FELDA GLOBAL VENTURES PLANTATIONS MALAYSIA SDN BHD RSPO Membership No: 1-0013-04-000-00 PLANTATION MANAGEMENT UNIT KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment PUBLIC SUMMARY REPORT MAIN ASSESSMENT ON RSPO CERTIFICATION FELDA GLOBAL VENTURES PLANTATIONS MALAYSIA SDN BHD (974143-H) RSPO Membership No: 1-0013-04-000-00 PLANTATION MANAGEMENT UNIT KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia Certificate No: Issued date: Expiry date: RSPO 928788 14 April 2014 13 April 2019 Assessment Type Assessment Dates 21-25 October 2013 Initial Certification (Main Assessment) Annual Surveillance Assessment (ASA-01) Annual Surveillance Assessment (ASA-02) Annual Surveillance Assessment (ASA-03) Annual Surveillance Assessment (ASA-04) Re-Certification Intertek Certification International Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Moody International Certification (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd) 6-L12-01, Level 12, Tower 2, Menara PGRM No. 6 & 8 Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +00 (603) 9283 9881 Fax: +00 (603) 9284 8187 Email: ia.mysbaenquiry@intertek.com Website: www.intertek.com Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 2 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Content Page No 1.0 SCOPE OF MAIN ASSESSMENT 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Location (address, GPS and map) mill, estates and hectarage 4 1.3 Description of supply base (fruit sources) 1.4 Year of plantings and cycle 5 1.5 Summary of Land Use – Conservation and HCV Areas 6 1.6 Other certifications held and Use of RSPO Trademarks 6 1.7 Organizational information/contact person 6 1.8 Tonnages Verified for Certification 1.9 Time Bound Plan 8 1.10 Abbreviations Used 9 2.0 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 2.1 Assessment Methodology, Plan & Site Visits 10 2.2 Date of next scheduled visit 10 2.3 Qualifications of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team 10 2.4 Certification Body 11 2.5 Process of Stakeholder consultation 3.0 ASSESSMENT FINDINGS 3.1 Summary of findings 12 3.2 Status of Identified Noncompliance and Corrective Actions, Observations and Identified Positive Elements 13 3.3 Feedback Raised by Stakeholders and Findings 13 4.0 ASSESSMENT CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 4.1 Acknowledgement of Internal Responsibility and Confirmation of Assessment Findings 13 4.2 Intertek RSPO Certification details for KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping 14 4-5 7-8 11-12 APPENDICES Appendix A Assessment Plan 15-18 Appendix B Maps of location – Mill, Estates, Conservation and HCV areas 19-20 Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 3 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 1.0 SCOPE OF MAIN ASSESSMENT 1.1 Introduction This Main Assessment was conducted on the Plantation Management Unit (PMU) KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping of Felda Global Ventures Plantations (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (hereafter abbreviated as FELDA), from 21-25 October 2013, to assess if the organization’s operations of the mill and its supply bases were in compliance against the RSPO Principles and Criteria (April 2013), Malaysian National Interpretation (November 2010) and the RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (November 2011) for Palm Oil Mill. This assessment also includes a review of the changes made by the PMU to comply with the requirements of the ratified new RSPO Principles and Criteria (effective 25 April 2013). It was found that the PMU is aware of the new RSPO Principles and Criteria and the transition period for compliance but has not yet make the necessary changes required. The plantation management unit (PMU) or management unit is equivalent to a certification unit as defined in the RSPO Certification Systems Document. Each PMU consists of one mill and its supply bases which are made up of estates owned by FELDA. 1.2 Location (address, GPS and map) of palm oil mill and estates KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping consists of one (1) palm oil mill, namely KKS Felda Baiduri Ayu and five (5) estates as indicated in Table 1 below, which includes the addresses and GPS locations of the mill and estates. The location maps are provided in Appendix B. Table 1: Address of Palm Oil Mill, Estates and GPS Location Name Address GPS Reference Latitude Longitude Kilang Sawit Felda Baiduri Ayu - POM (Capacity:54 mt/hr) Kilang Sawit Felda Baiduri Ayu, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 9’ 3.24” N 119° 0’ 23.76” E FGVPM Sahabat 09/15 Ladang 09, Ladang Sahabat 09, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 6’ 15” N 118° 57’ 50” E FGVPM Sahabat 16 Ladang 16, Ladang Felda Sahabat 16, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 7’ 5” N 118° 57’ 35” E FGVPM Sahabat 55 Ladang 55, Ladang Felda Sahabat 55, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 3’ 47” N 118° 54’ 50” E Felda Sahabat 01 Ladang 10, Ladang Sahabat 01, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 4’ 17” N 118° 56’ 23” E Felda Sahabat 02 Ladang 02, Ladang Felda Sahabat 02, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 3’ 42” N 118° 55’ 12” E 1.3 Description of supply base (fruit sources) The supply base i.e. FFB sources to the POM at KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping PMU are from the abovementioned 3 estates (FGVPM Sahabat 09/15, FGVPM Sahabat 16 and FGVPM Sahabat 55) owned by FELDA and 2 estates (Felda Sahabat 01 and Felda Sahabat 02) which are owned by organized smallholders under the FELDA Settlers’ Scheme. There were other plantations/estates which also supplied FFB to the POM, viz., FASSB 06 and FASSB 09 Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 4 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment (under the FELDA KKS Mercu Puspita grouping which has not yet been certified) and Outside Crop Producers. These other supply bases have also been considered in the overall assessment on Baiduri Ayu Grouping -PMU and have been verified to be part of the Time Bound Plan committed by FELDA for eventual certification. Details of the planted hectarage for the FFB supply for Baiduri Ayu Grouping are as shown in Table 2 below. Table 2: Estate Area Summary – 2012 / 2013 Area Summary (ha) Jan – Dec 2013 Estate Certified Area Planted Area FGVPM Sahabat 09/15 2,116.15 2,086.15 FGVPM Sahabat 16 1,710.48 1,700.48 FGVPM Sahabat 55 1,497.83 1,487.83 Felda Sahabat 01 922.89 912.89 Felda Sahabat 02 1,203.14 1,193.14 7,450.49 7,380.49 Total: Notes: 1. 2. This Main Assessment covered the overall land use for oil palm plantation areas, and the identified Conservation areas including HCV areas (if any) marked out at the estates. The estates sampled for this Main Assessment have been selected based on their potential risks on social, environmental and biodiversity issues such as their proximity to forest reserves, hill sides, riparian zones and high conservation value areas. 1.4 Summary of plantings and cycle The year of plantings and age profiles for the respective estates is as per Table 3 below. Table 3: Age Profile of Planted Oil Palm Jan – Dec 2013 Estate Name Mature OP (ha) – Above 3 years Immature OP (ha) – 3 years & below st 1,450.92 184.78 450.45 st 603.90 - 1,096.58 st 1,164.94 - 322.89 nd 450.20 - 462.69 0 1,193.14 3,854.74 3,525.75 Year of Planting Cycle of Planting FGVPM Sahabat 09/15 1987– 1997 2009– 2012 1 cycle nd 2 cycle FGVPM Sahabat 16 1998– 2008 2009– 2012 1 cycle nd 2 cycle FGVPM Sahabat 55 1993– 2007 2010 1 cycle nd 2 cycle Felda Sahabat 01 2010 2011– 2013 2 cycle nd 2 cycle Felda Sahabat 02 2011– 2013 2 nd cycle Total Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 5 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 1.5 Summary of Conservation and HCV Areas The 5 estates / schemes have been developed beginning from 1987 and the 2 2009.The age profile is as shown in Table 3. nd cycle of planting started from Table 4: Conservation and HCV Areas # Statement of Land Use (Ha) 1 Planted Area (ha) – Oil Palm 2 - Mature 3,854.74 - Immature 3,525.75 Conservation Area (ha) - 3 comprising buffer zones along small streams, hilly areas, swampy and unplantable areas 70.00 HCV Area (ha) - 1.6 Jan – Dec 2013 (Main Assessment) Hectarage – Ha comprising buffer zones near forest reserves, water catchments, burial & religious sites Nil Other certifications held and Use of RSPO Trademarks The PMU is certified for ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001:2007.The RSPO’s trademarks and logo are not yet used by the PMU audited. Instructions for use were provided and acknowledged by the PMU through a signed Memorandum of commitment agreeing to adhere to the latest “RSPO Rules on Communications & Claims” during the assessment. 1.7 Organizational information / Contact Person Name: Norazam Abdul Hameed Designation: Head of Department, Plantation Sustainability and Quality Management (PSQM) Department Full Address: Plantation Sustainability and Quality Management (PSQM) Department, Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd, rd 3 Floor, Balai Felda, Jalan Gurney Satu, 54000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Tel: 03-26005348 ext 5348 or 03-26005349 ext 5349 Fax: 03-26987816 Email: norazam.ah@feldaglobal.com Name: Anthonius Sani Designation: Sustainability Manager, Plantation Sustainability and Quality Management (PSQM) Department Full Address: Plantation Sustainability and Quality Management (PSQM) Department, Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd, rd 