586-727-2533 - Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce
586-727-2533 - Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce
36600 Heritage Drive Richmond, MI 48062 586-727-3815 Fax 586-727-3950 251 S. Main St. Romeo, MI 48065 586-752-9781 www.PGSdentistry.com Advertising/Multimedia/ Newspaper Macomb Daily 68200 Grand Trunk, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3885 www.shepherdlm.com Voice Communication Bank/Credit Union 51180 Bedford, New Baltimore 48047 (586) 716-8100 www.VoiceNews.com Belle River Community Credit Union 10636 Gratiot Ave., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-6855 www.brccu.com Yes Community Savings 35611 Division Richmond MI (586)553-2079 yescommuntiysavings.com CSB Bank 72890 North Ave., Armada 48005 (810) 395-4313 www.csb.com Times Herald 911 Military Street Port Huron 48060 (810) 488-7730 www.thetimesherald.com First State Bank Apparel/Shoes 68131 S Main St. Richmond, MI 48062 586-727-4775 www.GierkShoes.com Art Studio in the Pines 1244 Bauman, Columbus Twp. 48063 (586) 727-9966 Attorney Thomas E. McGovern PC 68365 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2227 The Frank Law Firm 69267 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-1900 Automotive/Service Floral Gifts 68085 S MAIN ST - RICHMOND, MI 48062 586-727-0963 miblueorchidflorist.com SAVE 10% WITH THE COUPON PUT OUR EXPERTISE TO WORK FOR YOU. Carbone’s Complete Auto Repair 10490 Gratiot, Columbus 48062 (586) 727-5419 www.jeremysautoandtowing.com Shepherd Sales & Service 100 Macomb Daily Dr. Mt. Clemens 48043 (586) 469-4510 www.MacombDaily.com Gierk Shoes Jeremy’s Automotive 67225 Gratiot Ave., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2265 www.thefsb.com Northstar Bank 66550 Gratiot Ave., Lenox 48050 (586) 727-9511 www.northstarathome.com Banquet Center Maniaci’s Banquet Center 69227 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-9727 www.maniacibanquetcenter.com Golden Hawk 9861 Meisner Rd, Casco, MI 48064 (586) 727-468 www.goldenhawkgolfcourse.com Barbershop Rix’s Barber Shop 69347 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-1515 36040 Division, Richmond 48062 (586) 473-6716 Broadband Services 31285 23 Mile, New Baltimore 48047 (586) 598-2200 www.hendersonglass.com 311 S. Cedar St, Imlay City 48444 (248) 302-5258 www.frontier.com Henderson Glass Frontier Communications Kara K. Banner, D.D.S., M.S. Pediatric Dentist 586-727-5500 | Fax 586-727-3950 growingsmilespd@gmail.com www.growingsmilespd.com 36602 Heritage Drive|Richmond, MI 48062 66884 Gratiot, Richmond, MI 48062 |586-727-2533 Lead Pastor Bryan Wise Family Pastor Scott Derouin Sunday Schedule: Youth Pastor Jamey Miller Wednesday Schedule: First Service 8:15 a.m. AWANA Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Student Min. 6:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Second Service 11:00 a.m. (Sept. – May) 6:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Mid-week Service 6:30 p.m. 36015 Friday St. – Richmond, MI 48062 (586) 727-8755 www.cbcrichmond.com Building/Materials/Trade/ Contracting ProTel Development 4678 Meldrum Rd., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-1585 Allwood Building Component 35377 32 Mile Rd., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2731 www.allwoodbuildingcomponents.bzlnk.com Phoenix Contracting P.O. Box 145, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-9300 www.phoenixcontracting.com Churches Community Baptist Church 36015 Friday St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-8755 www.cbcrichmond.com First United Methodist Church 69495 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2622 www.richmondmi1stumc.org St. Augustine Church 68035 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-5215 www.staugustinecatholicchurch.com St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Quality Lumber & Building Wholesalers 67055 Gratiot, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-9693 www.stpetersrichmond.org RG Eisenhardt Contracting, Inc 35110 Division Richmond, MI 48062 (586) 727-7270 www.tlcrichmond.org 8706 Gratiot Ave., Columbus Twp. 48063 (586) 727-7001 www.qualitylumber.com 9738 Gratiot, Columbus, MI 48063 (586) 727-2233 Richmond Millwork 29600 32 Mile Lenox, MI 48050 www.richmondmillwork.com Teltow Contracting, Inc. 4678 Meldrum, Casco 48064 (586) 