vii. standing rules - Holston Conference of the United Methodist
vii. standing rules - Holston Conference of the United Methodist
VII. STANDING RULES STANDING RULES 307 A. REPORT COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ORDER Proposed Changes The Committee on Rules and Order met March 18, 2010 to consider changes to the conference Standing Rules as recommended by several entities within the annual conference. The following changes were approved and are submitted for the consideration of the annual conference: • Upon recommendation of the Young Adult Ministries Team, change the age definition of that group by broadening it from the original 19-30 to a new span of 18-35. Also, change the definition by striking the words “one from each District selected by the District” and adding a new phrase making the membership reflect representation from throughout the geographic boundaries of the annual conference. The new language would read like this: Young Adult Ministry Team (Total Membership 13: 12 elected members, 75 % or 9 of whom are age 18-35, representing a cross section of the annual conference, Cabinet Representative), Discipline ¶650 • Replace the paragraph in Section C.I.3 of the Standing Rules, at the second bullet point with the following paragraph: Conference leadership groups shall be organized into the following descriptive categories: advocacy groups, agencies, boards, commissions, committees, councils, ministry areas, and teams. No person shall serve as an elective member of two or more conference leadership groups within the same category; provided, however, that the limitation on joint membership shall not apply to agencies, committees, United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, the Religion and Race Ministry Area, the Board of Directors of the Holston Conference Foundation, Inc., and the Board of Directors of Asbury, Inc. • Move the definition of the Committee on Nominations from C.I.1 to Section B.X.f. under the subheading “Committee on Nominations” replacing the reference to the standing rules section with the entire contents of that paragraph as it presently stands. Renumber the remaining paragraphs under Section C. • Add the leader of the Adult Ministries Team to the Nurture Team at Section B.VI.b.. This would increase the composition of the Nurture Team by one person to 19, with a representative from each of the 6 (instead of the present 5) ministry teams. • Add a new item to the end of Section B, numbered XIII, entitled: Task Forces. Add the following paragraph to that new section: Task forces must be formed with the approval of the Extended Cabinet and exist for a period of four years to complete their work. At the end of four years, any task force must reapply if needed for an extension not to exceed four more years. If funding is required task forces must apply to the appropriate body. • Redefine the structure of the Older Adult Ministry Team as follows (Section B.VI.b.5.: Older Adult Ministry Team (Total Membership 18: 12 Chairs of District Older Adult Councils; 3 officers including a chair, vice chair, and secretary; the conference lay leader or designee; the conference coordinator of older adult ministries, and a cabinet representative) Discipline ¶ 651 ~ BRAD SCOTT, Chair 308 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE ~ DANIEL H. TAYLOR, JR., Secretary/Conference Secretary B. STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE “The purpose of the Annual Conference is to make disciples for Jesus Christ by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church; all to the glory of God.” (2008 Book of Discipline, ¶601). Composition and Character is defined by 2008 Book of Discipline, ¶602, ¶32-36 Organization is defined by 2008 Book of Discipline, ¶603 Function is defined by the 2008 Book of Discipline, ¶¶604-606 I. CABINET a. Appointment Cabinet: Resident Bishop; 12 District Superintendents; Executive Assistant to the Bishop (Discipline ¶417-425) b. Extended Cabinet: Appointment Cabinet; Director of Clergy Services/ Conference Secretary; Director of Connectional Ministries; Director of Finance Services/Conference Treasurer; Director of Congregational Development; Director of the Wesley Leadership Institute; Steward of Clergy Concerns; Executive Director, Holston Conference Foundation. The Conference Lay Leader shall be invited to attend meetings of the Extended Cabinet. II. COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY COUNCIL, a service agency of the entire Conference. Total Membership = 14: 9 elected members, Cabinet Representative, Director of Communications, Information Technology Manager, Multimedia Coordinator, Print Media Specialist, Editor of The Call (Discipline ¶609, 646). Related to Council on Finance and Administration and Annual Conference. III. COMMITTEE ON CONGREGATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Total Membership = 13: 12 elected members, Cabinet Representative IV. BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAMPUS MINISTRY Total Membership = 13: 12 elected members, one of whom shall be from the Young Adult Ministry, Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶634) Related to the Discipleship Team and Council on Finance and Administration 1. Wesley Foundations 2. Conference Colleges V. BOARD OF LAY MINISTRY (Related directly to Annual Conference) a. The Conference Lay Leader is the elected leader of conference laity (¶607.1); b. Total membership 23: 12 District Lay Leaders, presidents of United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, United Methodist Youth, Resident Bishop, Conference Director of Lay Speaking, 2 cabinet representatives, 5 members-atlarge, Conference Lay Leader. The Board may elect up to three associate Conference Lay Leaders from its membership, who may represent the Lay Leader with full voting rights in any group of which the Lay Leader is a member.) (Discipline ¶631) c. The Conference Lay Leader shall be the chairperson of the conference Board of Lay Ministry (Discipline ¶607.3). STANDING RULES 309 VI. DISCIPLESHIP TEAM Total Membership = 25: 12 elected members, Resident Bishop, Board of Higher Education & Campus Ministry Chairperson, Conference Lay Leader, Director of Connectional Ministries, 5 Chairpersons of Ministry Teams with vote: Missions, Nurture, Outreach, Stewardship, Witness, 4 Representatives without vote: Appointment Cabinet, Board of Ordained Ministry, Commission on Communications, Wesley Leadership Institute Board (Discipline ¶630) a. Missions Team Total Membership = 15: 12 elected members, Chairperson of Native American Ministries, Conference Secretary of Global Ministries, Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶633) Sub-groups to be determined by Missions Team in consultation with Discipleship Team. 1. Native American Ministries Total Membership = 7: 6 elected members, Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶654) b. Nurture Team Total Membership = 19: 12 elected members, Representatives of the 6 Ministry Teams with vote: Children’s, Council on Youth, Young Adult, Adult, Older Adult, Camp and Retreat, Cabinet Representative. Other Representatives to be determined and named by Nurture Team in consultation with Discipleship Team. 1. Children’s Ministry Team Total Membership = 12: 9 elected, 3 Ex-Officio (Conference Representative to Holston Home for Children, Cabinet Representative, Staff Resource Person) 2. Conference Council on Youth Ministries Total Membership = 38: 2 youth per District, 1 adult per District, Coordinator of District Coordinators, Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶649) 3. Young Adult Ministry Team Total Membership = 13: 12 elected members, 75% or 9 of which are age 18-35, representing a cross section of the annual conference, Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶650) 4. Adult Ministry Team Total Membership = 10: 8 elected members, 2 Ex-Officio 5. Older Adult Ministry Team Total Membership = 18: 12 Chairs of District Older Adult Councils; 3 officers including a chair, vice chair, and secretary; the conference lay leader or designee; the conference coordinator of older adult ministries, and a cabinet representative (Discipline ¶651) 6. Camp and Retreat Ministry Board Total Membership = 19+ : 16 elected members, Resident Bishop, Director of Connectional Ministries, Camp and Retreat Ministry Executive Director, 4 Site Directors, Chairpersons of 4 Site Boards c. Outreach/Advocacy Team Total Membership = 23: 12 elected members plus the four ministry area chairpersons of Religion and Race, Church and Society, Status and Role of Women, and Christian Unity and Inter-Religious Concerns, Cabinet Representative, additional Ex-Officio members named by the Team in consultation with the Discipleship Team (Discipline ¶629) 1. Religion and Race Ministry Area Total Membership = 13: 12 elected members (1 from each District), Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶643) 2. Church and Society Ministry Area (Chair) (Discipline ¶629) 3. Status and Role of Women Ministry Area (Chair) (Discipline ¶644) 4. Christian Unity and Inter-Religious Concerns Ministry Area (Chair) (Discipline ¶642) 5. Disability Concerns (Chair) (Discipline ¶653) 310 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE 6. Prisoner and Family Ministry Advocacy Group Total Membership = 7: 6 elected members; Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶656) d. Stewardship Team Total Membership = 13: 12 elected members, Cabinet Representative e. Witness Team Total Membership = 15: 12 elected members, Chairpersons of Committee on Rural Churches and Hispanic/Latino Ministry Leadership Team, Cabinet Representative 1. Committee on Rural Churches Total Membership = 10: 9 elected members, Cabinet Representative 2. Hispanic/Latino Leadership Team Total Membership = 10: 9 elected members, Cabinet Representative VII.BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY Total Membership = 58: 51 elected members [nominated by the Resident Bishop and elected by the Annual Conference]; Administrative Registrar and Director of the Wesley Leadership Institute (without vote); Chair, Order of Deacons; Chair, Order of Elders [nominated by the Board of Ordained Ministry and elected by Clergy Session]; Chair, Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members; 2 District Superintendents appointed by Resident Bishop. The Board shall select its own officers. (Discipline ¶635, ¶306-309) a. Administrative Review Committee Total Membership = 3: 3 elected clergy in full connection and two alternate clergy in full connection, nominated by the Bishop and elected by the Clergy Session (Discipline ¶636) b. Committee on Investigation (Clergy) Total Membership = 7: 4 clergy in full connection, 3 professing members; 10 alternates of 5 clergy in full connection and 5 professing members. Members are nominated by the Resident Bishop and elected by the Annual Conference quadrennially (Discipline ¶¶2703-27011) c. Wesley Leadership Institute Committee Total Membership = 15: 12 elected members, 1 representative each from Cabinet, Board of Ordained Ministry, Director of the Wesley Leadership Institute VIII.GROUPS RELATED TO THE CABINET AND ORDAINED MINISTRY a. Order of Deacons, Order of Elders (Discipline ¶ 306-309) b. Pastoral Counseling Center Supervisory Committee Total Membership = 13: 8 elected members, Representative of the Board of Ordained Ministry, 3 District Superintendents (none of whom shall be from any district where counselors hold their Charge Conference), Steward of Clergy Concerns. Related to Cabinet and Board of Ordained Ministry. IX. COUNCIL ON FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Total Membership = 25: 21 elected members and 4 persons without vote: Resident Bishop, Conference Treasurer, District Superintendent chosen by the Cabinet, and Director of Connectional Ministries. The Council shall elect its own officers, except the treasurer who shall be the Conference Treasurer. (Discipline ¶611) X. ADMINISTRATION a. Board of Pensions Total Membership = 27: 8 elected members each from Clergy, Laymen, Laywomen, Pensions Director, Chair of Joint Committee on Incapacity, Cabinet Representative (Discipline ¶639) b. Board of Trustees Total Membership = 13: 12 elected members, Cabinet Representative; Ex-Officio, Resident Bishop. The Board shall elect its own officers. (Discipline ¶¶640, 2512-2550) c. Commission on Archives and History Total Membership = 12: 9 elected members, Cabinet Representative, Historical Society Representative, Conference Archivist (Discipline ¶641) STANDING RULES 311 d. Commission on Equitable Compensation Total Membership = 12: 10 elected members [an equal number of lay and clergy members], 1 District Superintendent named by the Cabinet, Conference Treasurer e. Committee on Episcopacy Total Membership = 14: 3 elected clergy, 4 elected laymen, 4 elected laywomen, 3 members appointed by Resident Bishop, Ex-Officio Members are the lay and clergy members of Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy. The Conference Lay Leader shall be one of the lay elected persons. (Discipline ¶637) f. Committee on Nominations There shall be a Conference Committee on Nominations composed of the Resident Bishop, who shall serve as Chairperson, members of the Extended Cabinet, Conference Lay Leader, President of the Conference of United Methodist Women, President of the Conference of United Methodist Men, Chairperson of the Discipleship Team, Conference Secretary, a representative of United Methodist Youth, one lay person from each district chosen by the District Committee on Nominations, and additional lay and clergy persons for equalization of lay and clergy membership. g. Committee on Resolutions and Petitions Total Membership = 10: 9 elected members and a Cabinet Representative [without vote]. Committee members are elected for the quadrennium. h. Committee on Rules and Order Total Membership = 12: 8 elected members [4 Lay and 4 Clergy] nominated by the Committee on Nominations and elected by the Annual Conference, 4 Ex-Officio members with vote: Resident Bishop, Conference Chancellor, Conference Secretary and a Cabinet Representative i. Episcopal Residence Committee Total Membership = 3: Chair or Representative of the Committee on Episcopacy, Council on Finance and Administration, and Board of Trustees. (Discipline ¶638) j. Personnel Resources Committee Total Membership = 15: 12 elected members, Conference Chancellor, Executive Assistant to the Bishop, Chairperson of Committee on Episcopacy, Chairperson of Personnel Team of the Council on Finance and Adminstration, Ex-Officio, Resident Bishop 1. Personnel Team of the Council on Finance and Administration k. Program Committee, Annual Conference Session Total Membership = 9+: Resident Bishop, Conference Secretary, Conference Lay Leader, President of United Methodist Men, President of United Methodist Women, Chairperson of Discipleship Team, District Superintendent chosen by the Cabinet, Director of Connectional Ministries, additional members appointed by Resident Bishop as necessary XI. SUPPORT GROUPS a. United Methodist Men All men of local churches or charges chartered or unchartered within the bounds of the Annual Conference (Discipline ¶648) b. United Methodist Women All members of local units within the bounds of the Conference (Discipline ¶647) XII. THE CONFERENCE CONNECTIONAL TABLE The membership shall include those staff persons, clergy, lay officials, and other persons deemed needed by the Resident Bishop to carry out the missions of the conference. Different connectional tables may be held for various missions. Purpose: to assist in identifying Conference priorities and coordinating Conference ministries and emphasis. XIII. TASK FORCES Task forces must be formed with the approval of the Extended Cabinet and exist for a period of four years to complete their work. At the end of four years, any task force must reapply if needed for an extension not to exceed four more years. If funding is required, task forces must apply to the appropriate body. 312 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE C. PROCEDURES I. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS 1. The Conference Committee on Nominations shall nominate all members of Conference boards, teams, councils, commissions, and committees including the Chairperson, Vice-Chair person, and Secretary, unless such nominations are otherwise provided for in the Book of Discipline or elsewhere in these Standing Rules. The Committee on Nominations, through the Conference Secretary, shall develop an annual instrument for the Charge Conference packet on which laity and clergy may indicate an interest in election to membership on a Conference or District Board, Committee, Team, Council, or Commission. The Committee on Nominations shall also nominate the Conference Lay Leader for election to a four year term of office. When a term is complete or a vacancy occurs of the Conference Lay Leader, the Board of Lay Ministry may submit the names of one or more persons for consideration by the Committee on Nominations. The Conference Lay Leader is eligible to serve two consecutive terms of office.All persons elected at the Annual Conference will begin serving at the close of the Annual Conference. The Extended Cabinet shall fill all mid-year vacancies which shall be confirmed at the next meeting of the Annual Conference. 2. Election to Conference boards, teams, councils, and committees shall be for a fouryear term. Members are eligible for a second four-year term, except where the Discipline of the Church or action of the Annual Conference provides otherwise. • Members of the Board of Pensions are elected for a term of eight years and are arranged in panels: one-third laywomen, one-third laymen, and one-third clergy. (Discipline ¶639) • Conference leadership groups shall be organized into the following descriptive categories: • • • advocacy groups, agencies, boards, commissions, committees, councils, ministry areas, and teams. No person shall serve as an elective member of two or more conference leadership groups within the same category; provided, however, that the limitation on joint membership shall not apply to agencies, committees, United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, the Religion and Race Ministry Area, the Board of Directors of the Holston Conference Foundation, Inc., and the Board of Directors of Asbury, Inc. The year a person is elected at the Annual Conference, or is appointed by the Extended Cabinet to fill a vacancy, shall be year “one” of a term. After completing year “four” of a term, a person is eligible to serve a second term of office or year “five” through year “eight.” If a person has served two consecutive terms in an office, they are ineligible to serve another term in that office, but are eligible to serve in another conference office. A person who has served two consecutive terms in an office becomes eligible again after four years. Members who fail to participate in the meetings and activities of a conference board, council, committee or team may be removed and a successor named in the next report of the Committee on Nominations to the Annual Conference, unless the by-laws of the agency provide otherwise. The chairperson, majority of members, or Resident Bishop may call a meeting of any conference board, council, committee, team or commission. The call of a meeting shall be coordinated with the Conference office and shall give the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting. Unless a meeting is called at the Annual Conference, in order to report to the Annual Conference, a three day or greater notice should be given to members. STANDING RULES 313 3. No person in the employ of a Conference agency shall be a voting member of a board, committee, commission, or council which supervises the work of the agency by which that member is employed. 4. The Resident Bishop may designate a person to represent the Bishop on any board, team, council, commission, committee, other position, or any occasion where the Bishop deems it necessary. The Resident Bishop or designated person may charge a council, board, committee, team or commission or other conference entity to study or consider an issue that he/she believes is necessary to carry out the mission of the Conference. 5. There shall be a Committee on Nominations within each district, composed of the District Superintendent (who shall serve as Chair), District Lay Leader, District President of United Methodist Women, District President of United Methodist Men, a representative of the District Youth Council, the Chairperson of the District Leadership Team or other structure, and the District Lay representative to the Conference Committee on Nominations. Additional representatives may be added by the District Leadership Team or other structure to ensure adequate representation. These district committees shall serve as a resource group throughout the year to supply appropriate names of clergy and lay persons to the Conference Committee on Nominations for service within the Annual Conference. 6. Members of the boards of directors of Asbury Centers, Inc., Holston United Methodist Home for Children, and Advisory Board of Directors of the Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge shall be nominated and elected by the respective boards and confirmed by the Annual Conference. 7. Members of the Board of Trustees of Holston Conference Colleges (Emory and Henry College, Hiwassee College and Tennessee Wesleyan College) shall be nominated and elected by the respective Boards at their fall Board meetings and confirmed at the next session of Annual Conference. 8. The Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church Foundation, Inc. shall be governed by a board of not fewer than fifteen (15) directors elected by the Board of Directors and confirmed by the Holston Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. The Resident Bishop of the Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church, and the Conference Treasurer shall be ex officio members of the board with full voice privileges and voting rights. All elected directors shall serve for terms of one, two, or three years as determined by said Board. II. MEMBERS TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE 9. The lay members of the Annual Conference may be elected annually, or to four-year terms to provide continuity. Lay members shall serve at the meeting of the next Annual Conference following election. 10. The District Leadership Team or other structure, in consultation with the District Council on Youth Ministries or other appropriate group representative of youth throughout the district, shall elect members of the Holston Annual Conference. The young persons elected shall meet the requirements for election of all lay members as stated in the Book of Discipline, ¶ 32, which is one person from age 12 to 17 and one person from age 18 to 30. The names and addresses of the elected members shall be sent to the Holston Conference Secretary by January 15. If any elected youth is unable to attend the Annual Conference, the District Leadership Team may select a replacement member to attend by sending the name of the youth to the Conference Secretary. A per diem for these youth members shall be paid by the Annual Conference. 314 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE 11. Each year there shall be elected an equal number of lay and clergy members to the Holston Annual Conference. Professing lay members representing each local charge are to be elected at the Charge Conference. Diaconal ministers, active deaconesses, home missionaries under Episcopal appointment within the bounds of the Holston Conference, Conference President of United Methodist Men, Conference President of United Methodist Women, the Conference Treasurer, Director of Connectional Ministries, Director of Communications, Conference Chancellor, Chair of the Committee on Rules and Order, Chair of the Discipleship Team, Chair of the Personnel Resources Committee, Chair of the Council on Finance and Administration, the Conference Lay Leader and other members of the Conference Board of Lay Ministry not otherwise elected as members of the Annual Conference shall be members of the Annual Conference. The conference director of Lay Speaking Ministries, Conference Secretary of Global Ministries (if lay), and the remaining lay members that will be needed to achieve equalization are to be apportioned to the Districts on the basis of district lay membership, provided that the total number of lay members shall include youth delegates required by the Discipline, District lay leaders, District presidents of United Methodist Women, and United Methodist Men. The clergy membership shall consist of deacons and elders in full connection, probationary members, associate members, and local pastors under appointment. See also Discipline ¶602.1e. Discipline ¶602 12. The Conference Secretary shall notify each District Superintendent of the number of lay members to be elected not later than sixty days following Annual Conference. The additional persons apportioned to the Districts as lay members to the Holston Annual Conference shall be elected at each of the District Conferences upon nomination from the local churches and District Committee on Nominations. Where there is no District Conference, lay members shall be elected in a manner determined by the District Leadership Team or other equivalent structure. A prepared ballot of these nominees will be available for the election. Nominations may be received from the floor of the District Conference. A per diem for these members shall be paid by the Annual Conference upon requisition, where they are not paid by the local Church, the District, or some other source. The District Superintendents will be responsible for seeing that the members are elected and that their names and addresses are sent to the Holston Conference Secretary by January 15th of each year. III. PROGRAM AND REPORTS 13. The Conference Secretary shall be responsible for Memoirs. A memorial service for clergy members, spouses of clergy members, and members of local congregations deceased during the year shall be held at each Annual Conference. 14. Proposed programs from boards, teams, commissions, committees, councils, and agencies that require Conference action shall be compiled and printed under the direction of the Annual Conference Program Committee and mailed to all lay and clergy members of the Conference at least thirty (30) days before the opening session of the Annual Conference. Reports from various committees, boards, teams, commissions, and agencies that are to be included in the Book of Reports are due at the office of the Conference Secretary by March 15. 15. The Statistical Report (Table No. 1, Table No. 2, and Table No. 3) for each local church shall be due and submitted by the pastor at an announced place and date set by each District Superintendent, to be no earlier than January 10th and no later than STANDING RULES 315 January 15th of each year. 16. The Program of the Annual Conference shall be arranged by a Program Committee composed of the Resident Bishop, Conference Secretary, Conference Lay Leader, President of the Conference United Methodist Women, President of the Conference United Methodist Men, Chair of the Discipleship Team, and a District Superintendent. The Resident Bishop shall serve as chair and may appoint additional members to serve on the Program Committee. The Conference may make any change in the schedule necessary to facilitate its work. 17. There shall be a Conference Committee on Resolutions and Petitions consisting of nine persons elected for the quadrennium by the Annual Conference after nomination by the Committee on Nominations. All proposed resolutions for the Annual Conference or petitions to General Conference, to be considered by the Annual Conference, shall first be presented to the Committee on Resolutions and Petitions by March 1. The Committee shall evaluate each proposed resolution for Annual Conference or petition to General Conference and recommend concurrance, nonconcurrance or appropriate referral. Their recommendations and all materials must be in the hands of the Conference Secretary for the Book of Reports by March 15. Any resolution to Annual Conference or petition to General Conference proposed at the Annual Conference from the floor, that was not first considered by the Committee, must be referred, by a majority vote of the Annual Conference, to the Committee for a recommendation, after which the Annual Conference may consider it. There shall be a Cabinet Representative appointed to the Committee (without vote). The Chair shall be nominated by the Committee on Nominations. All petitions to General Conference submitted for consideration by the Annual Conference must adhere to the specific requirements published each quadrennium by the Petitions Secretary of the General Conference. IV. PROCEDURES General 18. In those districts scheduling a district conference, the membership shall include the local church lay leader; chair of the administrative council or administrative board and council on ministries; presidents of United Methodist Youth, United Methodist Women, and United Methodist Men; lay leader; Diaconal ministers and pastors serving within the district; and such other persons as may be determined by the District Leadership Team or other structures. 19. No clerical member of the Annual Conference shall leave the seat of the Conference without notifying in writing that member’s district superintendent, who will, in turn, report to the conference secretary. 20. The effective date for all clergy members of the Holston Annual Conference entering into voluntary retirement shall be at the close of the session of the Annual Conference at which their retirement is approved. No retirements may be voted for a projected date during the ensuing appointive year except by the joint recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry and the Board of Pensions in response to extraordinary and compelling circumstances. 21. The General Conference rules of order shall be used so far as they apply; otherwise, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used. 22. Any and all proposed changes in the Standing Rules of the Conference made by the Committee on Rules and Order shall be printed in the Annual Conference Book of Reports as outlined in Standing Rule 15 and shall be presented for approval by the 316 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Annual Conference at the opening business session of the Annual Conference. Any other motion to amend the Standing Rules must be presented in writing, lay over one day, and be reviewed by the Committee on Rules and Order before a vote is taken, and such motion must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference. The Standing Rules of the Conference shall be printed in each edition of the Conference Journal. Finance 23. There shall be a Conference Council of Finance and Administration. The Council of Finance and Administration shall submit its proposed budget and recommendations in the Book of Reports to the members of the Annual Conference for its consideration. Budget amendments and other recommendations made by the Council of Finance and Administration, but not included in the Book of Reports may be considered at the Annual Conference. All requests for Conference funds or monetary obligations by any board, committee, council, team, agency or other body shall first be submitted to the Council of Finance and Administration for consideration in the budget. Requests for funds must be submitted to the Council of Finance and Administration or Conference Treasurer by March 1. All requests for funds properly made in time, but not recommended in the budget by the Council of Finance and Administration may be considered by the Annual Conference by amendment to the budget. Other requests for funds or obligations shall not be considered by the Annual Conference unless first referred by majority vote of the Annual Conference to the Council of Finance and Administration for a recommendation. After receiving a recommendation, the Annual Conference may consider a proposed budget amendment. Discipline ¶¶610-618 24. The fiscal year of the Conference shall be from January 1st through December 31st of each year. The final day to receive payment on Conference apportionments shall be by the close of the business day of January 9th or the Monday following when the 9th falls on a Saturday or a Sunday. 25. The Treasurer of the Conference shall make final settlement and shall disburse all funds as designated after the adjournment of the Annual Conference. During the fiscal year, the Conference Treasurer shall make disbursements to various Conference Agencies at times and in manners approved by the Conference Council on Finance and Administration, and upon requisition of the proper officials of the Board and Agencies. Discipline ¶618 26. The District Superintendents shall receive equal salaries, plus allowances for travel and other expenses beyond the District served and for which no other financial arrangement has been made on requisition from the fund designated for this purpose. 27. There shall be a Conference Board of Trustees. Any request for the sale, mortgage, transfer or disposal of real estate or other assets owned by the Conference shall first be considered by the Conference Board of Trustees. The Board shall present its recommendations in the Book of Reports, but can include additional property or assets or change its recommendation at the Annual Conference. Any other items not considered by the Conference Board of Trustees must be referred to the Conference Board of Trustees by a majority vote of the Annual Conference before action. After receiving a recommendation from the Conference Board of Trustees, the Annual Conference may consider the item. 28. Capital funds campaigns initiated by Conference agencies and institutions that involve the churches of Holston Conference must have the approval of the Council on Finance and Administration and the Annual Conference. Other fund-raising campaigns which extend beyond district boundaries must have the approval of and be coordinated by STANDING RULES 317 the Council on Finance and Administration and the Annual Conference. In those instances where financial goals are to be assigned to the congregations, said goals, along with the proposed strategies for meeting those goals, shall be clearly identified prior to approval. Appeals arising within the Conference between Annual Conference sessions may be conducted only on approval of the Council on Finance and Administration. Approval of such appeals shall be communicated to local churches of the Conference. 29. The Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall be required to give thirty (30) days notice to all boards and agencies prior to the annual meeting for budgetary review for consideration of the annual budget of the Conference. Journal 30. The Committee on Rules and Order and the Conference Secretary and Staff shall establish the policy for the publication of the Journal. The Journal shall be published under the direction of the Conference Secretary, who shall serve as editor. The Conference Secretary shall, with the approval of the Council on Finance and Administration, enter into a contract to publish the Journal. All materials to be published shall be in the hands of the Editor within fifteen (15) days after the adjournment of the Conference. 31. The Conference Secretary shall be responsible for the distribution of the Journal. The District Superintendents shall obtain the orders for the Journals from the pastoral charges, and the cost of the Journals so ordered will be billed directly to the pastoral charges. These accounts are to be paid in full to the Conference Treasurer within sixty (60) days of delivery. Clergy and Diaconal Ministers who are retired, on incapacity leave, and conference claimants shall receive a free copy of the Journal upon request. Other persons may place orders with payment through the Conference Secretary. Receipts of Journal sales shall be held in a carry-over account at the end of the fiscal year. Reports and Motions 32. All motions presented to the Conference and amendments to any paper shall be in writing and placed in the hand of the Secretary immediately following the presentation. Election Procedures for Delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conferences 33. To ensure that qualified lay persons are identified for consideration as delegates to the General and Jurisdictional Conference, persons may be nominated by local churches, District Boards of Laity, or the Annual Conference Board of Lay Ministry on a form to be developed by the Conference Board of Lay Ministry. The form shall ask the potential nominee to respond to the following items: 1. I agree to be a nominee for General and Jurisdictional Conferences. 2. I wish to be a nominee for the Jurisdictional Conference only. Names of all nominees from local churches shall be in the hands of the District Board of Laity by February 15th of the year in which delegates are to be elected. The District Board of Laity shall review the nominations and determine their eligibility. The Board may add names of persons it deems to be candidates and shall deliver the list to the Conference Board of Lay Ministry by March 1st. The Conference Board of Lay Ministry shall complete the lists, add any persons it deems to be candidates, and provide the list by March 15th, along with biographical information, to the 318 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Conference Secretary for printing and distribution in the Book of Reports. The form for nominations shall include the name, address, occupation, local church and district, indication if individual is of ethnic constituency, current photograph, and a biographical sketch of no more than fifty (50) words provided by the nominee. In addition to this process, nominations may be made at the Orientation Session for Laity at the seat of the Annual Conference for presentation to the Conference. Following the election of the lay delegates to General Conference and two lay delegates to Jurisdictional Conference, the chair shall then explain to the lay members that an additional list of names is now available indicating persons who have asked to be considered for election to the Jurisdictional Conference only, and they may now vote for these persons as well as any unelected person. 34. Ministerial and lay delegates elected to the previous General and Jurisdictional Conferences shall be delegates to special sessions of the respective conferences. 35. Expenses of two alternate ministerial and two alternate lay delegates to the General and Jurisdictional Conferences, in order of their election, shall be borne by the Annual Conference at a rate not to exceed the per diem of delegates. 36. Each member shall be required to vote for no more than the number of delegates for that particular ballot, but ballots with less than the required number will be considered valid. 37. The names of all eligible clergy persons in the conference shall be printed on a ballot in alphabetical order. A voting number shall be assigned for each eligible clergy person. Clergy members shall vote by ballot until the required number of delegates are elected by a majority vote of the ballots cast. The number of votes a clergy member can cast on a ballot cannot exceed the number of delegates left to be elected. On the ballot that elects the last delegate, if one or more clergy receives a majority vote that exceeds the needed number to be elected, the highest vote total(s) will be used to determine the election. The other clergy person(s) with majority vote will be elected as alternate(s). Another ballot will be taken to elect alternate delegates. After that ballot, if not enough alternates have been elected, a floor vote of a majority of clergy present and voting may elect alternates in the manner specified in the motion. 38. The extended cabinet is authorized to complete any unfinished business of the annual conference that was unavoidably overlooked, but where action is needed to properly carry out the mission of the conference. Any such decision by the extended cabinet shall be recorded in the minutes of the cabinet and reported in the subsequent Journal. The extended cabinet is also authorized to take action in behalf of the conference at times between annual conferences where it is deemed a vital issue and where time is of the essence. Any such action of the extended cabinet shall be recommended by the Resident Bishop after consulting with lay and clergy leaders. The action of the extended cabinet shall be recorded in the minutes of the cabinet and reported to the next annual conference for ratification VIII. MEMOIRS MEMOIRS A. THE ROLL OF REMEMBRANCE Leonard Arnold CLERGY MEMBERS Flanders M. Bays, Jr. Robert E. Billingsley R. Glenn Burcham Elmer Cleek Douglas L. Crowder Herbert H. Daugherty Charles C. Dye Robert Rye Fleenor Thomas R. Gentry Marvin D. Hayes Lee Hill Vernon B. Littreal Frank J. Lynch Glen A. Milburn Fred R. Minnick Paul A. Miracle Maria “Mia” Parham-Newman George M. Rawn Clyde E. Ricker C. Martin Riley Richard N. Roe Walter E. Smalley, Jr. Ernest J. Statzer 5 May 1937 18 March 1921 30 October 2009 6 June 1945 22 July 2009 8 October 1925 7 August 1918 7 August 2009 20 February 2010 3 November 1927 20 July 2009 15 November 1928 6 May 2010 23 July 1918 22 October 2009 10 May 1935 20 March 2010 22 January 1922 12 August 2009 20 February 1917 1 November 2009 22 June 1914 17 August 2009 19 March 1942 12 May 2009 29 October 1911 3 January 1923 11 July 1936 4 June 2009 7 July 2009 17 March 2010 4 May 1965 5 February 2010 15 June 1925 24 May 2009 22 August 1940 13 July 2009 9 December 1949 16 November 2009 30 October 1927 8 May 2009 19 July 1913 31 March 1922 Larry R. Williams 20 August 1938 E. Leon Yost 14 June 2009 23 October 1931 Charles K. Ward James M. Webb 28 June 2009 13 July 1942 21 December 1926 17 June 2009 18 June 2009 28 May 2009 23 March 2010 2 January 2010 3 April 2010 319 320 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE A. THE ROLL OF REMEMBRANCE CLERGY SPOUSES Donald Colin Campbell (Rev. Paula Dell Campbell) Jane Carter (Rev. Jack Carter) Frances Cate (Rev. Lee A. Cate) William C. Griffin (Rev. Caryl P. Griffin) Oleta Jones (Rev. Paul Preston Jones) Wanda Martin (Rev. Thomas Martin) Clyde Raper (Rev. Alta Raper) Susan J. Rye (Rev. Larry Rye) Germaine R. Steiner (Rev. John Steiner) 23 October 1941 12 April 1928 10 July 2009 22 May 2009 1 October 1924 23 November 2009 4 September 1932 9 November 2009 23 March 1944 10 March 2009 26 June 1943 4 August 1932 14 January 1949 17 January 1932 28 August 2009 12 August 2009 9 October 2009 19 February 2010 MEMOIRS A. THE ROLL OF REMEMBRANCE Isabel “Izzy” G. Armbrister SURVIVING SPOUSES (Rev. George Armbrister) Alberta Beasley (Rev. Cecil P. Beasley) Sadie Mae Brewster (Rev. Albert Brewster) Johanna Howard (Rev. Hilliard Howard) Lola Jaynes (Rev. James Jaynes) Lucille Kesting (Rev. Charles Kesting) Evelyn W. McDonough (Rev. Irvin J. McDonough) Rose Misamore (Rev. Ivan Misamore) Ruth Quirk (Rev. Paul Quirk) Bess J. St. Clair (Rev. Ben St. Clair) Mildred Leona B. Starling (Rev. Sherman) Sara Kate H. Tomlinson (Rev. Dr. R. Kyle Tomlinson) Maria Tumlin (Rev. Wallace Ray Tumlin) Rose Turner (Rev. Cass Mack Turner, Sr.) Marie Walter (Rev. James H. Walter) Margaret Wright (Rev. Albert C. Wright) 24 June 1922 10 January 1922 15 August 1913 7 July 1921 6 February 2010 14 January 2010 26 June 2009 April 2009 5 February 2010 26 April 1917 3 December 2009 21 December 1916 20 August 2009 25 February 1913 30 October 1908 16 December 1920 16 July 2009 8 February 2010 10 October 2009 6 October 1922 30 September 2009 12 September 1927 17 November 2009 27 November 1924 14 January 2010 22 November 1913 2 April 1915 29 May 1927 24 May 2009 25 July 2009 1 April 2010 321 322 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE B. MEMOIRS LEONARD ARNOLD 1937 – 2009 The Rev. Leonard Ray Arnold entered his eternal home, June 28, 2009, completing the walk he began in 1973 when he devoted his life to service and discipleship for the Master, Jesus Christ. His philosophy as minister was “He who would lead must be first to serve.” This he truly exemplified whether delivering inspiring sermons to his congregation, or growing vegetables to share with friends, or beaming with pride over a grandchild in his arms. A native of Kingsport, he was the son of Homer and Ferne (Gott) Arnold who preceded him in the journey to meet the Master. He graduated from high school in Kingsport, TN. A football scholarship took him to Tennessee Wesleyan College. Following this, he spent time in the U.S. Army, serving his country honorably during the Korean Conflict, after which he completed his Bachelor of Science degree at East Tennessee State University. Afterward he was employed with Texaco Oil Co. To prepare for the ministry in 1973, he enrolled at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, where he received a master’s of divinity degree. Ever studious, he continued his education toward a doctoral degree in ministry. Continuing education opportunities and travel broadened the scope of his knowledge, thus enhancing his ministry. Leading friends and congregation members on excursions to the Holy Land became a most enjoyable and enriching experience. His first appointment was to Sugar Grove-Teas in Virginia in 1974–1977. Like the pioneer circuit rider preachers, he continued his sojourn with five churches in the Elk Creek Circuit of Southeastern Virginia in 1977 to 1981. During 1982 to 1986, he pastored Big Spring United Methodist Church in Cleveland, TN. From 1986 to 1989, he served Harrison-Washington Hills United Methodist Churches in Harrison, TN. Afterward, he was appointed to Floyd United Methodist Church in Floyd, VA. Subsequently, he ministered to McFarland United Methodist Church in Rossville, GA, during 1994 to 1998. He retired in 2001 from Holly Avenue United Methodist Church in South Pittsburgh, TN, after serving since 1998. He also served Holston Conference as secretary and journal editor for eight years. During his pastorate in Virginia, he served as coordinator of the Disaster Relief for Holston Conference in Southeast Virginia. Serving the community was an important part of his ministry. During his appointments, he often served as volunteer chaplain at local hospitals, participated in radio ministry, conducted worship services at local nursing homes, traveled on mission trips within and outside the U.S., and supported local Lions Club associations. Survivors include his beloved and devoted wife of 49 years, Mary Longmire Arnold; daughters and their husbands: Dr. Linda Lewis and Samuel, and Dr. Kimberly Boyter and Richard; grandchildren: Mary Beth Dewberry, Samuel Lewis, Jr., Katherine Lewis, Melinda and Eric Burns, and Ricky Boyter; one great grandson River Dewberry; two MEMOIRS 323 brothers and sister-in-laws: Paul “Bob” and Mary Arnold and Ronald and Alice Arnold; and several nieces and nephews. He is sorely missed by a throng of friends and parishioners who celebrate his homecoming. ROBERT E. BILLINGSLEY ~ Submitted by his family 1925 – 2009 Robert (Bob) E. Billingsley died on Sunday, June 14, 2009, at Carrington Place in Wytheville, VA. Bob was born on October 8, 1925, in Lynchburg, VA, to William and Ruth Billingsley. He attended school in Lynchburg and graduated from E.C. Glass High School. He continued his education at Ferrum College in Ferrum, VA. Bob was recommended by his local church, Mead Memorial, to become licensed to preach in September 1972. His first appointment as a Lay Pastor was to the Mount Airy Charge in the Virginia Conference. Bob completed the Ministerial Course of Study on July 21, 1983, and the Advanced Course of Study on July 16, 1992, at Duke University Divinity School. He was elected an Associate Member of the Holston Conference on June 15, 1987. Bob enjoyed serving each church he was privileged to be a part of and wanted each person to experience God’s love. Bob’s pastorates included the Mount Airy Charge, Lead Mines Charge, Cedar Springs Charge, Fries Charge, Fries Station, Grace Circuit, and Mount Mitchell Station. After retiring several times, Bob served as an interim pastor at the Berea Christian Church. His final retirement was in 2006 due to health issues, but he remained active at St. Paul United Methodist in Wytheville, VA. Bob will be remembered as a gentle soul that loved being with people. After his retirement, he enjoyed attending Bible Studies at St. Paul, and his fellow classmates enjoyed his deep thinking and challenging questions. Bob was a devoted Virginia Tech Hokie fan. He loved to read and spend time with his wife, Betty, and their cats. Surviving to cherish his memory are his wife of 24 special years, Betty, his daughters, Donna Lowitzki and Debbie Saunders, and grandchildren, Virginia and April Saunders. He is also survived by his sisters, Lois Stone and Frances Cary. The celebration of Bob’s life was held on Thursday, June 18, 2009, at St. Paul United Methodist Church with his dear friends, Rev. C.W. Huff, Rev. Tom Ballard, Rev. Chuck Starks, and Rev. Laura Blair officiating. The scattering of Bob’s ashes was held after the service at Asbury United Methodist Church in Rural Retreat, VA. “Well done my good and faithful servant! ~ Submitted by his wife, Betty H. Billingsley 324 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE ROBERT GLENN BURCHAM 1945 – 2009 Robert Glenn Burcham, age 64, passed away on July 22, 2009, to go home to his heavenly Father, Jesus Christ. He is greatly missed by his wife Barbara, his children, grandchildren, his family and his church family and friends. Glenn answered the call to the ministry and then found out in October 2004 that he had cancer. But he had a great outlook on life and his faith in the Lord and didn’t let the cancer get him down. It just made his faith stronger. He was always smiling and witnessing for the Lord to everyone he saw. Glenn’s first and only appointment of 4 years as a Local Pastor was at the GrantFlatridge Circuit in Grayson County, which has three great churches. He always said that God put him there to serve those churches and the great people and community. They became our family from day one. He loved his work and let the Lord lead him on ways to serve them better. While Glenn was at Duke for his transplant, his ministry didn’t stop. He witnessed to other patients and their family members and spoke with them when they asked to speak to a clergyperson. He always said that God had a purpose for him there when he could not be in his churches. He was able to get Bibles in every room at the Caring House where we stayed during his treatment. He also initiated communion and anointing with oil at the Caring House. While in the hospital, Glenn was able to get Bibles put in every room in the 9200 Unit where he roomed. Glenn was born on June 6, 1945. He is survived by his wife Barbara and three great children, Tena and husband Wayne Swinney of Woodlawn, VA, Robert Glenn Burcham, Jr. of Leesburg, VA, and Mae and husband Dan Gates of Cana, VA. He is also survived by five grandchildren, Nicole Swinney of Winston-Salem, NC, Crissa Swinney of Woodlawn, VA, Amanda and Jake Burcham of New York, and Mason Glenn Gates of Cana, VA. The Reverends Ray Bolen and Don Shelor and Ray Smith officiated at Glenn’s services. He was laid to rest at Bishop Chapel UMC Cemetery in Carroll County. The family would like to give thanks for all the prayers that went up for Glenn and family. Thanks, too, for everyone who was able to visit with Glenn when he came home from the hospital. He loved seeing everyone! ~ Submitted by his wife and children ELMER CLEEK MEMOIRS 325 1918 – 2009 The Reverend Elmer Cleek, born August 7, 1918, died August 7, 2009, at Holston Manor, Kingsport, TN, after several years of failing health. He was married to the love of his life, Louise Loyd Cleek, for over 50 years. Louise stood steadfast by his side in every assignment until her death. Elmer’s pastoral appointments were: Ross Camp Ground, 1/15/59-6/2/62; Clinton Circuit, 6/3/62-6/6/64; CardwellBradbury, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Solway-Valley View, 5/27/67-6/1/68; Anderson-Mt. Pleasant, 6/2/68-6/13/72; Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Blountville Circuit, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Transfer to Tennessee Conference, 6/15/74; Cedar Hill, 6/12/74-6/17/76; Spring Hill Neapolis, 6/18/76-6/12/77; Transferred from Tennessee Conference, 6/13/77; Prater Circuit, 6/13/77-6/11/80; Hunter-Slagles, 6/12/80-6/30/82; and Trentville-Huckleberry Springs, 7/1/82-6/13/84. Upon his retirement in 1984, he was presented a certificate for 25.5 years of service. After retirement, Elmer kept active in running his farm and occasionally filling in for other pastors until his health failed. He especially enjoyed working with his cattle. He was preceded in death by his wife, Louise Loyd Cleek; daughter Ann Duggan; son Larry Cleek; parents Mack and Bertha Calhoun Cleek; four sisters, and three brothers. Surviving are three granddaughters, Jamie Gravitte, Jennifer Davis, and Ashley Cleek; two grandsons, Lloyd Bricken and Christopher Cleek; great-granddaughter, Sarah Davis; great-grandson, James Gravitte; and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services and burial were conducted Tuesday, August 11, 2009, at East Lawn Memorial Park, Kingsport, TN. DOUGLAS L. CROWDER 1931 – 2010 ~ Submitted by his family Douglas L. Crowder was born to Thomas and Anna Crowder in Roane County, TN, on October 23, 1931. He graduated from Farragut High School, UT-Knoxville, and Asbury Theological Seminary. He was appointed to Jacksboro UMC in 1956. He married Elaine Graham in 1957, and they prepared for the mission field at Scarritt College while Doug continued to serve the Jacksboro UMC. In 1958, Doug and Elaine were accepted by the Board of Global Ministries of the UMC and left for the Belgian Congo. They served together in that country for over 38 years. Doug was involved in evangelism, theological and secondary education, maintenance, the construction of churches and two high schools, and parenting missionary children at a boarding hostel. 326 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Doug transferred his membership to Central Congo Conference while serving there. Upon his retirement in 1996, he transferred his membership back to Holston Conference. Holston Conference stood firmly behind the Crowders. Many churches provided financial support for their ministry. The Crowders retired to Lenoir City, TN, and Doug served as Minister of Congregational Care at Central UMC from 1997 until 2009. Prison ministry was one of Doug’s most fulfilling areas of service. He was known for his humble spirit and genuine compassion. Doug spoke the language of the people with whom he worked, and he enjoyed music. He freely shared his faith and his entire life was a witness for Christ. Doug is survived by his wife of 52 years and three daughters: Dr. Sandra Crowder (Andy Grant), Anna (Dr. Scott) McCullough, and Sarah (Michael) Stockham. One niece, Pency Forbush and 2 nephews, John (Paula) Forbush and Tim (Carolyn) Forbush became members of the immediate family in 1978. Funeral services were held at Central UMC with Rev. Ron Fisher and Rev. Betsy Switzer officiating. Burial was in Lakeview Cemetery, Lenoir City. HERBERT H. DAUGHERTY 1928 – 2010 ~ Submitted by his family Herbert H. Daugherty was born on November 7, 1928, in Scott County, VA, and left this earth to be with his Heavenly Father on Thursday, May 6, 2010. Herbert accepted Christ at an early age and believed that living God’s love is the ultimate experience of life. After attending Hiwassee College and East Tennessee State University, he served faithfully with this wife Pauline for 44 years in the Holston Conference, pastoring 47 churches in the Big Stone Gap, Kingsport, and Johnson City Districts. After retirement, he attended St. Mark United Methodist Church in Clinton, TN, where he was an active member and especially enjoyed singing in the choir. Herbert also loved to draw and paint and wrote many poems, hymns, and devotionals. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Pauline Denson Daugherty, daughter Diane Ilgner and husband Berny of Clinton, TN, and granddaughter Kristina Ilgner of Knoxville, TN. Herbert was the youngest of five children and is survived by his sister Ruth Keith of Bristol, TN, sister Marjorie Mullins and husband Bert of Abingdon, VA, brother James Daugherty and wife Colleen of Kingsport, TN, and sister-in-law Valice Daugherty of Nickelsville, VA, as well as many beloved nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father Wilson Daugherty, his mother Lillie Smith Daugherty Camper, and older brother Gene Daugherty. Herbert was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) in 2008. Even though he had a life that presented him with many challenges from the beginning, he kept a positive, happy outlook and chose to follow God’s plan for his life. MEMOIRS A service of celebration and worship was held for Herbert at St. Mark UMC in Clinton on Saturday, May 8, 2010, and burial followed at Hillside Cemetery near Russell’s Chapel UMC in Jonesville, VA. CHARLIE C. DYE 327 ~ Submitted by his family 1927 – 2009 Rev. Charlie C. Dye passed away July 20, 2009, in Kingsport, TN. He was born November 3, 1927, in Abingdon, VA. Rev. Dye was a U.S. Navy veteran, and along with his wife Eileen, faithfully served for over 40 years in the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. His wife of 57 years, Eileen Dye, one son, C. Wayne Dye, and two grandchildren preceded him in death. He is survived by one son, Gary Dye and wife Jan of Kingsport; daughter-in-law Carolyn Dye of Greenville; two grandsons, and one great-grandson. He left behind a host of friends within the Holston Conference. ROBERT RYE FLEENOR 1918 - 2009 ~ Submitted by his family Robert Rye Fleenor was born in Sullivan County on July 23, 1918, a son of the late J.B. and Mary Netherland Fleenor. Rye married Mildred Unavee Barker on June 18, 1940. He passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family and entered into rest with the Lord on Thursday, October 22, 2009, at his residence following a brief illness. Rye was ordained a deacon in 1952 and Elder in the Methodist Church in 1954. He served 12 churches over 38 years in the East Tennessee area and settled at St. Luke UMC, Kingsport, in retirement. Rye retired from Eastman Kodak in 1979 following 41 years of service. At his retirement he was foreman in tenite. Rev. Fleenor was a licensed Funeral Director at East Lawn Funeral Home for over 24 years, retiring in 2001. At his retirement, he was serving as manager. Rye was a member of Kingsport Masonic Lodge #688 and a member of the Jericho Shrine. He also attained the Illustrious Degree of 33rd. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by four sisters and eight brothers. Survivors include his wife of 69 years, Mildred Barker Fleenor of the home, three daughters, Sandy Murray, Kaye Fleenor, and Christie Gannaway and husband, Jack, all of Kingsport; three granddaughters, Lisa Lane, Holly McKay, and Chesney Gannaway; six grandsons, Rob Cain, Tim Murray and wife Rebecca, Andy Murray and fiancée Rhonda Bailey, Jason Smith, Matthew Murray and wife Julie and Brooks Gannaway; one great-granddaughter, Gracie Murray; four great-grandsons, Austin 328 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Cain, Christian McKay, Andrew Glover, and Riley Murray; one brother, Rev. Harry Fleenor and wife Peggy of Rogersville; several nieces and nephews. A Celebration of his Life was held on Sunday, October 25, 2009, with the Rev. Mike Fleenor, Mark Fleenor, and an obituary reading and comments by Andrew Glover. Special music was provided by Deena Moore, soloist. Burial was at East Lawn Memorial Park’s Garden of the Apostles. MARVIN D. HAYES ~ Submitted by his family 1935 – 2010 Marvin Dean Hayes was born May 10, 1935, son of George and Dora (McKee) Hayes, Jonesborough, TN. Marvin’s earliest introduction to Christianity was his Mom’s singing of the old hymns while doing her housework. She would also walk with her children to any church services and revival services in the area. This gave Marvin a good foundation for his belief in God and his theology. After graduation from Jonesborough High School, Marvin worked in the printing trade and soon entered the U.S. Army. He spent his army time in San Francisco, CA, always anxious to get back to East Tennessee. After the army, he went back to school and finally finished his B.S. degree from East Tennessee State University. Marvin married in 1972 to Jeannie Dyer Hayes, and they were blessed with two sons, Justin and John. Marvin was baptized into Bookwalter UMC in early 1973, which began his journey with the Lord. Both Marvin and Jeannie were active in the church. Marvin served on many committees which gave him insight into the interior of the church. He attended Annual Conference for several years as a member-at-large. In 1987, Marvin, along with his family, accepted God’s call into full-time ministry. The Rev. John Ripley was the District Superintendent, little realizing the impact that he had on Marvin’s ministry. (Thank you, John!) During Marvin’s years in ministry, he served Pleasant Hill UMC in Knoxville, Afton and Stone Dam UMC in Greeneville, and George Street and Grants Chapel UMC in Jefferson City, TN. After his retirement, he relocated back to Knoxville but served as part-time pastor at Marble City and Piney Grove UMC in Knoxville. As illness struck his physical body, Marvin continued to serve God’s people as a prayer warrior and a witness to God’s glory. Marvin indeed left his finger print on the lives and memory of the people he touched. He had a great love and respect for God, his family, the church, and his friends. Marvin loved life and gave praise for each day he lived. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ~ Submitted by his wife, Jeannie LEE HILL MEMOIRS 329 1917 – 2009 Lee Hill, 92, died on November 1, 2009, in Chattanooga, TN. Lee was born February 20, 1917; his mother died in 1918, and his father, unable to care for five children, took Lee and his three brothers and one sister to Holston Home for Children in Greeneville, TN. Lee attended Hiwassee College and Emory & Henry College and was a resident at Holston Home until after he graduated from Emory & Henry. Rev. Lee Hill was known throughout Holston Conference for his wit and his way with words, and he was frequently chosen as Secretary of the District Preachers Meetings. An excellent example of his wit is his retirement speech at Annual Conference, June 16, 1983: Bishop Finger, Members of the Conference and Distinguished Guests, and My Fellow Flickering Flames of the Pulpit and our Esteemed Wives. They (my family) have come here today to inspect the launching pad from which their dad and granddad will be thrust into the orbit of retirement. And at the same time to learn all that they can about Coleman Heaters and parachutes. I wanted to say that I am a true son of Holston Conference, but it would be improper of me to make such an assessment. To put it more aptly, I will say that I am truly a son of Holston Conference. I have been in full connection with Holston Conference for 62 of the last 64 years. I began my connection with the conference by living in one of its institutions and continued this connection by being trained in two of the other institutions. Be it quickly said in my defense, and to the everlasting credit of the church, that the Holston Conference has never operated a penal institution. Having referred to residency in one of these institutions, the Holston Home for Children, on the day before Annual Conference 1938, I was harvesting corn and putting it in the shocks; and coming in from the cornfield with the grime and sweat running down my brow, and the sting of pack saddles on my arms, Uncle Mark Hardin, who was manager of the farm said to me, “Lee, you’re going to Annual Conference tomorrow. It might be that there will not be a church available for you and I just wanted to say that if there isn’t, you will be welcome to come back here and work on the farm.” This unsolicited testimonial sent a charge of apprehension rushing through my system, which resulted in a reflex of my knees and I found myself in the posture of prayer, the essence of which was, “Oh Lord, if there is one small church, somewhere, ANYWHERE, within the bounds of this great conference, will you make it possible for the bishop and his cabinet to find it.” When the Lord removed the scales from the eyes of the bishop, and the presiding elders, they were endowed with such clarity of vision that they found not one small church, but ten! Most powerful prayer I ever prayed. Having gotten off to such a good start, and having persevered for 45 years, I have served 62 churches. There are many, well I don’t know how many, but a number of people in this conference who are members of churches I have served. (his time was up, but he continued): May I have one next to last word? (granted) As I stand at this vantage point, gazing into this Promised Land, I see it not as retirement, but rather I view it as Phyllis getting a new leash on my life. At the time of his death, Lee was the oldest living member of the Holston Conference. Lee was preceded in death by his first wife of 34 years, Mary Helen Harris Hill, his granddaughter, Pamela Dawn Hammond, and his second wife of 30 years, Phyllis Nadine Smith Hill. 330 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE He is survived by his daughter, Mary Lee (Ray) Hammond; son, Russell Allen (Myrna) Hill, Chattanooga, TN; grandchildren, Tania (Marty) Lester, Tammy (Rich) Triplett, northern Virginia; Scott Hill, Myra (Lamar) Guffey, Kirby (Jana) Hill, Trenton, GA; Krissie Hill, Chattanooga, TN; great grandchildren, Shannon (Will) Soto, Kacie Lester, Cody Lester, Lauren Hill, Samantha Hill, Rachel Ann Guffey, Kimberly Guffey; and, one great-great granddaughter, Nataly Soto. A Celebration of Lee’s Life was held at First United Methodist Church, Morristown, TN, on November 4, 2009, with Bishop Richard Looney, Dr. Darris Doyal, and Rev. Charles Starks officiating. Interment followed at Hillcrest Cemetery, Dandridge, TN. Lee grew up in the Holston Home for Children in Greeneville, TN. During his 45-year career as an active minister in the Holston Conference, Rev. Hill had 17 assignments serving 62 churches in Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia. As a minister, husband, brother, father, grandfather, great- and great-great-grandfather, he touched many lives and leaves a legacy that will endure for generations to come. A true gentle man. Our loss is the world’s loss, except only a few of us know this because he sought no fame or recognition. Well done, good (Godly) and faithful servant. ~ Submitted by his daughter, Mary Lee (Hill) Hammond VERNON MAC BUREN LITTREAL 1911 – 2009 Reverend Buren Littreal was born in Brush Creek, VA, on October 29, 1911, one of nine children born to John Phlemon and Eva Lora Littreal. His theological studies were done at Duke University in Durham, NC, after which his pastorates for the Holston Conference included Grant Circuit 09/51-06/61; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 06/61-06/63; Galax Circuit, 06/6306/74; Rural Retreat Circuit, 06/74-06/78; Buren retired from the Holston Conference in June 1978. After his retirement, Buren was employed by Virginia House Furniture in Atkins, VA. In 1991, Buren and his wife, Beatrice, relocated to Madisonville, TN. He also continued to serve in ministry by stepping in for serving pastors during vacations or illness. Buren was truly a family man; he enjoyed life and was faithful to the Lord and his ministry. There was a bit of sawdust in his blood, as Buren was a man who loved working with wood, building and re-furbishing projects for family and friends. Surprising loved ones with pieces he built or lovingly restored was one of his favorite pastimes. Buren was called to be with his Lord on June 4, 2009. He died at his home with his beloved wife by his side, accompanied by his son and daughter. He is survived by his wife of 75 years, Beatrice; daughter, Louise Littreal Jones and spouse, Ronald; son, Carroll Dean Littreal and spouse, Wanda; five grandchildren: Ronda Cooper and Allen, Karen Tritt and Dahl, Kristie Edwards and Scott, Steve and Kelly Littreal, and Paula Mills and Glenn; and eight great-grandchildren: Kayley, MEMOIRS 331 Samantha, Andrew, Sam, Lexy, Daniel, Dakota, and Gabe. He is also survived by one sister, Vernelle Simpson. Buren is preceded in death by his parents John Phlemon and Eva Lora Littreal. He is also preceded by five brothers, Bill, Thurman, Charlie, Elmer and Ted Littreal; and two sisters, Willa Mae Macsas, and Mary Lyons. FRANK JOHN LYNCH ~ Submitted by his family 1914 – 2009 Rev. Frank Lynch was born on June 22, 1914, and departed this life on Monday, August 17, 2009, at Wellmont Holston Valley Medical Center. Rev. Lynch was the son of the late John and Matilda Lynch. He was preceded in death by his parents, son, Kenneth L. Lynch; three brothers, L.D. Lynch, Monroe Lynch, and Clarence Lynch. Rev. Lynch was married to Willie Mae Brown on February 10, 1937. Out of this union, four children were born; Kenneth, Frank, Jr., Donald, and daughter, Shirley Ann. Rev. Lynch received numerous awards and certificates for outstanding services to the community and surrounding areas. He was the pastor at St. Paul Church, Johnson City, TN, Woodlawn United Methodist Church, Newport, TN, and St. Mark United Methodist Church, Kingsport, TN. He was a member of the Universal Lodge F&AM #239. He retired from Eastman Chemical Company after 40+ years of service. Rev. Lynch was an inspiration to all who knew him. His hobbies and special interests included hunting, fishing, gardening, walking, and sharing a word of wisdom. Rev. Lynch is survived by his wife, Willie Mae Lynch of the home; two sons, John Frank Lynch, Jr, and Donald Lynch; one daughter, Shirley Ann Porter, and a host of other relatives. ~ Submitted by his family GLEN A. “BOB” MILBURN 1923 – 2009 Rev. Glen Milburn, age 86, of Rheatown, TN, went to be with his Lord when he died on July 8, 2009, at Laughlin Memorial Hospital, Greeneville, TN. Rev. Milburn was born on Jan. 3, 1922, in Limestone, TN, and grew up the Milburntown Community. He was the fourth child of nine born to W.R. and Bess Milburn. Glen graduated from East Tennessee Teachers College (now East Tennessee State University) and began teaching school in Greene County, TN, at Milburnton School in 1956 and taught grades 1-2-4-5-7, the only grades that had students that year. The school stood to the right of the present Milburnton UMC. While Bob taught, he was 332 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE also an active member of the church. He picked up many of the children whom he taught and brought them to church. He married Inez Mahoney in August 1971 and shortly afterward Glen told her that he had a call into the ministry and was going to seminary. She told him to go and she would move back in with her mother. Glen was the 18th member of the Milburnton Church to be called into the ministry. Glen was the great grandson of William Wilburn, who was one of the founders of the Sulphur Springs Camp Meeting. When Glen finished seminary, he received his first appointment at Annual Conference in 1974. Glen had a full-time appointment every year until he was 70. He retired and then accepted an appointment as a retired minister for several years before he retired the second time. At that time he and Inez began attending Milburnton Church. A few years later Glen came out of retirement again and was appointed to Milburnton as a part-time pastor until one could be appointed. In June of 2005 Glen retired for the third and final time. Many people whom he pastored said, “Glen was a godly man with a mild manner and a good preacher. He was friendly and genuinely cared for each of the members in the community and church family. He was always shaking your hand, giving you a pat on the back, and giving hugs.” Glen had a wonderful tenor voice and played the autoharp. Singing was a talent Glen used up to his last days. He attended Bible study at Durham Hensley Nursing Home and sang hymns each week with a smile on his face. His love of music and God lead him to write several Christmas and Easter programs. Glen wrote many programs for the Johnson City District Mature Years meetings and events. “The Light of the World is Jesus,” a Christmas program written by Glen, was preformed in his memory last Christmas, and Milburnton has established a library in his memory. Included are many volumes from Glen’s personal library as well as many of his sermons. Glen is missed by many people, and these people are confident that on Wednesday morning, July 8, 2009, Glen met his Lord and Savior, for which he served with his many talents and gifts, and his Lord said, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” FRED R. MINNICK 1942 – 2009 ~ Submitted by his family Rev. Fred Minnick was born in Bristol, VA, on March 19, 1942, the only child of Roland Jerome and Sarah Katherine Felty Minnick. He loved to sing and could play almost any instrument by ear. He loved life and enjoyed it to the fullest. He made friends everywhere he worked at VDOT (Fredericksburg, Ashland, Wytheville, and Bristol, VA). Fred was employed there during their transition to information technology. Not only did he learn it well, he wrote computer programs that are still being used by VDOT to help others learn. He retired in 2007 after 25 years of service. Fred was a member of the Holston Conference UMC for 16 years and was serving MEMOIRS 333 the Damascus, VA, circuit at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, Rev. Mary W. Minnick, and her family, his congregations at Damascus Circuit and Mary’s congregation at Hunt Memorial UMC. He is also dearly missed by 26 foster children that lived with Fred and Mary over 18 years and his “brother of the heart,” Jeff Oliver. Fred succumbed to colon cancer on May 12 at the Wellmont Hospice House. The funeral service was conducted at the Akard Funeral Home Chapel in Bristol, TN, on May 15, 2009. Rev. Grady Winegar officiated with a eulogy by his dear friend, Thomas Maxwell. Beautiful music was provided by Rev. Jackie Strickler. His pallbearers were those he had loved as friends and brothers. Fred will perhaps be remembered best as a teacher of faith, the principle he taught his congregants more than any other. He was a wonderful friend and pastor to many and a devoted believer in walking the old paths in the sure and certain hope of resurrection in Jesus Christ. ~ Submitted by his wife, Mary Minnick MARIA “MIA” PARHAM-NEWMAN 1965 – 2010 Rev. Maria Luise “Mia” Parham-Newman, age 44, of Rutledge, TN, entered heaven’s gates on February 5, 2010, after a courageous battle with cancer. Mia was a devoted wife and mother as well as a pastor. She home-schooled her youngest son, B.J., for several years and died on his 15th birthday. Her oldest son, Zach, will graduate from Grainger County High School in 2010. She and Curt were married on April 1, 1989, at Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church in Maryville where she was a member for 30 years. She was one of God’s angels even before receiving her wings. She was the beloved pastor of the Rutledge Circuit which includes Shiloh, Joppa, and Cedar Grove United Methodist Churches. She loved her “church family,” and they returned that love. During her short ministry, the churches have grown and prospered. A new parsonage was built, and a pavilion will be dedicated to her memory. Mia brightened any room with her smile and was a ray of sunshine wherever she went. She was always organized, enthusiastic, and positive; beautiful inside and out; dedicated to every endeavor. She enjoyed visiting the elderly, sick, and shut-ins in the community and was totally involved in every aspect of her churches’ life. She held a paralegal degree from Cleveland State Community College and a BS in Criminal Justice from the University of Tennessee Chattanooga and worked as a model during her college years. After a career in law, working in the offices of Carpenter & O’Connor, Knoxville, TN, she left to become a full-time mother. Later, she became a licensed insurance agent with Blackwood Insurance Agency in Maryville, TN. She was a Certified Lay Speaker for several years before being called into full-time ministry in 2007. Mia declared her time in ministry as being the happiest of her life. She was exactly where she wanted to be, doing what she was 334 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE called to do. She saw each new day as a time filled with endless opportunities and great possibilities. She was looking forward with great anticipation to seminary and many more years of service to God and His people. Mia is survived by her loving husband of 22 years, Curtis Newman, and sons, Zach and B.J. Newman, father and step-mother, retired THP Captain Joel Parham and wife June Parham of Niota, TN, mother, Rev. Alta Chase Raper, pastor of the Pittman Center Circuit in Sevierville, grandmother, Frances Chase of Cleveland, brothers and sisters-in-law, John Parham and wife Becky Eckert of Maryville, TN, Chase Clair and wife Angela of Cleveland, TN, and Victor Loveday, Jr., of Maryville, TN. A Celebration of Life service was held with Rev. Billy Stephens and District Superintendents Rev. Carol Wilson and Rev. Mickey Rainwater officiating. Her husband, Curt, chose her burial place in Pleasant Hill UMC in Maryville, TN. This was the church were they were married and a fitting earthly place for them to rest. GEORGE MOYER RAWN 1940 – 2009 ~ Submitted by her family George was born on August 22, 1940, in Hatfield, PA. At the age of seven, his family moved to Germantown, MD, where he graduated from Gaithersburg High School. Later, he earned his BA in Sociology from Emory & Henry College in Emory, VA. He attended seminary at Duke University, NC, and graduated with a Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. He received his Doctorate of Ministry from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. George served churches in several different conferences before spending 17 years at Noe’s Chapel before retiring in 2005. Even though he earned many degrees, he originated from a small town background and had been given the prestigious title of Dr. Bubba while serving Noe’s Chapel. While living in Morristown, George served as Chaplain and Chaplain Coordinator at Morristown Hamblen Hospital for 17 years. He served on the Board of New Hope Recovery Center and was a member and president for 2 years of the Greater Morristown Ministerial Association. George was also involved with the Ecumenical Society and the Masonic Hamblen Lodge #767, F. & A.M. where he served as chaplain for 2 years. He was a very strong supporter of both Daily Bread and MATS, which are community service organizations. During George’s last 2 years, he served Bybee UMC after receiving a double lung transplant in April 2006. George died July 13, 2009, after a courageous battle with acute rejection following the transplant. Survivors include his wife, Anne M. Rawn; son, Jonathan D. Rawn (Joy); daughter, Beverly S. Rawn; step-sons, Michael A. Miller (Lisa) and David H. Miller (Melinda); and step-daughter, Teresa A. Sykes (Chris); granddaughters, Ava, Jessi, Macy, and Taylor; and grandson, Alex. He is also MEMOIRS 335 survived by two sisters, Olive Rawn and Esther Barndt and a brother, Raymond M. Rawn (Evelyn) and several nieces and nephews. Throughout his life and ministry, George faithfully served God. The legacy he hoped to leave was that he had taught those around him how to love. One of his favorite scriptures upon which he relied so strongly was Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” George touched so many people in all walks of life in such a special way and is missed greatly by his family, friends, and associates. CLYDE E. RICKER ~ Submitted by his wife, Anne 1925 – 2009 Rev. Clyde E. Ricker was born June 15, 1915, and died May 24, 2009, at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Mountain Home in Johnson City. At his request, the Reverends Richard Bowers and Robert Kariuki Nyaga officiated at his funeral service. Rev. Ricker was a retired member of the Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, a Purple Heart and Gold Star recipient. He was also a former Scout Master of Troop No. 97 of Greeneville, TN. He was very proud of this position because it gave him the honor of helping teenage boys to gain confidence, build character, and learn to accept responsibility. He had six boys gain Eagle status at the same time while he was Scout Master. He was so proud of these young men and their accomplishment. Clyde was pastor of the Greystone Circuit for 18 years. He also pastored the Union Temple and Jearoldstown United Methodist Churches until his health would no longer let him and he had to retire. His immediate survivors are his wife, Carmen Ricker, son, Kenneth Ricker, two granddaughters, Dawn Guthry and Jennifer Hinkle, a step granddaughter, Terri Page of Dallas, TX, and great-grandchildren, Dillion Hinkle, Morgan Hinkle, and Chance Campbell. Clyde was a son of the late Fred and Lillie Colyer Ricker and was preceded in death by three great-grandchildren, Cody Hinkle, Corey Wampler, and Jessica Guthry, and three brothers and a sister. During his life, Clyde came in contact with many people who became good friends and became known as “Clyde’s people.” After he became housebound and a wheelchair patient, he still kept in touch with others by telephone, usually on a weekly basis and more often in cases of sickness or death of a family member. He had one of the best telephone ministries I have ever known! ~ Submitted by his family 336 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE C. MARTIN RILEY 1949 – 2009 Martin passed away November 17, 2009, at home after a sudden illness. He is survived by his wife, Donna, their children, John and Amber Riley of Plain City, OH, Lisa Riley, of Ashland, KY, Lisa and Mike Herbst, of Port St. Lucie, FL, Kimberly and Allesandro Menozzi, of Reggio Amelia, Italy, Chris Hudson, Ashland, KY, his nine grandchildren, his brother, Joe Riley, and sister, Anita Townsend, of Ashland, KY. At the time of his death, he was serving Bybee United Methodist Church, Bybee, TN. A memorial service was held November 21st at the Bybee United Methodist Church officiated by Dr. Mickey Rainwater, Superintendent of the Morristown District. There were also two other memorial services held by request of the congregations of Sunshine United Methodist Church, South Shore, KY, and the Miakka United Methodist Church, outside Sarasota, FL. At all three services the house was packed. Many members of the congregations spoke and remembered Martin in a way that would have made him very proud. Martin was born December 9, 1949, to the late John and Ruby Riley of Ashland, KY. He was called to the ministry at age 18. He has served in various United Methodist Churches in Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Florida, and Tennessee. He attended the Course of Study for the United Methodist Church at Emory and Duke Universities. He was Executive Director of the Sunset Gap Community Center in Cosby, TN, for almost 3 years. Martin was a joy to be around. He loved life and everyone knew it. He loved his wife, Donna, whom he met and married in 1983. Their love continues. He also loved their children, grandchildren, friends, and congregations with the amazing love only God can give. When Martin passed, a big hole was left in the lives of everyone he touched. He was a good singer and sang a lot in each church he pastored. One of his favorites was Beulah Land. When he sang this song, the spirit of the Lord took over and it was the most requested song in every church. The Bybee United Methodist Church was his last church and he was so proud of the congregation. They made the last months of his life truly fulfilled. When we all get to “Beulah Land,” what a homecoming it will be. ~ Submitted by his family RICHARD NATHAN ROE 1913 – 2009 MEMOIRS 337 Richard Nathan Roe was born July 19, 1913, in Robertson County, TN, and lived there for the first 14 years of his life. The first church he attended was Oak Baptist Church. He married Flora Dell Alexander on July 19, 1932, his 19th birthday. To this union were born three girls, Joyce Ruth, Joan (pronounced Jo Ann), and Ivy Nell. Joyce lived only three months. His wife Dell died January 21, 2001; Joan died April 13, 2009. Richard died June 17, 2009. Nell is the only one living of his immediate family. Richard was married a second time to Ruby Cook in November of 2001. She died March 11, 2009. In the struggle of their grief after Joyce’s death, both Richard and Dell were looking for answers. A dear friend and neighbor, Sam Fry, gave them strong support. He invited them to a Methodist revival meeting. As I have been told, Richard accepted Christ as his Savior during that revival. His friends had noticed such a great change in his behavior and life style that they asked him to give his testimony at their church. With only an eighth grade education and never having spoken before a group of people, he turned them down. They did not stop with the first denial, but kept asking for around 2 years. During this time, the Lord was also dealing with him. Finally, after many prayers, his prayer was, “Okay, Lord, if this is what you want me to do, I’ll give it a try. If you lay anything on my heart to say that will cause anyone to accept you as their Savior, I will give my life to your service.” So it was at Cross Roads Baptist Church that he gave his testimony. Three people were converted that day. He had promised and he was committed. In the early years, he and friend, Sam Fry, were on an evangelist mission. They bought a tent and a loud speaker system and held revivals and preached on court house squares in the northern area of middle Tennessee. Dell realized his need for more education if only for his English. For the next 5 years, he worked at Dupont in the day and went to Watkins Institute at night and in his spare time. He dedicated himself to starting a church in Madison, TN, that was named Neely Bend Methodist. After finishing high school, he was ordained as a supply minister in the Tennessee Conference. The conference sent him to churches within a driving distance of a college. He served New Prospect Circuit and attended Martin Methodist College; he served College Place and attended Middle Tennessee State College; he served the St. Joseph Circuit and attended Florence State College. He did take one year off between his second and third year. He served as pastor of Neely Bend and Ruth Insor during that year. He received a BS degree in teaching from Florence State and taught at Iron City Elementary School for one year. The year he was teaching, he took a correspondence course. During his years of attending Vanderbilt Seminary, he served at Spring Hill Methodist and Craft Memorial Methodist, both in Maury County. He received his Bachelor of Divinity in 1952. This was the same year that Joan graduated from high school. The last appointment in the Tennessee Conference was to serve First Methodist in 338 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Manchester. He was in that position for 5 years. Both Joan and Nell were married in that church. In June 1961, he accepted a call from the Holston Conference to serve as pastor of Central Methodist. He and Dell loved the people and the area of East Tennessee. His last full-time appointment was in Greeneville as Administrator of Holston Methodist Children’s Home. It became the highlight of his ministry. He and Dell were very blessed and felt that he had met a great need. In his retirement, he served as associate pastor of churches in both the Tennessee and Holston Conferences, as well as positions in Miriam Promise, Hiwassee College, and McKendree Retirement Center. He departed this world on June 17, 2009, at 9:30 p.m. after a short illness. His funeral was held at Oakland Baptist Church on June 19, 2009, just on month prior to his 96th birthday. He was buried in Oakland Cemetery beside Dell and in the family plot along with his first child, his mother and dad, and his granddad and other family members. He truly did commit his life to his Lord and Savior. ~ Submitted by daughter, Ivy Nell Roe Murphy WALTER EDWARD SMALLEY, JR. 1927 – 2009 Walter Edward Smalley, Jr., was born October 30, 1927, in Grand Junction, TN, to Walter Edward Smalley and Edith Mitchell Smalley. He died on May 8, 2009, at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville. Walter was called to the ministry while a senior in high school. While he was considering the meaning of his call, these words came to mind: “... How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher ...” He then began preparation for the ministry. He attended Tennessee Wesleyan from 1945-1947. He received his BA from Emory University in 1949 and graduated from Candler School of Theology in 1952. After graduation from Candler, he served forty-one years in Holston Conference. His appointments included: Cardwell-Solway (Oak Ridge), Hunter (Johnson City), Chestnut Hill (Morristown), Fort Oglethorpe (Chattanooga), Sweetwater (Maryville), Signal Crest (Chattanooga), Mountain View (Kingsport), Tazewell District, and Asbury (Morristown). He also served on the Conference Council of Finance and Administration, the Conference Foundation, Holston Home for Children, and the Board of Ordained Ministry. Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Betty Williams Smalley, and children Wellington and Patricia Smalley Reiter, Walter Edward and Louise Hanson Smalley, David Mitchell and Bettina Barry Smalley. He is also survived by six grandchildren: Emerson and Adrian Reiter, Hannah, John, Christy, and Adam Smalley. A memorial service was held at Trinity UMC in Lenoir City, TN, on May 12, 2009, with the Reverends Gary Baker and Charles Maynard officiating. Walter is remembered for his gentleness and kindness. He was a pillar of support and encouragement for those in his care. ~ Submitted by his family CHARLES KENLEY WARD MEMOIRS 339 1922 – 2009 Charles K. Ward was born at home to Rosamond and Joseph Kenley Ward in the Oakland Community near Galax, VA, on March 31, 1922. He graduated from Woodlawn High School in 1939 and studied radio and electronics through several correspondence courses. After joining the military in 1942, the U.S. Army sent him to Temple University and Georgetown University for advanced technical training. He served with the 102nd Infantry Division in the European Theater during World War II. In 1943, Charles married Euna Lee Murphy, also of Galax, and they had three children, Edmonia Lee, Barbara Jane, and Richard Charles. After being discharged from the Army in 1946, he bought a house in Winston-Salem, NC, and began working for Western Electric using the skills he acquired in the military. Charles answered the call to the ministry in 1949 and was appointed pastor of the Athens Parish while attending Tennessee Wesleyan College. In 1953, he graduated from the University of Chattanooga and then attended Emory University while serving the Wildwood Circuit in Georgia. During his 35 years as an ordained United Methodist minister, his appointments included Parrotsville, Bulls Gap, Big Spring (Cleveland), Fairview/Middle Valley (Hixson), Kingsley (Kingsport), and New Tazewell, TN. In 1988, Charles retired from the Holston Conference and bought a home in Knoxville, TN. He became a faithful member of Trinity United Methodist Church and was active in their Sunday school program as well as their food and outreach ministries. His first wife passed away in 1994, and he married Narmel Reneau in 1996. She is a native of Dandridge, TN, and widow of United Methodist minister Hubert Reneau, who died in 1984. After a lengthy illness, Charles passed away on May 28, 2009, at St. Mary’s Residential Hospice in Knoxville. He is buried near Galax, VA, at Oakland United Methodist Church Cemetery. He is survived by his wife Narmel, daughter Edmonia Bible and husband Jim, daughter Barbara Geitner (widow of Larry), son Richard Ward and wife Pam, step-son Dennis Reneau and wife Phyllis, step-daughter Judy Collings and husband Lloyd, step-son David Reneau and wife Marianne, four grandchildren: Clint Bible, Rebekah Geitner Allison, Esther Bible Stewart, Erik Geitner, four step-grandchildren: Amy Collings Jackson, Lori Collings, Tonya Reneau VanHoy, Charles Collings, and three step-great-grandchildren: Coty Hamby, Claire and Emmett Collings. Those who had the privilege of knowing Charles delighted in his sense of humor and subtle wit, referred to as “Wardisms” within the family. He had a love of poetry and wrote many poems during his lifetime. The following is the last stanza from his poem, “Unity.” These words express how he lived his life in loving service and devotion to the Lord. If we work with Christ our Savior, One in purpose, one in love, He has promised to reward us With a heavenly home above. ~Submitted by his family 340 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE LARRY RAY WILLIAMS 1938 – 2010 Rev. Larry R. Williams was born on August 20, 1938, and sent to be with our Lord and Savior on January 2, 2010. Born in Montgomery County and raised in Pulaski County, VA, Larry made this his home there again upon his retirement. He is survived by his wife Brenda, two sons, Kelly and Gary, sister, Nancy Hendrix, six grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Larry began serving the Lord through the Holston Conference in 1970. He was appointed to circuits in the Wytheville, Abingdon, Tazewell, and Big Stone Gap Districts throughout his ministry. He enjoyed meeting new congregations and making new friends with every move. Despite the moves, he always made time to call and visit with former church members and friends. Upon his retirement in 2000, he served as an associate pastor at Dublin UMC in Dublin, VA. The following year, he was able to take a part-time circuit in Little Creek located in Pulaski and Bland Counties. This was also the first appointment he was assigned by the Holston Conference in 1971. Larry and his wife Brenda enjoyed going back to old friends and remembering the good times from years ago. As always, new friends and members provided new memories and good times as well. Larry enjoyed going back to serve the Lord and these churches until his health prevented him from continuing. ~ Submitted by his family. MEMOIRS 341 E. LEON YOST 1926 – 2010 The Reverend E. Leon Yost, 83, died at Princeton Community Hospital in Princeton, WV, on April 3, 2010. He was born on December 21, 1926, in Gratton, VA, to the late Thomas George Yost, Sr., and Barbara Rosalee Ratliff Yost. He was a lifelong resident of Tazewell County, VA. Rev. Yost was an Army Veteran, serving in the 11th Airborne, Army Parachute Division in the Philippines and Japan with occupation forces during World War II and later serving 3 years in the Army Reserves. He was a member of the American Legion Post at Bishop, VA. Leon worked for Consolidation Coal Company in Bishop, WV, for 28 years and was a member of UMWA Local 6025. He served as a lay speaker in the West Virginia Conference of United Methodist churches before his ordination as a pastor. He was an ordained minister in both the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Churches and the American Baptist Churches, USA. During his ministry of 43 years, he served churches in Tazewell County, VA, McDowell County, WV, and Surry County, NC, with his last charge at Tip Top and Wright’s Valley United Methodist Churches in the Tazewell County area. He received the Rosa Hall Award for Achievement from the American Baptist Churches, USA and was instrumental in leading his last charge to receive the Mustard Award from the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. Rev. Yost was also very active in his community, working with many organizations including the Boy Scouts of America, founding president of the former Bishop Lions Club, and a former director of Tazewell County’s Red Cross. He also served on various county boards and committees and was Vice Chairman of the Tazewell County Industrial Development Authority preceding his death. Leon loved his ministry and was a faithful servant doing whatever was needed to bring the love of God to others. Just days before his death, he advised some of his friends and family members, “This is just a life cycle and God is in control. Don’t worry about me; I will be okay either way.” He also never failed to show his family his love for them. He touched the lives of all who knew him in a way that will not be forgotten and members of the community, friends, and family have shared stories and comments that attest to that fact. In addition to his parents, Rev. Yost was preceded in death by his wife of 59 years, Juanita Pruett Yost, one son, Anthony Leon Yost, and one great grandson, Anthony Aaron Baldwin, and ten brothers and sisters. Survivors include his daughter, Pamela G. Alford and husband Mike, three grandchildren, Sherree Baldwin and husband Rick, Bruce Yost, Melissa Crigger and husband Albert, and five great grandchildren Jordan and Makayla Baldwin, Taylor, Gage and Hannah Yost, and a host of other family members and friends. ~Submitted by his daughter, Pam 342 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE DONALD COLIN CAMPBELL 1941 – 2009 Donald Colin Campbell, husband of Rev. Paula Dell Campbell, was born in Berlin, NH, on October 23, 1941, and grew up in Gorham, NH. He is preceded in death by his parents Edward and Rose (Stephenson) Campbell and his two sisters Alice Rotolo and Doris Tuininga. After graduating from high school in 1959, Don served in the Marine Corp for 4-1/2 years. He was stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC; Cuba; and Argentia, Newfoundland. During his final 18 months in the Marines, he met Paula Dell Leman while visiting friends in Western Pennsylvania. They were married on July 20, 1963, and left the same day for Argentia for Don to finish up his last 6 months of service. After an honorable discharge, Don worked for Leman Machine Company in Portage, PA, for 14 years. While living in Pennsylvania in 1970, Don and Paula adopted twin boys, Bruce and Bryon. In 1973, a biological son, Brett, joined the family. The family moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia in 1978 when Don took a job with Lee Norse Company. He would keep this job for the majority of his career. Due to a series of company buyouts, however, he would do this job for Lee Norse, Ingersol Rand, Simmons Rand, Long Airdox, DBT America, and finally Bucyrus. The family moved several times to follow Don’s job. For a few years Don worked in West Virginia when the company was owned by Long Airdox. During that time Paula was called into ministry and started working toward Ordination. As Paula worked through her B.S., MDiv equivalency, and Commissioning as a Provisional Elder, Don assisted her by spending significant time proofing papers for her and supporting her as she stepped out as a church pastor. Paula’s first church appointment was in June 2004, which began Don’s time as a pastor’s spouse. This first appointment was part-time and Paula lived in their home. This was followed by 2 years when Paula served as pastor of the Staffordsville Circuit. During this appointment, Don remained in their home in Pulaski close to his work while Paula lived in the parsonage 20 miles away. After more than 40 years of marriage, Don and Paula were dating again. While Paula was serving the Staffordsville Circuit, Don began treatment for cancer. Paula took a year off following her time in Staffordsville to recharge and spend time with Don. Don retired from Bucyrus in February 2009 at age 67. When Paula was appointed to Eggleston Circuit in June of that year, Don and Paula moved into the parsonage together. At that point Don’s health was declining rapidly due to his illness. He was in Eggleston a very short time before his death on July 10, 2009. ~ Submitted byhis wife, Paula MEMOIRS 343 JANE VAUGHT CARTER 1928 – 2009 Jane Vaught Carter, 81, passed away under the care of Hospice at her home in Clearwater, FL, on May 22, 2009. Her death came after a lengthy battle with Scleroderma. Jane was a native of Bristol, TN. She was the daughter of the late Samuel Neal and Ada Vance Vaught and was an active member of Virginia Avenue United Methodist Church. In August 1948, she married Jack W. Carter. The Rev. Mr. Carter and Jane served churches in Fallston, MD, while he was attending Wesley Seminary from 1957 through 1961. Returning to Holston Conference, they served churches at Powell, TN, St. Luke’s UMC, Knoxville, TN, St. Luke UMC and Aldersgate UMC, Bristol, TN, and First Centenary UMC, Chattanooga, TN. Jane remained in contact with many friends in these churches through the years and sent many greeting cards and notes to keep in touch. In Knoxville, she graduated as a Licensed Practical Nurse in 1968 and worked at St. Mary’s Hospital and Knoxville Orthopedic Clinic. She enjoyed many crafts, sewing, painting, and music. While in high school, she played the bassoon and cymbals in the band. She later took violin lessons and enjoyed playing the piano and organ. As an adult, when she was able, she enjoyed ice skating, roller skating, and biking. Survivors include her husband, Jack, daughter, Carolyn Diehl (John), two grandsons, Jack and Joe Diehl, Palm Harbor, and one sister, Mrs. Louise Stophel Neserke, Largo, FL, who served in the Holston Conference office for 39 years. A Memorial Service as held at St. Paul United Methodist Church, Largo, FL, on Friday, May 29, 2009. The service was conducted by the Reverends Barbara Brokhoff and Michael Pestel, and Dr. Bert Blomquist. Her final remains were buried at St. Paul United Methodist Church, Largo, FL. FRANCES CATE 1924 – 2009 ~ Submitted by her family Mary “Frances” Smith Cate, 85, joined other Saints in heaven November 23, 2009. Born on October 1, 1924, to Ivan Edgar and Rosa Bell Gentry Smith of Greeneville, TN, she met Lee Cate at E.U.B. Church Camp as a teen and married him on May 30, 1946, after he returned from the U.S. Navy, serving in World War II. Their 63-year marriage found them in multiple churches in Ohio and Tennessee. She was a 1969 UT graduate after attending six colleges over 20 years while raising four children and serving as a pastor’s wife. Frances was proud of her 17-year career as a teacher in the Knoxville City Schools, mostly 3rd grade at Norwood Elementary. They retired to Clinton, TN, in 1986. 