Alumni - Saint Viator High School


Alumni - Saint Viator High School
....A Letter from the Director of Alumni Relations
Greetings from
Saint Viator
High School
On behalf of the Saint Viator and Sacred Heart of Mary Alumni
Association and the Office of Institutional Advancement at Saint Viator
High School, I am thrilled to introduce you to the inaugural issue of
A Lion For Life Magazine. This issue features the 2012-2013 Saint Viator
High School Annual Report and is the first of four issues planned for
the coming year that provide a significant enhancement to our Alumni
Update newsletter. The remaining three issues of A Lion For Life
Magazine will feature news and updates on Saint Viator and Sacred Heart
of Mary alumni. Please look for our second issue later this winter.
We all know that attending Saint Viator High School is about much more than just a four-year educational
experience, therefore we are excited to introduce our new “A Lion For Life” messaging. This message is
founded on the three pillars of our school’s mission - Lifelong Spiritual Growth, Excellence in Education,
and Community. Whether you are a junior high student, a current student, a parent, a college student, a
young alumnus, an alumnus, or a benefactor, you are A Lion For Life. Please keep an eye out for exciting
improvements such as new e-newsletters, a school website refresh, an online marketplace, and other great ways
to stay connected to Saint Viator High School and each other. We truly appreciate the impact you have made
on our great community and we invite you to share your talents and time through stewardship, mentoring,
career networking, and volunteerism.
Please feel free to contact us with any updates, ideas, and questions.
Go Lions!
Chris Wells
....A Letter from the President
Dear Friends...
Last month, I was with two young alumni who were leading a Catholic leadership conference for high school
students. A few weeks later, I received an email from an alumnus from the ’70s who has started two schools in
China and has worked with the U.S. State Department in Afghanistan.
These stories are the rule, not the exception. I regularly hear about Saint Viator graduates who are improving
the lives of others. Saint Viator graduates are literally changing the world, helping to create an earth that is
more peaceful and just, especially for young people.
It’s pretty amazing when you think about it. We’ve been around for a bit more than
50 years. Yet this relatively small school in Arlington Heights has so faithfully lived the
mission of our founder Fr. Louis Querbes that the lives of people around the world are
benefiting each day. The Gospel is coming alive because of our community.
As I begin as president, I am grateful for all Fr. Egan did in his years of service to ensure
that we remain the Gospel-centered place we were founded to be. I also am honored to
help lead this community as it moves into the future and continues to impact the lives
of young people, families, alumni and those who are suffering in our world - the people
Jesus cared most about. We do that by offering a rigorous academic curriculum that
prepares students to be the best they can be intellectually. We do that by grounding them
in Catholic values and training them how to integrate those values into their daily lives.
We do that by pointing through it all toward Jesus Christ as our savior and Fr. Louis
Querbes as our inspiration.
I thank you for the big ways and small ways you support Saint Viator
High School and live the Viatorian mission each day. I urge you to
begin each day by asking God to show you how you can use
what you learned at Saint Viator to help someone. I invite
you to become more involved as a role model or mentor for
our students as they figure out who God needs them to be.
I remind you that we are still here for you as you search
out God’s plan for you through the good times and the
hard times.
Rev. Corey Brost, C.S.V.
Your Impact
We are a community of believers
Lifelong Spiritual Growth
For over 50 years, Saint Viator High School has cultivated a tradition of providing religious formation and an
academic program of excellence to young men and women. Throughout the 2012-2013 academic year, our
community was greatly impacted by the selfless sacrifices you have made. Our community appreciates your
support and we are proud to share our recent stories of success with you.
With daily prayer and monthly all-school Masses, students are encouraged to define what "faith" means to
them. Under the guidance of our campus ministers, students participated in Masses as lectors, cantors, musicians,
Eucharistic Ministers, and acolytes. Other special Masses include the Freshman Class & Family Mass, the
Junior Ring Mass & Ceremony, and the Baccalaureate Mass. For many alumni, their most powerful memories
of Saint Viator are the retreats. There are 150 students trained each year to lead retreats that draw more than
650 classmates. Saint Viator's program has a profound impact through:
• The Freshman Retreat: A one-day, community-building experience.
• The Quest Retreat: For freshmen and sophomores, a call to love themselves, others and God.
• The Bridges Retreat: Originated by Fr. Corey Brost, students come together with other schools
to discuss prejudice, stereotypes, and the Christian response to racism and social injustice.
• The Junior Retreat: Based on 1 Timothy, juniors are challenged to be an example to all.
• The Kairos Retreat: For four days, seniors focus on Jesus, and how to respond to His message
in their own lives.
We are a community inspired to serve
Saint Viator's commitment to Christian service has expanded dramatically in the last few years. Students learn
in practice that they have an obligation to the world, completing a minimum of 25 hours each year. The goal:
To engender empathy, compassion, and a desire to serve.
• During the 2012-2013 academic year, each of our students, on average, dedicated more than
36 hours of service to others.
• Each year, students take 50 after-school service trips to area soup kitchens, nursing homes and more.
• Our Christian service includes trips to Appalachia, Central America, Chicago, and more.
• Over 350 agencies are served each year, including Special Olympics, Catholic Charities, and NWSRA.
• Our Make-A-Change weekly collections raise more than $15,000 annually for various charities.
• Over 90 students participated in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, raising over $16,000 for
the fight against cancer.
We live a life of intellectual independence rooted in strong principles and confidence
Excellence in Education
• Of our 246 graduates, 100% were accepted into a college or university.
• Among those members of the Class of 2013 that reported scholarship offers, the average student
graduate earned $125,000 in collegiate scholarship offers.
• Over $1.3 million of tuition assistance was awarded to 29% of our students.
• Our 26.5 average ACT score was well above the averages of 23.5 for District 214, 20.6 for the State of
Illinois, and 20.9 in the United States.
• 57 Advanced Placement Scholars earned credits for college.
• 75% of our professional staff members hold advanced degrees.
• 20% of our faculty members are Saint Viator/Sacred Heart of Mary alumni.
• 26 faculty members have over 15 years of service.
• We have 12 Viatorian brothers, priests, and associates that serve on our staff.
• Flip classrooms and SMART boards offer hands-on learning and technology for our students.
• Members of the Class of 2013 are representing Saint Viator this fall at the following U.S. News
Top 30 National Universities:
Emory University
Georgetown University
Northwestern University
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Michigan
University of Notre Dame
Vanderbilt University
Wake Forest University
Washington University in St. Louis
We are on a lifelong journey of learning and discovery
• 80% of our students participated in at least
one of our 26 sports.
• 90% of our students were involved in at least
one of our 48 student organizations.
• 28 students were awarded Tri-M Music Honors from
the National Association for Musical Education.
• 3 Teams were ESCC Conference Champions:
Boys Golf, Girls Golf, and Boys Lacrosse.
• We had 57 All Conference athletes.
• 7 of our athletes were Individual State qualifiers.
• Boys Lacrosse and Boys Soccer reached the
Final Four in 2013.
• 11 of our varsity athletic teams qualified for
the IHSA Team Academic Achievement award for
having a cumulative team weighted average of
90% or higher.
• 144 students earned the IHSA Scholastic
Achievement Awards.
• 20 students were named ESCC Scholar Athletes.
We build relationships that span a lifetime
Saint Viator's community of alumni, parents,
students, faculty, staff, and friends are
strongly connected to one another through
participation in events and volunteer
opportunities. Supporters come from across
the country to attend events, volunteer their
time, and give back to this great community.
In the 2012-2013 academic year, we were
proud to have students join us from over
65 schools, 58 towns, and countries such as
South Korea, China, Thailand, Italy and Brazil.
Thank you for supporting our community as
together we advance the Viatorian mission
Fr. Louis Querbes pioneered to “...raise up
communities, where faith is lived, deepened,
and celebrated.” A sample of our community
events in 2012-2013 included:
September Fest
Viator Open
Fall Concert
Fall Play
The Chicago Experience
Fashion Show
The Run With the Pride 5K
Trivia Night
Night of the Lion
Million Dollar Classic
Alumni Reunions
Alumni, parents, family, and friends gathered at the annual Night of the
Lion Gala to honor Rev. Robert M. Egan, C.S.V. ’69 for his leadership
as a student, teacher, and as school president.
Over 240 alumni, former faculty, and staff attended the Sacred Heart
of Mary 50th Jubilee Luncheon to celebrate the school opening its doors
in 1963.
We have not just learned to serve, but now know the impact of serving
Saint Viator students learn that their faith does not exist in a vacuum. By looking outside themselves, they
serve others who have just as strong an impact on them. Students have:
• Collaborated with Peoples’ Bank of Arlington Heights to interview local veterans about their stories.
• Developed the books “Arlington Heights' Greatest Generation,” interviews with World War II
veterans, “Lest We Forget: Arlington Heights' Korean War Veterans,” and “Welcome Home:
Arlington Heights' Vietnam Veterans.”
• Provided Christmas gifts for 300 clients of the Howard Area Community Center in Chicago through
our Season of Sharing program.
• Dedicated their spring breaks to Chicago Urban Plunges and Habitat for Humanity.
• Traveled to Tutwiler, Mississippi, to build a home in the poorest county in America.
• Participated in the Walter Payton Toy Drive, providing toys for underprivileged children in Illinois.
Ways to Make an Impact
Saint Viator High School is grateful to have a generous community consisting of members from each of our
constituent groups, including Saint Viator and Sacred Heart of Mary alumni, current and past parents, grandparents,
faculty, staff, and friends. Our benefactors and investors know they are making an impact on the lives of hundreds of
young men and women every day. The individuals, corporations, foundations and local businesses listed in this
report partner with the Clerics of St. Viator by generously investing in the school’s mission.
As a private school, the raising of significant funds is critical to our ongoing success. Tuition alone is not able to cover
the complete cost of educating a student. Donations to Saint Viator High School can be made in various ways, which
are detailed below. If you would like any additional information, please contact Mary Vandenbergh, Executive
Director of the Office of Institutional Advancement, at 847-392-4050 ext. 297.
Ways to Give
to Saint Viator High School:
Direct Gifts
Direct monetary gifts are accepted in the form of checks, charges, or money orders. Payments can be sent
to the Office of Institutional Advancement. You can also visit to make a gift online
using a credit card. Please contact a member of the Office of Institutional Advancement for more information
on giving or making a pledge.
Stock Gifts
When considering a gift to Saint Viator High School, donors often think of giving cash. However, because
of the enhanced tax benefits, other kinds of assets (stock and real estate) are used to make gifts. If you gift
Saint Viator with stock, please be sure to include your name, the name of the stock, the number of shares
and the date of the transfer. Please notify Mary Vandenbergh or Tom Ramsden when considering a stock
transfer to Saint Viator High School so that you have the proper account information.
For Stock Transfers:
UBS Financial DTC # 0221
UBS Financial Contact:
Saint Viator High School
Thomas Kret
FEIN: 36-2471940
257 E. Main Street
Barrington, IL 60010
If you gift Saint Viator with a stock certificate that is already in your name, please call us for a stock power
document. Your stock certificate will have to be signed and dated by those whose names are on the certificate,
and we will need a brief note indicating your intentions to transfer the stock to Saint Viator High School.
Matching Gifts
The Lion Legacy Society
We are grateful to our donors who apply for matching
gifts at their place of employment. It may be as simple
as filling out your company’s matching gift form and
sending it, with your donation check, to Saint Viator’s
Office of Institutional Advancement. Matching gifts
from your company can double or even triple your
generous gift. Check with the human resources office
at your place of employment for their matching gift
program details. Your annual total giving record in the
annual report will be soft credited for the amount of your
company’s matching gift.
We invite your partnership in continuing Saint Viator
High School’s heritage. Generous benefactors who have
remembered Saint Viator in their wills and estate plans
during their lives are members of the Lion Legacy
Society. The purpose of the Lion Legacy Society is to
strengthen the mission of Saint Viator High School by
involving its alumni, parents and friends with the
contemporary work of the school.
Types of Planned Gifts
There are various types of Planned Gifts that you can
use to assist Saint Viator High School, including bequests
and life insurance. Some additional Planned Gift
options that Saint Viator is working to accept in the near
future include:
Special Events
Saint Viator’s Office of Institutional Advancement
sponsors a series of special fundraising events each year.
Donor participation in these events is essential in raising
critically needed funding for areas deemed important
by the school administration, committees and Board
of Trustees.
• Charitable Gift Annuities - Payments to
donors begin as soon as the gift is made, and
donors receive immediate tax deductions.
• Deferred Gift Annuities - The donor has
flexibility in determining the start date of
payments. For example, if the gift is made at
age 50, the donor may choose the starting date
of the payments anytime between the ages of
55 and 80. Charitable deductions are available
Another way benefactors may choose to help the students
of Saint Viator High School is through gifts-in-kind.