727-1585 Catering Achatz Catering & Soup 8111 St. Clair Hwy, Casco 48064 (586) 727-1452 www.achatzcatering.com Village Cafe Restaurant 68940 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3663 Chamber Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce 68364 Main Street, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3266 www.richmondcoc.org Chiropractic Heinz Chiropractic 37136 31 Mile Rd., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-6750 Varga Family Chiropractic 35000 Division, Ste 7 Richmond 48062 (586) 727-8900 www.vargachiropractic.com Trinity Lutheran Church We Have Money To Lend ➚ ➚ Low Rates Flexible Terms Cleaners Diamond Laundry Cleaners 36130 Priestap, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-5795 Cleanup Service/ Restoration Servpro 8310 River Rd., Marine City (586) 336-7373 www.servpromarinecityromeo.com/ Computer Services CyberNerd PC 35008 S. Division STE 1, Richmond 48062 (586) 430-1239 www.cybernerdpc.com 586-727-6855 www.brccu.com COMMUNITY BANKING @ YOUR SERVICE 66550 GRATIOT AVE. LENOX TWP. (586) 727-9511 WWW.NORTHSTARATHOME.COM Member FDIC Counseling Macomb Family Services 35000 Division Ste 2, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-5529 www.mfsonline.com Dentist Bailey Dental Group 67640 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7531 www.baileydentalgroup.com Dr. Eric Groeneveld DDS Affiliate of Foster Oil Your Best Propane Value *Cash & Quantity Discounts *Budget Plan *Keep Full Service *Price Clubs Home Industrial Farm Cylinders Motor Fuel 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 68720 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-0990 www.EricGroeneveldDDS.com 69120 Foster Rd 586-727-3315 800-552-4919 Dr. Julie Cichoracki 35000 Division Ste 4, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-1100 www.drjuliec.com Growing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry 36602 Heritage Drive, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3950 www.groingsmilespol.com Pradko, Gallagher & Slanec 36600 Heritage Dr., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3815 www.pgsdentistry.com Education St. Augustine School 67901 Howard St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-9365 www.staugustinecatholicschool.com Macomb Community College 14500 E. 12 Mile - Warren, 48088 (586)445-7204 Richmond Comm. Schools 68931 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3225 www.richmond.k12.mi.us Electrician Thrivent Financial Brent Hanson ((586) 298-7107 www.thrivent.com Fitness Anytime Fitness 67200 Gratiot Ave Richmond 48062 (586) 430-1526 www.anytimefitness.com Fireworks Pyro Joe’s Fireworks 68955 Main St. Richmond, 48062 (586) 727-5637 Flea Market Armada Flea Market 25381 Armada Ridge, Armada 48005 (586) 784-9604 www.fleaportal.com Florist Blue Orchid 68085 Main St, Richmond, MI 48062 (586) 727-0963 www.miblueorchidflorist.com Supreme Electric Service Flower Carousel Emergency Services Fuel/Utilities P.O. Box 451, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-6691 www.supreme-electric.net 68243 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7488 www.flowercarouselrichmond.com Richmond Lenox EMS Blue Flame Propane Employment/ Internships Funeral Services 34505 32 Mile, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2184 www.lenoxtwp.org Baker College of Clinton Twp 34950 Little Mack, Clinton Twp. 48035 (586) 791-3000 www.baker.edu Entertainment Richmond Community Choir 9750 Division, Columbus 48063 (586) 727-8584 www.richmondchoir.com Richmond Community Theatre 69619 Parker St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-9518 www.richmondtheatre.com Cowboy up DJ Services 1975 Michigan Ave C25 Marysville, MI 48040 (810) 357-5345 www.cowboyupdjs.com Festival Richmond Area Good Old Days Festival P.O. Box 271, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-1320 www.richmondgoodolddaysfestival.org Financial Planning Investments Secure Asset Management 69120 Foster Rd., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3996 www.blueflamepropaneinc.com Kaatz Funeral Directors, Inc. 71235 Memphis Ridge, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3434 www.kaatzfunerals.com Rewalt Funeral Home 68655 Stoecker Lane, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7519 www.rewaltfuneralhome.com Furniture/Mattresses Continental