Summer 2012 TT Brochure
Summer 2012 TT Brochure
The yoga studies program at Yoga Flex is a program approved by the Yoga Alliance as meeting and exceeding all the fundamental standards of a foundational yoga teacher training course. This course is appropriate for those interested in deepening their understanding of authentic, traditional YOGA FLEX Foundational 200 hour Teacher Training June through September 1st, 2012 yoga beyond asana. It is also a rigorous course designed to develop aspiring yoga teachers. This is the ONLY program in Mara Healy (ERYT-500) has been leading foundational teacher trainings at Yoga Flex since 2007. She began studying with her teacher, Andrey Lappa in 2005 and has been under his protective guidance ever since. Mara credits her intensive studies with Andrey as expanding her growth in all areas of the eight limb path. Mara teaches all her classes at Yoga Flex as taught to her by Andrey, using Universal Yoga principles. She is honored to be one of the very few yoga teachers in the United States formally blessed by Andrey Lappa to present Universal Yoga workshops and classes, following the traditions transmitted from Andrey himself. For more information contact Mara: & On facebook: “Marayogini” North Carolina that teaches the science of sequencing based upon the Universal Yoga principles of all ranges of mobility for all the joints of the body and across and between all the mayakoshas and energetic systems of the body. Our program helps students calm the inner critic, and soothe the overly active mind. Students will learn how to use traditional yoga techniques to support both inner and outer transformation. Experienced teachers provide daily support and guidance, on an individual basis. Summer Intensive 2012 YOGA STUDIES WITH MARA HEALY, E- RYT-500 JOIN THIS VIBRANT YOGA SCHOOL! You can apply to the Yoga Studies program online at . If you have questions, contact Mara directly: Weekend One (June 1-3) - In this first weekend students are introduced to different types of sun and moon salutations and the types of vinyasas unique to the Universal Yoga System along with asanas named for lifeless forms. Students will learn the ancient sun salutation practice that integrates the therapeutic and healing aspects of the chakras with breath, movement and bija mantras. Discussion topics include karma, enlightenment and yoga as a spiritual practice. Japa mala recitation will be introduced. Reading and study of “The Bhagavad Gita” and “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” begins, and continues through each and every weekend. Weekend Two (June 29-July 1)- Students will explore the various pathways of yoga that include hatha, tantra, karma, bhakti and kriya yoga. The gunas and vayus will be explored and discussed. Students will understand the principles of the preceptor/student relationship, and the basic ethics of a yogi. Students will the ranges of mobility for arms, legs, and spine and corresponding asanas. This weekend is the culmination of “The Bhagavad Gita” studies -discussing the importance of this sacred text to a full yoga practice. From this weekend forward, students will practice teaching. Yoga Flex is a unique yoga that strives to employ Universal Yoga-based principles that effortlessly blend the physical with the spiritual, allowing students to pace their own practice according to individual needs. Beginners and advanced students alike benefit from experienced yoga teachers who provide physically challenging asana classes embedded with knowledge , devotion and universally understood spiritual principles. Modifications are offered for beginners & advanced practitioners are encouraged to shine in their practice without limitations. Growth is fostered on all levels. Please come and visit this beautiful sun-lit studio in the Blakeney Shopping Center off Rea Rd. in Southeast Charlotte, NC. Call us at 704-543-8000. Learn more about Universal Yoga at: TIMES FOR YOGA STUDIES PROGRAM: Fridays - 5pm-9:30pm Saturdays & Sundays - 8am-6pm (w/ lunch break) Students are expected to practice a minimum of 2x per week during training. Unlimited asana classes FREE during training!! Weekend Three (July 13-15) - The focus of this weekend will center on the yamas and the niyamas, without which there is no real yoga! Students will gain a rudimentary understanding of the mayakoshas (sheaths) and how the sheaths relate to the yamas/niyamas. Students will also explore the basics of Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, and how an understanding of this sister science is critical to progress in the science of yoga. Students will learn asana named for insects, animals, rishis and deities and arm asana unique to the Universal Yoga System. Weekend Four (July 27-29)- This will be an Ashtanga Vinyasa immersion weekend, as this asana practice is the foundation for modern asana as we know it today. Students will learn the invocation and closing mantras for Ashtanga, and they will be exposed to both primary and intermediate series. Special attention will be paid to the 8-limb path and the art of assisting and adjusting postures. This is the first introduction to the science of asana pairs. Weekend Five (Aug 3-5)- This weekend will focus on pranayama techniques and meditation methods. Students will be introduced to practices of bandhas, drishtis and tongue, finger and eye mudras. The asana will focus on heartopening postures (backbends). Students will learn elements of intelligent sequencing for back-bending poses and back-strengthening poses. Weekend Six (Aug 10-12)-This is the energetic anatomy weekend in which students will learn the subtle anatomy of marmas, nadis, chakras, mayakoshas and how these subtle bodies are inter-connected to each other and the physical form. Students will integrate their understandings of prana, tejas, ojas and the vayus with their physical practice to create healing and expansion. Asana will focus on arm balances and inversions. Asanas as mudras and deep bandhas practices will be explored. In this weekend, students will also learn to apply arm asanas and asana combinations for legs, arms and spine into the science of sequencing using the Universal Yoga system. The focus will be on Universal Yoga principles and teaching techniques for mixed level classes that accomodate all levels of practice. This weekend will explore all ranges of mobility for all the joints of the body and focus on anatomy as it relates to the asana practice. Weekend Seven (Aug 17-19)- Students will learn how to address needs of pregnant students in an asana class. Students will also review restorative yoga techniques, Yin Yoga principles, Yoga Nidra and Mritta Mudra. We will review study of Yoga Sutras, and Hatha Yoga Pradipika with a new eye to details. We will continue the practice of teaching, assisting and adjusting. Students will study how to create balance along ALL sheaths. Weekend Eight (Aug 31-Sept 1) - This weekend will be co-taught by Mara and Andrey Lappa, Mara’s guru and creator of the Universal Yoga System. He will teach the Mandala method of Universal Yoga with a double mat mandala practice. each day. Final Exam and Practical Exam will be administered in September 2012 - schedule TBA on wkend 6.
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