The value of these gifts is included in the respective
individual’s total giving during a particular fiscal year.
Please contact a member of the Office of Institutional
Advancement if you have questions about what types of
services are needed, and how to give an in-kind gift either
directly to the school or to benefit a special event.
• Real Estate – Please contact the Office of
Institutional Advancement to learn more about
how you can assist our students through a gift
of real estate.
United Way
Many corporations take part in an annual United Way
giving program. Did you know that you can designate
your contributions to be sent to Saint Viator? Please
contact the Office of Institutional Advancement for
more information or talk to your company’s United Way
For more information on any type
of Planned Gift please contact:
Tom Ramsden
Development Officer
847-392-4050 ext. 344
In Memory or Honor of
Someone Special
Many families have chosen to make gifts to Saint Viator
High School in memory of (IMO) a loved one, or to
send Saint Viator High School gifts in honor of (IHO)
an individual. The Advancement Office can assist in
establishing either IMO or IHO funds.
Those Who Made an Impact
School Leadership
Board of Trustees
Board of Governors
Dean Niro '83, Chairman
Thomas Southall, Vice Chair
Rev. James Michaletz, C.S.V., Secretary
Mary Beth Beiersdorf
Susan Donnelly
Christine Efken '79
Rev. Robert Erickson, C.S.V.
Rev. Edward R. Fialkowski
Matthew Hower '75
John Kern
Jane Broeren Lambesis '79
Brian Liedlich
Hugh Masterson
John Moynihan '84
Judith Pappas
Nichole Baer Raftery '94
Robert Shanahan
Loren Trimble
James Vandenbergh Jr. '67
Michael Wolfe
Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, C.S.V. – Provincial
Br. Michael T. Gosch, C.S.V. '74 – Assistant Provincial
Rev. Corey D. Brost, C.S.V. – Councilor
Rev. Daniel R. Hall – Councilor
Rev. Lawrence D. Lentz, C.S.V. – Councilor
Investment Board
Lewis Solimene, Chairman
Matthew Hower '75
James Thomas
Christopher Rossi
School Administration
Rev. Robert M. Egan, C.S.V. '69 – President
Eileen Manno – Principal
Nora Boka – Controller
Stephan Burks – Director of Building and Grounds
Timothy Carlson – Athletic Director
JoAnne Francis – Director of Student Affairs
Patrick Mahoney – Director of Development
William Sanford – Dean of Students
Dr. Deborah Scerbicke – Dean of Students
Mary Vandenbergh – Executive Director of Advancement
Faculty, Staff & Administration
Cathy Abrahamian
Don Abrahamian
Christine Adams
Kirsten Anzalone
Donna Benedict
Paul Bjerkness
Patty Bruce
Karen Buchek
Ross Buchek
Eileen Cairo
Martin Castaneda
Rosemary Castellucci
Stephanie Kieffer Collins ‘98
Kate Schafer Costello ‘70
Mary Lee DeBelina
Kathy Deger
Tomas Diaz Lee
Kathy Duggan
Barbara D’Urso
Kelly Dutmers
Jean Dziedzic
Daniel Edminster ‘91
Elizabeth Englbrecht
William Faltinoski
Betsy Fons
John Fuja
Kathy Gallagher
Carolyn Gerbatsch
Sr. Maria Sophia Gerlach
Vicky Giusti
Margaret Gosch ‘71
Jan Grana
Patricia Grandziel
Matt Gruenfeld
Jeanne Grzelak
Fr. Dan Hall, C.S.V.
Kevin Hogendorp
Matthew Hynek ‘92
Kaitlyn Jeanneret
Nancy Jensen
Kristen Jordan
Cindy Josephs
Nancy Kieffer
Rita King
T.J. King ‘04
Ashley Kirst ‘01
Lucian Klatka
Jennifer Ansani Kottra ‘00
Mary Lanus
Br. Jim Lewnard, C.S.V. ‘71
Catherine Majka
Joseph Majkowski
Michael Manno ‘94
Simon Marcial
Catherine Marino
Eileen Martin
Maureen Henning Martin ‘92
Tim Masterton ‘03
Susie McNamara
Jim Murphy ‘79
Patrick Neville
Brandon New
Linda Nicholas
Paula Nicolau
Cheryl Nowak
Raymond Nowak
Neva O’Laughlin
Chris Paolelli ‘02
Kurt Paprocki ‘00
John Paulik
Rev. Arnold Perham, C.S.V.
William Pirman
Cheryl Quinn
Julie Reedy
Br. Rob Robertson, C.S.V.
Nancy Rosean
Jennifer Ruege
Rose Ruffatto
Mirella Rullo
Nora Cay Ryan ‘95
Matthew Saey
Judi Salinas
Kristina Sandrock
Patty Schroeder
Rita Scully
Tom Seaman
Krystle Seifert
Geri Senchuk
Lynn Slezak
Gregory Smith
Mary Lou Smith
Lenee Soto
Stephanie Schwarz Spiewak ‘02
Monika Stevens
Ruth Stonecipher
Ann Marie Swiderski
Janet Tan
Tijo Thomas
Br. Daniel Tripamer, C.S.V.
Michael Tubridy
Rev. John Van Wiel, C.S.V.
Paul Waszak
Kelly Wilda
James Williams
Lisa Wilson
Paige Smoron Wiser ‘88
Lucille Young
Amy Zhang
Faculty Awards
Father Louis Querbes Award:
Barbara D’Urso
The “Father Louis Querbes Award,” named for the founder of the Viatorian order, is given
to the faculty or staff member who best exemplifies the spirit and mission of the Saint
Viator community.
Principal’s Service Award:
Carolyn Gerbatsch
The “Principal’s Service Award” is given at the discretion of the Principal when a faculty or
staff member goes beyond their daily tasks to improve the quality and atmosphere of the
Saint Viator High School community.
The Greatest Gift Award:
Julie Reedy
The “Greatest Gift Award,” established by Mr. John Conerty in memory of Sister Mary Lenore,
is given each year to the faculty or staff member who has consistently and effectively been an
example and vehicle of God’s love to our students.
Financial Summary
General Operations
Tuition & Fees
Cafeteria & Bookstore
Athletic & Co-Curricular Activities
Gain or (Loss) from Investment
Contributions & Other Income
Total Revenues
Salaries, Wages & Benefits
Cafeteria & Bookstore
Academic & Instructional
Athletic & Co-Curricular Activities
Plant Operations
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Debt Repayment & Interest
Total Expenses
Gain/(Loss) from General Operations
Tuition and Fees: 89.86%
Cafeteria and Bookstore: 3.44%
Athletic & Co-Curricular Activities: 4.19%
Gain or (Loss) from Investment: 0.32%
Contributions & Other Income: 2.20%
Salaries, Wages & Benefits: 58.99%
Cafeteria and Bookstore: 2.56%
Academic & Instructional: 2.65%
Administrative: 5.78%
Athletic & Co-Curricular Activities: 3.53%
Plant Operations: 8.29%
Depreciation: 7.96%
Financial Aid & Scholarships: 10.25%
Fund Operations
Fund-Raising and Contributions
Endowment Contributions
Gain or (Loss) from Investment
Total Revenues
Expenses & Transfers
Salaries, Wages & Benefits
Administrative Expenses,
Fees, & Event Costs
Transfer to Endowments
Total Expenses & Transfers
Income from Development/
Scholarship Fund Operations
Fund-Raising & Contributions: 67.40%
Endowment Contributions: 10.63%
Gain or (Loss) from Investment: 21.97%
Administrative Expenses,
Fees, & Event Costs: 41%
Salaries, Wages & Benefits: 43.92%
Transfer to Endowments: 15.08%
Lifetime Founders
The Lifetime Founder status has been established to recognize those investors who have made cumulative gifts
to Saint Viator High School totaling at least $100,000. Their commitment, at the highest level, to support the
mission and students of Saint Viator High School, merits the distinction of being named a Lifetime Founder.
$1,000,000 and Above
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Bruckert
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Carlson
Mr. William '82 and Mrs. Mary Kelly Finnegan '83
Cavanagh Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Demmert '66
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Filipp '67
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Fitzgerald Jr.
Mrs. Maureen Gildea
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton '85
Mr. Kevin R. Hitzeman and Complete
Cleaning Company
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Hoppe '72
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Hower '75
Mr. Richard C. and Mrs. Mimi Hopkinson '75
Mr. and Mrs. George Litgen
Mr. Kevin M. '82 and Mrs. Jacqueline Rizner '84
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Lynch Jr.
Marie E. Basting Charitable Trust
Marie G. Jeuck Rev. Trust
Mr. and Mrs. George P. McAndrews
Mr. William C. and Mrs. Pamela Eichman '71
Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Niro '83
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palumbo
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Polark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Romano
Saint Viator Athletic Booster Club
Saint Viator Million Dollar Classic
Mr. and Mrs. William Schey
The Edmond M. Shanahan Family
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Tax
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Vandenbergh Jr. '67
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wickstrom '65
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boler
Clerics of St. Viator
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Jeuck Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
$500,000 - $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. A. James Gallagher Jr.
The Kay Family
KB Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Boler '84
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Broeren Jr. '73
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Donnelly '79
Mr. Frank C. Kerestesi
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klues
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Lopez '77
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. McKenna
PWH Educational Foundation
Saint Viator Parents' Club
$100,000 - $249,999
The Boler Foundation
Mr. James W. Boler '81
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boler '82
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Botsford Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Brehm
The Viator Foundation
Fr. Louis Querbes Society
$25,000 and Above
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Boler '84
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boler '82
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Botsford Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caputo
Clerics of St. Viator
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Donnelly '79
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton '85
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Hoppe '72
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Hower '75
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klues
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Lynch Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Saint Viator Parents' Club
Saint Viator Patrons of the Arts
Saint Viator President's Agency
Stephanie A. Kaminski Trust DTD
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Vandenbergh Jr. '67
President's Society
Mr. Anthony '79 and Mrs. Marie
Coglianese '81 Aiello
BMO Harris Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Broeren Jr. '73
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Bruckert
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Carlson
Mr. William '82 and Mrs. Mary Kelly
Finnegan '83 Cavanagh Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Duszynski
Gallagher 312 Foundation
Joe Caputo & Sons - Algonquin Inc.
Joe Caputo & Sons - Palatine
Joseph W. Kaminski Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. King '72
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lolli II
Marie E. Basting Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Ryan
Saint Viator Athletic Booster Club
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Senchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steineke
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton Sr.
Principal's Society
$5,000 - $9,999
Aarete, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abinanti
The Viator Foundation, established in 1996, recognizes the total generosity of all donations to
Saint Viator High School. The donations included in the list are gifts of cash, stock, in-kind
gifts of merchandise or services, and matching gifts from companies made between July 1,
2012 and June 30, 2013.
Mrs. Anita Anesi
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Banaszak '79
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Barry Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Baur
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Cashman
Complete Cleaning Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeGrenier
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Drolet
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Dziedzic
eDoc Communications
Rev. Robert M. Egan, C.S.V. '69
Mr. and Mrs. Tod W. Faerber '76
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Falotico
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fox '71
Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Funk
Mrs. Maureen Gildea
Mr. and Mrs. Leland E. Graul
Joe Caputo & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Kay '81
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone King
Mr. Peter and Mrs. Jane Broeren '79 Lambesis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Liedlich
The Lynch Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Mack
Mr. Thomas A. Marshall '72
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMahon
Mr. and Ms. Brogan Ptacin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Romano
Saint Viator High School
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Schuld
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shanahan
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Socher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Tax
Mr. and Mrs. John Trimberger Jr.
Village Bank and Trust
Mr. Peter '81 and Mrs. Cathleen Notaro '81
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wolfe
Lion's Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abrahamson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aichele
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Aiello Jr. '86
Mr. Paul '77 and Mrs. Laura Langlotz '77
Mr. Anthony P. Anesi '83
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Anesi '79
Arlington Resources, Inc.
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Cheryl Bartmann '79
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Bailitz '89
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan R. Berger
Mrs. Nancy Bidwill
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Boka
Mrs. Dorice Bonder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Brehm
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Brennan '78
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burdi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Busato
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairo
Mr. Anthony J. Calzaretta
Cannella Construction, Inc.