Home Centers 67184 Gratiot Richmond MI 48062 (586) 727-8200 www.continentalrto.com Richmond Dinettes & Sleep 69214 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-9357 Gas/Convenience Store Sunrise Store #3 69377 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7526 Sunrise Store #32 69050 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7526 Golf Course Richmond Forest Golf Course 2565 W. Maple Rd. Troy, MI 48084 (586) 219-2595 33300 32 Mile, Lenox 48050 (586) 727-4742 www.richmondforestgolf.com 68311 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-1727 9861 Meisner Rd, Casco, MI 48064 (586) 727-468 www.goldenhawkgolfcourse.com Simmons Financial Services Golden Hawk Government Meat Retail City Of Richmond Richmond Meat Packers Honorable Denis LeDuc Medical/Nursing 68225 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7571 www.cityofrichmond.net P.O. Box 6, Romeo 48065 (586) 383-1865 Republican Committee of Northern Macomb County 21754 Kendyl Ct., Macomb 48044 (586) 291-7349 Grocery/Produce/Deli Kroger Co. 66900 Gratiot, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-0125 www.kroger.com Hair /Beauty /Spa Allure Salon & Spa 68151 S. Main St Richmond 48062 (586) 727-0937 www.alluresalonandspa.co Modern Hair Care 67338 Main St, Richmond, MI 48062 (586) 727-4555 www.modernhaircare.co Heating /Cooling Royal Heating & Cooling P.O. Box Richmond 48062 (586) 489-5438 www.royalheatandcool.com Health and Wellness Young Living Sherry Pellegram (586) 484-8728 www.youngliving.com Industry/Manufacturing U.S. Pattern Co., Inc. 69050 Skinner Dr., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2896 www.uspattern.com Multi-Jett LLC 68104 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-1450 www.richmondmeatpackers.com Henry Ford Macomb-Richmond 31505 32 Mile Rd., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2761 www.henryfordmacomb.com Leisure Manor Residence for Seniors 68453 Stoecker Lane, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-0700 McLaren Richmond/Lenox 66440 Gratiot Ave, Lenox (586) 430-4027 Physical Therapy, Occupationsl & Speech Therapy (586) 430-4027 Xray/Diagnostic Imaging (586) 430-4020 Labratory Blood Draw Station (586) 430-4022 MediLodge of Richmond 34901 Division, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7562 www.medilodgeofrichmond.com Michigan Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Brian Murphy 36610 Heritage Dr., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-6800 www.michiganoms.com Professional Massage Services, LLC Richmond Foot & Ankle Clinic 36640 Heritage Dr., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7867 www.macombfootdoctor.com Simmons Insurance Agency 69289 Main St., Richmond 48062 586-430-1015 www.seniorhelpers.com/richmondmi Senior Helpers of North Macomb & St. Clair Counties Verlinde Insurance Agency St. Clair Eye Jewelry Office Supplies 68364 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-6525 www.verlindeinsurance.com 3443 County Line, Casco 48064 (586) 727-8000 www.stclaireye.com Premier Designs, Inc Office Depot Richmond 48062 (586) 929-8981 3423 Pine Grove Ave., Port Huron 48060 (810) 488-6913 www.officedepot.com 67530 Main Street Richmond MI 48062 (586) 430-1876 www.neumannstreaurechest.com Organization Neumann’s Tresure Chest Lawn Contractors D & E Landscaping & Grading 69620 Lowe Plank Rd. Richmond 48062 (586) 727-4959 www.delandscape.com We Do Shoe Repair 586-727-4775 Richmond Lions Assistance Program Medical Equipment 586-727-2184 Hearing Aids/Exams 586-243-1486 Eye Glasses/Exams 586-727-7633 69283 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3495 www.simmonsinsuranceagy.com Banner 7 ft wide x 4 ft ta 68050 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-4042 www.professionalmassage.abmp.com 74000 Cryderman Richmond Twp., MI (248) 608-0005 Insurance Veteran Owned / ASSE Backflow Certified Four County Community Foundation PO Box 539 Almont MI 48003 (810) 798-0909 www.4ccf.org Loyal Order of the Moose #2575 68230 Grand Trunk, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3850 www.mooselodge2575.org 68131 S Main St. - Richmond, MI 48047 www.gierkshoes.com We specialize in Wide Widths At M R w extensi McLaren Macomb Open in RichmondLenox LAWN MOWING - CLEAN UPS - FERTILIZING BRICK PAVING & RETAINING WALLS SEEDING/MULCHING - DOZING/GRADING