841211007446 Storm Collar FSC11 810003827 1 4.6 0.8 --- 51.73 $64.66 841211006593 Storm Collar FSC10 810003460 1 7.6 1.9 --- 48.90 $61.12 841211006388 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF10 810003462 1 13.0 7.0 --- 163.33 $204.16 662492900109 W2 Fixed Blade Damper W2-FBD10 810009511 1 --- --- --- 706.16 $882.70 W2-612 810003828 1 6.4 1.9 --- 120.83 $151.04 12” FasNSeal W2 841211003301 6" Double Wall Vent Length 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 176 FasNSeal W2 | 12” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 841211003318 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1212 810003829 1 8.0 1.9 --- 205.53 $256.92 841211003325 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1812 810003830 1 8.2 2.9 --- 304.15 $380.19 841211003332 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2412 810003831 1 14.2 3.8 --- 352.75 $440.94 841211003349 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3612 810003832 1 20.0 3.6 --- 474.95 $593.69 841211003431 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL12 810003833 1 8.5 2.9 --- 351.35 $439.19 841211003387 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9012 810003834 1 11.4 2.9 --- 449.97 $562.46 841211028298 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8812 810003835 1 11.4 2.9 --- 449.99 $562.49 841211003363 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4512 810003836 1 7.6 1.9 --- 351.35 $439.19 841211007422 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3012 810003837 1 6.6 1.9 --- 323.25 $404.06 841211007705 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1512 810003838 1 6.60 2.9 --- 323.25 $404.06 841211003394 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T12 810003839 1 14.8 3.8 --- 544.39 $680.49 662492697245 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT12 810003840 1 --- --- --- 758.24 $947.79 662492830246 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE12 810004866 1 3.0 --- --- 817.49 $1,021.86 12 to 14" Double Wall Increasing Wye W2-WYE1214 810012579 1 --- --- --- 909.56 $1,136.95 841211003417 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC12 810003841 1 8.6 0.8 --- 84.71 $105.89 662492460764 12" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU12 810003842 1 --- --- --- 162.90 $203.63 662492885857 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF12 810003843 1 9.0 1.2 --- 227.10 $283.87 841211003868 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT12 810003844 1 16.6 5.2 --- 466.62 $583.28 662492909140 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC12 810009880 1 20.2 9.9 --- 515.00 $643.75 841211003400 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW12 810003846 1 8.4 1.9 --- 148.61 $185.77 662492004292 12" x 10" Stepped Reducer W2-1210R 810003847 1 --- --- --- 150.39 $187.99 841211001826 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS13 810003848 1 22.0 1.6 --- 63.77 $79.71 841211001864 Support Clamp FSCL13 810003849 1 8.2 0.8 --- 59.13 $73.92 841211001949 Wall Bracket FSWB13 810003850 1 9.6 1.2 --- 236.08 $295.10 841211003455 12" Termination Cone W2-CN1210 810003851 1 --- --- --- 516.19 $645.23 662492910443 12" Diameter Test Port W2 W2-TP12 810013171 --- --- --- --- 201.15 $251.44 841211007453 Storm Collar FSC13 810003852 1 5.8 0.8 --- 58.44 $73.05 841211017094 23° Bird Screen FSBS12 810003488 1 3.6 1.9 --- 124.50 $155.62 662492910887 12" Diameter W2 Bird Screen W2-BS12 810013207 --- --- --- --- 408.00 $510.00 841211006395 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF12 810003503 1 9.2 9.9 --- 173.93 $217.41 --- 177 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 12” - 14” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492900116 W2 Fixed Blade Damper W2-FBD12 810009512 1 --- --- --- 832.21 $1,040.26 14” FasNSeal W2 841211003462 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-614 810003853 1 9.4 1.9 --- 165.27 $206.59 841211003479 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1214 810003854 1 18.8 3.8 --- 234.70 $293.38 841211003486 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1814 810003855 1 25.8 5.8 --- 331.92 $414.90 841211003493 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2414 810003856 1 17.8 3.8 --- 387.47 $484.34 841211003509 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3614 810003857 1 25.2 5.8 --- 595.77 $744.71 841211003585 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL14 810003858 1 9.0 2.9 --- 387.47 $484.34 841211003530 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9014 810003859 1 15.0 5.2 --- 511.06 $638.82 841211028564 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8814 810003860 1 15.0 5.2 --- 511.06 $638.82 841211003516 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4514 810003861 1 10.4 2.9 --- 363.86 $454.83 841211005503 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3014 810003862 1 9.6 3.5 --- 334.76 $418.44 841211005466 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1514 810003863 1 9.60 3.5 --- 334.76 $418.44 841211003547 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T14 810003864 1 18.8 3.8 --- 665.22 $831.52 662492252598 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT14 810003865 1 --- --- --- 822.38 $1,027.98 662492852439 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE14 810004867 1 3.0 --- --- 1045.87 $1,307.34 14" to 20" Dia Increasing Wye W2 W2-WYE1420 810013215 --- --- --- --- 2408.12 $3,010.15 841211003561 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC14 810003866 1 11.8 1.2 --- 108.32 $135.40 662492166659 14" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU14 810003867 1 --- --- --- 196.87 $246.09 841211028861 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF14 810003868 1 12.2 1.2 --- 254.93 $318.67 841211003875 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT14 810003869 1 19.8 9.9 --- 649.93 $812.42 662492909157 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC14 810009881 --- --- --- --- 780.20 $975.25 841211026133 14"-to-12" Termination Cone W2-CN1412 810003870 1 6.0 1.9 --- 833.23 $1,041.54 841211003554 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW14 810003871 1 4.5 3.8 --- 170.81 $213.52 841211001833 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS15 810003872 1 26.0 1.6 --- 66.48 $83.10 841211001871 Support Clamp FSCL15 810003873 1 10.0 0.8 --- 67.87 $84.84 841211001956 Wall Bracket FSWB15 810003874 1 11.0 1.9 --- 244.41 $305.52 662492910450 14" Dia Test Port W2 W2-TP14 810013172 --- --- --- --- 229.24 $286.55 841211007460 Storm Collar FSC15 810003875 1 2.8 0.8 --- 67.55 $84.44 841211017384 23° Bird Screen FSBS14 810003528 1 5.0 1.9 --- 174.66 $218.33 --- 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 178 FasNSeal W2 | 14” - 16” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492910894 14" Dia W2 Bird Screen W2-BS14 810013208 --- --- --- --- 488.00 $610.00 841211006401 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF14 810003540 1 10.0 9.9 --- 193.27 $241.59 662492900123 W2 Fixed Blade Damper W2-FBD14 810009513 1 --- --- --- 908.62 $1,135.78 16” FasNSeal W2 841211003608 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-616 810003876 1 10.4 2.9 --- 220.82 $276.03 841211003615 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1216 810003877 1 10.2 3.8 --- 273.58 $341.97 841211003622 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1816 810003878 1 14.0 2.9 --- 370.81 $463.51 841211003639 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2416 810003879 1 19.0 3.8 --- 415.24 $519.05 841211003646 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3616 810003880 1 28.2 6.5 --- 620.77 $775.97 841211003721 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL16 810003881 1 10.6 3.8 --- 415.24 $519.05 841211003677 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9016 810003882 1 18.0 5.2 --- 633.27 $791.59 662492825242 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8816 810003883 1 18.0 5.2 --- 633.27 $791.59 841211003653 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4516 810003884 1 13.4 3.5 --- 415.24 $519.05 841211007439 30° Double Wall Elbow W2-3016 810003885 1 12.0 3.5 --- 380.93 $476.16 841211007712 15° Double Wall Elbow W2-1516 810003886 1 12.0 0.0 --- 380.93 $476.16 841211003684 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T16 810003887 1 23.4 9.9 --- 880.47 $1,100.59 662492867235 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT16 810003888 1 --- --- --- 1484.20 $1,855.25 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE16 810009327 1 --- --- --- 1149.12 $1,436.40 841211003707 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC16 810003889 1 13.0 1.9 --- 122.43 $153.04 662492184660 Double Wall IPS Draing Fitting W2-IPSDF16 810003890 1 13.4 1.9 --- 282.86 $353.58 662492829271 16" Universal Appliance Adapter W2-AAU16 810003891 1 --- --- --- 225.49 $281.86 841211003882 Double Wall Wall Thimble w/ AVL W2-WT16 810003892 1 17.2 9.9 --- 677.71 $847.13 662492909164 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC16 810009882 --- --- --- --- 1041.40 $1,301.75 841211003691 Double-to-Single Wall Adapter FSA-DWSW16 810003893 1 5.0 1.9 --- 188.87 $236.09 841211001840 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS17 810003894 1 28.0 1.8 --- 69.17 $86.46 841211001888 Support Clamp FSCL17 810003895 1 11.0 0.8 --- 77.97 $97.47 841211001963 Wall Bracket FSWB17 810003896 1 12.2 2.5 --- 277.75 $347.19 841211026140 16" Termination Cone W2-CN1614 810003897 1 --- --- --- 1025.70 $1,282.13 662492910467 16" Dia Test Port W2 W2-TP16 810013173 --- --- --- --- --- 179 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 340.02 $425.02 16” - 20” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211007477 Storm Collar FSC17 810003898 1 3.0 0.8 --- 78.04 $97.55 841211017650 23° Bird Screen FSBS16 810003563 1 6.0 3.8 --- 229.74 $287.17 662492910900 16" Dia W2 Bird Screen W2-BS16 810013209 --- --- --- --- 491.20 $614.00 841211006418 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF16 810003574 1 10.8 10.6 --- 212.38 $265.47 662492900130 W2 Fixed Blade Damper W2-FBD16 810009514 1 --- --- --- 1108.80 $1,386.00 18” FasNSeal W2 662492623671 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-618 810003899 1 16.7 --- --- 319.01 $398.76 662492827314 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1218 810003900 1 12.3 --- --- 380.36 $475.45 662492533673 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1818 810003901 1 16.7 --- --- 423.30 $529.13 662492251898 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1824 810003902 1 22.4 --- --- 541.90 $677.38 662492163511 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3618 810003903 1 33.8 --- --- 693.22 $866.53 662492678664 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL18 810003904 1 16.70 --- --- 423.30 $529.13 662492872246 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9018 810003905 1 21.7 --- --- 824.10 $1,030.12 --- 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8818 810003906 1 21.7 --- --- 824.10 $1,030.12 662492598214 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4518 810003907 1 19.5 --- --- 758.66 $948.33 662492127476 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T18 810003908 1 31.2 --- --- 1312.83 $1,641.04 662492711682 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT18 810003909 1 --- --- --- 1099.75 $1,374.69 662492771228 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC18 810003910 1 25.1 --- --- 466.24 $582.80 662492909171 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC18 810009883 --- --- --- --- 1109.00 $1,386.25 662492285831 Double Wall IPS Drain Fitting W2-IPSDF18 810003911 1 4.6 --- --- 488.73 $610.91 662492491898 