2011-2012 Annual Report - Le Phare Enfants et familles


2011-2012 Annual Report - Le Phare Enfants et familles
for Children
with Palliative
Care Needs and
Their Families
Annual Report
Created in 1999, The Lighthouse, Children
and Families is a non-profit organization that
contributes to the wellbeing of children whose
lives are threatened by illnesses that require
complex treatment, and provides respite and
support to their families.
To carry out its mission, The Lighthouse welcomes
children at Maison André-Gratton, Quebec’s only
pediatric palliative care home, which offers both
respite stays and end-of-life care. It also offers
in-home respite care and a family support program.
Pediatric palliative
care – DefinitiON
“Pediatric palliative care can be defined as an active
and total approach to care embracing physical,
psychological, social and spiritual elements. It
focuses on the enhancement of quality of life for the
child and support for the family, and includes the
management of distressing symptoms, provision of
respite and care through death and bereavement.”
“The philosophy underlying pediatric palliative
care is, first and foremost, “to provide optimal
comfort and quality of life, and sustain hope and
family connection despite the likelihood of death.”
Excerpts from Québec Standards of Practice for Pediatric
Palliative Care—a reference in the Quebec community.
Message from
the Board Chair and
Executive Director
2011–2012: A Year
of Consolidation
A strong team that lets us aim higher
Unveiled in 2007, Maison André-Gratton is Quebec’s
only pediatric palliative care home. The Lighthouse,
Children and Families is very proud of the care, activities,
and support provided at this facility and of our team of
employees and volunteers. By continuing to develop these
services, we aim to become a leader in family-centered
pediatric palliative care.
To this end, in fiscal year 2011–2012, the team working
with children and families took the following actions:
stablished a symptom-management stay to provide
all the care needed when a child’s health condition
deteriorates and hospitalization is not desirable
larified and communicated the roles and tasks of all
those working with children and families to improve
interdisciplinary work and ensure better quality and
continuity of services and care
nhanced family-support services at Maison
André-Gratton and in the regions by welcoming
a social worker, special educator, and community
organizer to the team
• I ncreased The Lighthouse’s visibility in hospitals,
notably through presentations by our medical director
in Quebec’s pediatric university hospital centers
With this more comprehensive interdisciplinary team
driven by the same values and principles and an expanded
range of quality care and services, we are confident
we can better serve the children and families we host
and ensure that health care professionals refer families
needing respite and support to us earlier and more often.
In this way, we can make a difference in the lives of more
From left to right: Lyse Lussier, Executive Director
and Louiselle Paquin, Board Chair.
Partners and donors who make it possible
for us to do more
Various authorities in the health system already attest to
the quality of our care and services by agreeing to provide
nearly half our funding. However, we must secure the
other half.
In 2011–2012, thanks to the sustained efforts of our
Fundraising Office, Board of Directors, and Financial
Development and Communications Team, and the
outstanding contribution of volunteers, we achieved
results that deserve special mention:
• The resounding success of our annual cocktail event,
which raised $610,000 under the leadership of Daniel
Fournier, Chair of the Board and CEO of Ivanhoé
Cambridge, supported by a team of dedicated patrons
of honor
• T he Lighthouse’s visibility in all Quebec households
thanks to numerous media partners who rolled out
our ad campaign free of charge
diversification of funding sources with the launch
of the Unis pour Le Phare campaign
• T he establishment of a project to deploy volunteer
in-home respite service outside the Montreal
metropolitan area thanks to support from the
J. W. McConnell Family Foundation
The Lighthouse Children and Families
The confidence and generosity of our many partners,
donors, and volunteers makes it possible for us to keep
doing more for the physical, psychological, social, and
spiritual wellbeing of children and their families.
Moving Forward
Our employees and
volunteers adhere
to the following values
and principles.
By hosting children at Maison André-Gratton, providing
volunteer in-home respite service, and supporting families,
The Lighthouse, Children and Families meets the essential
needs of families with a child whose life is threatened.
Our challenge is to constantly improve our services, make
them available to all family members, and bring them
closer to our clientele, since we serve all of Quebec.
• Charity
We hope that the achievements and testimonials in the
following pages will convince you of the importance of
teaming up with us. We must work together to make
The Lighthouse a leader in pediatric palliative care and
ensure that children and families enjoy life to the fullest.
• Awareness of the uniqueness of each child
and family
• Respect
• Commitment
• Solidarity
• Enrichment of the quality of life of children
and families
• Active participation of children and families
• Continuity of care and services
Louiselle Paquin
Board Chair
• Rigorous application of the highest standards
of practice
• Training
• Partnership
• Innovation and knowledge building in pediatric
palliative care
Lyse Lussier
Executive Director
• Collaboration
• Creativity
• Flexibility
• Sound financial management
These values and principles reflect our very human
approach and our desire to provide quality care
and services.
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
Message from
the Medical Director
and Program Director
Continuity and
An Everyday Reality
at The Lighthouse!