344 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Always looking for the positive in everything and everyone, she was truly an inspiration to all who met her. Her human will and strength was unsurpassed as she remained active in her community and church even after surviving 40+ years with diabetes, two heart attacks, open heart surgery, and becoming a double amputee in 2006. With Lee driving, the two of them were constantly on the go until she suffered a stroke in October. She was an active member of St. Mark in Clinton and their U.M.W., Keenagers at Bookwalter in Knoxville, Order of Eastern Star in Clinton and Powell, Order of Amaranth, AARP, Home Extension Club, and the Retired Holston Clergy. Frances is preceded in death by her parents and three siblings: William C. Smith, Louise Rhudy, and Martha Atkins. Survivors include: the love of her life, Rev. Lee Cate; her four children and their spouses: Tom and Pat Cate, Rev. Dr. Herman and Rev. Janice Cate, Carolyn and Ray Shular, Leanna Cate and Kevin Crow; her five grandsons: Jeremy Cate, Rev. Chris (Tammy) Cate, Tim Cate, Derick Shular (Scarlett Kitts), Travis (Katie) Shular; her only granddaughter: Catelee Crow; her eight great-grandchildren; her sister, Georgia Smith Lister; her sister-in-law, Berla Ottinger Smith; her brothers-in-law Howard Atkins and Arthur Cate, Sr.; along with a host of nieces, nephews, extended family, and close friends. Interment was November 24, 2009, at Sunset Cemetery in Clinton as the sun set. An Eastern Star Memorial Service and a Celebration of Life Party was held the following day at Holley-Gamble Funeral Home in Clinton, led by Rev. Wayne Hedrick, Rev. Jim Bailes, and the Haven Chapel U.M.C. Choir. A scholarship in her memory will sponsor three Hiwassee freshmen from Campbell County beginning in Fall 2010. These fine, deserving young men are very eager to pursue this life-changing opportunity before them. Scholarship donations may be sent to the “Mary Frances Cate Scholarship Fund,” c/o Knoxville Teachers’ Federal Credit Union, 125 Leinart Street, Clinton, TN 37716. ~ Submitted by her family WILLIAM C. GRIFFIN, M.D. 1943– 2009 William C. (Bill) Griffin, M.D., 66 years old, died on August 28, 2009, of non-smoker adenocarcinoma of the lung. Birth: Atlanta, GA, June 26, 1943. Preceding him in death are his parents, Olive and William Cecil Griffin, Sr., and a daughter, Elizabeth (Beth) Riseley Griffin. Surviving are his wife of 41 years, the Rev. Caryl Peden Griffin (currently on Leave of Absence in Holston Conference); daughter, Kimberly Hicks and husband, Joseph, Knoxville; brother, David Griffin and wife, Sheila, Vero Beach, FL; grandsons, Griffin Hicks and Braden Hicks; mother-in-law and father-inlaw, Annette and Dick Peden, Kingston, TN; and numerous sisters-in-law, brothers-inlaw, nieces, nephews and their families. MEMOIRS 345 Dr. Griffin practiced dermatology with Dermatology Associates of Kingsport from January 1980 until his diagnosis of lung cancer in April 2008. Formerly, he practiced Pediatrics in Kingsport and in Corvallis, OR. Dr. Griffin supported his wife, Caryl, in commuting to seminary at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, in ministry as Associate Pastor at First Broad Street UMC in Kingsport, TN, and also in commuting as Director of the Wesley Leadership Institute of Holston Conference in Knoxville, TN. Following the death of their daughter, Beth, at a research center in 1997 due to a monkey virus (B-Virus) while Caryl was attending Candler School of Theology, Dr. Griffin and his wife, Caryl, and daughter, Kimberly, established the Elizabeth R. Griffin Research Foundation. The Griffin Foundation, in partnership with the Georgia State B-Virus Laboratory, Emory University, and the American Biological Safety Association, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, and others, works with global health initiatives through supporting the expansion of laboratory capacity which provides research interventions for emerging diseases and re-emerging diseases where they originate, in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia (in laboratories working to develop treatments and vaccines for diseases such as bird flu, swine flu, anthrax, smallpox, etc). The major focus of the Foundation is development of biosafety, biosecurity, and occupational health practices in high containment facilities throughout the world, making it safer for researchers to do life-saving research. Personally and professionally Dr. Griffin has provided countless acts of private charity and random acts of kindness for persons and institutions he encountered through family, work, friendships, church, and daily life. He was formerly a member of First Broad Street UMC in Kingsport, TN, for 30 years, and at the time of his death was a member of Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church, Johnson City, TN. He was gifted in challenging people at work, his friends, his family, and especially his wife to grow in ever new and challenging directions. At his death, many donations were made in his memory to THE SUDAN PROJECT through the Holston Conference United Methodist Church Foundation. OLETA JONES 1932 – 2009 ~ Submitted by his family Oleta Horton Jones passed away on Monday, November 9, 2009, at Heritage Hall Laurel Meadows, in Meadows of Dan, VA. She was born in Hillsville, VA, on September 4, 1932, to the late Henry and Geneva Horton. She graduated from Hillsville High School and was the salutatorian of her class. In 1980, at age 48, she graduated from Radford University with a degree in Elementary Education. She taught third grade at Fancy Gap Elementary School for several years before her declining health forced early retirement. She is survived by her husband of 59 years, Rev. Paul Jones of Hillsville; a daughter 346 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE and son-in-law, Cindy and Tom Jackson of Galax, VA; two grandchildren, Tee Jackson and his wife Amy of Oklahoma City, OK, and Jenna Jackson of Galax, VA; two sisters, Lorene Horton of Winston-Salem, NC, and Lila Webb of Wilmington, NC, and a brother, Elton Horton of Galax. She was preceded in death by an infant son and two brothers, Claude Swanson Horton and Otis Wyatt Horton. Oleta was very active in the United Methodist Church all of her adult life. She was an officer and leader in the United Methodist Women of Fancy Gap United Methodist Church, coordinated and taught in Vacation Bible School, taught children’s Sunday School classes, and served for several years on the church Worship Committee. She loved worship in the church and was always very respectful of the guidelines set up by the United Methodist Book of Worship. She loved singing in the Adult Choir at the church and often hosted casual “gospel singings” for church members and friends in her living room. Her love of music and worship was transferred to her daughter, who majored in music at Emory and Henry College and became Music Director of First UMC Hillsville. Oleta encouraged her husband to return to school after he retired from the United States Postal Service. Her encouragement led to Paul’s study for the ministry at Duke University and his serving as pastor of several churches in the Wytheville District. Oleta and her husband Paul became members of FUMC Hillsville, VA, upon Paul’s retirement from the ministry. Funeral services were held at FUMC Hillsville on Friday, November 13. The Rev. Ty Harrison and Rev. Ronnie Collins officiated. The Adult Choir of FUMC Hillsville provided the music. The burial was in the Epworth United Methodist Church Cemetery in Cana, VA. ~ Submitted by her husband, Paul Jones, and her daughter, Cindy Jackson WANDA VIRGINIA PARKER MARTIN 1932 – 2009 Wanda died August 12, 2009, at home with all her family who loved her so dearly. Her death came 8 days after her 77th birthday after several months battling cancer. Born at Bluff City, VA, on August 4, 1932, Wanda was the daughter of the late Sherman Elmer and Nora Mayo Parker. She was raised in the towns of Narrows and Rich Creek, VA. She was living in the town of Rich Creek when she met and married Thomas L. (Tom) Martin of Pearisburg, VA. They had 46 wonderful years together and raised six children. Wanda was also grandmother to six grandchildren and great-grandmother to seven great-grandchildren. After her marriage to Thomas, they moved to Pearisburg, VA, where they bought a home and lived for 21 years with her family close by. When Thomas became a pastor in The United Methodist Church, Wanda left her home and family to be a pastor’s wife for 25 years. She was always his helper and loving companion. She loved all the new friends she made in the different churches. To Wanda, they were all God’s children and she loved them all. MEMOIRS 347 Wanda was preceded in death by a son, Timothy Ray, and three sisters, Gladys Wilson, Cora Lee Martin, and Ruth Perdue. Wanda leaves to cherish her memory, her beloved husband of 46 years, The Rev. Thomas L. Martin. She also leaves four daughters, Regenia Tabor, Venus Parker, Winky Addison, and Tina Ballard, two sisters, Hazel Clyburn and Martha Brooks, one brother, Elmer Parker, and one son, Howard Tabor. CLYDE VERNON RAPER ~ Submitted by her family 1944 – 2009 Clyde Vernon Raper, husband of the Rev. Alta Chase Raper, age 64, of Pittman Center, Sevierville, TN, passed from this life into life eternal March 10, 2009. He was a member of Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church in Maryville and attended the churches of the Pittman Center Circuit in Sevierville, TN, where his wife is the pastor. One of the area’s best known tenor voices in southern gospel music, Clyde sang with many singers and quartets including the Highland Quartet, and The Kinsmen of Maryville, TN, The Melody Boys and The Happy Travelers of Madisonville, TN. Most recently, he toured six western states with Heavens Avenue Quartet out of Irvine, CA, giving 36 concerts in 6 weeks. He was privileged to sing with James Blackwood. Clyde was an accomplished self-taught pianist and guitarist. He loved his churches and loved singing and playing the piano every Sunday until the recent years when ill health prevented it. Clyde owned and operated Clyde Raper’s Paint and Body Shop in Louisville, TN, for many years. Clyde was Alta’s partner in ministry, and they enjoyed their many years together. Her churches always looked forward to Clyde’s beautiful voice singing those precious old hymns of the church. Always ready with a joke or funny saying, Clyde kept everyone laughing. He was always honest and unpretentious, which endeared him to all who knew him. Preceded in death by his parents, Fred and Edna Reynolds Raper, grandparents Jim and Myrtle Atkins Raper, step-grandmother Geneva Raper Queen, all of Louisville; Bill and Susie Harp Reynolds of Williamsburg, KY. In addition to his wife, Clyde is survived by step-daughter Rev. Mia ParhamNewman (died February 5, 2010) and husband Curt Newman of Rutledge, TN; stepsons: Victor Loveday, Jr., John Parham and wife Becky Eckert both of Maryville, Chase Blair and wife Angela of Cleveland, TN; step-grandchildren: Isaac and Ivan Loveday, Zach and BJ Newman, Andrew and Ethan Blair; step-great grandson Jayden Blair; sister and brother-in-law Helen and Arthur (Bud) Hodge of Louisville, TN; two nieces: Debbie and husband Rev. Mike Thompson of Clinton, TN, and Mitzi and husband, Tom Garner of Louisville, TN; grand-nieces, Laura Thompson and Megan Garner; grand-nephews, Josh Thompson and Matthew Garner; special Uncle, Jimmy Raper and wife Hope of Alcoa, TN. A Celebration of Life service was held with the Reverend Carol Wilson, District Superintendent, and his wife, the Reverend Alta Raper, officiating. ~ Submitted by his family 348 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE SUSAN J. RYE 1949 – 2009 Susan went home to be with her Lord on October 9, 2009, at the Wellmont Hospice House in Bristol, TN. She had suffered through a long illness. Susan J. Rye was born on January 14, 1949, in Bluefield, WV. She is survived by her husband of 41 years, Rev. Larry Rye of Mountain City, TN. Larry and Susan have one daughter, Stephanie, and her husband, Major Kelley Osborne, stationed at Fort Knox, KY. She is also survived by her three granddaughters; Ashley Whitney of Hampton, VA; Emily Osborne and Madysen Osborne of Fort Knox, KY. She is preceded in death by her mother, Louise Riley, her brothers Johnny Riley and David Riley. She is survived by her father, John B. Riley of Bluewell, WV. She is also survived by her brother Mark Riley and his wife, Kathy of Bluefield, VA. Susan was beloved by her many nieces, nephews, and friends. She will be missed, but never forgotten. She was a member of First United Methodist Church of Mountain City, TN. She was an active member of the church choir and the United Methodist Women’s group. She also served as a volunteer at Heritage Hall. Always involved in the ministry of her husband, she sang in every choir and joined every United Methodist Women’s group, helping in dinners and events even when she was barely able to walk. Listening to her husband and never afraid to tell him when he was off base and needed rethink that idea, her help and support will be something which will be missed forever. No matter how tired or sick, she always had time to love and help her family, especially the grand kids. Toward the end, two things gave her strength for the next day. One was being able to travel to Hampton, VA, to see the oldest grandchild graduate from college and being able to sit in bed and read to the youngest grandchild. They were the things which gave her strength to go another day. GERMAINE RITA STEINER 1932 – 2010 ~ Submitted by her family Germaine Rita (Millsaps) Steiner was born January 17, 1932, in Hamilton, Ohio, the daughter of Riley and Eula Millsaps. She passed away February 19, 2010, following a massive stroke. She graduated from Maryville High School, Class of 1950, where she was elected the “Most Popular” of her class and was one of the attendants for Homecoming Queen. Germaine was a graduate of Knoxville Business College, where she became skilled in accounting and shorthand. She was employed as the Secretary for the President and CEO of Knoxville Power Equipment Company when she met her future husband John MEMOIRS 349 Ross Steiner. They were married January 31, 1953, after which she chose the role of homemaker. Germaine was a vital part of her husband’s ministry prior to his retirement in 1992. Together they served churches in the Holston Conference: Pound, VA; Conference Director of Youth Work with office in Johnson City, TN; Carter Street UMC, Radford, VA; First UMC, Sweetwater, TN; St. Luke UMC, Knoxville, TN; Centenary UMC, Morristown, TN. Germaine encouraged John to enter The University of Tennessee, School of Social Work, where he earned the Master’s Degree. During the two years he was in school, they both worked part-time at the Methodist Children’s Home in Greeneville, TN. From there, they went to The Florida Methodist Home where John served on the clinical team working with the youth in care. Continuing in this specialized ministry, they moved to Kansas City where John began serving as President and CEO of The Spofford Home for Children, an agency related to The Women’s Division. Part of that time, Germaine was Executive Secretary to the President of L&M Computer Enterprises. When The Women’s Division called John to direct a children’s home in Cedartown, GA, they accepted and moved. Once in Cedartown, Germaine volunteered as decorator for the office building, the children’s cottages, and a beautiful Antebellum house on campus that had completely deteriorated. She transformed all of these into show places of comfort and beauty. Germaine was the mother of three children: Debra Kay (deceased); Mark A. Steiner; and Ginger Steiner. Mark and his wife Susan of Overland Park, KS, have three girls: Bridget, Sarah, and Heidi. Ginger married Howard Linds of Toronto, Ontario, and has two children: Taylor and Sam. Germaine was known for her beauty, grace, and charm – both inside and out. She was a loving and supportive wife, a devoted mother, a proud grandmother, and a friend to all who knew her. She was an avid gardener and loved flowers. She also enjoyed entertaining to the delight of guests. Members of the family loved to come where they were treated as guests and guests loved to come where they were treated as family. Life is about making memories. Germaine’s life has left us with abundant memories of her love for family, her sense of humor, and her creative ability to tell life’s stories. Experiences with her will never be forgotten nor will the joy she shared of just being herself as a child of God. ~ Submitted by her husband, John R. Steiner ISABEL “IZZY” GILMER ARMBRISTER 1922 – 2010 Mrs. Isabel Gilmer Armbrister (Izzy), wife of the late Reverend George William Armbrister, died February 6, 2010. She was born in Pulaski, VA, to the late Joseph Bosang Gilmer and Leta Southern Gilmer, both of Pulaski. Her beloved husband, Rev. George W. Armbrister, minister for the Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church, preceded her in 350 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE death February 9, 2005, as well as her son, George William Armbrister, Jr., who died March 1989. Mrs. Armbrister was educated in the schools of Virginia and attended James Madison College in Harrisonburg, VA, and the University of Tennessee Knoxville. She was an active member of Church Street United Methodist Church in Knoxville, TN; Church Street United Methodist Women, Circle A12; the Murphy Builders Sunday School Class; The Knoxville District Minister’s Wives Association; the University of Tennessee Retirees Association; the Knoxville Museum of Art; Volunteer Auxiliary member, Lakemoor Hills Garden Club; Daughters of the American Revolution, Admiral David Farragut Chapter; Daughters of the American Colonists; and Daughters of the Confederacy, Ellen Renshaw House chapter; former member, UT Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary; former member Ossoli. Reverend and Mrs. Armbrister were married in Pulaski, VA, November 25, 1943. They were blessed with two sons, George William Armbrister, Jr., formerly of Atlanta, GA, and Richard Lee Armbrister of Seymour, TN. Her only sister, Mrs. William C. Davison, resides in Knoxville. Rev. and Mrs. Armbrister celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 2003. By the side of her husband, Mrs. Armbrister served actively and faithfully the churches and communities of the Holston Conference of the UMC in Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee for over 61 years. She retired from the University of Tennessee April 1, 1990, where she was employed for 15 years as Senior Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the School of Architecture. Mrs. Armbrister is survived by her son, Richard Lee, and daughter-in-law JoAnn Siddens Armbrister; two grandchildren, Stephanie Armbrister Strutner and husband Matt, and Richard Lee Armbrister, Jr.; sister, Mrs. William C. Davison and brother-in-law William C. Davison; niece, Mrs. John White and husband John of Seymour; nephews, William C. Davison, Jr., and wife Jana of Seymour, and David Gilmer Davison of Knoxville; several great nieces and nephews, two brothers-in-law, and two sisters-in-law. She was a faithful and loving wife, a caring and wonderful mother, and most of all a devoted Christian, again beside her husband, and with their eldest son, each in the arms of God. ~ Submitted by her family SADIE MAE KENNARD BREWSTER 1913 – 2009 Sadie Mae Kennard Brewster was born in Starkville, MS, on August 26, 1913. She married Albert Brewster, the associate minister at First Methodist Church in Starkville. In 1935, they transferred from the North Mississippi Conference to Holston Conference and for the next 37 years, she helped her husband serve churches in East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. At different times, she was a church secretary, an organist, a Sunday school teacher, or anything else that would help with the local church ministry. Sadie Mae was active in the WSCS and in some years served as a conference officer. While Albert served as a district superintendent, she MEMOIRS 351 was his secretary and his driver. Following Albert’s death, she lived with her younger son, Ken, in both Knoxville and Chattanooga. Sadie Mae loved to travel. With Ken or Jerry and Fern (other son and daughter-inlaw), she traveled to 48 of the 50 states. On some of these trips she would be gone for a month, traveling with family members in a recreational vehicle. She was also able to travel to Europe and to eight provinces in Canada. Sadie Mae helped chaperon school trips both from Webb School in Knoxville and Baylor School in Chattanooga. Football, basketball, and baseball were some of her favorite sports. Whether her son, Ken, was teaching and coaching at Webb or Baylor, she was an avid supporter. Tennessee basketball and football also got her full support while baseball with the Braves would fill summer nights. She was ready to praise a good effort, but she was also able to tell it like it is if the effort was not good. After watching the first Baylor football game one year, she asked Ken what other game Baylor would win that year. Sadie Mae was correct. Baylor’s record that year was 2 and 7. As a spectator, she paid attention to the game. At a Baylor basketball game, she told a visiting coach to “Sit down, big boy, he warned you,” after the coach was given a technical foul for complaining about a call. He had been warned earlier. Before her heart surgery in 1998, Sadie Mae was an active volunteer at the church and in the community. For the church, it would be in the church office, visiting shutins, teaching Sunday school, working in the kitchen, and however else one might be needed. In the community, she volunteered at the hospital and for Hospice. She loved to read, especially books related to religion. Her Bible study would involve reading and meditation, but also understanding the historical context for the passages she was reading. Her love for the church and for Christ was shown by her love and concern for her family and for her community. She had great faith in prayer and in the power of prayer. Sadie Mae died at home on June 26, 2009. She is survived by her younger son, Ken, and older son Jerry and his wife, Fern, five granddaughters, 11 greatgrandchildren, and nine great-great-grandchildren. Thanks be to God for the life of Sadie Mae Brewster. ~ Submitted by her family RUTH SHARPE DAVIS QUIRK 1908 – 2010 Mrs. Quirk, age 101, died February 8, 2010, at Jesse Helms Nursing Center, Monroe, N.C. She was born October 30, 1908, in LaFollette, TN, the daughter of the late John M. and Sallie C. Sharp. She was also preceded in death by husbands Roy Davis and Rev. Paul Quirk, as well as three sisters and two brothers. She was an alumnus of Maryville College and was employed by the Department of Welfare, Campbell County, TN, for 32 years. Mrs. Quirk was an active member of Central United Methodist Church, Monroe, and served in various capacities including chairperson of the Witness and Service Group, United Methodist Women, a member of the Fellowship Bible Class at Central, and also enjoyed many years of service as a volunteer in local nursing homes. 352 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Mrs. Quirk and husband Rev. Paul Quirk were honored by being awarded for Outstanding Volunteer Service by Gov. James G. Martin on September 24, 1986. Mrs. Quirk was also honored in 1999 by the Ellen Fitzgerald Senior Center in the International Year of Older Persons for continuing service to the community. Survivors include her son, William E. Davis and wife Bette D. of Monroe, N.C.; three grandchildren: Elizabeth D. Wisniewski of Goldsboro, N.C., Deborah D. Steele of Charlotte, N.C., W. Wesley Davis of Winston-Salem, N.C.; and five greatgrandchildren. Other survivors include members of her late husband Paul Quirk’s family: his daughter, Flo Mitchell of Greeneville, TN; daughter-in-law, Berneta Quirk of Etowah, TN; grandsons, Jerry Quirk of Athens, TN, Paul Mitchell and Glen Mitchell of Greeneville, TN, Rev. Roy Mitchell of Lewisburg, OH; and six greatgrandchildren. Additional survivors include family friend Kenneth Miller and his children Linda Prim and Kenneth Miller, all of Lafollette, TN. A memorial service was held on February 12th at Central UM Church in Monroe. Dr. Matthew Burton, Rev. Gayle Ford, and Rev. Britt Hadley officiated. BESS JOHNSON ST. CLAIR 1920 – 2009 ~ Submitted by her family Bess Johnson St. Clair was born December 16, 1920, and died Saturday, October 10, 2009. She was predeceased by her husband of 56 years, Ben B. St.Clair, minister in the Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church. Survivors include two daughters and two sons: Susan St. Clair Cox and her husband Steve, Robert B. St. Clair, the Rev. Dr. David St. Clair and his wife Marcia, and Anne St. Clair Travis and her husband Hal; nine grandchildren: Allyson Cox Newton, Virginia Cox Arrington, Geoffrey Cox, Charles St. Clair, Myra St. Clair, Bryan Ailey, Carrie St. Clair, Rev. Clair Travis, and Lindsay Travis Bedford; and seven great-grandchildren. A service of committal was conducted at Lynnhurst Cemetery Knoxville on Saturday, October 17, with a service of celebration of her life at First United Methodist Church Maryville with the Reverends Larry and Brenda Carroll officiating. Bess had a very strong heart. Her heart kept beating long past when most of ours would have stopped. But her heart always beat strongly in so many ways. Her heart beat strongly for her husband Ben in the magnificent way in which she cared for him during the last four years of his life. Her heart beat strongly for all of her family – her pride in her children and the lives they lead, her absolute devotion to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, her desire to be with her friends whenever possible. Bess’s heart beat strongly for Jesus Christ and for The United Methodist Church. The last public place Bess went before her body stopped her was to church on Sunday, July 26. And in the end when her mind began failing her, she thought each day was Sunday, and she wanted to dress for church. MEMOIRS 353 The memories of her family are very fond memories. We remember big dinners around our dining room table that always included other people – whether extended family, visiting clergy, friends from the church, college students away from home, our own friends, or the Cross Country team banquet held in the Kingsport parsonage so that the African American team members could eat with the white team members – all were welcome at our table. And the food was always excellent and prepared with love and care. Birthdays were special times with cakes she made and crepe paper hats! We also remember camping trips, Saturday afternoon roller skating family outings, clothes she sewed for us as we were growing up, visits to our grandparents, beach vacations, and long Sundays with “dinners on the ground” as we drove around the Maryville District. We have fond memories of the home she and Daddy shared at Lake Junaluska. We remember her faithfulness in sending cards – birthday and anniversary cards, Halloween and Easter cards, get-well cards, and cards just to remind us that we were special to her. And we remember a sacrificial love by which she denied herself so much so that we could have. Yet she always looked so stately and dignified. We remember the many hours she volunteered her time for others – from serving the District and the Conference in WSCS and UMW, serving the PTA of our schools, serving as a volunteer at Lake Junaluska or for Asbury Place Maryville. We still laugh with memories of her wonderful sense of humor! But more than specific memories, we have memories of an attitude in which we were raised. We were raised in at attitude of love, of Christian service to others, of hospitality, of justice for all people. Her heart beat strongly for all of these. We thank God for Mother’s strong heart, for Bess’s love for God and for others, and for her time in our lives. MILDRED B. STARLING ~ Submitted by her family 1922 – 2009 Mildred B. Starling was born October 6, 1922, in Knoxville, TN, to Clarence and Helen Bradley, the eldest of six children. On September 30, 2009, she joined her loved ones in heaven. Mildred and Sherman Starling were married on August 16, 1941. Their life was blessed with five children, six grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. Together, they served many churches in Eaton, OH, and Nashville, Seymour, and Knoxville, TN. Mildred was a stay-at-home mom and wife all of their life together. She was supportive of and involved in all aspects of the missions and functions of the various churches where Sherman was appointed. She would do anything Sherman asked of her in the churches: playing the piano, leading the singing, singing a solo, working with the women of the church, giving a speech, or teaching a Sunday School Class. Together, they made a wonderful team. She was a wonderful “Pastor’s Wife.” Mildred was very active in the community. While her children were small, she was very active in the PTO and even went on to the national level. Her passion in life was 354 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE working with the disabled children and adults in the community. When her oldest son, Leonard, who is disabled, was in his early 20s, she became very active with Goodwill, KCARC, and the Sunshine Workshop. Mildred was a leader in every aspect of her life. She also enjoyed crafts and she was a seamstress, good at needlepoint, and one of the best house keepers. Mildred and Sherman are buried together with the beautiful bronze Methodist Circuit Rider medallion on their shared headstone. ~ Submitted by her family SARA KATE HARR TOMLINSON 1913 – 2009 Sara Kate Harr Tomlinson entered the gates immortal on May 24, 2009. Her 95 years of life were filled with love and devotion for her Lord and her family. After having graduated from East Tennessee State University, she taught school and served as a principal in her native Sullivan County. She was the surviving spouse of Dr. R. Kyle Tomlinson who served as the Conference Secretary and a District Superintendent in his over 40 years in Holston. Their home church was the Cassidy Church of Kingsport. When Kyle was appointed to Bradley Street (St. Luke) in Bristol, she was by his side, fully invested in ministry with him. Their first move to a full-time appointment was the Keywood Circuit in Plasterco, VA. Soon, he decided to go to seminary and moved the family to Atlanta and Candler School of Theology, where he served as pastor of Norcross First Church. Upon completion of seminary, they returned to Knoxville and there followed pastorates in Kingston, Chattanooga, Kingsport, Oak Ridge, and Greeneville. In the years that followed, Sara continued as the committed pastor’s spouse who quietly and graciously served. She made the parsonages where they resided home for the family and a place to greet the people of their churches. She gave a strong and clear expression of team ministry as she taught Sunday School, sang in the choir, played the piano on occasion, was an officer in the United Methodist Women, and even preached when Kyle was ill. For a number of years after his death, she served as a staff member and coordinator of visitation at Brainerd Church in Chattanooga. She passed away at A. G. Rhodes Home of Wesley Woods Retirement Center in Atlanta. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Tony and Patricia Lux of Huntsville, AL, and a son and daughter-in-law, Dr. K. Edward and Nancy Tomlinson of Marietta, GA. Also, there are four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Rev. Dennie Humphreys and Bishop Michael Watson led a Memorial Service at Brainerd Church in Chattanooga. Rev. Ron Matthews presided at the graveside service at Gunnings Cemetery in Blountville. ~ Submitted by K. Edward Tomlinson MEMOIRS ROSE TURNER 355 1915 – 2009 In the fall of 1939, Rev. Cass Turner was preaching a revival in a neighboring community when he noticed an attractive brunette young lady sitting in the congregation. Following the service, he inquired of the host pastor the name of the object of his attention to which he replied, “That’s Rose Millard.” Quickly Rev. Turner asked, “Is she married?” Upon hearing that she was not, his response was, “Well, she could be!” Thus began a 48-year courtship during 47 years of which she bore the name Rose M. Turner. Rose followed Cass all over Holston Conference from Jefferson City, to Chattanooga, TN, to Rich Creek, VA, and many points in between. She had an aunt who tried to discourage her by saying, “You’ll never make a good minister’s wife because you can’t speak in public,” but how Rose proved her wrong. She graced the parsonages as a host to guests, keeping a spotless house, and occasionally filled the pulpit during the times Cass was absent due to health reasons. Without her care, Cass may have never made it back into the pulpit. More importantly, Rose provided an abundance of love for her family. Rose and Cass had a quality of marriage that was an inspiration for all those whom they served which reflected the love Christ has for his church. Rose was preceded in death by her husband and her daughter Marilyn Rose Turner. She is survived by daughter Mrs. Kay Overbay, daughter Mrs. Linda Clements, son Dr. C. Mack Turner, Jr., son-in-law Brown Overbay, son-in-law Blair Clements, daughter-in-law Jane Turner, four grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and a number of extended family members. Rose was re-united with husband and daughter in the Church Triumphant on July 25, 2009. ~ Submitted by her family MARGARET FOLDEN WRIGHT 1927 – 2010 Margaret Folden Wright, age 82, died Thursday April 1, 2010, at Spring Meadows Health Care Center in Clarksville, TN. Mrs. Wright was born May 29, 1927, in Knoxville, TN, the daughter of Eula Elizabeth Clowers and Floyd Glenn Folden. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Reverend Albert C. Wright, siblings Floyd Folden, James Folden, Albert Folden, and William Folden. Her family lived in the Scarboro Community of present-day Oak Ridge until the Manhattan Project began, when they moved to Knoxville. Mrs. Wright was a devoted minister’s wife with many small churches in Tennessee, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and was active in all the activities of Church life and in the activities of her children and grandchildren. She volunteered many hours’ service with Meals on Wheels, Methodist Medical Center, and other charitable causes too numerous to count. She especially loved to sing, cook for church and family dinners, and read. 356 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE She is survived by her children: Claudia Wright Balthrop of Clarksville, TN, and David Glenn Wright of Drums, PA, grandchildren Sean Peck, Todd Peck, Nathan Wright, and Kelsie Wright. Step-grandchildren, Kathlene Trochessett, Pat Harwood, and John Balthrop. Great grandchildren are Bailey Wright, Bowen Wright, Corbin Wright, Karagen Peck, Jacob Peck, and Carlton Harwood. Also survived by sisters, Katherine Folden Wright, Annette Folden, and many nieces, nephews, and other family members. ~ Submitted by her family ROLL OF THE IX. THE ROLL OF THE DEAD DEAD 357 MEMBERS IN FULL CONNECTION 1790 - JUNE 2009 This list does not include those who transferred to another conference or another denomination nor those who withdrew or located. It also does not list associate members nor lay pastors; see elsewhere. In listing deceased pastors, some conference journals were not careful to distinguish full conference members from lay pastors. There may be some lay pastors in the list below. In most cases, “Year joined Conference” means “On Trial” or probationer; in some cases it means Full Connection. The bishops in the list were members of Holston or of one its antecedent conferences at the time of death. Although the terms are not identical, in this list supernumerary and disability are counted as retired if the persons did not return to active service. Many of these persons served as lay pastors before joining the conference, and many served as retired pastors. OME = The Methodist Episcopal Church before 1844 e o = Effective (not retired) at the time of death = The Conference Secretary does not have this information. If you have the information, please contact the Secretary. Name Year Born Allgood, Clarence B., Sr. Allison, F. Max Amis, J. H. Anderson, Jerry A. Anderson, C. Virgil Angel, Samuel Powell Armbrister, George W. Arnold, George W. Arnold, James Timothy 1925 1916 1853 1930 1912 1864 1913 1908 1917 Abbott, H. Ronald Abshire, Herschel B. Adams, David Adams, J. M. Adams, Leslie Clyde Adams, William A. Adams, William C. Adamson, Malcolm M. Adcock, Vernon C. Addington, Elbert L. Akers, Jefferson D. Alexander, Frank Alexander, George W. Alexander, Samuel Alley, John 1942 1904 1798 1840 1931 1927 o 1921 1896 1861 1868 1838 o 1836 1825 Year Joined 1968 1934 1821 1866 1967 1956 1916 1947 1931 1891 1891 1885 1887 1860 1845 1865 1953 1955 1875 1963 1953 1900 1941 1946 1965 Conference First Joined Tennessee Holston MES Tennessee OME Holston ME Holston Holston Meth. Blue Ridge AMEZ Holston Meth. Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Washington ME Missouri MES Holston MES; ME; 1873 MES Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Denomination Year Year at Time Retired Died of Death 2006 1972 1826 o 1995 1990 1942 1972 e e e 1908 e e 1896 1978 1981 1915 1996 1977 1920 1983 1976 1983 2008 2000 1853 1878 2001 2008 1952 2008 1962 1931 1897 1925 1904 1874 1900 1983 1981 1937 2006 1982 1946 2005 1986 1994 UMC UMC MES ME UMC UMC Meth. UMC EUB MES MES MES ME MES MES UMC UMC ME UMC UMC Meth. UMC UMC UMC Place of Burial Donated to science Mtn.View, Bristol VA Strawberry Plains TN Pattonsville VA Phillippi, Mountain City, TN o o o Asbury, Knox Co. TN Rural Retreat VA Montgomery Co. VA Marion VA o Marion VA Chapel Hill, Dunlap TN Johnson City TN Clark’s Grove, Maryville TN Forest Lawn, Glendale CA o Pulaski VA Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Johnson City TN Strawberry Plains TN 358 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1937 S. Georgia 2001 2009 UMC Andersonville, TN Arnold, Leonard Arthur, James o 1911 East Tennessee UB e 1913 UB o 1890 1913 Holston MES e 1939 MES Bluefield WV Austin, Sumpter H. Athearn, Carl R., Sr. 1894 1927 Holston ME 1960 1962 Meth. Chattanooga TN Athey, H. T. o 1909 East Tennessee UB 1928 1941 UB o 1793 1817 Ohio OME e 1827 OME Abingdon VA Atkin, George (In 1895 the remains of George Atkin, A. L. Goodykoontz, and Thomas Wilkerson were removed to Sulphur Springs Cemetery, Bristol TN) 1890 1914 New England Southern ME e 1921 ME Oak Grove, Fall River MA Atkins, Alwyn Atkins, Kennerly C. 1843 1867 Holston MES 1919 1929 MES Fountain City TN 1904 1937 Tennessee MES 1968 1982 UMC Knoxville TN Atkins, W. Henry Atkinson, George W. 1900 1927 Holston ME 1963 1986 UMC Grimsley TN Auvil, Keith B. 1913 1940 Holston Meth. e 1975 UMC Princeton WV 1874 1904 W. Virginia MES e 1944 Meth. Narrows VA Auvil, S. Harry Avery, Henry B. 1839 1860 Mississippi MES e 1882 MES o 1874 1901 Holston ME e 1921 ME Cedar Sprs. McMinn Co. TN Ayers, Robert E. Ayers, R. O. 1831 1864 Cincinnati ME 1882 1907 ME Cedar Sprs. McMinn Co. TN 1893 1916 East Tennessee UB o 1949 EUB Greene Co. TN Babb, C. H. Bacon, William B. 1884 1935 Tennessee UB 1957 1979 UMC o Bailey, Robert C. 1899 1949 Holston Meth. e 1952 Meth. Russell Mem., Lebanon VA Bailey, William E. 1860 1890 Holston MES 1936 1938 MES Bluefield VA Baker, D. P. o 1900 East Tennessee UB 1912 1918 UB o Baker, James A. 1853 1870 Holston ME 1906 1917 ME Knoxville TN Baker, Joseph E., Jr. 1918 1944 Holston Meth. 1985 1986 UMC Cleveland TN Baker, J. N. 1839 1869 Holston ME 1872 1914 ME Fall Branch TN Baker, Melville M. o 1874 Hols.MES;1895 TN UB e 1901 UB o Baker, T. R. 1866 1902 Georgia ME o 1926 ME Mt.Gilead, Ben Hill GA Baldwin, John D. 1818 1850 Holston MES 1881 1885 MES Sneedville Tn Baldwin, Keener W. 1903 1950 Holston MES e 1971 Meth. Kingsport TN Bales, George S. 1863 1900 Holston ME 1933 1947 Meth. Greene Co. TN Ball, James K. P. 1844 1869 Holston MES 1878 1885 MES Spring Creek TN Ball, J. Monroe, Sr. 1898 1925 Holston ME 1956 1992 UMC Bristol TN Ballard, Robert H. 1874 1915 Holston MES 1945 1966 Meth. Evergreen, Erwin TN Ballew, James R. 1836 1860 Holston MES e 1864 MES North Carolina Ballinger, W. B. 1825 1852 Holston MES 1878 1884 ME Chilcutt,Bradley Co. TN Bandy, William S. 1857 1894 Holston ME 1919 1938 ME Mt. Pleasant TN Banks, J. W. o 1883 Washington ME e 1890 ME o Banks, Woodrow 1914 1957 Holston 1984 2000 UMC Greeneville TN Banner, G. o o East Tennessee ME o 1896 ME o Barber, William F. 1894 1929 Holston ME 1948 1975 UMC o Barker, Horace 1`N. 1915 1933 Alabama 1980 2006 UMC Hiwassee College, TN Barker, Paul A. 1905 1927 Indiana ME 1975 1998 UMC Knoxville TN Barnes, Samuel G. 1930 1960 Holston Meth. e 1973 UMC Kingsport TN Barnes, William H. 1812 1838 N. Carolina OME 1879 1882 MES Princeton WV Barnett, James F. 1879 1902 Holston MES 1945 1955 Meth. Knoxville TN Barnett, W. A. 1873 1909 Virginia MP 1936? 1957 Meth. o Barnett, William R. 1849 1871 Holston MES 1900 1929 MES Knoxville TN Barrett, Elbert 1843 1873 Holston MES e 1881 MES Shiloh TN Barringer, John 1800 1827 Holston OME 1840 1851 MES Abingdon VA Bates, Carl H. 1914 1949 Holston Meth. 1982 1996 UMC Kingsport TN Bates, William H. 1821 1846 Holston MES 1879 1904 MES Knoxville TN Bayliss, W. B. o 1894 Tennessee UB e 1895 UB o Baylor, Joseph A. 1870 1893 Holston MES 1940 1947 Meth. Emory VA Bays Jr., Flanders M. 1921 o o 1999 2009 UMC Holston View, VA Bays, James Alexander 1889 1919 Holston MES 1958 1965 Meth. Knoxville TN Bays, John C. 1853 1876 Holston MES 1912 1923 MES Abingdon VA Beadles, Carl B. 1915 1951 Holston Meth. e 1956 Meth. Knoxville TN Beard, Caughey A. 1870 1898 Holston MES e 1936 MES Athens TN Beard, Samuel Clemens 1886 1912 Holston MES 1948 1959 Meth. Jonesborough TN Belchee, William B. 1878 1903 Holston MES e 1941 Meth. Chattanooga TN Bell, Richard Philip o 1864 Washington ME o 1893 ME o Bellamy, John R. 1866 1891 Holston MES e 1894 MES Elizabethton TN Bellamy, Thomas M. 1893 1923 Holston MES 1959 1968 UMC Anderson Co. TN Bellamy, William M. 1847 1878 Holston MES e 1886 MES Scott Co.VA Belt, James W. 1824 1852 Holston MES 1891 1912 MES Scott Co. VA Berwanger, Edwin C. 1912 1942 Holston Meth. 1977 1997 UMC cremated Benton, Jesse F. 1884 1909 Holston MES 1940 1955 Meth. Silverdale TN Bettis, Elbert S. 1859 1893 Holston MES 1901 1903 MES Emory VA ROLL Beverly, A. L. Bewley, F. B. Bewley, W. H. Bilderback, Joseph A. Bird, James Turner Birthright, R. H. Bishop, Benj. W. S Bishop, E. A. Bishop, Elmer Alfred Bishop, William E. Black, Moses Blackard, William F. Blake, Eugene Blakeney, Cooper L. Blanchard, George E. Blankenbeckler, H. G. Blevins, Nathan Bluford, William Bogart, Lemuel Bogle, Erastus A. Bolden, J. V. Boling, James William Booth, J. Talley Boring, John Boring, Washington Bourne, John S. Bourne, Stephen W. Bowen, J. W. Bowles, Chester A. Bowman, John Bowyer, Elbert L. Bowyer, Sanders S. Boy, Robert Allison Boyd, Charles Boyd, T. Y. Boye, Lee Olin Brabston, Clinton A. Bradshaw, Henry E. Branham, E. R. Branner, George Bratton, Samuel E. Brewster, Albert L. Briggs, William H. Brilhart, Jacob Britt, Archie T. Brooks, Archibald T. Brooks, Asbury Brooks, Pompei P. Brooks, Yemmons W. Brown, Asa E. Brown, Charles R. Brown, H. B. Brown, James Richard Brown, Paul Monroe Brown, Thomas W. Brown, Willis Browning, Charles H. Browning, John W. Browning, Samuel L. Browning, William E. Bruce, James E. Bruner, M. C. Brunner, John A. Buhrmann, Francis M. Bull, William M., Jr. Bull, William M., Sr. 1891 o o 1846 1875 1894 1834 1852 1907 1896 1769 1893 1856 1897 1895 1850 o o 1808 1842 o 1868 1884 1827 1822 1856 1867 o 1907 1733 1876 1876 1933 o 1913 1917 1905 1880 1870 o 1895 1907 1871 1808 1926 1817 o o 1888 1871 1864 1873 1866 1917 1841 o 1904 1857 1877 1879 1849 1855 1825 1874 1914 1879 1920 1919 1916 1872 1906 1937 1856 1902 1952 1924 1796 1915 1878 1945 1919 1877 1894 1872 1880 1866 1869 1916 1901 1915 1851 1851 1881 1895 1895 1955 1812 1918 1906 1956 1880 1957 1944 1934 1907 1903 1888 1923 1929 1908 1848 1964 1871 1828 o 1919 1898 1889 1904 1898 1956 1868 1915 1933 1884 1910 1910 1884 1881 1847 1901 1948 1906 Virginia MP East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston ME Tennessee UB Holston MES Erie ME East Tenn. Meth. Holston ME S. Carolina OME Holston MES Holston MES East Tenn. Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Tennessee UB Holston ME; East Tennessee ME Holston ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Tennessee UB East Tenn. Meth. Tennessee OME Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. East Tennessee ME Tennessee EUB Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES North Miss. MES Holston MES Kentucky MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston OME Central Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME 1955 o o 1915 1935 1952 e e e 1961 o 1961 e 1967 1961 1882 e 1888 1881 1897 o 1943 1951 o e e 1939 e 1972 1827 1942 1941 e o 1978 1984 1970 1934 1930 e 1964 1972 1943 1870 e 1882 1836 e 1954 1949 1900 1940 1939 1976 1872 o 1970 1928 1944 1944 1901 1886 1883 1938 1978 1939 1972 1952 1939 1917 1963 1959 1895 1925 1969 1986 1809 1989 1924 1982 1986 1883 1907 1897 1888 1914 1939 1963 1960 1910 1854 1888 1960 1895 1992 1847 1958 1950 1989 1889 1979 1985 1973 1947 1933 1896 1989 1973 1956 1874 1974 1885 o 1909 1955 1969 1929 1944 1944 1988 1931 1927 1994 1939 1944 1962 1915 1933 1914 1960 1990 1960 UMC Meth. ME MES Meth. EUB MES ME UMC UMC OME UMC MES UMC UMC MES UB ME ME MES Meth. Meth. Meth. MES MES MES Meth. UB UMC MES Meth. Meth. UMC ME UMC UMC UMC Meth. ME ME UMC UMC Meth. MES UMC MES OME ME Meth. UMC MES Meth. Meth. UMC ME ME UMC Meth. Meth. Meth. MES ME MES Meth. UMC Meth. OF THE DEAD o o o Sweetwater TN Knoxville TN Nashville TN Emory VA Green Mount, Montpelier VT Williams, Roanoke VA Happy Mem.Valley ForgeTN o Johnson City TN Emory VA Knoxville TN Chattanooga TN Greeneville TN o Marion VA Cummings,Sevier Co. TN Bristol VA o Knoxville TN Morristown TN Chattanooga TN Sullivan Co. TN Spring Valley VA Ebenezer VA White Pine TN Chattanooga TN Rheatown TN Mt. Mitchell VA Lenoir City TN Bristol TN o Knoxville TN Bristol TN Newport TN Chattanooga TN Logan’s, Maryville TN o Pennington Gap VA Emory VA Bristol TN Sweetwater TN Dublin VA Falls Mill VA o o Knoxville TN Mountain City TN Tazewell VA Emory VA Emory VA Lenoir City TN Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN o Emory VA Maryville TN Knoxville TN Morristown TN Bland Co. VA New Gray, Knoxville TN Hiwassee College TN Emory VA Jonesborough TN New Market TN 359 360 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1883 Bunts, W. Matthew Burger, W. R. o 1894 Burgess, Arthur Blaine Burkett, M. H. P. 1811 Burkhart, Noble C. 1844 1866 Burnett, John S. Burris, Lee Mitchell 1880 1860 Burrow, James A. Butcher, Milton J. 1873 1909 Byars, William H. Byerly, William R. 1856 Byrd, George Thomas 1871 1893 Byrd, Howard G. Byrd, Samuel K. 1854 1926 Byrum, William J., Jr. Cadle, A. G. 1851 1834 Caldwell, L. B. Calvert, Broadus C. 1866 Camper, Richard C. 1871 Carbaugh, W. R. 1864 Carden, William C. 1846 Cardwell, John Wesley 1861 Cardwell, Joseph L. 1832 Carey, Frank H. o Carico, Martin P. 1867 Carlock, Lemuel S. H. 1845 Carner, Gasper A. 1858 Carnes, John B. 1838 Carnes, John W. 1842 Carr, Daniel H. 1838 Carriger, Tom P. 1907 Carroll, Charles T. 1842 Carter, Daniel 1813 Carter, Daniel B. 1803 Carter, David Wendell 1848 Carter, Joel Miles 1869 Carter, Thomas Coke 1851 (Elected UB Bishop 1905) 1894 Cartwright, Lem D. 1849 Cartwright, N. Rhea 1875 Case, A. H. o Cash, James I. 1847 Cass, T. A. 1836 Cassidy, Eugene E. 1868 Catlett, Thomas K. 1798 Catron, Stephen Sheffey 1850 Cavaleri, Emilio E., Sr. 1876 Chafin, Eugene E. 1915 Chambers, Edmund E. 1882 Chambers, James R. 1859 Chaney, John L. 1888 Chase, T. G. 1850 Chastain, Bishop Luther 1906 Chilcote, Thomas F., Jr. 1918 Clark, Elbert B. 1830 Clark, John o Clark, L. B. 1869 Clark, Robert o Clarke, John Cleveland 1892 Clarke, Opie C. 1900 Clarke, Robert Edward 1931 Clear, Arthur S. 1901 Cleaves, J. C. o Cleek, Elmer 1918 Clemens, Henry C. 1854 Clendenen, G. W. 1852 Clendenen, Milton L. 1833 1916 1904 1930 1864 1887 1888 1910 1885 1896 1947 1888 1894 1918 1884 1961 1886 1856 1901 1905 1900 1870 1896 1866 1907 1891 1868 1894 1888 1876 1867 1938 1865 1865 1827 1871 1894 o 1881 1900 1898 1873 1861 1885 1825 1883 1913 1954 1906 1887 1921 1873 1931 1943 1870 1928 1902 1870 1924 1923 1960 1927 1911 o 1885 1889 1867 Holston MES East Tennessee ME Tennessee UB Kentucky ME Virginia ME Blue Ridge ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Tennessee Meth. Holston ME Georgia ME Holston ME Holston MES Indiana So. Meth. Holston ME Bay Quinte ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME; Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston OME Holston MES Georgia ME Holston Canada Methodist Holston MES Blue Ridge ME Georgia ME Georgia ME Pittsburgh Holston ME Virginia MP Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES 1950 o 1968 1871 1911 1930 1943 e e 1972 1902 1943 1965 1920 e 1891 1910 e 1944 1936 1905 1909 1899 e e 1915 1912 e 1910 1904 1973 1899 e 1875 1932 1935 1908 1926 e e 1914 1883 e 1859 1918 1948 1981 1954 1896 1958 1907 1971 1984 1887 1946 1936 e 1961 1967 1995 1971 o 1999 1912 e 1899 1972 1942 1986 1875 1914 1942 1950 1933 1910 1988 1924 1950 1973 1923 1974 1920 1911 1904 1967 1944 1924 1945 1910 1941 1937 1931 1928 1911 1927 1927 1997 1918 1887 1876 1937 1947 1916 1942 1931 1903 1938 1909 1940 1867 1927 1958 2001 1963 1896 1971 1908 1998 2009 1891 1951 1952 1873 1968 1987 2008 1984 1964 2009 1928 1908 1915 UMC Meth. UMC ME ME Meth. Meth. MES MES UMC ME Meth. UMC MES UMC ME ME ME Meth. Meth. MES Meth. ME Meth. MES MES MES MES MES MES UMC MES ME MES MES Meth. UB Meth. MES UB MES ME Meth. MES MES Meth. UMC Meth. MES UMC ME UMC UMC ME Meth. Meth. ME Meth. UMC UMC UMC Meth. UMC MES ME MES Emory VA o Knoxville TN Chatata,BradleyCo.TN Hubbard Springs, Scott Co.,VA Chattanooga TN Wytheville VA Bristol VA Surgoinsville TN Clarkrange TN Baileyton TN Sevier Co. TN Fries VA Kingsport TN Chestnut Hill TN Hurst,Middlesboro KY Chattanooga TN o Rockwood TN Johnson City TN Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN Lenoir City TN Witt’s Foundry, Hamblen Co. TN Cleveland TN Knoxville TN Glade Spring VA Princeton WV Knoxville TN Fountain City TN Bluefield WV Chattanooga TN Morristown TN Carter’s, Jefferson City TN Liberty Hill TN Georgetown TX Memorial, Chattanooga TN Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN Spring City TN Memorial, Chattanooga TN o Spring CIty TN Cedar Sprs.McMinn Co. TN Chattanooga TN Abingdon VA Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN o Pearisburg VA At Sea Blountville TN Chattanooga TN Cleveland TN Chattanooga TN Emory VA Wesleyana, McMinn Co. TN o Lenoir City TN o Emory VA Emory VA Emory VA Kingsport TN o o Blount Co. TN Wildwood, Blount Co. TN Bristol TN ROLL 1911 1934 Cline, Ralph E. Clonce, Pulliam L. 1873 1908 1886 1931 Clowers, Charles D. Cobb, Pharaoh Lee 1866 1892 Cochran, Edward Foy 1916 1945 1814 1844 Cobleigh, N. E. Coffey, Leroy W. 1905 1961 1884 1921 Coldwell, J. Fred Coleman, George W. 1835 1858 1881 1920 Coleman, Henry C. Cones, Francis M. 1832 1875 Conner, Giles A. 1842 1870 1864 1902 Conner, Thomas H. Cooke, Richard J. 1853 1873 (Elected ME Bishop from Holston 1912) Cooper, D. B. 1894 1918 1924 1968 Cowan, Carl R., Sr. Cowen, Lawrence L., Jr. 1880 1910 Cox, Charles Glen 1929 1951 Cox, Charles L. 1892 1921 Cox, G. B. 1848 1884 Cox, Ivan L. 1878 1912 Cox, J. O. 1872 1906 Cox, Keener W. 1876 1898 Cox, Massie F. 1899 1945 Craig, John o 1807 Cramer, Thomas W. 1916 1958 Crawford, James Y. 1799 1823 Crawford, W. M. 1842 1873 Creamer, George 1828 1869 Cregger, W. Kyle 1897 1921 Crenshaw, Sallie A. 1900 1932 Creswell, A. F. 1848 1875 Creswell, George J. 1887 1915 Crider, G. H. o 1895 Crismond, John M. o 1847 Crist, Benjamin 1825 1853 Crockett, William C. 1852 1895 Crouch, Larkin W. o 1846 Crowder, Douglas L. 1931 o Crowder, L. O. 1844 1870 Crowder, Isaac G. “Ike” 1884 1925 Crowe, John M. 1857 1875 Crowell, o 1918 Crumley, Fleming D. 1829 1860 Crumley, H. J. 1822 1869 Crumley, T. J. 1858 1885 Crump, Edward L. 1902 1928 Cumming, Harvey B. 1803 1829 Cumming, James 1787 1820 Cunningham, Jesse 1789 1811 Cunningham, John R. 1844 1875 Cunningham, O. F. 1813 1833 Cunnyngham, W. G. E. 1829 1843 Cupp, John Luther 1886 1915 Curtis, William R. 1890 1923 Cushman, Ernest D. Jr. 1928 1951 Dail, William H. 1892 1924 Dailey, Archer N. 1877 1924 Dailey, W. C. 1818 1843 Dame, John D. 1855 1890 Daniels, W. Clay 1897 1929 Darr, Joseph A. 1847 1887 Daugherty, Herbert H. 1928 o Davenport, M. N. o 1893 Davidson, Herschell V. 1918 1956 Davis, Anderson 1870 1895 Holston ME Holston MES Virginia MP Holston MES East TN Meth New England MES East Tenn. Meth. Holston ME South Illinois ME Central Tenn. ME Holston ME Virginia ME Holston ME Central Tenn. ME Holston ME Holston UMC Houston MES? Tennessee EUB Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES East Tenn. Meth. Western OME Holston Meth. Tennessee OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston ME Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Wisconsin ME Holston MES Holston MES o Mississippi ME Holston ME Louisville MES W. Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston ME Virginia ME Holston MES Holston OME Tennessee OME Western OME Holston MES Tennessee OME Holston OME Holston ME Holston ME Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Kentucky ME Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES o Virginia ME Holston Meth. East Tennessee ME 1974 1926 1951 1942 1980 e 1971 1940 1902 1954 1909 1910 1929 1925 1960 1992 1950 1974 e e 1935 1931 1945 1965 1836 1979 e 1879 o 1963 1971 1884 1959 o e 1897 e 1870 1999 e 1957 1928 e 1892 o 1921 1967 e 1866 1849 1887 1847 1894 1956 e 1989 1944 1945 1888 e 1965 1895 1999 1904 1984 1945 1991 1960 1977 1957 2002 1874 1971 1941 1930 1986 1917 1918 1930 1931 1969 1992 1964 1983 1937 1905 1940 1935 1960 1971 1840 2006 1850 1880 1901 1991 1986 1897 1971 1909 1875 1916 1921 1887 2010 1900 1977 1937 1918 1897 1894 1927 1971 1835 1869 1856 1898 1848 1900 1959 1954 2004 1979 1947 1897 1933 1969 1913 2010 1946 1990 1962 UMC Meth. UMC Meth. UMC ME UMC Meth. ME UMC ME ME ME ME UMC UMC Meth. UMC MES ME Meth. ME Meth. UMC OME UMC MES MES MES UMC UMC ME UMC ME MES ME MES MES UMC ME UMC MES UB MES ME ME UMC OME ME MES MES MES MES Meth. Meth. Meth UMC Meth. ME ME UMC MES UMC Meth. UMC Meth. OF THE DEAD Buttram, Dayton TN Daisy TN Love’s Mem., Greene Co. TN Nashville TN Knoxville TN Atlanta GA o Witt’s TN Cleveland TN Soddy-Daisy TN Thornton IN Piedmont, Oty VA New Gray, Knoxville TN Athens TN 361 Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Atlanta GA Greeneville TN Knoxville TN Sulphur Springs, Washington Co. TN Rock Springs TN Strawberry Plains TN o o o o Rogersville TN Boone NC Greene Co. TN Johnson City TN Chattanooga TN Ebenezer, Jefferson Co. TN Knoxville TN o Liberty Hill TN Millersville PA Crockett’s Cove VA Calhoun TN Lenoir City, TN Spring Creek MS Mt.Pleasant, Greene Co. TN Austinville VA o Fall Branch TN Pippin’s Church, Washington Co. VA River View VA Memphis TN o Shiloh, Sevier Co. TN Mt. Harmony, McMinn Co. TN Wheeler’s Chapel TN Wheeler’s Chapel TN Nashville TN Englewood TN Coalmont TN Chattanooga, TN VA Chattanooga TN South Knoxville TN Giles Co. VA Chattanooga TN Pine Grove, Jasper TN Jonesville, VA o Elizabethton TN o 362 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Davis, Charles B. Davis, Floyd C. Davis, Harold J. Davis, James A. Davis, John E. Davis, J. U. Davis, Joseph B. Davis, Roy C. Davisson, Otto C. Dawn, William H. Dawson, Henry C., Sr. Deakins, Moses E. Dean, Charles W. Dean, Elmer W. Dean, Ernest S., Sr. Dean, Henry L. Dean, John K. Dean, Walter M. DeBusk, Berton F. Deck, John S. Deese, A. Catherine Del Pino, Jerome F. Delaney, Samuel Delashmitt, Landon C. Dew, Joseph M. Dick, Cato Dickey, James W. Dickey, John P. Diggs, Leroy Dixon, James Dion Doane, M. C. Doane, William P. Dobbs, Cicero Dodd, Paul R. Donaldson, David W. Dosser, D. Sullins Downs, Samuel Draper, George B. Droke, J. D. Duck, John W., Jr. Duggan, W. H. H. Dunbar, George R. Duncan, Harry B. Duncan, Robert H. Dunford, Clarence N. Durham, J. M. Duvall, John A. Dye, Charles W. Dye, William M. Dyess, R.Q. (Tony) Dykes, DeWitt S. Dykes, H. S. R. Dykes, William Lee Eades, Prince A. Eakin, George Earle, J. W. Early, John Alfred Early, Roy E. Eblen, Samuel N. Eldridge, Edgar A. Eller, Robert O. Elliott, George Wilson Elliott, William V. Ellis, Wiley M. Ellison, Alex Ellison, James A. Ely, J. B. 1900 1919 1905 1825 1888 1876 1833 1901 1934 o 1909 1898 1878 1883 1911 1886 1892 1890 1894 1905 1947 1913 o 1834 1891 1896 1829 1844 o o o 1833 1878 1913 1885 1889 1878 1855 o 1916 1814 1940 1899 1906 1917 1842 1860 1909 1868 1910 1903 1878 1877 1901 1782 o 1863 o 1891 1917 1889 1917 1841 1869 o 1872 1881 1950 1948 1930 1867 1923 1899 1874 1928 1970 1872 1936 1924 1905 1914 1961 1915 1929 1924 1937 1935 1997 1934 o 1850 1921 1924 1852 1871 1878 1811 1898 1859 1906 1946 1915 1931 1922 1889 1896 1948 1855 1963 1923 1938 1947 1867 1886 1937 1893 1944 1929 1912 1912 1927 1811 1896 1896 1907 1918 1937 1920 1942 1881 1903 o 1896 1907 Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston UMC Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston UMC Florida East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston ME New England ME Holston MES Holston MES Washington ME Western OME Missouri UB Holston MES Alabama ME Holston Meth. Pittsburgh ME Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES ME Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Kentucky Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Holston ME Virginia ME Holston Meth. East Tenn. ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Western OME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Virginia ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES 1966 1987 1985 1894 1946 e 1894 1966 1998 1880 1976 1964 1941 1950 1977 e 1954 1957 1962 1977 e 1978 o 1882 1956 1962 e 1906 e 1826 e 1893 1946 1978 e 1958 o e e e 1867 2006 e e e 1890 e 1972 1942 1975 1969 o 1931 e 1853 e 1936 e 1940 1981 1955 e 1909 1940 o 1938 1939 1990 1994 2002 1898 1980 1900 1907 1984 2000 1902 1995 1978 1963 1951 2003 1934 1970 1978 1971 1985 2004 2008 1919 1921 1989 1989 1876 1912 1918 1850 1902 1905 1947 1984 1949 1980 1946 1911 1911 1978 1872 2008 1925 1976 1955 1914 1915 1973 1960 2002 1991 1946 1963 1961 1856 1904 1947 1950 1979 2006 1962 1960 1922 1942 1931? 1947 1975 UMC UMC UMC MES UMC ME MES UMC UMC MES UMC UMC Meth. Meth. UMC MES UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC ME MES UMC UMC MES MES ME MES UB MES Meth. UMC Meth. UMC Meth. MES UB UMC ME UMC MES UMC Meth. ME MES UMC Meth. UMC UMC Meth. Meth. Meth. MES ME Meth. Meth. UMC UMC Meth. Meth. ME Meth. ME Meth. UMC Johnson CIty TN Bluefield VA Jackson KY Emory VA Riverside, Saltville VA Thorn Grove, Knox Co. TN Emory VA Rural Retreat VA Emory VA Knoxville TN Emory VA Copperhill TN Kingsport TN Emory VA Newland NC Bluefield VA Bluff City TN White Pine TN Abingdon VA Kingsport TN o o Portland OR Bells Campground, Powell TN Chattanooga TN Cedar Branch VA Los Angeles CA o o o Friends Station TN Elizabethton TN Cleveland TN Washington PA Morristown TN Green Lawn, Greeneville TN Emory VA o Lynchburg VA Hickory Grove, Mt.Vernon TN o Nashville TN Emory VA Rural Retreat VA Knoxville TN Emory VA Knoxville TN Athens TN o Knoxville TN Jaybird Cemetery, Newport TN Knoxville TN Chattanooga TN Uriel TN o Emory VA Emory VA Marion VA Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Mt. Pleasant VA Hawkins Co. TN o Knoxville TN Emory VA ROLL Elzey, Roland Carl Emert, J. M. Emmett, Glenn C. Erwin, George E. Eskridge, Thomas J. Essary, Frank Fugate Evans, Robert L. Evans, W. T. Fair, W. P. Fall, Ira Faris, William C. Farley, Francis A. Farmer, Connie Mack Farmer, R. Gleaves Farmer, Washington D. Farmer, Washington Irving Farris, Sylvester Lee Ferguson, E. C. Fillmore, E. L. Fisher, Charles M. Fisher, Elbert W. Fitzgerald, J. B. Fleming, David Fleenor, Worley T. Fleshman, Allen R. Fogleman, Charles H. Fogleman, William I. Foote, Phillips C. Ford, J. H. Forkner, Isaac Forrest, E. H. Forrester, John Fortune, Giles Foster, William K. Fowler, J. Fort Fowler, Wallace F., Sr. Fox, George W. Francisco, George T. Francisco, Thomas H. Frazier, Andrew J. Frazier, John Brown Frazier, John S. Frazier, J. Tyler Frazier, J. Tyler III French, George D. French, John L. M. French, J. Stewart Fritts, Robert E. Frye, Elbert Gordon Frye, Sidney O. Fulton, Creed Gaines, Samuel D. Gallaher, Oscar Gamble, Marshall L. Gannaway, George O. Gannaway, Robertson Gardner, James H. Gardner, Sarah S. Gass, Andrew Gates, Walter Lee Geisler, Raymond H. Ghormley, Rupert H. Gibson, Foye G. Gibson, Samuel Vance Giddins, Riley A. Gilbert, J. FLoyd Giles, J. F. 1890 1858 o 1886 1867 1900 1889 1877 o o 1856 o 1938 1899 1887 1904 o 1846 1864 1893 1885 1826 1779 1910 1909 1885 1854 1895 o 1790 o 1801 o 1821 1890 1912 1880 o 1881 1836 1870 1924 1849 1909 1843 1838 1872 1903 1886 1894 1802 181 o 1901 1879 1780 o 1907 1792 1912 1909 1893 1903 1885 1818 1894 1858 1919 1893 1916 1915 1889 1928 1914 1906 1870 1832 1889 1860 1973 1925 1909 1936 1947 1874 1891 1922 1911 1859 1824 1951 1956 1902 1888 1925 1922 1844 1904 1861 1932 1853 1939 1932 1914 1890 1922 1860 1890 1955 1865 1931 1869 1861 1893 1947 1923 1921 1823 1846 1949 1924 1909 1827 1888 1966 1843 1942 1953 1929 1927 1919 1848 1930 1895 Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston UMC Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee Meth. New England ME S. Dakota ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston OME Holston Meth. East Tenn. Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Tennessee Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Tennessee OME Holston MES East Tennessee Meth. Kentucky MES Holston MES Holston OME East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. Holston OME Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Virginia ME 1959 1928 On Trial 1952 1937 1962 1956 e e o 1911 1878 2000 1971 1943 1969 e 1924 e 1963 e 1871 1866 1976 1979 e 1915 e 1930 1870 o 1876 o e e 1973 1952 1933 1940 e 1925 1979 1919 e 1916 e 1945 1974 1963 1964 e 1877 e 1957 1829 1853 e e 1858 1980 1979 1946 1972 1937 1853 e 1924 1966 1934 1917 1958 1948 1968 1962 1944 1876 1844 1913 1879 2009 1982 1971 1996 1962 1926 1898 1973 1918 1902 1868 1994 1981 1907 1936 1958 1952 1873 1947 1881 1942 1861 1977 1987 1960 1951 1976 1892 1940 1980 1932 1933 1923 1893 1952 1977 1964 1985 1851 1889 1953 1991 1956? 1859 1917 1966 1859 1986 1991 1966 1981 1963 1895 1950 1933 Meth. ME MES Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. ME OME MES MES UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. ME ME UMC MES ME ME UMC UMC MES MES Meth. Meth. ME Meth. ME Meth. MES UMC UMC Meth. Meth. UMC MES Meth. UMC MES MES MES MES Meth. UMC Meth. UMC MES MES Meth. UMC Meth. MES ME Meth. MES UMC UMC Meth. UMC Meth. MES Meth. ME OF THE DEAD Lenoir City TN Athens TN o Calhoun TN Abingdon VA Lenoir City TN Knoxville TN Sinking Springs TN o Kingston TN Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN Jonesville VA o Fountain City TN Knoxville TN Athens TN Round Hill, Marion VA Quincy IL White Oak, Chattanooga TN New River VA Wythe Co. VA Chuckey TN Kingston TN Kingsport TN Restlawn, Littlesburg WV Russell Co. TN Johnson City TN Bluefield VA o Otis, Hawkins Co. TN o Burrville TN o New Hope WV Body to science Wytheville VA Christiansburg VA Woodlawn, Knoxville TN Kingsport TN Knoxville TN Arlington VA Body to science Chilhowie VA Chilhowie VA Morristown TN Wythe Co. VA Bristol VA Rogersville TN Kingsport TN Emory VA Emory VA Bristol TN Crestview, Knoxville TN Albany GA Spring City TN Smyth Co. VA o Macon GA Dandridge TN Princeton WV Elizabethton TN Lenoir City TN Emory VA Castlewood VA Cleveland TN Chattanooga TN Athens TN 363 364 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Gillespie, Alex Gillespie, E. G. Gillespie, Robert C. Gilmore, James H., Jr. Glasow, Carl E. Golden, Walter S. Gonia, Robert Edward Gooden, Fred E. Goodman, George Herman Goodman, T. E. Goodykoontz, A. M. Gordon, Fred Gordon, Robert Eugene Goss, M. F. Grace, Francis M. Grace, J. G. Graham, Prince William Grant, Samuel S. Grant, Wayne S. Graves, William C. Graves, Walter H. Gray, Charles T. Graybeal, David M. Graybeal, Winfield A. Green, Joseph J. G. Green, Kenneth B. Green, Robert Greene, Brian H., Sr. Greene, George W. K. Greear, Samuel Greer, Andrew J. Greer, John F., Jr. Greer, Robert Edward Greever, James Hutton Grier, Worth M. Griffitts, Jacob LaFayette Grimm, William R., Jr. Grisham, Dubro M. Grostephan, Joseph H. Guthrie, J. A. Hailey, William Hale, Virgil Nedium Hall, Jerome V. Hall, Samuel H. Haltom, W. C. Hamil, L. D Hamilton, Hale S. Hamilton, Lafayette N. Hamilton, Thomas S. Hammer, Dan Edwin Hammer, John W. Hammer, Neville A., Jr. Hampton, Bernie H. Hampton, G. F. M. Hampton, Joseph M. Handy, Thomas R. Hankins, James E. Hankins, Lee Roy Harbour, Clifford B. Jr. Hardin, Cecil P. Hardin, Joseph A. Hargraves, Ray P. Harmon, John C. Harmon, Louis A. “Lon” Harr, George O., Jr. Harris, Harold C. Harris, James Bibb, Jr. o 1880 1914 1925 1925 o 1932 1938 1926 1874 1813 1889 1935 o 1833 o o 1839 1858 1815 1891 1883 1866 1883 o 1927 o 1900 1831 1811 1832 1917 1885 1915 1894 1869 1918 1911 1917 o o o 1873 1857 1866 1870 1873 1885 1867 1948 1890 1930 1896 1850 1894 1849 1920 1898 1921 1902 1908 1917 1855 1883 1920 1912 1921 1880 1920 1939 1990 1952 1950 1984 1961 1953 1914 1838 1918 1955 1926 1860 1874 1952 1858 1890 1834 1929 1912 1921 1913 1924 1958 1896 1926 1859 1867 1856 1947 1914 1969 1923 1903 1950 1933 1943 1888 1910 1951 1904 1888 1901 1902 1904 1917 1902 1971 1924 1953 1928 1879 1922 1869 1947 1928 1945 1928 1933 1942 1889 1931 1946 1938 1943 East Tennessee ME Holston ME Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston Meth. East Tenn. Meth. North Carolina Holston Meth. New York Meth. Holston ME Baltimore MES Holston MES Molston Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Virginia ME East Tennessee Meth. Holston MES Holston ME Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Western No.Carolina MES East Tennessee ME Holston Meth East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston UMC Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. East Tennessee ME No. Minnesota Meth. East Tennessee ME Florida ME Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Blue Ridge ME Georgia ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston UMC Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES W. Virginia MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston Meth. o e 1979 1994 1991 1968 1991 e 1979 e e e 1991 1954 1899 e 1959 e e 1882 1952 1944 e 1928 o 1990 1931 e 1892 1890 1886 1982 e 1979 1966 o 1983 1978 1982 e 1939 1982 1928 e e 1934 1934 1948 e 2004 1958 1993 1960 1895 1959 1910 1984 1963 1970 1972 1973 1981 1899 1954 1985 1978 e 1900 1939 1997 1995 2007 1970 2002 1984 1985 1934 1858 1924 2002 1954 1904 1877 1962 1881 1928 1896 1985 1945 1924 1958 1954 2002 1936 1960 1894 1897 1895 1998 1945 1998 1981 1923 2002 2003 1997 1914 1962 2008 1929 1920 1914 1935 1939 1949 1934 2008 1979 2004 1976 1895 1983 1940 2002 1994 2007 1992 1991 2003 1923 1973 1998 1997 1962 ME ME UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC ME MES MES UMC Meth. MES ME Meth. MES ME ME UM Meth. MES Meth. Meth. UMC ME Meth. MES ME ME UMC Meth. UMC UMC MES UMC UMC UMC ME Meth. UMC MES MES ME ME MES Meth. MES UMC UMC UMC UMC MES UMC Meth. UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC ME UMC UMC UMC Meth. o Vermont, Sullivan Co. TN Limestone Tn Rutledge TN Maryville, TN Pinehurst, Pulaski VA Maryville TN Mt. Zion, Marion VA Oak Grove, Greeneville TN Abingdon VA New Hope TN Arlington, VA Maryville TN Owenton AL Bethel VA o Jackson TN Woodlawn, Knoxville TN Morristown TN Knoxville TN Chattanooga TN Emory VA Emory VA o Alcoa TN o Maryville TN Bland Co. VA Scarboro TN New Tazewell TN Emory VA Emory VA Chattanooga TN Chattanooga TN Emory VA Weber City VA Nashville, TN Unicoi TN o Morristown TN o Mt. Pleasant, Wytheville VA Greeneville TN Rockwood TN Mt. Zion GA Big Stone Gap Va Bethlehem, Knoxville TN Bluefield WV Donated, J.H. Quillen College of Med. Dandridge TN Chattanooga TN Riceville TN National, Chattanooga TN Waugh AL Knoxville, TN Emory VA o Alcoa TN Emory VA Hixson, TN Union, Newport TN Jarnigan, Morristown TN Chattanooga TN Pigeon Forge TN Emory VA ROLL Harris, Mary Harris, Ray F. Harris, William Kemp Harrison, H. G. Harrison, Stanley L., Sr. Harrison, William Henry Hart, Herbert D. Hart, Wilbur L. Hartman, Enoch Harwell, Samuel B. Hash, Jones F. Haskell, William M. Haskew, Joseph Hatcher, F. A. Hauk, Horace Buford Havens, Robert N. Hawk, H. M. Hawk, John Crisman Hawkins, James D. Hawkins, Preston A. Hayden, G. W. Hayden, J. M. Hayden, S. W. Haynes, Levi K. Haynes, R. Ray Haywood, John W. Headrick, George J. Hearon, Daniel S. Helvey, John G. Helvey, John Watson Henderson, William H. Hendrick, G. J. Hendricks, Thompson Hendrix, Robert R. Hendrix, William R. Henderson, Joseph A. Henley, John S. Henninger, G. W. Henninger, John Henry, Horace Frank Henry, J. T. Henry, John T. Henry, P. H. Henry, Spencer Hickey, Rufus M. Hicks, G. M. Hicks, William Hicks, William C. Hicks, William W. Hickson, John D. Hight, William S. Hill, George M. Hill, Isaac Rucker Hill, James E. Hill, Judson S. o 1906 1873 o 1921 1886 1897 1885 o o 1870 1818 1797 o 1941 1890 1864 1878 o 1915 o o 1823 1841 1921 1980 o 1849 1879 1875 1846 o 1886 1927 1869 1877 1857 1851 1784 1930 o o 1838 1805 1820 1833 1811 1864 1849 1835 1876 o o 1898 o 1918 1935 1898 1906 1942 1916 1926 1914 1894 1819 1891 1844 1827 1905 1964 1912 1902 1904 1951 1968 o o 1861 1861 1950 1910 1910 1872 1914 1905 1895 o 1905 1977 1895 1912 1907 1874 1807 1961 1909 o 1878 1840 1845 1862 o 1894 1876 1875 1909 1886 1889 1956 1879 1880 Hill, Lee 1917 1938 Hill, William M. 1900 1931 Hinds, Howard Norman 1932 1960 Hobbs, John N. 1855 1875 Hodge, Bachman Gladstone 1893 1921 (Elected Meth. bishop from Holston 1956) Hodge, John C. 1847 1888 Hodge, T. H. 1848 1876 Hodge, Walter 1877 1901 Hodsden, D. S. 1848 1875 Hogan, J. M. o o W. Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston Holston MES Holston MES Tennessee ME UB Tennessee OME Holston MES Mississippi OME Holston OME East Tennessee ME Holston UMC Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES East Tennessee Meth Holston UMC East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Delaware ME East Tennessee ME N. Mississippi MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. N. Alabama MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Western OME Holston Meth. East Tennessee ME Central Tennessee ME Holston ME Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME Washington ME East Tennessee ME East Tenn. Meth. Holston ME; East Tennessee ME Holston East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. Holston MES North Alabama MES Holston ME Virginia ME Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee ME OF THE DEAD 365 e 1973 1939 1945 1984 e 1965 e e 1866 e 1881 1863 1933 2006 e 1936 1943 e 1977 o o o 1892 e 1953 1916 1918 e 1949 e o 1957 1993 e 1947 1921 e 1836 e o e 1902 1877 1891 e 1877 1905 1917 1898 1935 e 1930 1973 1918 1977 1958 1949 2001 1952 1969 1946 1912 1874 1903 1899 1882 1937 2008 1936 1943 1946 1953 1997 o 1965? 1909 1925 1982 1972 1917 1933 1929 1967 1901 1917 1960 2004 1941 1951 1931 1881 1838 1989 1939 1899 1911 1883 1902 1893 1882 1928 1922 1909 1957 1891 1939 1984 UB UMC Meth. Meth. UMC Meth. UMC Meth. UB MES MES ME MES ME UMC MES Meth. Meth. Meth. UMC o Meth. ME MES UMC Meth. ME MES MES Meth. MES ME Meth. UMC Meth. Meth. MES ME? OME UMC Meth. ME ME ME MES ME MES MES MES MES Meth. ME ME UMC o o Knoxville TN o Johnson City TN Newport TN Emory VA Nashville TN o Kingston TN Grayson Co. VA New Salem, Knox Co. TN Abingdon VA o o Emory VA Lenoir City TN Emory VA o Pulaski VA o o Maryville TN Emory VA Johnson City TN o o Bristol VA Emory VA Emory VA Graham VA o o o Elmwood, Birmingham AL Chattanooga TN Charleston TN Fanning Chpl., Henderson Co. NC Cleveland TN Alcoa TN o o Maryville TN Carpenter’s C.G. Blount Co.TN Morristown TN Chestuee, Monroe Co. TN Bluff City TN Rural Retreat VA Bluefield WV Afton TN Highland, Chattanooga TN o o Charleston TN e 1903 e 1894 o 1906 1923 1932 1896 1932? ME ME MES ME ME Whitehorn TN Monte Vista, Johnson City TN Blountville TN Maryville TN o o 1983 o 2003 1892 e 1931 2009 1966 2005 1922 1961 ME UMC Meth. UMC MES Meth. o Dandridge, TN o Knoxville TN Liberty Hill TN Birmingham AL 366 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE o 1932 East Tennessee ME Hogan, Otis C. Holbrook, Zechariah D. 1870 1902 Holston MES 1858 1885 Holston ME Holden, J. W. Holden, S. S. o 1894 Miami UB Holland, Harvey D. 1934 1956 Memphis Meth. 1880 1927 Holston ME Holliday, Charles Holloway, Cornelius B. o 1920 East Tennessee ME 1908 1952 Holston Meth. Hollowell, George W. Holt, Henry Jett 1930 1956 Holston o 1922 Virginia MP Hood, Taylor F. M. Hooper, W. W. 1843 1890 Holston ME Hoppe, Louis E. 1893 1919 Holston MES 1875 1910 Alabama ME Hopper, S. A. Horne, A. N. 1863 1896 Virginia MP 1857 1885 Holston MES Horne, Dayton C. Horner, E. o o UB 1892 1918 Holston MES Horner, Patrick Henry Horton, Henry N. 1919 1950 Holston Hoss, Elijah Embree 1849 1869 Holston MES (Elected MES bishop from Holston Conference 1902) Houchins, C. D. 1860 1892 Virginia ME Hounshell, Charles G. 1874 1899 Holston MES Houston, H. M. 1887 1920 Holston ME Houston, J. H. o o East Tennessee ME Houts, Thomas J. 1867 1903 Holston MES Howard, Richard L. 1957 1979 Holston UMC Howard, Thomas G. o 1909 East Tennessee ME Howard, William O. 1894 1943 East Tennessee ME Howell, D. L. 1868 1942 Holston ME Howell, John H. 1894 1943 East Tennessee ME Huff, Kenneth E. 1930 1955 Tennessee EUB Huff, Russell M. 1887 1920 Holston ME Huffaker, J. N. S. 1827 1846 Holston MES Hughes, J. R. 1839 1867 Holston ME Humble, W. Stanley 1915 1942 Holston Meth. Humphries, James H. o 1894 Tennessee UB Hunter, Alfred B. 1861 1886 Holston MES Hunter, James R. 1864 1889 Holston MES Hurd, C. H. o 1901 East Tennessee ME Hurley, David P. 1861 1892 Holston MES Hutsell, Eli K. 1795 1825 Holston OME Hutsell, Robert A. 1847 1872 Holston MES Hyden, S. W. 1823 1861 Holston MES Hypsher, Owen o 1880 East Tennessee ME Ingle, A. H. 1840 1875 Virginia ME Ingle, Willis 1798 1844 Holston OME Insko, Emmitt Harrison 1922 1946 Kentucky Isabell, John C. 1866 o East Tennessee ME Jackson, Frank Yoe 1866 1890 Holston MES Jackson, Frank Y., Jr. 1908 1938 Holston MES Jackson, Fynes B., Sr. 1903 1927 Holston MES Jackson, George W. 1853 1878 Holston MES Jackson, Jeru James o 1955 East Tennessee Meth. Jackson, J. W. o o East Tennessee ME Jackson, Rush F. 1849 1884 Holston MES Jackson, W. A. o 1910 East Tennessee ME James, Charles M. 1845 1875 Holston MES James, David Trigg, Jr. 1927 1950 Holston Meth. James, David Trigg, Sr. 1899 1925 Holston MES Jameson, D. H. 1869 1894 Holston MES Jarvis, John L. 1884 1916 Virginia MP Jaynes, James D. 1918 1965 Holston Meth. Jeffers, Edward B. 1912 1938 Tenessee UB Jeffries, o 1913 East Tennesse UB Jelf, William E. 1914 1939 Holston MES Jenkins, Dewey W. 1899 1922 Holston ME Jennings, John H. 1837 1869 Holston ME o 1940 1886 e e 1952 1963 1979 1992 1946 1912 e 1941 o e o 1962 1995 1918 1919 e 1919 e 1939 e 1954 1967 1954 1968 1970 1931 1883 1882 e e 1931 e 1934? 1926 1845 1912 1874 o 1909 1859 1972 o 1941 e 1958 1920 e o e 1924 1899 e 1971 e 1947 e 1978 e e 1962 1893 1943 1961 1887 1911 1984 1974 1973 1984 2002 1955 1923 1953 1944 1944 1890 1917 1979 2001 1919 1935 1939 1923 1964 1950 2004 1961 1983 1944 1973 1986 1949 1892 1886 1958 1912 1945 1913 1934? 1932 1852 1913 1909 1932? 1931 1867 2002 1917 1949 1952 1987 1924 1956 1934 1905 1924 1925 1978 1981 1897 1948 1976 1983 1913 1964 1984 1914 Meth. Meth. ME UB UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. ME Meth. Meth. Meth. MES UB UMC UMC MES ME Meth. MES Meth. Meth. UMC Meth. UMC Meth. UMC UMC Meth. MES ME Meth. UB Meth. MES ME MES OME MES ME ME ME ME UMC ME Meth. Meth. UMC MES Meth. ME MES ME MES UMC UMC MES EUB UMC UMC UB Meth. UMC ME o Bluefield VA Titusville FL o Chattanooga TN Chattanooga TN Highland, Chattanooga TN o Weber City VA Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN Chattanooga TN Lake City TN Dorton KY Rockwood TN o East Hill, Bristol TN Dublin VA Jonesborough TN Neodesha KS Memorial, Chattanooga TN Lusk Chapel AL o Blountville TN Hixson, TN o Highland, Chattanooga TN Mountain City TN Chattanooga TN Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN Pigeon Forge TN Knox Co. TN Greeneville TN Emory VA o Athens TN St. Elmo TN o Pulaski VA Sulphur Springs NC LaFollette TN Maryville TN o Ingle, Washington Co. VA Craig’s Mill, Washington Co.VA Hillsboro KY o Sweetwater TN Greeneville TN Knoxville TN Lenoir City TN o o Emory VA o Eleazer TN Emory VA Emory VA Bowling Green OH Rogersville TN Greeneville TN Jonesborough TN o Chattanooga TN Knoxville TN Washington Co. TN ROLL Jimerson, John H. Jimison, James M. Johnson, Frank D. Johnson, F. Heisse, Jr. Johnson, George Dale Johnson, Harry W. Johnson, Harvey L., Sr. Johnson, James W. Johnson, James Johnson, R. T. Johnson, S. B. Johnson, T. A. Johnson, W. E. Johnson, William Johnson, Willis H. Johnson, W. M. Johnston, Hugh S. Jollay, Malcolm Jones, A. Carr Jones, Arthur H., Jr. Jones, Charles H. Jones, Charles R., Sr. Jones, Daniel L. Jones, Elton F. Jones, Henry Jones, Hubert C. Jones, John F. Jones, J. Nelson Jones, Samuel Lafayette Jones, William L. Jones, William T. Jordan, Gordon T Julian, George Kahle, Elijah F. Keeble, Joe T. Keebler, B. G. Keener, Ulrich Keister, James B. Keith, John H. Kelley, Archie Monroe Kelley, Charles W. Kelley, John M. Kelly, Richard A. Kelly, William H. Kennedy, Charles N. Kennedy, James S. Kennedy, John H. Kesting, Charles C. Ketchersid, Burrell M. Ketron, A. C. Ketron, S. G. Kidd, Ewing W. Kilburn, Rollo Alvard Kilgore, Lewis E. Kincaid, Ayres Kincheloe, Marvin S. King, Henry F. King, Jack D. King, John A. King, John Rutledge Kinsland, William Kirby, Charles L. Kirby, Clifford Kite, Rufus W. Knott, Elijah Lafon, B. Odell Lamb, Roy Willett o 1877 o 1918 1927 1918 1887 o o 1891 o o o o 1888 o 1867 1907 1909 1911 o 1875 1899 1911 o o 1861 1858 1891 1853 1861 1876 1812 1853 1918 1896 1800 1844 1839 1927 1864 1802 1860 1824 1871 1826 1848 1916 1914 1869 1854 1932 1887 1882 1849 1903 o 1924 1890 1866 1836 1875 o 1858 o 1929 1926 1938 1895 1902 1943 1966 1946 1921 1910 1922 1932 o 1903 o o 1925 o 1897 1944 1947 1941 1921 1912 1926 1938 1879 1932 1897 1888 1921 1882 1883 1910 1868 1885 1954 1935 1825 1892 1879 1951 1886 1828 1878 1848 1909 1852 1872 1962 1941 1899 1881 1969 1915 1913 1872 1924 1889 1958 1924 1903 1857 1907 1947 1884 1888 1966 1967 Alabama ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Meth. East Tenn. ME East Tennessee ME Tennessee UB Tennessee UB East Tennessee ME East Tennessee UB East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Tennessee MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES South Carolina MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston OME Virginia ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES South Carolina OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Virginia MES Holston MES Holston Meth. South Georgia Meth. Holston ME Holston ME Holston UMC Holston ME Georgia ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee Meth. Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. Holston Meth. 1955 1970 e 1909 1953 1968 1984 1991 1989 2003 1983 2000 1960 1972 1939 1949 o 1958 1957 1964 o 1936 1929? 1936 o 1912 o 1927 1948 1951 o 1929 1929 1936 1973 1988 1975 1987 1979 1985 o 1927 1944 1967 1964 1973 1977 2000 e 1881 o 1954 1927 1934 1916 1932 1959 1964 e 1902 e 1888 1948 1964 1882 1906 e 1926 1982 2005 1960 1975 1854 1856 1912 1916 e 1902 1989 2009 e 1939 1853 1867 1926 1933 1894 1911 1938 1950 1898 1905 e 1898 1980 1989 1980 1996 1933 1960 e 1936 1989 1995 1952 1964 1950 1958 1908 1917 1972 1987 e 1891 1990 2003 1963 1973 1936 1957 1883 1907 e 1930 e 1958 1892 1894 1910 1915 1993 2000 1971 1977 UMC MES UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. EUB EUB ME UB ME ME Meth. ME MES UMC UMC UMC ME Meth. UMC UMC ME Meth. MES MES Meth. MES ME Meth. ME MES UMC UMC MES ME MES UMC Meth. MES MES MES Meth. MES MES UMC UMC Meth. ME UMC Meth. Meth. MES UMC MES UMC UMC Meth. ME ME Meth. MES ME UMC UMC OF THE DEAD 367 Alabama Emory VA o Emory VA Ceres VA Emory VA Pulaski VA o o Nashville TN o o o o Sulphur Springs, Washington Co. TN o Bluff City TN Chattanooga TN Galax VA Bristol TN o Emory VA Pigeon Forge TN Athens TN o o Stevens Creek VA Knoxville TN Wythe Co. VA Morristown TN Rockwood TN Elk Garden VA Tyner’s Station TN Emory VA Grandview, Maryville TN Monte Vista, Johnson City TN Jackson Co. NC Roanoke VA Asheville NC o Knoxville TN Tazewell TN Chattanooga TN Tazewell VA Spring City TN Knoxville TN Morristown TN Cary NC Knoxville TN Athens TN City, Kingsport TN Cleveland TN o Jasper TN Cleveland TN Emory VA o Blountsville AL Bristol VA Joppa TN Grandview, Maryville TN o Bristol TN o Townsend TN Knoxville TN 368 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Lambert, George L. Lancaster, Lawrence T. Lane, Charles Stephenson Lankford, Gary P. Larrowe, Wiley D. Lash, Aaron Lawson, D. T. Lawson, J. D. Lawson, Otis A. Lawton, D. B. Laycock, William A., Sr. Leach, John Ledford, Allen J. Ledford, Wesley F. Lee, Barron W. Leidig, Daniel Gsell, Sr. Leidig, Samuel E. Letgers, Cornelius, Jr. Leonard, I. B. Leslie, R. L. Lewis, Edgar R. Lewis F. Willard Lewis, Warner H. Light, William Garfield Lily, Cabel Lippse, Glenn F. J. Little, Joshua B. Lloyd, Charles D. Logan, James C. Logan, Onessus H. Long, Carroll Long, Carroll S. Long, E. A. Long, Samuel D. Long, W. R. Looney, Carl Lotspeich, James H. Loudy, Clancy H. Lovelace, Herman E. Lovelady, William M. Lowrance, Robert Harrell Lowry, Joseph E. Lucas, C. F. Lundy, Clarence Fielden Lundy, Clyde Enoch Lundy, Robert Fieldon Luttrell, S. Maynard Lynch, John F. Lyons, Edward F. Lyons, James A. Lyons, O. Lyons, William S. Maddox, Joseph F. Mahoney, James Maiden, George A. Maiden, John M. Malmquist, Edward A. Malone, John W. Malone, Moses H. Maness, Joseph C. Manker, J. J. Mann, John W. Mann, S. L. Manning, John W. Marbury, W. R. Marley, William T. Marsh, Edward Waverly 1877 1914 1893 1959 1886 o 1869 1826 1875 1814 1921 o 1905 1882 1873 1879 1919 1910 1867 1870 1889 1912 1891 1914 1917 1899 1826 1915 1858 1889 1823 1850 o 1859 1819 1906 1888 1915 1904 1918 1932 1868 1872 1907 1896 1920 1917 o 1836 1845 o 1865 o 1828 1851 1854 1885 1856 1888 1861 1839 1835 o 1875 o o 1847 1904 1944 1928 1997 1921 1919 1901 1868 1914 1836 1950 1826 1939 1914 1898 1918 1942 1963 1901 1896 1915 1943 1921 1957 1961 1923 1852 1958 1904 1918 1845 1875 1908 1880 1844 1932 1915 1938 1928 1950 1964 1888 1893 1936 1916 1943 1952 1914 1866 1875 1917 1902 1936 1859 1877 1890 1926 1885 1921 1887 1866 1857 o 1907 1880 1884 1869 Holston MES Holston Meth. Tennessee UB Holston UMC Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston ME Holston ME Holston ME Black River OME (NY) Holston Meth. Pittsburg OME Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Tennessee MES Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Virginia ME Virginia ME Holston MES Holston Meth Newark ME Holston Meth. Holston Meth Holston ME Holston ME Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston MES Kentucky ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth Holston Meth. Holston ME Tennessee MES Holston MES East Tennessee UB Holston MES East Tennessee Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Minnesota MES Holston MES Central Alabama ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES e 1979 1959 1957 1944 1925 1871 1943 1871 1984 1867 1970 1954 1919 1952 1986 e 1936 1922 1958 1962 1959 e 1986 e 1884 1981 1939 1953 e o e e o 1972 1958 1982 1975 1985 1995 1935 1942 1972 1969 1990 1981 e e 1911 1931 1942 e 1894 1913 1908 1958 1928 1953 1902 e 1884 o 1948 o o e 1924 1998 1980 2002 1970 1950 1953 1906 1962 1896 2009 1873 1981 1973 1937 1964 2000 1964 1939 1939 1985 1983 1973 1962 2003 1964 1909 1999 1941 1968 1878 1890 1922 1934 1906 1997 1975 2004 1995 2005 2008 1937 1961 1979 1988 2003 1992 1949 1874 1929 1935 1945 1958 1907 1941 1918 1959 1930 1977 1949 1916 1897 1899 1969 1923 1918 1874 MES UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. Meth. ME Meth. ME UMC ME UMC UMC MES Meth. UMC Meth. ME ME UMC UMC UMC Meth. UMC Meth. ME UMC Meth. Meth. MES ME ME MES ME UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC MES Meth. UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. MES MES UB Meth. Meth. MES Meth. MES Meth. MES UMC Meth. ME ME ME UMC ME ME MES Emory VA Greeneville TN Knoxville TN Comers Rock VA o Greene Co. TN Wear’s Vly, Sevier Co. TN Baileyton TN Interlochin FL Waynesville NC o Rural Retreat VA Jonesborough TN Knoxville TN Emory VA Emory VA St. Petersburg FL Oak Grove, Greeneville TN Bookwalter, Knoxville TN Dunlap TN Jefferson City TN o Kingsport TN Johnson City TN Fincastle TN o Bristol TN Emory VA Wesleyana, Mc Minn Co. TN Athens TN o Abingdon VA Athens TN Emory VA Clearwater FL East Lawn, Kingsport TN Knoxville TN Lakeview, Lenoir City TN Holladay UMC, Camden TN Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Johnson City TN Pulaski VA Greeneville TN Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Knoxville TN o Elk Creek VA o Wallace VA Emory VA Emory VA Gate City TN Mt. Pleasant VA o Decatur GA Chattanooga TN Gray, Knoxville TN o o o o Rhea Co. TN ROLL Marshall, Thomas O. Marshall, W. A. Martin, Aaron Martin, B. J. Martin, Burton M. Martin, C. C. Martin, C. Walter Martin, George Martin, Isaac Patton Martin, James G. Martin, Leroy A. Martin, Mitchell Martin, Paul Patton Martin, Peter T. Martin, Wm. Anderson Martin, William C. Martin, William Henry Mason, A. Harvey, Jr. Mason, Charles E. Mason, Frank C. Mason, William C., Jr. Matney, Green W. Mayberry, Lorenzo Dow Mays, Charles K. McBrossi, Jeffery G. McCanless, Samuel A. McCluskey, Joseph P. McCoig, Austin Grace McComas, Howard Ernest McConnell, Enoch L. McCord, Jerry D. McCormack, William A. McCracken, David McDaniel, Harold W. McDonald, Donald F. McDonald, Henry W. McDonald, James B. McDonald, John K. McDonough, James I. McDowell, Robert T. McFarland, L. W. McGhee, Joseph L. McGhee, John Wesley McGhee, Silas A. McKay, Charles George McKenzie, A. B. McKenzie, H. W. McKinnon, Neil, Jr. McLaughlin, E. H. McNeese, Solon McPherson, S. T. M. McReynolds, Arthur B. McTeer, John M. Mehaffey, Charlie D. Melear, James Melville Meyers, John H. Mielke, Robert H. E. Milburn, Glen A. Milburn, James Earl Milburn, Joseph, Sr. Milburn, J. P. Milburn, William Miles, D. T. Miles, George Miller, Charles K. Miller, Charles W. 1891 1819 o o 1866 o 1908 1821 1867 1897 1901 o 1891 o 1869 1890 1927 1915 1906 1899 1925 1868 1877 1812 o 1868 1906 1905 1922 1876 o 1887 1855 1920 1936 1892 1930 1912 1903 1855 1895 1844 1852 1878 1876 1867 1855 1903 o 1894 1847 1904 1824 1902 1868 1889 1919 1923 1888 1800 1832 1797 o 1829 1832 1859 1923 1869 o 1908 1894 1932 1937 1863 1889 1964 1929 1837 1915 1880 1893 1916 1962 1944 1928 1947 1895 1916 1866? 1880 1906 1907 1933 1937 1966 1910 1929 1919 1875 1953 1986 1930 1959 1955 1931 1883 1925 1869 1886 1910 1915 1896 1889 1929 1904 1923 1872 1952 1847 1930 1892 1922 1941 o 1915 1855 1861 1845 1903 1854 1860 1886 Holston ME Holston ME East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston ME Virginia MP Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Newark ME Western OME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Georgia ME Holston ME Holston Meth. Tennessee UB Holston ME Holston Meth. Blue Ridge-Atlantic ME Holston MES Holston ME; East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Tennessee EUB Holston UMC Central TN ME Holston UMC Holston Meth. Tennessee MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES East Tenn. Meth. Holston MES Holston Holston ME Holston ME New Jersey Meth. o Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Alabama ME 1957 e o o e 1948 1974 e 1940 1970 1966 e e 1909 e 1962 1990 1962 1962 e 1934 1948 1886? o 1931 e e 1987 1947 1949 1953 1909 e 1994 1963 1995 e 1973 1935 e 1873 1909 e 1945 1931 1917 1969 e 1945 1923 1976 1881 1965 1934 1957 1982 2006 1952 o 1881 o 1939 1889 1895 1909 1963 1871 1893 1941 1924 1955 1986 1875 1960 1984 1971 1839 1961 1910 1920 1972 2008 2001 1974 1984 1990 1963 1964 1888 1942 1945 1970 1967 2005 1962 1963 1956 1922 1984 1996 1973 1998 1976 1987 1941 1932 1873 1926 1929 1964 1944 1928 1975 1906 1980 1928 1991 1892 2001 1955 1983 1984 2009 1959 1873 1886 1877 1944 1892 1913 1941 Meth. ME ME Meth. ME Meth. UMC MES Meth. UMC UMC OME Meth. ME ME UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. Meth. ME Meth. Meth. UMC Meth. UMC Meth. Meth. Meth. MES UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. MES MES ME MES Meth. Meth. ME UMC UB UMC MES UMC MES Meth. UMC UMC UMC Meth. ME ME ME Meth. MES MES Meth. OF THE DEAD 369 Lenoir City TN Klontz Chapel, Clay Co. NC o o Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN McKinney, Rogersville TN Radford VA Bakersville NC Emory VA o Chattanooga TN Charleston TN Chattanooga TN o Mt. Zion GA Bristol TN o New Gray. Knoxville TN Kingsport TN Emory VA Elizabethton TN Galax VA o o Cleveland TN Knoxville TN White Pine TN Richlands VA o Hixson TN Clinton TN Knoxville TN Cremation Hamilton, Hixson TN Hixson TN Mosheim TN Hermitage TN Bristol TN Emory VA Sweetwater TN Woodlawn, Knoxville TN Emory VA Union Town OH Lenoir City TN Morrison’s Chapel, Carter Valley TN Pennington Gap VA o Greeneville TN Bristol VA Chattanooga TN Wytheville VA UMC Athens TN Kingsport TN Emory VA o Greene Co. TN Milburnton TN Greene Co. TN Milburnton TN Ewing VA Marion VA Rural Retreat VA Fincastle TN 370 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1894 1922 Holston MES Miller, Claude T. Miller, Samuel A. o 1836 Holston OME 1852 1882 Holston ME Miller, W. C. Mills, George Wesley 1878 1914 East Tennessee UB Milsaps, William Burk 1922 1950 Tennessee EUB Mincey, Cleveland Leonard 1926 1964 South Georgia Meth. Mitchell, Albert S. o 1914 East Tennessee ME 1814 1851 Holston MES Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, Edwin Dean 1926 1964 Holston Meth 1865 1895 Alabama ME Mitchell, James A. Mitchell, James Thomas 1928 1961 Holston Meth. Mitchell, Tennie o 1902 East Tennessee UB 1844 1868 Holston MES Mitchell, William D. Mize, Christopher Columbus 1915 1939 Holston MES 1918 1942 Tennessee Moheny, Ralph W., Sr. Moneyhun, Lon M. 1909 1940 Holston Meth. 1852 1886 Holston ME Monroe, M. H. Moore, Enoch W. 1832 1853 Holston MES Moore, J. M. o 1897 Virginia MP Moore, Mark M. 1901 1925 Holston MES Moore, Ransom M. o 1849 Holston MES Moreland, George M. 1866 1891 Holston MES Morelle, S. V. o 1900 Holston MES Morgan, H. D. o 1949 East Tennessee Meth. Morgan, J. M. o 1918 W. Tennessee UB Morrell, Wheeler M. 1870 1894 Holston MES Morris, Jesse W. 1877 1913 Holston MES Morrison, Benjamin M. 1869 1904 Holston ME Morrison, J. F. 1826 1869 Virginia ME Mort, Edward W. 1855 1890 Holston MES Morton, F. E. W. o o East Tennessee ME Morton, John P. 1855 1889 Holston ME Moss, J. Burchell 1918 1946 Holston Meth. Mowrey, George W. 1938 1975 Holston UMC Mullens, James L. 1870 1898 Holston MES Munsey, Isaac N. 1857 1888 Holston MES Munsey, Thomas K. 1816 1840 Holston OME Murphy, Andrew J. 1876 1898 Holston ME Murphy, Charles A. 1858 1894 Holston MES Murphy, William S., Jr. 1928 1956 Holston Meth. Murphy, W. B. 1807 1833 Holston OME Mustard, Walter E. 1897 1942 Holston Meth. Naff, George Eakin 1916 1944 Holston Meth. Naff, John Eakin 1852 1880 Holston MES Nash, Joseph G. J. 1890 1922 East Tennessee ME Naylor, E. R. 1889 1914 Memphis MES Neal, Henry C. 1829 1862 Holston MES Neal, William W. 1824 1846 Holston MES Neel, John S. W. 1839 1866 Holston MES Neel, Lyle M. o 1902 Holston MES Neese, Dean M. 1908 1931 Holston MES Neighbors, William S. 1860 1887 Holston MES Nelson, D. J. o 1895 Holston ME Newcomb, G. T. 1847 1878 Michigan ME Newgent, A. J. o 1903 Wabash UB Newman, A. A. 1858 1906 Kansas ME (Served as lay pastor in both UB and ME before joining Conference) Newton, James M. 1838 1881 Virginia ME Nichols, Alden W. 1908 1956 Holston Meth. Nicholson, J. A. o o Holston ME 1895 Tennessee UB Nuckolls, Benjamin F. 1838 1861 Holston MES Ogle, Edwin Hugh 1896 1922 Holston ME Ogle, Horatio B. 1848 1874 Holston ME Oliver, William L. 1872 1905 Holston ME O’Neal, Millard F. 1896 1927 Tennessee UB Orr, John C. 1858 1886 Holston MES 1959 e e 1945 e 1990 1946 1858 1994 1933 On Trial 1931 1923 1983 1987 1978 1899 1903 e 1967 e 1897 1928 1954 e 1940 e e 1881 e o e 1983 e 1943 1935 1850 1941 1895 e e 1966 1984 1922 e 1959 1901 1875 1914 1910 1973 1937 e e 1911 1923 1909 1978 1893; e 1878 1967 1909 1935 e 1936 1961 1863 1912 1959 1985 1992 1947 1859 2003 1936 1964 1936 1927 1994 2008 1987 1926 1904 1907 1977 1851 1949 1954 1954 1918 1952 1938 1929 1887 1923 1901 1894 1995 2004 1955 1936 1872 1942 1895 1979 1842 1986 1998 1934 1954 1969 1913 1878 1924 1923 1992 1957 1905 1914 1913 1935 1918 1990 1905 1919 1971 1923 1937 1950 1950 Meth. MES ME EUB UMC UMC Meth. MES UMC ME Meth. UB MES UMC UMC UMC ME MES UB UMC MES Meth. Meth. Meth. UB Meth. MES ME ME MES ME ME UMC UMC Meth. MES MES Meth. MES UMC OME UMC UMC MES Meth. UMC MES MES MES MES UMC Meth. UB ME UB ME ME UMC UB MES UMC ME ME EUB Meth. Johnson City TN Lee County VA Knoxville TN Otterbein Lebanon OH Knoxville TN Brooklet GA o Carroll Co. VA Abingdon, VA Woodlawn, Knoxville TN o o Radford VA Chattanooga TN o San Marcos TX Mt.Pleasant, Anderson Co.TN Independence VA o Pigeon Forge TN o Lenoir City TN Glenwood, Bristol TN o o Greenwood, Knoxville TN Oakland, Galax VA Lenoir City TN Locust Springs, Greene Co. TN Emory VA o Clinton TN Galax VA o Fincastle TN Floyd VA Calhoun TN Maryville TN o Dublin VA Knoxville TN Mechanicsburg VA Emory VA Emory VA o Emory VA Abingdon VA Rhea Springs TN Johnson City TN Bloomingdale TN Cocoa Beach FL Chattanooga TN o Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN o Salem Lutheran, Cocke Co. TN Gate City VA Fountain City TN o Galax VA Maryville TN Middle Creek, Sevier Co. TN Woodlawn, Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Emory VA ROLL Orr, Taylor N. Osborne, James M. Osborne, Jay B. Osborne, Roy Lee Owen, Robert A. Owens, Garfield A. Owens, R. Padgett, B. W. (M.D.) Padgett, Robert T. Painter, Charles E. Pangle, Charles A. Parham, Frank Parker, Wilbur N. Parks, Richard Lee Parrott, John H. Parrott, Lowell E. Parsons, Robert F. Pasel, Howard A. Patterson, Glenn C. Patterson, James L. Patterson, Samuel Patton, Arnold Patton, Samuel Paxton, John M. Payne, Jacob R. Payne, Joseph F., Sr. Pearce, I. A. Peck, Joseph H. Pelleaux, Ernest W. Penley, J. N. Perkins, James A. L. Perkins, Kenneth M. Perry, J. F. Perry, John W. Peters, Adam C. Peters, John Pettis, G. H. Pettus, Mitchell O. Petty, J. S. Petty, William B. Phettepace, C. J. Phifer, Kenneth Harold Phillippi, Mack C. Phillips, H. Arthur, Sr. Phillips, Helen Greene Phillips, Morgan K. Phillips, Sewell Pickens, William B. Pickering, Carroll L. (Jack) Pickering, Charles E. Pickering, Walter Luke Pickett, J. A. Pierce, E. A. Pierce, Lewis Wetzel Pierce, Weston V. Pippin, Elisha M. Pippin, Isaac N. Pitts, William F. Platt, Robert B., Jr. Pleasants, William H. Pless, James H. Ploch, Donald Pope, Thomas J. Porter, Albert A. Porter, R. Frank, Jr. Porter, R. Frank, Sr. Prater, John L. 1890 1852 1908 1889 1853 o o 1839 1924 1866 1877 1918 1897 1886 1844 1906 1922 1922 1927 1903 o 1809 1797 1863 1840 1913 1839 o 1903 o 1864 1930 1848 1866 1843 o o 1914 1838 1945 o 1923 1917 1907 1937 1923 1831 1845 1926 1882 1894 o 1908 1878 1896 1871 1847 1872 1877 o 1912 1933 1817 o 1912 1879 1853 1920 1906 1952 1926 1877 1927 1926 1896 1945 1894 1906 1966 1932 1921 1871 1943 1949 1956 1934 1868 1829 1819 1891 1861 1954 1860 1847 1932 1872 1887 1971 1872 1892 1872 1894 1887 1951 1866 1995 1918 1970 1940 1932 1991 1950 1851 1877 1958 1935 1922 1902 1955 1906 1920 1894 1883 1895 1906 1883 1944 1956 1854 1878 1937 1907 1879 Holston MES Holston ME Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME Tennessee UB Tennessee UB Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Meth Holston MES Holston ME Holston OME Tennessee OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Pittsburg ME Holston MES Holston ME Virginia ME Holston MES Holston UMC Holston ME Holston MES Holston ME Tennessee UB Washington ME Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston UMC West Tennessee UB Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston ME East Tennessee ME Tennessee, EUB Holston MES Holston MES Virginia ME Virginia ME Georgia ME Holston MES Washington ME Holston Meth. South Indiana Meth. Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. St. Johns River ME Holston MES 1963 1922 1974 1955 1927 o 1931 e 1987 1936 1942 1981 1963 1947 1907 1971 1979 1993 1970 e e e 1824 1896 1978 1905 e 1968 o 1925 1996 1884 1942 1876 e 1920 1980 1908 e 1921 1989 1982 1973 2003 1988 e 1883 1989 1953 1963 e 1973 1950 1958 1936 1909 1944 e e e 1989 1875 1894 1978 1944 1917 1982 1939 1997 1971 1929 1938 1936 1907 1988 1938 1957 1992 1966 1958 1924 2002 2003 2007 2009 1996 1875 1839 1854 1930 1911 1988 1912 1850 1972 1893 1926 2003 1912 1954 1917 1911 1920 1993 1911 1999 1924 2007 1990 1988 2009 2005 1896 1883 2003 1974 1977 1928 2001 1967 1970 1942 1917 1952 1936 1926 1958 1999 1892 1904 2004 1944 1918 UMC Meth. UMC UMC MES Meth. UB UB UMC MES Meth. UMC Meth. Meth. MES UMC UMC UMC UMC ME OME MES MES ME UMC ME MES UMC ME MES UMC ME Meth. ME UB ME UMC ME UMC UB UMC UMC UMC UMC UMC MES MES UMC UMC UMC ME UMC Meth. UMC Meth. ME Meth. MES ME Meth. UMC MES ME UMC Meth. MES OF THE Bearden TN Graysville TN Abingdon VA Kingsport TN Pearisburg VA o o Hamilton Co. TN o o Kingsport TN Macon GA Moneta VA Emory VA Morristown TN DEAD o o o Johnson City TN o Lebanon VA Kingsport TN Emory VA Telford TN Bristol TN Knoxville TN o Lynnhurst KY Dryden VA Swan Pond TN Knoxville, TN Pleasant Hill, Meigs Co. TN Emory VA Burrville TN o o Rossville GA National, Chattanooga TN Sunset, Ooltewah TN o Abbott, Lenoir City, TN Mountain City TN Jackson TN Johnson City TN Grandview, Maryville, TN Eagle Furnace TN Ducktown TN o Knoxville TN Chattanooga TN o Greeneville Emory VA o Woodlawn, Knoxville TN Pippin, Washington Co. VA Knoxville TN Emory VA o Natchez MS Cedar Lawn, Paterson NJ Vernon TX o Greenwood, Knoxville, TN Athens TN Bristol VA 371 372 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1830 Price, Richard Nye Price, William H. 1837 1874 Priddy, Thomas Priest, Silas C. o Priestly, Henry S. o o Prigmore, J. F. Profit, George M. o o Provine, Eli Purser, L. Stephen 1943 1846 Pyott, William W. Qualls, A. M. 1871 Quillen, Claude D. 1930 1908 Quirk, Paul D. Rader, J. William 1869 1927 Rafiq, John D. Ragan, William H. 1885 1922 Rambo, John W. Rambo, Moses H. o Ramsey, Jacob P. 1926 Ramsey, Perry E. 1880 Randall, Eugene Boyd 1912 Randall, Zenas Buford 1889 Randolph, A. W. o Rapacioli, Richard J. 1936 Rawn, George M. 1940 Rayfield, Hobart H. 1915 Reagan, Daniel R. 1834 Redding, Joseph Thomas Jr. 1936 Redmond, Lincoln W. 1896 Reed, Jacob F. 1888 Reed, P. H. 1830 Reese, E. Levi 1930 Reese, Roy Isaac 1906 Regan, R. E. 1883 Remines, M. W. o Reneau, Isaac H. o Renfro, George W. 1823 Repass, J. W. 1866 Reynolds, Frank M. 1875 Reynolds, John 1797 Reynolds, Luther S. 1885 Reynolds, Rufus G. 1885 Richardson, Daniel 1832 Richardson, Frank 1831 Richardson, George G. 1897 Richardson, H. Powell 1913 Richardson, William H. o Riden, William W. 1913 Riddle, Ewing D. o Rightsell, Claude W. 1897 Ritchey, Ernest M. 1886 Roach, Alexander o Roach, Thomas H. 1899 Robbins, Wilmer B. 1913 Roberson, J. D. 1849 Robertson, Emory B. 1855 Robertson, John W. 1850 Robertson, R. C. 1847 Robeson, John H. Robeson, William Robeson, Wm. E. Orla Robinette, J. J. Robinette, Wm. Solomon Robinson, Ray Edwin Roe, Richard N. Rogers, Amos Leroy, Jr. 1818 1822 1889 1853 1880 1934 1913 1925 1850 1872 1901 o 1887 1889 1858 o 1980 1866 1903 1957 1945 1893 1970 1916 1950 1900 1954 1908 1938 1916 1888 1959 o 1955 1859 1964 1944 1914 1853 1983 1930 1914 1898 1895 1847 1894 1910 1819 1911 1911 1868 1854 1933 1941 1937 1970 1932 1926 1909 o 1929 1942 1875 1878 1875 1879 1904 1870 1844 1915 1878 1929 1958 o 1950 Holston MES 1907 1923 MES Morristown TN Holston MES 1896 1926 MES Emory VA Holston MES e 1932 MES Princeton WV East Tennessee ME o 1929 ME o East Tennessee ME o 1891 ME o East Tennessee ME 1932 1934 ME o Holston MES 1853 1864 MES Live Oak FL East Tennessee ME e 1899 ME o Holston Meth. e 1989 UMC Chattanooga TN Holston MES e 1911 MES Emory VA Holston MES 1926 1961 Meth. Pound VA Holston Meth. e 1991 UMC Knox Co. TN Holston Meth. 1974 1990 UMC Etowah TN Holston MES 1922 1923 MES Emory VA Holston Meth. 1984 1989 UMC Forsyth Co. GA Holston ME 1949 1959 Meth. Knoxville TN Georgia Meth. e 1967 Meth. o Iowa ME 1945 1953 Meth. o Holston Meth. e 1971 UMC Chapel Hill, Dunlap TN Central Tenn. ME 1947 1952 Meth. Washington Co. TN Holston MES e 1966 Meth. Townsend TN Holston MES 1948 1968 UM Chattanooga TN East Tennessee ME o 1935 ME o Holston Meth. e 1960 Meth. Iselin NJ Holston 2005 2009 UMC o Holston Meth. 1981 1999 UMC Forest Hills, Rock Hill SC Holston MES e 1866 MES Georgia Holston Meth. 2001 2008 UMC TN Veterans Cemetery, Knoxville TN East Tenn. Meth. o 1966 Meth. o Holston ME e 1942 Meth. Washington Co. TN Holston MES 1891 1904 ME Greeneville TN Holston UMC e 1997 UMC Cremation Holston MES 1970 2004 UMC Donated to Emory U. School of Med. Holston MES 1956 1961 Meth. Glade Spring VA Virginia MP 1939 1949 Meth. Clintwood TN Holston ME e 1911 UB o Holston MES 1885 1889 MES Harriman TN Holston MES 1915 1945 Meth. Bristol TN Holston MES 1905 1920 MES Andersonville TN S. Carolina OME 1867 1876 MES Asheville NC Holston MES 1922 1928 MES Union Cemetery, Newport TN Holston MES e 1933 MES Concord TN Holston MES e 1897 ME Straight Creek, Claiborne Co. TN Holston MES e 1912 MES LaFollette TN Tennessee UB e 1952 Meth. Greene Co. TN Holston Meth. e 1955 Meth. Narrows VA East Tennessee ME 1955 1962 Meth. Chattanooga TN Holston Meth. 1983 1994 UMC Riceville TN East Tennessee ME 1948 1952 Meth. o Tennessee UB 1962 1994 UMC Greeneville TN Holston MES e 1953 Meth. Marion VA East Tennessee ME o 1932? ME o Illinois MES 1959 1983 UMC o Holston MES 1982 1997 UMC Emory VA Holston ME 1916 1926 ME Roberson, Loudon TN Holston MES 1893 1894 MES Dalton GA Holston MES 1894 1904 MES Jasper TN Holston ME; supernumerary 1891; 1895 Tennessee UB; Holston ME 1910 1912 ME Pigeon Forge TN N. Carolina MES 1880 1885 MES Buncombe Co. NC Holston MES 1862 1905 MES Blountville TN Holston ME 1957 1959 Meth. Morristown TN Holston ME 1923 1925 ME Woodlawn, Knoxville TN Virginia MP 1948 1965 Meth. Chattanooga TN Holston Meth. 1995 2009 UMC Maryville TN Holston 1979 2009 UMC Davidson Co., TN Memphis Meth. e 1965 Meth. Memphis TN ROLL Rogers, John H. Rogers, Joseph L. Rogers, Wm. Hurd Rollins, Wm. Rathmell Romans, John M. Rominger, L. A. Rose, A. M. Rowan, George R. Rowe, J. Fred Rowe, N. K. Rowe, T. D. Royal, J. B. Ruble, James A. Rugh, Donald E. Rule, M. A. Rule, Perry T. Rumburg, J. K. Runyan, John C. Russell, Harrell M. Russell, T. H. Russell, Thomas B. Russell, T. W. Rustin, John W. Rutherford, C. W. Sadler, C. N. Sadler, Jasper N. Sallee, Clarence D., Jr. Salmon, Charlie W. St. Clair, Ben B. Sanders, Francis P. Sanders, John Sanders, Leslie Calvin Samders, W. L. Scalf, M. M. Scarborough, P. H. Schuler, Thomas C. Scott, R. A. Scott, S. B. Scroggins, Roy E. Scruggs, Fred S. Seaton, J. B. Seaton, Moses F. Sells, Bradley T. Settle, Frank A., Sr. Sevier, Elbert Seymour, W. Mervin Shamborguer, Nicodemus Shankle, Jack N. Sharp, W. A. Shelton, Arthur E. Shelton, Floyd B. Sherrill, J. C. Shields, J. T. Shugart, Edward A. Shugart, James A. Shuler, J. A. H. Shupe, Gurney L. Simpkins, Walter H. Simpson, George W. Simpson, John B. Simpson, Oscar L. Sims, T. Paul Singleton, Toy W. Sivils, Martin Luther Skeen, Carroll H. Slagle, David C. Slagle, William S. o 1901 1813 1909 1838 1847 1857 1861 1878 1868 1876 o 1844 1915 1844 1907 1853 1845 1903 1833 1854 o 1900 1897 1860 1879 1916 1912 1920 1874 1867 1895 o o 1870 1859 1842 1829 1908 o 1831 1829 1890 1906 1802 1906 o 1929 1888 1922 1892 o 1825 1872 1910 1859 1890 1886 1846 1859 1892 1898 1919 1876 1904 1879 1932 1909 1948 1832 1938 1889 1886 1886 1892 1913 1894 1898 1931 1866 1943 1875 1936 1878 1871 1927 1859 1875 o 1922 1939 1895 1913 1972 1949 1946 1903 1901 1926 1909 1910 1899 1883 1872 1877 1956 1910 1867 1857 1914 1931 1823 1932 1902 1954 1910 1944 1916 1924 1894 1896 1938 1886 1916 1925 1870 1885 1915 1925 1969 1915 1937 1904 1957 East Tennessee ME East Tenn. Meth. Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Blue Ridge ME Holston ME Holston ME Holston ME Holston ME Blue Ridge ME East Tennessee ME Holston ME New Jersey Holston ME Holston ME Virginia ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee ME Tennessee MES Holston MES Central Tenn. ME Holston ME Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Central Tenn. ME Holston ME S. Carolina MES East Tennessee ME East Tennessee UB Holston ME Holston MES Virginia ME Holston ME Holston Meth. East Tennessee ME Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Baltimore MES Holston OME Holston Lexington ME W. No.Carolina Meth. South Illinois ME Virginia Meth. Holston MES East Tennessee ME Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston UMC Georgia ME Holston ME Blue Ridge ME Holston Meth. 1937 1968 1873 e 1894 1917 1893 1902 1940 1924 e o e 1982 1903 e 1915 1907 1970 1894 e o 1964 e o 1920 1986 1977 1986 o e 1948 o e 1902 1930 1909 1892 1975 1951 e 1881 1957 1976 1852 1971 o e e 1984 e 1937 1906 1944 1978 1933 1952 1957 1904 e 1964 e 1981 1938 1970 1935 1997 1952 1970 1891 1976 1927 1928 1936 1955 1942 1925 1910 1966 1916 2001 1912 1964 1927 1908 1978 1902 1912 1911 1985 1952 1931 1922 2002 1991 1999 1939 1924 1949 1946 1930 1902 1931 1914 1896 1992 1957 1905 1889 1957 1988 1862 1997 1944 1975 1935 1993 1957 1942 1906 1955 1992 1935 1959 1970 1932 1933 1979 1955 2001 1964 1972 1954 2007 Meth. UMC ME UMC MES ME ME Meth. Meth. ME ME Meth. ME UMC ME Meth. ME MES UM ME ME ME UMC Meth. ME ME UMC UMC UMC Meth. ME Meth. Meth. UB ME MES ME ME UMC Meth. ME ME Meth. UMC MES UMC Meth. UMC ME UMC Meth. Meth. UB Meth. UMC MES Meth. UMC MES MES UMC Meth. UMC Meth. UMC Meth. UMC OF THE DEAD o Elizabethton TN Cleveland TN Chattanooga TN Marion VA Red Hill, Bradley Co. TN Magnolia, Maryville TN Chattanooga TN Washington Co. TN Unicoi Co. TN Roan Mountain TN o Maryville TN Sevierville TN Beaver Ridge TN Sevier Co. TN Wilson, Simpson’s VA Pleasant Grove TN Loudon TN Sunbright TN Johnson City TN o Atlanta GA Mt. Pleasant, Greene Co. TN Memorial, Chattanooga TN White Oak,Chattanooga TN Blount Co. TN Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN Friendsville TN Magnolia, Maryville TN Kelton SC o o Concord TN Emory VA Hatcher’s, Roanoke VA Oliver Springs TN Athens TN o Wildwood, Blount Co.TN Cedar Grove, Greene Co. TN Grayson Co. VA Emory VA Chattanooga TN Maryville TN o Floyd VA Dahlgren IL Emory VA Emory VA o Chestnut Hill, Jefferson Co. TN Marion VA White Pine TN Emory VA Yellow Spring OH West End, Wytheville VA Johnson City TN Bluefield WV o Knoxville TN Hamblen Co., Morristown, TN Kingsport TN Kingsport TN Athens TN Bristol, TN 373 374 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Slaughter, Elbert L. Slutz, J. Homer Small, J. A. Smalley Jr., Walter E. Smalling, James A. Smeltzer, William R. Smith, David Russell Smith, Edgar D. Smith, Frederick F. Smith, George W. Smith, Jacob Smith, James Castro Smith, James T. Smith, James Robert Smith, John Napoleon Smith, John Wesley Smith, Luther H. Smith, Ned D. Smith, Park W. Smith, Robert E. Smith, Robert Paul Smith, S. Guy Smith, Walter A. Smith, W. D. Smith, W. W. Smyth, Tobias F. Snavely, A. Y. Snavely, Frank R. Snider, William R. Sniples, J. J. Sorrell, Will L. Southerland, Robert M. Speer, J. G. H. Spence, John F. Spring, James Edgar Spurlin, James C. Standefer, Rufus M. Stapleton, R. L. Starks, D. D. Starling, Sherman P. Steele, Charles E. Steele, William S. Steiner, Joel Sterchi, Gordon A. Stevens, Rufus M. Stevenson, J. H. Stevenson, Marion A. Stewart, Absalom D. Stewart, George Stewart, James O. Stewart, John W. Stewart, R. A. Still, Elijah Stone, Ausker Meek Stone, J. Woodford Stout, G. M. Strader, Tyler D. Stradley, Charles L. Stradley, John R. Stradley, Paul G. Strait, C. Elmer Straley, James O. Strange, Joseph S. Street, L. Ogleva Stringfield, James K. Stringfield, Thomas Stuart, J. Ray 1903 1884 o 1927 1912 1917 1835 1907 1914 o 1835 1916 1819 1928 1876 1847 1909 o 1867 1846 1917 1898 1887 1832 1814 1837 1846 1920 1849 o 1868 1937 o 1828 1865 1890 o 1870 o 1919 1864 1914 o 1925 1808 1860 1892 1833 1821 1913 1869 o 1805 1878 1900 1859 1866 1867 1825 1905 1913 1864 1859 1912 1839 1796 1916 1947 1912 1894 o 1938 1979 1868 1930 1942 1896 1861 1939 1847 1950 1905 1872 1932 1918 1907 1870 1943 1925 1920 1867 1851 1860 1889 1948 1883 1944 1892 1980 1821 1853 1893 1927 1875 1899 1922 1942 1893 1940 1894 1947 1834 1916 1914 1858 1851 1964 1904 1948 1831 1923 1930 1892 1890 1887 1856 1934 1940 1884 1890 1950 1858 1816 1940 East Tennessee Meth. Central New York ME Tennessee UB Holston Holston MES Holston UMC Holston MES Holston MES Ohio Meth. East Tennessee ME Holston MES East Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston Meth Tennessee UB Holston ME Georgia ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Tennessee Holston MES East Tenn. Meth. Holston MES Holston Meth. Tennessee OME Cincinnati ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Liberia ME Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston Meth. Tennessee UB Holston Meth. Holston OME Troy ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES East Tennessee Meth. Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston ME Holston Holston MES Tennessee OME Holston Meth. 1968 1957 1906 1991 1978 1986 1886 1970 1961 1913 1891 1981 1886 1990 1943 1911 1971 o o 1908 1984 1960 1959 1874 e 1890 1909 1996 1928 o e 2002 1825 1867 1929 1957 e 1942 1937 1985 e 1980 1906 1991 1861 e e 1899 1879 e e o 1873 e 1966 1902 1922 1932 1873 e 1983 e 1921 1977 e 1853 1980 1986 1974 1913 2009 1993 2002 1888 1992 1984 1937 1921 2003 1887 2006 1961 1918 1992 1943 1917 1910 2007 1972 1964 1892 1863 1893 1911 2006 1933 1966 1915 2006 1833 1912 1945 1984 1926 1944 1942 2008 1932 1988 1911 1992 1864 1919 1961 1923 1891 1969 1952 1966 1875 1934 1992 1905 1942 1933 1905 1967 1995 1912 1934 2002 1870 1858 2000 UMC UMC UB UMC UMC UMC MES UMC UMC ME MES UMC MES UMC Meth. MES UMC Meth. ME MES UMC UMC Meth. ME MES ME ME UMC MES Meth. MES UMC OME ME Meth. UMC MES Meth. Meth. UMC MES UMC UB UMC MES ME Meth. MES MES UMC Meth. Meth. ME MES UMC ME Meth. MES MES Meth. UMC MES ME UMC MES MES UMC Dublin VA Rumford RI o o Chattanooga TN o Rogersville TN Emory VA Paintsville KY o Wytheville VA Dandridge TN Asheville NC Chattanooga, TN Kingsport TN Pulaski VA Knoxville TN o o Chattanooga TN Greenwood, Chattanooga, TN Greene Co. TN Greeneville TN Sugar Crk., Bradley Co. TN o Emory VA Well Springs TN Lenoir City TN o Clinton TN Decatur, GA o Knoxville TN Roanoke VA Emory VA Clinton TN Memorial, Chattanooga TN o o Bull’s Gap TN Emory VA o body to science Covington KY Mt. Olivet, Nashville TN Jonesborough TN Dunlap TN Wythe Co. VA Chattanooga TN Benton TN o Red Hill, Bradley Co. TN Mt. Carmel VA Chattanooga TN Andersonville TN West View, Radford VA Emory VA Hiwasssee College TN Emory VA Ft. Worth TX Emory VA Memorial, Chattanooga TN Johnson City TN Asheville NC Strawberry Plains TN Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN ROLL Sullins, David Sullins, Timothy Summer, George W. Sutherland, Robey K. Sutton, Philip Swaim, Mitchell P. Swan, R. A. Swan, Richard A. Swecker, James E. Swisher, H. B. Swisher, Jesse G. Tabor, Patrick P. Tarwater, Charles B. Tarwater,Oliver Rule, Jr. Tarwater, Oliver Rule, Sr. Tate, John W. Tate, Wm. Lasater Tate, William T. Taylor, Clarence W., Sr Taylor, French E. Taylor, N. G. Teilmann, Gunnar J., Jr. Thames, Richard H. Thomas, F. D. Thomas, Harry E. Thompson, Leander W. Thompson, G. H. Thompson, William C. Thorn, Arthur S. Throop, Ben T. Tietze, Godfrey Tiffany, Clarence W. Tiller, Hiram B. Timmons, Louis A. Tinker, Sidney Tinner, James A. Tomlinson, R. Kyle Torrey, Henry Marion Towe, Alfred H. Trentham, Eulys C. Triplett, Marquis J. Triplett, Rufus K. Trotter, Frank E., Sr. Troy, H. Olin Troy, William H. Tumlin, Wallace Ray Tunnell, John Turner, Cass M., Sr. Turner, Charles Milburn Turner, Dallas T. Turner, J. M. Turner, Lewis J. Turner, Sterling D. Turner, W. H. Turner, William L. Tuttle, S. D. Tyree, D. B. Tyson, Anthony Umberger, J. Harvey Umberger, R. S. Varnell, John M. Varner, Carroll H., Jr. Vaught, S. B. Vestal, Eugene C., Jr. Wagg, John D. Wagner, Curtis L. Wagner, Dupey M. 1827 1812 1853 1870 1823 1832 o x 1861 o 1803 1893 1886 1911 1881 o 1875 o 1895 1902 1819 1918 1892 o 1915 1849 1845 1866 1868 1917 1889 1897 1894 1921 o o 1916 1872 1862 1898 1911 1871 1910 1904 1864 1929 1755 1915 1911 o o 1909 1925 1878 1811 1866 o 1910 1864 1856 1824 1915 1868 1926 1835 1903 1912 1850 1832 1877 1894 1854 1853 o 1890 1890 1860 1844 1916 1920 1939 1907 1880? 1922 1955 1925 1933 1872 1942 1925 1923 1951 1872 1901 1907 1890 1956 1914 1945 1938 1942 1894 1929 1941 1902 1886 1925 1935 1900 1935 1934 1895 1975 1777 1943 1937 o 1919 1938 1952 1928 1837 1897 1915 1944 1907 1886 1849 1940 1894 1953 1853 1939 1943 Holston MES Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston OME Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES East Tennessee Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston Meth. Holston ME East Tennessee ME Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES West Virginia MES Holston Meth. NW German (in Iowa) East Tennessee ME Holston MES Delaware Meth. SE Indiana ME East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. Central Tenn. ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston UMC Virginia OME Holston Meth. Holston ME AME Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston Meth. Tennessee UB Holston OME Georgia ME East Tennessee ME East Tennessee Meth.. Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. 1914 1856 1920 e 1889 1892 1910 e e e 1864 e 1955 e 1954 o 1939 o 1962 1969 1882 1981 1959 o 1981 e 1909 1927 e 1983 1954 1968 e e 1882 1952 1982 1920 1926 1962 e e 1978 1971 1921 1995 e 1979 1949 1923 o e 1988 1939 1885 1914 e 1976 e 1908 1856 1980 1933 1989 e 1968 1960 1918 1885 1925 1916 1896 1915 1919 1914 1909 1864 1866 1958 1965 1976 1965 1917 1967 1958 1972 1988 1887 1987 1970 1946 1987 1878 1923 1929 1926 1984 1975 1973 1954 1991 1905 1978 1985 1963 1930 1991 1973 1929 1995 1977 1937 2002 1790 1987 1977 1923 1936 1961 2008 1959 1889 1915 1964 1985 1925 1935 1857 2006 1935 2009 1866 1982 1998 MES MES MES MES MES MES ME ME MES MES MES Meth. Meth. UMC Meth. ME Meth. Meth. UMC UMC ME UMC UMC Meth. UMC MES ME MES MES UMC UMC UMC Meth. UMC UB UMC UMC Meth. MES UMC UMC MES UMC UMC MES UMC OME UMC UMC ME UB Meth. UMC EUB MES ME Meth. UMC MES MES MES UMC MES UMC MES UMC UMC OF THE DEAD Cleveland TN Knoxville TN Glade Spring VA Emory VA Princeton WV Liberty Hill TN o o Wythe Co. VA Greeneville TN Calhoun TN Chattanooga TN Knoxville TN Etowah TN Johnson City TN o Dunlap TN So. Pittsburg TN Abingdon VA Knoxville TN Happy Valley, Carter Co. TN Blacksburg VA Maryville TN o Knoxville TN Floyd VA Smith’s Chapel, Simpson VA Emory VA Princeton VA Shouns TN Chattanooga TN Oak Grove, Bluewell WV Emory VA Carterville SC o o Gunnings, Blountville TN Kissimmee FL Emory VA Rockwood TN Knoxville TN Chattanooga TN Knoxville TN Emory VA Bluefield VA Dayton TN Dew’s Chapel WV Dandridge TN Nashville TN o o Etowah TN o Greene Co. TN Jonesville VA Dayton TN o o Mt. Pleasant VA Athens WV Calhoun TN Tazewell VA o Hillsville VA Greenwood, Chattanooga TN Columbus OH 375 376 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1902 1933 Wagner, Enos Wagner, George Samuel 1871 1903 1854 1881 Wagner, William N. Wakefield, Troy M. 1903 1927 Walker, Edward W. 1846 1889 1875 1905 Walker, James M. Walker, John R. 1850 1876 1868 1908 Walker, Newton F. Walker, Richard E. 1873 1904 1865 1897 Walker, Robert Walker, Robert M. 1863 1889 Walker, Robert W. 1931 1953 1840 1861 Walker, T. S. Walker, William H. 1869 1897 1919 1952 Walter, James N. Wampler, French McFerrin 1881 1910 1927 1956 Wampler, George M. Wampler, I. A. 1863 o Wampler, Joseph F. 1848 1879 Wampler, Roy T. 1909 1938 Wanser, o o Ward, Charles K. 1922 o Ward, John B. 1857 1895 Ward, W. W. o 1903 Ware, Joseph T. 1859 1892 Wareing, E. C. 1872 1892 Warner, David A. 1900 1929 Washington, Rufus D. O 1888 Waterhouse, Richard G. 1855 1878 (Elected MES bishop from Holston 1910) Watkins, A. G. 1818 1867 Watkins, Clyde F. 1905 1923 Watkins, James H. 1874 1912 Watkins, John M. 1902 1935 Watson, Frederick D. 1888 1913 Watson, Jerry M. o 1893 Watson, Neil M. 1857 1888 Watts, Richard W. 1880 1913 Waugh, Henry P. o 1855 Weaver, John H. 1942 1974 Webb, Robert Bell Jr. 1924 1952 Webber, Wilson A. o 1896 Webster, Charles S. 1878 1911 Weems, A. I. o 1878 Weikel, M. Conway 1987 1924 Weller, Glen C. 1930 1963 Wells, B. F. 1813 1838 West, Thomas R. 1838 1861 Westcoat, Mary o 1894 Wetherly, Samuel S. 1857 1873 Wexler, Edwin C. 1820 1858 Wheeler, Samuel R. 1816 1861 White, Josiah 1926 1959 White, O. B. 1893 1929 White, William A. 1886 1925 Whitten, Lunn P. 1896 1924 Wikle, Arthur E. 1896 1938 Wikle, John W. 1926 1951 Wilcox, Robert Lyndon 1918 1945 Wiley, Edward Emerson Jr. 1910 1937 Wiley, Ephraim Emerson 1814 1840 Wilkerson, Thomas 1772 1792 Wilkinson, William D. 1887 1922 Williams, A. Neal 1890 1936 Williams, Arnold M. 1918 1962 Williams, Charles H. 1892 1918 Williams, George C. 1874 1902 Holston MES Holston MES Baltimore MES Southern Cal.-Arizona ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston MES Sou. Illinois Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston Meth Virginia MP Holston MES Holston ME Holston ME Holston Holston MES East Tennessee ME Georgia ME N.W. Indiana ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston ME Holston MES Baltimore MES Holston ME Holston ME East Tennessee North Carolina MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston UMC Holston Meth East Tennessee ME Central Missouri ME Washington ME Baltimore MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tenn. Meth. Georgia ME Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston Meth Holston Meth. Holston MES Western OME Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston MES Wilmington ME 1965 1945 1921 1976 e 1934 1916 1928 1935 e 1927 1999 1905 1938 1984 1942 1990 o e e e 1999 1925 o 1916 1941 1971 1935 1920 1873 1973 1933 1971 1947 1913 1934 1943 1890 e 1982 1929 1950 1894 1964 e 1877 1909 e e 1864 1887 1971 e 1958 1955 1961 1989 1989 1978 e 1830 e 1960 1984 1959 e 1988 1947 1933 1994 1901 1949 1917 1929 1939 1907 1938 2000 1909 1939 1991 1950 2007 1941 1900 1973 1877 2009 1928 1943 1931 1944 1982 1937 1922 1895 1978 1936 1991 1967 1930 1938 1946 1898 1999 2007 1933 1969 1894 1977 1995 1884 1917 1896 1905 1865 1890 1974 1946 1966 1966 1974 1997 2008 2003 1893 1856 1948 1972 2009 1970 1925 UMC Meth. MES UMC MES Meth. MES MES ME ME MES UMC ME MES UMC Meth. UMC Meth. MES UMC ME UMC MES Meth. ME Meth. UMC ME MES ME UMC MES UMC Meth. ME MES Meth. MES UMC UMC ME UMC ME UMC UMC ME ME UB MES MES MES UMC Meth. Meth. Meth. UMC UMC UMC UMC MES MES Meth. UMC UMC UMC ME Knoxville TN Emory VA Emory VA o New Providence TN Orlando FL Wytheville VA Johnson City TN Cross Anchor, Greene Co. TN Wildwood, Blount Co TN Strawberry Plains TN Highland, Knoxville TN Morristown TN Strawberry Plains TN Johnson City TN Bridle Creek VA Pine Grove, Jasper, TN Midway TN McDaniel Chapel TN Bristol TN o Abingdon VA o Ludville GA o Alcoa TN o Emory VA Jefferson City TN Knoxville TN Highland, Knoxville TN Knoxville TN Greene Co. TN o Chattanooga TN Rocky Gap VA Morristown TN Newmanstown NJ o o Princeton WV o Johnson City TN Chattanooga TN Leicester NC Athens TN Elm Grove, Knoxville TN Emory VA Alabama Anderson WV o Morristown TN White Pine TN o Wytheville VA Maryville TN Alcoa TN Knoxville, TN Emory VA Abingdon VA Pulaski TN Narrows VA Mountain HomeTN Shelby Hill, Bristol TN Silver Lake, Dover DE ROLL Williams, John G. Williams, Leonard J. Williams, Moses H. Williams, W. H. Willis, Tranver O. Wilson, B. C. Wilson, Carmen E. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Leander W. Wilsom, Reid Snethen Wilson, T. J. Wilson, Walter E. Wing, Arthur Burdette Wingo, Chapman K. Winkler, E. J. Winslow, Walter Clay Winton, Wiley B. Witcher, William W. Witt, James Harvey Witt, Ted R. Sr. Wolfe, John M. Wolfe, Joseph E. Wood, George S. Woods, John Wesley Woods, S. A. Woodward, Alexander E. Woodward, Elbert Neal Woodward, George W. Woodyard, E. O. Woolsey, John Worley, Elbert Dayton Worley, William Paul, Jr. Wright, A. B. Wright, A. O. Wright, Carl H. Wright, D. Bruce Wright, Emory L. Wright, E. M. Wright, George T. Wright, Onnie C. Wright, Robert Lake, Sr. Wright, W. H. Wyatt, Frank B. Wysor, Michael J. Yankee, Emmanuel H. 1930 1872 o o 1918 1865 1906 o 1816 1927 1921 1932 1905 1883 1862 1878 1812 1817 1879 1909 1844 1874 1872 1840 o 1831 1866 1875 1871 1851 1892 1911 1826 o 1891 1892 o o o 1889 1898 1858 1890 1850 1873 1960 1904 1937 1925 1952 1908 1929 1903 1836 1948 1963 1938 1910 1885 1914 1833 1854 1916 1936 1872 1896 1892 1890 o 1855 1892 1920 1904 1888 1916 1933 1867 1914 1917 1920 1911 1909 1875 1911 1920 1907 1921 1894 1915 Holston Meth. Holston MES Christian Meth. Epis. Tennessee UB Holston Meth. Louisville MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME Holston OME Holston Holston Meth. Holston MES Holston MES Blue Ridge ME Holston ME Holston OME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME East Tennessee ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME West Virginia ME Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES Holston ME East Tennessee UB Holston MES Holston MES East Tennessee ME East Tennessee UB Washington ME Holston MES Holston MES Ohio Southeast UB Holston MES Holston MES Holston MES e 1919 1961 1947 1985 e 1968 o 1850 1989 e 1971 1937 1913 1938 1839 1889 1885 1974 1902 e e e o 1885 1943 1934 1934 1905 1959 1973 1891 o 1957 1958 o o 1911 1955 1961 1931 1957 1934 1945 1990 1929 1968 1967 1994 1932 1991 1942 1851 2002 2001 1984 1980 1942 1927 1965 1878 1892 1918 2000 1917 1936 1915 1891 1946 1904 1945 1948 1936 1911 1963 2002 1893 1952 1968 1977 1939 1952 1912 1956 1988 1952 1987 1936 1957 UMC MES UMC EUB UMC MES UMC Meth. MES UMC UMC UMC UMC Meth. ME Meth. MES MES MES UMC MES MES MES ME Meth. MES Meth. Meth. ME MES Meth. UMC ME EUB UMC UMC Meth. o ME Meth. UMC EUB UMC MES Meth. OF THE DEAD Alcoa TN Rock Springs, Georgia Maryville TN o Jonesborough TN Ooltewah TN Chattanooga TN o o Johnson City TN White Pine TN Maryville TN Emory VA Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN Tasso TN Rheatown TN Springfield MO Cleveland TN Etowah TN Greenwood, Knoxville, TN Dryden VA Knoxville TN Hilton VA o o Tate Spring TN Lebanon VA Emory VA Lutheran, Mosheim TN Powell Station TN Jonesborough TN Burrville TN o Emory VA Maryville TN o o o Jonesborough TN Chattanooga TN Knoxville TN Cleveland TN Pulaski TN Elizabethton TN Probationary Members 1968 - 2009 Name Ailor, Albert E. Griffith, Howard L. Moore, Paul Lee Parlour, Robert D. Year Born 1951 1925 1942 1924 Year Joined 1976 1956 1965 1982 Conference First Joined Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Denomination Year Year at Time Retired Died of Death e 1961 e e 1979 1996 1979 1983 UMC UMC UMC UMC Place of Burial Cremated o A. Johnson, Greeneville TN Shelburne NJ 377 378 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Snapp, Doris Davidson Lundy, John Smart, James A. 1928 1922 1913 1990 1977 Holston UMC 1993 2002 Diaconal Ministers 1969 - 2009 Holston UMC Holston UMC 1987 1995 2005 UMC Bristol TN UMC UMC Seahorn, Dandridge TN Associate Members 1969 - 2009 Since this classification began in 1968, all these persons were United Methodist. Many of them served as lay pastors before joining the conference (some in other denominations), and many served as retired pastors. Name Adcox, James T. Ayers, James A. “Jay” Beasley, Cecil Paul Banks Billingsley, Robert E. Bishop, Joe Donald Bishop, Gary Donald Booher, Virgel F. Bowman, Harry H. Bowman, Mattye Kirby Brantley, Trumer U. Breese, Clarence W. Buchanan, George L. Buck, Sheridan T. Campbell, Wayne G. Churchwell, Leonard G. Clawson, Edward C. Clemons, Luther T. Conner, R. Boyd Crabtree, James L. Cross, Willard J. Crotty, Allen V. Cutshaw, Robert “J. R.” Dalton, John Ed DeHart, Elmer D. Diggs, Hubert L. Dye, Charles C. Edmonds, William R. Sr. Farmer, Raymond H. Garman, William D. Grace, Claude M. Hale, Richard Nathaniel Hamm, C. Clay Harris, James E. Harville, Cecil Haun, Edgar Taylor Hawk, Billy Joe Hayes, Marvin D. Hyndrich, James Louis Ireson, Rawley Johnson, David R. Jordan, Odell C. Kelley, Joseph B. Year Born 1935 1943 1912 1925 1930 1940 1926 1907 1908 1926 1916 1921 1915 1925 1904 1926 1918 1904 1914 1910 1914 1925 1938 1913 1934 1927 1948 1913 1927 1909 1929 1926 1931 1933 1918 1937 1935 1926 1913 1921 1905 1925 Year Joined 1969 1987 1969 1990 1979 1963 1969 1969 1966 1969 1943 1969 1970 1969 1971 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1985 1969 1970 1976 o 1989 1969 1969 1969 1969 1972 1971 1994 1961 1969 o 1981 1969 1985 1969 1984 Conference First Joined Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Year Retired 1997 e 1977 2003 1992 1995 1991 1976 1973 1988 e 1986 1981 1991 1974 1992 e 1972 1980 e e e e 1979 2002 e 1979 1993 1974 1994 1988 e 1997 1984 e 2002 1988 1978 1987 1981 1988 Year Died 2006 1992 2000 2009 1998 1998 2004 1993 2007 2003 1973 2004 1987 2003 1980 2007 1976 1981 1995 1973 1977 1988 1990 1993 2001 2009 2004 1992 2009 1996 2002 2002 1976 2004 1999 1999 2010 1997 1985 1995 1983 1988 Place of Burial Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens Newman, Galax VA Rural Retreat, VA Bushnell FL East Lawn, Kingsport TN Piney Flats, TN Sherwood, Alcoa TN o o Grandview, Bluefield VA Fairview, New Tazewell, TN Cedar Springs, Wytheville VA Maryville, TN Hillcrest, Dandridge TN Monte Vista Memorial Park, TN Bethany Luth.,Cripple Creek VA Capital, Austin TX o Bristol TN Roselawn, Bluefield VA Central, Mosheim TN o Greene Co. TN Knoxville TN o o Farmer, Pulaski VA Johnson City TN Lee, Jonesville VA Hamblen, Morristown TN Jefferson City, TN Green Lawn, Greeneville, TN Oak Hill, Kingsport TN Strawberry Plains, TN Woodlawn, Bluewell WV Providence, Wythe Co. VA McEachern Powder Springs GA o Hayneville, Montgomery AL ROLL Kincheloe, John W. LaFollette, Kyle Lawson, Luther E. Lewis, Franklin E. Lindy, John A. Lingerfelt, Oral Littreal, Thurman B. Littreal, Vernon B. Lyons, Ben C. Mabe, Walter E. Mustard, Lena Willie Jane Pagans, George Perry, Franklin B. Phipps, Silas S. Pitsinger, Barmes S. “Barney” Raines, J. Earl Reneau, Hubert Ross, J. Stanley St. Clair, George J. Satterfield, Jess Willard Sexton, Charles Shupe, Arlin Duane Smith, David Rollyn Snapp, Lee Roy Snodgrass, Festus W. Stafford, Edgar T. Stafford, Ray C. Tibbs, Dean Mason Williams, Arnold D. Williams, Larry R. Willis, Judge Ray Wood, David A. Wood, James B. “J. B.” Yost, E. Leon 1934 1921 1913 1911 1908 1918 1917 1911 1921 1917 1906 1913 1926 1914 1915 1906 1922 1897 1924 1917 1921 1935 1929 1931 1908 1931 1920 1938 1910 1938 1905 1929 1904 1926 1982 1971 1959 1970 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1983 1969 1969 1969 1969 1943 1969 1969 1981 1981 1987 1974 1952 1980 1969 1994 1969 1972 1988 1969 1967 Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Meth. Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Meth. Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston 2000 1980 1979 1979 1979 e e 1978 e 1983 1972 1978 1996 e 1985 e e 1968 1989 1982 1992 1997 e e 1976 e 1985 1971 2004 1975 e 1977 e 2006 1981 2007 1991 1990 1970 1978 2009 1979 1992 2002 1992 2006 1981 1990 1981 1984 1980 1991 1987 1999 2008 1998 1993 1980 1994 1997 2002 1973 2010 1997 1990 1987 2010 OF THE DEAD 379 Holston, Emory, VA Greenlawn, Greeneville TN Oak Hill Memorial Park, Kingsport TN Church Hill TN Resthaven, Newport TN A.Johnson, Greeneville TN Mt. Hope, Fries VA o A.Johnson, Greeneville TN Temple Hill, Castlewood VA Mechanicsburg VA Thornspring, Pulaski VA National Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN Grandview, Tazewell VA o Hamblen, Morristown TN Hills Union, Dandridge TN Highland, Dublin VA Maryville TN Greenwood, Knoxville TN Rose Lawn, Marion VA Fries VA o Surgoinsville, TN Weber City VA Westview, Radford VA Lee, Jonesville VA Bird’s Chapel o Highland, Rogersville TN o Lakewood, Chattanooga TN o Local Pastors 1969 - 2009 Many of the persons named below served as lay pastors before 1969. Hundreds of others did also, but many Conference journals did not record their deaths, so none who died before 1969 are listed here. Name Arnold, H. Leslie Arnold, James H. Atkinson, John W. Aytes, Roland W. Billingsley, Wendell Bragg, Otis Glenn Brooks, Franklin D. Burcham, R. Glenn Cahill, Albert Call, James H. Carpenter, Theodore M. Cary, William T. Casteel, Theodore R. Clark, Elbert L. Clarke, R. Shelton Cline, Walter, Jr. Cluck, William Paul Culbertson, Charles C. Year Born 1929 1929 1892 1910 1942 1898 1932 1945 1908 1908 1901 1929 1919 1902 1911 1931 1916 1945 Year Joined 1982 1956 1924 1939 2000 1955 1983 o 1970? 1972 1958 1975 1948 1966 1959 1997 Conference First Joined Holston UMC Holston Meth. Tennessee ME Holston Meth Holston UMC Holston Meth Holston UMC Holston Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Holston UMC Year Retired e 1991 1957 1976 e 1962 2002 e 1973 1985 1968 1986 1967 1973 1982 e Year Died 1991 1998 1974 2004 2005 1982 2009 2009 1975 1998 1983 2001 1987 1970 1991 2000 2000 2008 Place of Burial Oak Hill, Kingsport TN Logan’s Chapel, Maryville TN Spring Chapel, Jamestown TN Frankfort Church, Frankfort TN o Fairview, Tazewell TN Bishop Chapel UMC, Carroll Co. Elizabeth, Saltville VA Mt. Rose, Glade Spring VA Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN East Lawn, Kingsport TN Johnson, Roan Mountain TN Seahorn, Dandridge TN Morristown TN Maryville TN o 380 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Cullop, Raymond Day, Charles G. Dean, Ernest S. Dobbs, J. Dewey Dye, Lewis C. Edwards, Norman F. Edwards, Warren J. Emmert, Claude Haskel Emmitt, Sherman T. Fisher, Clyde Vinston Fleenor, Robert Rye Foster, George S. Funk, Bradford E. Fuqua, Edward Moses Gammon, Sam P. Gentry, F. R. “Pete” Gentry, Thomas R. Gill, Golda W. Gott, John W. Griffey, Dan D. Griswold, Gerald D. Hall, H. L. Hamilton, Rollin Hawk, Howard Helton, Henry D. Hickman, Clinton T. Hillian, James C. Hoover, Herbert W. Hudson, John Willie Huff, Otis R. Huff, Ruth B. (Mrs. Otis) Huffine, Constance F. Hulin, Hurd J. Irwin, William H. Jarrett, Dale Jarvis, John W. Jervis, Daniel V. Johnson, J. Alton Jolley, John Kegley, Lewis N. Lane, Henry L., Jr. Lane, William Claude Latham, Michael Leming, William H. Light, J. Roland Lindholm, Charles A. Lynch, Benjamin F. Lynch, E. Gene (M.D.) Lynch, Frank J. Maness, Gilbert A. Martin, Charles P. Mason, A. Harvey, Jr. McAlister, Franklin D. Mason, Perry H., Jr. McAmis, Ivan L. McConnell, Robert E. McCoy, Perry McCullough, Donald L. McDonald, Donald F. McHenry, Charles E. Mercer, William J. Minnick, Fred Robert Misamore, Ivan L. Mitchell, John H. Miracle, Paul A. Morgan, Fred T. Morton, Walter J. 1927 1934 1911 1926 1930 o 1924 1924 1901 1926 1918 1921 1911 1940 1907 1906 1922 o 1913 1923 1943 o 1921 1931 1895 1917 1929 1910 1923 1891 1895 1949 1920 1892 1951 1916 1925 1932 1901 1905 1922 1923 1889 1889 1897 1937 1924 1925 1914 1890 1934 1915 1935 1933 1927 1913 1905 1948 1936 1916 o 1942 1920 1899 1936 1914 1885 1971 1961 1985 1988 1951 1964 1973 1941 1987 1977 1982 1969 1974 1954 1949 1984 1945 1952 1959 1995 o 1967 o 1953 1959 1977 1979 1980 1935 1940 2000 1960 1952 1949 1972 1974 1956 1944 1974 1974 1938 1918 1941 1969 1994 1982 1973 1954 1977 o 1996 1965 1962 1951 1976 1963 1941 1993 1960 1943 1982 1956 1928 Holston UMC Holston Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Holston Meth. Holston Holston Holston UMC o East Tenn. Meth. o Holston Meth. East Tenn. Meth. Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston UMC E. Tennessee ME E. Tennessee Meth. Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston ME Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston Southern Baptist Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Methodist Freewill Baptist Holston UMC Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston UMC Kentucky Neth. Holston Holston Holston MES 1994 1977 1992 1994 1974 e 1986 1967 1997 1984 1988 1977 e 1973 1966 1990 1966 1992 e o 1986 o 1960 e 1998 e 1990 1952 o e 1985 1956 e e 1999 1966 1967 1991 1989 1965 o 1970 1996 2000 e 1979 1968 1996 e e 1984 e 1973 1990 1982 1955? e e o 2006 1982 1959 2003 2007 2003 1993 2000 1979 1970 2002 1993 2005 2009 1998 1978 1996 1991 1982 2009 1978 2001 2006 1998 1975 1997 2006 1985 1971 2000 1980 1995 1979 1994 2004 1991 1980 2000 1973 1992 2003 1976 1974 1997 2002 1970 1977 1975 1996 2007 1994 2009 1972 1997 2001 1991 2006 1999 1985 1987 2000 1996 1984 1975 2009 1979 1968 2010 2006 1972 Damascus, VA o Decatur TN Krollkreg, Abingdon VA Greenwood, Knoxville TN Gladeville, Galax VA Knoxville TN Smoky Mtn., Pigeon Forge TN Kingsport, TN Trezevant TN Pleasant Hill, Wytheville VA Kingsport TN Tri-Cities, Blountville TN Jones Chapel, Etowah TN o Highland, Knoxville TN Kingsport TN Woodhaven Mem Gdns, Powell TN Forest Hills, Abingdon VA o Green Lawn, Greeneville TN o Peck’s, Maryville TN Pine Creek, Dayton TN Spivey Cemetery, Dayton, TN o Little, Elizabethton TN Southview, Atlanta GA Southview, Atlanta GA o Concord TN o Knoxville TN Powell Valley, Big Stone Gap VA o Memorial, Chattanooga TN Evergreen, Wythe Co. VA Riverview, East Stone Gap VA Gate City VA Pleasant Hill, Sevier Co. TN Woodlawn, Knoxville TN Oak Hill, Kingsport TN Liberty Hill, Mt. Carmel TN o o New Canton, TN Hamblen, Morristown TN Cremation o Byrd’s Chpl. Concord TN Fairview, Greene Co. TN Holston View, Weber City VA Gethsemane, Greene Co. TN Cremation Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN o o Liberty, Kingsport TN Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN o o Forest Hills, Chattanooga TN ROLL Moseley, John A. Neeley, Gerald G. Neeley, Sam H., Jr. Newman, Wilson Heath Newman, Mia Nine, Robert Ortwein, M. H. Parham, James W. Pickett, Lloyd Lee Pierson, Bobby D. Provence, Monte K. Quesenberry, C. Glynn Rich, Fred S. Ricker, Clyde E. Riley, C. Martin Robertson, James A. “Jack” Ross, Vance McDonald Running, Russell D. Sauceman, Wilbur C. Scyphers, Carl F. Shadden, Hoyt Sharpe, Vertrue Shepherd, Robert E. Shepard, Robert S. Sisk, V. Delaney Smith, Benny L. Smith, Edward G. Smith, Floyd D. Smith, Leland T. Sparks, L. K. Sproles, John T. Statzer, Ernest J. Stock. Shirl F. Stoner, Rosamond O. Summers, M. O. Thompson, James B. Thompson, Julia Shropshire Trobaugh, Robert A. Tucker, Buford A. Walter, Randell S. Webb, Howard M., Sr. Webb, James M. Wilkey, Virgil H. Williams, Daniel Lomax Williams, Kenneth R. Woodward, Dale Wright, Albert C. Wright, James M., Sr. Wright, T. J., Jr. 1888 1952 1921 1929 1965 1937 1894 1929 1913 1938 1896 1913 1916 1925 1949 1938 1890 1942 1897 1929 1895 1904 o 1873 1939 1952 1884 1927 1909 o 1888 o 1897 o 1922 1902 1890 1918 1923 1945 1942 1894 o 1909 1943 1929 1924 1904 1951 o 1974 1971 2008 2000 1940 1983 1977 1980 1924 1938 1980 1973 1968 2002 1982 1922 1992 1927 1971 1925 1926 1989 1940 1963 1980 1909 1965 1946 1946 1909 o o 1921 1962 1957 1953 1966 1956 1990 1995 1946 o 1943 1967 1945 1971 1969 Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston Holston UMC North GA MES Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston MES; Holston ME Holston UMC Holston UMC Holston Holston Holston UMC Holston MES Holston UMC Holston ME Holston UMC Holston ME Holston MES Holston UMC East Tennessee ME Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston MES Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston ME Holston Church of God Holston MES Holston Meth. E. Tennessee Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston Meth. Holston UMC Holston Holston Meth. o Holston Meth. N. New Jersey UMC Southern Baptist Holston UMC Holston UMC 1960 o 1988 1994 e e 1955 1995 1980 1983 1961 1983 1981 1988 e e 1948 e 1953 e 1968 1972 e o e e 1943? e e e 1953 o 1973 1944? o o 1963 e 1989 e e 1973 o 1973 e 1988 1992 1973 1971 2006 2007 2005 2010 2007 1970 2000 1990 1988 1971 1995 1990 2009 2009 1990 1986 1997 1982 1988 1988 1999 1990 1973 1971 1982 1969 1979 1986 1969 1971 2009 1985 1975 1994 1985 1973 1981 2009 1999 2010 1988 1978 1984 1980 1991 2007 1977 OF THE DEAD 381 East Lawn, Kingsport TN Big Stone Gap, VA Woodhaven, Powell TN Emory & Henry Cemetery, Emory VA Maryville, TN Greenwood, Knoxville TN Lakewood, Chattanooga TN Hartman’s, Mosheim TN Grandview, Bluefield VA o Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN Maple Hill, Bluefield VA o o o National, Chattanooga TN o Mountain Home, Johnson City TN Union, Newport TN Glenwood, Bristol TN Greenhill, Etowah TN Sherwood, Alcoa TN Lake Hills, Trenton GA Rockwood TN Greenwood, Chattanooga TN o Claypool Hill VA Church Hill TN Oak Hill, Kingsport TN Woodlawn, Knoxville TN o o Jarnagin, Morristown TN o Lynnhurst, Knoxville TN Chattanooga TN o Lakewood, Chattanooga TN Roselawn, Johnson City TN Charleston TN o Buttram, Dayton TN National, Nashville TN Weber City VA Temple Hill, Castlewood VA Sunset, Clinton TN Mount Rose, Glade Spring VA Restlawn, Bluefield WV 382 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE X. HISTORICAL SESSIONS OF THE HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Since the unification of the Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church in 1968, and the merger of the Knoxville District of the Tennessee-Kentucky Conference and the Holston Conference. No. Year Time 12. (156) 13. (157) 14. (158) 15. (159) 16. (160) 17. (161) 18. (162) 19. (163) 20. (164) 21. (165) 22. (166) 23. (167) 24. (168) 25. (169) 26. (170) 27. (171) 28. (172) 29. (173) 30. (174) 31. (175) 32. (176) 33. (177) 34. (178) 35. (179) 36. (180) 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1. (145) 2. (146) 3. (147) 4. (148) 5. (149) (Called) 6. (150) 7. (151) 8. (152) 9. (153) 10. (154) 11. (155) 37. (181) 38. (182) 39. (183) 40. (184) 41. (185) 42. (186) 43. (187) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 May 30-June 2 June 11-15 June 10-14 June 6-10 June 11-14 Nov. 3-4 June 13-17 June 12-15 June 11-15 June 8-12 June 13-16 June 12-16 June 12-16 June 9-12 June 15-18 June 14-17 June 13-16 June 11-14 June 10-12 June 9-12 June 15-18 June 13-16 June 12-15 June 11-14 June 10-13 June 15-18 June 14-17 June 13-16 June 12-15 June 10-13 June 8-11 June 14-17 June 13-16 June 11-14 June 10-13 June 9-12 June 8-11 June 13-16 June 12-15 June 11-14 June 10-13 June 8-11 June 14-17 June 13-16 Place Lake Junaluska, N.C. Knoxville, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. Madisonville, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. Radford, Va. Johnson City, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. Lake Junaluska, N.C. President H. Ellis Finger, Jr. L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen L. Scott Allen H. Ellis Finger, Jr. H. Ellis Finger, Jr. H. Ellis Finger, Jr. H. Ellis Finger, Jr. H. Ellis Finger, Jr. H. Ellis Finger, Jr. H. Ellis Finger, Jr. H. Ellis Finger, Jr. R. Kern Eutsler R. Kern Eutsler R. Kern Eutsler R. Kern Eutsler Clay F. Lee Clay F. Lee Clay F. Lee Clay F. Lee Clay F. Lee Clay F. Lee Clay F. Lee Clay F. Lee Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. James E. Swanson, Sr. James E. Swanson, Sr. James E. Swanson, Sr. James E. Swanson, Sr. James E. Swanson, Sr. James E. Swanson, Sr. Secretary R. Kyle Tomlinson R. Kyle Tomlinson R. Kyle Tomlinson R. Kyle Tomlinson G. Wayne Cummings G. Wayne Cummings G. Wayne Cummings Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Gary Grogg, Act. Sec. Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy Robert Boy G. Wayne Cummings Richard J. Patterson Leonard R. Arnold Leonard R. Arnold Leonard R. Arnold Leonard R. Arnold Leonard R. Arnold Leonard R. Arnold Leonard R. Arnold Leonard R. Arnold Raymon E. White Raymon E. White Raymon E. White Raymon E. White Dennie D.Humphreys, Acting Secretary Dennie D. Humphreys Grady C. Winegar Grady C. Winegar Grady C. Winegar Grady C. Winegar Daniel H. Taylor, Jr. Daniel H. Taylor, Jr. X. DIRECTORIES DIRECTORIES 383 A. CLERGY DIRECTORY – 2010-2011 NAME (SPOUSE) *Abbott, Jr. *Adams * Denotes attendance at Annual Conference ** Denotes excused absence from Annual Conference Kenneth K. (Mary) STATUS FE CHARGE/DISTRICT Tuckaleechee MA PL Bruce FL Todd R. FE Doris J. RD *Aker Steven A. FE Ebenezer-Bailey *Akers III Willard T. “Bill” FE Wauhatchie Stuart K. FE Aldana W. FE Ronald O. RE *Allen-Villinger Elizabeth C. OE *Allison Donald E. RE *Amodei Andrew FE *Amos Clifford W. FD *Amos, Jr. Raymond PE Elm Tree Parish *Amos, Sr. Raymond FE Bluefield, First *Adams *Adams Ahern *Albee *Allen Allen (Barbara) (Chantele) (Kay) (Angela) (Elizabeth) (Sonya) (Letha) (Eleanor) (Rachel) (Victoria) (Kim) (Pat) Immanuel MA First Sevierville MA Bluff City JO Retired CC: Cassidy KI TA CH Wheeler KI Lonsdale KN Retired CC: Allen Memorial CL Franklin Street WY Retired CC: Christ CH First Broad Street KI Holston Conference Foundation CC: St. Paul, Ftn City KN KI TA PHONE/FAX O 865-448-2463 H 865-448-2464 F 865-448-9769 214 Cedar Street Sevierville, TN 37862-3848 O 865-453-5754 H 865-816-3433 F 865-453-4572 2033 Cochran Place Maryville, TN 37803-9213 O 865-983-5889 H 865-379-2756 F P.O. Box 190 Bluff City, TN 37618-0190 O 423-538-7822 H 423-538-7677 F 423-538-7822 126 Ebenezer Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 O 276-322-3253 H 276-322-4017 F 276-322-3253 732 Liberty Church Road Kingsport, TN 37663-4609 O H 423-477-8866 F 3401 Cummings Hwy Chattanooga, TN 37419-2308 O 423-825-5766 H 423-821-6075 F 865-691-3157 P.O. Box 5565 Knoxville, TN 37928-0565 O 865-522-7257 H 865-414-8338 F 707 North Washington Ave Pulaski, VA 24301-3637 O 276-228-7095 H 540-980-1580 F 211 Sanders Street Blountville, TN 37617-6323 208 Million Street Athens, TN 37303-2226 2501 Saint Lucie Court Chattanooga, TN 37421-1880 P.O. Box 1346 Kingsport, TN 37662-1346 P.O. Box 900 Alcoa, TN 37701-0900 2505 Nathan Street Kingsport, TN 37664-3320 200 South College Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605-1707 O 423-323-7267 H 423-239-5736 F 423-323-3892 O H 423-745-6678 F O 423-892-9363 H 423-892-8601 F O 423-224-1504 H 423-753-3485 F 423-246-1361 O 865-690-8124 H 865-973-0663 F 865-690-3162 O 423-245-3033 H 423-782-0291 F 423-245-8496 O 276-326-1466 H 276-326-1390 F 276-326-1311 C LERGY D IRECTORY Bill F. ADDRESS/E-MAIL 7322 Old Tuckaleechee Road Townsend, TN 37882-3812 384 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Anders *Anderson STATUS (Shirley) RL CHARGE/DISTRICT Pearisburg Circuit P.O. Box 664 Bland, VA 24315-0664 ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX St. Marks 701 Mississippi Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37405-2857 O 423-267-5530 H 423-267-7048 F 6125 Perry Road Knoxville, TN 37914-9556 O 865-909-9353 H 865-522-9687 F 865-766-0275 Retired CC: Newport, First MO 247 Meadow Brook Ct Springtown, TX 76082-6218 O H 817-458-6997 F Logan’s Chapel 4626 Logans Chapel Loop Maryville, TN 37804-3151 O 865-983-3011 H 865-233-0262 F TA O H 276-688-9869 F David G. FE John C. FE Larry J. PL Susan Lankford FE Judith RE E. Mahan RE Douglas A. FE Susan PL Danny PL D. Alan SY Teresa FL *Atwater Gary PL New Century *Austin Fred L. RE Avers Dorothy DR Retired CC: Pearisburg, First TA 204 Hale Street Pearisburg, VA 24134-1343 O H 540-921-0210 F **Bacon John Y. RE Bailes James R. FE Retired CC: Hixson CH Emerald Avenue 6503 Queensbury Lane Hixson, TN 37343-2558 O H 423-847-0379 F *Bailey Donnie Lee FL Broadford Circuit **Anderson *Anderson *Anderson **Anna Archer *Armstrong C LERGY D IRECTORY Ted P. *Arnold Arp *Ashworth *Atkins McClure (Carrie) (Susan) (Lori) (Wm. Richard) (Freddrick Long) (Laura) (Dianne) (Mike) (Wanda) (Mary) (Janice) (Vivian) (Billie) (Diane) (Karen) CH Kingston OA Piney Grove KN Kendricks Creek KI Retired CC: Fountain City KN MA Elm Tree Parish KI Chilcutt CL Round Mountain Circuit TA Christ KN OA Retired CC: Fountain City KN KN AB P.O. Box 248 Kingston, TN 37763-0248 4004 Homestead Drive Kinsport, TN 37663-2412 5429 Dogwood Road Knoxville, TN 37918-3456 591 Henry Harr Road Blountville, TN 37617-4936 5718 Mouse Creek Road NW Cleveland, TN 37312-6245 O 865376-6337 H 865-3765236 F 865-376-4619 O 423-239-5411 H 423-765-7606 F 423-239-7356 O 865-483-4357 H 865-688-2280 F O 423-245-4947 H 423-323-0401 F 423-245-4947 O H 423-479-5459 F 94 Edgewood Lane Bastian, VA 24314-5209 O H 276-688-6151 F 5808 Glenlyn Drive Powell, TN 37849-4960 O H 865-938-8866 F 7535 Maynardville Pike Knoxville, TN 37938-3348 2301 Sunnywood Lane Knoxville, TN 37912-4569 1620 N. Central Street Knoxville, TN 37917-5541 3968 Blue Grass Trail Saltville, VA 24370-4199 O 865-922-1412 H 865-922-9251 F 865-922-2890 O H 865-521-6456 F O 865-523-7150 H 865-483-5273 F 865-637-7399 O H 276-496-3451 F NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS W. Kenneth Baines Miles D. RL Gary E. FE Ted F. RE *Balch William H. RE *Ball, Jr. James M. RE Thomas T. FE Karolyn “Kristie” PE Joe H. FE Mark A. FL John W. RE Amy Beth FE **Barton Bobby D. FE *Bastian Englebert PL Bates Phillip F. PL *Baker **Baker *Ballard, Jr. *Banes *Barber *Barber **Bardsley *Bartee *Batts Bauman (Janice) (Jewell) (Charlotte) (Nancy) (Carol) (Betty Joyce) (Jonna) (Eric) (Elsilynn) (Sara Jo) (Beverly) (Mona) RE Janet K. Manning FL (Robert) B. Frank (Dixie) RE CHARGE/DISTRICT Wildwood CH Retired CC: Fall BranchLogan’s Chapel KI Second ADDRESS/E-MAIL P.O. Box 8 Wildwood, GA 30757-0008 110 Whitlock Drive Fall Branch, TN 37656-1836 KN 3757 Big Springs Road Maryville, TN 37801-8912 Retired CC: Church Street KN P.O. Box 11285 Knoxville, TN 37939-1285 385 PHONE/FAX O 706-820-0063 H 706-861-0715 F O H 423-348-7972 F O 865-524-1689 H 865-712-5280 F 865-673-6128 Retired 218 Broad Street CC: Sweetwater, First Sweetwater, TN 37874-1813 MA O H 423-337-7839 F 423-337-7839 Retired CC: Concord OA O H 919-255-9591 F St. Paul WY Mountain City Circuit AB Kingsley-Hermon KI Mt. Zion-Savannah CL 2028 Castle Pines Drive Raleigh, NC 27604-8498 330 Church Street Wytheville, VA 24382-2622 O 276-228-5539 H 276-228-8327 F 276-228-5080 2828 Bloomingdale Road Kingsport, TN 37660-1965 O 423-288-5837 H 423-288-4443 F 1795 Highway 421 North Mountain City, TN 37683-6157 AB O 423-284-6904 H 423-238-5363 F 16545 Wyndale Rd Abingdon, VA 24210-8301 O H 276-628-6149 F Incapacity Leave 25709 Yellow Bluff Road CC: Pigeon Forge, First Lucedale, MS 39452-8331 MA Moores Gap OA Appalachian Prayer Fellowship-Trinity, Wise, Associate BI O H 423-727-7846 F 7005 Ooltewah Georgetown Rd Ooltewah, TN 37363-6241 Retired 131 Hermosa Drive CC: First Broad Street Fall Branch, TN 37656-1636 KI Wallace-Wyndale O 865-558-8150 H 865-584-7742 F 870 Pearl Drive Lenoir City, TN 37772-6239 7013Candlewicke Drive Wise, VA 24293-5853 First Broad Street UMC P.O. Box 1346 Kingsport, TN 37662-1346 KI Retired 130 Park Blvd CC: Marion East Circuit Marion, VA 24354-4102 AB O H 423-348-7417 F O H 865-388-8380 F O H 865-988-5399 F O H 276-328-1019 F O 423-224-1514 H 423-341-9233 F 423-246-1361 O 276-783-5873 H 276-783-5873 F C LERGY D IRECTORY *Bailey DIRECTORIES 386 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Baxter Baxter, Jr. STATUS RA CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 928 Florida Avenue Bristol, TN 37620-4014 O H 423-764-0937 F Retired CC: Sulphur Springs CH 345 Angela Drive Whitwell, TN 37397-8900 Cherokee Circuit 2255 Kingsport Highway Greeneville, TN 37745-3558 RE Martha M. PL Christine W. RL Robert H. RE James W. “Bill” FE A. Carol PE David K. FE Dallas J. RE Jake PL *Bell Harrison PL Mt Carmel *Bender Heidi PE Bright Hope Circuit Benetto Terry PL Red Hill-Sugar Creek *Bennett William C. RD Bungalow *Bennington James L. FE Wesley Memorial James D. RE *Berg Brandon R. PE Retired CC: Maryville, First MA 2207 Cochran Road Maryville, TN 37803-2813 O H 865-983-6356 F *Beria Bert E. PL Vine Grove 517 County Road 778 Athens, TN 37303-6317 O H 423-336-1285 F Bean *Bean *Beard, Sr. *Beaty Beavers Beck, Sr. *Beeler Benson (Jane) (Bob) (John) (Frances) (Kim Isley) (Rocklan) (Peggy) (Dexter) (Joyce Ann) (Karoline) (Leslye) Retired CC: State Street AB O H 423-240-3356 F George W. *Beamer C LERGY D IRECTORY Cecil J. MO Retired CC: Morristown, First MO Emerald Avenue KN Martel OA Sweetwater Circuit MA Chaplain, U.S. Army CC: New Salem CH Retired CC: St. John CH Thompson Chapel OA KI MO CL MA JO 511 Lee Drive Morristown, TN 37814-3131 O H 423-581-8787 F 4561 Muddy Creek Road Lenoir Ciry, TN 37772-5901 O 865-986-7028 H F 1620 North Central Street Attn: Olivia Luethke Knoxville, TN 37917-5541 2529 Oakland Road Sweetwater, TN 37874-3665 1031 Hillshire Drive Clarksville, TN 37043-2108 O 865-523-7150 H 865-687-2502 F 865-523-8650 O 865-213-0453 H F O H F 4311 Thunderbird Drive Chattanooga, TN 37406-1234 O 423-892-2257 H 423-892-8562 F 423-855-7880 604 Independence Avenue Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3723 O 423-245-8371 H 423-357-6821 F 280 Paradise Point New Tazewell, TN 37825-6302 275 Bright Hope Road Greeneville, TN 37743-8544 207 Sharon Drive NE Cleveland, TN 37312-4866 3505 Wilkinson Pike Maryville, TN 37803-3346 225 Princeton Road Johnson City, TN 37601-2052 Washington Co. Parish 191 Opie Arnold Rd Limestone, TN 37681-2521 JO CL O 423-639-2239 H 423-638-1124 F O H 423-626-1466 F O H 423-329-1165 F O H 423-584-2436 F O H 865-984-3596 F O 423-282-6722 H 423-283-4101 F 423-282-6200 O 423-620-1880 H 423-257-2223 F 423-257-2307 NAME (SPOUSE) Berta *Best Bestman Joseph (Doris) Larry K. (Loretta) STATUS RL RE Dowahking W. W. OE (Mary) CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: BSG, Trinity BI Retired CC: Church Street KN McCarty JO ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 18 East 21st Street North Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3452 6911 Dorchester Drive Knoxville, TN 37909-2608 104 McCarty Church Road Telford, TN 37690-2338 387 PHONE/FAX O H 276-523-1680 F O H 865-212-4279 F O H 423-747-6379 F O H 423-357-3352 F *Bishop Benny J. FL Incapacity Leave 5116 Stanley Valley Road *Bishop Patricia E. RE Retired Dale C. RE 700 Sydney Bean Way Knoxville, TN 37918-9047 O H 865-253-7539 F Fred L. RE 6840 Collinswood Drive Nashville, TN 37221-3961 *Black Bobby FL O H F *Black C. Joseph FE Middlesettlements *Blackburn III H. Carlton FE Thomas R. RL Wesley Foundation, GA Southern Univ. CC: Maryville, First MA Lisa FD Blair B. Ann RE Blair Edwin G. FL *Blair Laura R. FE G. Stephen FE Kenneth J. AM Bittinger Bittle, Jr. **Blackwood Blakemore *Blevins (Lee) (Vivian) (Lisa) (Kristen) (Bobbie) (Leland) (Lee) (Kathleen) (Carolyn) (Scarlett) KI KN Retired CC: Reynolds Mem. AB Retired CC: New Life KN Washington Hills CH MA 1 Liberty Place, Apt. 329 Bristol, VA 24201-2363 6216 Hadley Drive Chattanooga, TN 37416-3217 2729 Middlesettlements Road Maryville, TN 37801-7424 O H 276-591-3255 F O 423-892-8050 H 423-855-4646 F O 865-982-4799 H 865-379-8513 F 865-982-5460 103 Herty Drive Statesboro, GA 30458-5025 O 912-681-3136 H 912-842-7607 F Retired CC: Pleasant Hill CL 327 Reads Lake Road Chattanooga, TN 37415-2035 O H 423-875-5594 F 423-875-5594 Retired CC: West End WY 407 Felts Lane Max Meadows, VA 24360-3628 Good Neighbors of Blount County CC: Maryville, First MA Three Bells-Hortons’ Chapel BI St. Paul WY Wesley Bible Seminary CC: Blountville KI Bland Circuit TA 1309 South Court Street Maryville, TN 37803-6039 O 865-681-5420 H 865-983-7147 F 865-681-5447 O H 276-637-6431 F 308 Fugate Street Duffield, VA 24244-9793 O 276-431-2091 H 276-431-2088 F 276-431-2099 4544 Meadowhill Drive Jackson, MS 39206-5951 O 601-366-8880 H 601-987-8717 F 601-366-8832 94 N. Scenic Hwy. Bland, VA 24315-4656 O 276-688-4521 H 276-688-3633 F 330 Church Street Wytheville, VA 24382-2622 O 276-228-5539 H 276-613-0886 F 276-228-5080 C LERGY D IRECTORY Blackshear (Helen) CC:Campground Parish Church Hill, TN 37642-8111 388 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) PHONE/FAX 2242 Coon Ridge Road Hillsville, VA 24343-1945 O H 276-728-9380 F PL Grahams Forge *Boles George W. FE Powell *Boles Sherrell E. FE St. John Robert RL Frank M. “Bob” RE Retired CC: Rogersville, First KI Gregory D. PL Mt. Hermon Richard D. PL Sharon SP JearoldstownUnion Temple JO 15590 Kingsport Highway O Chuckey, TN 37641-3648 H 423-348-7890 F Albert J. RE William R. RL Retired CC: First Centenary CH 5805 North Park Road Hixson, TN 37343-4667 O H 423-870-2339 F Timothy B. FE 900 Spring Street Johnson City, TN 37604-6846 O 423-928-9222 H 423-929-3137 F 423-928-9223 *Bostick Bostick *Bowers *Bowers *Bowles, Jr. *Boyd *Bracken (Brenda) (Charlsie) (Phyllis) (Missy) (Dessie) (Chris) (Josephine) (Kellie) OA WY KN CH Conf. Coordinator, Older Adult Ministries CC: Maryville, First MA OA RandolphWells Chapel CH Evensville CL Johnson City, First JO Bradby Porterfield “Pete” RL Braddy Carolyn M. RL Red Hill *Bradley Daniel PL Looney’s Chapel *Brady J. Scott FE Shady Grove David E. FE Trinity *Brannock (Glorial) (Mable) (Beth) (Mary Ethel) Retired CC: Haven ChapelAsbury OA CL TA MO MO 156 Taliwa Court Knoxville, TN 37920-3165 O H 865-573-2318 F Ray (Irene) Asbury ADDRESS/E-MAIL *Bolen (Stephanie) SY CHARGE/DISTRICT Kevin Boragine C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS *Blue 323 W. Emory Road Powell, TN 37849-4318 3921 Murray Hills Drive Chattanooga, TN 37416-2923 302 Ridgewood Drive Rogersville, TN 37857-3059 925 Stonecrest Drive Maryville, TN 37804-3740 O 865-938-2741 H 865-938-3741 F 865-938-8371 O 423-892-2257 H 423-892-4930 F 423-855-7880 O H 423-272-3578 F O 865-690-4080 H 865-977-7967 F 865-690-3162 132 Lane Road Lenoir City, TN 37772-5524 O 865-938-7910 H 865-988-3411 F 865-769-0115 135 Raulstontown Rd South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1906 O H F 329 Sierra Drive Dayton, TN 37321-4235 1421 Rosalyn Drive Knoxville, TN 37914-5653 O H 423-775-5508 F O 865-945-5670 H 865-523-9048 F 1757 Highland Avenue NW Cleveland, TN 37311-4362 O H 423-479-5331 F 1675 Harold Patterson Rd Dandridge, TN 37725-6032 O 865-397-7453 H 865-397-2421 F 865-397-7453 177 Apostolic Drive Bandy, VA 24602-9471 524 Tusculum Blvd Greeneville, TN 37745-3939 O H 276-988-0450 F O 423-638-7521 H 423-638-3380 F 423-638-1887 NAME (SPOUSE) Brewer, Jr. *Brewster Bridge *Briggs **Britton, Jr. *Brooks *Brown, Jr. *Brown Robert C. (Janice) STATUS RP John D. FE Nelson Wayne RL Mary K. FE James L. RE James H. PL (Gincy) (Rob) (Ann) (Letitia) Andrew Jackson RE (Nancy) CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL McCampbell 3652 Blue Byrd Lane Kodak, TN 37764-1377 First Farragut OA 12733 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37934-0918 Emory & Henry College, Chaplain AB P.O. Box 947 Emory, VA 24327-0947 Clearview PO Box 642 Doran, VA 24612-0642 MO TA O 865-453-7901 H 865-429-2757 F Retired 321 South Cherokee Street CC: Munsey Memorial Jonesborough, TN 37659-1111 JO O H 423-753-9646 F RE *Brown R. Steven FE *Brown W. Anthony “Tony” FE Pecks Memorial *Brown Taylor Diana FD Healthy Mind Counsel Srvc.7440 Openview Lane Donald M. RL Brummett Bryan (Starla) (Daniel) (Viola) Charles M. RE *Bryan Hugh P. FE *Bryan Priscilla R. FE (Margaret) (Ilene) Narrows, First TA Impact Ministries CC: Shady Grove AB Ten Mile-Oak Grove CL Trinity CL P.O. Box 398 Narrows, VA 24124-0398 222 Paint Rock Road Kingston, TN 37763-5823 PO Box 396 Athens, TN 37371-0396 MA 2438 Wilkinson Pike Maryville, TN 37803-4135 CC: Church Street KN Corryton, TN 37721-3599 Retired CC: Fall BranchLogan’s Chapel KI Retired CC: Logan’s Chapel MA Goodfield Circuit CL Fairview, Associate MA 6306 E 11th Street North Wichita, KS 67208-2613 511 Pearson Springs Rd Maryville, TN 37803-8206 P.O. Box 1297 Decatur, TN 37322-1297 3825 Essary Drive Knoxville, TN 37918-3430 O 540-726-2223 H 540-726-2236 F O H 865-376-5859 F O 423-745-0452 H 423-745-4694 F 423-745-0453 O 865-984-2510 H 865-983-8509 F O H 865-219-0458 F O H 316-613-3697 F O H 865-681-1300 F O H 423-334-4146 F O 865-983-2080 H 865-804-8044 F 865-974-4222 C LERGY D IRECTORY P.O. Box 39 Pigeon Forge, TN 37868-0039 Paul E. (Jackie) O 276-964-9717 H 276-963-8814 F O H 865-688-6676 F 865-688-6676 RE (Nila) O 276-944-6836 H 276-783-9208 F 276-944-6248 2412 Lamp Drive Knoxville, TN 37912-4611 Retired CC: Central KN J. Douglas *Brown, Sr. O 865-966-8430 H 865-966-8430 F 865-675-4435 O H 276-682-4587 F 502 Ravens Cliff Drive Ceres, VA 24318-3416 FE *Brown O H 865-932-6840 F Retired CC: Ceres Circuit TA Harvey R. (Marilyn) PHONE/FAX O H 865-690-8547 F FE (Suzanne) 389 Retired 436 Brookshire Way CC: Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37923-5836 KN Christopher J. *Brown, Jr. DIRECTORIES 390 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Bryant *Buck (Lori) STATUS PE CHARGE/DISTRICT *Buckles Robert A. SY Wilbur Memorial *Burch Brian C. FE *Burdine T. J. PL Rural RetreatMt. Olive WY Pactolus Burgess J.W. PL Pleasant Grove Burgess Ronald W. RE Kristen A. FE Stephen P. FE Robert E. FE Burns Leah PL *Butler Stephen H. PL Johnson City Parish *Buxton-Wade Jan RE *Byrd Billy L. RA C. Stephen FE William E. FE *Burkhart *Burkhart *Burlingham, Jr. Byrum *Cahill (DeAnne) (Martha) (Mary J.) (Debbie) (Andrea) (Jan) (Dwight Wade) (Belle) (Phyllis) (Sharon) O H 423-875-4761 F 2923 Bryan Road Kodak, TN 37764-1515 FE (Donna) 105 Wild Ginger Trail Chattanooga, TN 37415-1522 Kodak Rowland S. (Sinda) PHONE/FAX 170 Perry Davis Road Greeneville, TN 37743-2424 RE (Peggy) ADDRESS/E-MAIL Leave of Absence CC: Jonesbborough JO R. Harold *Buck C LERGY D IRECTORY Jeffrey L. Retired CC: Red Bank CH KN TA P.O. Box 13 Richlands, VA 24641-0013 P.O. Box 307 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-0307 O H 423-638-1871 F O 865-933-5996 H 865-932-3200 F 865-933-1765 O 276-988-3511 H 276-963-9815 F 276-963-3590 O 276-686-6429 H 276-686-4223 F 276-686-6429 2001 Earl Street Kingsport, TN 37665-1750 O 423-239-7033 H 423-246-6553 F 1269 NW 123rd Avenue Pembroke Pines, FL 33026-3897 O H F 416 Sabine Street Elizabethton, TN 37643-5074 O H 423-895-1296 F 790 Emory Valley Rd, Apt 914 Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6522 O 865-862-2837 H 865-482-3575 F 865-637-7673 Retired CC: Church Street KN P.O. Box 1303 Knoxville, TN 37901-1303 O 865-521-0278 H 865-524-5656 F 865-521-0261 Dean, Institute for Spiritual Leadership CC: First Centenary CH 17 Grayswood Hill Road Signal Mountain, TN 37377-2320 O 423-886-5587 H 423-886-7140 F 423-886-5587 PO Box 1093 Saltville, VA 24370-1093 O H 276-496-7093 F KI CL Retired CC: Oak Ridge, First OA Mt Zion MO Carter County Parish JO Cassidy KI Haven Chapel OA JO Adams ChapelHulls Chapel KI Keywood Charge AB 580 Morgan Road NW Charleston, TN 37310-5017 1031 Mount Zion Road Afton, TN 37616-5125 O H 423-336-2461 F O H 423-639-7454 F 5801 Memorial Blvd O 423-323-8142 Kingsport, TN 37664-4364 H 423-279-0782 F 423-323-5421 119 Woodland Road Johnson City, TN 37601-5469 701 Rock Springs Road Kingsport, TN 37664-5265 O H 423-232-1277 F O H 423-239-8946 F NAME (SPOUSE) Cain *Calhoun *Callahan Campbell *Campbell Campbell *Cantrell, Jr. *Cantrell Caraway (Ginger) STATUS PL Ashley M. RE Jeffery C. FE Joel H. FE Paula Dell PE Sammie Lee RE Robert T. RE R. Wilson FE C. Kenneth RE (Paula) (Mickey) (Glenda Fay) (Peggy) (Marie) (Rebecca) (Jo) CHARGE/DISTRICT Jefferson City, First MO Retired 197 White Oak Road CC: Sevierville Circuit Waynesville, NC 28785-6435 MA Mt. Vale-Savannah WY Eggleston Circuit TA 4931 Hundred Oaks Drive Morristown, TN 37813-1060 Lebanon Memorial 24 Tate Street Lebanon, VA 24266-6095 Retired CC: Shady Grove AB P.O. Box 1245 Abingdon, VA 24212-1245 O H 276-475-7032 F FE Maryville, First Larry E. FE Maryville, First *Carter, Jr. Edwin C. RE *Carter Jack W. RE (Larry) (Brenda) (Carrie) (Jane) O H 423-586-4266 F O H 954-536-0363 F Brenda F. *Carroll O H 540-626-5859 F 4783 NW 7th Place Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-9351 AM (Freda) O 276-546-1080 H 276-546-2268 F 276-546-4436 O H 423-727-4584 F H. Joe *Carroll O 276-236-2024 H 276-236-5862 F 1742 Berry Branch Road Mountain City, TN 37683-4332 PL *Carrico O H 828-377-0055 F Retired CC: MountainCity, First-Trade AB AB Richard K. (Elithe) O 865-475-2827 H 865-475-2232 F 865-475-6502 O 865-523-0603 H 865-272-3338 F 865-522-2974 RE (Patsy) PHONE/FAX 106 Uleana Lane Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Retired CC: Oak Ridge, First OA Robert L. **Carnes 323 Old Schoolhouse Road Eggleston, VA 24086-3052 Retired CC: Morristown, First MO RE Carbary 3350 Meadow Creek Road Galax, VA 24333 Pennington Gap, First 205 East Morgan Avenue Pennington Gap, VA 24277-2629 BI James E. (Karensue) ADDRESS/E-MAIL 2011 Branner Avenue Jefferson City, TN 37760-1934 391 Retired CC: Mountain City, First-Trade AB Axley’s Chapel MA 746 Disco Loop Road Friendsville, TN 37737-2236 West Galax-Glenwood P.O. Box 656 Galax, VA 24333-0656 WY MA MA Retired CC: Fountain City KN Retired CC: First Centenary CH O 276-889-2721 H 276-889-1341 F O 865-633-2433 H 865-995-9838 F O 276-236-7924 H 276-236-8536 F 276-236-7924 804 Montvale Station Road Maryville, TN 37803-5804 O 865-982-1273 H 865-983-0882 F 865-983-5408 1931 Locarno Drive Knoxville, TN 37914-2814 O H 865-522-4534 F 804 Montvale Station Road Maryville, TN 37803-5804 2251 Glenmoor Road South Clearwater, FL 33764-4922 O 865-982-1273 H 865-983-0882 F 865-983-5408 O H 727-535-8278 F C LERGY D IRECTORY Caraway Mitchell D. DIRECTORIES 392 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) K. Michael Carter William J. RE **Caruso Cheryl M. FE *Casson Gerald OE Daniel PL H. Paul RE Lee-Lee RE Herman F. RE Janice A. FE Lee A. RE Larry L. RE R. Darrell PL Von Darnell FE *Chancey J. Todd FL *Charles Michael D. FE *Cheetham William J. “Bill” PL Chesser Pamela Dawn OE *Castillo **Castor **Castor C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS *Carter Cate Cate Cate Caylor *Chambers Chance (Virginia) (Belle) (Corrina) (Kacye) (Lee-Lee) (Paul) (Janice) (Herman) (Frances) (Carol) (Elizabeth) (Melody) (Susan) (Scot) FE CHARGE/DISTRICT Radford, Central WY Retired CC: Johnson City, First JO Transitional Leave MO Dunlap CH La Casa Del Alfarero MA Retired CC: Brainerd CH Retired CC: Brainerd CH Retired CC: Tazewell OA ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 2211 Wyndale Road Johnson City, TN 37604-7036 O 423-928-9222 H 423-926-3055 F 803 Wadsworth Street Radford, VA 24141-2919 112 Paragon Point NW Cleveland, TN 37312-8220 Retired CC: Mt. Carmel KI Beth CarWatkins Chapel MO O H 423-949-2724 F 816 South 216th Street, #524 Des Moines, WA 98198-6331 O H 360-891-2409 F 3499 Kiser Road Philadelphia, TN 37846-1561 816 South 216th Street, #524 Des Moines, WA 98198-6331 402 Mountain Road Clinton, TN 37716 408 Mountain Road Clinton, TN 37716-6835 141 Sturbridge Lane Church Hill, TN 37642-4703 759 Hart Road Dandridge, TN 37725-3305 TWC, Assoc. Prof. P.O. Box 40 Music/Dir. Choral Music Athens, TN 37371-0040 CC: Macedonia KN Apison CL Chaplain, U.S. Army CC: Bradbury-Good Shepherd OA Glendale MO Central, Lenoir City OA O H 423-479-9891 F 1958 Main Street Dunlap, TN 37327-3725 Incapacity Leave 402 Mountain Road CC: Claiborne Cluster Clinton, TN 37716 OA Retired CC: St. Mark OA O 540-639-3529 H 540-639-5129 F 4404 Bill Jones Road Apison, TN 37302-9585 O H 865-599-8967 F O H 360-891-2409 F O H 865-585-5267 F O H 865-585-5267 F O H 865-457-3201 F O H 423-256-9407 F O 865-475-6133 H 865-397-3290 F O 423-746-5230 H 423-507-8640 F O 423-236-4442 H 423-236-5175 F 423-236-5175 HHC, 10th Mountain Division APO, AE 09342 O H 865-323-2360 F 2126 Lindsey Road Dandridge, TN 37725-6043 O H865-397-6699 F865-397-4002 301 Hickory Creek Road Lenoir City, TN 37771-6901 O865-986-7329 H312-890-4942 F NAME (SPOUSE) Chinault Earnest H. STATUS RA Alberta FE *Clark Barbara FE **Clark Jackson D. RA Jerry W. RL John Thomas RE Lawrence C. RE Norman ADDRESS/E-MAIL Retired CC: Draper Circuit WY 4121 Holbert Avenue Draper, VA 24324-2813 Anderson Street 954 Anderson Street Bristol, TN 37620-2106 Incapacity Leave CC: St. John CH AB P.O. Box 16808 Chattanooga, TN 37416-0808 393 PHONE/FAX O H 540-980-6491 F O H 423-894-2198 F O 423-764-4535 H 423-764-2378 F 423-764-9751 O H 304-425-9661 F Retired CC: Hale’s ChapelKathleen Memorial TA 1327 Maple Acres Road Princeton, WV 24740-7340 Sevierville Circuit, Associate MA 3416 Rex Thornton Road Dandridge, TN 37725-7334 O H 865-509-7069 F FL Ewing Circuit S. Mark FE RR 3 Box 1029 Jonesville, VA 24263-9629 Clark William “Billy” J. OF N. Carolina Conference 3704 Old Country Lane CC: Munsey Memorial Raleigh, NC 27616-9745 MO O 276-445-3143 H 276-346-3580 F Tellico Plains Circuit Clark William Scott OF Tellico Plains Circuit P.O. Box 116 Cokercreek, TN 37314-0116 O 423-261-2197 H 423-261-2197 F Franklin RL O H 540-834-6654 F Climer, Jr. G. William RE Retired 109 Hooker Branch Road CC: Union (Sneedville Barbourville, KY 40906-7561 Circuit) MO Cloud Robert K. PL Ricky H. FE Marvins Chapel Alvin C. RE Linda FD Retired CC: Edwards Chapel MO Clark Clark *Clark Clark *Clark Clifton *Clowers Cobble Coffey (Glenna) (Shirley) (Norma) (Melvina) (Sheila) (Sara) (Jennifer) (Deborah) (Ann) (Mary Elizabeth) (Jessie) (Sandra) (Marie) Retired 8656 Laurel Grove Lane CC: Sugar Run Circuit Charleston, SC 29420-6813 BI Retired CC: Christ CH BI MA 116 Masters Road Hixson, TN 37343-3014 O H 843-552-1109 F O 423-892-9363 H 423-843-2523 F 423-892-8443 O H 919-217-9114 F O 423-261-2501 H 423-261-2329 F MA P.O. Box 116 Cokercreek, TN 37314-0116 Retired CC: Keith Memorial CL 7613 Sharpthorne Place Charlotte, NC 28270-0340 O H 704-541-6542 F 1870 Old Boones Creek Road Johnson City, TN 37615-4428 O 423-753-8821 H 423-753-3734 F Alley’s Chapel BI JO 1025 South Page Place Kingsport, TN 37660-7295 2100 Collins Street Morristown, TN 37814-3233 Sullivan Co. HS Spec. 1020 Laurelwood Drive Education Teacher Kingsport, TN 37660-8516 CC: First Broad Street KI O H 423-392-4212 F 423-392-4212 O H 423-586-5492 F O 423-354-1324 H 423-246-9775 F C LERGY D IRECTORY *Clark CHARGE/DISTRICT DIRECTORIES 394 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Cogburn Cole (Paul) STATUS PL Ernest O. RE Kevin R. SP Carl “Eddie” FL Rebecca PL *Collins Deborah W. *Collins *Collins Cole *Collier *Collier C LERGY D IRECTORY Marta M. (Geneva) (Nancy) (Rebecca) CHARGE/DISTRICT Newport, First MO Retired CC: Boyd Chapel MO Fincastle OA Chestnut GroveEbenezer MO ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX P.O. Box 188 Jefferson City, TN 37760-0188 O H 865-475-5764 F 211 West Drive Parrottsville, TN 37843-2342 1133 East Elm Street La Follette, TN 37766-2785 309 East Millers Cove Road Walland, TN 37886-2421 O 423-623-6066 H 423-623-0651 F 423-623-0659 O 423-562-6262 H 423-562-5782 F O H 865-674-0258 F 865-982-3585 O H 865-984-9025 F Seymour, Bethel 309 East Millers Cove Road Walland, TN 37886-2421 FL Grange Hall-Lebanon Ronnie PE Hillsville, First 5365 Carters Valley Road Church Hill, TN 37642-7138 O 423-357-8730 H 423-357-7009 F 423-357-7009 W. Anthony FE Collinsworth George B. RL MA P.O. Box 342 Loudon, TN 37774-0342 O 865-458-3164 H 865-458-2737 F 865-458-2489 Conley Thomas A. FE Incapacity Leave 427 East Fincastle Street *Conner Kenneth C. FE Centenary Amy J. FE P.O. Box 1638 Morristown, TN 37816-1638 O H 276-979-8152 F O 423-586-3683 H 423-586-3625 F Darrell RE 306 Lexington Lane Clinton, TN 37716-5780 H. Wayne FL O H 865-457-8134 F Robert E. RL Rhonda S. FE Charles L. RA *Cook Cook *Cook Cook, Sr. Cooper Copeland (Eddie) (Susan) (Dona) (Beatrice) (Janet) (Charlene) (Faye) (John Wolford) (Reita) MA KI WY Loudon 625 Old Pipers Gap Road Cana, VA 24317-4072 Retired 515 Summerfield Drive CC: Tellico PlainsCirc. Smyrna, TN 37167-8213 MA CC: Pisgah-Pleasant Hill Tazewell, VA 24651-1356 WY MO White Oak CH Retired CC: Oak Ridge, First OA P.O. Box 15788 Chattanooga, TN 37415-0788 Sand Mtn.-Morganville- 211 Marlboro Avenue Slygo Valley Chattanooga, TN 37411-5220 CH Retired CC: Mt. Carmel MO 5950 Mount Carmel Road Bulls Gap, TN 37711-3213 Retired CC: Binfield MA 817 Rugby Place Maryville, TN 37804-4270 Chaplain, John Hopkins CC: Pleasant View AB 515 South Washington St. Baltimore, MD 21231-3031 O 276-728-2434 H 276-755-3877 F 276-728-9291 O H 423-261-2591 F O 423-877-6042 H 423-877-6713 F O 706-657-6837 H F O H 423-552-3713 F O 410-502-1500 H 410-675-0376 F O H 865-980-3545 F NAME (SPOUSE) Copeland Coppedge Robert M. (Mary Lynne) STATUS RE CHARGE/DISTRICT 283 Hickory Circle Road Pennington Gap, VA 24277-7783 O H 276-546-4272 F P.O. Box 157 Madisonville, TN 37354-0157 O 423-442-2471 H 423-442-3421 F 423-442-2434 L. Diana FL *Cotton, Jr. A. Braxton FE Madisonville, First *Countiss J. Robert FE Mountain View Crabtree Jason G. PL Appalachia *Crabtree John W. FE Jacksboro-Caryville *Crandall Jason A. PE Leann K. “Lu” FE Etowah, St Paul’sCarlock CL *Cranford Lauri Jo FE Elizabethton, First *Crim Roger L. FE Crockett Douglas E. FE Bradburn HillMt. Pleasant MO Crockett Joseph T. RL Crone Mary Kathryn RD *Cross, Jr. Walter H. AM Culbertson Barry Lynn FE *Crandall (Lyndie) (Carla) (Dawn) (Gayle) (Leann) (Jason) (Rex Hill) (Susan) (Rita) (Kay) (Angela) (Lenoir) District Superintendent 101 Gilley Avenue East Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2949 BI New Market Circuit MO MA KI 1920 Pine View Drive New Market, TN 37820-4129 O 276-523-3025 H 276-523-0940 F 276-523-3513 O865-475-3775 H865-475-3775 F 4405 Orebank Road O 423-245-8371 Kingsport, TN 37664-2129 H 423-765-0282 F 865-577-2774 5914 Sugar Run Road Jonesville, VA 24263-8288 O H 276-346-2411 F 3704 Woodcrest Circle NW Cleveland, TN 37312-3811 O 423-263-2232 H 423-476-4204 F JO 325 East E Street Elizabethton, TN 37643-3302 O 423-543-3505 H 423-542-5144 F 423-543-2168 Leave of Absence CC: New Mt. Olive WY 4724 Deliverance Drive Williamsburg, VA 23185-3191 Retired CC: Sevierville, First MA 613 Broad Avenue Sevierville, TN 37862-4103 BI OA Cleveland, First CL Retired St Paul’s CL Trentville KN P.O. Box 83 Jacksboro, TN 37757-0083 3704 Woodcrest Circle NW Cleveland, TN 37312-3811 4131 Van Hill Road Greeneville, TN 37745-6108 1102 Brentwood Drive Etowah, TN 37331-1835 9215 Strawberry Plains Pike Straw Plains, TN 37871-1241 Chaplain, Vanderbilt 112 Carney Road Medical Center Clarksville, TN 37043-5441 CC: Pennington Gap, First BI O 423-562-3896 H 423-562-3896 F 423-562-2674 O 423-476-4504 H 423-476-4204 F 423-476-4505 O 423-639-8894 H 423-921-0928 F O 757-564-8167 H 757-220-6837 F O 423-263-2170 H 423-263-2170 F O H 865-428-0795 F O 865-933-5041 H 423-774-7993 F O 615-343-3535 H 931-358-0837 F 615-343-3536 C LERGY D IRECTORY RA *Cornett O H 276-386-2077 F Retired CC: St. Charles BI Roy H. (Ruth) PHONE/FAX 491 Church Street Weber City, VA 24290-7003 FE (Mary) 395 Retired CC: Holston View BI Archer I Corbin ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 396 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Cummings G. Wayne (Pat) Cunningham, Jr. Edwin E. *Cutshaw RE PL Michael W. FE H. Roy PL Bryan E. PL Donald J. RE Jimmy D. FL H. Denver PL *Davis Brian S. FE *Davis Gregory P. PL Joe E. FL *Davis Mark C. FE *Dawn Charles C. FL *Dearing III Fred E. FE Deel Roger PL Deese Raymond C. FE *DeFur Stephen B. FE *Dalton Daniel, Daniels, Sr. Darnell C LERGY D IRECTORY (Rebecah) STATUS *Davidson Davis (Brenda) (Peggy) (Belinda) (Madelyn) (Grace) (Bridget) Rhonda (Jean) (Elizabeth) (Beth) CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: Munsey Memorial JO Bethel MO Tasso-Charleston CL St. ClairTalley’s Chapel MO Sardis CH ADDRESS/E-MAIL 105 West 12th Avenue Johnson City, TN 37604-3850 728 West 2nd North Street Morristown, TN 37814-3937 PHONE/FAX O H 423-926-6533 F 423-926-6533 O H 423-581-2073 F 502 Tasso Lane NE Cleveland, TN 37312-4554 O 423-479-4457 H 423-479-8945 F 4304 Shelborne Drive Chattanooga, TN 37416-3312 O H 423-894-7565 F 410 Apple Blossom Lane Morristown, TN 37814-5612 Retired CC: Bethlehem-Wiley CH 725 Belle Vista Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37411-2102 MooresburgBeeler’s Chapel MO 309 Davidson Ridge Road Thorn Hill, TN 37881-3608 Incapacity Leave 138 Southwood Drive CC: Dungannon Circuit Hays, NC 28635-9565 BI O H 423-581-4743 F 423-581-4743 O H 423-622-9872 F O H F O H 865-767-2833 F PO Box 208 Chattanooga, TN 37401-0208 O 423-756-2021 H 423-877-9778 F 423-266-9742 Oakdale-Woods Chapel OA 242 Woods Chapel Road Harriman, TN 37748-4213 O H 865-882-2404 F Lake CityDutch Valley OA 8631 Mascot Road Knoxville, TN 37924-1422 First Centenary CH Pleasant GroveValley View JO New Decree, Director CC: Christ CH District Superintendent CH McClure BI Incapacity Leave CC: Greystone Ct CH Cokesbury KN 103 McCall Road Limestone, TN 37681-2102 724 Swansons Ridge Road Chattanooga, TN 37421-4548 O 423-753-9020 H 423-753-3003 F O H F O 865-426-6189 H 865-599-2147 F P.O. Box 80353 Chattanooga, TN 37414-7353 O 423-629-0333 H 423-341-0237 F 423-622-8360 5040 Clock Road Lake Worth, FL 33463-7710 O H F 1756 Rakes Ridge Road Birchleaf, VA 24220-7752 9919 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 O H 276-865-5598 F O 865-693-0353 H 865-470-2774 F 865-693-9704 NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT James G. AM Pisgah-Pleasant Hill Larry V. FE Larry J. FE *Diehl James W. PL Havron’s Chapel Dilks Charles R. RE Fred E. PL Retired P.O. Box 2968 CC: Reynolds Memorial Lebanon, VA 24266-2968 AB Clarence G. RE Charles E. RE *Dixon Gleasanna FL Dixon Michael SY Danny Ray PL *Donley J. Edward OF Browder *Doolittle Eric L. FE *Dougherty James A. RE Harrogate-ArthurMountain View MA *Douthat James L. RE *Douty Bethany H. PE DeHart *Denton *DeVault *Dial *Dimond *Dixon Dockery (Vivian) (Jeanne) (Velina) (JoEllen) (Patty) (Nelle) (Betty) (Edna Ann) (Bobby) (Jeanne) (Linda) (Ann) (Betty) (Willela) (Michael) RL Retired CC: Hardin’s ChapelMosheim Central MO TA St. Mark’s MA Jones Memorial CH CH Otes KI Retired CC: State Street AB Flintstone CH Max Meadows Circuit WY 308 Lester Street Christiansburg, VA 24073-2253 397 PHONE/FAX O H 540-381-6980 F 616 West Main Street Tazewell, VA 24651-1065 O 276-988-4993 H 276-979-0983 F 1326 Blocker Lane Chattanooga, TN 37412-1458 O 423-624-6073 H 423-867-3130 F P.O. Box 37 O 865-977-6128 Louisville, TN 37777-0037 H 865-982-3905 F 865-977-6154 255 Fuzz Rollins Rd Whitwell, TN 37397-5758 141 Thorps Chapel Road Rogersville, TN 37857-5822 O 423-942-3535 H 423-658-7809 F O H F O H 423-272-3836 F 2351 Gate City Hwy Bristol, VA 24202-1143 O H 276-466-0330 F 871 Danner Road Max Meadows, VA 24360-3305 O H 276-637-3226 F P.O. Box 107 Flintstone, GA 30725-0107 O 706-820-2782 H 706-820-2168 F 1109 Panorama Drive Abingdon, VA 24210-4103 O H 276-628-1683 F MA 2690 Oakland Road Philadelphia, TN 37846-2039 O 423-337-7903 H 865-213-4509 F Retired CC: Fountain City KN P.O. Box 5103 Knoxville, TN 37928-0103 Cedar Bluff AB Rye Cove BI Retired CC: Whitwell, First CH Wesley Memorial JO 1801 Farming Acres Road Duffield, VA 24244-2521 O H 276-940-2542 F 126 White Avenue Harrogate, TN 37752-3704 O 423-869-3734 H 423-519-6870 F P.O. Box 400 Signal Mountain, TN 37377-0400 O 423-658-5677 H 423-886-2550 F 423-886-5312 225 Princeton Road Johnson City, TN 37601-2052 O H 865-687-6073 F 865-687-6073 O H 423-972-0429 F C LERGY D IRECTORY *Dishman, Jr. Charles W. ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 398 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) CHARGE/DISTRICT Christopher C. *Dowell Mark PE *DowlingSoka Christina FE Joseph E. FE Darris K. RE Stephen K. FE Barbara A. PL Robert C. RD Tom Faw RE Columbus V. RE Perry W. FE Ronnie PL Westley A. PL Logan’s Chapel William Tyler FE *Dunford Bobbie J. FL Leave of Absence CC: New Tazewell OA *Dunn Rodney L. OF *Dunsmore M. Beecher RE *DowlingSoka Doyal *Doyal *Doyle C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS *Dover Dreyer Driver Duff III *Duncan Duncan *Duncan Duncan (Rhonda) (Brenda) (Joseph) (Christina) (Erma) (Becky) (Betty) (Anne) (Bettie) (Teresa) (Dawn) (Amy) (Beth) (Dianne) (Cecilia) (Sarah) FE TW College, Church Vocations Program CC: Tyner CH ADDRESS/E-MAIL 6853 Old Stage Road Chattanooga, TN 37421-2778 St. Elmo-Lookout Mtn. P.O. Box 2225 Chattanooga, TN 37409-0225 CH Munsey Memorial JO Bristol, First AB Retired CC: First, Knoxville MO Rutherford Memorial KN New Mt OliveNew Hope WY P.O. Box 1336 Johnson City, TN 37605-1336 322 Vance Drive Bristol, TN 37620-4148 PHONE/FAX O H 423-553-0090 F O 423-821-2101 H 423-821-1636 F O 423-461-8070 H 423-764-6943 F 423-975-7800 O 423-652-2811 H 423-764-6943 F 423-652-7949 2166 Waldens Creek Road Sevierville, TN 37862-7612 O H 865-428-0494 F 312 Russell Avenue Radford, VA 24141-3404 O 540-639-6425 H 540-639-4349 F P.O. Box 96 Corryton, TN 37721-0096 Consultant CC: Oak Ridge, First OA 107 Danbury Drive Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7641 Retired CC: Beaver Ridge OA 9261 Hines Valley Road Lenoir City, TN 37771-8327 O 865-687-8438 H 865-686-3408 F O H 865-483-8328 F 865-483-5708 Retired 501 West 123rd Street, #140 CC: Emory-Smyth Chpl New York, NY 10027-5006 AB O H 212-662-8209 F Amherst, Bethel O 865-588-3605 H 865-951-2844 F 865-588-3605 KN Crab OrchardSouth Coeburn BI 2004 Amherst Road Knoxville, TN 37921-5001 2004 Amherst Road Knoxville, TN 37921-5001 O H 865-986-6827 F O H 423-573-2157 F 609 Fleetwood Drive Kingsport, TN 37660-5042 O H 423-863-6339 F MO 1733 Bewley Chapel Road Mosheim, TN 37818-5453 O H 423-422-7683 F Union Grove, Blount CC: Wears Valley MA 2013 South Belmont Drive Maryville, TN 37804-5205 O H 865-681-7743 F KI Riverview Circuit Pleasant HillBurkett’s Chapel CL P.O. Box 423 Tazewell, TN 37879-0423 157 Oakwood Circle NE Cleveland, TN 37312-6647 O H 423-489-7329 F O 423-476-4325 H 423-339-1348 F NAME (SPOUSE) Dzobo Eastridge Samuel (Pauline) STATUS OE RE Roby H. OE Charles PL Robert T. RE Howard L. RL Janet PE *Edwards Pierce Jackson RE *Edwards Rance C. AM *Edwards Richard S. FE *Eldridge Lonnie R. FE Betzy PE Joe Burton RE David W. RE Edward L. OF Elmore Paul B. RE Ely Bobby H. RE P. Randall PL *Eastridge *Eberhart Edmonds **Edwards *Edwards *Elifrits Warren **Elkins Elliott *Ellis *Emmert (Carlene) (Nell) (Joyce) (Jean) (Jeannie) (Judy) (Donna) (Sue) (Connie) (Brock Warren) (Joan) (Patricia) (Barbara) (Mitzi) Woodlawn MO ADDRESS/E-MAIL 306 Woodlawn Avenue Newport, TN 37821-3555 Retired 2 Townview Drive CC: Munsey Memorial Johnson City, TN 37604-1407 JO Retired 3108 Porter Avenue CC: Munsey Memorial Kingsport, TN 37663-3688 JO Chalybeate SpringsOkolona-Mt Zion KI 732 Woodgreen Lane Kingsport, TN 37660-5040 Retired CC: Main Street TA 6230 East Antioch Road Buchanan, TN 38222-4302 Retired 14 West Tunbridge CC: Munsey Memorial Johnson City, TN 37604-7600 JO Sevierville Circuit MA 1702 North Ridge Court Sevierville, TN 37862-9347 Retired 4169 Cooks Point CC: First Broad Street Kingsport, TN 37664-3977 KI Mt. Carmel-Seviers JO Dir. Congregational Dev. CC: Cokesbury KN Fincastle OA French Broad Circuit KN Retired CC: New Concord, OH CH Retired CC: Otterbein JO Bethlehem-Wiley CH 116 O.O. Moore Road Chuckey, TN 37641-2163 P.O. Box 850 Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 629 Old Middlesboro Hwy. LaFollette, TN 37766-5101 7115 Kodak Road Knoxville, TN 37914-9361 6007 Planters Point Court Sugar Land, TX 77479-5821 411 Green Brook Circle Unicoi, TN 37692-6464 504 Lookout Street Chattanooga, TN 37403-1713 Retired 1411 Bexley Cove Land CC:Pruitt Hill-Tate Chpl Knoxville, TN 37922 MO Retired 1766 Thurman Circle CC: Sevierville Parish Sevierville, TN 37876-5217 MA Chuckey-Rheatown JO 120 Blackley Creek Road Limestone, TN 37681-2000 399 PHONE/FAX O H F O H 423-854-8926 F O H 423-477-7373 F O H 423-245-5410 F O H 423-202-1578 F O H F O 865-429-1933 H 865-300-4867 F O H 423-288-2163 F O 423-257-5553 H 423-639-6875 F 423-639-7294 O 865-690-4080 H 865-966-2947 F 865-690-3162 O 423-562-5782 H 423-562-6262 F O H 865-540-8779 F O H 740-826-4257 F O H 423-743-2251 F O 423-756-5463 H 423-899-3824 F O H 423-639-1984 F O H 865-428-6567 F O H 423-753-9738 F C LERGY D IRECTORY J. Vance CHARGE/DISTRICT DIRECTORIES 400 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Ensminger *Evans (Cindy) STATUS FE CHARGE/DISTRICT Niota-Cedar Springs CL Stephen M. FL Donald L. RA Jerry L. RE William B. PL James R. FE Douglas R. FE Barbara PL John W. RE Kenneth L. FE Reece F. FL Anthony PL Feely Michael L. FE *Felton Joshua S. PE *Ferguson, Jr. Donald E. FE *Ferguson Frederick “Andy” FE *Ferguson, Jr. James R. “Jay” FE Dandridge, First *Fetzer Rebekah P. FD Cokesbury Everhart *Everley *Ewing *Fain *Fairbanks, Jr. *Farmer C LERGY D IRECTORY Charles D. Farmer *Faught *Fauscett *Fears (Carla) (Alice) (Carolyn) (Norita) (Toni) (Carolyn) (Barbara) (Mary Lou) (Chrissy) (Wylene) (Sonia) (Maria) (Holly) (Debra) (Celia) (Kelly) (James) Beulah KN ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 907 Kimberlin Heights Rd Knoxville, TN 37920-8926 O 865-577-4244 H 865-216-4531 F P.O. Box 190 O 423-568-2856 Niota, TN 37826-0190 H 423-568-2856 F Retired CC: Mountain City Ct AB 250 Willow Creek Drive, Apt 3 Madisonville, TN 37354-4455 O H F Spivey P.O. Box 476 Dayton, TN 37321-0476 Pine GroveHartman’s Chapel MO 6765 Warrensburg Road Mosheim, TN 37818-5349 O H 423-775-0321 F Retired 1006 Tulip Street CC: Munsey Memorial Johnson City, TN 37601-2118 JO CL District Superintendent KN Pleasant View AB Retired CC: Bristol, First AB La Follette OA Trenton CH Hurst CH East LakeSt. Andrews Center CH New Salem MA St. Paul, Fountain City KN Church Street KN MO KN P.O. Box 6689 Knoxville, TN 37914-0689 299 Gray Drive Abingdon, VA 24210-2349 O H 423-928-0908 F O H 423-638-6657 F O 865-470-7005 H 865-687-0555 F 865-470-7067 O 276-628-6323 H 276-676-2118 F 276-676-4323 637 Oak Street O St. Simons Island, GA 31522-4412 H 912-634-5413 F 808 East Central Avenue La Follette, TN 37766-2719 O 423-562-7348 H 423-562-7348 F 423-562-4846 P.O. Box 6 Trenton, GA 30752-0006 O 706-657-6170 H 706-657-4124 F 706-657-8130 1918 Union Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37411-4702 O 423-629-9872 H 423-622-0898 F 4014 Garden Drive Knoxville, TN 37918-3501 O 865-687-2952 H 865-274-2815 F 865-689-7754 829 Dallas Road Chattanooga, TN 37405-2735 2417 Tipton Station Road Knoxville, TN 37920-7514 P.O. Box 1303 Knoxville, TN 37901-1303 1267 Lakeview Drive Dandridge, TN 37725-4915 9919 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 O 423-756-1557 H 423-867-1057 F O H 865-577-0125 F 865-983-5408 O 865-524-3048 H 865-577-7712 F 865-521-0261 O 865-397-2730 H 865-397-2707 F 865-397-7351 O 865-693-0353 H 865-675-7442 F 865-693-9704 NAME (SPOUSE) *Fields *Fiorini *Fisher *Fisher *Flanary *Flaugher Fleenor Kenneth G. (Nellie) STATUS AM CHARGE/DISTRICT Bishop Circuit TA Kevin FE Ellen F. RD Ronald D. FE Gale K. FE St. Luke Dennis W. FE Brainerd (Linda) (Dan) (Becca) (Della) (Jill) Gladeville-Mt. Olivet WY Retired CC: Morristown, First MO Lenoir City, Central OA AB CH RA Jerry B. RE Gregory S. PL Nathan OF Annette N. FE *Flynn Mark R. FE *Ford C. Dennis AM Pigeon Forge, First Troy D. FE Oak Ridge, First *Fowler Cathy E. PL Fowler Charles J. RE Roy E. FL Fleenor **Fletcher Flora *Flynn *Forrester *Fowler, Jr. (Peggy) (Eleanor) (Holly) (Mark) (Annette) (Sharon) (Roy) (Patricia) (Cathy) Retired CC: Rogersville, First KI P.O. Box 39 Bishop, VA 24604-0039 301 Hickory Creek Road Lenoir City, TN 37771-6901 O 865-986-7329 H 865-986-7329 F 865-986-2165 315 Kensington Drive Morristown, TN 37814-2190 O 276-669-2441 H 423-968-7211 F 115 Morningside Circle Rogersville, TN 37857-5324 O H 423-272-5138 F O 423-698-6951 H 423-697-1267 F 423-629-5193 4315 Brainerd Road Chattanooga, TN 37411-5435 700 Mount Zion Road Church Hill, TN 37642-6220 Morrison Chapel 519 willowbrook Trce Kingsport, TN 37660-8513 Signal Crest CH Christ CH MA OA New Hope Parish JO Retired CC: First Centenary CH Amis Chapel-Elm Springs KI O H 423-586-0440 F 105 North Street Bristol, VA 24201-3201 Persia KI O 276-988-6468 H 276-988-6468 F O 276-236-4607 H 276-238-1675 F 1701 Sunnyview Circle Johnson City, TN 37601-2668 KI PHONE/FAX 6878 Carrollton Pike Galax, VA 24333-6011 Austin Springs JO 401 211 N. Palisades Drive Signal Mountain, TN 37377-3038 O 423-282-5870 H 423-676-7394 F O H 423-357-4280 F O 422-246-3451 H 423-247-0070 F O 423-886-2330 H 423-886-9803 F 423-886-6919 8645 East Brainerd Road Chattanooga, TN 37421-4356 O 423-892-9363 H 423-886-9803 F 423-892-8443 1350 Oak Ridge Turnpike Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6416 O 865-483-4357 H 865-483-4525 F 865-483-9011 P.O. Box 157 Pigeon Forge, TN 37868-0157 494 Taylor Bridge Road Jonesborough, TN 37659-7110 4715 Deer Crossing Court Flowery Branch, GA 30542-3497 PO Box 22 Church Hill, TN 37642-0022 O 865-453-8333 H 865-429-3113 F 865-453-8333 O H 423-753-0129 F O 678-717-3803 H 770-967-8426 F O 423-765-3738 H 423-765-3738 F C LERGY D IRECTORY Harry W. ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 402 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Fowler Fox *Fox Fox *Fox *Fox (Virginia) STATUS RE Aaron B. SY Catherine A. “Katye” FE Dennis PL (Joy) Garrad L. “Gary” PL (Barbara) H. Eddie FE Joy SY M. Elizabeth RL *Fraley C. Leon FL *Franklin Sherri PL *Franklin Vivian S. PL Robert H. RE P. Max PL Wm. Randall FE Fulkerson Vickie PL Funk David L. RE Betty M. FL Alfred S. RA Fox Fox C LERGY D IRECTORY William J. Freestate Frye, II *Frye *Furches Furr (Mary Nell) (Dennis) (Rhonda) (Bob) (Vicki) (Mary) (Jim) CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: Church Street KN Gilbert’s Memorial BI Auburn WY ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX PO Box 646 Jonesville, VA 24263-0636 O 276-546-2890 H 276-346-1278 F P.O. Box 565 Kingston, TN 37763-0565 1736 Union Valley Road Riner, VA 24149-2524 O 540-382-4478 H 540-553-4226 F 350 South Wingate Way Lenoir City, TN 37771-8191 O 865-986-2026 H 865-988-5588 F 865-986-2165 Jonesville Parish P.O. Box 491 Bowling -York’s Chapel Ewing, VA 24248-0491 BI Lenoir City, Central OA Wrld Methodist Council/ 4491 Chandler Road Evangelsm CC:Concord Hermitage, TN 37076-4338 OA Flatwoods BI Retired CC: Newport, First MO Burks-Fairview CH McCampbell MO O H F P.O. Box 491 Ewing, VA 24248-0491 1212 Cosby Cut Off Road Newport, TN 37821-7219 6433 Hixson Pike Hixson, TN 37343-5726 1544 Harold Patterson Road Dandridge, TN 37725-6022 O H 276-546-8154 F O 615-885-5020 H 615-889-8989 F 615-885-1001 O H 276-546-8154 F O H 423-623-0235 F O 423-894-4219 H 423-495-1143 F 423-842-0790 O 865-573-9711 H 865-397-9378 F 5470 Old Stage Road Chuckey, TN 37641-5052 O 423-894-4219 H 423-972-3707 F 423-257-2047 Coordinator, Preaching 1716 Harold Patterson Road Station Ministries Dandridge, TN 37725-6024 CC: Shady Grove MO O 423-926-7533 H 423-282-2280 F 423-926-9293 Milburnton JO Retired CC: Maryville, First MA 242 Deer Run Drive Maryville, TN 37803-2775 O 865-982-6109 H 865-981-6842 F 2615 S. Roan Street, Ste. 106 Johnson City, TN 37601-7685 O 423-926-7533 H 423-282-2280 F 423-926-9293 Retired CC: Maryville, First MA 310 Valley Court Lagrange, GA 30241-1945 O H 706-882-1360 F Retired CC: Fancy Gap WY 2300 Pleasant Ridge Road Greensboro, NC 27410-9253 District Superintendent JO Mt. Vernon BI Buckner Memorial, Hiwassee Chaplai MA 150 Hicks Avenue Kingsport, TN 37660-7035 225 Hiwassee College Drive Madisonville, TN 37354-4005 O H 423-418-3534 F O 423-442-2001 H 423-420-2270 F 423-420-2270 O H 336-643-7109 F NAME (SPOUSE) *Galyon *Galyon Garland Bruce M. (Melanie) FE Steven N. RE Gregory A. RE (Chris Evans) Garrison-Mullins Lynn *Gass STATUS (Rob) PL CHARGE/DISTRICT Central KN Retired CC: Trenton CH Pound BI J. David PE Marvin B. RE Jason N. FE Janet M. PL David O. PL David A. PL Dale M. FE Gilbert David L. RE Tacoma *Gilbert J. Robert RA John W. RE Retired CC: Simpson CH *Gillespie Kenneth G. FL **Gillespie, Jr. William D. RA David R. RA Gass, Jr. *Gattis, Sr. *Geitner *Gibbs, Jr. *Gibson *Gilbert Gilbert, Jr. Gilliam (Carolyn) (Ann) (Amy) (Priscilla) (Alice) (Angela) (Linda) (Dorothy) (Mary Lou) (Lois) (June) P.O. Box 1609 Trenton, GA 30752 P.O. Box 457 Pound, VA 24279-0457 Transitional Leave 445 Stone Dam Road CC: Green Co. Parish Chuckey, TN 37641-4922 JO Green Co. Parish JO Retired CC: Maryville, First MA Cokesbury KN McDonald CL Mt. Hope-Antioch MO Crab OrchardSouth Coeburn BI Glen Alpine KI BI 445 Stone Dam Road Chuckey, TN 37641-4922 3070 Marvin Circle Maryville, TN 37803-0565 PHONE/FAX O 865-524-1659 H 865-986-6660 F 865-524-1650 O H 423-578-4750 F O 276-796-5928 H 276-796-4340 F O 276-579-2085 H 540-641-0351 F O H 423-639-0507 F O H 423-639-0507 F O H 865-977-8243 F 9919 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 O 865-569-3035 H F 865-693-9704 PO Box 944 Mosheim, TN 37818-0944 O H 423-422-6456 F 441 Highland Avenue NW Cleveland, TN 37311-4953 O 423-476-3800 H 423-476-5064 F 217 East 23rd Street North O 276-523-4594 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3521 H 276-523-3013 F 276-523-6804 3200 Glen Alpine Road Kingsport, TN 37660-7850 O 423-349-7831 H 423-736-1565 F 423-349-7865 258 Magnolia Place Ringgold, GA 30736-5380 O H 706-866-9254 F 212 Henry Street NW Norton, VA 24273-1908 Retired CC: Broad Street CL 1225 Briar Hills Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30306-2205 Retired CC: Vermont KI 2417 Idle Hour Road Kingsport, TN 37660-2615 RiversideDailey’s Circuit TA 403 167 Culver Street Tazewell, VA 24651-8372 Retired 284 Bledsoe Creek Road CC: Greystone Circuit Sparta, NC 28675-8413 JO O H 276-679-1352 F O H 404-892-2716 F O 276-979-1082 H 276-988-4945 F O H 423-288-5146 F O H 336-372-4412 F C LERGY D IRECTORY PD (Dave) 201 3rd Avenue Knoxville, TN 37917-7248 Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit 3240 Springview Drive Christiansburg, VA 24073-6864 WY Carolyn *Gass, II ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 404 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Goddard *Goddard, Jr. STATUS (Doug) FE CHARGE/DISTRICT Rutledge Circuit MO James E. FE *Goddard Kimberly M. FE Mafair *Gooden C. Mark FE Signal Crest Gordon C. RE Terri Craft DE Ronald W. RE Terry D. FE Paul C. FE Steven G. FE James Ronald RE John H. FE **Graham Timothy W. FE *Graves David W. FE *Gray Dan L. FD Graybeal David M. RE *Graybeal David W. FE *Goodgame Goodin Goodman, Jr. C LERGY D IRECTORY Caroline W. *Goodman *Goshorn *Gott Gough *Graham (Kimberly) (Jim) (Judy) (Dianne) (Debbie) (Lisa) (Kathy) (Freda) (Beth) (Jackie) (Nancy) (Samantha) (Tracy Gartmann) Gray JO KI CH ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX PO Box 8068 Johnson City, TN 37615-0068 O 423-477-3792 H F 423-477-8360 848 East Highway 25/70 Dandridge, TN 37725-5006 1409 East Center Street Kingsport, TN 37664-2501 1005 Ridgeway Avenue Signal Mountain, TN 37377-3114 O 865-475-6133 H 865-397-3694 F 865-471-6878 O 423-378-9621 H 423-246-4862 F 423-246-2989 O 423-886-2330 H 423-886-3016 F 423-886-6919 Retired CC: First Centenary CH 2775 South Lakeshore Drive Lake Junaluska, NC 28745-8709 O H 828-452-2213 F Retired CC: McKendree CH 165 Natural Bridge Road Sewanee, TN 37375-2646 O H 931-598-5108 F Newbern-Mountain View WY P.O. Box 427 Newbern, VA 24126-0427 O 540-674-2536 H 540-674-6111 F Knox Co. Schools, Special Ed. Teacher CC: Fountain City KN Virginia AvenueFalls Mills TA Aldersgate AB Retired CC: Munsey JO 8524 Old Tazewell Pike Corryton, TN 37721-2003 1901 Virginia Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605-1134 136 Highridge Street Bristol, TN 37620-7108 3020 Edwards Drive Johnson City, TN 37601-9235 Smyth County Parish, 611 East Main Street Mtn View-ZionHillMarion, VA 24354-3321 Laurel Springs AB O H 865-219-8867 F O H 276-326-3700 F 276-326-3700 O 423-764-4092 H 423-573-1774 F O H 423-928-4209 F O 276-783-7224 H 276-783-7819 F 276-783-7225 Chaplain, Central State P.O. Box 4030-B114 O 804-524-4863 Hospital, PetersburgVA Petersburg, VA 23803-0030 H 804-861-3558 CC: Marion East Circuit F 804-524-7236 AB District Superintendent PO Box 894 Kingsport, TN 37662-0894 KI Transitional Leave JO Retired CC: Emory-Smyth Chapel AB St. Mark KN 416 Harrington Hollow Road Bluff City, TN 37618-2018 5 Grove Street Madison, NJ 07940-2106 7001 South Northshore Drive Knoxville, TN 37919-8530 O 423-224-1534 H 423-765-0522 F 423-230-0112 O 423-956-3524 H 423-878-8359 F 423-878-8359 O 973-377-4012 H 973-377-4012 F 973-408-3808 O 865-588-0808 H 865-690-6864 F 865-588-8533 NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS James R. *Green Joseph S. FE *Green Q. David FE Brian H. RE Richard S. FE *Gregory Teresa J. AM Griffin Caryl P. FE Charles W. FE Paul T. AM *Grills Anthony C. FE *Grills Helen M. RD *Grimm John L. FE *Grimm Maria W. FE Curtis A. RE *Grogg Gary W. RE *Groseclose Henry M. RE Greene, Jr. *Gregory *Griffin III *Griffith Grissett (Carol) (Beth) (Jill Ann) (Carolyn) (William) (Connie) (Kathy) (Maria) (John) (Barbara) (Ann) (Janice) RE CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: Broadway MA Alcoa, First MA Norwood KN Retired Bristol, Trinity AB Floyd WY P.O. Box 55 Floyd, VA 24091-0055 116 Deakins Estate Drive Jonesborough, TN 37659-3517 Glade Spring Charge- P.O. Box 667 Marion Correctional Glade Spring, VA 24340-0667 Center Chaplain AB O 865-687-1620 H 865-686-7286 F 865-687-9264 O 540-745-4121 H 540-745-4170 F O 276-773-3099 H 276-773-3265 F O H 423-914-3110 F O 423-913-2275 H 423-202-2890 F O H 276-429-5139 F O 423-837-6821 H F CH P.O. Box 189 South Pittsburg, TN 37380-0189 AldersgateJordan’s Chapel WY 1946 Medallion Drive Pulaski, VA 24301-4402 O 540-980-1349 H 540-980-1418 F Retired CC: Trinity MO 603 Briarwood Court Greeneville, TN 37743-6660 O H 423-639-4223 F Fairview 1902 Hidden Acorn Court Hixson, TN 37343-3522 O 423-842-4886 H 423-843-9150 F 423-843-1448 P.O. Box 630 Spring City, TN 37381-0630 O 865-376-0630 H 423-365-6870 F Retired 22 Lake Forest Lane CC: First Broad Street Crossville, TN 38558-8833 KI Cripple Creek Circuit WY Retired CC: McFarland CH CH Munsey Memorial *Guthrie RL Cowan Chapel (Ida) O H 336-685-9231 F Fairview FD (Susan) 6848 Bowman Dairy Road Liberty, NC 27298-9140 2110 Merchant Drive Knoxville, TN 37912-5111 Leave of Absence 54 Fairway View Point CC: Munsey Memorial Jonesborough, TN 37659-4123 JO Holly Avenue O H 865-977-0674 F O 865-982-5551 H 865-983-5640 F 865-982-5558 P.O. Box 219 Independence, VA 24348-0219 JO PHONE/FAX 617 Gilbert Street Alcoa, TN 37701-2373 Independence, FirstFlat Rock WY *Grove-DeJarnett Douglas James L. ADDRESS/E-MAIL 3215 Tuckaleechee Pike Maryville, TN 37803-7921 405 JO OA 1951 Overton Drive Pulaski, VA 24301-4133 125 Cloudcrest Point Rossville, GA 30741-5381 P.O. Box 1336 Johnson City, TN 37605-1336 O H 931-707-0981 F O 276-621-4832 H 540-980-1418 F O H 706-858-3676 F 706-858-3676 O 423-461-8070 H 423-282-6870 F 423-975-7800 C LERGY D IRECTORY *Green DIRECTORIES 406 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Gutierrez Hackney (Lindsey) STATUS FL CHARGE/DISTRICT East Lake CH PHONE/FAX 600 Whispering Way Kingsport, TN 37663-2453 O H 423-239-8795 F 11020 Roane Drive Knoxville, TN 37934-2916 O 865-966-6728 H 865-675-6430 F 865-966-3624 O 423-313-0976 H 423-867-0292 F RA Katherine C. FE Brent R. FE Thor RE Wm. David PL Elizabeth Scott PE Robert E. RE C. Frederick PL J. Ronald RE Keith PL *Hampton Matthew P. OF *Hancock Thomas E. FE Harrison *Hankins Buford W. FE O 276-964-9020 H 276-880-2253 F *Hankins Phyllis L. FE East Africa AC, Sudan PO Box 1006, c/o David Hankins District Richlands, VA 24641-1006 CC: Trinity, Greeneville MO *Hanshew, Jr. Donald R. FE Holston View *Hardy Cross Angela M. FE O H 276-386-3395 F *Hall Hall *Hall *Hamilton *Hamilton Hammer *Hammond Hampson (Peggy) (Vicki) (Nancy) (Becky) (Matthew) (Thelma) (Barbara) (Kelly) (Jaime) (Jody) (Phyllis) (Buford) (Carol) (Walter) Retired CC: Kendricks Creek KI ADDRESS/E-MAIL 1304 Coleman Circle Chattanooga, TN 37412-1504 John A. *Hale C LERGY D IRECTORY Samuel L. Wears Valley MA Concord OA Retired CC: Signal Crest CH Christ CH Abingdon AB 3357 Lyon Springs Road Sevierville, TN 37862-8239 1102 Montvale Circle Signal Mountain, TN 37377-2511 9217 Magic Mountain Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421-3413 101 E. Main Street Abingdon, VA 24210-2807 O 865-908-7331 H 865-366-7490 F O H 423-886-4698 F O 423-892-9363 H 423-892-3360 F 423-892-8443 O 276-628-2321 H 276-628-2214 F Retired CC: Jones Chapel CL P.O. Box 1088 Athens, TN 37371-1088 O H 423-746-0367 F Retired CC: Maryville, First MA 612 Devictor Drive Maryville, TN 37801-8665 O H 865-681-7433 F 101 East Gordon Avenue Rossville, GA 30741-1317 O 706-866-2981 H 423-774-4523 F Liberty HillEdwards Chapel MO Bell’s Campground OA McFarland CH CH PO Box 1206 White Pine, TN 37890-1206 4908 Tazewell Pike Knoxville, TN 37918-9239 P.O. Box 237 Harrison, TN 37341-0237 East Africa AC, Sudan PO Box 1006, c/o David Hankins District Richlands, VA 24641-1006 CC: Trinity, Greeneville MO BI Lennon-Seney KN 174 Church St. Weber City, VA 24290 9215 Strawberry Plains Pike Straw Plains, TN 37871-1241 O H 865-674-0132 F O H 865-686-1516 F O 423-344-8228 H 423-344-8054 F 423-344-8395 O 276-964-9020 H 276-880-2253 F O 865-524-0289 H 865-465-3737 F 865-637-9482 NAME (SPOUSE) DIRECTORIES CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL Henry A. RE 1913 Pine View Drive New Market, TN 37820-4130 Jim PL Retired CC: New Market Circuit MO David M. FE Marianna R. DR Harris, Sr. Thomas G. RE *Harrison, Sr. Charles C. FE Timothy S. “Ty” FE James W. RE Robert L. FE Jim J. Harlow *Harmon *Harr Harris *Harrison *Hart *Haskins **Havey, IV *Hawkins (Mary Ann) (Nettie Fay) (Mary) (Annabell) (Lou) (Kim) (Lorna) RE Ambrose Stewart FE (Sandra Kilpatrick) Merrill M. OF *Hayes Richard L. FE *Hayes Robert A. RE *Hazlewood David Lee RE *Heck Charles H. PL *Hedrick Wm. Wayne FE Kenneth H. RE Henderlight (Kimberly) (Connie) (Judy) (Nancy) (Gail) (Sandra) (Anita) Retired 1100 TimberidgeTrail CC: First Broad Street Kingsport, TN 37660-8481 KI Bishop’s Chapel WY 154 Paradise Lane Galax, VA 24333-6439 PHONE/FAX O H 423-578-8336 F O H 865-475-3792 F O 276-236-1722 H 276-236-9550 F P.O. Box 208 Chattanooga, TN 37401-0208 O 423-756-2021 H 423-629-7924 F 423-266-9742 Retired 3021 Best Road Maryville, TN 37803-2646 Sevierville, First 214 Cedar Street Sevierville, TN 37862-3848 O H F First Centenary CH Retired CC: State Street AB MA MA Hillsville, First WY Retired CC: Washington Pike KN Tyner CH 3800 Shamrock Drive Charlotte, NC 28215-3220 O H 704-532-4073 F O 865-453-5754 H 865-453-2788 F 865-453-4572 P.O. Box 356 Hillsville, VA 24343-0356 O 276-728-2434 H 276-728-2654 F 276-728-9291 6805 Standifer Gap Road Chattanooga, TN 37421-1410 O 423-892-0444 H 423-490-1138 F 423-892-5331 P.O. Box 65 Lake Junaluska, NC 28745-0065 O H 828-456-9226 F Transitional Leave CC: Cleveland, First CL 177 Suite D Myrtle Beach, SC 29577-3000 O H 817-602-0188 F Reynolds Memorial 327 West Mary Street Bristol, VA 24201-4483 O 276-669-1134 H 276-669-5612 F 276-466-8471 Mt. Pleasant (Talbott) MO AB Retired CC: Broadway MA 1206 Country Club Road Dandridge, TN 37725-4344 819 Amerine Road Maryville, TN 37804-3521 Retired 300 Wheatfield Circle, Apt. B126 CC: Munsey Memorial Brentwood, TN 37027-4491 JO Mt. Carmel MO 102 Easy Street Bulls Gap, TN 37711-4621 Norris-Sinking Springs P.O. Box 327 Norris, TN 37828-0327 OA Oak Ridge, First OA 2504 Silverstone Lane Knoxville, TN 37932-1468 O 865-471-3246 H 865-397-5579 F O H 865-984-5149 F O H 615-491-7726 F O H423-235-2442 F O 865-494-9407 H 865-494-2767 F 865-457-8694 O H 865-539-2558 F C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS Harless 407 408 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Henderson (Cecilia) STATUS FE CHARGE/DISTRICT Wise, TrinityAppalachia Prayer Fellowship BI *Hendrickson Asa L. PE *Henley RuthAnne AM Rural Retreat Circuit Andrew L. FE Cleveland, First Gerald Scott FE James C. RE Leroy D. FE Bruce E. RA Danny C. FE Darrell D. PL T. Randall PL *Hernandez Javier FL *Herron Jacob W. PL Claiborne Cluster *Hess Carlos FL *Hesser Laurence V. FE PocahontasChrist First TA *Hester Clyde W. AM Honaker-Elk Garden *Hester Donna M. FE Ketron Memorial *Henry Henry, Jr. **Henry *Henry C LERGY D IRECTORY David K. Hensley *Hensley **Hensley *Hensley (Craig) (Kim) (Dorothy) (Jacinth) (Sara) (Karen) (Cathy) (Melanie) (Elizabeth) (Laura Ann) (Juanita) (Sandra) (Freda) Maryville, First MA WY CL Chaplain, USAF CC: E. Stone GapLegion Memorial BI Retired CC: Gray JO Randolph AvenueSlaughter’s Chapel WY South Cleveland CL Panther Springs MO Smyth Chapel BI ADDRESS/E-MAIL P.O. Box 857 Wise, VA 24293-0857 804 Montvale Station Road Maryville, TN 37803-5804 WY OA Clinton, Memorial OA TA KI O 276-328-6825 H 276-328-6824 F 276-328-6825 O 865-982-1273 H 540-921-7766 F 865-983-5408 206 Briarwood Lane Rural Retreat, VA 24368-3082 O H 276-686-4940 F 202 Hildalgo Drive Hampton, VA 23669-1656 O 757-764-7847 H F 1105 Deerfield Avenue Kingsport, TN 37660-1391 O H 423-245-7236 F 3425 Ocoee Street North Cleveland, TN 37312-4456 O423-476-4504 H423-472-1897 F 423-476-4505 1621 Randolph Avenue Pulaski, VA 24301-2001 O 540-980-8775 H 540-980-0145 F 4555 West Andrew Johnson Hwy Morristown, TN 37814-1038 O 423-581-1992 H 423-581-5044 F 423-581-3154 3908 Gibson Drive NE Cleveland, TN 37312-5809 Route 4, Box 4822 Jonesville, VA 24263-9362 Mission Congregation, PO Box 3156 The Rock Johnson City, TN 37602-3156 JO Door of Heaven PHONE/FAX O 423-476-8742 H 423-790-0304 F O H 276-346-3891 F O 423-434-2031 H 423-232-1404 F 423-434-9998 P.O. Box 294 O276-236-3292 Galax, VA 24333-0294 H276-236-4906 F P.O. Box 51 Tazewell, TN 37879-0051 O H423-920-2485 F 323 North Main Street Clinton, TN 37716-3716 O865-457-2287 H865-457-1308 F865-457-4436 6972 Abbs Valley Road Bluefield, VA 24605-8787 255 Swords Creek Road Honaker, VA 24260-7069 301 Virgil Aveneu Kingsport, TN 37665-1527 O276-945-9008 H276-945-2557 F O H 276-873-5155 F O 423-246-6792 H 423-246-6862 F 423-246-6792 NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT *Hicks-Caskey Wanda Sue RD M. Jeannie FD Harry W. RE Donald G. RE Gary F. FE Louis T. RA Rex A. PL William L. FE Robert L. RE Roger E. RE Bill E. RE H. Paul FE Dennison Hobbs Nancy FD *Hobbs Rhonda FE BSG Dist. Renewal 101 Gilley Avenue East Project Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2949 CC: Pennington Gap, First BI Hodge B. David RE Tim PL Patricia H. RD *Hight, Jr. Hill, Sr. Hill Hill *Hill *Hill Hilten Hilton Hinton *Hite *Hodges Hogan (Barbara) (Peggy) (Connie) (Lauri Jo Cranford) (Erma) (Sarah) (Mary Earle) (Jeanne) (Patty) (Larry) (Patricia) (Joe) MO 300 W. Valley Drive Bristol, VA 24201-2739 Retired 233 Faldo Drive CC: Munsey Memorial Murfreesboro, TN 37128-6897 JO Asbury MO 201 S. Main Street Greeneville, TN 37743-4940 409 PHONE/FAX O H 276-669-2101 F 276-669-3042 O 615-890-5297 H 615-217-6320 F O 423-798-1050 H 423-639-8059 F 423-636-0937 Retired CC: Ketron Memorial KI 14246 Wellbridge Drive Meadowview, VA 24361-3432 O H 276-944-4173 F Incapacity Leave CC: Fairview MA 1129 Walden Legacy Way, #1121 Knoxville, TN 37931-4791 O H 865-980-7758 F Retired 917 Buckingham Road CC: Clintwood-McClure Trent Woods, NC 28562-4540 BI Retired CC: Swan Pond OA Limestone Cove JO Incapacity Leave 630 Paint Rock Ferry Road Kingston, TN 37763-5036 421 West F Street Elizabethton, TN 37643-3003 223 Hollifield Drive CC: Jacksboro-Caryville Jacksboro, TN 37757-3604 OA O H 252-633-3403 F O H 865-376-1863 F O H 423-542-5144 F O H 423-907-9873 F Retired CC: Alcoa, First MA 1780 Nobel Street Alcoa, TN 37701-2380 O H 865-983-5462 F 865-983-5462 Retired 1800 South