1969 - San Pasqual Academy
1969 - San Pasqual Academy
t A[APE 1969 Publication ofthe AssociatedStudent Body of Sanpasqual Academy v We the people of SPA moke up the Crowd of 1968-69. Our Crowd is unique in every woy. Never hqve we been broughl together os q group, nol will ever come logether ogoin os o whole. Our moods,our qclions everything qbout us is unique. The woys in which we respondto the spirilurol, intellectuqlond sociql stimuli will never ogoin be combinedin the exqcl pottern of lhis Crowd. ,'.1 r'.4 bt In Moy our Crowd will die, hoving outlived our usefulnessto societyos q group. But the men ond women will not die; they will live on lo form new crowds hurrying towqrd new gools. So, for everyone who knew us qs o Crowd, we hove coptured q few momenls in order thot you might rememberthis yeor os you see our Crowd on these poges. r:sd l PRINCIPAL & ,f' Tera escorted to chapel N. C. Sorensen Principal and Manager The friendly look ICE.PRINCIPAL C.L. Perkins Vice-Principal Registrar Biology I BUSINESS MANAGER lGl;:$&*- W I . -ar'. R . J .J e n s e n Manager B.A. Business r I --) -\( <---F\* a t ,{, i{ Jolly jumpingJensen 1L Esther Castle BusinessOffice Secretary Mrs. Klein counsels SECRETARIES Dona Klein Registrar'sOffice Secretary Egor's egotistical evening DEAN OF MEN Ric Kosins&i,B.A. Dean of Men DEANOF WOMEN U ---) KathleenHixson,B.A. DeanofWomen ? .}\ t g- l Deans devoted daughters it \. tz; ry-_- r; u.l ":a:"tL:i'.'],..};."*.\- ""4"' /t"''" F i s h e r\ f a s t e n d r i n a gnd freirdly folies Painting the backdrop for the Halloween Party iW,,, ART j - .1 1{ j t ,rt'ill l , . ."t. 1 'i, ; K; Donrt" Fisher, B.A. Art I Art ll ENGLISH MargeHampton, B.A English I English ll Sylvia Noseworthy, M.A. English llI English Iv Journalism FAMILY LIVING w l. I g , Lora Lee Long, B.A. Family Living Home Ec. I Home Ec. II Asst. Dean of Women Sharon is sewing something , HISTORY e e-- If _o/,," yo,,,L /d/ v '/r* Ric Kosinski,B.A. U.S.History HebrewHistory WayneLonghofer,B,A, Government World History U.S.History Contemporary World Asst. Dean of Men :' CicchettimakingWorld History INDUSTRIAT ARTS A woodshop ft iJ cLn n y Allan Fisher,M.A. q DriverEducafion ' , . €a ( s b".,t ta; l!"^r".,< I ;":;t;';;;,,* ha,;< y,t< in,,ola<s.l, C r o u n d. c h o o l w . s k y o , _ ^ . t l . < u e r . / b e s T 'arr,d P h o t o g r . r p h y , 7o . ^ , ed. .7n 1 ,s ; f , A U t O m C C n J n l C S . _, ' J , F l i g h rT r a i n i n g c h i t J L I < t ' \ '^' /^ :: LWLa-, ,'&' Boys work in "new" shop ClassinspectsDrivers Ed. car '"u '' { ) 4 ^/ 1t41\ d& t:>' a a ,.l l ' 1 .' r Coming Chemists cogitate DouglasO'Neil,M.A. Physics Algebra I AlgebralI Geometry Jan Kosinski, B.A. Chemistry General Math P.E.3 O'Neil's optimistic operations MATHAND SCIENCE :'. MUSIC Luane Logan,B.A. Organ Piano Harold Hampton, B.A, Music Organizations Voice Instrumental Music,conlinued $ Madrigals a i,:' j I J Y\ g't; T"JE €t .f,} f#ffi! ffi^au/'^ Ca'/' calolyn Londofer P.E. 1 P,E,2 P.8.4 Gaylord Klein, B.A. P.E, 1 P.E, 2 P.E. 3 P.8.4 EDUCATION PHYSICAL Loeffler's legsleg ' \ t l-'t 'o'l 1,,.l "\ SECRETARIAL SCIENCE ry txe1 S Lyndel Hudson,B.S Typing l Typing ll Bookkeeping SPANISH ril )l l I ll Spanish IIt Spanish StudiousSpatish stu,lents TheCrowd qt Work AGRICULTUR DAIRY, POUTTRY \- b,o I It 4bj - p;M'- $/, G.ry Alington, B.s. Glenn Lewi!, B.S. D"ry Mystica.lm.gical milking mrchine Dale Ande6on, M.A. D.iry I ' t {' a 4:,.y' &' J B. Brnlart Mr. Barnhart Mrs.Johnson Mn.Woods MA.Bri.on BINDERY ME.B)nh W.Brla,'ManJgc CAFETERIA Meftimenr in the mess hall charlcswilbut Audrey Klein, B-S , Foo tr ",-N"/,, V ,Y$ f' '.. !iF i' '.P t\ \ ^}./\ / { -ts#ww, \/ 4Y ,/'f.t +'v#, A/' t i-,,f,:' t r {w r'lu/ IF "^1il,,,'n,/,^r V* t.ul)U Lt ., lv (" tttoilf , , , i,rJl, ,^rt 1 n!)