President`s Message - Pebble Beach Sports Car Club
President`s Message - Pebble Beach Sports Car Club
VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 The Gasline 2011 Club Officers President’s Message President: Warren Pierce Vice-President: Perry Cross Secretary: Sandi Miller Treasurer: Larry Miller Treasurer Emerita: Esther Carlyle Board Members Vic Carder Jim Eckhart Dennis Farber Bruce Gordon Monica Nathan Kathy Pierce “This is a wonderful example of our members stepping forward to plan an event that all the club enjoys. If the club is to r e m a i n f u n f o r a l l, m o r e members need to be willing to do the same. If we just enjoy other people's work and don't help plan events, eventually, there will be less great weekend tours." This quote is from the leader of another car club that some of us belong to. It is in reference to an event plann e d by a member of said club. No planning meeting was held, no discussion, just an individual planning an PAGE 1 event, taking care of the details, an d sen ding o ut the invite info r mat io n. Do e s the la st sentence of the quote strike a note in anyone? The pictures from the event were striking in the fact that not one SUV, mini van, or street car was shown; everyone drove their sports car. I know, I know, not everyone has a sports car but a lot of you do yet nobody drives them to club events. We are quickly turning into the Pebble Beach eat and drink club instead of the Pebble Beach Sports Car Club. Cathy Rippey Robert Smith Mike Veitengruber web site: nominations. All spots are open for nomination, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Four (4) board members. Welcome to New Members: Bill and Mary Hiland. They have MGs and Bill owns On the Road Again, a Don’t forget the October meeting British Automotive shop in Morgan Hill. is officer and board member VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 JULY BBQ AT MUIA’S Thanks to Carl and Charlotte Muia for hosting our July event at their beautiful home. The food was wonderful; the wine fantastic and the company was great. More than 30 people attended and had a great time. Members were given a tour of Carl’s “chop shop”. Thanks to Maja Willett for the pictures of the BBQ. To see more pictures of this event go to Events page on the website and click on July Event. AUGUST PRE-REUNION BBQ AT RIPPEY’S Pebble Beach Sports Car Club’s annual BBQ was held on August 13, 2011 at Cathy and Michael Rippey's house. Thank you to Perry and Christine for graciously being guests at the BBQ and not Hosts. The Rippey's enjoyed putting it on this year. The weather was sunny and beautiful. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chicken Kabobs and a big Thank you to Perry and Christine for the wild boar!! Potato salad, chili, beans....hors d' oeuvres and lots of delicious desserts. Don’t forget the chocolate cake and birthday cake for Andrew Willett -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY1 The turn out was good, 25-30 club members and guests. All who attended the BBQ had a great time! Thank you to all you Race Car fans who attended the BBQ after a long day at the races. The Rippey Family would like to thank you all for a great day!!! PAGE 2 VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! 2011 MONTEREY CAR WEEK BY TONY PROCK Another successful historic week has passe d on the Monterey Peninsula. Jaguar was the featured marque at Mazda Laguna Seca Raceway a n d M e rce d e s, S t ut z a n d Ferrari were celebrate d at Pebble Beach. The six auto shows mostly benefit various local non-profit organizations and the Concours d’Lemons has now moved to Seaside. The Pre-Reunion seemed to be a bit disorganized again, trying to figure out whether to charge an entry fee to the track or just the paddock. Activity at Mazda Raceway Laguna Raceway was continuous from August 12 through 21. A number of PBSCC members volunteere d in the vario us venues and showed or raced their cars. Warren Pierce and L a r r y M i l le r w e r e a g a i n mechanics at large, helping where needed at the track, and their wives, Kathy and Sandi worked registration. Monica Nathan was the nurse in Carmel and at the track. Tuesday brought back the full five blocks of the Car mel Concours on the Avenue. About 200 classic