Uniting for children with pediatric palliative care needs
and their families means bringing together all aspects
of these families and working together continuously as
an interdisciplinary team. This is the approach we have
taken since the founding of The Lighthouse, Children and
In 2011–2012, actions were taken to improve the continuity
of care and interdisciplinary work. Here are a few examples:
larified and communicated the roles and tasks of all
those working with children and families so that each
role is not only clearly defined but also understood by
all. By better identifying who does what, we ensure
better quality and continuity of care and services and
facilitate interaction not only between team members
but also parents and the many players outside of The
Lighthouse, including health care institutions, schools,
and daycare centers.
efined the criteria for evaluating admissions
applications. Children are eligible for The Lighthouse’s
services based on their medical file. This ensures fair
and equal treatment and, above all, the quality and
safety of care and services offered to all children
staying at Maison André-Gratton. To better assess
each child’s nursing and monitoring needs, we also
consult the hospital treatment team and parents. We
can then make sure we have all the resources needed
to provide proper care.
From left to right: Dr. Sanja Stojanovic, Medical Director
and Lison Bédard, Program Director
• Provided volunteers with a total of 761 hours of
training so they can be better informed about pediatric
palliative care and more aware of the reality of families
with a seriously ill child. With nearly 20 hours of initial
training, they are better equipped to help out the team
at Maison André-Gratton and support the families
they visit for in-home respite service.
In addition to these actions, we worked year-round with
our main allies: parents. They are, and will always be,
the greatest experts on their child. And by sharing their
intimate knowledge of their child’s every behaviour,
reaction, and emotion with the hospital treatment teams,
they play an immeasurable role in ensuring true continuity
of care.
• Enhanced the psychosocial component of our team
by hiring a social worker and a special educator with
a view to truly ensuring the overall wellbeing of
children and families. In addition to the quality care
provided to children at The Lighthouse, their parents
and siblings can now benefit from quality support.
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Supporting Life
Contrary to popular belief, pediatric palliative care is not
only end-of-life care. It may last many years, since it should
be provided from the time a potentially fatal disease is
These initiatives undoubtedly contributed to the
To support life is to ensure the physical, psychological,
social, and spiritual wellbeing of the children and families
we host, throughout the child’s life, and even after.
• 5% increase in nights spent at Maison André-Gratton
(all types of stays combined)
At The Lighthouse, we support life. We therefore want
families to benefit from our services as soon as possible.
The respite and support we provide help them cope with
the situation and keep their child at home for as long as
possible. Families develop relationships of trust with us
and know that their child will be welcomed at Maison
André-Gratton when his or her health condition becomes
unstable and that the child will receive quality care until
the end of his or her life.
In 2011–2012, the following actions were taken to support
• Gave presentations at pediatric university hospital
centers to raise awareness of The Lighthouse and
its services and met with medical teams to build
relationships of trust and ensure faster referrals of
families so they can benefit from our service for a
longer period of time
• Created a symptom-management stay, which, thanks
to our medical team on call 24/7, allows us to provide
all the care required when the child’s health condition
deteriorates and hospitalization is not desirable
• Developed and delivered decision-making workshops
for parents who will have to make many, often tough
decisions throughout the life of their sick child
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
• 88% increase in new admissions
• 14% increase in the number of active files
We have seen an increase of 229% in unstable
nights—in particular for our new transition and symptommanagement stays—which leads us to believe that our
revised offering of stays better meets the needs of families.
We are very proud of these results, as they show we are
able to provide what matters most to us: proper care for
each child in an environment that lets them live life to the
fullest. And support for parents and siblings to make the
experience as peaceful as possible.
Our wonderful team meets this challenge every day!
Dre Sanja Stojanovic
Medical Director
Lison Bédard
Program Director
Our Programs
Deploying Volunteer
In-Home Respite
Service in the Regions
Providing volunteer in-home respite care in all regions of
Quebec is a major challenge, since we must recruit and
train volunteers in keeping with our usual standards
in which volunteers receive 20 hours of initial training.
In 2011–2012, thanks to financial support from the J.
W. McConnell Family Foundation, our new community
organizer was able to redesign the current volunteer
training in collaboration with TÉLUQ in order to offer
it in a teletraining format. She also recruited partner
organizations recognized in their respective regions to
oversee the training and support for volunteers providing
in-home respite care in their regions. Starting in June 2012,
the pilot project will be launched in six regions of Quebec.
Marianne passed away at age 13 at Maison
André-Gratton. Her family members agreed to
share their experience at The Lighthouse.
When we were offered The Lighthouse’s services,
we were completely exhausted. For a month and a
half, we had been acting more as caregivers than
parents. We could not have found The Lighthouse’s
services anywhere else—not at the hospital, and
not at the CLSC. When we got to The Lighthouse, it
was as if someone had just told us that “We will take
care of both you and your child.” I can’t tell you how
comforting that was.
Guy Brodeur, Father
At The Lighthouse, we do not wait for death.
We live life, and we live it until the end.
Ginette Larose, Mother
At The Lighthouse, siblings of a sick little sister or
brother are welcomed and can stay with their loved
one until the end.
Élisabeth Brodeur, Sister
The Lighthouse Children and Families
In Numbers
Children Admitted
to The Lighthouse
Every child receiving palliative care—every child whose life
is threatened—can be admitted to The Lighthouse from
the time of diagnosis. Children and their families can
therefore benefit from The Lighthouse’s services for
many years.
2011-2012 2010-2011
+ 88 %
Total number
of active files
+ 14 %
(child and family)
The families taking advantage of The Lighthouse’s
services come from 12 regions of Quebec.