#' '1'^') "l yfu,h JJ ."'' '=tt'' .J i '| :lt lri \ '.'lE*. ,a \ n"n ,,';i :\ 'iii 4 1:. i.irl -"1 'l LAUNDRY c( o.!! Knirhr N ] 6 I , 1 n r l i cW i L k f s .l s t S . i n . i V l r r c c . i\lrrtlir Stcrr lllcn Kroll r,ih' w ._.-t-:: , , .ti. LIBRARY t\' € calamity charlie Gene Vestll Charlcs Castle, Maintance Supt. Ivd Lcwis MAINTENANCE Macbines move mountains SECURITY STORE Secu.ity,Nightwerchmd - \,"*_\,,..:i il. 'i g I ! ! n The Fqcesof the Crowd SENIORS Lively . . . Gregqrious. . . Pqce- Setiers Lynn Allen, President Larry Dunder, Vice-President Lois Lopez,SecretarY JanineRice,Treasurer ff: & Larry Mudersbach, Sergeant-at-arrns Debbie Lange, Pastor -<:.',/ I'."*' .J, -:2 Charlie Barr, SPorts Co-ordinator SinkaBescl David Birdsall John Cary /r ,r: Jacque C-astle Randy Chenowith { - , Shirley Clark . .!. *,;.. ' tc,',;'. .', F JennieDavis PhyllisFoster YolandaGibson li ,::.. '' Seniors Albert Gonzalez Mileen Grimaldi Dawn Gustafson Sylvia Hamilton Robert Henneg Shirley Hopson Dave Horner g' Timothy Hullquist Vicki lreland ShirleyJunghans Mke Kaiser Fred Karger Seniors Gloria I-andon Mike Lausten Star Ledington Ruth Liu Carolyn Lumbert Laura McAlister : |: Bill McLain SharonMerrill Wayne Miller James Pesl Marian Radke Gary Reinbold 5 .$ . Seniors MelissaReinhold RussellRinehart Robert Rosenthal Susan Sigala Ruth Snell Gytha Soloniuk .&& Vicki Soloniuk cher'Stahlman Patti Taves Lynn Webb JuniorsAmiqble. . . cildy Alred -e$l t e Judycaldwell JT d: Nancy Daily Vilginia Driver ReggieDunn Juniors Sheila Sped Jeri spenatd Kathy stanford Robert Sterling H.p Stump {t* Linda Eileen Taylor Linda ElaineTaylo! PosieWinwatniwong 5ophomores Anticiponl.. .Defermined.. . Agile tr[^-ir,*FLil /L,att)" l?€ Doug Ban Ron Bird L - - l - .K DaveChristy Sophomores \ Mary E en Elis David Enright *;x,,$ l r I Judy Fisher Mike Griffith a t a:tL t, 4YL Sophomores e Bili La),iand \ _ I "*h April McCluskey HS \ +\- 1 _l ) Liz Ortiz c;l, Jay tudglcy in - ) #X Sophomores "f'* fr ,H ,rG. 'rt1\l le;\ t'..t-''I' t sandra Van Ostrand 6 -.::, il\ t'!lI I Aprilwillis Freshmen Enthusiqslic. . .Seqrching. Experiencing G. A cdolyn Deil Shirl Dinning €s \_ '.. Freshmen a' +7, i'i il.; ,; chip Scnecal Jim stanford BiU V.nce t\/l -' E - - ),. E ,' | 6l Activities I ; l Day of SchoolYeqr BeginsWith after gym was floodcd just before school started li= ,l.-==- I ;1 t ' ijiF r'- i-Zt i ,1,' Wqter qnd Wqtermelons r-. t iiFrl a ral j=tI,' *-i t l,t' $0,*,' r' Longhofcr'slong . . . hotcr? F i s l r r L. i , n . ) l l i n 8 | Fqll Picnic PhotogLrples Pa,adisc ; - '\t ls FilledWith Action t ffififi & d@, Px! Prulscn {or I'residentl ir' Vqlley EchoMocks V : r l l r rE r h r S t r l l L r o , . . l ' x l \ l t r r . ; . P r . . a r . a d ( : 1 . r , , - r D r m l e . . s f o , L s l ] l l i L . i i J r n i t c r i i . . . T a f i s t sl i r r r f o { 1 . 