Talbott Place O H 276-677-3933 F Retired CC: Maryville, First MA 1745 Leconte Drive Maryville, TN 37803-5529 CC: Wharf Hill-Elizabeth Waynesboro, VA 22980-2253 AB TA Burks-Fairview CH Retired CC: Cleveland, First CL Fudges Chapel KI Cleveland, First CL PO Box 407 Rosedale, VA 24280-0407 O H 865-681-3167 F O H 276-880-2194 F O 276-523-0417 H 276-546-1504 F 276-523-3513 6433 Hixson Pike Hixson, TN 37343-5726 O423-842-4219 H 423-842-8116 F 423-842-5113 1837 Midview Street Kingsport, TN 37665-1721 O 423-229-6698 H 423-245-2211 F 1103 W. Risverside Drive Carlsbad, NM 88220-4028 3425 Ocoee Street North Cleveland, TN 37312-4456 O H 575-885-9161 F O 423-476-4504 H 423-479-5078 F 423-476-4505 C LERGY D IRECTORY Mark A. (William) State Street ADDRESS/E-MAIL *Hicks *Higgins FE DIRECTORIES 410 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT John RL Norman D. RE Retired CC:Tellico Plains Ct. MA Amy S. Y. FE Kevin L. FE Jerry R. SY Amy FD Ralph J. AM Jimmy Lee SY William Henry RE Lee H. SY Houston Mack A. RA *Howard John Norman RE Signal Mountain *Howard Marvin V. FE Robert Neal Cleveland, TrinityPleasant Grove CL Hokaj Holbrook Holcomb, Jr. *Holmes *Holmes *Holt C LERGY D IRECTORY *Horak *Horak *Horn Horner *Houston Howard *Howard Howe Lee A. (Laurel Anne) (Beth) (Kevin) (Amy) (Edna) (Ralph) (Amy) (Brenda) (Mary) (Judy) (Helen) RL Retired CC: Middlebrook Pike KN Retired CC: Vestal KN ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX P.O. Box 846 Tellico Plains, TN 37385-0846 O H 423-253-3272 F 11301 Spring Hollow Road Knoxville, TN 37932-3130 2216 Lynx Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23456-7228 JH Quillen VA Med. Ctr. 204 Pawnee Street CC: Cherokee Johnson City, TN 37604-1134 JO Chaplain, JH Quillen 204 Pawnee Street VA Medical Center Johnson City, TN 37604-1134 CC: Asbury-Mt. Wesley JO Midway MO Transitional Leave CC: AndersonvilleMt Pleasant OA AndersonvilleMt Pleasant OA 156 Troy Morelock Lane Greeneville, TN 37743-3563 Atkins WY Retired CC: Piney Flats JO O 757-689-2770 H 757-444-7361 F O H 423-341-9576 F O 423-926-1171 H Ext:7902 F O 423-422-7711 H 423-639-9881 F 3813 Andersonville Highway Andersonville, TN 37705-3827 O H 865-494-9887 F 3813 Andersonville Highway Andersonville, TN 37705-3827 O 865-494-9887 H 865-494-9887 F 689 Lake Howard NW #117 Winter Haven, FL 33880 O H 863-293-3787 F Wright’s Valley-Tip Top 228 Odessa Lane Bluefield, VA 24605-8524 TA Retired CC: Central KN O H 865-671-6364 F 2582 Fries Road Galax, VA 24333-5041 398 Piney Flats Road Piney Flats, TN 37686-4812 O H 276-988-2712 F O 276-236-2984 H 276-236-9689 F O H 423-538-8019 F CH 3865 Fiery Gizzard Road South Pittsburgh, TN 37380-6084 O 423-886-3582 H 423-837-6741 F PL Powell Valley Parish Route 2, Box 2578 Roy L. RE Harry W. FE Retired CC: Wauhatchie CH 1317 Blocker Lane Chattanooga, TN 37412-1457 O H 276-346-3538 F (Ella) (Joye) (Denna) (Barbara) (Denise) 9028 Warbler Lane Chattanooga, TN 37421-1358 Bethel-McClure’s Chapel Jonesville, VA 24263-9509 BI Dir., Project Crossroads P.O. Box 945 CC: Marion, First Marion, VA 24354-0945 AB O H 423-892-6926 F O H 423-867-3775 F O 276-782-3339 H 276-783-7963 F 276-782-3833 NAME (SPOUSE) *Hubble Hudson R. Michael (Margaret) STATUS FE CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES District Superintendent P.O. Box 263 Abingdon, VA 24212-0263 AB 411 PHONE/FAX O 276-628-4421 H 276-628-3853 F 276-628-4421 Retired 2734 East Oakland Avenue, Apt. 21 O CC: Munsey Memorial Johnson City, TN 37601-1885 H 423-232-1995 JO F Robert B. RE Chapman W. RA Terry PL Mark SY L. Riley RE William A. OF Ben F. RE Leroy M. “Roy” PL Travis OF Paul G. FE Richard A. RE Dennie D. FE **Hurlock Charles J. RE Retired CC: Knoxville, First KN 801 Vanosdale Road, Apt. 137 Knoxville, TN 37909-2497 O H 865-531-7501 F *Hutton Lynn W. FD Magnolia Avenue *Hyde Bradley K. FE Seymour 7604 Emory Road NE Corryton, TN 37721-3511 O H 865-687-4181 F *Hyndrich Wm. Douglas FE Rich Creek, First P.O. Box 397 Rich Creek, VA 24147-0397 O 540-726-7386 H 540-726-3846 F *Huff, Jr. *Huffer *Huffine Huffstetler *Hughes Huguley, Jr. Humbard *Humphrey Humphrey *Humphreys (Cordelia) (Ronald) (Tammy) (Judi) (Pat) (Clara) (Janie) (Linda) (Cathy) (Nona) (Sondra) (Betty) (Mia) (Lorie) Retired CC: Mt. Pleasant WY Brooks Memorial CH St. Mark CH 228 Mt. Pleasant Road Jefferson, TX 75657-4426 O H 903-665-9980 F 2161 Longreen Road Kingsport, TN 37660-5054 O 423-246-4857 H 423-765-2529 F 7126 Elmbrook Lane Harrison, TN 37341-9314 Retired P.O. Box 143 CC: Sweetwater, First Sweetwater, TN 37874-0143 MA Bulls Gap, First MO Retired CC: Simpson CH Three Springs AB Black Fox CL Faith KN Retired CC: Mt. Olive CL Keith Memorial CL KN MA TA 5500 Warrensburg Road Greeneville, TN 37743-3293 131 Newton Road Lagrange, GA 30240-4702 6610 Reedy Creek Road Bristol, VA 24202-1902 1443 Harle Avenue NW Cleveland, TN 37311-4314 1120 Dry Gap Pike Knoxville, TN 37918-9756 2301 54th Street South Gulfport, FL 33707-5505 PO Box 1 Athens, TN 37371-0001 P.O. Box 1488 Seymour, TN 37865-1488 O 423-877-1110 H 423-344-5980 F O H 423-337-6297 F O 423-235-2520 H 423-639-3475 F O H 706-882-3941 F O 276-466-6224 H 423-764-9645 F O 423-339-1908 H 423-339-9706 F O 865-688-1000 H 423-543-2446 F 865-688-1403 O H727-328-0029 F O 423-745-2612 H 423-333-6428 F 423-745-2613 O 865-573-9711 H 865-286-9091 F 865-573-1036 C LERGY D IRECTORY *Hull III (Carolyn) 412 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Ihfe **Irvin (Gary) STATUS FE A. Jack RE Robert L. RE Richard D. FD Kimberly S. FE *Isley Walter A. OF *Isom Virginia “Ginger” FE Irwin *Isbell *Isley Ivey C LERGY D IRECTORY Jodie E. (Tera) (Jane) (Sue) (Bill Beard) (Carolyn) (Greg) CHARGE/DISTRICT Gray JO Retired CC: Dunlap CH Retired CC: St. Andrews KN Church Street KN Trinity, Lenoir City OA Ebenezer Circuit JO Christ MO Olin M. RE David R. FE John F. FE Jacobs Bonnie S. RE *James Garland E. RE Jenkins A. Clark FE *Jenkins Danielle PL Carter Street *Jenkins Jack C. AM Staffordsville Circuit **Jenkins James A. RE **Jenkins Troy A. SY Retired CC: Fountain City TA *Jennings Douglas C. PE *Jackson *Jackson, Jr. (Cindy) (Patricia) (Doris) (Carolyn) (Jack) (Danielle) (Barbara) (Joyce) Retired CH Emory-MeadowviewSmyth Chapel AB Knoxville Circuit KN Retired CC: East Lake CH Grace JO ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 930 State Route Y Mountain View, MO 65548-8358 O H 417-934-2311 F P.O. Box 8068 Johnson City, TN 37615-0068 4924 Kitty Hawk Way Knoxville, TN 37912-3672 P.O. Box 1303 Knoxville, TN 37901-1303 PO Box 606 Lenoir CIty, TN 37771-0606 7275 Erwin Highway Chuckey, TN 37641-6371 307 South Main Street Greeneville, TN 37743-4821 PO Box 5155 Chattanooga, TN 37406-0155 TA O 865-986-2325 H 865-986-2978 F O H 423-257-3193 F O 423-638-6224 H 423-638-6364 F 423-638-8995 O H423-442-8612 F 4603 St Elme Avenue, Apt B Chattanooga, TN 37409-1641 O H 423-313-8998 F 2812 Fairview Street Knoxville, TN 37917-3203 jjackson1936@com 148 Country Club Drive Unicoi, TN 37692-6410 O 865-522-1774 H 865-525-5679 O 423-743-5631 H 423-743-8228 F O 423-586-2942 H 423-586-1809 F 423-586-7406 P.O. Box 3296 F.S.S. Radford, VA 24143-3296 O 540-639-4516 H 540-629-2360 F 396 Piney Mountain Road Narrows, VA 24124-2822 O H 540-726-3807 F 176 Sugar Run Road Pearisburg, VA 24134-2647 P.O. Box 939 Bluefield, VA 24605-0939 Romeo 11095 Lonesome Pine Trail Bulls Gap, TN 37711-3356 MO O 865-521-0266 H 865-531-6148 F 865-521-0261 O 276-944-6842 H 276-944-3430 F 276-944-6248 Bethel TA O H 865-219-7131 F P.O. Box 985 Emory, VA 24327-0985 District Superintendent P.O. Box 1592 Morristown, TN 37816-1592 MO TA O 423-477-3792 H 423-202-6164 F 423-477-8360 O H 540-639-5129 F O H 304-323-3025 F O 423-620-5312 H 423-639-5783 F NAME (SPOUSE) **Johnson **Johnson Charles B. (Patti) STATUS PL CHARGE/DISTRICT Camp Ground 104 Clinton Avenue West Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2638 O 276-523-2157 H 276-523-5314 F Telford P.O. Box 1255 Decatur, TN 37322-1255 1294 West Campground Road Fall Branch, TN 37656-2550 O 423-334-4130 H 423-333-9269 F 423-334-4130 First, Church Hill PO Box 2010 Church Hill, TN 37642-0307 O 423-357-5564 H 423-357-7473 F 423-485-9337 Janice B. PL *Johnson Michael T. FE Decatur-Concord *Johnson Millard J. RE Samuel L. AM Sandra G. FE Steven R. FE Sue Lynn FD Jonathan B. FE C. Don FE Carl V. RL *Jones Clint D. PL Clouds Bend *Jones Gerald FE Jones Lloyd J. AM Rogersville, FirstKincaid KI Jones Paul Preston RL Jones Sylvia D. PL *Johnson *Johnson *Johnson *Johnson *Jonas *Jones Jones (Ernest) (Jan) (Dortha Jo) (Linda) (Leon) (Tammy) (Jerry) (Suzanne) (Christy) (Mabel) (Marilyn) (Joy) (T.J. Neal) (Oleta) Mt. PleasantSteelesburg TA Boyd Chapel MO CL JO KI Strawberry Plains MO St. Luke’s KN Kingston OA Marion, First AB Daisy CL Retired CC: Rogersville, First KI KI Addilynn Memorial AB Retired CC: Hillsville, First WY Looney’s Chapel TA P.O. Box 479 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0479 1732 Westward Road New Market, TN 37820-3236 O H 276-963-2140 F O H 865-471-0100 F O H 423-349-4025 F 3173 Old Andrew Johnson Hwy W O 865-933-8583 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-3039 H 865-933-1042 F 865-933-8583 3839 Buffat Mill Road Knoxville, TN 37914-3328 P.O. Box 248 Kingston, TN 37763-0248 O 865-494-9407 H 865-494-2767 F O 865-376-6337 H 865-376-9861 F 865-376-4619 115 South Church Street Marion, VA 24354-3109 O 276-783-5194 H 276-783-7903 F 276-783-5195 391 Guntown Road Rogersville, TN 37857-3948 O H 423-272-8226 F 3974 Highway 19E Elizabethton, TN 37643-5320 2346 Inglewood Drive Kingsport, TN 37664-2873 O 423-332-3243 H 423-332-1465 F 423-332-3246 O 423-246-1597 H 423-341-2628 F 110 Colonial Road Rogersville, TN 37857-3402 O 423-272-7311 H 423-272-8806 F 423-272-5915 337 Madison Road Hillsville, VA 24343-3822 O H 276-728-9646 F 3225 Avoca Road Bristol, TN 37620-6503 PO Box 409 Vansant, VA 24656-0409 O 423-764-1747 H 423-764-1689 F 423-764-6631 O 276-597-2331 H 276-597-8601 F C LERGY D IRECTORY RL *Johnson O 865-448-2050 H 865-448-2074 F 865-448-6568 Retired CC: Derby BI James R. (Karon) PHONE/FAX MA RL (Julie) 413 P.O. Box 400 Townsend, TN 37882-0400 Jack C. Johnson ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 414 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Jones, Jr. *Justice (Brandy) STATUS FL CHARGE/DISTRICT Powell KN John FL Ray PL H. Allen FE Melanie Sue FD Toombs H. RE Glenn H. RE *Keller, Jr. John F. PL *Kellogg Frederic R. FE Dan B. RE L. Dwight RE Louis T. RE Ketron N. Scott FL Sneedville Circuit *Kidd, Jr. Ralph M. FE Pleasant View Kidwell C. Barry FE Forrest Avenue *Kilbourne Charles F. RL Community Kilbourne Dwight S. FE First Centenary *Kilbourne Joshua D. FE Middlebrook Pike **Justus Karnes, Jr. *Karnes Kay, Jr. Keller C LERGY D IRECTORY Timothy W. *Kelly Kenney Ketron (Linda) (Janie) (Melanie) (Allen) (Pat Terrill) (Janet) (Jeannette) (Dorothy) (Yvonne) (Rhonda) (Carolyn) (Diana) (Eva) (Patty) (Callie) Oliver Springs Parish OA Mt. Hermon TA Midway MemorialProspect BI Ketron Memorial KI ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 130 Richards Drive Oliver Springs, TN 37840-2014 O865-435-7294 H865-435-7345 F 8307 Corteland Drive Knoxville, TN 37909-2118 199 Arrowhead Circle Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-8283 175 Alpine Ridge Lane Gate City, VA 24251-2614 175 Alpine Ridge Lane Gate City, VA 24251-2614 O865-938-2741 H865-938-2741 F865-938-8371 O H276-880-1223 F O 276-452-2412 H 276-386-9107 F O423-246-6792 H276-386-9107 F423-246-6792 Retired 589 South Dunes Drive CC: First Broad Street Pawleys Island, SC 29585-5141 KI O H 843-237-8882 F 843-237-8882 Oakland O 423-278-1471 H 423-581-6946 F Retired CC: Maryville, First MA MO P.O. Box 977 Penney Farms, FL 32079-0977 1717 Ledean Drive Morristown, TN 37814-1700 O H 904-284-8284 F Emory & Henry CC: Emory-Smyth AB P.O. Box 24 Emory, VA 24327-0024 O 276-944-6150 H 276-944-5422 F Retired CC: Dandridge, First MO 1648 Canal Lane Dandridge, TN 37725-5224 O H 865-397-2778 F PO Box 163 Sneedville, TN 37869-0163 O 423-592-1092 H 423-592-1092 F P.O. Box 4002 Chattanooga, TN 37405-0002 O 423-266-4312 H F Retired CC: Fountain City KN Retired CC: Beulah- Hendron’s KN MO AB CH KI CH KN 5124 Robin Road Knoxville, TN 37918-2563 616 Kimberlin Heights Road Knoxville, TN 37920-8923 18416 Lee Highway Abingdon, Va 24210-8002 O H 865-687-2410 F 865-689-4693 O H 865-579-9102 F O 276-628-6323 H 276-206-8428 F 276-676-4323 107 Riverchase Drive Church Hill, TN 37642-7300 O 423-246-6961 H 423-247-0291 F 7234 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37909-1159 O 865-690-8641 H 865-292-8137 F P.O. Box 208 Chattanooga, TN 37401-0208 O 423-756-2021 H 423-847-3852 F 423-756-8589 NAME (SPOUSE) Kilbourne *Kilday *Kilgore, Jr. **Killen King Kingrea Kirk *Kizer *Klaiber, Jr. **Knight, Jr. Knight, Sr. (Anne) G. William (Genie) STATUS FE RE Elihugh J. FE Charles M. RL (Susette) (Virgie) Elizabeth “Betsy” PL (Robert) CHARGE/DISTRICT New Salem CH Conf. Foundation, Dir. Stewardship & Church Relations CC: Concord OA Pulaski, First WY Russell Circuit AB Lead Mines Circuit WY J. Todd FE Unicoi M. Gene RE Darren FL Retired CC: Washington Pike KN Lewis B. PE Raymond PL David B. FE David B. RE (Felicia) (Cathryn) (Amanda) (Ashlee) (Melanie) (Stacey) (Judy) JO Seymour MA Hardin’s ChapelMosheim, Central MO Midway-Macedonia TA Chaplain, USAF CC: East Stone GapLegion Memorial BI Retired CC: East StoneGapLegion Memorial BI *Knight Keith G. FE *Kobler Timothy L. FE Krauss Linda PL Exeter Krauss Vincent K. FL Dryden-Seminary (Nancy) (Vincent) (Linda) Rockwood OA Director, UTK Wesley Foundation CC: Macedonia KN BI BI ADDRESS/E-MAIL 12550 Highway 136 Rising Fawn, GA 30738-4240 P.O. Box 850 Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 415 PHONE/FAX O 706-398-1799 H 706-398-3511 F O 865-690-8124 H 865-693-6296 F 865-690-3162 135 4th Street NW Pulaski, VA 24301-4523 O 540-980-3331 H 540-980-6005 F 540-980-3332 373 Somerset Drive Austinville, VA 24312-3251 O H 276-728-4966 F 2521 Morningstar Circle Lebanon, VA 24266-5971 702 Virginia Street Unicoi, Tn 37692-4345 2905 Avondale Avenue Knoxville, TN 37917-2408 P.O. Box 1488 Seymour, TN 37865-1488 55 Elm Street Mosheim, TN 37818-6019 2022 Virginia Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605-1025 529 Woodland Oaks Drive Schertz, TX 78154-1143 O H 276-794-7951 F O 423-743-9261 H 423-743-2241 F 423-743-9114 O H 865-522-7573 F O 865-573-9711 H 865-579-4935 F 865-573-1036 O 423-886-2330 H 423-422-7927 F 423-886-6919 O H 276-322-5860 F O H F P.O. Box 696 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-0696 O H 276-523-0883 F P.O. Box 446 Rockwood, TN 37854-0446 O 865-354-0753 H 865-354-0356 F 865-354-8181 1718 Melrose Place Knoxville, TN 37916-3417 RR 1 Box 30 Dryden, VA 24243-9714 297 Orr Road Dryden, VA 24243-8384 O 865-522-2728 H 276-614-8141 F 865-524-6256 O H276-546-6832 F O 276-546-1741 H 276-546-6832 F 276-546-4839 C LERGY D IRECTORY *Kitts Mark R. DIRECTORIES 416 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) PHONE/FAX P.O. Box 1 Athens, TN 37371-0001 O423-745-2612 H423-745-3603 F Nicole M. Hill FE William S. FE Michael FL Jeremy R. FE Kenneth W. FE Roy F. RL Sullins M. RE Jeffery L. FE *Lambert Kenneth PL Fairgarden Circuit *Lane Barry R. PL Fall Branch *Lane David OF Coeburn *Lane James P. RL Retired *Lane Karen M. FE Grove **Lankford Darrell PL Tellico Plains Circuit *Lantz Randy FL Crossroads Large Donald W. RA Lassiter William H. RE Retired 3101 Midway Road CC: Midway Memorial- Gate City, VA 24251-5275 Prospect BI *Ladd *LaDuke *LaDuke *LaDuke *Lamb *Lambert (Karla) (Dale Ann) (Sarah) (Roslyn) (Fredna) (Susan) (Tammi) (Mary) (Christine) (Joe) (Joan) (Luanna) (Margaret) (Sally) Retired CC: Cleveland, First CL ADDRESS/E-MAIL *Krewson (John) RD CHARGE/DISTRICT Linda B. *Kurtz C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS *Kress Keith Memorial CL Luminary OA Hills Union Circuit MO Fairview MA 8211 Fallen Maple Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421-1243 O706-259-3141 H423-296-8338 F 3401 River Road Ten Mile, TN 37880-2333 O 865-376-7040 H 865-376-5941 F 865-376-8936 2508 Old Niles Ferry Road Maryville, TN 37803-8802 O865-983-2080 H865-983-2080 F 865-974-4222 2483 Chestnut Hill Road Dandridge, TN 37725-6833 O H865-397-2301 F Big Stone Gap - Trinity P.O. Box 217 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-0217 BI O 276-523-0789 H 276-524-1255 F Retired CC: Simpson CH 3902 Highway 157 Rising Fawn, GA 30738-2029 O H 706-398-0680 F 159 Chapman View Drive Seymour, TN 37865-5560 O 865-254-4774 H 865-609-0314 F ChestueeSugar Creek CL Red Bank CH MA KI BI KI WY MA 153 Virgil Rymer Road NE Cleveland, TN 37323-5070 3800 Dayton Blvd Chattanooga, TN 37415-4011 O H 423-476-7464 F O 423-877-2881 H 423-842-1151 F 423-877-7155 1060 Starling Lane Kingsport, TN 37660-1138 O 423-392-3767 H 423-578-8323 F 220 Remington Court Kingsport, TN 37663-3495 O 423-349-4749 H 423-239-4889 F P.O. Box 887 Coeburn, VA 24230-0887 1020 Tyler Avenue Radford, VA 24141-3820 1179 Endsley Lane Friendsville, TN 37737-2109 KI 200 Bays Cove Trail Kingsport, TN 37660-8489 Retired CC: Holly Avenue CH P.O. Box 192 Guild, TN 37340-0192 O 276-395-3247 H 276-807-7185 F O 540-639-2807 H F 540-639-3254 O H 865-995-2745 F O 423-246-2982 H 423-323-0573 F O H 276-452-1388 F O H 423-942-0554 F NAME (SPOUSE) CHARGE/DISTRICT David A. RE L. Rodney AM Retired CC: Bethel, Amherst KN C. Maurice RE Harry P. FE J. Robert FE W. Scott FE Fred D. RE Charles D. FE Henry L. RE Charles PE W. David RE Lichlyter Bill R. RA Liles Charles D. RL Richard G. FE Charles M. PL *Linkous Larry A. RA *Lippse Charles E. RE Lawrence *Lawson *Lay Layell *Layell *Layer Layman *Ledger, Jr. *Lenoir *Leonard *Lewis *Lindamood Lindy Will (Louise) (Nedra) (Patsy) (Sharon) (Jean) (Kate) (Donna) (Susie) (Betty) (Linda) (Kay) (Carol Sue) (Tena) (Louise) (Kay) PE Bethesda-Eden JO Rocky Gap TA Retired CC: Gray JO St. Paul-Castlewood BI Centenary JO Morristown, First MO ADDRESS/E-MAIL 4755 Cherokee Road Jonesborough, TN 37659-6926 3730 Tabernacle Road Ethelsville, AL 35461-2708 P.O. Box 68 Rocky Gap, VA 24366-0068 455 Buffalo Road Bluff City, TN 37618-1306 AB PHONE/FAX O 423-753-5261 H 423-753-4507 F O H 205-662-4792 F O 276-928-1550 H 276-928-1238 F O H 423-323-1652 F 3225 Dogwood Drive St. Paul, VA 24283-2543 O 276-762-5107 H 276-762-5987 F 276-762-5107 101 East 1st North Street Morristown, TN 37814-4707 O 423-581-2180 H 423-748-8788 F 423-586-9491 203 North Elm Avenue Erwin, TN 37650-1225 Retired 2209 West Winchester Street CC:Pigeon Forge, First Springfield, MO 65807-8677 MA South Bristol 417 1801 Southside Avenue Bristol, TN 37620-4254 O 423-743-4342 H 423-735-7867 F 423-743-4342 O H 417-883-0075 F O 423-764-4824 H 423-764-4207 F 6409 West Emory Road Knoxville, TN 37931-1138 O 865-927-5881 H 865-938-1683 F 865-947-5588 KN 714 Cedar Lane Knoxville, TN 37912-3102 O 865-688-3531 H 865-607-0903 F 865-688-8461 Retired CC: Asbury Chapel OA 1010 Camberley Drive Apex, NC 27502-8107 O H F 136 McFadden Drive Whitesburg, TN 37891-9341 O H423-587-9265 F Solway OA Wharf Hill-Elizabeth AB Inskip 5522 Sugar Grove Hwy. Sugar Grove, VA 24375-3353 Retired 604 Gammon Springs CC:Clinch Valley Circuit Bean Station, TN 37708-3039 MO West End WY Harmon’s Valley MO Grace Circuit CC: Rich Valley AB Retired CC: Broad Street CL 1030 W. North Street Wytheville, VA 24382-2151 22285 Rich Valley Road Abingdon, VA 24210-1957 1802 Mara Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421-2753 O H276-677-8021 F O H 865-993-3408 F O 276-228-2845 H 276-223-0326 F O H 276-628-7009 F O H 423-892-9431 F C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS *Lauderback DIRECTORIES 418 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Littrell Terril D. RE Charles W. RE Freddrick L. RE Kenneth T. RL Paul B. FE *Looney Richard C. RE Telford *Lord David A. FE Bookwalter Robert AM *Love Adam FL *Lovelace David H. RE Eugene H. RE *Loy Dennis H. FE *Luper P. Christopher PD *Lusk Larry D. FL *Luton Kenneth PL Thomas H. RE **Long Long *Longmire *Lorton, Jr. *Lovell, Jr. Lynch (Chloe) (Shirley) (Judith Anna) (Jeanne) (Rebekka) (Kathryn) (Lisa) (Bobbi) (Claire) (Frances) AF CHARGE/DISTRICT Charles H. *Lockerby C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS Lippy (Beth Vanlandingham) (Rhonda) (Sarrar) (Wilma) ADDRESS/E-MAIL Professor, UT Chattanooga CC: First Centenary CH 711 Hurricane Creek Road Chattanooga, TN 37421-4515 Retired CC: Dublin WY P.O. Box 794 Vinton, VA 24179-0794 PHONE/FAX O 423-425-4340 H 423-892-0355 F 423-425-4153 340 Hunt Road SE Cleveland, TN 37323-8856 O H 423-728-5413 F Retired CC: Newport, First MO 247 Meadow Brook Court Springtown, TX 76082-6218 O H F Hixson 5301 Old Hixson Pike Hixson, TN 37343-3244 O 423-877-1246 H 423-843-3547 F 423-877-2965 Retired CC:Broad Street CL Retired CC: Cherokee JO CH JO NHC, 3209 Bristol Hwy Johnson City, TN 37601-1515 3500 Keith Street NW, Apt 202 Celeveland, TN 37312-4309 O H 540-344-1528 F O H 423-282-4153 F O H 423-559-5612 F 4218 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37912-4307 O 865-689-3349 H 865-617-4938 F 865-687-8010 Clear SpringsAlbright JO 6535 Old Stage Road Chuckey, TN 37641-5135 O H423-794-6549 F Retired CC: Maryville, First MA 439 Sweet Briar Drive Maryville, TN 37804-3699 KN Fairlawn-Bethel WY 7590 Brandon Road Fairlawn, VA 24141-8828 O 540-639-1388 H 540-731-1093 F Retired 113 Heritage Place Drive CC: Munsey Memorial Jonesborough, TN 37659-5870 JO O H 423-753-9388 F Noe’s Chapel O H 423-581-7358 F MO Galax, First WY Washington ChapelWashington Springs AB Maynardville Parish OA 2708 Conrad Drive Morristown, TN 37814-2123 O H 865-681-1787 F PO Box 445 Galax, VA 24333-0445 O 276-236-9937 H 276-236-3251 F 276-236-9938 3324 Garden Drive Knoxville, TN 37918-3320 O 865-966-1133 H 865-687-0762 F 1155 Rockwall Drive Abingdon, VA 24210-4218 Retired 408 Oriole Street CC: Greeneville,Trinity Greeneville, TN 37743-6140 MO O H 276-676-3794 F O H 423-638-1516 F NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES James D. *Lytton Kenneth E. PL Boones Creek Calvin W. RE Amanda B. FE Retired 138 Judson Drive CC: Munsey Memorial Johnson City, TN 37615-2512 JO Nathan A. FE Ronnie C. PL Clinch Valley Circuit Joseph W. FE Piney Flats John R. RE Glenna B. FD Paul Y. RE Joe L. RE *Markwood Thomas D. FE Marshall Betty Sue *Marshall Maas *Madson *Malone Maness *Manis Manney *Manning Marchbanks Marine (Sherry) (Jerrie) (Sonnie) (Andy) (Vicki) (Criss Ann) (Cheryl) (Janet) (John) (Fannie) SY Clinch Circuit AB JO Pleasant Hill KN Burks-Fairview CH MO KI 1660 Copper Ridge Road Castlewood, VA 24224-5557 110 Mary Street Johnson City, TN 37615-2628 8807 Pleasant Hill Road Knoxville, TN 37924-3206 6433 Hixson Pike Hixson, TN 37343-5726 7817 Rutledge Pike Rutledge, TN 37861-3016 225 Methodist Church Street Piney Flats, TN 37686-4842 PHONE/FAX O H 276-738-8854 F O 423-477-4394 H 423-283-4996 F 423-477-7079 O H 423-477-8832 F O 865-932-0301 H F O 423-842-4219 H 423-843-1327 F 423-842-0790 O H 865-828-8199 F O 423-538-6937 H F 2665 Bright Hope Road Greeneville, TN 37743-8560 O H 423-638-2253 F Retired CC: St. Mark KI P.O. Box 6085 Knoxville, TN 37914-0085 O H 865-588-2052 F Bradbury-Good Shepherd OA 3934 Buttermilk Road West Kingston, TN 37763-6930 Retired CC: Liberty Hill JO Beaver Ridge OA 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy Knoxville, TN 37931-3343 O 865-690-1060 H F 865-691-3157 O H 276-386-6999 F Retired CC: Holston View BI P.O. Box 1323 Gate City, VA 24251-1323 PL Sugar Run Circuit Darlene J. FL New River Circuit RR 4 Box 4751 Jonesville, VA 24263-9347 O H 276-346-1796 F *Marston Bruce S. FE Christ *Martin Carole R. FE Morristown, Trinity 7535 Maynardville Pike Knoxville, TN 37938-3348 O 865-922-1412 H 865-922-7027 F 865-922-2890 *Martin Randall B. FE Hixson *Martin Steven D. FE Kern MemorialVital Visions, Inc. OA (Margaret) (Jim) (Greg) (Mary Ann) (Dan) (Patsy) (Jana) BI WY KN MO CH O 865-376-2990 H 865-717-6226 F 6790 Hickman Cemetery Road O 540-639-5369 Fairlawn, VA 24141-5804 H 540-639-5185 F 425 Wilder Street Morristown TN 37813-5822 O 423-586-5360 H 423-581-6019 F 423-317-0128 171 Mitchell Road Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7919 O 865-483-6823 H 865-483-6848 F 865-483-6879 5301 Old Hixson Pike Hixson, TN 37343-3244 O 423-877-1246 H 423-842-2719 F 423-877-2965 C LERGY D IRECTORY Lyttle 419 420 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Martin *Matherly (Wanda) STATUS RA J. Benny RE Roger G. AM Ronald H. FE Charles L. FE Gary R. RE Rochelle D. PL Charles FE Mayo C. Douglas RE Mays John R. RL Raymond G. FE Clarence V. RE McCartt J. Spurgeon RE McClellan, Jr. H. Robert FE McClellan, Sr. Hagan RA *McCobin Timothy F. *McCormack Jerrod W. *Mathess *Matthews *Mattson Mauldin *Maxwell C LERGY D IRECTORY Thomas L. *Maynard *McBride McCall, Jr. (Elaine) (Pat) (Jeannie) (Janet) (Richard) (Jolinda) (Peggy) (Ella) (Jan) (Joette) (Norma) (Rebecca) (Ashley) CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL Retired 2253 Curve Road CC: Staffordsville CircuitPearisburg, VA 24134-2158 TA Retired 8631 Surry Circle CC: Wesley Memorial Chattanooga, TN 37421-3359 CH Asbury KN Executive Assistant to Bishop CC: Broadway MA New Tazewell OA 2822 Asbury Road Knoxville, TN 37914-6601 O H 540-921-0405 F O H F O 865-637-0620 H 865-525-5497 F P.O. Box 850 Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 O 865-690-4080 H 865-982-9015 F 865-690-7112 PO Box 36 New Tazewell, TN 37824-0036 O 423-626-4641 H 423-626-4641 F 423-626-5049 Retired CC: Cokesbury KN 10135 Highgate Circle Knoxville, TN 37931-3124 Development Officer, 128 Boone Street Pruitt HillTate Chapel MO PHONE/FAX P.O. Box 143 Gate City, VA 24251-0143 O 865-805-9781 H 865-692-2207 F O 423-639-6916 H 276-386-9625 F Camp & Retreat Ministry Jonesborough, TN 37659-1302 O 423-928-2156 H 423-913-2192 F 423-753-8891 Retired CC: Asbury MO O H F CC: Wesley Memorial JO Retired 324 Mount Bethel Road, #110 Greeneville, TN 37745-6346 7841 Cedarcrest Road CC: Valley View-Heiskell Knoxville, TN 37938-4406 OA North TazewellMt. Zion TA P.O. Box 125 North Tazewell, VA 24630-0125 Retired 194 Rawlings Lane CC: Buckner Memorial Madisonville, TN 37354-6034 MA Retired 1708 Orchard Court CC: First Broad Street Kingsport, TN 37660-4522 KI Chaplain, U.S. Navy 1108 Litewood Court Retired 2584 Mid Salem Drive FE Wytheville Circuit PE Walland 4922 West Lee Highway Wytheville, VA 24382-3575 CC: East Pine Grove Park Havelock, NC 28532-3235 JO WY MA O 276-988-9772 H 276-988-4405 F O H 423-442-3195 F O H 423-378-5512 F O H 252-652-4263 F O 336-835-6114 H 336-765-8774 F 309 E. Millers Cove Road Walland, TN 37886-2421 O 865-712-5359 H 865-984-9025 F CC: East Pine Grove Park Winston Salem, NC 27103-6985 JO O H 865-938-3656 F O H 276-686-4422 F NAME (SPOUSE) *McCoy McCready *McDonald McDougle, Sr. *McFadden McFarland *McFarland McIntosh *McKee III *McKee *McKee **McKinney STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL Stanley C. RE 8425 Lady Slipper Road Chattanooga, TN 37421-4394 Clyde H. RL Retired CC: First Centenary CH W. Ray RE Mark B. FE Cecil E. RE Gerald H. RE M. Keith SP Jason M. FE Adam E. FE Curtis D. FE Richard PL Charles R. FE Beth P. (Joseph) (Judy) (Catherine) (Margaret) (Glenna) (Mary) (Martha) (Donna) (Keri) (Charlotte) (Donna) (Alice) (Priscilla) DM *McKinnon-Young Michelle Buckles FE *McKnight *McLain McLaughlin (Gary) Music Ministry 21039 Green Spring Road Consultant Abingdon, VA 24211-5953 CC: Emory-Smyth Chapel AB O H 423-485-5096 F O H 678-401-2425 F White Pine, First MO P.O. Box 146 White Pine, TN 37890-0146 O 865-674-2869 H 865-674-2545 F Retired CC: Broadway MA 918 Wilder Chapel Lane Maryville, TN 37804-3687 O H 865-983-1064 F Retired CC: Otterbein JO Retired CC: North Keywood AB Benham’s Circuit AB P.O. Box 903 Elizabethton, TN 37644-0903 310 North Wilkinson Road Richmond, VA 23227-1631 5027 Potter Road Bristol, VA 24202-2113 O H 423-547-0256 F O 804-358-7650 H 804-261-0577 F 804-358-7020 O 276-466-3009 H 276-466-3009 F 276-466-3009 N. Alabama Conference 11474 McPherson Landing Road O CC: Mafair Tuscaloosa, AL 35405-9045 H 205-534-4182 F KI District Superintendent 706 South Illinois Avenue, Ste D102 O 865-482-3209 Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7969 H 865-769-7552 OA F 865-483-4515 6314 East Brainerd Road Chattanooga, TN 37421-3938 O 423-892-6446 H 706-937-7136 F 423-499-5079 Incapacity Leave 1824 Clayton Drive CC: Etowah, St. Paul’s Chattanooga, TN 37421-3005 CH O H 423-894-1121 F Wesley Memorial CH Bethel-Cross KI Cherokee JO Elston D. FE Stanley Lisa K. PL Jonesville Parish Campground-Miller’s BI (Robert) O 276-628-9967 H 276-628-9967 F 3327 Aviary Trace NW Acworth, GA 30101-5752 RE (Emily) PHONE/FAX Retired CC: Ebenezer KN R. Mark (Judy) 421 Retired CC: Wears Valley MA CH 208 Oakmont Drive Kingsport, TN 37663-2728 O423-239-4594 H423-239-4594 F O 423-926-0978 H 423-282-3744 F 423-926-1820 2615 South Roan Street, Ste. 100 Johnson City, TN 37601-7686 3154 Hatcher Mountain Road Sevierville, TN 37862-8323 501 Dodson Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37404-1513 2300 Red Fletcher Road Jonesville, VA 24263-7089 O H 865-774-7440 F O 423-624-6729 H 423-622-8461 F 423-624-0874 O276-346-1040 H276-346-1460 F C LERGY D IRECTORY McGrew DIRECTORIES 422 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *McMillan McMurray (Sarah) STATUS SP Stephen G. OF Paul H. AM Tracy PL Meade Peggy L. FE Mehaffy Carl PL Kenneth B. OF Merker Mathilda “Mat” FE *Miles T. Anthony PL Dennis W. PL Dixie J. PL *McNalley McPherson *Meredith C LERGY D IRECTORY Jeremy M. *Milhorn *Miller Miller Miller (Suzanne) (Kathy) (Kimberly) (Thelma) (Suzanne) (Karen) (Steve) Eblen G. “Buddy” RE (Jeanne) CHARGE/DISTRICT Whitwell, First PO Box 159 Whitwell, TN 37397-0159 ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX Thornspring-Wesley Memorial WY 1776 Mount Tabor Road Blacksburg, VA 24060-8606 O540-980-2927 H540-953-0754 F 540-951-3572 RR 4 Box 4706 Jonesville, VA 24263-9345 O H 276-346-1682 F 276-346-3057 CH Belfast-Midway TA Station CreekSpeaks Chapel BI RR 4 Box 4955 Jonesville, VA 24263-9382 O H276-346-2532 F Incapacity Leave CC: Apison CL 324 Webb Lane NE Cleveland, TN 37323-4593 O H 423-478-0090 F Roan Mountain 3032 Highway 11E Bluff City, TN 37618-1143 Derby BI Lebanon Circuit AB JO Bales Chapel MO Retired CC: Gray JO *Miller Mark PL Fairview-Sidney Miller Roy Van PL *Milligan Dennis E. RE Dandridge, Wesley’s Chapel MO *Milligan P. April FE (April) (Dennis) 694 West Main Street Lebanon, VA 24266-3808 Graysville-New Bethel P.O. Box 302 Graysville, TN 27228-0302 CL Greystone Circuit (Jennifer) O 276-964-2616 H 276-880-2214 F O H 423-914-0016 F RE (Mary Jean) 294 Belfast Mills Road Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-8235 219 Eastland Avenue Murfreesboro, TN 37130-4149 Assoc. Chaplain, Mid. TN Med. Center CC: Pactolus AB Joseph T. (Sue) O H423-658-5677 F 423-658-5768 JO O H276-889-4947 F O H 423-718-4641 F O 423-652-3366 H 423-538-9547 F 626 Mount Bethel Road Greeneville, TN 37745-6376 O 423-586-2942 H 423-638-2177 F 423-586-7406 119 John France Road Jonesborough, TN 37659-4707 O H 423-462-1927 F 135 Century Lane Dillsburg, PA 17019-9461 O H 717-512-8387 F WY 400 5th Street Radford, VA 24141-2304 O 540-731-4765 H 540-731-1508 F Retired CC: Draper WY 4163 Holbert Avenue Draper, VA 24324-2813 O H F Draper Circuit WY 3111 Rush Miller Road Knoxville, TN 37914-9771 4163 Holbert Avenue Draper, VA 24324-2813 O 865-579-2105 H 865-521-6231 F 865-579-2189 O H F NAME (SPOUSE) Mincey *Minnick Rose T. (Joe Lawrence) STATUS RL CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: Chestnut GroveEbenezer MO PL Mitchell Damon B. RE *Moncier Jeffrey W. FE Wayne T. FL William C. RE Daniel F. FE Donald S. RE Moore Eldon A. RE *Moore G. Keith FE *Moore Joseph D. PL Moore Robert R. RE J. Leroy PL Donald D. FE *Morris H. Randolph RA *Moseley J. Glenn PL Tyner *Mullan Richard D. FE Floyd Circuit *Monroe Mooney, Jr. **Moore Moore *Morie, Jr. *Morris (Jeannine) (Dollie) (Sylvia) (Margaret) (Bettie Jo) (Teresa) (Betty) (Tillie) (Stephanie) (Terri) (Carol Sue) (Phillis) (Roxanne) Hunt Memorial AB 12 Bramblewood Place SW Cartersville, GA 30120-5766 1826 Pittstown Road Bristol, VA 24201-7518 423 PHONE/FAX O H 770-386-9931 F O 276-466-3455 H 276-466-8693 F O H 423-847-9288 F Sale Creek 1255 Leaside Lane Hixson, TN 37343-5727 Sulphur Springs 1432 Gray Stn Sulphur Springs Rd O 423-753-5631 Jonesborough, TN 37659-4406 H 423-477-7947 F 423-753-8891 CL JO Grace Circuit WY Retired CC: Oak Ridge, First OA Knoxville, First KN Retired CC: Broadway MA Retired CC: Maryville, First MA Wesley Center, UTC CC: Burks CH Wesley-Lou’s Chapel CH Retired CC: Colonial Heights KI Cosby Circuit MO Kern Memorial OA 650 East Spiller Street Wytheville, VA 24382-2022 O H 276-228-4653 F 3316 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919-4631 O 865-525-0435 H 865-693-1875 F 865-525-4049 545 Martin Valley Road Walland, TN 37886-2445 O H 865-379-1932 F 4131 Andrew Jackson Pkwy, Apt 431 O Hermitage, TN 37076-2271 H 615-902-0695 F 906 Wilder Chapel Lane Maryville, TN 37804-3687 607 Douglas Street Chattanooga, TN 37403-2002 302 Magnolia Avenue South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1266 223 Kimberly Heights Drive Nicholasville, KY 40356-2009 2633 Bogard Road Newport, TN 37821-6874 451 E. Tennessee Avenue Oak Ridge, TN 37830-5579 Retired 90 Hampton Hts. CC:Mechanicsburg Ct. Galax, VA 24333-2337 TA CH WY 4620 Jersey Pike Chattanooga, TN 37416-3148 5669 Floyd Highway, SO. Willis, VA 24380 O H 865-980-9413 F O 423-266-3691 H 423-877-7078 F 423-266-3696 O 423-837-6464 H 423-837-6200 F O H 859-885-6505 F O H 423-623-6763 F O 865-483-5273 H F 865-483-0192 O 540-731-1093 H 276-233-4326 F O 423-892-0444 H 423-490-8460 F 423-892-5331 O 540-789-7941 H 540-789-7087 F C LERGY D IRECTORY Mary ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 424 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Mullen Mullens (Joy) STATUS RD CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX Mt. Zion 1629 Doaks Creek Road Speedwell, TN 37870-8014 O H 423-562-5503 F Retired 4416 Northwood Drive CC: First Broad Street Kingsport, TN 37664-4580 KI James R. PL H. Rae FE Larry D. FE Mutter Randolph R. RA Myers Mariel H. RL Laura Jean FE Catherine C. FE Donald L. RE Charles T. RE Wiley L. RE J. David PE Neese J. Richie FL Bright Hope Circuit Neese John W. RE *Neese Victoria FL Retired CC: Mountain View CL Scott R. FD Edward D. RE *Mullins *Murphy Myers-Ross C LERGY D IRECTORY John W. *Nance *Nation *Neal Neal *Neel Neil *Nelson (Joyce) (Ruth) (Kathy) (Patsy) (David) (Steven) (Brad) (Marion) (Brenda) (Marie) (Reva) (Louise) (Judy) OA UM HolstonHome for 1301 Olympian Way Children Kingsport, TN 37660-1365 CC: First Broad Street KI Blountville KI Well Spring-Cawood OA Retired CC: Auburn Circuit MA Leave of Absence CC: Christ CH Beaver Ridge OA P.O. Box 686 Blountville, TN 37617-0686 168 Well Road La Follette, TN 37766-5217 O H 423-288-5041 F O 423-470-6100 H 423-378-9905 F O 423-323-5941 H 423-323-8612 F 423-323-5951 O 423-562-9583 H 423-562-9583 F 2605 Warm Hearth Drive, Apt N109 O Blacksburg, VA 24060-6246 H 540-951-0831 F 8407 Oak View Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421-4396 7753 Oak Ridge Highway Knoxville, TN 37931-3343 O H 423-499-8948 F O 865-690-1060 H 865-690-1060 F 865-691-3157 Clergy Concerns Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 O 865-690-4080 H 276-722-0068 F 865-690-3162 Retired CC: First Centenary CH 53 Carriage Hill Signal Mountain, TN 37377-2346 O H 423-517-0176 F Ross CampgroundCameron KI 217A Oak Street Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3648 Wesley Leadership Instit./ P.O Box 850 CC: Fairview MA Retired CC: Broadford Circuit AB 2604 Freestone Valley Road Tannersville, VA 24377-3512 O H 276-496-7681 F O H 423-256-2082 F 275 Bright Hope Road Greeneville, TN 37743-8544 O 423-638-8991 H 423-638-8991 F Spring Valley Circuit 8886 Spring Valley Road Fries, VA 24330-4144 Transitional Leave CC: Washington PIke KN 3600 Sprucewood Road Knoxville, TN 37921-1530 O H 276-744-2588 F MO WY Retired JO 247 Alp Green Road Dayton, TN 37321-5800 1511 Paris Road Knoxville, TN 37912-5331 O H 423-285-5599 F O H 865-771-0637 F O 423-753-5261 H 423-753-4507 F NAME (SPOUSE) *Netting Newman Newman *Newman Karl A. STATUS (Ellen) FE Alfred L. RE Kenneth M. RL Wallace E. RE (Geneva) CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL CC: Concord OA Richmond, VA 23238-3739 Retired CC: Telford JO 120 Newman Road Jonesborough, TN 37659-6531 Retired CC: McCampbell MO 650 Valley Creek Road Jefferson City, TN 37760-3474 Chapl. Bon Secour Hospice 9534 Oldhouse Drive Retired CC: Union Grove MA Retired CC: Knoxville, Asbury KN Truman L.”Chuck” RL Nickle William E. RE *Nicolaus Micah FE Lighthouse *Norris, III William B. PL Pilot Noseworthy James A. FE Nuckolls Lawrence L. AM Nunley (Kim) (Karla Kincannon) (Betty) Retired CC:MooresburgBeeler Chapel MO CH WY Incapacity Leave CC: Mt OlivetTrinity WY FL *Nutt Amy S. FL *Nyaga Robert K. FE *O’Quinn Leon B. FL *Oaks Carl I. FE Sweetwater, First George E. FE Nicklesville Circuit Daniel M. PE Fountain City Odle *Ogle (John) (Agnes) (Debra) (Sandy) (Diana) (Erin) 6123 Hammer Road Knoxville, TN 37914-9427 Andover-DunbarImboden BI PHONE/FAX O 804-975-5500 H 804-747-5477 F O H 423-504-5634 F O H 423-753-2285 F O H 865-524-1297 F O H 865-397-8721 F 280 New Harvest Road Washburn, TN 37888-4746 O H 865-497-3444 F 6223 Micasa Lane Ooltewah, TN 37363-5581 O 423-344-4399 H F PO Box 2212 Pulaski, VA 24301-1932 President, Hiwassee 225 Hiwassee College Drive College Madisonville, TN 37354-4005 CC: Buckner Memorial MA D. Anthony (Tina) 2181 Mabels Lane Sevierville, TN 37876-5900 425 O H 540-980-8598 F O 423-420-1225 H 423-420-9118 F 423-420-1929 5240 Empire Street Pulaski, VA 24301-7154 O H 540-980-4764 F 6049 Dunbar Road Appalachia, VA 24216-2623 O H 276-679-0351 F CL 6131 Relocation Way Ooltewah, TN 37363-6288 O 423-238-9216 H 423-499-5942 F 423-238-9238 Hales ChapelKathleen Memorial TA 101 Hankla Street Tazewell, VA 24651-1467 O H276-988-5074 F Ooltewah John WesleyCharles Wesley AB MA BI KN 311 Lee Street Bristol, VA 24201-4326 501 Chruch Street Sweetwater, TN 37874-2904 PO Box 135 Nicklesville, VA 24271-0135 212 Hotel Road Knoxville, TN 37918-3226 O H 276-669-5067 F O 423-337-7903 H 423-337-5837 F 423-337-7945 O 276-479-2018 H 276-479-5047 F O865-689-5175 H865-329-6092 F865-689-4693 C LERGY D IRECTORY Nicholson (Nancy) DIRECTORIES 426 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT John W. FE Jimmy R. RE Pastoral Counseling CC: Christ CH John W. FE Larry J. FE Kyle V. RE Margaret FE James T. AM William F. FE Jerry OF Pardue Robert A. RE *Parker R. Steven FE Parkhill Grace DR Parrott Robert E. RE *Parson Mary L. FE **Pasqua Randall C. FE *Patman Rachel M. DE *Ogle, Sr. Oldham Osborne *Ousley *Ousley, Sr. *Overton Owens-Yates C LERGY D IRECTORY *Oxendine *Pace **Page W. Michael (Judy) (Ann) (Lisa) (Darlene) (Carolyn) (Prue) (Ruth Ann) (Sherry) (Thomas) (Donna) (Jo Anne) (Don Petty) FE ADDRESS/E-MAIL Incapacity Leave CC: Broad Street CL PO Box 3685 Cleveland, TN 37320-3685 Retired CC: Grace (Jackson) OA 28 Edgewater Cove Jackson, TN 38305-8936 PHONE/FAX O H 423-285-0201 F 2120 Northgate Park Lane, Ste. 201 O Chattanooga, TN 37415-6952 H 423-870-5647 F Dir., ETSU Wesley Found. 166 Garland Way CC: Munsey Memorial Johnson City, TN 37604-3532 JO O H 731-427-3664 F O 423-929-2121 H 423-929-9396 F 423-232-4920 SEJ Intentional Growth Ctr. P.O. Box 546 CC: Middlebrook Pike Lake Junaluska, NC 28745-0546 KN O 828-454-0791 H 828-926-2331 F 828-452-4225 Leave of Absence CC: Damascus, Zion AB 1027 WW Vaught Lane Mountain City, TN 37683-5555 O 423-727-9898 H 423-727-5613 F Lincoln Park-Martin Chapel KN 3120 Pershing Street Knoxville, TN 37917-4234 O865-525-2725 H865-688-1159 F 5321 Rondo Road Knoxville, TN 37918-3342 O H 865-687-0637 F Retired CC: Emerald Avenue KN Virginia AvenuePaperville AB Alcoa, First MA Retired CC: Inskip KN Harriman OA Retired CC: Church Street KN 2904 Carbine Lane Knoxville, TN 37918-4043 236 Country Meadows Circle Bristol, TN 37620-8378 617 Gilbert Street Alcoa, TN 37701-2373 P.O. Box 407 Harriman, TN 37748-0407 2822 Island Home Avenue Knoxville, TN 37920-2737 Retired CC: Church Street KN 433 Scenic Drive Knoxville, TN 37919-6650 Conference Camp & Retreat Ministries CC: Cherokee JO P.O. Box 2506 Johnson City, TN 37605-2506 Calhoun-Spring Creek P.O. Box 187 Calhoun, TN 37309-0187 CL Leave of Absence AB PO Box JJ Saltville, VA 24370-1164 O H 865-689-8402 F O 423-968-1353 H 423-878-5741 F 423-878-5962 O 865-982-5551 H 865-981-4987 F 865-982-5558 O H 865-882-1353 F O H 865-573-8794 F O H 865-525-6359 F O 423-336-2484 H 423-336-2944 F 423-336-2484 O 423-929-9037 H 423-975-0693 F 423-928-8807 O H276-496-7971 F NAME (SPOUSE) Patterson Patton Richard J. STATUS (Martha) RE CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: Dublin, First WY 200 Third Street Dublin, VA 24084-3218 RA Craig E. AM Timothy B. FE C. Ray FE Pennington Cynthia C. FE *Pennington D. Layne FE Jonesville Gary E. “Pete” PL Roger C. RE St. Charles Robbins Chapel BI William R. RL Leonard M. RE Kenneth SY *Petty David G. “Don” FE *Petty Ray E. FE George Street-Grant *Phillips Joe R. PE Oakdale-Woods Chapel 242 Woods Chapel Road *Philpott James L. FE Kenneth D. FE Chattanooga District Pastoral Counselor CC: Christ CH *Paul *Penn Perdue **Perkins **Perkins Perry *Peterson *Pierce (Barbara) (Karen) (Cathy) (Nancy) (Louise) (Bettie) (Ingrid) (Pam) (Rachel Patman) (Alice) (Alana) (Jeane) (Phyllis) 1554 Rocky Hollow Road Atkins, VA 24311-3048 N. Georgia Conference 1020 Olde Mille Lane CC: Middle Valley Hixson, TN 37343-2942 CH Asbury CL Professor/Chaplain, Lincoln Memorial U. CC: LaFollette OA Leave of Absence CC: Cokesbury KN BI Retired CC: Tyner CH 3323 Jackson Circle SE Cleveland, TN 37323-0334 138 Lilac Drive La Follette, TN 37766-4660 111 Miller Avenue Maryville, TN 37803-5945 940 Bradbury Street Kingsport, TN 37660-5025 PO Box JJ Saltville, VA 24370-1164 MO 604 East Elmwood Street Jefferson City, TN 37760-2744 OA Harriman, TN 37748-4213 First UMC Dayton CL O 423-842-0906 H 423-847-0826 F 423-842-9676 O 423-476-2340 H 423-479-8446 F O 423-869-6229 H 423-562-4559 F O H 865-977-1737 F O H 863-471-3424 F 1100 Timothy Drive Crossville, TN 38572-3098 Madam RussellTate’s Chapel AB O H 276-686-4991 F 1655 Lakeview Drive, Unit A104 Sebring, FL 33870-7956 P.O. Box 239 Dryden, VA 24243-0239 Retired CC: Cleveland, First CL KI O H 540-641-3960 F O 276-346-2062 H 276-346-1127 F 276-346-3200 P.O. Box 98 Pearisburg, VA 24134-0098 Clouds Bend PHONE/FAX PO Box 280 Jonesville, VA 24263-0280 Little Walker Circuit TA 427 600 Georgia Avenue, Suite 5 Chattanooga, TN 37402-1413 P.O. Box 12 Dayton, TN 37321-0012 O 276-383-4459 H 276-546-3523 F O H 540-921-2012 F O H 931-788-1353 F O 423-246-1597 H 423-246-0770 F O H 276-496-7971 F O 865-475-2620 H 865-475-5726 F O865-882-2404 H865-882-3517 F O 423-266-6253 H 423-847-6729 F 423-266-6257 O 423-775-0262 H 423-775-0101 F 423-775-0265 C LERGY D IRECTORY Larry Duane *Paul Retired CC: Ceres Circuit AB ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 428 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Pierce **Pierre (Maria) STATUS FE CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX Retired CC: Stanley CH 1735 Jeanaga Trail Chattanooga, TN 37406-2737 O H 423-698-3719 F Etowah, Wesley Mem.- PO Box 306 Pleasant Grove Etowah, TN 37331-0306 CL Alfred E. RA Pinner Mike OE Poister William C. RL Patrick C. FE James S. RE Brenda A. PL Pope Rudolph W. RL Porter Bill R. FL Randy PL Robert S. RE Thomas PL Price II John K. PE Clintwood-McClure Privratsky Bruce G. FE Frontiers CC: Bookwalter *Probst Amy R. FE Broadway *Pross Steve PL Middle Creek *Purser James H. FL Mountain View-New Providence CL *Polis *Pollock *Poole C LERGY D IRECTORY P. Aaron *Powers Powers **Prater (Gayle) (Betty Lou) (Irene) (Pam) (Tonya) (Donna) (Emilie) (Chris) (Tracee) (Rhonda Kay) Carter County Parish JO Retired CC: Emory KI Washington Pike KN Bristol, Trinity KI Swan Pond OA Retired 250 Star Ridge Road Unicoi, TN 37692-6031 1277 Cooks Valley Road Kingsport, TN 37664-5120 1615 Price Avenue Knoxville, TN 37920-3332 Nottingham-Mendota BI Sinking Springs AB Retired CC: Washington Pike KN Wesley Circuit AB BI KN MA MA O H 423-743-8538 F O H 423-580-3141 F O 865-522-0603 H 865-522-0708 F 865-522-2974 320 Carter Street Bristol, VA 24201-3720 O 276-669-1772 H 423-477-8044 F 9920 Naylor Avenue O H F P.O. Box 378 Andersonville, TN 37705-0378 CC:Crossroads-Franklin St. Laurel, MD 20723-1724 WY O 423-263-2087 H 423-263-2291 F 423-246-6792 O 865-426-6189 H 865-494-0516 F 588 Hilton Road Gate City, VA 24251-2457 O 276-386-3771 H 276-386-7063 F 2820 Lake Brook Blvd, Rm 506A Knoxville, TN 37909-1133 O H 865-456-7133 F 3037 Collier Road Mendota, VA 24270-2244 O H 276-669-7325 F 15175 Greenway Road Meadowview, VA 24361-2911 O H 276-944-4481 F c/o Mary E. Fetzer 144 Glassboro Drive Oak Ridge, TN 37830-5625 O H 865-689-8559 F PO Box 495 Seymour, TN 37865-0495 O H865-609-1072 F P.O. Box 279 Clintwood, VA 24228-0279 309 East Broadway Avenue Maryville, TN 37804-5742 265 Poppy Avenue Dayton, TN 37321-6763 O 276-926-6853 H 276-926-6021 F 276-926-6802 O 865-982-6192 H 865-982-8558 F 865-982-6142 O 423-775-4335 H 423-775-0547 F NAME (SPOUSE) CHARGE/DISTRICT David M. RL Mayberry Community Wayne E. RL Mickey W. FE Retired CC: Jonesville Parish BI Faith PE Larry E. FE Ronald W. FE *Raper Alta C. FL *Rasnake Darryll G. FE Laura R. FE Hugh D. RL Ray Harold D. RE Ray J. Darrell AM *Ray Rickey J. FE Reed Charles “Toby” SY Reed Rebecca PL Thomas M. FE Rader Rader *Rainwater *Ramer *Ramey *Ramsey *Rasor Ratledge *Reed James J. (Ann) (Norma) (Virginia) (Joy) (Regina) (Bonnie) (Melanie) (Imogene) (Fay) (Evelyn) (Linnea) (Deata) PL Mt. Vernon BI JO First Broad Street KI Bridle Creek Circuit WY ADDRESS/E-MAIL P.O. Box 44 Hiltons, VA 24258-0044 450 Choctaw Drive Chuckey, TN 37641-5085 429 PHONE/FAX O 276-386-7065 H 423-361-5407 F O H 423-257-3782 F 478 Alpine Ridge Lane Gate City, VA 24251-2613 O H 276-386-6393 F 15 Bridle Creek Road Independence, VA 24348-4113 O H276-773-2093 F P.O. Box 1346 Kingsport, TN 37662-1346 O 423-224-1503 H 423-245-7741 F 423-246-1361 402 Suffolk Avenue Richlands, VA 24641-2463 O 276-964-4311 H 276-963-4125 F 276-963-9759 Pittman Center Circuit 340 Tunis Road Sevierville, TN 37876-9156 MA O H 865-436-1662 F Richlands, First TA McKendree CH P.O. Box 176 Jasper, TN 37347-0176 O 423-942-3888 H 423-942-2558 F P.O. Box 1303 Knoxville, TN 37901-1303 O 865-521-0279 H 865-765-2456 F 865-521-0261 Retired CC: Amis ChapelElm Springs KI 413 Remington Court Church Hill, TN 37642-3428 O H 423-357-1249 F Incapacity Leave CC:Grace Circuit AB 1235 Greenbrook Lane Hixson, TN 37343-3028 P.O. Box 2496 Lebanon, VA 24266-2496 O 423-842-4219 H 423-842-7459 F 423-842-5113 Assoc. Prof. Philosophy P.O. Box 1086 Northeast State Tech. Abingdon, VA 24212-1086 CC: Chilhowie AB O 423-323-3191 (Ext. 3393) H 276-492-9512 F Church Street KN Colonial Heights KN Retired CC: Burks CH 6436 Shetland Drive Knoxville, TN 37920-6551 Gate City Circuit 1483 Roda Road Appalachia, VA 24216-2505 Riceville-Piney Grove 2519 Cindy Street Athens, TN 37303-1646 BI CL Elizabeth Chapel JO 1041 Elizabeth Chapel Road Bluff City, TN 37618-1190 O 865-577-2727 H 865-577-9526 F 865-577-2774 O H 276-889-5228 F O H 276-565-1379 F O H 423-506-2783 F O 423-538-6311 H 423-538-7281 F 423-538-1047 C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS Putman DIRECTORIES 430 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) *Reed *Rehagen (Roy) STATUS PL CHARGE/DISTRICT Mt.SinaiWeem’s Chapel MO Harold W. RE Betty C. RE John R. PL Arturo FL John L. RL Gloria L. FL Frederick H. RE Janet S. FE *Richardson Kevin OF *Richter, Jr. Richard L. FE *Ridenour Gordon L. RE *Rieger B. Eric FE *Rimmer William C. FL Baileyton Circuit *Rines Billy W. AM Damascus Circuit Ripley John E. RE *Roberson Benjamin L. RE Retired CC: Church Street KN John W. RE Reiff **Repass *Reyna Rhoads *Rhudy Richard C LERGY D IRECTORY Vivian *Richardson Roberson, Jr. (Joyce) (Joe) (DeeDee) (Maria) (Helen) (Gary) (Bonnie) (Donna) (Nancy) (Marion) (Kathy) (Susan) (Mary Jane) (Mary) St. Andrews KN Retired CC: Abingdon AB Round Bottom ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 4240 Plummer Drive Knoxville, TN 37918-1319 O 865-689-4033 H 865-689-7542 F 487 Theo Hixon Road Rutledge, TN 37861-5445 196 Crestview Drive Abingdon, VA 24210-2030 TA 309 Crabapple Street Bluefield, VA 24605-9654 CC: Liberty Hill MO Morristown, TN 37816-1982 Morristown Hispanic Minist. P.O. Box 1982 Chevront OA Woodlawn-Shiloh WY 3048 Meadowview Drive Kingston, TN 37763-4569 P.O. Box 75 Woodlawn, VA 24381-0075 Retired 308 Dancy Lane CC: First Broad Street Kingsport, TN 37663-3730 KI Central-Rutledge MO East Tazewell Circuit OA Hendron’s ChapelHillcrest KN Retired CC: Concord OA Middlebrook Pike KN OA P.O. Box 487 Bean Station, TN 37708-0487 O H 276-628-3740 F O H 276-322-5819 F O H 423-307-1676 F O H 865-376-5715 F O 276-236-8627 H 276-236-4424 F O H 423-239-9159 F O H 865-993-0414 F O H F 3529 Gratton Road Tazewell, VA 24651-8315 1615 Price Avenue Knoxville, TN 37920-3332 O 865-577-0737 H 865-573-2247 F 7234 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37909-1159 O 865-690-8641 H 865-539-9801 F 865-539-4636 324 Chowning Drive Knoxville, TN 37934-2747 967 Baileyton Main Street Greeneville, TN 37745-7687 AB 33013 Bennington Way Damascus, VA 24236-2929 Retired CC: Wesleyanna CL 162 County Road 791 Etowah, TN 37331-5142 Retired CC: Wesleyanna CL O423-317-3133 H865-828-4919 F O H 865-675-6355 F O H 423-234-6730 F O H 276-475-5215 F 8445 Barbee Lane Knoxville, TN 37923-6323 O H 865-670-9624 F 182 County Road 791 Etowah, TN 37331-5142 O H 423-263-2896 F O H 423-506-7688 F NAME (SPOUSE) *Roberts Roberts C. Michael (Barbara) STATUS PL Leona J. DR Luther W. PL Samuel R. AF Stella M. FE Robertson Ernest L. RE *Robertson Janice N. FE *Roberts Roberts III *Roberts (Diana) (Stella) (Sam) (Lucille) *Robertson-Gouge Scott A. Payne’s Chapel CH Retired CC: Washington Pike KN Chilhowie, Lebanon AB Prof. Tn Wesleyan CC: Athens, Trinity CL Oak Ridge, First OA Retired CC: Church Hill, First KI ADDRESS/E-MAIL 2132 Dallas Lake Road Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-8806 132 Tall Oak Circle Johnson City, TN 37601-5193 20375 Millbrooke Drive Abingdon, VA 24211-6372 431 PHONE/FAX O 423-535-2703 H 423-843-2896 F O H 423-926-7008 F O 276-628-2552 H 276-628-7366 F 276-628-4427 P.O. Box 40 Athens, TN 37371-0040 O 423-746-5226 H 423-745-2561 F 605 Timber Lane Cookeville, TN 38501-2816 O H 931-528-5293 F 1350 Oak Ridge Turnpike Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6416 O 865-483-4357 H 865-482-2766 F 865-483-9011 1733 Battlefield Parkway Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742-4019 O 706-820-6314 H 706-883-2270 F 706-820-6315 140 Holly Ridge Road Glade Spring, VA 24340-2624 O 276-944-6842 H 276-429-5072 F 276-944-6248 MA 12713 Broken Saddle Road Knoxville, TN 37934-1329 O 865-632-7034 H 865-288-3559 F General Evangelist CC: Seymour MA 123 Ford Hill Lane Seymour, TN 37865-4817 O 865-983-2080 H 865-577-5809 F MA 2729 Middlesettlements Road Maryville, TN 37801-7424 O 865-982-4799 H 865-984-6906 F 865-982-5460 Retired CC: Morrison Chapel KI 600 Beaver Lane Kingsport, TN 37660-6140 Fort Oglethorpe Flinstone CH Blue Ridge Circuit WY O 276-728-2111 H 276-728-5113 F Beverly C. FE Ann P. FE Thomas A. FE William S. RE *Roe Jason C. FE *Roe John P. FL *Rogers Rex G. PL Middlesettlements Shirley M. RE *Roller Homer C. RE Retired P.O. Box 648 CC: Wesley Memorial Mountain City, GA 30562-0648 CL O H 706-746-7481 F Rose J. Donald RE Retired CC: Dandridge, First MO O H 865-771-4331 F *Robins *Robins *Rodgers Rogers (Tom) (Ann) (Mary Beth) (Holly) (Jane) (Paula) (Jay) (Doshia) (Betty) Leave of Absence CC: Emory AB 578 Old Appalachian Trail Fancy Gap, VA 24328-2800 Ebenezer KN Binfield Retired CC: St. Paul WY Weaver AB 1001 Ebenezer Road Knoxville, TN 37923-6505 160 Hickory Lane Wytheville, VA 24382-4100 220 Kingston Road Blountville, TN 37617-5523 1116 Old Stage Road Rogersville, TN 37857-6041 O 865-691-8330 H 865-288-3559 F 865-693-6395 O 276-228-5344 H 276-228-5344 F 276-228-9536 O H 423-323-1525 F O H 423-245-2156 F C LERGY D IRECTORY Robinette (Ruth) FE CHARGE/DISTRICT DIRECTORIES 432 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Ross *Ross (Laura Jean) STATUS RE CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: Christ CH W. Darryl RE Bill F. FE Peyton L. RE Linda W. PL Richard M. FE Harold D. RA Jerald W. FE James H. RE Larry S. FE George F. OF P. Orlando RE *Sallee G. Steven FE *Sandefur Catherine PL Ebenezer *Sanks Van G. FL Magnolia Avenue *Sarver Barry K. FL Copperhill, First *Sauer Clair Travis FE Grace *Sauer Kenneth E. FE East Ridge *Rowland *Rowlett, Jr. Rozar *Rudesill Russell *Russell C LERGY D IRECTORY Steven M. Rutherford *Rye Saddler *Salazar (Helen) (Virginia) (Lynn) (Elizabeth) (Sarah) (Judy) (Carolyn) (Susan) (Mary) (Leticia) (Lynda) (Anice) (Glynda) (Kenneth) (Clair) Retired CC: St. Lukes KN Dublin WY Retired CC: Concord OA Creech’s Chapel MO Bethel-Vonore MA Retired CC: Oakland WY Fairview MA ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 5238 Magic Lantern Drive Knoxville, TN 37918-8161 O H 865-687-0480 F 8407 Oak View Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421-4396 P.O. Box 577 Dublin, VA 24084-0577 10937 Farragut Hills Blvd Knoxville, TN 37934-4084 915 Oakvale Road Princeton, WV 24740-3917 O H 304-425-8620 F P.O. Box 146 Vonore, TN 37885-0146 2508 Old Niles Ferry Road Maryville, TN 37803-8802 St. Elmo 3030 Towerway Drive Chattanooga, TN 37406-2141 128 North Church Street Mountain City, TN 37683-1324 Retired 2212 Knob Creek Road CC: Wesley Memorial Johnson City, TN 37604-2945 JO Cokesbury KN AB KN CL CH CH O H 865-966-9776 F O 423-359-2000 H 423-823-1470 F 423-639-9052 2729 Cansler Drive Maryville, TN 37801-8314 CL O 540-674-5128 H 540-674-6205 F 540-674-5140 46 Brown Avenue Greeneville, TN 37743-3086 Retired CC: Pleasant Hill MA Mountain City, First Trade AB O H 423-499-8948 F 9919 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 O 423-884-6214 H 423-884-6214 F O 865-983-2080 H 865-984-9303 F 865-984-4222 O H 865-681-8658 F O 423-727-7554 H 423-727-7572 F O H423-624-2351 F O 423-928-9553 H 423-202-7161 F 423-202-7161 O 865-693-0353 H 865-966-6950 F 865-693-9704 329 Poplar Street NW Abingdon, VA 24210-2514 O276-889-3031 H276-628-1385 F 276-889-2662 P.O. Box 538 Copperhill, TN 37317-0538 O 423-496-4931 H 423-548-6348 F 423-496-4068 7014 Downing Drive Knoxville, TN 37909-2501 3653 Larry Lane Chattanooga, TN 37412-1811 1601 Prater Road Chattanooga, TN 37412-3825 O 865-673-8003 H 865-584-8835 F O 423-892-5872 H 423-664-3300 F 423-842-2313 O 423-892-8451 H 423-629-7206 F NAME (SPOUSE) *Schepisi *Schnell Ila W. (Cory) Terry W. (Paulette) STATUS FD OE CHARGE/DISTRICT Grove-VA Tech Adult Day Services WY Sneedville Circuit MO FE *Schofield Curtis R. RE Robert L. AM Kenneth L. FE Bradley H. FE William Donald RE Paul D. FE Surgoinsville, First *Seay Sherry PL Dandrige, Wesley Chapel *Seay Thomas L. FE Colonial Heights Mary Eugenia “Jean” DR Shamblin Austin L. RL Retired CC: Grove WY Shanks James M. RE Alvin O. FL Shaw Helen E. FE *Shearer Laura A. FE *Schooley *Scoggins *Scott *Scott *Seay *Settle *Shaver (Celia Kay) (Clara) (Sherry) (Mary Ann) (Tammie) (Peggy) (Kathleen) (Creed) (Sandy) (Dorothy) (Nellie) (Britt) (John) Marion East Circuit AB Retired CC: Wildwood CH Mt. Airy-Economy MO Soddy CL Pearisburg, First TA Retired CC: Bluefield, First TA KI MO 109 Pershing Avenue Radford, VA 24141-3511 433 PHONE/FAX O 540-231-3161 H 540-633-5032 F 7480 Circle Point Drive Talbott, TN 37877-9033 O 423-733-8144 H 423-586-3282 F 26462 AL Highway 71 Flat Rock, AL 35966-5740 O H 256-632-4110 F 4329 Lee Highway Marion, VA 24354-6310 O H 276-782-8472 F 368 Back Nine Drive Baneberry, TN 37890-4939 O H 865-674-6699 F 865-674-6699 P.O. Box 400 Pearisburg, VA 24134-0400 O 540-921-1021 H 540-922-8058 F 540-921-1022 PO Box 134 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-0134 O 423-345-2279 H 423-794-9035 F 423-345-2279 260 Durham Street Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-6439 304 Valleydale Street Bluefield, VA 24605-9437 842 Curry Road Dandridge, TN 37725-5700 O 423-332-1148 H 423-332-9937 F O H 276-322-4501 F O 865-475-7901 H 865-397-2550 F P.O. Box 6027 Kingsport, TN 37663-1027 O 423-239-6031 H 423-765-3577 F 423-239-7699 Retired CC: Maryville, First MA 408 Montvale Station Road Maryville, TN 37803-5802 O H 865-983-9450 F Mountain View 3200 Maryville Pike Knoxville, TN 37920-6132 KI Retired CC: Economy MO MA Incapacity Leave 1642 Mocksville Highway Cleveland, NC 27013-8909 2939 Wilshire Blvd. Morristown, TN 37814-3278 PO Box 820 CC: Tellico Plains Circuit Tellico Plains, TN 37385-0820 MA Holston Conf. Pastoral P.O. Box 32634 Counselling Center Knoxville, TN 37930-2634 CC: Church Street KN O H 704-873-0973 F O H 423-586-4489 F O 865-573-4731 H 865-995-1121 F 865-573-4731 O H 865-719-6323 F O 865-805-8929 H 865-450-5047 F 865-692-2393 C LERGY D IRECTORY *Schoeneman, Jr. William A. ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 434 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Sheldon *Shell, Jr. (Cynthia) STATUS FE CHARGE/DISTRICT Incapacity Leave CC: Second KN Reed L FE Donald P. FL Regina FL William “Bill” FL William “Will” FL *Shewey Will H. PE Salem Shirey Carol Ferguson FE Leave of Absence Betty A. PL Danny OF Allen D. FE Olin E. RE Shupe Randy PL Smith’s Chapel *Shupe William FL Elk Creek Circuit *Silcox James PL St. Clair Jack SY Bethel Douglas FL Welch’s ChapelStephen’s Chapel CH *Shelor *Shelton *Shelton *Shelton II C LERGY D IRECTORY John L. *Shirley *Shortridge *Shupe Shupe Sills *Silvers (Cathy) (Terri) (Walter) (Sherry) (Dennis) (Wayne) (Sadie) (Kathy) (Elizabeth) (Connie) (Janet) (Vicki) (Maria) (Brenda) Broad Street CL Central, Radford WY Old UnionMcFerrin KI St. John MA Ceres Circuit TA KI MO ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX P.O. Box 3 Cleveland, TN 37364-0003 O 423-476-5586 H 423-479-5995 F 423-559-0190 402 Edgewood Street Church Hill, TN 37642-4222 O H423-357-5174 F 5023 West Blue Grass Trail Ceres, VA 24318-3402 O H276-682-4263 F 2731 Gaston Avenue Knoxville, TN 37917-4132 O H 865-525-9393 F O540-639-3529 H540-674-2975 F 540-639-0182 P.O. Box 471 Dublin, VA 24084-0471 2201 E. Broadway Avenue Maryville, TN 37804-3036 5230 Bloomingdale Road Blountville, TN 37617-6635 971 Old Baileyton Road Afton, TN 37616-3807 O 865-983-2290 H 865-579-5402 F 865-983-2290 O 423-323-7848 H 423-323-1776 F O H423-234-0304 F O865-767-3839 H865-828-3150 F Mary’s ChapelRussellville MO 8537 Rutledge Pike Rutledge, TN 37861-3107 Oneida, First P.O. Box 4445 Oneida, TN 37841-4445 O 423-569-8828 H F 1004 Apple Court Kingsport, TN 37660-1104 O 423-229-1301 H 423-246-4973 F Mechanicsburg Circuit 3146 Grapefield Road Bastian, VA 24314-5063 TA OA Retired CC: Atkins WY BI WY CL OA 1083 Leafwood Road Fries, VA 24330-4215 228 Camp Moxley Lane Elk Creek, VA 24326-2382 3537 Oak Hill Road Dayton, TN 37321-2584 Methodist Medical Center PO Box 2529 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2529 12404 East Valley Road Dunlap, TN 37327-4551 O276-688-4300 H276-688-4238 F O H 276-744-2618 F O H 276-655-4072 F O H 423-775-8730 F O 865-835-5233 H 865-539-3432 F O 423-949-3802 H 423-949-8358 F NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS *Slack Sarah M. FE John M. PE Michael G. FE Gregory S. FE Natalie B. FE Alvin H. RE Crystal S. FE David G. FL David L. FE Donald H. FE F. Douglas RE James E. RE *Smith John B. RE *Smith John Leonard PL *Smith Melissa R. FE Fountain City *Smith Robert L. FE Wesley Memorial *Smith Susan DM Shady Grove *Slater, Jr. *Sluder *Smart *Smart Smith *Smith *Smith *Smith *Smith *Smith Smith (David) (Tana) (Lori) (Natalie) (Greg) (Johnnie) (Trevor) (Sherry) (Peggy) (Sue) (Emily) (Agnes) (June) (Lenora) (Pat) (Don) Galax, First WY New Life KN Sunbright Circuit OA Bearden KN Pikeville CH Simpson CH Retired CC: Hurst CH Oak Ridge, First OA Sevierville Parish MA Clapps Chapel ADDRESS/E-MAIL P.O. Box 445 Galax, VA 24333-0445 P.O. Box 11065 Knoxville, TN 37939-1065 O 865-588-6562 H 865-693-8219 F 865-588-6989 601 McFarland Avenue Rossville, GA 30741-1902 O 706-866-3410 H 423-447-2802 F 706-866-3410 P.O. Box 216 Sunbright, TN 37872-0216 P.O. Box 233 Pikeville, TN 37367-0233 209 Y Road Sevierville, TN 37862-4014 O 865-774-1838 H 865-577-4760 F 335 Gillespie Drive Abingdon, VA 24210-2105 O 276-628-3092 H 276-628-2986 F 1350 Oak Ridge Turnpike Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6416 Retired 2101 Christian Lane, Apt 301 CC: Wesley Memorial Johnson City, TN 37601-3252 JO KN CL AB O 423-447-2951 H 423-447-2802 F O H 865-524-4848 F 920 Stonecrest Drive Maryville, TN 37804-3734 AB O H 865-308-2798 F 202 Grata Road Knoxville, TN 37914-3752 Retired CC: Maryville, First MA Carvosso O 276-236-9937 H 276-236-2311 F 276-236-9938 O 865-546-5153 H 865-640-0807 F KN Retired CC: St. Luke CH PHONE/FAX 7921 Millertown Pike Knoxville, TN 37924-1858 7420 Clapps Chapel Road Corryton, TN 37721-3734 Shady GroveCamp Ahistadi AB 435 44 Raven Rock Road Pikeville, TN 37367-3620 O 865-483-4357 H 865-483-4357 F 865-483-9011 O 865-687-4721 H 865-687-6979 F 865-687-6550 O H 865-980-2023 F O H 423-926-2657 F O H 423-881-4104 F 423-881-3472 O 276-475-6568 H 276-475-3881 F 22219 Fisher Hollow Road Damascus, VA 24236-2309 212 Hotel Road Knoxville, TN 37918-3226 O 865-689-5175 H 865-688-8811 F 865-689-4693 335 Gillespie Drive Abingdon, VA 24210-2105 O H276-628-2986 F 3405 Peerless Road NW Cleveland, TN 37312-3431 O 423-472-9578 H 423-479-1440 F 423-472-9570 C LERGY D IRECTORY Walter C. (Juanita) FE CHARGE/DISTRICT *Simmerman DIRECTORIES 436 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Smith Smith (Angel) STATUS FL CHARGE/DISTRICT Fries Circuit WY PHONE/FAX 1175 Endsley Lane Friendsville, TN 37737-2109 O 865-577-5661 H 865-995-2576 F RE Rebecca S. FE Charles G. PL Claude C. RE W. Edward FE Harry W. RE Roger B. RE H. Michael OF Bruce W. FE C. R. “Rick” FE C. Scott PL Spriggs Oliver W. RL Sprinkle Kenneth L. FE *St. Clair David T. FE *Stanfield Chris J. FE Harneds-Parrottsville Stanley Talmage FE Emory & Henry College, P.O. Box 947 Volunteer Service Coord.Emory, VA 24327-0947 Smythers **Snapp *Snodgrass III *Snyder *Solomon *Somers *Spangler *Spell *Spence (David) (Shelby) (Wanda) (Linda) (Marjorie) (Gloria) (Brenda) (Phyllis) (Gail) (Diane) (Sharon) (Teresa) (Marcia) (Kelley) (Susan) Vestal ADDRESS/E-MAIL 6921 Ivanhoe Road Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3085 Wendell M. *Smithey C LERGY D IRECTORY Timothy W. KN Sand Branch 2301 Thorngrove Pike Knoxville, TN 37914-6348 KN Atkins Memorial WY Retired CC: Sand Mountain CH McCallie School, Campus Ministry CC: Highland Plaza CH 7792 Coulson Church Road Austinville, VA 24312-3351 P.O. Box 936 Chickamauga, GA 30707-0936 16231 Crestview Drive Sale Creek, TN 37373-7764 O H276-744-7945 F O865-523-6632 H865-524-7601 F O H 276-728-2060 F O H 706-375-4052 F O 423-493-5876 H 423-332-6326 F O H 706-820-9203 F Retired CC: Wauhatchie CH 92 Yvonne Circle Flintstone, GA 30725-2216 Beech Grove 475 Island Road Bristol, VA 24201-7011 O 276-669-6441 H 276-669-9390 F PO Box 35 Newport, TN 37822-0035 O 423-623-6066 H 423-623-3461 F 423-623-6067 Retired 4475 Village Springs Run CC: Greeneville, Asbury Atlanta, GA 30338-5678 MO AB Volunteer Ministry Center-West View KN Newport, First MO 2529 Bella Vista Lane Knoxville, TN 37914-9341 North Keywood Circuit 696 Cedar Branch Road Saltville, VA 24370-3182 AB O H 770-677-5799 F O 865-524-3926 H 865-673-0163 F 865-524-7065 O 276-944-4275 H 276-496-3528 F Retired P.O. Box 17 CC: Wesley Memorial Riceville, TN 37370-0017 CL O H 423-462-2993 F ChilhowieSeven Mile Ford AB O 276-646-8718 H 276-944-4614 F East Stone GapLegion Memorial BI MO CC: Emory-Smyth Chapel AB P.O. Box 186 East Stone Gap, VA 24246-0186 PO Box 367 Chilhowie, VA 24319-0367 P.O. Box 1 Parrottsville, TN 37843-2943 O 276-523-3760 H 276-523-2647 F 276-523-7500 O 423-623-5180 H 423-623-7557 F O 276-944-6817 H 276-944-3859 F 276-944-6170 NAME (SPOUSE) Stansell *Stapleton Donald E. (Velma) STATUS RE CHARGE/DISTRICT Retired CC: St. Paul WY 225 Dogwood Drive Wytheville, VA 24382-9301 First, Morristown 101 East 1st North Street Morristown, TN 37814-4707 PE Charles W. FE Grover PL Eric J. SY Steele Carl E. RL Steiner John Ross RE Billy W. PL Jack L. RE R. Warren RE *Stokes Debra J. M. FE Stone Lisa A. FE William C. RE *Strickler Jacqueline B. FL *Stuart William PL *Swift Donald FE St. Mark *Switzer Betsy R. PE Benton-Chestuee *Tabor, Sr. Calvin S. RA Valley Center *Starnes Starr *Stephens *Stevens Stewart Stooksbury (Rebecca) (Angela) (Melinda) (Marie) (Germaine) (Sheila) (Rebecca) (Michael) (Jayne) (Tim) (Alicia) (Richard) (Roberta) Dungannon Circuit P.O. Box 374 Dungannon, VA 24245-0374 BI MO 437 PHONE/FAX O H 276-228-4737 F O276-467-2883 H276-467-2482 F O 423-581-2180 H 423-586-0157 F 423-586-9491 124 Aurawood Drive Kingsport, TN 37660-6772 O H 423-288-4291 F Retired 1324 Kentucky Avenue CC: Gilbert’s Memorial Richlands, VA 24641-2541 TA O H 276-963-0680 F Arcadia-Holly Springs KI Pactolus KI Retired CC:Maryville, First MA Blount, Pleasant Hill MA Sinking Springs AB 1000 University Blvd, Apt. F58 Kingsport, TN 37660-1032 2214 Remington Park Drive Maryville, TN 37803-2881 215 Gaut Avenue Sweetwater, TN 37874-1116 705 Park Street Bristol, VA 24201-3431 Retired 1016 Circle View Drive CC:MountainCity, First Mountain City, TN 37683-1173 AB Broad Street O H 661-331-0769 F O H 865-681-4033 F O 865-983-9235 H F O H 276-466-8532 F O H 423-727-0733 F O 423-476-5586 H 423-780-9324 F 423-559-0190 CL P.O. Box 3 Cleveland, TN 37364-0003 Retired CC: Second KN 885 General George Patton Road Nashville, TN 37221-2574 O H 615-673-2821 F 230 Townsite Circle South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1754 O423-294-1155 H423-837-8317 F Spiritual Director CC: Oak Ridge, First OA Cedar Bluff TA Whiteside CH OA CL KI 3536 Buckeye Loop Fayetteville, TN 37334-5546 P.O. Box 209 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0209 O H 828-736-9176 F O276-963-7065 H276-963-4455 F 276-963-5544 242 N. Main Street Clinton, TN 37716-3706 O 865-457-1520 H 865-457-5149 F 310 Virginia Drive Kingsport, TN 37660-6252 O H 423-578-8354 F 153 Franklin Drive Benton, TN 37307-3614 O 423-338-5134 H 423-338-5403 F C LERGY D IRECTORY Bradley K. *Starks ADDRESS/E-MAIL DIRECTORIES 438 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Tabor Taj Tallent *Tallent, Jr. **Tapley *Taylor *Taylor C LERGY D IRECTORY *Taylor, Jr. *Taylor *Taylor STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX Amos RE 6615 Ooltewah Georgetown Rd Ooltewah, TN 37363-9213 Jeffrey L. FE Retired CC: Brooks Memorial CH O H 423-238-5106 F V. Richard FL Earl M. RE Brian K. FE Christina B. FE Daniel H. FE J. David (Mary Lynn) (Esther) (Cindy) (Rebecca) (Patricia) (Sean) (Diana) FE J. Russell “Rusty” FE (Mary Virginia) District Superintendent 101 Henry Street North Tazewell, TN 37630-9178 TA Hiltons Memorial BI Englewood-Mars Hill CL Retired CH Munsey Memorial JO Damascus PO Box 10 Hiltons, VA 24258-0010 O 423-887-5998 H 423-887-5257 F PO Box 1336 Johnson City, TN 37605-1336 O 423-461-8070 H 423-926-9331 F 423-975-7800 700 Mease Plz, Apt 950 Dunedin, FL 34698-6646 AB P.O. Box 358 Damascus, VA 24236-0358 SC Conference CC: Cleveland, First CL 324 Shallow Brook Drive Columbia, SC 29223-8112 Mt. Pleasant 1245 Crest View Drive Wytheville, VA 24382-1245 Gatlinburg, FirstHuskey’s Grove MA O 865-436-4691 H 865-436-5346 F 865-436-4691 FE Kenneth SY *Taylor, Jr. L. Clark FD CEO, Hospice of Chatt. 200 Manufacturers Rd. Apt. 406 *Taylor Meg G. FE *Taylor Millard C. RA District Superintendent P.O. Box 925 Wytheville, VA 24382-0925 WY Maynardville Parish 5336 Tazewell Pointe Way Knoxville, TN 37918-7524 *Taylor Patsy K. RL 5336 Tazewell Pointe Way Knoxville, TN 37918-7524 *Teague J. Michael FE Retired CC: Second KN *Templeton Edd RE Macedonia 4630 Holston Drive Knoxville, TN 37914-4243 (Sharon) (Judy) (Patsy) (Millard) (Tawana) (Carol) O H276-475-5572 F 276-475-5433 O 865-690-4080 H 865-679-7500 F 865-690-3162 Joe Mack Taylor O H 727-734-1924 F Conference Secretary PO Box 850 CC: Church Street Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 KN FE (Dorothy) O 276-386-9441 H 276-386-3478 F 221 Crestwood Drive Englewood, TN 37329-5009 Jane Elizabeth *Taylor O 276-988-4891 H 276-979-1075 F 276-988-5435 WY Norton BI CC: Christ CH OA Smyth County Parish (Grace-Greenwood) AB KN 742 Parkway Gatlinburg, TN 37738-3206 1217 Virginia Avenue NW Norton, VA 24273-1730 O 803-786-9486 H 803-419-3853 F O 276-223-1492 H 276-228-5600 F 276-223-1193 O276-523-8316 H276-679-4350 F 276-523-6964 O423-892-4289 H423-266-2400 clark_taylor@hospiceofchattanooga.orgF Chattanooga, TN 37405-5005 720 Grace Street Marion, VA 24354-1912 O276-228-4922 H276-228-4873 F 276-228-6717 O H 865-686-9558 F 865-686-9558 O H 865-686-9558 F O H 276-783-6727 F O 865-523-6618 H 865-922-3391 F NAME (SPOUSE) Templeton **Thacker G. Stephen (Brenda) STATUS PL PL Donald C. PL J. Garland RL Daniel C. FE John K. RE Donald E. FE D. Lee PL Thomas William B. RE *Thompson Cynthia C. FE James W. RD John D. AM R. Lynn RL John A. RL Timberlake Richard H. RE Timmons Hazel Virginia RL Tindell Harry P. RE **Thayer Thayer *Theiben Thierbach *Thomas *Thomas, Jr. Thompson *Thompson Thompson *Tiller (Lilly) (Eleanor) (Jean) (Sally) (Anna) (Delphna) (Mary Kathryn) (Ralph) (Verdine) (Donna) (Dorothy) (Eula) (Pat) (Judy) Hales Chapel BI Coleman’s Chapel TA ADDRESS/E-MAIL 4481 Manville Road Gate City, VA 24251-4732 P.O. Box 369 Haysi, VA 24256-0369 439 PHONE/FAX O H 276-452-4873 F O 276-865-4687 H 276-835-1184 F 276-865-0212 Abingdon, Mountain View AB 22561 Watauga Road Abingdon, VA 24211-7067 O 276-676-0039 H 276-628-6179 F Enterprise-St. Paul 2619 Enterprise Road Piney Flats, TN 37686-3607 O H 423-538-8026 F Retired 164 Taylor Mill Road CC: Johnson City, First Limestone, TN 37681-2816 JO JO Retired CC: Maryville, First MA Knoxville, Trinity KN Fries WY 3114 Cool Creek Road Sevierville, TN 37862-7921 O H 865-774-4532 F 135 Dean Plantation Road Austinville, VA 24312-3648 O H276-699-1724 F 276-699-1724 5613 Western Avenue Knoxville, TN 37921-3224 Retired 205 James Avenue NW CC: Wesley Memorial Cleveland, TN 37311-1604 CL St. Luke CH O H 423-257-3627 F 4200 Forest Plaza Drive Hixon, TN 37343-5016 O 865-588-5763 H 865-671-4926 F 865-588-0103 O H 423-476-3550 F O 423-877-6447 H 423-877-2615 F 423-870-5201 Retired CC: Athens, Trinity CL 1110 Sioux Street Athens, TN 37303-3335 O H 423-745-4796 F Retired CC: Daisy CL 8607 Pebblestone Drive Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-9601 O H 423-847-1371 F Retired CC: Concord OA 10074 McCormick Place Knoxville, TN 37923-7401 Mt. ZionSeahorn’s Chapel MO 1272 Gaby Hills Drive Dandridge, TN 37725-4844 O H 865-397-0733 F 865-397-9840 Retired 829 Forsythe Street CC: Bell’s Campground Knoxville, TN 37917-3638 OA O 865-947-3639 H 865-689-3045 F Retired CC: New Mt. Olive WY O H 334-471-3355 F Retired CC: New Victory JO P.O. Box 851894 Mobile, AL 36685-1894 1476 Highway 126, Apt A4 Bristol, TN 37620-7093 O H 865-691-5232 F O H 423-989-2002 F C LERGY D IRECTORY Darrell B. CHARGE/DISTRICT DIRECTORIES 440 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Tipton (Jason) STATUS FD CHARGE/DISTRICT Director, UVA-Wise Wesley Foundation CC: Legion Memorial BI *Titcombe James PL *Tobin Lon F. FE *Tolbert Teresa PE *Tompkins Ginny FL *Torres, III Ramon D. FE Bedford T. RE Michael H. FE Danny OE Cabel W. RE G. Curtis FE Laura E. FE Frank J. “Buzz” PL Green Meadow Tripp Robert A. RE *Trotter Larry S. FE Retired CC: St. Mark KN Concord John N. RE Steve M. FL Retired CC: Sevierville, First MA Transou, Jr. C LERGY D IRECTORY Mary “Beth” *Travis *Treadway *Trent Trent Trent *Trexler Trundle *Tuck (Suzanne) (Terry) (Robert) (Lisa) (Carol) (Teresa) (Patti) (Doris) (Rosemary) (Donna) (Kerry) (Lynn) (Laura) (Sara) Grigsby Chapel OA Johnson City Parish JO Mountain Circuit WY Cedar Springs Circuit WY Ooltewah CL ADDRESS/E-MAIL UVAW Box 4512, 1 College Ave Wise, VA 24293-4400 PHONE/FAX O 276-328-6826 H 276-431-3361 F 276-328-9488 12220 Warrior Trail Knoxville, TN 37922-5461 O 865-694-6150 H 865-966-0539 F 865-694-6138 5670 Thornspring Church Road Dublin, VA 24084-3865 O H540-980-1783 F 6131 Relocation Way Ooltewah, TN 37363-6288 O 423-238-9216 H 423-386-5309 F 423-238-9038 O423-926-5083 H423-538-4728 F 325 Main Street Bluff City, TN 37618-2813 3739 Cedar Springs Road Rural Retreat, VA 24368-5931 O H 276-686-5643 F Retired 807 Cloudland Drive CC: Munsey Memorial Johnson City, TN 37601-3313 JO O H 423-928-2333 F Meadow-Williamson Chapel MA 1417 Peabody Drive Maryville, TN 37803-2888 O H 865-982-4516 F Leave of Absence CC: Alcoa, First MA 926 William Blount Drive Maryville, TN 37801-8400 O H865-977-8832 F District Superintendent PO Box 3382 Cleveland, TN 37320-3382 CL Retired CC: Church Street KN Austria Conference CC: Brainerd CH MA OA Mt. Hebron MO 1132 Ideal Drive Knoxville, TN 37938-4627 English Speaking UM Church Sechshauser Strasse 56/2/6 1150 Vienna, Austria 1633 Louisville Road Alcoa, TN 37701-1660 1065 1101 Lutyens Lane Celebration, FL 34747-4021 O 423-476-8221 H 423-479-6784 F 423-559-0436 O 865-521-0264 H 865-859-0599 F 865-521-0261 Phone Contact: 011-431-895-8175 O 865-982-5800 H 865-539-9944 F O H F 11020 Roane Drive Knoxville, TN 37934-2916 O 865-966-6728 H 865-531-4081 F 865-966-3624 685 Mount Hebron Road Greeneville, TN 37743-4146 O H 423-638-6680 F 4423 East Scenic Drive Gatlinburg, TN 37738-6522 O H 865-436-9315 F 865-430-4223 NAME (SPOUSE) *Tucker, Jr. *Tucker Tunnell, Jr. Turner *Turner, Jr. *Turpin Tye *Varnell, (Robyn) STATUS FL Thomas N. FE Doyle K. SY Betty DR Cass Mack RE Charles B. RE Gary O. PL Sarah E. Moody FE (Joan) (Jennifer) (Jane) (Gayle) (Terri) (Daniel) David R. FE Michael PL Kenneth C. RE *Vickery Royce PL *Vincent, Sr. Bruce E. PL Waddey Walter O. RL *Waddle Donna R. PL *Wadley Jeffrey L. FE *Waites C. Byron RE Walden John PL *Vaughn Verran (Brenda) (Heather) (Louise) (Karen) (Cathy) (Joy) (Beverly) (Christina) CHARGE/DISTRICT Carpenters MA Chapel Hill CH ADDRESS/E-MAIL 3538 Best Road Maryville, TN 37803-2641 5149 East Valley Road Dunlap, TN 37327-5610 441 PHONE/FAX O 865-983-8419 H 865-982-9635 F 865-983-3539 O 423-949-4847 H 423-949-3423 F 886 Flag Branch Road Greeneville, TN 37743-5318 O 423-639-0166 H 423-639-6163 F 227 Churchview Drive Kingsport, TN 37664 O H 423-928-6477 F Irwin’s Chapel PO Box 331 Speedwell, TN 37870-0331 Church Street 4125 Woodlawn Pike Apt. B5 Knoxville, TN 37920-1303 O H 423-869-4993 F Liberty Hill JO Retired CC: Maryville, First MA Rock Springs KI Retired CC: Cokesbury KN OA KN 1302 South Dogwood Drive Maryville, TN 37804-5259 964 Ponder Road Knoxville, TN 37923-2134 O H 865-982-1955 F O 865-690-7560 H 865-690-1902 F O865-524-3048 H865-243-7067 F 865-521-0261 603 Mohawk Street Morristown, TN 37813-4720 O H 423-586-3467 F Retired 1507 Valiant Drive CC: Greeneville, Asbury Greeneville, TN 37745-6445 MO O H 423-639-4332 F Incapacity Leave CC: Panther Spings MO Embreeville JO 202 Persimmon Lane Jonesborough, TN 37659-5689 O423-833-2909 H423-753-8034 F423-753-3622 800 Elm Avenue South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1420 O 423-432-7362 H 423-837-0366 F Retired CC: Glendale MO 2042 Countryhill Lane Knoxville, TN 37923-1334 O H 865-357-2244 F Sycamore Tree 1830 Clydesdale Street Maryville, TN 37801-3708 Pleasant Grove CH Athens Parish CL Ottway-Wesley’s Chapel MO MA 135 County Road 177 Athens, TN 37303-6926 4410 Mount Carmel Road Mosheim, TN 37818-2760 Retired 216 Miles Road CC: Johnson City, First Columbia, SC 29223-2913 JO Bethany AB 411 Cottonwood Lane Piney Flats, TN 37686-4318 O 423-751-1007 H 423-745-2948 F 423-751-1034 O H 423-422-7425 F O 865-983-4161 H 865-982-1142 F O H 803-708-1636 F O H 423-538-0384 F C LERGY D IRECTORY *Vaughn Kenneth R. DIRECTORIES 442 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) CHARGE/DISTRICT ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 4390 Fort Chiswell Road Austinville, VA 24312-3616 O H 276-620-9799 F Johnny G. *Waller Michael A. PL *Walton Julian F. RE H. Malcolm FE Floyd E. PL Michael D. PL Benham’s Circuit Sam T. PE Trinity David C. FE Carl H. RE Nathan M. OE William F. RE Annette PL *Watkins Donald G. FL St. Paul East *Watson C. Michael FL Rising Fawn Wattenbarger Warren H. RE *Wattenbarger W. Ogle RE Retired 104 Brooks Landing Circle CC: Rogersville Circuit Rogersville, TN 37857-8013 KI *Weatherly Charles H. PL *Wansley, Jr. **Ward *Ward *Ward *Warden C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS *Walker Ware, Jr. *Ware *Warnock, Sr. Warren (Laura) (Dolores) (Barbara) (Barbara) (Violetta) (Samantha) (Patricia) (Daisy) (Julie) (Grace) (Gloria) (Mildred) (Louise) (Barbara) SY Jellico OA Fairview-Sidney WY PO Box 1139 Norris, TN 37828-1139 O H 865-494-0202 F PhiladelphiaNew Hope MA 331 Linwood Drive Sweetwater, TN 37874-6305 O H 423-351-9530 F Dodson CreekEdgewood KI 606 Vista Drive Rogersville, TN 37857-3126 O H 423-272-4757 F Incapacity Leave CC: Oak Ridge, First OA AB KN 7923 Jenhurst Way Powell, TN 37849-5443 5027 Potter Road Bristol, VA 24202-2113 5613 Western Avenue Knoxville, TN 37921-3224 Oklahoma Indian HC 74 Box 100 Missionary Conference Hartshorne, OK 74547-9717 CC: Marvin’s Chapel JO Retired CC: Bookwalter KN Ewpews Chapel KI Retired CC: Maryville, First MA Mt. Olive CL KN 1005 Whitesburg Drive Knoxville, TN 37918-8963 669 Blakley Drive Kingsport, TN 37664-5446 O H 865-947-2269 F O H 276-466-3009 F O 865-588-5763 H 865-789-5253 F 865-588-0103 O H F O H 865-687-8937 F O 423-349-4749 H 423-349-7597 F P.O. Box 1619 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004-1619 O H 904-280-3062 F 6500 Faith Lane Knoxville, TN 37924-2831 O 865-522-7451 H 865-524-0816 F P.O. Box 690 Dayton, TN 37321-0690 O 423-881-3201 H 423-775-3199 F CH P.O. Box 66 Rising Fawn, GA 30738-0066 O H706-462-2299 F Retired CC: Allen Memorial CL 515 Charlotte Street Athens, TN 37303-4619 O H 423-745-0896 F Pleasant Hill MO 1399 East Church Street Greeneville, TN 37745-6519 O H 423-921-0352 F 423-921-0352 O H 423-639-0902 F NAME (SPOUSE) *Weaver **Webb Lewis E. (Marcia) STATUS FE FE *Weikel Jack P. RE *Weikel Walter P. FE Dustin PL *Wells Sarah C. PL *Wells William R. RE Charles M. PL James E. FE Charles W. RE Carolyn E. RD *White Donald L. FL *White L. Lyle AM White Raymon E. RE White, Jr. Robert F. “Nick” RL William “Skip” FE Whitefield William RE Whitlow, Sr. Aubrey L. RA *Wellons *Wender *Whedbee Whetsel Whitaker *White III (Nancy) (Lisa) (Vernon) (Bobbie) (Hollins) (Judy) (Frances) (Sherry) (Lisa) (Carolyn) (Marie) (Victoria) (Julana) Valley View-Heiskell OA ADDRESS/E-MAIL 535 Old Emory Road Clinton, TN 37716-6062 443 PHONE/FAX O 865-945-5133 H 865-945-3623 F 865-945-3877 O H 205-333-8179 F Leave of Absence CC: PocahontasChrist First TA 13920 Smokey Hollow Road Northport, AL 35475-2911 Abingdon 101 East Main Street Abingdon, VA 24210-2807 O 276-628-2321 H 276-628-2214 F 276-676-0383 4103 Navaho Drive Johnson City, TN 37604-1115 O423-928-1958 H423-952-0733 F 423-928-6685 6205 Apache Trail Knoxville, TN 37920-6105 O H865-573-4865 F Retired P.O. Box 1346 CC: First Broad Street Kingsport, TN 37662-1346 KI AB Midtown Valley OA Taylor Memorial JO Rockhold JO Zion KN Fountain City KN Retired CC: Morristown, First MO Retired AB Galax Circuit Ats-Spo #1295 O Wilmore, KY 40390-1129 H 865-237-9685 F 1820 Brook Hollow Road Johnson City, TN 37604-7602 O 865-689-5175 H 865-688-1632 F 865-689-4693 20680 Haskell Station Road Bristol, VA 24202-2462 O H 276-669-1971 F 4961 Betsy Lane Morristown, TN 37814-6726 WY Retired CC: Lennon-Seney KN 3309 Lands End Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3588 Big Spring-Valley Head 1196 Hardwick Street SE Cleveland, TN 37311-2907 CL Friendsville MA Retired CC: New Mt. Olive WY Retired CC: Rich Creek TA O H 423-926-4913 F 212 Hotel Road Knoxville, TN 37918-3226 100 Robinhood Road Galax, VA 24333-3404 Retired CC: Bristol, First AB O 423-224-1508 H 423-245-1613 F 423-246-1361 O H 423-587-1586 F O 276-233-0866 H 276-236-9022 F O 423-476-5242 H 423-472-6138 F 423-472-6138 O H 865-769-9383 F 101 Hampton Court Bristol, TN 37620-3139 O H 423-764-1200 F 39533 Bamboo Lane Zephyrhills, FL 33542-2802 O H 813-788-8158 F P.O. Box 176 Friendsville, TN 37737-0176 RR 3, Box 298 Princeton, WV 24740-9459 O 865-995-9150 H 865-986-7028 F O H 304-898-7581 F C LERGY D IRECTORY Deanna Y. CHARGE/DISTRICT DIRECTORIES 444 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS CHARGE/DISTRICT Frank E. RE *Wilder H. Doug FE Retired CC: Gatlinburg, First MA Wilhite Nancy J. FE Norman C. RE D. Scott PE Daryl K. RA Estel F. II AM Fred F. RA Williams Stanley R. *Williams Whittenbarger Wier *Wilhoit *Wilks *Williams C LERGY D IRECTORY *Williams **Williams Renny W. (Tamara) (Becky) (Sandy) (Donna) (Betty) (Patty) PL ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 3535 Cove Mountain Road Sevierville, TN 37862-8436 O H 865-453-9887 F DucktownCrofts Chapel CL 240 Macmillan Road NE Cleveland, TN 37323-5084 Jefferson City, First 2011 Branner Avenue Jefferson City, TN 37760-1934 MO O H 423-496-5844 F O 865-475-2827 H 865-262-0228 F 865-475-6502 2108 Congress Parkway South Athens, TN 37303-2819 O H 865-453-5097 F Jones ChapelWesleyanna CL 381 County Road 775 Riceville, TN 37370-5219 O H 423-836-1481 F Edgefield 1813 Weaver Branch Road Piney Flats, TN 37686-3727 O 423-538-5940 H 423-538-6216 F Incapacity Leave CC: Keith Memorial MA Mt. Zion WY 2886 Peppers Ferry Road Wytheville, VA 24382-4945 Retired P.O. Box 4 CC: Sweetwater, First Sweetwater, TN 37874-0004 MA JO O 276-228-3242 H 276-228-7350 F O H 423-337-4705 F O H 276-988-9455 F Retired 182 Sheraton Lane PL Eastdale Village PO Box 22184 Chattanooga, TN 37422-2184 W. Charles PL Del Rio Circuit Brian W. PL 757 Hart Road Dandridge, TN 37725-3305 O 423-586-2672 H 865-223-0609 F *Wills Mark E. PL Carter’s Valley Circuit *Wilson Carol E. FE 2511 Westwood Ave, Apt B Nashville, TN 37212-5213 Wilson Emmit B. FE District Superintendent P.O. Box 905 Alcoa, TN 37701-0905 MA O H 423-329-9499 F Wilson Jack Howard RE John N. RE **Williamson *Wilson (Martha) (Tahra) (Jana) (Kelen) CC: N. Tazewell-Mt. Zion Tazewell, VA 24651-9401 TA CH MO Mount Crest CH MO Gate City AB Retired CC: Concord OA 8206 Cicero Trail Chattanooga, TN 37421-1305 269 Walnut Street Gate City, VA 24251-3362 13402 Virtue Road Lenoir City, TN 37772-5302 Retired 4418 Harbor Drive CC: First Broad Street Kingsport, TN 37664-2943 KI O 423-698-3121 H 423-344-1367 F 423-698-3121 O 423-503-4897 H F O 865-982-1427 H 865-982-7200 F 865-981-7470 O 276-386-7083 H 276-386-9552 F 276-386-7488 O H 865-988-0195 F O H 423-765-9183 F NAME (SPOUSE) STATUS *Wilson John W. *Wilson-Parker Kathie R. FE L. Knox FL *Windom Vernon A. RL *Winegar Grady C. RE Ottalee S. DR Thomas J. PL *Wimberly *Winegar *Witten, Jr. (Barbara) (William Parker) (Freida) (Ottalee) (Grady) FE TA Peter M. Womack Mark S. RL Jared G. FE Brenda H. FL Carol SY David S. FE Nelson C. RE Timothy P. FL *Worringham Richard E. RE *Wright Jeffrey W. FE Wood *Woods *Woody *Woody *Woody Worgan (Betty) (Tanya) (Tom) (Ron) (Angee) (Ruth) (Kristina) (Shannon) (Sandra Roberts) RE Chestnut Hill MO Main Street TA Asbury Chapel ADDRESS/E-MAIL 2422 Chestnut Hill Church Road Dandridge, TN 37725 938 Crestridge Drive Rossville, GA 30741-5124 O 706-657-7144 H 706-866-8582 F Retired CC: Central KN 5503 Pinecrest Road Knoxville, TN 37912-2936 Buchanan Parish 5503 Pinecrest Road Knoxville, TN 37912-2936 744 Terry Drive Richlands, VA 24641-2616 F Retired CC: Franklin StreetCrossroads WY Retired CC: Jones Memorial CH Vermont KI Mascot-Hopewell KN Rogersville Parish KI Asbury MO Retired CC: State Street AB Cripple Creek Circuit WY Retired CC: Grove WY Allen Memorial CL O H 865-509-7851 F O 276-988-2519 H 276-988-4221 F 276-988-9889 OA Retired CC: Central KN PHONE/FAX 315 East Main Street Tazewell, VA 24651-1029 PO Box 822 Rockwood, TN 37854-0822 MorganvilleSlygo Valley CH 445 O 865-354-1200 H 865-622-7102 F 800-535-0677 O H 865-688-6448 F O H 865-688-6448 F O H276-963-2804 5200 Millstone Road Oak Ridge, NC 27310-9779 O H F 3229 Westonia Drive Chattanooga, TN 37412-1361 O H 423-624-6948 F 1817 Bloomingdale Road Kingsport, TN 37660-2633 O 423-288-2801 H 423-543-2132 F 423-288-9976 132 Hilltop Loop Rogersville, TN 37857-5354 O 423-272-7311 H 423-272-2872 F 423-272-5915 23 Brandon Lane Bristol, VA 24201-3140 O H 276-466-1768 F P.O. Box 97 Mascot, TN 37806-0097 201 South Main Street Greeneville, TN 37743-4940 O H 865-933-1118 F O 423-798-1050 H 423-638-6143 F 423-636-0937 705 North 6th Street Wytheville, VA 24382-1815 worgans@jetbroadbandcom O 276-621-5032 H 276-223-8281 F 800 Decatur Pike Athens, TN 37303-3036 O 423-745-1560 H 423-745-6808 F 423-745-8320 440 Canterbury Court SW Christiansburg, VA 24073-4720 O 540-831-5531 H 540-381-0746 F 540-831-6005 C LERGY D IRECTORY Wohlwend CHARGE/DISTRICT DIRECTORIES 446 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME (SPOUSE) Linda Bird *Wright Randall E. PL Richard D. FE Sharon W. FE Tammy C. FE Bryan K. FE *Wyrick Dale S. FE *Yeaney Stephen K. FE Ernest S. PL Martha B. RE Judy PL TaeHun FE Russell PL *Wright *Wright *Wright *Wyke C LERGY D IRECTORY STATUS *Wright Yeatts, Jr. Yeomans *Yonce *Yoon *Young (Angela) (Tammy) (Greg) (Richard) (Mandy) (Donna) (Jerry) (WanHee) FE CHARGE/DISTRICT First Centenary CH Madisonville Circuit MA Valley Forge JO Oakland WY Jonesborough JO Looney’s CreekSulphur Springs CH Spring City-Reeds Chapel CL Oakland MA Chatham Hill Circuit AB ADDRESS/E-MAIL PHONE/FAX 2236 Portland Drive Maryville, TN 37803-4702 O H865-681-9450 F PO Box 208 Chattanooga, TN 37401-0208 1016 Allison Drive Jonesborough, TN 37659-5145 4987 Pipers Gap Road Galax, VA 24333-5736 O423-658-2838 H423-658-9606 F 234 Trigonia Road Greenback, TN 37742-2046 O H 865-856-2710 F 865-856-2710 P.O. Box 158 Spring City, TN 37381-0158 P.O. Box 158 Meadowview, VA 24361-0158 3035 Cove Road Wytheville, VA 24382-4844 Fairhaven 117 Sycamore Circle Jonesborough, TN 37659-5702 Bookwalter KN O 276-236-8511 H 276-236-9697 F 274 Osceola Drive Whitwell, TN 37397-5635 Mt. Olivet-Trinity JO O 423-543-2446 H 423-753-8097 F O 423-753-3942 H 423-753-8097 F 423-753-9193 PO Box 115 Jonesborough, TN 37659-0115 Retired 3002 Carr Street CC: Wesley Memorial Kingsport, TN 37663-3687 JO WY O H 423-508-8993 F 1404 Woodcrest Drive Knoxville, TN 37918-1561 O 423-365-6324 H 423-365-2937 F 423-365-7118 O 276-739-4100 H 276-780-1902 F O H 423-477-8858 F O 276-228-6200 H 276-228-3376 F O 423-928-1543 H 423-794-8584 F O 865-689-3349 H 865-281-0856 F 447 DIRECTORIES C LERGY D IRECTORY 448 NAME HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Abbott Adams Adams Adamson Adcox Allgood Anderson Armbrister Arnold Arnold Arnold-Ketner Baker Barker Baumann Beamer Beasley Bedwell Billingsley Bishop Bishop Booker Bowlin Boy Boye Brantley Britt Brooks Buchanan Burcham Calloway Carico Cary Caylor Chadwick Christian Clarke Clemons Cline Cochran Cowan Crabtree Crowder Culbertson Cullop Cushman Cutshaw C. SURVIVING SPOUSES – 2010 Mrs. H. Ronald (Martha A.) Mrs. William A. (Dorothy) Mrs. Leslie C. (Mary Ann) Mrs. Malcolm (George Hankins) Mrs. James T. (Shirley) Mrs. Clarence B. (Florence) Mrs. Susan Lankford Mrs. George W. (Isabel) Mrs. Juanita Mrs. Leonard (Mary) Mrs. George (Foy) Mrs. Joe Jr. (Mary Nell) Mrs. Horace N (Kathaleen) Mrs. Warren (Frances) Mrs. Martha (Paul Moore) Mrs. Cecil Paul (Alberta) Mrs. Willard (Dorothy) Mrs. Robert (Betty) Mrs. Gary (Betty R.) Mrs. Joe Donald (Barbara Gail) Mrs. Rosalind Eula Mrs. Robert A. (Wilma) Mrs. Lee Olin (Betty) Mrs. Trumer U. (Kathleen) Mrs. Archie (Martha) Mrs. Franklin (Patricia Anne) Mrs. George L. (Emily Bim) Mrs. Glenn (Barbara) Mrs. Carl (Charlotte) Mrs. Marilyn E. Mrs. William T. (Laveren) Mrs. Carole Mrs. Walter E. Wilson (Jane W.) Mrs. J.C. (Trudy) Mrs. Robert E. (Florence E.) Mrs. Luther T. (Mary Lou) Mrs. Walter, Jr. (Marguerite C.) Mrs. Edward F. (Dorothy) Mrs. Carl R. Jr. (Margie M.) Mrs. James (Pauline) Mrs. Douglas L. (Elaine) Mrs. Charles (Cathy) Mrs. Raymond (Hazel) Mrs. Ernest D. (Julia) Jermaine Reese ADDRESS 432 Flagstone Dr 19260 Mercedes Dr 339 Ayers Rd 910 Brynwood Ter 859 Cobblestone Pl P.O. Box 1126 4004 Homestead Dr 3207 Montlake Dr 675 Fordtown Rd 117 Lagoon Drive 102 Sycamore Dr 1118 Laurel Hill Rd 451 Laurel Lake Cir 602 Lindy Dr 2255 Kingsport Hwy P.O. Box 35 801 Vanosdale Rd 365 Wythe View Dr 3113 W. Walnut St 204 W Church St P.O. Box 756 Rossville, GA 30741-8386 Abingdon, VA 24210-8406 Kodak, TN 37764-2156 Chattanooga, TN 37415-3007 Kingsport, TN 37660-3299 Flowery Branch, GA 30542-0019 Kingsport, TN 37663-2412 Knoxville, TN 37920-2838 Fall Branch, TN 37656-1909 Clinton, TN 37716-6199 Jonesborough, TN 37659-5810 Knoxville, TN 37923-2050 Madisonville, TN 37354-6861 Knoxville, TN 37920-5256 Greeneville, TN 37745-3558 Friendsville, TN 37737-0035 Knoxville, TN 37909-2497 Wytheville, VA 24382-4120 Johnson City, TN 37604-5947 Smithville, TN 37166-1337 Spring City, TN 37381-0756 P.O. Box 385 107 Raintree Cir 108 Charles St 6249 Skyview Cir 115 Red Oak Ln 109 Sharpe Lane 213 Sleepy Hollow Rd Bluff City, TN 37618-0385 Bristol, VA 24201-3063 Greeneville, TN 37743-4802 Dublin, VA 24084-2627 New Tazewell, TN 37825-5231 Andersonville, TN 37705-2817 Woodlawn, VA 24381-2605 8628 Flagstone Way 4027 Dutch Valley Rd 141 Sturbridge Ln 538 W Hunt Rd 8518 Nesting Tr 1810 Highway 107 395 East Ridge Rd 3017 Harrison Rd 3835 Ivy Ave 2149 Pine Meade Rd 2408 Sandyfalls Way 1541 Russell Lane 1726 Albert Ln 31198 Nova Dr 7511 Shallowford Rd, Apt 402 157 Sunrise Ave Knoxville, TN 37923-3407 Clinton, TN 37716-5541 Church Hill, TN 37642-4703 Alcoa, TN 37701-1731 Ooltewah, TN 37363-9704 Chilhowie, VA 24319-5422 Wytheville, VA 24382-1149 White Pine, TN 37890-3118 Knoxville, TN 37914-4806 Knoxville, TN 37923-1364 Virginia Beach, VA 23456-7317 Lenoir City, TN 37772-6063 Hixson, TN 37343-4916 Damascus, VA 24236-2522 Chattanooga, TN 37421-2696 Greeneville, TN 37745-3641 DIRECTORIES NAME Cutshaw Daugherty Davisson Day Deese Diggs Dingus Duck Dunbar Dye Edmonds Edwards Emmert Ernst Farmer Ferguson Fisher Forbes Foster Fuqua Garman Gaunt Gillespie Glasow Gonia Gooden Goodman Gordon Green Greer Greever Griffey Grisham Griswold Grostephan Hale Hale Hamm Hammer Harbour Hardin Harr Harris Harrison Harting Harville Hauk Haun Mrs. Robert (Lucille) Mrs. Herbert H. (Pauline) Mrs. Otto C. (Carolyn) Mrs. Mildred The Rev. Raymond Mrs. Hubert L. (Mary Frances) Mrs. Charlotte Mr. John W. (Joyce) Mrs. George R. (Lee) Mrs. Lewis A. (Betty Snavely) Mrs. William R. (Janice) Mrs. Warren (Opal) Mrs. Claude H. (Virginia) Mrs. Phillip (Jeree) Mrs. Connie Mack (Barbara) Claudia Lee Mrs. Clyde V. (Catherine) Edith Maxine Mrs. George Samuel (Mary) Mrs. Ed (Mary Ann) Mrs. William (Virginia) Mrs. Jack N. Shankle (Velma) Mrs. Robert C. (Elizabeth) Mrs. Carl E. (Erma Lee) Mrs. Robert E. (Victoria) Mrs. Fred (Anne) Mrs. Iris Faye Mrs. Robert E. (Shirley) Mrs. Kenneth (Alice Ann Hines) Mrs. John F. Jr. (Madge) Mrs. James Hutton (Peggy) Mrs. Dan D. (Dorothy P.) Mrs. Dubro M. (Frazelia) Mrs. Gerald D. (Barbara) Mrs. Joe (Joyce) Mrs. Richard N. (Bina) Mrs. Virgil N. (Mary Elizabeth) Mrs. C. Clay (Elsie May) Mrs. Neville A. Jr. (Arlita F.) Mrs. Cliff (Marie Hinds) Mrs. Cecil (Mary) Mrs. George (Helen) Mrs. J.B., Jr. (Marianna) Mrs. Stanley, L., Sr. (Helen C.) Mrs. Paul J. (Rachel) Mrs. Cecil (Janet) Mrs. Horace “Buddy” (G. Gerry) Mrs. Edgar Taylor (Gertrude M.) 449 ADDRESS 1910 W Main St 258 Sherwood Road 7302 Highway 60 218 Massengill Ave 5040 Clock Rd 1536 Mandrell Drive 300 Roy Martin Road 1106 Shiloh Ln NW 182 Marble City Rd 333 Shady St 127 Dove Ln 127 Marshall Ln 621 Harr Town Rd 254 White St NE 299 Gray Dr Greeneville, TN 37743-4466 Powel, TN 37849-7003 Georgetown, TN 37336-4575 Bulls Gap, TN 37711-4641 Lake Worth, FL 33463-7710 Knoxville, TN 37918-0946 Johnson City, TN 37615-3126 Kennesaw, GA 30144-1892 Jasper, GA 30143-6541 Abingdon, VA 24210-2231 Max Meadows, VA 24360-3873 Greeneville, TN 37743-4425 Blountville, TN 37617-3836 Abingdon, VA 24210-2914 Abingdon, VA 24210-2349 2114 Seaton Springs Rd Sevierville, TN 37862-7233 14214 SE 90th St 829 Wolf Creek Tr 910 Oak St 57 Saint Catherine Cir P.O. Box 2066 231 Royal Oaks Dr 2279 Hodges Ferry Road 1273 Pickens Bridge Rd. Newcastle, WA 98059-3480 Abingdon, VA 24210-2537 Johnson City, TN 37601-3936 Richmond Hill, GA 31324-6526 Lebanon, VA 24266-2066 Maryville, TN 37801-9616 Sevierville, TN 37876-0404 Piney Flats, TN 37686-4009 P.O. Box 725 2922 Shady Ln 351 Lowry Dr SW 3506 Cline Crest Dr P.O. Box 314 7913 Shallowmeade Ln 16291 Greenevers Ct 137 Ford St 208 Hunter Hills Cir Apt 1 688 Youn Kin Pkwy S 109 N Smith St 2004 Oakland St 9011 Kesler Ln Independence, VA 24348-0725 Maryville, TN 37803-0517 Abingdon, VA 24210-3123 Chattanooga, TN 37415-4533 Powell, TN 37849-0314 Chattanooga, TN 37421-1931 Abingdon, VA 24210-9695 Erwin, TN 37650-1808 Bristol, TN 37620-5772 Columbus, OH 43207-4757 Burgaw, NC 28425-5581 Kingsport, TN 37660-1124 Chattanooga, TN 37421-4614 5310 Clemons Rd, #117 3800 Shamrock Dr 4105 Aztec Dr 430 Linden Ave SE 114 Wesley Ln 1710 Monroe St 184 Love St Chattanooga, TN 37412-3108 Charlotte, NC 28215-3220 Johnson City, TN 37604-1144 Cleveland, TN 37311-2914 Maryville, TN 37804-3500 Sweetwater, TN 37874-1403 Greenville, TN 37745-6780 450 NAME Hawk Haynes Henry Hillian Hinds Holland Holloway Holt Hoover Howard Howard Huff Hyndrich James Jarrett Jaynes Jeffers Jervis Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston Kelley Kesting Kidd Kincheloe King Lafon Lancaster Lane Lawson Laycock Leidig Littreal Lovelady Lowrance Lundy Lundy Lynch Martin Martin Mason Mason McCoig McComas McConnell McDaniel McDonald HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Mrs. Billy Joe (Mattie Bell) Mrs. Ray (Edna) Mrs. Horace (Sara) Mrs. James C. (Joyce Ann) Mrs. Howard N. (Anna) Mrs. Harvey (Linda) Mrs. C.B. (Maude) Mrs. Henry J. (Doris Jean) Mrs. H.W. (Retha) Mrs. Richard L. (Claudia) Mrs. T.G. (Ellanester) Mrs. Kenneth E. (Margaret R.) Mrs. Jim (Sharon) Mrs. D. Trigg (Ann) Mrs. R. Dale (Sharon) Mrs. James (Lola) Mrs. E.B. (Mauveline) Mrs. Daniel (Maude) Mrs. G. Dale (Etoile) Mrs. Heisse (Lydia) Mrs. J. Alton (Margaret L.) Mrs. Margaret Wood Mrs. Archie (Ruth) Mrs. Charles (Lucille) Mrs. Ewing W. (Judith) Mrs. John W. (Virginia) Mrs. Jack D. (Romelda) Mrs. Odell (Mary) Mrs. Lawrence (Margaret) Mrs. Wm. Claude (Erma D.) Mrs. Luther E. (Mary) Mrs. William (Evelyn) Mrs. Samuel (Wanda) Mrs. Vernon (Beatrice) Mrs. W. Marshall (Faith) Mrs. Robert (Gwen) Mrs. John T. (Julia H.) Mrs. Robert F. (Elizabeth) Mrs. Gene (Doris) Mrs. Luttrell (Wanda) Mrs. William H. (Kathryn) Mrs. Perry (Viola M.) Mrs. William C. (Laura) Mrs. Austin G. (Priscilla M.) Mrs. Howard E. (Eunice) Mrs. Enoch (Monnie) Mrs. Harold W. (Evelyn) Mrs. Donald (Marjorie) ADDRESS Route 2, Box 467 2101 Christian Ln, Apt 208 1932 Raulston View Dr 168 Ray Rd 1491 Touraine Pl 3311 Black Oak Cir Pennington Gap, VA 24277-9639 Johnson City, TN 37601-3252 Maryville, TN 37803-2868 Dayton, TN 37321-4249 Knoxville, TN 37919-8278 Chattanooga, TN 37415-5425 19164 Amelia Dr Abingdon, VA 24211-6772 319 Stonewood Dr Hixson, TN 37343-2741 Route 2, Box 164 16 Oak Leaf Ct 171 Glass Rd 40 St Wilhoit Dr 123 Armentrout Ln General Delivery 650 W Spiller St 2101 Christian Ln, Apt 307 10001 Gate Post Way 217 Twin Lake Dr 29 Clairmont Dr 301 Thorn Hollow Dr 2423 Ella Dr SE 115 Bogey Dr 4920 Mountaincrest Dr 919 Cavern Rd 305 Hermitage Dr 1165 Sorrel Creek Ln 920 W Jefferson St 69 Tri Vista Dr Apt 3 118 Elm Hill Dr 1624 Niles Ferry Rd 307 Mapletree Dr P.O. Box 545 305 Christi Lynn Ct 97 Lundy Lane P.O. Box 683 4936 Ada Ln 87 Winding Way Rd 2521 Sherwin Rd 12108 Lasalle Ct 23 Hertzler Rd 5206 Briercliff Rd Rock, WV 24747-9631 Johnson City, TN 37601-4312 Johnson City, TN 37615-4012 Greeneville, TN 37743-7808 Jonesborough, TN 37659-4251 Appalachia, VA 24216-9999 Wytheville, VA 24382-1854 Johnson City, TN 37601-3252 Knoxville, TN 37931-4644 Fredericksburg, VA 22401-7036 Jackson, TN 38301-3803 Apex, NC 27523-9278 Cleveland, TN 37323-7116 Abingdon, VA 24211-3605 Knoxville, TN 37918-4424 Townsend, TN 37882-4506 Greeneville, TN 37745-6509 Gate City, VA 24251-4969 Jefferson City, TN 37760-2317 Lake Junaluska, NC 28745-9735 Jonesborough, TN 37659-3812 Madisonville, TN 37354-6340 Knoxville, TN 37934-0832 Camden, TN 38320-0545 Maryville, TN 37804-5374 Waynesville, NC 28786-6686 Morristown, TN 37815-0683 Knoxville, TN 37918-2601 Bristol, VA 24201-3071 Knoxville, TN 37931-3466 Glade Spring, VA 24340-5088 Newport News, VA 23602-6125 Knoxville, TN 37918-3415 469 Crooked Oak Dr 405 South Unaka St Lenoir City, TN 37771-7843 Greeneville, TN 37743-5743 DIRECTORIES NAME Miller Milsaps Mincey Minnick Mitchell Mitchell Mohney Morgan Morgan Mowrey Naff Neeley Nester Newman Nichols Nine Orvin Osborne Pagans Parham Parlour Parsons Perkins Petty Phillips Phillips Phillips Phipps Pickering Pitsinger Ploch Potts Pursell Quillen Quirk Rawn Reardon Redding Reese Ricker Robinson Rose Roysden Running Sallee, Jr. Scyphers Seal Settle Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Bill (Julia) Mrs. Rose T. Mrs. Fred (Mary) Mrs. Nancy Cox Mrs. S.A. (Illinois) Mrs. Ralph (Nell) Mrs. Fred T. (Mary) Mrs. Lawrence (Agnes) Mrs. George W. (Jean) Mrs. George (Mary Ellen) Mrs. Sam (Betty) Mrs. Howard (Patricia L. Catron) Mrs. Wilson H. (Lizzie Jane) Mrs. Alden W. (Sara Jane) Mrs. Robert (Myra) Mrs. James T. Mitchell (Dora) Georgia Wilson Mrs. George (Thelma) Mrs. James (Marcella) Mrs. Robert D. (Ellen Rose) Mrs. Robert F. (Winona) Mrs. Kenneth M. (Joyce S.) Mrs. William B. (Betty) Mr. Hubert (Rev. Helen) Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Morgan K. (Louise) Mrs. Silas S. (Betty) Mrs. C.L. “Jack” (Ann Lynn) Mrs. Barnes S. (Pauline) Mrs. Donald R. (N. Gray) Mrs. Clarence (Montize) Mrs. John (Carmelita) Mrs. Claude (Sue) Mrs. Paul D. (Ruth) Mrs. George (Anne) Mrs. Dan Hammer (Cheryl) Mrs. J. Thomas (Gail) Mrs. Roy Isaac (Bettye) Mrs. Clyde (Carmen) Mrs. Ray (Jane) Mrs. Susan Ann Mrs. Valorie Johnson Mrs. Russell (Jamie) Mrs. Clarence D. (Alice) Mrs. Carl Franklin (Ella Ruth) Mrs. Paul (Ruth) Mrs. Frank (Mary Eugenia) 451 ADDRESS 1308 New Lake Rd 2723 Brookwood Rd 12 Bramblewood Pl SW 1826 Pittstown Rd 419 S Main St 315 Holly Ave E 1004 Northbridge Ln 1908 Southside Ave Lot 20 1417 N Mack Smith Rd Apt 263 614 Rose Ln 2648 Sevierville Rd # E-7 3207 Bristol Hwy Apt 122 15 Windmere Heights 215 Hilltown Rd Apt 303 Spring City, TN 37381-5462 Knoxville, TN 37917-2109 Cartersville, GA 30120-5766 Bristol, VA 24201-7518 Greeneville, TN 37743-5617 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2972 Chattanooga, TN 37405-4214 Bristol, TN 37620-4272 Chattanooga, TN 37412-4402 Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3637 Maryville, TN 37804-3500 Johnson City, TN 37601 Bristol, VA 24201-1866 Fries, VA 24330-4553 5322 Comice Way 304 York Ln 7400 Crossbow Ln 990 Holston Rd Apt 354 240 Shackleford Rd RR 1 Box 125A 166 River Garden Ct 5634 Kalispell Way P.O. Box 447 11 Norwick Ct 1025 N 3rd St 2941 Sevierville Rd 100 Barnett Dr 6702 Triple Crown Ct 54 Hawthorn Rd Knoxville, TN 37918-6822 Hinesville, GA 31313-4439 Corryton, TN 37721-3568 Wytheville, VA 24382-4105 Mosheim, TN 37818-5000 Sherburne, NY 13460-9760 Sevierville, TN 37862-4448 Knoxville, TN 37924-2074 Ooltewah, TN 37363-0447 Weyers Cave, VA 24486-2458 Wytheville, VA 24382-1127 Maryville, TN 37804-2305 Tazewell, VA 24651-1101 Chattanooga, TN 37421-1494 Salem, VA 24153-2724 547 Burem Rd 707 W King St 1002 Smoky Crossing Way Union Park, 1316 Patterson St 209 Lochmere Dr 807 Xanadu Ct 8501 Raindrop Rd, Apt A 1825 Clifton Rd NE, Apt 306 P.O. Box 66 P.O. Box 147 Rogersville, TN 37857-7907 Jefferson City, TN 37760-2117 Seymour, TN 37865-3901 Monroe, NC 28112-4348 Morristown, TN Johnson City, TN 37604-3095 Knoxville, TN 37923-5649 Atlanta, GA 30329-4021 Afton, TN 37616-0066 Walland, TN 37886-0147 6007 Post Road 4708 Hunter Tr 121 Mulberry Ln 163 Snowbird Ln 1642 Mocksville Hwy Douglasville, GA 30135-5533 Chattanooga, TN 37415-2231 Bristol, TN 37620-7209 Sneedville, TN 37869-4013 Cleveland, NC 27013-8909 452 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NAME Sexton Shelton Shugart Shupe Slagle Slaughter Smalley Smeltzer Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Snapp Southerland St. Clair St. Clair Stafford Starling Statzer Sterchi Stuart Teilmann Thompson Tibbs Timmons Triplett Troy Tucker Tumlin Turner Tyson Varner Wagner Walker Walter Walter Wampler Ward Weaver Webb Webb Wikle Williams Williams Williams Willis Wilson Wright Wright Mrs. Charles E., Jr. (Lillian M.) Mrs. Arthur ( Edith K.) Mrs. James (Mary Dean) Mrs. Arlin D. (Nata) Mrs. William (Jean) Mrs. Elbert (Addie) Mrs. Walter (Betty) Mrs. William R. (Rosalie) Mrs. David (Frances) Mrs. Floyd (Polly) Mrs. J. Casto (Katherine) Mrs. J. Robert (Jean) Mrs. Leland (Carrie) Mrs. Leroy (Joyce) Rev. Robert M. (Patricia) Mrs. Benjamin B. (Bess J.) Mrs. George (Ruth) Mrs. Ray (Lucille) Mrs. Sherman P. (Mildred) Mrs. Ernest) Ruby Mrs. Gordon (Jewell) Mrs. Ray (Mildred) Mrs. Gunnar (Wava) Mrs. J.B. (Gladys) Mrs. Dean M. (Freida) Mrs. Hazel Virginia Mrs. Marcus (Betty) Mrs. H. Olin (Jean) Mrs. Buford (Aileen) Mrs. W. Ray (Maria) Mrs. Sterling D. (Betty) Mrs. Anthony (Bernice) Mrs. Carroll H. (Marleen) Mrs. Dupey Marion (Christine) Mrs. Robert (Merry Ann) Mrs. James (Marie) Mrs. Randell (Margaret) Mrs. George M. (Virginia) Mrs. Charles K. (Narmel) Mrs. John H. (Lois) Mrs. Howard M. Sr. (Linda) Mrs. Robert (Marjorie) Mrs. John (Wanda) Mrs. John (Betty) Mrs. Chloe M. Mrs. Arnold (Martha Ann) Mrs. T.O. (Marie) Mrs. Reid S. Wilson (Marjorie) Mrs. Albert (Margaret) Mrs. James M. (Ruth F.) ADDRESS 207 Harris Ln 1864 Arbors Dr, Apt E 875 Ketner Rd 5477 Troutdale Hwy 201 Fairacres Dr 222 Allen Ave, Apt 65 1574 Crestview Cir 2312 Middlesettlements Rd Marion, VA 24354-6382 Gastonia, NC 28054-6584 White Pine, TN 37890-4025 Troutdale, VA 24378-2033 Bristol, TN 37620-6211 Radford, VA 24141-3432 Lenoir City, TN 37772-5962 Maryville, TN 37801-7410 668 Old Union Road 1240 Cosby Hwy, Apt 3 3527 Kettering Ct 2424 E Stone Dr, Apt. 110 3756 Stanley Valley Rd 4612 Midlands Grn 2648 Sevierville Rd 2131 E Ridgewood Dr Rt. 1, Box 104 9224 Topoco Dr 810 Wolf Creek Trail 1613 Crestway Dr 2648 Sevierville Rd 1015 Giles Rd. 5213 Winfield Ln P.O. Box 1099 Church Hill, TN 37642-4213 Newport, TN 37821-7262 Chattanooga, TN 37405-1768 Kingsport, TN 37660-4739 Surgoinsville, TN 37853-6326 Flowery Branch, GA 30542-3685 Maryville, TN 37804-3643 