Junior Member Newsletter - April 2013


Junior Member Newsletter - April 2013
American Racing
Pigeon Union
Spring 2013
In this issue:
‘Fly In’ Report, Dylan Patera, AU
National Youth Ambassador
2013 Youth Membership Contest
The paper copy has been discontinued. The on-line version will remain. To request a
NLA Scholarships
paper copy of the current issue, please contact us. 1-800-755-2778.
NW Washington Junior 4-H Fly-in
2013, Steve Lawler
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Karen Clifton, Executive Director
American Racing Pigeon Union
Welcome all National Youth Race Entrants! We know you’ve
A Century of Excellence!
done a fantastic job of preparing your youngster for the race. We’ll
begin sending updates out as training gets underway. Tom Kurz, your handler, is making preparation for the conditioning of the 2013 title rivals.
Our appreciation goes to Tom for his commitment. We wish you all the best of luck.
Remember that after the race, all entrants will receive a certificate. The top 10 place certificates will be mounted on
handsome plaques that we hope you are proud to display. The winner will receive a plaque and a trophy and will also be
invited to attend the 2014 AU convention as a guest of the AU.
The Gulfcoast Homing Club has strong competition from well known flyers—your birds will be in the company of
many AU legends’ birds in the lofts at the convention location. Sunny Florida offers an ideal climate for year round racing.
You’re sure to have the best for your birds, and if you can attend, you’ll be in the company of the greats!
Mark your calendars: convention dates are November 20 through 24. Keep an eye out for your results.
McCabe Garfield
David Grzeda
James Hernandez
Maya Hernandez
Talia Hernandez
Evan Hibbing
Caleb Hindi
Josia Hindi
Kamal Hindi
Olivia Hindi
Breann Kiecker
Cheyenne Kiecker
Sean Kobayashi
Paulele Lapota
Jedidiah Larson
Emily Alvarez
Sophia Alvarez
Michaela Anderson
Tannen Bennett
Brynna Cariaga
Hannah Carns
Ryan Carns
Manuel Casillas
Jackson Daniel
Jason Daniel
Maryam Dehgham
Jesse Dobelbower
Lance Fuller
Barrett Fuller
Hayden Garfield
Luke Salinovici
Sean Salinovici
Leilani Sattler
Emily Seton
Megan Seton
Molly Seton
Jacob Serrao
Jace Shiroma
Jenna Shiroma
Misa Smetana
Danielle Smith
Madison Smith
Thomas Strand
Daniel Wall
David Wall
We hope you can be
here, but if not, your
birds are in great
hands with Tom.
Good luck with your
racers! This will be
a great competition
for you.
Freddie Rivera,
Samantha Long
Daisy Lord
Ryan Maginness
Jacob McCool
Brooklynee Michael
Madison Michael
Tanner Michael
Brittney Nuthals
Atziry Palomares
Dylan Patera
Audrey Perry
Martha Plazewski
Nathan Recolizado
Aliza Salinovici
Julianna Salinovici
Bill Mitiu, AU Exec VP
P.O. Box 18465
Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0465
Phone: 405-848-5801
Fax: 405-848-5888
Email: ARPU@pigeon.org
This is a great
group of people.
We look forward to
hosting your birds.
Al Hassler, AU SE Zone Dir
By: Dylan Patera - AU National Youth Ambassador
Somewhere something very special was taking place… In the universe… In a solar system… In a
world… In a continent… In a country… In a state… In a county… In a
city… In the Lions Club building… the
inspiring 4H ‘Fly In’ was held.
There were two presentations by
members. The birds, raffle prizes and
lunch were donated and provided by:
Dave and Sam Long-birds, Steve Lawler
-birds, Lori Malone-birds, Mike Strevalauction bird, Larry Bell-birds, Jerry King
and the Everett Club- use of show cages,
In this article I am reporting on the
Trade Winds Steve and Patti Galloway
3rd annual 4H ‘Fly In’ in North Western
Washington which was hosted this year feeds-pigeon things, Seed Factory Kelli
by the 4H pigeon club Skypilots lead by Hartzell-pigeon things, Jim Jennerpigeon expert Herb Cartmell for 4H pi- pigeon DVDs, Herb Cartmell and Evelyn
geon clubs Thunderbirds and Skypilots. Guillmette 4H leaders – Sky Pilots and
Valhalla 4H pigeon club members were Thunderbirds clubs. Thank for your genin attendance too. It was in Woodinville erosity that made the ‘Fly In’ possible.