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS19 810003912 1 --- --- --- 92.46 $115.57 662492131312 Support Clamp FSCL19 810003913 1 --- --- --- 96.58 $120.73 662492506660 18" Termination Cone W2-CN1816 810003914 1 --- --- --- 1495.13 $1,868.91 662492187876 Storm Collar FSC19 810003915 1 --- --- --- 101.45 $126.81 662492484692 Variable Pitch Roof Flashing FSVPF18 810003596 1 11.6 --- --- 793.18 $991.48 662492900147 W2 Fixed Blade Damper W2-FBD18 810009515 1 --- --- --- 1305.07 $1,631.34 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE18 810010046 1 --- --- --- 1276.36 $1,595.45 W2-620 810003916 1 17.9 --- --- --- 20” FasNSeal W2 662492803721 6" Double Wall Vent Length 417.16 $521.45 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 180 FasNSeal W2 | 20” - 22” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492226711 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1220 810003917 1 13.1 --- --- 466.24 $582.80 662492592816 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1820 810003918 1 17.9 --- --- 541.90 $677.38 662492673263 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2420 810003919 1 24.0 --- --- 584.85 $731.06 662492732250 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3620 810003920 1 36.2 --- --- 824.10 $1,030.12 662492894279 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL20 810003921 1 17.90 --- --- 541.90 $677.38 662492653333 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9020 810003922 1 27.5 --- --- 1564.36 $1,955.45 --- 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8820 810003923 1 27.5 --- --- 1564.36 $1,955.45 662492755846 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4520 810003924 1 25.0 --- --- 1165.60 $1,457.00 662492420515 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T20 810003925 1 38.2 --- --- 2494.79 $3,118.49 662492404676 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT20 810003926 1 --- --- --- 2156.24 $2,695.29 662492449837 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC20 810003927 1 30.0 --- --- 824.10 $1,030.12 662492909188 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC20 810009884 --- --- --- --- 1169.80 $1,462.25 662492883075 Double Wall IPS Drain Fitting W2-IPSDF20 810003928 1 6.2 --- --- 932.48 $1,165.60 662492815694 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS21 810003929 1 --- --- --- 116.79 $145.98 662492777541 Support Clamp FSCL21 810003930 1 --- --- --- 115.17 $143.97 662492672013 20" Termination Cone W2-CN2018 810003931 1 --- --- --- 1489.43 $1,861.79 662492138618 Storm Collar FSC21 810003932 1 --- --- --- 124.86 $156.07 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE20 810010047 1 --- --- --- 2408.12 $3,010.15 --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 22” FasNSeal W2 662492216866 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-622 810003933 1 20.4 --- --- 439.65 $549.56 662492798638 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1222 810003934 1 15.2 --- --- 492.82 $616.03 662492213810 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1822 810003935 1 20.4 --- --- 650.29 $812.86 662492292334 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2422 810003936 1 28.2 --- --- 781.15 $976.44 662492439555 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3622 810003937 1 38.6 --- --- 1063.35 $1,329.19 662492129211 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL22 810003938 1 20.40 --- --- 650.29 $812.86 662492310069 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9022 810003939 1 30.9 --- --- 1819.97 $2,274.97 --- 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8822 810003940 1 30.9 --- --- 1819.97 $2,274.97 662492866771 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4522 810003941 1 28.2 --- --- 1431.44 $1,789.30 662492180334 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T22 810003942 1 42.9 --- --- 2744.27 $3,430.34 181 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 22” - 24” | FasNSeal W2 UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT22 810003943 1 --- --- --- 2579.07 $3,223.83 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE22 810007545 1 --- --- --- 2827.97 $3,534.96 662492169254 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC22 810003944 1 33.6 --- --- 906.51 $1,133.14 662492909195 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC22 810009885 --- --- --- --- 1230.60 $1,538.25 662492189511 Double Wall IPS Drain Fitting W2-IPSDF22 810003945 1 8.0 --- --- 1110.70 $1,388.38 662492276891 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS23 810003946 1 --- --- --- 131.39 $164.23 662492572672 Support Clamp FSCL23 810003947 1 --- --- --- 145.19 $181.48 662492521311 Storm Collar FSC23 810003948 1 --- --- --- 144.36 $180.45 662492217597 --- Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 24” FasNSeal W2 662492411841 6" Double Wall Vent Length W2-624 810003949 1 21.6 --- --- 466.24 $582.80 662492563915 12" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1224 810003950 1 16.0 --- --- 519.41 $649.26 662792735152 18" Double Wall Vent Length W2-1824 810003951 1 21.6 --- --- 781.15 $976.44 662492114414 24" Double Wall Vent Length W2-2424 810003952 1 29.8 --- --- 975.42 $1,219.27 662492238011 36" Double Wall Vent Length W2-3624 810003953 1 43.6 --- --- 1172.71 $1,465.88 662492672839 Double Wall Adjustable Vent Length W2-AVL24 810003954 1 21.60 --- --- 781.15 $976.44 662492711743 90° Double Wall Elbow W2-9024 810003955 1 37.3 --- --- 2085.81 $2,607.26 --- 88° Double Wall Elbow W2-8824 810003956 1 37.3 --- --- 2085.81 $2,607.26 662492318911 45° Double Wall Elbow W2-4524 810003957 1 46.4 --- --- 1687.05 $2,108.82 662492304846 Double Wall Standard Tee W2-T24 810003958 1 50.6 --- --- 3018.70 $3,773.38 662492617656 Double Wall Wide Mouth Boot Tee W2-WBT24 810003959 1 --- --- --- 1391.72 $1,739.65 Double Wall Wye W2-WYE24 --- 1 --- --- --- 2999.36 $3,749.20 662492123119 Double Wall Tee Cap W2-TC24 810003960 1 36.0 --- --- 997.16 $1,246.45 662492909201 Double Wall Rain Cap W2-RC24 810009886 --- --- --- --- 1308.20 $1,635.25 662492422618 Double Wall IPS Drain Fitting W2-IPSDF24 810003961 1 10.40 --- --- 1373.66 $1,717.07 662492270974 Firestop/ Flat Flashing FSFS25 810003962 1 --- --- --- 141.12 $176.40 662492446577 Support Clamp FSCL25 810003963 1 --- --- --- 165.74 $207.18 662492157657 22" Termination Cone W2-CN2220 810003964 1 --- --- --- 1801.31 $2,251.64 662492710890 Storm Collar FSC25 810003965 1 --- --- --- --- 163.87 $204.84 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 182 FasNSeal | Adapters UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) FasNSeal Adapters 662492676950 3" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Condensate Drain FSAAUCD03 810007011 8 --- --- --- 80.55 $100.69 841211027369 4" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Condensate Drain FSAAUCD04 810003968 8 8.7 1.3 --- 86.84 $108.55 841211024054 4" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Condensate Drain and Back Flow Preventer FSAAUCDBFP04 810003969 8 11.1 1.3 --- 131.97 $164.96 841211004155 3" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU3 810003966 8 3.8 0.4 --- 34.48 $43.10 841211004162 4" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU4 810003970 8 5.0 0.6 --- 35.52 $44.40 841211005930 5" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU5 810003972 8 5.8 1.2 --- 41.63 $52.04 841211005947 6" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU6 810003974 2 2.0 0.4 --- 54.07 $67.58 841211005954 7" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU7 810003977 8 8.8 1.9 --- 59.29 $74.12 841211005961 8" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU8 810003980 2 2.4 0.6 --- 68.15 $85.18 841211005978 9" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU9 810003982 2 2.8 0.6 --- 73.20 $91.50 841211005985 10" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU10 810003984 2 3.4 1.1 --- 76.98 $96.22 841211005992 12" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU12 810003987 1 2.4 1.1 --- 86.66 $108.33 841211006722 14" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU14 810003990 1 3.6 1.2 --- 110.60 $138.25 841211007927 16" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter FSAAU16 810003992 2 8.0 1.9 --- 136.51 $170.64 841211026027 3" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP03 810003967 8 9.1 1.3 --- 82.80 $103.50 841211008719 4" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP04 810003971 8 12.2 1.3 --- 92.32 $115.40 841211025396 5" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP05 810003973 5 9.5 1.3 --- 103.51 $129.39 841211024177 6" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP06 810003975 3 6.8 1.3 --- 121.15 $151.44 841211025853 7" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP07 810003978 2 5.3 1.3 --- 139.77 $174.71 841211024443 8" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP08 810003981 2 6.1 1.3 --- 161.65 $202.06 841211027147 9" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP09 810003983 2 6.8 1.3 --- 167.43 $209.29 841211009464 10" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP10 810003985 1 3.8 0.8 --- 189.31 $236.64 841211027154 12" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP12 810003988 1 4.6 1.1 --- 203.66 $254.57 183 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Adapters | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211027161 14" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP14 810003991 1 7.0 1.9 --- 243.64 $304.55 841211027178 16" FasNSeal Universal Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port FSAAUTP16 810003993 1 8.0 1.9 --- 294.04 $367.55 841211001185 6" FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSAA6 810003976 2 2.0 0.4 --- 45.40 $56.74 841211001192 7" FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSAA7 810003979 2 2.2 0.4 --- 51.77 $64.71 841211001222 10" FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSAA10 810003986 2 3.2 1.1 --- 64.03 $80.04 841211001239 12" FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSAA12 810003989 2 3.6 1.1 --- 68.13 $85.16 662492411384 18" FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSAA18 810005467 1 --- --- --- 204.55 $255.68 841211003899 3" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA3 810003994 8 6.0 0.6 --- 86.90 $108.63 841211003905 4" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA4 810003996 6 5.0 0.6 --- 98.94 $123.67 841211003998 5" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA5 810003998 2 2.3 0.4 --- 104.27 $130.34 841211003912 6" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA6 810004000 2 2.6 0.4 --- 108.32 $135.40 841211003929 7" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA7 810004002 2 3.0 0.6 --- 130.56 $163.19 841211003936 8" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA8 810004004 2 3.2 0.6 --- 137.50 $171.88 841211003943 9" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA9 810004006 2 7.2 1.3 --- 151.38 $189.23 841211003950 10" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA10 810004008 2 6.0 1.1 --- 180.55 $225.69 841211003967 5x2 Diameter FNS 80/90 Cap W2-AA12 810004010 2 8.4 1.9 --- 188.87 $236.09 841211003974 14" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA14 810004012 1 4.5 1.2 --- 202.75 $253.44 841211003981 16" FasNSealW2 Appliance Adapter W2-AA16 810004014 1 5.0 1.9 --- 261.09 $326.36 841211026195 3'W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP03 810003995 1 --- --- --- 106.95 $133.69 841211009518 4"W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP04 810003997 1 --- --- --- 114.64 $143.30 841211025402 5"W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP05 810003999 1 --- --- --- 128.01 $160.01 814211025846 6"W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP06 