DELIVERY OF LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SNOW SERVICES & SALTING 66440 Gratiot Ave., South of 31 Mile Road 69620 Lowe Plank Rd - Richmond, MI 48062 Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy (586) 430-4027 Knights of Columbus #2667 68215 Grand Trunk Ave, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-9225 We provide physical and occupational therapy for patients experiencing: > > > > > > > The AUD - Regional Youth Complex Neck and back pain Balance and vestibular disorders Tendon repair Stroke rehabilitation Neurological disorders Joint replacement Sports-related injuries X-Ray/Diagnostic Imaging (586) 430-4020 > Most results faxed to your physician within 24 hours > No appointments necessary, walk-ins welcome 015_Marketing_2_5x_10_5_Richmond_Lenox_Ad.indd 1 P.O. Box 68, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7773 www.richmondhistoricalsociety.org Richmond Lions Club P.O. Box 221, Richmond 48062 810-543-3488 www.richmondlions.net 69307 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-5567 www.grandlodgemi.org Richmond Rotary P.O. Box 547, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2731 www.myrichmondrotary.com > Bone density scans > Digital screening mammography with computer-aided detection > General X-ray > Full service multi-slice CT, including CT angiography > Ultrasound, including OB and vascular This is a full service blood draw station for patients of all ages. Richmond Area Historical & Genealogical Society Richmond Masonic Lodge Services are provided by our registered and certified technologists, including female technologists for breast imaging and bone density scans. Laboratory Blood Draw Station (586) 430-4022 68931 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 430-1039 www.richmondAUD.org Friends of the Lois Wagner Memorial Library 35200 Divion Rd., Richmond MI 48062 (586)727-2665 www.lwmlibrary.net Richmond VFW Post 6802 34339 32 Mile Rd., Richmond MI 48062 (586)727-1436 www.lwmlibrary.net Orthodontics A Place For Recovery MediLodge of Richmond 34901 Division Rd, Richmond, MI 48062 586-727-7562 medilodgeofrichmond.com Quilting Classes/Supplies Sew Together Quilt Shop 69295 N. Main (586) 727-1555 www.sewtogtheronline.com Real Estate Coldwell Banker Professionals 67395 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2741 www.coldwellbankerprofessionals.net Cheryl Almstadt - Coldwell Banker Professionals 1122 S. Lapeer Rd., Suite D Lapeer 48446 (810) 664-8524 coldwellbankerpreofessionals.net Country Real Estate 68311 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-7507 Restaurant/Eatery McDonald’s Restauraunt 67600 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2800 www.mcdonalds.com Tim Hortons 67467 S. Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2404 www.timhortons.com Village Cafe Restaurant 68940 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3663 CHAPS Food & Spirits 69294 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-4500 Wesley Orthodontics, PLLC Dairy Queen of Richmond Plumbing Jets Pizza 36590 Heritage Dr., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3838 www.wesleyortho.com St. John Plumbing 35465 Pratt Road Memphis, MI (810) 543-1871 http://www.stjohnplumbingmi.com/ Printing/Advertising PRINTALL 69345 N. Main St, Richmond, MI 48062 586.430.4383 www.miprintall.com 68020 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2146 www.dairyqueen.com 66755 Gratiot, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-8400 www.jetspizza.com Ken’s Country Kitchen 69232 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-4747 www.kenscountrykitchen.net Little Caesars 66858 Gratiot, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3685 www.littlecaesars.com Ted’s Coney Island 67240 Gratiot, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-6200 www.tedsconey.com 3/31/15 2:44 PM inclu occu spe Please for mor to sched Retail/Miscellaneous Oaktiques & Richmond Storage Systems 68803 Oakstreet, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2803 Screen Printing/ Embroidery J’s Silkscreens of Richmond 68259 Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3321 Specialty Gifts Laser Mark-It Main St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-6100 www.lasermark-it.com Tax Preperation H & R Block 66884 Gratiot