Louisville, TN 37777-4118 Jonesville, VA 24263-9539 Knoxville, TN 37922-3688 Abingdon, VA 24210-2536 Athens, TN 37303-4043 Maryville, TN 37804-3643 Blacksburg, VA 24060-3119 Knoxville, TN 37921-2434 Castlewood, VA 24224-1099 671 Alexian Way #721-B 100 Asbury Oak Ln Apt 148 339 Craven Rd 839 McNabb Rd 1302 S Dogwood Dr 6518 Desmond St 257 Wiggins Creek Dr 4865 Arthur Pl 7209 Canmore Ln 1105 Greenlee Dr 4202 Greenwood Dr 206 College Street 2634 Knob Creek Ln 1246 Sedgewood Ln 712 Brookhill Dr 8077 Angie Ln 146 Black Mash Hollow Rd 9109 Zesta Ln 9010 James Rd 210 Spring St Apt C5 104 Sylvan Dr 137 Snyder Rd 816 Dixie Bee Rd P.O. Box 1665 Signal Mountain, TN 37377 Chattanooga, TN 37419-2230 Ringgold, GA 30736-7510 Evensville, TN 37332-5232 Maryville, TN 37804-5259 Cincinnati, OH 45227-2039 Sewanee, TN 37375-3032 Columbus, OH 43220-3102 Knoxville, TN 37919-5902 Jonesborough, TN 37659-5139 Jonesborough, TN 37659-6253 Jasper, TN 37347-3239 Knoxville, TN 37912-4480 Lincolnton, NC 28002-7624 Etowah, TN 37331-1028 Chattanooga, TN 37421-1902 Townsend, TN 37882-3914 Knoxville, TN 37924-4902 Wooster, OH 44691-9445 Blountville, TN 37617-5446 Kingsport, TN 37663-2635 Gray, TN 37615-2852 Adams, TN 37010-9003 Chilhowie, VA 24319-1665 DIRECTORIES D. LAY MEMBERS TO THE 2010 ANNUAL CONFERENCE 453 * Denotes attendance at Annual Conference * * * * * * * * * CHARGE NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CONFERENCE MEMBERS BY DISCIPLINE OR STANDING RULES Conference Chancellor Conference Lay Leader Director of Connectional Ministries Chair, Committee on Rules & Order Chair, Council on Finance & Admin. Chair, Personnel Resources Comm. Chair, Discipleship Team Conference UMW President Conference UMM President CHARGE * Abingdon * Abingdon Addilynn Memorial * Aldersgate * Anderson Street * Beech Grove Benham’s Circuit Bethany * Carvosso Cedar Bluff * Chatham Hill Circuit Chilhowie-Seven Mile Ford Clinch Circuit * Damascus * Damascus Circuit Ebenezer * Emory-Meadowview-Smyth Chapel * First Bristol * First Marion First Mountain City - Trade * Glade Spring * Greendale-Brumley Gap-Rich Valley * Hunt Memorial * John Wesley-Charles Wesley * Keywood Charge * Lebanon Chilhowie * Lebanon Memorial * Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel Marion East Circuit Mountain City Circuit Mountain View , Abingdon * North Keywood Circuit * Pleasant View * Reynolds Memorial Jay Garrison Mary Ruth Richards Anne Travis Bradley H. Scott Garg Grogg James E. Whedbee Debra Holly Teddy Stevens Mike Smith NAME 8351 E. Walker Springs Ln #303 1313 Magnolia Avenue PO Box 32939 PO Box 400 125 Cloudcrest Point 212 Hotel Road 613 Plainfield Road 337 Kings Road 1807 Nantasket Road ADDRESS ABINGDON DISTRICT Joe Lyle Heda Quillin Don Cooper Allen Haga Bill Edwards Robert Leonard David Hensley Jimmy Webb Bill Crump Tim Taylor Gerald Couthard Pat Britton Faye Kegley Suann Canter Jean Prater Jerry Jones David McFarlane Dale Dietz Emmett V. Richardson, Jr Eddie Cobb Rachel Nutter Janet DeBord Virginia Oliver Joyce Moore Sue Brickey Gregory Blevins Joey Gillespie Jerry Catron Teresa Meek Evelyn Hill Pam Holmes Tim Kelly Mary Sue Smith Mary Sue Smith 15143 Quail Ridge Way 19284 Trotters Lane 300 Royal Oak Drive 300 Highridge Street 155 Long View Drive 21310 Plantation Road 1050 Shoals Lane 4394 Moccasin Valley Road 25554 Cornelius Drive 17536 Ridgeview Drive 5808 Skylark Lane 2471 Red Stone Rd 13022 Mountain Road 19469 Bethel Road 33478 Widener Valley Road PO Box 183 28122 Lee Highway 1353 King College Road 224 Ridgeway Rd 718 Copperhead Hollow Road 116 South Monte Vista Drive 20415 Vances Mill Road 946 Barker Street 272 Beaumont Lane PO Box R 416 Lovelace Drive PO Box 923 PO Box 96 1657 Old Ebenezer Road 172 Forge Creek Rd 36142 Glove Drive 31536 Old Saltworks Rd 18424 Cashmere Court 18424 Cashmere Ct Knoxville, TN Kingsport, TN Knoxville, TN Pearisburg, VA Rossville, GA Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Piney Flats, TN Knoxville, TN CITY/STATE Abingdon, VA Abingdon, VA Blountville, TN Bristol, TN Bristol, TN Bristol, VA Hiltons, VA Lebanon, VA Abingdon, VA Abingdon, VA Saltville, VA Marion, VA Rosedale, VA Abingdon, VA Damascus, VA Glade Spring, VA Meadowview, VA Bristol, TN Marion, VA Mountain City, TN Glade Spring, VA Abingdon, VA Bristol, TN Bluff City, TN Saltville, VA Marion, VA Lebanon, VA Saltville, VA Marion, VA Mountain City, TN Glade Spring, VA Meadowview, VA Abingdon, VA Abingdon, VA 37923 37664 37930 24134 30741 37918 37923 37686 37922 ZIP 24210-1679 24211-6775 37617-5517 37620-7112 37620-8331 24202-4128 24258-6282 24266-5616 24211-6360 24211-7222 24370-4356 24354-6811 24280-3601 24211-6481 24236-2952 24340-0183 24361-3002 37620-2618 24354-2230 37683-6610 24340-2802 24211 37620-2502 37618-1933 24370-1148 24354-6463 24266-0923 24370-0096 24354-6032 37683-2056 24340-4646 24361-4700 24210-7900 24210-7900 454 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE * Reynolds Memorial Russell Circuit * Shady Grove Sinking Springs * Smyth County Parish Smyth County Parish * South Bristol * St. Luke * State Street * State Street * Three Springs * Trinity * Virginia Avenue-Paperville * Virginia Avenue-Paperville * Wallace-Wyndale * Washington Chapel-Washington Spgs Weaver Wesley Circuit * Wharf Hill-Elizabeth * Youth Member Youth Member Campus Ministry Member Campus Ministry Member * District Lay Leader UMM President * UMW President * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large At-Large * At-Large * At-Large At-Large At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * Appalachia * Clintwood * Coeburn Crab Orchard-South Coeburn * Crab Orchard-South Coeburn * Derby NAME Rosemary Droke Nancy Warner Don Jolly Rebecca Blevins Evelyn Lawrence Sam Mabe Billie Sue Garrett Richard Fisher Sally Crockett Sam Crockett Edward Maine Ruth Hutton Prue Oxendine Mary Santangelo Joann Fleenor Mary Lee Davenport Caroline Hawthorne Sam Taylor LaVon Lowery Marie Preptit Courtney Surber Ben Barker Courtney Dutton Florence E. Clarke Tom Mitoraj Doris Dunn Patsy Arnold Joe Garrett Terry Hawthorne Ruth Hutton Susie Ledger Mary McFarlane Arline Pope Charlie Quillin Claudine Roberts Cynthia J. Robertson Richard Rollins Millie Saunders Susan L. Smith Sue Tilson Alma Wheeler ADDRESS PO Box 821 22585 US Highway 58 321 Park Street SE 128 Meadow Road 312 Broad Street 116 Pendleton Avenue 517 Dartmouth Drive 96 Ashley Drive 78 Clover Lane 78 Clover Lane 18691 Musick Drive 563 Ventura Circle 236 Country Meadows Cir 108 Broad View Circle 17201 Wyndale Road 36570 Plum Creek Road 332 Cedar Valley Road 711 Gentry Creek Road 4251 Dry Creek Road 1822 Southside Ave 1052 Wagner Road 133 Shallow Valley Road 446 Fairway Drive 1810 Highway 107 19484 Haskell Station Road 509 Edmond Street 112 Queen Street 517 Dart Drive 219 Riley Drive 563 Ventura Circle 1801 Southside Ave 28122 Lee Highway 300 Highland Street SE 19284 Trotters Lane 29206 Blue Spring Road 307 Spring Branch Road 102 Hidden Valley Road PO Box 1951 335 Gillespie Drive 425 Stoney Battery Road 705 Clinton Avenue BIG STONE GAP DISTRICT Sam Green Curtis Deel John H. Wright Jerry Ball Nancy Roberts Linda Cooper PO Box 470 PO Box 1557 PO Box 984 PO Box 2383 PO Box 1437 2945 Sunrise Village Rd CITY/STATE Bristol, TN Castlewood, VA Abingdon, VA Bristol, TN Marion, VA Chilhowie, VA Bristol, TN Bristol, VA Bristol, VA Bristol, VA Bristol, VA Bristol, VA Bristol, TN Bristol, TN Abingdon, VA Glade Spring, VA Bristol, TN Laurel Bloomery, TN Sugar Grove, VA Bristol, TN Bristol, VA Sugar Grove, VA Abingdon, VA Chilowie, VA Bristol, VA Bristol, VA Bristol, TN Bristol, TN Chilhowie, VA Bristol, VA Bristol, TN Meadowview, VA Abindgon, VA Abingdon, VA Meadowview, VA Marion, VA Bristol, TN Bristol, TN Abingdon, VA Marion, VA Bristol, VA ZIP 37621-0821 24224-6113 24210-3313 37620-4434 24354-2804 24319-4601 37620 24201-3000 24201-1608 24201-1608 24202-3125 24201-2556 37620-8378 37620-6169 24210-8307 24340-5814 37620-4811 37680-4203 24375-3252 37620-4255 24201-2439 24375-3101 24211-3635 24319-5422 24202-2412 24201-4408 37620-3737 37620 24319-9590 24201-2556 37620-4254 24361-3002 24210-3722 24211-6775 24361-2308 24354-6143 37620-4819 37621-1951 24210-2105 24354-6856 24201-4067 Appalachia, VA Clintwood, VA Coeburn, VA Coeburn, VA Coeburn, VA Big Stone Gap, VA 24216-0470 24228-1557 24230-0984 24230-2383 24230-1437 24219-4537 DIRECTORIES * * * * CHARGE NAME ADDRESS * * Dryden-Seminary Dungannon Circuit E. Stone Gap-Legion Memorial Ewing Circuit Exeter First Pennington Gap Gate City Hales Chapel Hiltons Memorial Holston View Jonesville Parish Jonesville Jonesville Midway Memorial-Prospect Mt Vernon Nickelsville Circuit Norton Nottingham-Mendota Pound Powell Valley Cooperative Parish Powell Valley Cooperative Parish Rye Cove Smith’s Chapel Smyth Chapel St. Charles-Robbins Chapel St Paul-Castlewood St Paul-Castlewood Sugar Run Circuit Tacoma Trinity Big Stone Gap Trinity Wise Youth Member Youth Member District Lay Leader UMW President At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large Ralph Cox Faith Cox Dwayne Carroll Sheila Clark Barry Nelson Vicki Brewer Terry Osborne Wallace Ross, Jr. Marsha Helton Dale Byrd Eva Garrett Thelma Mehaffy Patton Speak Margie Winegar Jason Hartsock Billy Odle Christy McFadden James Sproles Betty Bolling Charlotte Brooks Rob McLaughlin Brenda Dishner Terry Kilgore Richard Sprinkle Ruth Corbin J.D. Cassell Sharon Layell William Russell Richard Hughes Patricia Bowden Jimmy Winkles Katie Burke Cody Quillen Catherine South Suzanne Mullins-Wood Larry G. Hobbs Jacob T. Holbrook Barbara C. Polly Larry Stallard RR 2, Box 569AA PO Box 219 306 Clinton Avenue West Route 3, Box 1029 PO Box 842 PO Box 775 106 Derby Drive PO Box 414 665 Fowlers Branch Road 551 Laurel St Route 4, Box 4472 RR 4, Box 4955 RR 3, Box 1020 2269 Yuma Rd 147 Salisbury Ln 240 Genesis Drive 116 10th Street NW 16356 Little Sorrel Rd PO Box 194 RR 2, Box 2421 RR 2, Box 2352 1817 Farming Acres Rd 3273 Manville Road PO Box 438 RR 2 Box 572 PO Box 725 3225 Dogwood Drive Route 4, Box 4682 PO Box 1323 2919 Baker Road 1021 Lee Street NE 158 Click St 300 Sharon Drive PO Box 451 7313 Long Ridge RR 2 Box 630 1950 Gravel Lick Road 103 Clinton Avenue East 543 McClellan Town Lane * * * * * * * * Bethlehem-Wiley Brainerd Brooks Memorial Burks Burks Chapel Hill Christ Christ Bettye Johnson Sherry McNeese Carolyn White Debbie Davis Pat Roza Barry Kimsey Bryan Dantzler Joseph Madida 2308 East 4th Street 2215 Kirby Avenue 3852 Fairfax Drive 7812 Lake Ridge Drive 6414 Harbor Master Drive 955 Alvin York Hwy 972 Poplar Springs Rd 53 Squirrel Circle * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHATTANOOGA DISTRICT CITY/STATE 455 ZIP Pennington Gap, VA Big Stone Gap, VA Big Stone Gap, VA Jonesville, VA Appalachia, VA Pennington Gap, VA Gate City, VA Gate City, VA Hiltons, VA Weber City, VA Jonesville, VA Jonesville, VA Jonesville, VA Gate City, VA Gate City, VA Nicklesville, VA Norton, VA Hiltons, VA Pound, VA Jonesville, VA Jonesville, VA Duffield, VA Gate City, VA Jonesville, VA Pennington Gap, VA Saint Paul, VA St. Paul, VA Jonesville, VA Wise, VA Big Stone Gap, VA Wise, VA Weber City, VA Gate City, VA Pound, VA Nora, VA Pennington Gap Castlewood, VA Big Stone Gap, VA Gate City, VA 24277-9688 24219-0219 24219-2642 24263-9629 24216-0842 24277-0775 24251-4233 24251-0414 24258-6625 24290-7273 24263-9297 24263-9382 24263-9268 24251-2574 24251-5709 24271-2581 24273-1814 24258-2100 24279-0194 24263-9495 24263-9492 24244-2521 24251-4739 24263 -0438 24277-9688 24283-0725 24283-2543 24263-9343 24293-1323 24219-3816 24293-7911 24290-6705 24251-3284 24279-0451 24272-7086 24277-9660 24224-7152 24219-2925 24251-5282 Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Hixson, TN Hixson, TN Whitwell, TN Ringgold, GA Ringgold, GA 37404-2701 37404-3704 37415-3608 37343-1853 37343-3108 37397-5948 30736-2815 30736-7104 456 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE Dunlap East Ridge Eastdale Village Fairview First Centenary First Centenary First Centenary First Centenary First Centenary First Whitwell Flintstone Forrest Avenue Ft. Oglethorpe Grace Harrison Havron’s Cahpel Highland Plaza Hixson Hixson Holly Avenue Hurst Jones Memorial Lookout Mountain Looney’s Creek-Sulphur Springs McFarland McKendree Middle Valley Morganville-Slygo Valley Mount Crest New Salem Payne’s Chapel Pikeville Pleasant Grove Randolph-Wells Chapel Red Bank Rising Fawn Sand Mountain Sardis Signal Crest Signal Crest Signal Mountain Simpson St. Elmo St. John St. Luke St. Marks Stanley Trenton Tyner NAME Art Coulson Jackie Watson Charlotte Williams Thomas Laing Marie Baldree Vallerie Greer Janet Hopings Linly Mason Joe Woolums Sue Atterton Edna Dixon Terry Huffer Hina Tripathi Judy Kroulek Steve Barham JoEllen Diehl Howard Cobb Tom Pledger Will Rowe Jasper McConnell Louise Pruitt Brenda Silvers April Collins Charles L. McEntyre Irvin O. Arnold Jane Bumpus Debbie Rowden Ed Holmes Tom Cross Rick Houska Raymond Powers Betty Mann Thelma Defur Fred P. Whisnant Justin L. DeFriese A.L. McMahan Joe Whitley John Patterson Jim Crumbley Bill Helrigel Clair Robinson Larry Waite Maureen Lowe Mike Parker Tim Gates Bob Graham Loreen Atkins Polly Ryan Joe Byrd ADDRESS 1183 John Burch Rd 215 Catoosa St 8808 Heathfield Dr 6400 Harbor Master Drive 7333 Noah Reid Road 1700 Carroll Lane PO Box 402 200 Windmere Drive 1960 Shinbone Ridge Road 587 Turner Rd 234 Tinker Bell Circle 7126 Elmbrook Lane 113 Park Lake Road 13809 Lillard Rd 7950 Trout Lily Dr 225 Fuzz Rollins Rd 1315 Jackson Mill Drive 9115 Edgewater Rd 6623 Levi Road 59 View Street 1602 Milne Street 12404 East Valley Rd 959 Mount Olive Rd 500 Burnett Road 1516 Happy Valley Road 1103 Hudson Avenue 10049 Rolling Wind Drive PO Box 9 108 Cedar Road 12165 Highway 157 6303 Scenic Highway 31220 US 127 1283 Hancock Road 1094 Kelly Cove Road 110 Coburn Drive 1005 Mountain Creek Rd, Apt 301 PO Box 122 1001 Pittman Road 200 Oakmont Ln 5516 Sawyer RD 3915 Ivory Ave 2628 Maromede Lane 332 Hidden Oaks Dr 7220 Sims Road 3822 Thrushwood Dr 316 North Crest Road 3001 Pope Drive 2447 Byrds Chapel Rd 9716 Wilson Dr CITY/STATE Dunlap, TN Rossville, GA Chattanooga, TN Hixson, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN La Fayette, GA Whitwell, TN Flintstone, GA Harrison, TN Rossville, GA Soddy Daisy, TN Ooltewah, TN Whitwell, TN Hixson, TN Chattanooga, TN Hixson, TN Jasper, TN Chattanooga, TN Dunlap, TN Lookout Mtn, GA Whitwell, TN Rossville, GA Jasper, TN Soddy Daisy, TN Wildwood, GA Pikeville, TN Rising Fawn, GA Rising Fawn, GA Pikeville, TN Jasper, TN South Pittsburg, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Higdon, AL Whitwell, TN Signal Mountain, TN Signal Mountain, TN Signal Mountain, TN Chattanooga, TN Flilntstone, GA Harrison, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Rising Fawn, GA Ooltewah, TN ZIP 37327-4720 30741-2003 37416-1522 37343-3108 37421-1610 37405-4321 37401-0402 37411-1823 30728-4211 37397-5699 30725-2176 37341-9314 30741-4723 37379-7829 37363-5701 37397-5758 37343-3383 37416-1306 37343-2642 37347-5708 37406-3153 37327-4551 30750-2928 37397-5656 30741-2208 37347-2826 37379-9531 30757-0009 37367-7661 30738-2304 30738-4367 37367-4313 37347-7111 37380-6307 37415-1720 37405-1647 35979-0122 37397-5806 37377-1849 37377-2832 37377-3471 37421-1435 30725-2738 37341-7942 37415-4345 37404-1004 37404-6354 30738-4420 37363-8946 DIRECTORIES CHARGE NAME ADDRESS * Tyner * Washington Hills * Wauhatchie Welch’s-Stephens Chapel * Wesley Memorial * Wesley-Lou’s Chapel White Oak * Whiteside * Wildwood Youth Member Youth Member * Campus Ministry At-Large Member * District Lay Leader * UMM President * UMW President * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large Bob Keylon Gwendolyn Davis Frank Neely Ginger Housley David Smith Betty Moore Bob Quinn Nancy Davis Debbie Mahan David C. Eaton Megan McDowell Megan H. Watson Rebecca Hall James S. Bowen, Jr. Ella Howard Barbara Arnold Evelyn Bannister Jack Bannister Harold Bryson Margaret A. Cox Gwendolyn Dargan Mike Davis Fred Gault Dorothy R. Hatcher Howard Hatcher Everett L. Hixson Shirley Hixson Gary James Terryl James Don Keef David Lamb Carolyn Livingood Beth W. Peacock Ethel Powell Gwendolyn Scott Clarence Shattuck June Smith Ethel Starnes Ron Starnes Christine Wotowiec Peter Wotowiec 6814 Granada Drive 3601 Wauchula Street PO Box 81 5260 Lower East Valley Road 2414 Cedar Creek Drive 2985 Sweetens Cove Road 1226 Duane Road 2505 Esther Lane PO Box 125 5911 Tyner Lane 1268 Leaside Lane 215 Catoosa Street 9217 Magic Mountain Drive 459 Memorial Drive 3865 Fiery Gizzard Road 1615 Happy Valley Road 4730 Stagg Road 4730 Stagg Road 2322 Daugherty Ln PO Box 713 5037 Mimosa Trail 7812 Lake Ridge Drive 4932 Willow Lawn Drive PO Box 792 PO Box 792 1414 Continental Drive, Apt. 606 1414 Continental Drive, Apt. 606 6412 Rosemary Drive 6412 Rosemary Drive PO Box 1752 1751 East Crabtree Road 7414 Royal Harbour Circle 1241 Duane Road PO Box 845 5048 Irvin Rd 4619 Forest Lane 44 Raven Rock Rd 4012 Patton Edwards Dr 4012 Patton Edwards Dr 7436 Upper East Valley Road 7436 Upper East Valley Road * Allen Memorial * Apison * Asbury Athens Parish * Benton * Big Spring-Valley Head Carlene Kuykendall Hope Conner Don Randolph Marvin T. Templin Alana Phillips Mildred Maupin 154 County Road 600 528 Picture Ridge Dr 265 Cook Road SW 107 County Road 60 PO Box 845 3230 Buchanan Road SE CLEVELAND DISTRICT CITY/STATE 457 ZIP Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Wildwood, GA Dunlap, TN Chattanooga, TN South Pittsburg, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Wildwood, GA Harrison, TN Hixson, TN Rossville, Ga Chattanooga, TN Rising Fawn, GA South Pittsburg, TN Rossville, GA Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Rossville, GA Chattanooga, TN Hixson, TN Chattanooga, TN Dunlap, TN Dunlap, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Hixson, TN Ooltewah, TN Chattanooga, TN Dunlap, TN Chattanooga, TN Hixson, TN Pikeville, TN Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga, TN Pikeville, TN Pikeville, TN 37421-1452 37406-1659 30757-0081 37327-8918 37421-2005 37380-6432 37421-1504 37412-4045 30757-0125 37341-5950 37343-3072 30741-2003 37421-3413 30738-4179 37380-6084 30741-2208 37415-2330 37415-2330 37421-1328 30741-0713 37416-1934 37343-1853 37416-1441 37327-0792 37327-0792 37405-1520 37405-1520 37416-2430 37416-2430 37396-1752 37343-1433 37363-9155 37405-2309 37327-0845 37416-1923 37343-4315 37367-3620 37412-1924 37412-1924 37367-3426 37367-3426 Athens, TN Chattanooga, TN Cleveland, TN Athens, TN Benton, TN Cleveland, TN 37303-6258 37421-5337 37311-8433 37303-6656 37307-0845 37323-0453 458 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE Broad Street Broad Street Calhoun-Spring Creek Chestuee-Sugar Creek Chilcutt Daisy Decatur-Concord Englewood-Mars Hill Evensville-St. Clair First Cleveland First Cleveland First Cleveland First Copperhill First Dayton Goodfield Circuit Graysville-New Bethel Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna Keith Memorial Keith Memorial McDonald Mountain View-New Providence Mt. Olive Mt. Zion-Savannah Niota-Cedar Springs Ooltewah Ooltewah Pleasant Grove Pleasant Hill-Burkett Chapel Roceville-Piney Grove Riceville-Piney Grove Sale Creek Soddy South Cleveland Spivey Spring City-Reed Chapel Spring City-Reed Chapel St. Paul’s -Carlock Tasso-Charleston Ten Mile-Oak Grove Trinity Athens Trinity Athens Vine Grove Wesley Memorial Cleveland Wesley Mem. Etowah-Pleasant Grove Youth Member Youth Member Youth Member Campus Ministry At-Large Member District Lay Leader NAME Carolyn Ingram Bob Sain Kay A. Freeman Fredna LaDuke Wanda Arp Jim Perrine Betty C. Ward Maggie Hoffman Bill Rusbridge Sandra Donaghy Mike Goodman MaeT. Wilkins Doyce Loudermilk Amy Ballentine Jane Roberts Carolyn Miracle Nancy Crabtree Richard McCowan Charlie Myers Susan Woods Rachel Pickett Leonard Thomas Jonathan Brown Bill May Jane McCoy Wendell Bryant, Jr. Ruth Stansell Martha Burgess Marshall Kennedy Robert Duckworth Mike Weese Bobby Carmack Roger L. Smith Judith Kidd Louis Morgan Ben T. McDonald Frank Snyder Matney Reed Clara Whaley Lori Templeton Dave Schwiebert Joan Schwiebert Heather Reece David C. Johnson Stan Barner Mia Damico Anna Hooper Sydney Varajon Will Conner Terrence M. Benetto ADDRESS 400 Emmett Avenue NW 1215 Bramblewood Trail NW 3865 Chatata Valley Rd NE 153 Virgil Rymer Rd NE 5718 Mouse Creek Rd NW 9654 White Dr PO Box 22 971 County Road 550 218 Old Post Rd 3815 Woodcrest Circle NW 965 Robin Hood Drive NW 3425 Ocoee Street N 152 Johns Ridge Road 150 Hillcrest Drive 553 Cox Road 1572 Black Oak Ridge Rd 722 Southern Parkway 133 County Road 613 3014 Hawthorne St 144 County Road 575 2179 Collins Drive NW 684 Riverbend Dr 5210 Harper Street NW, Lot 55 931 Hamilton Circle NW 411 N Burn Road 7706 Elizabeth Way Drive 9838 Snow Hill Rd 580 Morgan Road NW 12491 State Highway 58S PO Box 3455 1276 County Road 750 15221 Coppinger Road 1979 Emerald Pointe Dr 2423 Ella Drive SE 2485 Old Washington Hwy PO Box 452 1114 Sable Road 1100 Washington Ave 521 Cobblestone Creek Rd NW 161 Moss Boat Dock Lane 1626 Crestway Drive 1626 Crestway Drive 499 Belle Circle 2001 Quail Hollow 1826 County Road 609 725 Indiana Avenue 517 Sipes Road SW 128 County Road 755 3448 North Druid Hills Rd, Apt D 3621 Moreland Dr NE CITY/STATE Cleveland, TN Cleveland, TN Charleston, TN Cleveland, TN Cleveland, TN Soddy Daisy, TN Decatur, TN Englewood, TN Evensville, TN Cleveland, TN Cleveland, TN Cleveland, TN Blue Ridge, GA Dayton, TN Decatur, TN Dayton, TN Athens, TN Athens, TN Athens, TN Englewood, TN Cleveland, TN Dayton, TN Cleveland, TN Cleveland, TN Niota, TN Ooltewah, TN Ooltewah, TN Charleston, TN Decatur, TN Riceville, TN Athens, TN Sale Creek, TN Soddy Daisy, TN Cleveland, TN Dayton, TN Spring City, TN Spring City, TN Etowah, TN Cleveland, TN Decatur, TN Athens, TN Athens, TN Dayton, TN Cleveland, TN Etowah, TN Etowah, TN Cleveland, TN Riceville, TN Decatur, GA Cleveland, TN ZIP 37311-1731 37311-4108 37310-6254 37323-5070 37312-6245 37379-4718 37322-0022 37329-5182 37332-3263 37312-3814 37312-3337 37312-4456 30513-3486 37321-6241 37322-7403 37321-5709 37303-4561 37303-6353 37303-5012 37329-5129 37312-2263 37321-5337 37312-8211 37312-3329 37826-3359 37363-9202 37363-9772 37310-5017 37322-7410 37370-3455 37303-6238 37373-9721 37379-9104 37323-7116 37321-5477 37381-0452 37381-4822 37331-1234 37312-7615 37322-3062 37303-4044 37303-4044 37321-7819 37312 37331-5171 37331-1128 37311-8133 37370-5252 30033-3774 37312-5139 DIRECTORIES 459 CHARGE * UMM President * At-Large * At-Large At-Large At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large At-Large * At-Large * At-Large NAME Robert L. George Kate Bledsoe Elizabeth Chancey James Dodson Johnny Downs Thelma Hamilton Rebecca Hollingsworth Betsy Kersey Kay Ledford Robert Lockaby, Jr. Patricia May Tina Louise Morgan Hillary Nutt Lois R. Taylor Donna Tisdale JoAnn Wrinkle ADDRESS 2960 Highland Drive NE 1415 Brentwood Drive 4404 Bill Jones Roiad 702 Cartwright Street 346 Timber Drive 712 Keith Lane PO Box 26 4363 Ocoee St N, Ste 1 12768 State Highway 58 S 7514 Island Manor Drive 931 Hamilton Circle NW 427 County Road 166 4721 Old Mission Road 195 Bowman Avenue NW 3631 Woodcrest Circle NW 3590 Buchanan Road SE CITY/STATE Cleveland, TN Athens, TN Apison, TN Athens, TN Dayton, TN Athens, TN Dayton, TN Cleveland, TN Decatur, TN Harrison, TN Cleveland, TN Athens, TN Chattanooga, TN Cleveland, TN Cleveland, TN Cleveland, TN ZIP 37312-5427 37303-4414 37302-9585 37303-4517 37321-5989 37303-4545 37321-0026 37312-4832 37322-7412 37341-7620 37312-3329 37303-6805 37411-3814 37311-2212 37312-3810 37323-0204 Afton - Stone Dam * Asbury-Mt. Wesley * Austin Springs Bethesda-Eden * Bluff City * Boones Creek * Centenary * Cherokee * Chuckey-Rheatown * Chuckey-Rheatown * Chuckey-Rheatown * Clear Springs-Albright * East Pine Grove Park * Ebenezer Circuit * Edgefield * Elizabeth Chapel * Embreeville * Enterprise-St. Paul * Fairhaven * Fairview * First Elizabethton First Johnson City * Grace * Gray * Gray Greystone Circuit * Hunter-Slagle’s * Jearoldstown-Union Temple Jearoldstown-Union Temple * Jonesborough * Limestone Cove Dale Culler Joe H. Hommel Betsy Ollis Bob Parton Bobbie Warden Bob Davidson Kathy Alford Donnie Hafer Ann W. Bailey Delana Blanton Jeannie Luttrell Betty Fannon Jim Dik Barbara Tilson Chris Berry Julia Johnson Caleb Frazier Deanna Gilbert Joanne Peters Jake Perkins David W. Deal Anna Kapoor Vicki Richardson Robert Denney Sandra Denney Randy Hildenbrand Phyllis Townsend Lizzie Fox Walter Shipley Angie Huffine Ramona Etter 1205 Ripley Island Rd 115 Oak Timbers Road 174 Hillside Drive 4619 Cherokee Road 907 Weaver Branch Road 211 Norwood Drive 411 9th Street 2 Sunnydew Circle 4080 Greenwood Drive 920 Martingale Drive 770 Oregon Trail 430 Heritage Road N 6 Kaywood Court 8115 Erwin Highway 201 Piney Avenue 345 Overlook Drive 112 Frazier Road 1097 Haw Ridge Rd 803 Lacy Street 533 Horseshoe Bend Rd 245 Meadow Glen Drive 114 Blue Bird Court 105 Master Street Ext 109 Cottonwood Drive 109 Cottonwood Drive 570 Johnson Road 138 Sunrise Drive 3440 Jearoldstown Road 1325 Woolsey Road 129 Hales Road 2910 Highway 107 Afton, TN Telford, TN Jonesborough, TN Jonesborough, TN Bluff City, TN Johnson City, TN Erwin, TN Johnson City, TN Jonesboroough, TN Greeneville, TN Greeneville, TN Chuckey, TN Johnson City, TN Chuckey, TN Piney Flats, TN Blountville, TN Erwin, TN Piney Flats, TN Johnson City, TN Jonesborough, TN Bristol, TN Johnson City, TN Erwin, TN Jonesborough, TN Jonesborough, TN Greeneville, TN Elizabethton, TN Chuckey, TN Greeneville, TN Jonesborough, TN Unicoi, TN 37616-6101 37690-2829 37659-3830 37659-6978 37618-2543 37615-3860 37650-1515 37604-9058 37659-6276 37743-6132 37743-8543 37641-7219 37601-2433 37641-6405 37686-4216 37617-5544 37650-7902 37686-3430 37604-3727 37659-4515 37620-9519 37601-5315 37650-2081 37659-4345 37659-4345 37743-4958 37643-6416 37641-3316 37745-2851 37659-4648 37692-4639 JOHNSON CITY DISTRICT 460 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE NAME ADDRESS * Limestone-Greenwood * Marvins Chapel Mayberry Community * Milburnton * Mt. Carmel-Seviers * Munsey Memorial Munsey Memorial * Munsey Memorial * Munsey Memorial * Munsey Memorial * Munsey Memorial * New Victory * Otterbein * Piney Flats * Pleasant Grove-Valley View Pleasant Grove-Valley View Roan Mountain * Rockhold * Sulphur Springs * Taylor Memorial * Telford * Trinity Greeneville * Unicoi Valley Forge Wesley Memorial * Wesley Memorial * Youth Member * Youth Member * Campus Ministry At-Large Member * District Lay Leader UMW President * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large At-Large At-Large * At-Large * At-Large At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large Martha Reynolds David McMillin Georgette Smith Pat Moore Phyllis Miller Wayne Anderson Harlen Booth Dianna D. Cantler Susan Grove-DeJarnett Pam Moody Maurice Royster Judy Tindell Margaret S. McDougle Shea McClure Bruce Brocklebank Dorothy Moore Jancy Caldwell Lois Ann Cox Dan Cross Vernon Wells Mike Loveday Madge Walker Thomas C. Vanover Jerry Williams Lester A. Yeomans III Carol Yonkey Palmer Cantler Dalton Luster Elizabeth Parr Deborah A. Yeomans Nyoka Holder David Bailey Betty Barton Paul E. Brown, Jr. Ken Cohen Dell Gates Ron Ireson Harold Johnson Angie Loveday Marian Raml Elizabeth Ramsey Hugh Wallace Margaret Wallace Marjorie Wilson 15 White Road 1222 Olde Oaks Drive 262 Cedar Valley Blvd 490 Cockateil Road 1725 Highway 107 2405 Camelot Cir 1925 Lone Oak Road 1911 Sherwood Dr PO Box 1336 4115 Navaho Drive 1007 E Watauga Ave 1476 Highway 126, Apt A4 PO Box 903 531 Natalie Court 641 Pleasant Grove Road 908 Russell Circle PO Box 28 PO Box 385 1262 Glendale Road 4103 Navaho Drive 222 Town and Country Drive 90 Sioux Trail 3182 Unicoi Drive 305 Blue Springs Road 117 Shadow Lane 1403 Lake Drive Ext 1911 Sherwood Drive 185 Carden Drive 112 Dansworth Lane 733 Liberty Church Road 130 Beryl Blevins Road 4080 Greenwood Drive 2615 S Roan St, Ste 106 1911 Triangle Road 1700 Lone Oak Road, Unit 11 1260 Austin Springs Road 479 Brethern Church Road 2932 Knob Creek Road 222 Town and Country Drive 511 Urbana Road 1664 Hatterdale Farm Road 315 Culver Road 315 Culver Road 137 Snyder Rd Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel Amis Chapel-Elm Springs * Arcadia Helen Martin Phyllis Cardwell Vickie Fulkerson 679 Shipley Ferry Road 326 Tipton Street 150 Hicks Avenue KINGSPORT DISTRICT CITY/STATE Greeneville, TN Johnson City, TN Gray, TN Limestone, TN Jonesborough, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Bristol, TN Elizabethton, TN Piney Flats, TN Limestone, TN Jonesborough, TN Roan Mountain, TN Bluff City, TN Jonesborough, TN Johnson City, TN Jonesborough, TN Greeneville, TN Unicoi, TN Elizabethton, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Elizabethton, TN Oak Ridge, TN Kingsport, TN Elizabethton, TN Jonesborough, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Johnson City, TN Piney Flats, TN Jonesborough, TN Johnson City, TN Jonesborough, TN Limestone, TN Blountville, TN Limestone, TN Limestone, TN Gray, TN Blountville, TN Church Hill, TN Kingsport, TN ZIP 37745-3609 37615-4462 37615-7714 37681-4783 37659-7307 37604-2938 37604-3404 37601-3234 37605-1336 37604-1115 37601-4117 37620-7093 37644-0903 37686-4264 37681-2112 37659-5206 37687-0028 37618-0385 37659-4258 37604-1115 37659-5467 37743-2261 37692-4309 37643-5503 37615-4151 37601-1805 37601-3234 37643-3846 37830-8753 37663-4613 37643-6130 37659-6276 37601-7685 37604-7656 37604-3258 37686-4647 37659-3920 37604-2110 37659-5467 37681-2654 37617-5360 37681-26388 37681-2638 37615-2852 37617-5036 37642-4448 37660-7035 DIRECTORIES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHARGE Bethel Blountville Cassidy Chalybeate Springs-Okolona-Mt. Zion Clouds Bend Colonial Heights Colonial Heights Community Cross-Holly Springs Crossroads Depews Chapel Elm Tree Parish Elm Tree Parish Fall Branch First Broad Street-St Mark First Broad Street-St Mark First Broad Street-St Mark First Broad Street-St Mark First Church Hill First Rogersville First Surgoinsville Fudges Chapel Glen Alpine Grange Hall-Lebanon Kendricks Creek Ketron Memorial Kingsley-Hermon Logan’s Chapel Mafair Morrison Chapel Mount Carmel Mountain View Old Union-McFerrin Otes Persia Rock Springs Rogersville Circuit Salem Valley Center Vermont Wheeler Youth Member Youth Member District Lay Leader UMM President UMW President At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large NAME Margie Hand Christine Grant Nancy Holland Penny McClellan Shirley Davis Sam Jones Linda Jones Mary Teague McMillan Lloyd Moore Jean E. Mowrey Christine Lane Dave Poore Velma Vicars Doug Carson Lee Cornell Les Heaton Jeff McCord Mary Lee Watterson Janet Clark Jane Pearce Chuck Conner Janice Hurd Harry Ennis Ami Fletcher Ross Strickler Gary Coates Louise Tate Frances Musick Marie S. Willis Judy Dean Gary Jeno Robert M. Teter Ellen McKeigney Craig Mosley Ron Self Matt McConnell Theresa Eidson Linda Archer Roberta Tabor Mary Ann Robinson Reva Henry Leigh Harr Madison Smith Mike Webb James L. King, Jr Carol B. Alley Carol Anderson Herb Creech Victor Dingus Emily F. Ellis ADDRESS 401 Beulah Church Drive 2503 Island Road 484 Canterbury Drive 5626 Upper Possum Creek Road 431 Wilma Street 1242 Morning Dove Drive 1242 Morning Dove Drive 913 Nantucket Avenue 1820 Duke Street 614 Rose Lane 220 Remington Ct 901 Buttermilk Road 2744 Circle View 2412 Reservoir Road 1433 Linville Street 1416 Fairidge Drive 1426 Linville Street 1029 Catawba Street 211 Kay Avenue 306 Wood Lane 1736 War Valley Road 127 Nolichucky Street 592 Summerville Road 136 Hickory Hills Road 105 Meadow Court 424 Allen Dr 121 Delivia Street 369 Deakins Roiad 104 Sylvan Drive 189 Gravely Valley Road 713 South Sherbrooke Circle 1012 Kensington 708 Christian Bend Road 5690 Academy Drive 282 South Fork Branch Road 1621 Mill Creek Road 523 Bear Hollow Road 251 Cole Hollow Road 310 Virginia Drive 201 Darlington Drive 311 Lakeside Dock Drive 1300 Harr Town Rd 1828 Garland Street 128 Sante Fe Street 3724 Skyland Dr 650 Caney Valley Loop 1137 Westbrook 215 Hermosa Dr 128 Spurgeon Ln 416 Hunters Crossing Lane CITY/STATE Kingsport, TN Blountville, TN Blountville, TN Gate City, VA Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Mount Carmel, TN Kingsport, TN Mount Carmel, TN Kingsport, TN Blountville, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Kinsgport, TN Church Hill, TN Surgoinsville, TN Rogersville, TN Church Hill, TN Kingsport, TN Church Hill, TN Gray, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Jonesborough, TN Kingsport, TN Surgoinsville, TN Mt. Carmel, TN Kingsport, TN Church Hill, TN Morristown, TN Rogersville, TN Fall Branch, TN Rogersville, TN Blountville, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Blountville, TN Kingsport, TN Church Hill, TN Kingsport, TN Surgoinsville, TN Kingsport, TN Fall Branch, TN Blountville, TN Kingsport, TN 461 ZIP 37663-3840 37617-4015 37617-5012 24251-5775 37665-1529 37663-2883 37663-2883 37645-3340 37665-1708 37645-3637 37663-3495 37617-5631 37664-2722 37660-7335 37664-2207 37664-2011 37664-2208 37660-4501 37642-3110 37873-6008 37857-5624 37642-4501 37663-3100 37642-7115 37615-4276 37660-1302 37660-2641 37659-3305 37663-2635 37873-5225 37645-4049 37664-5164 37642-5175 37814-1402 37857-5129 37656-2529 37857-6075 37617-6625 37660-6252 37660-1506 37663-4104 37617-3846 37660-2667 37642-6331 37664-3937 37873-6314 37663-2426 37656-1646 37617-5816 37664-5453 462 * * * * * * * * * * HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large * Asbury * Bearden * Bethel Amherst Beulah * Bookwalter * Central * Christ Church Street * Church Street * Church Street * Church Street Church Street * Church Street * Church Street * Clapp’s Chapel * Cokesbury Cokesbury * Cokesbury * Cokesbury * Colonial Heights * Ebenezer * Emerald Avenue * Emerald Avenue * Faith * First Knoxville * Fountain City * Fountain City * Fountain City * French Broad Circuit * Fries Circuit * Hendron’s Chapel-Marble City * Hillcrest * Inskip * Knoxville Circuit * Kodak * Lennon-Seney Lincoln Park-Martin Chapel NAME Eloise B. Ellis Daniel S. Howe Virginia N. Howe Elizabeth Marsh Robert Shelton Susan Smith Joyce Snapp Nancy Ann Tate Pat Tipton Charlie Weaver ADDRESS 1143 Cooper Street P.O. Box 1346 1337 Catawba St 337 Adams Avenue 109 White Hawk Way PO Box 894 3756 Stanley Valley Road 2116 Fort Henry Dr 144 Holcomb St 2472 Wildwood Dr CITY/STATE Church Hill, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Church Hill, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Surgoinsville, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN Kingsport, TN ZIP 37642-6121 37662-1346 37660-4507 37642-4030 37663-3068 37662-0894 37873-6326 37664-3604 37660-1838 37660-4747 Jody Lusby Lori L. Sluder Teresa Duncan Janice Drake Linda Comer Ronnie Peake Chris Leach Jim Grubb Thomas C. Hood Cole Piper LaNoka Rhodes Jo Terry Brad Thompson Dawn Von Weisenstein Dave Wright James Fetzer Kim Nicolaus Gary Wilson Suzanne Wilson Linda Young Dot Watson Jessie Hurst Merna M. Roberts Elaine Grindle James V. Ferguson Alta Huskey Carol Lytle Brennan Smith Joe Newman Nannie Greene Rick Stansberry Jama Mills John Rives Larry Martin Deborah Henry Corliss Tate John A. Tiller 8608 Thorngrove Pike 7624 Twining Drive 2013 Amherst Road 8106 Sevierville Pike 3320 Barton Street 4501 Linton Rose Lane 6138 Cline Road 6229 Blackhawk Trail 3508 Blow Dr 2400 E Gallaher Ferry Rd 602 Rockingham Drive 1428 Kensington Drive 1622 Hightop Trail 698 Galveston Road 6930 Boruff Road 12521 Fort West Drive 9109 Montague Drive 10508 Sandpiper Lane 10508 Sandpiper Lane 228 Mount David Drive 8804 Gatwick Drive 2417 Monterey Road 1524 Cliffside Lane 207 Stone Castle Lane 2212 Woodson Drive 5060 Dovewood Way 7725 West Ogg Road 2238 Martha Berry Drive 9228 Newman Lane 5330 Palmetto Road 1514 Bexhill Drive 7524 Huffaker Ferry Road 7520 Ball Camp Pike PO Box 188 3225 Douglas Dam Road 1845 Azrock Drive 829 Forsythe Street Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Corryton, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Powell, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Kodak, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Luttrell, TN Kodak, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN 37914-9392 37919-7175 37921-5002 37920-8227 37917-2703 37918-8168 37938-2311 37920-6107 37920-2802 37932-1805 37909-2623 37922-6038 37923-1117 37923-2747 37721-3708 37934-1346 37923-2220 37922-5518 37922-5518 37920-6463 37922-6024 37912-4640 37914-5101 37849-3052 37920-2952 37918-9348 37938-4456 37918-3732 37764-1013 37921-1336 37922-6012 37920-9703 37931-3545 37779-0188 37764-2309 37914-6008 37917-3638 KNOXVILLE DISTRICT DIRECTORIES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHARGE Lonsdale Macedonia Magnolia Avenue Mascot-Hopewell Middlebrook Pike Middlebrook Pike New Life Piney Grove Pleasant Hill Powell Rutherford Memorial Sand Branch Second St. Andrews St. Luke St. Mark St. Paul East St. Paul Fountain City Trentville Trinity Vestal Washington Pike West View Zion Youth Member Youth Member Campus Ministry Member At-Large District Lay Leader UMM President UMW President At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large NAME Katherine C. Mays Elizabeth J. Henry Shirley Napier Tom Pyle Charles R. Harr Jackie Sims Alicia Cass Don Hurst Paul Schmierbach Robert E. Lee Ann Johnson Isaac Harding Dee Ann Collins Betty R. Stair Alice McDowell Joe Haymore Ray Haynes Ellie Smith Conley Underwood Nancy Flynn Judith Riggs Sandra Barry Pam Laton Lana Snyder Grady T. Milligan Rebecca E. Proctor Gregg Corlew Peggy Troutt Joe Cunningham Johnnie Bridges Linda Allen Jack Barry Anna Bellamy Jeanet Berruecos Carrie Carter Sue Clapp Carol Clift Becky Ferguson Robbie Franklin Brenda Gratz J. Harold Greene Mary Hawkins Brenda Haymore Penney Helms Ian Hennessey Mary Hickman Deb Holly Evelyn H. Horton William L. Hutton Archie Johnson ADDRESS 5117 Foxwood Road 2815 Riverside Drive 2616 Delrose Drive 8817 Spindlewood Lane 7022 Shadyland Drive 8201 Hunterhill Drive 2125 Roseberry Road 4712 Scepter Way 8677 Shackleford Lane 323 Deerwood Lane 8204 Monday Road 4131 Whistlers Way, Apt 821 11537 Gates Mill Drive 415 Snowmass Drive 4812 Green Meadow Lane 1513 Autumn Ridge Drive 803 Wooddale Church Road 1244 Orleans Drive 1107 Cooper Road 409 Doublehead Lane 161 Keeble Road 4304 Ohara Drive 210 Norton Road 1808 Francis Road 5724 Attleboro Drive PO Box 867718 1718 Melrose Place 1819 Holston River Road 3102 Spicewood Lane 1125 Adcock Avenue 802 Willowbrook Lane 4304 Ohara Drive PO Box 15 2556 Southerland Avenue 1931 Locarno Drive 6704 Circle Road 5323 Tazewell Pointe Way 2212 Woodson Drive 8683 Shackleford Lane 1820 Fairmont Boulevard 5330 Palmetto Road 249 Huntington Lane 1513 Autumn Ridge Drive 3428 Luwana Lane 531 South Gay St, Apt 402 8334 Cliff Ridge Court 613 Plainfield Road 321 Wesley Road 2402 Harvey Street 8204 Monday Road CITY/STATE 463 ZIP Knoxville, TN 37921-4019 Knoxzville, TN 37914-6249 Knoxville, TN 37914-7209 Knoxville, TN 37924-3430 Knoxville, TN 37919-8128 Knoxville, TN 37923-1805 Mascot, TN 37806-2002 Knoxville, TN 37912-4273 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1044 LaFollette, TN 37766-6732 Corryton, TN 37721-2415 Knoxville, TN 37918-2061 Knoxville, TN 37934-1758 Knoxville, TN 37918-0990 Knoxville, TN 37917-2166 Knoxville, TN 37922-5833 37924-4340 Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN 37919-8289 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1476 Knoxville, TN 37909-2156 Maryville, TN 37804-4639 Knoxville, TN 37918-5005 Knoxville, TN 37920-6690 Knoxville, TN 37909-1061 Powell, TN 37849-4979 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-0070 Knoxville, TN 37916-3417 Knoxville, TN 37914-6156 Knoxville, TN 37921-1631 Knoxville, TN 37921-1802 Knoxville, TN 37918-9751 Knoxville, TN 37918-5005 Powell, TN 37849-0015 Knoxville, TN 37919-3253 Knoxville, TN 37914-2814 Corryton, TN 37721-4411 Knoxville, TN 37918-7525 Knoxville, TN 37920-2952 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1044 Knoxville, TN 37917-2709 Knoxville, TN 37921-1336 Kodak, TN 37764-2124 Knoxville, TN 37922-5833 Knoxville, TN 37917-1707 Knoxville, TN 37902-1513 Corryton, TN 37721-2141 Knoxville, TN 37923-2314 Knoxville, TN 37909-2652 Knoxville, TN 37917-5011 Corryton, TN 37721-2415 464 * * * * * * * * * * HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large * Bethel Seymour * Bethel-Vonore Binfield * Broadway * Buckner Memorial * Bungalow Camp Ground * Carpenters * Fairgarden Circuit * Fairview * Fairview * First Alcoa * First Gatlinburg -Huskey’s Grove * First Gatlinburg -Huskey’s Grove * First Madisonville * First Maryville * First Maryville * First Maryville * First Pigeon Forge * First Sevierville * First Sevierville First Sweetwater * Friendsville * Green Meadow * Immanuel * Logan’s Chapel * Loudon Meadow-Williamson Chapel * Meadow-Williamson Chapel * Middle Creek * Middlesettlements * Middlesettlements * Mountain View New Salem * Oakland * Peck’s Memorial NAME ADDRESS Ken Mahoney Millie P. Meese Carl Mills Lecia Moreau Betty Newman Lori L. Sluder Bobby Stair Shirley Swaggerty Mary Frances Tucker Doris Wilson Linda Wilson 2328 West Beaver Creek Dr 11012 Crosswind Drive 7524 Huffaker Ferry Road 929 Thorn Grove Pike 9228 Newman Lane 7624 Twining Drive 3241 Bakertown Station Way 6310 Pine Grove Road 1413 Kenton Way 6141 Babelay Road 4715 Barbara Drive Everett Keeton Nip McKee Sherry Hicks Elizabeth Mize Martha Hemphill Joyce Bennett Becky Morgan Betty Coning Glenn Bogart Bob Trent Jean Trent Ejie Beightol Jane Poe Evelyn Reagan Penelope Fowler Ibby Davis Lila Eby Bob Eby Bill Killian H. Brooke Blair Norma S. Blair Wallace Stutts Lisa Russell Mary Elizabeth Franklin Edgar Wilder Vicky Renninger Bill Lenoir Elaine Graves Teresa Queener Jairus Sarten Dora Hooks Joyce Overton Nancy Hydzik Mary Northern Sue Smith Deborah Nichols 645 Mize Circle PO Box 147 906 Montvale Station Rd 615 S Washington Street 225 Hiwassee College Drive 3505 Wilkinson Pike 3713 Miser Station Road 2837 Taylor Rd 3202 Pittman Center Road 306 Eastover Drive 306 Eastover Drive 115 Alex Way 378 Thomas Loop Road 1136 Austin Drive 181 Rawlings Lane 1917 Belvedere Court 1902 Northwood Drivet 1902 Northwood Drivet 2253 Henderson Springs Road 326 Cherry Street 505 Grace Avenue 130 County Road 242 506 North Farnum Street 2648 Sevierville Rd, Apt C17 1966 Stonybrook Road 1119 Havenwood Drive 381 Harrison Road 5111 Old Niles Ferry Road 7097 Niles Ferry Road 1510 Ridge Road 2505 Grey Ridge Road 2856 Rhett Butler Drive 6819 Ottinger Lane 2580 Stock Creek Road 524 Trigonia Road 516 Dunn Avenue MARYVILLE DISTRICT CITY/STATE ZIP Powell, TN 37849-4817 Knoxville, TN 37922-4011 Knoxville, TN 37920-9703 Strawberry Plains, TN 37971-1788 Kodak, TN 37764-1013 Knoxville, TN 37919-7175 Knoxville, TN 37931-4070 Knoxville, TN 37914-9445 Knoxville, TN 37922-6090 Knoxville, TN 37924-1510 Knoxville, TN 37918-4405 Seymour, TN Philadelphia, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Madisonville, TN Maryville, TN Louisville, TN Maryville, TN Sevierville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Sevierville, TN Gatlinburg, TN Madisonville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Pigeon Forge, TN Sevierville, TN Sevierville, TN Athens, TN Friendsville, TN Maryville, TN Louisville, TN Maryville, TN Loudon, TN Maryville, TN Greenback, TN Sevierville, TN Maryville, TN Louisville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN 37865-3313 37846-0147 37803-5806 37804-5805 37354-4005 37803-3346 37777-3511 37803-2061 37876-8759 37803-6641 37803-6641 37801-2945 37876 37738-5310 37354-4009 37803-2818 37803-6367 37803-6367 37863-7200 37862-3809 37862-3814 37303-1677 37737-2708 37804-3643 37777-4215 37804-3105 37774-6701 37801-0921 37742-2044 37862-2918 37801-7454 37777-3550 37920-6146 37920-7583 37801-1504 37804-2810 DIRECTORIES CHARGE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NAME ADDRESS Philadelphia-New Hope Pittman Center Pleasant Hill Sevierville Circuit Sevierville Parish Seymour Seymour St. John St. Marks Sweetwater Circuit Tellico Plains Circuit Tuckaleechee Union Grove (Blount) Walland Wears Valley Youth Member Youth Member District Lay Leader UMM President UMW President At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large Hugh Hickey Jane Brewer Rick Green James Bryant Billie Fox Carol Dunbar Larry Dunbar Gail Willocks Elizabeth J. McKnight Candice Terry Janet Standridge Mary Lynn Morgan Jean Eastes Ben Dalton Betty Jo Reagan Emily Atchley Alyssa Whited Don Story John King Glenda Eastridge Harold S. Brown Virginia W. Case Pat DeLozier Robert Ergenbright Art Fowler Gary Hall Tamara Harrell Beverly Henry Sara Henry Roxanna Jones Jane Lenoir Wanda Lunsford Carole Myers John Patterson Conlie G. Rasnake Tim Self 4066 Harris Road 123 Ardell Way 1416 Carowinds Circle 911 Ownby Drive 2882 Mary Ridge Farm Road 715 Greenfern Trail 715 Greenfern Trail PO Box 5765 305 Headrickview Drive 5047 Clay Hollow Road 2041 Fairview Road PO Box 161 4993 Fairview Road 221 Sims Place Road 3524 Alf Ownby Drive 919 Estates Drive 1513 Barbra Estates Drive 340 Martin Valley Road 4532 Old Knoxville Hwy 1722 Ramsay St 1014 North Heritage Drive 804 Montvale Station Road 908 Ray Avenue 2715 Rambling Road 181 Rawlings Lane 2351 Riverside Drive 204 Victoria’s Landing 2633 Wilkinson Pike 1921 Raulston View Drive 8907 Colchester Ridge Rd 381 Harrison Road 3665 Drum Campground Road 8161 Cedar Creek Road PO Box 1459 225 Hiwassee College Dr, #616 305 Headrickview Drive Asbury Asbury Asbury Baileyton Circuit Bales Chapel Beth Car-Watkins Chapel Bethel Boyd Chapel Bradburn Hill-Mt. Pleasant Bright Hope Circuit Bybee Sandra Fox Melody Johnson Marcia Parsons Larry Shaver Steve Miller Louis Starnes Nola Kimbrough Carl Mills Harold Pack Amy Rose Alice Furnari 225 Chuckey Overlook 223 Alderman Drive 2100 Old Tusculum Rd 1110 Timbers E 626 Mount Bethel Road 623 Ailshie Road 845 Red Fox Avenue 915 East Highland Street 1200 Alice Street 1424 Parton Loop 1944 Fowler Grove Road MORRISTOWN DISTRICT CITY/STATE 465 ZIP Philadelphia, TN Cosby, TN Maryville, TN Kodak, TN Sevierville, TN Seymour, TN Seymour, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Sweetwater, TN Tellico Plains, TN Townsend, TN Lenoir City, TN Maryville, TN Sevierville, TN Seymour, TN Seymour, TN Walland, TN Rockford, TN Alcoa, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Madisonville, TN Maryville, TN Sevierville, TN Maryville, TN Maryville, TN Knoxville, TN Loudon, TN Sherrills Ford, NC Townsend, TN Seymour, TN Madisonville, TN Maryville, TN 37846-1739 37722-3060 37803-6782 37764-1713 37862-7353 37865-3262 37865-3262 37802-5765 37804-3890 37874-6901 37385-4809 37882-0161 37772-5133 37804-6026 37862-8528 37865-4142 37865-3637 37868-2440 37853-3016 37701-2050 37803-6410 37803-5804 37803-5741 37801-9512 37354-4009 37804-3842 37862-4184 37803-4143 37803-2868 37922-1410 37774-6701 28673-9812 37882-3303 37865-1459 37354-4005 37804-3890 Chuckey, TN Greeneville, TN Greeneville, TN Greeneville, TN Greeneville, TN Morristown, TN Morristown, TN Jefferson City, TN Greeneville, TN Greeneville, TN Bybee, TN 37641-5581 37745-6501 37745-0900 37745-4086 37745-6376 37813-3853 37813-2556 37760-2727 37743-4402 37743-6406 37713-2516 466 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE Carter’s Valley Circuit Centenary Central-Rutledge Cherokee Circuit Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer Chestnut Hill Christ Cosby Circuit Del Rio Circuit Edwards Chapel First Bulls Gap First Dandridge First Jefferson City First Jefferson City First Morristown First Morristown First Newport First White Pine George Street-Grant Glendale Hardin’s Chapel-Mosheim Ctrl Harned’s Chapel-Parrottsville Harned’s Chapel-Parrottsville Hills Union Circuit Liberty Hill Mary’s Chapel-Russellville McCampbell Midway Mooresburg/Beeler’s Chapel Mt Airy-Economy Mt Carmel, Mosheim Mt Hebron Mt Hope-Antioch Mt Pleasant Mt Sinai-Weem’s Chapel Mt Sinai-Weem’s Chapel Mt Zion Mt Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel New Market Circuit Noe’s Chapel Oakland Ottway-Wesley’s Chapel, Greeneville Ottway-Wesley’s Chapel, Greeneville Panther Springs Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel Pruitt Hill-Tate Chapel Riverview Circuit Romeo Rutledge Circuit NAME John Wallin Phyllis Helm Barbara Walker M. C. Rollins, Jr. Betty Carmichael Phil Sibert Hubert Ottinger Larry Proffitt Tim Self Marguerite Cline Kim Davis George Yardley Joseph Payne Agnes Sharp Donna C. Brewster Jim Snowden Bertalee Quary Camellia Keith Janice Minchew Buddy Holt Carolyn Hylton Donn H. Berney, Jr. Samuel Puckett Pat Finley Lou Ann Bennett Jo Hatfield Janice Brewer Anna Ruth Cansler Connie Fraley Helen Cloninger Bill Bradley Marie McAfee Wendell Waddell Annie Watkins Vickie Penland Linda Smelcer Karen Brooks April Willis Marilyn Dyer Carol DeMonbreun Susie Rouse Glenna Casteel Zella Malone Mary Jo Bates Geneva Boswell Margaret Forby Jon Pursely Linda Carter Joyce Daugherty ADDRESS 8109 Lonesome Pine Trail 3117 Federal Blvd 885 Harrell Park Road 980 Sunnyside Road 1212 C.H. Rankin Road 3751 Highway 411 440 Fallen Bridge Lane PO Box 375 145 Woodyard Road 3017 Harrison Road 120 Easy Street 1298 Stonewall Jackson Drive 714 West Mountcastle Street 1427 Laurel Hills Circle 101 East 1st North Street 538 Oak Street 1144 Highway 321 264 Wilmore Drive 551 Forgety Road 3737 Dan Drive 790 Cox Hill Road 920 North Highway 340 894 Edenwood Way 2021 Paradise Hills Road 422 Joe Reed Road 2563 Rocky Springs Road 3652 Blue Byrd Lane 15 Solomon Lane 5067 Copper Ridge Road 1132 Arthur Road 4087 Mount Carmel Road 950 Mount Hebron Road 4830 Marvin Road 740 Rocktown Road 646 Weem’s Chapel Road 2335 Gilbreath Road 900 Williams Spring Road PO Box 152 519 Lydia Drive 505 McGhee Avenue 307 Clay Court 1201 E Church Street 2750 South Wesley Chapel Road 483 Shaver Drive 2610 Snapps Ferry Road 118 Skyview Drive 4250 Pates Hill Road 9355 Lonesome Pine Trail 14650 Lakeshore Drive CITY/STATE Mosheim, TN Morristown, TN Bean Station, TN Greeneville, TN White Pine, TN Dandridge, TN Greeneville, TN Cosby, TN Del Rio, TN White Pine, TN Bulls Gap, TN Dandridge, TN Jefferson City, TN Jefferson City, TN Morristown, TN Morristown, TN Parrottsville, TN White Pine, TN Jefferson City, TN Morristown, TN Greeneville, TN Parrottsville, TN Parrottsville, TN Dandridge, TN Bybee, TN Bean Station, TN Kodak, TN Midway, TN Morristown, TN Jefferson City, TN Mosheim, TN Greeneville, TN Bulls Gap, TN Jefferson City, TN Mosheim, TN Mosheim, TN Afton, TN Dandridge, TN New Market, TN Morristown, TN Jefferson City, TN Greeneville, TN Greeneville, TN Talbott, TN Greeneville, TN Greeneville, TN Mosheim, TN Mosheim, TN Rutledge, TN ZIP 37818-2603 37814-2580 37708-6851 37743-1310 37890-4028 37725-7125 37743-3674 37722-0375 37727-2629 37890-3118 37711-4621 37725-4356 37760-2129 37760-5244 37814-4707 37813-1856 37843-3306 37890-4734 37760-4002 37814-7748 37745-8972 37843-2000 37843-2554 37725-7004 37713-2825 37708-6609 37764-1377 37809-3935 37814-3751 37760-3846 37818-2772 37743-4161 37711-2735 37760-4828 37818-2808 37818-2376 37616-5504 37725-0152 37820-4556 37814-5690 37760-4040 37745-6517 37745-0327 37877-8554 37745-1635 37745-6260 37818-5638 37818-2632 37861-4503 DIRECTORIES 467 CHARGE * Shady Grove * Sneedville Circuit St. Clair-Talley’s Chapel * Strawberry Plains * Trinity Morristown Wesley’s Chapel, Dandridge * Woodlawn Youth Member * Youth Member * District Lay Leader UMM President * UMW President At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large NAME Sean Glenn John Seal Ron Stroud Elsie Harrell Jean Wilson Hobart Rice Amanda Belton Lurelle Maxey Hannah Rich Robert Carmichael David G. Whisman Georgia Ruth Lister Sidney Barner Matthew Barnes Benny Brewster Joy Dukes Dan Fisher Gayle Garner Carolyn Grubb Rose Marie Harrell Steve Hodges Greg Isom Carolynn Kinser Ashlee A. Kizer Sue G. Long Richard Maxwell Christine Pack Haden Scott Larry Stover W. Charles Williams ADDRESS 457 Haynes Road 163 Snowbird Lane 1946 Highway 113 488 Barber Road 1122 North Fairmont Avenue PO Box 125 356 White Oak Avenue 3491 Leadvale Road 4029 Lakeshore Drive 1212 C.H. Rankin Road PO Box 862 226 Heritage Hills Drive 928 Wesley Avenue 3170 Naomi Drive 5628 Pine Barren Drive 4500 Doris Circle, Apt. 1001 315 Kensington Drive 2850 Homestead Drive 655 Pates Hill Road 488 Barber Road 594 Hoot Owl Hollow Road 113 Charles Street 140 Rolling Hills Road 55 Elm Street 4769 Lakeshore Dr 156 North Sunset Street 1200 Alice Street 134 Magnolia Srive 664 Armstrong Drive 757 Hart Road CITY/STATE ZIP Dandridge, TN 37725-6014 Sneedville, TN 37869-4013 Whitesburg, TN 37891-2203 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-3710 Morristown, TN 37814-3400 Dandridge, TN 37725-0125 Newport, TN 37821-3510 White Pine, TN 37890-4229 Bean Station, TN 37708-6702 White Pine, TN 37890-4028 Dandridge, TN 37725-0862 Greeneville, TN 37745-0530 Greeneville, TN 37743-3634 Morristown, TN 37814-1741 Morristown, TN 37814-1412 Knoxville, TN 37918-5813 Morristown, TN 37814-2190 White Pine, TN 37890-4138 Mosheim, TN 37818-5821 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-3710 Kyles Ford, TN 37765-6509 Greeneville, TN 37743-4801 Greeneville, TN 37743-0900 Mosheim, TN 37818-6019 Bean Station, TN 37708-6456 Greeneville, TN 37743-3100 Greeneville, TN 37743-4402 Greeneville, TN 37743-5429 Dandridge, TN 37725-6315 Dandridge, TN 37725-3305 * Asbury Chapel * Beaver Ridge * Beaver Ridge Bell’s Campground Bethel, Knoxville * Bradbury-Good Shepherd * Central, Lenoir City * Central, Lenoir City * Central, Lenoir City * Central, Lenoir City Chevront-Swan Pond Chevront-Swan Pond Claiborne Cluster * Concord * Concord * Concord * Fincastle Owen Gibson Connie Dagley Launa Pennell David A. Williams John C. Calhoun Roy Wallen Barbara Cardwell Will Shelly Hall Joe Malone Sandra J. Valentine Bill Davis Wanda Manning Robert L. Orr Ed Lindler Susan Montgomery Sandy O’Rear Nancy Cole PO Box 572 7531 Beaver Ridge Road 5001 Mandalay Road 4403 Coster Road 4111 West Emory Road 164 Scenic Hill Lane PO Box 6 220 Dunsmore Road 135 La Casa Lane 1279 Grubb Road 793 Abels Valley Road 514 Pine Haven Drive 416 Linden Street 860 Trent Lane 9225 Topoco Drive 408 Cutlass Road 1133 East Elm Street Rockwood, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Powell, TN Lenoir City, TN Lenoir City, TN Lenoir City, TN Lenoir City, TN Lenoir City, TN Rockwood, TN Rockwood, TN Tazewell, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN LaFollette, TN OAK RIDGE DISTRICT 37854-0572 37931-3302 37921-2124 37912-4124 37849-4130 37771-3457 37771-0006 37771-8368 37771-6793 37771-7128 37854-3024 37854-3024 37879-3716 37922-4197 37932-3674 37934-4051 37766-2785 468 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE Fincastle First Farragut First Farragut First, Oak Ridge First, Oak Ridge First, Oak Ridge First, Oneida Grigsby Chapel Harriman-Midtown Valley Harrogate-Arthur-Mtn. View Haven Chapel-Asbury Haven Chapel-Asbury Irwin’s Chapel-Thompson’s Chapel Jacksboro-Caryville Jacksboro-Caryville Jellico Kern Memorial Kingston Kingston LaFollette Lake City-Dutch Valley Luminary Martel Maynardville Parish Memorial, Clinton Mt. Hermon New Century-Cowan Chapel New Century-Cowan Chapel New Tazewell Norris-Sinking Springs Oakdale-Woods Chapel Oliver Springs Parish Rockwood Solway St. Mark-Moore’s Gap St. Mark-Moore’s Gap Sunbright Circuit Trinity, Lenoir City Valley View-Heiskell Well Spring-Cawood Youth Member Youth Member District Lay Leader UMM President UMW President At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large NAME Patricia Rowan Brenda Bradford Dennis Falls Nancy Dreyer Kile Pat Parr Robert Swing Dennis Marshall Hobert Neeley Patrick W. Campbell Jasper B. Howard Marcia Barton Diane Moore Clayton Poore Charles R. Aiken Betty Aiken Joe Brown Bill Hicks Cliff Nunley Patrick E. Rowan Roger Crowe Joe Thompson Lynn Wright Diana Sellers Jim Smith Judy Foster M.W. Rhyne, Jr. Warren Nicely Gwen T. Scudder James D. Estep, Jr. Andy Spiva Betty Davis Willa Humphreys Julia McCoin Lynn Cupp Betty D. Jennings Cindy McGhee Tilda Bowling Margaret VanWormer Peggy Campbell Patsy Mutter Carrie Hopper Megan Lange Jeff Kile Bill Smith Jonnie Faye Ball Jim Abbott Leann Adkins Charlene Asbury Thressa Atwater ADDRESS 324 Oak Leaf Street 2526 Silverstone Lane 10326 North River Trail 123 Princeton Avenue 112 Dansworth Lane 10018 Madison Ridge Lane PO Box 495 1012 Newcomb Lane 330 Shady Lane 162 Lincoln Drive 202 Westbury Drive 4412 McDonald Road 519 Mountain Road PO Box 95 PO Box 95 345 Rose Street 524 Riverside Drive 351 Buck Creek Road 324 Oak Leaf Street 308 Wheeler Lane 497 Foxridge Lane 111 Cross Winds Cove Road 13545 Virtue Road 5023 Princess Ann Court 323 Mountain View Lane 720 W. Bullrun Valley Drive 541 Greenwood Street 108 Hassler Mill Road, Apt B2 PO Box 770 370 Lee Road 242 Woods Chapel Road 331 Bennett Road 424 Crescent Drive 3817 Jolly Lane 2304 East Wolf Valley Road 415 Greenwood Drive 1585 Coal Hill Road 302 Seminole Trace 178 Jones Lane 17 West 1st Street South 3415 Meadow Topo Lane 615 Shaw Ferry Ln 123 Princeton Ave 519 Marsha Lane 790 Emory Valley Road, Apt. 404 775 Frost Bottom Road 2761 Pinecrest Road 3623 Warmstone Way, #31 108 Gadson Lane CITY/STATE Kingston, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Oak Ridge, TN Oak Ridge, TN Knoxville, TN Helenwood, TN Knoxville, TN Kingston, TN Harrogate, TN Clinton, TN Knoxville, TN New Tazewell, TN Jacksboro, TN Jacksboro, TN Jellico, TN Clinton, TN Kingston, TN Kingston, TN LaFollette, TN Caryville, TN Ten Mile, TN Lenoir City, TN Knoxville, TN Heiskell, TN Heiskell, TN Kingston, TN Harriman, TN Tazewell, TN Clinton, TN Harriman, TN Oliver Springs, TN Rockwood, TN Knoxville, TN Clinton, TN Clinton, TN Sunbright, TN Loudon, TN Clinton, TN Big Stone Gap, VA Knoxville, TN Lenoir City, TN Oak Ridge, TN Rockwood, TN Oak Ridge, TN Oliver Springs, TN Jacksboro, TN Knoxville, TN Powell, TN ZIP 37763-4504 37932-1468 37922-5684 37830-7522 37830-8753 37922-7238 37755-0495 37932-2925 37763-4510 37752-6944 37716-2418 37914-4968 37825-4446 37757-0095 37757-0095 37762-2235 37716-3427 37763-4910 37763-4504 37766-2924 37714-3709 37880-2527 37772-5305 37918-9274 37754-2750 37754-2087 37763-2562 37748-7045 37879-0770 37716-4238 37748-4213 37840-5010 37854-2413 37931-2032 37716-6174 37716-3507 27872-2372 37774-2183 37716-9300 24219-2623 37931-1632 37772-8503 37830-7522 37854-3023 37830-6488 37840-6024 37757-3103 37931-1447 37849-7533 DIRECTORIES * * * * * * * * * * * * CHARGE NAME ADDRESS At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large * At-Large Pauline Baird Beverly Bastian Sarah Brooksbank McMillan Angela L. Carico Jay Deakin Barbara A. Hall Michael Heydasch H. Diane James Kate Meacham Norma Smith Donald A. Stumbo Brenda Tate James L. Watts Cara Weigel 3523 Koon Lane 870 Pearl Drive PO Box 159 111 Holbrook Lane 213 Holderford Road 706 S. Illinois Avenue, Ste. D102 188 Burley Nelson Lane 158 Allison Drive 9809 Rising Ridge Way 330 McFee Road 1220 Lovell View Drive PO Box 4 301 E Dunn Street 107 Tidewater Lane * Belfast-Midway Bethel, Bluefield * Bishop Circuit * Bland Circuit * Buchanan Parish * Cedar Bluff * Ceres Circuit Clearview Coleman’s Chapel * Dennison * East Tazewell Circuit * East Tazewell Circuit * Ebenezer-Bailey * Eggleston Circuit * First, Bluefield * First, Narrows * First, Pearisburg First, Rich Creek * First, Richlands * Hales Chapel-Kathleen Memorial * Honaker-Elk Garden Little Walker Circuit * Looney’s Chapel * Main Street * Mechanicsburg Circuit * Midway-Macedonia Mt Hermon Mt Pleasant-Steelesburg * North Tazewell-Mt. Zion Pisgah-Pleasant Hill Pocahontas-Christ First Riverside-Dailey’s Circuit * Rocky Gap Gary Ashby Carol Oakes Nellie Fields Debi Anderson Nick Harman Carolyn Taylor Frank Chandler Lucy Smith David Boyd Phyllis Jackson Nedra Lawson Marion Nation JuanitaR. Marrs Lisa Johnston Pam A. Brewster Cornelia Smith W.R. Johnston, Jr. Eva Lafon James S. White Shirley Wheeler Patricia Taylor Mildred Matz James Colley Donald W. Walk, Sr. James Cantrell, Sr. Melanie Klaiber Mary C. Chapiewski Mike Abel Robert Gemmell Brenda Stump Kenneth Franklin Bill Steele Jane Waddell 187 Aqua Street 118 Thayer Street PO Box 39 765 Whackertown Drive HC 62 Box 185 172 Fill Street 248 Shewey Valley Road 220 Jackson Street PO Box 54 24978 US Highway 19 492 Keen Road PO Box 674 2049 Lee Avenue 167 Tickle Lane 114 Penn Street PO Box 168 408 Fort Branch Road PO Box 14 PO Box 1127, VA 3105 Wolf Creek Road 11400 River Mountain Road 9297 Little Creek Hwy 451 Centennial Heights Road PO Box 141 1169 White Pine Road 2022 Virginia Avenue PO Box 188 6692 Pounding Mill Branch Road PO Box 732 197 Striper Drive PO Box 243 PO Box 842 7210 Clearfork Road TAZEWELL DISTRICT CITY/STATE 469 ZIP Knoxville, TN Lenoir City, TN Whitwell, TN Clinton, TN Kingston, TN Oak Ridge, TN Clinton, TN Harriman, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN Robbins, TN Rockwood, TN Oak Ridge, TN 37931-2034 37772-6239 37397-0159 37716-5870 37763-5449 37830-7969 37716-6024 37748-8535 37931-3843 37934-4515 37932-2591 37852-0004 37854-2916 37830-6692 Cedar Bluff, VA Bluefield, VA Bishop, VVA Bland, VA Raven, VA Pounding Mill, VA Bland, VA Raven, VA Vansant, VA Cedar Bluff, VA Pounding Mill, VA Tazewell, VA Bluefield, VA Pearisburg, VA Bluefield, VA Narrows, VA Pearisburg, VA Rich Creek, VA Cedar Bluff, VA Narrows, VA Lebanon, VA Dublin, VA Haysi, VA Tazewell, VA Pearisburg, VA Bluefield, VA Rosedale, VA Pounding Mill, VA North Tazewell, VA Pounding Mill, VA Pocahontas, VA North Tazewell, VA Bastian, VA 24609-8262 24605-1819 24604-0039 24315-4804 24639-9411 24637-4164 24315-4772 24639-9686 24656-0054 24609-9097 24637-3864 24651-0674 24605-1039 24134-2401 24605-1449 24124-0168 24134-2022 24147-0014 24609-1127 24124-2625 24266-6761 24084-7314 24256-6274 24651-0141 24134-2746 24605-1025 24280-0188 24637-3726 24630-0732 24637-3867 24635-0236 24630-0842 24314-4584 470 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHARGE NAME ADDRESS * Round Bottom Round Bottom * Round Mountain Circuit * Staffordsville Circuit * Virginia Avenue-Falls Mills Wilbur Memorial Wright’s Valley-Tip Top Youth Member Youth Member * District Lay Leader * UMM President * UMW President * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large * At-Large Karen Bailey Cloyd Blankenship Karen Umbarger Margaret Sumpter Larry Sarver Michelle Saunders Harold Miller Kelli Billilps Hannah Elizabeth Stowers Pat Jones James L. Sink Barbara Buskill Jamie N. Boone Jack A. Brewster William D. Marrs Roscoe Matney Marion Nation Jean B. Walk Margaret J. Wilson 3968 Blue Grass Trail 2987 Grapefield Road 1546 Railroad Trail PO Box 285 14349 Mud Fork Road 419 Lyons Avenue 115 Bailey Switch Road 798 Triangle Road 632 Sedgewood Street 101 Windsor Circle PO Box 154 712 Buskill Avenue 7580 Clear Fork Creek Road 114 Penn Street 2049 Lee Avenue 806 Mountain Lane PO Box 674 PO Box 141 440 Sugar Run Rd * Aldersgate-Jordan Chapel Atkins Memorial * Auburn * Bishop’s Chapel Blue Ridge Circuit * Bridle Creek Circuit * Carter Street-Belspring * Carter Street-Belspring * Cedar Springs Circuit * Central, Radford * Central, Radford Cripple Creek Circuit Door of Heaven * Dublin * Elk Creek Circuit * Fairlawn-Bethel * Fairview-Sidney * First, Galax * First, Hillsville * First, Hillsville * First, Independence-Flat Rock * First, Pulaski * Floyd * Floyd Circuit * Floyd Circuit Franklin Street * Fries Circuit * Fries Angela Goad Phoebe Byrd Lee Snider Mary Harmon Kenneth Puckett Shelby Luper Diane Atkinson Juanita Tolley Kim Collins Gwenn Gearheart Dennis Overdorf Faye Porter Jose Mazariegos Dan Zeoli Marshall Funk Carol Sue Morris Sandra Baldwin Rexene Spraker Brenda Harmon Sue Ward Mitchell Vaught Gary Hancock Allen Thompson Callie Kilbourne Betty Nuckolls Jeanette Murphy E. Michael Couch Jane Newman 140 6th Street NW 25 Roseland Lane 3634 Fairview Church Road 154 Paradise Lane 1291 Greenberry Road 176 Hardin Road 7223 Meadowview Drive 610 8th Street PO Box 212 6817 Beach Drive 802 6th Street 695 West Pine Street 205 Virginia St 5667 Howell Drive 5896 Comers Rock Road 7590 Brandon Road 2856 Camp Carysbrook Road 107 Sunset Drive 337 Berry Drive 320 Archa Street PO Box 692 PO Box 878 1818 Beaver Creek Road NW 5669 Floyd Highway South 5240 Empire Street 108 Longview Village Circle 7417 Riverside Drive 215 Hilltown Road, Apt 303 WYTHEVILLE DISTRICT CITY/STATE ZIP Saltville, VA Bastian, VA Bastian, VA Pearisburg, VA Falls Mills, VA Tazewell, VA Bluefield, VA Bluefield, VA Bluefield, VA Bluefield, VA Rocky Gap, VA Richlands, VA Bastian, VA Bluefield, VA Bluefield, VA Bluefield, VA Tazewell, VA Tazewell, VA Pearisburg, VA 24370-4199 24314-5065 24314-5234 24134-0285 24613-9566 24651-1142 24605-8916 24605-9054 24605 24605-9324 24366-0154 24641-2367 24314-5153 24605-1449 24605-1039 24605-9340 24651-0674 24651-0141 24134-2764 Pulaski, VA Fries, VA Christiansburg, VA Galax, VA Fancy Gap, VA Independence, VA Fairlawn, VA Radford, VA Rural Retreat, VA Radford, VA Radford, VA Wytheville, VA Galax, VA Dublin, VA Elk Creek, VA Fairlawn, VA Riner, VA Galax, VA Hillsville, VA Hillsville, VA Independence, VA Pulaski, VA Floyd, VA Willis, VA Pulaski, VA Wytheville, VA Fries, VA Fries, VA 24301-4534 24330-4132 24073-5975 24333-6439 24328-4233 24348-4024 24141-5827 24141-2210 24368-0212 24141-8321 24141-2242 24382-1841 24333-2921 24084-2241 24326-2249 24141-8828 24149-1756 24333-4234 24343-1640 24343-1605 24348-0692 24301-0878 24091-3150 24380-4800 24301-7154 24382-4047 24330-4357 24330-4553 DIRECTORIES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHARGE Galax Circuit Gladeville-Mt. Olivet Grace Circuit Grahams Forge Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit Grove Lead Mines Circuit Max Meadows Circuit Morgan’s Chapel-Rockford Mt Airy-Parrott Mt Airy-Parrott Mt Pleasant Mt Vale-Savannah Circuit Mt Zion New Mt. Olive-New Hope Newbern-Mountain View Oakland Pearisburg Circuit Pilot Randolph Avenue-Slaughter’s Chapel Rural Retreat Circuit Rural Retreat-Mt. Olive St. Paul St. Paul Thornspring-Wesley Memorial West End West Galax-Glenwood Woodlawn-Shiloh Wytheville Circuit Youth Member Youth Member Campus Ministry At-Large Member Wesley Foundation Director District Lay Leader UMM President UMW President At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large NAME Norma Haynes Doris Moody Doris Umberger Ronnie Hughes Mickey Cunningham Jim Durham Lori Parks Jane Roberts Garnett E. Simmers Martha Hoggett Mary F. (Suzie) Pack Carroll Delp Sharon Plichta Sandy Wilhoit Ghadah Conner Carol Ward Jack Chafin Shirley Anders Edwin Cole Arthur Meadows George Dutton Barbara Rudolph Sharon Alexander Clayta Bryant Margie Gullion Fielden Sanders Sandy Hayes Helen Beamer Thelma Smith William T. Ballard P. Christopher Luper Cory Schepisi Martee Buchanan Wilma J. Snyder James L. Ball Carolyn Snow Gail Catron Peggy Chappell Wayne Chappell Dean Edwards Stanley W. Frost Debra Hall Dot Jones Ann D. Lambert Tommy Nichols Randy Ruble Susan S. Sanders Jennie Simmerman Joe Stilwell Dennis Ward ADDRESS 827 Fries Road 1375 Burnett Road 6121 Stoney Fork Road 121 Lavender Road, Ste A 3596 Flatridge Road 9 Hidden Valley Lane PO Box 150 185 Gunton Park Road 6440 Divers Road PO Box 152 4798 Piney Woods Road 195 Havens Road 103 Prospect Avenue 2886 Peppers Ferry Road 7667 Brandon Road 5470 Landrum Road 226 Aldred Lane PO Box 664 145 Penny Royal Road 126 16th Street NW 1154 Dutton Hollow Road 949 Cedar Springs Road 190 Eagle Drive 400 Laurel View 1907 Monte Vista Drive 1473 Slate Spring Branch Road 1638 Cardinal Road 1984 Gardners Mill Road 2875 Chapman Road 535 West Washington Street PO Box 445 109 Pershing Avenue 1022 Downey Street 150 Hicklry Lane 7516 Lee Highway 366 Big Red Drive PO Box 240 307 West Center Street 307 West Center Street PO Box 433 1745 Newbern Road 470 Summerfield Road 297 Oak Knoll Drive 20 12th Street NE 1061 Longview Lane 215 Tobler Road 1437 Slate Spring Branch Road 615 11th Street 545 Mallard Drive 320 Archa Street CITY/STATE 471 ZIP Galax, VA 24333-1601 Woodlawn, VA 24381-4935 Wytheville, VA 24382-5754 Max Meadows, VA 24360-4131 Troutdale, VA 24378-2069 Radford, VA 24141-3940 Ivanhoe, VA 24350-0150 Max Meadows, VA 24360-3496 Fairlawn, VA 24141-8512 Parrott, VA 24132-0152 Riner, VA 24149-1631 Wytheville, VA 24382-4517 Galax, VA 24333-3315 Wytheville, VA 24382-4945 Fairlawn, VA 24141-8886 Dublin, VA 24084--5604 Galax, VA 24333-6154 Bland, VA 24315-0664 Pilot, VA 24138-1245 Pulaski, VA 24301-2434 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-2775 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-6000 Wytheville, VA 24382-1417 Wytheville, VA 24382-5006 Pulaski, VA 24301-4415 Wytheville, VA 24382-5573 Galax, VA 24333-3512 Hillsville, VA 24343-3504 Wytheville, VA 24382-5648 Wytheville, VA 24382-2535 Galax, VA 24333-0445 Radford, VA 24141-3511 Radford, VA 24141-2620 Wytheville, VA 24382-4100 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-2848 Hillsville, VA 24343-1263 Wytheville, VA 24382-0240 Galax, VA 24333-2805 Galax, VA 24333-2805 Independence, VA 24348-0433 Pulaski, VA 24301-4201 Independence, VA 24348-4703 Hillsville, VA 24343-1739 Pulaski, VA 24301-3138 Galax, VA 24333-2151 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-3033 Wytheville, VA 24382 Radford, VA 24141-2908 Galax, VA 24333-5239 Hillsville, VA 24343-1605 472 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE XII. PASTORAL RECORDS A. RECORD OF PASTORAL APPOINTMENTS FOR CONFERENCE MEMBERS (FULL CONNECTION AND PROBATIONARY MEMBERS) (The dates after each name represent the year admitted as probationer, year received into full connection, year ordained Deacon, and year ordained Elder, respectively, unless otherwise noted.) ABBOTT, KENNETH KYLE, JR. (1977-1980–1977-1980) Student, Asbury Seminary, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Max Meadows Circuit, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Chaplain, United States Navy, 7/1/82-6/30/85; Cedar Springs Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Copperhill, First 7/1/88-10/31/91 (Active Duty 2/91-10/91); Sand Branch, 11/1/91-6/30/95; Andersonville-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/95-6/30/02; Tuckaleechee, 7/1/02. ADAMS, TODD R. (2004-2007–2004-2007) Afton-Stone Dam, 7/1/99-6/30/02; St. Paul, East, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Glade Spring Charge, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Bluff City, 7/1/07. AHERN, DORIS J. (FD, 2000) Bristol, First, Director of Lay Ministries, 1996-6/30/01; Resource Person in Christian Education and Program, 7/1/01-10/1/01; Kingsport, Mountain View, Director of Christian Education, 10/1/01-8/31/03; Retired, 9/1/03. AKER, STEVE ALLEN (1989-1995–1989-1995) Chatham Hill, 7/1/83-12/31/85; Asbury Theological Seminary, 1989-1990; Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/98; Auburn Circuit, 7/1/98-06/30/04; Ebenezer-Bailey, 7/1/04. AKERS, WILLARD T., III (1996-1999 –1996-1999) Asbury Theological Seminary, 1996; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Knoxville, Faith, 7/1/99-6/30/06; Beaver Ridge, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Wauhatchie, 7/1/09. ALBEE, STUART K., JR. (1983-1987–1983-1987) Bethel Talledega, 6/1/84-5/31/87; Oakland, 6/1/87-6/30/90; Transferred from North Alabama Conference, 7/1/90; Tuckaleechee, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Maryville, First, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Jefferson City, First, 7/1/006/30/03; Wheeler, 7/1/03. ALLEN, ALDANA (2002-2005– -2005) St. Andrews-St. Elmo, Associate, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Lonsdale, 7/1/06. ALLEN, RONALD OGLE (1972-1975–1972-1975) Athens Union, 6/14/70-6/9/71; Riceville Circuit, 6/10/71-6/14/74; Decatur-Concord, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Etowah, Wesley Memorial, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Elk Creek Circuit, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Trenton, 7/1/84-6/30/89; Rockwood, First, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Norwood, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98; Etowah, Wesley Memorial, 11/1/00-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05. ALLISON, DONALD EUGENE (1962-1965–1962-1965) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/3/62-6/1/63; Dade County Wildwood, 6/2/63-6/6/64; Red Bank, Associate, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Knoxville, St. Andrews, 5/28/66-6/1/68; Chaplain, U.S. Army, 6/2/68-6/30/88; Brainerd, Minister of Evangelism, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Spring City-Reeds Chapel, 7/1/92-9/14/00; Jones Memorial, 9/15/00-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. AMODEI, ANDREW SCOTT (2008-2010– First Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/08 -2010) AMOS, CLIFFORD WILLIAM (2008-2010–2010- ) French Broad Circuit, 1/1/03-1/31/05; Holston UM Home for Children, 2/1/05-4/1/06; Holston Conference Foundation Dir. of Gift Planning, 7/1/08. AMOS, RAYMOND WALTER JR. (PE, 2010- ) Elm Tree Parish, 7/1/10. PASTORAL RECORDS 473 AMOS, RAYMOND WALTER SR. (2005-2007–1978-2007) Garden-Keen Mountain, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Graham Circuit, 6/15/79-6/30/86; Kingsley-Hermon, 7/1/86-6/30/05; Bluefield, First, 7/1/05. ANDERSON, DAVID GENE (1987-1990–1987-1990) Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Knoxville, Trinity, Associate, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Bethel-Looney’s CreekSulphur Springs, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Ebenezer-Bailey, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Central-Rutledge, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Rising Fawn, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Kodak, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Addilynn Memorial, 7/1/05-6/30/07; St. Marks (CH), 7/1/07. ANDERSON, JOHN COOPER (1987-1989–1987-1989) Concord, Associate, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Miller’s Chapel-Irwin, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Lincoln Park, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Fairlawn-Bethel, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Chattanooga, St. Andrews, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Ketron Memorial, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Blountville, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Dayton, First, 7/1/05; Kingston, 7/1/10. ANDERSON, SUSAN LANKFORD (1997-2003–1997-2003) Student, Asbury, 1997; Fall Branch-Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Clear Springs-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/016/30/06; Kendricks Creek, 7/1/06. ANNA, JUDITH (1992-1995–1992-1995) School, Candler School of Theology, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Clifton Hills-Eastdale, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Hales ChapelKathleen Memorial, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Pearisburg, First, Associate, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Johnson City, Colonial Heights, Co-Pastor, 7/1/98-2/11/01; Family Leave, 2/12/01-1/31/03; Pathway Companions (Ext. Min.), 2/1/036/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. ARCHER, EDWARD MAHAN (1964-1968–1964-1968) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Knoxville, Church Street, Minister of Youth, 5/28/666/13/70; Student, North Carolina School of Pastoral Care, 6/14/70-8/14/72; Fountain City, Associate, 8/15/726/15/77; Ft. Oglethorpe, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 6/12/80-6/30/89; Halls Central-Bright Hope, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Athens, Trinity, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Glen Alpine, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Mafair, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Johnson City District, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05; Jellico, 7/1/05-6/30/07. ARMSTRONG, DOUGLAS ANDREW (2004-2007– -2007) McDonald-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Chestuee-Sugar Creek, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Rising Fawn, 7/1/046/30/09; Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/09. ARNOLD, JAMES TIMOTHY (1965-1967–1957-1959) Parrottsville, 1965-1966; Parrottsville-Harneds, 1967; Cleveland Circuit, 1968-1969; Sevierville Parish, 19701977; Carpenters, 1978; New Market Circuit, 1979-1980; High Point Circuit, 1981-1983; Retired, 1983 AUSTIN, FRED LEWIS (1964-1966–1964-1966) New River Circuit, 1/1/58-6/1/63; Student, Asbury Seminary, 1/1/64-5/27/66; Kingsport, Mountain View, 5/28/66-6/13/72; Chattanooga, White Oak, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Pearisburg, First, 6/17/73-6/30/82; Marion, First, 7/1/82-6/30/90; Wytheville District, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. BACON, JOHN YOST (1953-1959–1954-1959) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/53-6/4/55; Tasso Circuit, 6/5/55-6/8/57; Cherokee-McKinley, 6/9/576/12/60; Johnson City, Pine Grove Park, 6/13/60-6/2/62; Knoxville, Lonsdale, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Knoxville, Fountain City, Minister of Education, 5/28/66-6/1/68; Chattanooga, Forrest Avenue, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Chattanooga, Hixson, 6/10/71-6/11/80; Greeneville, Asbury, 6/12/80-6/30/87; Abingdon District, 7/1/876/30/93; Cleveland First, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. BAILES, JAMES ROBERT (1972-1975–1972-1975) Duke Divinity School, 6/14/72-6/14/74; Lake City-Briceville, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Knoxville, Ebenezer, 6/16/786/30/86; Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 7/1/86-12/31/93; Sevierville, First, 1/1/94-6/30/98; Washington Pike, 7/1/98-6/30/06; Kern Memorial, 7/1/06; Emerald Ave., 7/1/10. BAILEY, WILLIAM KENNETH (1993-1995–1993-1995) Beech Creek, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Garden-Keen Mountain Circuit, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Wauhatchie, 7/1/99-6/30/06; Calhoun-Spring Creek, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08; Wildwood, 7/1/08. 474 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE BAKER, GARY E. (Recognition of Elders Orders, 1999; Full Connection, 2001) Etowah, St. Paul, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Etowah, St. Paul-Wesleyanna, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Lenoir City, Trinity, 7/1/046/30/09; Second, 7/1/09. BAKER, TED FRANCIS (1960-1962–1960-1962) Trinity Circuit, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Philadelphia, 6/8/58-6/3/61; Sevierville Parish, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Maryville, Immanuel, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Knoxville, St. Mark, 5/27/67-6/9/71; Chattanooga, Forrest Avenue, 6/10/716/16/73; First-Centenary, Associate, 6/17/73-6/15/77; Cleveland, First, 6/16/77-6/30/84; Johnson City District, 7/1/84-6/30/89; Knoxville, First, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Red Bank, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Sevierville, First, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. BALCH, WILLIAM HIRAM (1960-1963–1960-1963) Park View, 9/1/57-6/27/59; Walnut Grove, 6/28/59-6/20/62; Alex Green, 6/21/62-6/22/63; Jamestown, 6/23/635/31/67; Portland, 6/1/67-5/31/68; Transferred from Tennessee Conference, 6/1/68; Knoxville, Church Street, Minister to Students, 6/1/68-6/9/71; Knoxville, Church Street, Minister of Young Adults and Counseling, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Conference Minister of Counseling, 6/14/72-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. BALL, JAMES MONROE, JR. (1952-1956–1953-1956) Student, Emory University, 9/28/52-3/20/54; Rising Fawn Circuit, 3/21/54-4/6/57; Woodmore, 4/7/57-6/6/64; Concord, 6/7/64-6/9/71; Athens, Keith Memorial, 6/10/71-6/14/74; Big Stone Gap District, 6/15/74-6/14/79; Morristown, First, 6/15/79-6/30/85; Chattanooga District, 7/1/85-6/30/91; Middlebrook Pike, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. BALLARD, THOMAS TATE, JR. (1988-1991–1988-1991) Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Bridger’s, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Strawberry Plains, 7/1/92-6/30/97; Bookwalter, 7/1/97-11/15/02; Galax, First, 11/15/02-6/30/06; St. Paul, 7/1/06. BANES, KAROLYN (KRISTIE) (PE, 2009) Sunbright Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Carter Street, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Mountain City Circuit, 7/1/09. BARBER, JOE H. (2005-2008– -2008) Nickelsville Circuit, 7/1/01-6/30/09; Kingsley-Hermon, 7/1/09. BARDSLEY, JOHN W., JR. (1952-1955–1952-1955) Norton, 10/2/49-9/23/51; Drew Theological Seminary, 9/24/51-6/15/54; Transferred to New York East, 6/15/54; Brooklyn, NY, St. Albans, 6/16/54-6/11/60; Smithtown, Long Island, 6/12/60-6/22/83; Huntingdon, Cold Spring Harbor, 6/23/83-6/30/89; Transferred from New York Conference, 7/1/89; Emory-Smyth Chapel, 7/1/89-12/31/90; Jonesville, 1/1/91-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94; Fall Branch-Logan’s Chapel, 3/3/02-6/30/02; Valley View, 3/7/04-5/24/07. BARTEE, AMY BETH (2008-2010– -2010) Wallace-Wyndale, 7/1/08. BARTON, BOBBY D. (1990-1993–1990-1993) Oliver Springs Parish, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Transferred from Mississippi Conference, 7/1/01; Pigeon Forge, First, 7/1/06; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/10. BAUMAN, BEN FRANKLIN (1948-1948–1948-1951) Malden, 5/30/48-5/14/49; In School, 5/15/49-6/12/50; Asociado Escuela Av, 6/13/50-6/28/51; La Gloria, 6/29/51-6/22/53; Manzanillo, 6/23/53-6/20/55; In School, 6/21/55-6/21/56; Transferred from Cuba Conference, 6/22/56; Elk Creek Circuit, 6/22/56-6/12/60; Vonore-Calderwood, 6/13/60-6/2/62; Rutledge Circuit, 6/3/626/6/64; Wallace-Beech Grove, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Marion, East Circuit, 5/27/67-6/14/75; Coeburn-South Coeburn, 6/15/75-6/30/83; Fairview-Bethel, 7/1/83-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. BAXTER, GEORGE WILLIAM, JR. (1987-1989–1987-1989) Bristol, Virginia Avenue, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Retired, 7/1/90. BEAN, ROBERT HAYES (1969-1972–1969-1972) Tellico Plains Circuit, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Oakland, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Friendsville-Binfield, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Surgoinsville, First, 6/14/72-6/15/78; Rural Retreat, First, 6/16/78-6/30/83; New Tazewell, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Emerald Avenue, 7/1/86-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Emerald Avenue, 7/1/03. PASTORAL RECORDS 475 BEARD, JAMES W. SR. (Recognition of Elders Orders, 2000; Full Connection, 2002) Walland, 9/14/97-6/30/01; Pleasant Hill, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Knoxville Cooperative Parish (Lincoln Park), 7/1/036/30/06; Knoxville Cooperative Parish (Lincoln Park-Lynnwood), 7/1/06-6/30/07; Wears Valley, 7/1/07; Martel, 7/1/10. BEATY, A. CAROL (PE, 2010-) Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/09. BEAVERS, DAVID K. (1997-2000 –1997-2000) Mt. Hermon, 7/2/92-6/30/93; Greendale-Brumley Gap, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Candler/Goodfield Circuit, 7/1/956/30/98; Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/99; New Salem Dade, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Chaplain, U.S. Army, 7/1/01. BECK, DALLAS JAMES, SR. (1981-1984–1978-1984) Falconer Elmwood Avenue, 6/11/61-6/30/65; Tylersburg Charge, 7/1/65-6/20/68; Edinsburg Hillsville, 6/21/686/19/69; Chuckey Circuit, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Mountain City Circuit, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Lupton City, Brooks, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Executive Director, United Chaplain’s Association, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Evensville-New Bethel, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Apison, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. BENDER, HEIDI (PE, 2008OP from Florida Conference, Lookout Mountain, 6/11/08-12/31/09; Bright Hope Circuit, 1/1/10;Transferred from Florida Conference, 7/1/10. BENNETT, WILLIAM CLARENCE ( -1968–1968) Minister Religious Education, Knoxville Central, 6/4/61-6/1/63; Hopewell, 6/7/64-6/13/70; Strawberry Plains, 6/10/70-6/14/74; Cosby Circuit, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Sevierville Circuit, 6/16/77-6/30/85; Binfield, Walnut Grove, 7/1/85-6/30/95; Bungalow, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98; Bungalow, 7/1/98. BENNINGTON, JAMES LEE (1994-1997–1994-1997) Asbury Seminary, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Jonesville Parish, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Chattanooga, Christ, Associate, 7/1/966/30/98; Emory-Smyth Chapel, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Grove, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/08. BENSON, JAMES D. (1951-1955–1952-1955) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary and Candler School of Theology, 9/2/51-6/6/53; Sevierville Circuit, 6/7/53-6/5/54; Pigeon Forge, 6/6/54-6/6/59; Independence, 6/7/59-6/6/64; Jonesboro, 6/7/64-6/14/69.; Maryville, St. John, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Colonial Heights, 6/14/72-6/11/80; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 6/12/806/30/87; Trinity-Woodmore, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. BERG, BRANDON RICHARD (PE, 2008) Limestone-Greenwood, 7/1/08; Washington County Parish, 7/1/10. BEST, LARRY KEITH (1963-1965–1963-1965) Sweetwater Parish, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Bristol Circuit, 6/8/58-6/12/60; Sweetwater Circuit, 6/13/60-6/1/63; East Stone Gap-Legion Memorial, 6/2/63-5/26/67; Caryville-Fincastle-Mt. Zion, 5/27/67-6/1/68; Fincastle-Well Springs Circuit, 6/2/68-5/31/70; Clinton, St. Marks, 6/1/70-6/14/74; Knoxville, St. James, 6/15/74-6/14/79; Pecks Memorial, 6/15/79-12/31/83; Sand Branch, 1/1/84-6/30/88; Norwood, 7/1/88-6/30/93; Macedonia, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Morristown, Centenary, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Retired. 7/1/01. BISHOP, PATRICIA E. (2000-2004– -2004) Bell’s Campground, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Appointment to attend school, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Valley View-Heiskell, 7/1/026/30/08; Calhoun-Spring Creek, 7/1/08; Retired, 7/1/10. BITTINGER, DALE C. (1946-1948–1946-1948) Aberdeen, 6/7/43-5/25/45; Reesville, 5/26/45-10/2/48; Chattanooga, Eastdale, 10/3/48-6/5/54; Kingsport, Vermont, 6/6/54-6/6/59; Inskip, 6/7/59-6/1/63; Dayton, First, 6/2/63-6/1/68; Rockwood, Asbury, 6/2/686/13/72; Rogersville, First-Dodson Creek, 6/14/72-6/15/77; Kingsport, Mafair, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Chattanooga, St. Andrews, 6/12/80-3/31/84; Disability, 4/1/84-6/30/88; Retired, 7/1/88. 476 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE BITTLE, FRED LAWRENCE, JR. (1965-1967–1965-1967) Mt. Hermon, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Student, Candler School of Theology, 5/27/65-5/27/66; Swan Pond, 5/28/665/26/67; Mosheim Parish, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Knoxville, Church Street, Minister of Pastoral Care and Adult Work, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Knoxville, Children’s Hospital, Chaplain, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Holston Chapel, 6/16/776/30/86; Leave of Absence, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Retired, 7/1/91. BLACK, CLYDE JOSEPH (1998-2000–1998-2000) Chestnut Grove, 6/15/89-6/30/92; Rutherford Memorial, 7/1/92-6/30/01; Middlesettlements, 7/1/01. BLACKBURN, H. CARLTON III (2001-2003 – -2003) Aldersgate, 7/1/01-12/30/03; Maryville, First, Youth & Young Adult Ministries, 1/1/04-7/31/07; Wesley Foundation, GA Southern University, 8/1/07. BLACKWOOD, LISA (2003-2003) Maryville, First, 7/1/98-7/7/07; Transitional Leave, 7/8/07-6/30/08; Good Neighbors of Blount County, 7/1/08. BLAIR, B. ANN (1983-1986–1983-1986) Duke Divinity School, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Newbern Circuit, 7/1/84-6/30/87; West End, 7/1/87-6/30/94; Johnson City District, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Wytheville District, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. BLAIR, LAURA RENEE (2004-2007– -2007) Max Meadows Circuit, 7/1/04-6/30/06; St. Paul, Associate, 7/1/06. BLAKEMORE, GUY STEPHEN (1982-1985–1982-1985) Keith Memorial, Associate, 1/1/83-6/30/86; West Galax, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Independence, First, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Buckner Memorial-Hiwassee, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Blountville, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Wesley Biblical Seminary, 7/1/00. BOLES, GEORGE WILBURN (1976-1979–1976-1979) Maynardville Circuit, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Westside Parish, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Gladeville-Mt. Olivet, 6/16/786/14/79; Fountain City, Associate, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Mount Carmel, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Knoxville, St. Andrews, 1/1/82-6/30/86; Madisonville, First, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Mountain View, 7/1/87-6/30/93; Powell, 7/1/93. BOLES, SHERRELL ELIZABETH (1993-1996–1993-1996) Elk Garden-Dennison, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Munsey Memorial, Associate, 7/1/97-6/30/00; St. Luke, 7/1/00-6/30/07; St. John, 7/1/07. BOSTICK, FRANK MERRITT (1959-1963–1959-1963) In School, 6/7/59-6/3/61; Sevierville Circuit, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Johnson City, Fairhaven, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Conference Director of Youth Work, 5/27/67-6/13/72; Conference Leader Development Consultant, 6/14/726/14/74; Knoxville, Trinity, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Athens, Trinity, 6/15/79-6/30/85; Wytheville District, 7/1/85-1/31/90; Holston Home for Children, Executive Director, 2/1/90-6/30/96; Maryville District, 7/1/96-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. BOWLES, ALBERT J., JR. (1963-1966–1963-1966) Emory Circuit, 6/7/59-6/2/62; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-6/6/64; North Keywood Circuit, 6/7/64-6/4/68; Bristol, Aldersgate-St. Luke, 6/5/68-6/14/75; Knoxville, Middlebrook Pike, 6/15/75-6/30/84; Maryville District, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Hixson, 7/1/88-12/31/93; Munsey Memorial, 1/1/94-6/30/97; First Centenary, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Chattanooga District, 7/1/01-6/30/09. BRACKEN, TIMOTHY BAILOR (1989-1992–1989-1992) New Salem, 7/1/90-6/30/99; Greeneville, Christ, 7/1/99-6/30/07; Johnson City, First, 7/1/07. BRADY, JOHN SCOTT (2003-2004 – 2004) Sevierville, First, Associate, 11/15/01-6/30/06; Shady Grove, 7/1/06. BRANNOCK, DAVID EUGENE (1994-1997–1994-1997) Student, Duke Divinity, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Midway Memorial-Prospect, 7/1/95-6/30/98; White Pine, First, 7/1/986/30/03; Richlands, First, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Greeneville, Trinity, 7/1/09. PASTORAL RECORDS 477 BREWER, ROBERT C., JR. (Recognition of Elders Order: AM, 1998; PM, 2000) Coleman’s Chapel, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Marble Hill, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Fox, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Brewley’s Chapel, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Hills Union Circuit, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06; McCampbell, 7/1/06. BREWSTER, JOHN DALE (1994-1996–1994-1996) Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Dante (Faith), 7/1/96-12/31/97; Strawberry Plains, 1/1/98-6/30/02; Macedonia, 7/1/02-6/30/03; First Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/03-6/30/08; First Farragut, 7/1/08. BRIGGS, MARY KATHERINE (1995-1997–1995-1997) Garden-Keen Mountain, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Marion, First, Associate, 7/1/97-5/31/02; Chilhowie, 6/1/02-6/30/03; Smyth County Parish (Laurel Springs), 7/1/03-6/30/06; Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Chaplain, Emory& Henry College, 7/1/08. BRITTON, JAMES LABAN, JR. (1970-1972–1970-1972) Ceres Circuit, 9/1/67-6/14/69; Rising Fawn Circuit, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Eggleston Circuit, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Sugar Grove-Teas, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Galax Circuit, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Woodway Circuit, 6/12/76-6/11/80; CardwellBradbury, 6/12/80-8/31/80; Disability Leave, 9/1/80-12/31/81; Bright Hope, 1/1/82-6/30/82; Pocahontas, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Little Walker Circuit, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Chatam Hill Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Disability Leave, 7/1/88-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. BROWN, ANDREW JACKSON, JR. (1960-1962–1960-1962) Friendship, 6/8/58-6/6/59; Ducktown-Crofts Chapel, 6/7/59-6/12/60; Benton-Mt. Hermon, 6/13/60-6/2/62; Morrison Chapel, 6/3/62-5/29/65; Bethesda-Eden-Embreeville, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Johnson City, Fairhaven, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Bluff City-Rockholds, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Copperhill, 6/17/73-6/11/80; Loudon, 6/12/80-6/30/84; Blountville, First, 7/1/84-6/30/89; Lenoir City, Central, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Macedonia, 7/1/90-12/31/91; Reynold Memorial, 1/1/92-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94; Bell’s Campground, 7/1/04-2/1/05-6/30/06. BROWN, CHRISTOPHER JAMES (2008-2010– Narrows, First, 7/1/08. -2010) BROWN, HARVEY RHODES, JR. (1975-1978–1975-1978) North Keywood Charge, 1972; Tazewell Circuit, 2/1/74-6/15/75; Maynardville Circuit, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Shady Grove-Washington Chapel, 6/16/77-6/15/79; Chaplain, U.S. Army, 6/16/79-6/30/95; Director, Special Gifts, Asbury College, 1995-1996; President, Impact Ministries, Inc., 1997. BROWN, JAMES DOUGLAS (1963-1965–1963-1965) Riceville Circuit, 6/12/60-6/2/62; Ducktown-Croft’s, 6/3/62-5/26/67; Mt. Vale-Savannah, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Burk’s Chapel, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Sweetwater-First, 6/14/72-6/15/77; Chattanooga, Wesley Memorial, 6/16/776/15/78; Alcoa, 6/16/78-6/30/84; Erwin, Centenary, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Beaver Ridge, 7/1/88-6/30/94; Dayton, First, 7/1/94-6/30/03; Retired, 6/30/03; Ten Mile-Oak Grove, 7/1/03. BROWN, PAUL EDWARD SR. (1941-1943–1941-1943) East Bridgewater, 6/9/40-5/31/41; Spiceland, 6/1/41-10/9/42; Knoxville, Macedonia, 10/10/42-10/10/44; In School, 10/11/44-8/31/47; Emory & Henry Professor, 9/1/47-9/22/51; Emory Larger Parish, 9/23/51-9/27/52; Professor, University of Chattanooga, 9/28/52-6/5/54; Lenoir City, Central, 6/6/54-6/30/55; Knoxville, St. Paul, 7/1/55-6/7/58; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Maryville, First, 6/3/62-5/26/67; Oak Ridge (Clinton) District, 5/27/67-6/16/73; Johnson City, Munsey Memorial, 6/17/73-6/14/79; Dublin, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Retired, 7/1/83. BROWN, RALPH STEVEN (1980-1984–1980-1984) Central-Mt. Pleasant, 6/15/75-6/11/76; Boissevain Circuit, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Dungannon Circuit, 6/16/776/14/79; Pleasant Grove-Havron’s Chapel, 6/15/79-6/11/80; In School, 6/12/80-12/31/81; Pleasant Grove, 1/1/82-6/30/83; Whitwell-Red Hill, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Tasso, 7/1/86-6/30/92; Church Hill, First, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Addilynn Memorial, 7/1/96-6/30/05; Gate City, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Athens, Trinity, 7/1/09. BROWN, WILLIAM ANTHONY (2008-2010– Pecks Memorial, 7/1/08. 2010) 478 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE BROWN TAYLOR, DIANA (2006-2009–2009) Big Stone Gap District Older Adult Ministries, 7/1/06-3/31/08; Director, Kay Senior Center, Church Street, 4/1/08; Healthy Mind Counselling Service, 7/1/10. BRYAN, CHARLES M. (1950-1952–1950-1952) Ducktown, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Friendsville Circuit, 9/28/52-6/4/55; Calhoun, 6/5/55-6/6/59; Concord, 6/7/596/6/64; Beaver Ridge, 6/7/64-6/1/68; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, 6/2/68-6/14/74; Cleveland, First, 6/15/746/15/77; White Oak, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Knoxville, First, 6/16/78-6/11/80; Kingston, 6/12/80-6/30/86; Gatlinburg, 7/1/86-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. BRYAN, HUGH PAUL (2003-2006– -2006) Ten Mile-Oak Grove, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Decatur Parish (Goodfield Circuit), 7/1/03. BRYAN, PRISCILLA RUTH (1989-1993–1989-1993) Candler School of Theology, 6/15/89-6/30/90; Pulaski, First, Associate, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Leave of Absence, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Pleasant Hill, Blount, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Leave of Absence, 7/1/99-10/9/07; Fairview, Associate, 10/10/07. BRYANT, JEFFERY L. (PE, 2001) Ewing Circuit, 7/1/98-12/31/99; Pound, 1/1/00-6/30/02; Ebenezer Circuit, 7/1/02-8/1/03; Leave of Absence, 8/1/03. BUCK, ROBERT HAROLD, SR. (1952-1954–1953-1954) Celina, 9/9/51-9/6/52; Palmer, 9/7/52-9/3/55; Loves Chapel, 9/4/55-6/6/56; Transferred from Tennessee Conference, 6/7/56; Pound, 6/7/56-6/6/59; Rose Hill Group Ministry, 6/7/59-6/1/63; Shady Grove-Washington Chapel, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Dandridge, First, 5/28/66-6/13/72; Dayton, First Spivey, 6/14/72-6/14/79; Big Stone Gap District, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Red Bank, 6/18/81-6/30/88; Mafair, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Fort Oglethorpe, 7/1/916/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. BUCK, ROWLAND SETH (1989-1992–1989-1992) Powell Valley Circuit, 7/1/86-9/30/87; Bethel, 10/1/87-6/30/89; Asbury Theological Seminary, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Chattanooga, Christ, Associate, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Knoxville, Ebenezer, 7/1/95-6/30/05; Kodak, 7/1/05. BUCKLES, MICHELLE M. (Transferred from N. Georgia Conference, 2004) Kingston, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Leave of Absence, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Cherokee, 7/1/07. BURCH, BRIAN CAMPBELL (1987-1990–1987-1990) Miller’s Chapel-Irwin, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Telford, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Camp Dickenson-Laurel, 7/1/91-2/15/92; Bethesda/Eden, 2/16/92-6/30/95; Copperhill, First, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Rossville, Simpson Memorial, 7/1/987/30/00; Tyner, Associate, 8/1/00-6/30/04; Rural Retreat-Mt. Olive, 7/1/04. BURGESS, RONALD WISTAR (1979-1981–1979-1981) Gladeville-Mt. Olive, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Mt. Pleasant, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Elk Creek Circuit, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Dryden-Seminary, 7/1/86-6/30/90; St. Paul Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Maryville, St. John’s, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Watauga Point-Taylor Memorial, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Oliver Springs-Petros-Jonesville, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Leave of Absence, 7/1/97-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. BURKHART, KRISTEN A. (2008-2010– -2010) Asbury (Greeneville), Associate, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Mt. Zion, 7/1/09. BURKHART, STEPHEN P. (2006-2008 –2004-2008) Mooresburg, 7/1/97-6/30/99; George Street-Grant’s Chapel, 7/1/99-11/15/02; Vermont, 11/15/02-6/30/07; St. Luke-St. Matthew, 7/1/07-9/30/07; Elm Tree Parish, 10/1/07; Carter County Parish, 7/1/10. BURLINGHAM, ROBERT EUGENE, JR. (1997-2001–1997-2001) Oak Grove-Ten Mile, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Calhoun-Spring Creek 7/1/98-6/30/06; Cassidy, 7/1/06. PASTORAL RECORDS 479 BURNETT, CHARLES CURTIS, JR. (1961-1963–1961-1963) Friendship Circuit, 6/7/59-6/12/60; Spring City Circuit, 7/1/60-6/1/63; Woodlawn Circuit, 6/2/63-5/26/67; Graham Circuit, 5/27/67-6/1/68; Blountville Circuit, 6/2/68-6/14/69; Fries Station, 6/15/69-6/16/73; St. Marks, Greenmeadow, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Madisonville, First, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Powell, 6/16/78-6/30/84; Tyner, 7/1/846/30/90; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Wytheville, St. Paul, 7/1/92-6/30/99; Burks, 7/1/996/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02; Morristown, Trinity, 2/1/05-6/30/05; Abingdon, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Beulah, 7/1/086/30/09. BUXTON-WADE, JAN (1999-2001– -2001) Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 7/1/99-6/30/07; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Church Street, Associate, 7/1/08; Retired, 7/1/10. BYRUM, CHARLES STEPHEN (1985-1993–1985-1993) Professor of Philosophy, Chattanooga State Community College, 1985-6/30/99; Institute for Spiritual Leadership, 7/1/99. CAGLE, DWIGHT M. (1971-1973–1970-1973) Meadow-Booth, 6/4/61-6/1/63; Walland, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Philadelphia-Poplar Springs, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Harriman, Oakdale-Wood Chapel, 6/10/71-6/14/74; Andersonville-Mt. Pleasant, 6/15/74-2/14/80; Bridgers, 2/15/80-6/30/84; Fincastle-Mt. View, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Sand Branch, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Retired, 7/1/91. CAHILL, WILLIAM E. (2005-2008–2001-2008) Greendale-Brumley Gap, 6/15/95-6/30/96; Broadford Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Mountain City Circuit, 7/1/996/30/03; Clintwood-McClure, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Vermont, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Keywood Charge, 7/1/09. CALHOUN, ASHLEY MORGAN (1965-1969–1965-1969) Florida Conference, School, 6/13/65-6/21/68; New York Conference, Assistant, Stamford, CT-First, 6/22/686/20/69; Westport, CT, Associate, 6/21/69-6/12/74; Greenwich, CT, Roundhill, Associate, 6/13/74-6/15/77; Middleburgh & Huntersland, NY, Troy Conference, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Middleburgh, NY, 6/16/78-8/31/79; St. Paul’s, NY, Castleton, 9/1/79-6/30/83; St. Paul’s, VT, St. Albans, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Transferred from Troy Conference, 7/1/86; Emory-Smyth Chapel, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Addilynn Memorial, 7/1/89-6/30/91; AppalachiaAndover, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Athens, Trinity, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Beulah-Hendrons Chapel, 7/1/98-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05; Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/05-6/30/08. CALLAHAN, JEFFREY CHRISTOPHER (1975-1978–1975-1978) Tellico Plains Circuit, 9/73-6/74; Methodist Theological School in Ohio, 1975-1976; Jonesville Parish, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Claypool Hill Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Aldersgate-Jordan, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Coeburn-South Coeburn, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Rich Creek-Powell Mountain, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Mountain View-Seven Mile Ford, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Cripple Creek Circuit, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Rocky Gap, 7/1/01; Mt. Vale-Savannah, 7/1/10. CAMPBELL, JOEL HASKELL (1993-1997–1993-1997) Yanceyville, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Shady Grove, 7/1/95-12/97; Shady Grove-Charles Wesley, 12/97-6/30/98; First Broad Street, Minister of Congregational Care, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Surgoinsville, 7/1/00-6/30/02; St. Matthew, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Kingsley-Hermon, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Pennington Gap, First, 7/1/09. CAMPBELL, PAULA DELL (PE, 2009) Pilot, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Staffordsville Circuit, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Eggleston Circuit, 7/1/09. CAMPBELL, SAMMIE LEE (1966-1969–1959-1961) Hales Glenwood, 6/6/54-6/4/55; Ebenezer Chestnut Gr., 6/5/55-6/12/60; Mosheim Circuit, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Piney Grove Circuit, 6/7/64-6/14/69; Cherokee-Taylor Memorial, 6/15/69-6/13/72; New Market Circuit, 6/14/72-6/14/79; Liberty Hill-Economy, 6/15/79-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. CANTRELL, ROBERT TALMAGE, JR. (1969-1973–1969-1973) Student, University of Tennessee and Candler School of Theology, 6/15/69-6/71; CPE, Chaplain Intern, Grady Hospital, Atlanta, 9/71-8/72; Cleveland Circuit, 9/72-6/14/74; Cardwell-Bradbury, 6/15/74-6/14/79; White Pine, First, 6/15/79-6/30/84; Fountain City, Associate, 7/1/84-6/30/92; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 7/1/92-6/30/97; Chattanooga District, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Oak Ridge, First, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Washington Pike, 7/1/06; Retired, 7/1/10. 