File - The Jannali High School


File - The Jannali High School
Jannali News
‘the place to succeed’
Find us at:
Sutherland Road, Jannali 2226
 9521 2805
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June 2015
rincipal’s Message
It is people, not programs, that determine
the quality of a school (Todd Whitaker (2012) –
What great Principals do differently – Eighteen things that matter
There is widespread agreement now that of all the factors inside the school that affect children’s learning and
achievement, the most important is the teacher – not
standards, assessments, resources, or even the school’s
leadership, but the quality of the teacher. More and
more people care about the quality of teaching. And this
is putting teachers and teaching at the forefront of
change (Andy Hargreaves, Michael Fullan (2014) – Professional
Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School).
In the light of this type of research thinking, it is important that we listen to the views of our school community. All families will soon receive either an email or an SMS text message inviting them to participate in our annual ‘School Culture’ survey. I encourage everyone to take the time to contribute their thoughts on the many
issues covered in the survey as all views are important in guiding school decision-making processes and informing our ongoing improvement agenda.
To access the ‘School Culture’ survey, type the following link into your web browser and use
the password to gain entry to the survey:
Web address:
Wednesday 24/06/15 to Friday 31/07/15 (9:00pm)
Jannali News
June 2015
Congratulations to Ms Clifford and Ms Peard and the 'Jannali Dance Company' girls on their
successful audition for the 2015 Schools Spectacular. Our dance program, which was only
officially introduced last year is already showing that quality and commitment will be rewarded with this type of outstanding achievement. The dance students will also be given
the honour of performing at the DEC Education Week launch to be held on Monday, 27th July in our school hall.
‘Imagine’, our creative and performing arts showcase evening was a tremendous success on
Wednesday 3rd June. The hard work and commitment of many staff and students, as well as
the strong school community support, ensured the evening went off without a hitch. Last
week, more than 500 students from seven of our partner primary schools (Como, Como
West, Jannali, Jannali East, Loftus, Sutherland and Sutherland North) enjoyed matinee performances as part of the Heart of the Shire Community of Schools (HOTSCOS).
All students will receive their Semester 1 Academic Reports prior to the end of this term.
Many students across all Year groups were acknowledged for their ‘commitment to learning’ and ‘academic excellence’ during the semester. A list of the gold and silver certificate
recipients from the Principal is provided below. Congratulations to each student on their
effort, attitude and performance throughout the semester.
Jannali News
June 2015
Parent/Teacher interviews are scheduled for this week, Year 10, 11 & 12 on Wednesday, 24th
June commencing at 3:30pm and Tuesday Week 2 Term 3 (21/7/15), Year 7, 8 & 9 commencing at 3:30pm. I encourage all parents and carers to use the on-line booking system
early to secure an interview time with the teachers they need to see. If for any reason parents and carers are unable to attend on the appropriate evening or are unable to book a required interview, you are encouraged to contact the school office to make alternative arrangements.
The Department of Education and Communities’ (DEC) Education Week commences on
Monday, 27th July and runs until Friday, 31st July. As part of The Jannali High School’s participation in the Heart of the Shire Community of Schools (HOTSCOS) program, the Jannali
Dance Company, A Capella Ensemble and Vocal Performers will be touring the local primary
schools and performing during their Education Week activities. This is a fabulous opportunity for our students to perform for authentic audiences while supporting our partner primary
school Education Week programs. Below is a schedule of performances at our partner primary schools and all parents and carers are welcome to attend:
Loftus Public School – Tuesday, 21 July at 11.00am
Como West Public School – Monday, 27 July at 1.00pm
Jannali East Public School – Wednesday 29 July at 12:00pm
Oyster Bay Public School – Thursday 30 July at 12:30pm
All students were issued with a student diary during Term 1. If you haven’t seen the diary
yet, ask your son / daughter to show you. Do you read and sign it on a regular basis? Is your
son / daughter completing their homework each day? These questions and many others related to your child’s progress could be answered by parents who check and monitor school
Jannali News
June 2015
diaries on a regular basis.
Homework is an integral part of the learning process and all students are strongly encouraged to use their diary to record and monitor homework. Teachers expect students to have
their diaries on their desk during each lesson and that they actively use them to organise
their work.
The diaries can also be an excellent source of communication between school and home.
Class teachers may use the diaries to write messages to parents, out-of-class/toilet passes
and for monitoring behaviour or progress. If parents require information or wish to comment on progress or homework it would be efficient for them to also use the diary.
I would like to congratulate Timothy Maher, Tiarne Scott, Mark Hunnisett and Niamh Kirk
for representing our school at the recent Sutherland Shire 2015 Mayoral Debutante Charity
Ball. They all look splendid in their formal attire and certainly impressed all in attendance on
the evening.