3 Floor, Balai Felda, Jalan Gurney Satu, 54000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Tel: 03-26005348 ext 5348 or 03-26005349 ext 5349 Fax: 03-26987816 Email: anthonious.sani@feldaglobal.com Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 6 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 1.8 Tonnages Verified for Certification The breakdown of all the suppliers and their tonnages of FFB supplied to the POM at Baiduri Ayu Grouping based on the reporting period for Jan – Dec 2013 are as follows: # Estate /Supplier FFB Processed (MT) Main Receiving Mill Certified By KKS Baiduri Ayu Covered under this report Covered under this report Covered under this report PMU Estates: 1. FGVPM Sahabat 09/15 33,604.87 2. FGVPM Sahabat 16 13,131.82 KKS Baiduri Ayu 3. FGVPM Sahabat 55 28,266.44 KKS Baiduri Ayu 75,003.13 Sub-total from PMU estates FELDA Settlers’ Scheme: 4. Felda Sahabat 01 1,505.67 KKS Baiduri Ayu 5. Felda Sahabat 02 0 KKS Baiduri Ayu Covered under this report Covered under this report 1,505.67 Sub-total from Settlers’ Scheme Other Suppliers: 6. FASSB 06 6,120.78 KKS Mercu Puspita Not yet certified 7. FASSB 09 2,280.86 KKS Mercu Puspita Not yet certified 8. Outside Crop Producers (OCP) 100,542.67 Sub-total from Other Suppliers 108,944.31 Grand total KKS Baiduri Ayu 185,453.11 Total annual volumes / tonnages of FFB supplied from the supply base to Baiduri Ayu POM during the previous period, current Main Assessment period and projected period are as follows: Estate / Supplier FFB Processed in Jan – Dec 2013 - Actual & Projected FFB Processed in Jan – Dec 2012 FFB Processed for Jan – Dec 2014 - Projected MT % MT % MT % PMU Estates 73,036.37 39.29 75,003.13 40.44 81,810.00 48.19 FELDA Settlers’ Scheme 5,579.19 3.00 1,505.67 0.81 8,149.50 4.80 78,615.56 42.29 76,508.80 41.26 89,959.50 52.99 107,284.44 57.71 108,944.31 58.74 79,810.50 47.01 Total 185,900.00 100 185,453.11 100 169,770.00 100 SCCS Model for POM MB Certifiable FFB Non-certifiable FFB from Other Suppliers and OCP Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 MB MB Page 7 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment The annual certifiable tonnages of CPO and PK production by Baiduri Ayu Grouping from the supply base/suppliers as assessed and verified during the current Main Assessment (based on Jan - Dec 2013 data) are detailed as follows: POM Total FFB Processed (MT) Total CPO Production (MT) Total PK (MT) Production Jan – Dec 2012 Jan – Dec 2013 - Actual & Projected Jan – Dec 2014 - Projected 78,615.56 76,508.80 89,959.50 16,462.10 OER: 20.94 % 15,952.08 OER: 20.85 % 18,756.56 OER: 20.85 % 3,584.87 KER: 4.56 % 3,519.40 KER: 4.60 % 4,138.14 KER: 4.60 % Note: Currently, the POM has established and maintained procedures for the book keeping and monitoring requirements for the CPO at the mill and was verified to be adopting the ‘Mass Balance – MB’ model in accordance with the RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) requirements. Verified activities and checked items for the SCCS of the POM are reported in section 3.1.1. 1.9 Time Bound Plan for Other Management Units Felda Group operates 70 palm oil mills and 416 oil palm estates and schemes throughout Malaysia. The organization is a member of RSPO since 2004 and has been taking an active role in the RSPO certification. Currently, a significant number of its Certification Units is undergoing the RSPO certifying process in accordance with its time bound plan to achieve RSPO certification for all its plantation certification units by 2017. Based on the due diligence conducted on FELDA there were no significant land conflicts except for the land claims in Felda Baiduri PMU, no replacement of primary forest or any area containing HCVs since November 2005, no labour disputes that are not being resolved through an agreed process, no evidence of non-compliance with law in any of the non-certified holdings. FELDA group had declared that there was new planting and new acquisition of plantation lands and the progress of the said activities are ongoing. These have been reviewed and updated in the Time bound plan as submitted by FELDA in December 2013. Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 8 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 1.10 Abbreviations Used CB Certification Body IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature CHRA Chemical Health & Risk Assessment KER Kernel Extraction Rate CPO Crude Palm Oil LTA Lost Time Accidents CSDS Chemical Safety Data Sheets Intertek Intertek Certification International Sdn Bhd CSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets CSPK Certified Sustainable Palm Kernel MTCS Malaysia Timber Certification Scheme EFB Empty Fruit Bunch NCR Non-Conformance Report EHS Environmental Health & Safety NGO Non-Government Organization EIA Environmental Impact Assessment OER Oil Extraction Rate ETP Effluent Treatment Plant OHS Occupational Health & Safety FASSB Felda Agricultural Services Sdn Bhd PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification FELDA PK Palm Kernel FGVPM Felda Global Ventures Plantations (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Felda Plantations Sdn Bhd) Felda Global Ventures Plantations (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd PMU Plantation Management Unit FFB Fresh Fruit Bunch POM Palm Oil Mill GAP Good Agriculture Practice POME Palm Oil Mill Effluent HCV High Conservation Values PPE Personal Protective Equipment IPM Integrated Pest Management SCCS Supply Chain Certification Standard ISCC International Sustainability & Carbon Certification SOP Standard Operating Procedures Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 9 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 2.0 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 2.1 Assessment Methodology, Plan and Site Visits Since 6 September 2013, Intertek has initiated public communications and notifications and invited the relevant stakeholders before the assessment to provide feedback and comments on their concern (if any) on KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping regarding the environmental, biodiversity, community development and other relevant issues. From 21-25 October 2013, the Assessment team of Intertek conducted the Main Assessment in which 3 out of the 5 estates owned by FELDA of KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping namely FGVPM Sahabat 09/15, FGVPM Sahabat 16 and Felda Sahabat 02, as well as the palm oil mill were assessed for compliance against the RSPO requirements. The number of estates sampled was based on a minimum sample of 0.8√y where y is the number of management subunits and the selection was made based on their potential risks on social, environmental and biodiversity issues such as their proximity to forest reserves, hill sides, riparian zones and high conservation value areas. The 2 estates (Felda Sahabat 01 and Felda Sahabat 02) are owned by organized smallholders under the FELDA Settlers’ Scheme. Felda Sahabat 01 consisted of 10 blocks with 191 settler units and Felda Sahabat 02 consisted of 10 blocks with 178 settler units. A total of 20 settler units comprising of 10 units each from Felda Sahabat 01 and Felda Sahabat 02 was selected for determination of compliance against the RSPO requirements during the Main Assessment. The sampling size of settler units was based on a minimum sample of 0.8√s where s is the number of settler units and the selection was made based on their current state of the settler units and their potential risks. Felda Sahabat 01 and Felda Sahabat 02 are undergoing replanting since 2010 and it is planned that replanting of the whole area will be completed by end 2013. During the on-site assessment, relevant documents and records, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), management plans, hectarage development, FFB, CPO and PK production, oil palm age profile, operational controls and measures, operational data and records, training records, etc. were reviewed and verified for compliance. The Assessment team using the process approach auditing technique covered the palm oil mill and estate operations, agricultural practices, pest management, pesticide and fertilizer application, occupational health and safety, social accountability, environment and other requirements. Stakeholders’ interviews were conducted during the assessment and feedback obtained as part of information and evidence gathering. (See section 2.5 Process of stakeholder consultation). PMU Baiduri Ayu POM was also assessed against the requirements for the Mass Balance Module as specified in RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard for CPO mill. This part of the assessment covered the verification of implementation of documented procedures and availability of records to demonstrate compliance against all the elements for Segregation requirements. These include documented procedure, purchasing and goods in, record keeping, sales and goods out, processing, monitoring and traceability of the CSPO and CSPK quantities, training for staff and claims. After completion of the on-site field assessment, Intertek also performed the evaluation of conformity against the RSPO Certification System requirements for CB. The assessment report, findings and associated documents were evaluated through an independent review by the Intertek Internal Evaluation Panel prior to submission of the Public Summary Report to RSPO Secretariat for approval. The details of the Assessment Plan (actual on-site) are provided in Appendix A. 2.2 Date of next scheduled visit The next scheduled visit will be the Surveillance Assessment which will be carried out within a 12-month period after RSPO acceptance of this report. 