united states international federation of karate kyokushin newsletter
united states international federation of karate kyokushin newsletter
UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF KARATE KYOKUSHIN NEWSLETTER 3rd Edi on April‐ June2013 Newsletter items 1. 4th IFK World Tournament 2. Words of inspiration from Sensei 3. News from around the organization 4 Upcoming events/ Other important information Any comments or suggestions please contact Sensei-Allen Wood at: gunnerwood54@hotmail.com or Allen.G.Wood@ice.dhs.gov This issue will be dedicated to our fantas c fight team. They recently competed in the 4th IFK World Tournament. They did a fantas c job represen ng not only the USIFKK but the United States. OSU United States International Federation of Karate Kyokushin Fight Team Sempai Kamil Maras Rank: Nidan Fighting Category: Knockdown Heavyweight Years Experience: 10 years Dojo: ElkKyo Kyokushin Karate – New Jersey Sensei Scott Haug Rank: Godan Fighting Category: Knockdown Heavyweight Years Experience: 20+ Dojo: S&S Fitness Gym and Martial Arts Academy– Hamlin, New York USAIFKK Newsletter April-June 2013 Sempai Brandi Cooper Rank: Shodan Fighting Category: Knockdown Lightweight Years Experience: 9+ Dojo: Grey Wolf Kyokushin Martial Arts-Holley, New York Sempai Jackie Porter Rank: Shodan Fighting Category: Knockdown Middleweight Year Experience: 10+ Dojo: Hilton Kyokushin Karate-Hilton, New York Page 3 Sempai Jordan Diaz Fighting Category: Knockdown Light Year Experience: 10+ Dojo: S&S Fitness Gym and Martial Arts Academy– Hamlin, New York Words of Wisdom from Sensei TAKING KARATE CLASSES IS MORE THAN JUST KICKS AND PUNCHES Karate has stood the test of me as a worthwhile ac vity and to some, a way of life. Before you join the latest fad exercise class like “zumba”, you might want to check out your local mar al arts school. The core of tradi onal karate es three aspects of life to‐ gether which strike universally with children and adults. Karate is good for the mind, the body and the spirit. First, Karate is physically good for you as it has cardio train‐ ing, stretching and muscle building, all in one ac vity. You will burn calories, improve your endurance while challeng‐ ing your balance and coordina on. Second, karate is good for your mind as it requires strategy, focus and discipline. The key to success in anything is to have focus and discipline. Karate will teach you to rely on your own will and u lize the power of your mind to over‐ come challenges. Third, karate is good for the spirit as it relieves stress, builds confidence and challenges you to grow as a person. With confidence comes a healthy a tude that ins lls a calm out‐ look in everything you do. The karate belt ranking system signifies obtainable goals and shows a clear, measured path to achievement. So when you are looking for a wellness strategy that engag‐ es you at every level, look to karate and you will find your‐ self with tools to live a healthy life Sensei George 1993 in Japan News from around the USAIFKK ElkKyo Kyokushin US IFK Team member has his sights on London Sempai Kamil Maras a member of the US IFK Na onal Figh ng team is hard in prepara ons for the World Tournament to be held in London, UK on April 6 & 7. Sempai Kamil has began his specific training in December of last year with a focus on strength training. Gradually he transi oned into Cross ‐ Fit, condi oning and endurance. All this and keeping up with spe‐ cific Kyokushin training keeps his schedule very busy. Kamil's own Sensei the na onal figh ng team coach Sensei Roman Herman is working diligent‐ ly with Sempai Kamil on strategy, technique as well as specific figh ng com‐ bina ons. A very important part of Sempai's prepara on is an increased amount of sparring. Sensei Miguel Rios from the Shuranken Dojo has been very generous in welcoming Sempai Kamil into his training sessions to help him in that aspect and add addi onal guidance. To compete against the best in the World at the toughest Mar al Art is definitely a collec ve effort. Even though Sempai Kamil will be figh ng on the ma s of London by himself, he will definitely have the support of many back home, and all those who have helped him along the way can take part in the honor to be represen ng the US at the World Tournament. Interna onal invita on for Sensei Roman Herman Sensei Roman Herman was