480 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CANTRELL, ROBERT WILSON (2004-2007– -2007) Middlebrook Pike, 7/1/04; Lebanon Memorial 7/1/10. CARAWAY, CHARLES KENNETH (1957-1961–1957-1961) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Fall Branch, 6/7/59-6/1/63; Charleston, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Mountain City, 5/28/66-6/13/72; Knoxville, Church Street, Minister to Young Adults, 6/14/72-6/14/74; Etowah, St. Paul-Pleasant Grove, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Maryville, Broadway, 6/16/78-6/30/86; Galax, First, 7/1/86-6/30/93; Knoxville, First, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. CARAWAY, JAMES EDWARD (1963-1968–1963-1968) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-6/14/69; Prof. Lincoln Memorial University, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Tazewell, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Dean Morristown College, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Assistant Dean, Lincoln Memorial University, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Academic Dean, Lincoln Memorial University, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Director of Educational Advancement Program, University of Tennessee, 6/18/81-6/30/87; Vice-President, Academic Affairs, Dowling College, 7/1/87-6/30/02; Professor, Graduate School, Dowling College, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. CARBARY, ROBERT LEE (2000-2002–1996-2002) Wesley Circuit, 6/16/85-6/30/89; Chilhowie Lebanon, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Broadford Circuit, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Nickelsville, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Wytheville Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05. CARROLL, BRENDA FOGLEMAN (1972-1976–1972-1976) Candler School of Theology, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Leader Development Consultant, Conference Council on Ministries, 6/15/75-6/15/77; French Broad Circuit, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Beulah-Ridgeway, 6/12/80-6/30/82; Oakwood-Lynnwood, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Emory-Smyth Chapel, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Knoxville, St. Andrews, 7/1/866/30/91; Knoxville, Trintiy, Co-Pastor, 7/1/91-6/30/98; Abingdon District, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Maryville, First, 7/1/03. CARROLL, LARRY E. (1973-1976–1973-1976) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/17/73-6/14/75; East Park, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Kodak Circuit, 6/16/776/11/80; Trundles, 1980; Seymour, 6/12/80-6/30/84; Emory-Smyth Chapel, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Knoxville, St. Marks, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Knoxville, Trinity, Co-Pastor, 7/1/91-6/30/98; Pleasant View, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Maryville, First, 7/1/03. CARTER, EDWIN C., JR. (1963-1967–1966-1967) Sinking Springs-Paperville, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Cross, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Vonore Circuit, 6/7/64-6/1/68; Fort Oglethorpe, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Knoxville, St. Marks, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Knoxville, St. Marks-Zion, 6/15/75-6/11/76; Knoxville, Emerald Avenue, 6/12/76-6/30/84; Knoxville, Colonial Heights, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Bluff CityRockhold, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Jones Memorial, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Holston View, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. CARTER, JACK WAYNE (1958-1961–1958-1961) Weaver Beaver View, 6/10/56-6/8/57; Fallstown Circuit, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Student, Wesley Theological Seminary, 6/8/58-6/3/61; Powell, 6/4/61-5/26/67; Knoxville, St. Luke, 5/27/67-6/14/75; Bristol, St. Luke-Aldersgate, 6/15/75-6/30/85; First-Centenary, Associte, 7/1/85-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. CARTER, KELLY MICHAEL (1988-1992–1988-1992) Roan Mountain, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Old Union-McFerrin, 7/1/86-6/30/90; New Market Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/93; First-Centenary, Associate, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Boones Creek, 7/1/966/30/00; Lebanon Memorial, 7/1/00; Radford, Central, 7/1/10. CARTER, WILLIAM J. (1950-1952–1952-1953) Norton W. Norton, 10/5/47-10/1/49; Student, Vanderbilt School of Religion, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Rose Hill, 9/28/52-6/9/56; Wise, 6/10/56-6/12/60; Tazewell, Main Street, 6/13/60-5/29/65; Elizabethton, First, 5/30/656/1/68; Knoxville, Bearden, 6/2/68-6/13/70; Chattanooga, Brainerd, 6/14/70-6/11/76; Abingdon District, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Specialist in Leadership Development, Lay & Clergy, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Director, Conference Council on Ministries, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Retired, 7/1/90. CARUSO, CHERYL MITCHELL (2004-2006– 2006) Tasso, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Limestone-Greenwood, 7/1/07-6/30/08; George Street-Grant, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Transitional Leave, 7/1/09. PASTORAL RECORDS 481 CASTOR, H. PAUL (1952-1954–1952-1954) Student Hartford Seminary Foundatoin, 11/2/52-9/11/54; Missionary to India, 9/12/54-9/17/55; Missionary, Malaya, 9/18/55-6/15/77; Missionary, Singapore, 1970-1974; Student, George Peabody College, 1975; Director, International Prayer Fellowship, 1976; Transferred from Singapore Conference, 1977; Chattanooga, First-Centenary, Minister of Counseling, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Hixson, Associate, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Chattanooga, Lake Vista, 7/1/82-6/12/85; Retired, 6/13/85. CASTOR, LEE-LEE TAN (1981-1988–1981-1988) Hixson, Associate, 1980; Chattanooga, St. Luke, Associate, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Brainerd, Associate, 7/1/836/30/88; Missionary, Malaysia, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Brainerd, Minister of Evangelism, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Inskip, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. CATE, HERMAN FORREST (1988-1996–1988-1996) Midtown Valley, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1988-1989; Trentville, 7/1/906/30/93; Sevierville Parish, 7/1/93-6/30/99; Bluff City, 7/1/99-8/30/00; Union Grove, 9/1/00-6/30/05; Bright Hope Circuit, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Harrogate-Arthur-Mountain View, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Claiborne Cluster, 7/1/09; Retired, 7/1/10. CATE, JANICE ATCHLEY (1988-1992–1988-1992) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 7/1/88-6/30/90; French Broad Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/99. CATE, LEE ALBERT (1947-1951– -1951) Otterbein Circuit, 9/1/47-9/20/50; St. Paul, 9/21/50-8/5/53; Mt. Zion-Union Temple, 8/6/53-7/26/56; United Theological Seminary, 7/27/56-7/16/59; Rosebank, 7/17/59-7/12/61; Clarksville, First, 7/13/61-12/31/65; Bookwalter, 1/1/66-6/11/69; Knoxville, St. James, 6/12/69-6/14/74; Clinton, St. Mark, 6/15/74-6/30/84; Emerald Avenue, 7/1/84-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. CAYLOR, LARRY LEON (1969-1972–1969-1972) Trinity Circuit, 6/2/63-6/6/64; Bungalow, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Sevierville Circuit, 5/27/67-6/4/68; Apison, 6/5/686/9/71; In School, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Jacksboro-Caryville, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Church Hill, First, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Greeneville, Christ, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Rogersville, First, 7/1/82-6/30/84; East Chattanooga, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Leave of Absence, 7/1/87-10/31/88; Peck’s Memorial, 11/1/88-6/30/91; Sand Branch, 7/1/91-10/31/91; Draper Circuit, 11/1/91-6/30/93; Dryden-Seminary, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Mount Carmel, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Mount CarmelFudge’s Chapel, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Mount Carmel, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. CHANCE, VON DARNELL (1968-1973–1968-1973) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/5/68-6/13/72; Instructor, Reinhardt College, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Student, University of Tennessee and University of Cincinnati, 6/17/73-6/15/77; Assistant Professor, Tennessee Wesleyan College, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Minister of Music, Maryville, First, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Leave of Absence, 6/18/8112/31/81; Maryville, First, 1/1/82-12/31/83; Director, Choral Activities, Tennessee Wesleyan College, 1/1/84. CHARLES, MICHAEL DERRICK (1984-1988–1984-1988) Candler School of Theology, Heiskell, 1/1/82-10/31/88; Director of Church Relations, Hiwassee College, 11/1/88-6/30/89; Chaplain, US Army, 7/1/89. CLARK, ALBERTA C. (1991-1993–1991-1993) Greenwood, 6/9/89-5/31/91; Bethel Kearney, 6/1/91-5/31/94; Nebraska Annual Conference, 6/1/94-6/30/95; Alvo, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Transferred from Nebraska Conference, 7/1/96; Holston Conference Council on Ministries, Associate Director, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Stanley, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Wiley/HARP, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Knoxville Cooperative Parish (West View-Emerald Ave. Assoc.), 7/1/03-6/30/04; Randolph-Wells ChapelBethlehem Center, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Randolph-Wells Chapel, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/08. CLARK, BARBARA (1996-1998–1996-1998) Ooltewah, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Signal Crest, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Copperhill, First, 7/1/02-6/30/05; St. Elmo, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Anderson Street, 7/1/06. CLARK, JOHN THOMAS (1973-1976–1973-1976) Oakland Mt. Pleasant, 5/27/67-6/9/71; West Side Parish, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Morristown, Trinity, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Chestnut Hill, 6/15/79-6/30/90; New Tazewell, 7/1/90-6/30/97; Clinton, St. Mark-Moore’s Gap, 7/1/97; Retired, 6/11/03; Sevierville Circuit, 9/1/08. 482 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CLARK, LAWRENCE C. (1955-1958–1956-1958) Meigs County Parish, 9/28/52-6/6/53; Goodfield Circuit, 6/7/53-6/4/55; Benton Circuit, 6/5/55-6/8/57; West Side Parish, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Maryville, Carpenters, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Pound, 6/3/62-6/1/63; Gray Station, 6/2/635/26/67; North Tazewell, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Union Grove-Middlesettlements, 6/15/69-6/16/73; South Cleveland, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Ridgedale, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Burke’s, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Spring City-Reeds Chapel, 7/1/846/30/89; Reynolds Memorial, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Rogersville, First, 7/1/90-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. CLARK, STANLEY MARK (1988-1991–1988-1991) Student, Duke Divinity School, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Munsey Memorial, Associate, 7/1/89-8/31/92; Pellissippi, 9/1/92-6/30/97; Daisy, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Greeneville, Trinity, 7/1/02-6/30/07; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Leave of Absence, 7/1/08-9/14/08; North Carolina Conference, 9/15/08. CLIMER, GEORGE WILLIAM, JR. (1968-1970–1968-1970) Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/5/68-6/14/69; Secretary, Charlotte, YMCA, 6/15/69-6/30/85; Vice-President of Greater Charlotte YMCA, 7/1/85-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. CLOWERS, RICKY HAL (1991-1994–1991-1994) Whitesburg Circuit, 1979; Hills Union Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/85; Bradburn Hill-Greenwood, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Mount Carmel, 7/1/92-7/31/94; Greeneville Circuit, 8/1/94-6/30/97; Tuckaleechee, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Fairhaven, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Marvins Chapel, 7/1/06. COBBLE, ALVIN C. (1967-1969–1959-1961) Lebanon Circuit, 6/5/55-6/9/56; Panther Springs, 6/10/56-6/8/57; New Market Circuit, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Baileyton Circuit, 6/7/59-6/6/64; Surgoinsville, First, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Baileyton Circuit, 5/28/66-6/14/74; Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer, 6/15/74-6/17/81; Cross-Holly Springs, 6/18/81-6/30/87; Elizabeth Chapel, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Ebenezer Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95; Edwards Chapel, 7/1/04-6/30/09. COFFEY, LINDA (FD, 2000) First Broad Street, Children’s Ministry, 9/90-6/30/00; First Broad Street, Minister of Membership Development, 7/1/00-8/11/04; Leave of Absence, 8/12/04-11/14/07; Sullivan Co. High School Special Education Teacher, 11/15/07. COLE, ERNEST OTIS (1952-1961–1955-1961) Canebrake, 10/9/49-9/29/51; Pearisburg Thorpe, 9/30/51-8/30/52; Coalwood-Davy, 8/31/52-8/29/53; AmonateFairday, 8/30/53-6/30/56; Berwind-Canebrake, 7/1/56-6/22/57; Northfork, W. Va., 6/23/57-6/21/58; AmonateFairday, 6/22/58-6/9/62; St. John’s Parish, 6/10/62-6/1/63; Mudfork Tip Top-Coalwood, 6/2/63-6/6/64; Pearisburg-Dublin, 6/7/64-6/4/66; Dublin, Max Meadows, 6/5/66-5/19/68; Johnson City-Elizabethton, 5/20/686/13/70; Supernumerary, 1970; Newport-Boyd, 6/14/72-6/15/77; Pulaski Parish, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Abingdon, Charles Wesley, 6/18/81-6/30/85; St. Mark-Hales Chapel, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Retired, 7/1/87; Boyd Chapel, 7/1/88-6/30/06. COLLINS, RONNIE (PE, 2009) Hillsville, First, Ministries Coordinator, 7/1/06. COLLINS, WILLIAM ANTHONY (1982-1985–1982-1985) Student, 1/1/82-6/30/83; Clyattville, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Transferred from South Georgia Conference, 7/1/85; Rural Retreat Center, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Carter Street, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Rutherford Memorial, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Gatlinburg, First, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Lebanon Memorial, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Reynolds Memorial, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Pearisburg, First, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Loudon, 7/1/05. CONLEY, THOMAS ALDEN (1985-1988–1975-1988) White Shoals Circuit, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Ross Camp Ground-Mount Zion, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Clinch Valley Circuit, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Welchs Chapel, 6/15/79-6/11/80.; Rocky Gap Circuit, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Mt. Carmel, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Holston Home, Chaplain, 7/1/86-6/30/92; Tazewell, Main Street, 7/1/92-6/30/00; Galax, First, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/02. CONNER, KENNETH C. (2000-2002–1997-2002) East Tazewell Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/98; Wharf Hill-Elizabeth, 7/1/98-6/30/06; Centenary, 7/1/06. COOK, AMY JO (2003-2006– 2006) Norton, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Gray, Assoc., 7/1/03-6/30/06; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 7/1/06-6/30/08; White Oak, 7/1/08. PASTORAL RECORDS 483 COOPER, RHONDA SUE (1977-1981–1977-1981) Student, Fuller Theological Seminary, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Oliver Springs-Dutch Valley-Peake, 6/12/80-6/30/85; Kendrick’s Creek, 7/1/85-6/30/87; State Street, Associate, 7/1/87-1/31/96; Leave of Absence, 2/1/96-8/31/98; Appointed to Attend School, 9/1/98-7/9/00; Forsyth Medical Center, Chaplaincy Services, 7/10/00-2/28/05; John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD Chaplain, 3/1/05. COPELAND, ROBERT MACK, JR. (1957-1959–1957-1959) Hixson, Associate, 1957; In School, 6/9/57-6/7/58; South Pittsburg, Wesley Chapel, 6/8/58-6/12/60; Signal Mountain, 6/13/60-6/1/63; Rutherford Memorial, 6/2/63-6/1/68; Jonesville, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Holston ViewProspect, 6/10/71-9/30/78; Kingsport, Vermont, 10/1/78-6/30/83; Big Stone Gap, Trinity, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Rossville, Mcfarland, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Cherokee, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Loudon, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. COPPEDGE, ARCHER I (1970-1973–1970-1973) McCloud, 5/26/67-5/30/68; Paoli Byars, 5/31/68-5/21/69; In School, 6/4/70-5/30/72; Transferred from Oklahoma Conference, 5/31/72; Knoxville, Central, Associate, 5/31/72-6/16/73; Pigeon Forge-Huskey’s Grove, 6/17/73-6/14/74; First-Centenary, Associate, 6/15/74-6/14/79; Asbury, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Lincoln Park, 6/18/816/30/86; Kodak Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Inskip, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Rockwood, First, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Chattanooga, St. Andrews, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Decatur-Concord, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Big Stone Gap District Superintendent, 7/1/08. COTTON, ANDREW BRAXTON, JR. (2003-2006– 2006) Simpson, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Madisonville, First, 7/1/07. COUNTISS, JAMES ROBERT (1983-1987–1983-1987) Duke Divinity School, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Newport, St. John, 7/1/85-6/30/86; Bristol, Aldersgate, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Dryden-Seminary, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Marvin-Fairview, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Rural Retreat-Mount Olive, 7/1/956/30/00; Knoxville, Colonial Heights, 7/1/00-6/30/09; Mountain View, 7/1/09. CRABTREE, JOHN WILLIAM (2004-2007– -2007) Hills Union Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Student, Duke Divinity School; Strawberry Plains, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Jacksboro-Caryville, 7/1/08. CRANDALL, JASON ALEXANDER (PE, 2008) Martel, 7/1/08; Etowah, St. Paul’s-Carlock, 7/1/10. CRANDALL, LEANN K. (2006-2009– Cleveland, First, Associate, 7/1/06. -2009) CRANFORD, LAURI JO (1996-2001–1996-2001) Candler School of Theology, 1996-1997; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 9/1/98-6/30/02; Wesley Foundation UTK Director, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Munsey Memorial, Associate, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Elizabethton, First, 7/1/07. CRIM, ROGER L. (1977-1981–1974-1981) Transferred from West Virginia Conference, 7/1/01; Hardin’s-Bradburn Hill, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Bradburn Hill-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/03. CROCKETT, DOUGLAS E. (1985-1988–1985-1988) Student, 6/1/84-7/15/84; College Avenue, 7/16/84-5/31/85; Ogden Friendship, 6/1/85-5/31/88; Centralia, 6/1/88-10/15/90; Transferred from Kansas East, 10/16/90; Associate Director, Conference Council on Ministries, 10/16/90-6/30/96; Appointed to Attend School, 7/1/96-6/30/98; New Mt. Olive, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Virginia Conference, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Leave of Absence, 7/1/07. CRONE, MARY KATHRYN (FD, 1998) Transferred from Alabama - West Florida Conference, 1984; Sevierville, First, Director of Christian Education, 1984-1998; St. John Episcopal Cathedral, Director of Christian Education, 10/12/98-12/31/08; Retired, 1/1/09. CULBERTSON, BARRY LYNN (1975-1983–1975-1983) Student, Vanderbilt University Divinity School, 6/15/75-9/30/78; Mount Hebron, 10/1/78-6/17/81; Staff Chaplain, Vanderbilt Hospital, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Vanderbilt School of Religion, 1/1/83-6/15/83; Chaplain, Vanderbilt Medical Center, 6/16/83. 484 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE CUMMINGS, GEORGE WAYNE (1953-1955–1953-1956) Benhams Circuit Jr. Preacher, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Transferred from Wyoming Conference, 9/28/52; Old Forge, 9/28/52-5/21/55; Iron Mountain Larger Parish/Sugar Grove-Teas, 5/22/55-6/12/60; Wheelers Chapel, 6/13/606/1/63; Lebanon Memorial, 6/2/63-5/14/69; Clinton Memorial, 5/15/69-6/16/73; Knoxville District, 6/17/736/15/77; Holston Conference Council on Ministries, Director, 6/16/77-6/30/83; Higher Education, Director, 3/1/84-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. CUTSHAW, MICHAEL (2007-2009– -2009) Elm Springs-Amis Chapel, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Tasso-Charleston, 7/1/07. DANIELS, DONALD JOE, SR. (1977-1981–1977-1981) Hurst, 1977; Student, Gammon Theological Seminary, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Bethel-Russellville, 6/15/79-6/11/80; John Wesley, 6/12/80-6/30/82; Wiley Memorial, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Cleveland, Trinity Parish, 7/1/87-6/30/96; Wiley-Hurst, 7/1/96-6/30/00; John Wesley, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. DAVIS, BRIAN SCOTT (2003-2006– 2006) First Centenary, Minister of Outreach, 7/1/03. DAVIS, MARK CLAYTON (1974-1977–1974-1977) Tazewell Circuit, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Candler School of Theology, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Trundles, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Washington Pike, Associate, 6/16/78-12/31/79; Damascus, 1/1/80-6/17/81; Ridgedale, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Signal Mountain, Associate, 7/1/82-4/30/83; Leave of Absence, 5/1/83-6/10/84; Honorable Location, 6/11/8412/31/84; Termination, 1/1/85-7/31/93; Brainerd, Minister of Evangelism, 8/1/93-6/30/97; Pellissippi, 7/1/971/30/99; Leave of Absence, 2/1/00-6/30/00; Hixson, Associate, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Fort Oglethorp, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Director, New Decree, 7/1/08. DEAN, AMANDA J. (PE, 2010- ) Transferred to North Carolina Conference, 7/1/10. DEARING, FRED EARL III (1980-1982–1980-1982) Kodak Circuit, 6/12/80-6/30/86; Ebenezer-Bailey, 7/1/86-6/30/92; Trinity-Woodmore, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Cleveland, First, 7/1/96-6/30/99; State Street, 7/1/99-6/30/04; Kingsport District Superintendent, 7/1/046/30/09; Chattanooga District Superintendent, 7/1/09. DEESE, RAYMOND CECIL, JR. (1988-1992–1988-1992) Powell Valley Circuit, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Woodway Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Walland, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Decatur, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Looneys Creek, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Morganville, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Bradford Circuit, 7/1/99-6/11/03; Greystone Circuit, 6/11/03-7/1/04; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/04. DeFUR, STEPHEN BRENT (1995-1998–1995-1998) Cokesbury, Associate, 7/1/96. DELAMOTTE, ROY C. (1951-1953–1951-1953) In School, 6/17/51-6/18/55; Dandridge, 6/19/55-6/12/58; Louisville, 6/13/58-6/3/61; Paine College, 6/4/616/17/87; Retired, 6/18/87. DeVAULT, LARRY VERLIN (1970-1972–1970-1972) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/14/70-6/9/71; Kingsport, Morrison Chapel, 6/10/71-6/11/76; Austin Springs-Boone’s Creek, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Otterbein, 6/15/79-6/30/84; Mount Carmel, 7/1/84-6/30/91; Panther Springs, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Cherokee, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Cassidy, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Dandridge, First, 7/1/04-6/30/08; St. Marks, 7/1/08. DIAL, LARRY J. (1991-1994–1991-1994) Candler School of Theology, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Nottingham-Prospect, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Campus Ministry-Director Wesley Foundation, Clinch Valley College, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Tazewell Circuit, 7/1/96-12/31/98; Gatlinburg, First, 1/1/99-6/30/01; New England Conference, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Knoxville, Asbury, 7/1/04; Jones Memorial, 7/1/10. DILKS, CHARLES RAYMOND (1980-1985–1972-1985) Belfast Circuit, 8/7/69-6/15/77; Sugar Grove-Teas, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/15/7912/31/81; Blue Ridge Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/85; Marion, Grace, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Bristol, Virginia Avenue, 7/1/906/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. PASTORAL RECORDS 485 DISHMAN, CLARENCE GILMER, JR. (1965-1968–1967-1968) Bristol Hunt Memorial, 6/10/56-6/2/62; Radford Fairlawn, 6/3/62-5/29/65; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 5/30/65-6/1/68; Knoxville, Central, Associate, 6/2/68-6/13/70; Kingsport, Wheeler, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Floyd Station, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Richlands, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Abingdon, 7/1/83-6/30/92; Grove, 7/1/92-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. DIXON, CHARLES EDWARD (1968-1970–1968-1970) Cleveland Unity, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Etowah Circuit, 6/7/64-6/14/69; Ducktown-Crofts Chapel, 6/15/69-6/15/78; South Cleveland, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Shallowford Road, 7/1/82-6/30/84; St. Paul Circuit, 7/1/84-7/31/89; Fort Gibson, 8/1/89-12/31/89; St. Paul, 1/1/90-6/30/90; Clintwood, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Daisy, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97; Flintstone, 7/1/04. DOOLITTLE, ERIC LAWRENCE (2006-2009– -2009) Mountain View, 5/1/04-6/30/06; Buckner Memorial-Hiwassee College Chaplain, 7/1/06-6/30/09; HarrogateArthur-Mountain View, 7/1/09. DOUGHERTY, JAMES ALLEN (1964-1967–1964-1967) Sulphur Springs Circuit, 6/7/59-6/3/61; Rich Valley, 6/4/61-6/1/63; Student, Union Theological Seminary, 6/6/64-5/24/66; New York Conference/Staten Island/Wesley, 5/25/66-6/19/71; Bayville, 6/20/71-6/10/78; Transferred from New York Conference, 6/11/78; Fairhaven, 6/11/78-6/30/83; Vermont, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Greeneville, Trinity, 7/1/87-6/30/96; Washington Pike, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Signal Crest, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Broadway, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. DOUTHAT, JAMES LOUIS (1963-1965–1963-1965) Lou’s Chapel, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/64-5/29/65; Brainerd, Minister of Education, 5/30/65-5/27/66; Decatur, 5/28/66-6/1/68; Sulphur Springs Circuit, 6/2/68-6/13/70; Pikeville, Wesley Chapel, 6/14/70-6/11/76; Wise, Trinity, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Harriman, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Rock Springs, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Pleasant View, 7/1/82-6/30/84; St. Elmo, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Leave of Absence, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Retired, 7/1/91; Whitwell, First, 12/1/07-6/30/09. DOUTY, BETHANY HORN (PE, 2008) Greeneville, Wesley’s Chapel, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/09. DOVER, CHRISTOPHER CHARLES (1987-1990–1987-1990) Student, Asbury, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Rising Fawn Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Lake Vista, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Harrogate, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Brooks Memorial, 7/1/95-6/30/00; Virginia Conference, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Pleasant Grove, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Church Vocations Program, Tennessee Wesleyan College, 7/1/08. DOWELL, MARK (PE, 2009) Lonsdale, 7/1/03-6/30/06; St. Elmo, 7/1/06; St. Elmo-Lookout Mountain, 7/1/10. DOWLINGSOKA, CHRISTINA (1987-1989–1987-1989) Harrogate Circuit, 9/10/83-8/1/84 (British Methodist Church); Sedalia Circuit, 9/1/84-5/3186 (West Ohio); Anthon Circuit, 6/1/87-2/29/92 (Iowa); Buffalo Mountain Camp & Retreat Center 3/1/92-6/11/97 (Iowa to Holston); Transferred from Iowa Conference, 6/11/97; Buffalo Mountain Camp & Retreat Center, Director 6/11/97-3/31/06; Munsey Memorial, Associate, 4/1/06. DOWLINGSOKA, JOSEPH EVERETT (1989-1992–1989-1992) Harrogate Circuit, 9/10/83-8/1/84 (British Methodist Church); Sedalia, 6/15/85-5/31/86; Student, 6/1/865/31/87; Anthon, 6/1/87-2/29/92 (Iowa); Buffalo Mountain Camp & Retreat Center 3/1/92-6/11/97 (Iowa to Holston); Transferred from Iowa Conference, 6/11/97; Buffalo Mountain Camp and Retreat Center, 6/11/976/30/98; First Broad Street, Minister of Discipleship, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Otterbein, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Bristol, First, 7/1/06. DOYAL, DARRIS KENTON (1967-1970–1967-1970) Watauga, 6/2/63-10/31/63; Johnson City, Asbury, 11/1/63-5/27/66; Student, Duke Divinity School, 5/28/666/13/70; Knoxville, First, Associate, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Johnson City, Gray, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Greeneville, Trinity, 6/16/78-8/31/88; Knoxville, Trinity, 1982-1987; Knoxville District, 9/1/88-8/31/92; Knoxville, Church Street, 9/1/92-6/30/94; Kingsport District, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Director, New Church Development and Church Extension, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Maryville, First, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Morristown, First, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. 486 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE DOYAL, STEPHEN KENTON (1995-1998–1995-1998) Middle Creek, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Rising Fawn-Byrd’s Chapel, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Norwood, 7/1/98-2/28/02; New Church Start, Wellspring, 3/1/02-6/30/05; Rutherford Memorial, 7/1/05. DREYER, ROBERT C. (FD, 1997) Consultant for the Disabled, 1995- ; Retired, 7/1/00. DRIVER, TOM FAW (1951-1959–1953-1959) Student, Union Seminary, 9/20/51-6/9/56; Professor, Union Seminary, 6/10/56-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. DUFF, COLUMBUS V., II (1960-1962–1960-1962) Red Hill Circuit, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Lebanon-Grace, 6/8/58-6/3/61; West Side Parish, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Bland Circuit, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Knoxville, Asbury, 5/28/66-9/6/69; Chattanooga, St. James, 9/7/69-6/16/73; Saltville, Madam Russell-Henrytown, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Harrison, 6/16/78-12/31/81; Sabbatical Leave, 1/1/82-12/31/83; Leave of Absence, 1/1/85-6/30/87; Beaver Ridge, Associate, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Retired, 7/1/91. DUNCAN, PERRY WAYNE (1984-1987–1984-1987) Pleasant Hill, 1/1/82-6/30/83; Westside Parish, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Candler School of Theology, 1984; Oliver Springs-Dutch Valley, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Jacksboro-Caryville, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Peck Memorial, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Valley View-Heiskell 7/1/98-6/30/02; Bethel, Amherst, 7/1/02. DUNCAN, WILLIAM TYLER (1999-2002–1999-2002) Mayes Chapel, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Luminary, 7/1/99-6/30/04; New Tazewell, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Leave of Absence, 7/1/09. DUNSMORE, MOSES BEECHER (1956-1960–1956-1960) Slagles Watauga, 6/6/54-6/4/55; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/10/56-6/7/58; Conference Director of Youth Work, 6/8/58-6/6/64; Athens, Allen Memorial, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 5/27/676/14/69; Lebanon Memorial, 6/15/69-6/14/74; Chattanooga, St.Paul, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Tazewell, Main Street, 6/12/76-6/11/80; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Radford, Grove, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Powell, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Big Stone Gap District, 7/1/91-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97; Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Wears Valley, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Union Grove, Blount, 11/16/08. EASTRIDGE, JOSEPH VANCE (1955-1960–1955-1960) Brookside, 9/28/52-6/24/54; Rome Circuit, 6/25/54-6/4/55; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/5/556/9/56; Friensdville-Benfield, 6/10/56-6/8/57; Dayton, Mt. View, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Ooltewah, 6/8/58-6/3/61; Big Stone, St. Paul, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Madisonville, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Gatlinburg, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Beaver Ridge-Bethel, 6/10/71-6/14/74; Rockwood, Asbury, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Chattanooga, Red Bank, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Johnson City, First, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Kern, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Newport, First, 7/1/85-6/30/93; Richlands, First, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. EASTRIDGE, NANCY COLLINS (PE, 2007-2010– Munsey Memorial, Associate, 7/1/07 -2010) EDMONDS, ROBERT THOMAS (1962-1965–1962-1965) Damascus Circuit, 6/9/57-5/31/58; Holston Chapel, 6/1/58-6/29/61; Hiram Bethel, 6/30/61-6/2/62; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/3/62-5/29/65; Knoxville, Dante, 5/30/65-5/26/67; Radford, Carter Street, 5/27/67-6/9/71; Lenoir City, Trinity, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Kingsport, St. Luke, 6/15/75-6/10/78; Munsey Memorial, Minister of Evangelism, 6/11/78-6/17/81; Specialist in Outreach Ministries, Conference Council On Ministries, 6/18/81-8/31/88; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 9/1/88-6/30/95; Knoxville, St. Mark, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. EDWARDS, JANET (PE, 2009) Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/09 EDWARDS, PIERCE JACKSON (1965-1967–1965-1967) Goodfield Circuit, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Apison, 5/30/65-6/1/68; Knoxville, St. Andrews, 6/2/68-6/13/72; Chattanooga, Asbury, 6/14/72-6/14/74; Lebanon Memorial, 6/15/74-6/14/79; Dayton, First-Spivey, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/82-6/30/90; Brainerd, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Morristown District, 7/1/95-6/30/01; First Broad Street, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. PASTORAL RECORDS 487 EDWARDS, RICHARD STEWART (1985-1987–1985-1987) Oak Ridge, Trinity, Associate, 7/1/85-6/30/87; First Farragut, 7/1/87-6/30/06; Conference Director of Congregational Development and Revitalization, 7/1/06. ELDRIDGE, LONNIE ROY (1973-1981–1973-1981) St. Andrews Red Hill, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Apison, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Discontinued, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Re-admitted, Jones Chapel, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Honaker-Blackford Circuit, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Oneida, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Welch’sStephens Chapel, 7/1/89-6/30/97; Evensville-New Bethel, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Leave of Absence, 7/1/02-6/11/03; Teacher/Counsellor for GED/Youth Enrichment Service Program, Rhea County, 6/11/03-6/30/06; Daisy, 7/1/06; Fincastle, 7/1/10. ELIFRITS WARREN, BETZY (PE, 2009) French Broad Circuit, 7/1/09 ELKINS, JOE BURTON (1952-1958–1952-1958) Arlington, First, Associate, 6/10/51-6/13/53; In School, 6/14/53-6/9/56; Transferred from Central Texas Conference, 6/10/56; Chaplain, University of Chattanooga, 6/10/56-6/2/62; Professor, Muskingum College, 6/2/63-6/14/75; Supernumerary, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Retired, 6/16/78. ELLIOTT, DAVID WILLIAM (1974-1980–1973-1980) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Rising Fawn Circuit, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Director-Camp Lookout, 6/15/79-12/31/86; Executive Director, HCCCM, 1/1/87-6/30/94; Sabbatical, 7/1/94-12/31/94; Hunter, 1/1/95-6/30/95; Conference Council on Ministries, Associate, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Leave of Absence, 7/1/986/30/01; Embreville, 7/1/00-12/30/00; Retired, 12/31/00. ELMORE, PAUL BIVENS (1964-1968–1962-1968) Emory, 6/10/56-6/8/58; Belfast Circuit, 6/9/58-6/12/60; Chatham Hill Circuit, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Castlewood, 5/30/65-5/26/67; Cleveland, Chestuee-St. Andrews, 5/27/67-6/1/68; Greeneville Circuit, 6/2/68-6/13/70; Pocahontas, First, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Burlington, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Liberty Hill, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Sneedville Circuit, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Shady Grove, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Decatur-Concord, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Mt. Zion, 7/1/906/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. ELY, BOBBY HENRY (1960-1962–1960-1962) Persia Circuit, 6/5/55-6/8/57; Panther Springs, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Student, Vanderbilt University Divinity School, 6/7/59-6/2/62; Decatur, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Liberty Hill-Holston, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Louisville, St. Marks, 5/27/676/14/69; Radford, Fairlawn-Bethel, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Knoxville, Macedonia, 6/14/72-6/11/76; Sevierville, First, 6/12/76-12/31/93; Retired, 1/1/94. ENSMINGER, CHARLES D. (1997-2002–1997-2002) Tasso, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Niota-Cedar Springs, 7/1/04. EVERLEY, JERRY LENN (1972-1974–1972-1974) Chattanooga, White Oak, Associate, 11/3/72-6/14/75; Cleveland, Broad Street, Associate, 6/15/75-6/30/83; New York City, Marble Collegiate Church, Staff, 7/1/83-6/30/98; Maryville, Fairview, 7/1/90-12/31/90; Munsey Memorial, Associate, 1/1/90-6/30/97; East Tennessee State University, Wesley Foundation, Director/Munsey Memorial, Associate, 7/1/97-9/30/04; ETSU Wesley Foundation Director, 10/1/04; Retired, 7/1/10. FAIN, JAMES RAY (1993-1995–1993-1995) Haralson, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Transferred from North Georgia Conference, 1993; Bridle Creek Circuit, 7/1/936/30/99; Woodlawn-Shiloh 7/1/99-6/30/03; Sequatchie Cluster (Pikeville), 7/1/03-6/30/05; Pine GroveHartman’s Chapel, 7/1/05. FAIRBANKS, DOUGLAS R. (1974-1977–1974-1977) Friendsville-Binfield, 7/1/74-6/30/75; Church Street, Associate, 7/1/75-6/30/76; Beulah-Ridgeway, 7/1/761/31/79; Transferred to Western North Carolina Conference, 2/1/79; Transferred from Western North Carolina Conference, 7/1/01; Signal Crest, 7/1/01-6/30/06; Knoxville District Superintendent, 7/1/06. 488 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE FARMER, JOHN WILEY (1971-1974–1970-1974) Elk Creek Circuit, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Riceville Circuit, 6/7/64-6/14/69; Charleston, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Fries Station, 6/17/73-6/15/77; Chaplain Hiwassee College, 6/16/77-7/31/83; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 8/1/83-8/31/88; FirstCentenary, Associate, 9/1/88-9/15/92.; Bluefield, First, 9/16/92-6/30/96; Bristol, First, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. FAUGHT, KENNETH LYLE (2007-2009– -2009) Pleasant Hill, 7/1/05-6/30/08; LaFollette, 7/1/08. FEELY, MICHAEL LAMON (1990-1993–1990-1993) Wesley Theological Seminary, 1990; Dandridge Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Greeneville, Asbury, Associate, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Brainerd, Minister of Outreach Mission, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Brainerd, Minister of Outreach-East Lake-Coord. Chattanooga Hispanic Ministry, 7/1/04-6/30/05; East Lake/Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries, 7/1/05-6/30/08; East Lake-St. Andrews Center, 7/1/08. FELTON, JOSHUA (PE, 2009) Bybee, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Emory, 1/7/07-9/30/07; Maryville, First, 10/1/07-6/30/09; New Salem, 7/1/09. FERGUSON, DONALD E. (1970-1973–1970-1973) Student, Duke Divinity School, 1970-1971; Kodak Circuit, 1972-1974; Knoxville First, Associate, 1975; Graduate School, UTK, 1977-1978; Church Street, Associate, 1979-1983; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1984-1985; Knoxville Family Counselling Center, 1986-1992; Leave of Absence, 1993; Terminated, 1997; Middlebrook Pike, Associate (FL), 1/1/02-6/30/04; St. Paul Fountain City (FL), 7/1/04-6/30/05; Re-admitted to Full Connection, 7/1/05; St. Paul, Fountain City, 7/1/05. FERGUSON, FREDERICK ANDERSON (1972-1976–1972-1976) Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Woodlawn-Shiloh, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Knoxville, Second, Associate, 6/15/79-12/31/81; Fountain City, St. Paul, 1/1/82-6/30/87; Lenoir City, Trinity, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Maryville, First, Associate, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Jefferson City, First, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Broad Street, 7/1/00-6/30/08; Church Street, 7/1/08. FERGUSON, JAMES R., JR. ( -1997– -1997) Maybeury, 6/11/89-5/31/91; Port Royal, 6/1/91-6/30/94; Transferred from West Virginia Conference, 6/15/95; Grundy, 7/1/94-3/31/97; Liberty Hill, 4/1/97-7/1/04; Luminary, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Dandridge, First, 7/1/08. FETZER, REBEKAH COX (FD, 2005) Cokesbury, Director of Ministries, 7/1/02. FIELDS, LONNIE GILMER (1968-1970–1965-1970) Spring Valley Circuit, 6/12/60-5/27/66; Tasso, 5/28/66-6/4/68; Thorn Springs-Wesley, 6/5/68-6/9/71; Mt. ValeSavannah, 6/10/71-6/15/77; Dandridge Circuit, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Shady Grove, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Rutledge Circuit, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Fall Branch-Logans Chapel, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Knoxville, Asbury, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Christ First-Macedonia, 7/1/88-1/31/89; Leave of Absence, 2/1/89-6/30/91; Disability Leave, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. FIORINI, KEVIN MARSHALL (2003-2006– 2006) New Hope-Mt. Airy, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Grace Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Gladeville-Mt. Olivet, 7/1/08. FISHER, ELLEN F. (FD, 1997) Transferred from the Western North Carolina Conference, 7/1/01; Morristown, First, Minister of Discipleship, 7/1/01-12/31/07; Retired, 1/1/08. FISHER, RONALD DALE (1980-1984–1980-1984) Oral Roberts School of Theology, 6/12/80-12/31/81; Mountain View-Seven Mile Ford, 1/1/82-6/30/84; Pleasant Hill Blount, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Magnolia Avenue, 7/1/88-6/30/94; Cokesbury, Associate, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Knoxville, First, 7/1/96-6/30/04; Spring City-Reeds Chapel, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Lenoir City, Central, 7/1/06. FLANARY, GALE KAY (2003-2006– 2006) Old Union-McFerrin, 3/11/03-6/30/05; St. Luke, 7/1/05. PASTORAL RECORDS 489 FLAUGHER, DENNIS W. ( -2005– 2005) Transferred from South Indiana Conference, 7/1/05; First Centenary, Minister of Discipleship, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Brainerd, 7/1/09. FLEENOR, JERRY BAKER (1963-1968–1963-1968) Caney Ridge Circuit, 6/4/61-6/1/63; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Sugar Grove-Teas, 5/28/66-6/16/73; Mountain View-Seven Mile Ford, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Jasper, McKendree, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Radford, Carter Street, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Lenor City, Central, 6/18/81-6/30/89; Pennington Gap, First, 7/1/896/30/90; Elizabethton, First, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Blountville, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Anderson Street, 7/1/97-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04; Austin Springs, 7/1/04. FLYNN, ANNETTE MARIE NOTAR (1990-1994–1990-1994) Lead Mines Circuit, 1990; Forest, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Leave of Absence, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Fountain City, Associate, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Leave of Absence, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel, 5/26/96; Colonial Heights, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Director of Wesley Institute, 7/1/98-10/30/00; Kern, Associate, 1/1/01-12/30/01; Leave of Absence, 1/1/02; Signal Crest, Associate, 7/1/10. FLYNN, MARK ROGER (1987-1991–1987-1991) Student, Duke, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Hillsville Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Fountain City, Associate, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Wheeler, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Kern Memorial, 7/1/98-6/30/06; Christ, 7/1/06. FORRESTER, TROY DANIEL. (2006-2009– Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 7/1/06. -2009) FOWLER, CHARLES JOEL (1969-1972–1969-1972) Student, Duke Divinity School, 5/15/69-6/9/71; Walland-Campground, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 6/14/72-6/11/76; Logan’s Chapel, 6/12/76-11/10/79; University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Campus Minister, 6/12/80-6/30/97; Leave of Absence, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. FOWLER, WILLIAM JOSEPH (1966-1969–1966-1969) Transferred from Western North Carolina Conference, 1966; Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/12/66-6/1/68; Assistant Minister, St. Michaels Parish, Dumfries, Scotland, 6/2/68-6/14/69; Oak Ridge, Trinity-Valley View, Associate, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Bluff City-Rockholds, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Pleasant View, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Bristol, First, 7/1/82-6/30/94; Knoxville, Church Street, 7/1/94-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08. FOX, CATHERINE ANARA (1999-2002–1999-2002) Morrison Chapel-Washington Chapel, 7/1/00-12/31/01; Meadowview-Yellow Springs, 1/1/02-6/21/06; Meadowview, 6/22/06-6/30/08; Harriman-Midtown Valley, 7/1/08; Auburn, 7/1/10. FOX, HAROLD EDWARD (1960-1963–1960-1963) Sweetwater Parish, 10/1/56-6/8/57; Spring City Circuit, 6/9/57-6/12/60; Etowah Circuit, 6/13/60-6/3/61; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Holston View-Prospect, 6/3/62-6/9/71; Oak Ridge, Concord, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Board of Discipleship, 6/17/73-12/31/88; Director of World Evangelism, World Methodist Council, 1/1/89. FREESTATE, ROBERT H. (1973-1975–1973-1975) Administrative Assistant, 5/31/73-6/4/75; Director Rel. and Soc. Serv., 6/5/75-6/1/77; Adm. Chandler Memorial, 6/2/77-5/31/79; President, Morningside Manor, 6/1/79-12/31/81; Morningside Manor, Inc., 1/1/826/30/90; Transferred, Southwest Texas Conference, 7/1/90; President, Asbury Center, 7/1/90-6/30/98; Leave of Absence, 7/1/98-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/04. FRYE, WILLIAM RANDALL (1979-1983–1979-1983) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Cedar Springs, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Morristown, First, Associate, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Harrison, 7/1/88-6/30/93; First Broad Street, Minister of Membership, 7/1/936/30/98; Pulaski, First, 7/1/98-6/30/05; Johnson City District Superintendent, 7/1/05. 490 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE FUNK, DAVID LEE (1953-1955–1953-1955) In School, 6/14/53-6/11/55; Fair Haven Sugar Gr, 6/12/55-6/9/56; Division of Chaplains, 6/10/56-6/2/61; Kirksville, 6/3/61-11/1/61; Division of Chaplains, 11/2/61-6/9/62; Chaplain Riverside Hospital, 6/10/625/31/64; In School, 6/1/64-6/12/66; Youth Counsel Svc., 6/13/66-6/2/71; Leave of Absence, 6/3/71-6/1/72; Counseling, 6/2/72-12/31/73; Shelby City Mental Health Clinic, 1/1/74-6/11/78; Transferred, Ohio, 6/12/78; Overlook Mental Health Center, Coord. of Pastoral Svcs., 6/12/78-12/31/83; Director of Contact Ministries, Maryville, 1982; Leave of Absence, 1/1/84-6/30/87; The Pastoral Institute, 7/1/87-6/30/97; Leave of Absence, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. GALYON, BRUCE MURRAY (1987-1990–1987-1990) Greendale-Brumley Gap, 6/15/81-6/10/84; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/11/84-12/31/85; Graefenburg, 1/1/86-6/30/88; Cedar Springs Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Calhoun-Spring Creek, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Panther Springs, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Elizabeth Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Loudon, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Knoxville, Central, 7/1/05. GALYON, STEVEN NATHANIEL (1981-1984–1981-1984) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Sunbright-Mt. Vernon-Rugby Road, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Concord, Associate, 7/1/84-6/30/88; New North Hixson, 7/1/88-12/31/90; Soddy-Daisy Grace, 1/1/91-6/30/96; Gatlinburg, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Athens, Trinity, 7/1/98-6/30/99; Wise, Trinity, 7/1/99-10/5/99; Leave of Absence, 10/6/99-6/11/03; McFarland, 6/11/03-6/30/06; Wauhatchie, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Vermont, 7/1/09; Retired, 7/1/10. GARLAND, GREGORY ALLEN (1993-1995–1982-1995) Mt. Pleasant Oakland, 10/1/73-6/11/76; Greeneville Circuit, 6/12/76-6/30/86; Mt. Hebron, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Rock Springs, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Pound-Derby, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Glade Spring Byars Cobb, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Peace Corps, 7/1/96-12/31/96; Simpson, 1/1/97-6/30/98; Benton-Mt. Hermon, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Leave of Absence, 7/1/016/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Pound, 7/1/06. GASS, CAROLYN PORTER (PD, 2009) Wesley Seminary Artist in Residence, 7/1/09; Transitional Leave, 7/1/10. GASS II, J. DAVID (PE, 2009) Greene County Parish, 7/1/10. GASS, MARVIN BISHOP (1945-1947–1946-1948) Vonore Oakland Walnut Grove, 10/12/42-1/15/44; Oakland Calderwood, 1/16/44-10/15/44; Student, Drew Theological Seminary, 10/12/45-10/5/46; Bulls Gap, 10/6/46-10/1/49; White Pine, 10/2/49-9/27/52; Chattanooga, Fairmont, 9/28/52-6/5/54; Kingsport, Litz Manor, 6/6/54-6/8/57; Lenoir City, Trinity, 6/9/576/3/61; Jonesboro, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Maryville, Fairview, 6/7/64-6/1/68; Knoxville, Colonial Heights, 6/2/686/13/72; Chattanooga, Signal Crest, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Elizabethton, First, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Newport, First, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Blountville, First, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Burks, 7/1/84-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. GATTIS, JASON N., SR. (2004-2007– -2007) Apison, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Keith Memorial, Associate, 7/1/04; Cokesbury, Associate, 7/1/10. GILBERT, DALE MILTON (1992-1994–1992-1994) Harrogate, 1/1/91-6/30/94; Ooltewah, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/98-6/30/05; Morristown, Trinity, 7/1/05; Glen Alpine, 7/1/10. GILBERT, DAVID LAWRENCE (1982-1985–1982-1985) Sweetwater Parrish, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Tellico Plains Circuit, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Bethel Blount, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Candler School of Theology, 1982; Browder-Forknor, 7/1/82-6/30/83; Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Fries, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Claypool Hill Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/95; Harrogate, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Vestal, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Appalachia-Andover, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Appalachia, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Tacoma,7/1/03; Retired, 7/1/07. GILBERT, JOHN W., JR. (1969-1971–1969-1971) In School, 6/12/69-6/9/70; Urban Minister Union Vill., 6/10/70-6/8/71; New Prov Union Vill, 6/9/71-6/6/72; New Prov Henderson, 6/7/72-6/5/73; Director PR Scarritt, 6/6/73-8/14/77; Haverford Coll Dev Office, 8/15/77-6/6/78; Haverford Coll Ext Min, 6/7/78-6/5/79; Candler School of Theology, 6/6/79-6/30/01; VicePresident for Advancement for Fund for Theological Education, 7/1/01-2/28/06; Leave of Absence, 3/1/066/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. PASTORAL RECORDS 491 GODDARD, CAROLINE WALLIS (1990-1993–1990-1993) Shady Grove, 7/1/91-12/31/96; Student, 1/1/97-6/30/98; Marys Chapel, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Jefferson County School System, 7/1/01; Rutledge Circuit, 7/1/10. GODDARD, JAMES EARL, JR. (1992-1997–1992-1997) Fairgarden Circuit, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Madisonville Circuit, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Mt. View-New Providence, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Grange Hall-Lebanon, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Riverview Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Chatham, 7/1/906/30/91; Cedar Grove, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Student, Duke Divinity School, 1990-1993; Draper Circuit, 7/1/946/30/97; Norton, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Unicoi, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Pleasant View, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Gray, 7/1/09. GODDARD, KIMBERLY MUSTARD (1986-1989–1986-1989) Duke, 6/13/85-6/30/85; Pearisburg Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Greeneville, Asbury, Associate, 7/1/89-6/30/94; Aldersgate-Jordan’s Chapel, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Wise, Trinity, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Otterbein, 7/1/99-6/30/00; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/00-10/1/00; Director, Wesley Institute, 10/1/00-6/30/03; Abingdon District Superintendent, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Mafair, 7/1/09. GOODEN, CLAUDE MARK (1984-1987–1984-1987) Welchs Chapel, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Candler School of Theology, 1984; Chattanooga, St. James, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Hixson, Associate, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Surgoinsville, First, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Lenoir City, Central, 7/1/93-6/30/06; Signal Crest, 7/1/06. GOODGAME, GORDON CLIFTON (1957-1960–1958-1960) Benton, Mt. Hermon, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Candler School of Theology Student, 6/8/58-6/6/59; Clapps Chapel, 6/7/596/2/62; Knoxville, Epworth, 6/3/62-6/14/69; Kingston, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Pulaski, First, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Leader Development Consultant Conference Council on Ministries, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Oak Ridge, First, 6/16/77-6/17/81; First-Centenary, 6/18/81-6/30/90; Conference Council on Ministries, Director, 7/1/90-12/31/93; Southeastern Jurisdictional Administrative Council, Executive Director, 1/1/94-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. GOODMAN, RONALD E. JR. ( -1974– -1979) Transferred from Missouri West Conference, 7/1/01; Spring City-Reeds Chapel, 9/15/00-6/30/04; St. John, 7/1/04-6/30/07; St. Mark, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08. GOODMAN, TERRY DALE (1986-1989–1986-1989) Candler, 1986; Walland, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Knoxville, Trinity, Associate, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Newbern-Mt. View, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Chilhowie-Tate’s Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Chilhowie, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Rockwood, First, 7/1/976/30/00; McKendree, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Virginia Avenue-Macedonia, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Virginia Avenue-Falls Mills, 7/1/08. GOSHORN, PAUL C. (2008-2009– -2009) Clearview, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Newbern-Mountain View, 7/1/09. GOTT, STEVEN GLENN (2005-2008– -2008)) Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Mt. Carmel, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Aldersgate, 7/1/07. GOUGH, JAMES RONALD (1981-1984–1981-1984) Wimbleton Kensal, 5/31/81-2/18/86; Oakes, 2/19/86-6/15/88; Mandan, 6/16/88-5/31/92; Transferred from North Dakota Conference, 6/14/93; Albright, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Harned’s Chapel-Parrottsville, 7/1/94-6/30/01; Chestnut Hill, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05. GRAHAM, DOYNE ELDRIDGE (1956-1960–1956-1960) Morrilton Circuit No 2, 6/20/54-6/18/55; Fourche Valley Circuit, 6/19/55-6/9/56; Louann Circuit, 6/10/566/5/58; In School, 6/6/58-6/4/59; El Dorado First, Associate, 6/5/59-6/2/60; Rison, 6/3/60-6/8/61; Portland, 6/9/61-5/29/63; Bradley, 5/30/63-5/27/65; Ltl. Rk. 28th St. Pr. Vl., 5/28/65-5/25/66; Texarkana Few Memorial, 5/26/66-5/24/67; Camden Timothy, 5/25/67-5/23/68; Camd Tim Buenall, 5/24/68-5/26/71; Camd Tim Buena Vista, 5/27/71-5/23/72; Malvern St. Paul Parish, 5/24/72-8/31/75; Bayou Meto Lodges Cor, 9/1/75-6/1/77; St. Luke Center Gr, 6/2/77-5/28/80; Star City Gould, 5/29/80-12/31/81; Gould First, 1/1/82-5/31/83; Hazen, 6/1/83-5/31/85; Transferred from Little Rock Conference, 1986; Springhill, 6/1/85-6/30/86; Benton-Mt. Hermon, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Hillsville Circuit, 1988; Island Creek, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Whitwell-Red Hill, 7/1/896/30/93; Lincoln Park, 7/1/93-6/30/96; South Cleveland-Black Fox, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. 492 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE GRAHAM, JOHN H. (2001-2009–2001-2009) Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Mountain View-Zion Hill, 7/1/99-6/20/06; Laurel Springs-Mountain ViewZion Hill, 6/21/06. GRAHAM, TIMOTHY WAYNE (1978-1981–1978-1981) New Baltimore New Haven, 6/15/78-5/31/79; Carlisle, 6/1/79-6/15/83; Mancelona, 6/16/83-9/15/90; Marne, 9/16/90-6/30/93; Transferred from West Michigan Conference, 1993; East Marion Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Rich Creek-Powell Mountain, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Glade Spring, Byars Cobb, 7/1/96-6/30/00-12/31/00; Marion Correctional Treatment Center, Chaplain, 1/1/01-6/30/03; Chaplain, Central State Hospital, Petersburg, VA, 7/1/03. GRAVES, DAVID WILLIAMS (1989-1992–1989-1992) Hixson, Minister of Youth/Recreation, 7/1/89-6/30/94; Kingsport, St. Matthew, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Mountain ViewSt. Matthew, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Ooltewah, 7/1/98-7/20/01; Leave of Absence, 7/20/01-8/23/01; Ooltewah, 8/23/016/30/09; Kingsport District Superintendent, 7/1/09. GRAY, DANNY LEE, JR. (FD, 2006) Director of Conference Youth Ministries, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Munsey Memorial, 7/1/08; Transitional Leave, 7/1/10. GRAYBEAL, DAVID M. (1949-1951–1950-1951) In School, 10/2/49-9/27/52; Emory, 9/28/52-6/9/56; Professor, Drew Theological Seminary, 6/10/56-6/30/91; Retired, 7/1/91. GRAYBEAL, DAVID W. (2000-2003–2000-2003) Keith Memorial, Associate, 9/1/01-6/30/04; Englewood-Mars Hill, 7/1/04-6/30/08; St. Mark, 7/1/08. GREEN, JAMES ROLLIN (1959-1961–1959-1961) Johnson City Circuit, 6/5/55-6/8/56; Bristol, Christ, 6/7/59-6/1/63; Student, Princeton Seminary, 6/2/63-6/6/64; Bristol, State Street, Associate, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Knoxville, Norwood, 5/28/66-6/1/68; Knoxville, Magnolia Avenue, 6/2/68-6/13/72; Johnson City District, 6/14/72-6/15/78; Grove, 6/16/78-6/30/83; State Street, 7/1/836/30/91; Maryville, First, 7/1/91-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00; Steward of Clergy Concerns, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. GREEN, JOSEPH STURM (1972-1975–1972-1975) Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/14/72-6/14/74; McClure Circuit, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Dryden-Seminary, 6/15/756/11/80; Fort Oglethorpe, 6/12/80-6/30/91; Radford, Central, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Alcoa, First, 7/1/95. GREEN, QUILLEN DAVID (1994-1996–1992-1996) Economy-Edward’s Chapel, 7/1/85-6/30/91; Copperhill, First, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Hardin’s Chapel-Bradburn Hill, 7/1/95-6/30/00; Asbury, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Rutherford Memorial, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Norwood, 7/1/05. GREENE, BRIAN HUGER, JR. (1957-1959–1958-1959) Sequatchie Valley, Lou’s Chapel, 6/8/57-6/6/59; Chapel Hill-Welch, 1960-1964; Knoxville, St. Mark’s, 6/7/645/26/67; Bristol, Trinity, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Student, University of North Carolina, 6/14/70-6/13/72; North Carolina, Family Planning Program, Assistant Director of Guilford County, 6/14/72-6/17/81; Retired, 6/18/81. GREGORY, RICHARD ST. CLAIR (1983-1987–1983-1987) Rural Retreat Circuit, 6/16/78-6/30/85; Duke Divinity School, 1983-1984; Blue Ridge Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Oakland, 7/1/89-6/30/95; Hunter-Slagle, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Erwin, Centenary, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Floyd, 7/1/99. GRIFFIN, CARYL PEDEN (1999-2002–1999-2002) First Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Director, Wesley Leadership Institute, 7/1/03-12/31/06; Leave of Absence, 1/1/07. GRIFFIN, CHARLES W. (2005-2008– Fairview, 7/1/05 -2008) GRILLS, ANTHONY C. (2002-2004– -2004) Bond Memorial-South Coeburn, 7/1/01-11/3/01; Bond Memorial, 11/4/01-6/30/03; Mt. Carmel-Seviers, 7/1/036/30-06; Holly Avenue, 7/1/06. PASTORAL RECORDS 493 GRILLS, HELEN MONROE (RD) Transferred from Mississippi Conference, 6/13/99. GRIMM, JOHN LOUIS (1998-2001–1998- 2001) Martinsville, 8/1/96-6/30/97; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1998; Honaker, First, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Morgan’s Chapel-Rockford, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Aldersgate-Jordan’s Chapel, 7/1/05. GRIMM, MARIA W. (1996-1999–1996-1999) Garden-Keen Mtn., 7/1/97-6/30/00; East Tazewell Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Belspring-Parrot, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Leave of Absence, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Thornspring-Wesley Memorial, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Leave of Absence, 7/1/07; Cripple Creek Circuit, 7/1/10. GRISSETT, CURTIS ( -2005– 2005) Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Transferred from Texas Conference, 7/1/05; Mt. Zion, 7/1/056/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. GROGG, GARY WAYNE (1967-1969–1967-1969) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Wytheville Circuit, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Radford, Carter Street, 6/17/73-6/15/77; Bristol, Virginia Avenue, 6/16/77-1/31/80; McFarland, 2/1/80-6/30/87; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Alcoa, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Cleveland District, 7/1/93-6/30/99; St. John, 7/1/99-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. GROSECLOSE, HENRY MONROE (1955-1959–1955-1959) Imboden Exeter, 6/7/53-6/5/54; Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/5/55-6/8/57; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 6/9/57-6/12/60; Knoxville, Mascot, 6/13/60-6/1/63; Knoxville, Asbury, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Mount Airy-Panther Springs, 5/28/66-6/14/74; Addilynn Memorial, 6/15/74-6/17/81; Chattanooga, St. Mark’s, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Eastlake-Candler, 7/1/85-6/30/86; Etowah, St. Paul, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Wauhatchie, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Harrison, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95; Fairview, 7/1/00. GROVE-DEJARNETT, DOUGLAS (FD, 1997) Transferred from West Pennsylvania, 11/85; Munsey Memorial, Minister of Music, 11/85. HAGAMAN, COY DEXTER, JR. (1963-1965–1963-1965) Riceville Circuit, 6/7/59-9/7/59; Niota, 9/8/59-5/29/65; Johnson City, East Park, 5/30/65-6/9/71; Johnson City, Gray, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Big Stone Gap, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Jefferson City, First, 6/16/78-6/30/86; Elizabethton, First, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Erwin, Centenary, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. HALE, KATHERINE C. (2001-2004– -2004) Kingsport, Colonial Heights, Associate, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Auburn, 7/1/04; Wears Valley, 7/1/10. HALL, BRENT RICHARD (1972-1974–1972-1974) In School, 6/27/72-5/22/73; Transferred from Louisville Conference, 5/23/73; Sequatchie Valley Dunlap, 5/23/73-6/11/80; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 6/12/80-6/30/83; First Broad Street, Minister of Discipleship, 7/1/836/30/87; Radford, Central, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Greeneville, Asbury, 7/1/91-6/30/97; Brainerd, 7/1/97-6/30/04; Concord, 7/1/04. HALL, THOR (1950-1954–1952-1954) Prof. Duke Divinity, 11/1/63-6/10/72; Transferred from Western North Carolina Conference, 1977; Professor, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 6/11/72-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. HAMILTON, ROBERT EDWARD (1970-1976–1968-1976) Hillsville Circuit, 5/29/65-6/4/68; Englewood, 6/5/68-6/12/70; Englewood-Mars Hill, 1969-1972; Ridgeview Parish, 6/13/70-6/16/73; Charleston, 6/17/73-6/11/76; St. James, 6/12/76-6/11/80; Asbury-Director of Chattanooga Urban Ministry, 6/12/80-6/30/82; East Chattanooga, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Director, Chattanooga Area Institute of Industrial and Commercial Ministries, 7/1/84-8/31/85; President, United Chaplains Association, 9/1/85-12/31/88; Stephens Chapel-Welchs Chapel, 1/1/89-6/30/89; Highland Plaza, 7/1/89-9/15/90; Nickelsville Circuit, 9/16/90-6/30/93; Solway-Valley View, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Valley View, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96; Jones Chapel, 11/1/05-6/30/09. HAMILTON-SCOTT, Elizabeth (2010-) Abingdon, Associate, 7/1/2010. 494 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE HAMMOND, JIMMY RONALD (1963-1967–1963-1967) Mt. Zion Okalona, 6/7/59-6/2/62; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Rural Retreat Circuit, 5/30/65-5/26/67; Woodlawn-Shiloh, 5/27/67-6/16/73; Forrest Avenue, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Dandridge, First, 6/12/76-6/11/80; Knoxville, Colonial Heights, 6/12/80-6/30/84; Alcoa, 7/1/84-6/30/90; Morristown District, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Concord, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. HANCOCK, THOMAS EDWARD (2005-2008– Whiteside, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Harrison, 7/1/05 -2008) HANKINS, BUFORD WANE (1969-1972–1969-1972) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Marvin-Fairview, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Johnson City, Munsey Memorial, Associate, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Bethesda-Eden-Embreeville, 6/15/75-3/14/76; Missionary, Honduras, 3/15/76-11/6/76; Harnedsville-Parrottsville, 11/7/76-1/31/80; Dept. of Evangelism, Liberia Annual Conference, Zwedru, 2/1/80-12/31/81; Special Appointment Outside U.S., 1/1/82-6/30/87; Dunlap, 7/1/876/30/89; Rural Retreat-Mt. Olive, 7/1/89-6/30/95; Big Stone, Trinity, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Jones Memorial, 7/1/997/25/00; Elizabethton, First, 9/15/00-6/30/07; Greeneville, Trinity, 7/1/07-6/30/09; East Africa AC, Sudan District Superintendent, 7/1/09. HANKINS, PHYLLIS LUANNE (1989-2001–1998-2001) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1998; Jones Memorial, 7/1/99-7/26/00; Ebenezer Circuit, 10/1/006/30/02; Austin Springs, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Midway Memorial-Prospect, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Fall Branch-Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Clear Springs-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Leave of Absence, 7/1/07-6/30/09; East Africa AC, Sudan District, 7/1/09. HANSHEW, DONALD R., JR. (2002-2005– -2005) Fountain City, Associate, 7/1/02; Holston View, 7/1/10. HARDY CROSS, ANGELA MARIE (1997-2000–1997-2000) New Mt. Olive-Mt. Airy, 7/1/95-6-30/96; Wytheville Parish, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Trinity, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/02; St. Marks/HARP, 7/1/02-6/30/06; St. Marks, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Colonial Heights, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Lennon-Seney, 7/1/09. HARLESS, JIMMY JOE (1972-1975–1972-1975) Student, Candler School of Theology, 1972; Oakland, 6/15/69-6/14/74; Pigeon Forge-Huskeys Grove, 6/15/746/17/81; Gate City, 6/18/81-6/30/90; Chattanooga, St. John, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Leave of Absence, 7/1/94-8/31/94; Terminated, 12/31/94; Vice President, Institutional Development, Hiwassee College, 1/1/95-12/30/97; Retired, 1/1/98. HARLOW, HENRY AUGUSTUS (1965-1968–1965-1968) Hills Union Circuit, 5/30/65-5/27/66; Knoxville, West View, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Mosheim Circuit, 6/15/696/13/72; Chuckey Circuit, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Trentville, 6/15/75-6/11/76; Charlestown, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Sevierville Parish, 6/16/78-6/17/81; New Market Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Jellico, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Jonesville Parish, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Greystone Circuit, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. HARR, DAVID MICHAEL (1971-1974–1971-1974) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/10/71-6/13/72; New Salem, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Ridgeview Parish, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Munsey Memorial, Associate, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Independence, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Rossville Simpson Memorial, 7/1/82-6/30/89; Trenton, 7/1/89-6/30/92; McKendree, 7/1/92-6/30/96; First Centenary, Associate, 7/1/96. HARRIS, THOMAS GILBERT, SR. (1967-1969–1967-1969) Paynes Chapel, 6/2/63-6/1/68; Chattanooga, Candler Memorial, 6/2/68-6/13/72; Oliver Springs-Bell Campground-Peake Chapel, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Calhoun-Spring Creek, 6/15/75-10/21/78; Lenoir City, Trinity, 10/22/78-6/30/85; Knoxville, St. Lukes, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Norris-Sinking Springs, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. PASTORAL RECORDS 495 HARRISON, CHARLES CLIFFORD, SR. (1980-1985–1980-1985) Riceville Circuit, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Jones Chapel, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Cleveland Circuit, 6/16/78-6/11/80; In School, 6/12/80-2/14/81; Wesley Memorial, Associate, 2/15/81-8/30/83; Tazewell North, 9/1/83-6/30/86; Kingsport, St. Luke, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Leave of Absence, 7/1/87-2/29/88; Termination, 3/1/88-6/30/90; BentonMt. Hermon, 7/1/90-6/30/93.; Re-Admitted; White Pine, First, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Rogersville, First, 7/1/986/30/06; Sevierville, First, 7/1/06. HARRISON, TIMOTHY SETH (1991-1994–1991-1994) Duke Divinity School, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Pulaski, First, Associate, 7/1/92-9/30/94; West Galax, 10/1/94-6/30/01; Kodak, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Hillsville, First, 7/1/04. HART, JAMES WYNNE (1952-1954–1952-1954) Vonore Circuit, 9/28/52-6/8/57; Kingsport, Litz Manor, 6/9/57-6/2/62; Rossville, Simpson Memorial, 6/3/626/6/64; East Chattanooga, 6/7/64-6/9/71; Bluefield, First, 6/10/71-6/8/76; Sabbatical Leave, 6/9/76-6/15/77; Washington Pike, 6/16/77-6/30/82; Director of Operations, Lake Junaluska, 7/1/82-6/30/89; Retired, 7/1/89. HASKINS, ROBERT L. (1972-1976– -1976) Transferred from Methodist Church of Ireland, 6/12/80; Trentville, 6/12/80-6/30/82; Central-Rutledge, 7/1/826/30/85; Knoxville, Second, 7/1/85-6/30/96; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/96-6/30/07; Tyner, 7/1/07. HAVEY, AMBROSE STEWART, IV (1997-2002–1997-2002) Keith Memorial, Associate, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Ducktown-Crofts Chapel, 7/1/01-6/11/03; Evensville-New Bethel, 6/11/03-6/30/04; Leave of Absence, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Methodist Hospital, Fort Worth, TX, 7/1/05-3/26/06; Trinity Hospice Castle Peak, Fort Worth, TX, 3/27/06-6/30/08; Bridgeway Home Health & Hospice, Fort Worth, TX, 7/1/08-4/30/09; Transitional Leave, 5/1/09; Heart to Heart Hospice, Ft. Worth, TX, 5/1/09. HAYES, RICHARD LYNN (1994-1998–1994-1998) Midtown Valley, Bethel, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Maynardville Parish, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Morristown, First, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Rutherford Memorial, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Central-Rutledge, 71/03-6/30/04; Anderson Street, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Reynolds Memorial, 7/1/06. HAYES, ROBERT ALTON (1957-1961–1957-1961) Adison John Chapel, 5/19/57-5/20/58; In School, 5/21/58-9/12/59; Wesley Chapel Sylvania, 9/13/59-5/31/61; Gadsden, First, Associate, 6/1/61-6/23/64; Holt, 6/24/64-6/12/68; Huntsville Valley, 6/13/68-6/9/70; Transferred from North Alabama Conference, 6/10/70; Knoxville, Halls Central, 6/10/70-6/11/76; Clinton, Memorial, 6/12/76-6/30/82; Pearisburg, First, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Dayton, First, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Broadway, 7/1/906/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97; Chaplain, Asbury Acres, 7/1/98-6/30/05. HAZLEWOOD, DAVID LEE (1959-1961–1959-1961) Chatham Hill Circuit, 6/10/56-6/7/58; Ebenezer Circuit, 6/8/58-6/6/59; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/59-6/12/60; Chattanooga, Red Bank, Associate, 6/13/60-6/1/63; Knoxville, Fountain City, Minister of Education, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Transferred to Tennessee Conference, 5/28/66; Murfresboro, First, Minister of Education, 5/28/66-6/22/67; Murfresboro, Associate, 6/23/67-5/31/68; Interboard Council, Associate Executive Secretary, 6/1/68-6/9/71; Coordinator of Leader Development, 6/10/71-3/31/77; United Methodist Publishing House, 4/1/77-5/31/88; General Board of Discipleship, 6/1/88-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. HEDRICK, W. WAYNE (2001-2003–2001-2003) Asbury Theological Seminary, 1997-2001; Tazewell Circuit (OA), 7/1/97-6/30/98; Jellico, 7/1/98-6/30/03; St. Mark-Moore’s Gap, 7/1/03; Norris-Sinking Springs, 7/1/10. HENDERLIGHT, KENNETH HOWARD (1965-1967–1965-1967) Nolichuckey Circuit, 6/13/60-6/13/64; Mt. Pleasant Mt. Zion, 6/14/64-5/29/65; Student, Wesley Theological Seminary, 5/30/65-5/26/67; Knoxville, Cokesbury, 5/27/67-6/11/76; Radford, Central, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Oak Ridge, Kern, 6/16/78-6/30/84; Johnson City, First, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Maryville District, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Oak Ridge, First, 7/1/91-6/30/00; Munsey Memorial, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Oak Ridge District Superintendent, 7/1/036/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08; Oak Ridge District Superintendent, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Director, Wesley Leadership Institute, 7/1/09. HENDERSON, DAVID K. (2001-2003– -2003) Mascot, Hopewell, 7/1/00-6/30/05; St. Paul East, 7/1/05-6/30/07; LaFollette, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Wise, TrinityAppalachia Prayer Fellowship, 7/1/08. 496 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE HENDRICKSON, ASA LEE (PE, 2009) Maryville, First, 7/1/09. HENRY, ANDREW LEE (1972-1976–1972-1976) Transferred from North Carolina Conference, 7/1/78; Lake City-Briceville, 7/1/78-6/30/83; Tuckaleechee, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Transferred to Memphis Conference, 6/30/86; Transferred from Memphis Conference, 7/1/05; Cleveland, First, 7/1/05. HENRY, GERALD SCOTT, JR. (1982-1985–1982-1985) Chance’s Chapel, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Asbury Theological Seminary, White Shoals Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/83; Clinchport Circuit, 7/1/83-8/31/86; Chaplain, U.S. Air Force, 9/1/86. HENRY, JAMES CARL (1952-1955–1955-1957) Powell Valley Circuit, 10/6/46-10/4/47; Etowah Circuit, 10/5/47-9/23/50; Grey’s Circuit, 9/24/50-6/5/54; Dayton, Trinity, 6/6/54-6/8/57; Burks-Fairview, 6/9/57-6/12/60; Cleveland, Big Springs, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Kingsport, Highland Park, 6/7/64-6/1/68; Bristol, Virginia Avenue, 6/2/68-6/13/72; Bookwalter, 6/14/726/14/75; Blountville, First, 6/15/75-6/17/81; Ketron Memorial, 6/18/81-6/13/84; Retired, 6/14/84. HENRY, LEROY DENNIS (2000-2004–1998-2004) Bristol, John Wesly, 7/1/95-6/30/00; Pulaski Parish, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Randolph Avenue-Slaughter’s Chapel, 7/1/04-10/31/07; Randolph Avenue-Slaughter’s Chapel-VA Prison Ministries Chaplain, 11/1/07-12/31/08; Randolph Avenue-Slaughter’s Chapel, 1/1/09. HENSLEY, DANNY CHARLES (1976-1979–1976-1979) Student, Candler School of Theology, 1975-1978; Patten Center Circuit, 7/1/76-6/30/78; Morganville-Slygo Valley, 7/1/78-6/30/80; Mosheim Central-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/80-6/30/85; Rock Springs, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Vermont, 7/1/87-11/14/00; Boones Creek, 11/15/00-6/30/03; LaFollette, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Panther Springs, 7/1/07. HESSER, LAURENCE VERNON (2006-2009– -2009) Hixson, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Clinton, Memorial, 7/1/06. HESTER, DONNA MARIE (1996-1998–1996-1998) Campground Parish, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Newbern-Mountain View, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Marion East Circuit, 7/1/016/30/09; Ketron Memorial, 7/1/09. HICKS, MARK ALAN (2001- Recognition of Elders Orders 2003) Lincoln Park, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Macedonia, 7/1/03-12/31/05; Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer, 1/1/06; State Street, Associate, 7/1/10. HICKS-CASKEY, WANDA SUE (FD, 1997) State Street, Director of Christian Education, 1981-1982; Council on Ministries, Specialist in Youth and Adult Ministries, 1983-1991; Munsey Memorial, Director of Lay Ministries, 1992-12/31/97; Christian Education Consultant for the Johnson City District, 1/1/98-6/30/01; Retired, 7/1/01. HIGGINS, M. JEANNIE (FD, 2000) Asbury, Director of Christian Education, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Asbury, Minister of Discipleship, 7/1/00. HIGHT, HARRY W., JR. (1963-1967–1963-1967) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Elk Garden Circuit, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Garden-Keen Mountain, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Union Grove-Middlesettlements, 6/17/73-6/15/77; Soddy-Sale Creek, 6/16/776/15/78; Watauga-Taylor Memorial, 6/16/78-6/17/81; St. Paul Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Dryden-Seminary, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Holston View-Prospect, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Grundy-Looney’s Chapel, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Meadowview-Yellow Springs, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Church Hill, First, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Ketron Memorial, 7/1/0011/30/03; Retired, 6/11/03; Lebanon (Chilhowie), 12/1/03-6/30/05. HILL, DONALD GENE, SR. (1961-1963–1961-1963) Lebanon Circuit, 6/9/57-6/12/60; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/4/61-6/1/63; Chaplain, U.S. Army, 6/2/63-6/17/81; Leave of Absence, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Brainerd, Associate, 1/1/82-6/30/85; Clintwood, 7/1/856/30/90; Jefferson City, First, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. PASTORAL RECORDS 497 HILL, GARY FRANKLIN (1978-1980–1978-1980) Wytheville Circuit, 6/16/78-6/11/80; St. Paul, Fountain City, 6/12/80-12/31/81; Chaplain, United States Naval Reserves, 1/1/82-3/10/85; Burk’s, Associate, 3/11/85-6/30/86; Division of Chaplains, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Mountain City Circuit, 10/1/87-6/30/90; Knoxville, Ebenezer, 7/1/90-12/31/94; Incapacity Leave, 1/1/95. HILL, WILLIAM LARRY (1990-1998–1990-1998) South Indiana Conference: Coal City, 7/1/79-5/15/83; Laurel & Metamora Charge, 5/15/83-6/1/85; Holston Conference: Pleasant Hill, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Jellico, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Well Spring-Cawood, 7/1/94-6/30/01; New Market Circuit, 7/1/01-6/30/06; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/06. HILTEN, ROBERT LEWIS (1946-1948–1946-1948) South Coeburn, 10/12/42-10/10/43; Latin Mission, 10/6/46-6/7/47; Fall Branch Circuit, 6/8/47-10/2/48; Hiwassee College, 10/3/48-6/6/53; Trenton, 6/7/53-6/7/58; Hiwassee, Keys Chapel, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Morristown, Bridges, 6/3/62-6/1/68; Bristol, First, 6/2/68-6/16/73; Stone Drive, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Gatlinburg, First, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Maryville, St. John, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Knoxville, Asbury, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Magnolia Avenue, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Retired, 7/1/88. HILTON, ROGER EDWARD (1954-1958–1956-1958) Pine Grove Circuit, 6/7/53-6/5/54; Student, Duke Divinity School, 1954-1957; In School, 6/6/54-6/7/58; Kingsport, Broad Street, Associate, 6/8/58-6/3/61; Lookout Mountain, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Alcoa, 5/30/65-5/27/66; Sabbatical, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Bluefield, First, 5/27/67-6/9/71; Pearisburg, First, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Wytheville District, 6/17/73-6/14/79; State Street, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, 7/1/83-6/30/88; Morristown, First, 7/1/88-8/31/93; Retired, 9/1/93. HINTON, BILL ELVIS (1981–1981-1981) Damascus, 6/18/81-6/30/87; Aldersgate-Jordan, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. HITE, HASKEL PAUL, JR. (1985-1989–1985-1989) Mt. Pleasant-Oakland, 1976; Oakland, Grant, 1977-1978; Austin Springs, 1979-1980; Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel, 1/1/82-5/31/83; Bethel, 6/1/83-6/30/87; Duke Divinity School, 1985-1986; Marion, First, Minister of Evangelism, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Vally Forge, 7/1/89-6/30/94; Oneida, 7/1/94-12/19/96; Leave of Absence, 12/20/96-6/30/97; Elk Garden-Dennison, 7/1/97-6/30/09; Dennison, 7/1/09. HOBBS, NANCY (FD, 2003) Church and Community Worker, Big Stone Gap District Renewal Project, 7/1/00. HOBBS, RHONDA KAY (2007-2009– -2009) Burks, Associate, 5/1/05; Burks-Fairview, Associate, Exec Pastor, 7/1/10. HODGE, BRADFORD DAVID (1986-1989–1986-1989) Whitesburg Circuit, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1986; George Street-Grants, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Knoxville, St. Paul/East, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Carpenters, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Etowah, St. Paul’s, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Chaplain, U.S. Army, 7/1/97-11/17/03; Incapacity Leave, 11/17/03; Retired 7/1/10. HOGAN, PATRICIA H. (FD, 1997) Cleveland, First, Minister of Christian Education, 7/1/93; Retired, 7/1/05; Cleveland, First, Minister of Christian Education, 7/1/05. HOLCOMB, NORMAN D., JR. (1973-1976–1973-1976) Boissevain Circuit, 9/1/68-6/7/72; Broadway, 6/8/72-6/16/73; Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Red Bank, Associate, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Emory, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Etowah, St. Paul, 6/16/78-6/11/80; Vestal, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Chaplain, U.S. Navy, 6/18/81-7/31/07; Retired, 8/1/07. HOLMES, AMY YEARY (2000-2003– -2003) Asbury, Minister to Youth, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Bristol, Trinity, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 7/1/07; Chaplain Intern, J.H. Quillen VA Medical Center, 7/1/10. HOLMES, KEVIN L. (2003-2007– -2007) Cross-Holly Springs, 6/11/03-4/8/07; Chaplain Intern, J.H. Quillen VA Medical Center, 4/9/07-9/14/08; Chaplain, J.H. Quillen VA Medical Center, 9/15/08. 498 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE HORAK, AMY BETH (FD, 2003) Galax Circuit, Associate, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Transitional Leave, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Greene Co. Schools, 7/1/066/23/09; Transitional Leave, 6/24/09. HORNER, WILLIAM HENRY (1953-1956–1956-1960) Emory Larger Parish, 10/2/49-9/23/50; Johnson City, Tiner Hill, 9/24/50-6/6/53; Unicoi Circuit, 6/7/53-6/8/56; Student, Vanderbilt School of Religion, 6/9/56-9/1/56; Loves Chapel, 9/2/56-6/7/58; Benhams Circuit, 6/8/586/6/59; Sequatchie Valley Dunlap, 6/7/59-6/6/64; Chattanooga, Forrest Avenue, 6/7/64-6/1/68; Loudon Bethel, 6/2/68-6/11/76; Knoxville, Central, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Kingsport, Mountain View, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Cleveland District, 7/1/82-6/30/88.; Red Bank, 7/1/88-12/31/91; Retired, 1/1/92. HOWARD, JOHN NORMAN (1959-1962–1959-1962) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/59-6/3/61; Chattanooga, St. James, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Prater Circuit, 5/30/65-6/9/71; Johnson City, Fairhaven, 6/10/71-2/29/72; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 3/1/72-6/15/78; Pulaski, First, 6/16/78-6/30/85; Brainerd, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Marion, First, 7/1/90-6/30/97; Gateway District, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Wytheville District, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02; Signal Mountain, 7/1/02. HOWARD, MARVIN VANCE (1963-1966–1963-1966) Lebanon Mtn. View, 6/13/60-6/3/61; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-6/6/64; French Broad Circuit, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Blue Ridge Circuit, 5/27/67-9/9/70; Wytheville, West End, 9/10/70-6/14/75; Mt. AiryPanther Springs, 6/15/75-6/15/77; General Evangelist, 6/16/77- ; Cleveland, Trinity, 7/1/04; Cleveland, TrintyPleasant Grove, 7/1/10. HOWARD, ROY LESLIE (1952-1956–1953-1956) Student, Candler School of Theology, 9/28/52-6/5/54; Niota, 6/6/54-6/8/56; Dante, 6/9/56-6/3/61; WhitwellRed Hill, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Knoxville, Second Church, Associate, 5/30/65-5/26/67; Clapp’s Chapel, 5/27/676/13/70; Knoxville, Central, Associate, 6/14/70-6/13/72; Mountain City, First, 6/14/72-6/14/75; BethelEbenezer, 6/15/75-6/15/77; West View-Ebenezer, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Chestnut Hill, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Oneida, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Mascot-Hopewell, 7/1/83-6/30/88; Bristol, Trinity, 7/1/88-6/30/91; St. Elmo, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95. HOWE, HARRY WILLIAM (1981-1984–1981-1984) Boyds Chapel Decatur, 6/10/76-5/31/82; Transferred from North Alabama Conference, Marion, East Circuit, 6/17/82-6/30/93; Project Crossroads, Inc., Director, 7/1/93. HUBBLE, ROBERT MICHAEL (1973-1976–1973-1976) Oak Grove-Ten Mile Circuit, 6/14/70-6/13/72; Unity-Chilcutt, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Pulaski, First, Associate, 6/15/75-6/14/78; Hillsville, First, 6/15/78-6/30/84; Reynolds Memorial, 7/1/84-6/30/89; Gray, 7/1/89-6/30/98; Red Bank, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Keith Memorial, 7/1/02-6/30/09; Abingdon District Superintendent, 7/1/09. HUDSON, ROBERT BYARS (1958-1961–1958-1958) Chattanooga, Centenary, Associate, 11/15/57-6/12/60; Knoxville, Trinity, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Knoxville, Colonial Heights, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Chattanooga, First, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Chattanooga, First-Centenary, Minister of Pastoral Care, 5/27/67-6/1/68; Elizabethton, First, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Cleveland, First, 6/10/71-6/14/74; LaFollette-Mt. Zion, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Bluefield, First, 6/12/76-6/11/80; Galax, First, 6/12/80-6/30/86; Kingsport, Mountain View, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Holston Conference Foundation, Director, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Office of Administrative Services, Director, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. HUFFSTETLER, LEONARD RILEY (1967-1969–1967-1969) Carlock-Jones Chapel, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Pigeon Forge-Huskey’s Grove, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Hillsville, First, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 6/16/78-6/30/82; LaFollette-Mt. Zion, 7/1/82-6/30/88; Sweetwater, First, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Keith Memorial, 7/1/92-6/30/97; Newport, First, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. HUGULEY, BENNIE FRANK, JR. (1965-1969–1965-1969) Student, Candler School of Theology, 5/30/65-5/26/67; Belfast, 5/27/67-6/1/68; Galax, First, Associate, 6/2/686/14/69; Signal Mountain, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Dante, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Mascot, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Otterbein Circuit, 6/16/78-6/11/80; McKendree, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Boone’s Creek, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Pine Grove Park-Watauga, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Sevierville Parish, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Damascus, 7/1/93-12/31/97; Hunter-Slagles, 1/1/98-6/30/00; Harriman-Midtown Valley, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. PASTORAL RECORDS 499 HUMPHREY, PAUL GENE (1999-2002–1999-2002) Sinking Springs, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Damascus Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Valley Forge, 7/1/02-8/27/08; Leave of Absence, 8/28/08-12.31.08; Faith, 1/1/09. HUMPHREY, RICHARD ALAN (1961-1964–1961-1964) In School, 6/25/59-6/17/64; Chapel Baldwin Wallace College, 6/18/64-6/21/67; Philander Smith Phil., 6/22/676/18/70; Prof. Appalachian S.U., 6/19/70-6/17/74; Honorable Location, 6/18/74-6/2/77; Transferred from Iowa Conference, 1977; Prof., Appalachian State University, 6/3/77-12/31/81; Wesley Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/82; Johnson City, Cherokee, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Lebanon Memorial, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Dayton, First, 7/1/90-6/30/94; White Oak, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. HUMPHREYS, DENNIE DAVID (1974-1977–1974-1977) Pleasant Grove, 6/14/72-6/11/76; Hixon, Associate, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Holly Avenue, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Harriman, 7/1/84-8/14/89; Wheeler, 8/15/89-6/30/95; Morristown, Trinity, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Big Stone Gap District, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Conference Secretary/Director of Clergy Services, 7/1/03-6/30/04; Brainerd, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Keith Memorial, 7/1/09. HURLOCK, CHARLES JONES (1944-1946–1945-1946) Student, Emory University, 10/16/44-10/11/45; Cleveland Circuit, 10/12/45-10/5/46; Lake City, 10/6/4610/2/48; Rockwood, Kingston Avenue, 10/3/48-9/23/50; Caryville-Fincastle, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Powell, 9/28/526/9/56; Bristol, State Street, Associate, 6/10/56-6/12/60; Maryville, Fairview, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Rogerville, First, 6/7/64-6/1/68; Beaver Ridge-Bethel, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 6/10/71-6/14/74; South Pittsburg, Holly Avenue, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Saint Elmo, 6/16/78-6/30/84; Loudon, 7/1/84-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. HUTTON, LYNN W. (FD, 1997) Bluefield, Virginia Avenue, Director of Music and Education, 1982; Leave of Absence, 5/11/84-12/14/90; Knoxville, Aldersgate, Director of Music and Education, 12/14/90-1991; Central, Director of Music and Education, 1992; Middlebrook Pike, Minister of Music, 7/1/03-8/17/08; Transitional Leave, 8/18/08; Magnolia Ave., Associate, 7/1/10. HYDE, BRADLEY KEITH (1997-2000–1997-2000) Aldersgate, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Asbury, Minister of Youth, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Seymour, 7/1/07. HYNDRICH, WILLIAM DOUGLAS (2005-2007–2003-2007) East Tazewell Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Hales Chapel-Kathleen Memorial, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Thornsprings-Wesley Memorial, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Bland Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/04; Gladeville-Mt. Olivet, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Rich Creek, First, 7/1/08. IHFE, JODIE ELIZABETH (PE, 2008-2010– Gray, Associate, 7/1/08. -2010) IRVIN, ANDY JACK (1960-1962–1960-1962) Fullers Chapel Circuit, 9/7/52-9/3/55; Theta Circuit, 9/4/55-9/1/56; Eagleville Rover, 9/2/56-8/31/57; Forest Mill, 9/1/57-6/27/59; Bethesda Circuit, 6/28/59-6/20/62; Watertown, 6/21/62-6/20/64; Dodson Chapel, 6/21/646/27/68; Algood, 6/28/68-6/16/71; Christ’s Church Shiloh, 6/17/71-6/17/76; Leave of Absence, 6/18/76-6/11/78; Transferred from Tennessee Conference; Bethel-Looney’s Creek-Sulphur Springs, 6/12/78-6/8/80; Honorable Location, 6/9/80-8/31/80; Re-Admitted, Chattanooga, Sardis-Owen, 9/1/80-6/30/85; Pikeville, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Retired, 7/1/89. IRWIN, ROBERT LYNN (1956-1958–1956-1958) Hendrons Chapel, 6/12/52-9/24/52; Pleasant Hill, 9/25/52-10/30/54; White Memorial Wesley, 10/31/54-6/9/56; Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/10/56-6/7/58; Marion, Grace, 6/8/58-6/12/60; Voluntary Location, 6/13/607/31/60; Transferred to California-Nevada Conference, 8/1/60; Reno, First, Associate, 8/1/60-6/3/61; Nevade Wesley House, 6/4/61-6/16/62; Del P Heights, 6/17/62-5/31/64; Transferred from California-Nevada Conference; Mt. Vale-Savannah, 6/1/64-6/26/67; Chaplain, Tennessee Wesleyan College, 6/27/67-6/9/71; Clapp’s ChapelCorinth, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Kingsport, Ketron Memorial, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Chattanooga, St. John, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Newport, First, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Radford, Central, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Cedar Bluff-Pounding Mill, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Retired, 7/1/90. 