May 7 2010 Girls
May 7 2010 Girls
THE YBH OF PASSAIC—HILLEL THIS WEEK: GIRLS DIVISION IN FOCUS Parshas Behar-Bechukosai 23 Iyar 5770 May 7, 2010 Dvar Torah Parshas Behar-Bechukosai By Rabbi Shlomo Abraham May 9 May 4 T his past week, we celebrated the holiday of Lag B’Omer, the thirty-third day of the Omer, the period of seven weeks between Pesach and Shavuos. During this time, 24,000 students of the great Sage, Rabbi Akiva, passed away, because they lacked proper respect for one another. This epidemic stopped on Lag B’Omer, which became a day of celebration. Today, many people celebrate Lag B’Omer by lighting bonfires and singing songs in honor of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, one of Rabbi Akiva’s foremost students. How does the celebration of Lag B’Omer prepare us for the greater celebration of Shavuos, which marks the giving of the Torah? And why is Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai central to that celebration? In his teachings, Reb Shimon expresses the idea that we, as human beings, through Torah, can combine our physicality with our spirituality. This combination is what makes us a nation whose members can incorporate the holiness of the Torah into our everyday lives. There is a famous saying, “Derech eretz kadma L’Torah.” A prerequisite to accepting the Torah is to have derech eretz, proper manners of conduct. If we really want to accept the Torah, we need to refine our character so that the Torah can have an effect on us. This is why we start learning Pirkei Avos, Ethics of the Fathers, during the weeks leading up to Shavuos. Pirkei Avos teaches us how to refine our character. Our preparation, then, for Shavuos and receiving the Torah, should be gaining this understanding that Reb Shimon personifies, that the physical me is not all just for myself. . When we respect one another, what we are saying is that we see in our fellow human being more than just a physical being made of flesh and blood. Student Dvar Torah YBH Bike-a-Thon General Board Meeting May 12 Language Arts Fair 4 PM Dismissal Yom Yerushalayim May 18 Limudei Kodesh Boys’ Div.-Gr. 1-8 12:30 PM Dismissal No Sessions for Girls & ECD Erev Shavuos NO SESSSIONS M a y SHAVUOS 19—20 May 21 9 AM Shacharis for boys in grades 5—8. 10 AM start for boys in grades 1—4 Division; Dismissal at 12:15 PM **NO SESSIONS FOR GIRLS & ECD May 23 Salute to Israel Parade June 2 YBH Barnes and Noble Book Fair By Michla Ben-David 8G ”“ונתתי שלום בארץ (’ו:)בחקתי כ’’ו R ashi says, “If there is no peace, there is nothing”. There are two types of people in the world—people who are happy with what they have and people are not never happy with what they have, because they look at what they don’t have. A way to prevent this from happening is when the person has pure and sincere love for the people that have more than him and doesn’t envy those people. This way, he feels happy for his friend, instead of being jealous. Therefore, the only way for people to really experience a total blessing with what Hashem has given them is for there to be true peace among people. This is the peace in which people feel love for one another and are happy for their good fortune. Format design used with permission from Pirchei Agudas Yisroel ofAmerica. YBH of Passaic—Hillel 270 Passaic Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055 (973) 777-0735 Zmanim for Passaic Candle Lighting 7:41 PM Krias Shema M”A — 8:43 AM Gra — 9:19 AM Zman Tefilla M”A — 10:07 AM Gra — 10:31 AM Shkia 8:00 PM Motzei Shabbos 9:00 PM Learning From Our Leaders (Morah Stern 6G & Mechaneches) פיה פתחה בחכמה Michali Mandel (1G) asked a great question in ט’’ז: ב,פרשת בראשית. She wanted to know why the pasuk said ”“ויצו ה’ על האדם. Leiba Joran (1G) said פרקי אבותon Shabbos! She asked: “Why does it say in Chumash, ”“הוא, when referring to a river, and the next place it refers to a river, there is no ”?“הוא All the girls in ’ כתה בrecognized a word in our new פסוקfrom the פסוקthat we learned the first day of school! Elisheva Hirsch (3G) asked several questions: “Are we allowed to eat כלאיםeven though we can’t plant them?” “Why would Yaakov feel better if his mother said ” “עלי קללתך- “On us will be your curse”? When we get up for morahs, secretaries, etc., when they come into the room, is that included in the mitzvah in פרשת קדושים, where it states: ?”