Children by age group
0-5 years
6-12 years
13-18 years
10-21 years
Admissions Committee
Our admissions committee meets regularly to
evaluate admissions needs based on the child’s
medical file. In 2011–2012, 85 new files were
28% by the committee made up of the following
Dr. Sanja Stojanovic, Medical Director
6% Bédard, Program Director
Julie Cossette, Liaison Nurse
Michel Dureau, Care Coordinator
Annick Gervais, Family Services Coordinator
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
In Numbers
A variety of activities
To ensure children enjoy a most pleasant stay, our
volunteer-supported activity team offers a variety of
activities adapted to the child’s age and physical and
intellectual ability.
# Activities
# Children
Listening, Feeling, Living
Maison André-Gratton of The Lighthouse, Children and
Families is a palliative care home accredited by Ministère
de la Santé et des Services sociaux. It is Quebec’s only
pediatric palliative care facility. At this residence that
opened in 2007, we host up to 12 children and families
for respite, psychosocial emergency, transition, symptommanagement, and end-of-life stays.
Sensory stimulation activities, massage, cuddling/
rocking, arts and crafts, music, Snoezelen, mobile
Snoezelen, interactive television
Stays at Maison André-Gratton
Hugs All Round
2011-2012 2010-2011
Nights (#)
Unstable respite1 (#)
(% sur nuitées totales)
Stable respite2 (#)
(% sur nuitées totales)
(14 %)
+ 5 %
+ 229 %
- 5 %
(4 %)
(86 %)
(96 %)
Getting Active/Swimming
Dance, group and individual physical games and
exercises, pool, outdoor walks
Animal therapy
and Self-Expression
Science club, cooking, costumes/makeup, birthdays,
karaoke, reading and writing, photo/video
Out and About
Entertainment in the backyard, outdoor walks, outings
1. Regular respite night or psychosocial emergency. The child’s health
condition is stable.
Celebrating Good Times
2. Night of transition, symptom-management, end-of-life, or first 24 hrs.
The child’s health condition is unstable or requires closer monitoring
by the health care team.
Bingo, scavenger hunts, Dr. Clown, board games,
games/toys, computer and video games, parties, shows
Average hours of activity / child / day
3.9 hrs
Unstable respite nights by type of stay
2011-2012 (444 nights)
2010-2011 (135 nights)
First 24 hrs.
including end-of-life
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Raising Awareness of The
Lighthouse in the Health
Care Community
It is important to raise awareness of The Lighthouse and
its approach and services in the health care network and
palliative care communities, both in Quebec and elsewhere
in the world. In addition to our many presentations at
Quebec health institutions, we enjoy enhanced visibility
thanks to the university researchers who carry out work at
The Lighthouse and present their findings in the scientific
community. We are very proud to be chosen by these
In 2011–2012, The Lighthouse increased its visibility at the
following conferences:
• In Lyon, at the 1st Francophone Palliative Care
Conference: Executive Director Lyse Lussier presented
“Le Phare Enfants et Familles, partenaire de soins
palliatifs pédiatriques qui accompagne jusqu’au bout
de la vie!” In addition, Suzanne Mongeau and Manon
Champagne, two researchers who conducted studies at
The Lighthouse, presented “Travailler au quotidien dans
une maison de soins palliatifs pédiatriques,” a topic
that is the subject of a book they co-authored
with Meggie Labelle St-Pierre.
• In Lausanne, as part of the international conference
Avec toi... Le proche aidant, un partenaire au cœur de
l’action sanitaire et sociale, Suzanne Mongeau and
Manon Champagne delivered the presentation “Être
parent d’un enfant gravement malade et être reconnu
comme expert et partenaire.”
• In New York, at the National Art Education Association
Convention, Mona Trudel, presented her The
Lighthouse research work: “Art in a Pediatric Palliative
Care Home: Life’s Not Over Till It’s Over.”
• In Trois-Rivières, at the Réseau des Soins Palliatifs
du Québec conference, Executive Director Lyse
Lussier and Medical Director Dr. Sanja Stojanovic
delivered the presentation “Il faut tout un village pour
élever un enfant,... et tout un réseau en action pour
l’accompagner jusqu’au bout de sa vie!”
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
Empowering Parents to Make
Often Difficult Decisions
Parents with a seriously ill child face a wide variety of
decisions: medical decisions, decisions aimed at their
child’s social integration, decisions about brothers and
sisters, and even decisions related to their own financial
situation or work life. In 2011–2012, preparing parents to
make decisions was one of The Lighthouse’s priorities in
supporting families.
New Service
In 2012, after surveying parents’ needs and developing a
conceptual framework, Marie-Ève Cardinal, a social worker
at The Lighthouse, and Josée Chénard, a professor at the
Université du Québec en Outaouais Department of Social
Work (where she is completing her doctoral work on the
decision-making process of families living with a child who
is dependent on home technological support), presented
the first edition of the Decision-Making Workshops.
These two-day workshops help parents learn more about
decision-making factors and become more aware of the
influence their loved ones, professionals, ethics, the law,
social values, and time can have on the decisions they
make. An enhanced three-day version of the workshops
will be offered again in 2013.
2nd edition of our meetings
In 2011 our annual family day was held with the theme of
“My Family at the Heart of My Decisions.” Two physicians
from The Lighthouse, Dr. Marie-Anne Archambault and
Dr. Sanja Stojanovic (The Lighthouse Medical Director),
demystified the medical world that parents must learn
to adapt in. In a second workshop, Marie-Ève Cardinal
and Josée Chénard, initiators of the Decision-Making
Workshops, gave an overview of the decision-making
Our Team
The reason The Lighthouse, Children and Families makes
such a big difference in the lives of children and families
is because of the team of dedicated individuals who work
so hard to fulfill its mission. Whether work-ing with
children whose lives are threat-ened and their families or
contributing to our other areas of activity, our employees
and volunteers put their heart into everything they do.
