Beckley Street Toronto NSW 2283 Ph 4959 1902


Beckley Street Toronto NSW 2283 Ph 4959 1902
Beckley Street
NSW 2283
Ph 4959 1902
Week 5 Term 1 2016
School Programs and Ini a ves We are lucky at Biraban to be able to provide a range of school based and external provider ac vi es and services to support and extend our curriculum and student wellbeing. When possible these ac vi es are offered to all students. It must be remembered that at mes some programs target key focus areas / student groups eg. spor ng teams, deba ng, gi ed and talented students, Aboriginal students, Lego team, etc. We strive for equity and fairness and are proud of our inclusive and respec ul school culture. Nutrition Plus & Juice Plus
Biraban was successful at securing funding support from Nutri on Plus. Currently we have been funded in the purchase of 800 plants which our parent community are helping us plant through our working bees. Our next step is introducing Juice Plus Gummies a whole food supplement. NutriƟon Plus will supply for
free gummies for all students. These will be given during fruit break each day. Staff and P&C have trialled the gummies and been given an overview of the product, supported by clinical research. All have been inmpressed with the product and it’s poten al to support and improve student health. Below is the link for further informa on. h p:// A ached in the Newsle er is an ingredients list and an OPT OUT permission note. You will only need to return this if you do not want your child to have the Juice Plus Gummies as part of fruit break. Please visit the Nutrition Plus Website which showcases Biraban PS as one of the project schools.
Upcoming Events 2nd March Toronto HS 6.30‐7.30, MPC Parent Informa on Night 3rd March Harmony Day Visi ng Performer – Ghana Beat my Drum (School Performance Tours) 2.10pm 4th March Biraban pumpkins will be for sale at home me $5 each 7th March Life Educa on Visits 8th March, 15th March, 22nd March 123 Magic Parent Course, 9.15‐11.15 Biraban PS Learn: 
To engage your children’s coopera on by posi vely no cing and encouraging them To set clear expecta ons and help them to develop frustra on tolerance To help children’s brains to develop filters for behaving well To resolve family conflict quietly Some simple strategies to prac se being a calm parent All parents/carers/grandparents are Welcome 11th March P&C AGM 12.00 Library Paul Harrogan Cup – Ma (Yrs 5 and 6 students will be selected according to skill and behaviour) Kind Regards
Lenise Hollis
Relieving Principal
On Thursday 3rd March our school will be celebra ng Harmony Day. There will be a free performance of “Ghana Beat My Drum” and students are asked to wear an orange coloured accessory e.g. wrist band, hair accessories, socks. The colour orange symbolises self‐respect and respect of others. Students will be crea ng posters to be displayed around the school. The canteen will also be offering a special “meal deal” with a variety of lunches from different countries available. School Banking — Fridays
Canteen open Thursday and Fridays
Firstly I'd like to say thank you to everyone that came to our mee ng last week; it was a very produc ve mee ng with a lot of great sugges ons for this year! We also voted to confirm a dona on to the school of $5000 towards the costs of installing wifi ‐ a fantas c outcome that was made possible through the support of parents, caregivers and the community. Thank you to everyone who donated and volunteered throughout last year, and to the school staff who suggested and voted for this expenditure. I know that it will make a real impact on the educa onal experience of all students here at Biraban. Our next mee ng will be on Friday 18th of March, 12pm in the library, and will be our AGM followed by a regular mee ng. All posi ons will be declared vacant and nomina ons are sought for all roles. In order to nominate or vote you must have been a member as of the February mee ng but observers are welcome to a end and contribute to discussion. Firstly I'd like to say thank you to everyone that came to our mee ng last week; it was a very produc ve mee ng with a lot of great sugges ons for this year! ***
Meal Deal for Harmony Day attached to Newsletter
Must be returned with money by Tuesday March 1, 2016
Pie Drive Order form a ached to Newsle er Must be returned with money by Friday March 11,2016 Vision Statement
Biraban is a supportive and inclusive school which promotes
All students are inspired to be committed to their own learning in a quality environment where
strong community involvement is valued in all aspects of school life.
PBL Award Student of the Week KH 12S 23C 45W 6L Tenieka Lee Lennox Bunn Sharni Longworth Violet Paterson Jackson Waters Shannon Stark These students will be presented with the following PBL awards at assembly on Friday February 22, 2016. Blue KH Djabarda Becke , Daylan Blackman, Blade Boland, Lennox Bunn, Riley Dennis, Kaine Edwards, Rikki Edwards, Alexander Ferrando, Josh Par ngton, Brihanna Rumbel, Kayden Rutherford, Adonai Tapim. 12S Aleisha Cairns, Ruby Edwards, Ashton Gille ‐
Trovato, John Larkins, Ayden Moore, Shiloh Sloane, Adisyn Wouters, Kiara Lee, Lily Randell. 23C Alyssa Dennis, Violet Paterson, Shenesse Beavan, Nhurru Becke , Jayleigh Cairns, Meredith Chillingworth, Tenieka Lee, Jet macey, Riley‐James Pi , Hayden Waters, Claire Wi s. 45W Chris Breeden, Cohen Lane, Kiani Probert‐
Walker, Je Sams‐Clarke, Lauren Solomons, Jackson Waters, Hailey Crozier, Mia McDonald, Hayley Mowa , Bryce Sams‐Clarke, Jessica Wi s. 6L Tiffany Lam Meal Deal order last day Harmony Day Life Educa on Pie Order last day P & C AGM Last Day Term 1 Students return Term 2 Sports Carnival School Photos Tue Mar 1 Thur Mar 3 Mon Mar 7 Fri Mar 11 Fri Mar 18 Fri April 8 Wed April 27 Fri May 27 Wed Oct 19 Direct Debit Banking
Direct Debit Banking is available for uniform purchases, excursions and school fee payments. Bank Details are: Westpac BSB — 032 001 Acc No ‐ 15 8818 Ref ‐ student’s name. Developing
Beckley Street TORONTO NSW 2283 Telephone: 4959 1902 Fax: 4950 4901 PUBLIC SCHOOL
Dear Parents and Carers
Biraban Public School will transition to
the new NSW public schools’ finance
system and a new bank account on 14
June 2016.
To ensure a smooth transition, there will
be changes to the way we accept parent
or carer payments.
1. Direct deposits: As of 7 June
2016, we will no longer accept
direct deposits into our current
school bank account as we
prepare to close this account and
transition to the new one. Any
payments made into our account
after this date cannot be properly
allocated to a student’s account in
a timely manner. Please ensure
you have made any outstanding
direct deposits before 7 June
2. Cash and cheque payments:
Between 8 June 2016 and 15
June 2016, we will also not be
able to accept payments by cash
or cheque as we prepare to close
our current bank account and
transition to the new one. Please
ensure that you have made any
outstanding cash or cheque
payments before 8 June 2016.
From 15 June 2016, cash and
cheque payments will be accepted
as before.
1. Online payments: As of 14 June
2016, we will begin to accept
online payments using the
Department of Education’s Parent
Online Payment (POP) system. A
button to access this online
To celebrate Harmony Day of Thursday March 3rd the Canteen is running a meal deal offering a variety of flavours from across the world for just $5! Child's Name____________________________ Child's Class________________ Please choose 1 from the following:
A Taste of America: Cheeseburger A Taste of India: Bu er Chicken and Rice A Taste of Australia: Lean Beef Pie A Taste of Mexico: Beef and Bean Taco All come with a popper and a special dessert of orange jelly and ice‐cream. Total cost is $5.00, please make your selec on and return to the canteen no later than Tuesday 1st of March. Juice Plus Gummies - Information Sheet and OPT out option Juice Plus
Juice Plus Gummies will be given out at as part of daily fruit break
Students will be given 2 fruit and 2 vegetable gummies each day
Below is the link for further information on health outcomes and clinical research.
Overleaf is the nutritional information and ingredients list
Please contact Mrs Hollis if you have any questions
Complete the tear off slip below if you DO NOT want your child to participate. If you
do not complete the form below you are giving your child permission to participate.
Lenise Hollies
Rel. Principal
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I DO NOT want my child/children _________________________ class____
To participate in Juice Plus Gummies Fruit Break.