2.3 Qualifications of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team Details of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team and summary of their competency and skill may be obtained from RSPO or Intertek Certification International. Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 10 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 2.4 Certification Body Intertek Certification International Sdn Bhd [formerly known as Moody International Certification (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd] is part of the Intertek Group, which is a worldwide technical services organization dedicated to reducing clients' risks by providing technical inspection services, management system certification in quality, environmental, occupational safety & health and product certification, RSPO SCC, ISCC, Marine Sustainability Chain-of-Custody, MTCS and PEFC Chain-of Custody certification in applicable industry sectors including the agricultural and forestry sectors. Intertek operates globally providing clients with a wide-ranging technical inspection expertise and access to thousands of skilled specialists worldwide. Intertek Group’s certification business is ranked in the top 10 worldwide, and is available globally offering certification across a wide range of industries. 2.5 Process of stakeholder consultation Stakeholder consultations began with notification of the upcoming assessment through the websites of RSPO, FELDA and Intertek. E-mails, facsimiles and letters of the same were sent to applicable stakeholders including government agencies, NGOs and local communities. Telephone enquiries were made prior to the actual assessment and stakeholder’s response and feedback received were followed up accordingly. During the assessment, stakeholders were interviewed and their feedbacks were recorded. Among the stakeholders consulted were workers, trade union leaders, women representatives; local community leaders, representatives of government departments / agencies and NGOs; external FFB suppliers, fertilizer suppliers and contractors. Details on stakeholders’ feedback, PMU response and Intertek verification / comments are provided in section 3.3. Among the list of key stakeholders consulted was the following: Government Agencies (by emails) 1. Department of Lands And Mines 2. Department of Environment 3. Department of Forestry Peninsular Malaysia 4. Department of Immigration 5. Department of Irrigation & Drainage 6. Department of Labour 7. Department of Occupational Safety & Health 8. Department of Orang Asli Affairs 9. Department of Wildlife & National Parks Statutory Bodies (by emails) 18. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) 19. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) – Northern Region 20. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) - Central Region 21. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) – Southern Region 22. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) - Eastern Region NGOs (by emails) 27. All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) 28. BCSDM - Business Council for Sustainable Development in Malaysia 29. Borneo Child Aid Society (Humana) 30. Borneo Resources Institute Malaysia (BRIMAS) 31. Borneo Rhino Alliance (BORA) 32. Center for Orang Asli Concerns COAC 33. Centre for Environment, Technology and Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Environment Protection Department Sabah Department of Forestry Sabah Department of Immigration Sabah Department of Irrigation & Drainage Sabah Department of Labour Sabah Department of Occupational Safety & Health Sabah Sabah Wildlife Department Sabah Land and Mines Office Sabah 23. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) - Sarawak Region 24. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) - Sabah Region 25. Malaysia Palm Oil Association (MPOA) 26. Malaysia Palm Oil Association Sabah (MPOA) 56. Malaysian Nature Society Pulau Pinang 57. Malaysian Nature Society Sabah 58. Malaysian Nature Society Terengganu 59. Malaysian Plant Protection Society (MAPPS) 60. Mountaineering and Outdoor Pursuits Association of Negeri Sembilan 61. National Council of Welfare & Social Development Malaysia – NCWSDM 62. National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW) Page 11 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment Development, Malaysia - CETDEM 34. Consumers Association Of Penang - CAP 35. EcoKnights 36. Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia (ENSEARCH) 37. Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM) 38. Friends of the Earth, Malaysia 39. Future in Our Hands Society, Malaysia 40. Global Environment Centre 41. HUTAN - Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme 42. Institute of Foresters, Malaysia (IRIM) 43. JUST - International Movement for a Just World 44. Malaysian Crop Life& Public Health Association (MCPA) 45. Malaysian Environmental NGOs - MENGO 46. Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation MNAWF 47. Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) Kuala Lumpur 48. Malaysian Nature Society Johor 49. Malaysian Nature Society Kedah 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Malaysian Nature Society Kelantan Malaysian Nature Society Kuching Malaysian Nature Society Melaka/Negeri Sembilan Malaysian Nature Society Miri Malaysian Nature Society Pahang Malaysian Nature Society Perak Local community (On-site interviews) Gender representatives Workers representatives 3.0 ASSESSMENT FINDINGS 3.1 Summary of findings 63. Partners of Community Organisations (PACOS) 64. Penang Institute previously known as Socio-Economic & Environmental Research Institute (SERI) 65. Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP) 66. Proforest - South East Asia Regional Office 67. R.E.A.C.H. - Regional Environmental Awareness Cameron Highlands 68. Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society (SWCS) 69. SEPA - Sabah Environmental Protection Association 70. SUARAM - Suara Rakyat Malaysia 71. SUHAKAM - National Human Rights Society – Persatuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi Manusia 72. Sustainable Development Network Malaysia (SUSDEN) 73. Tenaganita Sdn Bhd 74. The Malaysian Forum of Environmental Journalist (MFEJ) 75. TRAFFIC Southeast Asia - Wildlife trade & trafficking monitoring programme 76. Transparency International - Malaysian Chapter 77. Treat Every Environment Special Sdn Bhd. (TrEES) 78. United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Malaysia 79. UNION – AMESU 80. Water Watch Penang (WWP) 81. Wetlands International (Malaysia) 82. Wild Asia Sdn Bhd 83. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Malaysia 84. World Wide Fund of Nature (WWF) Sabah Suppliers / Contractors Village Heads The assessment confirmed that KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping demonstrated compliance against the RSPO Principles and Criteria (April 2013), Malaysian National Interpretation (MY- NI, November 2010) and RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (November 2011) for POM. 3.1.1 Supply Chain Certification Standards Findings - on CPO Mill The Supply Chain model applied at KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping POM during this assessment is Module E – CPO Mills: Mass Balance (MB). 3.1.2 Status on Supply Chain on POM: Based on the documents and records presented during the on-site verifications made, it is concluded that the Felda KKS Baiduri Ayu POM has been able to comply with the requirements of the RSPO SCCS under the ‘MB’ module and is thus eligible for ‘MB’ trading for its palm products for year 2014. Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 12 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 3.2 Status of Identified Noncompliance and Corrective Actions, Observations and Identified Positive Elements All previous non-conformances and observation have been closed off. During this assessment, there was 3 Major & 7 Minor NCR raised. The root cause and corrective action taken by the company were reviewed and these had been accordingly incorporated into the full detailed report. Identified Positive Elements 3.3 1) The Felda Agricultural Services i.e. the R&D arm of Felda, located within the Felda Sahabat office complex provides good support to Felda estates as well as Felda scheme small-holders within the Sahabat Felda Sahabat area particularly in provision of agricultural technological support programme. 2) Felda Baiduri Ayu PMU provides extensive assistance to small-holders within the Felda Sahabat area particularly in provision of land, agricultural assistance and social activities. Feedback Raised by Stakeholders and Findings Intertek had obtained some written and verbal feedback from the stakeholders on the environmental and social performance of KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping operations in the course of assessment and consultations. During the Main Assessment, all pertinent feedback issues were reviewed and followed up for verification and these had been accordingly incorporated into the full detailed report. 