11-11-2015 - Madison Campus Elementary


11-11-2015 - Madison Campus Elementary
Madison Campus Elementary Update
Mission Statement: Transforming the whole child with Bible-based academics, nurturing
environment, and healthy lifestyle.
November 11, 2015
Vision Statement: Successfully educating today’s child with eternal principles and
academic excellence.
Issue 13
Madison Academy Veteran Day Celebration
With more than 350 people in attendance, MA and MCE celebrated our veterans and what they have
given to our country and to us. The program was led by Mrs. Fuentes, MA Principal. Two of our 8th
graders were honored to carry in the American and Tennessee State Flag. The first grade classroom
sung “My Country, Tis of Thee.” Eighth grader, Spencer Boskind along with MA Senior Sean Moore
said a thank you to our veterans in attendance. The 2nd grade class made US flags out of popsicle sticks
to present as gifts. Michael Shofner wrapped up the program with closing prayer. The comments overheard were how wonderful the program was and the veterans really did feel appreciated. Thank you to
all who have served or are currently serving. We salute you!
Scripture for the Week:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
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Madison Campus Elementary Update
Today our Madison Campus Trailblazers Drum Corp were excited to be
a part of the Nashville Veterans Day Parade. Our students walked over
two miles, from 14th Ave to Broadway to 3rd Ave. They joined other
area schools, scouts, local fire & police departments. The Trailblazers
were able to meet and shake hands with U.S Representative of Tennessee’s 5th district, Jim Cooper. (Thank you Tonya Coker, Carol Collins,
Maurice Crayton, Randall Crayton for taking time out of your day to
make this happen.) Students involved: Sophia Fernandes, Katie Monroe,
Kaiden Coker, Kamber Coker, Kyla
Wetmore, Cammie
Beech &
Andre Crayton
November 13 –Science Fair
November 14– Science Fair Open House & Awards
November 14—MCE Band to Madison Campus Church
November 16-20 -Fall Week of Prayer
November 21 –Dodgeball– Rescheduled (see new date below)
November 25-27 - Thanksgiving Br eak
Parents in Prayer
Please join us every Wednesday in the school library from
7:45-8:00 am to pray for our
MCE students and their prayer requests.
November 30– 50’s day (6th-8th
The Pathfinders will have their regular meeting
Tuesday, March
15 Concert
at 6:30 PM
11 - Geography
are alsoBee
meeting this Sunday at 1:00 at
the church for an Honors Class.
January 10– 8th Grade Dodgeball Tournament
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Madison Campus Elementary Update
You should have alr eady r eceived an email fr om Mr . Shofner r egar ding
our Annual Turkey Fundraiser starting this week. The 7th graders have come
up with a plan on where to use the money raised from the purchase of turkey
feathers to “feather your teacher”
Daily, have your child bring change and/or bills to purchase feathers, or extras
such as ties, hats, tutu’s, etc. to place on the teacher poster in the hallway of
their choice. On our last day before Thanksgiving break the teacher that “raised” the most $$$$ by
feathers that were purchased to “cover their turkey” in the hall, GETS to wear a FULL TURKEY COSTUME! We have sooo much fun doing this! But watch out for sneaky behind
the scene purchases or deals made by teachers that do not want to wear the
costume. This is a crazy 2 weeks! If you have a minute, stop in and see the
gigantic turkey drawings of each teacher, including Mr. Shofner, Mr. Ross,
Mrs. Maribel and Coach Perkins who also like to get in on the fun! Remember, loose change or $$$ are appreciated. We keep a daily running total that
will be revealed on the morning of Tuesday November 24. Lets do this and
help raise awareness for the 7th graders cause.
First World Problems” & The 7th Grade Class
For worship a couple of weeks ago, the seventh grade class watched a video showing people in
a third world country reading certain messages. These messages were considered "first world
problems", such as "I hate it when I order no pickles and they give me pickles". This video got our
class thinking about how blessed we are to live in this country and how there are so many people
around the world who have it much worse than we do.
We started thinking about ways in which we could help and decided that we wanted to raise
money for clean water in third world countries. Specifically, we want to purchase filtering straws
so that people can drink clean water. The straws cost $10 a piece and our goal is to purchase as
many as we can by Christmas. Our class is bringing in any and all spare change that we have in
our homes, cars, couch cushions, etc. We would like to open
up the donations to the whole school. Please consider bringPATHFINDERS
ing in your spare change to help us purchase theseThe
Pathfinders will have their regular meeting
for clean water. With your help we can make a difference!!!
next Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30 PM
Pathfinders are also meeting this Sunday at 1:00 at
For more information, please visit waterislife.com
the church for an Honors Class.
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Madison Campus Elementary Update
Girls Basketball
November 16 Lancaster @ MCE 5:00
November 17 PVCS @ MCE 5:00
Baby Shower for
Mrs. Patricia Smith
We are so grateful to have a dedicated Spanish teacher here at
MCE. Mrs. Smith has done a wonderful job
teaching our students. Mrs. Smith has 2 children in 7th & 8th grade and now is expecting
a baby in December. We are planning a baby
shower for Thursday November 19 in the
lunchroom from 11:00-11:30 to celebrate
their new baby boy. If you would like to contribute a gift or money please bring it by the
office. The Smith family is starting from
scratch with a crib, bedding, stroller,
clothes..etc. We appreciate your help in making this baby shower a wonderful gift from
MCE to the Smith family.