They also serve as proud ambassadors of our organization.
...Who Ensure the Quality
of Care and Services
Dedicated Employees...
An activities team offers a variety of activities adapted
to the age and physical ability of the children staying at
Maison André-Gratton. Cooks prepare varied, personalized
menus and our custodial staff keeps the premises clean.
A 58 person team (the equivalent of 42.4 full-time
employees) works at The Light-house. Fifty people—86%
of our staff—are directly involved with children, families,
volunteers, and referring partners (hospitals and
organizations). The others focus on financial development,
communi-cations, and management—functions that are
essential for us to continue providing children and families
with quality care and services and develop new ones.
To provide care to children and support families, we are
backed by a medical and psychosocial team made up
of doctors (on call 24/7), nurses (onsite 24/7), a liaison
nurse, care attendants, a social worker, a family services
coordinator and, as needed, a psychologist.
This outstanding team also includes outside caregivers
with complementary approaches and, because The
Lighthouse is also a training environment, interns in
various fields.
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Qualified and Attentive
Volunteers Who Provide
Volunteers support The Lighthouse in several areas
of activity.
...to children and families
Volunteers working with children receive 20 hours of
initial training. They then support Maison André-Gratton
or assist parents with in-home respite care. They offer
children games, songs, arts and crafts, fun, affection,
and friendship.
...by raising money, raising awareness of
The Lighthouse, and improving services.
Others choose to support The Lighthouse in areas where
their specific expertise can be of service. These volunteers
sit on the board of directors and on various fund-raising
Management Team
Lyse Lussier
Executive Director
Lison Bédard
Program Director
Manon Durocher
Director, Financial Development
and Communications
Nathalie Noël
Denis Tremblay (Interim Director)
Director, Finances, Administration,
and Human Resources
Dr. Sanja Stojanovic
Medical Director
Volunteering at The Lighthouse is an experience
like no other! Seeing the joy and comfort we bring
to children confirms just how meaningful it is to
help them out for a few hours. I am really happy
to volunteer and be able to spend time with these
wonderful kids and equally wonderful staff!
Apolline, Volunteer
For me, The Lighthouse is a long and beautiful love
story. I witnessed the birth of The Lighthouse five
years ago and helped it take its first steps. Today
I am seeing it grow up and make a name for itself.
The children and parents are my motivation for
working there. I try to be attentive and available
to support each family through laughter and tears.
The Lighthouse makes people feel good, and
that’s its goal!
In my work with children and parents, I have
learned not only to listen and understand but also
to cry. I have grown as a person by helping bring
peace to families. When they come back to see me
and say “Thank you and keep up the good work with
our kids!” I know I have helped them, and I feel a
deep sense of accomplishment that I can’t get
anywhere else.
Nadyne Richard, Nurse
On my first day of work, I immediately felt that
the team of professionals and volunteers working
with children and families is proud of its efforts
and of the support The Lighthouse receives from
the community. These individuals know we do
something special at The Lighthouse and are
pleased that the community recognizes their
efforts by contributing financially.
I love working in such a supportive environment. We
pull together to meet the work requirements and are
always aware of the generous community support.
The best thing is when a child’s smile or the sparkle
in their eyes lets us know we deserve all the support
we get.
Janet Forsyth, Community Organizer
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
Our Board
of Directors
Louiselle Paquin1 2
Deputy Chair
Nicole Marcil-Gratton1 2
Vice Chair
Isabelle Cantin1 2
Consultant, Investors Group, Montérégie
Leaving the Board
After many years on the board of directors, Marc
Giroux, Vice President of Marketing at Metro,
has announced his departure in March 2012. We
would like to warmly thank him for his commitment
to our cause and his unique contribution to The
Lighthouse’s success. Thanks to him, two key
partners have joined us: Zip Communication, which
created The Lighthouse’s first ad campaign and BCP,
which handled the media placement. Thank you!
Marcel Martin1 2
General Manager, Gold Key Advisor Practices,
Province of Quebec
Great-West Life Assurance Company
Frédéric Pérodeau1 2
Head of Legal Services, Montreal
Autorités Marchés Financiers
Bernard Lamarre
Chair of the Board, Groupe Bellechasse Santé
Hélène Lévesque
Clinical Administrative Manager
Specialized Pediatric Program
Sainte-Justine UHC
Nicole Magnan
Management Consultant
Alain Miquelon
President and CEO
Montreal Exchange
Our Board
of Governors
Nicole Marcil-Gratton
Deputy Chair, The Lighthouse, Children and Families
Michèle Viau-Chagnon
Founder, The Lighthouse, Children and Families
Paul Desmarais, Jr., Power Corporation of Canada
Ginette Godin
Serge Godin, CGI
Bernard Lamarre, Groupe Bellechasse Santé
Eddie Leschiutta, Samson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche
Dr. Micheline Ste-Marie
Associate Director of Professional Services
Montreal Children’s Hospital
L. Jacques Ménard, BMO Financial Group
Michèle Viau-Chagnon1
Founder, The Lighthouse, Children and Families
Stéphane Quintal, Club Athlétique Mansfield Brossard
Lyse Lussier
Executive Director
Andrew T. Molson, the Molson Foundation
Pierre Shedleur, BDO Canada LLP
Robert Tessier, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
1. Member of the executive committee
2. Member of the nominating committee
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Our Volunteer Committees
Communications and Marketing
Program Committee
Mathieu Bédard
Vice President, Strategy and Creation
Défi Marketing
Isabelle Cantin, Parent
Guillaume Brunet
Partner, Substance Stratégies numériques
Kim Fuller
President, Phil Communications
Manon Durocher
Director, Financial Development and Communications
Justine Jaran-Duquette
Communications Coordinator
Jacinthe Roy
Financial Development Coordinator
Ethics and Research Committee
Franco A. Carnevale, RN, Ph.D.
