April 2016 Newsletter (PDF format )
April 2016 Newsletter (PDF format )
NORTH YORKSHIRE EAST April 2016 Federation Office: WI House, Front Street, Norby, Thirsk, YO7 1BG Newsletter Deputy Editor: Jennie Potter Federation Secretary: Laurence Anderson Telephone: 01845 522415 National website: www.thewi.org.uk Deputy Editor’s email: jenniepotter@hotmail.co.uk Office Email: fedsec.nyefwi@btconnect.com NYEFederation website: www.northyorkshirewi.co.uk Twitter: @NYorkEastFedWI DOING OUR OWN TAKE FOR TOUR DE YORKSHIRE, SUNDAY 1ST MAY 2016 Instead of the usual bunting for decorating WI House, after the Tour passes by, these “knits” will be donated to a number of causes. A big Thank You to all knitters taking part. Jumpers to be dropped at WI House by Thursday 21st April or you can contact the Office for alternative drop off points. Please note: no completely white jumpers for religious reasons WI House will be selling tea and cake on the day 1 CHAIRMAN’S CHAT Hello everyone, I hope that by the time you read this the weather will be a good deal drier, a little warmer and you will be starting to think about holidays. One of the reasons why the WI is such a powerful and well thought of organisation is because of its resolution process. Over the whole membership, the votes for each Federation have been totalled and sent in which has produced a grand total of 98,522 votes. The outcome is that we will be voting on two resolutions. They are, firstly, “Avoid food waste, address food poverty” and, secondly, “Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia”. At the resolution meeting to be held at the Galtres Centre, Easingwold, we will be debating these two issues. Make sure your WI is represented so that your members can take an informed vote at your May meeting. Also booking now is the Federation Quiz (at three venues) and the Federation Treasure Hunt which will be held in Thirsk - come and have a meander around the Town following the clues finishing with a delicious supper somewhere. Remember to look out for some great rambles for you to enjoy, now the better weather is coming. I hope that you have just about finished your jumpers for the bunting for the Tour de Yorkshire on the 1 st May; please get them to WI House by 21st April if possible. Come and support the cyclists on their way through Thirsk as they go past WI House where we will be serving refreshments. Look out for other events coming soon - lots on offer! Join in so that you can meet up with members from other WIs. Best wishes Janice NOTICE BOARD * NFWI ANNUAL MEETING 2016, BRIGHTON CONFERENCE CENTRE, SATURDAY 11TH JUNE 2016 - Enclosed are a sheet of important information for Delegates and a form to be filled in by the WIs sending Delegates. Please return the bottom half of the form fully completed to the Office no later than 29th April 2016. Further information for Delegates and Observers will be sent out during May. Observers tickets NFWI ANNUAL MEETING 2016, BRIGHTON – I am pleased to confirm that everyone who applied for an Observer ticket has been successful this year. Further information will be sent out in due time directly to those concerned and tickets issued on the coach travelling to Brighton or sent in the post prior to the meeting. Autumn Council Meeting 2016 – Saturday 15th October 2016. This year, the meeting will take place at Easingwold School, York Road, Easingwold, York, YO61 3EF. Carol Service 2016, Saturday 10th December 2016 – We are delighted to announce that we will be returning to the wonderful settings of Ampleforth Abbey for our Carol Service this year. Further details nearer the time. WI STATIONERY- Please note that NFWI will be increasing prices for WI Stationery from 1st June 2016. If you wish to order any stationery, please contact the Office as soon as possible. April = MCS month April has been nominated as a time to review the Membership Communication System (MCS) to ensure the details for every member and WI are fully up to date. MCS Reps can be appointed at any time to take care of their WI’s records, and useful step-by-step guides for the newly upgraded system are available on the WI Moodle, the MCS itself and from 2 the Federation Office. If WI MCS Reps are unable to log in or your WI does not have an MCS Rep, please contact the Office and we will be able to assist. It is very important that each WI has the correct information listed for its Secretary, as incorrect entries will result in your WI missing out on national mailings, voucher books, and raffle tickets. Please ensure that only one member has been assigned as your WI ‘Secretary’. PAYMENT FOR SPEAKERS – IMPORTANT INFORMATION In order to clarify the arrangements for payments for speakers at WI meetings, the information below has been added to several areas of the Moodle, including the General Information, Membership and WI Guide areas of the Moodle: WI payments for speakers In accordance with Charity Commission rules, WIs are not permitted to provide financial support to charities which do not further the objects