Ladies and Gentlemen! When 13 years ago Warsaw
Ladies and Gentlemen! When 13 years ago Warsaw
Ladies and Gentlemen! When 13 years ago Warsaw began its adventure with the Long Night of Museums, 11 venues took part in the event – all of them museums. This year, more than 250 institutions invite visitors. Despite this multitude and diversity, the Long Night of Museums has not lost its basic and founding character – popularizing museum collections. On this year’s Long Night of Museums, on 14th May, 52 museums will be open. They are the main axis of this cultural event, during which visitors may watch permanent exhibitions or showcases prepared specially for this occasion. The idea to allow venues unrelated with culture to participate in the Long Night of Museums was born in 2009 and has received very positive feedback from visitors. However, statistics shows that it is museums that nighttime guests visit the most. Indeed, attendance records reaching 10 or 15 thousand visitors during one evening are held by Warsaw-based museums. I heartily invite you to the Long Night of Museums 2016. This year, one more time, there will be plenty of attractions and specially prepared events waiting for visitors. The guidebook will allow you to learn more about them. See you on 14th May! Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz Mayor of Warsaw 25 Zespół Stacji Filtrów Williama Lindleya / William Lindley Water Filters Complex — BIAŁOŁĘKA 9 Białołęcki Ośrodek Kultury / Białołeka Cultural Centre 9 Fundacja AVE / AVE Foundation — BIELANY 11 Biblioteka Publiczna / Public Library 11 Kotarba Design Studio 11 Huta ArcelorMittal / ArcelorMittal Warsaw 11 Zespół Szkół nr 55 im. gen. S. Maczka / General S. Maczek State Schools no. 55 — CZOSNÓW 12 Muzeum Miejsca Pamięci Palmiry / Palmiry Memorial Site Museum — KONSTANCIN-JEZIORNA 13 Konstanciński Dom Kultury / Konstancin Community Centre 13 Villa la Fleur — ŁOMIANKI 14 Ce ntrum Kultury w Łomiankach / Łomianki Cultural Centre — MOKOTÓW 16 Centrum Weterana Działań poza Granicami Państwa / Center for Foreign Mission Veterans 16 Dom Kultury Kadr / Kadr Community Centre 16 Fundacja Rodziny Staraków Spectra Art Space / The Starak Family Foundation Spectra Art Space 17 Galeria Sznurki / Sznurki Gallery 17 Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów / Chancellery of the Prime Minister 17 Komenda Główna Policji / Polish Police Headquarters 18 Królikarnia 18 Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji / Ministry of the Interior and Administration 18 Muzeum Geologiczne / Geological Museum 19 Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego / Museum of the Polish Peasant Movement 19 Muzeum Kowalstwa / Museum of Blacksmithing 19 Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny / National Audiovisual Institute 19 Pracownia Grafiki Artystycznej Wolno / Wolno Studio of Artistic Graphics 20 Redakcja tygodnika “Południe” / The office of “Południe” Weekly Magazine 20 Służewski Dom Kultury / Służew Community Centre 20 Szkoła Główna Handlowa / Warsaw School of Economics 20 Sztukarnia 21 Teatr Guliwer / Guliwer Theatre 21 Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania / University of Ecology and Management — OCHOTA 23 Instytut Edukacji Artystycznej Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej / Maria Grzegorzewska Institute of Artistic Education of the Academy of Special Education 23 Magazyn Sztuk / Inventory of Arts – Ochota Cultural Centre’s branch 24 Muzeum Historii Medycyny WUM / Medical History Museum of the Medical University of Warsaw 24 Muzeum Ikon / Museum of Icons 24 Ośrodek Kultury Muzułmańskiej / The Centre of Muslim Culture 24 Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych / Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology 25 Tramwaje Warszawskie / Warsaw Trams — PRAGA POŁUDNIE 27 Centrum Promocji Kultury / Centre for the Promotion of Culture 27 Fabryka Wedla / E. Wedel Chocolate Factory 27 Galeria – Pracownia w Perunie / Atelier in Peruna Gallery 28 Galeria Milano / Milano Gallery 28 Galeria van Golik / Van Golik Gallery 28 Instytut 116 / Institute 116 28 Muzeum Czar PRL / “The Charm of the PRL” Museum 29 Neon Muzeum / Neon Museum, 29 Orkiestra Sinfonia Varsovia / Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra 30 Polska Agencja Prasowa / Polish Press Agency 30 Porthos – Muzeum Modniarstwa i Naparstków / Porthos Museum of Thimbles and Millinery 30 Pracownia Artystyczna Farbą Umazane / Farbą Umazane Art Studio 30 Prom Kultury Saska Kępa 31 Stowarzyszenie Pracownie Twórcze Lubelska 30/32 / Art Studios at Lubelska 30/32 Association 31 Studium Teatralne / Theatre Study 32 Teatr Powszechny im. Zygmunta Hübnera / Zygmunt Hübner Powszechny Theatre 32 Biuro Przewodników Skarby Warszawy / Treasures of Warsaw – Tour Guides Office — PRAGA PÓŁNOC 34 Atelier Klitka / Klitka Atelier 34 Fundacja Zmiana / Zmiana Foundation 34 Galeria 81 Stopni / 81 Stopni Gallery 34 Galeria Autorska Blok / Blok Authorial Gallery 35 Galeria Fortunabox / Fortunabox Gallery 35 Galeria po Prawej Stronie Wisły / Po Prawej Stronie Wisły Gallery 35 Galeria Stalowa / Stalowa Gallery 36 Graże Galeria Projektantów / Graże – Designers’ Gallery 36 Muzeum Drukarstwa Warszawskiego / Museum of Warsaw Printing 36 Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi / The Warsaw’s Praga Museum 36 Światowa Akademia Sztuki Pracownia Twórcza / “Światowa Akademia Sztuki” Creative Studio 37 Przestrzeń Wieloplastyczna / Multi-Art Space — PRUSZKÓW 37 Muzeum Dulag 121 / Dulag 121 Museum — ŚRÓDMIEŚCIE 39 Ad Artis Fundacja Sztuki SAR / Ad Artis SAR Art Foundation 39 Akademia Sztuk Pięknych / Academy of Fine Arts 40 Akademickie Radio Kampus / Kampus Academic Radio 41 Ambasada Włoch / Embassy of Italy 41 Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / Central Archives of Historical Records 41 Archiwum Państwowe / State Archive 42 Archiwum Polskiego Radia / Archive of the Polish Radio 42 Archiwum PAN / Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences 43 Barbakan / Barbican 43 Bazylika Mniejsza św. Krzyża / Smaller Basilica of the Holy Cross 43 Belweder / Belvedere 44 Biuro Przewodników Skarby Warszawy / Treasures of Warsaw – Tour Guides Office 44 Biblioteka Publiczna Warszawy, Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego / Public Library of the Capital City of Warsaw, Main Library of the Masovian Voivodeship 44 Biblioteka Uniwersytecka / Library of the University of Warsaw 45 Budynek PAST-y / PAST’s Building 45 Budynek PAST-y, Fundacja Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego / Polish Underground State Foundation 45 Bułgarski Instytut Kultury / Bułgarski Instytut Kultury 46 Centrum Interpretacji Zabytku / Centre for Interpretation of Historic Buildings of the Museum of Warsaw 46 Centrum Komunikacji Społecznej 46 Centrum Kultury Koreańskiej Ambasady Republiki Korei Południowej / Korean Cultural Centre of the Embassy of the Republic of South Korea 47 Centrum Myśli Jana Pawła II / Centre for Thought of John Paul II 47 Centrum Nauki Kopernik / Copernicus Science Centre 48 Centrum Pieniądza NBP im. Sławomira S. Skrzypka / Sławomir S. Skrzypek Money Centre of the National Bank of Poland 48 Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski / Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle 48 Dom Aukcyjny Artissima / Artissima Auction House 49 Dom Książki MDM / Dom Książki MDM bookshop 49 Dom Literatury / House of Literature 49 Dom Spotkań z Historią / History Meeting House 49 Dowództwo Garnizonu Warszawa / Warsaw Garrison Headquarters 50 Elizeum 50 Fotoplastikon Warszawski / Warsaw Fotoplastikon 50 Fundacja Atelier / Atelier Foundation 51 Fundacja Nasz Wybór / Ukrainian House 51 Fundacja Ocalenie / Ocalenie Foundation 51 Fundacja Orimari / Orimari Foundation 51 Fundacja Park Miniatur Województwa Mazowieckiego / Miniature Park Foundation of the Masovian Voivodeship 52 Gabinet Prezydenta Warszawy / Office of the Mayor of Warsaw 52 Galeria 101 Projekt / 101 Projekt Gallery 52 Galeria 8 Plus & Idkart / 8 plus & Idkart Gallery 52 Galeria aTAK / aTAK Gallery 53 Galeria Bardzo Biała / Bardzo Biała Gallery 53 Galeria Bohema Nowa Sztuka / Bohema Nowa Sztuka Gallery 53 Galeria Delfiny / Galeria Delfiny gallery 54 Galeria Fibak / Fibak Gallery 54 Galeria Freta 22 / Freta 22 Gallery 54 Galeria Grafiki i Plakatu / Gallery of Poster and Graphic Art 55 Galeria Jabłkowskich / Galeria Jabłkowskich gallery 55 Galeria Kasia Michalski / Kasia Michalski Gallery 55 Galeria Katarzyny Napiórkowskiej / Katarzyna Napiórkowska’s Art Gallery 56 Galeria Nieformalna / Nieformalna Gallery 56 Galeria Nowolipki / Nowolipki Gallery 56 Galeria Officyna Art & Design / Officyna Art & Design Gallery 57 Galeria Opera / Opera Gallery 57 Galeria Program / Program Gallery 57 Galeria Propaganda / Propaganda Gallery 58 Galeria Stara Prochownia SCEK / Stara Prochownia of The Capital City of Warsaw’s Centre for Cultural Education 58 Galeria Test / Test Gallery 59 Galeria XX1 / XX1 Gallery 59 Główna Biblioteka Lekarska Dział Starej Książki Medycznej / The Main Medical Library. Old Medical Books Division 60 Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska / The Jewish Community of Warsaw 60 Goethe-Institut Warschau 60 Inicjatywa Studencka Teraz, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej / Teraz Students’ Initiative, Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology 61 Instytut Słowacki / The Slovak Institute 61 Izba Pamięci Pułkownika Kuklińskiego / Colonel Kukliński Intelligence Museum 61 Kawiarnia Kafka / Kafka Cafe 62 Kino Luna / Luna Cinema 62 Klubowe Muzeum Legii Warszawa / Legia Warsaw Museum 62 Klub Komediowy / Comedy Club 63 Kościół Adwentystów Dnia Siódmego / Seventh-Day Adventist Church 63 Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski pw. św. Trójcy / Holy Trinity Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession 64 Muzeum Pawiak oraz Mauzoleum Walki i Męczeństwa / Museum of Pawiak Prison, Mausoleum of Battle and Martyrdom 64 Mazowiecki Urząd Wojewódzki / The Masovian Voivodeship Office 64 Mennica Polska / Mint of Poland 65 Miejsce Projektów Zachęty / Zachęta Project Room 65 Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej / Ministry of National Education 65 Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego / Ministry of Culture and National Heritage 66 Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości / Ministry of Justice 66 Muzeum Archidiecezji Warszawskiej / Museum of Warsaw Archdiocese 67 Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku / The Asia and Pacific Museum 67 Muzeum Ewolucji Instytutu Paleobiologii PAN / Museum of Evolution of the Institute of Paleobiology (PAN) 67 Muzeum Farmacji im. mgr Antoniny Leśniewskiej / Antonina Leśniewska (MPharm) Museum of Pharmaceutics 68 Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina / Fryderyk Chopin Museum 68 Muzeum Geodezji / Museum of Geodesy 68 Muzeum Harcerstwa / Museum of Scouting 68 Muzeum Historii Spółdzielczości Krajowej Rady Spółdzielczej / Museum of the History of Cooperative Movement of the National Cooperative Board 69 Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN / POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews 69 Muzeum Jazzu / Jazz Museum 70 Muzeum Karykatury im. Eryka Lipińskiego / Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature 70 Muzeum Kolekcji Jana Pawła II / Museum of John Paul II Collection 70 Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza / Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature 70 Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie / The Royal Łazienki Museum 71 Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa / The Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship 71 Muzeum Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie / Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum 72 Muzeum Narodowe / The National Museum in Warsaw 73 Muzeum Niepodległości / Museum of Independence 74 Muzeum Rzemiosł Artystycznych i Precyzyjnych / Museum of Artistic and Precise Craftsmanship 74 Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej / Museum of Modern Art 75 Muzeum Teatru / Theatre Museum 75 Muzeum Techniki i Przemysłu NOT / NOT Museum of Engineering and Industry 75 Muzeum Warszawy / The Museum of Warsaw 76 Muzeum Wojska Polskiego / Museum of the Polish Army 76 Muzeum Ziemi PAN / Museum of the Earth 77 Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny / Supreme Administrative Court 78 Ogród Botaniczny UW / Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw 79 Okręg Warszawski ZPAP / Warsaw Division of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers 79 Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne / State Archaeological Museum 79 Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne / State Ethnographic Museum 80 Parafia Ewangelicko-Reformowana / Evangelical Reformed Church 80 Piękna Gallery 80 PAN Zakład Działalności Pomocniczej / Auxiliary Activity Unit of the Polish Academy of Sciences 81 Polski Czerwony Krzyż / Polish Red Cross 81 Pracownia Aleksandry Lisowskiej / Aleksandra Lisowska’s Studio 81 Pracownia Domin / Domin Studio 82 Pracownia Duży Pokój / Duży Pokój Studio 82 Przystanek Historia Centrum Edukacyjne IPN im. Janusza Kurtyki / Station History. Janusz Kurtyka Educational Centre of the Institute of National Remembrance 82 Reduta Banku Polskiego / Bank Polski’s Redoubt 83 Rejsy po Wiśle / Cruises on a historic boat along the Vistula 83 Sejm RP / Sejm of the Republic of Poland 83 Senat RP / Senate of the Republic of Poland 84 Stara Galeria ZPAF / Stara Galeria ZPAF gallery 84 Stołeczne Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej / The Capital City of Warsaw’s Centre for Cultural Education 84 Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Społeczno-Kulturalnych Stacja Muranów / Muranów Station Association for Socio-Cultural Initiatives 85 Stowarzyszenie Lambda / Lambda Association 85 Stowarzyszenie Mieszkańców Domków Fińskich Jazdów / Jazdów Association of Finnish House Dwellers 85 Stowarzyszenie Przewodników Turystycznych Złota Kaczka / Golden Duck Tour Guide Association 85 Stowarzyszenie Saski 2018 / Saski 2018 Association 86 Teatr Capitol / Capitol Theatre 86 Teatr Kamienica / Kamienica Theatre 87 Teatr Lalka / Lalka Theatre 87 Teatr Polski / Polski Theatre 88 Teatr WARSawy / WARSawy Theatre 88 Teatr Studio / Studio Theatre 89 Uniwersytet Muzyczny im. Fryderyka Chopina / Fryderyk Chopin University of Music 89 Uniwersytet Warszawski / The University of Warsaw 90 V9 / Vlepvnet 90 Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii i Grafiki Projektowej / Warsaw School of Photography and Graphic Design 90 Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki / Zachęta National Gallery of Art 91 Zamek Królewski / The Royal Castle 91 Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma / Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute 92 Warszawskie Koło Przewodników Miejskich PTTK / Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society 92 Żeglarski Klub Turystyczny PTTK “Rejsy” / “Rejsy” Sailors’ Tourist Club (PTTK) — TARGÓWEK 93 Cmentarz Żydowski na Bródnie / Jewish Cemetery in Bródno 93 Dom Kultury Świt / Świt Community Centre 94 Dom Kultury Zacisze / Zacisze Community Centre 94 Kolejka Marecka, Stowarzyszenie Obrony Pozostałości Warszawy / Marki Railway, Association for Defending Remnants of Warsaw 94 Park Rzeźby na Bródnie / Sculpture Park in Bródno — URSUS 95 Dom Kultury Kolorowa / Kolorowa Community Centre 95 Muzeum ZPC Ursus / ZPC Ursus Museum — URSYNÓW 97 Biuro Udostępniania i Archiwizacji Dokumentów IPN / Office for Preservation and Dissemination of Archival Records at the Institute of National Remembrance 97 Galeria Blue-S / Blue-S Gallery 97 Noc Muzeów na Ursynowie / Events in Ursynów — WAWER 98 Galeria Art Space / Art Space Gallery 98 Biblioteka Publiczna / Public Library — WILANÓW 100 Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III / Museum of King Jan III’s Palace 101 Muzeum Plakatu / Poster Museum 102 Muzeum Jana Pawła II i Prymasa Wyszyńskiego / Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński — WŁOCHY 102 Fundacja Willa Jasny Dom / Willa Jasny Dom Foundation — WOLA 103 Cmentarz Żydowski / Jewish Cemetery 103 Centrum Bezpieczeństwa Warszawy / Centre for Security of the Capital City of Warsaw 104 Galeria Supermarket Sztuki / Supermarket Sztuki Gallery 104 Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Beta 16 / Beta 16 Gallery of Contemporary Art 104 Ghelamco Poland 105 Klub Chłodna 25 / Chłodna 25 Club 105 Klubokawiarnia Jaś & Małgosia / Jaś & Małgosia Club-cafe 105 Kościół Jezusa Chrystusa Świętych w Dniach Ostatnich / The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 106 Kościół Starokatolicki Mariawitów pw. Matki Boskiej Nieustającej Pomocy / Old Catholic Mariavite Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help 106 Kościół Zielonoświątkowy Zbór Stołeczny / Pentecostal Church, Capital City Congregation 106 Muzeum Gazownictwa / The Museum of Gas Industry 106 Muzeum Nurkowania / Diving Museum 107 Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego / Warsaw Rising Museum 107 NEY Gallery & Prints 107 Ośrodek Dokumentacji i Badań Korczakianum / Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research 108 Pracownia Jaga Hupało Born to Create / Jaga Hupało’s Born to Create Atelier 108 Sąd Okręgowy / Regional Court 108 Społeczne Centrum bez Barier / Capital City’s Centre Without Barriers 109 Zespół Wolskich Placówek Edukacji Kulturalnej Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury / Complex of Institutions for Cultural Education in Wola — ŻOLIBORZ 110 Fundacja Ogród Ceramiki / Ogród Ceramiki Foundation 110 Galeria Sztuki –1 / –1 Art Gallery 110 Galeria Wystawa / Wystawa Art Gallery 110 Muzeum bł. ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki / Museum of the Blessed Priest Jerzy Popiełuszko 111 Muzeum Katyńskie / Katyń Museum 111 Muzeum Sportu i Turystyki oraz Muzeum Legii / Museum of Sports and Tourism and Legia Warsaw Museum 111 Muzeum X Pawilonu Cytadeli Warszawskiej / Museum of Pavilion X in the Warsaw Citadel 112 Prywatne Gimnazjum i Liceum Sióstr Zmartwychwstanek / Private Middle School and High School of the Sisters of the Resurrection 112 Warsztat Artystyczny / Warsztat Artystyczny Foundation 112 Wizytująca Galeria / Wizytująca Gallery 9 F U N DAC JA AV E – W I R T UA L N E M U Z E U M B I A ŁO Ł Ę K I | Białołeka Cultural Centre, 1 Vincenta van Gogha St. 8:00 pm – 2:00 am Picassa Short films by Munka Studio will be presented at BOK’s cinema, along with Moje córki krowy (My Daughters, Cows, dir. Kinga Dębska). Presented films are stories of emotions and interpersonal relations. P R O G R A M M E : — 8:00 am Lila (Lila, dir. Dominika Łapka; 30 min.) — 8:30 am Daughter (Córka, dir. Tomasz Wolski; 25 min.) — 8:55 am Oscillation Frequency (Częstotliwość drgań, dir. Arkadiusz Biedrzycki; 31 min.) — 9:26 am House at the End of the Road (Dom na końcu drogi, dir. Wojciech Kasperski; 25 min.) — 10:15 am My Daughters, Cows (Moje córki krowy, dir. Kinga Dębska; 88 min.) — 12:23 am Swimming Pool (Basen, dir. Krzysztof Pawłowski; 30 min.) — 12:53 am Whole Lotta Love (Całe mnóstwo miłości, dir. Bartek Kaczmarek; 32 min.) — 01:25 am Small Finger (Mały palec, dir. Tomasz Cichoń; 23 min.) EXHIBITION FILM P R E S E N TAT I O N | AVE Foundation – Virtual Museum of Białołęka, 29/1 Ceramiczna St. 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Ćmielowska Modlińska | Światowida Opening of an extraordinary exhibition of photographic and film works, titled Tarchomin ‘80. Wiesław Antosik graduated from the National Film School in Łódź and worked as a cameraman at Polish Television. He left excellent photographs of “the already historic Tarchomin” and... – a rarity! – films which present the first blocks of flats, the “desert” where Nowodwory are located today, a small wooden church of Saint Mary, Mother of Beautiful Love, the life of local community clubs, the one-time “playground”, which nowadays is a market place, riparian forests by the Vistula, and a picnic organized nearby the building site of Public School no. 314... Those photographs and films have never been shown before! P R O G R A M M E : — Inauguration of the open-air exhibition of photographs Tarchomin ‘80 (Tuż Obok gallery nearby BOK, by Picasso Park) — Premiere screening of a film Tarchomin ‘80 (auditorium at BOK) — We’re Collecting Old Photographs of Tarchomin – presentation of an action by the Virtual Museum of Białołęka B I A Ł O Ł Ę K A B I A ŁO Ł Ę C K I O Ś RO D E K K U LT U RY FILM SCREENING 11 PICNIC | Public Library, 19 Duracza St. 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm Żeromskiego Żeromskiego | Sacharowa Picnic Starry Library! Theme: Star Wars. We encourage participants to wear costumes. P R O G R A M M E : Games for children, educational workshops and art workshops, reading fairy-tales together, field game, face painting, competitions and many, many more. GA L E R I A AU TO R S K A KOTA R B A DESIGN STUDIO EXHIBITION | Kotarba Design Studio Authorial Gallery, 15A/406 Gwiaździsta St., staircase no. 4, level A 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Barszczewska Potocka | Drohicka Miscellanea (Różności) – exhibition Artists: Marek Kotarba, Magdalena Magrzyk, Ewa Szyman, Maria Żytomirska M O R E O V E R : — Permanent exhibition and a presentation of Marek Kotarba’s Studio – an exhibition of sculptures, including ceramic sculptures made of porcelain, oil and acrylic paintings, drawings and compositions combining sculpture and painting, called – after their author – Kotarbany. — Conversations with artists HUTA ARCELORMITTAL TO U R | ArcelorMittal Warsaw, 132 Kasprowicza St. 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Metro Młociny Kasprowicza | Nocznickiego The Long Night of the Museums at AcelorMittal Steelworks’ 1950s fallout shelter — 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm Tours of a shelter, officially called “Civil Defence Commanding Post”, located underneath the Warsaw Steelworks’ office building (currently known as AcelorMittal Warsaw Steelworks). The shelter was created at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s, and has been preserved intact and fully-equipped. N O T I C E : Organized groups of 20 people. Please register at (starting 15th April). Z E S P Ó Ł S Z KÓ Ł N R 5 5 I M . G E N . S . M AC Z K A P R E S E N TAT I O N AT T R AC T I O N S | General S. Maczek State Schools no. 55, 35 Gwiaździsta St. 6:00 pm – midnight Gwiaździsta P R O G R A M M E : General Maczek’s and his Soldiers’ memoirs – reading aloud (books from the School’s collection), the story of one exhibit (presentation of the most interesting exhibits in the collection), presentation and visualisations of the school’s new exhibition, All-Kinds-of-Games Club (board games and parlour games craze), performance and workshops for children and parents, retro style cafe. B I E L A N Y B I B L I OT E K A P U B L I C Z N A MUZEUM MIEJSC A PAMIĘCI PALMIRY LECTURE AT T R AC T I O N S | Palmiry Memorial Site Museum, Czosnów noon – 8:00 pm P R O G R A M M E : — During the day, the Museum invites guests to visit its permanent exhibition, enriched with new showpieces — noon, 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm Screenings of three documentaries: • AB Action (Akcja AB; dir. Hanna Etemadi), 2014, 49 min. The film talks about the genesis and execution of one of the most dreary Hitler’s plans of exterminating Poles during the occupation time. • Kampinos Republic 1944 (Rzeczpospolita Kampinoska 1944; dir. Maciej Piwowarczyk), 2010, 15 min. The film presents the history of the Kampinos Republic – a small, independent quasi-state, founded in 1944 in Kampinos Forest by Adolf Pilch’s (aka Dolina) soldiers. • Archival footage of Janusz Kusociński’s winning run, 1932, 3 min. Janusz Kusociński, an outstanding athlete and Olympic champion, was executed by a German firing squad on 21st June 1940 in Palmiry. The film is the only recorded interview with Kusociński; it took place during the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. M O R E O V E R : The museum shop will offer a 10% discount. KO N S TA N C I Ń S K I D O M K U LT U RY P R E S E N TAT I O N AT T R AC T I O N S | Konstancin Community Centre, Hugonówka, 15 Mostowa St. 8:00 pm – midnight Stocer Piłsudskiego | Sienkiewicza P R O G R A M M E : — Multimedia exhibition: Cultural and Natural Heritage of Konstancin-Jeziorna The exhibition presents the most important information on the history of Konstancin-Jeziorna, from the very beginnings until contemporary times. — Confrontations 2016 – exhibition of works by amateur creators from Konstancin-Jeziorna (Gallery in Hugonówka) Exhibition of paintings, drawings and graphic art by 14 artists actively participating in the artist community of Konstancin-Jeziorna. VILLA LA FLEUR EXHIBITION | 14 Szpitalna St. 7:00 pm – midnight Stocer Piłsudskiego | Sienkiewicza Special presentation of oil paintings and drawings by Henryk Epstein, from a collection owned by Marek Roefler Canvases by one of the most outstanding expressionists of the so-called Ecole de Paris depict various nooks and crannies of France – from Auvergne to Provence, Corsica and Brittany. The exhibition is enriched with paintings by other authors who used to live in the famous Parisian Hive (La Ruche): Pinchus Krémègne and Michel Kikoïne. Moreover, visitors will be given a chance to admire artworks by excellent female migrant artists such as Alicja Halicka and Mela Muter. The selection will be completed by Jan Lambert-Rucki’s Art déco sculpture, along with works by other sculptors connected with the Parisian community, such as Bolesław Biegas, Xawery Dunikowski and Ossip Zadkine. There will be a true rarity presented as well, for those interested in the artistic world of Paris, namely drawings by Amedeo Modigliani, André Salomon and oil paintings by Moïse Kisling and Henri Hayden. N O T I C E : The museum’s ground floor is available for guests with disabilities. CENTRUM KULTURY W ŁOMIANKACH CLASSES FILM MONODRAMA | Łomianki Cultural Centre, 12A Wiejska St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm P R O G R A M M E : — Demonstration classes taught by instructors from the Łomianki Cultural Centre — Premiere screening of an animated film created within “Poklatkowo” workshops dedicated to stop motion animations, taught by Magda Bryll and Marta Stróżycka — 9:00 pm Novecento – monodrama by Mateusz Olszewski Wonderful story by Italian writer Alessandro Baricco, about a genius self-taught pianist. The story is told by his closest friend – a band musician on a ship. Within a space limited by the ship’s boards, there will be room for passion, music, friendship and dreams. A world of an outstanding hero is unveiled. A hero whose musical talent is almost magical. However, what happens when life demands him to meet its hard requirements? Will he take on the challenge and try to submerse, or continue to stay on the surface – of both the ocean and life? — Exhibition of works by Joanna Roszkowska The artist is a designer of industrial forms by profession. Painting and sculpting are her passions. Her artistic works are characteristic for their biomorphism. She draws inspiration from soft, organic forms of surprising, abstract shapes, which she observes in the nature. 16 17 P OZ A G R A N I C A M I PA Ń S T WA MEETING EXPOSITION | Center for Foreign Mission Veterans, 6A Puławska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Rakowiecka | Line B Unii Lubelskiej Sq. a piece of canvas, aiming to find a common denominator for our local identity. — Retrospective exhibition of works by Eugeniusz Małkowski – an outstanding Polish painter and popularizer of art, organizer of numerous exhibitions and happenings, founder of artistic groups and creative associations. Don’t wait any longer – feel like an artist – with us! We invite everybody, ages 1 to 100. P R O G R A M M E : — Guests will be given a chance to, i.a. learn about the history of the Polish Army’s foreign missions, pay homage to the fallen, take a look at souvenirs presented in the Center’s Tradition Room — Face-to-face conversations with veterans — Exhibitions presented by Veterans’ Associations D O M K U LT U RY K A D R FILM EXHIBITION HAPPENING | Kadr Community Centre, 16 Gotarda St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Gotarda Evening dedicated to art: extraordinary happening, film screenings and an exhibition P R O G R A M M E : — Project by professor Eugeniusz “Geno” Małkowski, titled 100x100 Twarze Mokotowa (100x100 Faces of Mokotów) – an action dedicated to encouraging people to paint; it is addressed to everybody who decides to grab a paint brush or a roller! We will try to create a symbolical portrait of contemporary Mokotów by transferring our dreams, passions and joys onto GA L E R I A S Z N U R K I EXHIBITION | Sznurki Gallery 368C Wilanowska Av., office U 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Metro Wilanowska | Line B Puławska | Wilanowska Av. Water and Oil – exhibition of paintings by Małgorzata Durska and Jacek Białkowski. Free coffee, tea, light refreshments. F U N DAC JA RO D Z I N Y S TA R A KÓW S P E C T R A A R T S PAC E EXHIBITION | The Starak Family Foundation Spectra Art Space, 6 Bobrowiecka St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Kierbedzia P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm Curatorial guided tours of the foundation’s collection and an exhibition titled Henryk Strażewski | Spectra Art Space Masters Spectra Art Space is a space dedicated to contemporary art, created on the initiative of Starak Family Foundation. An intense programme of exhibitions and educational initiatives, ongoing since the end of 2012, has been appreciated by the public, critics and the artist community. The core of Spectra Art Space’s main exhibition programme is Anna and Jerzy Starak’s private collection. It includes works by the most outstanding contemporary Polish artists, such as, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Wojciech Fangor, Władysław Hasior, Tadeusz Kantor, Jerzy Nowosielski, Roman Opałka and Andrzej Wróblewski. K A N C E L A R I A P R E Z E S A R A DY M I N I S T RÓW TO U R COMPETITION | Chancellery of the Prime Minister, 1/3 Ujazdowskie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am (visitors invited in until midnight) Łazienki Królewskie | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Tours of the historic building of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister – the backstage of the Prime Minister’s official meetings in representative halls, visit in the office of the head of government, ins and outs of the preparation of a press conference of the Prime Minister, as well as a short lesson in legislation, in the plenary hall of the Council of Ministers. — Photographic competition with attractive prizes and activities and surprises for children. N O T I C E : Organized groups of max. 30 people; tours will take ca. 60 minutes. Visitors are requested to carry their IDs and avoid bringing any dangerous objects. KO M E N DA G Ł ÓW N A P O L I C J I TO U R CONCERT FILM | Polish Police Headquarters, 148/150 Puławska St. 6:00 pm – midnight Bukowińska | Line B Niepodległości Av. | Woronicza The Silent Unseen of the Polish Police P R O G R A M M E : — Guests will take take a look inside the Headquarters, which on a daily basis remain unavailable for the public. Guests will visit, i.a., the office of the Commandant General of the Polish Police, as well as the place where the authorities of the Polish Police meet – Generals’ Hall. — Exhibitions dedicated to the history of Polish Police and everyday duties of police officers nowadays. Guests will be taken back to the last century by officers clad in uniforms worn by National Police of the Second Polish Republic. — Film screenings, the performance of The Representative Orchestra of the Polish Police — Presentation of old-time and contemporary transport vehicles (on the parking lot in front of the Polish Police Headquarters) — Supervised by officers from Criminal Laboratory, visitors will be invited to capture and secure their own fingerprints. — Every child will receive a certificate confirming their participation in the Long Night of Museums 2016. There will be many gifts with the logo of the Police waiting for guests. Organizers guarantee surprises, competitions and a chance to get a real booking photograph taken (with visitors’ own cameras), sat in an antique chair used for this purpose in the last century! M O K O T Ó W M O K O T Ó W C E N T RU M W E T E R A N A D Z I A Ł A Ń 18 19 TO U R CONCERT | 113A Puławska St. 