1 1 1'ti1. ut lidii(.: l'rm Hog.n. Asr. uJitor: Clr li., lrrrr. Edir,). I-rLL,r 1.r\lijl N . t p i . t u L t { 1V. i . k i t s o l u n n L [ l. ' r o o ! , ] J . r i R r L . i rI l o i , \1js\.slDrtl,t.SpDi,sti,\1rr.Ic,i\r.CiIdLL,orN!nrgf . \ $ r . l , L ) n ) g r r t l r . r , \ 1 r .l , r \ f . r i . r i . i r A d \ ; ! r r fremwemtrEmm l simple Simons PicwomdD Rlverbed Romarce RiverbedPorty \9 -/2l*{f I qnd TuesdqyNight Groves.. . i ' toy.sjiffy job Three Weeksof Proyer StudentWeek of Prayerspeak*s .{i Tcn,v lcads u'ccl of prayc. son.qservice shigcnobu Arlkaki sPringwcck of Prav( sPer[d Highlightthe Yeqr I i TI l r I r lt . ll StudentsEnloyActive TI E l d e rc u m m i . B sS p e a k s Sobbqths Sabba* School Officersi L io r., RegiDald Dunn, Susn Sigala, Scort Srnith. Liz Wd.d, Russell Rineharr. Seminar Olfice6: L ro r., Russell Rineharr, vicc rres.; J a n i n c R i c e , o r g a n i s t i J a nc u y , C t o r i s t e . i L a u h M c A l t i s tcr, PianistrJodi Andcson, scffetaryj Metisa Rcnrl,old, E . J l o w c e nh a n d o u t s : it tl Costumes Wizads lvitchcs? $ t F ; s t s e m e s t €rA . S . R officcrs: L to r.,Ilon Krncn, Ti.a*reriNancy R i c h r d s o n . A $ t . T r Q s u r €r l Kathie St!niord, Secrctaryl P a n i H o g c n .A $ t . S e c . e t a r y ; Ga.y Mccary, Prcsiderti Ka!hi Sdith, Vice-Presiden!r Robin BoLst, P.rliamcn t a r i a n ;S t a n L e . L i n g t o n , Spirftul Vice. Not picnue.1. D.wn Gustalson, Clloresterr J a n i i c R i c e . P i a n i s t :M . . I-ongholo. Sponsor. ! - tI ,. , ,. Lady Long Hallowecn "Hon.ies" Add to Hqlloween Porty .,iai &a I , i , * -'l: MedievqlAtmosphereAdds to Mis Gly Quaint coupLescoUect(alories First SemestqBoys Cluh officds: t. ro r., WaynE O'banron, Serg€nt .t dmi lrlr. Kosinski,Sponsor;Mike Kaise.,ftesidentj Rob{t Davies,\ace,Presidenr; Fred BoysClubBonquet Seond SenesterBoys Club officers: l. ro r., cary Rein bold, Sergeant-at'dms;Ldry Mudersbach,Secnary rrea, surer;Mr.Kosinski,Sponsrj Keith Jacobson,Pa$ori Jahes Pesl,vice,President;Stan Ledington,presidenr 79 ': :l.:...,1 u' Q t And the bard played on SomeMusicqlSoturdoy Ma&igal In the still ofthe night Nighrs a t ti!I.,, ial.:,i: And the band played on SomeMusicqlSoturdoy ll Madrig.L \ Senior Cta$ officers: L ro r.. CharlicBa', SportsCo-ordilarori Lois Lopez. Secreraryrbry Drndrr, Vice presidcntr Lynn Allcn. P'esidentiLarry Muddsbtrcl. SergcaDtat drns iJaninc iricc. Treasxrer:Dcbbie Lange.I,aslor.r.\or pictu.ed. E l d e ra n d M i s . S o r e r s e n a n d M r . a D dM r s .V e l e z . : p o r s o . s . ClqssesElect Junior class oificcrsr L to.., Mr, O'Neal,SpoD T r e a s u r c r jS c o t t S m j t h , Pr€siderti Doug Petcr so!, Pastor:Jenniler pictued, KeD Hanafin. S e r g e a n ta t d n s i M i s S o p h o n o r ec l a s so f f i c e f s rR i c l d d D u n n . f t e s i d e n t i S B a nK e n ! h , V i c e - P r c s i d e n Ftr:e dM o o . e .P a s t o r i J c a . n iM e e$en ger. Secretryr SamGonzalcs,S.rgcanrat dms! Sandy Vanost.and,Trcasurd. Not picro.ed,Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kosinski. Officers t Fieshmen Clas officcsi L to r., Leo Popc, Treas u r e r :M r . l - i s h e r ,S p o n s o r i David Brown, Prcsidentl Rick Danforrlr, Sergeanr at dms: Robin Miner, Vice President; Bill Vancc, Pastor. Not pictured. Shirl F I s ) q|rt * l 1 ' ":''.ttl:l ,nN t l L,J - q:!. :9' ,,;:,,:lfa*., Mesiah Orato.io ChristmqsSeqsonFilledWith v southern californiat santa LivelyActivities Seniors Sp1ish,Splash... 