of the WI, and payment for a speaker could count as such a donation. WIs must therefore pay the speaker and it is then the speaker’s responsibility to make the charitable donation. Should a speaker request that payment be made directly to their charity, WIs are advised to request an invoice from the charity which clearly states the name of the speaker and that payment is for the services provided. For further information, please contact the NFWI Membership Officer. NFWI Tel. 020 7371 9300 200 CLUB DRAW – numbers drawn were: 60 Mrs Val Illingsworth Brandsby WI 93 Mrs Lilian Armitage Rufforth WI Treasurers’ Helpline: Angela Fawcett on 01751 430210 and Val Illingsworth on 01347 888203 MEMBERS WISHING TO CANCEL PLACES on any event may find a replacement themselves, but MUST INFORM THE OFFICE as soon as possible. If a replacement cannot be found within the WI, the Office may be able to fill that space as sometimes they have a waiting list. This is a health & Safety issue as venues and organisers need to have an attendees list. If the organisers are not aware of the changes, the member may not be able to attend the event. WEB WIZARD Are you experienced with web pages and design? Would you be interested in taking it further? The Federation needs a new Web Wizard to improve and grow the NFWI website. If you are interested, please ring the Office on 01845522415 for further information or Jane Pearce on 01347 888607. DENMAN AMBASSADOR - Jean Hammond What is the position with Denman now? I am frequently asked this question following the announcement by NFWI that Denman would be closing at the end of its financial year September 2016 if it did not reach an operating profit of £70,709 for the 2015/16 financial year. Everyone is working very hard to achieve this figure and the signs are good with bookings and visits on the increase. However, money is needed for the maintenance and upkeep of the buildings. You should by now have been informed by your WI Secretary that a fund raising initiative has been launched by the Denman Ambassador of Wiltshire Federation with the approval of NFWI. “The Saving Denman Appeal” is aimed at federations, WIs and individual members and is asking them to donate a suggested amount of £10 at some point during the next two years. Please note that WI funds cannot be used to send a donation to the Saving Denman Appeal. I must stress that this is entirely voluntary. WIs and members must make their own decision. All monies raised in this appeal will be used for ongoing maintenance of the buildings and grounds. Should you decide to donate, cheques are made payable to Denman and should be clearly marked “Saving Denman Appeal” on the back of the cheque and sent directly to Denman. 3 EVENTS – Chairman: Jennie Potter RAMBLES - Frances Langley Please remember to send two separate cheques, £2.50 pp payable to NYEFWI for the ramble and £5.50 pp made payable to the WI organising the lunch. Both cheques to be sent to WI House with the booking form.Walks are rarely cancelled owing to weather conditions so please make sure you have appropriate clothing and footwear for all occasions. SWAINBY AND POTTO RAMBLE, Monday 23rd May 2016. Closing date 26th April. (Full details in February newsletter) BRANDSBY RAMBLE, Wednesday 8th June 2016. Closing date 12th May. (Full details in March newsletter) HELPERBY RAMBLE, Thursday 23rd June. Closing date 26th May (Full details in March newsletter) CLAXTON AND SAND HUTTON RAMBLE, Tuesday 12th July 2016. A walk of approximately 6 miles along the banks of the River Derwent starting in the historic village of Stamford Bridge (2.5 miles from Sand Hutton on the A166). Free parking is available in the village car park where coffee will be served at 9.30. The walk is relatively flat with just a couple of stiles along the route. On our return to Stamford Bridge we will drive the short distance back to Sand Hutton Village Hall where lunch will be served. Booking now, closing date: 14th June 2016. WHELDRAKE RAMBLE, Tuesday 26th July 2016. A circular route of approximately 5 ½miles which will take us over flat terrain, footpaths, bridleways, and some country roads. We walk through some woodland arriving back at White Rose House (next door to Church Cottage) for lunch. There are no stiles to negotiate! Meet for coffee at 9.30am in Church Cottage, next to the Church on Main St. The starting grid Ref. is SE 682450, using OS Explorer Map, Sheet 290. We will walk over SE 650440 to SE 682460. Sorry no dogs allowed. Booking now. Closing date 23rd June 2016. OTHER EVENTS 2016/2017 FEDERATION DARTS COMPETITION – A fun, social and competitive competition. All you need is 4 members per team, and possibly a "spare" to score or take turns to play. Games are played at "home" and “away" matches as near as possible, leading to a final in March 2017. Matches can be played from June 2016 up until February 2017. By 3rd February, all matches must have been played and results sent in. Cost: £15 per team. Closing date 31st May 2016. Booking Form with your