Gold certificates were awarded to:
Year 12
Connor Barratt
Mark Hunnisett
Timothy Maher
Jessica Punnett
Oisin Shiels
Jack Barratt
Niamh Kirk
Evangeline Paton
Danielle Rayner
Angela Streeter
Lucy Bower
Brianna Lawler
Danielle Predkowski
Tiarne Scott
Jannali News
Year 11
Madelyn Arkley
Rhiannon Farrar
Sorrell Handforth
Callum O’Donnell
Lili Quinlivan
June 2015
Laura Bailey
Luke Farrel
Annalise Locke
Maddie Phair
Adam Stephanou
Alexandra Chenney
Lachlan Goulden
Rachel Nicholls
Annie Pham
Amy Bennett
Jemma Chalmers
Jovan Jaramaz
Hannah Rhodes
Kathryn Vials
Year 9
Laetitia Bilney-Townley
Georgia Harrison
Year 8
Emily Barnes
Hannah Eder
Kiera Parnell
Teagan Vella
Year 7
Riley Dobson
Benjamin Hoareau
Sarah Lynch
Ethan Tanner
Silver certificates were awarded to:
Hayley Bernardi
Michaela De Boer
Annaleise Lynch
Mia Schaeper
Olivia William
Kathleen Field
Alexandra Mercado Matias
Jade Carroll
Ebony Gould
Abby Paterson
Thea Carroll
Carla Hoffman-Smith
Blake Paterson
Vesna Simic
Enric Fluckiger
Jackson Howley
Monique Noyeaux
Olivia Wensemius
Lara Hillier
Matthew King
Elijah Potgieter
Year 12
Harjot Cheema
Jordan De Boer
Victoria Fraser
Ursula Jones
Ase Nytro
Callan Reynolds
Sarah Unwin
Tracy Yan
Anmol Cheema
Rosalind Gustafson
John Li
Jessica Woo
Luke Gay
Dylan Hutchinson
Kelsey Pulbrook
Zara Smith
Stewart Connor
Isobel Douglas
Matthew Graham
Lara Kowalski
Lauren O’Brien
Kavita Shukla
Georgia Van De Vorst
Year 10
Year 11
Year 10
Renee Barnes
Brandon Crutchett
Stephanie Dunn
Mark Hunnisett
Alyssa Noble
Minh Duc Pham
Hannah Stepan
Ashlea Vella
Isabelle Bogard
Hannah Gregory
Alana Judge
Jack Wheatstone
Sam Eder
Fletcher Graham
Georgia Manos
Madeleine Smith
Caitlin Flannery
Erin Musgrove
Elyssa Dunn
Natalie Maher
Sarah Shiels
Sarah Green
Sorrell Handforth
Norbu Tenzing
Josh Graham
Aiden Karan
Lewis Romeykos
Daniel Zahn
Jannali News
Year 9
Year 8
Year 7
Mariane Bogard
Bree Dawson
Guy Hancock
Lucy Teague
Thailah Duemmer
Nicole Mori Zegarra
Lara Ballantine
Charlotte Coates
Will Leggett
Ellen Shearsby
June 2015
Ella Chenney
Georgia Fairweather
Marcus Miljak
Mikayla Chesworth
Mark Gilliland
Sophie Scott
Hannah Gambin
Paris Stewart
Mia Bruce
Lily Hancock
Jacequeline McGrath
Eliza Tsipkas
Isabella Lykouras
Matthew Woo
Mollie Chesworth
Ellie Isemonger
Gemma Robinson
Kathryn Murray does us proud!
their efforts.
Year 11 student Kathryn Murray describes
herself as a proud indigenous woman but at
the annual Aboriginal Educational Conference Kathryn made TJHS proud through the
outstanding way she represented us as one
of the keynote speakers.
Not only was the
audience inspired
by Kathryn’s ideas
but her confident
and articulate delivery reinforced how
successful her education has been.
Kathryn has been an active member of our
SRC over a number of years, participated in
debating and was a member of our successful Aboriginal Debating Team at State Parliament House last year. After seeing her in
action last Tuesday I have no doubt that
Kathryn will go on to do something really
special with her life.