810004001 1 --- --- --- 139.12 $173.90 841211026201 7" W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP07 810004003 1 --- --- --- 153.96 $192.44 841211025457 8" W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP08 810004005 1 --- --- --- 176.66 $220.83 841211026218 9" W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP09 810004007 1 --- --- --- 182.39 $227.99 841211009471 10" W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP10 810004009 1 --- --- --- 202.91 $253.64 841211026225 12" W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP12 810004011 1 --- --- --- 216.77 $270.96 841211026232 14" W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP14 810004013 1 --- --- --- 268.71 $335.89 841211026249 16" W2 Appliance Adapter w/ Test Port W2-AATP16 810004015 1 --- --- --- 318.15 $397.69 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 184 FasNSeal | Adapters UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492908501 6" Dia Exhaust Adaptor Male & Female FS-EXDA-6 810012864 --- --- --- --- 135.37 $169.21 662492498088 FasNSeal 152mm Male to 6" Female Appliance Adapter FSA-149-6F 810006989 2 4 --- --- 111.81 $139.76 662492882467 FasNSeal 158mm Male to 6" Female Appliance Adapter FSA-158-6F 810004016 2 2.2 0.8 --- 134.30 $167.87 662492287965 FasNSeal 197mm Male to 8" Female Appliance Adapter FSA-197-8F 810004017 1 1.8 0.8 --- 182.50 $228.12 841211027338 FasNSeal 250mm Male to 10" Female Appliance Adapter FSA-250-10F 810004018 2 3.8 0.8 --- 95.93 $119.91 841211024368 FasNSeal 4" PVC to 4" FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-4PVC-4FNS 810004019 8 4.00 0.6 --- 27.89 $34.87 841211001567 6" FasNSeal Aerco International Appliance Adapter FSA-AE6 810004022 4 3.4 1.3 --- 64.88 $81.10 841211016301 8" FasNSeal Aerco International Appliance Adapter FSA-AE8 810004023 2 5.6 1.9 --- 129.58 $161.97 662492730232 14" FasNSeal Aerco International Appliance Adapter FSA-AE14 810007010 --- --- --- --- 241.75 $302.19 841211001291 3" FasNSeal Laars Endurance Series Appliance Adapter FSA-B3 810004024 8 5.2 0.4 --- 56.76 $70.95 841211017445 4" FasNSeal Laars Endurance Series Appliance Adapter FSA-B4 810004025 8 6.5 0.6 --- 77.53 $96.91 841211026461 3.15" to 3" Laars Mascot Appliance Adapter FSA-80MM3 810007013 8 12 --- --- 26.81 $33.52 841211000287 3" FasNSeal Elbow Appliance Adapter FSA-ELB3 810004026 8 4.0 1.2 --- 49.95 $62.44 662492903865 6" Fulton EDR 750-1500 to 6" FNS Adapter 810010020 --- --- --- --- 95.97 $119.96 662492903889 8" Fulton EDR 2000 to 8" FNS Adapter 810010021 --- --- --- --- 110.20 $137.75 662492902858 6" Fulton EDR 750-1600 to 6" PVC Adapter --- 810010022 --- --- --- --- 103.96 $129.95 662492903872 6" Fulton EDR 750-1500 to 6" PP Adapter 6PPS-FULTEDR6PPF 810010023 --- --- --- --- 99.63 $124.54 662492904503 8" Fulton EDR 2000 to 8" PVC Adapter --- 810010024 --- --- --- --- 115.44 $144.30 --- 8" Fulton EDR 2000 to 8" PP Adapter 8PPS-FULTEDR8PPF 810010025 --- --- --- --- 113.86 $142.32 841211001710 4" FasNSeal Elbow Appliance Adapter FSA-ELB4 810004027 10 10.4 1.8 --- 72.41 $90.51 841211001444 4" FasNSeal Fulton Boiler Appliance Adapter FSA-F4 810004028 8 4.2 0.6 --- 50.64 $63.30 841211015618 6" FasNSeal Fulton Boiler Appliance Adapter FSA-F6 810004029 2 1.6 0.4 --- 58.33 $72.91 662492684276 4" FasNSeal Fulton Tapered Appliance Adapter FSA04T2.5 810004030 2 3.2 0.4 --- 50.66 $63.32 662492266243 6" FasNSeal Fulton Tapered Appliance Adapter FSA06T2.5 810004031 2 3.6 0.4 --- 57.53 $71.91 841211001383 3" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter 810004032 8 3.8 0.4 --- 34.91 $43.64 185 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com FSA-FULTEDR6FNSF FSA-FULTEDR8FNSF FSA-HFA3 Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Adapters | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211001574 4" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-HFA4 810004033 8 4.8 0.6 --- 35.01 $43.77 841211016028 5" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-HFA5 810004034 8 6.6 0.8 --- 37.85 $47.31 841211001659 6" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-HFA6 810004035 6 5.0 1.2 --- 42.81 $53.51 841211001666 7" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-HFA7 810004036 8 9.8 3.8 --- 46.31 $57.89 841211005626 8" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-HFA8 810004037 2 2.8 0.6 --- 57.15 $71.44 841211008320 9" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-HFA9 810004038 2 2.8 0.6 --- 59.01 $73.77 662492110720 10" Heatfab to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-HFA10 810006988 2 2 --- --- 75.34 $94.17 841211001697 3" FasNSeal Burnham & New Yorker Appliance Adapter FSA-HFB3 810004039 8 3.2 0.4 --- 24.94 $31.18 841211009914 4" FasNSeal Burnham & New Yorker Appliance Adapter FSA-HFB4 810004040 8 4.0 0.6 --- 33.09 $41.36 841211001581 4" FasNSeal Bosch, Thermo-Dynamics & Laars Appliance Adapter FSA-LMGD4 810004041 8 4.4 0.6 --- 39.95 $49.93 841211001611 3" FasNSeal Crown, Dunkirk & Modine Termination Appliance Adapter FSA-M3 810004042 8 2.4 0.4 --- 32.70 $40.87 841211008283 4" FasNSeal Crown, Dunkirk & Modine Termination Appliance Adapter FSA-M4 810004043 8 3.2 0.4 --- 35.24 $44.04 841211027079 6" FasNSeal Cleaver Brooks MCF Series Appliance Adapter FSA-MCF6 810004044 2 1.8 0.4 --- 64.67 $80.84 662492223390 8" FasNSeal Cleaver Brooks MCF Series Appliance Adapter FSA-MCF8 810004045 2 2.0 0.8 --- 85.40 $106.75 841211008429 10" FasNSeal Cleaver Brooks MCF Series Appliance Adapter FSA-MCF10 810004046 2 3.8 1.1 --- 105.89 $132.36 841211009921 12" FasNSeal Cleaver Brooks MCF Series Appliance Adapter FSA-MCF12 810004047 2 4.2 1.1 --- 102.18 $127.72 841211027123 12" FasNSeal Cleaver Brooks MCF Series Appliance Adapter FSA-FLX10 810005487 --- --- --- --- 117.75 $147.18 841211027130 12" FasNSeal Cleaver Brooks Adapter w/ Disc FSA-FLX12 810005488 --- --- --- --- 132.08 $165.10 662492839980 16" FasNSeal Cleaver Brooks Adapter w/ Disc FSA-FLX16 810007012 --- --- --- --- 165.40 $206.75 841211001390 3" FasNSeal Dunkirk XEB Series & Pennco FSB Series Appliance Adapter FSAMETEK3 810004048 8 3.6 0.4 --- 48.05 $60.06 662492301975 3" FNS 80mm Noritz Appliance Adapter FSAAN03 810005517 8 4.0 --- --- 36.83 $46.04 841211005589 4" FasNSeal Noritz NOM-DV Series Termination Appliance Adapter FSA-NSC4 810004049 8 4.2 0.6 --- 28.80 $36.00 841211001314 3" FasNSeal Slantfin Concept & New Yorker PVCG Series Termination Appliance Adapter FSA-NYV3 810004050 8 3.0 0.8 --- 31.16 $38.94 841211001482 3" FasNSeal Peerless PDE Model Appliance Adapter FSA-PDE3 810004051 3.8 3.8 0.4 --- 44.73 $55.91 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 186 FasNSeal | Adapters UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492488355 3" PVC Male to 3" FasNSeal Female Adapter FSA-3PVCM-3FNS 810005378 841211008543 16" Diameter to 10" Tapered Reducer FS1610TR 841211000805 4" FasNSeal Patterson Kelly Mach Series Appliance Adapter 841211001116 Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) --- --- --- --- 29.75 $37.19 810007015 1 14 --- --- 703.44 $879.31 FSA-PK4 810004052 8 7.6 1.3 --- 26.41 $33.02 5" FasNSeal Patterson Kelly Mach Series Appliance Adapter FSA-PK5 810004053 3 2.0 0.5 --- 32.45 $40.56 841211006661 8" FasNSeal Patterson Kelly Mach Series Appliance Adapter FSA-PK8 810004054 2 3.2 1.2 --- 69.63 $87.03 841211008443 FasNSeal 6" Tapered Patterson Kelly Mach Series Appliance Adapter FSA-PKT6 810004055 6 10.0 2.5 --- 132.39 $165.48 841211001499 3" FasNSeal Peerless & Lochinvar Appliance Adapter FSA-PSC/DE3 810004056 8 3.8 0.4 --- 43.86 $54.82 841211001321 3" FasNSeal Burnham & Quietside Termination Appliance Adapter FSA-PV3 810004057 8 3.2 0.4 --- 43.42 $54.27 841211025310 3" FasNSeal PVC to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-PVC3 810004020 8 3.2 0.4 --- 43.87 $54.83 841211009594 4" FasNSeal PVC to FasNSeal Appliance Adapter FSA-PVC4 810004021 8 4.4 0.6 --- 44.23 $55.28 841211009297 FasNSeal Rheem/Ruud RTG Model & Paloma PTG/PH Series Appliance Adapter FSA-RI-4.2 810004058 8 2.8 0.4 --- 53.24 $66.55 841211006005 7" FasNSeal Buderus SB Series Appliance Adapter FSA-SB7 810004059 2 1.4 0.4 --- 54.24 $67.81 841211006012 8" FasNSeal Buderus SB Series Appliance Adapter FSA-SB8 810004060 2 2.0 0.6 --- 58.03 $72.54 841211006029 10" FasNSeal Buderus SB Series Appliance Adapter FSA-SB10 810004061 2 3.6 1.1 --- 65.62 $82.02 841211006036 12" FasNSeal Buderus SB Series Appliance Adapter FSA-SB12 810004062 1 2.6 1.1 --- 75.72 $94.65 841211027017 14" FasNSeal Buderus SB Series Appliance Adapter FSA-SB14 810004063 1 4.0 1.9 --- 103.43 $129.28 841211001307 4" FasNSeal Smith GV-100 Appliance Adapter FSA-SMITH4 810004064 8 12.0 1.9 --- 77.53 $96.91 841211001505 3" FasNSeal Triangle Delta Series Appliance Adapter FSA-TR3 810004065 8 2.5 2.5 --- 49.98 $62.48 841211026294 6" FasNSeal Thermal Solutions Appliance Adapter FSA-TS6 810004066 1 2.6 0.4 --- 86.26 $107.82 841211008764 4" FasNSeal Takagi TK-TV Series Termination Appliance Adapter FSA-TTA4 810004067 8 3.8 0.6 --- 32.61 $40.76 841211016622 3" FasNSeal Weil McLain Ultra Series Appliance Adapter FSA-ULT3 810004068 8 3.2 0.4 --- 24.81 $31.02 187 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Adapters | FasNSeal UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 841211000294 4" FasNSeal Weil McLain Ultra Series Appliance Adapter FSA-ULT4 810004069 8 4.4 0.8 --- 31.33 $39.16 662492461839 9.85" to 8" FNS Adapter (Exhaust) FSA-SF-08FNSFEX 810007183 --- --- --- --- 176.62 $220.77 841211001512 3" FasNSeal Columbia LVGD Series Appliance FSA-UTC3 Adapter 810004073 8 4.0 0.4 --- 68.78 $85.97 841211001529 4" FasNSeal Columbia LVGD Series Appliance FSA-UTC4 Adapter 810004074 8 5.0 0.6 --- 80.54 $100.67 841211016912 3" FasNSeal Viessmann Vitoden Series Appliance Adapter FSA-V3 810004075 8 3.0 1.2 --- 23.33 $29.16 841211001703 4" FasNSeal Viessmann Vitoden Series Appliance Adapter FSA-V4 810004076 8 4.2 0.6 --- 25.91 $32.39 841211001369 3" FasNSeal Weil McLain GV Model Appliance FSA-WEIL-GV3 Adapter 810004070 8 4.4 0.8 --- 46.24 $57.80 841211001406 3" FasNSeal Weil McLain Tee Appliance Adapter FSA-WEIL-GVTEE3 810004071 6 5.8 1.3 --- 105.84 $132.30 841211001338 3" FasNSeal Weil McLain CG Series & Williamson Thermoflow GWI Series Appliance Adapter FSA-WM-CGI3 810004072 6 2.8 0.6 --- 49.62 $62.03 841211006166 4" FasNSeal-to-Fulton Muffler Inlet Muffler FSAAM4 810004077 8 3.9 0.6 --- 36.03 $45.04 841211006173 6" FasNSeal-to-Fulton Muffler Inlet Muffler FSAAM6 810004078 6 4.4 1.1 --- 44.45 $55.56 662492799390 7" Female-to-Male Jeremias muffler FSA-180F-7M 810004079 2 2.5 0.6 --- 46.35 $57.94 662492673232 7" Male-to-Female Jeremias Muffler FSA-7F-180M 810004080 2 2.5 0.6 --- 48.52 $60.65 662492512647 3" to 2.38" Knight 51-211 Appliance Adapter FSA-23803-FNS 810005379 --- --- --- --- 69.12 $86.40 841211024382 6" Male to 6" PVC Elbow Lochinvar Appliance FSA-6M-6PVC ELB 810005575 Adapter 4 6.00 --- --- 138.73 $173.42 841211029158 200mm to 8" Intelli-Fin IBN 1500 through 2000 Lochinvar Adapter FSA-200MM - 8 810005622 --- --- --- --- 76.69 $95.86 841211029141 150mm to 6" Intelli-Fin IBN 1500 through 2000 Lochinvar Adapter FSA-150mm - 6 810005620 --- --- --- --- 60.99 $76.24 841211001680 3" FasNSeal Adapter FSA-APD3 810007014 8 4.00 --- --- 23.12 $28.90 841211001352 4" FasNSeal StayRite Adapter FSA-STARITE-4 810005276 8 2.00 --- --- 47.60 $59.49 841211009679 3" FasNSeal Vapac GF Adapter FSA-GF3 810007016 8 6.00 --- --- 22.03 $27.54 662492903865 6" Dia Fulton EDR 750-1500 to 6" FNS Adapter FSA-FULTEDR6FNSF 810010020 --- --- --- --- 95.97 $119.96 662492903858 6" Dia Fulton EDR 750-1500 to 6" PVC Adapter --- 810010022 --- --- --- --- 103.95 $129.94 662492903872 6" Dia Fulton EDR 750-1500 to 6" PP Adapter 6PPS-FULTEDR6PPF 