Secretary. Let's Celebrate HM The Queen's 90th Birthday - come to Solberge Hall, Northallerton, on Wednesday 20 July 2016, 12 noon for 12.30pm, for a two course lunch with tea/coffee and then listen to Keith Goodchild recall his time in the Life Guards and his recollections of Ceremonial Duties and Trooping The Colour. As we're celebrating HM The Queen's birthday, why not dress up for the occasion and even wear a hat!! Your secretary has the booking form with menu choices. Cost £25.00. Booking now, Closing date: 20th June 2016 Beadwork Workshop - Friday 29th July at WI House, from 10.00am to 3.00pm. Our tutor will be Brenda Wears. We will be making a crystal bracelet - kit for this included in the price of £12. Bring a packed lunch and usual sewing kit. If you have a small piece of material with a pile, i.e. velvet, please bring it with you - it stops the beads rolling away! Brenda will also have beads for sale on the day. This class is open to beginners and those with experience - patterns will be available for other projects too. Booking now, Closing date: 29th June 2016. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Lunch with Speaker at Hackness Grange, Thursday 8 September Lunch with Speaker at York Racecourse, Wednesday 16 November Photography day school, Friday 7 October at WI House - More details next month. 4 PUBLIC AFFAIRS & INTERNATIONAL - Chairman: Glenis Wedzicha Horticulture for better crops and plants, Stockbridge Technology Centre, Cawood. Wednesday 15th June 2016. 11.30 a.m.- 4.00 p.m. Friends and Family welcome. Price, inclusive of lunch: Members: £15.95, non-members £17.95. A interesting day of science based around the fascinating subject of Horticulture both now and in the future. Our host, Julian Davies, is a qualified Agronomist and has trained in various areas of plant, soil and pest control research. All participants leave with “edible freebies!” Other areas of cuisine may be investigated at The White Horse, Church Fenton, where you will enjoy a delicious two course lunch prior to departure for Cawood (own transport). Closing date for applications: Wednesday 18th May 2016. Please send two cheques with your booking: £10.95 made payable to ‘The White Horse’ and £5.00 (for Members) and £7.00 (for non-members) made payable to NYEFWI. An Evening of Forensic Archaeology, The Methodist Church Hall, Copmanthorpe. Monday 4 th July, 2016. 7.00p.m. – 9.00 p.m. Members only. Price, inclusive of light refreshments: £10.50. Our speaker for this event, who is a Member of Teesside Archaeological Society and the Council for British Archaeology, and holds a Masters Degree in Forensic Archaeological Science, has prepared a splendid evening for us incorporating hands-on activities to explain how forensic archaeologists work to locate evidence, e.g., at crime scenes, using the skills normally used on archaeological sites to uncover evidence from the past. The evening includes a break for light refreshments, prizes for top scorers and a practical demonstration of an excavation. Booking now, Closing date: Monday, 20th June, 2016. SCIENCE CO-ORDINATOR - Glenis Wedzicha The A to Z of Science: - “C” We have all, at some time, heard cancer referred to as “The big C”. It strikes fear in the most courageous and is unfussy as to whom it chooses as its next victim. But what exactly is cancer and why is it so feared? Cancers are a large family of diseases which involve abnormal cell growth. The information regulating cell division, repair and cell death is all stored in our genes (bundles of DNA) but when these signals go awry for some reason, a cell may go into overdrive and continue replicating itself ignoring any red alert signals from the genes to stop. When these vital SOS messages to stop are ignored, a cancer is born. As the cells go on dividing and the resulting tissue mass grows, blood vessels are formed to feed and nurture it. At this stage it is common for the growing cancer to send out smaller clusters and invade other tissues. What then causes this curious process? Common causes are smoking, obesity and diet, stress and lack of physical activity and environmental pollutants. Actual hereditary factors are rarely a cause. However, many cancers are now completely curable if detected early and geneticists continue to research the reason for normal cell DNA to “go wrong” in this way. ACWW REPRESENTATIVE - Dr Gill Boag-Munroe Progress is being made towards our target for the Project we are funding in the Madurai District of Tamilnadu State, India, entitled HIV/AIDS: Sexual and reproductive health for adolescent girls and women. We have currently collected more than £5000 to support the work. Some of you may know that this is the fifth year that ACWW will be running its annual Walk the World event to raise funds for its work. The event takes place on 29 April, and women across the world are encouraged to think of innovative ways to ‘walk the world’. You could be conventional and take a stroll around a local park; you could be adventurous and take a more challenging walk up a mountain; or you could be imaginative, and sketch out a huge map of the world to walk around with friends in your garden! Whatever you choose to do, enjoy the experience and please donate any funds you raise to ACWW. Finally, the organisation has just approved its 1000th project: in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The project aims to develop computer literacy for women and children in an underprivileged area of the city. The aim is to buy computers on which to train fifteen women and five children in Microsoft Word, Desktop Publishing, Tally and other programmes useful for gaining employment in the clerical sector. 