officially invited by the Polish Shinkyokushin General Secretary Shihan Remigiusz Karpinski to the European Shinkyokushin Qualifying tournament to be held in Elk, Poland (February 27, 2013), as a special guest. Unfortunately, because of previous commit‐ ments Sensei Roman could not a end, but it is a great honor to be recog‐ nized in the interna onal Kyokushin community. Sensei Roman is affiliated with the Elk branch as a original founder of Kyokushin in that area of Po‐ land in 1970's. He has since visited his "old" Dojo in past years where he is s ll very much recognized and respected by the current Kyokushin stu‐ dents. Visit from a familiar Sempai NJKO Dojo had a special visitor during recent training. Sempai Roman Her‐ man Jr., son of our Sensei took me from his studies at Fordham University and took advantage of Kyokushin training at the dojo were he spent years before. Sempai Herman, used his Kyokushin abili es and took a different path by trying his strength at Collegic Football. He is currently on the Ford‐ ham University Football team and all the training is definitely paying off in a posi ve way. We wish all the best to our Sempai. Different kind of Champion at NJKO Dojo US IFK Kata Championship which took place in Holley NY on January 26th unveiled a different kind of a Champion hailing from NJKO Dojo. Sempai Artur Kuzio took first place in his division by performing Pinan Sono Go and Tsuki No Kata. Sempai had very strong compe on in his division but man‐ aged to perform his Kata at a level which afforded him the top prize. Sempai Artur is hard at work on perfec ng his Kata with having aspi‐ ra ons on taking part in many Kata tournaments in the near future. Page 5 EagleWings Kyokushin Karate, OKC January, 2013 According to Sensei Ellis Weber, this past weekend was one of the most beneficial series of clinics he’s seen in his nearly thirty years of instruc on. ‘Sensei’s Todd Hutchinson and Nikki Ma ce and Sempai’s Kerry Kazdan and Ken Anderson poured a great amount of wealth into our club, “said Sensei Weber.” Areas we fall short in due to the dis‐ tance were expounded on and great instruc ons to the details for USA‐IFK standards were highlighted.” Three days of seminars included weapons, self‐defense, and ba‐ sics that can always be tuned up. The weekend culminated with Sempais Bo Mowdy and Amjad Nawez tes ng for Nidan. It was the first Dan tes ng for Eaglewings Kyokushin Karate in nearly thirteen years. What started as a class‐wide exam for proficiency in the technical arena finally ended hours later in what could only be con‐ sidered a test of the heart. Eaglewings’ history of tough tes ng was once again brought into the forefront as the Sempais completed twenty plus individual fights, two series of 2, 3&4‐on‐one plural figh ng, and quick kill, where each candidate for tes ng has one last chance at every class mate and fellow candidate before promo‐ on has been determined. The OKC studio is planning in‐school tournaments for the year and Sensei Weber and Kohai Lilly welcome all IFK family members to visit any me. Sensei extends a very deep gra tude to Shihan Mike Monaco for keeping the spirit of Kyokushin alive in U.S. Hilton Dojo, NY April 6, 2013 The Hilton dojo hosted the semi annual black belt test. It was a good day showcased by the USAIFKK fighters in the end. The USAIFKK welcomed 6 new Sempai’s and one new Sensei to the ranks. From Grey Wolf Kyokushin dojo Sempai’s Tracy Harder, Ma Harder, and Jack Welch. From Lakeview Karate Sempai Kathryn Bilicki. From the Hilton dojo Sempai’s Caite Traut, Kyle Brosseau and Sensei Allen Wood. Congratula ons and OSU! LAKESIDE KARATE Lyndonville, NY Lakeside Karate student, Kathryn Bilicki earns a black belt Kathryn Bilicki of Medina, NY earned her 1st degree Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate on Saturday March 13, 2013. Her success is the culmina on of hard work and prac ce every week for the past eight years. Kathryn is the first student of Lakeside Karate to gradu‐ ate from the Junior Black Belt program which provides a performance based path of goals and achievements for juniors. Kathryn's six hour exam was one of her most difficult challenges and greatest achievements. Requirements for the exam included all aspects of her training in karate. Included was the performance of techniques individually and in sequences known as sylla‐ bus. Over fi een figh ng combina ons and twenty different forms (kata), including weapons forms were required. Rounding out the exam was several rounds of semi‐contact figh ng and the final board breaking demonstra on. Kathryn displayed her excep onal technical ability and skill throughout the test. The only thing that was strong‐ er than her skill was her determina on and figh ng spir‐ it. The new black belt will enhance the programs offered at Lakeside Karate as she is a testament to the success that can be achieved through training in the mar al arts. For further informa on you may contact 585‐705‐5614, or go to www.lakesidekarateny.com 4th World Tournament con nued– Submi ed by Sempai Kamil Maras Well the tournament was obviously a fantas c experience. There was 64 fighters in the Heavyweight divi‐ sion. Sensei Sco drew a by in his first round. In the second round he was matched up against last years Kyokushinkai Kan (Royama Group) All Japan Heavyweight Champion Fuji Masake. A er two very even rounds Sensei Sco was declared a winner by weight difference greater than 10 kg. In his next match he fought a very good fight with a fighter from Holland Roel Noorrdman which was going to a draw at the least, but in the last moments of the fight Sensei got caught with a Jodan Hiza Geri and lost the fight by Ippon. As for me, I have also drew a by in the first round. In the second round I was matched with a Bulgarian fighter Hrist Dragiev, the first round was even, with both of us not wan ng to take any risks. In the first extension I realized that he was not checking any of my low kicks, so I took advantage and focused my energy on the gedan mawashi geri, before I had the opportunity to score a point the round expired. The judges scored an even round again, but due to a 29 kg weight difference I was declared a winner. In my second fight my opponent was the eventual World Champion Alexey Mezhevtsov from Russia. He scored a quick ippon with a shita tsuki and that was pre y much it for that one. Both Sensei Sco and I have ended up in the top 16 fighters in our division. Sempai Jackie did a great job in her fights. Her first fight she won by decision, she was doing much more dam‐ age through both rounds and a er the first extension she was declared a winner. Her inside low kicks were no match for her opponent. In her second fight she was matched with a Bri sh fighter, and again she was ge ng the be er end of the ex‐ changes. Unfortunately towards the end of the round she got caught with a mawashi geri jodan and because she was off balance she fell and had an wazari scored against her. If it wasn't for that miss score she would have surely won that fight and advanced into the top 8 fighters in the world. ( she finished in the top 16) Sempai Brandi had a li le less luck on the draw and had a very strong opponent in her first fight. Unfortunately a er a very hard fought fight she lost by judges decision. Sempai also shared Brandi's bad luck of drawing a strong fighter in his first encounter. He did well, as a ma er of fact he was doing be er than his opponent for the 1st half of the fight but then he started ge ng hit with an unfamiliar technique of a low heal kick into his thigh. Had trouble defending it and an ippon against Sempai was scored towards the end of the fight. UPCOMING EVENTS: MAY 11, 2013 Sensei Jim Grafe Tournament, Hilton NY August 6‐10 Hanshi Steve Arneil Summer Camp September 21, 2013 AIKC Championships Rochester NY Other informa on This message is for anyone who is or will be judging in future tournaments in par cular Green, Brown, and Black Belts We are going to have a special class this summer and Shihan wants everybody to be in dress code by then. Dark Blue Blazer ‐‐ PO# 4900033614 Gray Pants‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ RN # 54341 03‐1428 (that's the way it's printed on the label) Short Sleeved White Shirt ‐‐ Macy's or Penney's Black Socks. Black DRESS SHOES (nothing else will be accepted) The cost of the pants and Blazer (Macy's) is like $390 BUT Tell everyone that 4 or more mes a year there are sales and then the price will come to about $120 or so. Wait ll then to purchase those two items (Macy's only) Everyone Judging should have these items by the me of the Rochester tournament ‐‐ Everyone Must Be Within The dress code! Shihan Dave Muscarella Shojin Karate 724‐699‐6346