Student Illness
If you and/or your family have
not received a flu shot, I encourage you to get one. Even if
you can handle the symptoms of the flu,
getting vaccinated can help protect others
who are at a higher risk of complications. If
your child does get sick, please keep them
home until the symptoms have been gone
for more than 24 hours to ensure they will
not pass it on to someone else.
Boys Basketball
November 16 Lancaster @ MCE 6:00
November 17 PVCS @ MCE 6:00
November 23 HCA @ MCE 6:00
Home and School Encouragement
When we think of our family, our spouse, parents or
children, let us see them as a gift from God.
—Dillon Burroughs
Donations Accepted
Dear MCE families,
If you have been blessed this year
and are looking for ways to give
back, please consider giving to MCE. There is a
"Wish List" on the left side of our website
(www.mcesda.org) with a dozen or more items
that would help students and teachers. Also,
MCE is fortunate to have an endowment fund
that can be used for
student aide or projects that
in the future.
If you
to conThearise
will have
to the endowment
please go to
next Tuesday,
March 15 atfund,
6:30 PM
Pathfinders are also meeting this Sunday at 1:00 at
DonationInfo.aspx?epguid=9316255b-04b6-43b2the church for an Honors Class.
All donations are tax-deductible
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Madison Campus Elemenary Update
.Science Fair Reminder
You should be wrapping up your project and putting the finishing touches on your Science Fair Board.
Do you have the following ready? Title, hypothesis, materials, questions, procedure, data/results? Maker
sur e your board is colorful and eye catching! You don’t have much time left, Science Fair will take place
on Friday, November 13. Set up will take place on Friday.
Science Fair Open House
Saturday November 14 at 6:00pm
Come out and support our students and their projects, Awards will be handed out.
Don’t forget to take home your projects.
Mr. & Mrs Ross will be selling their Delicious Asian food as a fundraiser for the computer lab,
there will be limited food available.
Funny Science Facts:
Humans get a little taller in space because there is no gravity pulling down on them.
Sneezing with your eyes open is impossible
The trickiest tongue twister in the English language is apparently “Sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick”
Give it a try and see for yourself.
Madison Academy Choir
Dinner and Dessert
Come out and help support the
up-coming Choir trip to Rome
by visiting the Rivergate
Panera Bread and Baskin Robins on Thursday,
November 12 from
4:00-8:00 .
For MA to receive the fundraising efforts at Panera Bread,
customers must present a
Panera Fundraising flyer at the
end of this update.
Baskin Robins no flyer is necessary just come and enjoy a
sweet treat and support MA
Madison Academy Thanksgiving
Talent Extravaganza!
Saturday November 14
7:00 pm- ?
Open to MA, MCE, Community, Staff,
Prizes will be awarded to 1st place in a category:
Musical Showdown
Lip Sync Battle
Best Spoken Word
Ultimate Movies Scenes
Comedy/Dramatic Skits
Smorgasbord Category
must submit
a video
by MonPathfinders
will have
their preview
regular meeting
9 for15
Tuesday, March
at 6:30 PM
also participant,
meeting this Sunday
at you
1:00 are
fee forareeach
$8.00 if
in multiple acts.
Contact Coach Ley at
rley@madisonacademy.com or
text 615-293-5543
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Madison Campus Elementary Update
Yearbook News!
Its that time of year to start thinking about the MCE yearbook! We offer space in the yearbook to purchase for ads for your business or you can honor your student by purchasing a personal ad. This is a
great way to express how proud you are of their accomplishments!
Yearbook ads are priced as follows:
1/8 page (business card size) $55.00
¼ page ad - $90.00
½ page ad - $165.00
Full page ad $305.00
Deadline to place an ad is December 18, 2015. Space is limited and will be fir st come fir st ser ve
Checks are made to MCE or ask to have it be placed on your school bill.
Questions please call or text Deana Vandivier at 615-418-7211 or email at deana.vandivier@gmail.com
Meeting with Teachers
MCE Field Trip
We have a few students that are needing
to order a field trip tee-shirt. We have
spoken with the tee-shirt company
about placing a order. To keep the cost
lower, we will need to place an order
of at least 15 shirts.
As of today we have 8 orders.
Please do not delay in ordering your
students tee-shirt or order one for yourself.
Shirt orders are located in the wall box
near the office. Please fill out and return to the office. Please make your
payment out to MCE in the amount of
If you would like to meet with faculty or staff, please make an appointment, preferably after school. It
there is something urgent that you
would like to discuss in the mornings, please meet with
Mr. Shofner. In the morning the teachers are trying to prepare their classroom for the day, and they are not able to
give you the time you would like to discuss a issue.
Substitute &
After School Care Help
The Pathfinders
If you have
like to
next Tuesday,
15 at
6:30 PM
earn some
Consider being
added to our Substitute Teacher list and
this Sunday
at 1:00
After School
Care are
degree needed,
but you
complete Shield the Vulnerable. We need help with all
grades and ASC times.
If interested, please contact the office to be added to our
call list.
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Madison Campus Elementary Update
The Pathfinders will have their regular meeting
next Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30 PM
Pathfinders are also meeting this Sunday at 1:00 at
the church for an Honors Class.