5 MEMBERSHIP & TRAINING (M&T) COMMITTEE - Chairman: Jane Holloway WHAT’S THE USE OF A WI ADVISER? Are you a ‘people person’? Do you enjoy being part of a team? Are you already too busy.......well then, you’re probably the person we’re looking for. Join us for coffee, a presentation and a chat at WI House on Saturday 23rd April, at 10.30am, and get an insight into the world of a WIA. It’s a chance for us to tell you what we do to support WIs throughout the Federation, and for you to ask the questions you’ve always wondered about. Find out what the role involves and what the training is like, and if you like what you hear, you could be considered for future training. Look out for us at the Spring Council Meeting. Federation Quiz- Monday 9th May 2016. 7.00pm-9.00pm. Cost £15 per team of 4 - Remember to book your places quickly for Terrington Village Hall, The Galtres Centre, Easingwold or North Duffield Village Hall. All venues are popular and busy, and there won’t be room to squeeze in teams turning up on the night without a booking. Booking now, Closing Date: 8th April 2016. Please make sure you state the chosen venue when booking. Our Famous Treasure Hunt Returns… To THIRSK 20th Monday June 2016 Meet at 6.30pm : Thirsk Market Place Cost: £15, which includes a 2 course supper & drink Closing Date – 20th May 2016 PLEASE REMEMBER TO ‘KEEP THE OFFICE IN THE LOOP’ Please remember to let the Office know of any changes at your WI ie. officer’s names, officer’s contact details, meeting times and even your meeting location, including the postcode. The information held at WI House is shared with National, who use it on their website under the heading ‘Find a WI’, which links back to the NYEFWI website.........and through that, to your own WI. If you take a look at the entry for your own WI, you may not recognise yourselves because there are lots of gaps in the information, and even some inaccuracies, where the office staff have not been informed of changes at your WI. This means that prospective members looking for a WI will be unable to find you. Please take a look and send any corrections or omissions to the office to help us to fill in the gaps. NOTES ABOUT THE NEW WI ACCOUNT BOOK As with anything new, the updated WI Account Book is worrying some people. In order to help them, and to answer frequently asked questions, a page of Notes for Guidance has been produced. It will be sent out with the regular mailing to Secretaries soon. Please ensure it is passed to your Treasurer, who should stick it to the inside cover of the account book for future reference. MEMBERS’ NEWS & VIEWS Thornton le Dale WI Walking Group enjoy their first ramble of the season… Seven members met in a blustery Thornton Le Dale CP on 1st February – Karen Hyatt, sporting hopeful sun glasses and Edith Shepherd, being quickly voted as the most professionally dressed walker. Karen led the way, by car; Everyone enjoyed a lovely scenic detour half way to Whitby, before resuming the correct route to the car park above Chimney Bank, Rosedale. Bright sunshine and gale force wind welcomed us. We battled to get out of the cars and nervous laughter ensued, whilst we were literally bowled down the road. The only way to stand up was to hold on to the information board. We parked Edith next to the board whilst we re-grouped. As the situation was potentially dangerous, we linked arms to weigh ourselves down, and eventually all safely got back to the cars. Back in Hutton Le Hole, we eventually struck out on our walk - round the village, where Bridget admired various double glazing designs, and we all admired the lovely cottages. A nice lunch at the Blacksmiths Arms was enjoyed by all. Setting 6 off back home our route was blocked by a large, fallen branch. You will be pleased to know that all the WI group sprang into action, and had the road cleared in no time! Good deed for the day! Margaret Smith, President Wheldrake & North Duffield WI clean up for the Queen… On Friday the 4th of March 10 members of Wheldrake WI braved the rain, rain and even more rain to join the nationwide campaign “Clean for the Queen”. We decided to try and clear up some of the litter in our village of Wheldrake. We managed to fill 11 bags three of which were completely filled. We did it because we care for the village that we live in and we care for the environment in general. It was not easy on such