HomeLife® has always been concerned with the well being of the
HomeLife® has always been concerned with the well being of the
HomeLife has always been concerned with the well being of the people in our communities. Unfortunately even in a country as wealthy as Canada, there are many families struggling for the basic necessities of life. ® It is for that reason HomeLife has developed a program called No Family Left Hungry™ to collect food for local food banks with the help of the community and HomeLife members. ® ® Please help us in our endeavor to collect non-perishable food items and support the members of your community in need. © 2011 HomeLife Realty Services Inc. Each HomeLife Franchise Brokerage is independently owned and operated. The Next Steps in the No Family Left Hungry Program HomeLife was excited by the large number of offices that agreed to participate in the No Family Left Hungry Program launched at the HomeLife International Conference on May 12, 2011. By agreeing to place a food box in your office, you are assisting people in need and increasing your profile in your local community. Since the Conference, we have contacted a food bank organization in your community and, they are willing to supply you with their food box and (besides Richmond Hill and Thornhill) they collect it when it’s full. The food banks will handle all the distribution details through member organizations. Please see the attached list of Food Bank Organizations along with the communities they service and call the appropriate group to have your box delivered. HomeLife has developed a large number of collateral pieces for you and your agents to use that incorporate the No Family Left Hungry message. Please log into HomeLife.ca click the No Family Left Hungry link in the Downloads section. There you will find editable postcards to add photos and contact information as well as posters and logos. All the materials come in a number of sizes and are ready to print. If you have any questions on the No Family Left Hungry Program, please contact me at HomeLife Corporate 416-733-9966 or toll free at 1-800-668-0186. We are very proud of your participation and look forward to growing this program. © 2011 HomeLife Realty Services Inc. Contact Information for Food Bank Organizations Alliston – The Good Sheppard Food Bank Main Contact: Jim Davidson Phone: 705.435.3255 705.435.3255 (office) Fax: 705.435.3230 Email: davidsonj65@hotmail.com Address: The Good Shepherd Food Bank, 96 Victoria St W, Lower Level, Alliston, Ontario, L9R 1T9 Barrie – Barrie Food Bank Main Contact: Evy or Dennis Willer Phone: 705.725.1818 705.725.1818 Fax: 705.725.1732 Email: dennis@barriefoodbank.org, Website: http://www.barriefoodbank.org Address: Barrie - Barrie Food Bank, 7A George Street, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 2G5 Brampton – Salvation Army Food Bank Main Contact: Gordon Randell Phone: 905-451-8840 905-451-8840 Email: Gordon_randell@can.salvationarmy.org Address: Salvation Army Food Bank, 8054 Torbram Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 3T2 Guelph – Guelph Food Bank Main Contact: Marilyn Worobec Phone: 519.767.1380 519.767.1380 Fax: 519.824.1640 Email: gfb@spiritwind.ca, Website: http://www.spiritwind-christian-centre.ca Address: Guelph Food Bank, 100 Crimea St., Unit C12, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 2Y6 Hamilton – Neighbour to Neighbour Centre Main Contact: Sara Collyer, Operational Manager Phone: 905-574-1334 Email: scollyer@neighbourtoneighbourcentre.com, Website: www.n2ncentre.com Address: Neighbour to Neighbour Centre, 28 Athens Street, Hamilton Ontario, L9C 3K9 Mississauga – The Mississauga Food Bank Main Contact: Maggie Nicholls Phone: 905.270.5589 905.270.5589 Fax: 905.270.4076 Email: dawn@themississaugafoodbank.org, Website: http://www.themississaugafoodbank.org Address: The Mississauga Food Bank, 2550 Goldenridge Road, Unit 36, Mississauga, Ontario, L4X 2S3 Oshawa – Feed the Need in Durham Main Contact: Sandy Brittain Phone: 905-571-FTND (3863) Fax: 905-436-FTND (3863) Email: sandy@ftnd.ca, Website: http://www.ftnd.ca Address: Feed the Need Durham, 125 Clarence Biesenthal Drive, Oshawa, Ontario, L1K 2H5 Ottawa – Ottawa Food Bank Main Contact: Maggie Rose Phone: 613.745.7001 613.745.7001 Fax: 613.745.7377 Email: peter@theottawafoodbank.ca Website: http://www.theottawafoodbank.ca Address: Ottawa Food Bank, 1317B Michael Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3M9 Owen Sound – Salvation Army Owen Sound Main Contact: Paul Hulsebosch Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm Phone: 519.371.0957 519.371.0957 Fax: 519.372.9854 Email: salvationarmy.fb@brucetelecom.com Address: Salvation Army Owen Sound, 1006 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 2H7 Richmond Hill / Thornhill - Richmond Hill Community Food Bank Phone 905-508-4761 905-508-4761 Email: rhfoodbank@bellnet.ca Address: 55 Newkirk Ave., Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3G4 Sudbury – Banque D’Ailments Main Contact: Dan Xilon Phone: 705.671.9663 705.671.9663 Fax: 705.671.9503 Email: sudburyfoodbank@unitz.ca Website: http://www.sudburyfoodbank.ca Address: 634 Notre Dame Ave., Sudbury, Ontario, P3C 5L2 Toronto - Daily Bread Food Bank Main Contact: Gail Nyberg Phone: 416.203.0050 416.203.0050 Fax: 416.635.5599 Email: gail@dailybread.ca Website: http://www.dailybread.ca Address: Daily Bread Food Bank, 191 New Toronto Street, Toronto, Ontario, M8V 2E7 Toronto (North York) – North York Harvest Main Contact: Daniel Liadsky Phone: 416.635.7771 416.635.7771 Fax: 416.635.5599 Email: daniel@northyorkharvestfoodbank.com, Website: http://www.northyorkharvestfoodbank.com Address: North York Harvest Food Bank, 640 Lawrence Ave. West, Toronto, Ontario, M6A 1B1