Mr. Barry J. Carlson '68
Ms. Vicki Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Cataldo '77
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Cavers '70
Mrs. Annette Loiacono Cerami '75
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Chameli
Mr. Thomas '73 and Mrs. Maureen Schlegel
'73 Chapman Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chu
Mr. Richard Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Corless
Mr. James and Mrs. Kate Schafer '70 Costello
Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Covey III '90
Mr. Terrence J. Cullen '70 and Ms. Sandra
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Eileen O 'Grady '73
Ms. Chris D'Alessandro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeLarco
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. DeSio
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeTrempe
Mr. Patrick M. Dowd and Mrs. April
The AMD Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Dunlavy '82
Mr. David J. and Mrs. Jaculin Swider '70
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Durbin
Edward A. Dillon Memorial Scholarship
Ms. Christine A. Efken '79 and Mr. David
Mr. John C. Eichman '75 and Ms. Victoria
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Englehardt
Estate of Suzanne M. Quigley
Mr. Thomas G. Esterquest
Mrs. Suja Finnerty
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fleisher
Food for Thought Enterprises - Chef Jamie
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Frank
Mrs. Margaret Franzen
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Frugo '87
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Lisa C. Smith '87 Fulton
Mr. Justin G. Funk '01
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gainer
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gattone
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Geller '79
Ms. Margaret E. Gosch '71
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Gregory '75
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Guido
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Guske
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hafner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Halpin '86
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hassenplug
Mr. Thomas '86 and Mrs. Joan Schoessling
'86 Hegberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Hill '70
Mr. Kevin R. Hitzeman and Complete
Cleaning Company
Mr. David S. Hogaboom and Ms. Colleen
M. Gaughan
Ms. Amy Holsworth
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Carolyn Loss '81 Holt
Mr. David '84 and Mrs. Suzanne Oskorep
'84 Horvath Sr.
HPL&S, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hubly II '81
Irish Fellowship Foundation
J. Krug & Associates, Inc.
Dr. Jeffrey Jagmin and Dr. Marianne Jagmin
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Javers
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Jordan '70
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kelleher Jr. '86
Mr. Joseph L. Kellner '77
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kerrigan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kinasz
Mr. Jerome and Mrs. Mary Roth '68 Klopp
Knights of Columbus
Mr. Eric D. Kolaczyk '86 and Ms. Josee Dupuis
Mr. and Mrs. John Kouvelis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Krzoska
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kujawa
Mr. and Mrs. William Langtim
Mr. and Mrs. James Lapetina
Mr. Richard C. and Mrs. Mimi Hopkinson
'75 Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark LeVin
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Link '80
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lins '70
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lorenzini
Mr. Kevin '82 and Mrs. Jacqueline Rizner
'84 Luthringshausen
Ms. Patricia D. Lydon '76
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Maffia Jr. '81
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maffia '83
Ms. Suzanne M. Maffia '79
Ms. Mary F. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallof
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manno
Marie G. Jeuck Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Masterson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McDonnell '86
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuigan
Mr. Steven J. McManaman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Meehan
Ms. Eileen M. Meyer '78
Michael's Driving School
Midwest Sports Medicine & Orthopaedi
Surgical Specialists
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Miossi III
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mitchell '77
Mr. William C. and Mrs. Pamela Eichman
'71 Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Moroney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moughan
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Murphy '79
Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Niro '83
Mr. Rick Odle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Odmark '65
Mr. J. Barry '70 and Mrs. Karen Kosinski '70
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Ostling '75
Mr. and Mrs. William Peters
Mr. John and Mrs. Diane Schoen '81 Petrovich
PirTano Construction Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Polark
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Purk
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Quiaoit
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romanowski
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rooney '82
Mr. and Mrs. James Ruffatto
Mr. Frank Ruscello
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Rygiel '87
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sapiente '87
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Scarimbolo
Ms. Mary T. Schafer '68
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scotillo
Mr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Shrader
Mr. and Mrs. C. Joshua Silva '90
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Simeone
Mr. John J. Simonaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Smeriglio
Solari & Huntington Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Solimene Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Southall
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stanley
Sterling Plating, Inc.
Mr. Glen and Mrs. Teresa Skeehan '70 Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sullivan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor
Mr. Patrick '01 and Mrs. Kerry Lester '01
Thornton Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Tietze '67
Tom Zosel Associates, LTD
Ms. Carolyn M. Trenda '95
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Trovato
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tuccori
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Udeogu
Mr. and Mrs. Algirdas Underys
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Der Bosch
Mr. and Mrs. Erik W. Vandenbergh '99
Mr. John A. Vandenbergh '70
Visualedge Creative Services, Inc.
Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. John Waters
Wickstrom Auto Group
Dr. and Mrs. Myron I. Wolf '82
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin E. Wolf '85
Mr. John P. Wynn '70
York Furrier
Zydeco Asset Partners, LLC
Blue & White Society Ms. Kathy Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hoppe '73
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Abrahamian
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Aiello
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aiuppa
Mrs. Judith W. Amberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Annel
Approved Comfort, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Aubry '74
Mrs. Carol Banaszak
Mr. Carl Barsanti '67
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Ann Stuckel '71 Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baxendale
Mr. and Mrs. William Beiersdorf
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Beletti
Mr. Mark R. Borrelli '82
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Brehm '79
Mr. James '73 and Mrs. Mary Mullin '74
Bristol III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brown
Mr. Tim Brunke
Mr. and Mrs. F. James Bucaro '74
Buchanan Energy (N) LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Budig '79
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Callaci '87
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Carlson '87
Mr. Jay J. Carlson '85
Mr. Thomas E. Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Caruso
Cashman Stahler Group
Chartwell Investment Group
Mr. and Mrs. John Conerty
Ms. Lynda Connor
Mr. Brian E. Cosentino '70
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cullen '73
Mr. James '67 and Mrs. Mariangela Rocca
'69 Dahl
David R. Musich D.D.S. & Matthew J.
Busch D.D.S., LTD.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson
Mr. Michael '83 and Mrs. Theresa Fillichio
'84 DeBiase
The Honorable Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBoni
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Demmert '66
Mr. Laurence and Mrs. Ellen Butler '77
Mr. and Mrs. John DiVito
Rev. Robert E. Erickson, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Falbo
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Fenton Jr. '71
Mr. and Mrs. M. Kevin Flaherty
Flood Brothers Disposal & Recycling
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Foley '81
Frank M. Covey III Trust
Dr. and Mrs. James Frett
Mr. Paul Frost
Mr. John L. Geroux and Ms. Susan
Ms. Beverly R. Glowacki '69
Mr. and Mrs. Shamus Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Gracheck '80
Great Lakes Advisors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Griffin '69
Grossinger Chevrolet
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Guth
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hardy '65
Harrys' of Arlington, Ltd.
Dr. Kevin J. Harty '65
Mr. Edward Hayes
Mr. Neil T. Humphrey '73
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jaydos
Jim's Electric Service, Inc.
JMR Builders LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Johnstone II
Mr. Terence '74 and Mrs. Susan Frank '75
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Julius
Dr. Vern Kerchberger and Dr. Mary G.
Kane '70
Mrs. Catherine A. Kendrigan
Mr. Timothy '85 and Mrs. Amy Moren '85
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Klimek '77
Mr. Daniel '68 and Mrs. Nancy Klein '68
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Knox
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kompanowski
Mr. Raymond T. Krewer '83
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Langhenry '77
Larson Equipment & Furniture Company
Mr. W. Soran Leahy III '00
Ms. Karen M. Loiacono '76
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Martin
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Maureen Henning
'92 Martin
Dr. Daniel J. May '74 and Ms. Cheryl D.
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Betsy Martin '81 McAvoy
Mr. Thomas '67 and Mrs. Danielle Danis
'69 McDonald
Mr. John P. McGahey '87
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGrath '70
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McManus Jr. '88
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. McNamara Jr. '84
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Metler
Dr. Joan Meyer
Mr. John Minier Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Mlynski
Dr. Rebecca Mokrohisky and Dr. Greg
Mr. Leon and Mrs. Marcia Waxstein '69
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morton
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Suellen Englehardt '84
Mr. Matthew '88 and Mrs. Julie Enright '88
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Murray '78
Mr. Mark B. Mycyk '88
National Fiber Supply
Mr. and Mrs. Myles Naughton
Ambassador and Mrs. Michael L. Nolan
Northern Print Network, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David P. O'Grady '87
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Malley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. James M. O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Patrino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paulus
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Perry
Mrs. Eileen Piechocki
Reverend Bernard Pietrzak
Mr. Joseph A. Podwika
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Quinn Jr. '79
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ragauskis
Mr. and Mrs. David Randon
Mr. and Mrs. John Ranos
Mr. Joe Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. John Ropski
Mr. Matt Saey
Saint Saint Viator Boys Baseball
Saint Viator Softball Teams
Ms. Mary Sandell
Mr. and Mrs. John Sattler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Schreiber
Tom and Mary Ellen Schuman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Scullion '77
Sigalos & Associates, Ltd.
Mr. Neal F. Spellman '79
Mr. Steve Spencer
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Stack
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Stanczak '85
Ms. Rhonda S. Starr '87
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stepuszek
Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Swiderski
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Loren J. Trimble
Ms. Jung A. Um
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Vandenbergh '97
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Villinski
Mr. and Mrs. Mario D. Vitale '70
Vortex Plumbing Inc.
Wancket Studios
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Wcislo '69
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wheeler
Wines For Humanity
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Wisniewski
Mr. Michael G. Wullaert '72 and Ms.
Barbara A. Yagley
Mr. Scott H. and Mrs. Rosemary Klein '80
Friends of Saint
Viator —Up to $499
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Abate '69
Mr. and Mrs. Amery Abay
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Abbs '74
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abuel
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Ackerlund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Adkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Aguilar
Ms. Sally A. Ahern '86
All Community Events, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Altenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Anderson
Mr. Daniel R. Anderson
Mr. Kenneth '89 and Mrs. Jennifer
Bonifacic '89 Anderson
Ms. Lori Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Andresen '77
Mr. Neil and Mrs. Margaret Leahy '82 Andress
Mr. Robert Hogan and Ms. Linda Andries
Mr. and Mrs. David Annin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Antosz
Anyway's Grill & Pub
Applebee's - Addison, IL
Arlington Heights True Value Hardware
Arlington Lakes Golf Course
Arlington Orthodontics, P.C.
Armand's Pizza
Mr. Jerry Arshem
Dr. Margaret A. Artman '92
Mr. and Mrs. Mick Austin
Mr. Richard '69 and Mrs. Mary Cunningham
'69 Aylward
Ms. Judith Bacon
Mrs. Jenny Baur '83 Bahr
Mr. Robert Bailey
Ms. Emily Bakken '02
Dr. and Mrs. Gary P. Balas
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Balbirer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ballenger
Mrs. Erlinda Banea
Bangkok Cafe
Mr. and Mrs. James Bannon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bansfield Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barth
Mr. and Mrs. Brett S. Basanez '01
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Battin III
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Baumgartner
Mr. Adam J. Bednarek
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Behrens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bellagamba
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Benassi '91
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Benedict
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery T. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Benoit
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Benway '72
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bergstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Bernacchi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bersch
Mr. and Mrs. James Bertucci
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Bianchi
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Bieda '75
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biondi
Mr. and Mrs. John Birmingham
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Blus
Bob Chinn's Crabhouse Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Bobowski III '73
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Bobruk '78
Mr. Matthew T. Boeke '01
Mr. Jeremy and Mrs. Melissa A. Biancalana
'94 Boelens
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jennifer Buttacavoli
'92 Boenzi Jr.
Mr. Kevin J. Bohr '72
Rev. Charles G. Bolser, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. Fausto Bonica
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bopp
Mr. Chris Boylan
Mr. and Mrs. William Brandt
Mr. Ron Brandt
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Brey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Briars
Mr. Kris and Megan Connolly '00 Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Broeren Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Broeren '69
Rev. Corey D. Brost, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Browning III '68
Mr. Bruno and Mrs. Sara Rappa '91Brunetti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brunsfeld '68
Mr. and Mrs. John Brusseau
Mr. Robert C. Buckley '76
Mr. George Buetow
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Burks
Ms. Kathleen P. Burns '92
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Busato
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Mary Pruyn '70 Busse
Ms. Sally Busse
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Buttacavoli Jr. '87
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Butz
Mr. James B. Byrnes
Dr. Arkadiush Byskosh '86 and Dr. Magdalena
Mr. Sean and Mrs. Annemarie Breski '92
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Megan McDonnell '94
Dr. Patrice Murray-Calderon and Mr. Mario
W. Calderon
Ms. Claire A. Caldini '70
Mr. Andrew J. Callaci '92
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Calmeyn Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Campanelli
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campone Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cosimo Cannella
Ms. Mary Kay Cannistra '79
Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Frances Capizzi '92 Jordan
Ms. Patricia Caravella
Mr. George and Mrs. Julia Hower '84 Carens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Carlson '82
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Carroll '86
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Carter '01
Mr. and Mrs. James Cascino
Ms. Christine Casey '70
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Castellucci
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Castro '92
Mr. Cons Cataldo
Mr. Christopher Catizone '02
Ms. Natalie J. Catron '02
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cattapan '95
Mr. Gerald '79 and Mrs. Mary Kain '83
Cavanagh Jr.