“מפני שיבה תקום Eliana Ness, Alyssa Needle, Rosie Arochas, Sara Demby, and Miriam Zimmerman (7G) asked all Rashi questions on our unit of פסוקים. C hazal relate that, during the period between Pesach and Shavuos, the 24,000 talmidim of Rabbi Akiva perished because of שלא נהגו כבוד זה לזה. It is with these thoughts in mind that we can perhaps understand the following incredible story: Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the Alter from Slabodka, once asked to daven for the Amud. To everyone’s shock, he began to stumble over the words of Kaddish, reading them as if he were a young child. The congregation did their best not to show any reaction out of respect for the Rabbi. After the Alter finished Aleinu, a Kaddish Yosom was recited from the back of the room. The unlearned man struggled and stumbled over the words. At once, it became clear to all those present what had transpired. On the way into the shul, the Alter had seen this man and heard him practicing the words of Kaddish, with great difficulty. So, in order to save the man from shame, the Alter lead the congregation, pretending to have difficulty with the words of davening. The Alter was concerned only with making this Jew comfortable. May we be zoche to emulate the Alter’s sensitivity and treat each person with dignity, meriting the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdash. Kesser Shem Tov On Monday, we were privileged to hear from Mrs. Carol Sufian and the President, Mrs. Stein, who work for Emunah in Israel. The girls participated in a discussion and saw pictures to gain an understanding and appreciation as to where the money they will be giving in the Privilege Auction will be going to. Please send in money with your daughters so they can participate in this special cause. Thank you to Morah Fried for arranging and allowing us to be a part of this campaign to raise money! During davening, Rachel Kossin (5G) got Morah Stern a chair upon noticing that she didn’t have one! Russy Hirsch (1G) was מוותרwith a smile! When Ima fell asleep, Lieba Joran (1G) quietly played with her brothers. 2 A Message From the Mechaneches I n the past two weeks, YBH has been abuzz with exciting and inspirational activities! The 6—8th grade girls had the opportunity to participate in a meaningful and inspirational אהבת ישראלYom Iyun. They enjoyed a delicious breakfast and then proceeded to the four workshops which focused on different aspects of friendships and sensitivity towards others—whether it was understanding the מכתב מאליהוor playing an interactive game to internalize how to be a genuine friend. In addition to thanking the Morahs, we want to thank Mrs. Rochel Besser for joining us and giving some of the workshops. A special thanks goes to Mrs. Val Rubin, Mrs. Chani Karpel, and Ms. Aviva Weinraub, for conducting the second half of our program. The girls under their guidance experienced and discussed real-life scenarios and how they would react. The morning ended with a creative and beautiful project arranged by Mrs. Julie Friedman. It was amazing to see the gorgeous headbands and bracelets the girls designed! Red & orange, green & blue Shiny yellow, purple, too All the colors that we know Live up in the rainbow! On Monday, the 1st—4th grades enjoyed a post Lag B’Omer activity. As a continuation of our theme for this month, we had a “Rainbow Scavenger Hunt”. Our 4th graders did a superb job being the captains! Each team collected and tied the strings to form one long string. We then spread out the strings across the gym floor to create a rainbow. We spoke again about the concept of אחדות, and how each girl is a different “color” - has different talents and abilities, yet we merge together to create an atmosphere of warmth and אחדות. All the girls displayed a tremendous amount of unity. It was nice to see the older girls helping the younger girls and working together as a unified team. After a fun-filled hunt, the girls enjoyed their special treat, rainbow ice pops! That isn’t all…..On Tuesday, guess what we had!?! - a stupendous BBQ! As a reward for their Yom Ha’atzmaut presentations, the 5th – 8th graders enjoyed a delicious BBQ outdoors. Hot dogs, hamburgers, salad, pickles and even watermelon for dessert were all part of the menu! The girls were delighted! A special feeling of unity and warmth was tangible. The girls are to be commended for their display of אחדותand the appreciation they expressed to the Morahs and staff members who arranged the BBQ. It was a tremendous joy and nachas to watch