4 ...hc'sgcttingaLath. I.; iFurrrlFsfl6, Slpcorrtscor taai.. i:i:: g ;:11 ,J. . ;' .-'.1 l .,t.l-:iijii SccondSemeste!Girls club ofiices: L to r' N&.ian Radkc. I,|esi lris LPez, Cho.isterrTrudy ^&rin, Treas;lrenc Bcnavides.Organist;JudyWalraven.Rcl i h ! o ! M e r i l l . S g t a t A r n s i L o . i s f i n a r d ,c . V i c eP r e s r D e b b i c V i c eP . e s S Lange,S. vicc PrcsiKarenOdell, Pa.liamentarian;J eri Spina.d,Se-etary Girls Club Conducisqn Enchqnted Ev I rii t'i tl tl I Evening Daugltcr ard Parerts 1/ Fjrst Senester c;ls Club officers: L to r. Susan Sigala,Treas:PattiTaves, Presi cher' StalJmd, c. Vicc Prcs: Lolly r.ntell, Rel. vice Pres; Sylvia Hamilton, Sgt-at-Armsi Jeannie Messnrgff. Organist; Sheila Spea.. Pa.liame ntariaD; Mis. Hi\son. Slonso.i N o t p i c t u r e d : K a t h y S t a n f ; r d , S . v i c e P l e s i K a . e n O d e l i . S c c t y rJ ! . c u y , C h o t e r . toungirg larry BasketballBulties Oulstqnding Most Friendly, sue Si$laandJanes Pesl a Most Athletic, Sylvia Hamilton and Albert corzalez - ,,..:ff Most Humorous, M'ian Radkc and Wayne Mille. Seniors Best All dound, Lois Lopez and Biit Mcllin Most Intelligent. Vicki Solontuk and Cha.lie Ba.l { a..-." il..''.-+'- - t t RinehortWins Grqnd Prize , .lL) r &&*, I S . c , , r ds . r , . i . , A s l l ( ) i l i . { s , I . r . S n r L .ILr : , : . \ i i . c i , , . i i . l f r r : r r r r , l I 1 . ( r l r . l i . , , . . l i i l l l ! l . l - , 1 i h. ., r i . l r r r t ) , f . . r t i h , , \ r . p r r l i l r n . r r . i r t : , r r : \ h i . l l s t r . - r . ! : l \ 1 t r.f, . A , n ' r . i] \ . : L i , . $ , J r , r ! r ) . r 1 . ( 1 r . , , r t r i t , . , s , , ! r . A r ! r . S..Su),rrrlifrirpL.l,i,risi,llf$lirr.i,rri.spjjid \ .lil) : t . . r i r t f L , r ' 1 1S . fg. t . , r Ari'l'l,,r,i'relu L,'rl'lIioru., Ll,' ( i i r , l 1 , , l r . ,V , i r , ' . ! . J tu ! t i i n . l r l r i l . r r r i . j ! 1 , : s s i n ! , ,I,r., r l l l r f , , ! r , 1 . ..' rii:. .:;, ,,r't.. ,;l:lr',i:. Alop6 Stqff MileenGrimaldi. Editor Ediior'sMessoge c r e a l t r i b u t c ! n . l . c c o s r i t i o n s h o u l db e given to mI outsrat.lirg stafl rvho wotkcd n,ost diligerdy to*ard thc goal ofa grcat yerrbook. ro thcm and ou. advisos.Mr' vciez and vrs.l'isher, I givc tlanks for thc mernories of this book tnd the fahulous t ' l:r s F ; h c r , s P o n s o r r J o d i S t a f i : I t o r . C r a i gR l w s o n ,P h o t o g . a P h €r i | n l e y c l a i k . A s t E d i t o r : T c r v L o e i l l €r ,A d ' e r t i s i n g i A n d c r o n .c a p t i o n sS r'ot Pictur'd: , l o t o s r a P h eN K a t h i S t . n l o r d ,S e d c t a r y cl h u c k c a s t l e P Debbic Lange,Litcrafyi Ted Pcrnuh. Advertis;rgII'hil Velez.!_inrnclaladP o'oJ"Phe , o , . J , , , , V ' 1 r y . R . Ll a. , , , 1 c 2 Fred Karger, Hcad Photog.aPhcr ^a o ..fl\!