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm Królikarnia | Line B Metro Wierzbno P R O G R A M M E : — 8:00 pm Curatorial guided tours of the Sculpture Park, with Katarzyna Kucharska-Hornung. — 9:00 pm Księżyc – concert promoting the group’s most recent release – Rabbit Eclipse. M I N I S T E R S T WO S P R AW W E W N Ę T R Z N YC H I A D M INIS TRAC JI TO U R | Ministry of the Interior and Administration, 5 Batorego St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Rakowiecka | Line B Unii Lubelskiej Sq. P R O G R A M M E : This year, the organizer will take visitors on a jubilee journey to places where officers of institutions subordinate to and supervised by the Ministry go on foreign missions. The organizer will present uniforms, arms and cars used by the Government Protection Bureau and the Police during missions in Kosovo, Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Afghanistan. Firemen will present specialist equipment used when searching for and localising people buried under debris, which was used during rescue actions after earthquakes in Haiti and in Nepal. There will be also officers of the National Border Guard present, who on a daily basis assure the safety of the borders of the Republic of Poland, with the use of a SchengenBus. N O T I C E : Please note that you will be asked to show a valid ID in order to enter.. M U Z E U M G E O LO G I C Z N E P I G - P I B TO U R PRELECTION GA M E | Geological Museum of the State Geological Institute, 4 Rakowiecka St. (entrance from Wiśniowa St.) 7:00 pm – midnight Rakowiecka | Line B Unii Lubelskiej Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm – midnight Tours of the Museum’s permanent exhibition — 8:00 pm Prelection: On Animals of a Jurassic Lagoon from 148 Million Years Ago – New Discoveries in the Owadów-Brzezinki Quarry near Opoczno by Błażej Błażejowski, PhD (Paleobiology Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences) and Professor Andrzej Wierzbowski (Geological Museum of the State Geological Institute). — 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm Hare and hounds in Museum – game; participants will be provided with hints, which will help them find riddles hidden in various spots in the exhibition hall. There will be prizes awaiting winners. M U Z E U M H I S TO R I I P O L S K I E G O RU C H U LU D OW E G O EXHIBITION | Museum of the Polish Peasant Movement, 204 Wilanowska Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Dominikańska | Line B My adventure with Sienkiewicz – exhibition of works by Jacek Frankowski. MUZEUM KOWALSTWA AT T R AC T I O N S | Museum of Blacksmithing, 84 Przy Grobli St. 7:00 pm – 3:00 am Dolina Służewiecka | Line B P R O G R A M M E : Just like every year, all visitors will be invited to try their hand at working on an anvil, forging a small element of a smith’s trade out of red-hot iron. Moreover, you will be given a chance to see a blacksmith master at work, listen to blacksmithing stories, taste home-made baked treats, have a coffee... and, most importantly, feel the atmosphere of a smithery from the beginning of the 20th century. N A RO D OW Y I N S T Y T U T AU D I OW I Z UA L N Y FILM SCREENING WO R K S H O P S | National Audiovisual Institute, 3/5 Wałbrzyska St. 4:00 pm – 2:00 am Wróbla Wałbrzyska | Rolna P R O G R A M M E : — 6:00 pm Night with TV series – new, ambitious titles produced by such channels as HBO, Netflix and Canal+. The review will be divided into three sections: Nordic Noir (Scandinavian criminal series), True Crime (series balancing between a documentary and fiction) and Crisis in Utopia (Kryzys w Utopii; series dedicated to the influence of technology on man). Screenings will be accompanied by a discussion with the participation of film critics. Screenings in the cinema hall. Later – provided the weather allows it – the event will be continued in the courtyard, in the open-air cinema. — 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Program in Scratch – workshops with Girls Code Fun for youth ages youth ages 9–13. — 8:00 pm #nighttimehacking until the break of dawn – workshops for adults. Programming for local communities. N O T I C E : Registration via | PRACOWNIA GRAFIKI ART YST YCZNEJ WO L N O EXHIBITION S TA N D | Wolno Studio of Artistic Graphics, 21 Chełmska St., WFDiF, building 16 9:00 pm – 2:00 am Zakrzewska P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of works on paper by Agata Budny and Magdalena Cybulska. — Tour of the graphic arts studio. Artists who create their works in the studio make use of such techniques as linocut, drypoint, mezzotint, lithography, monotyping and others. M O K O T Ó W M O K O T Ó W K RÓ L I K A R N I A 20 21 REDAKC JA T YGODNIKA “POŁUDNIE” TO U R | The office of “Południe” Weekly Magazine, 136 Puławska St. 7:00 pm – midnight Królikarnia | Line B Niepodległości Av. | Woronicza How the technique of issuing a newspaper has changed over 21 years. A look inside the archive. Editing a newspaper article. S Ł U Ż E WS K I D O M K U LT U RY PERFORMANCE AT T R AC T I O N S | Służew Community Centre, 15 J.S. Bacha St. 7:00 pm – midnight Metro Służew Wałbrzyska | Rolna P R O G R A M M E : — Dance and vocal groups performing: Decybele and Afera/Kontra. — Screenings of Polish pre-war music films. — Retro dancing with a gramophone organized in our amphitheatre. — Art-related activities and a visit in retro photographer’s atelier S Z KO Ł A G Ł ÓW N A H A N D LOWA TO U R GA M E | Warsaw School of Economics, 162 Niepodległości Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Metro Pole Mokotowskie Niepodległości Av. | Batorego Night of Business Sharks – an outdoor game dedicated to economics You will be guided through consecutive thematic zones and attractions by August The Business Shark. Thanks to him, participants – by solving various problems – will learn about interesting aspects of economics and business activity. You will be also given the chance to take a look at the famous Parachute Hall and visit parts of the school which are not open to the public on a regular basis. Participants will be allowed to take part in selected attractions, without the need to go through the whole game. However, the most persistent ones, who gather the largest number of points in consecutive zones, may count on special surprises. At the end of the game, participants will receive a diploma of graduation from the Business Sharks School and will have a photo taken of them clad in a robe and a mortarboard, with the unfailing August by their side. Starving Business Sharks will be invited to visit the school’s cafeteria. SZTUKARNIA WO R K S H O P S | 60 Odolańska St. (please note: the address was different in previous years) 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Metro Racławicka Niepodległości Av. | Wiktorska On this night, invariably, many people’s secret dream comes true: to stand in front of an easel and create their first painting. We invite children and grown-ups. Under the supervision of our qualified staff, you will be given a chance to feel like a real artist. P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Bedtime programme screened with the use of Ania projector. — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Painting as a Medicine – workshops for adults and children. TEATR GULIWER TO U R MEETING | Guliwer Theatre, 16 Różana St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Dworkowa | Line B Puławska | Madalińskiego Theatrical journey tracing the footsteps of Lemuel Gulliver – the patron of Guliwer Doll Theatre Guliwer Theatre is celebrating its 70th birthday this year. The jubilee is an occasion for reminiscing and a return to the past. To honour the character, created by Jonathan Swift, we will take a tour of the theatre. And Gulliver himself will be our guide, leading us through nooks and crannies of the theatre’s history. We will visit the back stage, go back in time and learn secrets of the theatre from dozens of years ago. It will be mysterious, revelatory, but also funny. Therefore, the Long Night of the Museums will be an occasion to meet Gulliver and travel in time together. It will also give visitors a chance to share their memories with Guliwer Theatre and to take part in our jubilee action titled Multi-generational Memory Archive. N O T I C E : Groups of max. 30 people will be invited in every 30 minutes. W Y Ż S Z A S Z KO Ł A E KO LO G I I I ZARZĄDZANIA EXHIBITION LECTURE | University of Ecology and Management, 12 Olszewska St. 6:00 pm – midnight Rakowiecka | Line B Unii Lubelskiej Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of a collection owned by the Socialist Art Gallery at the Zamoyski Museum in Kozłówka — Lecture: The Palace and Park Complex in Kozłówka as a Conservational Challenge, by Anna Fic-Lazor, Director of the Zamoyski Museum in Kozłówka. — Lecture: Art at the Service of Propaganda, dedicated to the adjuvant role and goals of Polish art in the 1950s, with emphasis on Warsaw-related aspects and threads. Prelection by Sławomir Grzechnik, Manager of the Socialist Art Gallery at the Zamoyski Museum in Kozłówka. M O K O T Ó W M O K O T Ó W — Stand selling eco bags (hand-printed graphic art). The event will be hosted by Agata Budny and Magdalena Cybulska. 23 M AGA Z Y N S Z T U K – F I L I A O Ś RO D K A K U LT U RY O C H OT Y I M . M A R I I G R Z E G O R Z E WS K I E J EXHIBITION WO R K S H O P S | Maria Grzegorzewska Institute of Artistic Education of the Academy of Special Education, 16 Spiska St. 5:00 pm – midnight Ochota – Ratusz Zawiszy Sq. P R O G R A M M E : GRAPHIC TECHNIQUES STUDIO — 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Family graphics workshops: Birds, Ugly Birds and Feathered Creatures. — 7:30 pm – midnight Open artistic and art therapy studios – workshops for children, youth and adults (drawing, painting, sculpting, graphic art, art therapy – movement therapy, drama). I N D I V I D UA L A N D G R O U P EXHIBITIONS Works by students and employees of the Institute of Artistic Education: paintings, graphic art, sculptures, drawings, art therapy and new media. Presentation of the Tworki Collection. WO R K S H O P S | Inventory of Arts – Ochota Cultural Centre’s branch, 13/21 Radomska St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Hala Kopińska Kopińska | Białobrzeska P R O G R A M M E : — 1,000 Photographs of Vistula – exhibition of photographs by Marek Ejsmond – Ślusarczyk The slideshow will showcase selected photos taken by the Vistula river. The pictures were taken between Autumn 2014 and Spring 2016. The author presents the life of the river at all times of day and night: sunsets and sunrises, fauna, people’s activities, panoramas of the city seen from the riverbank, draught and high water levels. — Games with Glass – exhibition of paintings This series of paintings presents children surrounded with geometric arrangements of lines and spots. The scenes of children playing seem to be innocent frolicking, but are the kids aware of what they are playing with? Will carefree touching broken glass always end well? — The exhibition will be accompanied by art workshops by Kasia Jaruga. Cut-out designs will be transferred with the use of a paint roller and spay paints onto paper or other surfaces you bring (pieces of fabrics, bags, t-shirts). O C H O T A I N S T Y T U T E D U K AC J I A R T YS T YC Z N E J A K A D E M I I P E DAG O G I K I S P E C JA L N E J 24 25 OŚRODEK KULTURY MUZUŁMAŃSKIEJ EXHIBITION TO U R | Medical History Museum of the Medical University of Warsaw, 63 Żwirki i Wigury St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Uniwersytet Medyczny EXHIBITION AT T R AC T I O N S | The Centre of Muslim Culture, 23 Bohaterów Września St. 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm Rondo Zesłańców Syberyjskich Jerozolimskie Av. (in front of the CH Blue City) E X H I B I T I O N S : — Anatomy Lesson... — 70 Years of the Reactivated Faculty of Medicine at the University of Warsaw — When Human Memory Fades, Stones Continue to Speak – Historical traces of the Medical University of Warsaw in plaques and sculptures. P R O G R A M M E : Guided tours of the mosque, presentation on Islam, exhibitions, dabke dance presentation, workshops, discussions. — 3:00 pm – 5:00pm First turn — 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Second turn — 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Third turn M U Z E U M I KO N TO U R P ROJ E C T I O N WO R K S H O P S | Museum of Icons, 5 Lelechowska St. 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Hala Kopińska Kopińska | Białobrzeska P R O G R A M M E : — Tours of the St. Grigol Peradze Chapel, the Museum and the basements — Screenings of films about Georgia and not only... — Art workshops for children (costs 5 PLN per person) — Shop and cafe (i.a. Georgian drinks) P O L S KO - JA P O Ń S K A A K A D E M I A animated images. We will build the Death Star out of used-up electronic appliances. Lord Trader will organize a competition aimed at finding “The Galactic Master of Economics”. Guests will be invited to take a seat at the helm of the Millenium Hawk, in a 3D game titled Space Runner. We will present The Cloud Atlas, a galactic Secret Garden and many other interactive projects. Within workshops taught by a Japanese Master Doy, hologram projectors will be created, along with stellar kaleidoscopes, as well as haiku poems and Japanese letters written with water, linocuts. We will watch lunar landscapes at an exhibition showcasing fractals, titled Virtual Emigrants. There will be tasty snacks as well, served out of space trucks; Fire and Water Stop will prepare Asian treats cooked in E-woks, Sushi Point will perform Algae Attack, Bobba Fat will eat Co Ja Ciacha(m) chimney cakes and Ham Solo will buy sandwiches from Unico – not necessarily ham sandwiches. And that’s still not all. Let this night be with us! T E C H N I K KO M P U T E ROW YC H AT T R AC T I O N S FILM M U LT I M E D I A | Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, 86 Koszykowa St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Starynkiewicza Sq. | Line F Jerozolimskie Av. Starynkiewicza Sq. TRAMWAJE WARSZAWSKIE AT T R AC T I O N S | Warsaw Trams, Narutowicza Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Narutowicza Sq. | Line A, M Narutowicza Sq. P R O G R A M M E : P R O G R A M M E : By order of our Empire Provost, on this evening the Academy will step to the light side of the night. PJ Knights will prepare a multitude of attractions. Look Wallwatcher and Princes Lumia will lighten up the facade of the building with a mapping titled PJApocalipse: Elements Vs. Humans, along with a 3D Videomapping. With the use of Oculi, we will show you a virtual world of Tram cars presented within a permanent exhibition: A(#43), C (#257), N3 (#674), Lw (#541) , K(#2407), 13N (#53) and 13N (#388), as well as the Warsaw Promotional Tram, with a pianist who will play music and sing. Line “M” will be activated, with 6 brigades: 13N (#821+#818), 105N (#1000 + #1001), K+ND (#403 + #1620), 4NJ + 4ND (#838 + #1811), 116Na (#3003), 128N (#3650). Trams will leave more-or-less every 15 minutes. Moreover, there will be quizzes and competitions for children and adults organized. Z E S P Ó Ł S TAC J I F I LT RÓW W I L L I A M A L I N D L E YA TO U R | William Lindley Water filters Complex, 81 Koszykowa St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Starynkiewicza Sq. | Line F Jerozolimskie Av. Starynkiewicza Sq. Warsaw Filters by night P R O G R A M M E : — Sightseeing will include: water tower, Museum of Waterworks and Sewerage System in a 19th-century pump station, slow sand water filter from 1886, Rapid Filters Institute from 1933. For the first time in the history of nighttime sightseeing, visitors will be invited to take a sip of freshly-purified tap water. N O T I C E : Please enter via the gate in Koszykowa St. Exit via the gate in Krzywickiego St. Guided groups of 25 will be allowed in every 30 minutes. Visitors will be asked to present an ID with a photo. Visitors will be obliged to respect regulations available at (in the section: “Udostępnianie obiektów” – in Polish). O C H O T A O C H O T A MUZEUM HISTORII MEDYCYNY WUM 27 CONCERT P R O G R A M M E : — Cobweb – interdisciplinary exhibition by a group of artists called “The Actual State” (“Stan Rzeczywisty”); Nighttime meetings with creators Artists: Julita Delbar, Edyta Dzierż, Leszek Gęsiorski, Dorota Gęsiorska, Magdalena Hajnosz, Jan Kubicki, Zosia Kubicka, Konrad Lesiak, Joanna Mrozowska, Miłosz Płonka, Dawid Pataria, Joanna Świerczyńska, Ela Zawadzka — Das Moon – concert Das Moon are: Daisy Kowalsky (vocalist, author of lyrics), DJ Hiro Szyma (music producer, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw) and Musiol (creator of electronic music, video producer and lawyer). Das Moon – it’s an enormous dose of synths, with a pinch of new-wave guitar sounds and raw percussion instruments, plus vocalist Daisy K.’s hypnotizing voice. — This Cold – concert (postpunk / goth) This Cold are: Agata Pawłowicz (vocals), Dariusz “Leszy” Borowiec (guitars), Łukasz Kozłowski (guitars), Krzysiek Kościucha (bass guitar), Marcin Tokarski (drums). TO U R | E. Wedel Chocolate Factory, 24/26 Zamoyskiego St. noon – midnight Lubelska | Line G Zieleniecka Av. | Zamoyskiego P R O G R A M M E : During a tour of the factory, the most chocolate-y place in Poland, visitors will be given a chance to take a behind-the-scenes look at the process of creation of Wedel sweet treats. Guests will see the Venus Line (one of the most modern production lines in Europe) and our Delicacy Atelier, where hand-made Wedel sweets are created. They will also get acquainted with the history of the company and take a look at our Memory Hall, where Jan Wedel himself used to work. We will invite visitors to taste Wedel products and admire a gallery of chocolate sculptures (including a town mock-up with a chocolate train, created by the Maestro of E. Wedel Chocolate, Janusz Profus). GALERIA – PRACOWNIA W PERUNIE EXHIBITION | Atelier in Peruna Gallery, 301/305 Grochowska St. 9:00 pm – 1:00 am Gocławska Grochowska | Terespolska Finnisage of Zuzanna Sadowa’s exhibition titled Meetings The exhibition is another presentation of a project titled The Sun, following A Walk and Black Light. Within this series of works Zuzanna Sadowa finds herself in a relation vis a vis the eye of a camera – the Sun, P O Ł U D N I E | Praga Południe Centre for the Promotion of Culture, 2 Podskarbińska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Podskarbińska Grochowska | Terespolska FA B RY K A W E D L A P R A G A C E N T RU M P RO M O C J I K U LT U RY EXHIBITION 28 29 GA L E R I A M I L A N O CONCERT M U LT I M E D I A | Milano Gallery, 2A Waszyngtona Roundabout 7:30 pm – midnight Rondo Waszyngtona Rondo Waszyngtona Gil Kuno – Unsound exploration — 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm Concert and a multimedia presentation by Gil Kuno, a Japanese artist living in Tokyo and Los Angeles. Gil Kuno will present a project titled Radiologic, based on processing radio wave landscapes unique for every city. Signals from a dozen or so radio stations, received parallelly, create the base material for manipulations and transformations performed in real time, during a performance. The starting point for a musical improvisation will be the sounds of the city of Warsaw. In the window of the gallery, the artist will present his most recent video project, titled Antmaster, showcased at Media Arts Festival in Japan. / EXHIBITION | Van Golik Gallery, 27/6 Berezyńska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Berezyńska Rondo Waszyngtona P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm Exhibition opening: Latvijaart – paintings, graphic art, sculptures and artistic glass by Latvian artists. I N S T Y T U T 116 VIDEO MAPPING | Institute 116, 116 Grochowska St. 7:00 pm – midnight Szembeka Sq. Grochowska | Zamieniecka Video mapping within the space of Instytut 116 gallery, presenting artistic achievements of Jacek Jędrzejczak. MUZEUM CZAR PRL EXHIBITION | “The Charm of the PRL” Museum, 25 Mińska St. 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Bliska Grochowska | Terespolska Just like every year, you will stay entertained when standing in the compulsory queue to get to the Museum. This time, the organizer invites all fans of motorisation from the times of the Polish People’s Republic. P R O G R A M M E : In front of the museum, you will see historic cars such as Nysa 522, Fiat 125p, Fiat 126p, Warszawa, Wołga, Wartburg and many others. Inside the museum, there’s a typical one-room apartment set up, characteristic of the times, as well as a Central Committee office, a shop with empty hooks, the only stationary aerator in Poland, a phone booth and many other exhibits from the past epoch. NEON MUZEUM EXHIBITION | Neon Museum, 25/55 Mińska St., Soho Factory 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Neon Muzeum | Line G The project is celebrating its 10th birthday this year! Celebrate this anniversary with us, surrounded by lights of old, post-war neon signs. ORKIESTRA SINFONIA VARSOVIA CONCERT EXHIBITION P R E S E N TAT I O N | Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, 272 Grochowska St. noon – 11:30 pm Praga Płd. – Ratusz Grochowska | Terespolska P R O G R A M M E : — noon Together with the Public Library in Praga Południe, the organizer invites for a feast of book reading, titled Reading Desire, during which all guests will be invited to read together, talk about books and listen to concerts combining music and words. — 4:00 pm Chamber music – concert by Krzysztof Jakowicz (violin), Robert Morawski (grand piano), Daniel Olbrychski (recitation) — 5:30 pm Presentation of the wet plate collodion print technique (ambrotype). Visitors will be invited to participate in group activities, with their favourite books (in collaboration with the Institute of Noble Photographic Techniques). — 8:00 pm Live concert (choir) — 9:00 pm Presentation of an ultra-large-scale cyanotype. During the presentation, viewers will be given a chance to witness the whole process of creation of an image with the use of the 19th-century cyanotype technique. Guests will be creating a gigantic portrait of Yehudi Menuhin, celebrating his 100th birth anniversary. — 10:30 pm Lanterna Magica – presentation, with live solo cello music M O R E O V E R : Throughout the day, Sinfonia Varsovia invites also for an exhibition titled Review of Alternative and Archaic Photographic Techniques. It will be the last chance for visitors to see this exhibit! Organizer invites everybody to create a gallery of photographs documenting the more-than-hundred-year history of the buildings at 272 Grochowska St. People who own old photographs of the current seat of Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra are asked to kindly bring them. The photos will be scanned and all those who participate in this project will receive gifts. P O Ł U D N I E P O Ł U D N I E — Visitors will be guided by the author. GA L E R I A VA N G O L I K P R A G A P R A G A allowing a different logics of viewing to materialize, creating animated images which come to life through the human eye but result from rules and values discovered anew, assumed and constructed in films and a video installation. 30 31 EXHIBITION Amazing Technologies – exhibition, edition II If spent with us, this night will be extraordinary, for we have invited companies, institutions and inventors, who will present their achievements and technological development over the years. Visitors will take an active part in the event. They will be given a chance to touch and play with show-pieces, as well as talk to experts. We wish to allow our guests a closer look at scientific and technological solutions, as well as successes achieved internationally by Polish inventors. PORTHOS – MUZEUM MODNIARST WA I NAPARSTKÓW EXHIBITION P R E S E N TAT I O N | Porthos Museum of Thimbles and Millinery, 265 Grochowska St. 11:00 am – 1:00 am Międzyborska Grochowska | Terespolska P R O G R A M M E : — from 11:00 am Guests will be invited to make purchases at Porthos’ Helen Moda Boutique (at special prices) and watch an — 8:00 pm Fashion show, starring Porthos hats and Dżedai bags; dir. Ewa Ampulska Plus: live music and Irish coffee. PRACOWNIA ART YS T YC ZN A FARBĄ UMAZANE CONCERT EXHIBITION | Farbą Umazane Art Studio, 55A Boremlowska St. 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Os. Młodych Something from nothing – recycling workshops for children Let’s create a chameleon out of a paper clip, a rocket from a paper roll, let’s experiment with textures and colours. P RO M K U LT U RY S A S K A K Ę PA EXHIBITION | 23 Brukselska St. 7:30 pm – 12:30 am Wersalska Poster Concerts on the Long Night of Museums – 3rd edition Exhibition opening: All That Jazz! – posters by Agnieszka Sobczyńska Plus, mini-concerts by artists portrayed by her. S TOWA R Z YS Z E N I E P R AC OW N I E Deadmus, Urbarea/01 T WÓ RC Z E LU B E L S K A 3 0 / 3 2 Grzegorz Szyma, Pop/rety CONCERT EXHIBITION | Art Studios at Lubelska 30/32 Association, 30/32 Lubelska St. 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Lubelska | Line G Zieleniecka Av. | Zamoyskiego P R O G R A M M E : S T U D I O N O. 1 Memories (Wspomnienia) by Anna Alicja Trochmin (paintings) and Delfina Krasicka (small forms) S T U D I O N O. 2 Decentrism – Tapir’s Dreams, Hidden Dominants – paintings, Małgorzata Ruff: artistic jewellery – ceramics, Michał Ruff: ceramics S T U D I O N O. 3 Artists, film-makers and photographers at Dorota Łacek Gorczyca’s atelier present their works dedicated to the body, intimate and social relations, voracity of the world of media, consumerism, corporate manipulation and spaces which we don’t notice. All works are made with the use of unique authorial techniques. Some of the show-pieces will be created during the exhibition and require an active participation on the part of viewers. Maja Zupok, Anchoring Forbidden Dorota Łacek-Gorczyca, Corpo-game Marek Sułek, That’s How it Is Maja Nowak, Encounters Zuzanna Grochowska, Anamorphoses Krzysztof Gromek, Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood from a triptych titled God, Honour, Motherland Beata Bogucka, Favor Platitude Katarzyna Czajka, The Best of Life Marta Bystroń Jarek Sadkowski S T U D I O N O. 4 Grzegorz Śmigielski – exhibition of paintings and a portrait drawing studio S T U D I O N O. 5 Leon and Helena Kopcewicz – paintings and drawings S T U D I O N O. 7 70 m2 – installation by Dariusz Kunowski S T U D I O N O. 1 0 Around the Word “Atheism” – Marek Sobczyk S T U D I O N O. 1 1 ACH Studio – paintings by Anna Lea Chojnacka and Marcin Kłys, and photographs by Katarzyna Kamińska S T U D I O N O. 1 7 Live concert by Gabriela Staszak with her band, oil paintings by Filip Amadeusz Kowalski S T U D I U M T E AT R A L N E EXHIBITION MEETING | Theatre Study, 30/32 Lubelska St. 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Lubelska | Line G Zieleniecka Av. | Zamoyskiego P R O G R A M M E : For several years now at Studium Teatralne, we have presented outstanding works of painting art, held in privately owned collections. We named these meetings Stories of One Painting, because during each of them only one painting has been presented. The exhibit would become an inspiration for contemplations led by representatives of various fields (historians of art, artists and others, whose speeches P O Ł U D N I E P O Ł U D N I E | Polish Press Agency, Old Printing House of PPA, 65 Mińska St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Drukarnia PAP | Line G Grochowska | Terespolska exhibition showcasing thimbles and hats from all over the world. P R A G A P R A G A P O L S K A AG E N C JA P R A S OWA 32 P R A G A broadened a given work of art’s reception). It was also – most importantly – an occasion to meet the owner and listen about the history of their families. P O Ł U D N I E Those were peculiar world premieres, as neither the paintings nor the stories of Warsaw families had ever been publicly presented. On the Long Night of Museums, we will organize a meeting not only with the owners who participated in our events before, but also with many new guests, who will present their paintings together during this evening. We will see paintings by Witkacy, Józef Czapski, Luca Giordano, Władysław Wanke, Jacek Malczewski, Jerzy Nowosielski, Utamaro, Józef Pankiewicz and Władysław Podkowiński. T E AT R P OWS Z E C H N Y I M . Z YG M U N TA H Ü B N E R A CONCERT AT T R AC T I O N S | Zygmunt Hübner Powszechny Theatre, 20 Jana Zamoyskiego St. 