New Client Form - Dickman Road Veterinary Clinic
New Client Form - Dickman Road Veterinary Clinic
Dickman Road Veterinary Clinic NEW CLIENT INFORMATION SHEET care for yo.y qet: So that we may be betrer able to meet your needs, please !o complete the following information. .the information you provide^is for internal use ind creoit **J::*ij|iig_:Yl":11111h.:,pplrynif rffii;;il;;;i;;:'u;;r", out. *Information is neededfor check cashing and controiled drug parposes. Name: Last Name First Name Middle Initial Spouse's Name: :::''-"f Address: Street: _Apt HomeTelephone#( ) # State: City: Cell#( )--- .: r Email: i:.:ll:-:.1. Zio: ' Place of Employment: .t xtensl0n: WorkTelephone#( ) tt'i,",;t Spouse's Place of Employment: Spouse's Work Telephone # ( Extension: *Driver's License # State oflssue: ln case of emergency, nearest relative that does not live with you: ' Name Address lt:r Ciwlstate/Zip phone # "tt'l'"1i:t:t"t:tt--'.." our clinic's Jinunciul pofu iti/is that payment is expected at the time "*t"' of service. Our puytrcent + + ,i! * ns are as follows: Cash Checks Major credit cards (Vls4iMi3te.iira, Discover) Care Credit (can !e aylied for at the time of service, approval only takes a couple of minutes) There is a 0.5837.0'service charge per month (annual percentage rate of |Yo)on balances over 30 days past due and a billing charge of $1 eachmontfu'tb.covgr.the cp,st of mailing your statement. You agree to reimburse us the fees of any collection agency, *6"tr ruy be based on a pereqrltage.$ a maximum of 30oh of the debt as well as a fee of $8.25, and all costs, and expenses, inctuOing ."asonatl" attorneys' fees, in such collection efforts. If any check given to us as payment on your account is returned 1ve fhgyl your fina4cial institution, there will be a $25 fee added to your account. *puid for any I understand that I must provide all the information requested and that you may verifi and exchange information on me,) including t.qrr.tiiiie,,lgports from iredit reporting agencies and bank references fbr instailment payment appioval. By signing this form, I am saying that I have read and understand the above payment options and service charges. Signature: Date: LIST OF PETS #l Name: one): cANINE (Dog), FELINE (cat), REPTILE, AVIAN, orHER sex (Please circle one): FEMALE, FEMALE spAyED, MALE, MALE NEUTERED Species (Please circle Breed: Color: Date of Birth: Age: .-.;.: '.i.... #2 -:.i:::::.- .:t Name: ,.,1::.. :1, I ,, :. ..) .- ...' one): GANINE (Dog), FELINE (cat), REPTILE, *VlaN,r,,grHEn Sex (Please circle one): FEMALE, FEMALE spAyED, MALE, \4ALE NEUfERED Species (Please circle Breed: Date of Birth: Aee: -l:1r.. #3 Name: one): CANINE (Dog), FELINE (cat), REPTILE, AVIAN, orHER Sex (Please circle one): FEMALE, FEMALE Spavpb; MALE, MALE NEUTERED Species (Please circle Breed: Color: Date of Birth: #4 Age: Name: Species (Please circle one): GANINE (Dog), FELINE (Cat), REPTILE, AVIAN, 9THER Sex (Please FEMALE, FEMALE SPAYED, MALE, MALE NEUTERED 'i::'",' Breed: color: Date of Birth: #5 Name: :., Age: .f species (Please circle one): GANINE (Dog), FELINE (cat), REPTILE, AVIAN, orHER Sex (Please circle one): FEMALE, FEMALE SPAYED, MALE, MALE NEUTERED .:,.. Bieed: Date of Birth: Color: Age: