McBirney Mansion Easement
McBirney Mansion Easement
TULSA PRESERVATON COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday, February 23, 2016 McBirney Mansion Easement EASEMENT: McBIRNEY MANSION PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1414 SOUTH GALVESTON AVENUE APPLICANTS: WENDY P. AND GENTNER F. DRUMMOND REPRESENTATIVE: CHAD OSGOOD A. CASE ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Combine two existing ponds and a basin into a single new pond according to Site Plan and Sections submitted 2. Construct new retaining wall using native stone according to Site Plan, Sections, and Elevation submitted B. BACKGROUND DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: 1927-28 NATIONAL REGISTER LISTING: 1976 PREVIOUS ACTIONS: NOVEMBER 14, 2014 / MARCH 24, 2015 / OCTOBER 8, 2015/ DECEMBER 10, 2015 C. ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS 1. Combine two existing ponds and a basin into a single new pond according to Site Plan and Sections submitted 2. Construct new retaining wall using native stone according to Site Plan, Sections, and Elevation submitted i. As outlined in Highgate General Contractors’ letter dated November 13, 2015, the proposal for treatment of the ponds has been prompted by conditions on the site and an intention to address issues raised by a notice to abate a nuisance. According to the description in the letter, the liners for the two small ponds display a significant amount of deterioration, and, although the liner in the large pond is in “decent shape,” it requires attention. Sediment has collected in the ponds and has been removed from the large pond to alleviate conditions which created the nuisance—the flow of water over the sidewalk. Page 1 of 2 The proposal seeks to address these conditions with these solutions— • installation of a series of wells above the ponds to capture and divert water from the spring during construction, • excavation of the two small ponds and the basin and their combination in a single new pond whose contour will match the contours of the ponds and basin, • construction of a new retaining wall with native stone between the new pond and the large pond to prevent future erosion, • replacement of the liner in the large pond, and • connection of the wells below the surface of the site and diversion of the water into the new pond. The purposes of this system are • the regulation of the flow of water from the spring, • the use of this water for irrigation of the grounds, • the reduction of the volume of water diverted into the sewer, and • the prevention of the flow of water onto the sidewalks. This proposal was reviewed and approved at the Regular Meeting of the COA Subcommittee on December 3, 2015. Additional documentation, including a section of the site, was requested. The proposal was reviewed and approved in principle at the Regular Meeting of the Tulsa Preservation Commission on December 10, 2015, with the condition that additional documentation, including an elevation of the retaining wall, be submitted. ii. References: Deed of Scenic, Open Space, and Architectural Façade Easement CLAUSE IV: No extension of the existing structure or erection of additional structures shall be permitted, except that in the event of damage resulting from casualty loss to an extent rendering repair or reconstruction of the existing improvements impracticable, erection of a new professional office or residential structure shall be permitted. CLAUSE VII: No topographical changes, including but not limited to excavation and the cutting of trees greater than eight inches in diameter (except when dead or dangerously decayed) shall occur upon the property. Replacement of existing trees as required to maintain the existing topography may occur. Page 2 of 2 TULSA PRESERVATION COMMISSION COA SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, December 3, 2015, 11:00 AM A. Opening Matters Call to Order and Verification of Quorum Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest Chairman Neal called the COA Subcommittee Meeting to order at 11:01 AM Members Present Tom Neal (Chairman) Mike Craddock Jim Turner* Sally Davies* Katelyn Parker Chip Atkins* *Late Staff Present Jed Porter, Travis Hulse, Kristin Pack, Bob Edmiston* Others Present Chad Osgood, Wendy Drummond, Phil Marshall, Jerry Hall, Aaron Sprik, Martha Phillips, Jennifer Lorch, Bill Powers, Jeffrey Hoos, Richard Dowell, Ken Klein B. Actionable Items 1414 S. Galveston Ave. – McBirney Mansion Easement Applicant: Chad Osgood for Wendy and Gentner Drummond Requests: 1. Combine two existing ponds and basin into a single new pond according to site plan submitted 2. Construct new retaining wall using native stone according to site plan submitted -1- Discussion: • In response to a question about the retaining wall, the applicant’s representative, Chad Osgood, stated the proposed retaining wall would be drystack construction to retain earth between the proposed pond and existing pond. Any exposed surface will be covered with vegetation. Mr. Osgood stated there is a concrete vault and two small ponds, but erosion has filled in the ponds, creating a cesspool filled with sediment. Over the years, erosion will continue to fill in the ponds and be a problem. Mr. Osgood proposed shallow wells connected to pumps, so the pumps can discharge clean spring water. The proposed long-term plan is to connect the small wells together with an electric pump to push water where it needs to go. Mr. Osgood stated after he contacted four companies for alternative solutions to the ponds, the proposed concept was the best solution. Before the clean-up process, the small ponds wereindistinguishable, and they had no liners. There was four feet of sediment in the larger pond, and the liner collapsed. • The applicant, Wendy Drummond, stated she does not have a choice to fix the problem due to the Notice to Abate a Nuisance, which she presented to the COA Subcommittee, but she stated she has a duty to preserve the ponds according to the easement. • Commissioner Neal asked Mr. Osgood about the general purpose for the application. Mr. Osgood stated it is the control of the amount of water generated and its impact on City of Tulsa water. The spring generates 2-3 gallons of water a minute, and Mr. Osgood found water 20 feet higher than the proposed water level, and 5 feet below the sanitary water level. • Mr. Osgood stated at one time there might have been a lid on the concrete vault, as it was the entrance to the spring, but it is full of sediment. Since the pond is filling, the excess water runs onto South Houston Avenue. The intention is not to use the overflow drain except for extreme amounts of rain and then to pump the water back into the yard. After construction, some of the water flow can be maintained through an electric pump and only used during the months of July and August. • Commissioner Neal asked for the applicant to provide a section drawing with more detail and a rendering of the wall, showing its size and profile. • COA Subcommittee Member Atkins mentioned a past application when the McBirney Mansion was a bed-and-breakfast establishment where the ponds would not be altered. Mr. Osgood stated he had heard about it, and the previous owners used a stabilization mat, so the site could be used for parking during events. • Commissioner Turner asked if the review of the application is concurrent with the review by the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Mr. Osgood stated they submitted the proposal to SHPO concurrently as requested in previous meetings. Staff stated they have contacted SHPO about a -2- procedure for a joint review between the Tulsa Preservation Commission and that agency. • Mr. Osgood stated he had provided an indication of water levels on the ponds and the overflow points and an indication of the area not covered by water. Commissioner Craddock made a motion to recommend approval of the application to the Preservation Commission with the condition the applicant provides a section drawing. Subcommittee Member Davies seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 1740 S. Yorktown Ave. (Yorktown) Applicant: Jeff Selco for Jennifer Lorch Request: 1. Construct gable dormers with a six-over-one vinyl window, clapboard siding, and asphalt shingles according to plans submitted. Work started without a Certificate of Appropriateness Discussion: • Commissioner Craddock asked Staff if an application for a Building Permit had been submitted. Staff replied that no application had been submitted. • Ms. Lorch thanked the COA Subcommittee for the continuance, but her husband could not attend, so she brought her contractor, Mr. Jeffrey Hoos. • Commissioner Neal clarified the purpose of the application and added that there was not a second floor originally, noting the purpose of the dormers was to create a new space. • Mr. Hoos stated the owners have applied for a Building Permit, but it will not be granted until they receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Preservation Commission. Commissioner Neal requested to see the Building Permit drawings. • The application was continued until the end of actionable items for the applicant to provide a set of drawings. After continuation: • Mr. Hoos stated he is willing to redesign or change the size of the windows to accommodate the minimum Residential Building Code requirements. • COA Subcommittee Member Parker suggested the applicant switch the window type on the north elevation from double-hung to casement and add exterior muntins on all recently installed windows which currently have interior muntins. • Commissioner Neal noted the vent on the north elevation had also been replaced with a large double-hung window. -3- TULSA PRESERVATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Thursday, December 10, 2015, 11:00 AM City Hall @ One Technology Center, 175 East 2nd Street 10th Floor South Conference Room A. Opening Matters 1. Call to Order and Verification of Quorum Chairman Pounds called the Regular Meeting to order at 11:09 AM. Members Present David Pounds, Chair Robert Shears, Vice-Chair David Schoell, Secretary Charles Sottong Susan McKee Tom Neal Jim Turner Mike Craddock EX-OF Ted Reeds Members Absent John Snyder EX-OF Pam Deatherage Staff Present Kristin Pack, Roy Malcolm Porter, Jr., Travis Hulse, Bob Edmiston Others Present Randall Shelley, Kristin Daffern, Jeff Hoos, Robert Cleaver, Stacey Bayles, Chad Osgood, Martha Phillips, Joshua Schultz, Bill Powers, Al Triggs, David Parsons 2. Approval of Minutes from November 24, 2015. Commissioner Craddock made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Schoell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by majority. 1 Vote: 1603 S. Newport Ave. (N. Maple Ridge) In Favor 1. Pounds 2. Shears 3. Schoell 4. Craddock 5. McKee 6. Neal 7. Sottong 8. Turner Opposed Abstaining Not Present Snyder 2. 1414 S. Galveston Ave. – McBirney Mansion Easement Applicant: Chad Osgood for Wendy and Gentner Drummond COA Subcommittee Review Date: December 3, 2015 Requests: 1. Combine two existing ponds and basin into a single new pond according to site plan submitted 2. Construct new retaining wall using native stone according to site plan submitted Staff presented the application to the Commission, and the applicant’s representative, Chad Osgood, was present. Staff stated the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) has reviewed the three proposals including the flag pole, portecochère addition, and ponds. The Oklahoma Historical Society has approved the flag pole and porte-cochère addition, but OHS asked for more documentation for the proposal of the ponds and will rely on the Preservation Commission for its decision. The Oklahoma Historical Society has decided to disengage from future reviews, rely on the Preservation Commission for review of McBirney Mansion proposals, and confer with the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for technical assistance. In the future, determination of compliance with the easement and feasibility of projects will become the Preservation Commission’s responsibility. Mr. Osgood described the proposals for the ponds to the Preservation Commission. Commissioner Pounds asked Mr. Osgood if he had looked at the sightline from Riverside Drive. Mr. Osgood replied the retaining wall will be visible, but from Riverside Drive, one could not see the lower pond since there is a 4-5 feet elevation change between the road and pond. Commissioner Neal presented the COA Subcommittee report. Commissioners Neal and Shears asked for Mr. Osgood to provide more information including an elevation of the retaining wall. Commissioner Turner asked Mr. Osgood if the stone will match the existing stone. Mr. Osgood replied there is enough available native stone for the project, and the native stone will taper and hide the retaining wall. Commissioner Pounds asked the Commission if they are comfortable approving the concept 3 and voting on the final drawings when Mr. Osgood submits them. Commissioner Turner stated the applicant needs to provide either a rendering or a photograph, and Commissioner Shears stated a detail showing the distance between the larger and smaller pond would be needed. Commissioner Neal made a motion to approve the conceptual design with conditions for the applicant to submit a final design for approval, including an architectural rendering and elevations, to the Preservation Commission. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Reference cited: Deed of Scenic, Open Space, and Architectural Façade Easement Vote: McBirney Mansion Easement In Favor 1. Pounds 2. Shears 3. Schoell 4. Craddock 5. McKee 6. Neal 7. Sottong 8. Turner Opposed Abstaining Not Present Snyder 3. COA-15-56 / 1743 S. Yorktown Ave. (Yorktown) Applicant: Katelyn Parker for Martha Phillips COA Subcommittee Review Date: December 3, 2015 Request: 1. Construct rear porch addition according to drawings submitted Staff presented the application to the Commission, and the applicant, Martha Phillips, was present. Commissioner Neal presented the COA Subcommittee report. Commissioner Craddock made a motion to approve the application. Commissioner Schoell seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Guidelines cited: B.1.1, B.1.2, B.1.3, B.1.4, B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.4.2.1. 4 Looking northeast from S. Houston Ave. Looking northeast from S. Houston Ave. Existing Pond Ponds Proposed to be combined Proposed Landscape to be removed Connection to larger existing pond Run-Off onto S. Houston Ave. Tulsa Preservation Commission November 13, 2015 City of Tulsa Planning Department 175 E. 2nd Street, Suite 575 Tulsa, OK 74103 RE: 1414 south Galveston / Ponds Dear TPC, Please find attached information outlining our plans to rejuvenate the ponds located at the Southwest corner of the property. In addition to a general overhaul the ponds we plan to address issues recently documented by a “Notice to abate a nuisance #873091” that we received from the City of Tulsa. Currently there are 3 ponds and 1 concrete catch basin that are all fed by the natural spring that runs through the property. From our research we have concluded that the current design intended to utilize the concrete catch base and the 2 small ponds to collect the spring water and associated sediment. This water would then flow into the large pond that is prevalent today. I have attached a series of pictures illustrating the current site conditions. The liners for the 2 small ponds 90% eroded and are almost completely clogged with sediment. The large pond in general is in decent shape and we have successfully removed the sediment build up but it is in need of a new liner. Our plan for reconstruction has multiple components: Step 1 we will install a series of 10’ deep dewatering wells along the hillside above the ponds. This is necessary to capture the natural spring water and divert away from the ponds while we execute our scope of work. If not the area will stay super saturated and we risk caving the hillside into the ponds side as we are trying to reconstruct. Step 2 will be to excavate the 2 small ponds and the concrete catch basin. At this point we will construct a one new pond in the same footprint as the 2 existing ponds and catch basin. The new pond will fit nicely with the existing hillside and rock work and will be approximately 4’ higher than the current lower pond. Step 3 we will install native stone between the newly constructed upper pond and the lower pond to achieve an esthetically pleasing result and avoid future erosion. The dewatering wells that were used to divert the spring water will all be connected subsurface and directed into the new upper pond. Via a series of pumps and diverter valves we will regulate the 2624 East 21st Street #100, Tulsa, OK 74114 Office: 918‐508‐7001 Fax: 918‐508‐7003 www.highgate‐ 2 pond levels and source the irrigation water for the 2.5 acre property. Utilization of the spring water for irrigation will allow us to better control the volume of water produced by the natural spring and help reduce the flow into the city storm sewer and or overflow onto the sidewalks at both Riverside and Houston. Step 4 We have engaged Nicole Watts (civil engineer with KKT) to design the full scope of work. Included in this design is a new permanent inlet to tie into the city storm sewer. This inlet is going through the full IDP process. Although we feel we can control the water coming into the ponds with irrigation needs the inlet will be in place to handle any excessive storm water. Step 5 Drain the existing lower pond and repair/replace the existing pond liner that has collapsed and failed. We don’t plan to change the foot print of the existing feature pond. After the repairs have been completed we plan to install a small fountain to help combat vegetation growth. Sincerely, CHAD OSGOOD 2624 East 21st Street #100, Tulsa, OK 74114 Office: 918‐508‐7001 Fax: 918‐508‐7003 www.highgate‐ 2624 East 21st Street #100, Tulsa, OK 74114 Office: 918‐508‐7001 Fax: 918‐508‐7003 www.highgate‐ 2624 East 21st Street #100, Tulsa, OK 74114 Office: 918‐508‐7001 Fax: 918‐508‐7003 www.highgate‐ FILE: X:\DRAWING FILES\CIVIL\MCBIRNEY MANSION\04 DRAWINGS\C01,C02 - POND EXHIBIT PLOT DATE: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 CHISLED SQUARE (N:421622.3142, E:2559474.8619) ELEVATION = 640.34 (NAVD88) Benchmark 1 PK NAIL FOUND (N:421607.8511, E:2559811.6815) ELEVATION = 676.25 (NAVD88) Benchmark 2 NEW AREA INLET TO BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER IDP. Scale: 1"= 2000' Location Map PROJECT LOCATION AC B/L BM CHBS CL CO CONC COR CY E EPED EL ESMT EX FH FL FNC FND FP G GL GM GUY HEP IP IPF IPS IR IRC LF MAE OHE OT PP PPD PVC R RCP RD RWE SD SDMH SF SS SSMH ST SWGR SY TC TG TP TPED TS TW TYP U/E UGE UT W WL/E WM WMH WSL WV XFMR 20' Scale: 1"= 20' 10' 30' ACRE BUILDING LINE BENCH MARK CHISELED BOX, SET CENTERLINE SEWER CLEAN-OUT CONCRETE CORNER CUBIC YARD ELECTRIC METER ELECTRIC PEDESTAL ELEVATION EASEMENT EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT FLOWLINE (INVERT) FENCE FOUND FIRE PROTECTION GUTTER GAS LINE GAS METER GUY ANCHOR HORIZONTAL ELLIPTICAL PIPE IRON PIN IRON PIN FOUND IRON PIN SET IRRIGATION IRRIGATION CONDUIT LINEAR FEET MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT OVERHEAD ELECTRIC OVERHEAD TELEPHONE POWER POLE POWER POLE WITH DIP POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE RADIUS REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ROOF DRAIN RESTRICTED WATERLINE EASEMENT STORM SEWER PIPE STORM SEWER MANHOLE SQUARE FEET SANITARY SEWER PIPE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM SEWER SWITCHGEAR SQUARE YARD TOP OF CURB TOP OF GUTTER TOP OF PAVING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL TOP OF SIDEWALK TOP OF WALL TYPICAL UTILITY EASEMENT UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE WATER LINE WATER LINE EASEMENT WATER METER WATER MANHOLE WATER SERVICE LINE WATER VALVE TRANSFORMER Legend NORTH 0 NORTH SITE PLAN OF C01 3 1/19/2016 LST DRAWN BY DATE ANW 005 1"=20' MANAGER ATLAS PAGE NO. VERT SCALE HORT SCALE Tulsa, Oklahoma McBirney Mansion ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT CITY OF TULSA STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING O.D.O.T. 2009 EDITION) CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 5305 EXP. 06/30/2017 2200 SOUTH UTICA PLACE, SUITE 200 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74114 [P] 918.744.4270 \ [F] 918.744.7849 WWW.KKTARCHITECTS.COM KKT ARCHITECTS, INC. KKT FILE: X:\DRAWING FILES\CIVIL\MCBIRNEY MANSION\04 DRAWINGS\C01,C02 - POND EXHIBIT PLOT DATE: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 630 640 650 0+00 0+50 PROPOSED BOTTOM = 639.00 PROPOSED WSE = 644.00 1+00 POND CROSS SECTION NEW ROCK EDGE EXISTING ROCK EDGE 1+50 PROPOSED BOTTOM = 645.00 EXISTING WSE = 646.00 PROPOSED WSE = 650.00 2+00 670 670 630 640 650 660 680 680 660 690 690 EXISTING GROUND 700 700 C02 OF POND CROSS SECTION 3 1/19/2016 LST DRAWN BY DATE ANW 005 1"=20' 1"=2' MANAGER ATLAS PAGE NO. VERT SCALE HORT SCALE Tulsa, Oklahoma McBirney Mansion ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT CITY OF TULSA STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING O.D.O.T. 2009 EDITION) CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 5305 EXP. 06/30/2017 2200 SOUTH UTICA PLACE, SUITE 200 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74114 [P] 918.744.4270 \ [F] 918.744.7849 WWW.KKTARCHITECTS.COM KKT ARCHITECTS, INC. KK T THIS DEED OF SCENIC, OPEN SPACE, AND ARCHITECTURAL FACADE EASEMENT, made this 8th day of December, l978, by and between STAN P. DOYLE and CHARLES S HOLMES of 1414 South Galveston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Grantors and parties of the first part, and the OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY and CITY OF TULSA, as Co-Grantees and parties of the second part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the OKLAHOMA HISTORIAL SOCIETY is a non-profit corporation chartered by the State of Oklahoma to facilitate public participation in the preservation of sites, buildings, and objects significant in American and Oklahoma history and culture; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF TULSA is an incorporated municipality within the State of Oklahoma to protect its citizens, inhabitants, and their property. WHEREAS, the Grantees are authorized to accept easements to protect property significant in American and Oklahoma history and culture; and WHEREAS, the McBirney Mansion and grounds, on which the buildings and premises are located, has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the Department of the Interior; WHEREAS, the Childers Heights Historic District, in which the premises are located, has been nominated as a Category II Landmark for designation by the Joint Committee on Landmarks of the National Capital; WHEREAS, the Grantors are the owners in fee simple of improved real property, consisting of a house and various lots, located at 1414 South Galveston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the Childers Heights Historic District, which property is hereinafter sometimes referred to as the McBirney Mansion (hereinafter "the premises"), and is more particularly described below: All of Block Twelve (l2), except Lots One (l) and Twenty One (2l) and the North 20 feet of Lots Two (2) and Twenty (20) of said Block of the Resub-division of Blocks 4, 5 & 12 of CHILDERS HEIGHTS ADDITION, and Blocks 1, 9, 10 & 14 of NORVALL PARK ADDITION to the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof. WHEREAS, the McBirney Mansion is the last of the Childers Heights Mansions to still remain standing and is the sole reminder of the past splendor of this Tulsa area. WHEREAS, the McBirney Mansion is significant in American and Oklahoma history and culture in that it is the site of which Indians and early settlers, including Washington Irving in his travels of the West, watered their stock and forded the Arkansas River, and constitutes an important element in the architectural ensemble of the Childers Heights Historic District as a landmark of importance which contributes significantly to the cultural heritage and visual beauty of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and should be preserved if possible; WHEREAS, the grant of a scenic, open space, and architectural facade easement by Grantors to Grantees on the premises will assist in preserving and maintain the premises and the architectural ensemble of the Childers Heights Historic District; WHEREAS, to this end, Grantors desire to grant to Grantee, and Grantees desire to accept, a scenic, open space and architectural facade easement on the premises; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,, STAN P. DOYLE and CHARLES S. HOLMES, to hereby grant as a charitable gift and convey unto the OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND CITY OF TULSA, as Co-Grantees, an easement in gross in perpetuity (which easement in gross in perpetuity is more particularly described below) in and to that certain real property and the exterior surfaces of improvements located thereon known as premises of the McBirney Mansion, all owned by the Grantors, and more particularly described as: All of Block Twelve (12), except Lots One (1) and Twenty One and the North 20 feet of Lots Two (2) and Twenty (20) of said Block of the Resub-division of Blocks 4, 5 & 12 of CHILDERS HEIGHTS ADDITION, an Blocks 1, 9, 10 & 14 of NORVALL PARK ADDITION to the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof. The easement granted herein, to be of the nature and character hereinafter further expressed, shall constitute a binding servitude upon said premises of the Grantors, and to that end Grantors covenant on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, with Grantees, their successors and assigns, such covenants being deemed to run as a binding servitude, in perpetuity, with the land, to do (and refrain from doing) upon the premises each of the following stipulations, which contribute to the public purpose in that they aid significantly in preservation of the historic site in question and of the Childers Heights Historic District in which the site is located: I. The exterior surfaces of improvements (including, without limitation, the exterior walls, roofs and chimneys) on the subject premises are those depicted in the photographs attached hereto and is incorporated essentially aforesaid herein those premises as exterior which Exhibits A(1) surfaces are visible of through A(5), improvements from Fourteenth being on the Street, Galveston and Houston Avenues in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but in the event of uncertainty the exterior surfaces of improvements visible in the photographs in Exhibits A(1) through A(5) shall control. The location of buildings, driveways and parking are as depicted in the engineering survey attached hereto as Exhibit B. Without the express written permission of the Grantees, their successors or assigns, signed by a duly authorized representative thereof, no construction, alterations, or remodeling or any other thing shall be undertaken or permitted to be undertaken on the subject premises which would affect either the exterior surfaces herein described, or increase the height, or alter the exterior facade (including, without limitation, exterior walls, roofs and chimneys) or the appearance of the buildings located thereon, insofar as they are depicted in the photographs attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibits A(1) through A(5), and the engineering survey attached as as Exhibit B, or which would adversely affect the structural soundness of the premises; provided, however, that the reconstruction, repair, repainting, weather proofing or refinishing of presently existing parts or elements of the lot and improvements subject to easement, this damage scenic, to open which space has and resulted architectural from casualty facade loss, deterioration, or wear and tear, shall be permitted, provided that such reconstruction, repair, repainting, weather proofing or refinishing is performed in a manner which would not materially alter the appearance of those elements of the lot or buildings subject to this scenic, open space, and architectural facade easement as they are as of this date; except, however, that nothing in this easement shall prevent the Grantors from maintaining in place or replacing the existing installation of driveways, parking areas, air-conditioning devises, thermal windows, storm windows and doors, and television antennas. In all events, the Grantors, in materially altering the exterior of the buildings on the premises, agree to obtain the prior written consent, signed by a duly authorized representative for the Grantees, their successors or assigns, prior to commencing any material alterations to the exterior of the buildings or material alteration of the grounds. Grantors may restore to its original condition and appearance the exterior trim, woodwork, and balustrade to the extent that the original condition and appearance can be determined. Grantors agree at all times to maintain the lot and structure herein described, and the exterior appearance (including, without limitation, the exterior walls, roofs and chimneys of the buildings located hereon) in a good and sound state of repair, subject t the casualty loss provisions in (4) below. II. The property shall be used only for professional office or residential purposes, and no commercial or industrial activities shall be carried on on the property. III. The property shall not be subdivided, nor shall it ever be devised or conveyed except as a unit. IV. No extension of the existing structure or erection of additional structures shall be permitted, except that in the event of damage resulting from casualty loss to an extent rendering repair or reconstruction of the existing improvements impracticable, erection of a new professional office or residential structure shall be permitted. V. No utility transmission lines, except those required for the existing structure or its improvement may be created on the said land. VI. No dumping of ashes, sawdust, bark, trash, rubbish or any other unsightly or offensive materials which are visible from public roads or streets shall be permitted on the property. VII. No topographical changes, including but not limited to excavation and the cutting of trees greater than eight inches in diameter (except when dead or dangerously decayed) shall