-, \-H Complete Line ol Coins and StamPs and ,/\ccessorrcs "Health Brings HapPiness" Phone 745-2L4L COIN SHOP ESCONDIDO 111 N. Broadway at Grand in Escondido ESCONDIDO NUTRITION CENIER 745 7613 Wc Want to Buy Coins and StamPs CompleteLinc of Healthand Dict Foods Mail OrdersPromPtlYFilled Cafcteria aakery Wm. l. STONll, I.ollor Home 745-5552 8|lt sroNEl Proprictor 405 W. Grand Ave. Escondido, California Office 745.3071 t . . o - d i d o s V o " LC o m p l e r cP h - r o c e r r t c ' F..d u- A r, Ptuidar Servingthis Area 20 Years F H BARTH CO.,INC i l 0 r I t i A ! r . n r r! t ' , . D r r . r r { . . r d A r . ' n s r r r r n ! PHOTO GAILEY'S CENTER 118 E. GrandAvenuc Escondido,California '715 828 7 Specializingin watch repair Saa, Dte4 A///a Solllq Watches,Diamonds See the New HERMES TYPEWRITERS DUNCAN JEWETRY CompleteSchool and Office Suppliers for North County 138 E. Grand Avc. w.B, (Bill)Duncan 5 3562 Sherwood 126WestGrand Escondido,Calif. t45 5351 E S L O n O L O OU, a [ r , ECONOMYGLASSCO. 1245 Halc Escondido *#x' *sfitr* +# , SERVING NORTH COUNTY ALWAYS OUR SERVICE 745 5382 ESCONDIDO NATIONAL BANK ValleyParkway Store Fronts Table Tops Shower Enclosures And Doors ffiM firestonc ESCONDIDOTIRE A SUPPLYCO. Congratularionsro Classof 1969 241 E. Crand, RUSTY'5 t rt r||trl Escondido,California lfiftuuaft Cards,Gifts Robert W. Lawson EscondidoVillagc 1319 ValleyBlvd. 7 4 5 16 2 6 745-4769 SENIORS LOOKTHEIRBEST IN PORTRAITS BY ?'W-'s'raPlav 154 E. Grand Ave. Downtown Escondido r00 745 4341 Robert Henncg HOMEFEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCTATION DOR]'|AI{s l OO,OOOSAVERs ARE RIGHY 200 wesr enaro er vepue PH6NE 746-2222 Shockabsorbers Mufflers Front end alignment Brakesrelincd U.S.RoyalTires Michelin 151 WestValley ParkwaySouth Phone745 9833 Escondido WaldoSimpson,Manager S " n D , e g o' n . $ e \ r rnd m".r ' omplcrc - F j ' ! ' " u^-P) -""V L ; a z Z > , - .' ,. _ , 7 3 : ! ^ ) d , ' f 7t a-ib Z a ? _ b - : i b ,l V, f: : o /) a 6 ,la . . 1) ( a i1 .s t; 4 a6 'v ' ' Y 2 ;.FEWrN,\A/4lrAM '1 '-{ i r ; _ . ; t _ g t i v.- ^'J , t,- L _- - 9 Il2eKerrnerBh** srn D,cqo d - z C a s528 B!"1'. {ia €;' o' I \r, " f i f TED'S CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT RENTALS& SALES GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR over 20 ycars'Experience G R A D I N Gt r E X C A V A T I O N (OMMERCIAI. . INDUSIRIAT I,AI'IDOEVTTOPEMTNI E A R I H M O V I N G . L O T L E v E l , l N G( r C L E A R T N G l R E l { , G R O V ER E M O V A L ( B R U S HR A K E I HOIJSED S E M O L I s H E O. C O N C R E T TT ' A S P H A L TR I M O V A L D T C O M P O S EGDR A N I I I . f I L L D I R T t C O M P A C T I O Nf I I I . I N G D9 & 46A DOZERS WITH RIPPER Ako 5h,ller Do:c^ Avril,ble - V|8RnIoi (OMPACIOiS . 944 lBsEnI|ntO IOAOli SSIEPrOOI S E M I . D U M PDSU. M PI T U C X SW . A T I I I R U ( ( S. S ( I PL O A D ' I S , TOURI{PUTTS. MOTORGRADIRS HANCOO(TOADERS II,D.I6(RAWIERIOADIT. 4 YD.HOPPTR MOBII! SW'EPET - lolll{ DlEtt (RAWlti 4 tN r BUCt(tt EA(l-lloli . DW2O3 (RA|{E5- ttrNolln fiy-Hot . foRK ltFI . TD14 SIDEBOOM 977.CRAWUN IOADER J O H ND E E R E S O I OP A D D I EW H E T L FTIE ESTIMATES BY CONTRACTOR HOURLYRATES Mainhined ind 0peraled @r 688-149 I0849 ARLINGTONAVE. RIVERSIDE PIONEERING EFFICIENT EGG PRODUCTION ARTESIA K W @ 0a/delaing't. B A K E R& Y C O F F E Es H O P AL'S TICHFIEIDSEnvtCE 2 I 2 E . G R A N DA V E .