Chair of the Pediatric Ethics Committee
Montreal Children’s Hospital
Full Professor, McGill University
Manon Champagne, Ph.D.
Professor and Researcher
Health Sciences Department
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Suzanne Mongeau, Ph.D.
Professor and Director
School of Social Work
Université du Québec à Montréal
Lison Bédard
Program Director
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
Alain Coudé, Parent
Monica Duschênes, Parent
Suzanne Fernandes, Volunteer
Lison Bédard, Program Director
Annick Gervais, Family Program Coordinator
Michel Dureau, Care Coordinator
In Numbers
Active volunteers
Volunteer hours
9,294 hrs.
Maison André-Gratton
6,433 hrs.
In-home respite
835 hrs.
One-off projects
469 hrs.
1,557 hrs.
Hours of training for volunteers working
with children
761 hrs.
I love so many things about The Lighthouse,
Children and Families, such as the quality of care
and the cleanliness of the premises, to name but a
few. It reminds me of the hospitals we used to have,
managed by nuns, where the maintenance and
operations were carried out to perfection despite
tight budgets.
Another great thing is the friendly atmosphere at
The Lighthouse, where you sense the dedication,
selflessness, and involvement of everyone who
works there.
I would also like to mention the quality of board
discussions, in which care is prioritized over money
issues while ensuring effective and efficient
There is peace of mind at The Lighthouse that comes
from knowing such a great team is working for the
children’s wellbeing. The children are cared for,
loved, and given VIP treatment.
Bernard Lamarre, Eng.
When I was first asked to help out at Le Phare,
my biggest fear was visiting Maison André-Gratton.
I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle seeing such sick
children when I’ve been so fortunate to have two
healthy boys of my own. My first visit (and every
other since) was uplifting, inspiring and motivating.
The centre is full of love and joy, the staff is
courteous and kind, the volunteers are dedicated
and gentle. I knew from that moment that I would
volunteer in any way possible to the best of my
abilities. How could I not when seeing such courage
and strength from those children? I work with
non-profits every day and very few have touched
my heart as this one does. Volunteering for
Le Phare is truly a gift.
Kim Fuller
Volunteer, Communications
and Marketing Committee
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Our Fundraising
Annual Cocktail Reception:
Record Year of More Than
$610,000 !
In March 2012, more than 600 people were invited to the
Parquet at the Centre CDP Capital as part of the 11th
edition of the Fundraiser Cocktail Reception, the signature
event of The Children, Lighthouse and Families.
The success of this kind of event depends on the hard work
of an entire team of partners who back our cause: chair and
patrons of honor, volunteers, financial partners, sponsors,
and donors.
The Lighthouse, Children and Families would like to
highlight the extraordinary commitment of Daniel Fournier,
Chairman of the Board and CEO at Ivanhoé Cambridge, the
night’s chair of honor, and the 17 patrons of honor who
helped make this event a great success: Josée-Christine
Boilard, Otéra; Isabelle Cantin, Investors Group Financial
Services; Mario Caron, Norton Rose; Bridgit Courey, PCI
Perrault; Danie Deschênes, Oxygène Événements; Armand
Des Rosiers, RBC Capital Markets; Ted Di Giorgio, Ernst &
Young; Sylvain Fortier, Ivanhoé Cambridge; François
Gratton, TELUS Québec; Sylvain Leclerc, Altus; Nicole
Marcil-Gratton, Kim McInness, Ivanhoé Cambridge; Ray
McManus, Otéra; Marc Normandin, Egon Zehnder
International; Bill Tresham, Ivanhoé Cambridge; Maxime
Vandal, Les Ensembliers; and Michèle Viau-Chagnon,
Founder of The Lighthouse.
An 11th Edition
Featuring Art Therapy
Most of the children who stay at The Lighthouse
are unable to verbalize their feelings, so they have
difficulty sharing what they are feeling. To overcome
this obstacle, the Lighthouse team encourages other
means of expression, notably through art therapy.
By painting, sculpting, drawing, and doing arts and
crafts, children can communicate their emotions,
interact with others, build their self-esteem, and
leave their families tangible mementos of their
often too-short journey.
Art therapy was featured this year so that guests
could have a tangible way of seeing how The
Lighthouse funds are used. Many works by the
children were exhibited, with several little artists
on hand to present their creations, and Gaëtan
Desombre, one of the facilitators of these art
workshops, gave a moving account of his
experience working with the children.
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
Major Campaign:
$3 Million by 2015
In 2010 The Lighthouse, Children and Families launched a
major campaign with the financial objective of $3 million
over five years. Thanks to the individuals, businesses,
institutions, and foundations that have already responded
to the call made by members of the Fundraising Office,
we were able to launch several projects in 2011–2012.
Fundraising Office
How do we use our campaign donations?