810010023 --- --- --- --- 99.63 $124.54 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 188 FasNSeal | Adapters UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492903889 8" Dia Fulton EDR 2000 to 8" FNS Adapter FSA-FULTEDR8FNSF 810010021 --- --- --- --- 110.19 $137.74 662492904503 8" Dia Fulton EDR 2000 to 8" PVC Adapter --- 810010024 --- --- --- --- 115.44 $144.30 --- 8" Dia Fulton EDR 2000 to 8" PP Adapter 8PPS-FULTEDR8PPF 810010025 --- --- --- --- 113.86 $142.32 189 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Kits, 2” | PolyPro Single-Wall UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn 662492901465 2" Horizontal Kit Includes 2"x4"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter white w/ LB2 2PPS-HKL 810009682 1 662492901182 3" Horizontal Kit Includes 3"x5"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter white w/ LB2 3PPS-HKL 810009710 1 5 662492900864 4" Horizontal Kit Includes 4"x6"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter white w/ LB2 4PPS-HKL 810009742 1 662492901366 2" Vertical Kit Includes 2"x4"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter Black w/ LB2 2PPS-VKL 810009692 662492901359 2" Vertical Kit Includes 2"x4"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter Terra Cotta w/ LB2 2PPS-VK-TCL 662492901083 3" Vertical Kit Includes 3"x5"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter Black w/ LB2 Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) PolyPro Terminations Kit 4.25 1.0837 32 182.93 $203.25 1.102 32 195.13 $216.81 6 1.816 20 270.50 $300.55 1 6 1.187 30 184.01 $204.45 810009693 1 6 1.8707 30 193.75 $215.28 3PPS-VKL 810009720 1 9 2.723 20 217.59 $241.77 662492901076 3" Vertical Kit Includes 3"x5"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter Terracotta w/ LB2 3PPS-VK-TCL 810009721 1 9.5 2.723 20 228.39 $253.76 662492900765 4" Vertical Kit Includes 4"x6"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter black w/ LB2 4PPS-VKL 810009752 1 13 4.075 16 336.70 $374.11 662492900758 4" Vertical Kit Includes 4"x6"concentric termination, 2(ea.) appliance adapters, wall plate, firestop and co-linear adapter Terra Cotta w/ LB2 4PPS-VK-TCL 810009753 1 13 4.075 16 347.33 $385.93 2” PolyPro Single-Wall 662492900154 12" PolyPro Pipe Length W/ LB2 2PPS-12L 810009667 6 0.5 --- --- 10.36 $11.51 662492901601 12" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Black w/ LB2 2PPS-12BL 810009668 6 0.5 --- --- 12.84 $14.27 662492901595 36" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 2PPS-36L 810009669 6 0.94 --- 240 16.70 $18.56 662492901588 36" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Blackw/ LB2 2PPS-36BL 810009670 6 0.94 --- 240 22.22 $24.69 662492901571 72" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 2PPS-72L 810009671 6 1.75 --- 180 22.36 $24.84 662492901540 Adjustable Pipe w/ PAC 2PPS-08AL 810009674 6 0.5 --- 432 43.85 $48.73 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 190 PolyPro Single-Wall | 2” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492901380 Test Port w/ LB2 2PPS-TPL 810009690 6 1.5 --- 432 24.60 $27.33 662492901564 Appliance Adapter PVC to Poly Pro WPAC 2PPS-ADL 810009672 6 0.14 --- --- 35.08 $38.98 662492901557 2" PP to PVC Adapter w/ LB2 2PPS-AD-2PVCL 810009673 --- --- --- --- 38.74 $43.05 662492901533 45° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 2PPS-E45L 810009675 6 0.28 --- 432 12.43 $13.81 662492901526 45° PolyPro Elbow UV Black w/ LB2 2PPS-E45BL 810009676 6 0.28 --- 432 14.44 $16.04 662492901519 90° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 2PPS-E90L 810009677 6 0.4 --- 480 12.64 $14.04 662492901502 90° PolyPro Elbow UV Black w/ LB2 2PPS-E90BL 810009678 6 0.4 --- 480 13.74 $15.26 662492901496 90° PolyPro Elbow Extended UV Black w/ LB2 2PPS-E90EBL 810009679 6 0.4 --- 480 36.83 $40.92 662492634165 2"-8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492570296 Tee Cap 2PPS-C 810004103 6 0.75 --- --- 14.04 $15.60 662492903599 Condensate Drainw/ LB2 2PPS-CDL 810010347 6 0.29 --- 432 53.80 $59.78 662492901410 Tee with Cap w/ LB2 2PPS-TL 810009687 6 0.38 --- --- 44.55 $49.50 662492901403 Tee UV Black w/ LB2 2PPS-TBL 810009688 6 --- --- 432 50.38 $55.97 662492901397 Tee Cap Drain w/ LB2 2PPS-TCDL 810009689 6 0.38 --- 432 52.69 $58.55 662492901342 Increaser 2" - 3" w/ PAC 2PPS-X3L 810009694 6 0.28 --- 432 39.54 $43.93 662492195741 Wall Strap Metal - Galvanized 2PPS-WSM 810004110 6 1 --- --- 10.11 $11.24 662492214756 Wall Strap Metal- Stainless Steel 2PPS-WSM-SS 810004111 6 1 --- --- 31.58 $35.09 662492555583 Wall Plate - Black 2PPS-WPB 810004112 6 0.6 --- 864 16.79 $18.66 662492800331 Wall Plate - Black for Twin Pipes 2PPS-WPT 810004113 6 0.6 --- 26.85 $29.83 662492145753 Fire Stop Spacer - Concentric 2PPS-FS 810004114 12 0.6 --- 10.18 $11.31 662492254882 Fire Stop Spacer - Single Wall 2PPS-FSS 810004115 12 10.18 $11.31 662492256411 Flat Roof Flashing 2PPS-FF 810004116 12 1 4.593 216 30.88 $34.31 662492833872 Adjustable Roof Flashing (Aluminum) 2PPS-F5 810004117 1 10 --- 18 332.22 $369.13 662492841631 Adjustable Roof Flashing (Polypropylene) 2PPS-F12 810004118 1 11 --- 48 111.06 $123.40 662492499887 Adjustable Roof Flashing, terra-cotta 5/1212/12 pitch 2PPS-F12-TC 810004119 1 11 --- --- 130.45 $144.94 662492901434 Twin Pipe Termination. Zincalume with black 2PPS-HTPL nozzle w/ LB2 810009685 1 5 --- 78 148.92 $165.46 662492901441 Single Horizontal Termination. Black w/ LB2 2PPS-HSTL 810009684 1 4.25 --- 84 82.66 $91.85 662492901373 Vertical Flex Termination w/ LB2 2PPS-VFTL 810009691 1 --- --- --- 130.34 $144.83 191 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. 864 --- List (ea) 2” - 3” | PolyPro Single-Wall UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492901458 Lochinvar Horizontal Termination Kit. Includes 14" pipe welded to an adapter and metal backing plate w/ LB2 2PPS-HLKL 810009683 1 --- --- 90 38.89 $43.21 662492416846 Replacement Gasket (Rigid Pipe) 2PPS-GA 810004124 12 0.3 --- 2520 2.96 $3.29 662492368817 Adapter Replacement Gaskets ( for Appliance Adapter) 2PPS-GAA 810004125 12 1 --- 2520 3.21 $3.56 662492883860 Viton Replacement Gaskets (For Use with Oil Appliances) 2PPS-GAV 810004126 12 1 --- 2520 5.97 $6.63 662492903322 Locking Band 2PPS-LB2 810009654 12 0.12 --- 2520 3.46 $3.84 662492524824 Locking Band Clamp 2PPS-LBC 810007146 8 --- --- --- 3.46 $3.84 662492533949 2-3-4" Diameter-Universal PVC Adapter Clamp PPS-PAC 810004128 6 0.33 --- 480 19.29 $21.43 662492201879 3" FasNSeal Male to 2" PolyPro Adapter FSA-03M-2PPF 810004170 0.48 --- --- 58.15 $64.61 3” PolyPro Single-Wall 662492903117 12" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 3PPS-12L 810009657 6 0.44 --- --- 13.38 $14.87 662492901335 12" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Black w/ LB2 3PPS-12BL 810009695 6 0.44 --- --- 14.69 $16.32 662492901328 36" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 3PPS-36L 810009696 6 1.33 --- --- 27.21 $30.23 662492901311 36" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Black w/ LB2 3PPS-36BL 810009697 6 1.33 --- --- 33.46 $37.17 662492901304 72" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 3PPS-72L 810009698 6 2.44 --- --- 35.55 $39.50 662492901267 Adjustable Pipe Length W/PAC 3PPS-08AL 810009702 6 0.44 --- 432 46.73 $51.92 662492901106 Test Port w/ LB2 3PPS-TPL 810009718 6 0.44 --- --- 29.29 $32.55 662492268599 Appliance Adapter 3PPS-AD-M 810007169 --- --- --- --- 39.60 $44.00 662492901298 Appliance Adapter PVC-PolyPro w/ PAC 3PPS-ADL 810009699 6 0.17 --- --- 36.29 $40.32 662492901281 PP to PVC Adapter w/ LB2 3PPS-AD-3PVCL 810009700 --- --- --- --- 42.81 $47.57 662492901250 45° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 3PPS-E45L 810009703 6 0.2 --- --- 17.82 $19.80 662492901243 45° PolyPro Elbow UV Black w/ LB2 3PPS-E45BL 810009704 6 0.2 --- --- 21.99 $24.43 662492903100 90° PolyPro Elbow WLB2 3PPS-E90L 810009658 6 0.25 --- --- 17.82 $19.80 662492901236 90° PolyPro Elbow UV Black w/ LB2 3PPS-E90BL 810009705 6 0.25 --- --- 21.99 $24.43 662492901229 90° PolyPro Elbow Extended UV Black w/ LB2 3PPS-E90EBL 810009706 6 0.25 --- --- 50.14 $55.71 662492634165 2" - 8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492184578 Tee Cap 3PPS-C 810004142 6 0.75 --- --- 18.05 $20.05 662492903605 Condensate Drain w/ LB2 3PPS-CDL 810010348 6 0.5 --- --- 69.97 $77.75 662492903315 Tee with Cap w/ LB2 3PPS-TL 810009659 46.23 0.42 --- --- 40.74 $45.26 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 192 PolyPro Single-Wall | 3” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492901120 Tee UV Black w/ LB2 3PPS-TBL 810009716 6 0.38 --- --- 56.40 $62.67 662492901113 Tee Cap Drain w/ LB2 3PPS-TCDL 810009717 6 0.44 --- --- 51.97 $57.75 662492901069 Increaser 3" - 4" w/ PAC 3PPS-X4L 810009722 6 0.25 --- --- 41.31 $45.90 662492901144 2" Reducer w/ PAC 3PPS-R2L 810009714 6 1.33 --- --- 44.36 $49.29 662492346044 Wall Strap-Metal 3PPS-WSM 810004150 6 0.5 --- --- 10.95 $12.17 662492385388 Wall Strap Metal- Stainless Steel 3PPS-WSM-SS 810004151 6 0.5 --- --- 33.09 $36.76 662492206881 Wall Plate - Black 3PPS-WPB 810004152 6 0.5 --- --- 17.55 $19.50 662492748459 Wall Plate - Black for Twin Pipes 3PPS-WPT 810004153 6 0.7 --- --- 28.94 $32.15 662492828083 Fire Stop Spacer - Concentric 3PPS-FS 810004154 12 0.76 --- --- 10.28 $11.42 662492542910 Fire Stop Spacer - Single Wall 3PPS-FSS 810004155 12 --- --- --- 10.28 $11.42 662492313114 Flat Roof Flashing 3PPS-FF 810004156 12 1 --- --- 32.15 $35.72 662492846117 Adjustable Roof Flashing (Aluminum) 3PPS-F5 810004157 1 10 --- --- 351.81 $390.90 662492586310 Adjustable Roof Flashing (Polypropylene) 3PPS-F12 810004158 1 8 --- --- 112.97 $125.52 662492107362 Adjustable Roof Flashing, terra-cotta 5/1212/12 pitch 3PPS-F12-TC 810004159 1 8 --- --- 137.80 $153.11 662492901151 Twin Pipe Termination. Zincalume with black 3PPS-HTPL nozzle w/ LB2 810009713 1 4.5 --- --- 182.58 $202.86 662492901168 Single Horizontal Termination. Black w/ LB2 3PPS-HSTL 810009712 1 4.25 --- --- 97.01 $107.79 662492901090 Vertical Flex Termination w/ LB2 3PPS-VFTL 810009719 1 --- --- --- 196.65 $218.50 662492901175 Lochinvar Horizontal Termination Kit. Includes 14" pipe welded to an adapter and metal backing plate w/ LB2 3PPS-HLKL 810009711 1 3 --- --- 58.83 $65.37 662492623510 Replacement Gasket (Rigid Pipe) 3PPS-GA 810004164 12 0.5 --- --- 2.65 $2.94 662492839461 Viton Replacement Gaskets (For Use with Oil Appliances) 3PPS-GAV 810004165 12 0.5 --- --- 5.65 $6.28 662492903339 Locking Band 3PPS-LB2 810009655 12 0.12 --- 210 4.26 $4.73 662492797310 Locking Band Clamp 3PPS-LBC 810007147 8 --- 0.3525 --- 4.26 $4.74 662492533949 2-3-4" Diameter-Universal PVC Adapter Clamp PPS-PAC 810004128 6 0.33 --- --- 19.29 $21.43 662492857656 3" Male PVC to 2" PolyPro Adapter 810007345 --- --- --- --- 62.16 $69.07 662492653739 3" Male PVC to 3" PolyPro Adapter 810004167 1 --- --- --- 47.63 $52.92 662492901274 3" PolyPro to 3" FasNSeal Adapter w/ LB2 810009701 --- 0.48 --- --- 37.35 $41.50 662492905197 3" DIA. PP to 3" PVC Adapter 810012593 --- --- --- --- 57.66 $64.06 193 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 3PPS-03PVCM2PPF 3PPS-03PVCM3PPF 3PPS-ADM03FNSFL 3PPS-3PPM03PVCF Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 3” - 4” | PolyPro Single-Wall UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492717721 3" FasNSeal Male to 3" PolyPro Adapter FSA-03M-3PPF 810004169 --- 0.48 --- --- 28.83 $32.03 662492903353 3" FasNSeal Universal Adapter to 3" PolyPro FSAAU3-3PP 810004171 --- --- --- --- 40.34 $44.82 4” PolyPro Single-Wall 662492901052 12" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 4PPS-12L 810009723 6 0.6 --- --- 27.58 $30.64 662492901045 12" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Black w/ LB2 4PPS-12BL 810009724 6 0.6 --- --- 29.58 $32.87 662492901038 36" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 4PPS-36L 810009725 6 1.7 --- --- 52.64 $58.49 662492901021 36" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Black w/ LB2 4PPS-36BL 810009726 6 3.4 --- --- 54.65 $60.72 662492901014 72" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 4PPS-72L 810009727 6 3.7 --- --- 74.21 $82.45 662492900970 Adjustable Pipe Length W/PAC 4PPS-08AVL 810009731 6 0.5 --- --- 52.48 $58.31 662492900772 Test Port w/ LB2 4PPS-TPL 810009751 6 0.6 --- --- 68.08 $75.65 662492538289 Appliance Adapter Stainless Steel to PolyPro 4PPS-AD-M 810007170 --- --- --- --- 42.11 $46.79 662492901007 Appliance Adapter PVC-PolyPro w/ PAC 4PPS-ADL 810009728 6 0.5 --- --- 37.85 $42.05 662492900994 PP to PVC Adapter w/ LB2 4PPS-AD-4PVCL 810009729 --- --- --- --- 48.45 $53.83 662492900956 45° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 4PPS-E45L 810009733 6 0.33 --- --- 31.59 $35.10 662492900949 45° PolyPro Elbow UV Black w/ LB2 4PPS-E45BL 810009734 6 0.33 --- --- 34.71 $38.57 662492900932 90° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 4PPS-E90L 810009735 6 0.5 --- --- 31.59 $35.10 662492900925 90° PolyPro Elbow UV Black w/ LB2 4PPS-E90BL 810009736 6 0.5 --- --- 34.71 $38.57 662492900918 90° PolyPro Elbow Extended UV Black w/ LB2 4PPS-E90EBL 810009737 6 0.5 --- --- 63.92 $71.02 662492634165 2"-8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492856796 Tee Cap 4PPS-C 810004185 1 0.75 --- --- 20.05 $22.28 662492903612 Condensate Drain w/ LB2 4PPS-CDL 810010349 6 1 --- --- 79.86 $88.73 662492900802 Tee with Cap w/ LB2 4PPS-TL 810009748 6 0.57 --- --- 61.06 $67.85 662492900796 Tee UV Black w/ LB2 4PPS-TBL 810009749 6 0.38 --- --- 62.87 $69.86 662492900789 Tee Cap Drain w/ LB2 4PPS-TCDL 810009750 6 1 --- --- 72.14 $80.16 662492900741 Increaser 4"-5" w/ PACL 4PPS-X5L 810009754 6 0.44 --- --- 63.07 $70.08 662492900826 4" to 3" Reducer w/ PAC 4PPS-R3L 810009746 6 1.33 --- --- 55.27 $61.41 662492874684 Wall Strap - metal 4PPS-WSM 810004193 12 0.5 --- --- 12.20 $13.56 662492527474 Wall Strap Metal- Stainless Steel 4PPS-WSM-SS 810004194 6 0.5 --- --- 34.84 $38.71 662492746233 Wall Plate - Black 4PPS-WPB 810004195 6 0.4 --- --- 18.30 $20.33 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 194 PolyPro Single-Wall | 4” - 5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492864791 Wall Plate - Black for Twin Pipes 4PPS-WPT 810004196 6 0.4 --- --- 31.02 $34.47 662492235171 Fire Stop Spacer - Concentric 4PPS-FS 810004197 12 0.52 --- --- 10.38 $11.53 662492359747 Fire Stop Spacer - Single Wall 4PPS-FSS 810004198 12 --- --- 10.38 $11.53 662492496015 Flat Roof Flashing 4PPS-FF 810004199 12 1.4 --- --- 33.62 $37.35 662492718124 Adjustable Roof Flashing (Aluminum) 4PPS-F5 810004200 1 11 --- --- 364.93 $405.48 662492473450 Adjustable Roof Flashing (Polypropylene) 4PPS-F12 810004201 1 18 --- --- 117.61 $130.68 662492141632 Adjustable Roof Flashing, terra-cotta 5/2-12/12 4PPS-F12-TC 810004202 1 18 --- --- 151.30 $168.11 662492900840 Horizontal SW Termination w/ LB2 810009744 --- --- --- --- 173.44 $192.71 662492900833 Twin Pipe Termination. Zincalume with black 4PPS-HTPL nozzle w/ LB2 810009745 --- --- --- --- 245.15 $272.39 662492900857 Lochinvar Horizontal Termination Kit. Includes 14" pipe welded to an adapter and metal backing plate w/ LB2 4PPS-HLKL 810009743 1 2 --- --- 67.44 $74.93 662492205297 Replacement Gasket (Rigid Pipe) 4PPS-GA 810004204 12 0.5 --- --- 3.70 $4.11 662492404829 Viton Replacement Gaskets (For Use with Oil Appliances) 4PPS-GAV 810004205 12 0.5 --- --- 7.74 $8.60 662492903346 Locking Band 4PPS-LB2 810009656 12 0.18 --- 210 5.51 $6.13 662492703359 Locking Band Clamp 4PPS-LBC 810007148 8 --- --- --- 5.52 $6.13 662492533949 2-3-4" Diameter-Universal PVC Adapter Clamp PPS-PAC 810004128 6 0.33 --- --- 19.29 $21.43 662492702628 4" Male PVC to 4" Poly Pro Adapter 810004207 --- --- --- --- 40.77 $45.30 662492900987 4" PolyPro to 4" FasNSeal Adapter w/ LB2 810009730 8 0.48 --- --- 49.64 $55.15 662492905203 4" DIA. PP to 4" PVC Adapter 810012594 --- --- --- --- 69.40 $77.12 662492824870 4" FasNSeal Male to 4" PolyPro Adapter FSA-04M-4PPF 810004209 --- 0.48 --- --- 47.68 $52.97 662492191071 4" FasNSeal Universal Adapter to 4" PolyPro FSAAU4-4PP 810004210 --- --- --- --- 100.26 $111.40 662492129487 4' Giannoni to 4" Poly Pro Adapter 4PPS-AD04GIA4PPF 810004211 1 --- --- --- 41.66 $46.29 4PPS-HSTSL 4PPS-04PVCM4PPF 4PPS-ADM04FNSFL 4PPS-4PPM04PVCF Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 5” PolyPro Single-Wall 662492900734 12" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 5PPS-12L 810009755 3 1.67 --- --- 44.98 $49.98 662492900727 36" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 5PPS-36L 810009756 3 2.93 --- --- 82.08 $91.20 662492900710 72" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 5PPS-72L 810009757 3 5 --- --- 114.17 $126.85 662492900697 Adjustable Pipe Length w/ PACL 5PPS-08AL 810009759 3 1.5 --- --- 78.62 $87.35 662492900598 Test Port w/ LB2 5PPS-TPL 810009769 3 1 --- --- 107.00 $118.89 662492900680 45° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 5PPS-E45L 810009760 6 0.83 --- --- 41.97 $46.64 195 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 5” | PolyPro Single-Wall UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492900673 90° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 5PPS-E90L 810009761 4 0.75 --- --- 43.98 $48.87 662492900635 Support 90º Elbow w/ LB2 5PPS-SE90L 810009765 --- 1 --- --- 65.98 $73.31 662492634165 2" - 8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492259191 Tee Cap 5PPS-C 810004226 --- 1 --- --- 35.09 $38.99 662492903629 Condensate Drain w/ LB2 5PPS-CDL 810010350 3 1 --- --- 145.04 $161.16 662492900611 Tee with Cap w/ LB2 5PPS-TL 810009767 3 0.75 --- --- 101.13 $112.37 662492900604 Tee with Drain Cap w/ LB2 5PPS-TCDL 810009768 3 0.75 --- --- 119.58 $132.86 662492900574 Increaser 5"-6" w/ PACL 5PPS-X6L 810009771 6 0.5 --- --- 68.48 $76.09 662492900642 4" Reducer w/ PACL 5PPS-R4L 810009764 --- 1.33 --- --- 79.57 $88.41 662492117439 Wall Strap (Galvanized) 5PPS-WSM 810004232 --- 0.1 --- --- 10.93 $12.14 662492873946 Wall Strap (Stainless) 5PPS-WSM-SS 810004233 --- 0.5 --- --- 40.06 $44.51 662492816516 Fire Stop Spacer 5PPS-FSS 810004234 1 0.84 --- --- 18.05 $20.05 662492495896 Replacement Gasket (Rigid Pipe) 5PPS-GA 810004237 6 0.5 --- --- 9.83 $10.92 662492432747 Viton Replacement Gaskets (For Oil Appliances) 5PPS-GAV 810004238 6 0.5 --- --- 10.28 $11.42 662492900581 Vertical Termination Metal w/ LB2 5PPS-VTML 810009770 --- 6.4 --- --- 325.22 $361.35 662492186589 Storm Collar FSCPP5 810007172 --- --- --- --- 70.08 $77.87 841211015519 Support Clamp FSCL6 810003288 --- --- --- --- 28.37 $31.52 662492900659 Horizontal Termination Stainless w/ LB2 5PPS-HSTL 810009763 --- 4.25 --- --- 282.48 $313.87 662492904022 Locking Band 5PPS-LB2 810009914 6 0.18 --- --- 9.38 $10.43 662492369913 Locking Band Clamp 5PPS-LBC 810004242 4 0.3525 --- --- 9.38 $10.43 662492164587 5-6-8 Universal PVC Adapter Clamp PPS-PACL 810004243 6 --- --- --- 28.58 $31.75 662492153758 5" Over PVC to 5" Poly Pro Adapter 810004244 --- --- --- --- 95.25 $105.83 --- 5" PVC Male to 5" Poly Pro Adapter 810004245 --- --- --- --- 47.63 $52.92 810009758 --- 0.48 --- --- 63.53 $70.59 5PPS-05PVCF5PPF 5PPS-05PVCM5PPF 5PPS-ADM05FNSFL Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492900703 5" PolyPro to 5" FasNSeal Adapter w/ LB2 662492855027 5" FasNSeal Male to 5" PolyPro Adapter FSA-05M-5PPF 810004247 --- 0.48 --- --- 50.78 $56.43 662492903360 5" FasNSeal Universal Adapter to 5" PolyPro FSAAU5-5PP 810004248 --- 0.48 --- --- 95.35 $105.94 662492903179 5" PPS Double Wall 12" Pipe Assembly 5PPS-12DW 810009348 --- --- --- --- 11.70 $13.00 662492901786 5" PPS Double Wall 36" Pipe Assembly 5PPS-36DW 810009349 --- --- --- --- 35.10 $39.00 662492901793 5" PPS Double Wall 72" Pipe Assembly 5PPS-72DW 810009350 --- --- --- --- 70.20 $78.00 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 196 PolyPro Single-Wall | 5” - 6” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492901953 5" PPS Double Wall 36" Teles Pipe Assy 5PPS-36DWA 810009926 --- --- --- --- 46.80 $52.00 662492901984 5" PPS Double Wall Tele Section Fitting 5PPS-ADDW 810009929 --- --- --- --- 46.80 $52.00 662492903551 5" PPS Double Wall FNS Adapter 5PPS-ADDW-FNS 810010087 --- --- --- --- 65.52 $72.80 662492901823 5" PPS Double Wall 90° Elbow 5PPS-E90DW 810009352 --- --- --- --- 112.32 $124.80 662492901847 5" PPS Double Wall 45° Elbow 5PPS-E45DW 810009351 --- --- --- --- 46.80 $52.00 662492901861 5x6" PPS Double Wall, Wall Strap 5PPS-WSMDW 810009917 --- --- --- --- 35.10 $39.00 662492903162 5-8" PPS Double Wall, Wall Strap Extension PPS-WSMDW-EXT 810010086 --- --- --- --- 11.70 $13.00 662492902134 5" PPS Double Wall Elbow Strap 5PPS-ESDW 810009947 --- --- --- --- 18.72 $20.80 662492901892 5" PPS Double Wall Flashing 5PPS-FDW 810009923 --- --- --- --- 51.48 $57.20 662492901922 5" PPS Double Wall Flashing Steep Roof 5PPS-FSRDW 810009932 --- --- --- --- 58.50 $65.00 662492902011 5" PPS Double Wall Firestop Sup. Assy 5PPS-FSDW 810009920 --- --- --- --- 21.06 $23.40 662492902936 5" PPS Double Wall Firestop Spacer HZ 5PPS-FSSDW 810010078 --- --- --- --- 16.38 $18.20 662492902042 5" PPS Double Wall Vertical Termination 5PPS-VTDW 810009938 --- --- --- --- 175.50 $195.00 662492902073 5" PPS Double Wall Storm Collar 5PPS-SCDW 810009941 --- --- --- --- 14.04 $15.60 662492903513 5" PPS Double Wall Roof Support 5PPS-RSDW 810010339 --- --- --- --- 46.80 $52.00 662492902967 5" PPS Double Wall HST Trim Plate 5PPS-HSTDW 810010075 --- --- --- --- 18.72 $20.80 6” PolyPro Single-Wall 662492900567 12" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 6PPS-12L 810009772 3 1.5 --- --- 75.20 $83.55 662492900550 12" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Black w/ LB2 6PPS-12BL 810009773 3 1.5 --- --- 87.83 $97.59 662492900543 36" PolyPro Pipe Lengthw/ LB2 6PPS-36L 810009774 3 3.5 --- --- 135.76 $150.84 662492900536 36" PolyPro Pipe Length UV Black w/ LB2 6PPS-36Bl 810009775 3 3.5 --- --- 159.82 $177.58 662492900529 72" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 6PPS-72l 810009776 3 7.5 --- --- 186.39 $207.10 662492900505 Adjustable Pipe Length w/ PACL 6PPS-08AL 810009778 1 --- --- --- 100.02 $111.13 662492900390 Test Port w/ LB2 6PPS-TPL 810009789 3 1.33 --- --- 88.28 $98.09 662492900475 45° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 6PPS-E45L 810009781 6 1 --- --- 74.39 $82.66 662492900468 90° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 6PPS-E90L 810009782 4 1.6 --- --- 88.08 $97.86 662492900451 90° PolyPro Elbow UV Black w/ LB2 6PPS-E90BL 810009783 4 1.6 --- --- 103.17 $114.64 662492900420 Support 90º Elbow w/ LB2 6PPS-SE90L 810009786 --- 1.6 --- --- 103.22 $114.69 662492634165 2" - 8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 197 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 6” | PolyPro Single-Wall UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492903636 Condensate Drain w/ LB2 6PPS-CDL 810010351 3 1.1 --- --- 140.47 $156.07 662492664445 6" Tee Cap 6PPS-C 810006177 --- 0.75 --- --- 95.25 $105.83 662492900413 Tee with Cap w/ LB2 6PPS-TL 810009787 3 --- --- --- 110.49 $122.76 662492900406 Tee with Drain Cap w/ LB2 6PPS-TCDL 810009788 3 1.67 --- --- 140.21 $155.79 662492900383 Termination Tee UV Black w/ LB2 6PPS-TTBL 810009790 --- --- --- --- 129.64 $144.05 662492900369 Increaser 6"-8" w/ PACL 6PPS-X8L 810009792 6 1 --- --- 143.28 $159.20 662492900437 5" Reducer w/ PACL 6PPS-R5L 810009785 --- 1.33 --- --- 161.93 $179.92 662492114261 Wall