- E S C O N D I O O /+llit8Fr RAY E. SCHAFER DR.t.tvl.STUrvlP REATTORS Grand at lvy E S C O n O L O OL,a L l O r n r a 7450655 SAN MARCOS A! YOUNGSIIANO PH. 745-4550 fliIr ora -44,1 vltiue PhoneSherwood5 2151 BrtrRossco. Insurance With Service William (Bill) Ross 525 S. EscondidoBIvd. R. P. (Dick) Prendergast P.O. Box 666 Don E. Risher ESCOnOTOO,LarlOrniA HOMERHETLER 400 W. Grand Avcnuc Escondido, California 9olo^o, slvtNGs lt'tD Lol !t assocl^TloN 4OT EASTVALLEYPARKWAYSOIJTH, ESCONDIDo, c LlF. 92025. PHONE745-4003 A FULLSERVICE SAVINGS AND LOANASSOCIATION LOCAIIY OWI{ED & OPITAIED (ONCRITE READY.IIJIIX 5frvilf6 l{0BIlfsil{ Dlf60 c0. OUALITYPLUSSERVICE - BUILDERS CONTRACTORS FAST2.WAYRADIOSERVICE . VISTA.5AN MARCOS ESCONOIDO . RANCHOSANTAFE- ENCINITAS POWAY.VAILEYCENTER - LAKESANMARCOS.RANCHOBERNARDO PAUMAVATLEY 745.0555 ii?lli'il r 5 0 t M t 5 s r o r {R o a D . a s c o r { 0 l o o a*v... Li^.ota& N.t.t.tl 104 CONGRATULATIONSAND BESTWISHES TO THE CLASSOF 1969 AND TO YOUR INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIPTO THOSEWHO FOLLOW DONATED BY SERVISOFT WATER CONDITIONING COMPANY ROTO:ROOTER - c]rtr collrcr _ 745'6599 or 748.2884 10 DIY Cllor? Av^lt.Artt t. O, a.r 20t !r..i.tt.t. P0r0- tuorci ro thc Senior YAMAHA CYCLE INSURANCE Sales Parts ' Scrvice Phone745-7901 Don Thomas WAIT'5TIMESHOP Caravelle I,ongines I44 WestVallcyPkwy.Sourh @ouuo rov.,r.r Qualitywatchcs10.95and up W:lnrn,(l And others C.$ette P1tryes 6 Ca.tridges CAMILLE 11130 AndersonStrcet Loma Linda, CaliforniaT96 9521, POLLd. OWNER t.t^ ;IIHHH q-sa,I YOUFI CATEEPILLAH HAVT/THOFINE A. TGtUt,MGtTGtB DEALET MACHINEFIY CO. . P.0.BoX708. AT0rHH-r-o KtARllY tttsl R0lD(U.S.3S5) A1 1 2 r t t E PH 0 iEl 2 7 7 - 2 2 6 0 s a 0 t E G 0c, A l - l F 0 R N9l 2 cA1:E^RBMourcE 106 I' RAVELSERVICE "Enloy The Royal Treatment" Ca11745-6140 For All Your Travel Needs ROYAL TRAVEL SERVICE "Our Sefiice is Fiee" 257 E. Second Comer of Juniper Street Escondido, Califor:nia JACKPOWEtt Batracuda Imperial Jack Powcl, owner Telephone745 1755 332 So. Esc.Blv. Escondido, Calif. BANKOF AMERICA National Trust and Savings Association Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation "On-the-Spot"BankingService jn Califomia Across the Nation and Around the World ESCONDIDOBRANCH 355 E. GRANDAVENUE WASHINGTON - ESCONDIDOBRANCH 608 N. ESCONDIDOBOULEVARD 1330 MissionRoad Escondido, Calif. 745-05L1 Mellrber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 107 FIRST TRAYEL AGENCYIN ESCONOIDO A WOIID rrAv8lEr FOr Ov a5 Ya^rt uNaxc llo EXPEI|ENCI N TLTNXTXO tow corr vAcAroNs - faaE rNtorr^rlol{ cot, 745-4055 tocaa.dlrlo Early AmericanFurnishings Inrerior Decorating WAYSIDESHOP 745 1001 l R A V E I A G E N CY ''t c uraDer lJu drns Locai CorrespondentsThos Cook & Son, 345 W. Grand TRACTORS I ! 1 A C HI N E R Y CO. PATO'IAAR TRACTOR P . O B O X 1 3 57 1350 MtSSIONRo. (HwY. 78) E S C O N D L D O .C A L I F O R NI A KENROBERTS MENSWEAR in fine Clothine Specializinq ancl lurn$n1ngs '"(Ddr*s 1905 MUTUALPROPANE rfr!r stuPExt sNra(c-r Congratulations to the Classof 1969 SCHMETTZ PATIO FTORIST fumafindafinhetts , .for lunches,pcni.€ or patio paniesthere s no end ol ways to serve em. B r o i l e d ,g r i l l e d ,o r q u i c k l r i e d ,t h €y f e 237 W. Grand Ave. 745-3132 @ek4a,':,o?<bs,e.