the girls intermingle with each other in a fun and invigorating atmosphere. A special הכרת הטובgoes to Mrs. Val Rubin and Mrs. Joyce Davis for all their help to ensure the success of our BBQ!! There’s still more in store...we’ll keep you posted! (Are we having Color War!?!) Morah Stern, I wanted to just let you know (before I completely forget) how much Aliza enjoyed the BBQ on Tuesday. She came home very happy and excited and reported that the day was amazing. She loved the bountiful, yummy food, the free time to spend hanging out with friends outdoors and the fact that she didn't feel that the "good time" was rushed. Thanks for all your hard work. I'm sure all the girls appreciated the special day. I know Aliza definitely did. All the best, Yael Pahmer 3 Photo Gallery “Rainbow” Scavenger Hunt! Enjoying our BBQ! Do you recognize the chefs? 4 ECD’s Trip to the Turtleback Zoo Thank you PTA for an Unbelievable trip Riding on the bus Terrific, enthusiastic Morahs Lots of animals Exciting train ride and picnic lunch Birds flying above our head Alligators and a monkey swinging away Cougar and leopard resting in the sun Kangaroos and a petting zoo Zillions of smiles and giggles Outstanding parents as our chaperones Oodles of thanks! We could not have done it without you! Class Acts 3G Class Acts 3G Mrs. Vann Morah Pollak W A hat an amazing and productive year 3G is having! The girls are fluent in their multiplication and are grasping division super-fast! They are all writing cursive so beautifully. They know all the 50 states and where they are located on a map. They truly have what to be proud of! In Social Studies, we are learning all about the Lenape Indians. It is very interesting to learn about them and how they lived. In Language Arts, the girls have finished two novels and can’t wait for next week when they can show off their projects at the Literary Fair! In Science, the girls have completed the official curriculum. They enjoyed it so much that we are going to continue on and learn about the water cycle. Over Sefiras HaOmer, we have been having a “good deeds” contest. Every time a friend does an especially nice thing for a friend, she gets an award and is admitted into a raffle. At the end of the week, the raffle is done, and winners get a prize. The box is always filled to the top! 3rd grade girls are extraspecial! Good Shabbos. s ל’’ג בעומרhas passed and שבועותis coming soon, the third graders will, ’בעזרת ה, show their talents by making a map of ארץ ישראלcome alive with many important places that they have learned and will learn, in connection to several things: פרשת ויצא, ר’ שמעון בר יוחאי, הר סיני, and the land of מואב. We enjoy hearing each other read Hebrew stories/questions and translate them into English! In דקדוק, we are singing about exceptions to the rule. We are also busy practicing with הוה, trying not to step into עברby mistake! 5 YBH Language Arts Festival and Fair Wednesday, May 12 6:30 PM—8:00 PM School will dismiss at 4:00 PM for all students. SAVE THE DATE Wednesday June 2, 2009 9 AM—11 PM YBH of Passaic-Hillel’s Barnes & Noble Book Fair At the Clifton Commons Please email our vouchers to friends and family. They may be used at any Barnes & Noble store across the U.S. on any day to benefit YBH. 6 7 395 Route 3 East, Clifton Commons 395 Route 3 East, Clifton Commons 395 Route 3 East, Clifton Commons Bookfair I.D. 10213510 Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble Bookfair I.D. 10213510 Wed., June 2, 2010, 9 AM – 11 PM Wed., June 2, 2010, 9 AM – 11 PM Wed., June 2, 2010, 9 AM – 11 PM Bookfair I.D. 10213510 Supporting YBH of Passaic- Hillel Supporting YBH of Passaic- Hillel Supporting YBH of Passaic- Hillel 2135 EARN FREE STUFF FOR YOUR SCHOOL LABELS FOR EDUCATION How It Works: 1. CLICK COLLECT Labels for Education points electronically! Visit to register and learn more. 2. REGISTER Go online to register with your Price Plus Club Card and select your school of choice (Hillel Academy). You’ll get 100 Bonus Points automatically when you register! 