Cavanagh Law Group
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Cavers '72
Mr. Alan '79 and Mrs. Deborah Mazurek
'79 Cepla
Mrs. Linda Sommers Chalk '67
Charming Charlie
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cheskey
James F. Wade Fund
Chicago Experience Committee
Chick-fil-A - Schaumburg
Mr. Dan Chidlow
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chiovari
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christophe
Mr. Jason Churak
Citizens To Elect Lou Bianchi
Mr. Tony Clark
Ms. Wendy Clark
Mr. William and Mrs. Julie Foreman '81 Cleary
Mr. Adam '97 and Mrs. Andrea Vavrik '02
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clifford
Club Casa Cafe
Mr. Fred Coat
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cole '72
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Collins '73
Mrs. Stephanie Kieffer '98 Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Condon '65
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Connolly '92
Mr. Matthew Connolly
Mr. Dennis Cook
Mr. Steven '80 and Mrs. Laura Bombera '81
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Copley
Mr. David and Mrs. Catherine Deger '77
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cortese
Cosmetic Auto Trim & Glass, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Costello Sr.
Mr. Robert F. Costello '02
Country Saloon Sports Bar & Grill
Mr. Philip and Mrs. Julie A. Taylor '92 Cowen
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Cowsky
CPX Sports
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crabbe Sr.
Mr. Robert J. Crabbe Jr. '00
Ms. Susan Crady
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Kathleen Banaszak
'83 Crane
Mr. and Mrs. John Critchely
Mrs. Cheryl Crompton
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Crossin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crouse
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Crump Jr. '67
Mr. and Mrs. David Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cuddy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cukierski
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Culm '88
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Colleen Moran '82
Mr. Terrence '69 and Mrs. Kathleen
McGrath '69 Cuny
Mr. David and Mrs. Vicky Goulet '72 Cupelli
Mr. G. Michael '68 and Mrs. Eileen Toman
'69 Cushing
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dahlborn III '80
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dahms
Daily Grind Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Danner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Darling
Mr. Robert '83 and Mrs. Suzanne Collins
'83 Daugherty Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave A. Davenport '80
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeBartolo
Mr. and Mrs. William Decker
Deerfield Golf Course
Mr. William and Mrs. Kelly Finnegan '85
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeMichele '77
Ms. Gina Deneufbourg
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Desmond
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Devins
Mr. David Deyoung
Mr. and Mrs. James DeZellar
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Silvestro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Di Vall
Diamond Paint Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Diem '70
Mr. and Mrs. John J. DiMucci '90
DLE Design Inc.
Ms. Carrie M. Dockendorff '87
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Doersching Sr.
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Donna Burke '87 Dolan
Capt. and Mrs. Matthew C. Dolan '84
Ms. Lora Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. John Dolce
Mr. Michael R. Dom '69
Rev. L. Scott Donahue '72
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Donahue
Donahue Advertising & Design
Mrs. Eileen Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. D'Onofrio
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Dooley '81
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Lisa Piovosi '94 Dooley
Mr. Corey and Mrs. Kathryn Beckman '87
Mrs. Marcie Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Dowdle '77
Ms. Mary C. Doyle
Mr. Stephen G. Dress '80
Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll Drew
Mr. Mick Drewes
Drost, Kivlahan, McMahon & O'Connor, LLC
Mr. Michael '72 and Mrs. Kathryn Sirridge
'73 Duffey
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Dugo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunderdale
Mr. Thomas J. Durand
Mr. Terrence and Mrs. Patricia Carlson '82
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. D'Urso
Mr. Christopher Economos '92
Edible Arrangements - 404
Mr. Matt and Mrs. Anne Drolet '02 Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Egan '72
Mrs. Dianna DeLord '75 Ehrenfried
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Eichhorn '67
Mr. John Eiffert
Ms. Mary Kay Eilers
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Karen Mazalan '84 Else
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Enzenbacher '71
Mr. Celso Escarda
Mrs. Dorina Escarda
Dr. Alexander Eschbach and Dr. Cathy
Mr. and Mrs. James Esczuk
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Faassen '79
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Fabbri
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Faith
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Falduto '79
Mr. William J. Faltinoski
Famous Dave's
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farwell
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Patricia Finnerty '95
Fausto's Bakery
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fecko
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Federighi
Mr. and Mrs. John Fedus
Mr. Michael F. Feldner Jr. '95
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Fiedler '67
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Finis
Mrs. Elizabeth Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Conal Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Finnegan '82
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Finnegan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Finnerty
Mr. John Finucane
Mr. Thomas J. Fitzgibbons
Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzmaurice
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fitzpatrick
Flaherty Jewelers
Ms. Sarah Flanigan
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Flannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Fleming '76
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Flynn
Mr. Thomas W. Flynn '74
Mr. Brian J. Foley '95
For Your Health...Naturally
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Foster '73
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Fox
Fox and Hound
Francesca's Tavola
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francis
Dr. Kelley A. Frank and Mr. Andrew Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Franzen '71
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Frenzer
Ms. Erica Frett '02
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frey
Ms. Edna Frindell
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fronabarger
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fruchterman '76
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Gallagher '78
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gammariello
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ganas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Garber
Ms. Jean Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Santo Gariti
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Gasey '85
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gaylord
Mr. Robert M. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerbatsch
Mr. Brien and Mrs. Mary McNamara '81
Mr. Peter and Mrs. Elizabeth Cawley '82
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Gielow '92
Mr. and Mrs. John Giovenco
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Giusti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gliwa
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Glomski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Glynn
Go Figure
Mr. Jason A. Goch '92
Mr. and Mrs. John Goldenne
Mr. William T. Goostree '02
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Gore '69
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Goss Sr. '91
Mr. John M. Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Graff
Mr. Patrick Grant
Ms. Lori Gray
Ms. Lauren M. Greco '02
Mr. Richard T. and Mrs. AnnDelGadillo '66
Mr. Ryan J. Griffin '94
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gruensfelder
Ms. Snezana Grujevic
Mr. David Grundtvig
Ms. Jacqueline Grundtvig
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grunewald
Mr. and Mrs. Matt J. Gryzlo Sr. '87
Mr. Sam Guagenti '02
Guidant Wealth Advisors
Gumba Joe's
Mr. Michael J.and Mrs. Pamela M.Swiderski
'94 Gustis
Mrs. Lilian Guynn
Mr. and Mrs. William Hackel
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hadraba
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hafertepe '87
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Halloran Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Halpin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hammarlund
Mr. Ernest Hanisch and Ms. Adrianne
Dr. Frank Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Harris '66
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Harris
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Patricia Kaine '71
Mr. Richard D. Hathaway '69
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Haubner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Hayes
Mr. Christopher J. Hayes '70
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Heaphy
Mr. and Mrs. James Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hegarty
Ms. Bettina Heller '92
Dr. Nicholas J. Helmer Jr. '87
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Helmer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Henry '92
Mr. Todd R. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Herner '87
Mrs. Gloria Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. Brent G. Heunisch
Ms. Sheri Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hickman
Maj. and Mrs. James M. Higgins '72
Lt. Col. and Mrs. John F. Hilbing '81
Mr. Bruce Hildabrand
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill '73
Mr. Sean Hitzeman
Mr. Salvatore Hock
Ms. Tina Hock
Ms. Cathryn Hodson
Ms. Mary Hoefler
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Hoffman III
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Hoffmann
Mr. William C. Holsworth IV
Hometown Liquor and Wine
Mrs. Lois Hoppe
Mr. James P. Hora '70
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Horrell '67
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Horstmann
House of Blonde Salon
Mr. Robert J. Hower '81
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Huber '74
Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Mary Jo Hogan '74
Ms. M. Louise Huff
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hughes '72
Mr. Joseph A. Humbert '02
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Hynek '92
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Iammarino
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Imhoff
Jack Alexander Salon & Spa
Mr. Steven R. Jackson
Mr. Anthony J. and Mrs. Rebecca E.
Helmer '89 Jacob
Rev. Jerome Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Jacobs
Mr. Christopher Jacobs
Jameson's Charhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Janc '86
Mr. and Mrs. Marian S. Januszkiewicz '92
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Jarosz '85
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Jarzemsky '72
Mr. Rupin Javeri
Dr. Vicki Jay and Mr. Jeffrey Jay
JD Foreman's Waterworks Investment Team
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jedziniak
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jensen
Mr. Nick P. Jensen '95
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jochum
Johnny G's Quality Meats
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Kathleen Allen '67
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Mrs. Catherine C. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Josten '78
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Josten '83
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Josten '80
Mr. John '81 and Mrs. Sally Origer '82 Joyce
Mr. Patrick '75 and Mrs. Patricia Casey '76
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Kain '69
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Kaiser '77
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kaiser
Mr. Thomas '02 and Mrs. Erin Langtim '02
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kapolnek '78
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Karson '77
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kasper
Ms. Marcy Kast
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kathan
Katie's Kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. John Kay
Mr. Jeremy D. Keenan '93
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly
Ms. Lisbeth A. Kelly '70 and Mr. Fred Burke
Mr. Matt Kelsch
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Mary Lytle '82 Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kenning '72
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kesler '75
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kicinski
Ms. Yvonne Kieca '02
Ms. Nancy Kieffer
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kilber
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. King '71
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. King '75
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. King
Mr. Geoffrey W. Kinka '70
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Kivlahan '70
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Klimek
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Klopp '92
Mr. Raymond J. Kloss
Mr. Daniel C. Kochevar
Dr. Helen M. Koehler and Dr. Michael G.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Kohn '81
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kolassa '81
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Victor R. Kopidlansky
Mr. and Mrs. Roman H. Korab
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Korda '92
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kosiek
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Koss
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Jennifer Ansani
'00 Kottra
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Krause '82
Ms. Suzanne Krauss
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Krebsbach '70
Mr. Joseph K. Krueger '87
Mr. Leroy H. Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Kulla '66
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kurfess '82
Mr. Stephen G. Kurfess '84
Mrs. Evelyn M. Kurfess
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Kushner '68
La Campana
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Lafin '85
Mr. and Mrs. Ed LaFrenier
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lakowske
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. LaMantia '76
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. LaMantia Jr. '75
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lamick
Mr. Don and Mrs. Christina LaMotte '91
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lane II '92
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Lane '66
Ms. Josephine Lang
Ms. Barbara A. Langhenry '75 and Mr.
Richard Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn E. Lanus Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Franco Laterza
Mr. and Mrs. Gary LaTulip
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry M. Lavelle '77
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lazarz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Leitner '99
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leja
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leveille
Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Ley
Mr. Christopher N. Librando '02
Ms. Mary Licar
Mr. Michael E. Lindsey Jr. '76
Mr. and Mrs. James Liszka
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lizak
Mr. Michael J. Lohmeier '92
Ms. Margaret Londo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lonigro
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Lopez '77
Lou Malnati's Pizzeria
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LoVerde
Mr. and Mrs. John Loy
Mr. William J. Lump '86
Mr. Ross '95 and Mrs. Rochelle Russo '95
Mr. Brett Lundstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Luterbach
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly C. Luthringshausen '85
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lutz
Mr. David '92 and Mrs. Donica Seminaro
'85 Luzwick
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynn
M. Lange, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mindaugas A. Macius
Dr. Ann Minciotti and Dr. William
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Kathleen Egan '83
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. George Maentanis
MAGO Grill & Cantina
Mr. Dave Mahalek
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mahoney Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Majkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Majsterek
Ms. June Malin
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mangan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Mangiamele
Mr. and Mrs. Justin E. Manley '92
Mr. Michael '94 and Mrs. Stephanie
Monaco '99 Manno
Marble Works
Ms. Myra A. March '80
Mariano's Fresh Market
Mrs. Linda Marino
Ms. Cate Marino
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Marrese '99
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martensen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Martin '86
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Martin Jr.
Mr. James and Mrs. Jeanne Golembiewski
'78 Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Mason Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mastandrea
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Mastrodomenico
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mayer
Mr. Jason and Mrs. Renee LaMotte '92
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mayner '65
Dr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Mazeski Jr. '76
Dr. and Mrs. Conrad Mazeski Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McAlpine
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. McAndrews '84
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. McAvoy '87
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Katherine Bristol '98
Mr. and Mrs. James L. McCabe '85
Mr. Bill McCabe
Mr. James K. McCaffrey '95
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. McCormick '83
Dr. and Mrs. Guy McDermott
Mr. Michael J. McDermott
Ms. Sherri McDermott
Dr. Matthew and Mrs. Amy Wallace '92
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. McDonnell '92
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDonnell
Mr. James McEnerney III '02
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McEvoy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McGarry
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. William E. McGovern '72
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McGuire Jr. '92
Mrs. Maria Hrvatin '96 McGuire
Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. McGuire '84
Mr. and Mrs. Vince M. McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McHugh Jr. '69
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. McKenna '92
Mr. Scot McKinley
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Susan Ryan '87 McLaughlin
Ms. Kathleen T. McLaughlin '67
Ms. Margaret M. McMahon '76
Rev. Michael F. McMahon '69
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McManus Jr. '88
Mr. Michael J. McManus '87
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNamara Jr. '68
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McNamara
Mrs. Margaret McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. McQueen '65
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McVeigh
Mrs. Lynda Askew Meek '87
Ms. Maureen P. Meersman '79 and Mr.