Washington at the Lions Club building.
I thought that it was really
good, liked the bird raffle and will attend next year. Wish you all good
luck racing and hope all of your birds
‘Fly In’ fast and safe.
Sam Long giving an informative and well
delivered presentation on pigeons
Jerry King from the Everett club quizzes some senior flyers
Sylbil, Aleric, and for ‘Fit and Show’
‘Why’ you may ask? The purpose
of the ‘Fly In’ is for 4H pigeon clubs to
meet, learn something, interact and to
distribute donated (thank you generous
donors) birds to all of the flyers to ‘fly
in’ the current year’s race season.
Colin looking forward to
his first year with pigeons!
Evan putting a new arrival into quarantine
back at the Valhalla Loft
There were many enjoyable, informative cool events going on all of
them exciting including: raffle for birds
and pigeon related things, fit and show (a
fair style bird trivia contest, handling and
showing of birds which helps build
knowledge, presentation and public
speaking skills), and lunch: hot dogs,
chips, muffins and delicious doughnuts.
SkyPilots & Thunderbirds at the 2013 “Fly In.”
Some Stock Show visitors helped release pigeons after the show competi‐
tion at the Fort Worth Stock Show at Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort
Worth, TX, Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013.
2013 Youth Membership Contest
The subject is “courage” - related to Homing Pigeons and/or the Homing Pigeon racing sport.
Write an essay about the topic above. There is no minimum length of essay to write, but you do need to provide enough explanation
to make the point of your essay very clear. Essays must be the original work of the AU junior member. If you write about a historical
figure or event, please provide your references. Following instructions and having the entry in by the deadline will improve your
chances of winning.* Membership must be current to be eligible. (*Past AU Youth Membership Contest winners are not eligible to
For the eleventh year, the amazing prize of a Benzing electronic timing system has been donated by Ed Minvielle and Siegel’s Pigeon Supply. Ed & Siegel’s want to see youth participation in the sport grow. The AU appreciates their generosity.
The entries must be postmarked by September 27, 2013. The winner will be selected prior to, and announced during, the 2013 annual convention held in Tampa, Florida. The AU “Youth Membership Contest” is open to all AU junior members.* (*Past AU Youth
Membership Contest winners are not eligible to win.)
Please provide the following:
CLUB (if applicable):
I hereby submit my entry in the 2013 AU Youth Membership Contest. I have read and understand the rules and certify that I have
written the essay myself.
(Signature—Junior Member)
(Signature—Parent or Guardian)
Return this entry form with your essay to the AU national office.
It must be postmarked no later than September 27, 2013.
Mail to: American Racing Pigeon Union, Inc., P.O. Box 18465, Oklahoma City, OK 73154
You are eligible for these
Be sure to contact
Mrs. Anette Jones at
fenton4ever@yahoo.com if
you would like to apply.
NW Washington Junior 4-H Fly-in 2013
by Steve Lawler
As I chased the last students out of
my classroom on Friday, March 22, I
hurriedly grabbed my school gear and
moved out to the parking lot to trade it
for the “pigeon” gear I had stashed in our
Scion parked in the high school staff
parking lot. Dave & daughter, Sam
Long, and sister Cheyenne Kiecker were
on their way to swoop me up in my
Dodge Dakota truck and begin the long
drive over the Cascades to western
Washington and on to the waiting hospitality of Herb & Marlene Cartmell in
Woodinville, WA.
Dave, Sam, and Cheyenne had all
their geared stored in the back of the
truck and nestled in the middle were 35
babies, all ready to make it Christmas-all
-over-again for the junior flyers of the
SkyPilots and Thunderbirds AU youth
clubs in NW Washington. It was time for
the annual Fly-in where the 4-H juniors
from NW Washington gather and meet
and receive donated YB’s and raffle prizes after delivering and viewing various
SkyPilot leader, Herb Cartmell,
was the point man for this year’s efforts.