Kathryn addressed over 400 teachers present at Fairfield RSL Conference Centre,
giving a student perspective on Aboriginal
education. She told the delegates that she
considered education to be the key to a
successful life for all students, especially indigenous students. She then presented the
fairly sobering statistic that only 4.9% of
tertiary students were from an Aboriginal
or Torres Strait Islander background, although this was a vast improvement on earlier figures. Kathryn intends to do her bit to
improve this statistics and highlighted the
wonderful opportunities she had received
at school and the dedicated and interested
teachers who had supported her. She credited her success to teachers’ commitment
and belief in her and thanked them for
I know Kathryn would like to thank Mrs Van
Luyt for her support and for providing her
with this opportunity. As a school we would
like to thank Mrs Van Luyt for her commitment to all our indigenous students and her
efforts with the AIME Tutoring Squad and
all the SpeakUp events.
Jane Gordon
Jannali News
June 2015
2 September.
Term 2 has been a very busy one for the
English Faculty and of course, for all our
Hopefully these will be well supported by
students with payment to the Finance
Office when required.
It is pleasing to note that students in the
junior school, that is Years 7 to 10, have
now completed all their exams. This is a
crucial time as students will have a clear
understanding of what they have excelled
in and what they now need to improve upon.
Recently Tim Maher, Oisin Shiels and Niamh
Kirk attended a public speaking and impromptu drama day supporting the concept
of The Environment. It was a resounding
success for our students as Tim was placed
first in the public speaking section and Oisin
and Niahm were placed third in the impromptus drama. Congratulations!
The senior school, Years 11 and 12, have
also been kept busy within their respective
courses with assessments due in Weeks 7
to 9.
This week Year 10 English classes had the
opportunity to see a modern day interpretation of Shakespeare’s famous play, Macbeth. This was presented by 3 very skilled
young actors from the Young Australia Theatre Company.
This incursion also involved a workshop on
interpreting Shakespeare’s language where
students had the opportunity to actively
participate in delivering extracts of Macbeth.
Wishing students and parents a relaxing
holiday and a productive Term 3.
Rick Smith, Head Teacher English
Thank you everyone who contributed to
the fundraiser to help raise money for the
people of Nepal following the devastating
earthquake. Also a big thank you to the SRC
and anyone else who contributed cakes and
other baked goods for the day.
Both the cake stall and mufti day were very
successful in raising $1,125.00 to donate to
this cause.
This incursion was a great success and was
enjoyed by students and staff.
In Term 3 there will be an opportunity for
Year 10 to attend an incursion, Techno Bully, on 4 August, Year 9 to see a production
on Slam Poetry on 24 August and Years 10
and 12 (Adv. English) to see Monty Pryor on
Jannali News
Are you interested in Japanese culture? Do
you like manga and anime? And who
doesn’t like Japanese food?! This year the
Japanese Culture Club has watched various
anime shows, listened to J-Pop and other
Japanese music, played traditional Japanese games and we even got to try Japanese food!
June 2015
Thank you to all the families who have expressed interest in hosting a student from
Hitachi Omiya City in August. It is exciting
that The Jannali High School is once again
working with Heathcote, Port Hacking and
Engadine High Schools to welcome visitors
from another culture and show them our
way of life. It’s great to see our students
show such great interest. We hope that we
can continue our relationship with Hitachi
Omiya into the future.
More information about the visit will soon
be provided to host families.
Mr Polverino
Any student interested in Japanese culture
is welcome to come. We meet on Wednesdays at lunchtime in Room 9. Bring your
lunch and stay for as long (or as short) as
you like.
On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 ten Year 12
students attended a HSC Business Studies
study day at the University of Wollongong.
After a chilly bus ride there we were lectured on the topics of Finance, Operations,
Marketing and Human Resources. The students enjoyed the day which included pizza
for lunch but more importantly they gained
valuable knowledge on how best to tackle
the Business Studies HSC exam. They represented the school to the high standards we
have to come to expect from The Jannali
High School.
Thankyou for your impeccable behaviour, it
was a pleasure.
Ms Gallagher
Jannali News
June 2015
The Jannali High School has two enthusiastic dance groups for 2015. The Jannali High Performance Company consists of the five Year 7 Scholarship Dancers and six dancers from Year
8 to 10 who demonstrate exceptional talent in dance.
The second dance group is our Junior Dance Ensemble which consists of 16 energetic and
eager dancers from Years 7 to 9 who volunteer their time before school to rehearse for
events such as the Sutherland Dance Festival.
Schools Spectacular
After a successful audition, congratulations to the 11 students in The Jannali High Dance
Company who will be a part of the Annual Schools Spectacular for the second year. Students
will be a vital part of the music, dance and drama spectacular in November along with 3000
other students from Public Schools throughout NSW.
Sutherland Dance Festival
Each year, high schools within the Sutherland Shire come together for one night
to showcase the dance performances
they have been rehearsing throughout
the year. On Tuesday, 2nd June at the
Sutherland Entertainment Centre, TJHS
selected two dance groups to perform
their individual dances on the night.
