pdf - A.M.Moura Advogados. RL
pdf - A.M.Moura Advogados. RL
IBERIAN LAWYER Lawyers of the 21st Century Summit Barcelona Future Vision Exploring new models for the delivery of legal services General Counsel and legal experts share their experiences of life as lawyers during the current difficult times – exploring their lessons for the future, and explaining their vision for the delivery of legal services in the years ahead. Corporate Sponsors: 2 Ticket Law With special thanks to Grupo Modelo (Coronita Cerveza) IESE Business School An nI 5th VE rS Ar y Friday, October 19th, Barcelona Future Vision Over the past five years, the Lawyers of the 21st Century Summit has brought together a unique group of experts from across Spain, Portugal and around the world, in order to debate the current challenges facing lawyers. The economic crisis is bringing opportunities as well as difficulties. Each year, the audience of General Counsel and law firm leaders share their thoughts on the benefits of embracing change while limiting the impact of the current threats. Participation is strictly limited and by invitation only. Senior lawyers have attended from across Europe, Latin America and the US. In addition, in 2012, we will be welcoming our first participants from India and China. The In-House Club Iberian lawyer’s In-House Club is a unique group for company legal advisers - be they Company Secretaries, General Counsel or Heads of Legal or Compliance - with operational interests in Spain and Portugal based within or outside the region. In the last year alone over 500 in-house lawyers participated in the group - receiving regular news and information on the profession or attending one of the regular training programmes, seminars or events. The In-House Club is designed by in-house lawyers for in-house lawyers, with the assistance of a senior Advisory Council. The In-House Club Advisory Council includes: • Antonio Alves, General Counsel, Portucel Group • Antonio García, Head of Legal & Regulatory, Jazztel • Armando Zuluaga, Director General Abengoa Solar USA, Abengoa • Eduardo Ruiz Montoya, Regional Counsel, Brazil, Hewlett-Packard • Francisco Sebastian, General Counsel, ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal • Gonzalo Fernández, Chief Administration Officer, RBC Dexia Investor Services España • Graham Vinter, General Counsel, BG Group • Iñigo Cisneros, past General Counsel, Gamesa • Javier San Román, Head of Legal, Bank of America Merril Lynch • Javier Somoza, General Counsel, Company Secretary, Pullmantur • Javier Folguera, Vice-Secretary & General Counsel, HISPASAT • Jesús Moreno Vivas, Company Secretary & General Counsel, Correos y Telégrafos • Joaquín Valenzuela, Chief Legal Counsel, Andbanc • João Ferreira Lourenço, General Counsel, Millennium BCP • Jochi Jiménez, General Counsel, ANV • John Rigau, Vice-President and General Counsel, Pepsico Western Europe • Juan Riego Vila, Head of Legal, Carrefour España • Juan Pardo, Senior Vice President, Legal & Compliance, Sol Melia Group • Manuel García Cobaleda, Company Secretary & Head of Legal, Gas Natural • Marta Campomanes Camino, Head of Legal, Pernod Ricard España • Miquel Griñó, Head of Legal, Hera Holding • Olga García González, Head of Legal Credit, SGBM, Banco Santander • Pablo Castilla, Head of Legal Corporate, Banco Santander • Pedro Peña, Company Secretary & General Counsel, Vodafone España • Peter Cornell, Founding Partner, Metric-Capital • Pilar Aranguren, Executive Director - Compliance, Goldman Sachs España Lawyers of the 21st Century Summit Programme Session 1 Opening Moray McLaren Director Iberian Legal Group The changing needs of business: Why is change on the agenda? Jordi Canals Dean IESE Business School Session 2 Mark Smith Past Senior Director International Legal Convergys EMEA Ltd Director of In-House Legal Markets Lexis nexis - London John Rigau Legal Vice President PepsiCo Europe Alfonso Riveiro Head of Corporate Legal CatalunyaCaixa Marcos Álvarez General Counsel Vueling Mercedes Clavell General Counsel MrW The law firm response: What are the new models for the delivery of legal services? Chris Kenny Chief Executive Legal Services Board London Charles Martin Senior Partner Macfarlanes Matt Meyer Chief Executive Taylor Vinters Solicitors Xavier Ruiz Karan Singh Partner K&L Gates Co-Managing Partner Trilegal Emily Wang Partner Zhong Lun Law Firm Session 3 Talent management: New models new management and career paths? Michael Bossone Special Advisor to the Dean University of Miami Miami Carlos Valls Socio Director Iuris Valls Abogados Charles Coward Honorary Founding Partner - Senior Partner Uría Menéndez Michael J. Willisch Colin Davey Partner Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP Director The College of Law Silvia Madrid Head of Legal Southern Europe, Markets & International Banking rBS Session 4 - En Español Spain within the global context: Risks and opportunities for the law firms of the future? Pablo Sánchez-Ostiz Dean Universidad of navarra School of Law Manuel Martín Managing Partner Gómez-Acebo & Pombo 14:00 - Networking cocktail Fernando Vives Managing Partner Garrigues Miquel Roca President roca Junyent Rafael Fontana Managing Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Lawyers of the 21st Century Summit Participants Alejandro Touriño Partner Ecija Abogados Eva Otaegui Ochoa Lawyer Osborne Clarke Javier Gutiérrez Partner Bufete B. Buigas Juan José Toribio Professor IESE Miquel Roca Junyent President Roca Junyent Alejandro Angulo Partner