Strap (Galvanized) 6PPS-WSM 810004266 --- 0.3 --- --- 13.84 $15.37 662492808856 Wall Strap (Stainless) 6PPS-WSM-SS 810004267 --- 0.5 --- --- 46.07 $51.19 662492513682 Flat Roof Flashing 6PPS-FF 810004268 12 1.3 --- --- 82.52 $91.69 662492322666 Fire Stop Spacer 6PPS-FSS 810004269 1 --- --- --- 19.30 $21.45 662492900499 Collector 1 x 45º w/ LB2 6PPS-C45-1L 810009779 --- --- --- --- 146.53 $162.81 662492900482 Collector 2 x 45º w/ LB2 6PPS-C45-2L 810009780 --- --- --- --- 178.17 $197.97 662492878958 Replacement Gasket (Rigid Pipe) 6PPS-GA 810004272 25 0.5 --- --- 9.78 $10.86 662492869062 Viton Replacement Gaskets (For Oil Appliances) 6PPS-GAV 810004273 6 0.5 --- --- 11.94 $13.27 662492900376 Vertical Termination Metal w/ LB2 6PPS-VTML 810009791 --- --- --- --- 461.61 $512.91 662492762615 Storm Collar FSCPP6 810007173 --- --- --- --- 72.94 $81.04 841211015991 Support Clamp FSCL7 810003332 --- --- --- --- 31.16 $34.62 662492900444 Horizontal Termination Stainless w/ LB2 6PPS-HSTL 810009784 --- 4.25 --- --- 365.71 $406.35 662492429846 Bird Guard 6PPS-BG 810004276 --- --- --- --- 27.07 $30.08 Locking Band 6PPS-LB2 810009915 6 0.18 --- --- 10.43 $11.59 662492109496 Locking Band Clamp 6PPS-LBC 810004278 4 0.5191 --- --- 10.43 $11.58 662492499856 3-8 Diameter Siphon PPS-Siphon 810004279 --- --- --- --- 47.12 $52.36 662492737897 6" Over PVC to 6" Poly Pro Adapter 810004280 --- 4 --- --- 115.30 $128.12 662492277072 6" Male PVC to 6" Poly Pro Adapter 810004281 --- 4 --- --- 54.33 $60.36 662492542880 6" FasNSeal Male to 6" Poly Pro Adapter FSA-06M-6PPF 810007030 --- --- --- --- 64.52 $71.69 662492900512 6" PolyPro to 6" FasNSeal Adapter w/ LB2 6PPS-ADM06FNSFL 810009777 --- --- --- --- 70.58 $78.43 662492827772 7" FasNSeal Male to 6" Poly Pro Adapter FSA-07M-6PPF 810004463 --- --- --- --- 101.62 $112.91 662492903872 6" Fulton EDR 750-1500 to 6" PP Adapter 6PPS-FULTEDR6PPF 810010023 --- --- --- --- 116.57 $129.52 --- 6PPS-06PVCF6PPF 6PPS-06PVCM6PPF Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 198 PolyPro Single-Wall | 6” - 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492892046 6" FasNSeal Universal Adapter to 6" Poly Pro FSAAU6-6PP 810004283 --- 0.48 --- --- 64.81 $72.01 662492903186 6" PPS Double Wall 12" Pipe Assembly 6PPS-12DW 810009353 --- --- --- --- 15.21 $16.90 662492275399 6" PPS Double Wall 36" Pipe Assembly 6PPS-36DW 810009354 --- --- --- --- 46.80 $52.00 662492901809 6" PPS Double Wall 72" Pipe Assembly 6PPS-72DW 810009355 --- --- --- --- 91.26 $101.40 662492901960 6" PPS Double Wall 36" Teles Pipe Assy 6PPS-36DWA 810009927 --- --- --- --- 60.84 $67.60 662492901991 6" PPS Double Wall Tele Section Fitting 6PPS-ADDW 810009930 --- --- --- --- 51.48 $57.20 662492903568 6" PPS Double Wall FNS Adapter 6PPS-ADDW-FNS 810010088 --- --- --- --- 74.88 $83.20 662492553329 6" PPS Double Wall 90° Elbow 6PPS-E90DW 810009357 --- --- --- --- 128.70 $143.00 662492734513 6" PPS Double Wall 45° Elbow 6PPS-E45DW 810009356 --- --- --- --- 56.16 $62.40 662492901878 6x7" PPS Double Wall, Wall Strap 6PPS-WSMDW 810009918 --- --- --- --- 39.78 $44.20 662492902141 6" PPS Double Wall Elbow Strap 6PPS-ESDW 810009948 --- --- --- --- 21.06 $23.40 662492901908 6" PPS Double Wall Flashing 6PPS-FDW 810009924 --- --- --- --- 65.52 $72.80 662492901939 6" PPS Double Wall Flashing Steep Roof 6PPS-FSRDW 810009933 --- --- --- --- 72.54 $80.60 662492902028 6" PPS Double Wall Firestop Sup. Assy 6PPS-FSDW 810009921 --- --- --- --- 28.08 $31.20 662492902929 6" PPS Double Wall Firestop Spacer HZ 6PPS-FSSDW 810010079 --- --- --- --- 18.72 $20.80 662492902059 6" PPS Double Wall Vertical Termination 6PPS-VTDW 810009939 --- --- --- --- 182.52 $202.80 662492902080 6" PPS Double Wall Storm Collar 6PPS-SCDW 810009942 --- --- --- --- 16.38 $18.20 662492903520 6" PPS Double Wall Roof Support 6PPS-RSDW 810010340 --- --- --- --- 58.50 $65.00 662492902950 6" PPS Double Wall HST Trim Plate 6PPS-HSTDW 810010076 --- --- --- --- 21.06 $23.40 8” PolyPro Single-Wall 662492900352 40" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 8PPS-40L 810009793 1 7 --- --- 159.66 $177.40 662492900345 75" PolyPro Pipe Length w/ LB2 8PPS-75L 810009794 1 13 --- --- 279.83 $310.92 662492900239 Test Port w/ LB2 8PPS-TPL 810009805 1 2 --- --- 235.06 $261.17 662492900307 45° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 8PPS-E45L 810009798 1 --- --- --- 117.35 $130.39 662492900291 90° PolyPro Elbow w/ LB2 8PPS-E90L 810009799 1 5 --- --- 132.44 $147.15 662492900260 Support 90º Elbow w/ LB2 8PPS-SE90L 810009802 --- 3 --- --- 122.57 $136.18 662492409589 Chimney Support 8PPS-SUP 810004290 --- 2 --- --- 128.34 $142.60 662492468111 Collector Cap with Condensate Drain 8PPS-CD 810004291 1 1 --- --- 139.77 $155.30 662492639788 Tee Cap 8PPS-C 810004292 --- 0.75 --- --- 120.32 $133.69 199 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 8” | PolyPro Single-Wall UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492900253 Tee with Cap w/ LB2 8PPS-TL 810009803 1 --- --- --- 207.39 $230.43 662492900246 Tee with Drain Cap w/ LB2 8PPS-TCDL 810009804 1 6 --- --- 249.85 $277.61 662492634165 2" - 8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492900277 8" to 6" Reducer w/ PACL 8PPS-R6L 810009801 --- 1.33 --- --- 204.04 $226.71 662492767443 Wall Strap (Galvanized) 8PPS-WSM 810004296 6 0.32 --- --- 15.29 $16.99 662492779491 Wall Strap (Stainless) 8PPS-WSM-SS 810004297 --- 0.5 --- --- 52.99 $58.88 662492230381 Fire Stop Spacer 8PPS-FSS 810004298 1 --- --- --- 24.56 $27.29 662492900321 Collector 1 x 45º w/ LB2 8PPS-C45-1L 810009796 --- --- --- --- 189.14 $210.15 662492900314 Collector 2 x 45º w/ LB2 8PPS-C45-2L 810009797 --- --- --- --- 226.35 $251.50 662492900215 Multiline Wye Adapter w/ LB2 8PPS-Y66L 810009807 --- --- --- --- 103.01 $114.45 662492619483 Flat Roof Flashing 8PPS-FF 810004302 10 3 --- --- 95.95 $106.61 662492165652 Replacement Gasket (Rigid Pipe) 8PPS-GA 810004303 6 0.9 --- --- 13.15 $14.62 662492432198 Viton Replacement Gaskets (For Oil Appliances) 8PPS-GAV 810004304 6 0.5 --- --- 33.43 $37.15 Locking Band 8PPS-LB2 810009916 6 0.18 --- --- 19.40 $21.55 662492875681 Locking Band Clamp 8PPS-LBC 810004306 4 0.7311 --- --- 19.39 $21.55 662492900222 Vertical Termination Metal w/ LB2 8PPS-VTML 810009806 --- --- --- --- 636.02 $706.68 662492433058 Storm Collar FSCPP8 810007174 --- --- --- --- 79.71 $88.57 84121016592 Support Clamp FSCL9 810003414 --- --- --- --- 35.87 $39.86 662492900284 Horizontal Termination Stainless w/ LB2 8PPS-HSTL 810009800 --- 4.25 --- --- 499.99 $555.54 662492678817 8" Over PVC to 8" Poly Pro Adapter 810004309 --- --- --- --- 125.33 $139.26 662492590348 8" Male PVC To 8" Poly Pro Adapter 810004310 --- --- --- --- 67.73 $75.25 662492813980 8" FasNSeal Male to 8" Poly Pro Adapter FSA-08M-8PPF 810007031 --- --- --- --- 65.22 $72.47 662492900338 8" PolyPro to 8" FasNSeal Adapter w/ LB2 8PPS-ADM08FNSFL 810009795 --- 0.48 --- --- 99.60 $110.67 662492752395 8" FasNSeal Universal Adapter to 8" Poly Pro FSAAU8-8PP 810004312 --- --- --- --- 83.05 $92.28 8" Fulton EDR 2000 to 8" PP Adapter 8PPS-FULTEDR8PPF 810010025 --- --- --- --- 133.22 $148.02 662492886274 8" PolyPro to 10" FasNSeal Cascading Tee 8PPS-FSA10 810004313 --- 0.48 --- --- 245.65 $272.94 662492901816 8" PPS Double Wall 40" Pipe Assembly 8PPS-40DW 810009358 --- --- --- --- 70.20 $78.00 662492513255 8" PPS Double Wall 75" Pipe Assembly 8PPS-75DW 810009359 --- --- --- --- 138.06 $153.40 662492901977 8" PPS Double Wall 40" Teles Pipe Assy 8PPS-40DWA 810009928 --- --- --- --- 81.90 $91.00 --- --- 8PPS-08PVCF8PPF 8PPS-08PVCM8PPF Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 200 PolyPro Single-Wall | 8” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # 662492902004 8" PPS Double Wall Tele Section Fitting 8PPS-ADDW 810009931 --- --- --- --- 65.52 $72.80 662492903575 8" PPS Double Wall FNS Adapter 8PPS-ADDW-FNS 810010089 --- --- --- --- 88.92 $98.80 662492901830 8" PPS Double Wall 90° Elbow 8PPS-E90DW 810009361 --- --- --- --- 152.10 $169.00 662492901854 8" PPS Double Wall 45° Elbow 8PPS-E45DW 810009360 --- --- --- --- 70.20 $78.00 662492901885 8x10" PPS Double Wall, Wall Strap 8PPS-WSMDW 810009919 --- --- --- --- 49.14 $54.60 662492902158 8" PPS Double Wall Elbow Strap 8PPS-ESDW 810009949 --- --- --- --- 25.74 $28.60 662492901915 8" PPS Double Wall Flashing 8PPS-FDW 810009925 --- --- --- --- 93.60 $104.00 662492901946 8" PPS Double Wall Flashing Steep Roof 8PPS-FSRDW 810009934 --- --- --- --- 102.96 $114.40 662492902035 8" PPS Double Wall Firestop Sup. Assy 8PPS-FSDW 810009922 --- --- --- --- 37.44 $41.60 662492902912 8" PPS Double Wall Firestop Spacer HZ 8PPS-FSSDW 810010080 --- --- --- --- 23.40 $26.00 662492902066 8" PPS Double Wall Vertical Termination 8PPS-VTDW 810009940 --- --- --- --- 191.88 $213.20 662492902097 8" PPS Double Wall Storm Collar 8PPS-SCDW 810009943 --- --- --- --- 21.06 $23.40 662492903537 8" PPS Double Wall Roof Support 8PPS-RSDW 810010341 --- --- --- --- 70.20 $78.00 662492902943 8" PPS Double Wall HST Trim Plate 8PPS-HSTDW 810010077 --- --- --- --- 28.08 $31.20 201 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) Accessories, Kits, & Lengths | PolyPro Cascade & Flex UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) PolyPro Cascade Accessories 662492900963 4" Back Flow Valve w/ LB2 4PPS-BFVL 810009732 --- 3 --- --- 54.15 $60.17 662492288887 3" Air Intake Grill 3PPS-AIG 810004213 --- --- --- --- 45.12 $50.13 662492519547 3" Air Intake Grill x5 3PPS-X5AIG 810004214 --- 0.6 --- --- 52.14 $57.93 662492520215 4" Air Intake Grill 4PPS-AIG 810004215 --- --- --- --- 55.15 $61.27 662492515334 4" Air Intake Grill x6 4PPS-X6AIG 810004216 --- --- --- --- 61.16 $67.96 662492603703 2" Flex Chimney Lining Kit Includes: chimney cap, rigid metal flue vent, support bracket, spacers(4), flex connector, support elbow, 2PPS-FKL wall plate and appliance adapter. Flex sold separately. w/ LB2 810009681 1 8.8 --- --- 383.83 $426.47 662492901212 3" Flex Chimney Lining Kit Includes: chimney cap, rigid metal flue vent, support bracket, spacers(4), flex connector, support elbow, 3PPS-FKL wall plate and appliance adapter. Flex sold separately. w/ LB2 810009707 1 10 --- --- 403.74 $448.60 662492900901 4" Flex Chimney Lining Kit Includes: chimney cap, rigid metal flue vent, support bracket, spacers(4), flex connector, support elbow, 4PPS-FKL wall plate and appliance adapter. Flex sold separately. w/ LB2 810009738 1 11 --- --- 439.46 $488.29 662492900666 5" Flex Chimney Lining Kit Includes: chimney cap, rigid metal flue vent, support bracket, spacers(4), flex connector, support elbow, 5PPS-FKL wall plate and appliance adapter. Flex sold separately. w/ LB2 810009762 1 13 --- --- 802.47 $891.64 PolyPro Flex Venting for Condensing Appliance Kits PolyPro Flex Lengths 662492174289 2" Diameter Flex 25' Length 2PPS-FLEX25 810004318 1 9 --- --- 162.93 $181.03 662492439494 2" Diameter Flex 35' Length 2PPS-FLEX35 810004319 1 10 --- --- 222.59 $247.32 662492500743 2" Diameter Flex 50' Length 2PPS-FLEX50 810004320 1 15 --- --- 298.79 $331.99 662492250495 2" Diameter Flex 164' Length 2PPS-FLEX 810005205 1 42 --- --- 696.84 $774.26 662492511886 3" Diameter Flex 25' Length 3PPS-FLEX25 810004321 1 15 --- --- 205.54 $228.38 662492711040 3" Diameter Flex 35' Length 3PPS-FLEX35 810004322 1 18 --- --- 279.74 $310.82 662492402474 3" Diameter Flex 50' Length 3PPS-FLEX50 810004323 1 25 --- --- 360.95 $401.06 662492119327 3" Diameter Flex 164' Length 3PPS-FLEX 810005875 1 76 --- --- 952.51 $1,058.35 662492685433 4" Diameter Flex 25' Length 4PPS-FLEX25 810004324 1 20 --- --- 315.83 $350.93 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 202 PolyPro Flex | Lengths, 2” - 3” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492277010 