John Shane
Mr. John Meikrantz
Ms. Carole Meland
Metropolis Performing Arts Center
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Meyer '80
Ms. Bronwen C. Meyers
Michael Prischman Photography
Rev. James Michaletz, C.S.V.
Dr. and Mrs. George Michalopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Chris E. Mijal '69
Mr. John and Mrs. Laura Spargo '87 Milder
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Miller
Millrose Supper Club & Banquets
Mr. Michael H. Minton '64
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Mitalo '83
Ms. Patricia A. Mitchell '87
Mitchell Marketing Management
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mleko
Ms. Jennifer Moe-McIntyre
Mr. C.W. Moellenkamp
Mr. Brian P. Monahan '92
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lisa Maido '87 Mondo
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Monson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Mooney '73
Mr. John G. Mooney '82
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Moore
Mrs. Diane Revnes Moore '69
Mr. Robert C. Moore and Ms. Kristie K.
St. Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morton
Mr. John '84 and Mrs. Laura Henry '84
Ms. Lisa A. Moynihan '82
Mr. Beef and Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mueller '66
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Geary Muench
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Muich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mulcahy '68
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Murphy Jr.
Mr. Christopher '95 and Mrs. Mary '95
Ms. Colleen Murphy
Ms. Donna Murphy '67
Ms. Gail E. Murphy '77
Ms. Michelle M. Murphy '87
Dr. Patti Murray and Mr. Mario W. Calderon
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Murray Jr. '74
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Murray '95
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Murray Jr. '77
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Muscarello
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Naliwajko
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Napoleon
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nelson
Network For Good
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neubauer
Mr. and Mrs. John Neubauer
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Kathleen Kearney '82
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Nicholas Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nicolau
Mr. and Mrs. Kasimir Nieder
Mr. Guy Niedorkorn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Nissen '91
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Susan Tidball '87 Noble
Mrs. Jean M. Noble
Noodles & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Noonan '72
Norbert Pools & Spas
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Nottoli
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Novak
Mr. Patrick J. Nuzzo '87
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Oberbroeckling
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. O'Keefe '69
Old Orchard Golf Course
Mr. Jon M. Oleksyk '89
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Malley
Mr. Jim O'Malley
O'Malley Construction Company
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Neill
Mr. Bernie '79 and Mrs. Beth Zander '78
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ostling
Mr. and Mrs. James P. O'Sullivan '75
Mr. and Mrs. David Overberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Owens
Mr. Paul J. Pacilio '92
Mr. Peter A. Pacilio '95
Mrs. Cecilia Scanlon Paetsch '95
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Paglia '76
Ms. Patrice M. Paglia '77 and Mr. Norman
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Parise
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Parise
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Pastika '78
Ms. Anne Patano
Mr. Frank T. Patzke '68 and Ms. Susan J.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Paulsen
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pearson
Peggy Kinnane's Irish Restaurant & Pub
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pelican '86
Ms. Rosa Pena
Mr. Julian and Mrs. Ann Marie Buonincontro
'89 Perez
Rev. Arnold Perham, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peric
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Perille
Mr. and Mrs. James Perry
Mr. Joseph Pesole
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Rachel Lewandowski
'87 Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Petrillo '02
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Petrusek Jr. '87
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Kathleen Soger '79
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Pfaff
Mr. Roy M. Pfeifer III '79
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William Pickering
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Piet '82
Mr. Theodore Pikes '70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pilat '66
Mr. James O. Pinder
Mr. and Mrs. Grazyna Piwowarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Placencio
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pleli
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Plesko '67
Mr. Anthony F. Pollizze '95
Mr. Pogie and Mrs. Meighan Keenan '02
Dr. Harry Poulos '72 and Ms. Catherine
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Prazuch '84
Premier Equipment Sales, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robertino Presta
Mr. and Mrs. John Pretto
Pride Automotive Repair, Inc.
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Stephanie Elsener '92
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pulver
Mr. Shah and Mrs. Belinda Behrens '82
Ms. Claudia Quiroga-Sink
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Quist
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Maryann May '70
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Raffone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Ragone
Ms. Jean C. Rapala '77
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Rappel '85
Mr. Edward J. Rappel '87
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jon Raslawski
Mr. Arnold H. Rathmann '69
Mr. Joe Ratzki
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Raymond '82
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Recht
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Reedy III
Ms. Marysue Reeves '86 and Mr. Tyler
Mr. Randy and Mrs. Bernadette Rygiel '87 Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Reilly
Mr. Timothy J. Reisen '87
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Rickerson '73
Ms. Colleen Flanagan Riefenberg '87
Mrs. Constance Rogozinski '87 Riefke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riley Sr.
Mr. Patrick '95 and Mrs. Jamie Bulleri '95 Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Rinka
Rev. Richard A. Rinn, C.S.V. '66
Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts
Br. Rob L. Robertson, C.S.V.
Mr. Don Robideau
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Robinson
Ms. Haley Robinson
Rock Star Salon & Spa
Mr. Thomas J. Rodell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodriquez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Rogers
Mr. Henry C. Rogers '72
Mr. Edward '75 and Mrs. Mary Schlickman
'75 Rogozinski Jr.
Mr. John Roller '79
Rolling Green Country Club
Rolling Meadows Park District
Ms. Betty Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Romenesko
Mr. and Mrs. Trinidad Romero
Mr. Fabio and Mrs. Kathleen Mizwicki '87
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Ronson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Rooney '78
Mr. and Mrs. Dion Rooney
Ms. Randi Shanley Rooney
Ms. Joanne Rosado
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rose
Rose Packing Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Rosean
Ms. Diana Rosenbrock
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Roser '66
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rountree
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad S. Rubinkowski '69
Mr. Italo Ruffolo
Ms. Mirella Rosaria Rullo
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Amanda Collins '92
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ruth
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Mary Brauweiler '72
Ms. Nora Cay Ryan '95
Mr. and Mrs. William Saban
Mr. and Mrs. Svetozar Sabev
Dr. Dawn Sadowski
Mr. Michael Saelens
Ms. Jean S. Saelens
Saint Viator Athletic Department
Saint Viator Boys Basketball Team
Saint Viator Boys Cross Country Team
Saint Viator Boys Water Polo
Saint Viator Football Team
Saint Viator Friends of Lacrosse
Saint Viator Girls Cheerleading
Saint Viator Girls Cross Country
Saint Viator Girls Lacrosse Team
Saint Viator Girls Tennis
Saint Viator Girls Track
Saint Viator Girls Volleyball
Saint Viator Golf Team
Saint Viator Hockey
Saint Viator Lions Hockey Club
Saint Viator Varsity Baseball Team
Sal's Beverage World
Ms. Susan Sambor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sammons
Mr. and Mrs. William Sanford
Mr. John and Mrs. Joy Faassen '81 Satek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Saulka
SC Diamond
Mr. Matthew J. Scanlon '92
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schade
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schaich
Ms. Cora Schatz
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scheller
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scherkenbach '66
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Schermerhorn Sr.
Mr. Jeffrey '02 and Mrs. Jennifer Calvopin
'02 Schiavoni
Dr. Mary Ellen Schiller and Mr. James Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Schlinder
Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Schoessling '90
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Schroeder '72
Dr. Kathleen A. Schroeder '68 and Mr.
Joseph Adamkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Schuler III '76
Mr. and Mrs. John Schulget
Mr. Kevin D. Schuman '02
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scully
Mr. Jay and Mrs. Susan Griffin '67 Segal
Mr. James and Mrs. Catherine Stubing '82
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Serbin
Ms. Kathryn Serbin
Mr. Donald J. Severa '65
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Sevilla
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sheriff '83
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shields
Mr. Kevin Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Siffermann '69
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sima
Mr. and Mrs. Logan W. Simios
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skala
Mr. James A. Skarzynski '71 and Ms.
Elizabeth C. Scheuerman
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Skinner
Mr. Kevin T. Skol and Ms. Christy L.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skorski Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Slupik '00
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slupik
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Smedinghoff '71
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith
Mrs. Loretta B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Smithe Jr. '89
Ms. Susan Smolak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snyder
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Bridget Lynch '92
Mr. James F. Solari '73
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Solari '76
Mrs. Phyllis Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Spanier '85
Mr. and Mrs. William Spingola
Mrs. Judith Ann Squire
St. Emily Women's Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gary St. Onge
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stachler
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stadalsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Stahl
Mr. Mark C. Staker '96
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Starr
Mr. Dominic '91 and Mrs. Caroline Avell
'91 Starr
State Farm Insurance Companies
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Nina Anesi '76 Stefani
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Steiner Jr. '67
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stengel
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephens
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Mary Waddick '73
Mr. and Mrs. John Stocchetti
Mrs. Rosemary Stodola
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stonecipher
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Strand
Mrs. Theresa J. Striker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Stringfellow
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Strouse
Mr. Christopher Strzalka
Ms. Mary Strzalka
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Suchyta
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Colleen Jennings '87 Suljic
Mr. William and Mrs. Annette Peterson '68
Mrs. Mary Cherwin Sullivan '78
Ms. Heather A. Sullivan '92
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Supergan
Mr. John and Mrs. Kathleen Kenney '77
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Surdam
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Sweeney '72
Mr. and Mrs. James Swiderski
Dr. and Mrs. Erwin G. Szela Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jozef Szleszynski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Tan
Mr. Neal J. Tarpey '69
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Anne-Marie Predovich
'87 Taylor
Ms. Marian Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teister
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Teraji
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Margaret Siffermann
'71 Teske
The F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thomas '87
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Tidaback
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Tietz
Ms. Gretchen Timosan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toben
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tobias
Mr. Jeff Tobias
Mr. Timothy T. Tobin '87
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tojaga
Mr. Paul Tolosko
Mr. and Mrs. John Toomey
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Toporek
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Torres
Mr. David and Mrs. Lynne Toomey '79 Traci
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett P. Trapani
Mrs. Amelia J. Trapani
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Elaine Licata '92 Traub
Mr. Daniel J. Trenda
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Trunk
Ms. Kellie Truppa
Mr. Brian Trzop '02
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tubridy
Tuckaway Golf Course
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tully
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Turner
Ms. Alexis U. Ulankiewicz '92
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Kathy Gorski '86
Upstaging Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Reiner Valera
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Van De Walle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Van Grinsven
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Stedum
Rev. John Van Wiel, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. VanBooven
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Vavrik
Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Vega
The Honorable Mr. and Mrs. Royce Vibbert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Villinski '93
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Vitale
Dr. Edward Vivit and Dr. Mary Vivit
Mr. Guido and Mrs. Marisa Greco '94 Volpe
Ms. Nicole Vorel
Mrs. Joan F. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner
Mr. Robert '78 and Mrs. Tammy Howland
'92 Walberg
Ms. Elizabeth Beauvais Walberg '79
Walter E. Smithe Furniture
Wa-Pa-Ghetti's Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Ward '79
Mr. Ian and Mrs. Karen Duran '90 Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Warnimont
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Warren
Ms. Kate Weber
Mr. Michael '66 and Mrs. Joan Romeo '69
Ms. Roberta Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wendell '68
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Werba
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whiting
Mr. Dave Wichman
Mrs. Amanda Wicinski-Smith '95
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Frances Wiegle '71
Ms. Kelly Wilda
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilder
Mr. Sim and Mrs. Alexandra Korecki '82
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Wilhite
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams
Mr. David and Mrs. Susan Rudnick '80 Wilson
Mr. Lee and Mrs. Alice Livingston '80
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Winger '77
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winter '83
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Witek
Mr. Steve Wodka
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wojtowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Wolf '86
Wolf Podiatry & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wolfe '81
Mr. Michael Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Wuestenfeld '77
Mr. and Mrs. William Yaeger Jr. '68
Mrs. Karen Neugebauer '82 Yaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Yoder
Mr. Andrew '92 and Mrs. Maria Cinefro '92
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Raimondo '87
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Young
Mr. Edward C. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Youssi '68
Dr. Richard D. Zak '75
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Zanfardino Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Remo Zanocco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Zeh '87
Mrs. Chiara Zelko
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Zern Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zickert
Mr. and Mrs. John Zid
Mr. Jason and Mrs. Bridget Liszka '91 Ziebka
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ziegler
Mrs. Bette Zimmerman
Zimmerman True Value
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Zonavetch '87
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zweidinger
Mr. Carl and Mrs. Margaret Moran '67
Mr. Brad C. Zydlo '02
Young Alumni &
Current Students
Young Alumni President's
Society $1,000 and Above
Mr. Joseph M. Carlson '10
Young Alumni Lion's Society
$250 — $499
Mr. Michael K. Polark '06
Mr. Stephen G. Suberlak '07
Young Alumni Blue & White
Society $100 — $249
Ms. Brigette Brennan '03 Chaput
Mr. Andrew D. Hower '08
Mr. Daniel J. Hower '04
Mr. Ryan M. Hower '03
Mr. Robert P. Joyce '06
Mr. Thomas J. King '04
Mr. John O. Leahy '05
Mr. Daniel J. Murphy III '04
Mr. James M. Murphy '08
Mr. Matthew W. Senchuk '08
Mr. Mariusz A. Ulmaniec '11
Young Alumni Friends of
Saint Viator
— Up to $99
Mr. Eric P. Abrahamian '10
Ms. Danielle Bar Antoniou '07
Ms. Ashley M. Basten '07
Ms. Samantha C. Belbin '07
Ms. Alexandra L. Blaney '07
Mr. Stephen F. Botsford Jr. '07
Mr. Patrick J. Bottcher '16
Ms. Cassandra L. Bremer '07
Ms. Danielle N. Broccolino '07
Mr. Samuel J. Cairo '07
Mr. Anthony G. Castaldi '07
Ms. Elise D. Cataldo '08
Mr. Joshua M. Concon '08
Ms. Katherine M. Cooley '15
Mr. Edward M. Corrigan '07
Mr. Ryan O. Crabbe '04
Mr. Nicholas L. DeTrempe '07
Mr. Peter C. Donahue '09
Ms. Katherine M. Drolet '07
Ms. Lauren E. Drolet '10
Ms. Melissa W. Dunn '07
Ms. Maureen A. Ericksen '07
Ms. Jaclyn L. Etchingham '07
Ms. Kaysee E. Fitzpatrick '07
Mr. James M. Forssander '07
Mr. Brian M. Gallagher '07
Mr. Jack R. Gallagher '07
Mr. Andrew W. Giese '07
Mr. Matthew J. Gryzlo IV '16
Ms. Alexandra L. Guido '07
Ms. Ashley N. Guido '05
Mr. Patrick R. Guth '07
Ms. Megan T. Hastings '07
Mr. Taylor R. Krug '07
Mr. Peter N. Lamick '07
Ms. Maria Nicole Lazzara '07
Mr. Michael A. Oliveri '07
Ms. Catherine E. O'Neill '13
Ms. Taylor A. Osicek '07
Mr. Joseph A. Paolelli '07
Ms. Kathryn A. Paras '07
Ms. Katherine M. Pietrucha '07
Ms. Kyle J. Robinson '14
Ms. Arianna C. Solimene '07
Ms. Kara E. Sperandeo '07
Mr. Timmy R. Spiekerman '16
Ms. Niall C. Stanczak '15
Mr. Thomas R. Sullivan Jr. '07
Mr. Christopher M. Synnestvedt '07
Mr. Austin A. Szafranski '07
Ms. Katelyn A. Szempinski '07
Ms. Alexa R. Tidaback '09
Ms. Lauren A. Troll '07
Mr. Jordan F. Tully '13
Mr. Frank J. Valenzano '07
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Sara Abrahamian
'05 Wells
Mr. Timothy J. Wheeler '08
Mr. Andrew J. White '11
Ms. Lauren N. Wolf '09
Ms. Emily L. Wood '07
Honor Roll of Investors - Alumni
It is with the deepest sense of appreciation and gratitude that we acknowledge the generosity of our many alumni who have invested in
Saint Viator High School from July1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. The following lists include total annual giving by our generous alumni
donors. The contributions of alumni from Saint Viator and Sacred Heart of Mary are listed first by class and giving level.