Grau & Angulo Federico Steegman Regional Counsel Southem Europe Tyco Fire & Security Systems Jean-Marie Vulliemin Managing Partner Froriep Renggli Juan Manuel Pérez Associate Broseta Abogados Miguel Acosta Partner Garrigues Joan Hortalá Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Karan Singh Co-Managing Partner Trilegal Monsterrat López Partner Clifford Chance Laia Macià Usua Legal Department Abengoa Montserrat Serra Head of Legal - Iberia Panrico Laura Canudas Head of Marketing & Client Development Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Moray Mclaren Director Iberian Legal Group Alfonso Riveiro López-Niño Head of Corporate Legal Catalunya Caixa Almudena Rodriguez Business Development Manager Clifford Chance Álvaro Domenech Senior Associate MLA Associates Ana Bayó Head of Legal Flamagas Felipe Santiago Director GD Gestión Corporativa Mercantil Fernando Vives Managing Partner Garrigues Francisco Javier Alonso Madrigal Vice Dean of Institutions and International Relations ICADE - Universidad Pontificia Comillas Ana Mª Gamazo Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Francisco Javier Ramírez Arbués Head of Legal ING Direct Ángel Martínez Legal Affairs GModelo Europa SAU Gerard Serra i Trullas Partner Pérez-Llorca Bruno Mateu Partner De Pasqual & Marzo Gerard Hernández Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Carlos de la Pedraja Director of Executive Programmes IE Law School Carlos García-León Journalist Expansión Carlos Gomes Partner Pinto Machado, Carneiro Gomes Associados Carlos Valls Martínez Managing Partner Iuris Valls Abogados Celia Dias Senior Associate A.M.Moura - Advogados Charles Martin Senior Partner Macfarlanes Charles Coward Partner Uría Menéndez Chris Kenny Chief Executive Legal Services Board Gonzalo Atela Director Corporate Services, Spain & Senior Counsel RBC Investor Services España Gustavo Gutiérrez Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Ignacio Legido Castiella Head of Legal BDO Abogados Ignacio Sanjurjo Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Ignasi Fernandez de Senespleda Head of Legal Department Catalunya Caixa Ines Nunez General Counsel ING Solar Inmaculada Umbert Partner Roca Junyent Eugenia Jover Senior Manager Deloitte Iñigo Igartua Managing Partner Barcelona Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Eduardo Pérez Fernández Head of Legal Media Markt Iñigo Navarro Dean of Law School ICADE - Universidad Pontificia Comillas Emily Wang Partner Zhong Lun Law Firm Enrique Aznar Chief Integrity Officer Millicom International Cellular Ernest Iguacen Head of Marketing & Communications Rousaud Costas Duran Joan Roca Partner Roca Junyent Joan Xavier Marimon Ferrer Head of Legal Ros Roca Environment Joanna Pinto Bull Lee Editor Iberian Lawyer Joaquim Mustarós Head of Legal Air Products Joaquin Enrique Amaya Head of Legal Grupo Prasa Jordi Canals Dean IESE Jordi Muixi Valles Partner Osborne Clarke Jordi Domínguez Partner Latham & Watkins Jose Pajares Partner Pajares, Peña & Oria Abogados Jose Ángel Cano Partner Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Lino Torgal Partner Sérvulo & Associados Lluís Esquerra Partner Garrigues Luis Elias General Counsel Grupo Planeta de Agostini Manuel Liedo Álvarez Head of Legal Metrovacesa Manuel Martín Managing Partner Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Marcos Alvarez Almodovar General Counsel Vueling Airlines Mari Cruz Taboada Head of Projects & Institutional Relations Iberian Legal Group Maria Adelaide Moura Partner A.M.Moura - Advogados Nieves Briz Puertas Legal Partner Ernst & Young Abogados Pablo Darna Galobart Secretary General Hospital Clínic - Barcelona Pablo Sánchez-Ostiz Dean of Law School Navarra University Paul Dan Senior Regional Counsel, Southern Europe Tyco International - Emea Legal Team Pedro Mirosa Comercial Law Professor ESADE Law School Rafael Fontana Managing Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Robert Dudley Director The College of Law Roberto Giralt Partner Bufete B. Buigas José Luis Huerta Managing Partner Hogan Lovells Mark Smith Director of In-House Legal Markets LexisNexis José Manuel Rodríguez Legal Manager Iberia CHEP España Marta Padilla Escalona Compliance Specialist Cigna Life Insurance Rosalia Salvia Intellectual Property Manager ISDIN Josep Valor Professor IESE Marta Plana Commissioner CMT Sagrario Fernández Barbe Head of Corporate Legal Prosegur Josep María Gascón Head of Tax Spain & Portugal Solvay Ibérica Martí Adroer Partner Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Sancho Peña Oriol Managing Partner Acheron Partners Rocio Merlino Partner Islaw Abogados Mathieu Savaris Executive Legal Counsel General Electric España Silvia Madrid Head of Legal for Spain & Portugal The Royal Bank of Scotland Juan Jiménez-Laiglesia Managing Partner DLA Piper Spain Matt Meyer Chief Executive Taylor Vinters Solicitors Soenke Lund Partner Monereo, Meyer & Marinel-lo Javier Iribarren Goñi Lawyer Iribarren – Uriz Juan Narváez Rezola Consultant Acheron Partners Mercedes Clavell Head of Legal MRW Sonia Samper Head of Legal Privalia Javier Amantegui Partner Clifford Chance Juan Ignacio Alonso Dregi Partner Salans Michael Willisch Partner Davis Polk and Wardwell Victor Mercedes Partner Baker & McKenzie Javier Ortega Development Director Navarra University Juan Jorge Gili Global Compliance Officer Novartis Consumer Health Michael Bossone Special Adviser to the Dean Miami University Xavier Ruiz Partner K&L Gates Juan Ferré Managing Partner PLUTA Abogados GmbH