cars, trucks and motorcycles from 1940 through 1973 with Ferraris and Porsches u p thro ug h 1986 an d far o ut n u m b e r i n g a l l ot h e r PAGE 3 JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 marques. Many gorgeous cars were on display on Ocean A v e n u e a n d s i d e st r e et s inclu ding a Ford Tractor, a McLaren racecar and an original AC Bristol, the one that Carroll Shelby put a V8 into and called it a Cobra. A 1952 C-Type J a g u a r, o n e o f o n l y 5 3 constructe d garnere d much attentio n. Seven of o ur members were at hand to help stage the cars that morning. Wednesday had the Little Car Show in Pacific Grove, filling up two full blocks of downtown Lighthouse Avenue. Limited to 1601cc in engine size, cars ranged from a 1930 Austin Seven to a number of 2012 Fiat 500s. Cars from the US, Germany, France, Italy, Great B r ita i n a n d J a p a n w e r e represented. One of the more unique vehicles was a 1954 Citroen AZU 2CV truck whose owner, Larry Steffen, came equipped with a model of the Eiffel Tower. Fiat was the best represented with about a dozen vehicles of various ages and configurations. The US was represented by a number of Cro sleys an d an Am e r ican Austin. Our President, Warren, showed Kathy’s MGTD and Bill Kirkwo o d bro ught his Elva racecar, which created a lot of interest. Other unusual cars i n c lu d e d a t h re e - w h e e le r Morgan, early Japanese Honda and Suzuki mini cars, a DKW, a three-wheeler Reliant and two I s atta s, a s w e l l a s a Messerschmidt whose six-foot plus tattooed driver appeared taller than the car was long. Thursday started with the tour of the Pebble Beach Concours cars, which went on a 60-mile tour over the back roads of M o nte rey, thro ug h Car m el Valley and down to Big Sur and back. The cars then assembled on Ocean Avenue in Carmel for lu nch befo re retu r n in g to Pebble Beach. You could see the pride in the owners’ faces as they piloted these gorgeous vintage autos with passengers filling all available seats. I was most impresse d seeing the oldest car, a 1893 Benz, coming back from Big Sur, having already traveled most of its route, while a number of tow trucks still headed south to rescue newer vehicles. Thursday was also the start of the many auctions, which set new sales records, leaving one to question if there really was a recession. Between the five auctions, thirty-two cars sold for over $1M, with a 1957 Ferrari Testa Rossa at the Gooding Auction setting a new world record by selling for $16.4 M inclu din g a $1 .5 M Buyer’s Premium. Sheryl Crow’s Mercedes 190SL fetched $143K, complete with an autographed Gibson guitar, benefiting Joplin, MO, Schools Recovery Fund. At t h e R M a u c t i o n , a 1 93 7 M e r c e d e s 5 4 0 K R o a d ste r topped the block at $9.680M. While all auctions had a little bit of everything, the various VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! auctions did seem to specialize in types of vehicles, or style, i.e. if you were looking for a muscle car, the best auctions were Meco m an d Russo & Steele. At the raceway, the drivers and crew enjoyed a British themed barbeque with English Ales Brewery of Marina setting up a beer tent. Although British pub grub has a dubious reputation, the Ban g e r s & Ma sh an d Sheppard’s Pie served did not rise to that level. However, the Spotted Dick was spot on. PBSCC’s Larry and Sandi Miller, Perr y an d Christine Cross, Warren Pierce, Louise Iredell, Kathy Rippey, Myrna England and Tony Prock set up the three outboard drink stations. After icing all the beer and having served for about 30 minutes, we were told to hide the beer, including Newcastle B ro w n, b e ca u s e s o m e o n e decided that English Ales was to be the only place serving beer. So, we served a lot of soft drinks and water. Ole A n d e r s o n a n d D o n Te v i n i stopped by our booth. Friday had more events than one could attend. Starting with the Concorso Italiano at the Laguna Seca Golf Ranch, which celebrated everything Italian, wine, women, style and cars – but not necessarily in that order. In Carmel Valley, a select 3,000 ticket holders atte n d e d T h e Q u a i l, A Motorsport Gathering, which includes wine, gourmet food PAGE 4 JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 and