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm Zieleniecka Av. | Line G Zieleniecka Av. | Zamoyskiego P R O G R A M M E : In May, Common Garden (Ogród Powszechny) will be opened right by the Powszechny Theatre, providing space for discussions, exchanging knowledge, experiences and skills, as well as relaxing. In the Garden, we will grow plants and learn how to transform our nearby neighbourhood. How to make concrete cubes surrounding us in the city greener, how to not only bring more green into our surroundings but also make it inspiring and encouraging for joint neighbourly actions, for an active life in a community and taking care of people and places around us. Powszechny Theatre invites guests to visit the Common Garden, relax in deck chairs, taste snacks typical of Kongo (these will not be free), learn about memories of the Theatre’s spectators (presentation of a film within a project titled Throw a Memory in) and participate in a concert organized specially for this occasion. Guests of the Long Night of Museums will also be invited to purchase the Theatre’s posters, programmes and totes. B I U RO P R Z E WO D N I KÓW S K A R BY WA R S Z AW Y TO U R | Treasures of Warsaw – Tour Guides Office, Waszyngtona Roundabout 7:00 pm – 1:00 am rondo Waszyngtona rondo Waszyngtona P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 11:00 pm Saska Kępa; Starting point: Waszyngton Roundabout (from the side of the National Stadium) 34 35 EXHIBITION Overview of Julita Delbar’s photographic oeuvre. Acts and portraits. F U N DAC JA Z M I A N A MEETING P R E S E N TAT I O N | Zmiana Foundation, 63 Targowa St. 7:00 pm – midnight Dw. Wileński | Line D, G, M Targowa | “Solidarności” Av. The pretext for this meeting is a book and stories connected with it. Guests will get acquainted with the metaphysics of a gate, the history of the place where the Library is located, they will listen to Polish Radio’s recordings (the first post-war seat of the radio was located in the backyard of Zmiana Foundation’s seat exactly). There will also be an exhibition of bookmarks presented. — 9:00 pm Film screening GALERIA 81 STOPNI EXHIBITION | 81 Stopni Gallery, 38/5 Kłopotowskiego St. 7:00 pm – midnight Ząbkowska | Line D, G Targowa | “Solidarności” Av. Praga Showroom: silk-screen paintings The idea to present selected graphic artists who create silk-screen paintings, Praga Showroom is a meeting of artists, designers, illustrators, and a pretext for a discussion, exchanging opinions on contemporary topics, on topics that we find of interest. GA L E R I A AU TO R S K A B LO K EXHIBITION | Blok Authorial Gallery, 3/10 Inżynierska St. (5th floor) 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Inżynierska | Line M Inżynierska | Stalowa Presentation of artistic demeanours of two artists: Sylwia Caban and Waldemar Mazurek Sylwia Caban’s exhibition is a showcase of sculptures and paintings which are an excerpt from a project titled Inclusions – Omitted Objects. In this context, inclusions are a reference to objects and phenomena which remain unnoticed or are perceived as foreign bodies within the space of a city. This artistic statement is based on “irrelevant” objects, which oftentimes are marked with peculiar “non-aesthetic” and may be described as a form of a relic. It is a peculiar recycling of omitted things. Waldemar Mazurek’s exhibition is a presentation of pieces made from bronze, ceramics and stone. It is a sculptural story of a human form locked in hard matter – a commentary on our mundaneness, carnality, and at the same time an action which stops the passing of a human being in one particular moment. GALERIA FORTUNABOX EXHIBITION | Fortunabox Gallery, 69 Stalowa St. 7:00 pm – midnight Szwedzka P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of photographs by Wojciech Walkiewicz, taken at the turn of 2014 and 2015 at Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station, located in Admiralty Bay on King George Island in Antarctica’s South Shetland Islands. — Screening of films by Wojciech Walkiewicz (timelapse 4k and underwater photos) — 9:00 pm Meeting with the author and invited guests, who will talk about working at Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station. A musical piece composed specially for this occasion by Grzegorz Degejda and Solfer. Opening of an exhibition titled Reunion The exhibition showcases portraits of people who visited Katarzyna Fortuna’s Portrait Gallery (12 Walecznych St.) during the Long Night of Museums in 2010. After dusk, a photo shoot will be organized for everybody. This time photos will be taken against the backdrop of the side wall of the building at 69 Stalowa St., where Fortunabox Gallery is located. The organizer heartily invites, especially those who posed for photographs in 2010, as well as guests with pets. If you wish, you may receive one photo via e-mail. — 7:00 pm The vernissage starts — 9:00 pm The photo shoot starts GALERIA PO PRAWEJ STRONIE WISŁY EXHIBITION | Po Prawej Stronie Wisły Gallery, 15/1A Konopacka St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Konopacka | Line M Inżynierska | Stalowa Antarktika – multimedia exhibition by Wojciech Walkiewicz GA L E R I A S TA LOWA MEETING P R E S E N TAT I O N | Stalowa Gallery, 26 Stalowa St. 7:00 pm – midnight Konopacka | Line M Inżynierska | Stalowa P R O G R A M M E : — Masks – works by Jerzy Kosiński (exhibition opening), photographs by Czesław Czapliński and meeting with the artist. — 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Meeting with Czesław Czapliński – the artist will share his extraordinary stories about Jerzy Kosiński. Who was this one of the greatest mystifiers of the 20th century – as Jerzy Kosiński is described at times? First of all, he was a writer, whose works are thrillingly read now, twentyfive years after his death, by young people in dozens of countries. He was an author of books translated into more than thirty languages, issued in roughly 70 million copies, and with new editions still printed. — 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm Transformed Structures – painting performance by Piotr Pasiewicz P Ó Ł N O C P Ó Ł N O C | Klitka Atelier, 12 Ząbkowska St. 4:00 pm – 1:00 am Ząbkowska | Line D, G Ząbkowska | Markowska artists vibrantly active individually or in cooperatives, was born in connection with the extraordinary place that Gallery 81 Degrees in Warsaw’s Praga is. It was the atmosphere of creative studios in Praga, as well as a multitude of initiatives related with silk-screen painting, that made us feel the need to present just how many different topics and issues contemporary serigraphy creators touch on – of course, each of them in their own, unique style. P R A G A P R A G A AT E L I E R K L I T K A 36 P R A G A G R A Ż E GA L E R I A P ROJ E K TA N TÓW M U Z E U M WA R S Z AWS K I E J P R AG I EXHIBITION EXHIBITION P Ó Ł N O C | Graże – Designers’ Gallery, 84 Targowa St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Dw. Wileński | Line D, G, M Targowa “Solidarności” Av. Studio – exhibition of works by Stefan Paruch Exhibition with the participation of Stefan Paruch and Grażyna Bieganik. M U Z E U M D RU K A R S T WA WA R S Z AWS K I E G O EXHIBITION MEETING | Museum of Warsaw Printing, 23/25 Ząbkowska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Markowska | Line D Ząbkowska | Markowska AT T R AC T I O N S | The Warsaw’s Praga Museum 50/52 Targowa St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Markowska | Line D Ząbkowska | Markowska Ones from the Right Bank – Unusual Biographies – exhibition finissage Sumptuous closing of our exhibition dedicated to people whose lives were connected, in various ways, with right-bank districts of Warsaw. In the programme: music in the courtyard, activities for children, competitions with awards, film screenings, typical tasty treats of Praga, meetings and workshops. — from 10:00 am Guests will be allowed to visit the permanent exhibition (free of charge). — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The museum’s shop will offer nighttime 10% off of regular prices. Ś W I ATOWA A K A D E M I A S Z T U K I in a Parisian Gallery. The sessions took place within an individual exhibition of his works. — Warsaw Paints Moreover, all those eager to participate (after a hiatus of one year) in an action Warsaw Paints, will be invited to leave their mark. There will be paints and brushes provided. This rather extraordinary painting (not quite finished yet), fits into the recently popular street art trend; it is also a continuation of Prof. Małkowski’s actions titled Common Painting, organized in Paris in the 1990s. Each person participating in the painting of the façade will take part in an extraordinary rehearsal, which will be the opening for new artistic solutions, to be introduced on an enormous scale. P R Z E S T R Z E Ń W I E LO P L A S T YC Z N A P R E S E N TAT I O N MEETING | Multi-Art Space, 38/6 Kłopotowskiego St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Ząbkowska | Line D, G Ząbkowska | Markowska P R AC OW N I A T WÓ RC Z A P R O G R A M M E : EXHIBITION The Museum is celebrating its 35 birthday this year. The organizer invites for a meeting, during which guests will get a chance to create their own linocut and moveable font printings. Moreover, a historic proofreadnig press will also be working on this night. — from 10:00 am Visitors will be allowed to visit the permanent exhibition (free of charge) th www.muzeumdrukarstwa. C R E AT I V E AC T I V I T Y | “Światowa Akademia Sztuki” Creative Studio, 6/21 and 6/21A Brzeska St. 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Ząbkowska | Line D, G Ząbkowska | Markowska P R O G R A M M E : — Birth, Love... The exhibition is a presentation of 20 paintings created by the owner of this creative studio, Professor Eugeniusz “Geno” Małkowski, during two Saturday sessions P R O G R A M M E : — Film screenings and a presentation of painting on water – EBRU — Open ateliers — Meetings with artists: Magda Dreścik, Adrian Lewandowski, Marta Puchłowska, Iwona Teodorczuk-Możdżyńska www. M U Z E U M D U L AG 121 LECTURE AT T R AC T I O N S | Dulag 121 Museum, 8A 3 Maja St. 5:00 pm – 2:00 am P R O G R A M M E : — 5:00 pm – 2:00 am Permanent exhibition and temporary exhibition titled Solidarity and Support. Help for Inhabitants of Warsaw and Its Surroundings, Expelled During and After the Warsaw Rising. — 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Bicycle Walk in the old Żbików, guided by Agata Gołąb, within the series of 10 walks on the 100th anniversary of Pruszków. — 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Build Pruszków with us! This play with MuBaBaO blocks, dedicated to constructing the most famous historic buildings in Pruszków, will be hosted by Michał Malinowski, Director of the Museum of Stories, Fairy Tales and Narratives (Muzeum Bajek, Baśni i Opowieści). — 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm Screenings of a documentary by Grzegosz Szuplewski, titled Warsaw’s Exodus of 1944. — 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm Concert of patriotic songs performed by Pruszkowianka brass band, conducted by Adam Malcherek. — 10:00 pm – 11:45 pm, midnight – 1:45 am Nighttime walk through the premises of the one-time Dulag 121 camp, guided by an enthusiast of the history of Pruszków, Szymon Kucharski. 39 A K A D E M I A S Z T U K P I Ę K N YC H EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Ad Artis – SAR Art Foundation, 3 Jerozolimskie Av., The National Museum (Lorentz Courtyard) 9:00 pm – 2:00 am Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. Nowy Świat Muzeum Utracone 2016 The idea behind the project is to search for new ways of popularizing knowledge about national heritage lost especially during the Second World War. The project aims to “mentally retrieve” this heritage and bring back the memory of lost works of art, as most of them cannot be found and brought back physically. In the Lorentz Courtyard, in front of the National Museum, a film titled Muzeum Utracone 2016 will be screened, dedicated to the artistic oeuvre of Jan Matejko. Preparing and using a modern animated film, artistically attractive and accessible – thanks to its form – for most audiences, will make it possible to present works of art and their stories from the moment when they appeared in Polish collections until their wartime lot, to viewers of all ages, irrelevant of their interests and education. The organizers wish to show viewers just how extremely difficult it was to hide the works (among them – enormous paintings) from invaders and store them throughout the war, as well as present artworks which, despite efforts, were stolen and have still not returned to their owners. The film screening will be accompanied by games, including interactive ones, taking place in both of the Museum’s courtyards. WORKSHOPS ATTRACTIONS | Academy of Fine Arts, 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. and 37/39 Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie St., as well as the basements of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession at 1 Małachowskiego Sq. 7:00 pm – midnight Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska P R O G R A M M E : 5 K R A KO WS K I E P R Z E D M I E Ś C I E S T. – C O U RT YA R D — 9:30 pm – midnight Video-mapping Specially designed visual works created by artists and students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, under the supervision of Roch Forowicz. The mapping has been designed specifically to be screened on the facade of the Academy’s Vice-Chancellor’s Palace. — We will emblaze a picturesque Hungarian kiln for baking ceramics, built by Stanisław Brach, PhD, together with students from the Ceramics Studio of the Sculpture Faculty. — Exhibitions of students’ works. T H E S E AT O F T H E PA I N T I N G FA C U LT Y — 7:00 pm – midnight Exhibition of works by students of the Sculpture Studio of the Painting Faculty supervised by Jakub Łęcki, PhD (entrance from the courtyard). — 64/9 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1= Adamczyk+ Drzymalska+Jasik+Jaszczuk+Kofta+Matelska +Słowak+Strzeszewski+Wesołowski 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście St., Painting Faculty, 2nd floor, Studio 64/ Cieśniewski+Nocuń — Half-joking, Half-serious – exhibition of works by students of all studios Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E A D A R T I S – F U N DAC JA S Z T U K I S A R FILM SCREENING 40 41 — 7:00 – midnight The exhibition of works by 4th-year students of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts is a result of a museum programme aimed at directing the way of thinking about one’s own creative output in the context of the space in which the work will be presented. The project has been supervised by pedagogues: Dorota Folga-Januszewska, PhD, Adam Zdrodowski, PhD and Aleksandra Tubielewicz, MFA, within a collaboration between the Academy of Fine Arts and the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów. As a direct continuation of the project, an exhibition will be organized, showcasing works by 2nd-year students at the Printmaking Studio of professor Agnieszka CieślińskaKawecka. — Sculptural project titled GMO Jesus – Sonia Jaszczyńska, Wiktoria Mańkowska C HA P E L ( E N T R A N C E F R O M T H E C O U RT YA R D, T O A M OAT B Y T H E S E AT O F T H E G R A P H I C A RT S FA C U LT Y ) — 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Comics Battle (interactive game) – the rules are very simple: two easels, two contestants, five minutes, one topic, one winner. — 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm Live concert by Miood – a Warsaw-based rock’n’roll band. — 11:00 pm – 2:00 am Study of an UFO (open workshops) – the Academy of Fine Arts invites painters, graphic artist and sculptors to work with an extraordinary model, the only one which survived the Roswell catastrophe. S A L O N A K A D E M I I G A L L E RY ( E N T R A N C E I N T R AU G U T TA S T. ) — 7:00 pm – midnight Symulatory – exhibition of works by Daniel Zieliński. — 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Daniel Zieliński – guided tour of the exhibition. — 8:00 pm – 8:45 pm Anna Mularczyk-Meyer – meeting with the author of books: Polish Minimalism: How to Make Your Life Simpler (Minimalizm po polsku, czyli jak uczynić życie prostszym) and Advanced Minimalism: How to Make Your Live Even Simpler (Minimalizm dla zaawansowanych, czyli jak uczynić życie jeszcze prostszym). — 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm Yoga class taught by Michał Opiłowski NOTICE: There is no cloakroom space in the gallery. You are asked to wear comfortable clothes and – if possible – bring a yoga mat. — 10:15 pm – 11:15 pm Origami workshops. — 11:15 pm – midnight Sonic performance with the use of gongs and crystal bowls. Ryszard Ługowski and Paulina Sylwestrowicz. THE ACADEMY ’S BUILDING IN 3 7 / 3 9 W Y B R Z E Ż E KO Ś C I U S Z KO WS K E — 7:00 pm – midnight Exhibitions of works by students of the Faculty of Management of Visual Culture, Faculty of Sculpture and Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art. LU T H E R A N U M ( B A S E M E N T S O F T H E E VA N G E L I C A L C H U R C H O F T H E AU G S B U R G C O N F E S S I O N I N WA R S AW, 1 M A Ł A C H O WS K I E G O S Q. ) — 7:00 pm Ornament of Seeing – exhibition; Agnieszka Żak-Biełowa, Aleksandra Rzeszkowiak, Małgorzta Gadomska (Faculty of Painting, PhD studies, professor Stanisław Baj’s studio) N O T I C E : People with disabilities will be able to participate in events held at the buildings in Krakowskie Przedmieście St. and Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie St. At Kampus Radio’s studio there will be hosts waiting for you, happy to guide you around the studio. You will be invited to take part in competitions and say something on air. Moreover, Kampus Radio invites for tours of the revitalised building of the Institute of Journalism of the University of Warsaw (one-time Teodozja Majewska Baths). On location, look for us in Krakowskie Przedmieście St. We will have interesting guests there, and lots of good, live music. Kampus Radio on the Long Night of Museums – live, at the studio and on 97.1 FM. A M B A S A DA W ŁO C H TO U R | Embassy of Italy, Szlenkier Palace 6 Dąbrowskiego Sq., 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Metro Świętokrzyska Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K, M Marszałkowska | Świętokrzyska The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute invite guests for tours of the Szlenkier Palace – the seat of the Embassy of Italy since 1919. Tours will include representative halls, the Ambassador’s office and the inner courtyard. N O T I C E : Groups of 20, allowed in every 20 minutes. At 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm, the guide will speak English. AKADEMICKIE RADIO KAMPUS ATTRACTIONS | Kampus Academic Radio, 2/4 Bednarska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Mariensztat | Line K Rynek Mariensztacki ARCHIWUM GŁÓWNE AKT DAWNYCH EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Central Archives of Historical Records, 7 Długa St. 7:00 pm – midnight Krasińskich Sq. | Line E Krasińskich Sq. Over the grave of forbidden love – unfortunate romance of Eliza Radziwiłłówna and Wilhelm Hohenzollern – exhibition of original letters from the 19th century, a film screening and the feel of Romanticism, thanks to a reenactment group or/and a music group. A RC H I W U M PA Ń S T WOW E EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | State Archive, 7 Krzywe Koło St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Kapitulna | Line E Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Krzywe Koło in Time and Space – exhibition: emphasizing the role of the State Archive in Warsaw, as an Archive of Warsaw and Varsovians, reminding the history of particular places located in the Old Town in Warsaw, near Krzywe Koło St., bringing generations together – showing youth the city of their grandparents and great-grandparents. M O R E O V E R : — For children: looking for Bazyliszek together – the creature used to live in the basements of the building in 7 Krzywe Koło St. — Promotion of archives and the State Archive in Warsaw. — Family Archives – action allowing guests to talk about how to gather materials for one’s own genealogical research, where to look for information on one’s ancestors and how to organize documents in “home drawer”. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E T H E S E AT O F T H E G R A P H I C A RT S FA C U LT Y 42 43 P RO G R A M ATTRACTIONS | Archive of the Polish Radio, 72 Nowy Świat St., Staszica Palace 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska Radio Long Night of Museums P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm – 7:05 pm – Radio Long Night of Museums opens — 7:05 pm – 7:30 pm – Nighttime test in History of Polish Radio Broadcasting – competition with prizes If you want to learn about: what happened on 18th April 1926, on what occasion children heard Mr. Kitten Was Ill (Pan Kotek był chory) – a poem by Stanisław Jachowicz – for the first time ever on the radio, in Summer with Radio (Lato z Radiem), take part in the test hosted by the team at the Archive of the Polish Radio. — 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm – I’ve been living here, by the Vistula River, so many years… 60 years of The Matysiak Family (Matysiakowie) radio novel – meeting with the Matysiaks – the radio family — 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm Journey with the Archive of the Polish Radio, towards the secrets of the Universe Eureka is a series of radio programs by Polish Radio One, popularizing the knowledge of the World. A meeting with an outstanding physicist, professor Krzysztof Meissner, will be hosted by Dorota Truszczak (journalist at Polish Radio One) and Waldemar Listowski (Director of the Archive of the Polish Radio). — 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm It appeared 80 years ago… Afternoon Tea by a Microphone (Podwieczorek przy mikrofonie). Multimedia presentation with a commentary, illustrated with archival recordings of the Polish Radio and a live performance. This once-popular program, broadcast from “Bristol” hotel, first appeared on the Polish Radio in 1936. It was broadcast live and involved the participation of the audience… Authors and hosts: Małgorzata Barucka, Teresa Barucka; collaboration: Joanna Mitko; special guest: Danuta Stankiewicz – creator of unforgettable musical ambiances of the Afternoon Teas by a Microphone. — 10:30 pm – midnight From the world of revue into army ranks – artists in the service of General Władysław Anders’ 2nd Polish Corps. Story of famous artists, beloved by audiences of i.a. pre-war revue theatres. Singers, conductors, authors of famous hits, who during WWII served in military theatres of Władysław Anders’ 2nd Corps. Authors and hosts: Małgorzata Barucka, Teresa Barucka; collaboration: Joanna Mitko. Radio Long Night of Museums will be hosted by Waldemar Listowski, Director of the Archive of the Polish Radio ARCHIWUM POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK EXHIBITION LECTURE P R E S E N TAT I O N | Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 72 Nowy Świat St., Staszic Palace 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska — 10:00 pm 19th/20th century fashion show, by Bluszcz Group. — 11:00 pm Viennese waltz: Magdalena Wieteszka, Paweł Nassalski – Bodymovement Dance Studio. M A R IA S K Ł O D O WS K A- C U R I E R O O M — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Warsaw, My Love – exhibition by the Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Mock-up of Jan III Sobieski’s monument, by Jerzy Teper. — 7:00 pm, 10:00 pm, midnight The History of the Staszic Palace – presented by Joanna Arvaniti. — 8:00 pm Spanish Music in the Past and Today – Maryla Ochimowska-Teper (coloratura soprano), Magdalena Biała-Gołędowska (guitar). — 9:15 pm Ursynów, My Love, presented by Joanna Arvaniti. R O U N D TA B L E R O O M — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am 19th-century Central Asia through Leon Barszczewski’s Lens – exhibition by Igor Strojecki. — Ethno-market with hand-made products from Central Asia – exhibition by Anor-craft company. — Matchboxes with artwork referring to Central Asia – exhibition by Wołoszyn company. MEZZANINE — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Children’s zone, hosted by Anna Gruszczyńska and Barbara Wiktorowska. P R O G R A M M E : ROOM 05 — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Secessionist Furniture and Facilities – exhibition by the Mazovian Museum in Płock ROOM 022 — 7:00 pm – 01:00 am Your portrait, drawn by Paulina Kopestyńska — 7:30 pm When the Parents Were Little – old-time fairy tales and music; host: Agata Łazowska BARBAKAN TO U R | Barbican, Nowomiejska St. 10:00 am – 1:00 am Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Guided tour What hides inside the Barbican? Was the Barbican reconstructed before or after the war? Come and learn about the history of this interesting object. — 10:00 am – 1:00 am The Museum of Warsaw invites visitors to watch its permanent exhibition free of charge. lokalizacje/barbakan B A Z Y L I K A M N I E J S Z A Ś W. K R Z Y Ż A EXHIBITION | Smaller Basilica of the Holy Cross, 32 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm Piłsudskiego Sq. Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka P R O G R A M M E : The Lot of the Holy Cross Temple – exhibition in the lower church; Fryderyk Chopin’s Heart – John Paul II Chapel (upper church). B E LW E D E R TO U R | Belvedere, 54/56 Belwederska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Łazienki Królewskie | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. Guests will be invited to visit, i.a., The Pompeian Hall, The Marble Hall, The Mirror Hall, The Cabinet of Marshal Józef Piłsudski, The War Order of Virtuti Militari Cabinet. N O T I C E : Visitors are requested to bring their ID with a photo, and avoid bringing dangerous objects, large bags and backpacks. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E A RC H I W U M P O L S K I E G O R A D I A 44 45 WA R S Z AW Y TO U R | Treasures of Warsaw – Tour Guides Office, several meeting points 7:00 pm – 1:00 am P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 11:00 pm The Old Town; Starting point: King Zygmunt III Waza Kolumn (the east side, near Vistula). Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) — 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 11:00 pm The Royal Łazienki; Starting point: Józef Piłsudski Monument (by the Belvedere). Łazienki Królewskie | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. — 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 11:00 pm A Stroll Through Warsaw in the Times of Socialist Realism; Starting point: Ch. De Gaulle’a Roundabout, by the general’s monument. Nowy Świat Events dedicated to Stefan “Wiech” Wiechecki P R O G R A M M E : — Screenings of films dedicated to “Wiech” and audio recordings with excerpts from columns read by the author himself — Interactive city game for the youngest – In the Climate of Old-time Warsaw — Performative reading of “Wiech’s” writings — Meetings and debates dedicated to Stefan “Wiech” Wiechecki’s oeuvre — Tours of the library – new reading rooms, as well as nooks and crannies of the St. Kierbedź building — Games for children and youth M . S T. WA R S Z AW Y / B I B L I OT E K A G Ł ÓW N A WOJ E WÓ D Z T WA M A ZOWIECKIEGO FILM GA M E ATTRACTIONS | Public Library of the Capital City of Warsaw, Main Library of the Masovian Voivodeship, 16/28 Koszykowa St. 4:00 pm – midnight Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. N O T I C E : Groups of 10. Please sign up by the main entrance for readers (from 7:00 pm). P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition: The “Kiliński” Battalion and meetings with the battalion’s veterans (4th floor) – PAST Cinema (4th floor) – Theatre performances and open theatre-musical improvisations by Meandry Theatre Troupe (Trupa Teatralna Meandry) (patio) — Activities for children hosted by the Children’s University of Interesting History (Dziecięcy Uniwersytet Ciekawej Historii; 4th floor) — 6:00 pm Opening of the PAST building’s terrace (11th floor) — Exhibition: BOOM: Very Original Marketing Offer (BOOM Bardzo Oryginalna Oferta Marketingowa; 11th floor) B I B L I OT E K A U N I W E R S Y T E C K A EXHIBITION PRESENTATION ATTRACTIONS | Library of the University of Warsaw, 56/66 Dobra St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Line K Dobra | Lipowa P R O G R A M M E : B I B L I OT E K A P U B L I C Z N A nocy zimowej) – beneath the Great Skylight – at 2017. — Connect Facts, Spy Fiction! – outdoor game at the Library, with elements of a true and not true story. — Abridgement of the Story – Book Covers. Michał Batory / Drzewo Babel publishing house – 20 years of collaboration – exhibition celebrating the World Book and Copyright Day (until 18th May 2016). — 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:30 pm, 11:30 pm (2nd floor) Tours of the Japanese Traditional Tea Pavilion, Chashitsu Kaian. — History of Fiction. Fiction of History – presentation of objects from historic, artistic and special collections of the Special Collections Department of the Library. — Between Bibliophilism and Book-grabbing – presentation of books taken, snatched and seized from the collection of the Old Prints Department. — The Art of Fiction – presentation of objects from the Illustration Department. — Masonic Organizations and Secret Associations – presentation of the collection of the Manuscripts Department. — Meeting with professor Tadeusz Cegielski – author of a historic crime story titled Head. Story of a Winter Night (Głowa. Opowieść BUDYNEK PAS T -Y EXHIBITION | PAST’s Building, 39 Zielna St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Metro Świętokrzyska Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K, M Marszałkowska | Świętokrzyska Presentation of a world-class collection of drawings, graphic art and watercolours by professor Henryk Dąbrowski. BUDYNEK PAS T -Y / FUNDAC JA POLSKIEGO PAŃSTWA PODZIEMNEGO PERFORMANCE EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Polish Underground State Foundation, PAST’s Building, 39 Zielna St. 6:00 pm – midnight Metro Świętokrzyska Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K, M Marszałkowska | Świętokrzyska B U Ł GA R S K I I N S T Y T U T K U LT U RY EXHIBITION FILM | Bułgarski Instytut Kultury, 33/35 Ujazdowskie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Trzech Krzyży Sq. | Line J, K Trzech Krzyży Sq. Bulgarian rose – culture, history and tradition One of the most recognizable symbols of Bulgaria is its world-famous rose oil. In Bulgaria, the oil has a long-standing tradition, going back to the ancient times. We invite you to an event dedicated specifically to this extraordinary flower – damask rose. P R O G R A M M E : — 7:30 pm Virtual tour of the Rose Museum in Kazanlak – the only museum of rose in the world; presentation by Slaviana Holc — 8:00 pm Music and Dances from the Thracian Lowland – filmed performance — 8:30 pm How are roses picked? – series of film reportages Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E B I U RO P R Z E WO D N I KÓW S K A R BY 46 47 G A L L E RY O F T H E B U L G A R IA N C U LT U R A L I N S T I T U T E — Painting – works by students and teachers of the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in Plovdiv — Panel documentary exhibition titled Bulgaria and Slavic Alphabets C E N T RU M I N T E R P R E TAC JI ZABY TKU EXHIBITION FILM | Centre for Interpretation of Historic Buildings of the Museum of Warsaw, 11/13 Brzozowa St. 4:00 pm – 1:00 am Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Film screenings with a commentary — 4:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 10:00 pm Unique screenings of a propaganda film titled Warsaw 1952 (Warszawa 1952), which is at the same time an extraordinary documentary on the reconstruction of the capital city after the war – screenings with a commentary by Andrzej Skalimowski, who is a historian and researcher interested in the reconstruction of Warsaw. — from 10:00 am Centre’s permanent exhibition free of charge. — 7:00 pm – 1:00 pm The Museum’s shop will offer special 10% discounts. CENTRUM KOMUNIKACJI SPOŁECZNEJ S T RO L L | 25 Bracka St., Pięciu Rogów Sq., Dom Braci Jabłkowskich (ground floor) noon Chmielna Krucza | Bracka Architectonic walk with architect and Varsavianist Grzegorz Mika: Pięciu Rogów Square and The Jabłkowski Brothers Department Store. The event accompanies public consultations dedicated to directives for an architectonic-urban planning contest regarding the development planning of Pięciu Rogów Square (at the intersection of Chmielna St., Bracka St., Szpitalna St. and Zgody St.). CENTRUM KULTURY KOREAŃSKIEJ AMBASADY REPUBLIKI KOREI POŁUDNIOWEJ WORKSHOPS ATTRACTIONS | Korean Cultural Centre of the Embassy of the Republic of South Korea, 8 Kruczkowskiego St. 6:00 pm – midnight PKP Powiśle Kruczkowskiego | 3 Maja Av. P R O G R A M M E : — Performance: Samulnori (percussion instruments) — Concert: Se-mi Hwang — Film screening: How to Steal a Dog, dir. Kim Sung-ho, 2014 — Workshops: • Trying a traditional Korean outfit on • Woodcut and calligraphy • Creating traditional Korean lanterns • Fan painting — Lecture on Korean culture — Exhibition of photographs dedicated to Korea CENTRUM MYŚLI JAN A PAWŁA II GA M E WORKSHOPS ATTRACTIONS | Centre for Thought of John Paul II, 11/30 Foksal St., 3rd floor 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. Nowy Świat John Paul II birthday celebrations P R O G R A M M E : — A city game named With Wojtyła through the 20th Century, addressed to families with children. During this exciting game, participants will have a chance to learn how the history of Karol Wojtyła’s life intertwined with the history of our country. N O T I C E : Register at (till 12th of May) M O R E O V E R : — Lullabies – live performance by our Choir — Workshops on: kite making, crocheting, dances of the 1920s — Lecture on John Paul II’s role in the history of Poland — Film titled Apartment, dir. Maciej Czajkowski and Przemysław Häuser Of course, there will be a birthday cake waiting for you as well! C E N T RU M N AU K I KO P E R N I K P R E S E N TAT I O N ATTRACTIONS | Copernicus Science Centre, 20 Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie St. 8:00 pm – 2:00 am (visitors invited in until 1:00 am) Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Line K Dobra | Lipowa Luminescent sweets, robotic fashion show and the glow of stars – we will light the Long Night of Museums up! We will get to know light-emitting organisms, turn the robotic studio into a showroom, get acquainted with the planetarium’s cosmic presenters. All galleries at the Centre will be available for visitors, along with a temporary exhibition titled Mirrors, the newest exhibition titled On the Move, Thinkatorium experimental space, laboratories and the Heavens of Copernicus Planetarium. You may expect attractions in front of the building, too. On a special stage, scientific presentations will be shown. We will pop water balloons and film it with a high-speed camera. If the weather allows it, we will also look at the sky through a telescope. — 8:30 pm – 1:30 am Screenings in Heaven of Copernicus Planetarium (every half an hour) N O T I C E : Free entrance tickets to the Planetarium will be available on the day of the event, starting at 10:30. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E — 9:00 pm The History of the Bulgarian Rose and the Tradition of Extracting Rose Oil in Bulgaria, and Unique Qualities of the Bulgarian Rose – presentation by Slaviana Holc — 10:00 pm Documentary titled The Valley of the Thracian Rulers (in Polish – reader), 20 minutes — 10:45 pm Thracian Tombs and Ancient Rituals – presentation by Slaviana Holc — 11:00 pm Thracian Mystery Play – footage recorded at the Festival of Thracian Culture in Bulgaria — Until the end of the evening – films dedicated to the Bulgarian rose. — Market offering rose products. 48 49 CENTRUM SZTUKI WSPÓŁC ZESNEJ IM. SŁAWOMIRA S. SKRZYPKA ZAMEK UJAZDOWSKI EXHIBITION EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Sławomir S. Skrzypek Money Centre of the National Bank of Poland, 11/21 Świętokrzyska St. 7:00 pm – 2:00 am (visitors invited in until 1:00 am) Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska How much does a gold bar weigh? Come and find the answer! Spread over more than 2,000 sq metres and divided into 16 thematic modules, the Centre’s permanent exhibition tells the story of money, propagates knowledge on economics, explains the role of central banks and the meaning of economic processes, as well as rules of investing and depositing money. With an intriguing set design, several thousands unique exhibits and old coins are presented, along with over 250 state-of-the-art multimedia devices, which create an interactive platform, thanks to which visitors can take part in strategic economic games or watch thematic animations and films. Guests will be also given a chance to get acquainted with one of the largest collections of Polish coins, talk to a virtual banker, lift a gold bar in the the vault and check the authenticity of their own money in the laboratory. Events organizers at the National Bank of Poland will assist guests, helping them and sharing their knowledge throughout the evening. N O T I C E : Surprise for the first 20 guests! Due to safety regulations, the number of people allowed inside the Centre at the same time is limited. FILM V I D E OA R T | Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, 2 Jazdów St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Na Rozdrożu Sq. | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Villa Straylight – Michał Frydrych, Piotr Grabowski, Kuba Bąkowski – exhibition trilogy — Things Do Things – exhibition, performance, cinema, puppet slam — Angelika Markul What’s Lost Is at the Beginning – exhibition — Review of video art and films from the collection of the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle (at Kino Lab) area of interest was most of all architecture, which is why his photographs depict, inter alia, archival landscapes of the old Warsaw. However, his legacy’s unique documentary value lies mostly in images of modernist architecture, which was being created in the 1930s. DOM KSIĄŻKI MDM | Dom Książki MDM bookshop, 34/50 Koszykowa St. 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. The bookshop invites for competitions with prizes, as well as an exhibition of photographs and a meeting with an author. The organizer provides drinks and light refreshments. N O T I C E : Only the ground floor is accessible for people with disabilities. DOM AUKCYJNY ARTISSIMA EXHIBITION | Artissima Auction House, 39 Zielna St., PAST’s building 7:00 pm – midnight Metro Świętokrzyska Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K, M Marszałkowska | Świętokrzyska Exhibition by Czesław Olszewski photography Most of Czesław Olszewski’s heritage is held in the archives of the Museum of Warsaw. The collection presented within the exhibition is owned by the artist’s family. Czesław Olszewski (1861–1914) is one of the most famous Polish photographers of the interwar period and post-war years. His main ATTRACTIONS DOM LITERATURY COMPETITION P R E S E N TAT I O N | House of Literature, 87/89 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) P R O G R A M M E : One Poem Competition, presentation of the oeuvre of the members of the Association of Polish Writers, souvenirs of famous writers. D O M S P OT K A Ń Z H I S TO R I Ą MEETING ATTRACTIONS | History Meeting House, 20 Karowa St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Piłsudskiego Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka The History Meeting House invites everybody to post-war Warsaw – full of ruins and life P R O G R A M M E : — Invited guests will talk about culture, fashion and everyday life in Warsaw of the 1950s. — Photographic exercises in looking organized, Patrycja Jastrzębska will talk about searching for a girl seen in a photograph and Karolina Sulej – about how and where people dressed themselves among ruins, Jan Menzwel will allow guests to travel in time thanks to an interactive game. — Music of Warsaw – live, cinema in the basement and delicious Warsaw treats. Ms. Little Story and Mr. Little Story (Historyjka and Historyjek) will look after your children. D OWÓ D Z T WO GA R N I ZO N U WA R S Z AWA CONCERT PRESENTATION ATTRACTIONS | Warsaw Garrison Headquarters, 4 Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Piłsudskiego Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E CENTRUM PIENIĄDZA NBP 50 51 Concerts by Military Band from Giżycko: — 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Concert and military parade by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier — 8:00 pm – 8:40 pm and 9:00 pm – 9:40 pm Concert on a stage nearby the Warsaw Garrison Headquarters — 7:30 pm Honour Guard of the Polish Army – military parade (officers will be clad in 3 types of uniforms, worn by 3 types of military units of the Polish Army) — Presentations by reenactment groups: Citadel Historic Association (change of the Honour Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at 6:00 pm and regularly changed honour guards by the entrances to the Warsaw Garrison Headquarters: Piłsudskiego Sq. and Tokarzewskiego-Karaszewicza St.) — Exhibition of contemporary military vehicles used by military units subordinate to the Warsaw Garrison Commander. — Hall of Traditions of the Warsaw Garrison Headquarters will be available for visitors. — Promotional stands presenting units of the Warsaw Garrison Headquarters and uniformed vocational schools. ELIZEUM TO U R | Marszałka Edwarda Rydza-Śmigłego Park, at the corner of Książęca St. and Kruczkowskiego St. 7:00 pm – midnight Książęca | Czerniakowska Line K Książęca | Rozbrat Elizeum is an underground brick rotunda located inside the slope of Skarpa Wiślana. It was built 1776–1778 for Kazimierz Poniatowski, brother of King Stanisław August, following a project by Szymon Bogumił Zug. The object was a unique, internationally famous underground reception room of the Prince. After its short-lasting heyday, Elizeum fell into oblivion. At present, the object is semi-ruined and is not available for visitors. The Long Night of Museums is one of few chances there are for people to visit this object. FOTOPLAS TIKON WARSZAWSKI EXPOSITION | Warsaw Fotoplastikon, 51 Jerozolimskie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Centrum Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K, M Marszałkowska Jerozolimskie Av. Travel in time, into the world of stereoscopic photography Fotoplastikon at 51 Jerozolimskie Av. is unique. For some, it is a place for meetings or romantic rendezvous, for others – a window on the world, for others still – a mute witness of the history of the Capital City and an original space, with the ambiance of pre-war Warsaw. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century and kept working, intermittently, throughout the whole century. E X H I B I T I O N S ( 2 ND F L O O R ) : — Works by the Foundation’s artists — Works by the Foundation’s students — Works from the Foundation’s collection — Set design — Costume projects M O R E O V E R ( 2 ND F L O O R ) : — Screening of animated films — Open workshops dedicated to sculpture, drawing and graphic art — Ecodesign for children — Guided tours of exhibitions We invite you to the seat of our Centre for Migrant Support. We will have interesting attractions for everybody! Our guests will be invited to taste dishes prepared by refugees living in Poland, try and learn a few words in an original language (Arabic, Chechen, Vietnamese... maybe some other? :) ), as well as have a picture taken in our multi-cultural photo booth. F U N DAC JA O R I M A R I | Orimari Foundation, 51 Jerozolimskie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Centrum Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K, M Marszałkowska Jerozolimskie Av. FUNDAC JA N ASZ W YBÓR CONCERT WORKSHOPS EXHIBITION | Ukrainian House, 1 Zamenhofa St. 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Zamenhofa Anielewicza | Andersa Meeting with Ukrainian culture The organizer invites for a concert of Ukrainian folk songs, as well as an exhibition dedicated to the activity of Ukrainian Women’s Club. There will be also workshops and developmental games for children and youth organized, within an action titled My World. Members of the Ukrainian Women’s Club will present the flavours of Ukrainian cuisine. EXHIBITION Permanent exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Bolesław Biegas, Polish sculptor and painter who created his works mostly in Paris. The organizer invites guests to get acquainted with the artist’s creative output, which remains little known in Poland. Sweet refreshments for children. N O T I C E : The exhibition is partially available for people with disabilities. F U N DAC JA PA R K M I N I AT U R FUNDAC JA ATELIER FUNDAC JA OC ALENIE WOJ E WÓ D Z T WA M A ZOW I EC K I E G O EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS TO U R WORKSHOPS | Atelier Foundation, 11 Foksal St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. Nowy Świat | Ocalenie Foundation, 24/1 Koszykowa St. 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. ATTRACTIONS | Miniature Park Foundation of the Masovian Voivodeship, 38 Senatorska St. 6:00 pm – midnight Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E P R O G R A M M E : 52 53 GABINET PREZYDENTA M.ST. WARSZAW Y TO U R | Office of the Mayor of Warsaw, 3/5 Bankowy Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. Take a seat behind the Mayor’s desk and learn more about the place where the most important decisions regarding Warsaw are made. GA L E R I A 101 P ROJ E K T EXHIBITION | 101 Projekt Gallery, 53/119 Nowy Świat St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska Joanna Stasiak: Classical Landscape Silk painting is an old, demanding technique. More than four years ago, during her artistic travel in India, it became a new technical challenge for Joanna Stasiak. Stasiak analyses formal and material issues, which she was uneasy about earlier. Joanna Stasiak, just like in previous years on canvases, now – on silk supports, creates works that emanate freshness, but are at the same time filled with the sense of connection with artistic tradition, with creative output of grand masters (such as Nicolas Poussin, Pierro della Francesco or mentor professor Janusz Kaczmarski) GALERIA 8 PLUS & IDKART EXHIBITION | 8 plus & Idkart Gallery, 8/106 Sapieżyńska St. 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Muranowska | Franciszkańska Line E Andersa | Muranowska Grzegorz Kozera: Finally This is the last exhibition at aTAK Gallery, summarizing over nine years of its activity. Apart from an artistic interpretation of the gallery’s history, the project is also a résumé of Grzegorz Kozera’s artistic interest in collage. The exhibition is composed of three series of works created with the use of this technique: Chronicles of Gallery Incidents (2010–2011), Illustrations’ Conspiracy (2014) and – created specially for this exhibition – a 10-metre frieze (2007–2016). The works were made of various pieces of archival material from the gallery, such as invitations, posters, catalogue illustrations, as well as correspondence received by the gallery: envelopes, stamps and postal packages. BARDZO BIAŁA GALLERY EXHIBITION Bring your T-shirt and paint together with artists! Fabrics are a mysterious material, but its values will be presented by Krystyna Jatkiewicz. You are invited by the organizer and artists: Wit Bogusławski, Waldemar Borowski, Krystyna Jatkiewicz, Iwona Kulągowska – and invited guests. — Krystyna Jatkiewicz – exhibition organized within Fabrics Triennial. Curator: Irmina Dubaniowska-Kutek. GALERIA ATAK EXHIBITION | aTAK Gallery, 16/18 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Piłsudskiego Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka FILM | Bardzo Biała Gallery, Polish-Armenian Foundation, 61/107 Wspólna St. 7:00 pm – till the last guest Hoża | Line B, M Krucza | Wspólna Izabella Bryzek: Greetings from the Ecosphere This individual exhibition of works by Izabella Bryzek is another presentation of her deliberations concerning the relation between the human being and the world around, which we unceasingly get to know, investigate and transform. This time, the artist will lock within the space of gallery objects which she describes as “mementos” from the eponymous Ecosphere. Iza attempts to present selected items, elements of our everyday lives, as rare and desirable things. They become artefacts present in only one place that we know of: the Earth – a planet orbiting in the Ecosphere. The exhibition will include paper objects imitating plants, collages made of scraps of randomly combined pieces of continents, and curtains with images of the sky. — 9:00 pm Screening of Godfrey Reggio’s film titled Koyaanisqatsi, selected because of the topic of the exhibition and the fact that some of the exhibits will be “taken straight out” of terrains where the Hopi Tribe used to live. GA L E R I A BO H E M A N OWA S Z T U K A EXHIBITION | Bohema Nowa Sztuka Gallery, 16 Poznańska St. 5:00 pm – midnight Hoża | Line B, M Poznańska | Piękna Professors – group exhibition of works by selected artists-lecturers at Polish artistic academies. Professors is an exhibition the goal of which is to present artists who on a daily basis work as academic pedagogues, who influence the shaping of future generations of creators. They share their knowledge and experience with young art intrants, dividing their time between their ateliers and academies. Over thirty artists from various regions of Poland, representing various schools... it is also a chance for academic circles to meet and confront. GA L E R I A D E L F I N Y EXHIBITION | Galeria Delfiny gallery, 10/2 Smulikowskiego St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Zajęcza | Line K Tamka | Topiel Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E P R O G R A M M E : — On the 110th anniversary of the seat of Wilhelm Landau bank, the organizer invites guests to visit the historic, Art Nouveau building. The Miniature Park, which presents small-scale (1:25) mock-ups of already non-existent Warsaw buildings, will be (partially) open for visitors as well. — Screenings of films dedicated to the history of Warsaw and temporary exhibitions presenting photographs of old-time Warsaw. — Quiz and competitions with attractive prizes. 54 55 Artists: Jolanta Caban, Janusz Golik, Dorota Grynczel, Roman Kirilenko, Dariusz Kowalski, Delfina Krasicka, Ewa Miazek, Zbigniew Nowosadzki, Iwona Ostrowska, Joanna Owidzka, Jolanta Owidzka, Krzysztof Pająk, Teresa Pastuszka-Kowalska, Barbara Pszczółkowska-Kasten, Barbara Redlińska, Grzegorz Szkopowicz, Anna Alicja Trochim, Paweł Wójcik, Anna Wszyndybył. GA L E R I A F I B A K EXHIBITION | Fibak Gallery, 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Nowy Świat Nowy Świat / Świętokrzyska GALERIA FRETA 22 EXHIBITION | Freta 22 Gallery, 20/24 Freta St. 7:00 pm – midnight Krasińskich Sq. | Line E Krasińskich Sq. Nature and architecture in painting, graphic art and photography Artists: Krystyna Brzechwa, Henryk Dąbrowski, Edward Dwurnik, Janusz Dziurawiec, Anna Leszczyńska-Lewandowska, Janusz Lewandowski, Jacek Maślankiewicz, Zbigniew Nowosadzki, Magdalena Starzycka, Michał Suffczyński, Wiesław Szamborski, Krzysztof Wachowiak. EXHIBITION | Galeria Jabłkowskich gallery, 21 Chmielna St. 7:00 pm Chmielna Krucza | Bracka Opening of an exhibition titled Street Poland 2016 Third edition of a competition presenting street photography made in Poland. Among the authors of the photographs, there are both renowned photographers and amateurs who are only just starting their adventure with a camera. The vernissage will be combined with a celebratory presentation of awards. GALERIA GRAFIKI I PLAKATU GALERIA KASIA MICHALSKI EXHIBITION The Jews – project by The Krasnals It’s a collection of several dozens of paintings of various sizes, presenting famous Jews. All scenes shown in the paintings were taken from European and American films made within the last 80 years. Therefore, the works, created as a natural consequence of the famous project by Krzysztof Uklański, titled The Nazis, present faces of famous characters who are commonly known, but thanks to the big screen. It creates a specific quality – debatable when it comes to the connection of a historic truth, authenticity with the transmitted knowledge, emotions, all kinds of values that we are unable to precise well. After all, it’s about a visual transmission, which, by adding a new context, opens a new, surprising space of intellectual improvisations. GALERIA JABŁKOWSKICH | Gallery of Poster and Graphic Art, 40 Hoża St. 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm Hoża | Line B, M Krucza | Wspólna Rafał Olbiński Not Only Paintings – exhibition on the 40th anniversary of the Gallery of Poster and Graphic Art Rafał Olbiński’s works are not only shown in numerous galleries and museums, such as the Library of Congress, the Museum of Modern Art in Toyama and Carnegie Foundation in New York or Poster Museum in Wilanów, but they are also gathered by private collectors the world over. Rafał Olbiński collaborates with magazines as well, such as The New York Times, Newsweek, BusinessWeek and Der Spiegel. EXHIBITION | Kasia Michalski Gallery, 16 Poznańska St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Hoża | Line B, M Poznańska | Piękna Agnieszka Brzeżańska: Matrix-Shitrix (Matrix-Sratrix) This individual exhibition of Agnieszka Brzeżańska’s works presents, among others, a series of new digital collages, created on the basis of images circulating the Internet as memes and gifs. Ruins of Syrian cities, frames from popular films or random, compelling images intertwine and create surprising compositions, which speak volumes about the times we are living in. The title of the exhibition, Matrix-Shitrix, indicates the author’s attitude towards a dualistic approach to reality, prevailing in the western civilisation for thousands of years. Guided tours. Visitors will have a chance to meet the artist. The gallery provides cold and warm drinks. GA L E R I A K ATA R Z Y N Y NAPIÓRKOWSKIEJ EXHIBITION | Katarzyna Napiórkowska’s Art Gallery, two locations 8:00 pm – midnight | 19/21 Old Town Market Kapitulna | Line E Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Franciszek Starowieyski – The Abduction of Europe and Other Topics Exhibition of works by one of the most significative Polish artists of the 20th century. Franciszek Starowieyski was the first Pole to have an individual exhibition of his works showcased at New York’s MoMA. He was awarded for his creative output with the most important prizes in the world. He had an authentic and never-ending need to create, which he expressed, inter alia, in sketches and drawings. At the same time, he was building his own legend: his passions and extravagances manifested themselves e.g. in antedating of his paintings, changing the date of creation to the times of mature Baroque – a period which meant a lot to the artist. Starowieyski said once that for him only moments of bewilderment were art; the rest was craft. He himself bewildered recipients of his works incessantly. For example, by proposing a painting titled Pagan Europe Kidnaps Catholic Poland (Pogańska Europa porywa katolicką Polskę) to The Representative of the Republic of Poland in Brussels. The exhibition at Katarzyna Napiórkowska’s Art Gallery includes, i.a., sketches for this work. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Sensations – exhibition of paintings, fabrics, sculptures and photographs 56 57 GALERIA NOWOLIPKI Sleeplessness (Bezsenność) – Professor Antoni Fałat – paintings In the 1970s, the Artist rose to fame as a co-founder of a group called Aut Pictura Aut Nihil – “Either Painting or Nothing”. He was also a co-initiator of an artistic movement called “O poprawę”. As a long-time provost of the European Academy of arts, he educated many young painters. Fałat was always characterized by an uncompromising vision and compositional boldness. His paintings, which touch on deep psychological issues, include also important aspects of the contemporary world. This is painting filled with concentration and existential anxiety. GALERIA NIEFORMALNA EXHIBITION | Nieformalna Gallery, 11/13 Litewska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Litewska | Line B Zbawiciela Sq. Drawings, early works by Henryk Musiałowicz Nieformalna Gallery presents several pencil drawings, as well as works created with the use of a mapping pen and a brush, from before 1957. In that year, the Artist went to Holland, where he met Rembrandt’s art for the first time. This fact strongly influenced his further artistic quest. Having come back to Poland, he turned to a lapidary form – at first only black-and-white, later with added colours – and that was how the his famous series were created: Reminiscences, Family, Expectancy and Epitaphs. EXHIBITION WORKSHOPS ATTRACTIONS | Nowolipki Gallery, 9B Nowolipki St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Open ateliers. Every visitor will be given a chance to try their hand at an art form of their choice: ceramics, drawing and painting, graphic art, stained glass. — 8:00 pm Piotr Kanonowicz: Light – opening of an exhibition of contemporary paintings. The series of works presented within the exhibition was made with the view of creating a study of light, analysis of its purest forms. — 9:00 pm – midnight I Say Mikey – DJ set — Young Artists’ Studio (for kids) GALERIA OFFICYN A ART & DESIGN EXHIBITION | Officyna Art & Design Gallery, 107 Jerozolimskie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Starynkiewicza Sq. | Line F Jerozolimskie Av. Starynkiewicza Sq. Opening of an exhibition of paintings by Wojciech Brewka titled We (My) The exhibition will present the artist’s observations concerning people from the world surrounding him, especially interpersonal relations and changes occurring within these relations. In addition to the above, the author uses his paintings to present a piece of his world and important events taking place in his life over the last two years. GALERIA OPERA EXHIBITION | Opera Gallery, Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, 1 Teatralny Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Teatralny Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka Exhibition of paintings by Wiesław Szamborski An artist considered to be a representative of a new figuration – Szamborski did not succumb to the pressure of the Socialist times; instead, he was able to make use of generational experiences, by commenting on them in the form of realism. In the centre of his artistic thought was topicality in the situation of interpersonal tensions, emphasizing the solitude of an individual. The colour palette used in the works – conventional and symbolical – unmasks the reality, educes individual psychic and emotional conditions. GALERIA PROGRAM EXHIBITION | Program Gallery, 13 Andersa St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Nalewki – Muzeum | Line F Anielewicza | Andersa Studium procesu wydobycia – the newest works by Michał Szuszkiewicz Subtle and underspecified, abstract compositions by Michał Szuszkiewicz were created in line with the idea of “craft clearing”, which the artist undertook in search of the gist of a work of art’s substance. Adapting the way archaeologists work to the language of painting, he formed paintings by rubbing paint or washing it away, as opposed to the traditional way of applying new and new layers of it. The use of paper, instead of canvas, intensifies the effect of elusiveness of the extraction study stopped during the process. The works were presented in 2015 at Junge Kunst Museum in Frankfurt (Oder), within a project titled New Lands (Nowe Ziemie). GALERIA PROPAGANDA EXHIBITION | Propaganda Gallery, 11/1 Foksal St. 7:00 pm – midnight Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. Nowy Świat Tango is an unique, hand-made artistic book, issued irregularly between 1983 and 1987 by a group of creators gathered around an independent gallery in Łódź, named “Strych”. The name Tango was chosen because if its absurdity and a simple association with flouncing, “one step forward, two steps back”. 9 issues were published, in a small number of copies, therefore only very few have been preserved until today, and their prices are sky-high. The exhibition at Propaganda Gallery, presenting particular pages, photographs and films, will be the first such a broad and multi-threaded showcase of this art zine. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E | 32 Świętokrzyska St. Emilii Plater Line B, D, E, G, J, K Świętokrzyska | Emilii Plater Works to be presented at Nieformalna Gallery have never been publicly shown before and they will definitely allow viewers to learn about and understand the artist’s way. 58 59 S TO Ł EC Z N E G O C E N T RU M E D U K AC J I K U LT U R A L N E J EXHIBITION CONCERT | Stara Prochownia of The Capital City of Warsaw’s Centre for Cultural Education, 2 Boleść St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Boleść Wybrzeże Gdańskie Sanguszki P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of photographs by Małgorzata Niemen Oh, Things Are Happening (Oj, dzieje się, dzieje) The author about the exhibition: “I’ve come to like street photography. It is a great joy, to preserve an elusive reflection in a window pane, a pacifier by a fence or an onion wrapped in a little quilt. It is Magic and absurdity, right near us. Everyday”. — Galeatorium – exhibition of works by Patryk Nieczarowski-Nieczar, showcasing his creative output in the field of sculpture and artistic armour-making. With the use of ancient techniques of metal forming, the artist creates replicas of tin hats, as well as unique sculptures made from sheet metal. The exhibition showcases mostly copper plate helmets, which are an attempt at using a helmet’s utilitarian role as a medium for presenting a portrait. Hence the title of the exhibition, Galeatorium, from the Latin galea, meaning “a helmet”. Among the presented helm-portraits, there are extraordinary images of Polish female vocalists, such as Anna Maria Jopek and Kayah. — 8:00 pm – midnight Il Dolce Tormento – concert; Renaissance and Baroque lyric love poetry performed by Canti Vocal Ensemble (Zespół Wokalny Canti): Karolina Roman (soprano), Justyna Adamska (soprano), Łucja Kowalewska (alto), Paweł Kowalewski (tenor), Piotr Wojciechowski (bass), Jan Strojewski (theorbo). — 9:00 pm – midnight Maja Chwiejczak-Błaszczyk and her band; Inter alia: ballades with lyrics by Krzysztof Maria Sieniawski, music by Maja Chwiejczak-Błaszczyk N O T I C E : Limited number of seats. To reserve a seat at concert, please contact, specifying in the subject line, which concert you would like to attend. GALERIA TEST EXHIBITION | Test Gallery of the Masovian Institute of Culture, 34/50 Marszałkowska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. Graphics with the Material Beauty of a Template (Grafika z materialnym piętnem matrycy) – exhibition of works by Dariusz Kaca In a catalogue titled Graphic Image of the Sky (Graficzny obraz nieba), D. Leśnikowski writes: “In his recent works, Dariusz Kaca also asks about the eternal logics of the world and primordial truths. His graphics are still a Grand spectacle in the sky, but presented in black-and-white or, less often, as a colour composition close to a monochrome. As if the artist wanted to express his belief that the splendour of the all-thing does not need screaming but silence, reflection and humility.” The organizer offers free refreshments. GA L E R I A X X 1 M A ZOW I E C K I E G O INS T Y TUTU KULTURY FILM | XX1 Gallery of the Mazovia Institute of Culture, 36 Jana Pawła II Av. 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm Kino Femina | Line F “Solidarności” Av. Jana Pawła II Av. Evening dedicated to an outstanding Polish artist who passed away last year, Wojciech Fangor. We will present Andrzej Sapija’s film titled The Life and Work of Wojciech Fangor (Życie i dzieło Wojciecha Fangora). After the screening, the Gallery invites for a discussion moderated by Stefan Szydłowski, PhD. G Ł ÓW N A B I B L I OT E K A L E K A R S K A DZIAŁ S TAREJ KSIĄŻKI MEDYC ZNEJ EXHIBITION | The Main Medical Library. Old Medical Books Division, 1A Jazdów St. 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Na Rozdrożu Sq. | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. P R O G R A M M E : The Library’s permanent exhibition is a review of the most interesting archival artefacts, museum exhibits and books, collected by the founder and patron of the library – Stanisław Konopka and his consecutive successors. The unique collection has the status of a National Heritage; it introduces viewers into the extraordinarily interesting world of the history of medicine. Moreover, four temporary exhibitions will be presented: — Stefan Rowecki “Grot” The exhibition was prepared in collaboration with the Central Archives of Modern Records. It was created this year, on the 120th anniversary of the General’s birth, to celebrate it and preserve his memory in the minds of the young generation. The project presents the life of Stefan Rowecki – from his birth until the background of his apprehension and death in Sachsenhausen camp. — Habit-clad Nurses. Female Religious Congregations at the Service of the Ailing The project presents the history of several religious congregations serving the ailing and working for the benefit of healthcare and hospital service. Selected documents come from an archival collection owned by the Main Medical Library and the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy from Warsaw, as well as the Sacred Heart Sisters. — Medics of the Warsaw Rising The exhibition is based exclusively on archival materials from the collection of the Main Medical Library. It presents doctors from the Ujazdowski Hospital and Officer Cadets from the Centre of Sanitary Training. The project showcases photographs, instruments, documents and memories of Janina Misiewicz and Hanna Odrowąż-Szulkiewicz. The topic of Warsaw in the times of the uprising is touched on in a realistic way in watercolours by doctor Henryk Beck. — Hospital of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta The exhibition presents documents, photographs, instruments and equipment from the collection owned by the Main Medical Library and the Polish Association of the Sovereign Order of Malta. The set of the exhibition refers to the realities of the Warsaw Rising. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E GA L E R I A S TA R A P RO C H OWNIA 60 61 TO U R PERFORMANCE P R E S E N TAT I O N GOETHE-INSTITUT WARSCHAU EXHIBITION | The Jewish Community of Warsaw, Nożyk Synagogue, 6 Twarda St. 10:00 pm – 1:00 am | 13A Chmielna St. 6:00 pm – midnight Chmielna Krucza | Bracka P R O G R A M M E : — 10:00 pm Doors open — 10:15 pm Havdalah — 10:30 pm Live performance by Clil choir — 10:40 pm Guided tour of the synagogue — 11:50 pm Live performance by Clil choir — midnight Guided tour of the synagogue — In front of the synagogue, the Moses Schorr Foundation will deliver a multimedia presentation on the history of the Hebrew language, teach visitors the Hebrew alphabet and screen documentaries about Israel. Midrasz Association will be offering books dedicated to Jewish topics. Visitors will be given a chance to purchase and taste traditional Jewish cuisine. N O T I C E : For safety reasons, visitors are asked to avoid bringing large backpacks into the synagogue. Men are asked to bring their own hats. Free admission, no prior registration needed. Due to Shabbas, doors of the synagogue will be opened at 10:00 pm. — The organizer invites also for guided nighttime tours of Jewish cemeteries, with Remigiusz Sosnowski and Witek Wrzosiński: — 9:30 pm Jewish cemetery in Bródno — 10:30 pm Jewish cemetery in Okopowa St. N O T I C E : Please register at (starting 4th May). Limited number of visitors. ATTRACTIONS P R O G R A M M E : — Opening of a new library — Inauguration of a thematic zone named City and Garden — Vernissage of Maciej Markowski’s interactive sonic installation titled Quartet for Tomatoes. It is a generative musical composition, the score of which is created in close connection with the process of growth and development of tomato bushes. biology and chemistry influences architecture. To explain the place of mathematics and informatics in the process of designing. The broad spectrum of issues will allow us to present more precisely the important factors which influence the shaping of buildings, such as: experimenting, the organicity of form, parametricity. We will also talk about the contemporary approach to historic buildings. Just like the title of the event suggests, each element will assume interactions with the user. Thanks to stirring installations, exhibits which stimulate your senses and performing experiments on your own, the knowledge and experience you gain will stay with you for a long time. — One of the installations will lead guests from the Faculty of Architecture to Jazdów Housing Estate (see p. 85) — Special attractions for children INST Y TUT SŁOWACKI INIC JAT Y WA STUDENCKA TERAZ / W YDZIAŁ ARCHITEK TURY POLITECHNIKI WARSZAWSKIEJ TO U R ATTRACTIONS EXHIBITION | Teraz Students’ Initiative, Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, 55 Koszykowa St. 7:00 pm – 2:00 am Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. Common Parts Architecture is a highly interdisciplinary discipline, which means that it may appeal to young people with various interests. We want to arrange subject stands in the Faculty’s different rooms and halls, dedicated to various fields of school education. We would like to show how the development of physics, EXHIBITION | The Slovak Institute, 12/14A Krzywe Koło St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Krasińskich Sq. | Line E Krasińskich Sq. Nocturne – exhibition of paintings by Taňa and Marek Žitňan IZBA PAMIĘCI PUŁKOWNIKA P R O G R A M M E : — 8:00 pm Presentation of Soviet Russia’s plans concerning it’s attack on Western Europe, handed over by Colonel Ryszard Kukliński — 8:30 pm Presentation of documents related with Zośka and Parasol Battle Groups. Guests will be allowed to keep copies of original documents and photographs of Adam Borys aka Pług, Zdzisław Poradzki aka Kruszynka, Tadeusz Zawadzki aka Zośka, Andrzej Romocki aka Andrzej Morro, Jan Rodowicz aka Anoda, Jerzy Gawin aka Słoń and others. — 10:00 pm Lecture and multimedia presentation by Mariusz Olczak: Warsaw-London-Buenos Aires. Ryszard Białous aka Jerzy – Biography of the Commander of “Zośka” Battle Group. — 11:00 pm Lecture and presentation dedicated to taking care of family archives. Competition with prizes (books). — Throughout the evening, a stand will be open, presenting informational materials related with the Central Archives of Modern Records (Archiwum Akt Nowych) and the State Archives (Archiwa Państwowe). KAWIARNIA KAFKA CONCERT | Kafka Cafe, 3 Oboźna St. 8:30 pm – midnight Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Line K Dobra | Lipowa KUKLIŃSKIEGO P R E S E N TAT I O N LECTURE | Colonel Kukliński Intelligence Museum, 20/22 Kanonia St. 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Wojtek Więckowski: Guitar Ambient and Painting Projections – concerts and visualisations screened within the space of the Vistula scarp. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E GMINA W YZNANIOWA ŻYDOWSKA 62 63 FILM | Luna Cinema, 28 Marszałkowska St. 10:00 pm – 12:15 am Zbawiciela Sq. | Line B, M Zbawiciela Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — 10:00 pm – 12:15 am A Tiny Piece of Podlasie (Cząstka Podlasia) (every 45 min) Presentations of a magical documentary, made in 2014 by three amateurs. The film became one of the most popular titles of 2015 at Luna. It is a film impression composed of music and images only. It is a travel of a kind; at times oneiric, at times very real, presenting unique environmental assets, cultural diversity and magic of the region of Podlasie and eastern borderlands of Poland. — 10:00 pm – midnight Cathedrals of Culture The film, presents individual takes of six famous directors on six iconic European buildings, which serve here as a mirror, reflecting ourselves and contemporary culture. Wim Wenders portraits the famous Berlin Philharmonic, Robert Redford – the Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA, Michael Madsen – Halden Prison in the Norwegian town of Halden, Michael Glawogger – The National Library of Russia Margreth Olin – The Oslo Opera House and Karim Aïnouz – Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. The snack bar will be open until 12:30 am. MUZEUM LEGII WARSZAWA | Legia Warsaw Museum, 3 Łazienkowska St. 7:00 pm – 12:30 am Rozbrat | Line J Myśliwiecka | Rozbrat Łazienkowska TO U R P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm – 12:30 am Tours of the Museum Legia Warsaw – a club with more than 100 years of history – is not only about football but other disciplines as well, and Legia sportsmen have been very successful in many fields, both in Poland and internationally (including numerous medals won at the Olympic Games). — until 11:00 pm Legia FanStore — Events with Museum of Sports and Tourism (see p. 111) N O T I C E : Special offer: use the password “Night of Museums” to shop at special prices. In box offices of the Fan Service Point you will get a chance to get your Fan’s Card (Karta Kibica). KLUB KOMEDIOW Y PERFORMANCE ATTRACTIONS | Comedy Club, 1 Nowowiejska St. 9:00 pm – 9:00 am Zbawiciela Sq. | Line B, M Zbawiciela Sq. — 2:00 am Dubbing battle — 3:00 am Humbuk — 3:30 am Hurt Luster — 4:00 am Short games — 4:30 am Pip Show — 5:00 am Improvised Musical — 5:30 am Club Line-up – Harold — 6:00 am English Improv — 6:30 am Szkoła Impro — 7:00 am Niedziela Rano — 8:00 am Jam with the audience — 8:30 am Muzyczne Chwile z Maćkiem i Krzyśkiem including parchment scrolls, centuries-old printed editions, as well as an exhibition of the most recent digital issues. M O R E O V E R : — Unique copy of the Holy Bible in 66 languages — One of the smallest editions of the Bible in the world — Creating a unique, hand-written copy of the Holy Bible N O T I C E : The organizer assures guides and sign language translators for all visitors. KOŚCIÓŁ ADWENT YSTÓW DNIA SIÓDMEGO EXHIBITION | Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 8 Foksal St. 6:00 pm – midnight Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. Nowy Świat KOŚCIÓŁ EWANGELICKO-AUGSBURSKI PW. ŚW. TRÓJCY EXHIBITION CONCERT P R AY E R | Holy Trinity Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession, 1 Małachowskiego Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Zachęta | Line E Królewska | Marszałkowska P R O G R A M M E : Marathon of theatrical improvisation – the first and only one in Poland! For 12 hours straight, guests will be watching all groups who perform at the club on the regular, plus unusual line-ups, a musical, games and much more, because a lot can happen over the course of 12 hours. P R O G R A M M E : — 9:00 pm Sobota Wieczór — 10:00 pm Hofesinka — 10:30 pm Club Line-up – Armando — midnight Klancyk — 12:30 am Karol and Antek Syrek Dąbrowski — 1:00 am Hulaj — 1:30 am Sufin/Młynarski — 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Concert by Adventus Female Chamber Choir The choir’s repertoire includes religious songs from various epochs – especially from the Baroque period, which is the conductor Mariusz Gebla’s passion. The songs will intertwine with Psalms and poems by priest Jan Twardowski, interpreted by actress Anna Samusionek. Accompaniment – Marta Gillner, solo parts – Dorothy Porawski-Orzechowska, Grażyna Szambelan and Walentyna Bedrij. — 7:00 pm – midnight From Parchment to e-Bible – exhibition of the Holy Bible It’s an extraordinary occasion to watch numerous editions of the Holy Bible, P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of works by young artists from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Lutheraneum, the church’s basements) — Guests are also invited to walk around the church, take a look at the 16th-century Brześć Bible, as well as watch a presentation on the history and teachings of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession, and participate in conversations about God and the world. — Concert of organ music — midnight Nighttime prayer – for our city and the participants of the Long Night of Museums. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E KINO LUNA 64 65 MAUZOLEUM WALKI I MĘCZEŃST WA P R E S E N TAT I O N FILM | Museum of Pawiak Prison, Mausoleum of Battle and Martyrdom, 24/26 Dzielna St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Anielewicza | Line F Jana Pawła II Av. | Anielewicza In the Museum’s lens – Pawiak on the big screen In collaboration with historical reenactment groups: Pasjonaci Warszawy 1939–1945 and Szaniec, the Museum of Pawiak Prison is organizing a series of historic-artistic presentations addressed to the Museum’s guests. In the Museum’s courtyard, short scenes from the life of resistance organisations will be presented, such as Underground Education, First Aid Training, Military Training, Arrest at an Underground Organisation, Minor Subversion, Raid, Curfew. — 7:15 pm, 9:15 pm, 11:15 pm Films dedicated to the history of Pawiak (screen in the courtyard) MAZOWIECKI URZĄD WOJEWÓDZKI TO U R | The Masovian Voivodeship Office, 3/5 Bankowy Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. The event will give guests a chance to visit, inter alia, the office of the Voivode of Mazovia and representative halls of the Masovian Voivodeship Office. Moreover, the organizers invite guests to admire Warsaw from viewing terraces, which on this extraordinary night will be open for visitors. N O T I C E : Most of the tour route will be accessible for people with disabilities. both the obverse and the reverse, along with both of the original mint seals. — There will be a coiner in front of the Palace on the Island, equipped with a special tree stump, who will mint commemorative tokens for participants of the Long Night of Museums, organized collaboratively by the Mint of Poland and The Royal Łazienki. MENNIC A POLSKA EXHIBITION | Mint of Poland, 1 Agrykoli St. The Royal Łazienki Museum (Palace on the Island, Old Orangery, Sculpture Gallery) 7:00 pm – 2:00 am Łazienki Królewskie | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. Exhibition on the 250th anniversary of the Mint of Poland Guests can visit an exhibition presenting the history of the Mint of Poland, founded in 1766 by king Stanisław August. The project concentrates on the period from the creation of the Mint to partitions, its reactivation in the times of the Duchy of Warsaw and further functioning in the 19th and 20th century, currently as a joint-stock company. The history of the Mint is shown through its products: coins, medals, books, documents, which also present the Mint’s connections with the political, cultural and economic life of the country. — In front of the entrance to the Old Orangery, a 19th-century coin press will be placed, with the use of which commemorative tokens will be minted, designed specially for this occasion. — A medal from 1788, created at the Mint on the occasion of the unveiling of Jan III’s monument in the Łazienki Park, is a preview of the exhibition. The medal is being presented in the Palace on the Island, overlooking the monument. Visitors may see M I E J S C E P ROJ E K TÓW Z AC H Ę T Y EXHIBITION | Zachęta Project Room, 3 Gałczyńskiego St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. | Nowy Świat Tours of the Ministry’s historic, listed building To a great extent, the interiors have been preserved the way they were originally designed in the 1930s. Visitors will learn about the building’s turbulent history, as well as see places where nowadays the most important decisions at the Ministry are taken. Everybody will get a chance to feel like the Minister of National Education for a moment, sitting in her chair. — Presentations by historical reenactment groups organized, dedicated to the times of WW II, when the building of the Ministry of National Education served as the seat of the Security Bureau of the Warsaw District. N O T I C E : Guided tours of 30. MINISTERST WO KULTURY Salt Sea Water Absorbed by Cloud Turns Sweet – exhibition of works by Habima Fuchs Habima Fuchs (b. 1977) makes use of various techniques in her creative activity – from drawing to ceramics and installations. Things she finds important: old-time art and rituals, nature, the fact of the coexistence of good and evil. She lives and works in Čáslav (Czech Republic). At the Zachęta Project Room, she will present a sculptural installation (ceramic sculptures, drawings) prepared specially for this exhibition. M I N I S T E R S T WO E D U K AC J I NARODOWEJ TO U R PRESENTATION | Ministry of National Education, 25 Szucha Av. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Na Rozdrożu Sq. | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. I DZIEDZICT WA NARODOWEGO TO U R EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, 15/17 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 7:00 pm – midnight Piłsudskiego Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka P R O G R A M M E : — Tours of the Czartoryski-Potocki Palace, the seat of the Ministry (also in English) — Performances by young artists from music schools C O U RT YA R D I N F R O N T O F T H E M I N I S T RY: — Marshal Józef Piłsudski’s limousine – Cadillac 355 from 1934 — Exhibition of works by students at the Faculty of Sculpture of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E MUZEUM PAWIAK ORAZ 66 67 M I N I S T E R S T WO S P R AW I EDLIWOŚCI TO U R Juliusz Bogdan Deczkowski aka “Laudański” or Henryk Kończykowski aka “Halicz”). There will be an exhibition presented in the basements, showcasing post-war lot of insurgents held in custody by the Communist repressive apparatus due to their activity. — During the sightseeing, employees of the Institute of Forensic Research from Kraków will present their work methods. There will be also presentations of police dogs organized, as well as of the Intervention Group of the Central Board of Prison Service. — Screening of a series of films dedicated to the life of general August Emil Fieldorf aka “Nil”, including a resounding production titled General Nil (Generał Nil). The film will be screened on the facade of the main building of the Ministry of Justice. P R E S E N TAT I O N | Ministry of Justice, 11 Ujazdowskie Av. 6:00 pm – midnight Na Rozdrożu Sq. | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. Ministry invites guests to visit its seat Visitors will be given a chance to take a tour of the department’s basements, where a guide from the Museum of the Warsaw Rising will lead them through the one-time custody of the Ministry of Public Security. N O T I C E : Tours will take ca. 30 minutes; visitors will be required to present their IDs. The Ministry of Justice handed the custodianship of the basements of the one-time Ministry of Public Security over to the Museum of Warsaw Rising. Between 1945 and 1954, in these basements activists of the underground independence movement used to be kept imprisoned (e.g. general Emil Fieldorf aka “Nil”, Jan Rodowicz aka “Anoda”, professor Wiesław Chrzanowski, M U Z E U M A RC H I D I E C E Z J I WA R S Z AWS K I E J EXHIBITION | Museum of Warsaw Archdiocese, 1 Dziekania St. 7:00 pm – midnight Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Tours of the museum’s collection The collection includes liturgical fabrics, goldsmithery works, sculptures, paintings, drawings and graphic art. One of the most attractive in the museum’s repository is a collection of wood engravings by Albrecht Dürer, from 1948–1511 (Apocalypse, Life of the Virgin and Passion), compiled in the form of one book. Polish painting is represented by such artists as Matejko, Rustem, Simmler, Wyspiański, Pankiewicz, Malczewski, Vlastimil Hoffmann. M U Z E U M A Z J I I PAC Y F I K U TO U R ATTRACTIONS | The Asia and Pacific Museum, 24 Solec St. 4:00 pm – 1:00 am 3 Maja Av. | Line K Solec | 3 Maja Av. P R O G R A M M E : — 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm The organizer invites all children, with parents, for an artistic afternoon tea to an Indian jungle. The guests will meet the king of the jungle – the elephant, as well as other animals: the lordly leopard and the mischievous monkey. There will be artistic games taking place, we’ll be surrounded by sounds of the jungle, we’ll listen to fairy tales and first of all – we’ll have much great fun. — 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm, midnight Guided tours of the Madhubani Paintings from the Collection of The Asia and Pacific Museum exhibition. — 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Carrom – Indian pool — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Your postcard from India P R O G R A M M E : — Micro-world of Fossils – presentation of micro-fossils, under a microscope; this event gives visitors a chance to watch structures and organisms which cannot be seen with the naked eye — Dino Colouring Books – colour a dinosaur from the Museum — Themed educational games: evolution of Equidae, Dinosaurs and Ichthyosaurs — Dino card game — Dinosaurs from the Gobi Dessert – multimedia presentation M U Z E U M FA R M AC J I I M . M G R A N TO N I N Y L E Ś N I E WS K I E J P R E S E N TAT I O N | Antonina Leśniewska (MPharm) Museum of Pharmaceutics, 31/33 Piwna St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Krasińskich Sq. | Line E Krasińskich Sq. M U Z E U M E WO LU C J I I N S T Y T U T U PA L E O B I O LO G I I PA N P R E S E N TAT I O N GA M E | Museum of Evolution of the Institute of Paleobiology of PAN, 1 Defilad Sq. (PKiN, entrance from Świętokrzyska St.) 7:00 pm – midnight Defilad Sq. Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K Jerozolimskie Av. Marszałkowska Extraordinary presentation of chemical experiments The Museum’s window will turn into a stage, on which the organizer will show the production of aspirin, explosions, colourful flames... Guests will also listen about ways in which science intertwines with magic. N O T I C E : Presentations of the most interesting chemical reactions will be repeated throughout the evening, on the hour. www.muzeumfarmacji. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E — The famous and popular read Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Quo Vadis — Multimedia projections – for children — Open-air exhibition The Great Absent – works of art lost by Poland in the result of WW II — Surprises for the youngest ones, structured activities, Such History! – game Additional attractions prepared by, inter alia, the Polish History Museum (Muzeum Historii Polski) and the Józef Piłsudski Museum (Muzeum Józefa Piłsudskiego) in Sulejówek, such as an evening stroll along a historic route which includes the most important places in the Capital City related with Marshal Piłsudski. 68 69 MUZEUM HARCERST WA EXHIBITION EXHIBITION R E C I TA L | Fryderyk Chopin Museum, 1 Okólnik St., Ostrogski Palace 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska Programme dedicated to the composer’s contemporary images — A portrait of Fryderyk Chopin created by Marcin Maciejowski, newly-included in the Museum’s collection, will be presented for the first time. Moreover, a post-competition exhibition will also be available, showcasing selected works qualified for the 2nd stage of a Fryderyk Chopin Portrait Competition. — 6:30 pm, 8:30 pm and 10:30 pm Evening piano recitals (Museum’s Concert Hall) MUZEUM GEODEZJI EXHIBITION | Museum of Geodesy, 2 Nowy Świat St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Trzech Krzyży Sq. | Line J, K Trzech Krzyży Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibits subdivided into sections: maps, mechanical calculators, drawing instruments, desk studies accessories, textbooks, teaching aids. — Exhibition of geodetic instruments. Exhibits from all over the world (the oldest date back to the end of the 19th century and were made in the USA). ATTRACTIONS | Museum of Scouting, 6 Konopnickiej St. 7:00 pm – 12:30 am Trzech Krzyży Sq. | Line J, K Trzech Krzyży Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Permanent exhibition: The 20th Anniversary of the Return of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association to Scouting — Stand of scouts’ postal service – cutting out stamps, creating postcards — Games and competitions, scouts’ “Memory”, knot tying — Photographic atelier with BiPi and Andrzej Małkowski — Events in Ursus under the patronage of the Museum of Scouting – see p. 95 MUZEUM HISTORII SPÓŁDZIELCZOŚCI KRA JOWEJ RADY SPÓŁDZIELC ZEJ TO U R PRELECTIONS | Museum of the History of Cooperative Movement of the National Cooperative Board, 1 Jasna St. 7:00 pm – midnight Defilad Sq. Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K Jerozolimskie Av. Marszałkowska P R O G R A M M E : — Permanent exhibition: The History of the Polish Cooperative Movement — Temporary exhibition: 200 Years of the Hrubieszów Agricultural Association — 8:00 pm Stanisław Staszic – Man of the Turn of the 18th and 19th Century. Conceptions for the Future – professor Zofia Chyra-Rolicz — 9:00 pm Stanisław Staszic – Pioneer of More than Cooperative Movements – Adam Piechowski, PhD — 10:00 pm Hrubieszów Agricultural Association – the Creation of Priest Stanisław Staszic, Which Was Ahead of Its Time – Marcin Kwiecień, PhD — Film screenings — Tours of the Museum MUZEUM HISTORII ŻYDÓW POLSKICH POLIN EXHIBITION I N S TA L L AT I O N | POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, 6 Anielewicza St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nalewki – Muzeum | Line F Anielewicza | Andersa P R O G R A M M E : — Frank Stella and the Synagogues of Old-time Poland – temporary exhibition Our guests will be invited to the world of wooden synagogues and Frank Stella’s art. Frank Stella is one of the most important American artists of the 20th century. — Light installation The Museum will be illuminated with colourful images, which will create an abstract light installation, inspired by the New Yorker’s creative output. The author of the installation is Sylwester Łuczak, who is a multimedia artist active in the field of film and photography, as well as slide and video projections. He will work in collaboration with participants of his workshops. — The youngest ones will be sewing soft toys with animals painted on the dome of the Gwoździec Synagogue, construct creatures inspired by Frank Stella’s works and build wooden mock-ups of synagogues. — The Museum will invite its guests on a journey through the 1,000 years of the history of Polish Jews, presented within the permanent exhibition. Visitors will be allowed in until 11:00 pm. — The restaurant in the Museum will be open. MUZEUM JAZZU EXHIBITION CONCERT | Jazz Museum, 4 Castle Sq., Kubicki Arcades 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Kapitulna | Line E Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of record covers by Marek Karewicz, Rosław Szaybo and other artists. — Exhibition of jazz photographs by Marek Karewicz, Andrzej Rumianowski and photographers from the Open Foto Jazz group: Katarzyna Kukiełka, Sisi Cecylia, Joanna Pieczara, Dorota Rucińska, Kuba Szałek, Jarek Wierzbicki and Arek Mikulski. — Live performance by Jazz Stars: Wanda Warska, Maria Sadowska, Olga Boczar, Kasia Orczyk, Patrycja Ciska, Krzysztof Sadowski, Wojtek Żmuda, Krzysztof Karpiński, Bogdan Hołownia, Michał Kulenty, Jerzy Stępień, Wawrzyniec Prasek, Stefan Walczykiewicz, Adam Lewandowski, Ola Mielczarek, Kasia Góras, Monika Malczak, Julia Walaszczyk, Ignacy Błażejowski, Kinga Kołodziej Band. Dreaming Ukulele Trio, Grzeczni Chłopcy, Trio Maku, Skicki Skiuk. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E M U Z E U M F RY D E RY K A C H O P I N A 70 71 LIPIŃSKIEGO EXHIBITION | Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature, 11 Kozia St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Piłsudskiego Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka P R O G R A M M E : Four Seasons of Caricature. Drawings of 2015 – works by caricature creators and authors of satirical drawings, laureates of the Museum’s competition titled Four Seasons of Caricature. The exhibition showcases works by such artists as, inter alia, Krzysztof Grzondziel, Witold Mysyrowicz, Henryk Cebula, Małgorzata Lazarek, Radosław Ruciński, Michał Graczyk, Jarosław Kozłowski. — Marcin Bondarowicz. Guard of Secrets – presentation of the creative output of the acclaimed Polish caricaturist. Marcin Bondarowicz is one of the most often awarded creators of the recent years, in the field of illustration, caricature and press drawings – both in Poland and internationally. Laureate of the first award (Rogaty Ołówek) and a special award (individual exhibition) in a competition titled The Best of the Best. Drawings of 2014. MUZEUM KOLEKC JI JANA PAWŁA II European Baroque – exhibition The last chance to watch paintings related with the Baroque period in Europe, before the project leaves Warsaw, to be presented in Japan. — Thematic lectures. MUZEUM LITERATURY IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA EXHIBITION | Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature, 20 Old Town Market 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) M O R E O V E R : For the first time on a Long Night of Museums, two objects will be open: the Palace on the Island and the Old Orangery. — Exhibition of one painting from Mauritshuis Museum, at the painting gallery in the Palace on the Island. — Guests will be invited to visit the Dutch garden by the Old Orangery. THE MUSEUM OF HUNTING AND HORSEMANSHIP E X H I B I T I O N S : — Warsaw of the Kopczyński Family — Adam Mickiewicz 1798 – 1855 — Albums Dedicated to Henryk Sienkiewicz MUZEUM ŁAZIENKI KRÓLEWSKIE EXHIBITION CONCERT ATTRACTIONS | The Royal Łazienki Museum, 1 Agrykoli St. 7:00 pm – 2:00 am Łazienki Królewskie | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. EXHIBITION | Museum of John Paul II Collection (Galeria Porczyńskich gallery), 1 Bankowy Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. Robert Luty (drums), Michał Barański (double bass), Mateusz Szemraj (guitar and oud), Krzysztof Lenczowski (cello) and Ghostman (vocal) P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm – 2:00 am Exhibition on the 250th anniversary of the Mint of Poland: Treasures of the Mint of Poland 1766–1868 (Place: The Royal Łazienki, Palace on the Island, Old Orangery, Royal Sculpture Gallery) — 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm One world – Grzech Piotrowski concert (pond in front of the Palace on the Island) EXHIBITION MEETING FILM | The Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship, 9 Szwoleżerów St. (The Royal Łazienki) 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Agrykola | Line J Myśliwiecka | Rozbrat Łazienkowska P R O G R A M M E : KANTONIST S’ BARR ACKS — Exposition: exotic animals, examples of Polish fauna, wild birds living in various environments, 19th-century Hunting Room, showcasing souvenirs related to Polish landed gentry, as well as works of art — Temporary exhibition of contemporary art: The Jarockis: Sculpture – selected works by brothers Wojciech and Zbigniew Jarocki. K U B I C K I S TA B L E — The Zbigniew Prus-Niewiadomski Carriage House, with historic horse-drawn vehicles, harnesses, vehicle accessories and accessories used by riders. It is the only such exhibition presented to the public in the region of Warsaw. T H E S I D E E L E VAT I O N O F T H E MUSEUM’S BUILDING Screening of a silent nature film. Please note that the screening is dependent on weather conditions. M O R E O V E R : — Meeting with Krzysztof Jarocki Krzysztof Jarocki creates hippological paintings. He will give a short drawing presentation, talk about his family’s interest in the fine arts and about techniques which he uses most often in his creative activity. It will also be an extraordinary occasion to talk to the artist. — Tasty attraction for visitors: Hunter’s Treat – Traditionally, after visiting the Museum’s exhibitions, each of our guests will be allowed to exchange their ticket for a treat, served in front of the building. N O T I C E : Free entrance passes will be available at the Museum’s box office until 00:30 am. MUZEUM MARII SKŁODOWSKIEJ-CURIE ATTRACTIONS EXPERIMENTS | Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum, 5 Freta St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Krasińskich Sq. | Line E Krasińskich Sq. P R O G R A M M E : I S T PA RT – R A D IAT I O N Hosts, with the use of Geiger counters, will check the radioactivity of objects of everyday use. Volunteers will be invited to detect radionuclide contamination of their own hands and shoes, with the use of a dosimetric gate. Moreover, visitors will be given a chance to watch an installation presenting the use Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E MUZEUM KARYKATURY IM. ERYKA 72 73 I I N D PA RT – C H E M I C A L PA RT In the chemical part, basic chemical reactions will be illustrated via simple experiments. Visitors to the Museum will be invited to take part in competitions related with the life of Maria Skłodowska-Curie – with prizes for winners. MUZEUM NARODOWE EXHIBITION TO U R ATTRACTIONS | The National Museum in Warsaw, 3 Jerozolimskie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am (visitors invited in until midnight) Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. Nowy Świat P R O G R A M M E : — Permanent Galleries: Faras Gallery, Gallery of Medieval Art, Gallery of 19th Century Art, Gallery of 20th and 21st Century Art. — Hoplites. On the Art of War of Ancient Greece – special presentation. — Dream and Reality. The Building of the National Museum in Warsaw – temporary exhibition — 6:00 pm Bedtime stories at the Museum – activities for children ages 5–12 Topics of the meetings: • Archaeological Adventure at Faras • Treasure Hunters • Conservators and their “patients” • The Museum’s X-Files • Artistic experiments – canvas, paints and pigments • Picture-perfect Warsaw N O T I C E : Meeting point: by the Museum’s main gate; limited number of participants; ca. 60 minutes; please register* — 8:00 pm – midnight Activities accompanying the screening of The Lost Museum 2016 (Main Courtyard, free entrance) — 9:30 pm – midnight Premiere screening of The Lost Museum 2016 (Lorentz Courtyard, free admission) — 6:00 pm Meeting for people with visual dysfunctions and their carers, in the repository of the largest collection of old ceramics and glass in Poland. Guests will be given a chance to learn about techniques of creating and decorating glass and ceramic objects, as well as touch some of the exhibits. N O T I C E : Meeting point: by the Museum’s main gate; limited number of guests; ca. 40 minutes; please register* MEETINGS IN PERMANENT GALLERIES — 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Lost – Found Paintings from the collection owned by the National Museum have a fascinating history. They were ravished, transported or hidden from occupiers, but they did survive the Second World War. They returned to the Museum in complicated ways, to then undergo general conservation. Sometimes their origins were subject of heated arguments. We invite for meetings during which we will learn the stories of the most important recovered objects from the National Museum’s collection. N O T I C E : Meeting point: the Main Hall; free admission; limited number of visitors; ca. 30 min. • 8:00 pm: • Postcard from Venice: Giants’ Staircase in the Courtyard of Francesco Guardi’s Doge’s Palace • Saint among demons: Temptation of St. Anthony (Kuszenie św. Antoniego) by Jan Wellens de Cock • A Story with a Happy Ending – dramatic lot of Aleksander Gierymski’s paintings from the collection owned by the National Museum in Warsaw • 9:00 pm: • War on Art – Wartime Lot of Jan Matejko’s The Battle of Grunwald and Piotr Skarga’s Sermon • Wojciech Wojtkiewicz’s “Return” Procession • 10:00 pm: • La Morghen and La Volpata as Melpomene and Talia by Angelika Kauffmann • Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowiczowa’s A Negress N O T I C E : The information desk at the Museum will provide visitors with materials allowing them to follow the path of the lost works of art owned by the Museum on them own. MEETINGS IN GALLERIES — 8:00 pm Hoplites. On the Art of War of Ancient Greece – meeting with Alfred Twardecki, PhD, curator of the Collection of Ancient and Eastern Christian Art N O T I C E : Meeting point: in the hall, in front of the Farras Gallery; limited number of guests; ca. 50 min. MEETINGS IN REPOSITORIES — 8:00 pm, 10:00 pm Ceramics and Glass Repository (meeting at 8:00 pm will be translated into the Polish Sigh Language). — 8:00 pm, 10:00 pm In the Studio of Conservation of Sculpture and Paintings on Wood — 9:00 pm, 11:00 pm Meetings in the Oriental Art Repository N O T I C E : Meeting point: the Main Hall; limited number of visitors; ca. 40 minutes; please register* M O R E O V E R : — 8:00 pm – midnight Photos from a booth Have a photo-souvenir taken, inspired by works from the collection owned by the National Museum in Warsaw (Main Courtyard, free admission) N O T I C E : *Register: mon. – fr. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, phone: +48 22 621 10 31, ext. 246, +48 22 629 50 60, e-mail: (from 2nd of May) N O T I C E : Meeting point: in the hall, before entering the presentation; limited number of guests; ca. 50 min. — 9:00 pm Meeting with professor Antoni Ziemba, PhD, at the Gallery of Medieval Art – Tour of the largest collection of Medieval art in Poland N O T I C E : Meeting point: the Main Hall; limited number of guests; ca. 50 min. — 10:00 pm Saint Martyrs, Saint Warriors – meeting with Tomasz Górecki, curator of the Collection of Ancient and Eastern Christian Art MUZEUM NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI EXHIBITION CONCERT ATTRACTIONS | Museum of Independence, 62 “Solidarności” Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am (visitors invited in until 12:30 am) Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — 7:30 pm Guided tour of the exhibition Henryk Sienkiewicz 1846–1916. Uplifting Hearts Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E of ionising radiation in fighting tumours. As for children – there will be a glow-box waiting for them – used for working with radioactive isotopes. 74 75 MUZEUM RZEMIOSŁ ART YSTYCZNYCH I PRECYZYJNYCH EXHIBITION MEETING | Museum of Artistic and Precise Craftsmanship, 20 Piekarska St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Kapitulna | Line E Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) P R O G R A M M E : Exhibition: tall-case clocks, wall clocks, mantel clocks, fob watches, mechanical music players / hurdy-gurdies, polyphons, apprentice and master exam projects: gold smithery, engraving, bronze working, watchmaker tools, bronze sculptures and plaques, hollow-ware, medal-making, optics. In addition to the above, visitors will be given a chance to meet artisans active in the field of gold smithery, engraving and watch-making. We invite our visitors to enjoy a meal at Pod Zegarem pub (please note that meals are not complimentary). MUZEUM SZTUKI NOWOCZESNEJ PERFORMANCE ATTRACTIONS | Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia, 51 Emilii Plater St. noon – midnight Emilii Plater Line B, D, E, G, J, K Świętokrzyska | Emilii Plater Farewell with Emilia On the Long Night of Museums, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw is leaving its hitherto seat – Emilia pavilion, a precious example of Polish modernism, and one facing the threat of being pulled down. The four-year lease ends at midnight on 14th May. Empty and prepared for being returned, Emilia will become an enormous stage for music and dance events, the culmination of which on this Saturday evening will be a concert spread over the whole building. A choir composed of several dozens of immigrants and refugees living in Poland, associated by Fundacja Strefa Wolnosłowa, will perform The Great Learning by Cornelius Cardew. This communal ritual for amateurs and professionals is seen as a milestone of the 20th-century music. It will be accompanied by solo performances by Warsaw-based immigrant musicians, choreographers and artists, taking place in spaces previously unavailable for the public. Moreover, there will be also guided tours of the pavilion organized on this day, as well as activities for the youngest participants of the Long Night of Museums. Just before midnight, all events planned for this evening at Emilia will finish. Emilia’s visitors and employees will leave the building together. MUZEUM TEATRU EXHIBITION | Theatre Museum, Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, 1 Teatralny Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Teatralny Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka Theatre of marvels – exhibition Nowadays miracles happen in temples and places of worship. In theatre, the memory of stagings of miracles is one of the elements which create the legend of this art, as well as set the diapason and horizons for theatre’s dreams and poetry. This poetry may manifest especially in those types of the performing arts which apply the language and performative techniques of the theatre of marvels – theatre of impossible things – such as e.g. Shakespeare’s Theatre, Romantic theatre or doll theatre. In Medieval theatre, a separate genre called drama-theatre-miracle was present, as well as stories of miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary and other saints of God. Theatre of marvels may take place not only at the heights of poetry but also at the level of ludic culture – totally tawdry entertainment. All in all, theatre is also a shack showcasing miracles. We can all hear it in our ears: “People, people! Miracles in this shack!”. MUZEUM TECHNIKI I PRZEMYSŁU NOT EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | NOT Museum of Engineering and Industry, 1 Defilad Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am (visitors allowed in until 12:30 am) Defilad Sq. | Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K Jerozolimskie Av. Marszałkowska P R O G R A M M E : — Transport – exhibition showcasing, inter alia, Otto Lilienthal’s original hang glider and Adler car from 1901 — Printing machines – exhibition — Mining – exhibition, with the only existing overground gallery — Metallurgy – exhibition offering visitors a chance to mint a souvenir token, with the use of Medieval methods — Exhibition dedicated to a household ruled by Frania washing machines, shoetrees and hand-cranked mangles. — Ecology – exhibition dedicated to alternative energy sources. — Historic radio sets. — Exhibition dedicated to computers, with worldwide-unique K-202 and AKAT, as well as numerous other Polish productions. — Polish Motorbikes in the Collection of the Museum of Engineering and Industry. M O R E O V E R : — Preview of an exhibition High Time to Start Polonez – first and foremost: Stratopolonez, and more. — Temporary exhibition The Art of Conservation. — Museum’s ticket office will be selling publications and souvenirs. M U Z E U M WA R S Z AW Y S T RO L L | The Museum of Warsaw, Old Town Market (meeting by the Mermaid monument) 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Kapitulna | Line E Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E — 8:00 pm Sienkiewicz Alive – conert by Katarzyna Rychlik, Joanna Tomaszewska, Natalia Szałkowska, Klara Zaczkowska, Justyna Winczewska, Katarzyna Górska, Michał Bojarski and Piotr Bolesta (Fryderyk Chopin State Music Schools in Wasaw); grand piano and arrangements – Marek Błaszczyk, vocal and artistic supervision – Barbara Abramowicz — 9:30 pm The Artist and the Unquiet Century. Henryk Sienkiewicz 1846–1916 – screening of a documentary by Jacek Kubiak (Poland, 1998, 50 min.) — 11:00 pm Michael! You’re the Greatest Commander in the World – reading of Colonel Wołodyjowski by Henryk Sienkiewicz, and a quiz with prizes In the Museum there will be open a restaurant specializing in Polish cuisine. 76 77 MUZEUM WOJSKA POLSKIEGO EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Museum of the Polish Army, 3 Jerozolimskie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am (visitors allowed in until 12:30 am) Muzeum Narodowe Jerozolimskie Av. | Nowy Świat The Museum of the Polish Army and the National Museum in Warsaw will combine their exhibitions and on this day — 7:00 pm – midnight The inner gate between the two institutions will be open P R O G R A M M E : — The newest exhibition, related with the 1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland, and the exhibitions On the 75th anniversary of the Battle of England and The Great War 1914–1918. The Real End of Belle Époque. — 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm, midnight Live history lessons (inner courtyard of the Museum of Polish Army) — Open-air park, with stands hosted by: • Bemowo Film Reenactment Group • Szare Szeregi Historic-Educational Group • 44 Pułk Piechoty Historical Reenactment Group • Warszawa History Enthusiasts Club • Partyzant Historical Reenactment Association • 7 Pułk Ułanów Lubelskich Historical Reenactment Group — Presentations of historical and contemporary military equipment: JAK-40 airplane, AN-26 cargo airplane, Su-22 M4 fighter-bomber, MiG-29 fighter, naval cannons and SU-57 armoured personnel carrier. N O T I C E : If it rains, the airplanes’ cockpits will not be accessible for guests. P R O G R A M M E : — An exhibition Amber – Design Meeting – 16, organized in collaboration with the Association of the Creators of Goldsmithing Forms. — Permanent exhibitions: The Earth in the Solar System, Before Carbon Existed, Processes Shaping the Face of the Earth, Stone in the Life of the Man, From the Geological Past of the Earth, Meteorites – Stones from the Sky, Grand Mammals of the Ice Age. There will be guided tours of these exhibitions organized. — Temporary exhibition: Nature’s Most Beautiful Gems – photographs of snowflakes from the collection of a Polish traveller and geophysicist, Antoni Bolesław Dobrowolski, who participated in a expedition to Antarctica in 1897. The Museum owns glass negatives from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. They are some of the very first pictures of snowflakes registered on a photographic material. — 8:00 pm A meeting with travellers: Elżbieta Sęczykowska, Ryszard Czajkowski and Gwidon Jakubowski. Our visitors will get a chance to purchase autographed books by our guests. N O I C E : There are bicycle racks available by the Museum. The building at 20/26 Na Skarpie Av. is available for people with disabilities. The building at 27 Na Skarpie Av. is not suitable for visitors in wheelchairs. M U Z E U M Z I E M I PA N EXHIBITION MEETING | Museum of the Earth (PAN), 20/26 and 27 Na Skarpie Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Trzech Krzyży Sq. | Line J, K Trzech Krzyży Sq. N AC ZELNY SĄD ADMINIS TRACYJNY LECTURE FILM EXHIBITION GA M E | Supreme Administrative Court, 3/5 Gabriela Piotra Boduena St. 3:00 pm – midnight Metro Świętokrzystka Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K, M Marszałkowska | Świętokrzyska Meeting with history P R O G R A M M E : P L E NA RY R O O M Film screenings and prelections on history: — 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Just Like Birds from Broken Nests, Tadeusz Krawczak, PhD, Director of the Central Archives of Modern Records – opening lecture — 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm From Commandant to Marshal – archival footage — 4:00 pm – 4:15 pm The Defence of the Eternally Faithful City, Krzysztof Smolana, PhD – lecture — 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Missa Poloniae. To Lviv’s Rescue – documentary — 5:15 pm – 5:30 pm Fight for the Memory. Genesis of the Knights’ Album, dir. Zbigniew Kowalewski — 5:30 pm – 5:45 pm The Knights’ Album, dir. Zbigniew Kowalewski – documentary (selected fragments) — 5:45 pm – 6:00 pm Introduction to Dachau – Anna Jagodzińska, PhD, from the Institute of National Remembrance — 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Dachau, dir. Kamil Kulczycki – documentary — 7:00 pm – 7:15 pm The Place of the Women’s Auxiliary Service in the Relay of Women Fighting for Independence, Anna Eliza Wasilewska — 7:15 pm – 7:45 pm A Holy Mass for Grodno, dir. Zbigniew Kowalewski – documentary — 7:45 pm – 8:00 pm The Archives of Actions Dedicated to Regaining Independence. On the 100th Anniversary of the Social Archives, Mariusz Olczak — 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm The Return of the Marshal. Ostrów-Komorowo, dir. Andrzej Mierzwiński, Krzysztof Waracki – documentary — 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm The Last Journey – documentary Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm Miejska Galeria gallery Still before the dusk, we will start following the trail of intriguing painting and sculptural decorations of the Old Warsaw. The Venetian lion, the Turkish man with a coffee, the Chinese man with a tea – these are a few of the points along the path. There will also be interesting information aplenty, concerning lives of Warsaw-based artists. Guide: Anna Kwiatkowska. — 8:00 pm The History of Warsaw... with a Pinch of Salt A stroll along the small streets of the Old Town, during which participants will listen to numerous anecdotes and interesting facts connected with events and people who interwove their lot inextricably with Warsaw. Guide: Patryk Jaworek. — 9:00 pm Mysteries of Nooks and Crannies of the Old Town During the stroll, we will take a look at the day-to-day life of the old-time Old Warsaw. We will learn, inter alia, how its inhabitants used to solve the problem of waste utilization and what the work of a headsman was actually about. Guide: Katarzyna Szafrańska. — 10:00 pm In the Footsteps of Wanton Women and Criminals of the old-time Warsaw A stroll through nooks and crannies of the Old and New Town. Participants will learn about the murky history of Warsaw’s underbelly over the centuries. Guide: Marta Zdanowska. 78 79 ROOM G — 3:00 pm – midnight Just Like Birds from Broken Nests – 10th-century Lot of Poles Demonstrated with the History of Judge Edmund Wilhelm Ojak’s Family – exhibition ROOM C — 3:00 pm – midnight Presentation of the plenary room — 5:00 pm, 7:00, 9:00 pm The History and Present Day of Administrative Judiciary in Poland, Michał Kowalski, PhD (from the Supreme Administrative Court) – lecture ROOM 205 — 3:00 pm – midnight Exhibition of documents and photographs related with administrative judiciary L I B R A RY — 3:00 pm – midnight Exhibition of historical book publications and periodicals related with administrative judiciary FILES READING ROOM — 3:00 pm – midnight Presentation of the files reading room of the Supreme Administrative Court M A I N HA L L — 3:00 pm – midnight From the Superior Administrative Tribunal to the Superior Administrative Court – the History of Administrative Judiciary in Photographs — 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm Judicial Adventure – field game for children — 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm Presentation of selected aspects of the service of Judicial Police O G RÓ D B OTA N I C Z N Y U W GA M E | Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw, 4 Ujazdowskie Av. 9:00 pm – 1:00 am Łazienki Królewskie Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. Open-air game We will follow trails of greater and smaller stories which took place in the Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw. We will be guided by plants – those which remember the founders of the Garden and those which were only just planted recently, but have a historical aspect to them. During the game you will hear some gossip from one-time directors, learn what 19th-century criminal chronicles have to say about the garden, what the foundation stone of the Temple of Divine Providence is doing here, what was going on here during the WW II and where pineapples served to King Stanisław came from. In short: you will go through almost 200 years of the history of the University Garden and look at it from various perspectives: through the prism of grand historic events which left their stamp on this place, everyday stories of people connected with the Garden, as well as the history of plants and gardening. N O T I C E : There are gravel alleys in the Garden, which may pose some difficulties for disabled people to move around. Guests bringing their own torches will be welcome. Tours will take ca. 40 minutes and more. OKRĘG WARSZAWSKI ZWIĄZKU POLSKICH ART YS TÓW PLAS T YKÓW EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Warsaw Division of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers, 11A Mazowiecka St. 6:00 pm – midnight Zachęta | Line E Królewska | Marszałkowska P R O G R A M M E : DA P G A L L E RY — The Art of Fibre 2016 – review of works by the Fabrics Section — Project: Kaleidoscope – kaleidoscopic projections within the space of DAP gallery, composed of reproductions of paintings and sculptures screened onto the walls, ceiling and floor. Guests will be able to admire the images while sitting on mattresses and cushions. The project has another part, too, namely fluorescent words related with the world of art, placed on the floor. Visitors will be invited to use the words to create colourful puns. — Project: Osmosisart – exercises for visitors’ observational skills, in the form of an artistic game. Participants will be drawing colourful, overlapping shapes on a moving foil hung within the space of the gallery. G A L E R IA LU F C I K — Contemporary Fabrics in Relation with Painting-related Issues in Poland and the Ukraine – exhibition G A L E R IA 0 2 2 — Microspaces – exhibition by Ewa Kamieniecka and Agnieszka Parkitna E X P E R I M E N TA L S T U D I O O F A RT I S T I C W E AV I N G ( 4 T H F L O O R ) — Open studio, exhibition of artistic fabrics, workshops: woven jewellery, painting on silk, weaving lesson, activities for children: paper cross-weaves and collages. M O R E O V E R : — Drawing a group portrait of Varsovians. — Laboratory of Stories – “I co było dalej” theatre group PA Ń S T WOW E M U Z E U M A RC H EO LO G I C Z N E EXHIBITION AC T I V I T I E S | State Archaeological Museum, 52 Długa St., Arsenał 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. P R O G R A M M E : Permanent exhibitions: The Prehistory of Polish Lands, Biskupin, The Alphabet of Romanesque Architecture, The ABC of Gothic Architecture and temporary exhibition titled The Everyday Life in Prehistoric Macedonia. N O T I C E : The exhibition is available for people with physical disabilities (in wheelchairs), for the blind and the visually impaired – texts in the Braille alphabet, tactile mock-ups of historic buildings, electronic sightseeing in the Polish Sign Language. — 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Family activities (free of charge), accompanying the temporary exhibition dedicated to Macedonia. PA Ń S T WOW E M U Z E U M ETNOGRAFICZNE EXHIBITION FILM | State Ethnographic Museum, 1 Kredytowa St. 5:00 pm – 2:00 am Zachęta | Line E Królewska | Marszałkowska Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E ROOM F — 3:00 pm – midnight Not Only the House under Eagles. Fights of the Soldiers of Miłosz and Tunguz Battle Groups in the Warsaw Rising Near Napoleon Square – exhibition 80 81 PA R A F I A E WA N G E L I C KO- R E FO R M OWA N A PERFORMANCE | Evangelical Reformed Church, 74 “Solidarności” St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. Music at the Reformed – not only classically — 7:30 pm – 8:10 pm Hagaw Association — 8:30 pm – 9:10 pm Re.Formed Stage – Olga Szomańska & Hadrian Tabęcki — 9:30 pm – 10:10 pm Modo Maiorum – choir conducted by Michał Straszewski — 10:30 pm – 10:50 pm Ars Chori – choir conducted by Zbigniew Tupczyński — 11:10 pm – 11:40 pm Michał Markuszewski – organ concert — 11:35 pm Evening prayer and the end of the Long Night of Museums – priest Michał Jabłoński — 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Opening hours of Cafe Semadeni. PIĘKNA GALLERY EXHIBITION | 28/34 Piękna St. 7:00 pm – midnight Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. Exhibition of painting by Eugeniusz Markowski POLSKA AKADEMIA N AUK ZAKŁAD DZIAŁALNOŚCI POMOCNICZEJ EXHIBITION LECTURE WO R K S H O P S | Auxiliary Activity Unit of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 72 Nowy Świat St., Staszic Palace 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska P R O G R A M M E : — 8:00 pm – midnight Exhibition within the Autographs (Autografy) series (room 104, 1st floor). Curator: Jolanta Janda. INSTITUTE OF LITERARY RESEARCH (PAN) — 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Sienkiewicz in the Collection of the Institute of Literary Research (room 02, ground floor) – Łukasz Ossowski — 10:00 pm – midnight Staszic Palace among Warsaw’s Palaces (room 103, 1st floor) – Aleksandra Wójtowicz, Jacek Paulinek, Marcin Brzeziński INSTITUTE OF MEDITERRANEAN A N D O R I E N TA L C U LT U R E S ( PA N ) — 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Reading and Writing Hieroglyphs – hieroglyph writing workshops (room 103, 1st floor) – Jadwiga Iwaszczuk, Anastasia Stupko-Lubczyńska, Katarzyna Kapiec — 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Clay in the Ancient Times – Not Just Dishes – workshops on clay working techniques (room 103, 1st floor) – Monika Więch — 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm Oriental Lottery (room 103, 1st floor) – Sabina Brakoniecka, Aneta Cedro EVENT ORGANIZED BY THE ARCHIVE OF THE POLISH RADIO — 7:30 pm – 1:00 am Radio Long Night of Museums (room 101 – Mirror Room, 1st floor) POLSKI C ZERWONY KRZYŻ TO U R ATTRACTIONS | Polish Red Cross, 14 Mokotowska St. 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Zbawiciela Sq. | Line B, M Zbawiciela Sq. History lessons at the archive of PRC’s National Information and Search Office It is the only chance every year for people to see the backstage of the Office’s (established in 1919) activity, as well as an extraordinary occasion to get acquainted with original, unique documents. Visitors will be guided by Katarzyna Kubicius, Director of PRC’s Information and Search Office. M O R E O V E R : — Participants of the Long Night of Museums will be invited to fill in special search forms, which will then be used to check if the Office has any information on their relatives – and if there is none – to take measures in order to determine their wartime lot. — Presentation of pre-medical first aid. — Exhibition of archival posters and photographs presenting PRC’s work. N O T I C E : Visitors ages 12 and older; groups of 15. Please apply by phone: + 48 22 326 12 64, + 48 22 326 12 61 or via nocmuzeow@pck. Your e-mail should determine how many guests wish to participate in the event, as well as your preferred time of visit (tours start on an hourly basis; the first group of 15 enters at 7:00 pm, the last one at 10:00 pm). PRACOWNIA ALEKSANDRY LISOWSKIEJ EXHIBITION | Aleksandra Lisowska’s Studio, 5/36B Konstytucji Sq. 7:00 pm – midnight Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. Abstraction/painting of the matter. Aleksandra Lisowska’s Painting Studio. 7th floor, view of the whole Warsaw. aleksandralisowksamalarstwo P R O G R A M M E : Tours will include a presentation of, inter alia, original files of prisoners detained in concentration camps and Hitler’s prisons, patient record books from hospitals active during the Warsaw Rising and other documents on the uprising, as well as death certificates of Poles who died during WW II in camps and prisons in Germany and Poland. P R ACOW N I A D O M I N AC T I V I T Y | Domin Studio, 98 Chmielna St. 7:00 pm – midnight Chmielna Krucza | Bracka Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Film Long Night of Museums 2016 — Guests will be watching film screenings in all of the Museum’s rooms. The films will be related with the history and the seat of the Museum; there will be archival recordings presented, such as Konopielka (dir. Witold Leszczyński) and The Ashes (Popioły; dir. Andrzej Wajda), along with silent films and feature films dedicated to anthropology and ethnography. — Numerous attractions for the youngest visitors, such as Peter and the Wolf (Piotruś i Wilk) – an animated film, Oscar laureate. — Newly-opened permanent exhibition titled The Order of Things. Piotr B. Szacki’s Repository. The project opens the Museum’s backstage collection to the public for the first time in the history of Polish museums. The usage of the repository is regulated by strict rules. 82 83 P R ACOW N I A D U Ż Y P O KÓJ EXHIBITION PRZYS TANEK HIS TORIA CENTRUM EDUKACYJNE IPN IM. JANUSZA KURT YKI GA M E | Station History. Janusz Kurtyka Educational Centre of the Institute of National Remembrance, 21/25 Marszałkowska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Zbawiciela Sq. | Line B, M Zbawiciela Sq. Another edition of a popular board game festival, dedicated to history. P R O G R A M M E : Presentations of games, free game lending library, competitions and other attractions. The organizer invites guests of all ages! DINNER | Duży Pokój Studio, 4/6 Warecka St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Konstytucji Sq. | Line B, M Konstytucji Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Very Old Paintings – exhibition of works by Małgorzata Myślińska The starting point for the presented series is a relation with home, a place full of objects-relics, their amassment and sedulous safekeeping in pieces of furniture-tombs. Among refinedly shiny surfaces of the sitting room, a true spectacle of dust is taking place. We may treat dust literally – as a matter, but also as a metaphor. As a matter, it may mean waste or dirt, but on the other hand, it proves high resistance to time and space. — Dinner at a communal table in Duży Pokój (10 PLN per person) with an exhibition of objects related with the history of the insurgent Group and the Uprising Redoubt at Bank Polski. — Visitors will be invited to taste dishes prepared by insurgent cooks, sing insurgents’ songs, sit on a barricade and take a close look at vehicles used during WW II. We will also have other attractions prepared for our guests, such as a location-based game tracing events from the time of occupation and the Warsaw Rising, as well as an exhibition of photographs by Szymon Kobusiński, at the Bank Studio seat. There will be numerous attractions awaiting our youngest guests as well. REDUTA BANKU POLSKIEGO TO U R ATTRACTIONS | Bank Polski’s Redoubt, 10 Bielańska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. Learn about the history of fights in Bielańska Street in August 1944. We invite you to visit the pre-war seat of Bank Polski in Bielańska/Daniwołiczowska Street. Nowadays, there is the Uniform Centre of the Military Trade Company located here. During the Warsaw Rising, fierce fights took place here, in the famous redoubt of Bank Polski. P R O G R A M M E : — SGH “Radosław” Group will present a diorama dedicated to those times, along REJSY PO WIŚLE HISTORYCZNYM S TATKIEM C RU I S E S | Cruises on a Historic Boat along the Vistula, Boulevard between Świętokrzyski Bridge and Średnicowy Bridge 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Jaracza | Line K S E J M R Z EC Z Y P O S P O L I T E J P O L S K I E J TO U R | Sejm of the Republic of Poland, 4/6/8 Wiejska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Wiejska | Line J Wiejska | Matejki P R O G R A M M E : The Senate’s Plenary Chamber, the lobby, the Column Room, the Marshal’s Corridor – these are just a few of the areas available for visitors on this year’s Long Night of Museums. Special accompanying events will bring back the memory of two patrons of the year 2016, namely writer Henryk Sienkiewicz and composer Feliks Nowowiejski. N O T I C E : All visitors will be verified with regard to pyrotechnic materials possession. SENAT RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ POLSKIEJ P R O G R A M M E : — 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Guided cruises on a historic boat, Loeventin, from 1892. During the event you will not only be given a chance to admire the panorama of the Capital City from the perspective of the Vistula, but also participate in a history lesson dedicated to Warsaw. You will learn, inter alia, how Fat Kate (Gruba Kaśka) helps the city, what secret the Praga Port (Port Praski) hides and what role the Vistula played during the WW II. N O T I C E : Each cruise will take about 1 hour, depending on the hydrological situation. TO U R | Senate of the Republic of Poland, 4/6/8 Wiejska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Wiejska | Line J Wiejska | Matejki P R O G R A M M E : — Guests will be given a chance to take a look at the Plenary Chamber of the Senate, the Senate Marshal’s office with a reception room, as well as session rooms, in which photographs and souvenirs of one-time Marshals of the Senate are displayed. — Exhibition Europe in Family. Polish Landed Gentry in the 20th Century Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Draw a panorama of Warsaw together! On a 1x10 m sheet, we will draw a great panorama together. We provide all necessary materials and invite all those who feel connected with the city. And it would be nice if guests visited us as well. You need no artistic skills to become a co-author of this project. If you don’t feel confident enough to draw a large fragment of the whole panorama, you will be just as welcome to add if only a window in one of the buildings. Every person who draws as much as a single line will be listed as a co-author of the work. When done, we will scan the whole sheet and send the image to e-mail addresses provided by the participants. 