Louiselle Paquin, Board Chair
...To ensure that sick children live their lives to the fullest
Michèle Viau-Chagnon, Founder of The Lighthouse
and Co-Chair of the Board of Governors
rovide quality, professional care and services
Bolster the team in place and diversify expertise to
offer psychological monitoring to families and special
education services to children
...To make a difference in the lives of parents and siblings
• Consolidate our actions for families
...To ensure that distance is no longer an obstacle
• Facilitate access to Maison André-Gratton for children
living outside the Greater Montreal area
• Deploy the volunteer in-home program across Quebec
Ginette Godin, President
Michèle Leduc, Communications
Marcel Martin, Treasurer
Nicole Marcil-Gratton, Co-Chair of the Board of Governors
Lyse Lussier, Executive Director of The Lighthouse
To meet these objectives, the Fundraising Office
is supported by a Special Donations Committee:
Frédéric Pérodeau, Autorité des marchés financiers
(Committee Head)
Michel Borduas, Ivanhoé Cambridge
Guy Brodeur, LC Entrepreneurs généraux (2000) Ltée
Benoît Byette, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Raymond Gagnon, Drakkar Human Resources
Frédéric Gauvin, CDCC
Sébastien Guénette, JTI-Macdonald
The Lighthouse Board of Governors also supports
the Fundraising Office.
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Launched in 2011–2012, UNIS pour Le Phare is a program
that, through various fundraising activities, aims to develop
a feeling of solidarity toward the Lighthouse children and
families among merchants, professionals, and businesses.
UNIS pour Le Phare includes all kinds of initiatives aimed
at raising small and large contributions with a view to
making a tangible difference in the lives of children and
families supported by The Lighthouse!
Parties among friends in the name
of fundraising
The Dirty Nasty Boys, whose president is Ben Giroux, the
father of little Cynthia who stays at The Lighthouse, raise
funds for The Lighthouse whenever they have a chance,
whether it is by organizing THE party of the summer or
by shaving their legendary goatees. 1
5¢, 10¢ and $1 to help sick children
Every day, members of the Sawaya family empty their
pockets into The Lighthouse jar. For the parents, it’s a way
to instill values of sharing and selflessness in their children
ages 7, 5, and 1. This family’s little sacrifice means a lot for
The Lighthouse. In two years, the Sawayas contributed
$896. 2
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
The Lighthouse partners unite to create
La Classique du Grand Sourire
After volunteering for several hours at Maison
André-Gratton during the taping of Donnez au
suivant, I knew right away I would get more
involved and help out the Lighthouse team.
La Route des Phares, which I will soon take part in,
is a unique opportunity for me to give back to those
who work with seriously ill children every day.
Four Lighthouse partners, Investors Group Financial
Services Inc., Groupe Beaudet, Installe-Tech/Modulaction,
and Oxygène Événements, joined forces to organize the La
Classique du Grand Sourire golf tournament, which raised
$11,450 in 2011. Proof that by working together we can do
more for Lighthouse children and families! 4
Gabrielle Legris
Donor and participant in
La Route des Phares – Corsica 2012
The merchants of Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie
Unis pour Le Phare: a community pulling
Stars get involved for The Lighthouse
Members of the delightful Les Denis Drolet mention
The Lighthouse in the media as often as they can. In
2011–2012, in addition to raising awareness of our cause
among many TV viewers, their participation on the game
shows Connivence, Duo, Le Moment de vérité, and
Le Tricheur helped The Lighthouse raise $12,475. 3
Located in the Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie district, The
Lighthouse is the pride of neighborhood residents. In
2011 the Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie Unis pour Le Phare
campaign was launched. The goal is to unite, by March 31,
2013, 30 merchants that support The Lighthouse’s cause
and will commit to raising at least $2,500 through various
fundraising activities involving their customers, friends,
and employees.
Ho ho ho! It’s Santa Claus!
In December 2011, many children
got a surprise visit from Santa!
Sébastien Guénette is the man
behind this festive fundraising
activity. In exchange for
donations, Santa asked the
children identified by donors to come forth based on a
script. We’re hoping this initiative, which raised $1,400,
will be repeated in 2012!
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Opération Enfant Soleil
Helps Purchase Equipment
To ensure the safety of children staying at Maison
André-Gratton, The Lighthouse regularly purchases
equipment that meets stringent safety standards.
In 2012 Opération Enfant Soleil donated $17,360 for
The Lighthouse to acquire and upgrade this equipment.
There are many ways to
contribute financially to
The Lighthouse, Children
and Families
• Christmas cards
• Annual cocktail reception
• Scotia Challenge
• One-time or monthly donations
• Donated goods and services
• Donations in memory and in honor
• Planned donations
• Benefit events
• Matching donations
• Ad placements
• Mailings
• Unis pour Le Phare
• ...
Runners and Walkers Take
Part in the Scotiabank Charity
Challenge to Support The
In 2011 Scotiabank selected The Lighthouse, Children
and Families as the feature organization among the
approximately 20 participating in the Challenge. Despite
the rain and cold, the 32 Lighthouse runners and walkers
exceeded their expectations for both the 5K and 21K,
raising $20,000.
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
Our Donors
To carry out our mission and provide free services for
children and families, we depend on the generous support
of donors and partners who back the cause of The
Lighthouse, Children and Families and team up with us.
Their donations are in addition to the financial support
of Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, the
health and social services agencies of Montreal, Laval,
and Montérégie, the Sainte-Justine University Hospital
Center, and the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the MUHC.