4" Diameter Flex 35' Length 4PPS-FLEX35 810004325 1 25 --- --- 416.10 $462.33 662492451274 4" x 82' Roll 4PPS-FLEX 810004326 1 65 --- --- 777.05 $863.39 662492222560 5' x 98' Roll 5PPS-FLEX 810004327 1 63 --- --- 1,511.99 $1,679.98 2” PolyPro Flex Accessories 662492901489 Chimney Cap w/ Pipe Length w/ LB2 2PPS-FCTL 810009680 1 6 --- --- 114.68 $127.42 662492305515 Flex Male Adapter 2PPS-FAM 810004329 6 0.23 --- --- 26.32 $29.24 662492428351 Flex Female Adapter 2PPS-FAF 810004330 6 0.27 --- --- 29.58 $32.86 662492888476 Flex Coupler Adapter 2PPS-FAC 810004331 6 0.27 --- --- 41.51 $46.12 662492660232 Flex Adapter Set 2PPS-FAS 810007038 --- --- --- --- 56.15 $62.39 662492697344 B-Vent Adapters X3 2PPS-BV3 810004332 1 1.4 0.3 --- 27.37 $30.41 662492298497 B-Vent Adapters X4 2PPS-BV4 810004333 1 1.4 0.3 --- 28.41 $31.57 662492500521 B-Vent Adapters X5 2PPS-BV5 810004334 1 1.4 0.3 --- 28.94 $32.15 662492849712 B-Vent Adapters X6 2PPS-BV6 810006999 1 1.4 0.3 --- 37.60 $41.78 662492197639 Support Bracket 2PPS-FSB 810004335 12 0.6 --- --- 40.11 $44.56 662492434796 Spacer 2PPS-S 810004336 12 0.1 --- --- 5.85 $6.50 662492901427 Support Elbow, Extended w/ LB2 2PPS-SE90XL 810009686 1 2 --- --- 46.95 $52.17 662492571484 Chimney Support 2PPS-SUP 810004338 6 1 --- --- 25.99 $28.87 662492634165 2" - 8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492240021 Wall Plate 2PPS-WP 810004339 12 0.6 --- --- 20.00 $22.22 662492176825 2" Upper Plate Reline system 2PPS-RPU 810007982 --- --- --- --- 12.17 $13.52 662492160558 2" Reline Hanger Support PPS-Rh 810007965 --- --- --- --- 27.11 $30.12 662492424476 Replacement Gasket, Flex 2PPS-GAF 810004340 12 1 --- --- 7.77 $8.63 662492369944 Gasket Ski Boot/Wall Plate 2PPS-GAW 810004423 12 4 --- --- 4.14 $4.60 662492495094 2" Bird Guard 2PPS-BG 810004341 12 0.1 --- --- 7.92 $8.80 662492835920 Flex Puller 2PPS-FP 810004342 6 4 --- --- 86.80 $96.44 3” PolyPro Flex Accessories 662492900185 Chimney Cap w/Pipe Length w/ LB2 3PPS-FCTL 810009810 1 5 --- --- 115.46 $128.29 662492725931 Flex Male Adapter 3PPS-FAM 810004344 6 0.33 --- --- 34.38 $38.20 662492757529 Flex Female Adapter 3PPS-FAF 810004345 6 0.37 --- --- 50.16 $55.73 203 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com 3” - 4” | PolyPro Flex UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492848494 Flex Coupler Adapter 3PPS-FAC 810004346 6 0.37 --- --- 46.33 $51.48 662492125182 Flex Adapter Set 3PPS-FAS 810009373 --- --- --- --- 84.22 $93.58 662492428382 B-Vent Adapter X5 3PPS-BV5 810004348 1 --- --- --- 34.15 $37.94 662492205143 B-Vent Adapter X6 3PPS-BV6 810005874 --- --- --- --- 45.12 $50.13 662492496138 Support Bracket 3PPS-FSB 810004349 12 0.6 --- --- 30.21 $33.56 662492216521 3" & 4" Spacer 3PPS-S 810004350 12 0.1 --- --- 14.33 $15.92 662492901137 Support Elbow, Extended w/ LB2 3PPS-SE90XL 810009715 1 0.83 --- --- 46.50 $51.67 662492658642 Chimney Support 3PPS-SUP 810004352 6 2 --- --- 42.27 $46.97 662492634165 2"-8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492817391 Wall Plate 3PPS-WP 810004353 12 0.4 --- --- 20.00 $22.23 662492160558 3" Reline Hanger Support PPS-RH 810007965 --- --- --- --- 27.11 $30.12 662492431375 3" Upper Plate Reline System 3PPS-RPU 810007983 --- --- --- --- 12.80 $14.22 662492615096 Replacement Gasket, Flex 3PPS-GAF 810004354 12 0.6 --- --- 8.15 $9.06 662492669631 Gasket Ski Boot/Wall Plate 3PPS-GAW 810004424 12 4 --- --- 4.89 $5.44 662492118535 3" Bird Guard 3PPS-BG 810004355 12 0.5 --- --- 11.03 $12.25 662492711538 Flex Puller 3PPS-FP 810004356 6 5 --- --- 89.24 $99.15 4” PolyPro Flex Accessories 662492900178 Chimney Cap w/Pipe Length w/ LB2 4PPS-FCTL 810009811 1 6 --- --- 136.33 $151.48 662492653517 Flex Male Adapter 4PPS-FAM 810004358 6 0.27 --- --- 41.17 $45.74 662492627211 Flex Female Adapter 4PPS-FAF 810004359 6 4 --- --- 59.12 $65.69 662492354711 Flex Coupler Adapter 4PPS-FAC 810004360 6 0.56 --- --- 56.12 $62.36 662492314128 Flex Adapter Set 4PPS-FAS 810005987 --- --- --- --- 100.26 $111.40 662492260937 Support Bracket 4PPS-FSB 810004361 12 0.6 --- --- 29.91 $33.23 662492900819 Support Elbow, Extended w/ LB2 4PPS-SE90XL 810009747 1 1.3 --- --- 54.70 $60.78 662492478677 Chimney Support 4PPS-SUP 810004364 6 2 --- --- 49.57 $55.08 662492634165 2" - 8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492392614 Wall Plate 4PPS-WP 810004365 12 0.4 --- --- 20.00 $22.23 662492160558 4" Reline Hanger Support PPS-RH 810007965 --- --- --- --- 27.11 $30.12 662492382455 4" Upper Plate Reline system 4PPS-RPU 810007963 --- --- --- --- 13.09 $14.55 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 204 PolyPro Flex | 4” - 5” UPC-A Listing Description Order # Stock # Pcs/Ctn Lbs/Ctn Cube Plt Qty M.A.P. List (ea) 662492545942 Replacement Gasket, Flex 4PPS-GAF 810004366 12 0.8 --- --- 9.83 $10.93 662492263730 Gasket Ski Boot/Wall Plate 4PPS-GAW 810004425 12 4 --- --- 5.09 $5.66 662492492628 4" Bird Guard 4PPS-BG 810004367 12 0.6 --- --- 14.04 $15.60 662492501474 Flex Puller 4PPS-FP 810004368 6 2.5 --- --- 91.24 $101.38 5” PolyPro Flex Accessories 662492900161 Chimney Cap w/ Pipe Length w/ LB2 5PPS-FCTL 810009812 1 5 --- --- 341.56 $379.51 662492544686 Flex Male Adapter 5PPS-FAM 810004370 6 0.55 --- --- 59.41 $66.01 662492261781 Flex Female Adapter 5PPS-FAF 810004371 6 0.65 --- --- 65.42 $72.69 662492611791 Flex Coupler Adapter 5PPS-FAC 810004372 6 2 --- --- 56.85 $63.17 662492669969 Flex Adapter Set 5PPS-FAS 810007033 --- --- --- --- 129.34 $143.71 662492849262 Support Bracket 5PPS-FSB 810004373 12 0.55 --- --- 75.95 $84.39 662492900635 Support Elbow w/ LB2 5PPS-SE90L 810009765 12 1 --- --- 65.98 $73.31 662492900628 Support Elbow, Extended w/ LB2 5PPS-SE90XL 810009766 6 2.33 --- --- 94.91 $105.46 662492686652 Chimney Support 5PPS-SUP 810004375 6 2.4 --- --- 88.83 $98.70 662492634165 2" - 8" Elbow Support Bracket PPS-SUP 810004225 --- --- --- --- 53.54 $59.49 662492474372 Wall Plate 5PPS-WP 810004376 12 0.5 --- --- 39.60 $44.00 662492259436 Replacement Gasket, Flex 5PPS-GAF 810004377 12 0.5 --- --- 42.61 $47.35 662492104927 Flex Puller 5PPS-FP 810004378 6 1.5 --- --- 125.33 $139.26 205 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com M&G DuraVent Internet Sales Policy This Internet Sales Policy establishes advertised price standards and Internet Seller policies for specified M&G DuraVent products. Advertised pricing of DuraVent products must comply with this Policy in order to be eligible for promotional and warranty benefits provided by DuraVent. The cooperation of all parties, websites and distribution channels, is essential to our mutual success and support of our various venting product lines. DuraVent alone is responsible for enforcing this Policy and will do so unilaterally. If an advertisement for a Covered Product does not comply with this Policy, then the reseller will forfeit benefits under this Policy. DuraVent has the right to change prices, change policy, and add or delete MAP Products at any time Authorized Channels and Product Lines DuraVent offers a variety of products for various channels of distribution and sale, some of which are intended for professional dealers and installers and others are intended for the consumer and do-it-yourself customer. Products Authorized for Internet Sales to Consumers and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) non-certified Installers DuraVent has identified products that may be suitable for a non-certified installer who has above average strength, aptitude and skills for doing a complex installation such as an all-fuel chimney system. These product categories are made available to consumers and do-it-yourself installers, including Internet Sales, and will be fully warranted: DuraPlus; PelletVent; PelletVent for multi-fuel; DuraBlack; DVL; and Type B Gas Vent. Products Authorized For Internet Sales to Professional Installers DuraVent offers the following professional products that are intended and reserved for professional installers. These products are fully warranted if installed only by a professional installer. DuraTech®, DuraPlus HTC®, DuraChimney® II, PelletVent Pro®, DirectVent Pro®, FasNSeal®, FasNSeal® W2, FasNSeal® Flex, and PolyPro®, and M&G DuraVent’s relining products including DuraLiner®, DuraFlex® (SW, Pro, 316, 304), and Ventinox®. Definitions • An “Internet seller” is a merchant whose sales are consummated over a website using a “shopping cart” feature and available to consumers. • A “qualified professional installer” as one of the following: licensed contractors with prior chimney installation experience, CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, NFI Certified Specialists, or WETT Certified Professionals. • An “Approved Internet Seller” is retailer with a website complying with the terms of this Internet Sales Policy. MAP Pricing DuraVent provides minimum advertised pricing (MAP) on its price lists. Any Internet Seller providing media with advertising directed at consumers, must comply with this Internet Sales Policy and list MAP on it’s media for all DuraVent Professional products in order to be eligible for listing as an Approved Internet Seller. Listing prices below the MAP is considered a violation of this Internet Sales policy. MAP will be provided the following benefits: • Websites that adhere to MAP pricing on their sites will be classified as an Approved Internet Seller of DuraVent products. • Any M&G DuraVent product sold by an Approved Internet Seller will be fully warranted and supported by DuraVent as specified under the applicable product warranty. • In recognition of Approved Internet Sellers of DuraVent products, DuraVent will provide a prominent link on its home page of Approved Internet Sellers. This page will list Approved Internet Sellers, and provide a link to their website. An Approved Internet Seller logo will also be provided for display on the seller’s website. • Approved Internet Sellers will be allowed to use DuraVent’s trademarks and intellectual property, including DuraVent’s logo, product trade-names, photographs, illustrations and other DuraVent images. • Suppliers to internet websites shall inform and assist any such website they supply M&G DuraVent products to be MAP compliant. Intellectual Property Approved Internet Sellers may use DuraVent trademarks and trade names in listing products on their website, however: • All websites advertising M&G DuraVent, or Simpson Dura-Vent products, and using DuraVent trade names must comply with current MAP pricing. • All websites currently displaying the Simpson DuraVent name and logo must change them immediately to M&G DuraVent. M&G DuraVent logos can be down loaded from our website at: http://www.duravent.com/MarketingSupport.aspx Warranty DuraVent provides warranties based on whether a proper sales channel is used and whether a proper installation channel is used. Warnings regarding warranty applicability may appear on product labeling, cartons, installation instructions, notices, and on our web site, www.duravent.com. All Approved Internet Sellers must provide the following notice in a conspicuous manner on their websites: M&G DuraVent provides no warranty for the following professional products if such products are not installed by a trained professional installer: DuraTech®, DuraPlus HTC®, DuraChimney® II, PelletVent Pro®, DirectVent Pro®, FasNSeal®, FasNSeal® W2, FasNSeal® Flex, and PolyPro®, and M&G DuraVent’s relining products including DuraLiner®, DuraFlex® (SW, Pro, 316, 304), and Ventinox®. • Any M&G DuraVent product sold by a non-approved website will not be warranted. • Any customer that has bought product from a nonapproved website will not be given technical assistance or support from M&G DuraVent. • Any website not compliant with this Internet Sales Policy shall not use M&G DuraVent’s trademarked and registered properties, and will be notified to remove them immediately. DuraVent reserves the right to enforce its intellectual property rights against entities not in compliance with this Internet Sales Policy. DuraVent will actively monitor all Internet Seller’s websites selling M&G DuraVent products to ensure MAP pricing is in compliance to the Internet Sales Policy. DuraVent reserves the right to remove the Approved status of Internet sellers for violating terms of the Internet Sales Policy. 