4.0 Assessment Conclusion and Recommendation Based on the findings above, Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd - KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping had been able to demonstrate its compliance with the RSPO Principles and Criteria (April 2013), Malaysian National Interpretation (MY-NI 2010) and the RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (November 2011) for Palm Oil Mill. Therefore, it is recommended that the certification of Felda KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping be approved. Full report signed off by: Mohan Thavarajah Lead Assessor Intertek Certification International Sdn Bhd 4.1 Acknowledgement of Internal Responsibility and Confirmation of Assessment Findings This is to acknowledge and confirm the assessment visits described in this report and the acceptance of the contents and findings in this assessment report. Full report acknowledged and signed off by: Mr. Norazam Abdul Hameed General Manager, Plantation Sustainability And Quality Management (PSQM) Department Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 13 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment 4.2 Intertek RSPO Certificate details for KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping Certificate No: RSPO 928788 Issue date: 14 April 2014 Expiry date: 13 April 2019 Organization Felda Global Ventures Plantations (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Address of Head Office: Felda Global Ventures Plantation (M) Sdn Bhd (FGV(M)S/B), PSQM Department, SPO Unit, 8th Floor Balai Felda, Jalan Gurney Satu, 54000 Kuala Lumpur RSPO Membership No: 1-0013-04-000-00 Plantation Management Unit: KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping Address of POM: Kilang Sawit Felda Baiduri Ayu, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah Standards: RSPO Principles and Criteria (April 2013); Malaysian National Interpretation (November 2010); RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standards (November 2011) for the Palm Oil Mill. Certification scope: Production of Crude Palm Oil and Palm Kernels Supply Chain model for CPO & PK: Mass Balance Details of the Mill and Supply bases covered by this certificate and the tonnage approved are: Name Address GPS Reference Latitude Longitude 5° 9’ 3.24” N 119° 00’ 24” E Kilang Sawit Felda Baiduri Ayu - POM (Capacity:54 mt/hr) Kilang Sawit Felda Baiduri Ayu,Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah FGVPM Sahabat 09/15 Ladang 09, Ladang Sahabat 09, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 6’ 15” N 118° 57’ 50” E FGVPM Sahabat 16 Ladang 16, Ladang Felda Sahabat 16, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 7’ 5” N 118° 57’ 35” E FGVPM Sahabat 55 Ladang 55, Ladang Felda Sahabat 55, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 3’ 47” N 118° 54’ 50” E Felda Sahabat 01 Ladang 10, Ladang Sahabat 01, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 4’ 17” N 118° 56’ 23” E Felda Sahabat 02 Ladang 02, Ladang Felda Sahabat 02, Peti Surat 29, Pos Cenderawasih, 91150 Lahad Datu, Sabah 5° 3’ 42” N 118° 55’ 12” E Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 14 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment The annual certifiable tonnages of CPO and PK production by Baiduri Ayu Grouping from the supply base/suppliers as assessed and verified during the current Assessment and projected year are detailed as follows: Jan – Dec 2013 - Actual & Projected Jan – Dec 2014 - Projected Total FFB Processed (MT) 76,508.80 89,959.50 Total CPO Production (MT) 15,952.08 18,756.56 Total PK Production (MT) 3,519.40 4,138.14 MB MB POM SCC Model for POM Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 15 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment Appendix A: Assessment Plan (Actual) Date Time 21/10/2013 9.00 – 1.00 pm 1.00 pm -2.00 pm 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm Day 1 6.00 – 7.00 pm 7.00 –10.00 pm Date Assessors and Assessment Activity Asssessment Team Travel to Lahad, Datu, Sabah Lunch Break Opening Meeting and Briefing at Baiduri Ayu– POM Office Review of Documentation and Follow up Issues based the Previous Assessment • Review of changes for compliance to revised P&C 2013 • Review of Time Bound Plan • Verification for compliance with rules on partial certification Break Team meeting and discussion Time Mohan Thavarajah (MT) 22/10/2013 Day 2 9.00 am – 10.00 am 10.00 am – 1.00 pm 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm 2.