$100,000 and up
Great-West Life Insurance Company
Power Corporation of Canada
Robert Gratton
$50,000 to $99,999
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.
Fondation Jeunesse Vie
Investors Group Inc.
J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
Marcelle and Jean Coutu Foundation
Mirella and Lino Saputo Foundation
Richard & Midori Havas
$10,000 to $49,999
André Gauthier Foundation
Apollo Management
AXA Assurances Inc.
Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec
Desjardins Group
Ernst & Young
Finances Québec
Fondation Charles-Alexandre
Fondation Édouard et ses étoiles
Gaz Métro
George Hogg Family Foundation
Hogan Lovells US LLP
Ivanhoé Cambridge Inc.
Jacques Francoeur Foundation
Jean-Louis Lévesque Foundation
Jonathan & Mindy Gray
Molson Foundation
Montréal Exchange
National Bank of Canada
Norman Fortier Foundation
Opération Enfant Soleil
Otéra Capital SEC
PCI Perrault Conseil Inc.
Petra Ltd
Placements Borsa Inc.
Quebecor Media Inc.
RBC Foundation
Relève en Folies
Residential Land
Rio Tinto Alcan Inc.
Simple Plan Foundation
Société de Gestion Cogir S.E.N.C.
TD Securities Underwriting Hope Fund
TELUS, Community Investment Committee
Ultramar Foundation
$1,000 to $9,999
360 Vox Corporation
Alliance Prével
Altus Group Ltd.
Aménagement Utopic Inc.
Andrews Kurth LLP
Anita Frigan
Atrium Innovations Inc.
Bannerman Family Foundation
Beau Ly
Benoît Poulin
Benoit Santerre
Bernard Lamarre
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Bombardier Inc.
Borden Ladner Gervais
Canada Post
Canam Group
Carlos Carreiro
Carole Paradis
Cisco Systems Canada
Club Athlétique Mansfield Brossard
Club D’Agilité de Montréal
Cofely Services Inc.
Cogeco Inc.
Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc.
David J. Forest Fund
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg
De Grandpré Chait
Delsa Inc.
Delta Avantages Sociaux
Denis Rousseau
Desjardins - Est de l’Île de Montréal
Dirty Nasty Boys
Dollarama S.E.C.
Egon Zehner International Inc.
Empire Maintenance Industries Inc.
Fairmont Raffles Hotels International
Fasken Martineau
Fiducie Jean-Guy Larin
Fondation Enfants Espoir de Grandir
Fondation Étoile de Martin
Fonds de solidarité FTQ
France Brodeur
François Bourgeois Foundation Ltd.
François Morin & Isabelle Cantin
François Pfister
Fraser Milner Casgrain
Geneviève Cantin
Gestion Gémax Inc.
Giacomo Fucale
Gino D’Onofrio
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Gowling Lafleur Henderson
Guy Brodeur
Hay Foundation
Imperial Tobacco Employees Charity Fund
Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services
Ingénia Technologies Inc.
Investissement Québec
Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
Jacques Lamarre
Janine Bombardier
Jean Fortier
Joanne Déziel
John A. Rae
JTI MacDonald Corp.
La Belle Gueule De Bois
La Maison Simons
Lauridell Foundation
LC Entrepreneurs Généraux (2000) Ltd.
Le Coin des Coureurs - Running Room Ltd.
Les Automobiles Niquet Inc.
Les Denis Drolet
Les Entreprises Mira Amusement
Louise Caron
Louiselle Paquin
Lucie Charbonneau
Lyse Lussier
Manon Ratelle
Manuvie Financial
Marc Lemaire
McCarthy Tétrault Foundation
McCarthy Tétreault
Metro Inc.
Michel Poirier
Michèle Vanasse
Michèle Viau-Chagnon
Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem
Moniteurs Angelcare
Nathalie Gravel
Nicole F. Magnan
Nicole Marcil-Gratton
Odette Cantin
Ogilvy Renault
Paul A. Fournier Foundation
Paul S.Chehab
Peinture et Pièces d’Auto D.R.
Pierre Ferland
Place Bonaventure Property Management Inc.
Productions Baratanga
RBC Capital Markets
Rémi Marcoux
Sanpalo Investments Corp
Securitas Canada Ltd.
Serge Beausoleil
Service de Garde École Saint-Émile
Services Professionnels Brio Inc.
Sir Solutions
Société Générale de Financement du Québec
SPVM - Division des services aux cours
Square Victoria Immobilier
Stonehenge Management LLC
Timothy Lloyd
TJMB Capital Inc.
Transcontinental Inc.
UBS Securities Canada Inc.
Westmont Hospitality Group
Donated goods and services
Air Canada Foundation
Anglocom Inc.
Beaudet Group
Blue Storm Media
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Casa Vinho Restaurant
Cinémas Guzzo
Consultants Mémo
Denise and Guy St-Germain Foundation
Émilie Pelletier Photographer
Fairmont Château Frontenac
Hôtel Auberge Universel Montréal
Ivanhoé Cambridge Inc.
La Persillère
Les Ensembliers
Lila Edda
Linen Chest
Loblaws Angus
Magnus Poirier
Maison André Viger
Marcel Belleville
McCall Photography Studios
Metro Inc.
Michel Poirier
Moment de vérité
Octane Racing Group Inc.