% UNIVERSITY SUPPIY 11147AndersonSr. Loma Linda, Calif Congratulations Classof 1969 FTAIR u0 _HOUSEOF FINE LIGHTING Congratulations Classof 1969 Ted Verdugo, owner Durango WesternBoot Expert Craftsm:lrship specralrzlngn WcsternBoots SHOE& PARAMOUNT LUGGAGE - REPAIR - Mike 9ownat FROM THE BEST COLLEGE CAMPUS IN CALIFORNIA, HONORED ALUMNI DUANEDICK 148 W. Grand Avenue irtconoloo,uarLrornra 746-6353 IOMA LINDAMARKET AND HARDWARE LOma Lrno.r,LaLlornrJ qnd TOEFFLER SCOTT Classof 1968 Send our lncorrigible Rcgardsto: SAN PASQUAL ACADEMY Congratulationsto the Classof 1969 IN LOMATINDA HilRITA(iT) GA&DD COMPLETE CONVALESCENT & R E T I R E M E NCTE N T E R MEDTCAR! and MEDITAL AcCEP'IED 24.HOUR REGISTEREDNURSING SEIARATE FACILIT]ES FoRTHE RETIRED wARM PERSONAL CARE FOR THOSE YOU CARE FOR" Brochurcon Reque$ 795-0216 OIL STANDARD WlL. R. LEWIS,Distributor lt2 745 6922 321 S.Qnincc,Escondldo BARTON RD. AT BENTONLOMA LINDA F.om fieeway take watermrn turnoafso!tli a thcn East to Heritage Cddens .),.s.e: i)..-- - The ui'ell-rounded one. roMA LiNDA uNrvrRsrr'- has lo.g been knowo a: Now try our IIRIRA!,^Rrs. arts .nd scjences. celte. fo. educatio. in the medical The College of Arts and Sciencesofic6 bachelor'sdeSreesin the hmaniiics, the natuial sciences,nathematics,ihe social sciences,and essentialliclds of ippiied study.Theo you n1ay earn an advanceddegree in tlre Schooi of Educrtion, the G'aduaie school, or the S.hool of Public Health. And.oordl tion bet$en l;be.al erts pr€p.of€ssionalprograms aid professio'al couses (Medici'e, Dentistr), Nurring, Health Rclated Professio.s) m€aDsthat you start and finish preparationfor a P.ofessionalcareerat the sane universjty. LomaLinda92Jt4 LOMA IINDA UNIVTRSITY R i ! €r s i d e9 2 t 0 i eustonnpfrrategr s r N C E1 9 5 6 - Phon Ot't'set --L;thog,ophv' Ic t te, press lnsto-Prinf,the loiest oddition to our 'while you feoturesprinting services, wqii'. Do - it - yourselfpricesmoke photo coPying Procticolfrom I io severqlihousondcopies'Try it, ii only tokeson instonf. ond WALTVAN DAM' Co'Owners LEEGILBERT - Escondido'Cdliforni€ 339 W€st SecondAvenu' As olwoys custom,quolity printing is We prideourselves our mqin business. in friendly& promptoltentionlo thot speciollob, lorge or smoll' For thol 'iusl - right look', moke it Custom Printery. 745-5q04 to the Congratulations Classof'69 CO. VAttEY LUMBER, 144 W Grant St (OneBlk. w. of Broadway) ESCONDITxI OPENDAILY & SAT.7 TILL +3O AMPLE CURB PARKING 745-7271 PHOTOGRAPHY WHEELER'S 11116 AndersonSt. Loma Linda, Calif. '1964313 ,,rt,,Efr. > E - :- g- \+ \' PogeSpo BrawleyGlass lr4r.and Mrs.PaulConchman I\4r.HenryDunnah FallbrookMedicalServices Julit Judson Dr. and ll4rs.Alan l-oeffler RichardLoomis Dr. E. R. Powell [&. and Mrs.T. B. Shank UniversityHeatiDgCompany VictoriaGuernseylnc. April wilis Mr. and Mrs.Halold willis Mr. ard Mrs.Robertwillis We wish to express our aPPreciation to the above people who have purchased sponsorshipsin our 1969 Alape'. Lqte Arrivqls Ammundson Er,.elyn Emery Rockwell CarlosAyala Betty Smiah Jim Gilchrist Nada Stone Richard tlardcastle John Stratton BarbaraLewis Margo Wells Butch Lewis JulieWrtht lndex Agriculture. Alape'st.ff. A m a t e uHro u r A r t . . . . . . B a n d . . . . . B i b l .e . . . . B i n d d y. . . B o o k s t o. .r e s o y s C l u bB a n q u e t Bo;s club offids B u s i n eM s atugd C.feteria... Choir...... C h r i s t m aAsc t i a i t i e s Daity...... D e a on f M e n D e a on f w o m e n D e d i c " r i o .n E n g l i .s. h. , Fan....... FanitL yiving f - i r $S e m e s t A d S BO l l i c q Freshmen.. FreshmenClassofficers c n l s C t u bo f f i c s s H a l l o w eP en dty History.... I n d u s t rAi 2r tl s Internurals. Junio(.... J u n i o .c l a $ o f f i c e s I a t eA r r i v a l s L a u n d