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm– 7.00 pm 7 – 10 pm Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Assessors and Assessment Activity Assessment Team Dr. Ooi Cheng Lee Matron Ham Fin (OCL) Lan (HFL) N.Retnasabapathy (NR) Meeting & Briefing at KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping (Palm Oil Mill Office) Site assessment at Baiduri Ayu Palm Oil Mill (RSPO P&C: 1~8) Site assessment at Baiduri Ayu Palm Oil Mill (RSPO P&C: 1~8) • P5 Environmental, Conservation & Mill including HCV • P8 Continual Improvement • P1 Transparency • P2 Laws & regulations • P3 Economic & Financial Viability • P8 Continual Improvement • SCC for POM Continue site assessment at Baiduri Ayu Palm Oil Mill Continue site assessment at KKS Baiduri Ayu Palm Oil Mill Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 16 estate & Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 16 estate & Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) • P6 Employees, Individuals & Communities incl. Gender Issues • P8 Continual Improvement • P4 Best Practices at Estates & Mill • P7 New Plantings • P8 Continual Improvement Lunch Continue site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 16 estate & Smallholders Continue site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 16 estate & Smallholders Break Team meeting and discussion Page 16 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment Date 23/10/2013 Day 3 Time 9.00 am – 1.00 pm Mohan Thavarajah (MT) Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 09/15 estate & Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) • P5 Environmental, Conservation & Mill including HCV • P8 Continual Improvement 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm 2.00 pm 6.00 pm 24/10/2013 Day 4 Continue site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 09/15 estate & Smallholders • P4 Best Practices at Estates & Mill • P7 New Plantings • P8 Continual Improvement Continue site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 09/15 estate & Smallholders Continue site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 09/15 estate & Smallholders Continue site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 09/15 estate & Smallholders Team meeting and discussion Mohan Thavarajah (MT) Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 02 estate & Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) • P5 Environmental, Conservation & Mill including HCV • P8 Continual Improvement 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm 2.00 pm 6.00 pm • P6 Employees, Individuals & Communities incl. Gender Issues • P8 Continual Improvement Break Time 9.00 am – 1.00 pm • P1 Transparency • P2 Laws & regulations • P3 Economic & Financial Viability • P8 Continual Improvement N.Retnasabapathy (NR) Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 09/15 estate & Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) Lunch 6.00 pm– 7.00 pm 7 – 10 pm Date Assessors and Assessment Activity Assessment Team Dr. Ooi Cheng Lee Matron Ham Fin (OCL) Lan (HFL) Site assessment at Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat FGVP Sahabat 09/15 estate & 09/15 estate & Smallholders Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) (RSPO P&C: 1~8) Assessors and Assessment Activity Assessment Team Dr. Ooi Cheng Lee Matron Ham Fin (OCL) Lan (HFL) Site assessment at Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 02 FGVP Sahabat 02 estate & estate & Smallholders Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) (RSPO P&C: 1~8) • P1 Transparency • P2 Laws & regulations • P3 Economic & Financial Viability • P8 Continual Improvement • P6 Employees, Individuals & Communities incl. Gender Issues • P8 Continual Improvement N.Retnasabapathy (NR) Site assessment at FGVP Sahabat 02 estate & Smallholders (RSPO P&C: 1~8) • P4 Best Practices at Estates & Mill • P7 New Plantings • P8 Continual Improvement Lunch Stakeholder / Consultations: • Contractors • Suppliers • Transporters • NGOs • Government Department / Agencies • Local Community # Mandatory for each category to be audited 6.00 pm– 7.00 pm 7 – 10 pm Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Break Team meeting and discussion Page 17 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment Date Time Mohan Thavarajah (MT) 25/10/2013 Day 5 9.00 am – 10.00 am 10.00 am – 11.00 am 11.00 am – 12.00 noon Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Assessors and Assessment Activity Assessment Team Dr. Ooi Cheng Lee Matron Ham Fin Lan (OCL) (HFL) N.Retnasabapathy (NR) Preparation of Closing Meeting Team Meeting and Discussions with KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping Management Representative Closing Meeting & Briefing at Palm Oil Mill Office Page 18 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment Appendix B-1: Location Map of KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping, Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia Baiduri Ayu Grouping Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 19 of 20 Public Summary Report Report No.: R9287/13-1 Felda Global Ventures Plantations Malaysia Sdn Bhd KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping: Main Assessment Appendix B-2: Location Map of KKS Baiduri Ayu grouping Location Map of KKS Baiduri Ayu Grouping, Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia Intertek RSPO Report: April 2014 Page 20 of 20