500 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE ISBELL, RICHARD D. (FD, 1998) Maryville, First, Director of Christian Education, 1975-1979; Belmont (Tennessee Conference), Diaconal Minister of Education, 1979-1992; Transferred from Tennessee Conference, 1992; Church Street, Director of Program Ministries, 8/92. ISLEY, KIMBERLY S. (Recognition of Elders Order, 1998; Full Connection, 2000) Fountain City, Associate, 9/1/96-6/30/98; Bethel-Vonore, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Sand Branch, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Lenoir City, Trinity, 7/1/09. ISOM, ALICE VIRGINIA HOWE “GINGER” (1999-2002–1999-2002) Mascot, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Appalachia Prayer Fellowship/Wesley Foundation, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Wesley Foundation, University of Virginia, Wise, 7/1/01; George Street-Grant’s Chapel, 11/15/02-6/30/08; Christ, 7/1/08. IVEY, OLIN MARION (1961-1963–1961-1963) Student, Candler School of Theology, Drew Theological School, and Claremont School of Religion, 6/4/6112/31/69; Professor of Homiletics, Evangelical Seminary, Naperville, Ill, 1/1/70-6/30/74; Professor, Seminaro, Costa Rica, 7/1/74-6/15/77; Supernumerary, 6/16/77-6/13/84; Retired, 6/14/84-6/30/01; Returned to effective relationship, 7/1/01; Buckner Memorial, Hiwassee College, 7/1/01-1/25/02; Retired, 1/25/02. JACKSON, DAVID R. (2000-2002–2000-2002) Philadelphia, 7/1/97-6/30/00; St. Paul, East, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Wesley Foundation, UTK, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Emory-Meadowview-Smyth Chapel, 7/1/08. JACKSON, JOHN FREEMAN, JR. (1971-1974–1971-1974) In School, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Oak Ridge Trinity, Associate (Valley View), 6/17/73-6/14/75; Solway Valley View, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Martel Booth Chap, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Decatur Concord, 6/15/79-6/30/85; Charleston, Valley Head, 7/1/85-6/30/86; Lake City, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Fairview, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Knoxville Circuit, 7/1/93. JACKSON, MICHAEL DWAYNE (1981-1988–1981-1988) Tazewood Circuit, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Well Springs Circuit and Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Candler School of Theology, 1984; Well Springs, 1/1/82-6/30/85; Bland Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Oneida, 7/1/89-6/30/94; Madisonville, First, 7/1/94-6/30/04; Knoxville, First, 7/1/04-6/30/08; State Street, 7/1/08. JACOBS, BONNIE SETLIFFE (1986-1989–1986-1989) Student, Candler, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Forrest Avenue, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Economy-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Signal Mountain, 7/1/92-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. JAMES, GARLAND E. (1991-1995–1991-1995) Surgoinsville, First, 7/1/84-6/30/85; McCarty-New Victory, 7/1/85-6/30/91; Boones Creek, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Bookwalter, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Panther Springs, 7/1/97-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07; Grace, 7/1/07. JENKINS, ALONZA CLARK ( -2007– ) Transferred from South Carolina Conference, 7/1/07; First Broad Street, 7/1/07-6/30/09; First Broad Street-St. Mark, 7/1/09; Morristown District Superintendent 7/1/10. JENKINS, JAMES ALBERT (1969-1972–1969-1972) Student, Wesley Theological Seminary, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Fall Branch, 6/10/71-6/14/74; Cherokee, 6/15/746/15/77; Knoxville, First, Associate, 6/16/77-12/31/79; Fairview, 1/1/80-6/30/83; Narrows, First, 7/1/836/30/88; New Tazewell, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Solway-Valley View, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Norton-West Norton, 7/1/936/30/97; Aldersgate-Jordan’s Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Rural Retreat-Mt. Olive, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Cassidy, 7/1/0410/31/05; Retired, 11/1/05. JENNINGS, DOUGLAS C. (PE, 2010) Milburnton, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Mt. Carmel-Romeo, 7/1/98-6/30/06; Romeo, 7/1/06. JOHNSON, MICHAEL THOMAS (1983-1986–1983-1986) St. Elmo, Associate, Candler School of Theology, 7/1/83-12/31/83; Hixson, Associate, 10/1/1983-1986, 1/1/846/30/87; Madisonville, First, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Knoxville, St. Mark, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 7/1/9511/30/99; Chaplain, Hospice, 12/1/99-11/30/00; Pigeon Forge, First, 12/1/00-6/30/02; Knoxville, Trinity, 7/1/02-6/30/06; St. Mark’s, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Decatur-Concord, 7/1/08. PASTORAL RECORDS 501 JOHNSON, MILLARD JENNERS (1994-1996–1992-1996) Limestone Cove Fishery, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Economy Noes Chapel, 6/7/59-6/6/64; Elizbthtwn Hunter, 6/7/646/4/68; Boones Creek Proffitt, 6/5/68-6/14/69; Austin Springs- Boones Creek, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Discontinued, 6/14/70-10/31/90; Fries Circuit, 11/1/90-6/30/93; Nickelsville Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/96; New Market Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Central-Rutledge, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel, 7/1/036/30/07; Fall Branch, 7/1/07-3/31/09. JOHNSON, SANDRA J. (2008-2010– 2010) Eastdale Village Community, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Hurst/HARP, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Hurst, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Strawberry Plains, 7/1/08. JOHNSON, STEVEN RAY (1984-1986–1984-1986) New Salem, 7/1/84-6/30/90; Rock Spring, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Mt. Vale-Savannah, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Middle Valley, 7/1/99-6/30/00; West End, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Norris-Sinking Springs, 7/1/06; St. Luke’s, 7/1/10. JOHNSON, SUE LYNN (FD, 1998) Transferred from North Georgia Conference, 6/85; Spring City, Director of Christian Education, 6/85-6/30/88; Kingston, Program Director, 7/1/88-8/30/96; Concord, Director of Children and Adults, 9/1/96-4/30/98; Cokesbury Christian Bookstore, Supervisor, 5/1/98-11/1/98; Kingston, Director of Christian Education, 11/1/98. JONAS, JONATHAN BAINE (1995-1998–1995-1998) Candler School of Theology, 1995; State Street, Associate, 7/1/96-12/31/99; Sulphur Springs, 1/1/00-6/30/06; First Farragut, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Marion, First, 7/1/08. JONES, C. DON (2002-2005– -2005) Fairgarden Circuit, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Andersonville-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Faith, 7/1/06-12/31/09; Valley Forge, 1/1/09; Daisy, 7/1/10. JONES, GERALD (2006) Crossroads, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Transferred from Kentucky Conference, 7/1/06; Rogersville, First, 7/1/08; Rogersville Parish-First Kincaid, 7/1/10. KARNES, ALLEN ( -2004– -2004) Transferred from West Virginia Conference,6/30/02; Pound, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Midway Memorial-Prospect, 7/1/05. KARNES, MELANIE SUE (FD, 2007) Pound, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Ketron Memorial, Director of Christian Education, 1/1/05. KAY, TOOMBS HODGES, JR. (1951-1953–1953-1954) Student, Union City, Georgia Charge, 6/30/51-6/24/54; In School, 6/25/54-6/29/61; Shandaken Parish, New York, 1954-1955; First Reformed Church, Jamaica, New York, 1956-1960; Georgia, LaGrange College, Prof. of Religion & Philosophy, 6/30/61-6/24/65; Waleska, Georgia, Reinhardt College, Dean, 6/25/65-6/23/66; Tennessee Wesleyan College, Academic Dean, 6/24/66-6/14/74; Transferred to Holston Conference, 1971; Knoxville, Church Street, 6/15/74-6/30/87; Kingsport, First Broad Street, 7/1/87-12/31/93; Retired, 1/1/94. KELLER, GLENN H. (1966-1968–1966-1968) Transferred from Costa Rica Annual Conference, 1987; Retired 1988. KELLOGG, FREDERIC RICHARD (1963-1969–1963-1969) Longstreet Shiloh, 5/27/60-6/7/62; In School, 6/8/6-6/5/69; Transferred from Louisiana Conference, 6/15/73; Assistant Professor Emory & Henry College, 6/6/69-6/14/75; Associate Professor Emory & Henry College, 6/15/75-6/14/83; Professor, 6/15/83-4/14/84; Floyd Bunyan Shelton Professor of Religion, Emory & Henry College, 6/15/84. KELLY, DAN BUFORD (1950-1954–1951-1954) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary and Candler School of Theology, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Mt. Lebanon, 9/28/52-6/8/57; Glen Alpine, 6/9/57-6/2/62; Dublin, 6/3/62-5/26/67; Chattanooga, Asbury, 5/27/67-6/9/71; Harrison-Shallowford Road, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Kingsport, Vermont, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Trinity-Woodmore, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Keith Memorial, 6/18/81-6/30/89; Tazewell, Main Street, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. 502 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE KENNEY, LOWELL DWIGHT (1957-1961–1957-1961) Union Temple, 7/26/57-7/16/59; United Theological Seminary, 7/17/59-7/11/62; Perry County Mission, 7/12/62-7/15/64; Knoxville, Bethel, 7/16/64-6/13/72; Knoxville, St. Andrews, 6/14/72-6/14/74; Morristown, Centenary, 6/15/74-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97. KETRON, LOUIS THURSTON (1964-1970–1966-1970) Mt. View-Providence, 6/4/61-6/1/68; Kingsport, Mt. Carmel, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Beulah-Ridgeway, 6/10/716/11/76; Jacksboro-Caryville, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Honorable location, 6/15/79-9/14/84; Sunbright-Mt. Vernon, Rugby Road, 9/15/84-6/30/86; Lonsdale, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Sand Branch, 7/1/95-6/30/01; Carpenters, 7/1/01-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02; Huskey’s Grove, 7/1/04-6/30/05. KIDD, RALPH MELVIN, JR. (1986-1988–1976-1988) Elk Garden, 1971-1972; Garden-Keen Mountain, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Tazewell Circuit, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Woodlawn-Shiloh, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Falls Mill-Midway, 7/1/82-6/30/88; Narrows, First, 7/1/88-6/30/94; Reynolds Memorial, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Gray, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Mafair, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Pleasant View, 7/1/09. KIDWELL, CHARLES BARRY (1986-1991–1986-1991) Candler, 1986; Goodfield Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/89; Charleston-Valley Head, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Soddy, 7/1/926/30/98; St. John, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Forrest Avenue, 7/1/04; Forrest Ave. Urban Ministry/HARP, 7/1/10. KILBOURNE, DWIGHT STEVEN (1981-1985–1981-1985) Chatham Hill Circuit, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Apison, 6/12/80-8/31/86; Bookwalter, 9/1/86-6/30/93; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/93-6/30/02; Burks, 7/1/02-6/30/07; First Centenary, 7/1/07. KILBOURNE, JOSHUA D. (2008-2010– -2010) Looney’s Chapel, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Floyd Circuit, 7/1/06; Middlebrook Pike, Associate, 7/1/10. KILBOURNE, MARK ROY (1994-1997–1994-1997) McClure, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Baileyton Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Johnson City, First, Associate, 7/1/96-12/31/97; Gladeville-Mt. Olivet, 1/1/98-6/30/04; Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 7/1/04-6/30/07; New Salem, 7/1/07. KILDAY, GLEN WILLIAM, JR. (1963-1967–1963-1967) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Gladeville-Mt. Olivet, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Lake CityBriceville, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Y.M.C.A., Orlando, Florida, 6/14/70-6/13/72; Y.M.C.A., Miami, Florida, 6/14/728/14/76; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 8/15/76-6/11/80; Dandridge, First, 6/12/80-6/30/84; Bearden, 7/1/846/30/90; Fountain City, 7/1/90-6/30/97; Johnson City Dirstrict, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Concord, 7/1/99-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04; Conference Director of Stewardship & New Church Development, 8/16/04-6/30/06; Conference Foundation Director of Stewardship and Church Relations, 7/1/06. KILGORE, ELIHUGH JOHNSON, JR. (1983-1986–1983-1986) Candler School of Theology, 1983; Benton, 7/1/82-11/14/83; Wesley Memorial, Cleveland, Associate, 11/15/836/30/86; Mt. Vale-Savannah, 7/1/86-6/30/95; Dandridge, First, 7/1/95-6/30/01; Bluefield, First, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Pulaski, First, 7/1/05. KINGREA, J. TODD (2000-2002–2002-2007) Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Etowah, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Unicoi, 7/1/09. KIRK, MELVIN GENE (1955-1957–1955-1957) Wildwood Circuit, 6/5/55-6/7/58; Knoxville, Central, Associate, 6/8/58-6/3/61; Decatur, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Dade County Trenton, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Maryville, Peck’s Memorial, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Jonesville, 6/10/71-6/15/77; Glen Alpine, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Trinity-Woodmore, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Jonesville-Rollers, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Rural Retreat, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Spring City-Reeds Chapel, 7/1/89-6/30/92; St. John, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. KIZER, LEWIS BOND (PE, 2007) Sunbright Circuit, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Signal Crest, Associate, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Hardin’s Chapel-Mosheim, Central, 7/1/09 . PASTORAL RECORDS 503 KNIGHT, DAVID BINGHAM (1955-1957–1955-1957) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Sulphur Springs-Looney Creek, 6/3/62-5/29/65; Chattanooga, St. James, 5/30/65-6/1/68; Flintstone-Payne’s Chapel, 6/2/68-6/16/73; East Stone Gap-Legion Memorial, 6/17/73-6/30/01; Retired, 7/1/01. KNIGHT, DAVID BINGHAM, JR. (1987-1990–1987-1990) Student, Asbury, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Carpenters, 7/1/88-6/30/94; Hixson, Associate, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Wellspring, 7/1/98-2/28/02; U.S. Air Force Chaplaincy, 3/1/02. KNIGHT, KEITH GREGORY (1981-1984–1981-1984) Bethel-Mount Hermon, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Athens, Keith Memorial, Associate, 7/1/86-6/30/88; St. Marks/Blount, 7/1/88-6/30/93; Cleveland, Asbury, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Jonesville, First, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Knoxville, St. Mark, 7/1/99-6/3/02; Pigeon Forge, First, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Rockwood, 7/1/06. KOBLER, TIMOTHY LEE (1990-1996–1990-1996) Temple Center Point, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Transferred from, Southern Illinois Conference, 6/14/94; Apison, 7/1/946/30/95; Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Fountain City, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Emory & Henry College Chaplain and Emory/Smyth Chapel, Assistant Pastor, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Director, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Wesley Foundation, 7/1/08. KRESS, LINDA B. HANSEN (FD, 1998) Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, Director of Music, 1995-12/31/97; Cleveland, First, Minister of Music, 1/1/981999; Leave of Absence; North Georgia Conference, 1999-4/25/07; Involuntary Leave of Absence, 4/26/07; Retired, 7/1/10. KREWSON, NICOLE MARIE HILL (2005-2008– -2008) Abingdon, Associate, 7/1/04; Keith Memorial, Associate, 7/1/10. KURTZ, WILLIAM S. (1991-1994–1991-1994) Candler School of Theology, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Grace-Embreeville, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Clinchport Circuit, 7/1/956/30/96; Pikeville, 7/1/96-9/15/00; Simpson, 9/15/00-6/30/03; Big Spring, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Big Spring-Valley Head, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Luminary, 7/1/08. LADUKE, JEREMY R. (2007-2009– Fairview, Associate, 7/1/07. -2009) LaDUKE, KENNETH WAYNE (1986-1989–1986-1989) Riceville-Piney Grove, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Church Hill, First, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Blountville, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Elizabethton, First, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Jonesborough, 7/1/00-6/11/03; Dayton, First, 6/11/03-6/30/05; Glen Alpine, 7/1/05; Big Stone Gap, Trinity, 7/1/10. LAMB, SULLINS MARLIN (1954-1957–1954-1957) Student, Perkins School of Theology, 6/6/54-8/31/55; Knoxville, Magnolia Avenue, Associate, 9/1/55-6/4/57; South Bristol, 6/5/57-6/12/60; Damascus, 6/13/60-9/30/65; Wise, Trinity, 10/1/65-5/26/67; Daily, 5/27/676/13/70; Chattanooga, St. Marks, 6/14/70-6/11/76; Burks, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Cassidy, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Kingston, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Lookout Mountain, 7/1/91-12/31/91; St. Andrews, 1/1/92-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. LAMBERT, JEFFERY LLOYD (1994-1997–1994-1997) Browder-Forkner, 1984-1994; Forkners, 7/1/89-6/30/91; Jones Chapel, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Oakland Blue Ridge, 7/1/95-6/30/00; St. Marks, 7/1/00.-6/30/04; Marion, First, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Red Bank, 7/1/08. LANE, KAREN MARIE (1995-1998–1995-1998) Duke Divinity School, 1995; Baileyton Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/97; St. Andrews, 7/1/97-6/30/01, Bluff City, 7/01/01-11/15/05; Brainerd, Associate, 11/16/05-6/30/08; Grove, 7/1/08. LASSITER, WILLIAM HAMILTON (1971-1974–1971-1974) Cleveland, Unity Chilcutt, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Etowah, Eveensvile Circuit, 6/10/71-6/14/74; Brooks Memorial, 6/15/74-6/17/81; Brainerd, Associate, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Wauhatchie, 7/1/83-6/30/90; Chattanooga, St. Andrews, 7/1/90-10/31/91; Leave of Absence, 11/1/91-6/30/92; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Whitwell-Red Hill, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. LAUDERBACK, WILL (PE 2009) 504 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE Bethesda-Eden, 71/1/10. LAWRENCE, DAVID ALLEN (1961-1963–1961-1963) Candler School of Theology/New Church Start (Harrison), 9/60-5/61; Carlock, Jones Chapel, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Unity-Grace-Valley Head, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Knoxville, Virginia Avenue, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Knoxville, Oakwood, 6/14/70-6/11/80; Wheeler, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Halls Central, 7/1/83-6/30/89; Middlesettlement, 7/1/89-6/30/95; Fincastle-Mountain View, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Bethel Amherst, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. LAY, CECIL MAURICE (1971-1973–1964-1966) Church Hill Circuit, 1959; Old Union, 6/13/60-12/13/63; Bloomingdale Circuit, 12/14/63-5/27/66; Surgoinsville, First, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Kingsport, Kingsley, 6/10/71-6/11/76; Andover-Appalachia, 6/12/766/17/81; Jonesboro, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Richlands, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/896/30/93; Pleasant View, 7/1/93-6/30/98.; Gray, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. LAYELL, HARRY PRESTON (2005-2007–1999-2007) Benham’s Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Damascus Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Ewing Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/03; St. PaulCastlewood, 7/1/03. LAYELL, JAMES ROBERT (2000-2002–1996-2002) Hunt Memorial, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Greendale, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Shady Grove, 7/1/90-6/17/92; Keywood North Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Wytheville Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Galax Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Belfast-Midway, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Wise, Trinity, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Centenary, 7/1/08. LAYER, W. SCOTT (2004-2007– -2007) Surgoinsville, First, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Asbury Theological Seminary, Beeson Program, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Morristown, First, Associate, 7/1/07. LAYMAN, FRED D. (1987-1989–1987-1989) Transferred, Evangelical Methodist, 1987; Professor, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1987; Retired, 1998. LEDGER, CHARLES DELANO, JR. (2003-2006– -2006) Gilbert Memorial-Station Creek, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Dryden-Seminary, 7/1/00-6/30/03; South Bristol, 7/1/03. LENOIR, HENRY LEE (1959-1961–1959-1961) Cleveland, Unity, 6/8/58-6/12/60; Evensville Circuit, 6/13/60-6/2/62; Martel, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Cumberland Gap Circuit, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Harrogate Charge, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Glen Alpine, 6/15/69-6/14/74; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, 6/15/74-6/11/80; Hixson, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Beaver Ridge, 6/18/81-6/30/88; Cleveland, First, 7/1/88-6/30/93; First, Alcoa, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95; Solway, 7/1/95. LEONARD, CHARLES (PE, 2009) Wharf Hill-Elizabeth, 7/1/10. LEWIS, WAYNE DAVID (1962-1964–1964-1967) Hillsville Circuit, 6/7/59-6/6/64; Sequatchie Circuit, 6/7/64-5/26/67; New Market Circuit, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Hiwassee College, Professor, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Buckner Memorial, 6/10/71-6/15/77; Tennessee Wesleyan College, Dean of Students, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Richlands, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Kingsport, St. Matthew, 6/15/796/30/83; Wheeler, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Pigeon Forge, 7/1/87-6/30/94; Bristol, First, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Glen Alpine, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00; St. Luke, Bristol, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Inskip, 7/1/03. LINDAMOOD, RICHARD G. (Recognition of Elders Orders, 1998) Max Meadows Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/04; Transferred from Free Methodist Church, 6/17/98; Mt. Vale-Savannah, 7/1/04; West End, 7/1/10. LIPPSE, CHARLES EDWARD (1957-1960–1957-1960) Carlock-Jones Chapel, 6/10/56-6/7/58; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/8/58-6/6/59; Pound, 6/7/596/2/62; Chattanooga, Brooks Memorial, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Knoxville, St. Luke, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Dublin, 5/27/676/13/72; Chattanooga, Tyner, 6/14/72-6/10/79; Chattanooga District, 6/11/79-6/30/85; Cleveland, Broad St., 7/1/85-6/30/87; Johnson City, Munsey Memorial, 7/1/87-12/31/93; First Broad Street, 1/1/94-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97; Cleveland District, 9/1/04-6/30/05. PASTORAL RECORDS 505 LITTRELL, TERRIL DONALD (1986-1989–1981-1982) Evensville-New Bethel, 6/18/81-3/14/85; Ridgedale, 3/15/85-6/30/87; St. Elmo, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Bristol, Trinity, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Bluff City, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Erwin, Centenary, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Morristown, Centenary, 7/1/016/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. LOCKERBY, CHARLES WALLACE (1963-1967–1963-1967) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Community, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Lead Mines Circuit, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Heritage/Rockford-Arrowhead, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Norris-Sinking Springs, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Lebanon Memorial, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Dublin, 7/1/83-6/30/90; Bearden, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Abingdon District, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Pearisburg, First, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Radford, Central, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. LONG, FREDDRICK LEE (1977-1980–1977-1980) In School, 5/27/77-6/1/78; Newport Richey New Church, 6/2/78-5/31/83; Lockhart, 6/1/83-12/31/84; Transferred from Florida Conference, 1/1/85; Grundy, 1/1/85-6/30/88; Maryville, First, Associate, 7/1/886/30/91; White Oak, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Pearisburg, First, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, Co-Pastor, 7/1/98-2/12/01; Colonial Heights, 2/13/01-6/30/02; Newport, First, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08. LONGMIRE, PAUL B. (1994-1996–1994-1996) Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Transferred from Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, 6/14/00; St. John, 7/1/01-6/30/04; New Salem, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Hixson, Associate, 7/1/07. LORD, DAVID ALBERT (1994-1996–1994-1996) Lake City-Briceville, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Lake City-Dutch Valley, 1995; Valley View, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Fincastle, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Knoxville, Second, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Bookwalter, 7/1/05. LOVELACE, DAVID HERMAN (1961-1963–1961-1963) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Wildwood, 6/3/62-6/1/63; Mosheim Parish, 6/2/63-6/27/67; Chaplain, U.S. Army, 6/28/67-6/13/70; Knoxville, Fountain City, Associate, 6/14/70-6/13/72; Trundles, 6/14/726/11/73; Trundles-Bethel, 6/12/73-6/13/74; Trundles, 6/14/74-6/11/76; Knoxville, St. Mark-Zion, 6/12/766/30/78; St. Mark, 7/1/78-6/30/82; Norwood, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Hillcrest, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 7/1/89-9/6/95; Knoxville, Colonial Heights, 9/1/95-6/30/00; Munsey Memorial, Associate, 7/1/006/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. LOVELL, EUGENE HENDRIX, JR. (1963-1967–1963-1967) Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Oak Ridge, Kern, Associate, 5/30/65-12/14/66; Sevierville Parish, 12/15/66-6/13/70; Madisonville, First, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Greeneville, Trinity, 6/15/75-6/15/78; White Oak, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Kingsport, Glen Alpine, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Grove, 7/1/86-6/30/92; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, 7/1/92-6/30/98; Tazewell District, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04; Director, Wesley Leadership Institute, 7/1/07-6/30/09. LOY, DENNIS HAROLD (1981-1984–1981-1984) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Knoxville, Second, Associate, 1/1/82-6/30/85; New Market Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Marvin-Fairview, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Seymour, 7/1/93-6/30/96; First-Centenary, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Buckner Memorial/Hiwassee, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Wheeler, 7/1/98-6/11/03; Unicoi, 6/11/03-10/13/06; Boones Creek, Associate, 10/14/06-6/30/07; Noe’s Chapel, 7/1/07. LUPER, PATRICK CHRISTOPHER (PD, 2009) Galax, First, 7/1/09. LYNCH, THOMAS HOOVER (1962-1966–1962-1966) Loudon Circuit, 6/7/59-6/12/60; Oakland, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Louisville, St. Marks, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Logan’s Chapel, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Soddy-Sale Creek, 6/14/70-6/15/77; Wauhatchee, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Director of Development, Holston Home, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Greeneville, Trinity, 7/1/82-12/31/86; Disability Leave, 1/1/876/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. 506 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE MAAS, CALVIN WAYNE (1966-1968–1966-1968) Benton-Mt. Hermon, 5/30/65-6/1/68; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 6/2/68-2/29/72; Chattanooga, St. Paul, 3/1/72-6/14/74; Richlands- Clearview, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Radford, Central, 6/16/78-6/30/85; Kern Memorial, 7/1/85-12/31/91; Conference Council on Ministries, Associate Director, 1/1/92-12/31/93; Conference Council on Ministries, Interim Director, 1/1/94-6/16/94; Conference Council on Ministries, Associate Director, 6/17/946/30/97; Conference Council on Ministries, Director, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Director of Missions-Outreach, 7/1/996/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00; Fairview, 7/1/00-6/30/05. MADSON, AMANDA BELL (PE, 2005) Oak Ridge First, Associate, 3/6/03-6/30/06; Sevierville, First, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Pleasant Hill, 7/1/08. MALONE, NATHAN ALLEN (1986-1990–1986-1990) Candler, 1986; Ducktown-Crofts Chapel, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Greeneville Circuit, 7/1/88-7/31/89; Hardins Chapel, 8/1/89-6/30/92; Hillsville, First, 7/1/92-6/30/97; Concord, Associate, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Middlebrook Pike, 7/1/016/30/07; Burks, 7/1/07; Burks-Fairview, 7/1/10. MANIS, JOSEPH WARREN (1997-2000–1997-2000) Goodfield Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Candler School of Theology, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Philadelphia-New Hope, 19951996; Welch’s Chapel-Stephens Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Fries Circuit, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Hunter-Slagles, 7/1/006/30/05; Rock Springs-Pactolus, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Piney Flats, 7/1/09. MANNEY, JOHN ROBERT (1952-1956–1956-1958) Quitman, 6/19/49-6/16/51; Judsonia, 6/17/51-9/22/52; Transferred from North Arkansas Conference, 1952; Sunbright, 1952; Sunbright and in School, 9/23/52-6/6/53; Maynardville Circuit, 6/7/53-6/5/54; Oakdale, 6/6/54-6/8/56; Norris Sinking Springs, 6/9/56-6/12/60; Lenoir City-Central, 6/13/60-5/29/65; Kingsport, Vermont, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Big Stone Gap, Trinity-Seminary, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Big Stone Gap, Trinity, 19701972; Greenville, Trinity, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Spring City, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Jones Memorial, 6/15/79-6/30/85; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Retired, 7/1/89; Readmitted; Grove-Harmon’s Chapel, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95; Liberty Hill, 11/1/04-6/30/09. MANNING, GLENNA BUCKNER (2008-2010–2010Beaver Ridge, 7/1/08. ) MARCHBANKS, PAUL Y. (1960-1965–1960-1965) Gordonville, 10/22/50-10/20/51; Gordonville-Stonewall, 10/21/51-10/25/52; Cherry Valley Circuit, 10/26/526/29/57; Hartsville Circuit, 6/30/57-6/28/58; Murfreesboro Parish, 6/29/58-5/19/68; Pulaski Parish, 5/20/686/13/72; Morristown District, 6/14/72-6/15/78; Stanley, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Lennon-Seney, 6/15/79-6/30/87; Tazewell District, 7/1/87-9/15/92; Mountain View, 9/16/92-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97. MARINE, JOE LAWRENCE (1972-1975–1972-1975) Athens Parish, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Student, Candler School of Theology, 1972; Benton-Mt. Herman, 6/15/696/14/74; Gladeville-Mt. Olivet, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Bluff City-Rockholds, 6/16/78-6/17/81; Fountain City, Associate, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Vestal, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Burlington-Contact, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Holston View, 7/1/886/30/92; Rossville, McFarland, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Pigeon Forge, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97. MARKWOOD, THOMAS DAVID (1977-1980–1977-1980) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1977; Well Springs Circuit, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Union Grove, 6/15/796/30/88; Wautauga Point-Taylor Memorial, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Clapps Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/00; Bradbury-Good Shepard, 7/1/00. MARSHALL, HARRISON (1944-1946–1946-1947) Johnson City Circuit, Associate, 10/12/42-10/10/43; Highland Park, 10/11/43-7/1/44; Student, S.M.U., 10/16/44-10/5/46; Holston Conference Youth Director, 10/6/46-9/23/50; Daisy, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 9/28/52-6/2/62; Athens, Trinity, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Chattanooga, St. Andrews, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Kingsport, Mafair, 6/15/69-6/15/77; Abingdon, 6/16/77-6/30/83; Retired, 7/1/83. MARSTON, BRUCE STEVEN (1989-1991–1989-1991) Holston French Broad Group Ministry Director, Kodak Circuit, 7/1/89-10/30/91; Christ, 11/1/91. MARTIN, CAROLE REIDMEYER (2003-2006– 2006) Emory, 7/1/03-12/13/06; Leave of Absence, 12/14/06-6/30/07; Bristol, First, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Otterbein, 7/1/09; Morristown, Trinity, 7/1/10. PASTORAL RECORDS 507 MARTIN, RANDALL BRUCE (1971-1974–1971-1974) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 1972; Flintstone, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Knoxville, Second Church, Associate, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Aldersgate-Jordan, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Conference Council on Ministries, Specialist in Nurture Ministries, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Dunlap, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Ooltewah, 7/1/876/30/94; Chattanooga, St. John, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Johnson City District, 7/1/99-6/30/00; Hixson, 7/1/00. MARTIN, STEVEN DUANE (1989-1991–1989-1991) Enterprise-St. Paul, 7/1/89-6/30/91; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/91-12/31/93; Unicoi, 1/1/9412/31/98; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 1/1/99-1/31/06; Vital Visions, Inc, 2/1/06-2/28/09; Kern Memorial, Associate-Vital Visions, Inc., 3/1/09. MATHERLY, JAMES BENNY (1980-1984–1975-1984) Kingsprt Lebanon Circuit, 6/14/72-6/14/74; Chalybeate Lebanon, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Goodfield Circuit, 6/15/756/15/78; Niota, 6/16/78; (Candler School of Theology, 6/12/80-12/31/81); Etowah, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/856/30/86; Whitwell-Red Hill, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Rutledge Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/91; Brooks Memorial, 7/1/916/30/92; Dunlap, 7/1/92-6/30/98; Fort Oglethorpe, 7/1/98-6/30/05; Wesley Memorial (CH), 7/1/05-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. MATTHEWS, RONALD HOWARD (1976-1981–1976-1981) Student Supply, Mosheim Circuit, 6/14/72-6/11/76; Student, Emmanuel School of Religion/Mt. Hebron, 6/12/76-6/12/78; Student, Vanderbilt Divinity School, 6/13/78-6/12/80; Heritage-Arrowhead, 6/13/80-6/17/81; Mountain View, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Dandridge, First, 7/1/84-8/14/88; Holston Home for Children, V.P. for Development, 8/15/88-6/15/97, Maryville, Broadway, 6/16/97-4/30/01; Director of Finance Services/ Stewardship Resources/Treasurer, 5/1/01-6/30/03; Maryville District, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Executive Assistant to the Bishop, 7/1/06. MATTSON, CHARLES LESTER (1993-1995; 1991-1995) Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/86; Dandridge Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Oakland, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Knoxville, St. Andrews, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Strawberry Plains, 7/1/97-12/31/97; Leave of Absence, 1/1/98-11/30/99; Oak Ridge, Trinity, 12/1/99-6/30/03; Rockwood, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Fairhaven, 7/1/06-6/30/09; New Tazewell, 7/1/09. MAULDIN, GARY R. ( -2004– ) Transferred from Central Texas Conference, 7/1/04; Director, Conference Pastoral Counselling Center, 7/1/03; Retired, 7/1/10. MAYNARD, CHARLES (1978-1981– 1978-1981) Leave of Absence, 7/1/94- ; Honorable Location, Retreat Ministries, 7/1/10. -6/30/10; Development Officer, Conference Camp & MAYO, CHARLES DOUGLAS (1946-1948–1947-1949) Randolph, 11/9/41-10/11/42; Bristol Bradley Street, 10/12/42-10/10/44; Student, Candler School of Theology, 10/6/46-10/4/47; Athens, Allen Memorial, 10/5/47-9/23/50; Beulah-Ridgeway, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Student, Vanderbilt School of Theology, 9/28/52-6/6/53; Knoxville, Colonial Heights, 6/7/53-6/9/56; Glen Alpine, 6/10/56-6/8/57; Gatlinburg, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Jefferson City, First, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Tyner, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Abingdon, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Newport, First, 5/27/67-6/9/71; Wytheville, St. Paul, 6/10/71-6/11/76; Marion, First, 6/12/76-6/11/80; Ebenezer Circuit, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Emory, 7/1/83-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. McBRIDE, RAYMOND GORDON (2000-2002–1996-2002) Colemans Chapel-Boyd-Ratliff, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Clinchport Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Whitwell, First, 7/1/016/30/06; North Tazewell-Mt. Zion, 7/1/06. McCALL, CLARENCE V., JR. (1955-1960–1955-1960) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/5/55-6/7/58; Sulphur Springs-Looney Creek, 6/8/58-6/2/62; North Keywood Circuit, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Professor, Hiwassee College, 6/7/64-6/16/98; Retired, 6/17/98. McCARTT, JAMES SPURGEON (1948-1949–1949-1950) Piney Grove Circuit, 10/6/46-10/4/47; Student, Duke Divinity School, 10/3/48-8/31/49; Caryville-Fincastle, 9/1/49-9/23/50; Chattanooga, Centenary, Associate, 9/24/50-9/27/52; Gatlinburg, 9/28/52-6/8/57; Chattanooga, White Oak, 6/9/57-6/2/62; Knoxville, Washington Pike, 6/3/62-5/26/67; Maryville, First, 5/27/67-6/16/73; Kingsport, First Broad Street, 6/17/73-6/17/81; Oak Ridge, First, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Morristown District, 7/1/836/30/86; Fountain City, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Retired, 7/1/90; Vermont, 12/1/08-6/30/09. 508 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE McCLELLAN, HAGAN ROBERT, JR. (1991-1994–1991-1994) Corinth, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Knoxville, St. Andrews, 7/1/91-6/30/95; Kodak, 7/1/95-6/30/01; Chaplain, U.S. Navy, 7/1/01. McCOBIN, TIMOTHY FRANK (1984-1987–1984-1987) Jones Chapel, 7/1/83-6/30/84; Mt. Hebron, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Unicoi, 7/1/86-6/30/86; Pine Grove Park-Watauga, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Cross-Holly Springs, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Gladeville-Mt. Olive, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Dryden-Seminary, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Bethesda-Eden, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Rutledge Circuit, 7/1/02-06/30/08; Wytheville Circuit, 7/1/08. McCORMACK, JERROD W. (PE, 2010) Tellico Plains Circuit, Associate, 10/1/99-6/30/02; Benham’s Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Fairgarden Circuit, 7/1/06; Walland, 7/1/10. McCREADY, STANLEY CARLTON (1961-1969–1961-1969) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Saltville, Associate, 6/3/62-6/1/63; Glade Spring, 6/2/635/27/66; Student, Wesley Theological School, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Gladeville-Mt. Olivet, 6/15/69-6/14/74; Leader Development Consultant, Conference Council on Ministries, 6/15/74-6/15/76; Associate for Communications, 6/16/76-6/15/78; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 6/16/78-6/30/82; First-Centenary, Associate, 7/1/82-8/31/88; Knoxville, Trinity, 9/1/88-6/30/91; Mafair, 7/1/91-6/30/96; State Street, 7/1/96-1/31/99; Disability, 2/1/996/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. McDOUGLE, WARREN RAY (1959-1963–1962-1963) Austin Springs Slagles, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Telford Circuit, 6/8/58-6/12/60; Decatur, 6/13/60-6/3/61; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/4/61-6/1/63; Mascot, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Dunlap, 5/28/66-6/13/70; Chattanooga, Lake Vista, 6/14/70-6/16/73; Rutherford Memorial-Bethlehem, 6/17/73-6/15/77; Lincoln Park, 6/16/776/17/81; Maryville, St. Marks, 6/18/81-12/31/84; Peck’s Memorial, 1/1/85-12/31/88; Rich Creek-Powell Mountain, 1/1/89-6/30/91; Otterbein, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. McFADDEN, MARK BRIAN (1995-1998–1995-1998) Rich Valley-Washington Chapel, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Chilhowie, 7/1/97-4/17/02; Norwood, 4/18/02-6/30/05; White Pine, First, 7/1/05. McFARLAND, CECIL EUGENE (1952-1958–1953-1956) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/53-6/4/55; Pound, 6/5/55-1/6/56; Chaplain, U.S.N., 1/7/56-6/26/58; St. Paul-Moorefield, 6/27/58-6/12/60; Cumberland Gap Circuit, 6/13/60-6/3/61; North Keywood Circuit, 6/4/61-6/29/62; Chaplain, U.S.N., 6/30/62-6/14/69; Sabbatical Leave, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Goodwill Industries, 6/14/70-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. McFARLAND, GERALD HART (1953-1957–1953-1957) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/53-6/4/55; Belfast Circuit, 6/5/55-6/7/58; Eggleston Circuit, 6/8/586/3/61; Logans Chapel, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Jasper, McKendree, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Knoxville, Fairview, 6/15/696/14/75; Wauhatchie-Shallowford Road, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Beaver Ridge-Bethel, 6/16/77-6/17/81; White Oak, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Pennington Gap, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Kingsport, St. Matthew, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. McINTOSH, JASON MATTHEW (2003-2006– 2006) Arcadia-Salem, 3/12/01-6/30/04; Salem, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Asbury Theological Seminary, Beeson Program, 7/1/06-6/30/07; North Alabama Conference, 7/1/07. McKEE, ADAM EMANUEL III (2004-2006– 2006) Lennon-Seney, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Oak Ridge District Superintendent, 7/1/09. McKEE, CURTIS DAVID (1984-1988–1984-1988) Browder, 1/1/82-3/19/83; Tazewell, 3/20/83-6/30/86; Asbury Theological Seminary (Tazewell Parish), 19841985; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Elizabeth Chapel, 7/1/91-6/30/97; Radford, Central, 7/1/97-6/30/03; Jones Memorial, 7/1/03-6/30/06; General Evangelist, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/09. PASTORAL RECORDS 509 McKINNEY, CHARLES ROBERT (1973-1977–1973-1977) Booth-Bethlehem, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Sweetwater Parish, 5/27/67-6/9/71; Greenback Circuit, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Asbury Seminary, 6/17/72-6/11/76; Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Surgoinsville, First, 6/16/786/11/80; Thornspring-Wesley Memorial, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Chattanooga, Fairview, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Cleveland, Asbury, 7/1/86-6/30/88; East Chattanooga, 7/1/88-4/30/91; Chattanooga, St. John, Associate, 5/1/91-6/30/94; Maryville, Mountain View, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Middlesettlement, 7/1/95-6/30/01; Fountain City, St. Paul, 7/1/016/30/04; Etowah, St. Paul-Wesleyanna, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Daisy, 7/1/05-10/31/05; Incapacity Leave, 11/1/05. McKNIGHT, ROBERT MARK (1969-1972–1969-1972) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Oliver Springs-Bell Campground-Peak Chapel, 6/10/716/13/72; Walland-Campground, 6/14/72-6/14/74; New Salem, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Mt. Vale-Savannah, 6/16/776/11/80; Otterbein Circuit, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Soddy, 7/1/83-6/30/87; White Pine, First, 7/1/87-6/30/93; Louisville, St. Marks, 7/1/93-6/30/00; Dunlap, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Madisonville, First, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. MCLAIN, ELSTON D. ( -2009– - ) Transfer from North Alabama Conference, 7/1/09; Stanley, 7/1/09. McREYNOLDS, JAMES E. (1993-1995–1993-1995) Rich Valley-Washington Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Max Meadows Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Bristol, St. Luke, 7/1/96-3/3/98; Leave of Absence, 3/4/98-6/30/01; Clinical Family Therapist, Cedar Youth Center, 7/1/016/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. MEADE, PEGGY L. (1992-1999–1992-1999) Student, Vanderbilt Divinity School, 1990; Virginia Avenue, 6/13/91-6/30/93; Draper Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Kingsport Chaplaincy Service-CPE, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Pactolus, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Wallace-Wyndale, 7/1/986/30/00; Leave of Absence, 7/1/01-2/12/04; Chaplain, Middle TN Correctional Complex, Nashville, 2/13/043/30/06; Leave of Absence, 3/31/06-7/5/07; Assoc. Chaplain, Middle TN Medical Center, 7/6/07. MERKER, MATHILDA SUE (2004-2007– -2007) Benton, 7/1/03-1/31/09; Incapacity Leave, 2/1/09. MILLER, EBLEN “BUDDY” GRANT (1964-1968–1964-1968) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Dryden Circuit, 5/28/66-6/13/70; Chilhowie-Tates, 6/14/70-6/14/74; Wise, Trinity, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Halls Central, 6/12/76-6/15/78; New Tazewell, 6/16/786/30/83; Gray, 7/1/83-6/30/89; Glen Alpine, 7/1/89-6/30/95; Burk’s, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Marion, First, 7/1/996/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. MILLER, JOSEPH TAYLOR (2002-2004–2002-2004) Port Royal, 2/25/86-8/14/86; Discontinued, 8/15/86-12/31/88; Roan Mountain, 1/1/89-8/14/92; Discontinued, 8/15/92-6/30/94; Roan Mountain, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Ebenezer Circuit, 7/1/96-9/30/00; Albright-Greenwood Circuit, 10/1/00-6/30/03; Limestone-Greenwood, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Athens, Trinity, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Big Stone Gap, Trinity, 7/1/09; Retired, 7.1.10; Greystone Circuit, 7/1/10. MILLIGAN, DENNIS EUGENE (1994-1996–1994-1996) Morrison Chapel-Washington Chapel, 10/1/92-6/30/95; Bethesda-Eden, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Wytheville, West End, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Watauga Point-St. Paul, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Pecks Memorial, 7/1/03-6/30/05; St. Paul’s-Carlock, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Limestone-Greenwood, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Mt. Carmel, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Damascus, Cedar BluffDamascus Circuit, 7/1/09; Retired, 7/1/10. MILLIGAN, P. APRIL JANE (2006-2009– -2009) Mt. Carmel-Seviers, 7/1/06-6/30/07; St. Luke-St. Matthew, 7/1/07-9/30/07; Elm Tree Parish, Associate, 10/1/07-6/30/09; Damascus Circuit, 7/1/09; Draper Circuit, 7/1/10. 510 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE MITCHELL, DAMON B. (1952-1956–1953-1956) Johnson City Circuit, 10/3/48-10/1/49; Student, Candler School of Theology, 9/28/52-6/5/54; Elizabethton, Hunter’s, 6/6/54-6/8/56; Glade Spring-Meadowview, 6/9/56-6/8/57; Rose Hill/Group Ministry, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Johnson City, First, Associate, 6/7/59-6/2/62; Keys Chapel, 6/3/62-6/14/69; Hiwassee College-Buckner Memorial, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Director of Alumni Affairs and Assistant Director of Admissions, Hiwassee College, 6/10/71-6/11/80; Director of Admissions, Tennessee Wesleyan College, 6/12/80-6/30/84; St. Clair-Pennine, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Lake Vista, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Simpson Memorial, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93; Sale Creek, 7/1/05. MONCIER, JEFFREY WAYNE (1995-2001–1995-2001) Centenary-Bethel, 6/12/86-6/30/86; Austin Springs, 7/1/86-6/30/92; White Shoals Circuit, 7/1/92-12/31/92; Ewing Circuit, 1/1/93-6/30/95; Morley Memorial, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Shady Grove, 7/1/96-6/30/06; Sulphur Springs, 7/1/06. MOONEY, WILLIAM CARL, JR. (1961-1964–1961-1964) Lebanon Mtn. View, 6/10/56-9/10/57; Damascus Circuit, 6/8/58-6/12/60; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Evensville Circuit, 6/3/62-6/1/63; Trentville, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Chaplain, Morristown College, 5/28/66-1/26/67; Oak Ridge, Kern, Associate, 1/27/67-6/13/70; Knoxville, Burlington, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Inskip, 6/15/75-6/11/80; Oak Ridge, First, Counseling Minister, 6/12/80-6/30/91; Missionary Board of Global Ministries, English Speaking Church, Vienna, Austria, 7/1/91-6/30/97; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. MOORE, DANIEL FARRIS (1975-1977–1975-1977) Carpenters, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Charleston, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Morristown, First, Associate, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Hillsville, First, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Concord, Associate, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Erwin, Centenary, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Knoxville, Central, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Dandridge, First, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Broadway, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Knoxville, First, 7/1/08. MOORE, DONALD SMITH (1951-1954–1952-1954) Student, Candler School of Theology, 9/20/51-9/27/52; Chestnut Hill, 9/28/52-6/5/54; Surgoinsville, First, 6/6/54-5/31/56; Missionary, Malaya, 6/1/56-6/8/57; Trans Sarawak, 6/9/57-4/30/62; Louisville-Mentor, 5/1/626/6/64; Daisy, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Kingsport, St. Matthew, 5/27/67-7/31/70; Missionary, Kinshash, Congo, 8/1/709/30/75; Oneida, 10/1/75-6/14/79; Jonesboro, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Hillcrest, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Lenoir City, Trinity, 7/1/85-6/17/87; Retired, 6/18/87. MOORE, ELDON ANDERSON (1958-1962–1959-1962) Blair Village, 6/21/57-6/7/58; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/8/58-6/12/60; Bristol, State Street, Associate, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 6/7/64-6/14/69; Jefferson City, First, 6/15/696/16/73; Maryville, Fairview, 6/17/73-6/14/79; Church Street, Associate, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Gatlinburg, 6/18/816/30/86; Knoxville, Ebenezer, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Dandridge, First, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95. MOORE, G. KEITH (2002-2004–2002-2004) Embreeville, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Austin Springs, 7/1/99-6/30/02; UTC Wesley Center, Director, 7/1/02. MOORE, ROBERT ROOD (1970-1976–1970-1976) Aldersgate, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Mt. Zion, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary and Emory University, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Asbury College, Chair Department Bible/Theology/Philosophy, 6/15/75-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. MORRIS, DONALD DEAN (1994-1997–1994-1997) Mountain City, First-Trade 7/1/93-6/30/99; Athens, Trinity, 7/1/99-6/30/06-6/30/06; Kingston, 7/1/06; Kern Memorial, 7/1/10. MULLAN, RICHARD DAVID (1992-1996–1992-1996) Rutledge Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Valley Forge, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Mt. View-St. Matthew, Associate, 7/1/976/30/98; Shady Grove-Charles Wesley, 7/1/98-6/30/01; McFarland, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Bristol, St. Luke, 7/1/03; Maryville, St. John, 7/1/05; Floyd Circuit, 7/1/10. MULLEN, JOHN W. (FD, 1997) First Broad Street, Director of Music, 1977-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97. PASTORAL RECORDS 511 MULLINS, HERBERT RAE (1985-1988–1985-1988) Cripple Creek Circuit, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Duke Divinity School, 1985-1986; Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Stone Drive-St. Mark, 7/1/90-12/31/96; Stone Drive, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Holston United Methodist Home for Children, V.P., Special Ministries, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Seymour, 7/1/03-2/14/07; Holston United Methodist Home for Children, Development Officer, 2/15/07. MURPHY, LARRY DALLAS (1980-1985–1980-1985) Student, Radford University (New Hope-Mt. Airy), 1976-1979; Student, Duke Divinity School (Silk Hope Charge, North Carolina Conference), 1979-1983; Floyd Circuit, 6/17/82-6/30/89; Christ First-Macedonia, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Norton-West Norton, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Holly Avenue, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Dunlap, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Virginia Avenue-Macedonia, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Blountville, 7/1/05. MYERS-ROSS, LAURA JEAN (1977-1982–1977-1982) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Brainerd, Associate, 6/16/78-6/17/81; New Salem, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Jefferson City, First, Associate, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Tuckaleechee, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Bluefield, Virginia Avenue, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Bristol, Trinity, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Rossville, Mcfarland, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Leave of Absence, 7/1/00. NANCE, CATHERINE CLARK (1984-1989–1984-1989) Duke Divinity School, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Leave of Absence, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Bethel-Vonore, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Middlebrook Pike, Associate, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Norris-Sinking Springs, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Leave of Absence, 7/1/01-6/30/02; Concord, Associate, 7/1/02-6/30/09; Beaver Ridge, 7/1/09. NATION, DONALD L. (1970-1973–1970-1973) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/14/70-6/13/72; Greenback Circuit, 6/14/72-6/14/74; WallandCampground, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Church Street, Associate, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Fairview, 6/16/77-9/14/80; Grundy, 9/15/80-6/30/84; Bluefield, Virginia Avenue, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Bluefield, Virginia Avenue-Bethel, 7/1/856/30/90; Lebanon Memorial, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Galax, First, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Mafair, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Tazewell District Superintendent, 7/1/04; Retired, 71/10; Steward of Clergy Concerns/Director of Wesley Leadership Inst., 7/1/10. NEAL, CHARLES TRUSLOW (1966-1969–1966-1969) Student, Candler School of Theology, 5/28/66-6/1/68; Martel, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Fort Oglethorpe, 6/10/71-6/15/77; Chattanooga, First Centenary, Associate, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Emory, 6/16/78-6/14/84; Leave of Absence, 6/15/8410/31/86; North Georgia Conference, Atlanta, Peachtree Road, 11/1/86-6/30/89; Cherokee, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Burk’s, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Brainerd, 7/1/95-6/30/97; First Broad Street, 7/1/97-6/30/01; First Centenary, 7/1/016/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. NEAL, WILEY LEFTRIDGE (1949-1951–1949-1951) Woodlawn Circuit, 10/2/49-6/4/55; Buchanan Circuit, 6/5/55-8/31/57; Pearisburg Circuit, 9/1/57-6/6/64; Ebenezer-Chestnut Grove, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Bland Circuit, 5/27/67-6/16/73; Mount Pleasant Circuit, 6/17/736/15/78; Saltville-Madam Russell, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Retired, 7/1/82. NEEL, J. DAVID (PE, 2009) Ross Campground-Cameron, 7/1/08. NEESE, JOHN WILLIAM (1980-1983–1970-1983) W. Side Parish, 6/7/64-5/29/65; Fairgarden Circuit, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Tellico Plains, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Philadelphia-New Hope, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Ridgeview Parish, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Carlock-Mars Hill-Pleasant Grove, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Mountain View-New Providence, 6/18/81-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. NEIL, SCOTT RICHARD (1983-1989–1983-1989) Ten Mile, 7/1/82-6/30/85; Welch’s-Stephens, 7/1/85-3/31/86; Disability, 4/1/86-6/30/87; New Salem, 7/1/876/30/90; Rutledge/Bean Station, Central, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Rossville, Simpson Memorial, 7/1/93-12/31/95; Leave of Absence, 1/1/96-10/24/96; Rossville, Simpson Memorial, 10/25/96-12/31/96; Leave of Absence, 1/1/97-12/31/97; Incapacity Leave, 1/1/98-6/30/04; Leave of Absence, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Helen Ross McNabb PACT Program, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Transitional Leave, 7/1/08. 512 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE NELSON, EDWARD DEAN (1985-1988–1985-1988) Petros, 1/1/82-6/30/86; Solway-Valley View-Branch Hill, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Halls Central, 7/1/90-12/31/91; Macedonia, 1/1/92-6/30/93; Clinton-St. Marks-Moore’s Gap, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Oliver Springs Parish, 7/1/976/30/00; Rockwood, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Coeburn, 7/1/03-11/14/05; Bluff City, 11/15/05-6/30/07; Centenary, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Bethesda-Eden, 7/1/08; Retired, 7/1/10. NETTING, KARL ARTHUR (1970-1972–1970-1972) Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/14/70-6/9/71; Wallace-Wyndale, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Bethel, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Concord, Associate, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Student, Grant Memorial & Children’s Hospital, Chicago, 6/15/796/17/81; Concord, Associate, 6/18/81-6/15/83; Leave of Absence, 6/16/83-6/13/84; Chaplain, Scottsdale Memorial Hospital, North Scottsdale, Arizona, 6/14/84-6/30/93; Leave of Absence, 7/1/93-8/15/93; Richmond, Virginia, St. Mary’s Hospital, 8/16/93; Hospice of Piedmont, Chaplain, 8/17/98-10/1/00; Bon Secour Hospice, Chaplain, 10/2/00. NEWMAN, ALFRED LEWIS (1978-1981–1978-1981) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/16/78-6/11/80; Mafair, Associate, 6/12/80-6/30/82; Lookout Mountain, 7/1/82-6/30/91; Loudon, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/96; Retired, 7/1/10. NEWMAN, WALLACE EUGENE (1946-1948–1948-1949) W. View, 10/12/42-10/15/44; Hendrons Beulah, 10/16/44-6/2/45; Oconomowoc Lake Street-Wisconsin Conference, 6/3/45-10/5/46; In School, 10/6/46-10/4/47; Transferred to Tennessee Conference, 10/5/47; Homestead, 10/5/47-9/25/48; Cumberland Homesteads, 9/26/48-9/9/50; Tracy City, 9/10/50-6/4/55; Transferred to Holston Conference, 6/5/55; Pikeville, 6/5/55-5/27/66; Lonsdale, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Knoxville, Asbury, 6/10/71-6/14/79; Retired, 6/15/79. NICKLE, WILLIAM EDWIN (1963-1966–1963-1966) Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/2/63-6/6/64; Knoxville, Halls Central, 6/7/64-8/31/66; Transferred to Western North Carolina Conference; Winston Salem Ardmor, Minister of Education, 9/1/66-6/10/70; Transferred from Western North Carolina Conference, 6/15/70; Kingsport, First-Broad Street, Minister of Youth and Young Adults, 6/11/70-6/13/72; Associate Director, Wesleyan Foundation/UTK, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Clinch Valley Circuit, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Honorable Location, 6/16/77-1/19/80; Re-admitted, 1/20/80; Tazewell Parish, 1/20/80-6/11/80; Camp Wesley Woods, Director-Manager, 6/12/80-1/31/89; Sabbatical Leave, 2/1/89-6/30/90; Leave of Absence, 7/1/90; Gray Episcopal Diocese, Director, Earth Education; Narrow Ridge Center, Director, 1995; Retired, 6/11/03. NICOLAUS, MICAH J. (PE, 2008) Cokesbury, Associate, 7/1/06;Lighthouse (New Church Start), 7/1/10. NOE, EDDIE CLEARANCE, JR. (1984-1987–1984-1987) Long Island Community, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Cross, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Damascus Circuit, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Ducktown, 7/1/82-6/30/85; Looney’s Chapel, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Hunter-Slagle, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Ebenezer-Bailey, 7/1/92-6/30/94; St. Paul Parish, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Mount Pleasant, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Cedar Bluff-Pounding Mill, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Cedar Bluff, 7/1/02-6/30/03; White Pine, First, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Noe’s Chapel, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07; Bybee, 7/1/10. NOSEWORTHY, JAMES A. ( -2003– ) Transferred from Iowa Conference, 7/1/03; President, Hiwassee College, 7/1/03; Transferred to Virginia Conference, 7/1/10. NYAGA, ROBERT KARIUKI (2005-2009– -2009) Chaplain, Hiwassee College, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Leave of Absence, 7/1/06-9/9/06; Peck’s Memorial, 9/10/066/30/07; Afton-Stone Dam, 7/1/07; John Wesley-Charles Wesley, 7/1/10. OAKS, CARL IRWIN (1976-1979–1976-1979) Knoxville Ebenezer, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Etowah Carlock Jones, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Apison, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Knoxville, Central, Associate, 6/16/78-12/31/81; Leave of Absence, 1/1/82-12/6/82; Farragut, First, 12/7/826/17/87; Honorable Location, 6/18/87-6/30/90; Readmitted; Knoxville, Trinity, Associate, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Fountain City, St. Paul, 7/1/91-6/30/98; Knoxville, Trinity, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Sweetwater, First, 7/1/02. PASTORAL RECORDS 513 ODLE, GEORGE EDWIN (1970-1973–1970-1973) Gate City Circuit #1 Associate, 6/12/67-6/11/69; Cleveland Circuit., 6/14/70-6/13/72; Bristol, State Street, Associate, 6/14/72-6/14/74; St. Andrews, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Kingsport, St. Luke, 6/16/78-6/30/84; Bluff CityRockhold, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Wise, Trinity, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Sulphur Springs, 7/1/87-12/31/99; Board of Global Ministries, Office of Finance and Field Service Field Representative, 1/1/00; Church Stewardship Consultant; Nicklesville Circuit, 7/1/09. OGLE, DANIEL MCGEE (PE, 2009) Greystone Circuit, 7/1/09; Fountain City, Associate, 7/1/10. OGLE, W. MICHAEL, SR. (1999-2001–1999-2001) Englewood, 1990-6/30/94; Decatur-Concord, 7/1/94-6/30/02; St. Andrews, 7/1/02-6/30/04; St. Mark’s, 7/1/046/30/06; Elizabeth Chapel, 7/1/06-1/5/09; Incapacity Leave, 1/6/09. OLDHAM, JOHN W. (1978-1982–1978-1982) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/16/78-6/11/80; Sugar Grove-Teas, 6/12/80-6/30/84; White Pine, First, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Grigsby Chapel, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Leave of Absence, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Knoxville, Virginia Avenue, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Signal Mountain, Mental Health Counselor, Cross Roads, 7/1/90-6/30/92; School, Vanderbilt, 7/1/92-10/31/94; Tyner, Minister Counseling, 11/1/94-6/30/99; Pastoral Counseling, 7/1/99. OSBORNE, JIMMY R. (1996-1998– 1996-1998) Jacksboro-Caryville, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Transferred from Tennessee, 6/12/02; Retired, 7/1/04. OUSLEY, JOHN WADE (1989-1992–1989-1992) Candler School of Theology, 7/1/89-12/31/89; Arcadia-Salem, 1/1/90-2/14/92; Camp Dickenson, Director, 2/15/92-12/31/03; Leave of Absence, 1/1/04-6/30/04; Oakland, 7/1/04; Director, ETSU Wesley Foundation, 7/1/10. OUSLEY, LARRY JAMES, SR. (1971-1974–1971-1974) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Maryville-Immanuel, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Kingsport, FirstBroad Street, Associate, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Chattanooga, St. Marks, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Pigeon Forge-Huskey Grove, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Trinity-Woodmore, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Conference Council on Ministries, Adult Ministries & Ordained Ministry Functions, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Dublin, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Abingdon, 7/1/92-6/30/97; Johnson City, First, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Middlebrook Pike, 7/1/99-8/30/00; Director, SEJ Intentional Growth Center, 9/1/00. OVERTON, KYLE VANCE (1968-1970–1968-1970) Suwanee, 6/23/67-6/4/68; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/5/68-6/13/70; Greenville, St. Matthew, 6/14/70-6/9/71; Dryden-Seminary, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Harlan Appalachian Regional Hospital, Kentucky, 6/17/736/14/74; Epworth Children’s Home, 6/15/74-6/14/75; Children’s Home, Brainerd, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Epworth Child Home, 6/15/79-6/30/84; Trentville-Huckleberry Springs, 7/1/84-6/30/90; Lonsdale, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Chestnut Hill, 7/1/92-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. OWENS-YATES, MARGARET (2002-2004– -2004) Meigs Parish, 11/1/99-6/14/00; Keywood, South Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Mountain City, First-Trade, 7/1/016/30/04; Watauga Point-St. Paul, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Mt. Olivet-Zion, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Keystone Marion Youth Center, 7/1/07-3/11/08; Leave of Absence, 3/12/08. PACE, WILLIAM FREDERICK (2005-2008– -2008)) Stanley, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Lincoln Park-Martin Chapel, 7/1/07. PARDUE, ROBERT AMOS (1962-1964–1962-1964) Goodfield Circuit, 6/8/58-6/3/61; Etowah Circuit, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Knoxville, Second, Associate, 6/7/64-5/29/65; St. Paul-Moorefield, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Castlewood Moorfield, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Chattanooga, St. Paul, 6/14/701/28/72; Leave of Absence, 1/29/72-6/13/72; Honorable Location, 6/14/72-12/31/76; Readmitted to Conference, 1977; Piney Grove, 1/1/77-6/15/77; Cherokee, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Mount Carmel, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Inskip, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Hillcrest, 7/1/85-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. 514 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE PARKER, ROBERT STEVEN (1994-1997–1994-1997) Riverview Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Philadelphia-New Hope, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Tyner, Associate, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Soddy, 7/1/98-6/30/99; New Tazewell, 7/1/99-6/30/04; White Oak, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Jonesborough, 7/1/08; Harriman, 7/1/10. PARROTT, ROBERT EARL (1950-1957–1950-1957) In School, 6/1/51-5/28/53; Director Wesley Foundation SLI, 5/29/53-6/1/56; Metaire Munhold, Associate, 6/2/56-5/29/58; Louisiana State University, Wesley Foundation, Director, 5/30/58-5/31/60; In School, 6/1/605/31/61; Brewers Walton, 6/1/61-6/22/63; In School, 6/23/63-5/31/64; Transferred from Tennessee Conference, 6/1/64; University of Tennessee/Knoxville, Wesley Foundation, Director, 6/1/64-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. PARSON, MARY LONG (1997-1999–1997-1999) Lookout Mountain, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Oakland, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Fancy Gap, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Chestnut Hill, 7/1/05; Calhoun-Spring Creek, 7/1/10. PASQUA, RANDALL CLYDE (1974-1977–1974-1977) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Pleasant Hill, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Limestone Cove, and Director-Manager Buffalo Mountain Camp, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Director, Camp Lookout, 1/1/82-6/30/94; Director, Conference Camp & Retreat Ministries, 7/1/94. PATTERSON, RICHARD JACKSON (1967-1969–1967-1969) Student, Drew Theological Seminary, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Chattanooga, First-Centenary, Director of Youth Work, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Newbern-Mt. View, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Chestnut Hill, 6/15/75-11/30/77; Kingsport, First Broad, Associate, 12/1/77-6/14/79; Floyd Station, 6/15/79-6/30/84; Tazewell, Main St., 7/1/84-6/30/89; Keith Memorial, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Dublin, 7/1/92-6/30/01; Morristown District, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. PAUL, TIMOTHY BRIAN (2006-2009– -2009) Cleveland, First, Associate, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Asbury, 7/1/06. PENN, C. RAY (1971-1977–1971-1977) Transferred Illinois Great Rivers Conference 6/17/98; Harrogate, 1997-6/30/01; Lincoln Memorial University, Professor, Philosophy and Religion, 7/1/01. PENNINGTON, CYNTHIA ELAINE [CLARK] (1995-1997–1995-1997) Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Signal Crest, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Green Meadow, 7/1/986/30/02; Buckner-Hiwassee College, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Chaplain, Hiwassee College, 7/1/03-6/30/05; BeulahHendron’s Chapel, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Hendron’s Chapel-Marble City, 7/1/08; Leave of Absence, 7/1/10. PENNINGTON, DENNIS LAYNE (1990-1998–1990-1998) McClure Chapel, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Woodbury Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Hillsville Circuit, 7/1/92-7/1/98; Fancy Gap, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Jonesville First, 7/1/03. PERKINS, ROGER CURWEN (1972-1978–1972-1978) Student, Iliff School of Theology, 6/14/72-6/15/77; New Salem, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Grundy, 6/16/78-8/31/80; Tennessee Wesleyan College, 9/1/80-12/31/81; Pleasant Hill Blount, 1/1/82-6/30/82; Burlington, 7/1/8212/31/84; Oakwood, 1/1/85-6/30/87; Chattanooga, St. James, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Retired, 7/1/89. PERRY, LEONARD MILLER (1967-1969–1967-1969) Barren Plains Circuit, 6/25/61-6/20/62; Bethel, 6/21/62-6/20/64; Locks Memorial, 6/21/64-6/24/65; Haynes Chapel, 6/25/65-6/27/68; Salem Circuit, 6/28/68-6/25/70; Rich Valley, 6/26/70-6/21/74; Sango Bethlehem, 6/22/74-6/16/77; McEwen, 6/17/77-6/14/79; Calvary, Associate, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Neelys Bend, 6/18/816/30/84; Transferred from Tennessee Conference, 7/1/84; Bethel-Vonore, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Green Meadow, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Brooks Memorial, 7/1/92-6/30/95; South Cleveland-Black Fox, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. PETTY, DAVID GORDON “DON” (2006-2009– -2009) Wytheville Circuit, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel, 7/1/08. PETTY, RAY E. (Reinstated, 2008) Macedonia, 1/1/06-6/30/08; Andersonville-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/08-6/30/09; George Street-Grant, 7/1/09. PHILLIPS, JOE ROBSON (PE, 2010) Brooks Memorial, 7/1/07-3/31/09; Benton, 4/1/09; Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 7/1/10. PASTORAL RECORDS 515 PHILPOTT, JAMES LEE (1972-1975–1972-1975) Union Theological Seminary, 6/14/72-6/14/74; State Street, Associate, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Appointed to School, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Forrest Avenue, 6/16/78-12/31/83; First Centenary, Minister of Counseling, 1/1/84-12/31/87; Pastoral Counseling & Therapy, 1/1/88. PIERCE, KENNETH DALE ( -1994– -1994) Pearisburg Circuit, 6/17/73-6/11/76; In School, 6/16/77-6/1/80; Sardis, 6/2/80-5/31/83; Mountain City Circuit, 6/1/83-11/4/86; Withdrawn, 11/5/86-6/30/93; Transfer from Free Methodist Church; Hiltons Memorial, 7/1/936/30/99; Clintwood-McClure, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Holston View, 7/1/02; Dayton, First, 7/1/10. PIERCE, PHILIP AARON (2003-2006– -2006) Ketron Memorial, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Etowah, Wesley Memorial-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/09. POLIS, PATRICK CHARLES (1992-1996–1992-1996) Bethlehem-Holston Chapel, 6/30/93-4/27/97; Bethlehem-Holston merger to New Life, 5/4/97-6/30/04; Hillcrest, 7/1/04; Washington Pike, 7/1/10. POLLOCK, JAMES S. (1963-1965–1963-1965) Mt. Olivet Circuit, KY Conference, 8/1/60-6/1/63; Spring City Circuit, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Chestuee-St. Andrews, 5/30/65-5/31/67; Transferred to S. Indiana Conference; Henryville, 6/1/67-6/10/71; Centerville, 6/11/71-6/8/72; Transferred to Holston Conference; Saltville, 6/9/72-6/16/73; Lake City-Briceville, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Gray, 6/16/78-6/30/83; Lebanon Memorial, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Kingsport, First Broad Street, Minister of Discipleship, 7/1/87-12/31/91; Red Bank, 1/1/92-6/30/93; Johnson City, First, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Marion, First, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Bearden, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. POWERS, ROBERT STINSON (1951-1953–1952-1953) Student, Candler School of Theology, 9/20/51-6/6/53; Rutledge Pilot Charge, 6/7/53-6/4/55; River View Circuit, 6/5/55-6/3/61; French Broad Circuit, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 6/7/64-5/26/67; Wise Trinity, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Sabbatical Leave, 6/14/70-6/9/71; Clinch Valley College, Upward Bound Program, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Athens, Allen Memorial-Cedar Springs, 6/14/72-6/11/76; Simpson Memorial, 6/12/766/30/82; Clapps Chapel, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Sabbatical, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Chapel Hill, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Kingsport, St. Luke, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. PRICE, JOHN K. II (2008-2010– Clintwood-McClure, 7/1/07. -2010) PRIVRATSKY, BRUCE GEORGE (1979-1981–1979-1981) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/15/79-6/11/80; Clinchport Circuit, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Bookwalter, 7/1/83-8/31/86; Missionary, GBGM, Indonesia, 9/1/86-4/30/91; Missionary, Frontiers, 5/1/91. PROBST, AMY ROLLINS (1996-1999–1996-1999) Duke Divinity School, 1996; Sunbright Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/00; East Ridge, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Dunlap, 7/1/04; Family Leave 11/22/04-1/2/05; Dunlap, 1/3/05-6/30/08; Broadway, 7/1/08. RAINWATER, MICKEY WAYNE (1985-1989–1985-1989) Mulberry Gap, 7/1/81-6/30/83; Candler School of Theology, 1985-1986; Red Bank, Associate, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Etowah, St. Paul, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Seymour, 7/1/96-6/30/03; Tyner, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Morristown District Superintendent, 7/1/07-6/30/10; First Broad Street, 7/1/10. RAMER, FAITH (PE, 2010 ) Bridle Creek Circuit, 7/1/09. RAMEY, LARRY EARL (1989-1993–1989-1993) Claypool Hill Circuit, 6/16/77-6/15/78; East Tazewell Circuit, 6/16/78-9/30/81; Discontinued, 10/1/81-6/30/86; Rocky Gap, 7/1/86-6/30/94; Bluefield, Virginia Avenue, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Tazewell, Main Street, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Mountain View, 7/1/06-7/29/08; Leave of Absence, 7/30/08-9/29/08; Weaver, 9/30/08-6/30/09; Richlands, First, 7/1/09. RAMSEY, RONALD WAYNE (1987-1991–1987-1991) Well Springs Circuit, 6/13/85-6/30/89; Morrison Chapel-Washington Chapel, 7/1/89-9/15/92; Knoxville, Asbury, 9/16/92-6/30/00; Church Hill, First, 7/1/00-6/30/09; McKendree, 7/1/09. 516 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE RASNAKE, DARRYLL G. (2004-2007– -2007) Bethel-Vonore, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Friendsville, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Church Street, 7/1/08. RASOR, LAURA RUTH (1993-1996–1993-1996) Candler School of Theology, Emory, 1993; Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 9/1/94-6/30/98; Bristol, Virginia Avenue, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Piney Flats, 7/1/02-6/30/09; Colonial Heights, Knoxville, 7/1/09. RAY, HAROLD DEAN (1958-1961–1958-1961) Dycus Circuit, 9/2/56-6/28/58; Liberty Clear Fork, 6/29/58-6/12/60; Transferred from Tennessee Conference, 6/13/60; Telford Circuit, 6/13/60-6/1/63; South Cleveland, 6/2/63-5/26/67; Burlington, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Harriman-Swan Pond, 6/14/70-6/14/74; Harriman, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Norwood, 6/12/76-6/30/82; Washington Pike, 7/1/82-6/30/90; Tyner, 7/1/90-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. RAY, RICKEY JOE (1991-1993–1991-1993) Chattanooga, St. James, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Elk Garden, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Weaver-Hunt Memorial, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Leave of Absence, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Assoc. Professor of Philosophy, Northeast State Technical College, 7/1/02. REED, THOMAS MATNEY (1974-1978–1974-1978) Athens Parish, 3/1/74-6/30/77; Washington Pike, Associate, 7/1/77-6/30/78; Flintstone, 7/1/78-6/30/81; Calhoun/Spring Creek, 7/1/81-6/30/84; Coeburn-South Coeburn, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Cleveland, Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Hillcrest, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Wise, Trinity 7/1/93-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Returned to Effective Relationship; Ebenezer-Bailey, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Pennington Gap, First, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Elizabeth Chapel, 7/1/09. REHAGEN, HAROLD WILLIAM (1993-1996–1993-1996) Grace, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Tazewell-Arthur, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Enterprise-St. Paul, 7/1/95-6/30/01; St. Andrews, 7/1/016/30/04; St. Andrews-West View, 7/1/04; Retired, 1/1/07; St. Andrews, 1/1/07. REIFF, BETTY CLARK (1978-1981–1978-1981) In School, 5/25/78-6/18/80; Porterville, 6/19/80-6/10/81; Porterville and Scooba-Binnsville, Co-Pastor, 6/11/81-6/15/82; Leave of Absence, 6/16/82-6/15/83; West Park, 6/16/83-5/31/85; Candler School of Theology, Assistant to Dean of Students, 6/1/85-5/31/86; Candler School of Theology, Director of Financial Aid, 6/1/8610/19/90; Abingdon, Associate (from Mississippi Conference, 426.1), 10/20/90-6/10/96; Transferred in from Mississippi Conference, 6/10/96; Abingdon, Minister of Nurture & Outreach, 6/10/96-6/30/04; Leave of Absence, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. RICHARD, FREDERICK H. (1962-1964–1962-1964) In School, 6/21/62-6/24/64; Oakville Kingston, 6/25/64-6/14/67; Council Bluff Trinity, 6/15/67-10/31/69; Stevens Point and Frame Memorial Presbyterian, Minister of Education, 11/1/69-6/14/73; Decatur Grace, Associate, 6/15/73-6/8/77; Champaign First, Associate, 6/9/77-3/16/80; Transferred from Central Illinois, 3/17/80; Kingsport, First Broad Street, Associate, 3/17/80-6/17/81; First Broad Street, Minister of Program, 6/18/81-1/14/85; Leave of Absence, 1/15/85-6/30/89; Retired, 7/1/89. RICHARDSON, JANET SWEET ( -2005– 2005) Transferred from Western Michigan Conference, 7/1/05; Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel, 7/1/03-6/30/06; West End, 7/1/06/; Central-Rutledge, Cherokee Circuit, 7/1/10. RICHTER, RICHARD LEE, JR. (1987-1990–1987-1990) Unity-Red Hill, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Beulah, 7/1/88-8/31/95; Kingsport, St. Luke, 9/1/95-6/30/00; Maryville, First, Associate, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Lighthouse (New Church Start), 7/1/03; Hillcrest-Herdron’s Chapel, 7/1/10. RIDENOUR, GORDON LOUIS (1964-1966–1964-1966) Lou’s Chapel, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Knoxville, Montlake, 5/28/66-6/13/70; Chattanooga, Brainerd, Associate, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Cassidy, 6/15/75-6/17/81; Signal Crest, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Morristown District, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Concord, 7/1/90-6/30/95; First-Centenary, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Oak Ridge District Superintendent, 7/1/97-6/30/03; Retired, 6/30/03; Executive Assistant to the Bishop, 9/1/03-6/30/06. RIEGER, B. ERIC (1997-2000–1997-2000) Pleasant Hill, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Gatlinburg, First, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Middlebrook Pike, 7/1/07. PASTORAL RECORDS 517 RIPLEY, JOHN EDWIN (1960-1963–1960-1963) Sugar Grove Holview, 6/10/56-6/6/59; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/13/60-6/3/61; Elizabeth Chapel, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Kingsport, Broad Street, Associate, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Knoxville, Trinity, 6/15/69-6/14/74; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 6/15/74-6/11/80; Brainerd, 6/12/80-6/30/85; Knoxville District, 7/1/85-8/31/88; Oak Ridge, First, 9/1/88-6/30/91; Chattanooga District, 7/1/91-6/30/97; Munsey Memorial, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00; Director, New Church Development, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. ROBERSON, BENJAMIN L. (1997-1999–1997-1999) Pleasant Hill, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Asbury Seminary, 1994; Tasso, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Niota-Cedar Springs, 7/1/996/30/04; Mt. Hebron, 7/1/04-6/30/06; St. Paul’s-Carlock, 7/1/06; Retired, 7/1/10. ROBERSON, JOHN W., JR. (1973-1974–1973-1974) In School, 6/22/73-6/19/75; Bowerston 1st Circuit, 6/20/75-6/24/76; In School, 6/25/76-6/23/77; Hannibal Clar Par, 6/24/77-6/30/82; Jones Chapel, 7/1/82-6/30/88; Union Grove, 7/1/88-6/30/97; Macedonia, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. ROBERTS, STELLA M. (1974-1977–1974-1977) St. John-South Charleston and Director of Heart & Hand House, 6/13/76-5/31/80; Elizabeth-St. James, 6/1/806/30/85; St. Pauls Fairmont, 7/1/85-8/31/86; Tennessee Wesleyan College, 9/1/86-6/30/88; Keith Memorial, Associate, 7/1/88-6/30/97 (Transferred from West Virginia Conference, 4/20/94); Keith Memorial, Associate, 1994-1996; Keith Memorial, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Knoxville District Superintendent, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Oak Ridge, First, 7/1/06. ROBERTSON, ERNEST LEROY (1982-1984– -1982) Cardwell-Bradburg, 7/1/82-6/30/88; Knoxville, Asbury, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Etowah, St. Pauls, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Church Hill, First, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. ROBERTSON, JANICE NORDYKE (1979-1996–1979-1996) Candler School of Theology, 6/15/78-12/31/80; Rising Fawn Circuit, 7/1/78-6/30/79; Student, 1/1/82-6/11/86; Discontinued, 6/12/86-6/30/92; Readmitted, 7/1/92; Student, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Belfast-Midway, 7/1/94-6/30/99; First Centenary, Associate, 7/1/99-6/11/03; Jefferson City, First, 6/11/03-6/30/06; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/066/30/08; Fort Oglethorpe, 7/1/08; Flinstone-Fort Oglethorpe, 7/1/10. ROBERTSON-GOUGE, SCOTT ANDREW (1984-1988–1984-1988) Riceville, 9/1/80-6/30/82; Athens Parish, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Wesley S. Pittsburgh, 7/1/84-12/31/85; Jacksboro, 1/1/86-6/30/88; Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/88-6/30/91; George Street-Grant, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Saltville Madam Russell, 7/1/93-6/30/00; Rock Springs, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Fancy Gap, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Fancy Gap-Island CreekMountain Plains, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Blue Ridge Circuit (formerly Fancy Gap-Island Creek-Mountain Plains), 7/1/09. ROBINETTE, BEVERLY CAROL (1993-1996–1993-1996) Cleveland, First, Associate, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Fountain City, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Emory/Smyth Chapel and Assistant Chaplain Emory & Henry College, 7/1/02-6/30/07; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Leave of Absence, 7/1/08. ROBINS, ANN P. (2001-2004–2001-2004) Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Ebenezer, 7/1/05. ROBINS, THOMAS A. (2001-2010– 2010) Bethel, Seymour, 7/1/95-6/30/08; Leave of Absence, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Binfield, 7/1/09. RODGERS, WILLIAM STEGER (1960-1963–1960-1963) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/13/60-6/2/62; Englewood, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Wytheville, West End, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Kingsport, St. Matthew, 6/10/71-6/14/75; McFarland, 6/15/75-12/31/79; Marion, First, 1/1/806/30/82; Birdmont Manor, Administrator, 7/1/82-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. ROE, JASON COLEMAN (2004-2006– -2006) Seymour, Associate, 9/1/00-6/30/06; General Evangelist, 7/1/06. ROGERS, SHIRLEY JEAN (1991-1994–1991-1994) Forest, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Fox, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Shady Grove, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Pocahontas, 9/1/94-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95. 518 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE ROLLER, HOMER CLAUDE (1968-1970–1962-1964) Clouds Bend, 6/7/59-6/3/61; Kendrick Creek, 6/4/61-6/1/63; Kendrick’s Creek Cloud Bend, 6/2/63-6/6/64; Greeneville Circuit, 6/7/64-6/4/68; Chuckey Circuit, 6/5/68-6/13/70; Austin Springs-Boones Creek, 6/14/706/14/74; Graham Circuit, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Mount Carmel, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Pine Grove Circuit, 6/15/796/30/84; Kingsport, St. Luke, 7/1/84-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86; Morrison Chapel, 1/1/04-6/30/07. ROSE, JAMES DONALD (1991-1995–1991-1995) Lepanto, 6/1/91-5/31/93; Transferred from North Arkansas Conference, 6/1/93; Pleasant Hill, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Mosheim Central-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. ROSS, STEVEN M. (1976-1982–1976-1982) Unity-Chilcutt, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Englewood, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Evensville-New Bethel, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Branch Hill-Solway-Valley View, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Valley View, 1/1/82-12/31/82; Solway, 1/1/83-6/30/83; Economy-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Leave of Absence, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Campground, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Bluefield Parish/Bethel, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Sinking Springs-Paperville, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Midtown Valley, 7/1/966/30/98; Wildwood-Whiteside, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. ROSS, WILLIAM DARRYL (1986-1989–1986-1989) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Wellspring Circuit, 6/14/70-6/14/79; Big Springs, 6/15/79-1/14/82; Withdrawn, 1/15/82-6/30/86; Middle Valley, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Nolichuckey Circuit, 7/1/876/30/89; Ridgedale, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Hardin’s-Bradburn Hill, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Marvin-Fairview, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Harrison, 7/1/98-6/30/05; Knoxville, St. Lukes, 7/1/05; Retired, 7/1/10. ROWLAND, BILLY FRANK (1969-1972–1969-1972) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Greeneville, Asbury, Associate, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Kingsport, First-Broad Street, Minister to Youth and Young Adults, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Marion, Grace, 6/15/756/15/77; State Street, Associate, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Fincastle-Mt. View, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Madisonville, First, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Jefferson City, First, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Cassidy, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Clinton, Memorial, 7/1/916/30/97; Abingdon, 7/1/97-6/30/05; Dublin, 7/1/05. ROWLETT, PEYTON LEE, JR. (1959-1963–1959-1963) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/59-6/3/61; Elk Garden Circuit, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Lead Mines Circuit, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 6/15/69-6/14/74; Beaver Ridge-Bethel, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Galax, First, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Knoxville, First, 6/12/80-6/30/89; Johnson City District, 7/1/89-6/30/94; Conference Council on Ministries, Director, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Fountain City, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. RUDESILL, RICHARD M. (2004-2007– -2007) Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Bethel-Vonore, 7/1/05. RUSSELL, JERALD WAYNE (1971-1974–1971-1974) Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/10/71-6/16/73; Second Church, Associate, 6/17/73-11/30/74; Missionary, Bolivia, 12/1/74-6/30/78; Knoxville, Fairview, 7/1/78-12/31/79; Missionary, General Board of Global Ministries, 1/1/80-9/30/83; Buckner Memorial, 10/1/83-12/31/90; Maryville, Fairview, 1/1/91. RUTHERFORD, JAMES HALBERT (1966-1969–1966-1969) Loudon Circuit, 6/10/56-6/8/57; Peakland Circuit, 6/3/62-6/25/64; Dawsonville, 6/26/64-5/27/66; Student, Candler School of Theology, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Dante, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Signal Mountain.-Welch’s Chapel, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Signal Mountain, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Saint James, 1975; South Cleveland, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Decatur-Concord, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Leave of Absence, 6/15/79-2/19/80; Bryant, 2/20/80-6/11/80; MorganvilleSlygo Valley, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Auburn, 6/18/81-6/30/87; Newbern-Mountain View, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Afton-Stone Dam, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Wallace-Wyndale, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Ewing Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Rutledge Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Ross Camp Ground, 7/1/97-2/28/99; Leave of Absence, 3/1/99-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. RYE, LARRY STEVEN ( -2000–1998-2000) Riverside, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Pocahontas, 7/1/87-12/31/89; Bland, 1/1/90-6/30/91; Valley View, 7/1/91-6/30/96; St. Paul, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Mt. Vale-Savannah,7/1/01-6/30/04; Mountain City, First-Trade, 7/1/04. PASTORAL RECORDS 519 SALAZAR, PEDRO ORLANDO (1963-1965–1963-1968) St. Ana, 6/1/60-5/31/61; Cardenas, 6/1/61-5/31/64; Mayaria, 6/1/64-11/19/68; Transferred from Cuba Conference, 3/20/68; Elk Creek Circuit, 11/20/68-6/15/77; St. Paul Circuit, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Radford, Carter Street, 6/18/81-6/30/87; Cherokee, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Pound, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Cedar Bluff Pounding Mill, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Otterbein West Market Street, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Bristol, Trinity, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Retired, 7/1/01. SALLEE, GERALD STEVEN (1974-1977–1974-1977) Tyner, 6/14/70-6/13/72; Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Tuckaleechee, 6/12/76-6/15/78; First Centenary, Associate, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Chattanooga (St. Paul) Christ, 7/1/82-6/30/96; Cokesbury, 7/1/96. SASSER, HARPER JEROME (1951-1956–1953-1956) Student, Candler School of Theology, 9/20/51-6/5/54; Chattanooga, Centenary, Associate, 6/6/54-6/8/56; Lupton City, 6/9/56-6/7/58; Gatlinburg, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 6/3/62-6/1/68; Knoxville, Washington Pike, 6/2/68-6/14/75; Oak Ridge, Kern, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Associate, Executive Director, Holston Methodist Home, 6/16/78-12/31/78; Director, Holston Methodist Home, 1/1/79-6/30/84; Middlebrook Pike, 7/1/846/30/86; Signal Crest, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Retired, 7/1/91. SAUER, KENNETH E. ( -2009– - ) Grace, 7/1/08-6/30/09; East Ridge, 7/1/09. SCHEPISI, ILA WALTON (2008-2010– 2010- ) Grove, Youth Director-VA Tech Adult Day Services, Activities Director/Faculty Instructor, 7/1/08. SCHOENEMAN, WILLIAM ALBERT, JR. (1994-1997–1994-1997) Red Oak, 7/1/93-7/31/96; Ceres Bethany, 8/1/96-6/30/98; Copperhill, First, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Middle Valley, 7/1/026/30/03; Newbern-Mountain View, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Marion East Circuit, 7/1/09. SCHOFIELD, CURTIS R. (1961-1963–1961-1963) Loudon Circuit, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Dade County Sand Mtn., 6/13/60-6/6/64; Chattanooga, St. Paul, 6/7/64-6/13/70; Director, Contact of Chattanooga, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Knoxville, Trinity, 6/15/75-6/30/82; Tyner, 7/1/82-6/30/84; President, Hiwassee College, 7/1/84-8/31/88; Chattanooga, St. John, 9/1/88-6/30/90; Vice President, Development, Foundation for Evangelism, 7/1/90-12/31/93; Hixson, 1/1/94-6/30/97; Sabbatical, 7/1/97-12/31/97; Vice President, Development, Mission Society for United Methodist, 1/1/98-6/30/01; Retired, 7/1/01; Wildwood, 7/1/046/30/08. SCOGGINS, KENNETH LESTER (1987-1991–1987-1991) Unity-Red Hill, Student, TWC, 1982; Charleston, 1/1/82-6/30/82; Unity, 7/1/82-6/30/87; Tazewell Parish, 7/1/87-6/30/94; Cleveland, Asbury, 7/1/94-6/30/06; Soddy, 7/1/06. SCOTT, BRADLEY HOWARD (1988-1991–1988-1991) Student, Divinity School, Duke, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Belfast-Midway, 7/1/89-6/30/94; North Tazewell-Mt. Zion, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Jonesville, First, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Jonesborough, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Pearisburg, First, 7/1/08. SCOTT, WILLIAM DONALD (1963-1967–1963-1967) Chatham Hill Circuit, 6/13/60-6/3/61; Rocky Gap, 6/2/63-6/6/64; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/7/64-5/29/65; Narrows Circuit, 5/30/65-6/1/68; Max Meadows Circuit, 6/2/68-2/29/72; Johnson City, Fairhaven, 3/1/72-6/15/78; Trinity, Big Stone Gap, 6/16/78-6/30/83; Bluefield, First, 7/1/83-9/14/92; Tazewell District, 9/15/92-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. SEAY, PAUL DANIEL (2004-2007– -2007) Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Princeton Theological Seminary, 7/1/09; Surgoinsville, First, 7/1/10. SEAY, THOMAS LEE (1974-1978–1974-1978) Wildwood-New England, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Oliver Springs-Dutch Valley-Peake Chapel, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Pulaski, First, Associate, 6/12/80-6/30/84; Johnson City, Fairhaven, 7/1/84-10/31/88; Conference Council on Ministries Staff, 11/1/88-6/30/91; Clapps Chapel, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Jones Memorial, 7/1/92-6/30/99; Tyner, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Bearden, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Colonial Heights, 7/1/07. 520 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE SHANKS, JAMES MARVIN (1975-1977–1975-1977) Patten Center Circuit, 6/15/75-6/11/76; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Beulah-Ridgeway, 6/15/796/11/80; Galax Circuit, 6/12/80-12/31/81; Long View, 1/1/82-6/30/82; Philadelphia-New Hope, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Middlesettlements, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Holly Avenue, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Surgoinsville, First, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Fountain City, St. Paul, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Mary’s Chapel, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Mary’s Chapel-Russellville, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. SHAW, HELEN ESTHER (2003-2006– 2006) Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Spring Valley Circuit, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Welch’s Chapel-Stephen’s Chapel, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Philadelphia-New Hope, 7/1/03-6/30/06; New Salem, 7/1/06-3/31/09; Incapacity Leave, 4/1/09. SHEARER, LAURA (2003-2006– 2006) West Side Parish, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Church Street, Associate-Conference Pastoral Counselling Center, 7/1/056/30/08; Conference Pastoral Counselling Center, 7/1/08; Director, Conference Pastoral Counseling Ctr., 7/1/10. SHELDON, JOHN LOWELL (1990-1994–1990-1994) Vanderbilt Divinity School, 1988-1990; Wells Spring Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Midtown-Valley Chapel, 7/1/906/30/92; Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Dante, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Lincoln Park, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Church Street, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Knoxville, Central, 7/1/02-2/28/05; Incapacity Leave, 3/1/05. SHELL, REED L. (1976-1979–1976-1979) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/82-6/30/88; Andersonville-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Concord, Associate 7/1/92-6/30/97; Kingston, 7/1/97-6/30/04; State Street, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Broad Street, 7/1/08. SHEWEY, WILL HOWARD (PE 2009- –2007- ) Morgans Chapel, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Hiltons Memorial, 7/1/99-6/30/09; Salem, 7/1/09. SHIREY, CAROL JEAN MAHAN FERGUSON(1995-1999–1995-1999) Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Mt. Pleasant-Tate’s Chapel, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Marion, West Circuit, 7/1/966/30/99; Belfast-Midway, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Mosheim Central-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/02-6/11/03; Hardin’s ChapelMosheim Central, 6/11/03-6/30/06; Leave of Absence, 7/1/06. SHUPE, ALLEN DUANE (1987-1993–1987-1993) New Hope-Mt. Airy, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Athens Parish, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Damascus Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/89;Marion, First, Minister Evangelism 7/1/89-6/30/93; Mosheim Central-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Coeburn-Tacoma, 7/1/96-8/1/00; Marvin’s Chapel, 8/1/00-6/30/04; Rutledge, Central, 7/1/04; Oneida, First, 7/1/10. SHUPE, OLIN E. (1973-1976–1973-1976) Mt. Olivet Wesley Memorial, 6/7/64-5/29/65; Bright Hope, 5/30/65-6/16/70; Milton Nassau Circuit, 6/17/706/16/73; Wesley Theological Seminary, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Newbern-Mountain View, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Church Hill, First, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Independence, 7/1/82-6/30/85; Floyd, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Wise, Trinity, 7/1/886/30/93; Cedar Bluff-Pounding Mill, 7/1/93-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. SIMMERMAN, WALTER COX (1983-1986–1983-1986) Asbury Theological Seminary, 7/1/83-6/30/84; Pulaski, First, Associate, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Knoxville, Lincoln Park, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Limestone, 7/1/89-6/30/91; Auburn, Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/98; Hixson, Associate, 7/1/986/30/00; Elizabeth Chapel, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Galax, First, 7/1/06. SLACK, SARAH MARTIN (2002-2005– -2005) Cokesbury, Associate, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Hixson, Associate, 7/1/05-6/30/07; New Life, 7/1/07. SLATER, JOHN M. JR. (PE, 2010) Sunbright Circuit, 7/1/07. SLUDER, MICHAEL GENE (1986-1990–1986-1990) Duke Divinity School, 6/9/86-6/30/88; Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Signal Crest, Associate, 7/1/926/30/96; Fairhaven, 7/1/96-6/30/02; Knoxville, St. Mark, 7/1/02-6/30/07; Bearden, 7/1/07. PASTORAL RECORDS 521 SMART, GREGORY STUART (2000-2000–2000-2006) First Centenary, Youth Ministries, 1997-6/30/03; Dade Cluster (Sand Mountain), 7/1/03-6/30/07; St. Luke, 7/1/07; Pikeville, 7/1/10. SMART, NATALIE (1998-2001–1998-2001) Red Bank, Associate, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Signal Crest, Associate, 7/1/026/30/07; Simpson, 7/1/07. SMITH, ALVIN HARLAN (1978-1982–1978-1982) Hurst Washington Hills, 6/15/79-6/14/81; Edgehill, Associate, 6/15/81-6/30/82; Sparta Charge, 7/1/82-6/30/83; John Stewart, 7/1/83-6/30/89; Transferred from West Virginia Conference; Stanley, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Pulaski Parish, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Haven Chapel-Asbury, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Lennon-Seney, 7/1/98-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. SMITH, CRYSTAL SALYERS (2004-2007– 2007) Kingsport, Colonial Heights, Associate, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Mississippi Conference, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Oak Ridge, First, 7/1/09. SMITH, DAVID LEE (1972-1975–1972-1975) Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/14/72-6/14/74; Evensville-New Bethel, 6/15/74-6/11/80; Surgoinsville, First, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Maryville, St. John, 7/1/83-8/14/88; Dandridge, First, 8/15/88-6/30/90; Knoxville, St. Luke’s, 7/1/90-6/30/00; Clapp’s Chapel, 7/1/00. SMITH, DONALD H. ( -2006– -2006) Marion, First, Associate, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Shady Grove-Charles Wesley, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Shady Grove-Cedar Bluff, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Transferred in from Western New York Conference, 7/1/06; Shady Grove-Camp Ahistadi, 7/1/06. SMITH, FRANK DOUGLAS (1963-1966–1963-1966) Trundles, 6/13/60-6/2/62; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Pigeon Forge, 5/30/656/14/69; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Bristol, Virginia Avenue, 6/14/72-6/15/77; Rockwood, 6/16/77-6/30/82; Kingsport, Mountain View, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Middlebrook Pike, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Maryville District, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Morristown, First, 7/1/96-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Conference Steward of Clergy Concerns, 7/1/04. SMITH, JAMES EDWARD (1978-1980–1978-1980) Rich Valley-Carvosso, 6/16/78-6/11/80; Holly Springs-Salem, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Bristol, State Street, Associate, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Retired, 7/1/83. SMITH, JOHN BYRON (2002-2006–1996-2006) Paynes Chapel, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Patten Center, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Mount Crest-Wesley Chapel, 7/1/96-6/30/04; Mount Crest, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. SMITH, MELISSA R. (2008-2010– 2010) Fountain City, Associate, Youth Ministries, 7/1/03-12/31/05; Fountain City, Associate, 1/1/06. SMITH, ROBERT LADELL (1988-1992–1988-1992) East Tazewell Circuit, 1981-1984; Divinity School, Duke, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Tazewell Circuit, 1985-1990; Pisgah, 7/1/85-6/30/91; Red Bank, Associate, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Wytheville, West End, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Greeneville, Trinity, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, 7/1/02-6/30/07; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/07. SMITH, WENDELL MELVIN (1995-1998–1995-1998) Asbury Chapel, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Friendsville, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04; Vestal, 7/1/04. SMITHEY, REBECCA ANN STEPHENS (2005-2007–2005-2007) Fox, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Student, Methodist Theological Seminary in Ohio, -6/30/05; Sand Branch, 7/1/05. SNAPP, CLAUDE CLYDE (1969-1971–1958-1971) Sneedville Circuit, 6/5/55-6/12/60; Tazewell, 6/13/60-6/3/61; Morganville Circuit, 6/4/61-5/29/65; Sand Mountain, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Whitwell-Red Hill, 6/15/69-6/11/76; Pikeville-Wesley, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Harriman, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Marvin-Fairview, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Etowah, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/86-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. 