SVHS 1964
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Michael H. Minton
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1965
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Edward T. Odmark
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Michael L. Hardy
Kevin J. Harty
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Mark E. Condon
Gregory Mayner
Timothy J. McQueen
Donald J. Severa
Total Contributions:
SHM 1966
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Ann DelGadillo Greenwood
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1966
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
William J. Demmert
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
David C. Harris
Donald F. Kulla
Vincent M. Lane
James M. Mueller
Thomas J. Pilat
Richard A. Rinn
William R. Roser
Lee Scherkenbach
Michael H. Weidner
Total Contributions:
SHM 1967
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Linda Sommers Chalk
Kathleen Allen Johnson
Kathleen T. McLaughlin
Donna Klein Murphy
Susan Griffin Segal
Margaret Moran Zwisler
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1967
Fr. Louis Querbes Society:
$25,000 and Above
H. James Vandenbergh Jr.
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Christopher C. Tietze
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Carl Barsanti
James E. Dahl
Thomas J. McDonald
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
John G. Crump Jr.
Robert W. Eichhorn
David M. Fiedler
William C. Horrell
Timothy J. Plesko
George R. Steiner Jr.
Total Contributions:
SHM 1968
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Mary Roth Klopp
Mary T. Schafer
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Nancy Klein Klingberg
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Kathleen A. Schroeder
Annette Sullivan
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1968
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Barry J. Carlson
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Daniel E. Klingberg
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
John W. Browning III
Michael Brunsfeld
G. Michael Cushing
William M. Kushner
John P. McNamara Jr.
Thomas P. Mulcahy
Frank T. Patzke
John G. Wendell
William Yaeger Jr.
Robert J. Youssi
Total Contributions:
SHM 1969
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Mariangela Rocca Dahl
Beverly R. Glowacki
Danielle Danis McDonald
Marcia Waxstein Moore
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Mary Cunningham Aylward
Kathleen McGrath Cuny
Eileen Toman Cushing
Diane Revnes Moore
Joan Romeo Weidner
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1969
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
Robert M. Egan
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
William D. Griffin
Francis W. Wcislo
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Mark R. Abate
Rickard G. Aylward
William F. Broeren
Terrence Cuny
Michael R. Dom
Andrew M. Gore
Richard D. Hathaway
Kevin D. Kain
John J. McHugh Jr.
Michael F. McMahon
Chris E. Mijal
Daniel S. O'Keefe
Arnold H. Rathmann
Conrad S. Rubinkowski
Robert D. Siffermann
Neal J. Tarpey
Total Contributions:
SHM 1970
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Kathryn Schafer Costello
Jaculin Swider Dupree
Karen O'Neil Kosinski
Teresa Skeehan Stewart
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Mary G. Kane
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Mary Pruyn Busse
Claire A. Caldini
Christine Casey
Lisbeth A. Kelly
Maryann May Radowski
Total Contributions:
Kevin T. King
James A. Skarzynski
James C. Smedinghoff
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1970
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
John W. Cavers
Terrence J. Cullen
Jerome P. Hill
Kevin P. Jordan
Michael J. Lins
J. Barry O'Neil
John A. Vandenbergh
John P. Wynn
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Brian E. Cosentino
Patrick J. McGrath
Mario D. Vitale
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Gregory J. Diem
Christopher J. Hayes
James P. Hora
Geoffrey W. Kinka
Daniel R. Kivlahan
Steven A. Krebsbach
Theodore Pikes
Total Contributions:
SHM 1972
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Vicky Goulet Cupelli
Mary Brauweiler Rutkowski
Total Contributions:
SHM 1971
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Margaret E. Gosch
Pamela Eichman Mitchell
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Ann Stuckel Bates
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Patricia Kaine Hartley
Margaret Siffermann Teske
Frances Weigle Wilcox
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1971
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
John L. Fox
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Francis X. Fenton Jr.
$250 - $499
Michael G. Enzenbacher
Mark J. Franzen
SVHS 1972
Fr. Louis Querbes Society:
$25,000 and Above
Mark E. Hoppe
President's Society:
$10,000 - $24,999
Thomas A. King
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
Thomas A. Marshall
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Michael G. Wullaert
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
John S. Benway
Kevin J. Bohr
Peter C. Cavers
Thomas C. Cole
L. Scott Donahue
Michael S. Duffey
Richard Egan
James M. Higgins
Thomas J. Hughes
Daniel R. Jarzemsky
Kevin Kenning
William E. McGovern
Thomas P. Noonan
Harry Poulos
Henry C. Rogers
Michael B. Schroeder
Joseph V. Sweeney
Total Contributions:
SHM 1973
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Maureen Schlegel Chapman
Eileen O'Grady Daday
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Kathryn Sirridge Duffey
Mary Waddick Stephenson
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1973
President's Society:
$10,000 - $24,999
Richard A. Broeren Jr.
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Thomas L. Chapman Sr.
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
James T. Bristol III
Michael J. Cullen
John R. Hoppe
Neil T. Humphrey
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Stanley H. Bobowski III
Edward M. Collins
Robert E. Foster
Lawrence Hill
Michael M. Mooney
Mark J. Rickerson
James F. Solari
Total Contributions:
SHM 1974
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Mary Mullin Bristol
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Mary Joan Hogan Hubick
Total Contributions: $588.20
SVHS 1974
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
James M. Aubry
F. James Bucaro
Terence A. Jordan
Daniel J. May
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
John S. Abbs
Thomas W. Flynn
John P. Huber
James R. Murray Jr.
Total Contributions:
SHM 1975
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Annette Loiacono Cerami
Mimi Hopkinson Lappin
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Susan Frank Jordan
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Dianna DeLord Ehrenfried
Barbara Langhenry
Mary Schlickman Rogozinski
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1975
Fr. Louis Querbes Society:
$25,000 and Above
Matthew J. Hower
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
John C. Eichman
Gordon F. Gregory
Laurence D. Ostling
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Scott J. Bieda
Patrick J. Joyce
Charles M. Kesler
Brian P. King
Robert D. LaMantia Jr.
James P. O'Sullivan
Edward J. Rogozinski Jr.
Richard D. Zak
Total Contributions:
SHM 1976
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Patricia D. Lydon
Janemarie Abbs Underys
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Karen M. Loiacono
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Patricia Casey Joyce
Margaret M. McMahon
Nina Anesi Stefani
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1976
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
Tod W. Faerber
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Robert C. Buckley
Patrick J. Fleming
James R. Fruchterman
Mark A. LaMantia
Michael E. Lindsey Jr.
Conrad W. Mazeski
Keith Paglia
Raymond C. Schuler III
Robert J. Solari
Total Contributions:
SHM 1977
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Laura Langlotz Anderson
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Catherine Deger Corradino
Ellen Butler Dietrick
Gail E. Murphy
Patrice M. Paglia
Jean C. Rapala
Kathleen Kenney Supplitt
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1977
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Paul H. Anderson
Jerome F. Cataldo
Joseph L. Kellner
James F. Mitchell
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
John M. Klimek
Mark T. Langhenry
Patrick J. Scullion
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Michael S. Andresen
Richard DeMichele
David F. Dowdle
J. Gordon Kaiser
Steven C. Karson
Kerry M. Lavelle
Eugene P. Lopez
Thomas A. Murray Jr.
Carl R. Winger
Kenneth R. Wuestenfeld
Total Contributions:
SHM 1978
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Eileen M. Meyer
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Jeanne Golembiewski Martin
Beth Zander O'Neill
Mary Cherwin Sullivan
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1978
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Timothy C. Brennan
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Steven F. Murray
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Jonathan D. Bobruk
Brian J. Gallagher
John M. Josten
Michael R. Kapolnek
James C. Pastika
Daniel J. Rooney
Robert C. Walberg
Total Contributions:
SHM 1979
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
Jane Broeren Lambesis
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Cheryl Bartmann Bailey
Christine A. Efken
Suzanne M. Maffia
Friends of Saint Viator Society: $1 - $499
Mary Kay Cannistra
Deborah Mazurek Cepla
Maureen P. Meersman
Kathleen Soger Pettingill
Lynne Toomey Traci
Elizabeth Beauvais Walberg
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1979
Fr. Louis Querbes Society:
$25,000 and Above
William P. Donnelly
President's Society:
$10,000 - $24,999
Anthony J. Aiello
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
James E. Banaszak
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Ricardo Anesi
Daniel J. Geller
James G. Murphy
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Gregory J. Brehm
William L. Budig
John H. Quinn Jr.
Neal F. Spellman
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Gerald Cavanagh Jr.
Alan E. Cepla
Jan Faassen
Anthony D. Falduto
Bernard J. O'Neill
Roy M. Pfeifer III
John Roller
Barry P. Ward
Total Contributions:
SHM 1980
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Rosemary Young
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Myra A. March
Alice Livingston Wimberly
Susan Rudnick Wilson
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1980
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
James T. Link
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Steven M. Gracheck
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Steven M. Cooley
William A. Dahlborn III
Dave A. Davenport
Stephen G. Dress
Timothy J. Josten
Paul E. Meyer
Total Contributions:
SHM 1981
President's Society:
$10,000 - $24,999
Marie Coglianese Aiello
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
Cathleen Notaro Walsh
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Carolyn Loss Holt
Diane Schoen Petrovich
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Betsy Martin McAvoy
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Julie Foreman Cleary
Laura Bombera Cooley
Mary McNamara Gerber
Joy Faassen Satek
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1981
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
Peter F. Walsh
Bradley J. Kay
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
William E. Hubly II
James T. Maffia Jr.