occur upon the property. Replacement of existing trees as required to maintain the existing topography may occur. VIII. Grantors hereby agree that representatives of Grantees, their successors or assigns, shall be permitted at reasonable time to inspect the property. the street; however, Inspections will normally take place from Grantors agree that representatives of Grantees, their successors or assigns, shall be permitted to enter and inspect the interior of the improvements on the premises to insure maintenance of structural soundness; inspection of the interior will not, in the absence of evidence of deterioration, take place more often than annually. Inspection of the Interior will e made at a time mutually agreed upon by Grantors and Grantees, their successors or assigns, Grantors covenanting not to withhold unreasonably their consent in determining a date and time for inspection of the interior. Representatives from each grantee shall be present at any and all inspections whether they be interior, exterior or both. IX. In the event of a violation of any covenant or restriction herein, the Grantees, their successors or assigns, may, following a seventy-two institute a suite to (72) enjoin hour by ex notice to the Grantors, parte, temporary, and/or permanent injunction, such violation and to require the restoration of the premises to their prior conditions, or, in the alternative, representative of the Grantees, their successors or assigns, may enter upon the premises, correct any such violation, and hold Grantors, their successors and assigns, responsible for the cost thereof. The Grantors agree that such costs shall constitute a lien against the property herein described, and Grantees shall have the right to foreclose said lien and sell all or part of said premises for the purposes of collecting said costs. The Grantees, their successors or assigns, shall also have available all legal and equitable remedies to enforce Grantors' obligations hereunder, and, in the event Grantors are found to have violated any of their obligations, Grantors shall reimburse the Grantees, their successors or assigns, for any costs or expenses incurred in connection therewith, including court costs and attorney fees. X(A). The Grantors agree that these restrictions will be incorporated by reference into any subsequent deed or other legal instrument by which they divest themselves of either the fee simple title to or their possessory interest in the premises or any kind thereof. X(B). Grantors, their successors or assigns, will do and perform at their cost all acts necessary to prompt recording of this Deed of Scenic, Open Space and Architectural Facade Easement among the land records of the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma. XI. The Grantors, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, agree that they or the Grantees, their successors or assigns, may provide and maintain two (2) professional office signs not more than three feet in height and not exceeding nine square feet in area which may be located at the Galveston and Houston driveway entrances to the property. In addition, one sign not exceeding eight feet in area setting forth the history of the McBirney residence may be located at the Galveston driveway entrance. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD UNTO THE OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND CITY OF TULSA, forever. The covenants agreed to and the restrictions imposed, as aforesaid, shall not only be binding upon the Grantors, but also upon their successors and assigns, and all other successors to them in interest, and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity with the above described land and shall survive any termination of Grantors' or Grantees' existence. All rights reserved herein to Grantees shall run for the benefit of and may be exercised by its successors or assigns, or by its designee duly authorized in a deed of appointment executed by its duly authorized officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantors have executed, sealed, and delivered this Deed for Scenic, Open Space and Architectural Facade Easement; and said Co-Grantees, THE OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, has caused this presents to corporate be accepted, and signed name in its by ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________, and attested by ________________________________________________ its Secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and does hereby constitute and appoint __________________________________________, its true and lawful attorney-in-fact for it and in its name to acknowledge and accept and deliver these presents as its act and deed, and the City of Tulsa has caused these presents to be accepted by its City Commission and signed by____________________, and attested by _________________________, its City Auditor. _____________________________ __________________________ ____ OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY ATTEST: _____________________________ ______________________________ CITY OF TULSA