Congratulations to the 27 students for
their commitment to morning rehearsals
and their outstanding performance on the night in front of family and friends.
Imagine: CAPA Showcase, 2015
On Wednesday, 3rd June, selected students from Dance, Music and Drama came together to
create the first Creative and Performing Arts Showcase for TJHS. Students from the Dance
Company rehearsed for weeks to create four separates dances consisting of solos, trios and
group performances. Congratulations to the 11 dancers for their incredible performance on
the night and their commitment to rehearsals leading up to the event.
All students as part of the Showcase will perform two matinee performances for the local
Primary Schools on Tuesday and Thursday of Week 9.
Jannali News
June 2015
Information for Dancers and Parents
Rehearsals for the Junior Dance Ensemble take place on Wednesday
mornings in the Dance Studio at
8am- 8:35am.
Rehearsals for the Dance Company
take place on Thursday mornings in
the Dance Studio at 8.00am8:35am.
All dance rehearsals will break for the remainder of the term and will recommence
Week 1, Term 3.
What’s ahead for Dance in 2015?
In Week 3, the Dance Company will not only travel to four local Primary Schools to perform
and promote Dance at TJHS during Education Week but selected students will perform at
the Education Week Launch hosted by TJHS. Following this, auditions will commence to
begin the selection process for the 2016 Dance Scholarships.
Year 10 had the opportunity to visit the Pyrmont/ Ultimo area during term 2 and absorb the historical value of the area. The
excursion involved a walk around the area,
exploring the different sites with a detailed
talk from our tour guide. The purpose of
the excursion was to investigate the geographical processes that have affected the
area including urban consolidation, urban
renewal and urban decline.
When we first arrived in Pyrmont, we kickstarted the day in the best way possible; it
started raining. Year 10 arranged into our
class groups before we set off on the historical tour.
The beginning of the tour involved reflecting on the past history of the Pyrmont
and Ultimo area. The area was originally an
industrial harbour and was one of the busiest in Australia. We also observed many
modern buildings and complexes that reflect the past history of the area. These
buildings are a part of ‘sympathetic development’.
Our informative tour guide then began to
educate us on how Pyrmont and Ultimo
suffered through the geographical process
Jannali News
of urban decline. The population of the area decreased around the 1970’s and it certainly became derelict. Many sites around
the area today still display urban decline
and we analysed them.
June 2015
lunch. The Pyrmont and Ultimo tour allowed Year 10 to have a first-hand view of
the geographical processes which affected
the area. Many photos were taken and the
tour truly helped us towards our investigation.
We would all like to thank Ms Grantham for
all of her hard work the was put into the
excursion. We all had a tremendous day
and it truly expanded our knowledge.
By Jovan Jaramaz and Daniel Zahn
Year 10 then began to look at how the geographical processes of urban renewal and
urban consolidation caused the area to
thrive again. We continued to walk and talk
around the area and we noticed many
enormous, new complexes which housed
many residents. We took many photos of
these new complexes and took many notes
for our investigation.
The tour concluded after 2.5 hours of walking around Pyrmont and Ultimo. We were
all exhausted and were looking forward to
Yr8 last Tuesday participated in a combined
presentation by the Transport Police and
Sydney Trains.
The sessions involved lectures, PowerPoint,
role plays and some powerful YouTube clips
around important issues such as: panel
kicking, train surfing, urban exploring and
graffiti. The aim was to reinforce safe and
responsible train travel and highlight the
dangers of these other activities.
Young people are notorious for not thinking through the consequences of their actions! In these cases a criminal record
would be the lightest of consequences with
permanent injury and death being the
worst! The program hopefully made our
students think about their behaviour on
trains and the corridor surrounding them,
and maybe saved a tragedy from occurring.
Talks for Yr7, and hopefully Yr 9, are in the
pipeline for next term.
Jannali News
June 2015
State Interschools Equestrian
On June 18-20, Emerald Hughes (Yr 7) competed in the 2015 State Interschools Championships at Sydney International Equestrian Centre. Over 1,800 riders and horses from schools
all over NSW competed over 4 days.
Emerald and her pony, Tonto, entered into 3 categories:
Combined Training—Dressage 1.1 + 60cm jump
Dressage 1.2
They performed extremely well in all 3 and Emerald and Tonto placed 10th overall in the
combined training.
Year 12 attended Como Hotel for a special presentation by the Licensee and local Police
about the responsible drinking of alcohol in public places. Year 12 were excellent and we all
learnt some fascinating facts about the ENORMOUS fines you can get for doing the wrong
thing. They were also reminded to look after themselves and their friends when they are
out and about.