ancillary activities, including the Bo nham & Butte rfield auction. At $400 per ticket, and mingling with celebrities, e v e r y o n e co u l d f e e l li ke glitterati. Also in Carmel Valley at the Rancho Canada Country Club, the BMW club hosted The Leg en ds of the Autobahn, featuring some of the top BMW, Mercedes and Porsche cars. Friday was also the start of practice and qualifying races at the track and the start of more of the five scheduled auctions. The Retro Auto Pavilion opened today in Pebble Beach and went through to Sunday, featuring rare co lle ct i b le s a n d memorabilia. T h e a n n u a l Pac i fi c G r o v e Concours Auto Rally was again held on Lighthouse Avenue. O v e r 2 0 0 car s li n e d t h e downtown bu siness district stat i n g at 1 : 0 0 p. m . – everything from American and English antiques to classic and the newest in sports roadsters, coupes and sedans. As usual, Corvettes again outnumbered all other marques. Perry and Christine Cross brought their Cor vette, Lar r y an d San di Miller their Bugzuki, and Bill Gee and Tony Prock came in a TR3B and a TR4A. Steve Fields brought his two boat tail Alfa Spiders. While Ferraris this week were numerous everywhere on the Peninsula, the PG Auto Rally had some cars rarely seen on the street. Among antiques, there were a 1913 Oldsmobile Phaeton, a 1922 Willis Roadster and two early Rolls Royce roadsters. More modern sports cars included five Porsche Spiders, a 1963 (split window) Corvette Coupe, a Fo r d G T 4 0, a n d a Pa n o z Esperante. Many of us also recognized the few Detroit products from the ‘50s and ‘60s. At 6 p.m., the cars left on a to u r aro u n d t he o ce a n thro ugh Pebble Beach an d Carmel, returning to Pacific Grove for a tri-tip and chicken barbeque and awards. Saturday was the start of 17 scheduled weekend races at the Rolex Motorsport Reunion. The Mecom auction was in full swing during the day on the Del Monte Golf Course behind t h e H yatt H ote l a n d t h e Gooding Auction started that night in Pebble Beach. The Concours D’Lemons moved to Seaside this year across from city hall. This is the antidote for other shows, featuring many past unloved cars – Vegas, Pintos, Gremlins, etc. There was a MGB with a spare engine strapped in the passenger seat space, a camouflage painted stretch limo with faux leopard skin seat covers, once owned by Roseanne Barr, with a license p late “A R M A G D N ” , a n d a Porsche 924 $500 racer with a wooden whale-tail, illuminated by flamingo lights. If you were not tired yet, you could go to the Barnyard at 4 P.M. at the mouth of Carmel Valley for the annual gathering of Ferraris, Maseratis and Lambos. VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca featured the Rolex Motorsport Reunion races on Friday through Sunday. Friday saw a number of practice and qualifying heats with the full races on Saturday and Sunday. Jaguar set up a very nice heritage display with the 1950 XK120 that Phil Hill drove to victory at the old Del Monte Forest course and a number of other Jaguars driven by Phil Hill. Yes, believe it or not, the Jaguar E-Type is now 50 years old. Our club was well represented on both race weekends: drivers at the Pre-Reunion were Jim Weissenborn - MGA Byers, Jimmy Domingos Formula Jr, and Ole Anderson's Byers Volvo with Paul Perry driving. For the Reunion races we added drivers Jason Len – XKE, Scott Brown MGA and Ed Lamantia – MGA The winner at the 2011 Concours d’Elegance at Pebble Beach was a 1934 Voisin C-25 (French.) The 18th Fairway at the lodge featured 225 collector cars an d M otorcycle s fro m 14 countries. Club member, Kevin Larkin was showing his beautiful Doretti (see below). For the 50year anniversary of Ferrari 250 GTO, 21 of 36 cars ever built were on show. Concept cars were again displayed at the Lodge’s putting green and Mercedes, Ferrari and a number of other marques demonstrated historical vehicles and their latest models. As usual, a number of celebrities mingled among the crowds, with much “arm candy” wearing four-inch stiletto heels aerating the fairway. PAGE 5 JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 CARMEL CONCOURS ON THE AVENUE On Tuesday, August 16th, the Carmel Concours was held once more in beautiful downtown Carmel. A bigger crowd than ever helped to make this top-notch event a great success. Many thanks to honorary PBSCC members Doug and Genie Freedman for their inspiration and hard work in presenting this event to the appreciative public. PBSCC members working hard that day: Dennis Farber, Bill Kirkwood, Rick and Sandi Verbanec, Tony Prock, Monica Nathan, John Hanson, Sandi Miller, Tom Gano, Bruce Gordon, Warren and Kathy Pierce. PBSCC cars on display: Bill Kirkwood's Elva racer represented by his son Alex (a new PBSCC member) who showcased the racer in a concise and informative interview with Concours emcees; Eddy Bennett entered 2 Jags - an XKE and a 120, with the XKE taking a class award. PBSCC in the crowd: Marily Post, Anna Davi, Jim Balesteri, Steve and Wendy Fields, the Willetts, Robert Smith, Pam Kirkwood, Kathy Hayworth and daughter, Caroline and her friend Joe, and Mike Veitengruber. PAGE 6 VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 LITTLE CAR SHOW IN PACIFIC GROVE Awards going to the following PBSCC members: Kathy and Warren Pierce, MGTD; Bill Kirkwood, Elva racer; Jim Nero and Michael Adamson for their deux chevaux CONCORSO ITALIANO Taking honors at the Concorso Italiano, Pete Vasquez with his rare Stagilini. Awards given to this unique car: 1st in its class - then, most impressive: Best in Show!! Congratulations to Pete for this prestigious honor! PAGE 7 For more pictures go to the PBSCC website and click under the event. VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! PACIFIC GROVE JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 CONCOURS AUTO RALLY Club members attending this event were Perry and Christine Cross, Sandi and Larry Miller, Bill Gee, Tony Prock, George Jaksha, Steve Fields, and Peter and Andrea Tweedt. PREREUNION AND REUNION SIGHTINGS: PreReunion and Reunion sightings: racers: Scott Brown, Jim Weissenborn, Ed Lamantia, Jason Len, Ole Anderson, and Jimmy Domingos; working: Dennis Farber, Bill Kirkwood, Mike and Kathy Hayworth, Lynda Ponsi, Sandi Miller, Kathy Pierce, Mike and Warren Pierce with Pierce Manifold truck, Larry Miller, Monica Nathan, Frank and Tina D'Aquanno; having fun: Don Tevini, Jacque Booth, David and Mary Pozzi, Perry and Christine Cross, Phyllis Anderson, Dea Anderson-Rouiller Karol Andrews, Gary Anderson, Gary Horstkorta, Tracy Drummond, Tami Farber, Don, Andrew and Allison Willett, Jay Leno, Del Meyer; race pictures: Dennis Gray and Pam Shatraw, editor Victory Lane magazine. PAGE 8 VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 PBSCC HAS ITS PLACE AT BAJA CANTINA Kathy Pierce’s PBSCC poster has found a home at Baja Cantina. Stop by and check it out. Thanks to Maja Willett for the pictures of Baja Cantina and Carol Andrews for the picture of the poster! For more pictures of any event go to the PBSCC website and click under the event. PAGE 9 VOLUME 59, ISSUE 3 ! JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 2011 Calendar October, 2011 Once again PBSCC members volunteered to work the Cherry’s Poker Run check-point. Members working were: Perry Cross, Sandi and Larry Miller, Kathy and Warren Pierce, Jim Eckhart, Del Meyer, Bill Gee, Vic Carder. Robert Smith, Monica Nathan and Dean Craig, and Avril Nero stopped by to say hello. Many beautiful cars passed by our checkpoint including club members Anna Davi and Jim Balesteri, Emmett Linder, Carl Muia and Cathy and Michael Rippey. This year the Club provided 28 dozen cookies! Other members volunteered at the car show in Pacific Grove: George Jaksha, Tony Prock and Del Meyer. Below: Mike Rippey’s 1930 Model A that won a merchants award. Frank D’Aquanno’s Camero also won a merchants award. 10 - Membership Meeting and Nomination of 2012 Club Officers and Board Members 16 - Autumn Classic Morgan Hill, All British Car Event 22 - Tour of Blackhawk Museum 31 - Board Meeting November, 2011 6 - Tentative tour of MBARI 14 -Membership Meeting and Election of 2012 Club Officers and Board Members 19 - Toys for Tots, Wine and Hors d’oeuvres December, 2011 10 - Holiday Luncheon and announcement of 2012 Club Officers and Board Members Contributors Kathy Pierce Sandi Miller Maja Willet Karol Andrews Tony Prock Cathy Rippey If we’ve missed anyone at an event, we are truly sorry. Please let us know and we will acknowledge you in the next Gasline. PAGE 10