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Timothy F. Foley
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Martin G. Dooley
John F. Hilbing
Robert J. Hower
John M. Joyce
James T. Kohn
John E. Kolassa
William W. Wolfe
Total Contributions:
SHM 1982
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $ 1- $499
Margaret Leahy Andress
Colleen Moran Cunningham
Patricia Carlson Durkin
Elizabeth Cawley Giarelli
Sally Origer Joyce
Mary Lytle Kennedy
Lisa A. Moynihan
Kathleen Kearney Neumeyer
Belinda Behrens Quaiyoom
Catherine Stubing Seidenglanz
Karen Neugebauer Yaeger
Alexandra Korecki Wilford
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1982
Fr. Louis Querbes Society:
$25,000 and Above
Michael J. Boler
President's Society:
$10,000 - $24,999
William M. Cavanagh Sr.
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Sean P. Dunlavy
Kevin M. Luthringshausen
David W. Rooney
Myron I. Wolf
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Mark R. Borrelli
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Thomas W. Carlson
Joseph M. Finnegan
Brian J. Krause
Thomas R. Kurfess
John G. Mooney
William J. Piet
Mark R. Raymond
Total Contributions:
SHM 1983
President's Society:
$10,000 - $24,999
Mary Finnegan Cavanagh
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Jenny A. Bahr
Mary Kain Cavanagh
Kathleen Banaszak Crane
Suzanne Collins Daugherty
Kathleen Egan Madaras
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1983
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
John M. Maffia
Dean D. Niro
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Anthony P. Anesi
Michael J. DeBiase
Raymond T. Krewer
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Robert A. Daugherty Jr.
Martin W. Josten
Steven B. McCormick
Brian M. Mitalo
William S. Sheriff
Mark Winter
Total Contributions:
SHM 1984
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Jacqueline Rizner
Suzanne Oskorep Horvath
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Theresa Fillichio DeBiase
Suellen Murphy
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Julia Hower Carens
Karen Else
Laura Henry Moynihan
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1984
Fr. Louis Querbes Society:
$25,000 and Above
Matthew J. Boler
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
David F. Horvath Sr.
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Timothy I. McNamara Jr.
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Matthew C. Dolan
Stephen G. Kurfess
Matthew G. McAndrews
Philip M. McGuire
John Moynihan
Stephen Prazuch
Total Contributions:
SHM 1985
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Amy Moren Kenesey
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Kelly Finnegan DelPrincipe
Donica Seminaro Luzwick
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1985
Fr. Louis Querbes Society:
$25,000 and Above
Thomas E. Hamilton
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Orrin E. Wolf
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Jay J. Carlson
Timothy J. Kenesey
William F. Stanczak
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Arthur A. Gasey
Joseph R. Jarosz
Gregory A. Lafin
Kelly C. Luthringshausen
James L. McCabe
Mark D. Rappel
Mark P. Spanier
Total Contributions:
SHM 1986
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Joan Schoessling Hegberg
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Sally A. Ahern
MarySue Reeves
Kathy A. Gorski Underwood
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1986
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
John C. Aiello Jr.
Kevin T. Halpin
Thomas W. Hegberg
Andrew J. Kelleher Jr.
Eric D. Kolaczyk
Mark A. McDonnell
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Arkadiush Byskosh
Matthew S. Carroll
Christopher M. Janc
William J. Lump
Daniel A. Martin
Edward J. Pelican
Gregory T. Wolf
Total Contributions:
SHM 1987
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Lisa Smith Fulton
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Rhonda S. Starr
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Carrie M. Dockendorff
Donna Burke Dolan
Kathryn Beckman Dossett
Susan Ryan McLaughlin
Lynda Askew Meek
Laura Spargo Milder
Patricia A. Mitchell
Lisa Maida Mondo
Michelle M. Murphy
Susan Tidball Noble
Rachel Lewandowski Peterson
Bernadette Rygiel Reid
Colleen Flanagan Riefenberg
Constance Rogozinski Riefke
Kathleen Mizwicki Ronchi
Colleen Jennings Suljic
Anne-Marie Predovich Taylor
Mary Raimondo Youhn
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1987
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
James P. Frugo
Ronald M. Rygiel
John A. Sapiente
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Brian M. Callaci
Timothy J. Carlson
John P. McGahey
David P. O'Grady
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Jack A. Buttacavoli Jr.
Matt J. Gryzlo Sr.
James M. Hafertepe
Nicholas J. Helmer Jr.
Kevin J. Herner
Joseph K. Krueger
Bradley S. McAvoy
Michael J. McManus
Patrick J. Nuzzo
Joseph E. Petrusek Jr.
Edward J. Rappel
Timothy J. Reisen
James J. Thomas
Timothy T. Tobin
Robert A. Zeh
David W. Zonavetch
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1988
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Brian J. McManus Jr.
Julie Enright Murphy
Matthew J. Murphy
Mark B. Mycyk
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Geoffrey R. Culm
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1989
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Ronald E. Bailitz
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Jennifer Bonifacic Anderson
Kenneth J. Anderson
Rebecca Helmer Jacob
Jon M. Oleksyk
Ann Marie Buonincontro Perez
Thomas C. Smithe Jr.
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1990
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
F. Michael Covey III
C. Joshua Silva
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
John J. DiMucci
Daniel T. Schoessling
Karen Duran Warner
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1991
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Daniel J. Benassi
Sara M. Brunetti
Brian P. Goss Sr.
Christina LaMotte-Sorota
Mark R. Nissen
Caroline Avell Starr
Dominic R. Starr
Bridget Liszka Ziebka
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1992
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Maureen Henning Martin
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Margaret A. Artman
Jennifer M. Boenzi
Kathleen P. Burns
Annemarie Cahill
Andrew J. Callaci
Frances M. Capizzi-Jordan
Brian J. Castro
Sean P. Connolly
Julie Taylor Cowen
Chris Economos
Eric R. Gielow
Jason A. Goch
Bettina Heller
Mark E. Henry
Matthew D. Hynek
Marian S. Januszkiewicz
John C. Klopp
Brian T. Korda
John D. Lane II
Michael J. Lohmeier
David J. Luzwick
Justin E. Manley
Renee LaMotte Mayerle
Amy Wallace McDevitt
Matthew J. McDonnell
John W. McGuire Jr.
Gregory J. McKenna
Brian P. Monahan
Paul J. Pacilio
Stephanie Elsener Pulcanio
Amanda E. Rummel
Matthew J. Scanlon
Bridget Lynch Snyders
Heather A. Sullivan
Elaine Licata Traub
Alexis U. Ulankiewicz
Tammy Howland Walberg
Andrew D. Yonkus
Maria Cinefro Yonkus
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1993
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Jeremy D. Keenan
Joseph V. Villinski
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1994
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Melissa A. Boelens
Megan T. Cahill
Lisa D. Dooley
Ryan J. Griffin
Pamela M. Gustis
Michael J. Manno
Marisa R. Volpe
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1995
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Carolyn M. Trenda
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Thomas A. Cattapan
Patricia Finnerty Fasciotti
Michael F. Feldner Jr.
Brian J. Foley
Nicholas P. Jensen
Rochelle Russo Lund
Ross J. Lund
James K. McCaffrey
Chris Murphy
Mary K. Murphy
Nicholas S. Murray
Peter A. Pacilio
Cecilia Scanlon Paetsch
Anthony F. Pollizze
Jamie Bulleri Riley
Patrick M. Riley
Nora Cay Ryan
Amanda C. Wicinski-Smith
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1996
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Frank J. Tobin
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Maria Hrvatin McGuire
Mark C. Staker
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1998
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Katherine Bristol McAvoy
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1999
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Erik W. Vandenbergh
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Michael J. Leitner
Stephanie Monaco Manno
David L. Marrese
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2000
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
W. Soran Leahy III
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Megan Connolly Briggs
Robert J. Crabbe Jr.
Jennifer Ansani Kottra
Michael R. Slupik
Daniel J. Trenda
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2001
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Justin G. Funk
Kerry Lester Thornton
Patrick J. Thornton Jr.
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Brett S. Basanez
Matthew T. Boeke
Michael J. Carter
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2002
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Emily Bakken
Christopher Catizone
Natalie J. Catron
Andrea Vavrik Clementi
Robert F. Costello
Anne Drolet Edwards
Erica Frett
William T. Goostree
Lauren M. Greco
Samuel J. Guagenti
Joseph A. Humbert
Erin Langtim Kalaway
Thomas F. Kalaway
Yvonne M. Kieca
Christopher N. Librando
James McEnerney III
Anthony Petrillo
Meighan Keenan Pongonis
Jeffrey L. Schiavoni
Jennifer Calvopina Schiavoni
Kevin D. Schuman
Brian Trzop
Brad C. Zydlo
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2003
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Brigette Brennan Chaput
Ryan M. Hower
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2004
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Ryan O. Crabbe
Daniel J. Hower
Thomas J. King
Daniel J. Murphy III
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2005
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Ashley N. Guido
John O. Leahy
Sara Abrahamian Wells
Total Contributions:
SVHS 1997
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Mark J. Vandenbergh
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Adam N. Clementi
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2006
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Michael K. Polark
Robert P. Joyce
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2007
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Danielle Bar Antoniou
Ashley M. Basten
Samantha C. Belbin
Alexandra L. Blaney
Stephen F. Botsford Jr.
Cassandra L. Bremer
Danielle N. Broccolino
Samuel J. Cairo
Anthony G. Castaldi
Edward M. Corrigan
Nicholas L. DeTrempe
Katherine M. Drolet
Melissa W. Dunn
Maureen A. Ericksen
Jaclyn L. Etchingham
Kaysee E. Fitzpatrick
James M. Forssander
Brian M. Gallagher
Jack R. Gallagher
Andrew W. Giese
Alexandra L. Guido
Patrick R. Guth
Megan T. Hastings
Taylor R. Krug
Peter N. Lamick
Maria N. Lazzara
Michael A. Oliveri
Taylor A. Osicek
Joseph A. Paolelli
Kathryn A. Paras
Katherine M. Pietrucha
Arianna C. Solimene
Kara E. Sperandeo
Stephen G. Suberlak
Thomas R. Sullivan Jr.
Christopher M. Synnestvedt
Austin A. Szafranski
Katelyn A. Szempinski
Lauren A. Troll
Frank J. Valenzano
Emily L. Wood
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2008
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Elise D. Cataldo
Joshua M. Concon
Andrew D. Hower
James M. Murphy
Matthew W. Senchuk
Timothy J. Wheeler
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2009
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Peter C. Donahue
Alexa R. Tidaback
Lauren N. Wolf
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2010
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Joseph M. Carlson
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Eric P. Abrahamian
Lauren E. Drolet
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2011
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Mariusz A. Ulmaniec
Andrew J. White
Total Contributions:
SVHS 2013
Friends of Saint Viator
Society: $1 - $499
Catherine E. O'Neill
Jordan F. Tully
Total Contributions:
In-Kind Donations
In-Kind donations include products or services. Special Events donations are based on valuations as approximated by the donor
and/or based on fair market valuation assessment.
Fr. Louis Querbes Society: $25,000 and Above
Special Events
President's Society: $10,000 - $24,999
Saint Viator Athletic Booster Club
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Senchuk
Special Events
Special Events
Principal's Society: $5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Dziedzic
eDoc Communications
Saint Viator Patrons of the Arts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steineke
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Lion's Society: $1,000 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Busato
Cannella Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Tod W. Faerber '76
Food for Thought Enterprises - Chef Jamie Bisioulis
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Guske
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kelleher '86
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klues
Mr. and Mrs. James Lapetina
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuigan
Michael's Driving School
Midwest Sports Medicine &
Orthopaedic Surgical Specialists
Mitchell Marketing Management
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Murphy '79
PirTano Construction Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Romano
Mr. Frank Ruscello
Saint Viator High School
Solari & Huntington Jewelers
Sterling Plating, Inc.
Mr. Patrick '01 and Mrs. Kerry Lester '01 Thornton Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Vandenbergh Jr. '67
Visualedge Creative Services, Inc.
York Furrier
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Products & Services
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Blue & White Society: $500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Aiello
Mr. and Mrs. William Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McManus Jr. '88
National Fiber Supply
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Romano
Saint Viator Boys Soccer
Saint Viator Softball Teams
Wancket Studios
Wines For Humanity
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Products & Services
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Products & Services
Special Events
Special Events
Friends of Saint Viator Society: $1 - $499
Special Events
Mr. Anthony J. '79 and Mrs. Marie Coglianese '81 Aiello Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aiuppa
Special Events
Mr. Paul H. '77 and Mrs. Laura Langlotz '77 Anderson
Special Events
Anyway's Grill & Pub
Special Events
Applebee's - Addison, IL
Special Events
Arlington Heights True Value Hardware
Special Events
Arlington Lakes Golf Course
Special Events
Armand's Pizza
Special Events
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Cheryl Bartmann '79 Bailey
Special Events
Dr. and Mrs. Gary P. Balas
Special Events
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Banaszak '79
Special Events
Bangkok Cafe
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Baur
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Blus
Special Events
Bob Chinn's Crabhouse Restaurant
Special Events
Rev. Corey D. Brost, C.S.V.