J. Plackett Year 12 Adviser
Jannali News
June 2015
Our school continued with some outstanding efforts over the past month. With most of the
knock-out seasons coming to a close, our school teams exceeded many previous endeavours, with our boys and girls football teams just falling short of the regional finals.
Cross Country
Without doubt, this year has been our most successful cross country campaign in the past
decade. Congratulations to the following students who finished in the top ten for their age
group at the Port Hacking Zone carnival.
Rogan McManus
Mia Bruce
Riley Dobson
Jessica Bennett
Natalie Maher
Jack Elphinstone
12 yrs
12 yrs
13 yrs
14 yrs
14 yrs
16 yrs
Daniel Zahn
Brittany Watson
Amy Bennett
Bailey Gascoigne
Harley Hill
Angela Streeter
16 yrs
16 yrs
16 yrs
17 yrs
18 yrs
18 yrs
At the Sydney East Regional Cross Country Carnival on Thursday, 11th of June, our school’s
competitors continued their outstanding efforts with seven of our runners qualifying for the
NSW CHS State carnival as follows:
Riley Dobson
13 years — 4th
Jessica Bennett 14 years — 5th
Brittany Watson
16 years — 1st & Age Champion
Amy Bennett
16 years — 3rd
Bailey Gascoigne 17 years — 2nd
Angela Streeter
18 years — 4th
Harley Hill 18 years — 6th
Jannali News
June 2015
Athletics Carnival
Our annual school Athletics Carnival took place on Wednesday, 27th May at the Waratah
Athletics Oval, Sutherland. It was another great day for our school with an extremely high
participation rate in all age groups. The postponed port Hacking Zone Carnival will most likely to take place on Friday, 24th July at Barden Ridge. Details will follow shortly.
Outstanding Individual Performances
Congratulations to the following students who gained selection in NSW State and National
representative teams. It is rare for a school to have so many elite athletes performing at this
Georgia Manos
NSW CHS Girls Football (soccer)
Sam Rose
NSW CHS 15s Waterpolo
Blake Currey
NSW CHS Boys Football
Thea Carroll
NSW and Australian 17s Waterpolo
Mr Moore, Sports Organiser
If you would like to investigate the effectiveness of the
Skoolbag app., visit their website at
http://, or simply go to the App Store on your
smartphone, iPad or android device and download The Jannali High School app. I strongly encourage all parents/carers
and students to try out this application.
Jannali News
June 2015
Members of the Building
Construction VET class laying another concrete slab
ready for their picnic table,
made in class. This may be
Mr Webster’s last table of
more than 10 dotted
around the school grounds.
Skills for Work and Study TAFE
This course at Gymea Tafe is for
people who wish to refresh their
skills to re-enter the workforce
or do further study.
Classes run 3 days per week in
school hours beginning
20th July. Subjects include: Computing, Workplace Writing, Resumes, Interview Skills, First Aid
and more.
Information session:
10.00 am Wednesday, 10thJune
Gymea College Building A
Room AG12
The Kingsway, GYMEA
Enquiries: Phone 9710 5136
Jannali News
June 2015
Monday, 22/6
Yr11 Biology excursion
“Showcase” morning
Tuesday, 23/6
Enrichment Program
Preliminary Maths
General Task 3 pd3
Wednesday, 24/6
Yrs 10,11,12 parent /
teacher evening 3.306.30pm
G’day USA information
evening 7pm
Taste of TAFE day
Thursday, 25/6
2015 Secondary
Schools Leadership
Enrichment Program
Yr12 Biology excursion
Friday, 26/6
Monday, 13/7
Staff Development
Tuesday, 14/7
Wednesday, 15/7
Thursday, 16/7
Yr10 interviews re sub- Yr10 interviews re
ject selection
subject selection
Friday, 17/7
Yr10 subject selections due
Wednesday, 22/7
HSC Drama trials
Thursday, 23/7
Friday, 24/7
Education Week
Wednesday, 29/7
Thursday, 30/7
Friday, 31/7
Wednesday, 5/8
Yr12 Trial exams
Yr8 Japanese task 3
Thursday, 6/8
Yr12 Trial exams
Yr8 Japanese task 3
Friday, 7/8
Yr12 Trial exams
Monday, 20/7
Tuesday, 21/7
Yrs 7,8,9 parent /
teacher night
Yr8 —>9 subject selection evening
Monday, 27/7
Education Week
Tuesday, 28/7
Monday, 3/8
Yr12 Trial exams
Yr8 Japanese task 3
Tuesday, 4/8
Yr12 Trial exams
Yr10 Techno Bully
Yr8 Japanese task 3