Orchestre symphonique de Montréal
Ouellet Electric Heating
Oxygène Événements
Rose ou Bleu
Samson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche Foundation
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Sisters of the Presentation of Mary
SNC Lavalin Group Inc.
Transcontinental Media Newspaper Group
Transforce Income Fund
Vitrerie Savard Inc.
William Deslauriers
Zeller Family Foundation
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Media and marketing partners
Anna Goodson Management
Astral Media
Cinémas Guzzo
Because of my busy schedule, I was not able to
devote as much time to The Lighthouse as I would
have liked, so I decided to do more by donating
money instead of time. I knew my money would
be well spent and that it would contribute, like my
volunteer work, to the wellbeing of children and
families. I chose to enroll in the automatic monthly
donation program. It’s a convenient way for me to
do more!
I believe so strongly in The Lighthouse’s cause that
I encouraged the Pa Jiachu Dong Wa Ösel Jang
Chup Buddhist Center, which I attend, to support
The Lighthouse by also signing up for a monthly
Mélanie Jean
Volunteer and monthly donor
Défi Marketing
Journal de Rosemont La Petite-Patrie
La Presse
Maman pour la vie
Phil Communications
Rythme FM 105.7
Société Radio-Canada
Substances stratégies
Sylvie Cloutier Graphics Designer/Webmaster
The Weather Network
Transcontinental Inc.
Transcontinental Media Newspaper Group
TVA Sport
V Télé
Zip Communications
Note: This list includes the 2011–2012 donation payments made over several years. All efforts were made to ensure the accuracy of this list. However, if your
name or company name was omitted or misspelled, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can make the necessary corrections to our records.
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
Our Visibility
Our Ad Campaign
Thanks to the collaboration of BCP and our engaged and
generous media partners, The Lighthouse’s multiplatform
advertising campaign (TV, radio, print, Web), produced and
created by Zip Communications, was once again launched
across Quebec this year.
In addition, Cinémas Guzzo also presented ads on all of
their digital screens.
This enhanced visibility helps children at The Lighthouse
live their lives to the fullest.
The Lighthouse Also
Received Media Attention
In 2011–2012, The Lighthouse was profiled in the media.
A number of reports and interviews with our directors and
caregivers were presented on various radio, television, and
Web shows, and in many newspapers and magazines:
• Du côté de chez Catherine and L’Après-midi porte
conseil, Première Chaîne Radio of Radio-Canada
• Des kiwis et des hommes, Radio-Canada TV
• Donnez au suivant, TVA
• CTV News, CTV
• Focus Montreal, Global Montreal
The Lighthouse Children and Families
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, partners, and
volunteers, and the outstanding work of the great team
at The Lighthouse, Children and Families, fiscal year
2011–2012 was exceptional in a number of ways.
Nearly $5 Million in Earnings
The efforts that went into our major campaign and the
generosity of major donors helped us achieve a 17%
increase in major donations. We continued our work to
diversity self-financing revenues. Revenues from activities
carried out for The Lighthouse by outside organization
increased by 23%, clearly demonstrating The Lighthouse’s
growing reputation. These activities also contributed to
an increase in spontaneous donations from the general
9%our great start in the world of online
public and to
donations. In addition, income from foundations
increased by 33%. 28%
Supporting More Children
and Families
Expenses related to child and family services totaled $2.4
million, which accounts for 61% of our total expenses.
Most of the 6%
additional costs generated in 2011–2012 are
due to an 88% increase in new admissions that brings the
number of children with an active file at The Lighthouse to
242, an occupancy rate increase of 5% at Maison André28%
and a significant
43%increase in the complexity of care
and monitoring required by the children who stay there,
an increasing number of followups with children at the
end of life and their families, and the development of the
volunteer in-home
17% respite program in the regions.
Tight control over spending has allowed us to keep
expenses below the amount provided for in annual
These earnings, combined with grants from Ministère
de la Santé et des Services sociaux, health and social
service agencies in Montreal, Laval, and Montérégie, the
Sainte-Justine University
Hospital Center, and the Montreal
Children’s Hospital of the MUHC, which totaled $2 million,
made it possible for us to achieve total earnings of
nearly $5 million, a considerable 30% increase over
the previous year.
Health network grants
Sponsorship and
benefit events
Other donations
Major and deferred
campaign donations
Other products
United for Children with Palliative Care Needs and Their Families
hild and family
Financial development
and communications
Real estate
The Lighthouse, Children and Families is therefore in
excellent financial health and able to confidently pursue its
mission while meeting its strategic objectives.
Financial statements are available upon request.
On behalf of the children, families,
and the entire Lighthouse team...
Who show their trust in The Lighthouse, Children
and Families and its team by generously giving
their time and money, and who are proud
ambassadors of the Lighthouse and its cause.
We hope this overview of our activities carried
out in 2011–2012 will inspire you to join the
great team at The Lighthouse, Children and
Families and contribute, in your way, to making
a difference in the lives of children with palliative
care needs and their families!
2725 avenue du Mont-Royal Est, Montreal (Quebec) H1Y 0A1
514 954-4848 | info@phare-lighthouse.com | phare-lighthouse.com
Copywriting and advice: Marie-Claude Lafleur in collaboration with the Lighthouse team.
Graphic design: Défi Marketing
Photos: Gordon Campey, Danielle Guénette, Pat Pinotti–Studio 55, Ladislas Kadyszewski, The Lighthouse, Children and Families
The translation of this annual report is provided courtesy of