r. .y . L i b r d y . .. . l r 4 a d r i g a. l. s Maintenance. \\\\\rhrh..... M e s i a .h . . Music..... O t l i (Se e c r e t d y O u l s t a n d i nSge n i o r s P a g Se p o n s o r s h i p s P a r e n tD a u g h d B a n q u e t. . . . . . . . PhysicE a ld u c a t i o n Picnic...... Poultly.... P r i n c i p a l. . . R e g i s h a t i .o n S a b b a tAh c t i v i t i e s S c i e n c .e.. . . S & r e t d i aSl c i e n c € SecondsemesterASB offic S e c u r i .t .y. Seniors.... S e n i oC r l a $O f f i c e s S e n i oFra i r . S o p h o m o r e. s sophomo.e Classofficers S p a n i s. .h. S t o r .e. . . . T r e eU g h ( i n g V J l e yE ( h o . Vice-Principal weekofPrayer . . . . . . . . , . .34-35 .. .. .. . . ... .96 ..........9495 . . . . . . . . . . , . 1 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 ............19 ............36 ..... ...... ..41 .......78,79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 ....,...,12 .............37 ............27 ......84-85 .........34-35 .............14 ...........15 -. -. -. -. -126,127 .............20 ..........86-87 ...........27 -. -. - - - -. - - -. -. /6 . . . . . . . . . . .59'61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 ......88-89 ........76,77 ............22 ...........23 ...........9091 ..........s0-54 ........82 ............116 ............38 ........ ....39 .. .. ........26 ...,,.,.,.,.40 ............24 .............84 . . . . . . . .23,26.27 ...........ll .....,92'93 ........115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 88 9 .......2A,29 ..........66,67 . . . . . . . . . . .34-35 . . . . . . .10,126,127 ...........64 ......7475 .. .. .. . . .. . .U ........36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 ........... ..41 . . . . . . . . . . .44-49 ........a2 ........ ..86-87 ..........55,58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 .............31 .............41 .. . . ..85 ...... .. ..68.09 ...........11 ........72,73 We come to Son Posquol Acodemy qt s€pqlqle people, but none of us will leove it without being influenced by our Crowd. We hove lived the momenfs recorded in this book. We hove leorned logether, worked together and enioyed mony good tim6i together, All rhe5ethings hove become o port of us qnd we will not soon forget our 5PA ond our Crowd. We will not fo:get the riverbed, Tuedoy night suppers in the grove, climbing 58. those three :hoved heods, coroling ot Christmoslime,beoch evongelism, our quiel volley, ploying pushboll, ond the Mogic Bus. r.:: Neilher cqn we forgel the influenceof one who hor worked lo moke 5on PosquolAcqdemy the greot xhool it is todoy. . . . In ,Dedicqlionto ElderSorensen It is with pleosurerhe Alop6 sfoff dedicotes rhis 1969 Alope to you, Elder N.€. Sorensen.We hove grown lo respeclyour opinion, you; odvice snd the conlinuouswolk with 9od which you hove shown lhrough your every qcl 03 our principol. The Crowd will olwoys remamberyou os on excmple of o truly dedicoted Christiqn mqn. Scn Posquolwill deeply miss you os you leove to o higher colling. Although you leove us. your morks of ochievemenl ond successwill remqin behind wilh our compus and wilh lhose who follow us through it'. door:. Moy we os stud6 ts repoy you by following your Christion exomple. I 4 @ EHt so the slory of our Growdends.
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