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. John Brusseau
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. F. James Bucaro '74
Special Events
Mr. Thomas E. Carney
Special Events
Cavanagh Law Group
Products & Services
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Chameli
Special Events
Charming Charlie
Special Events
Chicago Experience Committee
Special Events
Chick-fil-A - Schaumburg
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. James Chu
Special Events
Ms. Wendy Clark
Special Events
Club Casa Cafe
Special Events
Complete Cleaning Company, Inc.
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cortese
Special Events
Country Saloon Sports Bar & Grill
Special Events
CPX Sports
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. David Cruz
Special Events
Daily Grind Grill
Special Events
Ms. Chris D'Alessandro
Special Events
Deerfield Golf Course
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeLarco
Special Events
Ms. Gina Deneufbourg
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dickey
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. John DiVito
Special Events
Special Events
Mr. Peter C. Donahue '09
Special Events
Mr. Patrick M. Dowd and Mrs. April Hanes-Dowd
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Drolet
Special Events
Edible Arrangements - 404
Special Events
Ms. Christine A. Efken '79 and Mr. David Lubert
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Fabbri
Special Events
Famous Dave's
Products & Services
Fausto's Bakery
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. John Fedus
Special Events
Flaherty Jewelers
Special Events
For Your Health...Naturally
Special Events
Fox and Hound
Special Events
Francesca's Tavola
Special Events
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Lisa C. Smith '87 Fulton
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Gallant
Ms. Jean Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Santo Gariti
Mr. and Mrs. John Giovenco
Go Figure
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Graff
Mr. and Mrs. Leland E. Graul
Gumba Joe's
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Halpin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Harris
Harrys' of Arlington, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hassenplug
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Haubner
Ms. Sheri Hickey
Mr. David S. Hogaboom and Ms. Colleen M. Gaughan
Hometown Liquor and Wine
House of Blonde Salon
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Imhoff
Jack Alexander Salon & Spa
Dr. Jeffrey Jagmin and Dr. Marianne Jagmin
Jameson's Charhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Jamieson
Mr. Rupin Javeri
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Javers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jaydos
Johnny G's Quality Meats
Mr. John '81 and Mrs. Sally Origer '82 Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Julius
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Klimek '77
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Knox
Mr. and Mrs. John Kouvelis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Krzoska
La Campana
Mr. and Mrs. Ed LaFrenier
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Liedlich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lonigro
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lorenzini
Lou Malnati's Pizzeria
Mr. and Mrs. John Loy
Mr. Kevin M. '82 and Mrs. Jacqueline Rizner '84
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. George Maentanis
MAGO Grill & Cantina
Ms. Mary F. Maher
Mariano's Fresh Market
Mrs. Linda Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Mason Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. McGovern
Mrs. Margaret McNamara
Metropolis Performing Arts Center
Michael Prischman Photography
Dr. and Mrs. George Michalopoulos
Millrose Supper Club & Banquets
Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Mlynski
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Suellen Englehardt '84 Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Myles Naughton
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neubauer
Ambassador and Mrs. Michael L. Nolan
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Noodles & Company
Norbert Pools & Spas
Northern Print Network, Inc.
Old Orchard Golf Course
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Olson
O'Malley Construction Company
Ms. Catherine E. O'Neill '13
Mr. and Mrs. James Owens
Peggy Kinnane's Irish Restaurant & Pub
Mr. Julian and Mrs. Ann Marie Buonincontro '89 Perez
Mr. John and Mrs. Diane Schoen '81 Petrovich
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pulver
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Purk
Ms. Claudia Quiroga-Sink
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ragauskis
Rock Star Salon & Spa
Rolling Meadows Park District
Mr. and Mrs. John Ropski
Mr. and Mrs. William Saban
Saint Viator Boys Basketball Team
Saint Viator Boys Cross Country Team
Saint Viator Boys Water Polo
Saint Viator Football Team
Saint Viator Girls Cheerleading
Saint Viator Girls Cross Country
Saint Viator Girls Lacrosse Team
Saint Viator Girls Tennis
Saint Viator Girls Track
Saint Viator Girls Volleyball
Saint Viator Golf Team
Saint Viator Lions Hockey Club
Saint Viator Varsity Baseball Team
Sal's Beverage World
Mr. and Mrs. William Sanford
SC Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Schuld
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sima
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Simeone
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Smeriglio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Solari '76
Mr. and Mrs. William Spingola
Ms. Kristie K. St. Pierre and Mr. Robert C. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stanley
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stepuszek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Stringfellow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sullivan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton Sr.
Mr. David and Mrs. Lynne Toomey '79 Traci
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Trovato
Tuckaway Golf Course
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Der Bosch
Dr. Edward Vivit and Dr. Mary Vivit
Mr. Robert '78 and Mrs. Tammy Howland '92 Walberg
Walter E. Smithe Furniture
Wa-Pa-Ghetti's Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whiting
Zimmerman True Value
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Products & Services
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
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Special Events
Special Events
Products & Services
Special Events
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Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Products & Services
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Products & Services
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
Aarete, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abrahamson
Mrs. Judith W. Amberg
Arlington Heights Ford
Arlington Orthodontics, P.C.
BMO Harris Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Cashman
Cashman Stahler Group
Mr. Adam '97 and Mrs. Andrea Vavrik
'02 Clementi
Clerics of St. Viator
Complete Cleaning Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cooney
Cosmetic Auto Trim & Glass, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Daday
Mr. and Mrs. Dave A. Davenport
DEJAMES Builders Inc.
Diamond Paint Co., Inc.
Drost Kivlahan McMahon & O'Connor, LLC
eDoc Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Tod W. Faerber '76
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farwell
Flood Brothers Disposal & Recycling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Frenzer
Dr. and Mrs. James Frett
Grossinger Auto Group
Guidant Wealth Advisors
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Guth / Guth Reinke Law
Health Care Futures LP
Harrys' of Arlington
Mr. Kevin R. Hitzeman and Complete
Cleaning Company
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Javers / Ambassador
Real Estate Group
Jim's Electric Service, Inc.
JMR Builders LLC
Joe Caputo & Sons - Algonquin Inc.
Joe Caputo & Sons - Des Plaines
Joe Caputo & Sons - Palatine
Klein, Daday, Aretos & O'Donoghue, LLC
Larson Equipment & Furniture Company
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manno
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuigan
Meritage Realty Group
Dr. Thomas Meyer, Meyer Dental Group
Millrose Restaurant Banquets & Country Store
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mitchell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Monson
Mr. Beef and Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray
NPN 360°
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Malley
Rose Packing Company
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Senchuk
Sigalos & Associates, Ltd.
Dr. Scott G. Smoron '90, Orthodontist
State Farm Insurance
Taylor Farms
The F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren J. Trimble
TriNet Ambitions Realized
Erik Vandenbergh '99
Jim Vandenbergh '67
John Vandenbergh '70
Mark Vandenbergh '97
Vortex Plumbing Inc.
Saint Viator High School could not succeed without the support of our volunteers, who share their talents and time to help
our administration, participate on our committees, and volunteer at countless events and student related activities. We are
grateful to all of you who make sacrifices that make a difference in the lives of our students, alumni, parents, and friends.
Athletic Booster Club
Parents’ Club
Patrons of the Arts
Dave O’Grady '87, President
Teresa Decker, Vice President
Kathy Gallagher, Secretary
Karen DeZellar, Treasurer
Kathy Loy, President
Molly Wolfe, Vice President
Mary Baur, Treasurer
Joan Cooney, Recording Secretary
Gina Steiner and April Hanes-Dowd,
Corresponding Secretaries
Annmarie Kelly, President
Nancy Farwell, Treasurer
Eileen Daday '73, Secretary
Joe Farwell, Concessions
Matching Gifts
Principal's Society:
$5,000 - $9,999
Intel Charitable Match Trust Account
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Mondelez International Foundation
Lion's Society:
$1,000 - $4,999
Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc.
Deloitte & Touche Employee Giving Campaign
Follett Corporation
Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts
ITW Foundation
Motorola, Inc.
Motorola Mobility Foundation
Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Programs
State Farm Companies Foundation
The Retirement Research Foundation
Blue & White Society:
$500 - $999
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Bank Of America Foundation Matching Gift
Crown Family Philanthropies
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education
The Baxter International Foundation
Friends of Saint Viator Society:
$1 - $499
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts Program
Gannett Foundation
Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc.
Honeywell International Charity Matching
Pharmacia Retiree Matching Gifts
We are grateful to families who have encouraged friends and loved ones to remember their deceased family members by contributing to
Saint Viator High School. The following memorials have been given to Saint Viator High School to honor those who have passed, but
will be remembered for generations to come.
*Please note the bold names indicate the person for whom the memorial gift was made. The names listed under the bold name are the people who have
contributed to the Memorial Fund.
JoAnne Calzaretta
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cattapan
Charles Camel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Sylvia D'Amico
Mrs. Bette Zimmerman
Maureen A. Dowdle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Glomski
Premier Equipment Sales, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Turner
Donald J. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Adkins
Mrs. Linda Chalk '67
Mr. and Mrs. James Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Di Vall
DLE Design Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tod W. Faerber '76
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ferrante
Ms. Edna Frindell
Jerry, Rosemary, Sharon and Cather
Mrs. Phyllis Sommers
Mrs. Amelia J. Trapani
Mr. Brien and Mrs. Mary McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Wilhite
'81 Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wolfe '81
Ms. M. Louise Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Zern, Jr.
Corporate Colleagues at Kay and
Associates, Inc.
Frances McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kilber
Mrs. Judith W. Amberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klues
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kosiek
Ms. Suzanne Krauss
Tressa Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lazarz
Mrs. Judith W. Amberg
Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Ley
Mr. Brett Lundstrom
Harold Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Luterbach
Mrs. Judith W. Amberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martensen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Meyer '80
Mrs. Diane Revnes '69 Moore
Brother Robert C. Ruhl, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mulcahy '68
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cattapan '95
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Perille
Mr. James O. Pinder
Paul L. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Ragone
Mrs. Bette Zimmerman
Rolling Green Country Club
We are grateful to donors who have encouraged friends and loved ones to honor family members by contributing to
Saint Viator High School. The following honorariums have been given to Saint Viator High School to honor these individuals.
* Please note the bold names indicate the person for whom the honorarium gift was made.
The names listed under the bold name are the people who have contributed to the Honorarium Fund.
Judith Amberg
Mr. Glen P. and Mrs. Teresa Skeehan'70 Stewart
Class of 1984
Mr. Stephen G. Kurfess '84
Rev. Robert M. Egan, C.S.V. '69
Mr. and Mrs. Tod W. Faerber '76
Ms. Josephine Lang
Mr. Theodore Pikes '70
Brother Leo V. Ryan, C.S.V.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Aubry '74
Dr. and Mrs. Conrad Mazeski Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Mazeski Jr. '76
Robert Scanlan
Mrs. Marcie Douglass
Colonel Keith J. Teister '84
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teister
Lorretta J. Lynch
The Lynch Family Foundation
When you are a Lion, you are A Lion For Life.
Saint Viator High School
1213 East Oakton Street
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Upcoming Events
October 24-27
October 25-27
October 27
November 1
Fall Play - “She Stoops to Conquer”
Reunion Weekend 2013
Alumni Memorial Mass
Diamond Experience Concert
November 14
November 17-18
Business Forum Symposium
Open House
November 27
December 29
Young Alumni Thanksgiving Gathering
Young Alumni 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
January 11
January 25
January 26
8th Grade Entrance Exam
Trivia Night
Distinguished Alumni Recognition Awards
and Mass
Saint Viator High School
847-392-4050 •
This magazine is a publication of the Saint Viator High School
Office of Institutional Advancement:
Executive Director of Advancement – Mrs. Mary Vandenbergh
Director of Development – Mr. Patrick M. Mahoney
Development Officer – Mr. Tom Ramsden
Director of Alumni Relations – Mr. Christopher Wells
Director of Communications – Mrs. Paige Smoron ’88 Wiser
Director of Special Events – Ms. Krystle Seifert
Director of Recruitment – Mr. TJ King ’04
Director of Parent and Community Relations – Mrs. Jean Dziedzic
Database Management Coordinator – Ms. Cindy Josephs
Administrative Assistant – Mr. Tijo Thomas
Design by Visualedge – Mrs. Dianna DeLord ’75 Ehrenfried
Printing by NPN 360° – Mr. John Fox ’71
We want to hear from you.
Please email with new addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and updates.
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