Ave., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2533 www.hrblock.com SLG & Assoc. LLC 79700 McFadden Rd Armada 48005 (586) 770-3484 Tractor/Mower/Services Ball Equipment 68811 Main Richmond, MI 48062 (586) 430-1252 www.ballequip.com Richmond New Holland 68295 Oak St., Richmond 48062 (586) 727-3515 Utility Maintenance Contractor American Energy Services, Inc. P.O. Box 295, Richmond 48062 (586) 727-2747 www.americanenergy.us Veterinary Richmond Veterinary Hospital 10335 Gratiot Ave., Columbus 48063 (586) 727-9018 richmondvethospital.com Vocational Rehabilitation New Horizons Rehabilitation 43630 Hayes Ste 110, Clinton Twp. 48038 (586) 226-1189 www.newhorizonsrehab.org Waste Management Waste Management Pine Tree Acres 36600 29 Mile Rd., Lenox 48048 (586) 749-9698 www.pinetreeacres.wm.com City of Richmond Map 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Blue Orchid St. Augustines Catholic Church & School Richmond Foot & Ankle Growing Smiles - Pediatric Dentistry Pradko, Gallagher & Slanec Bailey Dental Neumann’s Treasure Chest Tim Horton’s Coldwell Banker Professionals Modern Hair Care First State Bank Heinz Chiropractic H&R Block Richmond Lions Club Anytime Fitness Belle River Community Credit Union 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Laser Mark-It Richmond Dinettes & Sleep Shop Chaps Senior Helpers PrintAll First United Methodist Church Phoenix Contracting Medilodge Supreme Electric Richmond City Hall 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Richmond Meat Packers Gierk’s Shoes Community Baptist Church Verlinde Insurance Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce Simmons Financial Diamond Laundry Dr. Groeneveld DDS Ball Equipment Carbone’s Complete Auto Repair Varga Family Chiropractic Cybernerd P.C. Dr. Julie Cichoracki DDS Leisure Manor Richmond Area Township Map Richmond Township 1 Blue Flame Propane 2 D & E Landscaping & Grading 3 Henry Ford Macomb-Richmond 4 St. John Plumbing 5 Kaatz Funeral Directors Columbus Township 1 Jeremy’s Automotive 2 Richmond Veterinary Hospital Lenox Township 1 Northstar Bank 2 McLaren Macomb Casco Township 1 Achatz Catering & Soup Outside of Township 1 Secure Asset Management Goodels 35200 Division - Richmond, MI (586) 727-2665 www.cityofrichmond.net/library lwml@libcoop.net HOURS OF OPERATION: M-W: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Th & F: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Churches Richmond Veterinary Hospital 10335 Gratiot Columbus, MI 48063 586-727-9018 • emergency care, wellnes s care, exams, vaccines Community Baptist Church Community of Christ First Baptist Church First United Church of Christ First United Methodist Church Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall Richmond Assembly of God Fountain Of Praise St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church • soft tissue surgery, pain management • digital x-rays Chris Guisinger, DVM richmondvethospital.vetstreet.com The City of Richmond Tax Increment Finance Authority (TIFA) is the primary economic development engine for the City of Richmond. For over 25 years the TIFA has worked to improve the business environment in Richmond TIFA assists the community and businesses in the following ways. • • • • • (586) 727-8755 (586) 727-2186 (586) 727-8815 (586) 727-3155 (586) 727-2622 (586) 727-9508 (586) 727-7250 (586) 727-4289 (586) 727-5215 (586) 727-9693 (586) 727-7270 Organizations • dentistry and oral health care • AAHA Accredited. heatlhypet.com 36015 Friday, Richmond 33961 Armada Ridge, Richmond 35650 Pound Road, Richmond 68651 S. Forest, Richmond 69495 Main Street, Richmond 71101 Memphis Ridge, Richmond 64892 Gratiot Avenue, Lenox 10397 Gratiot, Richmond 68035 Main Street, Richmond 67055 Gratiot, Richmond 35110 Division Road, Richmond Facade Improvement Programs Special Event Support Industrial Property Development Infrastructure Improvements Park and Pool Improvements 68225 Main Street ◦ P.O. Box 457 Richmond, MI 48062 Office: 586-727-7571 www.cityofrichmond.net cityofrichmond@comcast.net The AUD-Regional Youth Complex Centennial Building Foundation Community Garden Club Knights of Columbus Richmond Lions Club Masonic Lodge 187 & F&AM Loyal Order of the Moose #2575 586-430-1039 586-727-9200 586-727-2563 586-727-9225 586-243-1486 586-727-5567 586-727-3850 Richmond Rotary Club 586-727-2731 586-727-9518 Richmond