3. EARN Every time you purchase participating Labels for Education products with your Price Plus Club Card at Shoprite, your school will automatically receive points for each item purchased. No more clipping. Just clicking! Earn 100 Labels for Education bonus points for registering at For more information about the Labels for Education program, visit or call 1-800-424-5531. DAY AFTER SHAVOUS Please be aware of a change in our calendar for the date Friday, May 21st. May 21st is the Friday directly after the Yom Tov of Shavuos. The only classes that will meet are our boys’ classes, grades 1 - 8. NO SESSIONS FOR GIRLS AND ECD. Boys Grades 1 - 4 - Classes begin at 10 AM - Boys should daven at home Boys Grades 5 - 8 - Shacharis minyan at 9 AM 8 SAVE THE DATE SALUTE TO ISRAEL PARADE SUNDAY MAY 23, 2010 BE SURE TO JOIN US BY MARCHING. EVERY MARCHER RECEIVES A TEE SHIRT. Mazel Tov: Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Goldie Zuckerman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Menachem. Mr. Yossi and Mrs. Shoshana Meyersdorf (Pre1A teacher) on the engagement of their daughter, Elana to Avinoam Kutscher. Adas Israel Shiurim for Women Will IY”H, be every Shabbos at 5:30 PM (Until further notice) May Menu All Mondays and Thursdays are Pizza Days. Tuesday Lunches Wednesday Lunches May 4: Chicken Nuggets and Fries May 11: Deli Hero and Coleslaw May 25: Hamburger and Fries May 5: Potato Knish and Vegetables May 12: Pasta and Israeli Salad May 26: Fish Sticks with Mashed Potatoes At 565 Broadway This week, May 8, 2010 Shabbos Parshas BeharBechukosai Speaker: Mahnaz Shmalo 9 YBH-PTA & GOOD SHABBOS FLOWERS NOW OFFER "FLOWERS FOR SHAVUOS" DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR (OR ANYWHERE IN THE PASSAIC / CLIFTON AREA) ON EREV-SHAVUOS SPRING MIXED BOUQUET......................$18.00 1 DOZEN ROSES........................................$ 26.00 **GOOD SHABBOS FLOWERS WILL DONATE A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR ORDER TO YBH-PTA** YOUR NAME:_______________________________________ YOUR ADDRESS:___________________________________ YOUR CONTACT #:__________________________________ ___ ___ FRESH SPRING MIXED BOUQUET DOZEN ROSES IF YOU WOULD LIKE FLOWERS DELIVERED TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS, PLEASE COMPLETE: DELIVER TO... NAME:_________________________ DELIVER TO... ADDRESS:_____________________ WHAT SHOULD WE WRITE ON THE CARD?________________________________ ________________________________ *PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: GOOD SHABBOS FLOWERS *DROP ORDER FORM & CHECK OFF AT YBH OFFICE IN AN ENVELOPE MARKED "YBH-PTA FLOWERS" ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY FRIDAY, MAY 14TH. THANK YOU & CHAG SAMEYACH! (973)224-1767 10 YBH BIKE-A-THON Will be on May 9!* Third Ward Park by the Duck Pond Boat House Girls: Grades 1-8 10:30AM to 11:30AM Boys: Grades 1-8 1:30PM to 3:30PM Pre1A: Choose either boys or girls session The YBH Bike-a-thon is an annual event filled with ruach, fun, exercise, and lots of excitement. Watch as your children, and possibly some of YBH’s faculty, spring into action as they bicycle around Third Ward Park. Who will have the most laps this year? Who will get the most sponsors for their athletic achievements? Will the YBH students surpass the 828 laps from the last Bike-a-thon? Please join your children on May 9 and be a part of this event. All children are encouraged to participate, regardless of riding abilities, and cheer on their classmates. Looking forward to seeing you there. Benji Karfunkel and Shmuel Schock Bike-a-thon Organizers * NOTE: If the Bike-a-thon has to be cancelled due to inclement weath conditions, please call the school office. Rain date is May 16th. 11 GET READY!! GET SET!! GET SPONSORS FOR THE BEST EVER… YBH BIKE-A-THON Riding Times: Sunday, May 9 Pond Boat House th @ Third Ward Park by the Duck Registration: Beginning 15 minutes prior to riding times Girls: Grades 1-8: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Boys: Grades 1-8 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM Pre1A: Choose either boys or girls session (cycle around the park center circle) Training wheels are permitted but roller blades and scooters are not. Water available for everyone. 8th grade will have a concession stand. Helmets are an absolute requirement!!! Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! Grand Prize for the top YBH fundraiser Gift Certificates for the most laps completed (separate races for boys and girls grades 1-4 & 5-8) Prize for everyone who raises a minimum of $25 dollars Premium level prize for everyone who raises a minimum of $100 dollars To volunteer, please contact Benji Karfunkel (973) 773-0974 or Shmuel Schock (973) 472-2099 12 13 Student Name:______________________________________ Sponsor Name and Address $ ______pledge per lap/ or flat donation Grade:__________________________ Sponsor Phone # YBH BIKE-A-THON SPONSOR SHEET Ddsd BIKE-A-THON REGISTRATION FORM This is to acknowledge that I permit my child(ren)_____________________ in grade(s)________________ to ride in the 2010 YBH bike-a-thon. A parent or guardian will be present to supervise my child for the duration of the event. I recognize the sport of biking can at times involve the risks of potential injury. I assume the obligation to provide my child with proper safety gear including a helmet. I knowingly allow his/her participation in this event, notwithstanding the risks. Signed, _____________________________ Parent’s Signature _____________ Date YBH BIKE-A-THON MAY 9TH 14 Dear Parents, The days of Sefiras Haomer are an especially appropriate time to teach our children the importance of providing for those in need. This is an especially meaningful mitzvah w hen providing for children in a similar age bracket as our own student body. It is even more meaningful when the students get something out of it as well. A “privilege auction” is in the works, and we are requesting full participation from our student body. From M ay 4 th until M ay 12th, the students of grades 1-8 will be able to purchase tickets for a lottery to w in privileges donated by the YB H rebbeim, moros , and teachers. T ables will be set up during designated times with the available prizes on view . Students will then have the opportunity to place their tickets into the containers for the prizes of their choice. Some examples of past prizes or privileges include, but are definitely not limited to: extra points on a test, passes for a homework-free night, one-on-one learning with a rebbe , or a Shabbos meal at a teacher’s house. Privileges may also be designed for more than one student (ie: “you and two friends…”). The drawings for the prizes will take place a special assembly in honor of Yom Yerushalayim. T his year, the money collected from the ticket sales (50 cents each, 12 for $5,) will benefit a daycare center in Chevron (Hebron,) Israel. This daycare center is unique in that it provides care for the children of working mothers who may be unable to return home in a timely fashion due to frequent road c losures or violenc e in the area. Trained employees who provide hot meals, homework help and a safe place during uncertain times, staff the c enter. K nowing that their children will be taken care of, these mothers can breathe a bit easier during potentially difficult times. T his is a project of Emunah of Americ a. Checks can be made payable to Emunah of America, specifying “Hebron Dayc are center” in the memo, if anyone would like to send their children with this method of payment or to make a separate donation. We need your help in making this event a success for our children and the children of Chevron. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation, 15 16 Location: TBA 8G 7G 6G 5G 4G 3G 2G Class 1G Mrs. Stein Schedule for Ticket Sales Privileges Auction 2010 Morah Fried Morah Davis Morah Stern Mrs. Ambrosio Ms. Lehmann Mrs. Vann Morah Rabinowitz Supervising Teacher Time Wednesday, May 5th 1:25‐ 1:45 Tuesday, May 11th 3:35‐3:50 Wednesday, May 5th 1:25‐1:45 Tuesday, May 11th 3:35‐3:50 Wednesday, May 5th 1:50‐2:05 Tuesday, May 11th 3:20‐3:35 Wednesday, May 5th 1:50‐2:05 Tuesday, May 11th 3:20‐3:35 Wednesday, May 5th 2:10‐2:25 Tuesday, May 11th 4:15‐4:30 Wednesday, May 5th 10:45‐11:05 Monday, May 10th 10:45‐11:05 Wednesday, May 5th 10:45‐11:05 Monday, May 10th 10:45‐11:05 Wednesday, May 5th 10:45‐11:05 Monday, May 10th 10:45‐11:05 17 Location: TBA 8B 7B 6B 5B 4B 3B 2B Class 1B Tuesday, May 4 3:30‐3:50 Monday, May 10th 3:20‐3:35 Tuesday, May 4th 3:30‐3:50 Monday, May 10th 3:20‐3:35 Wednesday, May 5th 1:00‐1:15 Monday, May 10th 3:35‐3:50 Wednesday, May 5th 1:00‐1:15 Monday, May 10th 3:35‐3:50 Tuesday, May 4th 4:15‐4:30 Monday, May 10th 4:15‐4:30 Wednesday, May 5th 3:00‐3:15 Monday, May 10th 1:55‐2:15 Wednesday, May 5th 3:00‐3:15 Monday, May 10th 1:55‐2:15 Wednesday, May 5th 3:00‐3:15 Monday, May 10th 1:55‐2:15 th Time Mrs. Fried Mrs. Fried Mrs. Hack Mr. Woods Mrs. Sommer Mrs. Kastner Mr. Cooper Mrs. Rosenberg Mrs. Weissman Mrs. Buckweitz Mrs. Praver Supervising Teacher Schedule for Ticket Sales Privileges Auction 2010
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May 14 2010 Boys
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