As you may recall from last year’s article, the youth groups met in Bellingham,
WA in 2012 and it was hosted by Jerry
and Evelyn Guilmette. Evelyn and Kate
Patera and Vicki Strand brought a
healthy crew down from Bellingham to
join their brother and sister junior pigeoneers at the Lions’ Club building in
The 4-H meeting started with a
pledge and proceeded with a variety of
presentations and Q&A’s.
Everett RPC flyers Jerry King and
Roald Haugen also made the trip down
to Woodinville and Jerry did a great job
as the MC while questioning some of the
older junior 4-H members.
As we were breaking for lunch,
Thomas Strand and his mom, Vicki, did
overview of the PIXEX/Benzing computer program for calculating speeds.
Lunch was fabulous as usual and primarily supplied by the Thunderbirds.
Samantha Long of Spirit Lake, ID
asked to have a chance to talk to the
gathered juniors and encouraged them to
fly the donated birds that they were receiving from L&L Breeding Station in
Spirit Lake, ID, and from Larry Bell of
Port Orchard, WA (a frequent youth supporter) and Lori Malone from Arlington,
Many times bird donations are
made to groups (particularly youth
groups) with the understanding that the
birds will be competitively flown and the
results reported back to the donors in
hopes of providing critical data which so
important in improving breeding pair
Sam has had a wealth of experience over the last couple of years and
she outlined what she and her dad, Dave,
do to be so competitive while flying
from such a poor location (20 miles long,
off line, and behind a 4000 foot mountain!)
Sam’s info was so comprehensive
that 30+ year Everett veteran flyer, Jerry
King, mentioned that he was happy NOT
to be flying against Sam.
During the season we medicate a couple
of times, alternating medications to kill
any viruses etc., that the birds may pick
up in the crates and drinkers when headed to the race.
For conditioning we have:
Below is the presentation:
Training: Tosses as follows (twice) @ ½,
1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 50
miles. Then one toss back at 20 for a
break then 70, 30, 80,30, and 110, one
week before the first race. The following
week train 3 days short (20 to 40 miles
each depending on the race length and
degree of difficulty).
Hi, my name is Sam Long and I
am here today to talk about YOUNG
My family and I own Spirit Lofts
in Spirit Lake Idaho, and we race in the
Together with Steve Lawler, we also own
L&L Breeding Station.
Last year we had a good young
bird season. We took 3 firsts, 1 second, 3
thirds, 5 fourths, 3 fifths, and multiple
places after that to earn 3rd average
speed in the Club and #4 and #5 High
Point Bird in the club. We also won 2
State Line Combine races, (one of them
taking the first 5 places) to earn 3rd Average Speed in the State Line combine as
Our breeding station did well too,
with 36 percent of the top 30 birds in the
club being bred by L&L breeding station.
To be a successful young bird flyer, I believe that 3 things are the most
Feeding: We feed all the birds can eat in
a half hour once daily in the morning, or
after they come home from the training
We keep the birds hungry enough
to trap well to a whistle, but not hungry
enough to approach the feeder with their
wings open.
Feeding/Supplements during the race
season is as follows:
High safflower content along with some
corn and wheat; barley sometimes at the
beginning of the week.
Vitamins and Minerals: Sat after race,
Sunday, Tue, Thurs, Apple Cider Vinegar/ Lemon Juice, Monday, and Wednesday - they get nothing but water in the
fountains on Friday, unless they have
mucus in their throat, and then we put
lemon juice in the water on Friday.
Any mid-season medicating we do
(based on need) is on Monday/Tuesday
for 1 day or 1½ days.
Health - Conditioning - Breeding
For Breeding we have:
For health, we have:
Acquire the best birds you can, (that
Living Environment: Loft: Dry / Good
doesn’t mean spending a lot of $$$$;
Ventilation, but no drafts.
best often come as GIFTS)
Breed the best to the best!
Feeding: Dry, mouse-proof storage con- Keep the nests dry and clean for the babies to grow up well.
tainers / no poopy feeders.
Medications: Preventative Medication
pre-season for: Coccidiosis/ Canker/
Broadband Antibiotic followed by a good