Community Theatre 586-727-8584 Richmond Community Choir Richmond Area Good Old Days 586-727-1320 Richmond Genealogical & Historical Society 586-727-7773 VFW Richmond Post 6802 586-727-1436 Woman’s Life Chapter 855 810-392-5136 Community Meetings RACC Membership Mtgs Visit www.richmondcoc.org for time and location Richmond Lions Club 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month Brengman’s Inn Land Richmond Rotary Every Tuesday at 12:00 noon Friends of the Library 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm Room Brengman’s Inn Land Library Meeting HENRY FORD MACOMB HEALTH CENTER - RICHMOND 36164 Festival Drive Richmond, MI (586) 727-3064 www.cityofrichmond.net/recreation parksandrec@comcast.net Henryfordmacomb.com Together, We Can BUILD A HEALTHY RICHMOND HOURS OF OPERATION: Fall/Winter: M-Th, 8:30-4:30 Summer: M-F, 8:30-4:30 Community Numbers Municipal City of Richmond Casco Township Columbus Township Richmond Township Lenox Township County (586) 727-7571 (586) 727-7524 (586) 727-2055 (586) 727-8998 (586) 727-2085 Other Governmental Post Office City Hall Library Parks & Recreation Richmond Pool Non-Emergency Police /Fire Public Works Secretary of State (800) 275-8777 (586) 727-7571 (586) 727-BOOK (586) 727-3064 (586) 727-8888 (586) 727-4000 (586) 727-7575 (888) 767-6424 Macomb County St. Clair County Macomb County Sheriff St. Clair County Sheriff Animal Shelter Smart Bus 42nd District Court (586) 469-5100 (810) 989-6900 (586) 469-5151 (810) 987-1700 (586) 469-5115 (586) 749-7713 (586) 752-9679 Family Medicine Katherine E. Jackson, DO Maurilio Hernandez, DO (586) 727-2761 Physical Therapy (586) 727-4530 Utilities Electric Power-Detroit Edison Water/Sewer-City of Richmond Natural Gas-Semco Energy Solid Waste-Waste Management Telephone-Frontier Cable Television-Comcast (800) 477-4747 (586) 727-7571 (800) 624-2019 (800) 796-9696 (877) 462-8188 (800) COMCAST Schools Richmond Community Schools Will L. Lee Elementary Richmond Middle School Richmond High School Transportation Department St. Augustine School St. Peter’s Lutheran School 35276 Division, Richmond 68399 S. Forest, Richmond 35250 Division, Richmond 35320 Division, Richmond 68931 Main, Richmond 67901 Howard Street, Richmond 37601 31 Mile Road, Richmond 586-727-3565 586-727-2509 586-727-7552 586-727-3225 586-727-1150 586-727-9365 586-727-9080 Emergency Police Fire EMS 911 www.richmondmeatpackers.com • New Patients Welcome • Same Day Appointments Available • Evening and Saturday Hours Offered • Most Insurances Accepted 31505 32 Mile Road East of North Avenue *****************ECRWSS**** WWW.MIPRINTALL.COM ASHLEY FULGENTI ashley@miprintall.com ERIC GORDON eric@miprintall.com BANNERS | INVITATIONS | CARDS | DECALS 586.430.4383 | 69345 N Main St | Richmond, MI 48062 Postal Customer PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDDM RETAIL Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce 68364 Main Street • Richmond, MI 48062 Phone: 586.727.3266 • www.richmondcoc.org Your Monthly Saver That Makes Life Better Find Us In Your Mail Each Month With Your Kroger Flyer! www.yescommunitysavings.com 586.553.2079 Family Dentistry in Richmond! Emergency Treatment Teeth Whitening Same Day DentureRepair DentalImplants Crowns • Bonding• Veneers Preventative Dentistry Julie Cichoracki, DDS 35000 Divison Rd. Suite 4 Richmond, MI 480622 586-727-1100 Visit us online at www.drjuliec.com The Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c) 6 non-profit, non-partisan organization. Your charitable contributions assist us in our mission. The chamber is solely funded on membership dues and sponsorships. We are a non-government organization and do not receive revenues from any local, state or federal grants nor do we operate on taxpayer funds. Our members are businesses and organizations from the City of Richmond, Richmond, Lenox, Columbus, Casco Townships and other businesses that have an interest in our area. Our Mission is “to develop an active organization to promote, focus and ensure the economic growth and development of our members and the community at large”. Please check our website at www.richmondcoc.org regularly for up-coming community events throughout the year. For a complete listing of businesses in Richmond, visit the city’s website at www.cityofrichmond.net
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