522 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE SNODGRASS, WILLIAM EDWARD, II (1977-1980–1977-1980) Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/16/77-6/14/79; First Centenary, Minister of Youth, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Chattanooga, Eastlake, 6/18/81-6/30/85; McCallie School, Campus Ministry, 7/1/85-10/14/08; McCallie School, Campus Ministry-Highland Plaza, 10/15/08. SNYDER, HARRY WEDDLE (1943-1945–1945-1947) Well Springs, 10/11/43-10/11/45; Whitwell, 10/12/45-9/27/52; Mascot, 9/28/52-6/12/60; Wauhatchie, 6/13/606/14/75; Daisy, 6/15/75-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. SOLOMON, ROGER BRUMLEY (1954-1958–1954-1958) Cherokee Circuit, 9/28/52-6/5/54; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/6/54-6/4/55; Walland, 6/5/55-6/9/56; In School Perkins, 6/10/56-6/8/57.; Professor, Hiwassee College, 6/9/57-8/31/59; Professor, Gulf Coast College, 9/1/59-6/1/63; Kellogg Fellow, Columbia University, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Director of Guidance Services, Chipola College, 5/30/65-5/26/67; Associate Professor, Graduate School, Florida Atlantic University, 5/27/676/14/69; Professor, Dekalb College, 6/15/69-6/14/75; Director, Atlanta Counseling and Therapy Center, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Retired Status, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Leave of Absence, 6/15/79-6/13/84; Retired, 6/14/84. SPANGLER, BRUCE WAYNE (1990-1995–1990-1995) Piney Grove, 6/15/79-6/30/82; French Broad-Circuit, 7/1/82-12/31/83; Grigsby Circuit, 7/1/87-12/31/88; Unity Red Hill, 1/1/89-6/30/95; St. Elmo, 7/1/95-6/30/01; Central, 7/1/01-6/30/02; Washington Pike, Associate for Knox Area Rescue Mission, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Knox Area Rescue Mission, 7/1/04-11/14/06; Volunteer Rescue Ministry, 11/15/06-12/31/06; Volunteer Rescue Ministry-West View, 1/1/07-6/30/09; Volunteer Ministry Center-West View, 7/1/09. SPELL, CHARLES RAYMOND “RICK”, JR. (1977-1981–1977-1981) Fairgarden Circuit, 6/15/75-6/11/76; Student, Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Vonore Circuit, 6/16/78-1/31/80; Harneds-Parrotsville, 2/1/80-2/14/85; Panther Springs, 2/15/85-6/30/91; Cassidy, 7/1/916/30/96; Bluefield, First, 7/1/96-6/30/01; East Stone Gap-Legion Memorial, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Red Bank, 7/1/046/30/08; Newport, First, 7/1/08. SPRINKLE, KENNETH LLOYD (1973-1976–1973-1976) Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Damascus, 6/15/75-12/31/79; Glade Springs Charge, 1/1/806/30/88; Piney Flats-Edgefield, 7/1/88-6/30/94; Ft. Oglethorpe, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Pennington Gap, First, 7/1/986/30/04; East Stone Gap-Legion Memorial, 7/1/04. ST. CLAIR, DAVID THOMAS (1977-1987–1977-1987) Wesley Theological Seminary, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Concord, Assistant, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Morristown Noes Holston, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Valley Forge, 7/1/82-8/2/84; Discontinued, 8/3/84-6/30/86; Readmitted; First-Centenary, Youth Director, 7/1/86-5/31/87; North Carolina Conference, Front Street, 6/1/87-6/30/89; Chilhowie-Tate’s Chapel, 7/1/89-6/30/91; Chaplain, Emory & Henry College, 7/1/91-6/30/00; Bristol, First, 7/1/00-6/30/03; ChilhowieSeven Mile Ford, 7/1/03. STANFIELD, CHRIS J. (2002-2004–2002-2004) Old Union-McFerrin, 7/1/97-3/10/01; Wise, Trinity, 3/11/01-6/30/05; Chaplain, US Navy, 7/1/05; HarnedsParrottsville, 7/1/10. STANLEY, TALMAGE APPERSON (1985-1988–1985-1988) Candler School of Theology, 1985; Student, 6/10/85-6/30/86; Wytheville Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Student, 7/1/91; Sabbatical Leave, 1996; Emory & Henry College, Volunteer Services Coordinator, 1996. STANSELL, DONALD EDWIN (1986-1988–1984-1988) Boissevain Circuit, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Rich Creek Powell Mtn., 6/18/81-12/31/81; Rich Creek, 1/1/82-12/31/88; Johnson City, Fairhaven, 1/1/89-6/30/93; Mountain View, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Floyd, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Wytheville, St. Paul, 7/1/99-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. STAPLETON, BRADLEY (PE,2010) Dungannon Circuit, 7/1/10. PASTORAL RECORDS 523 STARKS, CHARLES WILEY (1977-1981–1977-1981) Broadford Circuit, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/16/77-6/11/79; ACMNP Internship, NYC, New York, 1979; Meadowview, 6/12/80-6/30/84; Pleasant View, 7/1/84-6/30/93; Newport, First, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Greeneville, Asbury, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Wytheville District Superintendent, 7/1/02-6/30/09; Morristown, First, 7/1/09. STEINER, JOHN R. (1950-1954–1952-1954) Student, Emory University, 1950-1951; Pound, 1952-1954; Conference Director of Youth Work, 1955-1957; Radford, Carter Street, 1958; Sweetwater, 1959-1962; Knoxville, St. Luke, 1963; Morristown, Centenary, 1964-1965; Staff, Holston Home for Children, 1966; Sabbatical, 1966-1967; Florida Conference, Florida Methodist Children’s Home, 1968-1969; Missouri West Conference, Director, Spofford Home for Children, Kansas City, MO, 1970-1983; North Georgia Conference, President, Murphy-Harpst-Vashti, Treatment Centers for Children, 1984-1992; Retired, 1992; Holston Conference, Retired, 2003. STEVENS, JACK LYNN (1985-1987–1978-1987) Lebanon-Kelly’s Chapel, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Marion, West Circuit, 6/16/78-6/30/82; South Bristol, 7/1/826/30/88; Bristol, St. Luke, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Aldersgate-Jordan Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Piney Flats-Edgefield, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Edgefield, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Sinking Springs-Hunt Memorial, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Sinking Springs-Hunt Memorial, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Sinking Springs, 7/1/06. STEWART, ROBERT WARREN (1962-1980–1962-1980) Mountain City, 6/8/58-6/3/61; Patten Center, 6/3/62-6/1/63; Wesley Chapel, 6/2/63-5/26/67; Chattanooga, St. Andrews, Associate, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Elizabeth Chapel, 6/14/70-6/9/71; In School, 6/10/71-6/13/72; Discontinued, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Readmitted, Asbury-Greeneville, Associate, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Central-Noes, 6/12/76-6/17/81; Holston View-Prospect, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Norton-West Norton, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Pearisburg, First 7/1/90-6/30/94; Richlands, First, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Grove, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. STOHLER, HUGH DALE (1963-1968–1963-1968) Student, Drew Theological School, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Campus Minister, University of Chattanooga, 5/28/666/13/70; Student, University of North Caroline, 6/14/70-6/14/74; Director of Student Activities, Guilford University, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Retired, 6/16/78. STOKES, DEBRA JEAN McCARD (2004-2007– Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/01. -2007) STONE, LISA ANN (1990-1994–1990-1994) Student, Hinton Rural Life Center, 1/1/92-6/30/92; Southside, 7/1/92-6/16/98; Transferred from Tennessee Conference; Chestnut Hill, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Norris-Sinking Springs, 7/1/01-6/30/06; Leave of Absence, 7/1/066/30/07; Transylvania Christian Ministry, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Spiritual Director, 7/1/08. STOOKSBURY, WILLIAM CLAUDE (1989-1997–1989-1997) Fairgarden Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Lonsdale, 7/1/92-6/30/00, St. Luke’s, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Knoxville, Second, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. SWIFT, DONALD (1994-1997–1994-1997) Candler School of Theology, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Pulaski Parish, 7/1/95-6/30/00; Stanley, 7/1/00-6/30/05; John Wesley-Charles Wesley, 7/1/05; St. Mark, 7/1/10. SWITZER, BETSY R. (PE,2009) Benton-Chestuee, 7/1/10. TABOR, J. DAVID (1991-1994–1991-1994) Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Wildwood-Whiteside, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Chattanooga, St. James, 7/1/916/30/93; Kingsport, St. Luke, 7/1/93-8/31/95; Oak Ridge, First, Associate, 9/1/95-6/30/96; McKendree, 7/1/966/30/00; Grace, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Jones Memorial, 7/1/06; Tazewell District Superintendent 7/1/10. TAJ, AMOS (1967-1972–1967-1972) In School, 6/8/69-6/12/71; Inner City Ministry, 6/13/71-8/31/73; Leave of Absence, 9/1/73-6/8/74; National Health Co-Op Program Coordinator, 6/9/74-6/9/79; Leave of Absence, 6/10/79-6/11/83; Honorable Location, 6/12/83-6/11/89; Transferred from Western North Carolina Conference, 7/1/89; Ooltewah, Associate, 7/1/896/30/93; Cleveland Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/95; St. Paul East, 7/1/95-6/30/00; Brooks Memorial, 7/1/00-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. 524 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE TALLENT, JEFFREY LYNN (2004-2008–2004-2008) Emory, 7/1/96-6/30/02; Student, Duke Divinity School; North Carolina Conference, Hightower Charge, 7/1/046/30/06; Salem, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Hiltons Memorial, 7/1/09. TAPLEY, EARL M. (1953-1953–1953-1953) Professor, University of Chattanooga, 6/7/53-6/7/58; Chattanooga, St. John, 1956-1957; Professor, Evansville College, 6/8/58-6/11/80; Director, Graduate Division, Evansville College, 1968-1979; Retired, 6/12/80. TAYLOR, BRIAN KEITH (1987-1990–1987-1990) Student, Candler School of Theology, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Morristown, First, Associate, 7/1/88-6/30/93; Pennington Gap, First, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Mountain View, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Maryville District, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Munsey Memorial, 7/1/03. TAYLOR, CHRISTINA BOAZ (2007-2010– -2010) Damascus, 7/1/07. TAYLOR, DANIEL H., JR. (1998-2001–1998-2001) Student, Candler School of Theology, 9/1/96-5/11/99; Cleveland, Trinity, 7/1/98-6/30/99; Lennon-Seney, 7/1/99-6/30/03; Big Stone Gap District Superintendent, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Conference Secretary, 7/1/08. TAYLOR, JAMES RUSSELL (1974-1976–1974-1976) Candler School of Theology/Rising Fawn Circuit, 9/1/72-6/14/75; Director Admissions, Tennessee Wesleyan College, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Fountain City, Associate, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Marvin-Fairview, 6/15/79-6/30/84; Addilynn Memorial, 7/1/84-6/30/89; Chattanooga, Wesley Memorial, Co-Pastor, 7/1/89-6/30/96; Knoxville, Second, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Cleveland, First, 7/1/99-12/31/04; Family Leave, 1/1/05-6/30/05; South Carolina Conference, 7/1/05. TAYLOR, JANE ELIZABETH (1999-2002–1999-2002) Pleasant Grove, 7/1/98-12/31/99; State Street, Associate, 1/1/00-6/30/03; Boones Creek, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Gatlinburg, First-Huskey’s Grove, 7/1/07. TAYLOR, JOE MACK (2000-2002–1987-2002) Wytheville Circuit, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Woodlawn, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Bland, 7/1/91-6/30/97; Fairlawn-Bethel, 7/1/97-6/30/04; Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/04. TAYLOR, LOVELL CLARK, JR. (2007-2009–2009) CEO, Ephraim McDowell, KY, 7/1/07; CEO Hospice of Chattanooga, 7/1/10. TAYLOR, MEG GROTE (1980-1983–1980-1983) Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Jonesville Parish, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Noe’s-Holston, 7/1/826/30/86; Greeneville Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Leave of Absence, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Our Father’s Place, Inc., 7/1/89-6/30/90; Carter’s Valley Circuit/Carter’s Chapel, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Emory-Bethel, 7/1/91-6/30/93; EmoryColonial Heights, Associate, 7/1/93-6/30/96; First Broad Street, Minister of Congregational Care, 7/1/966/30/98; White Oak, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Daisy, 7/1/02-6/30/05; McKendree, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Wytheville District Superintendent, 7/1/09. TEAGUE, JAMES MICHAEL (1985-1988–1985-1988) Kingston, Minister of Education, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Second Church and Virginia Avenue, Associate, 7/1/886/30/89; Maryville, First, Associate, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Chattanooga, St. Marks, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Chapel Hill, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Pisgah-Pleasant Hill, 7/1/98-6/30/00; St. Luke’s, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Smyth County Parish Director (Grace-Greenwood), 7/1/03. THEIBEN, DANIEL CHARLES (1990-1993–1990-1993) Oakland, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Ross Campground-Mt. Zion, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Limestone-McCarty, 7/1/91-6/30/01; Enterprise-St. Paul, 7/1/01. THIERBACH, JOHN KURT (1994-1996–1988-1996) Bethel/Blount, 7/1/82-6/30/83; Bethlehem (New Life), 7/1/83-6/30/90; Knoxville, Aldersgate, 7/1/90-10/31/91; Kodak Circuit, 11/1/91-6/30/95; Harrison, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Pecks Memorial, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Meadow-Williamson Chapel, 7/1/05-6/30/06. PASTORAL RECORDS 525 THOMAS, DONALD EDISON (1975-1978–1975-1978) Athens Parish, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Apison, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Bristol, State Street, Associate, 6/16/77-9/14/80; Cleveland, Fairview, 9/15/80-6/30/83; Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Harrogate-Arthur-Wesley Foundation, 7/1/87-12/31/90; Buckner/Hiwassee, 1/1/91-6/30/93; LaFollette, 7/1/93-6/30/00; Clinton, Memorial, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Knoxville, Trinity, 7/1/06. THOMAS, WILLIAM BERNARD (1957-1960–1959-1960) Flintstone, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Rutherford Memorial, 6/7/59-6/1/63; Calhoun, 6/2/63-6/14/69; Church Hill, First, 6/15/69-6/14/75; Lookout Mountain, 6/15/75-6/30/82; Copperhill, 7/1/82-6/30/88; Retired, 7/1/88. THOMPSON, CYNTHIA (2000-2004– -2004) Wesley Memorial, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 7/1/00-1/11/02; First Broad Street, Minister of Education/Programs, 1/12/02-6/30/06; Surgoinsville, First, 7/1/06; St. Luke, 7/1/10. THOMPSON, JAMES W. (FD, 1998) Tennessee Wesleyan College, Associate Professor of Sociology, 1980-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. TIMBERLAKE, RICHARD H. (1952-1954–1952-1954) Riceville Circuit, 9/28/52-6/4/55; Johnson City, First, Associate, 6/5/55-6/7/58; Hillsville, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Chattanooga, St. John, 6/3/62-5/26/67; Alcoa, 5/27/67-6/13/72; Chattanooga, Trinity-Woodmore, 6/14/726/15/78; Morristown District, 6/16/78-6/30/83; Concord, 7/1/83-6/30/88; Kingsport District, 7/1/88-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. TINDELL, HARRY PRESTON (1968-1973–1968-1973) Wells Springs Circuit, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Mt. Hermon, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Mt. Vernon Rugby Road, 5/28/66-5/26/67; St. Onega Circuit, Associate, 5/27/67-6/4/68; Derby-Stonega Circuit, 6/5/68-6/14/69; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Jonesville Parish, Associate, 6/14/72-6/14/74; Coeburn-South Coeburn, 6/15/746/14/75; Immanuel-Bungalow, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Baileyton Circuit, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Galax Circuit, 6/15/796/11/80; Prater Circuit, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Mascot-Hopewell, 6/18/81-6/30/83; St. Paul, East, 7/1/83-6/30/84; Bridgers, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Charleston-Valley Head, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Philadelphia-New Hope, 7/1/89-6/30/91; West Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Tellico Plains Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Keywood, South Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Nickelsville Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Valley Forge, 7/1/01-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02; New Victory, 7/1/036/30/09. TIPTON, MARY ELIZABETH (PD, 2008) Director, UVA-Wise Wesley Foundation, 7/1/08. TOBIN, LON FRANCIS (2004-2007– 2007) Loves Memorial, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Valley Forge, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Student, Candler School of Theology, 7/1/01; East Pine Grove Park, 7/1/04; Johnson City Parish, 7/1/10. TOLBERT, TERESA G. (PE, 2010) Mt. Airy, 7/1/05-11/30/08; Mt. Airy-Parrott, 12/1/08. TORRES, RAMON DEWEY, III (1995-1999–1995-1999) Mt. Olivet-Trinity, 1992-1993; Lakewood, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Duke Divinity School, 1995-1996; Hillsville, First, 7/1/97-6/30/04; Gray, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Ooltewah, 7/1/09. TRANSOU, BEDFORD TURNER, JR. (1963-1965–1963-1965) Director, Methodist Student Center, University of Chattanooga, 6/2/63-5/27/66; East Tennessee State University Wesley Foundation, Director, 5/28/66-6/30/91; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Leave of Absence, 7/1/92-12/31/97; Retired, 7/1/97. TRAVIS, CLAIR MARIE (2007-2009– -2009) First Centenary, Associate, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Grace, 7/1/09; Grace-Middle Valley, 7/1/10. TRAVIS, MICHAEL HOWARD (1976-1979–1976-1979) Sweetwater Parish, 1971; Madisonville Circuit, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Oakland-Meadow, 6/15/75-6/15/78; Student, Candler School of Theology, 1976; Blue Ridge Circuit, 6/16/78-6/30/82; Tasso, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Pine Grove Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Mount Carmel, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Cassidy, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Dublin, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Cleveland District Superintendent, 7/1/05. 526 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE TRENT, CABEL WINTON (1955-1961–1959-1961) Etowah Circuit, Associate, 10/6/46-10/4/47; Athens Parish, 10/5/47-10/1/49; Ridgedale Memorial, 10/2/499/23/50; Soddy, 9/24/50-6/5/54; Englewood, 6/6/54-6/8/57; Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 6/9/57-6/3/61; Jonesville, 6/4/61-5/27/66; Inskip, 5/28/66-6/16/73; Bearden, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Chattanooga, Saint Andrews, 6/16/78-6/11/80; Wesley Memorial, 6/12/80-6/30/85; Big Stone Gap District, 7/1/85-6/30/91; Powell, 7/1/916/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. TRENT, GEORGE CURTIS (1984-1988–1984-1988) Chattanooga, St. Andrews, 7/1/83-4/14/85; Candler School of Theology, 1984; Evensville-New Bethel, 4/15/85-6/30/89; Broad Street, Associate, 7/1/89-6/30/95; Mountain View, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Logans Chapel, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Good Shepherd Counseling Center, Executive Director, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Family Counseling Services, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Tennessee Voices for Children, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Leave of Absence, 7/1/09. TRENT, LAURA EVELYN (1991-1994–1991-1994) Candler School of Theology, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Forrest Avenue, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Chattanooga, St. Luke, Program Associate, 7/1/95-6/30/00; McFarland, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Hinton, Coordinator for Local Church Ministries, 7/1/016/30/03; Mississippi Conference, 7/1/03-7/1/04; Austria Provisional Conference, 7/1/04. TRIPP, ROBERT ANDREW, SR. (1983-1987–1983-1987) Concord, 6/1/83-5/31/86; Raleigh, 6/1/86-5/31/88; Poplar Grove, 6/1/88-5/31/90; Transferred from, Memphis Conference, 6/1/90; Unicoi, 7/1/90-12/31/93; Bristol, Anderson Street, 1/1/94-6/30/97; Pigeon Forge, 7/1/9712/1/00; Second, 12/1/01-2/28/02; Leave of Absence, 3/1/02-6/30/03; Rutherford Memorial, 7/1/03-6/30/04; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/04-12-31/04; Retired, 1/1/05. TROTTER, LARRY SANDERS (1998-2001–1998-2001) Dutch Valley, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Martel, 7/1/95-6/30/01; Concord, Associate, 7/1/01. TRUNDLE, JOHN NELSON (1957-1960–1957-1960) Greenback Circuit, 6/5/55-6/7/58; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/8/58-6/6/59; New Salem, 6/7/596/2/62; Clapps Chapel, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Chattanooga, Centenary, Associate, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Chattanooga, First-Centenary, Minister of Evangelism, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Rossville, McFarland, 6/15/69-6/14/75; Signal Crest, 6/15/75-6/17/81; Fountain City, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Oak Ridge District, 7/1/86-12/31/91; Kern Memorial, 1/1/92-12/31/93; Morristown, First, 1/1/94-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. TUCKER, THOMAS NELSON (1985-1990–1985-1990) Asbury Theological Seminary, 1985; Rising Fawn Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/88; South Cleveland, 7/1/88-6/30/93; Ridgedale, 7/1/93-6/30/00; Middle Valley, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Chapel Hill, 7/1/02. TURNER, CASS MACK, JR. (1973-1976–1973-1976) Paynes Chapel, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 6/17/73-6/11/76; Bethesda-Eden-Embreeville, 6/12/769/14/78; Enterprise-St. Paul, 9/15/78-6/30/82; Limestone, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Stone Drive, 7/1/84-6/30/90; Reynolds Memorial, 7/1/90-12/31/91; First Broad, Associate, 1/1/92-6/30/93; Fairhaven, 7/1/93-12/31/95; Sabbatical Leave, 1/1/96-6/30/96; Watauga Point-Taylor Memorial, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Leave of Absence, 7/1/0011/14/00; Vermont, 11/15/00-11/15/02; Bookwalter, 11/15/02-6/30/05; Peck’s Memorial, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08; Elizabeth Chapel, 2/1/09-6/30/09; Rock Springs, 7/1/09. TURPIN, CHARLES BROWNING (1960-1962–1961-1962) Dante Carbo, 6/10/56-6/7/58; Lou’s Chapel, 6/13/60-6/3/61; Morristown, Arnold Hills, 6/4/61-6/2/62; Morristown, Trinity, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Maryville, First, Associate, 6/7/64-5/29/65; Aldersgate-Jordan’s, 5/30/656/1/68; Rutherford Memorial, 6/2/68-6/14/69; Louisville, St. Marks, 6/15/69-6/9/71; St. Mark’s-Greenmeadow, 6/10/71-6/16/73; East Chattanooga, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Knoxville, Hillcrest, 6/15/75-6/11/80; Halls Central, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Stone Drive, 7/1/83-6/30/84; Knoxville, St. Mark, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Norwood, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Cardwell-Bradbury, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Lake Vista, 7/1/89-6/30/91; Philadelphia-New Hope, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Lake City-Briceville-Dutch Valley, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. VARNELL, SAM NEIL, JR. (1945-1947–1946-1947) Shoun Circuit, 10/13/41-10/10/43; Student, Candler School of Theology, 10/11/43-10/11/45; Tasso, 10/12/4510/5/46; Friendsville Circuit, 10/6/46-9/23/50; Wytheville Circuit, 9/24/50-6/6/53; Piney Flats Circuit, 6/7/536/3/61; Rogersville, First, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Athens, Keith Memorial, 6/7/64-6/14/69; Knoxville, First, 6/15/696/16/73; Director, Conference Council on Ministries, 6/17/73-6/15/77; Associate for Parish Development, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Oak Ridge District, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Retired, 7/1/86. PASTORAL RECORDS VARNELL, SARAH E. MOODY (PE, 2008-2010– Church Street, Associate, 7/1/08. 527 -2010) VAUGHN, DAVID RAY (1985-1987–1978-1987) Gate City Parish, 6/12/76-1/31/80; Vonore Circuit, 2/1/80-6/30/84; Claypool Hill Circuit, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Fincastle-Mt. View, 7/1/88-6/30/95; Greeneville, Christ, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Morristown, Trinity, 7/1/99-1/30/05; Incapacity Leave, 1/31/05. VERRAN, KENNETH CRAWFORD (1952-1955–1954-1956) Red Hill Circuit, 9/28/52-6/6/53; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/7/53-6/4/55; Knoxville, Church Street, Associate, 6/5/55-6/9/56; Mt. Airy, 6/10/56-6/6/59; Knoxville, St. Mark, 6/7/59-6/12/60; Chaplain, United States Air Force, 6/13/60-6/23/62; Spring City, 6/24/62-5/27/66; Norton-West Norton, 5/28/66-6/1/68; Knoxville, Norwood, 6/2/68-6/14/69; Kingsport, Stone Drive, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Chaplain, Holston Home, 6/17/73-6/17/81; Sabbatical, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Leave of Absence, 1982; Whitesburg Circuit, 7/1/82-6/30/83; Chuckey-Greenwood, 7/1/83-6/30/89; Mosheim Cluster/Midway, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Retired, 7/1/90. WADLEY, JEFFERY LYNN (1989-1992–1989-1992) Asbury Theological Seminary, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Niota, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Fairview, Associate, 7/1/93-6/30/02; Fairview, Associate, New Church Start (Sycamore Tree, Blount County), 7/1/02-6/30/06; Sycamore Tree, 7/1/06. WAITES, CHANCELLOR BYRON (1953-1955–1953-1955) In School, 10/11/53-6/8/57; Transferred from North Alabama Conference; Kingsport, Colonial Heights, 6/9/576/1/63; Bristol, Reynolds Memorial, 6/2/63-6/1/68; Radford, Grove Avenue, 6/2/68-6/9/71; Morristown, First, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Tazewell District, 6/15/75-6/17/81; Cleveland, Broad Street, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Pulaski, First, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Johnson City, First, 7/1/88-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. WALTON, JULIAN FLETCHER (1965-1970–1965-1970) Riceville Circuit, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Carlock-Jones Chapel, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Walland, 5/28/66-6/13/70; PoundWesley Foundation, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Aldersgate-Jordon, Pulaski, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Chattanooga, St. Paul, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Erwin, Centenary, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Powell, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Maryville, Broadway, 7/1/866/30/90; Chattanooga, St. Luke, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Sweetwater, First, 7/1/92-6/30/02; Greeneville, Asbury, 7/1/02-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07; Philadelphia-New Hope, 9/1/08. WANSLEY, HOWARD MALCOLM, JR. (1986-1990–1986-1990) Bethel-Luminary, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Oliver Springs Parish, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Cardwell-Bradbury, 7/1/94-6/30/00; LaFollette, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Reynolds Memorial, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Rogersville, First, 7/1/06-4/30/08; Incapacity Leave, 4/1/08. WARD, SAMUAL T. (PE, 2010) Trinity, Associate, 7/1/10. WARDEN, DAVID CARLISLE (1969-1972–1969-1972) East Tazewell Circuit, 5/28/66-5/26/67; Rocky Gap Circuit, 5/27/67-6/4/68; Boissevain, 6/5/68-6/14/69; Narrows Circuit, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Staffordville Circuit, 6/14/70-6/14/74; Marvin Chapel-Fairview, 6/15/746/15/78; Missionary, Taos, New Mexico, 6/16/78-12/31/81; Northcentral New Mexico Group Ministry, 1/1/828/14/85; Four Corners Native American Ministry, 8/15/85-5/31/96; Manchester, First, 6/1/96-6/30/97; Red Bird Missionary Conference, 7/1/97-6/30/09; Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference, 7/1/09. WARE, CARL WAYNE, JR. (1964-1967–1964-1967) Trundle Cross Roads, 6/5/55-6/8/57; Friendsvile Binfield, 6/9/57-6/2/62; Maryville, Carpenters, 6/3/625/26/67; Athens, Allen Memorial, 5/27/67-6/13/72; New Tazewell, 6/14/72-6/15/78; Elizabethton, First, 6/16/78-6/30/84; Chattanooga, St. Andrews, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Lafollette-Mt. Zion, 7/1/88-6/30/93; Bookwalter, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. 528 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE WARNOCK, WILLIAM FRANK, SR. (1972-1974–1972-1974) Montlake, 5/30/65-5/27/66; Marion Grace, 5/27/67-6/13/70; Asbury Theological Seminary, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Missionary, Board of Global Ministries, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Missionary Zaire, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Missionary Zambia, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Trenton, 6/15/79-6/30/82; Maryville, First, Associate, 7/1/82-6/30/86; General Board of Global Ministries/Liberia, 7/1/86-10/31/90.; Chaplain/Director of Development, Asbury Centers, 11/1/906/30/92; Missionary Liberia, 7/1/92-4/30/93; Missionary to Russia, 5/1/93; Missionary to Lithuania, 1996; Retired, 7/1/00; Missionary to Cameroon, -2005; Missionary to Cambodia, 2005-12/31/07. WATTENBARGER, WARREN HARDING (1955-1961–1958-1961) Johnson City Circuit, 10/1/52-6/6/53; Long Island, 6/7/53-6/5/54; Rogersville Circuit, 6/6/54-6/9/56; Etowah Circuit, 6/10/56-6/7/58; Church Hill Circuit, 6/8/58-6/6/59; Garden Creek Circuit, 6/7/59-6/2/62; Bristol, Addilynn Memorial, 6/3/62-6/1/68; Johnson City, Munsey Memorial, Associate, 6/2/68-6/16/73; Holly Avenue, 6/17/73-6/14/74; Simpson Memorial, 6/15/74-6/11/76; Narrows, First, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Panther Springs, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Pound-Wesley Foundation, 6/12/80-6/30/89; Trinity, Big Stone Gap, 7/1/89-6/30/95; Radford, Central, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Clinton, Memorial, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00; Kincaid-Meadowview, 7/1/0311/19/03; Rogersville Circuit, 11/20/03-6/30/09. WATTENBARGER, WHEELER OGLE (1967-1969–1967-1969) Student, Candler School of Theology, 5/27/67-6/1/68; Dayton, Mountain View-Providence, 6/2/68-6/13/72; Elizabeth Chapel, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Philadelphia-New Hope, 6/15/75-6/17/81; Allen Memorial-Cedar Springs, 6/18/81-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. WEAVER, LEWIS EDWARD (1980-1984–1980-1984) Candler School of Theology, 6/12/80-12/31/81; Rising Fawn, 1/1/82-6/30/82; Nolichuckey Circuit, 7/1/826/30/87; Apison, 7/1/87-8/14/88; Brooks Memorial, 8/15/88-6/30/91; St. Paul Parish, 7/1/91-6/30/94; FairlawnBethel, 7/1/94-6/30/97; New Tazewell-Mt. Zion, 7/1/97-6/30/03; St. Luke-Pactolus, 7/1/03-6/30/05; St. LukeSt. Matthew, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Christ (MO), 7/1/07-6/30/08; Valley View-Heiskell, 7/1/08 . WEBB, DEANNA YVONNE (1984-1987–1984-1987) Telford, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Valley Forge, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Garden, Keen Mountain Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Nickelsville, 7/1/90-9/30/90; Keen Mountain Correctional Center, 10/1/90-6/30/91; Pocahontas, 7/1/918/31/94; Sabbatical, 9/1/94-8/31/95; Leave of Absence, 9/1/95-6/8/99; North Alabama Conference, 6/9/996/30/03; Leave of Absence, 7/1/03. WEIKEL, JACK PRESTON (1955-1957–1955-1957) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/5/55-6/9/56; Bethesda-Eden, 6/10/56-6/12/60; Johnson City, Wesley Memorial, 6/13/60-6/6/64; Wheeler, 6/7/64-6/13/70; Greeneville, Christ, 6/14/70-6/16/73; Radford, Grove, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Johnson City District, 6/16/78-6/30/84; Cleveland, First, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Pulaski, First, 7/1/88-12/31/93; Cleveland, Broad Street, 1/1/94-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. WEIKEL, WALTER PRESTON (1989-1992–1989-1992) Candler School of Theology, 7/1/89-6/30/90; Tyner, Associate, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Trenton, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Beaver Ridge, 7/1/99-6/30/06; Abingdon, 7/1/06. WELLS, WILLIAM RAYMOND (1960-1963–1960-1963) Fleener Memorial, 6/8/58-6/6/59; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/13/60-6/2/62; Rural Retreat Circuit, 6/3/62-5/29/65; Radford, Fairlawn, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Rutherford Memorial-Bethlehem, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Lake Vista, 6/17/73-6/11/80; Macedonia, 6/12/80-12/31/89; Jonesborough, 1/1/90-6/30/95; Gate City, 7/1/956/30/99; Johnson City, First, 7/1/99-6/30/05; Rockhold, 7/1/05. WHEDBEE, JAMES EARL, JR. (1967-1969–1967-1969) Student, Vanderbilt University Divinity School, 5/27/67-8/31/69; Knoxville, Bearden, Associate, 9/1/696/13/72; Trentville, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Elizabeth Chapel, 6/15/75-6/17/81; Specialist in Nurture Ministries, Conference Council on Ministries, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Chattanooga, White Oak, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Signal Crest, 7/1/91-6/30/98; Knoxville District, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Fountain City, 7/1/02. PASTORAL RECORDS 529 WHETSEL, CHARLES WILLIAM (1956-1959–1956-1959) Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/10/56-6/8/57; Baileytown Circuit, 6/9/57-6/6/59; Dandridge Circuit, 6/7/59-7/8/63; Chaplain, U.S. Air Force, 7/9/63-1/15/66; Dayton, Trinity, 1/16/66-6/1/68; Cleveland, Tasso, 6/2/68-6/14/69; Bulls Gap-Pleasant Hill, 6/15/69-6/14/74; George Street, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Piney FlatsEdgefield, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Sabbatical, 6/15/79-6/11/80; Economy-Mt. Pleasant, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Ebenezer Circuit, 7/1/83-6/30/87; Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Rogersville Parish, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. WHITAKER, CAROLYN (FD, 1998) Abingdon, Director of Christian Education, 1981; Student, Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 1982; Bristol, Reynolds Memorial, Director of Christian Education, 1984-1989; Oak Ridge, First, Director Children’s Ministries, 1990; Glen Alpine, Director, Programs, 1991-10/5/98; Sevierville, First, 10/5/98-7/1/01; Leave of Absence, 7/1/01-8/20/01; Athens, Trinity, Program Director, 8/20/01-12/31/07; Retired, 1/1/08; Bristol, Oak Grove (SY), 7/1/08-6/30/09. WHITE, JOHN BRADLEY (1970-1976) In School, 6/14/70-6/11/76; Emory & Henry College, Associate Director of Administration, 6/12/76-6/15/78; Depauw University, Associate Professor, 6/16/78-12/31/83; Leave of Absence, 1/1/84-6/13/84; Retired, 6/14/84. WHITE, RAYMON E. (1957-1959–1957-1959) In School, Washington Conference, Lutherville-Greenspring, 5/25/58-4/30/64; Transferred to Oregon Conference, Portland, Hughes Memorial, 5/1/64-8/18/64; Transferred to Tennessee-Kentucky Conference; Morristown, Bethel, 8/19/64-5/18/67; Lexington, Wesley, 5/19/67-3/19/68; Knoxville District, 3/20/68-5/31/68; East Knoxville District, 6/1/68-6/13/70; Johnson City District, 6/14/70-6/13/72; President, Morristown College, 6/14/72-6/17/81; Abingdon District, 6/18/81-6/30/87; Lennon-Seney, 7/1/87-6/30/97; Knoxville District, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Director of Clergy Services/Conference Secretary, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. WHITE, WILLIAM FRANCIS “SKIP” III (2006-2009– -2009) Fairview, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Martel, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Friendsville, 7/1/08. WHITEFIELD, WILLIAM Retired WIER, FRANK EDWARD (1954-1956–1954-1956) Bright Hope, 9/24/50-9/22/51; Middlebrook Pike, 9/23/51-9/27/52; In School Duke, 6/6/54-6/4/55; Grove Pk. Fountain Pl., 6/5/55-6/24/56; Burlington St. Paul, 6/25/56-6/25/58; General Board of Education, 6/26/586/3/71; In School, 6/4/71-6/15/81; Transfer from North Carolina Conference, 6/16/81; Sevierville Parish, 6/16/81-12/31/81; Pleasant Hill, 1/1/82-6/30/87; Leave of Absence, 7/1/87-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. WILDER, HUGH DOUGLAS (1994-1996–1994-1996) Grange Hall-Lebanon, 7/1/93-8/31/95; Knoxville, Beulah, 9/1/95-6/30/97; Oneida, First, 7/1/97-6/30/06; Jefferson City, First, 7/1/06. WILHITE, NANCY JANE (1991-1994–1991-1994) Harriman, 7/1/91-12/31/93; General Evangelist, 1/1/94-12/31/03; Greystone Circuit, 1/1/04-6/30/05; BelspringParrott, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Honaker, First, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/08-8/31/08; Incapacity Leave, 9/1/08. WILHOIT, NORMAN CARROLL (1970-1974–1970-1974) Rogersville Circuit, 5/27/67-6/4/68; Chestuee Sugar Creek, 6/5/68-6/9/71; Tasso-Valley Head, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Watauga Point-Taylor Memorial, 6/15/75-6/11/76; Erwin, Centenary, 6/12/76-6/30/82; Mafair, 7/1/82-6/30/88; Wytheville, St. Paul, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/92-12/31/93; Pulaski, First, 1/1/946/30/98; Richlands, First, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Mt. Zion, 7/1/08. WILKS, D. SCOTT (PE, 2009) Piney Grove, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Tellico Plains Circuit, Associate (SP), 7/1/03-6/30/06; Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna, 7/1/09. WILSON, CAROL ELAINE (1991-1993–1991-1993) Blount, Pleasant Hill, 7/1/91-6/30/97; Piney Flats, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Wesley Memorial, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Maryville District Superintendent, 7/1/06. 530 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE WILSON, EMMIT BRUCE (2000-2002–1977-2002) St. Charles Circuit, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Bradford Circuit, 6/15/79-12/31/81; Benham’s Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/85; Bright Hope Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Boones Creek, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Telford-New Victory, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Beech Grove, 7/1/92-6/30/09; Gate City, 7/1/09. WILSON, JACK HOWARD (1958-1962–1960-1962) Wesley Memorial, Associate, 6/20/58-6/25/59; In School, 6/26/59-6/29/61; Prof. Emory Univ., 6/30/616/21/62; Transferred from North Georgia Conference, 6/22/62; Tennessee Wesleyan College, Professor of Religion, 6/22/62-6/15/78; Student, University of Tennessee, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Leave of Absence, 6/15/796/16/82; Retired, 6/17/82. WILSON, JOHN NATHAN (1979– ) Dallas White Rock, Associate, 6/1/77-2/28/79; Johnson City, First, 3/1/79-9/30/83; Big Spring, First 10/1/835/31/88; St. Lukes Midland, 6/1/88-8/31/89; First Centenary, 9/1/89-1/31/95; St. Johns Lubbock, 2/1/957/31/97; First Broad Street, Minister of Music, 8/1/97-8/31/02; Sabbatical Leave, 9/1/02-9/3/03; Hospice Chaplain, West Palm Beach, 9/4/03-6/30/06; Hospice Chaplain, Atlanta, GA, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. WILSON, JOHN WALTER (1997-2003–1997-2003) Trentville, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Vestal, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Harned’s-Parrottsville, 7/1/04; Chestnut Hill, 7/1/10. WILSON-PARKER, KATHIE REID (1978-1982–1979-1982) In School, 6/8/78-6/10/81; Wages Pleasant Valley, 6/11/81-6/30/82; Transfer from Rocky Mountain Conference, 7/1/85; Chaplain, Holston United Methodist Home for Children, 7/1/85-6/30/86; Fairlawn-Bethel, 7/1/86-6/30/93; Emory-Smyth Chapel, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Independence, First, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Bristol, First, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Main Street, 7/1/06. WINEGAR, GRADY CLARENCE (1964-1968–1964-1968) Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/7/64-5/27/66; Red Bank, Associate, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Student, Duke Divinity School, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Floyd Station, 6/14/70-6/14/75; Kingsport, St. Matthew, 6/15/75-6/15/77; Bristol, First, 6/16/77-6/17/81; Knoxville, Central, 6/18/81-12/31/93; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, 1/1/94-6/30/96; Wytheville District, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Bearden, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Kingsport District, 7/1/99-6/30/04; Conference Secretary/Director of Clergy Services, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08. WOHLWEND, PETER MICHAEL (1967-1969–1967-1969) Student, Duke Divinity School, 5/27/67-6/14/69; Student, Scotland, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Floyd Circuit, 6/14/706/13/72; Student, 6/14/72-6/16/73; Presbyterian Counseling Center, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Leave of Absence, 6/15/75-6/16/82; Retired, 6/17/82. WOOD, JARED (2001-2004– 2004) Pisgah-Pleasant Hill, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Watauga Point-St. Paul, 7/1/05; Vermont, 7/1/10. WOODY, DAVID SMITH (1990-1993–1990-1993) Duke Divinity, 1990; Hixson, Minister of Youth/Recreation, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Morristown, First, Associate, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Mount Zion, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Cherokee, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Asbury (Greeneville), 7/1/07. WOODY, NELSON CHARLES (1952-1956–1953-1956) Bristol Bradley Street, 10/3/48-10/1/49; Student, Drew Theological Seminary, 9/28/52-1/31/54; Bristol, First, Associate, 2/1/54-6/4/55; Elk Creek, 6/5/55-6/8/56; Bakers Chapel-Wyndale, 6/9/56-6/3/61; Knoxville, Norwood, 6/4/61-5/28/66; Lookout Mountain, 5/29/66-6/14/69; Galax, First, 6/15/69-6/15/77; Kingsport District, 6/16/77-6/30/83; Maryville, First, 7/1/83-6/30/91; State Street, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. WORRINGHAM, RICHARD EDWARD (1963-1966– -1966) Fredericksburg, 1/1/77-5/31/77; Weimar, 6/1/77-5/31/79; San Antonio Chapel Hill, 6/1/79-5/31/80; Asbury First, Associate, 6/1/80-5/31/81; Leave of Absence, 6/1/81-5/31/83; Iowa State University, 6/1/83-5/31/87; Radford University, 6/1/87-6/16/94; Transfer, 6/16/94; Chairman Media Studies, Radford University, 19946/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. WRIGHT, JEFFREY WAYNE (1987-1991–1987-1991) Student, Duke, 1986-1988; Oxford Salem, 6/5/86-6/30/89; Mountain View-Seven Mile Ford, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Central-Rutledge, 7/1/93-6/30/00; Allen Memorial, 7/1/00. PASTORAL RECORDS 531 WRIGHT, LINDA BIRD (1998-2001–1998- 2001) Candler Student, 1996-1998; Helston, Cornwall, England, 1998; Cleveland, Wesley Memorial, Associate, 7/1/99-2/15/00; Englewood-Mars Hill, 2/15/00-6/30/04; Soddy, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Grace, 7/1/06-1/31/07; Unicoi, 2/2/07-6/30/09; Leave of Absence, 7/1/09; First Centenary, Associate, 7/1/10. WRIGHT, RICHARD DOUGLAS (1995-1998–1995-1998) Ducktown-Croft, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Asbury Seminary, 1993-1995; Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/96; St. John, Associate, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Buckner Memorial, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Holly Avenue, 7/1/01-6/30/06; Radford, Central, 7/1/06; Valley Forge, 7/1/10. WRIGHT, SHARON E. WILEY (1999-2002–1999-2002) Appointed to attend school, 1999; Saltville-Madam Russell (EM), 7/1/00-6/30/02; Saltville: Madam RussellTate’s Chapel, 7/1/02-6/30/03; State Street, Associate, 7/1/03; Oakland, 7/1/10. WRIGHT, TAMMY C. (2004-2007– -2007) Pleasant Grove, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Pleasant Grove-Holly Avenue, Associate, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Max Meadows Circuit, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Leave of Absence, 7/1/07-8/31/07; Radford, Central, Associate, 9/1/07-6/30/09; Carter Street-Belspring, 7/1/09; Jonesborough, 7/1/10. WYKE, Bryan Kenneth (2005-2008– -2008) Draper Circuit, 7/1/05; Looney’s Creek-Sulphur Springs, 7/1/10. WYRICK, DALE SHERWOOD (1981-1986–1981-1986) Unity Valley Head, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Chestuee Sugar Creek, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Student, Candler School of Theology, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Chestuee, 1/1/82-6/30/83; Martel-Booth, 7/1/83-6/30/86; New River Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Mount Pleasant, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Otterbein-West Market St., 7/1/96-6/30/99; Gate City, 7/1/996/30/05; Pearisburg, First, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Spring City-Reed’s Chapel, 7/1/06. YEANEY, STEPHEN K. (1985-1993–1985-1993) Watts Flats, 1/1/84-12/31/84; Student, 1/1/85-6/30/87; SCIO, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Transfer, Western New York, 1993; Jonesville Parish, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Rock Springs, 7/1/95-4/30/98; Leave of Absence, 5/1/98-6/30/99; Etowah, Wesley Memorial, 7/1/99-10/30/00; West Side Parish, 11/1/00-6/30/03; Oakland, 7/1/03. YEOMANS, MARTHA BELFLOWER (1986-1989–1986-1989) Student, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Oakwood, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Aldersgate, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Green Meadows, 7/1/936/30/98; Marvin, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Aldersgate-Jordan’s Chapel, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/105. YOON, TAE HUN ( Fairhaven, 7/1/09; Transfer, New York Conference, 7/1/10. 532 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE B. RECORD OF PASTORAL APPOINTMENTS FOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Dates after each name represent the year Elected Associate Member and Ordained Deacon, respectively, unless otherwise noted.) BAXTER, CECIL JAY (1993-1993) Cosby Circuit, 1980; Madisonville Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/85; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/88; French Broad Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Thornspring-Wesley Memorial, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Tellico Plains Circuit, 7/1/946/30/99; Looneys Creek-Sulphur Springs, 7/1/99. BLEVINS, KENNETH J. (2006-2006) Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit, 1995-6/30/04; Fries Circuit, 7/1/04; Bland Circuit, 7/1/10. BYRD, BILLY LEE (1969-1967) Wytheville Circuit, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Damascus Circuit, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Wallace-Wyndale, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Benhams Circuit, 6/10/71-6/11/76; Central-Mount Pleasant, 6/12/76-6/11/80; Pactolus, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Leave of Absence, 7/1/83-6/30/84; Dungannon Circuit, 7/1/84-12/31/90; Clinchport Circuit, 1/1/91-6/30/95; Grace, 7/1/95-8/31/02; Grace-Limestone Cove, 9/1/02-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06; Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel, 7/1/07. CARRICO, HARVEY JOE (1992-1992) Long View, 7/1/83-12/31/83; Glenwood, 1/1/84-6/30/84; Damascus Circuit, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Cripple Creek, 7/1/87-6/30/99; Rocky Gap, 7/1/99-6/30/01; West Galax, 7/1/01-6/30/05; West Galax-Glenwood, 7/1/05. CHINAULT, EARNEST H. (1971-1969) Little Walker Circuit, 5/30/65-5/27/66; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Bridle Creek Circuit, 6/10/716/16/73; New River Circuit, 6/17/73-6/30/82; Max Meadows Circuit, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Elk Creek Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Garden-Keen Mountain, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Lead Mines Circuit, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95. CLARK, JACKSON DANIEL (1989-1974) West Virginia Conference, 4/5/70-6/30/85; Round Mountain Circuit, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Galax Circuit, 6/92-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94; Flat Ridge Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Hales ChapelKathleen Memorial, 7/1/95-6/30/04. COPELAND, CHARLES LEONARD (1971-1969) McClure Circuit, 2/6/67-6/9/71; White Shoals Circuit, 6/10/71-6/14/74; Grace, Erwin, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Pine Grove Park-Watauga, 6/16/78-10/31/80; Beech Grove, 11/1/80-6/30/82; Pine Grove Park-Watauga, 7/1/826/30/87; East Chattanooga, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Chapel Hill Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Big Spring, 7/1/92-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99; Binfield, 7/1/03--6/30/09. CORBIN, ROY HASKO (1985-1985) St. Charles-Robbins Chapel, 12/1/79. CROSS, WALTER H. (2005) Washington Hills, 9/1/99-6/30/07; Bristol, Trinity, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Trentville, 7/1/09. DAVIS, CHARLES WILLIAM (1969-1966) Cosby Circuit, 6/2/63-5/27/66; Corinth, 5/28/66-6/14/69; Mooresburg Circuit, 6/15/69-6/14/74; Baileyton Circuit, 6/15/74-6/15/77; Bulls Gap-Pleasant Hill, 6/16/77-6/30/84; Limestone, 7/1/84-6/30/87; Harned’s Parrottsville, 7/1/87-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94; St. Clair-Talley’s Chapel, 1/1/03-3/1/04; Bybee, 7/1/06-6/30/07. DENTON, JAMES G. (2009) Russells Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Glade Spring (EM), 7/1/016/30/05; Pisgah-Pleasant Hill, 7/1/05. EDWARDS, RANCE C., SR. (2007-2007) Rural Retreat Circuit, 9/1/94-6/30/00; Fries Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Cherokee Circuit, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Mt. Carmel-Seviers, 7/1/07. PASTORAL RECORDS 533 EVERHART, DONALD LEE (1997-1997) Riceville-Piney Grove, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Morgan-Slygo Valley, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Bethel-Vonore, 7/1/92-6/30/97; Chapel Hill, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Surgoinsville, First, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Mountain City Circuit, 7/1/03-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. FIELDS, KENNETH G. (1998-1998) Pisgah, 7/1/84-6/30/92; Discontinued, 7/1/93-6/30/96; Bishop Circuit, 7/1/96. FLEENOR, HARRY W. (1970-1966) Boones Creek, 6/3/62-6/6/64; Valley Forge, 6/7//64-6/14/69; Bristol Damascus Circuit, 6/15/69-6/16/73; Clear Springs Circuit, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Falls Mills-Midway, 6/15/75-6/11/78; Sabbatical, 6/12/78-6/14/79; Jacksboro-Caryville, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Looney’s Chapel, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Mosheim-Central-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/85-6/30/88; Amis Chapel-Elm Springs, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Knoxville, St. Paul East, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Cross-Holly Springs, 7/1/95-6/30/03; Retired 7/1/03. FORD, C. DENNIS (1999-1999) Mascot-Hopewell, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Hillcrest, 7/1/96-6/30/04; Marvin’s Chapel, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Oneida, First, 7/1/06; Pigeon Forge, First, 7/1/10. FURR, ALFRED SHULER (1978-1978) Mt. Vernon, 6/6/75-6/1/77; Mars Bluff Mt. Vernon, 6/2/77-6/6/79; Bethel Duncan Chapel, 6/7/79-12/31/81; Bethel Harleyville, 1/1/82-6/15/82; Jefferson, 6/16/82-6/17/86; Bethel Greenville, 6/18/86-6/17/87; Rehoboth, 6/18/87-6/20/89; Zion, 6/21/89-12/31/89; Salem, 1/1/90-6/19/90; Transferred from South Carolina Conference; Floyd Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. GILBERT, JAMES ROBERT (1985-1985) Whiteside-Hale’s Chapel, 1964-1965; Dade County Aetna, 5/30/65-5/27/66; Tellico Plains Circuit, 5/28/666/14/69; Cleveland Riceland, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Flintstone, 6/18/816/30/84; South Cleveland, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Soddy, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Ridgedale, 7/1/92-6/30/93; Whitwell-Red Hill, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Retired, 7/1/95; Whiteside-Wildwood, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Wildwood, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Jones Chapel, 7/1/05-6/30/06. GILLESPIE, WILLIAM DEAN BOVARD, JR. (1990-1990) Nickelsville Circuit, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Powell Valley Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/82; Keywood, North Circuit, 7/1/826/30/86; Sinking Springs-Paperville, 7/1/86-6/30/91; Cherokee Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Wallace-Wyndale, 7/1/93-6/30/98; Afton-Stone Dam, 7/1/98-6/30/99; Amis Chapel-Elm Springs, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Emory, 7/1/026/11/03; Broadford Circuit, 6/11/03-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. GILLIAM, DAVID REECE (1969-1959-1964) Alleghany Grayson Circuit, 6/1/55-6/1/56; Mt. Park Grassy Ck, 6/2/56-6/16/57; Chilcutt Circuit, 6/8/58-6/6/59; Red Hill Circuit, 6/7/59-6/3/61; St. Charles Circuit, 6/4/61-6/1/63; McClure Circuit, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Powell Valley Circuit, 5/30/65-6/14/69; North Keywood Circuit, 6/15/69-6/13/70; Greeneville Circuit, 6/14/706/16/73; Cedar Springs Circuit, 6/17/73-6/14/79; Sugar Grove-Teas, 6/15/79-6/11/80; Bland Circuit, 6/12/806/30/82; Dandridge Circuit, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Bascom-Willis Chapel, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Telford, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Greystone Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/89; Retired, 7/1/89. GREGORY, TERESA J. (2000-2000) Glenwood-Bishop’s Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Greystone Circuit, 7/1/94-10/30/99; Carter Street, 11/1/996/30/03; Woodlawn-Shiloh, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Independence, First, 7/1/08-1/31/09; Independence, First-Flat Rock, 2/1/09. GRIFFITH, PAUL T. (2007) Macedonia, 9/97-1/98; Clearview, 1/18/98-7/1/98; Clearview, 7/1/98-6/30/07; Glade Spring Charge, 7/1/076/30/08; Glade Spring Charge-Marion Correctional Center Chaplain, 7/1/08. HACKNEY, JOHN A. (2001-2001) Gate City, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Midway Memorial, 7/1/88-6/30/93; Kingsport, Community, 7/1/93-6/30/99; Kendrick’s Creek, 7/1/99-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. HENLEY, RUTHANNE G. (2008) Ceres Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Rural Retreat Circuit, 7/1/06. 534 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE HENSLEY, BRUCE EDWARD (1990-1990) Carterville Union Chapel, 5/25/72-6/3/77; Discontinued, 6/4/77-6/14/87; Pleasant Hill, 7/1/87-12/31/88; Waldens Creek, 1/1/89-6/30/91; Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna, 7/1/91-6/30/98; Mosheim Central-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Strawberry Plains, 7/1/02-6/30/04; St. John, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05; Charleston-Valley Head, 7/1/05-6/30/07; South Cleveland-Black Fox, 7/1/07-6/30/08; South Cleveland-Black Fox, Assoc., 11/23/08-5/9/09; South Cleveland, 5/10/09. HESTER, CLYDE WILLIAM (2007-2007) Gate City Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Midway Memorial-Smith’s Chapel, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Woodway Circuit, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Smith’s Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Smith’s Chapel-Blairs, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Clinchport Circuit, 7/1/01-6/30/02; Bethesda-Eden, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Honaker, First, 7/1/08. HILL, LOUIS T. (1978-1970) Zion, 1969-1971; Piney Grove, 6/14/72-12/31/76; Marble City, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Carpenter’s, 6/15/79-6/30/83; Dante, 7/1/83-6/17/87; Retired, 6/18/87; Chevront-Swan Pond, 7/1/87. HORAK, RALPH (2004-2004) Galax Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Greystone Circuit, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Andersonville-Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/09. HOUSTON, MACK ANDREW (1974-1964-1968) Limestone Cove, 6/7/59-6/2/62; Chuckey Circuit, 6/2/63-5/29/65; Cherokee-Taylor Memorial, 5/30/65-6/14/69; Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Watauga Point, 6/14/72-6/14/75; Wytheville, West End, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Piney Flats-Edgefield, 6/15/79-6/30/88; Retired, 7/1/88. HUFF, CHAPMAN W., JR. (1990-1990) Ewing Circuit, 7/1/83-6/30/89; New River Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Honaker-Blackford, 7/1/93-6/30/99; Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/99-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. JENKINS, JACK C. (2010) Cedar Bluff, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Whitwell, First, 7/1/06-10/31/07; Staffordsville Circuit, 7/1/08. JOHNSON, SAMUEL L. (2004-2004) Lake City, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Lake City-Dutch Valley, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Harrogate-Arthur-Mt. View, 7/1/016/30/06; East Ridge, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Church Hill, First, 7/1/09. JONES, LLOYD JOSEPH (2002-2002) Weaver-Paperville, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Erwin, Centenary, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Addilynn Memorial, 7/1/07. LARGE, DONALD W. (1997-1997) Bond Memorial-South Coeburn, 2/1/93-6/30/98; Midway Memorial-Prospect, 7/1/98-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. LAWSON, LUTHER RODNEY (2008-2010) Round Bottom, 7/1/98-6/30/01; East Tazewell Circuit, 7/1/01; Rocky Gap, 7/1/10. LICHLYTER, BILLY RAY (1983-1983) Whitesburg Circuit, 6/16/77-6/15/78; Dandridge Circuit, 6/16/78-12/31/81; Mooresburg, 1/1/82-6/30/83; Bybee, 7/1/83-6/30/84; Bulls Gap/Pleasant Hill, 7/1/84-6/30/90; Baileyton Circuit, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer, 7/1/93-6/30/01; Mt. Carmel-Seviers, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Bright Hope Circuit, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05; Clinch Valley Circuit, 7/1/05-6/30/06. LINKOUS, LARRY A. (2006-2006) Fries Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/87; Red Oak, 7/1/87-6/30/88; Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/91; Wrights Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Bascom, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Greendale-Brumley Gap, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Greendale-Brumley Gap-Rich Valley, 7/1/04. LORTON, ROBERT, JR.(2010) Elk Creek Circuit, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Bland Circuit, 7/1/04; Fairlawn-Bethel, 7/1/10. MARTIN, THOMAS LEE (1992-1992) Spring Valley Circuit, 7/1/84-6/30/90; Kings Grove, 7/1/90-6/30/94; Wharf Hill-Elizabeth, 7/1/94-6/30/98; Retired, 7/1/98. PASTORAL RECORDS 535 MATHESS, ROGER G. (2008-2008) Amis Chapel-Elm Springs, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Carpenters, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Mt. Zion, 7/1/01-6/30/05; HunterSlagles, 7/1/05; Asbury, 7/1/10. McCLELLAN, HAGAN ROBERT, SR. (2000-2000) Clear Springs Circuit, 8/1/69-6/16/73; Johnson City East Park, 6/17/73-2/28/75; Sneedville Charge, 10/1/766/15/77; Thornspring Wesley, 6/16/77-6/11/80; Cleveland Tasso, 6/12/80-6/30/82; Tazewell North, 7/1/828/31/83; Termination, 9/1/83-6/30/92; Austin Springs, 7/1/92-6/30/95; East Pine Grove Park, 7/1/95-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. McNALLEY, PAUL HENRY (2010-2010) Grundy, 7/1/99-6/30/00; Buchanan Parish, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Belfast-Midway, 7/1/05. MORRIS, HERBERT RANDOLPH (1984-1984) Bridle Creek Circuit, 6/16/78-6/30/86; Max Meadows Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/94; Galax Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Oakland Blue Ridge, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Fairlawn-Bethel, 7/1/04; Retired, 7/1/10. MUTTER, RANDOLPH ROBERT (1986-1986) Tusculum, 1980; Afton-Stone Dam, 6/12/80-6/30/85; White Pine, First, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Clapp’s Chapel, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Daisy, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Clintwood-McClure, 7/1/94-6/30/99; Big Stone Gap Trinity, 7/1/996/30/06; Pearisburg, First, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08; Well Spring-Cawood, 10/26/08. NUCKOLLS, LAWRENCE L. (1984-1984) Little Walker, 6/15/79-6/17/81; Mt. Olivet-Trinity, 6/18/81-12/31/81; Mt. Olivet Pulaski, 1/1/82-6/30/84; Galax Circuit, 1984-6/30/92; Floyd Circuit, 7/1/92-3/31/06; Incapacity Leave, 4/1/06. PATTON, LARRY DUANE (1993-1993) Woodway Circuit, 6/12/80-6/17/81; Little Walker Circuit, 6/18/81-12/31/83; Grant-Flat Ridge, 1983-1985; Little Wilson, 1/1/84-6/30/86; Mt. Olivet Pulaski, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Bright Hope Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Bluefield Parish/Community First Pocahontas, 1989-1990; Pocahontas, 7/1/89-6/30/91; Eggleston Circuit, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Coleman’s Chapel, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Ceres Circuit, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Leave of Absence, 7/1/026/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. PIERRE, ALFRED E. (1980-1977-1980) Wytheville-Radford Parish, 6/15/75-6/14/79; Kingsport, St. Mark, 6/15/79-12/31/81; Hales’ Chapel-St. Mark, 1/1/82-6/30/84; Cleveland, Trinity, 7/1/84-6/17/87; Retired, 6/18/87. RAY, JAMES DARRELL (1998-1998) Riverside-Wilbur Memorial, 7/1/92-6/30/98; Riverside, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Keywood, North Circuit, 7/1/006/30/01; Rich Valley-Washington Chapel, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/04. RINES, BILLY WAYNE (1987-1987) Nickelsville Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/88; Thornsprings-Wesley Memorial, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Afton-Stone Dam, 7/1/90-6/30/93; Mt. Carmel-Seviers, 7/1/93-6/30/01; Limestone-McCarty, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Albright-McCarty, 7/1/03-6/30/07; Cross-Holly Springs, 7/1/07. RUSSELL, HAROLD DEAN (1969-1960-1962) Rocky Gap, Associate, 6/9/57-6/7/58; Raven Circuit, 6/8/58-6/2/62; Boissevain Circuit, 6/3/62-5/27/66; Staffordsville Circuit, 5/28/66-6/13/70; Mascot, 6/14/70-6/13/72; Valley Forge-Roan Mountain, 6/14/726/14/74; Pine Grove Park, 6/15/74-6/15/78; Erwin, Grace, 6/16/78-6/11/80; South Bristol, 6/12/80-6/30/82; Woodlawn-Shiloh, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Thornsprings-Wesley Memorial, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Nickelsville Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Carter Street, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Pocahontas-Community, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97. SCHOOLEY, ROBERT L. (1999-1999) Mount Pleasant, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Mt. Airy-Economy, 7/1/97. TABOR, CALVIN SAM, SR. (1990-1976) Staffordsville Circuit, 6/15/75-6/16/77; Rocky Gap, 1977-1979; Summit Circuit, 7/1/84-12/31/85; Wrights Valley, 1/1/86-6/30/87; Grange Hall-Lebanon, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Christ First-Macedonia, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Mount Carmel, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Campground Parish, 7/1/99-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08; Valley Center, 7/1/08. 536 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE TAYLOR, MILLARD CHARLES (1996-1996) Oakwood, 1/1/92-6/30/96; Asbury-Mt. Wesley, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02; Maynardville Parish (Hansard’s-Pleasant Grove), 5/1/06. THOMPSON, JOHN DANIEL (2010) Mt. Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel, 7/1/03. WHITE, LAWRENCE LYLE (2003) Tranquility, 7/1/91-8/31/92; Union Chapel, 9/1/92-6/30/93; Chestuee-Sugar Creek, 7/1/93-6/30/96; DucktownCrofts Chapel, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Mt. Hebron, 7/1/02-6/30/04; JacksboroCaryville, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Big Spring-Valley Head, 7/1/08. WHITLOW, AUBREY LESLIE, SR. (1989-1989) Grace Circuit, 7/1/84-6/30/90; Marion, Grace, 7/1/90-6/30/96; Rich Creek-Powell Mountain, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Rich Creek, 7/1/98-6/30/08; Retired, 7/1/08. WILLIAMS, DARYL KAY (1981-1978) Gate City Circuit, 1959; Nickellsville Circuit, 6/13/60-6/2/62; East Stone Gap-Legion Memorial, 6/3/626/1/63; Meadow-Booth, 6/2/63-6/6/64; New River Circuit, 5/28/66-6/9/71; Blue Ridge Circuit, 6/10/716/15/78; Chilhowie-Tate’s Chapel, 6/16/78-6/30/82; West Galax, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Tazewell, Mt. Zion, 7/1/866/30/92; Trenton, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94. WILLIAMS, ESTEL FONCE II (2008-2008) Limestone Cove, 7/1/89-6/30/02; Edgefield, 7/1/02. WILLIAMS, FRED FRANKLIN (1981-1978) Claypool Hill Circuit, 6/12/76-6/15/77; Clear Springs Circuit, 6/16/77-6/14/79; Valley Forge-Roan Mtn., 6/15/79-6/30/82; Bristol, Beech Grove, 7/1/82-6/30/86; Shady Grove-Washington Chapel, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Rich Valley, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Draper Circuit, 7/1/91-10/31/91; Disability, 11/1/91-6/30/01; Retired, 7/1/01. C. RECORD OF PASTORAL APPOINTMENTS FOR LOCAL PASTORS (Full-Time, FL; Part-Time, PL; Student, SP; Retired, RL) ADAMS, BILL F. (PL) Immanuel, 7/1/07. ADAMS, BRUCE (FL) Sevierville, First, 7/1/09. AMOS, RAYMOND, JR. (PL) Morrison Chapel, 7/1/07. ANDERS, TED PHIPPS (RL) Mechanicsburg Circuit, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Bishop Circuit, 6/16/78-12/31/81; Alexander Memorial, 1/1/826/30/88; Falls Mills, 7/1/88-6/30/01; Retired, 7/1/01; Mt. Zion, 7/1/01-6/30/08; Pearisburg Circuit, 7/1/08. ANDERSON, LARRY JAMES (PL) Piney Grove, 7/1/03. ARNOLD, SUSAN (PL) Rogersville Circuit, 7/1/09. ARP, DANNY (PL) Chilcutt, 7/1/05. ATWATER, GARY (PL) New Century, 10/1/04 PASTORAL RECORDS 537 BAILEY, DONALD LEE (FL) Round Bottom, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Broadford Circuit, 7/1/07. BAINES, MILES (RL) Long Island, 1972-1974; Cameron-Valley Center, 1975; Mt. Carmel-Carters, 1977; Surgoinsville Parish, 19781980; Mosheim Circuit, 1/1/82-6/30/84; Carters Station, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Rogersville Parish, 7/1/85-6/30/86; Centenary, 7/1/86-1/31/87; Bethel, 2/1/87-6/30/89; Mt. Zion, 7/1/96-6/30/99; New Victory, 7/1/99-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. BARBER, MARK (FL) Goodfield Circuit, 1989-1993; Mt. Zion, Eastview, 11/1/95-6/30/96; Chestuee-Sugar Creek, 7/1/96-6/30/99; South Cleveland-Black Fox, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Mt. Zion-Savannah, 7/1/05. BARTLEY, GREGORY KEITH (PL) Sequatchie Cluster, Havrons Chapel, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Mount Crest, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. BARTON, WALTER ROWLAND, JR. (RL) Camp Ground, 6/7/59-5/29/65; Bethel Blount County, 5/30/65-6/4/68; Meadow-Booth, 6/5/68-6/16/73; Vonore Circuit, 6/17/73-6/15/78; Green Meadow, 6/16/78-6/11/86; Retired, 6/12/86. BASS, LINDA LAWSON (PL) Marble City, 8/10/06-6/30/07; Church Street, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Magnolia Avenue, 7/1/08-7/1/09. BASTIAN, ENGELBERT (PL) Moores Gap, 7/1/04. BATES, PHILLIP F. (PL) Andover Outreach, Appalachian Prayer Fellowship, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Appalachian Prayer Fellowship-Wise, Trinity, Associate, 7/1/08. BEAMER, MARTHA M. (FL) Cherokee Circuit, 7/1/07. BEAN, CHRISTINE W. (RL) Edwards Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. BEELER, JAKE (PL) Thompson’s Chapel, 7/1/08. BELL, HARRISON (PL) Mt. Carmel, 7/1/09. BERIA, BERT E. (PL) Vine Gove, 7/1/08. BERTA, JOSEPH E. (RL) McClure Circuit, 6/15/81-12/31/81; Marble Point, 1/1/82-6/30/82; Derby-Exeter, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Approved, but not appointed, 7/1/84; Retired (date not recorded). BISHOP, BENNY JON (FL) Logans Chapel, 6/17/73-6/14/75; Hermon, 6/15/75-6/14/78; In School, 6/15/78-6/11/80; Tazewell, 6/12/806/17/81; Chatham Hill, 6/18/81-6/30/83; Wallace-Wyndale, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Incapacity Leave, 7/1/85. BISHOP, BETTY RUTH (RL) Liberty Hill, 7/1/94-6/30/95; Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 7/1/95-6/30/98; Rich Valley-Washington Chapel, 7/1/9806/30/01; Approved, but not appointed, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. BLACK, BOBBY (FL) St. Luke-St. Matthew, Associate, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Washington Hills, 7/1/07. BLACKSHEAR, THOMAS R. (RL) Pleasant Grove, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Pleasant Hill, 7/1/99-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05; Pleasant Hill, 7/1/05-12/31/07. 538 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE BLAIR, EDWIN G. (FL) Dungannon Circuit, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Three Bells-Horton’s Chapel, 7/1/09. BOLEN, RAY (PL) Grahams Forge, 7/1/99. BORAGINE, ROBERT (RL) Fudges Chapel, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Persia, 7/1/91-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. BOSTICK, GREGORY D. (PL) Pellissippi, 2/1/00-6/30/01; Mt. Hermon, 7/1/03. BOWERS, RICHARD D. (PL, 2003) Jearoldstown-Union Temple, 7/1/03. BOWERS, SHARON (SP) Woodlawn-Holston Home for Children, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Randolph-Wells Chapel, 7/1/08. BOYD, WILLIAM R. (FL) St. Clair, 7/1/03-6/30/04; Evensville-St. Clair, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09; Evensville-St. Clair, 7/1/09. BRADBY, PORTERFIELD (RL) Haven Chapel-Asbury, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Haven Chapel, 7/1/01-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. BRADDY, CAROLYN MORTON (RL) Pleasant Hill, 7/1/83-6/30/85; Oak Grove-Ten Mile, 7/1/85-1/31/92; Meigs Parish, Associate, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Red Hill, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Retirement, 7/1/06; Red Hill, 7/1/06. BRIDGE, NELSON WAYNE (RL) Retired. BRUMMETT, DONALD M. (RL) Fall Branch-Logans Chapel, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Retired, 7/1/05. BURGESS, J.W. (PL) Pleasant Grove, 7/1/06. BURNS, LEAH (PL) Haven Chapel, 7/1/06. BUTLER, STEPHEN H. (PL) West Market Street, 7/1/09. CAIN, MITCHELL D. (PL) Jefferson City First, Youth Minister, 7/1/05. CARNES, RICHARD K. (PL) Axley’s Chapel, 7/1/04. CASTILLO, DANIEL (PL) La Casa Del Alfarero, 7/1/09. CHAMBERS, ROGER DARRELL (PL, 2003) Clinch Valley Circuit, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Beth Car-Watkins Chapel, 7/1/05. CHANCEY, J. TODD (FL, 2004) Apison, 7/1/04. CHEETHAM, WILLIAM J. (PL, 2004) Glendale, 7/1/04. CLARK, JERRY W. (RL) Pleasant Hill, 1/1/82- 6/30/98; Retired, 6/30/98. CLARK, NORMAN WAYNE (FL) Ewing Circuit, 6/11/03. PASTORAL RECORDS 539 CLIFTON, FRANKLIN (RL) Staffordsville Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/85; Shady Grove, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Clear Springs-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/876/30/89; Greystone Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Woodway Circuit, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 7/1/957/31/96; Shiloh, 8/1/96-6/30/99; Draper Circuit, 7/1/99-6/30/05; Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Retired, 7/1/07. CLOUD, ROBERT K. (PL) Hales Chapel-Alleys Chapel, 7/1/96-6/30/01; Alley’s Chapel, 7/1/01. COGBURN, MARTA M. (PL, 2006) Newport, First, Associate, 7/1/06. COLE, KEVIN (SP) Pleasant Hill Blount, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Fincastle, 7/1/02. COLLIER, CARL E. (FL) Pleasant Hill, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Sunbright, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Claiborne Cluster, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Walland, 7/1/01. COLLIER, REBECCA (PL) Seymour, Bethel, 7/1/08. COLLINS, DEBORAH W. (FL) Cherokee Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Lebanon Circuit, 7/1/04-06/30/06; Grange Hall-Lebanon, 7/1/06. COLLINSWORTH, GEORGE B. (RL) Russell Circuit, 6/15/69-6/9/71; Patten Center Circuit, 6/10/71-6/14/75; Cleveland Circuit, 6/15/75-6/15/78; New Salem-Payne’s Chapel, 6/16/78-6/14/79; Tellico Plains Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/86; Graysville, 7/1/866/30/87; Baileyton Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/90; Sunbright, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Retired, 7/1/91. COOK, H. WAYNE (FL, 2006) Lookout Mountain, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Sand Mountain, 7/1/08. COOK, ROBERT EUGENE, SR. (RL) Mosheim Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/89; Mount Pisgah, 7/1/89-6/30/93; Greystone Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/95; Power Valley Circuit, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Keywood, North Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Christ First, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Retired, 7/1/01; Greeneville, Wesley’s Chapel, 7/1/03-6/30/05. CORNETT, L. DIANA (FL, 2006) New Market Circuit, 7/1/06. CRABTREE, JASON G. (PL, 2006) Appalachia, 7/1/06. CROCKETT, JOSEPH THOMAS (PL) Carlock-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/96-6/30/05; Wesleyanna-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. CUNNINGHAM, EDWIN EARL, JR. (PL) Bethel, 7/1/97. DALTON, H. ROY (PL, 2004) St. Clair-Talley’s Chapel, 7/1/04. DARNELL, JIMMY D. (FL, 2005) Bridle Creek Circuit, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Dungannon Circuit, 7/1/09. DAVIDSON, HUBERT DENVER (PL) Dotson Chapel, 7/1/92-7/31/94; Mount Pleasant, 8/1/94-6/30/99; Mooresburg-Beeler’s Chapel, 7/1/99. DAVIS, GREGORY P. (PL) Valley View, 7/1/08-6/30/09; Pleasant Grove-Valley View, 7/1/09. DAVIS, JOE (FL) Oakdale-Woods Chapel, 7/1/07. 540 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE DAWN, CHARLES C. (FL, 2006) Lake City-Dutch Valley, 7/1/06. DEEL, ROGER VON (PL) McClure, 7/1/09. DEHART, CHARLES C. (FL) Grace-Mt. Pleasant, 1/1/00-6/30/03; Midway Memorial-Prospect, 7/1/03-6/30/04; Elk Creek Circuit, 7/1/046/30/06; Hardin’s Chapel-Mosheim Central, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Retired, 7/1/09. DIEHL, JAMES W. (PL) Havron’s Chapel, 7/1/08. DIMOND, FRED ESTLE (PL) Associate, Fudges Chapel-Mt. Zion, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Midway, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Kleppers Chapel-Persia, 7/1/996/30/03; Otes-Persia, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Otes, 7/1/06. DOCKERY, DANNY RAY (PL, 2004) Rye Cove, 7/1/04. DOYLE, BARBARA A. (PL, 2004) New Mt. Olive, 7/1/04-8/31/06; New Mt. Olive-New Hope, 9/1/06. DUNCAN, MICHAEL (FL) Belspring-Parrott, 7/1/06. DUNCAN, RONNIE G. (FL) Eggleston Circuit, 6/1/07-6/30/09; Jonesville Parish, 7/1/09. DUNCAN, WESTLEY A. (PL) Grange Hall-Lebanon, 7/1/00; Logan’s Chapel, 7/1/06. DUNFORD, BOBBIE J. (FL) Jonesville Parish, 1/11/00-6/30/04; Riverview Circuit, 7/1/04. DUNN, JOHN EDWARD (PL, 2004) Maynardville Parish (Miller’s Chapel), 7/1/05-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. EAKES, ROSSER LEE (RL) Dotson Chapel, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Hills Union, 7/1/91-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. EBERHART, CHARLES (PL, 2005) Chalybeate Springs-Okolona, 7/1/05-6/30/09; Chalybeate Springs-Okolona-Mt. Zion, 7/1/09. EDWARDS, HOWARD L. (RL) North Tazewell-Mt. Zion, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. EMMERT, PAUL RANDALL (PL) Chuckey, 10/1/01-6/30/09; Chuckey-Rheatown, 7/1/09. EVANS, STEPHEN M. (FL) Dutch Valley, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Trentville, 7/1/98-6/30/09; Beulah, 7/1/09. EWING, WILLIAM B. (PL) Spivey, 7/1/93. FARMER, BARBARA (PL) Pleasant View, 7/1/09. FAUSCETT, REECE FRANKLIN (FL) Middle Valley, 7/1/87-6/30/99; Trenton, 7/1/99. FEARS, ANTHONY (PL) Hurst, 7/1/08. PASTORAL RECORDS 541 FLETCHER, GREGORY S. (PL) Fudges Chapel, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Persia, 7/1/06. FOWLER, CATHY E. (PL, 2005) Baileyton Circuit, 7/1/06-6/30/09; New Victory, 7/1/09. FOWLER, ROY E., JR. (FL) Greystone Circuit, 1/1/99-6/30/02; Afton-Stone Dam, 7/1/02-6/30/07; Amis Chapel-Elm Springs, 7/1/07. FOX, DENNIS (PL, 2006) Powell Valley Cooperative Parish (Flatwoods), 7/1/06. FOX, GARRAD L. “GARY” (PL) Lenoir City, Central, 7/1/08. FOX, MARY ELIZABETH (RL) Cosby Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. FRALEY, C. LEON (FL) Burks, 7/1/09. FRANKLIN, VIVIAN S. (PL, 2006) Milburnton, 7/1/06. FURCHES, BETTY M. (FL) Johnson City, First, Associate, 7/1/99-6/30/06; First Farragut, Associate, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Buckner MemorialChaplain, Hiwassee College, 7/1/09. GEITNER, JANET M. (PL, 2006) McDonald, 7/1/06. GIBBS, DAVID O., JR. (PL) Mt. Hope-Antioch, 7/1/02. GIBSON, DAVID ALLEN (PL) Bond Memorial-South Coeburn, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Crab Orchard (name change from Bond Memorial)-South Coeburn, 7/1/08. GILLESPIE, KENNETH G. (FL) Dailey’s Chapel, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Riverside-Dailey’s Chapel, 7/1/00. GORRELL, ALAN L. (PL) Bethel, 7/1/98-6/30/08; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/08. GUIDER, JIMMY (PL) Browder-Forkner, 7/1/96-6/30/00; Browder, 7/1/00-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. GUTHRIE, JAMES LEWIS (RL) Rockwood, Trinity, 1961-1965; Unassigned, 1966-1968; Reed-Cook-Burkett Chapel 1969-1971; Mt. Olive-Mt. Tabor-Reed 1972-1974; Martin Chapel-Rising Sun, 1974-1976; Martin Chapel-Haven Chapel-Rising SunAsbury, 1976-1979; New Century-Cowan Chapel-Haven Chapel-Asbury, last half of 1979; New CenturyCowans Chapel, 1980-9/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04; Cowan Chapel, 10/1/04. GUTIERREZ, SAMUEL (FL, 2004) Prince of Peace-East Lake, Associate, 7/1/04. HALL, CRAIG S. (FL) Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. HALL, WILLIAM DAVID (PL) Christ, Associate, 7/1/08. HAMMER, C. FRED (FE/PL) Honorable Location, 1995; Edwards Chapel, 7/1/09. HAMPSON, KEITH T. (PL) Bell’s Campground, 7/1/07. 542 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE HARMON, JIMMY ROBERT (PL) Glenwood-Bishop’s Chapel, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Bishop’s Chapel, 7/1/05. HECK, CHARLES H. (PL) Mt. Carmel, 7/1/06. HENSLEY, DARRELL DEAN (PL) Marble Point, 7/1/95-6/30/97; McClure’s Chapel-Speaks Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/99; McClure’s Chapel-Smyth Chapel-Speaks Chapel, 7/1/99-6/30/00; Smyth Chapel, 7/1/00-6/30/05; Smyth Chapel-Gilbert’s Memorial, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Smyth Chapel, 7/1/06. HENSLEY, TROY RANDALL (PL) Rockholds, 7/1/95-6/30/00; East Pine Grove, Associate (New Church Start), 7/1/01-6/30/04; Munsey Memorial, Associate (New Church Start) 7/1/04-6/30/05; Mission Congregation-The Rock, 7/1/05. HERNANDEZ, JAVIER (FL) Door of Heaven, 7/1/06. HERRON, JACOB WM. (PL) Asbury Theological Seminary, CC: Claiborne Cluster, 7/1/10. HESS, CARLOS (FL) Pocahontas-Christ First, 7/1/04. HILL, REX A. (PL) Limestone Cove, 4/1/07. HITECHEW, JOHN LAWSON (PL) Vincent, 7/1/97 (Name change to Mayberry Community, 1/1/06)-6/30/08; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/08. HOKAJ, LEE ARTHUR (RL) Riceville-Piney Grove, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Bright Hope Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/006/30/01; Binfield, 7/1/01-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. HOLBROOK, JOHN H. (RL) Tellico Plains Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Hills Union Circuit, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Trinity Dayton, 7/1/90-6/30/91; Sunbright, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. HOWARD, ROBERT NEAL (PL) Lee Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/06; Powell Valley Cooperative Parish (Bethel-McClure’s Chapel), 7/1/06. HUFFER, TERRY (PL) Forrest Avenue, 7/1/09. HULL, LEROY MORIE III (PL, 2004) Three Springs, 7/1/04. JENNINGS, LURONE SR. (PL) Bethlehem Center, 7/1/96-6/30/03; Bethlehem-Wiley, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/08. JOHNSON, CHARLES B. (PL) Camp Ground, 7/1/99. JOHNSON, GLEASANNA A. (FL) Glenwood-Bishop’s Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/02; New Hope-Mt. Airy (PL), 7/1/02-8/1/02; New Hope-Mt. Airy (SP), 8/1/02-6/30/04; Fairview-Sidney, 7/1/04-6/30/08; Max Meadows Circuit, 7/1/08 . JOHNSON, JACK CLAYTON (RL) Clinch Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Tazewell Circuit, Associate (Dailey’s Chapel), 7/1/91-6/30/93; Dailey’s Chapel, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Mt. Pleasant-Steelesburg, 7/1/99. JOHNSON, JAMES R. (RL) Derby-Exeter, 7/1/95-8/4/01; Derby, 8/5/01; Retired, 7/1/07. PASTORAL RECORDS 543 JONES, ALAN M. (PL) Asbury, 7/1/01-6/30/07; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/07. JONES, CARL VINCENT (RL) Rogersville Parish, 7/1/82-6/30/83; Retired, 7/1/83. JONES, CLINTON D. (PL) Clouds Bend, 4/1/09. JONES, PAUL PRESTON (RL) New Hope-Mt. Airy, 1987-1989; Glenwood-Bishop’s Chapel, 1990-1991; Retired, 1994. JONES, SYLVIA D. (PL) Looney’s Chapel, 7/1/03. JONES, TIMOTHY W., JR. (FL) Powell, 7/1/09. JUSTICE, JOHN J. (FL, 2006) Oliver Springs Parish, 7/1/06. JUSTUS, RAY (PL) Mt. Hermon, 7/1/05. KELLER, JOHN F., JR. (PL) Oakland, 7/1/08. KETRON, SCOTT (FL) Claiborne Cluster, 7/1/01-12/31/03; Aldersgate, 1/1/04-6/30/07; Jellico, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/09. KILBOURNE, CHARLES FRANKLIN (RL) Hiltons-Nottingham, 7/1/75-1979; Depews Chapel, 1980-6/30/89; Clouds Bend, 7/1/89-6/30/99; Kingsport, Community, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02; Community, 7/1/02. KILLEN, CHARLIE MACK (RL) Russell Circuit, 7/1/87-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00; Russell Circuit, 7/1/00. KING, ELIZABETH S. (PL) Lead Mines Circuit, 7/1/08. KING, GAYE W. (FL) Williamsons Chapel, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Meadow-Williamson Chapel, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Immanuel, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/07. KITTS, DARREN (FL) Seymour, Associate, 7/1/08. KLAIBER, RAYMOND (FL, 2003) Falls Mills-Midway, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Midway-Macedonia, 7/1/08. KRAUSS, LINDA (PL) Liberty Hill, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Exeter, 7/1/09. KRAUSS, VINCENT K. (FL, 2003) Rural Retreat Circuit, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Grace, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Clear Springs-Pleasant Grove, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Dryden-Seminary, 7/1/09. LADD, MICHAEL (FL) Hills Union Circuit, 7/1/08. 544 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE LADUKE, ROY FRANK (RL) St. John, 7/1/84-6/30/85; Bethel-Looneys Creek-Sulphur Springs, 7/1/85-6/30/90; Christ First-Macedonia, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Morgan Memorial-Ingles Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Wytheville Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Amis Chapel-Elm Springs, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99; Norton, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Clinchport Circuit, 7/1/026/30/04; Chestuee-Sugar Creek, 7/1/04. LANE, BARRY R. (PL) Ebbing & Flowing Springs-Kincaid, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Chalybeate Springs-Okolona, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/04; Fall Branch, 7/1/09. LANE, JAMES PAUL (RL) Clinchport Circuit, 7/1/72-6/30/80; Nottingham, 7/1/80-6/30/87; Shady Grove, 7/1/87-6/30/91; Amis ChapelElm Springs, 7/1/91-6/30/94; Retired, 7/1/94; Depews Chapel, 7/1/98. LANTZ, RANDY (PL) Fudges Chapel, 7/1/07-6/30/08; Crossroads, 7/1/08. LAY, BARBARA (PL) Sevierville Parish, Associate, 7/1/00-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. LAYELL, DONNA JEAN (PL) Lead Mines Circuit, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/01-6/11/03; Bethany-Oak Grove, 4/27/036/30/05; Norton, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/08. LEONARD, CHARLES (PL) Bethany, 7/1/09. LILES, CHARLES DORSEY (RL) Asbury Chapel, 7/1/99-6/30/03, Retired, 7/1/03. LINDY, CHARLES MAX.(PL) Harmon’s Valley, 7/1/09. LONG, KENNETH THOMAS (RL) Austin Springs, 7/1/82-6/30/84; Bethesda-Eden-Embreeville, 7/1/84-6/30/88; Unicoi, 7/1/88-6/30/90; Chestnut Hill, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Telford-New Victory, 7/1/92-6/30/94; South Bristol, 7/1/94-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97. LOVE, ADAM.(FL) Clear Springs-Albright, 7/1/09. LUSK, LARRY D. (FL) Washington Springs (PL), 10/1/02-6/30/04; Washington Chapel-Washington Springs (FL), 7/1/04. LUTON, KENNETH (PL) Maynardville Parish, 7/1/09. LYTTON, KENNETH E. (PL) Telford, 7/1/99-6/30/07; Boones Creek, 7/1/07. MANESS, RONNIE C. (2000–2000; PL, 2006 ) Rutledge Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Leave of Absence, 7/1/02-1/31/06; Clinch Valley Circuit, 2/1/06. MANNING, JANET (FL, 2005) First Broad Street, 7/1/05. MARSHALL, BETTY SUE (PL) Sugar Run Circuit, 7/1/01. MARSHALL, DARLENE J. (FL) Thornsprings-Wesley Memorial, 7/1/97-6/30/05; Morgan’s Chapel-Rockford, 7/1/05. MAXWELL, ROCHELLE D. (PL) Pruitt Hill-Tate Chapel, 7/1/00. PASTORAL RECORDS 545 MAYS, JOHN ROBERT (RL) Mayes Chapel, 7/1/88-6/30/92; Millers Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Bells Campground, 7/1/95-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97. MCCLURE, TERESA ATKINS (FL) Christ, 7/1/07. McCREADY, ARNOLD STEPHEN (PL) Damascus Circuit, 6/12/76-6/14/79; Lebanon Chilhowie, 6/15/79-6/14/84; Discontinued, 6/15/84-6/30/85; Chilhowie Lebanon, 7/1/85-6/30/89; Wesley Circuit, 7/1/89-6/30/08; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/08. McDONALD, CLYDE H. (RL) Holston Conference Treasurer and Statistician, 7/1/05-1/31/07; Retired, 2/1/07. McGREW, M. KEITH (SP) Philadelphia-New Hope, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Benham’s Circuit, 7/1/03. MCKEE, RICHARD (PL) Bethel, 7/1/09. McLAUGHLIN, LISA K. (PL, 2006) Powell Valley Cooperative Parish (Russell Chapel), 7/1/06. McLEAN, MARGARET (PL, 2004) Fall Branch, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/07. MCMILLAN, JEREMY M. (SP) Whitwell, First, 7/1/09. McPHERSON, TRACY (PL, 2004) Station Creek-Speaks Chapel, 7/1/04. MEADE, MARK A. (PL) Gatlinburg, First-Huskey’s Grove, 7/1/08. MEHAFFY, CARL (PL) Derby, 7/1/09. MILHORN, DENNIS (PL, 2004) Rheatown, 7/1/04-6/30/07; Roan Mountain, 7/1/07. MILLER, DIXIE J. (PL, 2003) Bales Chapel, 7/1/03. MILLER, ROY VAN (PL) McCampbell, 7/1/89-6/30/90; High Point (Fowler’s Grove), 7/1/90-6/30/94; Fowler-Glendale, 7/1/94-10/15/02; Approved, but not appointed, 10/16/02; Dandridge, Wesley’s Chapel, 7/1/04. MINCEY, CORA ROSE TYLER (RL) Chevront-Swan Pond, 8/19/84-6/30/88; Holston Chapel, 7/1/88-12/31/89; Vestal, 1/1/90-6/30/97; Union Grove/Blount, 7/1/97-8/30/00; Coeburn-Tacoma, 9/1/00-6/30/03; Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer, 7/1/03-12/30/05; Retired, 12/31/05. MINNICK, MARY (PL) Bristol, Oak Grove, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Hunt Memorial-Oak Grove, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Hunt Memorial, 7/1/08. MONROE, WAYNE T. (FL) Floyd Circuit (Interim), 5/6/90-6/23/90; Little Walker Circuit 6/24/90-6/25/94; Staffordsville Circuit, 6/26/946/27/98; Narrows, First, 6/28/98-6/30/08; Grace Circuit, 7/1/08. MOORE, JOSEPH D. (PL) Whiteside, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Sequatchie Cluster, Wesley-Lou’s Chapel, 7/1/03. MORIE, JACKIE LEROY, JR. (PL, 2004) Del Rio Circuit, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Cosby Circuit, 7/1/06. 546 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOSELEY, J. GLENN (PL) Sweetwater Circuit, 7/1/98-6/30/00; Graysville, 7/1/00-6/30/04; Graysville-New Bethel, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Trinity-Vine Grove, 7/1/06-6/30/08; Tyner, 7/1/08. MULLENS, JAMES ROY (PL) Mt. Zion, 7/1/93. MULLINS, LEZLEY (PL) Clouds Bend, 7/1/08-2/28/09; Approved, not appointed, 3/1/09. MURPHY, ELIZABETH ELAINE (PL) Cedar Bluff, 7/1/03-6/30/05; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/05-12/31/06; Cedar Bluff, 1/1/07-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. MYERS, MARIEL (FL) Fairgarden Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06. NEESE, JOHN RICHIE (FL) Spivey, 7/1/91-6/30/92; Chatham Hill Circuit, 7/1/92-6/30/94; Benham’s Circuit, 7/1/94-6/30/00; Lebanon Circuit, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Dungannon Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Bright Hope Circuit, 7/1/06. NEESE, VICTORIA L. (FL) Roan Mountain, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Discontinued, 7/1/98-9/30/98; Roan Mountain, 10/1/98-6/30/99; Island CreekMountain Plains, 7/1/99-6/30/08; Spring Valley Circuit, 7/1/08. NEWMAN, KENNETH M. (RL) Liberty Hill, 1/1/86-6/30/87; Albright, 7/1/87-6/30/92; Bewleys Chapel, 7/1/92-6/30/96; Retired, 7/1/96. NICHOLSON, TRUMAN LEROY (RL) High Point Cluster, 1990-1993; Glendale, 7/1/93-6/30/94; Dandridge Cluster/McCampbell, 7/1/94-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04; McCampbell, 7/1/04-6/30/06. NUNLEY, DWIGHT ANTHONY (FL) Dunbar, Exeter & Imboden, 1/1/93-6/30/97; Dunbar-Imboden, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Andover-Dunbar-Imboden, 7/1/01. NUTT, AMY SUZANNE (FL, 2006) Ooltewah, Associate, 7/1/06. O’QUINN, LEON B. (PL, 2004) Hales Chapel-Kathleen Memorial, 7/1/04. OXENDINE, JAMES THOMAS (FL) Paperville, 7/1/03-6/30/04; Virginia Avenue-Paperville, 7/1/04. PAUL, CRAIG E. (FL, 2006) Middle Valley, 7/1/06. PERDUE, GARY E. “PETE” (PL, 2006) Coeburn, 11/15/05. PERKINS, WILLIAM RAY (RL) Bascom-Willis Chapel, 7/1/85-6/30/86; Little Wilson, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Withdrawn, 7/1/88-12/31/88; Green Valley, 1/1/89-6/30/93; Ingram Village, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Cedar Springs Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/01; NewbernMountain View, 7/1/01-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Little Walker Circuit, 7/1/04. PETERSON, TIMOTHY D. (PL) Mt. Vernon, 7/102-6/30/05; Harmon’s Valley-Mt. Vernon, 7/1/05-6/30/06; Harmon’s Valley, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. POISTER, WILLIAM C. (RL) Nottingham-Smith’s Chapel, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Baileyton Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/98; Apison, 7/1/98-6/30/01; Pleasant Grove, 7/1/01-6/30/02; Sale Creek, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Retired, 7/1/04. PASTORAL RECORDS 547 POOLE, BRENDA A. (FL) Lake City-Dutch Valley, 7/1/01-6/30/06; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/06. POPE, RUDOLPH W. (RL) West Market Street, 7/1/85-6/30/87; Marion, Mt. Pleasant, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Mt. Pleasant-Ebenezer, 7/1/896/30/91; Retired, 1996. PORTER, BILLY RHEA (PL) Ewing Circuit, 6/12/80-6/30/83; Morrison Chapel, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Amis Chapel, 7/1/86-6/30/88; Discontinued, 7/1/88-2/28/99; Nottingham-Mendota, 3/1/99. POWERS, RANDY (PL, 2004) Mt. Vernon, 7/1/02--6/30/08; Sinking Springs, 7/1/08. PRATER, THOMAS (PL) Wesley Circuit, 7/1/09. PROSS, STEVEN (PL) Middle Creek, 7/1/09. PURSER, JAMES HENRY (FL) Mountain View-New Providence, Associate, 7/1/93-6/30/09; Mountain View-New Providence, 7/1/09. PUTMAN, JAMES J. (PL) Bethany-Oak Grove, 6/21/06-6/30/08; Mt. Vernon, 7/1/08. RADER, DAVID M. (FL) Liberty Hill, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Wallace-Wyndale, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Mayberry Community, 7/1/08. RADER, WAYNE E. (RL) Sugar Run Circuit, 9/1/99-6/30/01; Hales Chapel-Smith’s Chapel, 7/1/01-6/30/04; Jonesville Parish, 7/1/046/30/06; Retired, 7/1/06; Jonesville Parish, 7/1/06-6/30/09. RAPER, ALTA C. (FL) Pittman Center Circuit, 7/1/01. RATLEDGE, HUGH DEAN (RL) Rogersville Circuit, 1977-1982; Persia, 1/1/82-6/30/83; Mosheim Circuit, 7/1/83-6/30/86; Chalybeate SpringsOkolona, 7/1/86-6/30/97; Community Kingsport, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. REAGAN, ERIC S. (FL, 2006) Hills Union Circit, 7/1/06-6/30/08; French Broad Circuit, 7/1/08-10/31/08; Approved, not appointed, 11/1/08. REED, REBECCA (FE/PL) Honorable Location, 2000; Riceville-Piney Grove, 7/1/07 REED, VIVIAN (PL) Mt. Sinai, 12/15/06-6/30/09; Mt. Sinai-Weem’s Chapel, 7/1/09. REPASS, JOHN R. (PL) Round Bottom, 7/1/07. REYNA, ARTURO R. (FL) West Galax/Hispanic Ministry, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Door of Heaven, 7/1/02-6/30/06; Morristown Hispanic Ministries, 7/1/06. RHOADS, JOHN LEWIS (RL) Swan Pond-Chevront., 1977-1978; Bethel-Luminary, 1979-1982; Grigsby Chapel, 1983-1984; Hills Union Circuit, 1985-1987; Greenback Circuit, 1988-1989; Sweetwater Circuit, 1990-1992; Retired, 1993; Bethel (Roane), 7/1/96-6/30/05; Chevront, 7/1/05. RHUDY, GLORIA L. (FL) Cedar Bluff, 7/1/00-6/30/01; Spring Valley Circuit, 7/1/01-6/30/08; Woodlawn-Shiloh, 7/1/08. 548 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE RIMMER, WILLIAM C. (FL) Marble City (PL), 7/1/01-2/29/04; Claiborne Cluster (FL), 3/1/04-6/30/09; Baileyton Circuit, 7/1/09. ROBERTS, C. MICHAEL (PL) Grace, Associate, 7/1/99-6/30/00; Payne’s Chapel, 7/1/00. ROBERTS, LUTHER W. (PL, 2005) Chilhowie, Lebanon, 7/1/05. ROE, JOHN P. (FL) Keywood Charge, 7/1/01-6/30/09; Weaver, 7/1/09. ROGERS, REX G. (PL) Sevierville Circuit, 7/1/06-6/30/07; Middlesettlements, 7/1/07. ROZAR, LINDA W. (PL) Creech’s Chapel, 7/1/02. SANDEFUR, CATHERINE (PL) Ebenezer, 7/1/09. SANKS, VAN GENE (FL) Lynnwood, 7/1/91-6/30/00; Emerald Avenue, Associate (Virginia Avenue Ministries), 8/1/00. SARVER, BARRY K. (FL) Albright, 7/1/97-9/30/00; Pikeville, 10/1/00-6/30/03; Independence, First, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Copperhill, First, 7/1/08. SHAMBLIN, AUSTIN LEONARD (RL) Oakland, 7/1/87-6/30/89; Campground, 7/1/90-6/30/92; Retired, 7/1/92. SHAVER, ALVIN O. (FL, 2006) Mountain View, 7/1/06. SHELOR, DONALD P. (FL) Pilot, 7/1/06-6/30/09 (PL); Radford, Central, 7/1/09. SHELTON, REGINA (FL, 2004) Arcadia, 7/1/04-6/30/05; Old Union-McFerrin, 7/1/05. SHELTON, WILLIAM “BILL” (FL, 2004) Immanuel, 7/1/04-6/30/05; (FL) Alcoa, First, 7/1/05. SHELTON, WILLIAM II “WILL” (FL, 2006) Ceres Circuit, 7/1/06. SHERROD, JAMES ALLEN (FL) French Broad Circuit, 2/1/05-6/30/08; Wesley Theological Seminary, 9/1/08. SHIRLEY, BETTY A. (PL) Fowlers Grove, 7/1/02-6/30/04; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/04-8/14/05; Ext. Ministry, Rutledge Baptist, 8/15/05-6/30/07; Mary’s Chapel-Russellville, 7/1/07. SHUPE, RANDALL (PL) Smith’s Chapel, 7/1/09. SHUPE, WILLIAM (FL) Atkins Memorial, 7/1/98-6/30/04; Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit, 7/1/04-6/30/06; Elk Creek Circuit, 7/1/06. SILVERS, DOUGLAS (FL) Welch’s Chapel-Stephen’s Chapel, 7/1/09. SMITH, DAVID GERALD (FL) Benton-Mt. Hermon, 7/1/84-6/30/86; Martel-Booth Chapel, 7/1/86-6/30/90; Walland, 7/1/90-6/30/95; Oakland, 7/1/95-6/30/99; Mountain View, 7/1/99-6/30/01; Approved, but not appointed, 7/1/01-12/30/01; Axley’s Chapel, 1/1/02-6/30/02; Sevierville Parish, 7/1/02. PASTORAL RECORDS 549 SMITH, JOHN LEONARD (PL) Clinch Circuit, 7/1/79-6/30/86; Carvosso, 7/1/86. SMITH, TIMOTHY W. (FL) Pikeville, 7/1/05. SMYTHERS, CHARLES (PL) Woodlawn-Shiloh, Associate, 7/1/00-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03; Woodlawn-Shiloh, Associate, 7/1/03-6/30/06; Atkins Memorial, 9/1/06. SON, GWANG-HEE (PL) Cokesbury, Associate, Korean Congregation, 7/1/03-6/30/08; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/08. SPENCE, C. SCOTT (PL) North Keywood Circuit, 7/1/04. SPRIGGS, OLIVER WENDELL (RL) Mars Hill, 7/1/89-6/30/92; Charleston-Valley Head, 7/1/92-6/30/95; Graysville, 7/1/95-9/30/97; Incapacity Leave, 10/1/97-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02. STAPLETON, BRADLEY K. (SP) Lenoir City, Central, 12/1/06. STARNES, GROVER (PL) Okolona-Chalybeate Springs, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Arcadia, 7/1/05 STEELE, CARL EDWARD (RL) Woodway Circuit, 6/18/81-6/30/84; Sugar Grove-Teas, 7/1/84-10/31/84; Disability, 11/1/84-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00. STEPHENS, BILLY W. (PL) Blount, Pleasant Hill, 7/1/02. STRICKLER, JACQUELINE (FL, 2005) Cedar Bluff, 7/1/05. STUART, WILLIAM (PL) Whiteside, 7/1/06. SWITZER, BETSY R. (SP) Lenoir City, Central, 12/1/06. TALLENT, VIRGIL RICHARD, JR. (FL) Riceville, 7/1/94-6/30/96; Mt. Zion, 7/1/96-6/30/97; Niota, 7/1/97-6/30/00; Sevierville Parish, 7/1/00-6/30/02; Harriman-Midtown Valley, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Englewood-Mars Hill, 7/1/08. TAYLOR, PATSY KEITH (RL) Greene County Cluster (Antioch-Weems), 7/1/97-6/30/99; West Greene Circuit, 7/1/99-6/30/02; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/02-6/30/03; Retired, 7/1/03. TEMPLETON, G. STEPHEN (PL, 2005) Hales Chapel-Smith’s Chapel, 7/1/05-6/30/08; Hales Chapel, 7/1/08. THACKER, DARRELL B. (PL) Colemans Chapel, 7/1/98. THAYER, DONALD C. (PL) Abingdon, Mountain View, 7/1/90. THAYER, J. GARLAND (RL) Retired THOMAS, D. LEE (PL, 2006) Fries, 7/1/06. 550 HOLSTON ANNUAL CONFERENCE THOMPSON, ROBERT LYNN (RL) St. Clair, 1988-1992; South Cleveland, 1993-94; Retired, 1995; Trinity-Vine Grove, 7/1/95-6/30/05. TILLER, JOHN A. (RL) Marble City, 7/1/91-6/30/00; Retired, 7/1/00; Bell’s Campground, 2/1/05-6/30/07. TIMMONS, HAZEL VIRGINIA (RL) Mt. Tabor, 7/1/82-6/30/83; Elizabethton St. Paul, 1/1/85-6/17/87; Retired, 6/18/87. TITCOMBE, JAMES (PL) Bethel (Knox)-Grigsby Chapel, 7/1/97-6/30/08; Grigsby Chapel, 7/1/08. TOMPKINS, GINNY (FL) Cripple Creek Circuit, 7/1/01-6/30/05; Cedar Springs Circuit, 7/1/05. TREXLER, FRANK “BUZZ” (PL) Pellissippi, 7/1/01-1/28/02; Approved but not appointed, 1/28/02-3/30/02; Green Meadow, 4/1/02. TROBAUGH, LEWIS (PL) Brooks Memorial, 5/1/09. TUCK, STEVE M. (FL) Meadow, 7/1/85-6/30/89; New Salem, 7/1/98-6/30/06; Mt. Hebron, 7/1/06. TUCKER, KENNETH R., JR. (FL) Browder-Forkner, 7/1/91-6/30/93; Madisonville Circuit, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Meadow, 7/1/97-6/30/02; Carpenters, 7/1/02. TWEED, DOUGLAS STEVEN (PL) Asbury Seminary, Nottingham-Smith’s Chapel, 7/1/95-6/30/96; First Broad Street, Associate, Adult Ministries, 7/1/96-6/30/98; Kingsport, St. Mark/Mustard Seed Ministries, 7/1/98-6/30/06; St. Mark, 7/1/06-6/30/09; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/09. TYE, GARY OTIS (PL) Irwin’s Chapel, 8/1/01. VAUGHN, MICHAEL (PL) Embreeville, 7/1/08. VICKERY, ROYCE (PL) Pleasant Grove, 7/1/08. VINCENT, BRUCE E., SR. (PL) Athens Parish, 7/1/00. WADDEY, WALTER O. (RL) Jonesville Parish, 1996; Campground, 7/1/97-12/31/99; Mount Hebron, 1/1/00-6/30/02; Retired, 7/1/02; Glendale, 10/16/02-6/30/03. WADDLE, DONNA R. (PL) Ottway, 7/1/01-6/30/09; Ottway-Wesley’s Chapel, 7/1/09. WALDEN, JOHN (PL) Bethany, 7/1/10. WALLER, MICHAEL A. (PL) Lead Mines Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/08; Fairview-Sidney, 7/1/08. WARD, FLOYD E. (PL) Dodson Creek-Edgewood, 7/1/03. WARD, MICHAEL D. (FL) Honaker, First-Blackford, 7/1/01-7/10/02; Student Pastor, 7/10/02-1/19/03; Honaker, First, 1/20/03-6/30/06; Wharf Hill-Elizabeth, 7/1/06; Benham’s Circuit, 7/1/10. PASTORAL RECORDS 551 WARREN, ANNETTE (PL) Mount Tabor, 7/1/93-6/30/97; Dayton, Mt. Olive, 7/1/97. WATKINS, DONALD G. (PM, 1999-FL, 2008) Old Union, 7/1/95-6/30/97; South Bristol, 7/1/97-6/30/01; Shady Grove-Charles Wesley, 7/1/01-6/30/05; New Life, 7/1/05-6/30/07; St. Paul East, 7/1/07. WEATHERLY, CHARLES H. (PL) Mt. Sinai-Weems Chapel, 7/1/03-6/30/04; Pleasant Hill-Weems Chapel, 7/1/04-6/30/09; Pleasant Hill, 7/1/09. WELLS, SARAH C. (PL) Taylor Memorial, 7/1/04. WENDER, CHARLES M. (PL, 2006) Zion, 7/1/06. WHITE, DONALD LYNWOOD (FL) Lead Mines Circuit, 7/1/97-6/30/99; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 7/1/99-6/30/05; Galax Circuit, 7/1/05. WHITE, ROBERT F., JR. (RL) Bethany, 7/1/95-6/30/96; Three Springs, 7/1/96-6/30/99; Retired, 7/1/99. WHITTENBARGER, RENNY WADE (PL) Chilcutt-Moores Chapel, 7/1/95-6/30/03; Ducktown-Crofts Chapel, 7/1/03. WILLIAMS, LARRY GENE (PL) Patten Center Circuit, 7/1/86-6/30/87; Sand Mountain, 9/1/88-6/11/03; Approved, but not appointed, 6/11/03. WILLIAMS, STANLEY R. (PL) Randolph-Wells Chapel, 2/1/93-1/31/95; Hurst, 2/1/95-6/30/96; Eastdale Village (FL), 7/1/96-6/30/06; Eastdale Village (PL), 7/1/06. WILLIAMSON, BRIAN W. (PL, 2005) Riceville-Piney Grove, 7/1/05-6/30/07; Approved, not appointed, 7/1/07-6/30/09; Mount Crest, 7/1/09. WILLS, MARK E. (PL) Carter’s Valley Circuit, 7/11/00. WIMBERLY, L. KNOX (FL) Asbury Chapel, 1/1/09. WINDOM, VERNON A. (RL) Clifton Hills, 6/4/61-6/6/64; Pleasant Grove-Harmons, 6/7/64-6/14/69; Paynes Chapel, 6/15/69-6/13/72; Highland Plaza, 6/14/72-6/14/79; Hales-Whiteside-Wildwood, 6/15/79-6/30/87; Flintstone, 7/1/87-6/30/97; Retired, 7/1/97; Morganville-Slygo Valley, 7/1/99. WITTEN, THOMAS J. JR. (PL) Buchanan Parish, 7/1/07. WOMACK, MARK S. (RL) Payne’s Chapel, 7/1/83-6/30/84; Clifton Hills, 7/1/84-6/30/93; Retired, 7/1/93. WOODS, BRENDA G. HOLLOWAY (FL) Cherokee Circuit, 7/1/98-6/30/02; Sneedville Circuit, 7/1/02-6/30/05; Mascot-Hopewell, 7/1/05. WORGAN, TIMOTHY P. (FL) Fries, 7/1/99-6/30/05; Cripple Creek Circuit, 7/1/05. WRIGHT, RANDALL E. (SP, 2006) Madisonville Circuit, 7/1/05. YEATTS, ERNEST S., JR. (PL) Chatham Hill Circuit, 7/1/00. YONCE, JUDY (PL, 2005) Mt. Olivet-Trinity, 7/1/00
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