SafeHip trifold - medsupplysales
SafeHip trifold - medsupplysales
CAN FALL RELATED HIP FRACTURES BE PREVENTED? WHY IS FALLS PREVENTION SUCH AN IMPORTANT ISSUE? • 25% of older adults hospitalized for a hip fracture die within the first year and of those who survive, 50% never regain their pre hip fracture functioning • 50% – 60% of residents in long-term care facilities fall every year and 10% of these falls result in serious injury • 40% of residential care admissions are fall related SAFEHIP® hip protectors are a proven and effective • 40% of those hospitalized for a fall have a hip fracture • 90% of hip fractures are caused by falls Hip fractures take up more hospital beds than any other ailment. More than 50% of elderly people that suffer a hip fracture never regain the mobility they had before the fracture occurred. This means that many become dependent on assistance from other people, or are referred to a nursing home (fractures of the hip are the most common cause of referral to nursing homes). Functional status of 120 patients hospitalized with hip fractures: Prior to After fracture 6 months Dress themselves 86% 49% Stand up without assistance 90% 32% Walk without assistance 75% 15% Walk up and down stairs 63% 8% method of protecting against hip fractures amongst the elderly. By significantly reducing the risk of hip fractures, SAFEHIP® can help: • prevent hospitalisation and subsequent disability • save fallers the trauma, pain and disability of a broken hip • improve patient confidence and quality of life HOW DO I ORDER SAFEHIP®? Phone: 604-267-0831 Fax: 604-267-0836 Email: Online: Talk to your care-giver, community health professional, doctor, or call us directly for information about SAFEHIP®. HIP FRACTURES HAVE YOU FALLEN? ARE YOU AT RISK? Factors that increase your risk of falling: ❑ Impaired balance, mobility, muscle weakness, co-ordination ❑ Cognitive impairment eg memory loss, disorientation ❑ Agitation and restlessness ❑ Poor proprioception and tactile sensation ❑ Hearing or vision impairment ❑ Fear of falling ❑ Medication – multiple/recent changes ❑ Use of a mobility aid/wheelchair ❑ Risk taking behaviour ❑ Sleep disturbance ❑ History of falls in last 6 months ❑ Impaired safety awareness – lack of insight/judgement ❑ Fainting and dizziness ❑ Dehydration/malnourishment ❑ Incontinence – urgency and frequency ❑ Incorrect footwear ❑ Poor physical environment If you answer yes to 4 or more of the above questions you are at high risk of falling and sustaining a serious hip injury. Percent Falling • 84% of injury related hospitalizations of seniors are from falls 41% “ Clinical studies throughout the world among nursing home residents and home dwellers prove that the SAFEHIP® hip protector reduces the number of hip fractures by up to 75%. At the same time the wearers feel more comfortable and mobile in their everyday life. Hindso K. Lauritzen JB. Osteoporosis International 1998;8:119 • 40% of those 75 and over fall every year Walk 900 meters can be greatly reduced by wearing hip protectors. ” • 58% of falls (age 65+) take place at home, and 21% in residences and institutions. Yes! The chance of sustaining a hip fracture 6% 100 Professor Marotholi (JAGS 1992;40:861-866) SAFEHIP Canadian Distributor: MOBILITY MATTERS Vancouver BC 604-267-0831 60% 60 32% 40 20 0 20% of seniors with hip fractures die within 12 months from complications. 78% 80 8% 0 19% 1 2 3 4+ Number of Risk Factors The leading risk of fractures in older Adults include weakness, gait and balance disorders, functional impairment, Visual impairment, cognitive impairment, and the side effects of drugs. -Rubenstein NEJM2000 Vol 343 No 1 HIP FRACTURES CAN BE PREVENTED SAFEHIP® CLASSIC HIP PROTECTORS with the AirX™ shield are available in these models: CLASSIC UNISEX A basic design recommended for hospitals, care facitlities, and home use CLASSIC OPEN An open crotch model for use with incontinence products CLASSIC MALE The same as the popular Unisex but with fly front CLASSIC FEMALE The same as the popular Unisex but with a feminine pattern FEATURES AND BENEFITS of SAFEHIP® AirX™ Soft Shield hip protectors TYTEX INC. has taken the next step in hip protector technology. The unique new shields in SAFEHIP® Hip Protectors are made of AirX™ SPACER FABRIC and offer the following features and benefits. • 100% breathable; cool to wear; no moisture build up under the shield. • Shields are light weight, low profile, comfortable and form fitting. • The acclaimed horseshoe shaped SAFEHIP® AirX™ soft shields significantly lower force transmission to the hip bone thereby reducing the risk of hip fracture in the event of a fall. CLASSIC UNISEX CLASSIC OPEN • Wash and dry temperatures exceed those needed for disease control. The new SAFEHIP® AirX™ hip protectors can be washed at 95°C/200°F and dried at the highest possible drying temperatures. • Available in sizes XSmall to XXLarge; hip measurements from 26” to 60”. These features mean greater comfort for the wearer, easy care, and in the event of a fall provide the most outstanding hip protection available. CLASSIC MALE SAFEHIP® ACTIVE ACTIVE What is a hip protector? A shield about the size of your open hand sewn into comfortable cotton briefs. The shield fits over the joint at the top of the leg. This is where hip fractures occur. What does it do? It protects the greater trochantor (the ball joint) in the event of a fall the same way that a helmet protects a cyclist. Who should wear them? Everyone! but primarily seniors at risk of falling. What is your risk factor? Check the front page of this brochure. Are there different kinds? Yes. They all have the same objective and they all do the same job to a greater or lesser degree. However, in testing, SAFEHIP® ARE PROVEN TO BE THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND THEY ARE THE MOST SOLD HIP PROTECTORS WORLD WIDE. They are also very comfortable to wear day and night. Do they have to be worn at night? Hip protectors are only effective if they are worn. Many falls occur at night when people get up from bed to go to the toilet. CLASSIC FEMALE Made with 100% breathable 4-way stretch AirX™ Spacer Fabric and the original SAFEHIP® Soft Shield. Used for intermittent or continuous use by active elderly. Velcro wrap for easy on/off. Can be worn over or under regular clothing. COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS SAFEHIP® Soft was developed in partnership with leading doctors, professors and universities all over the world in order to provide users with unique, high-quality, comfortable, safe and effective protection. Ongoing research and development continues to underline the position of SAFEHIP® as the worldwide leader in hip protection. There are many things you can do to make your environment safe and they are all important but even if you do none of them, wearing hip protectors will give you immediate protection whenever you are wearing them. No waiting, no side effects. Break the fall, not the hip.
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