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 206 Terms & Condition of Sale 1. PRICES: All prices and designs are subject to change without notice. 2. CREDIT: All sales are subject to credit approval. 3. SALES TAX: All sales are taxable unless buyer provides valid resale documentation prior to shipment. Buyer is responsible for all sales and use taxes. 4. BROKEN CARTON CHARGES: Broken carton orders are subject to broken carton charges. Broken carton charges are 25% of list price per stock #. 5. PALLET CHARGES: All palletized, stretch-wrapped orders are an additional $5 per pallet. 6. UPS: All UPS orders are subject to $10 handling charge. 7. TERMS: Unless otherwise specified, our payment terms are: net 30, F.O.B. shipping point. 8. LATE CHARGES: Delinquent accounts are subject to 1 1⁄2% per month finance charge. 9. MULTIPLE SHIPMENTS: Orders may be fulfilled in separate shipments. Each shipment will be accompanied by a separate invoice and each invoice carries its own terms of payment. 10. ALL SALES ARE FINAL: All sales are final and product cannot be returned for credit. 11. DELAYS: DuraVent is not responsible for delays caused by our freight providers. 12. REFUSAL OF DELIVERY: Refused shipments, without cause, will result in additional charges, including freight, restocking and recartoning. 13. SHORTAGES: All claims for shortages and damages must be made within 48 hours. 14. DAMAGE: DuraVent is not responsible for freight damage. All claims for damage must be made on a timely basis directly to the freight provider. Any evidence of damage to the carton is cause for immediate inspection of the goods. Damaged goods must be retained by the customer until credit is approved. All claims for damages must be accompanied by proof (e.g. digital photo) and is subject to approval by DuraVent. 15. DEFECTS: All claims for manufacturing defects must be accompanied by proof (e.g. digital photo) and is subject to approval by DuraVent. 16. INDEMNITY: DuraVent does not permit modifications to products or changes to installation instructions. Customers modifying products or installation procedures shall, regardless of specific instructions to the user, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless DuraVent for any and all claimed losses or damages occasioned in whole or in part by special order or modified products and procedures. 17. RESALE OVER THE INTERNET: Resale of product over the internet is subject to the terms of our “Internet Sales Policy” and warranty. A copy of this policy can be obtained from Customer Service at 1-800-835-4429. 207 M&G DuraVent | www.duravent.com DuraVent provides the following warranties for its products: One Hundred Percent (100%) MSRP 15 years from the date of purchase, and Fifty Percent (50%) thereafter, except for the following limitations on: all Termination Caps and DuraBlack® are warranted at One Hundred Percent (100%) for five years. Warranty LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY M&G DuraVent, Inc. (“DuraVent”) provides this limited lifetime warranty for all of its products with the exception of Ventinox® (lifetime), and PolyPro® (ten years). Subject to the limitations set forth below, DuraVent warrants that its products will be free from defects in material or manufacturing, if properly installed, maintained and used. DuraVent products are fully warranted if installed only by a professional installer. This Warranty is transferable from the original homeowner to the buyer of the home. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, smoke damage or damage caused by chimney fires, acts of God, or any product that was: (1) purchased other than from an authorized DuraVent dealer, retailer or distributor; (2) modified or altered; (3) improperly serviced, inspected or cleaned; or (4) subject to negligence or any use not in accordance with the installation instructions included with the product as determined by DuraVent. Installation instructions are available online at www.duravent.com under Support/Literature and through our Customer Service Department 800-835-4429 or customerservice@duravent.com. This limited lifetime warranty applies only to parts manufactured by DuraVent. All warranty obligations of DuraVent shall be limited to repair or replacement of the defective product pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to each product line. These remedies shall constitute DuraVent’s sole obligation and sole remedy under this warranty. This warranty provides no cash surrender value. The terms and conditions of this warranty may not be modified, altered or waived by any action, inaction or representation, whether oral or in writing, except upon the express, written authority of an executive officer of DuraVent. Corn, bio-fuels, driftwood or other wood containing salt, preservative-treated lumber, plastic and household trash or garbage, or wood pellets containing such materials must not be burned in the appliance or fireplace. In case of a chimney fire, the chimney must be inspected and approved by a certified Chimney Sweep before reuse. After each annual inspection, maintenance, and cleaning, the certified Chimney Sweep must fill out and date the appropriate section of the warranty card provided with the chimney liner. LIMITATIONS ON INTERNET SALES: Notwithstanding any other terms or conditions of this Limited Lifetime Warranty, DuraVent provides no warranty for the following specific products if such products are not installed by a qualified professional installer: DuraTech®, DuraTech® DTC, DuraPlus HTC®, DuraChimney® II, PelletVent Pro®, DirectVent Pro®, FasNSeal®, FasNSeal® W2, FasNSeal® Flex, and PolyPro®, and M&G DuraVent’s relining products including DuraLiner®, DuraFlex® (SW, Pro, 316, 304), and Ventinox®. For purposes of this warranty, a trained professional installer is defined as one of the following: licensed contractors with prior chimney installation experience, CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, NFI Certified Specialists, or WETT Certified Professionals. DuraVent must be notified and given the opportunity to inspect defective product prior to replacement under the terms of this limited lifetime warranty. All warranty claims must be submitted with proof of purchase. Labor and installation costs are not covered under this warranty. To obtain warranty service contact: DuraVent Warranty Service, 877 Cotting Ct., Vacaville CA 95688, or call 800-835-4429. WHERE LAWFUL, DURAVENT DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL DURAVENT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OR DIRECT OR INDIRECT LOSS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROPERTY DAMAGE AND PERSONAL INJURY. DURAVENT’S ENTIRE LIABILITY IS LIMITED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS PRODUCT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. For the most up-to-date installation instructions, visit www.duravent.com. VENTINOX WARRANTY M&G DuraVent, Inc. (“DuraVent”) provides this lifetime warranty for Ventinox for the lifetime of the product. Subject to the limitations set forth below, DuraVent warrants that its products will be free from defects in material or manufacturing, if properly installed, maintained and used. DuraVent products are fully warranted if installed only by a professional installer. This Warranty is transferable from the original homeowner to the buyer of the home. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, smoke damage or damage caused by chimney fires, acts of God, or any product that was: (1) purchased other than from an authorized DuraVent dealer, retailer or distributor; (2) modified or altered; (3) subject to negligence or any use not in accordance with the installation instructions included with the product as determined by DuraVent. The Liner and Components warranty is further subject to compliance with the following requirements throughout the warranty period: The chimney must have a chimney cap; chemical chimney cleaners must not be used when cleaning the Liner or Components; documented annual inspection of the Liner and Components and maintenance as deemed necessary, beginning one year after the date of installation and continuing throughout the warranty period, by a Nationally Certified Chimney Sweep or Ventinox® installer. Plastic-bristle flue cleaning brushes are recommended. Installation instructions are available online at www.duravent.com under Support/Literature and through our Customer Service Department 800-835-4429 or customerservice@ duravent.com. This lifetime warranty applies only Ventinox parts manufactured by DuraVent. DuraVent provides the following warranties for Ventinox: One Hundred Percent (100%) for the lifetime of the product. All warranty obligations of DuraVent shall be limited to repair or replacement of the defective product pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to each product line. These remedies shall constitute DuraVent’s sole obligation and sole remedy under this warranty. This warranty provides no cash surrender value. The terms and conditions of this warranty may not be modified, altered or waived by any action, inaction or representation, whether oral or in writing, except upon the express, written authority of an executive officer of DuraVent. Corn, bio-fuels, driftwood or other wood containing salt, preservative-treated lumber, plastic and household trash or garbage, or wood pellets containing such materials must not be burned in the appliance or fireplace. In case of a chimney fire, the chimney must be inspected and approved by a certified Chimney Sweep before reuse. After each annual inspection, maintenance, and cleaning, the certified Chimney Sweep must fill out and date the appropriate section of the warranty card provided with the chimney liner. POLYPRO WARRANTY M&G DuraVent, Inc. (“DuraVent”) provides this warranty for PolyPro® for ten years. Subject to the limitations set forth below, DuraVent warrants that its products will be free from defects in material or manufacturing, if properly installed, maintained and used. DuraVent products are fully warranted if installed only by a professional installer. This Warranty is transferable from the original homeowner to the buyer of the home within the warranted ten years. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, smoke damage or damage caused by chimney fires, acts of God, or any product that was: (1) purchased other than from an authorized DuraVent dealer, retailer or distributor; (2) modified or altered; (3) improperly serviced, inspected or cleaned; or (4) subject to negligence or any use not in accordance with the installation instructions included with the product as determined by DuraVent. This product is intended for venting only category II & IV appliances burning Natural Gas, Propane and Oil. All other fuels are not covered under this warranty. DuraVent provides the following warranties for PolyPro: One Hundred Percent (100%) MSRP 10 years from the date of purchase. REV 2.27.2013 800-835-4429 | M&G DuraVent 208 800-835-4429 www.duravent.com DV4-16 4/2016
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