84 85 S TA R A GA L E R I A Z PA F EXHIBITION MEETING | Stara Galeria ZPAF gallery, 8 Zamkowy Sq. 7:00 pm – midnight Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) P R O G R A M M E : — The Perfective – exhibition of photographs by Anna Chojnacka — 8:00 pm Meeting with Paweł Bogumił, a famous artist, who graduated from the ZPAF Academy of Photography — 9:00 pm Meeting with Magdalena Wdowicz-Wierzbowska, a famous artist, who graduated from the ZPAF Academy of Photography STOŁECZNE CENTRUM EDUKAC JI KULTURALNEJ IM. KOMISJI EDUKAC JI NARODOWEJ PERFORMANCE EXHIBITION | The Capital City of Warsaw’s Centre for Cultural Education (SCEK), 4 Jezuicka St. 7:00 pm – midnight Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) P R O G R A M M E : SCEK’S CONFERENCE ROOM — 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Concert: songs and arias by Polish and foreign composers, performed by participants of SCEK’S Music Stage of the Youth and invited guests. Grand piano: Tomasz Lupa and Hubert Mitura. Artistic supervision: Urszula Napiórkowska. more demanding they are in terms of effort, overcoming oneself and sensitization of one’s intuition. — 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm Music performed by students of the University of Warsaw, grand piano class taught by Professor Jerzy Sterczyński. Host: Tomasz Lupa, PhD. N O T I C E : Limited number of seats; to reserve a free invitation, please contact: rezerwacja@scek. pl (subject line: “Noc Muzeów, 22:00”). A B A K U S G A L L E RY — 7:00 pm – midnight Exhibition of fabrics by Anna Kabacińska-Banaszkiewicz STOWARZYSZENIE INIC JAT Y W SPOŁECZNO-KULTURALNYCH STAC JA MURANÓW STOWARZYSZENIE PRZEWODNIKÓW STOWARZYSZENIE LAMBDA PERFORMANCE T U RYS T YC Z N YC H Z ŁOTA K AC Z K A ATTRACTIONS | Lambda Association, 29 Andersa St., Państwomiasto 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm Nalewki – Muzeum | Line F Anielewicza | Andersa Vernissage organized by Lambda Warsaw Association to celebrate the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (17th May) Guests will watch works by students from Jan Reszka’s drawing group at Lambda and ceramics by Mariusz Podsiadło, as well as read poems by Adam Stępiński. The event will open with a live performance by Voces Gaudiae Choir. EXHIBITION | Muranów Station Association for Socio-Cultural Initiatives, 13 Andersa St. (T. Bądarzewska Sq.) 7:00 pm – midnight Nalewki – Muzeum | Line F Anielewicza | Andersa Ink Trail – calligraphy exhibition by Agata Jóźwiak, Konrad Świtała, Lech Żurkowski There are four literate’s treasures (one who is calligrapher and one who paints): ink, paper, brush and inkstone. Thanks to these archaic media, an image-communicate may appear. It requires many efforts, concentration and numerous takes. Works by the presented calligraphers came into being thanks to this technique. The simpler the media and the technique, the N O T I C E : Limited number of seats; to reserve a free invitation, please contact: rezerwacja@scek. pl (subject line: “Noc Muzeów, 19:00”). persons to submit ideas of activities within the space of Jazdów, via S TOWARZYSZENIE MIESZKAŃCÓW DOMKÓW FIŃSKICH JAZDÓW TO U R | Jazdów Association of Finnish House Dwellers, 5A/8 Jazdów St. 2:00 pm – 1:00 am Na Rozdrożu Sq. | Line J Na Rozdrożu Sq. Nighttime Prey on the Long Night of Museums. The return of Open Jazdów Visitors will be given a chance to take a look around the first housing estate erected in Warsaw after the war, and take advantage of a wide array of social, cultural, educational and artistic events. The organizer invites all interested institutions, informal groups and private S T RO L L | Golden Duck Tour Guide Association, Old Town, Kanonia St. 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Sensations of the Old Times – stroll with the author of Judge Mauersberg’s Cases (Przypadki sędziego Mauersberga) Evening stroll around the little streets of the Old Town, among stories that will send chills down your spines... For adults only! The stroll will be guided by Paweł Łoś, author of the book Judge Mauersberg’s Cases – a Warsaw-based crime story with a touch of fantasy and horror. Paweł Łoś is a tour guide, member of the Golden Duck Tour Guide Association. N O T I C E : Stroll free of charge; no advance registration needed. STOWARZYSZENIE SASKI 2018 S T RO L L | Saski 2018 Association, 4 J. Piłsudskiego Sq. 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Piłsudskiego Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E — 11:00 pm Andrzej Seweryn read Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Letters from a Journey to America 86 87 N O T I C E : Meeting at 6:00 pm by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, from the side of the Saxon Garden. — 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Guests will watch a mock-up of the Saxon Palace and get acquainted with various aspects of its rebuilding. There will be also a VR presentation of the reconstructed Saxon Palace shown (promotional point of the Saski 2018 Association at the Warsaw Garrison Headquarters). T E AT R C A P I TO L PERFORMANCE | Capitol Theatre, 115 Marszałkowska St. 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — 6:00 pm The Morning After (Następnego dnia rano; Smaller Stage) Can a one-night stand, drowned in a sea of alcohol, end with a wedding? There is such a chance... However, when on the next morning he cannot remember her name, and she is planning to walk down the aisle with him still before the first cup of coffee of the day, a happy end seams unreal. And that is still not all... In a package with breakfast, an emancipated mother gets in the bed, looking without a trace of embarrassment down her daughter’s husband’s boxer shorts. N O T I C E : Tickets: 39 PLN. The organizer has prepared a pool of free tickets. Reservations (till 23rd April), at: a.trojanek@teatrcapitol. pl. Limited number of seats. TEATR KAMIENICA FILM ATTRACTIONS | Kamienica Theatre, 93 “Solidarności” Av. 9:30 pm – 1:00 am Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Exposition of numerous mementos of Varsovians, including postcards and objects of everyday use (“Kamienica” bistro) — Restored tram-car, parked in front of the theatre for two years – “Berlinka” no. 13 reminds Varsovians of the theatre’s pre-war address (13 Leszno Street) — Bistro’s menu will include excellent coffee and regional cuisine. Specially for this day, our Chef will prepare various delicacies, at special prices (optional). — Tour: Scena Oficyna stage, including the foyer, restaurant rooms and Scena Piwnica Warsza stage — Mock-up depicting pre-war Warsaw – a plan of pre-war Śródmieście (ca. 30 m2) M O R E O V E R : Marathon of Andrzej Kałuszko films, dedicated to the history of the capital city (at Scena Oficyna): — Flight over the Conquered City (Przelot nad zdobytym miastem) – documentary; created on the basis of shots of Warsaw found by Krzysztof Jaszczyński, taken by a German cameraman flying on a Luftwaffe plane over capitulating Warsaw on 28th September 1939 (22 minutes). — The Beginning (Początek) – documentary; a continuation of Flight over the Conquered City. The documentary was made from excerpts from German chronicles and films, including those made available recently in American archives. Apart from numerous shots taken from a low-flying plane, parts of the film were shot on the ground. Much of the footage was most probably recorded by the Germans in order to analyse the effectiveness of their bombing strategy. Nowadays it is a unique documentation of the beginning of the occupation, the effects of which were so immensely tragic for Warsaw’s inhabitants and the city itself. The footage was enriched with newspaper clippings from those times (30 minutes). — Warsaw – Aerial View (Warszawa w locie) – film impression; shots of Warsaw taken on a helicopter flying over the most interesting places of the Capital City (5 minutes). — Pre-war Warsaw (Przedwojenna Warszawa) – set of old pre-war photographs of the city, turned into a film (12 minutes) TEATR LALKA EXHIBITION P R E S E N TAT I O N | Lalka Theatre 1 Defilad Sq. 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Defilad Sq. Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K Jerozolimskie Av. Marszałkowska P R O G R A M M E : — Adam Kilian: Fascinations The exhibition presents selected works from the enormous oeuvre of the outstanding set designer, from the period of his collaboration with Lalka Theatre. In the main hall and in the foyer, visitors will be given a chance to see dolls from Kilian’s legendary plays produced between 1956 and 2008. — Underground Life of Dolls In a small museum located in the basements of the Palace of Culture and Science, an exhibition presenting theatre dolls from the period 1955–2005 will be available. The showpieces are small works of art by well-known Polish set designers, such as Zofia Stanisławska – Howurkowa, Adam Kilian, Ali Bunsch, Bohdan Butenko, Rajmund Strzelecki and Mikołaj Malesza. — Spectacular presentation of theatrical techniques and effects, within the stage set for Robinson Crusoe. — During the Long Night of Museums, the theatre’s cafeteria will be open. T E AT R P O L S K I PERFORMANCE | Polski Theatre, 20 Karasia St. midnight Nowy Świat Nowy Świat Świętokrzyska — midnight We will have the extraordinary pleasure of performing on Scena Kameralna stage of the Warsaw’s Teatr Polski theatre. This time, along with suggestions from our audience, we will draw inspiration from the space itself. We will perform surrounded by pieces of stage sets for plays staged at Teatr Polski. Which ones? We don’t know, it will be a surprise for us, just like it will be a surprise for the audience. One thing we know for sure: thanks to this fact, the performance we create will draw from theatrical traditions... in some way. Most probably, strange and ambiguous. Rather near, maybe against. We shall see. N O T I C E : Tickets: 15 PLN; to reserve a ticket, please call + 48 22 826 49 18, +48 22 826 61 64 or write: Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Saski 2018 Association — 6:00 pm Walk Secrets of the Basements of the Saxon Palace, during which archaeologist Joanna Borowska will talk about excavations at Marshal Józef Piłsudski Square in 2006–2008. 88 89 TOUR EXHIBITION | WARSawy Theatre, 5/7 Old Town Sq. 9:30 pm till the break of dawn Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) The 3rd birthday of Teatr WARSawy and the 18th anniversary of the creation of Stowarzyszenie Teatr Konsekwentny Association P R O G R A M M E : — Visit murky undergrounds and attics of the old Wars cinema, as well as nooks and crannies of Teatr WARSawy: the dressing room, the props room, the technical balcony (control booth). An exhibition of costumes and decorations — for plays will be organized. Guests will be given a chance to have a photo taken dressed as their favourite actor and surrounded by the stage set of their favourite play staged by Teatr WARSawy. — You will also have an opportunity to chat with actors and creators of Teatr Konsekwentny theatre, watch an exhibition of photographs and souvenirs of the 18 years of its activity. All of this will be accompanied by music from old-time performances and events. Moreover, a special visitors’ book will be waiting for our guests, who will be invited to write their wishes for Teatr WARSawy there, along with their suggestions and ideas for forthcoming years of the institution’s theatrical activity. — 10:00 pm Poli-Amori Poetic Slam TEATR S TUDIO PERFORMANCE EXHIBITION | Studio Theatre, 1 Defilad Sq. 6:00 pm Defilad Sq. Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K Jerozolimskie Av. Marszałkowska P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Special presentation of The Crimson Petal and the White (Szkarłatny płatek i biały), dir. Kuba Kowalski The hero of Michel Faber’s The Crimson Petal and the White is the 19th century, the threshold of modernity, in which topics such as women’s rights, religion, science, approach to sexuality or models of femininity and masculinity are defined anew – slowly, our contemporary world emerges from them. N O T I C E : The organizer has prepared a pool of free tickets. Reservations at: Limited number of seats. — 4:00 pm – 2:00 am Four Books – exhibition of photographs by Tomasz Gudzowaty Only for two days, visitors will be given a chance to watch in Warsaw the exhibition prepared by Steidl publishing house, on the occasion of the publication of four albums with works by Tomasz Gudzowaty: Beyond the Body – sports pictures by Gudzowaty, edited by the famous American photographer, Nan Goldin; Closer – photos of African and Antarctic nature; Photography as a New Kind of Love Poem – a new, authorial edition of a broad selection of photographs from the last two decades; Proof – a book which surprises, when compared with the rest of the artist’s oeuvre – it combines a documentary with a sophisticated artistic form. — 6:00 pm – 2:00 am Living Archives – exhibition (Kisielewski room) Living Archives is an attempt at an alternative take on photographic archives. Within the project, the organizer invites contemporary artists, who – having gotten acquainted with historic materials – propose their own artistic activities. — 10:30 pm – 1:00 am From the Archive of Studio Gallery – exhibition opening The exhibition will include a selection of works and documents from Studio Gallery’s archive and collections, as well as objects, projects and drawings connected with its history. UNIWERSY TET MUZYC ZNY IM. FRYDERYKA CHOPIN A TO U R EXHIBITION CONCERT | Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, 2 Okólnik St. 4:00 pm – 2:00 am Nowy Świat Nowy Świat | Świętokrzyska Yearly Student Artistic Carnival 14th May is the second day of the Yearly Student Artistic Carnival. Young musicians will present their skills in various musical genres, from classical music to jazz and stage songs to film music to electro, swing and pop. — 5:00 pm The doors of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music will be open. Guests will be invited to watch multimedia installations created by students of the Intercollegiate Department of Multimedia. (tickets: 20 PLN). After the concert, students invite listeners to the University’s Patio, where concerts by student bands will be organized, along with DJ sets. There will be a culinary offer prepared for guests (snacks will not be free of charge). N O T I C E : Participation in all concerts, performances, multimedia installations and shows – except for the Big Band concert – is free of charge. U N I W E R S Y T E T WA R S Z AWS K I ATTRACTIONS TO U R | The University of Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Piłsudskiego Sq. | Line E Krakowskie Przedmieście Trębacka P R O G R A M M E : — Illumination of the central campus, including a presentation of a 3D mapping. — Musical attractions in the central part of the University of Warsaw (26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście St.); artistic programmes will be presented by university groups. — In the Auditorium of the University of Warsaw’s Old Library, a 3D scanner will be working, and a team of university professionals from Scan 3D Lab will explain how new technologies work. — Live radio transmission from the campus of the University of Warsaw. — 6:00 pm Concerts and musical performances (in rooms and auditoria of the University of Music). — Guests will be invited to take a commemorative photo in a photo booth and send a free postcard from the University, to reach as far as the other end of the world. — 7:00 pm – 2:00 am Concert by the University’s Big Band. The musicians will present multi-coloured big-band tunes — Pre-premiere presentation of the newest publications by the University of Warsaw Publishing House. Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E TEATR WARSAW Y 90 91 V9 / VLEPVNET EXHIBITION | 9 Hoża St. 8:00 pm – midnight Trzech Krzyży Sq. | Line J, K Trzech Krzyży Sq. Gregor Gonsior’s Merzbau is a peculiar homage to one of the progenitors of Dadaism, Kurt Schwitters. The artist’s eponymous Merzbaus, created in the 1920s and the 1930s, were monumental and abstract interiors, combining sculptural, architectural and painting elements, and expressing their author’s turn to Gesamtkunstwerk, which was a hybrid of those different forms of expression. Merzbau works were enormous undertakings, requiring much work and time. Schwitters covered walls with three-dimensional shapes, created grottos, niches, filled them with random objects, litter, scraps. He claimed that – in a physical and ideological sense – Merzbau contains everything that mattered to him. Almost 90 years have passed since the times of Schwitters’ Merzbau. The matter of contemporary times surrounding us has changed. Widely available waste has changed too. Will Gonsior’s contemporary Merz adapt to present-day realities or will it rather stay true to traditional qualities, unchanged since the very beginning of Dadaism? These questions will be answered by the artist himself, via a visual collage filled with intuitive clusters. WARSZAWSKA SZKOŁA FOTOGRAFII I GRAFIKI PROJEK TOWEJ EXHIBITION WO R K S H O P S FILM | Warsaw School of Photography and Graphic Design, 14 Łazienkowska St. 6:00 pm – midnight Rozbrat | Line J Myśliwiecka | Rozbrat Łazienkowska P R O G R A M M E : — 6:00 pm – midnight Exhibition presenting photographs taken by students and graduates in June 2015 in Vilnius, during an open-air photography workshop. Moreover, graphic art and posters created by Graphics Faculty students will be presented to a broader audience. — 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Open workshops dedicated to portraits, taught by Maciej Szal, who is a lecturer at the School. — 8:00 pm Film screening Tsotsi, awarded in 2005 with an Oscar for the best Foreign Language Film. Powerful, realistic and startling – a picture of life in the suburbs of Johannesburg, produced by Peter Fudakowski. ZACHĘTA NARODOWA GALERIA SZTUKI EXHIBITION TO U R | Zachęta National Gallery of Art, 3 Małachowskiego Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Zachęta | Line E Królewska Marszałkowska P R O G R A M M E : — Travellers – exhibition Travellers interweave stories of old and new migrations; contemporary research and artistic exhibitions, exotic travels to faraway places and adventitious holiday getaways – joys and hardships of being somewhere else. Curator: Magdalena Moskalewicz. — Teresa Murak – exhibition Teresa Murak – performer and sculptor, who debuted in the 1970s; creator of actions in the public space, precursor and the most important representative of Earth art in Poland. The exhibition showcases the artist’s creative output both via selected works from the last several decades and her most recent projects (which refer to the historic ones in various ways). An especially important place is taken by works made from various forms of soil, as well as the artist’s actions related with landscape – both in micro- and macroscale: from treading paths in the landscape to sculptures for the Earth, the parameters of which are defined by the human body. Curator: Joanna Kordjak. — 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm and midnight Guided tours of the exhibitions (meeting point: the main hall) — 8:30 pm Guided tour in English There is a restaurant in the gallery’s building. ZAMEK KRÓLEWSKI TO U R | The Royal Castle in Warsaw, 4 Zamkowy Sq. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Stare Miasto | Line D, G, M Miodowa (over the W-Z Route tunnel) Guests will be given a chance to visit the Great Apartment, King’s Apartment (the Great Assembly Hall, the Knights’ Hall, the Throne Room, the Marble Room, King’s Bedchamber, the Dressing Room, the Old Audience Chamber, the Canaletto Room) and the Lanckoroński Collection with paintings by Rembrandt, Gallery of Paintings, Sculpture and Decorative Arts, the Kubicki Arcades, as well as the Copper-Roof Palace, with the Apartment of Prince Josef Poniatowski, and an exhibition of Oriental Carpets from the collection owned by Teresa Sahakian Foundation. ŻYDOWSKI INST Y TUT HISTORYCZNY I M . E M A N U E L A R I N G E L B LU M A TO U R EXHIBITION | Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, 3/5 Tłomackie St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Bankowy Sq. | Line D, F, G, M Bankowy Sq. It is not worth to sleep on this night – the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute opens its doors for visitors! P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm Guides from the Art Department will start a tour through staged interiors of the synagogue — 8:00 pm Amsterdam of Polish Jews – guided tour of the exhibition Old prints from the collection of the Jewish Historical Institute are an extraordinary exhibition, highlighting relations between the censorship of printed publications in the First Polish Republic, performed by the Jewish Sejm, and the development of the production of books in Hebrew and Yiddish in Amsterdam, against the background of Polish-Dutch economic and cultural relations. The core of the exhibition is a collection (more than 200 volumes) of old prints from Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E — Tours of the Museum of the University of Warsaw (Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace) – representative halls, sculptural decorations of which were restored within revival works in 2015. The museum will present an exhibition dedicated to the birth of the University — Gastronomic point — Additional attractions-surprises 92 93 WARSZAWSKIE KOŁO PRZEWODNIKÓW MIEJSKICH PTTK TO U R | Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (PTTK) 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Thematic walks along the streets of nightly Warsaw! There are 3 to 6 strolls planned. More informations at our website. ŻEGLARSKI KLUB TURYST YCZNY PTTK “REJSY” PRELECTION | “Rejsy” Sailors’ Tourist Club of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society, 8 Solec St. 7:00 pm — 7:00 pm Sails and mountains of the Caribbean, by Piotr Biczyk. Sailing combined with mountain trekking – a subjective relation from the Caribbean – Santa Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines — 8:30 pm Saving S/Y Polonus, by Marcin Kołacz. Relation from repair works and launching of the Polonus yacht, left at the shore of the Admiralty Bay, King George Island, and a return on the yacht, sailing, to Puerto Williams in Chile. — 10:00 pm SS/Y Syrenka – travels: Iceland, Greenland, Spitzbergen and future plans, by Rejsy Sailors’ Tourist Club of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society CMENTARZ ŻYDOWSKI NA BRÓDNIE TO U R | Jewish Cemetery in Bródno, Św. Wincentego St. 9:30 pm Targówek – Ratusz Kondratowicza | Malborska Tours of the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno N O T I C E : Reservations (starting 4th May), at: Limited number of visitors! D O M K U LT U RY Ś W I T AC T I V I T I E S | Świt Community Centre, 11 Wysockiego St. 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Bartnicza Bródno’s Centenary – from Tsar’s railway to a panel building housing estate P R O G R A M M E : — 4:30 pm Art-related activities aimed at allowing participants to learn about the history of Bródno in an original way: • Little Einsteins will prepare a miniature railway and talk about the laws of physics, chemistry and mathematics, which have put railway locomotives in motion for years • ARCHItectures will build, inter alia, a mock-up of the old and the new Bródno • aCADEMYdrawing will make figures from paper, depicting people from various times • flea market dedicated to history — 6:00 pm History-related block of events: • presentation: Railway Bródno 3D • presentation: Białołęka 3D T A R G Ó W E K Ś R Ó D M I E Ś C I E Amsterdam, from the 17th and 18th century, owned by the Jewish Historical Institute. The authors selected 30 showpieces which they believe are the best illustration of the discussed period of development of Hebrew printing. — 9:00 pm Salvaged. A collection of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures from the Holdings of the Jewish Historical Institute – 1890–1939 – guided tour of the exhibition The exhibition presents the diversity of the Polish-Jewish artistic life from the end of the 19th century, until the end of the Second Polish Republic. All works come from the Institute’s art collection, gathered since 1944. It is the largest Polish collection of works created by Polish Jews. 94 T A R G Ó W E K • Vistula River Railroad as the beginning of the New Bródno • The New Bródno in pre-war press • Showcase of photographs presenting the history of Bródno and recreating testimonies of inhabitants • Screenings of excerpts from films related with Bródno D O M K U LT U RY Z AC I S Z E EXHIBITION WO R K S H O P S FILM MURAL | Zacisze Community Centre, 1 Blokowa St. 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tużycka Radzymińska | Blokowa 100 years of Targówek in Warsaw P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of photographs by Maciej Walczak — Exhibition of works created at the Centre’s drawing atelier — Workshops for children and youth — Mural painting, not totally serious – common work — Film screening: Freedom Factory (Fabryka Wolność), dir. Maciej Walczak KOLEJKA MARECKA, STOWARZYSZENIE OBRONY POZOSTAŁOŚCI WARSZAW Y TO U R | Marki Railway, Association for Defending Remnants of Warsaw, Naczelnikowska St. (parking in front of the market, 1 Birżańska St.) 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Targówek Fabryczny – nightly stroll The neighbourhood combines traces of settlements from 10 thousand years ago, tsarist fortifications, 19th-century industry and interesting buildings designed by excellent architects. Fights in defence of Warsaw took place here, as well as during the Uprising and in September of 1944. After the war, the underground was being built and twenty years later the housing estate was being destroyed, in line with a plan. We will visit, inter alia, the wooden Church of the Holy Ascension and the remains of the first Polish modern chemical plant, including a workers’ housing estate and the owner’s villa. We will talk about Balcerek for a while – one of the heroes of Alternatywy 4 TV series; we will also reach a place where fragments of tunnels of the deep underground have been preserved until today. A visit to a place of local activity will allow a moment of rest. The organizer is planning light refreshments. N O T I C E : The route of the stroll should not pose problems for people with disabilities – except for the last part (some 200 m). Participants should bring torches. PA R K R Z E Ź BY N A B RÓ D N I E TO U R AT T R AC T I O N S | Sculpture Park in Bródno, Kondratowicza St./Chodecka St., Bródnowski Park 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Targówek – Ratusz Kondratowicza | Malborska Tours of the Sculpture Park in Bródno, board game workshops, runs along park alleys, concert and refreshments for participants. D O M K U LT U RY KO LO ROWA P R E S E N TAT I O N AC T I V I T I E S | Kolorowa Community Centre, 16 K. Sosnkowskiego St. 6:00 pm – midnight Events under the patronage of the Museum of Scouting P R O G R A M M E : — Presentation of an exhibition dedicated to the activity of scouts in the years 1911–1933, 1933–1939, 1939–1945, 1945–1950, 1950–1956 and after 1956. — The history of the Scouting Cross and its symbolism – activities for children. — Multimedia presentation – the circle’s work, courses, exhibitions, anniversaries. MUZEUM ZPC URSUS TO U R | ZPC Ursus Museum, 8A Posagu Siedmiu Panien St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Ursus – Ratusz Czerwca 1976 r. Sq. P R O G R A M M E : Individual tours of a collection of more than 400 show-pieces and souvenirs of the one-time URSUS Tractor Works All visitors will be given a chance to watch a multitude of old and historic objects, such as historic agricultural tractors, the first polish tractors from 90 years ago, diesel engines and mechanical devices produced in the one-time Ursus works, a pre-war Sokół 1000 motorcycle, documents, commemorative medals, as well as photos and prototype vehicles the estimated date of creation of which is the beginnings of the 20th century. 97 I A RC H I W I Z AC J I D O K U M E N TÓW I N S T Y T U T U PA M I Ę C I N A RO D OW E J EXHIBITION MEETING | Office for Preservation and Dissemination of Archival Records at the Institute of National Remembrance, 21 Kłobucka St. 5:00 pm – midnight Bokserska Postępu | Cybernetyki Idols or anti-idols of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL) P R O G R A M M E : Exhibitions, lectures and archival materials (including films). The first showcased motif will be the lot of the Cursed Soldiers, Steadfast, uncomfortable for the Communist regime, vilified by the official propaganda, imprisoned, murdered. The second part of the exhibition will present artists of the times of PRL – both those who could not “spread their wings” because of their beliefs, and those who at the time were very successful. M O R E O V E R : Guests can visit the Institute’s archives, get acquainted with data bases, search for information concerning the lot of their acquaintances during the WW II, participate in conservation workshops. History-related competitions and games – activities for kids! GALERIA BLUE-S EXHIBITION | Blue-S Gallery, 28 Bociania St. 6:00 pm – midnight Poleczki Postępu | Cybernetyki Among the works by Polish and Ukrainian masters, there will be pieces by Edward Dwurnik, Mariusz Lewnadowski, Tomasz Sętowski, Alexander Dobrodiy, Zdzisław Majrowski-Meyro, Gennadiy Tishchenko and Jaroslav Kachmar shown. THE LONG NIGHT OF MUSEUMS 2016 I N U R S Y N ÓW ATTRACTIONS MEETING TO U R | Ursynów District Council, 61 Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Av. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Metro Imielin KEN Av. | I. Gandhi P R O G R A M M E : — Two hour-long bus tours, guided by the Mayor of Ursynów, Robert Kempa (please register beforehand) D I S T R I C T C O U N C I L HA L L — Visit the District Council Hall, and take a look at the Mayor’s office... where you will get a chance to have a photo taken while sitting in his chair. — A Night with Board Games – more than a hundred different titles (Avangarda Association) U R S Y N Ó W C E N T R E O F S P O RT S A N D R E C R E AT I O N / E N T R A N C E F E E : 1 P L N — 7:00 pm – midnight: — Aqua Relaks (4 Wilczy Dół St.): swimming pool, jacuzzi, water massages, geyser and 85-metre slide, steam room and a Finnish sauna — Arena Active Club (122 Pileckiego St.) – women-only gym, with a cardio zone and gym for men — Volley Bajka (122 Pileckiego St., north wing of Arena Ursynów) U R S Y N Ó W P R O G R A M M E : B I U RO U D O S T Ę P N I A N I A 98 U R S Y N Ó W J. U. N I E M C E W I C Z P U B L I C L I B R A RY — We invites to Ursynoteka Museum and Library for Children no. 9 (8 Barwna St.), as well as Mediatheque (6 Cybisa St.) WA R S AW M E T R O LT D. — 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm Guided bus tour of the Technical-Parking Station in Kabaty (special bus, from the Ursynów Council Hall). NAT O L I N E U R O P E A N C E N T R E , 8 4 N O WO U R S Y N O WS K A S T. — 9:00 pm – 1:00 pm Nighttime tours of the Natolin Park; guided groups will enter the park every 30 minutes; tours will take ca. 30–40 minutes. While visiting the park, guests will be given a chance to listen to live music. The last group will be allowed in at 12:30 am. S A L E S IA N M I S S I O N C E N T R E , 2 0 KO R O WO DY S T. Missionaries and mission volunteers will take you on a journey around the world. Many attractions! B A D E T B O O K S H O P, 8 3 / U 1 5 K E N AV. (ENTRANCE FROM PASAŻ URSYNOWSKI) — 7:00 pm Bookshop at Night – the activities will be inspired by The Black Book of Colours by Menena Cottin and Rosana Faria S Ł O WO DA J E ( FA M I LY B O O K S H O P / C A F E ; 9 / U 3 PA S A Ż U R S Y N O WS K I S T. — 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm The Art of Healthy Eating – presentation of works of art made from colourful fruits and vegetables. Culinary workshops for families with children, dedicated to healthy, tasty eating. N O T I C E : All attractions (except for the Ursynów Centre of Sports and Recreation) and the bus (starting at the seat of the District Council, 61 KEN Av., metro station: Imielin) are free of charge. A detailed programme of the Long Night of Museums in Ursynów and the route of the bus are available at GA L E R I A A R T S PAC E EXHIBITION | Art Space Gallery, 109B Płowiecka St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Trakt Lubelski Exhibition of works by three artists who on a daily basis create in Art Space Studio: Eva Chełmecka, Faustyn Chełmecki and Maciej Wilski. The exhibition will be accompanied by an open rehearsal for musicians connected with Art Space: Jacek Skirucha, Michał Pikula and others. BIBLIOTEKA PUBLICZNA AT T R AC T I O N S | Public Library, 77 Płowiecka St. 6:00 pm – midnight Trakt Lubelski Events on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of Wawer Commune P R O G R A M M E : — Exhibition of showpieces from the Wawer Museum, which is currently being created: maps, documents, photographs, newspapers, postcards, etc. — 150 Years of Wawer Commune. Pages from History – exhibition — Wawer Through a Camera Lens – exhibition of archival photographs — Open grandpa’s drawer, take a look into grandma’s album... – social action: collecting exhibits, artefacts, memories, stories for the Museum of Wawer, which is now being created — 150 Years of Wawer Commune – book promotion 100 101 W W I L A N OW I E ATTRACTIONS WO R K S H O P S TO U R | Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów, 10/16 Stanisława Kostki Potockiego St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Wilanów | Line B Przyczółkowa | Wilanowska Av. Famous ladies of Wilanów We encourage visitors to learn about queen Maria Kazimiera, Elżbieta Sieniawska, Izabela Lubomirska and Aleksandra Potocka. PA L A C E — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Sightseeing (free of charge pałacu, visitors will be allowed in until 12:30 am; the ground floor of the palace is accessible for people with physical disabilities) — Women in Wilanów Sightseeing route within Wilanów Guide (free mobile application for smartphones – there’s Wi-Fi available in the Palace’s cloakroom) – it contains text, displayed at your phone’s screen, along with recordings and a version in sign language. The thematic path presents women who used to live in the Wilanów palace and their influence on the residence. — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Stories of the Wilanów collection (presentations) The museum’s conservators will allow guests to get acquainted with objects connected with women in Wilanów; they will also talk about the arcana of the preservation of works of art. • 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Wall upholstery fabrics in royal apartments – history, restoration, reconstruction • 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Maria Kazimiera and her children’s portrait • 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm The history of miss Psyche, discovered anew • 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Virginal’s lid and Queen Mary Casimire’s Dressing Table • 10:00 pm – 1:00 am Marysieńka’s little quilt – embroidered silk tapestry from the 17th century. — 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Stories of kings’ daughters and princesses (Izabela Lubomirska’s reception room) –the museum’s employees will read out the most beautiful stories and fairy tales about kings’ daughters and princesses (families with children ages 4 and above). M A I N C O U RT YA R D — 7:00 pm, 7:30 pm, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm conservation-related walk from the main gate to the Sculpture Pavilion, dedicated to sculptural decorations of Wilanów gardens. Limited number of guests allowed. — 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Book Fair; publications of the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów; the books will be offered at special prices. — 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:30 pm Houskeepers in Wilanów – about cooking in the times of Maria Kazimiera, Elżbieta Sieniawska, Aleksandra Potocka and Augustowa Potocka – presentations of culinary reconstructions. Participants will learn about changes in the culinary art and customs related with it in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The museum will present selected recipes and the best-known cookbooks of those times. At the end of each presentation, hosts will invite visitors to taste selected dishes. — 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Portrait of Her Royal Highness – workshops for families with children ages 6 and above. Is a portrait merely an artistic image of a given person? What does a painting say about the portrayed figure? What mysteries can a work of art hold? We will search for answers to these questions by juxtaposing several portraits of queen Maria Kazimiera. We will learn about the less- and better-known facts from the life of Jan III’s beloved lady. We will create 3D pop-up portraits of members of the royal family. — 9:00 pm Carpe diem and powder rococo – fashion show The main inspiration for the collection was Izabela Lubomirska, the owner of the palace in Wilanów. During the show, twenty-two reconstructed outfits from the rococo epoch will be presented, along with twenty-two inspirations, designed and made by female students at the Warsaw School of Arts. The fashion show will be presented by participants of the 4th edition of an educational/charity project called “Debutantes”. T H E O R A N G E RY — 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Exhibition of works by Graphic Arts students at the Academy of Fine Arts The exhibition is a result of a programme dedicated to shaping one’s thinking about their own creative output in the context of the space of an exhibition. It is a reversal of the traditional order of organizing exhibitions, where specific duties are assigned to curators, artists, set designers, editors, and promotion and education departments. This time, all those functions have been taken over by the artists, who are responsible not only for the creation of the presented works by also for locating them in space, adding narratives, creating set design, promotional materials and visual setting. The project has been managed by pedagogues: Dorota Folga-Januszewska, PhD, Adam Zdrodowski, PhD, and Aleksandra Tubielewicz, MFA. C A R R IA G E H O U S E — 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Pure essence: how to lock a scent in a bottle – presentation During the meeting, we will talk about what was fashionable in Baroque times, how scents are composed, what the origin of ingredients is, what is used as a basis for perfume production, how perfumes were stored in the old times and how it is done nowadays, where a scent comes from, how scents are perceived and what is used in the process. During the workshops, participants will be given a chance to create scented potpourri sachets. The presentation is addressed to guests ages 10 and above and is available to people with physical disabilities and vision defects. It will be also translated into sign language. FOREGROUND BY LANCI’S HOUSE — 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Ladies of Wilanów. Everyday life of women in magnate and royal estates – presentation (Tobor Królewski) A reconstructor clad in a female outfit will talk about the lot of the most distinguished ladies in Wilanów: queen Maria Kazimiera, Elżbieta Sieniawska, Izabela Lubomirska, Aleksandra Potocka. She will acquaint guests with the realities of everyday life of women in the old times, present embroidery techniques, as well as sewing and passementerie. The presentation is addressed to families with children ages 7 and above, including people with physical disabilities, vision defects and hearing impairments. M U Z E U M P L A K AT U W W I L A N OW I E EXHIBITION | Poster Museum in Wilanów, 10/16 Stanisława Kostki Potockiego St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Wilanów | Line B Przyczółkowa | Wilanowska Av. Tadanori Yokoo and… – exhibition The exhibition showcases a collection of around 140 posters from all periods of the artist’s creative activity, aiming at bringing them back to minds in a deepened way, presenting the artist’s multi-faceted interests in the world music and relationships with its representatives. The real hero of these works is the artist’s Ego, demanding an artistic visualisation. But do note! It is a Far Eastern Ego. It does not need to scream loudly to announce that it is W I L A N Ó W W I L A N Ó W M U Z E U M PA Ł AC U K RÓ L A JA N A I I I 102 103 C M E N TA R Z Ż Y D OWS K I TO U R | Jewish Cemetery, 49/51 Okopowa St. 10:30 pm M U S E U M O F J O H N PAU L I I A N D P R I M AT E W YS Z Y Ń S K I EXHIBITION F U N DAC JA W I L L A JA S N Y D O M TO U R TO U R | Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński, 1 Prymasa Hlonda St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej Rzeczypospolitej Av. | Klimczaka P R O G R A M M E : On the Long Night of Museums, visitors will be invited for a virtual tour of the Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński. Employees of the Museum will present and talk about show-pieces, photographs and films to be included in the Museum’s main exhibition. Guests will be encouraged to participate in a quiz related with St. John Paul II, with attractive prizes awaiting winners. There will be also other attractions organized, tailor-made for the youngest visitors. Tours of the Jewish Cemetery N O T I C E : | Willa Jasny Dom Foundation, 2 Świerszcza St. 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm PKP Włochy Bolesława Chrobrego Popularna The organizer invites for a live history lesson Willa Jasny Dom (Bright House Villa) is a beautiful, modernist tenement house, built in the late 1930s. Unfortunately, despite it’s optimistic name, it hides a dramatic past. Between February and October 1945, it was the seat of the Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army. In its basements, prison cells were located; interrogation rooms and offices were set up on other floors. Over the seven months more than a thousand women and men were imprisoned here, including soldiers of the Armia Krajowa. Martyrdom inscriptions have been preserved until today – carved on walls and doors with spyholes. Reservations: starting 4th May, at zapisy@ Limited number of visitors! C E N T RU M B E Z P I E C Z E Ń S T WA M . S T. WA R S Z AW Y TO U R | Centre for Security of the Capital City of Warsaw, 43/45 Młynarska St. 6:00 pm – midnight Długosza Leszno | Młynarska Tours of the building, which on a daily basis remains unavailable for inhabitants of Warsaw Guests will visit the Integrated Coordination and Reaction Centre, Public-safety Answering Point and the headquarters room. At the Media Information Centre, Municipal Guard of the Capital City of Warsaw will present interesting facts related with the work of the officers. N O T I C E : In order to be allowed to participate in the event, all visitors must present a valid ID/ Student ID, to verify their identity and at security control at the entrance to the premises. Guests are also asked to not bring dangerous objects, large bags and backpacks. Tours in organized groups of max. 20. W O L A W I L A N Ó W the centre of the universe. It knows perfectly and feels that it is so – being both a complete Universum and it’s tiniest particle... Curator of the exhibition: Jacek Szelegejd 104 105 PERFORMANCE | Supermarket Sztuki Gallery, 88 Grzybowska St. 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego | Line A, F Towarowa | Grzybowska Izabela Chamczyk, Synergy Izabela Chamczyk’s performance Synergy includes actions based on viewers’ interaction with painting matter “animated” by the artist. Formal questions, such as colour, liquidity, drying, structure, texture, shape, form, composition, smell, limit, interior, externality, space, image, installation – connected with the emotional nature of a human being – will be a reference point. The performance is an invitation for viewers to step inside the painting and co-create a story of themselves, the world and art. The goal of the project is to create a new, common space – a painting arrangement of an interior. The project assumes engagement of the senses (sight, touch, smell) as well as emotional and intellectual engagement of viewers. The final effect will be achieved through a synchronization of individual people’s reactions and actions. GA L E R I A S Z T U K I WS P Ó Ł C Z E S N E J B E TA 16 Beta 16 Gallery is a gallery of contemporary art. Its activity is based on painting, which is, however, accompanied by other arts – such as sculpture or photography. As far as painting goes, we are most of all interested in abstraction – geometric and non-geometric. Lyrical and organic abstraction, the language of geometry, op-art, Tachisme, action painting, matter painting and the use of sign convention... Our offer includes paintings by classical contemporary artists, avant-garde representatives, famous and acclaimed – from the top of “collectors’ popularity”. However, we also bring back excellences known by experts. Therefore, they create a new, attractive quality on the market. Moreover, we offer works by artists of younger generations. The gallery’s programme could be concisely put as: “keep up” and “level-up” – and the “up” is top shelf in our gallery. www. GHELAMCO POLAND EXHIBITION P R E S E N TAT I O N | Europejski Sq. (Towarowa St. / Grzybowska St. / Łucka St. / Wronia St.) 7:00 pm – midnight Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego | Line A, F Towarowa | Grzybowska EXHIBITION | Beta 16 Gallery of Contemporary Art, 16 Burakowska St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Rondo Zgrupowania “Radosław” AK Rondo Zgrupowania “Radosław” AK P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm Mural paintings by world-famous creators: François Schuiten and Rafał Olbiński — 7:00 pm Man/Body/Process – exhibition at the Art Walk art passage. Presentation of outstanding works by young creators from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw — 10:00 pm Open-air theatre — 7:00 pm – midnight Music+Light+Water – performance (20 minutes) with the use of fountains and water installations at Europejski Sq. (start every 30 minutes) — Do you remember the “I Love Warsaw” (“Kocham Warszawę”) neon light on the 35th floor of Warsaw Spire? On the occasion of the opening of Europejski Sq., the developer, Ghelamco, has prepared gifts for the first 2,000 guests: coffee in a special, ceramic cup with the words “Kocham Warszawę” on it. Coffee for everybody, “Kocham Warszawę” mugs for the first 2,000 visitors. K LU B C H ŁO D N A 2 5 FILM EXHIBITION | Chłodna 25 Club, 25 Chłodna St. 7:00 pm – midnight Chłodna Żelazna | Chłodna KLUBOKAWIARNIA JAŚ & MAŁGOSIA CONCERT | Jaś & Małgosia Club-cafe, 57 Jana Pawła II Av. 8:00 pm Anielewicza | Line F Jana Pawła II Av. | Anielewicza P R O G R A M M E : — 8:00 pm and 9:15 pm Whoa live. Concert full of the greatest Polish and foreign contemporary music hits. Along with well-known covers, these extraordinarily talented four friends will present their own compositions as well. The pieces have met positive feedback from their audiences. — Instead of a selfie from a party, send your friends a postcard from Jaś & Małgosia! Chose from a selection of themed postcards prepared by POKA POKA. Write a card to your family or friends and we will send it for you! P R O G R A M M E : — from 7:00 pm Documentary presenting the nearest neighbourhood of the club in the 1990s. The film, titled For Example: 9 Grzybowska St. (Na przykład Grzybowska 9), directed by Kazimierz Karabasz, shows how the “wild west” used to look like in the first years of free Poland. The film will be screened throughout the evening. Not available for people with disabilities. — Opening of an exhibition presenting works by young illustrators related with the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. — at sunset A presentation of a mapping by Joachim Fusiecki will start. The mapping will be screened in the club’s display window. KO Ś C I Ó Ł J E Z U S A C H RYS T U S A Ś W I Ę T YC H W D N I AC H O S TAT N I C H MEETING | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 142 Wolska St. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Reduta Wolska Wolska | Redytowa P R O G R A M M E : — The functioning and services of the Church’s Centre of the History of the Family. — Church’s genealogical databases and online sources regarding birth certificates. The organizer assures accessibility for people with disabilities, free parking and refreshments. W O L A W O L A GA L E R I A S U P E R M A R K E T S Z T U K I 106 107 M A R I AW I TÓW P W. M AT K I B O S K I E J N I E U S TA J ĄC E J P O M O C Y EXHIBITION PRELECTION | Old Catholic Mariavite Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 186 Wolska St. 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Fort Wola P R O G R A M M E : The organizer is planning to present two exhibitions in the church’s aisle. The first one will be dedicated to the history of the Old Catholic Mariavite Church in Poland. The other one will concentrate on the history of Mariavite Parishes in Warsaw before the WW II. — 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Adoration with youth (with singing) — 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Prelection on the history of Mariavitism (20 minutes and 10 minutes for questions). The prelection will be repeated throughout the evening, on the hour; the last one at 10:00 pm — 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm Exhibition viewing, to the accompaniment of Mariavite songs — 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm Analogous to 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm P R O G R A M M E : P R O G R A M M E : — 8:00 pm Tomek Żółtko – concert — 9:00 pm Meeting with the pastor, information on the doctrines and practices of the Pentecostal Church, tours of the Church’s seat — 7:00 pm – midnight Nighttime Garden Party organized by Warszawski Skład Soli – live music, conversations, free lemonade, slackline — 7:00 pm – midnight Sienna Bistro & Cafe – warm and cold snacks, desserts, free coffee Z B Ó R S TO Ł E C Z N Y CONCERT PRELECTION ATTRACTIONS | Pentecostal Church, Capital City Congregation, 68/70 Sienna St. 7:00 pm – midnight Sienna Żelazna | Sienna In the courtyard, there will be an exhibition titled H2O organized, presenting works by youth from the SM Wola Centre for Culture and Education. N O T I C E : The building does not meet the needs of people with disabilities, but the organizer offers help from volunteers; please contact prior to your visit, to arrange for somebody to assist you. M U Z E U M GA ZOW N I C T WA TO U R EXHIBITION FILM | The Museum of Gas Industry, 25 Kasprzaka St. 7:00 pm – midnight Szpital Wolski Wolska | Płocka M U Z E U M P OWS TA N I A WA R S Z AWS K I E G O Each time you visit this place, you get to know it anew. Liberator plane, replicas of sewers, Town of Ruins – film, memories and souvenirs related with the uprising – the Warsaw Rising Museum invites on the Long Night of Museums! — Łukasiewicz from the beginning – exhibition — Tour of the museum’s exhibition Groups of 40 people allowed in every 30 minutes. MUZEUM NURKOWANIA TO U R | Warsaw Rising Museum, 79 Grzybowska St. 6:00 pm – midnight Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego | Line A, F Towarowa | Grzybowska P R O G R A M M E : N O T I C E : KO Ś C I Ó Ł Z I E LO N O Ś W I ĄT KOW Y Apart from the permanent exhibition, the Museum will present Dreadful Diving Gear, showcasing ideas of equipment which arouse horror or fascination to this day. EXHIBITION | Diving Museum, 88 Grzybowska St. 7:00 pm – midnight Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego | Line A, F Towarowa | Grzybowska NEY GALLERY & PRINTS EXHIBITION | 5 Spokojna St. 7:00 pm – midnight Powązkowska Jana Pawła II Av. | Stawki Ryszard Horowitz: Unknown Portraits An extraordinary exhibition of photographs by Ryszard Horowitz. The project showcases pictures which have never been published before, portraying, e.g., Roman Polański, Daniel Olbrychski, Jerzy Kosiński, Jan Lebenstein, Adam Hoffman, Piotr Skrzynecki, Urszula Dudziak, Zuzanna Łapicka, Kropka Gosławska, Andrzej and Magda Dudziński. The presented photographs were taken, inter alia, at Ryszard Horowitz’s studio in New York, during the artist’s private meetings with the heroes of the pictures. These extraordinary works form a kind of a photographic diary and they are accompanied by Ryszard Horowitz’s memories. Ryszard Horowitz about Roman Polański’s photograph: “I caught the moment when, in 1965, in a New York hotel, Romek offered his love to Frankenstein. Most clearly, he was already planning on filming The Fearless Vampire Killers (Nieustraszeni pogromcy wampirów), created two years later.” Ryszard Horowitz about Daniel Olbrychski and Jerzy Kosiński’s photograph: “Two of my friends, Jerzy Kosiński and Daniel Olbrychski, visited me at the studio in 1984. Out of the corner of my eye, I was observing them, watching them joke. I am not sure which one of them presented a greater artistry in acting; I couldn’t take my eyes off their expressive faces, the contrast between the good looks of a Semite and a Slav. An improvised photo shoot resulted from that meeting and there are numerous individual shots and double portraits remaining. O Ś RO D E K D O K U M E N TAC J I I B A DA Ń KO RC Z A K I A N U M MEETING | Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research, 6 Jaktorowska St. 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Okopowa Towarowa | Grzybowska Do you know what goes on in Korczakianum and what is held in its collection? The Museum of Warsaw invites to the historic building of the one-time Orphans’ House, W O L A W O L A KO Ś C I Ó Ł S TA RO K ATO L I C K I 108 W O L A for conversations about the old-time and the contemporary Warsaw and its inhabitants. Gifts for book lovers. P R AC OW N I A JAGA H U PA ŁO BORN TO CREATE EXHIBITION | Jaga Hupało’s Born to Create Atelier, 5/7 Burakowska St. 8:00 pm – midnight Rondo Zgrupowania “Radosław” AK Rondo Zgrupowania “Radosław” AK Jaga Hupało and her Create Team stylists summarize the 15 years of the iconic Born to Create Atelier – in several mysterious presentations. Never-before-published materials, extraordinary guests, labyrinth of secrets. The organizer will unveil all the details just before the event. S Ą D O K R Ę G OW Y W WA R S Z AW I E TO U R P R E S E N TAT I O N FILM | Regional Court in Warsaw, 127 “Solidarności” St. 6:00 pm – midnight Kino Femina | Line F “Solidarności” Av. Jana Pawła II Av. P R O G R A M M E : — Film screening: Hallways of the Court (Korytarze sądu; 1960, dir. A. Piekutowski) — We’re Changing – multimedia and photograph exhibition on the 75th anniversary of the Regional Court in Warsaw’s building — Police dog shows, police pyrotechnic zone, presentation of a robot used for moving explosives, presentation of bomb suits, presentation of the way in which especially dangerous prisoners are transported, tour of the spaces (cells) for convoyed persons and cars used for convoying, etc. — Through the eyes of a Varsavianist: History Hidden in Walls – stories by Jan Jagielski, a long-term employee of the Jewish Historical Institute, author of a text titled Jews of Warsaw (Żydzi Warszawy). — Staging of a criminal action from the 1930s: pickpockets’ from Praga in Warsaw, and from the 1960s: Bogdan Arnold’s case – a murderer who hated women. Stagings will be presented by a reenactment group of the Temida Scientific Circle of Criminal Law Students at the University of Warsaw. — Tours of the Regional Court in Warsaw, guided by a Varsavianist, Warsaw guide Janusz Owsiany: history of the building, stories of Varsovians who helped Jews N O T I C E : Only a limited number of guests may participate in the stagings of criminal actions and guided tours with Janusz Owsiany. Please register (starting 4th May) at (visitors who don’t register will be able to participate in the events if the situation allows it). — 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm The Most Important Scraps of Paper in the World: What Irena Sendler Stored in Glass Jars – lecture about Irena Sendler and her co-workers — Mysterious Windows in Smocza Street – drawing lots: • facts from Irena Sendler’s life • facts related with Wola District’s Muranów area: 1920s and 1930s — 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 11:00 pm Competition verifying participants’ knowledge of Wola’s Muranów area and Irena Sendler — 8:00 pm Stencil workshop – symbols of Wola, Muranów There will be tasty treats of Wola’s Muranów area prepared for guests, called sójki wolskie (including vegetarian and gluten-free options). Z E S P Ó Ł WO L S K I C H P L AC ÓW E K E D U K AC J I K U LT U R A L N E J M ŁO D Z I E Ż OW Y D O M K U LT U RY TO U R P R E S E N TAT I O N | Complex of Institutions for Cultural Education in Wola (ZWPEK), 1A Brożka St. 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Brożka Górczewska | ks. Janusza S P O Ł E C Z N E C E N T RU M B E Z B A R I E R WO R K S H O P S P R E S E N TAT I O N FILM | Capital City’s Centre Without Barriers, 3 Smocza St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nowolipie P R O G R A M M E : — 7:00 pm (children), 9:00 pm (adults) Workshops on how to make a photo look old (prints from the 1930s). The evening will include a reenactment walk titled The History of One Building. The organizer will present selected moments from the history of ZWPEK’s current seat at 1A Brożka St. (pre-war school in Zawiszy Street). The reenactment presentation will include: September of 1939, occupation times and times of the People’s Republic of Poland. 110 111 GA L E R I A S Z T U K I W YS TAWA LECTURE EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | Ogród Ceramiki Foundation, 8 Krasińskiego St. 8:30 pm – 10:30 pm Wilsona Sq. | Line E Wilsona Sq. Ogród Ceramiki Foundation invites for ceramics workshops, within which pieces for the first sensory garden in Warsaw will be created. The garden is located in the Botanical Garden in Powsin. GA L E R I A S Z T U K I – 1 EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS | -1 Art Gallery, Olympic Centre, 4 Wybrzeże Gdyńskie St. 8:00 pm – 12:30 am Centrum Olimpijskie | Line E Wybrzeże Gdyńskie | Czujna We invites guests to visit a post-competition exhibition titled My Olympic Games, organized on the occasion of the XXXI Olympic Games in Rio. The exhibition showcases the most interesting works by participants of the competition – primary school students. — 8:00 pm – midnight the organizer invites children to paint Olympic rings on linen bags (which you will be allowed to keep), get acquainted with Mascots of the Olympic Games in Rio and participate in other interesting activities. | Wystawa Art Gallery, 29 Wojska Polskiego Av. 6:00 pm – 1:30 am Inwalidów Sq. Inwalidów Sq. Drawing Studio “64” – exhibition Exhibition of drawings by students of Painting Faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw – from studio 64, led by professor Ryszard Sekuła and Łukasz Rudnicki, PhD. The exhibition will present works created during the 2015/2016 academic year. The starting point for the works is a figure study – an insightful observation of a model in a drawing studio. Later, time comes for experiments, searching for one’s own artistic language. What is characteristic of this exhibition is this variety of creative attitudes. Subtlety, softness and delicacy are counterbalanced by expression and unbridled temperament – gesture, marks of a black spot and an aggressive line. The works were created by students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, and pedagogues. MUZEUM BŁ . KS. JERZEGO POPIEŁUSZKI EXHIBITION | Museum of the Blessed Priest Jerzy Popiełuszko, 2 Hozjusza St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Wilsona Sq. | Line E Wilsona Sq. Exhibition dedicated to the life and death of the Blessed priest Jerzy Popiełuszko. M U Z E U M K AT Y Ń S K I E TO U R FILM | Katyń Museum, 13 Dymińska St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am (visitors invited in until midnight) Muzeum Katyńskie | Line K – 7:00 pm – midnight Curatorial guided tours. There will be also an additional attraction waiting for visitors, namely a film titled Memory Has Found Its Home, which presents the history of the Katyń Museum and its build (screenings on the hour, throughout the evening). The full programme is available on the the Museum’s website. M U Z E U M S P O R T U I T U RYS T Y K I ORAZ MUZEUM LEGII ATTRACTIONS P R E S E N TAT I O N EXHIBITION FILM | Museum of Sports and Tourism and Legia Warsaw Museum, 4 Wybrzeże Gdyńskie St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Centrum Olimpijskie | Line E Wybrzeże Gdyńskie | Czujna P R O G R A M M E : Presentations in the conference hall: — 8:00 pm – 8:40 pm Gymnastics, by Legia Warsaw’s Gymnastics Section — 8:50 pm – 9:30 pm Zdrofit Club — 9:30 pm – 10:00 pm Gymnastics, by Legia Warsaw’s Gymnastics Section — 10:10 pm – 11:00 pm Kendo Club — 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm Films dedicated to sports and Alpinism + meetings (cinema) — The History of Polish Sport and Olympic Movement – permanent exhibition (2nd floor) — 100 Years of Legia Warsaw – temporary exhibition M O R E O V E R : Legia Warsaw’s Club Coach, touring between the Museum of Sports and the Legia Warsaw Museum. The bus will leave from the Museum of Sports at 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:30 pm and 11:30 pm – the last course to the Legia Warsaw Museum. The bus will leave from the Legia Warsaw Museum at 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm. — The Long Night of the Museums record breaking in stationary bike riding – in collaboration with Zdrofit Club — Gymnastics classes for children – in collaboration with Gym Generation — Terrace in front of the Olympic Centre – radio-controlled cars — Premises in front of the Olympic Centre – exhibition of historic racing cars M U Z E U M X PAW I LO N U C Y TA D E L I WA R S Z AWS K I E J EXHIBITION FILM | Museum of Pavilion X in the Warsaw Citadel, 25 Skazańców St. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Cytadela | Line E Wybrzeże Gdyńskie | Czujna P R O G R A M M E : — Tours of the renovated Pavilion X of the Warsaw Citadel (e.g. a gallery of Aleksander Sochaczewski’s Siberian paintings). — 8:00 pm (cinema hall) – film screening: The Man of a Sacred Name – about Romuald Traugutt (27 minutes) – after the film: tours of Romuald Traugutt’s cell and of an exhibition dedicated to him. — 10:00 pm (cinema hall) – screening of a film titled Benedykt Dybowski. — 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm (by the Pavilion X building) Historical reenactment groups Ż O L I B O R Z Ż O L I B O R Z F U N DAC JA O G RÓ D C E R A M I K I 112 Ż O L I B O R Z will set a camp (including a group from the Arsenał Association). — 7:00 pm – 1:00 am (at Brama Bielańska Gallery) The White Eagle – Sign of Freedom – exhibition — On the 1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland – an exhibition of works by Stanisław Hadyna will be shown, along with another one, titled On the 50th Anniversary of Creative Activity. Exhibition of Works by Gustaw Hadyna. /category/xpawilon/ P RY WAT N E G I M N A Z J U M I L I C E U M S I Ó S T R Z M A R T W YC H WS TA N E K P R E S E N TAT I O N FILM MEETING | Private Middle School and High School of the Sisters of the Resurrection, 31 Krasińskiego St. 7:00 pm – midnight ks. Popiełuszki Grunwaldzki Sq. Background Heroes P R O G R A M M E : — Warsaw Rising in Żoliborz – presentation. — Sister Bogusława Kowalczyk’s memories connected with taking care of a wounded German soldier in the Hospital for Insurgents no. 100 (staging). — A meeting and an interview with a participant of the Uprising, who graduated from the School – Ms. Izabela Sianko. — The Blessed sister Alicja Kotowska from the Congregation of the Sisters of Resurrection – Varsovian, WW II martyr. — Help given to Jews by the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection during WW II. — Staging of fights for the Stronghold of the Sisters of the Resurrection, with a commentary. — Exhibition. WA R S Z TAT A R T YS T YC Z N Y LECTURE ATTRACTIONS | Warsztat Artystyczny Foundation, 18 Krasińskiego St. 6:00 pm – midnight ks. Popiełuszki Grunwaldzki Sq. P R O G R A M M E : — Lecture referring to an exhibition titled Modernism in the Context of Żoliborz. — Creating a mural painting in the Studio; we will make a stencil together, which we will then transfer onto a wall. — Live Printing – offering visitors a chance to print a design of their choice on t-shirts, sweatshirts or bags they bring. W I Z Y T U J ĄC A GA L E R I A EXHIBITION | 29 Wojska Polskiego St. 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Inwalidów Sq. Inwalidów Sq. Małgorzata Markiewicz: Fairy-tale of Leaving and Returning – exhibition It is a project touching on the idea of home as a haven, at the same time presenting home as a place of oppression. An attempt to comprehend the role of home in our life is an obvious reference point for the artist. She brings our attention to the role of boldness, hope, intuition or longing, which may transform our life, and points to the fact that strength which we draw from home may both attract and repel us. Home as a place of oppression becomes a prison at times. Animation, photography, object and unique outfits. Co-organizer: Supermarket Sztuki.