
Sol 103, 2014, 160 x 120 cm, oil on canvas, close up
Tony Wuetchrich Galerie
© Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, 2015
Photographs: Franz Rindlisbacher
Graphic Design: 9•6 Conceptional Worlds, Basel
Print: buysite AG, Basel
Binding: Buchbinderei Flügel, Basel
„To see is not
to speak
because words
could distract
your eyes.“
Kobayashi Hideo
(1902 – 1983)
Sol 65, 2014, 30 x 25 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 103, 2014, 160 x 120 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 66, 2014, 30 x 25 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 105, 2014, 180 x 130 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 111, 2014, 220 x 180 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 98, 2014, 110 x 140 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 97, 2014, 120 x 100 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 112, 2014, 220 x 180 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 101, 2014, 160 x 120 cm, oil on canvas
1962 Born in Davos
1981 – 1982 Preparatory course School of Design – Basel
1982 – 1986 Painting class Franz Fedier – Basel
1986 – 1987 Stay in the USA, first photographic works
1988 Photographic work exclusively
1988 – 2004 Photographic work for international magazines
and advertising
2004 Resumption of painting
2006 Painting work exclusively
2008 – 2009 Studio in Vienna
2010 Advancement award of the Canton of Graubünden for
large projects
2011 Advancement award of the Canton of Graubünden for
small projects
2012 Architectural art, Senior Citizen’s Residence
Kantengut, Chur
Architectural art, Koudaiji Wakuden, Kyoto, Japan
2014 Marriage to Kazuyo Okushiba
2014 Architectural art, Federal Criminal Court of Switzerland,
Architectural art, Care Home Puntreis, Disentis
2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 EXHIBITIONS
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, ACHTUNG FARBE, group exhibition
Kunst14, Zurich, Tony Wuehtrich Galerie, solo and group exhibition
Gallery Shibunkaku, Tokyo-Ginza, Kyoto and Fukuoka, Japan,
BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH, Paintings for Japan, solo exhibition
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, STOCK-ONE, group exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fascati, Chur, GROSSE FORMATE, group exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fascati, Chur, KLEINE FORMATE, group exhibition
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, BERG, solo exhibition
Kunstmuseum, Chur, ANNUAL EXHIBITION, of the Graubünden
artists, group exhibition
Tony Wuethrich Satellite, Zurich, BERG, solo exhibition (Catalogue)
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, solo exhibition
Kunstmuseum, Chur, ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the Graubünden artists
Kunst 13, Zurich, Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, group exhibition
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, anniversary exhibition, 20 years,
group exhibition
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, Nice Things –Small Formats,
group exhibition
Nichi Nichi Gallery, Tokyo, SMALL PAINTINGS, solo exhibition
Kunst 12, Zurich, Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, group exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, STANDPUNKT, solo exhibition
Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, URSPRUNG, solo exhibition
Kunstmuseum, Chur, ANNUAL EXHIBITION, of the Graubünden artists
F.S.Art, Berlin, MASSIV, solo exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Promontogno, ARTE HOTEL BREGAGLIA 2,
group exhibition
Museum Residenzgalerie, Salzburg, ALPEN SEHNSUCHTSORT UND BÜHNE
Galerie Katz Contemporary, Zurich, HELLDUNKEL, solo exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, KOPF ODER ZAHL, group exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Promontogno, ARTE HOTEL BREGAGLIA,
group exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, IN DER NACHT, group exhibition
Kunstmuseum, Chur, ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the Graubünden artists
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, TE DEUM, solo exhibition
Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur, BELVEDERE, group exhibition
Kunstmuseum, Chur, ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the Graubünden artists
Sol 86, 2014, 85 x 70 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 106, 2014, 180 x 130 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 104, 2014, 120 x 160 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 107, 2014, 200 x 140 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 72, 2014, 40 x 35 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 102, 2014, 120 x 160 cm, oil on canvas
Sol 110, 2014, 220 x 180 cm, oil on canvas
SOL study, 2014, 12 x 9 cm, oil on canvas board
Sol 109, 2014, 220 x 180 cm, oil on canvas
SOL studies, 2014, 12 x 9 cm, oil on canvas board
SOL study, 2014, 9 x 12 cm, oil on canvas board
Sol 109, 2014, 220 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, close up