an appalling day weatherwise but at the end we did have a great sense of achievement and felt good that we had joined in a national event, and we appreciated very much the hot drink afterwards which was provided by our local public house landlady. Ruth Smith, President North Duffield WI enlist the help of their local MP, Nigel Adams, to join in the “Clean up for Queen” organised in theirvillage. Members taking part collected a total of 17 bags of rubbish from the village and surrounding area. And finally, an inspiration to us all… My 8-year old grandson was staying with me during half-term holiday in February. Ever since he was quite young, we have walked around the countryside and he soon noticed the litter people leave around these beauty spots. Now we often take a bag so that we can collect some of this rubbish. I happened to be reading my WI Newsletter and the saw the Federation Chairman’s note about the “Clean for the Queen” initiative. I read it to Daniel and told him that his great grandmother had spoken at The Royal Albert Hall when the original “Keep Britain Tidy” campaign was inaugurated. He listened, disappeared for a while a re-appeared with this poem: LITTER –by Daniel 1. Litter’s litter, A bins a bin, So what are you waiting for? Put it in! 3. Don’t make a mess, Just keep it less, If you put it in a bin, Or a metal recycling tin. 5. Save Great Britain, And find a bin. Get some litter, And put it in! 2. Save the World, And buy a bin. Get some litter, And drop it in 4. Litter’s litter A bins a bin, So what are you playing at? Put it in! 6. Do Something now, To save the cow From global warming. Ow! Ow! Ow! 7. Litter’s litter, A bins a bin, So what are you waiting for? Put it in! 8. Yes litter’s litter, And a bins a bin Do some recycling, And put it in! I showed this to some of the members of my WI and we all agreed: Inspiring and educating the young is where it all begins. Perhaps more poems? Beryl Hodgson, member of Girsby WI NFWI Annual Meeting notes for Delegates, Important Notes Form for Delegates regarding NFWI Annual Meeting, Important Notes Form for Observers & Advisers regarding NFWI Annual Meeting, Darts Competition 2016/2017 Booking Form, Solberge Hall Lunch Booking Form, Member to Member ENCLOSURES THIS MONTH: FEDERATION OFFICE HOURS AT WI HOUSE: Open Tuesday to Thursday: 10.00am – 12.30pm and 14.00pm – 15.00pm. Closed Mondays and Fridays Tel. 01845 522415 Email: fedsec.nyefwi@btconnect.com Email: financesec.nyefwi@btconnect.com 7 EVENT DATE AND TIME VENUE Federation Darts Competition 2016/17 An evening of Tapas Different venues Kirkbymoorside Ramble Federation Quiz From June 2016 until February 2017 Wednesday 27th April - 6pm for 6.30pm – 8.00pm Thursday 28th April 9.30am for coffee Monday 9th May, 7.00pm Swainby & Potto Ramble An Adventure In Parchment & Silk Monday 23rd May 9.30am for coffee Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th May Visit to Stockbridge Technology Centre Brandsby Ramble Wednesday 15th June Federation Treasure Hunt Helperby Ramble Forensic Archaeology Evening Claxton & Sand Hutton Ramble Celebrate HM The Queen's 90th Birthday Wheldrake Ramble Beadwork workshop Cropton Ramble Federation Visit to Denman Staithes Ramble Stutton & Tadcaster Ramble Cawood Ramble Photography workshop Askham Bryan Ramble Autumn Council Meeting CLOSING DATE 31st May 2016 York Cookery School 29th March Bowling Club between Kirkbymoorside & Keldhome, off the A170 Terrington Village Hall; North Duffield Village Hall; Galtres Centre, Easingwold Swainby Village Hall 31st March Zoology Department, University of Oxford & Bodleian (Weston) Library Stockbridge Technology Centre, Cawood 31st March 8th April 26th April 18th May Wednesday 8th June 9.30am for coffee Monday 20th June, 6.30pm Brandsby Village Hall 12th May Thirsk Market Place 20th May Thursday 23rd June 9.30am for coffee Monday 4th July 2016 Helperby Village Hall 26th May The Methodist Church Hall, Copmanthorpe Stamford Bridge (2.5 miles from Sand Hutton on the A166). village car park Solberge Hall, Northallerton 20th June Tuesday 26th July 9.30am for coffee Friday 29th July, 10.00am to 3.00pm Wednesday 10th August 16th – 18th August Church Cottage, next to the Church on Main St WI House, Front Street, Thirsk, YO7 1BG 23rd June Thursday 1st September Wednesday 14th September TBA TBA TBA TBA Monday 3rd October Friday 7th October Thursday 13th October Saturday 15th October TBA WI House, Front Street, Thirsk, YO7 1BG Askham Bryan Village Hall Easingwold School, York Road, Easingwold, YO61 3EF TBA TBA TBA TBA Tuesday 12th July 9.30am for coffee Wednesday 20th July 12 noon for 12.30pm TBA Denman College 14th June 20th June 29th June TBA 15th January For information on these events, please contact your WI Secretary or the Federation Office Please book your place on any of the above events via your WI Secretary, who will send an application form with all the details and a WI cheque to WI House. Please note that back copies of the Newsletter are now available on the Federation Website 8